Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra

Page created by Eleanor Terry
Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
Athlete guide
Cross Triathlon

Tuesday April, 30th
Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
*For information not found in the Athlete Guide, please see the FAQs on the website
(, visit the Information Booth at the Expo
area or email

     USEFUL CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 1
     LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (LOC) ................................................................................. 1
     ATHLETE GUIDE UPDATES ........................................................................................................ 3
     GENERAL INFO ............................................................................................................................ 4
        SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ................................................................................................................. 4
        IMPORTANT VENUES ..................................................................................................................... 6
        ADDITIONAL EVENT INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 7
           Parade of Nations (PON) itinerary......................................................................................... 8
           Pasta Party ............................................................................................................................ 9
           Live Coverage ..................................................................................................................... 10
           Multisport Legends .............................................................................................................. 10
           Further Services .................................................................................................................. 11
        CYCLING PONTEVEDRA .............................................................................................................. 11
        TRAINING ................................................................................................................................... 15
        MECHANICAL ASSISTANCE .......................................................................................................... 17
        VOLUNTEERS/TECHNICAL OFFICIALS ........................................................................................... 17
        TRANSPORT & ACCOMMODATION ................................................................................................ 18
        PARKING .................................................................................................................................... 18
        OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE ............................................................................................................. 20
        SPECTATOR INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 20
        ANTI-DOPING ............................................................................................................................. 20
        RACE RULES & PENALTIES ......................................................................................................... 22
        W EATHER CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 22
     PRE-RACE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 25
        ATHLETES’ REGISTRATION & PACKAGE PICK UP .......................................................................... 25
        WAIVER – RELEASE OF LIABILITY ................................................................................................... 29
        BRIEFINGS ................................................................................................................................. 29
        TRANSITION CHECK IN ............................................................................................................... 30
        TIMING INFORMATION / TRACKING ............................................................................................... 32
     RACE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 35
        START TIMES.............................................................................................................................. 35
        THE EVENT DETAILS................................................................................................................... 35
        COURSE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 36
     POST RACE INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 44
        POST RACE RECOVERY AREA..................................................................................................... 45
        BIKE AND GEAR PICK UP ............................................................................................................ 45
        POST RACE MASSAGE AND PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES ............................................................... 45
        RESULTS ................................................................................................................................... 45
        PHOTO SERVICE ........................................................................................................................ 46
        MEDAL ENGRAVING .................................................................................................................... 46
        AWARDS .................................................................................................................................... 47
        PRIZE MONEY (ELITE - MALE AND FEMALE) ................................................................................... 48
        MEDAL CEREMONIES / SCHEDULE ............................................................................................... 48
        CLOSING CEREMONY AND CONCERT ........................................................................................... 49
        LOST AND FOUND ....................................................................................................................... 49
Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
Useful Contact Information

*The Information Booth will be located within the Expo (Avenida Montero Ríos s/n). For all
general queries, please visit the Expo Booth.

For technical questions regarding your race, you are encouraged to attend the Age-Group
Athlete Briefing and Q&A Sessions (schedule below) where the Technical Officials (TOs)
and the Race Director will duly inform you and clarify your doubts.

General Contact:
or the Technical Delegates for Technical questions (see email below)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

LOC Executive Director
Jaime Agulló

Co-LOC Executive Director
Alicia García
Jorge García + 34 650 646 362

Project Manager
Serafín Martínez

LOC Race Director
Miguel Fernández

Athletes’ Services
Armando Rodríguez

ITU Team

ITU Team Leader
Johanne Suss-Burckel (FRA)

ITU Technical Delegates (TDs)
Thanos Nikopoulos (GRE)
Stefane Mauris (SUI)

ITU Assistant Technical Delegates
Kalle Jensen (NOR)
Mónica Flores (ESP)
Dag Oliver (NOR)

ITU Medical Delegate
Dr. Angela Pedro (POR)
Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
ITU Head Referees
Vicki Lundine (CAN)
Ross Capill (NZL)

Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
Athlete Guide Updates

Information in this Athlete Guide is subject to change without prior notice. Updates will be
posted at the Info Booth (located within the Expo). Any updated version of this Guide will be
identified by the version number on the cover page (EX. V1, V2, V3...etc.).

For the latest updates you can also visit

Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra

Schedule of Events

The Organizer of the 2019 Pontevedra ITU Multisport World Championships is pleased
to introduce the event schedule: 9 days in the city of Pontevedra with a full programme of
sport and parallel activities. 6 World Championships: Elite, Paratriathlon, U23, Junior and
Age-Group. There will also be Open waves to welcome other athletes. The heart of the
Multisport Festival, for all competitions, will be in the vicinity of Ponte dos Tirantes (Avda
Buenos Aires) and the Galician Sport Technification Center (Rúa Padre Fernando Olmedo,
1) right in the city centre.

There will be FOUR MAIN VENUES:

1) HIGH PERFORMANCE CENTER (CGTD Stadium). Competition venue for:
      a. Duathlon (Elite, U23 and AG)
      b. Long Distance Triathlon
      c. Aquabike

2) BUENOS AIRES AVENUE. Competition venue for:
     a. Duathlon (Junior and Paratriathlon)
     b. Aquathlon
     c. Cross Triathlon

     a. Briefings
     b. Closing Ceremony with Panorama Orchestra (28/04)

     a. Expo-Package pick-up area, Opening Ceremony (26/04), Video Briefing + Q&A,
        Pasta party (03/05), Closing Ceremony (4/05) and Parallel Activities

The Organizing Committee has prepared a full and attractive agenda of activities for
athletes, accompanying guests and all those who wish to join us in this Triathlon Festival.

Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
Here follows the full schedule of non-competition activities:

        WHEN?                      WHAT?                                 WHERE?

                          ATHLETES MEETING POINT                      Praza da Ferrería

                            PARADE OF NATIONS               Praza da Ferrería – Praza de España

                            OPENING CEREMONY                              Alameda

   FRIDAY 26TH              PASTA PARTY #1 AND
       19:15             LA DUENDENETA CONCERT

                                  CONCERT                                 Alameda

     18:45                  PANORAMA CONCERT                    Pazo da Cultura-Recinto Feiral

                             ZUMBA EXHIBITION                             Alameda

                                  CONCERT                                 Alameda

                                  CONCERT                                 Alameda

                                  CONCERT                                 Alameda

  FRIDAY 3RD               PASTA PARTY #2 AND LA
     18:00                     DUENDENETA                                 Alameda

                           MULTISPORT LEGENDS                             Alameda

     22:15                      CONCERT                                   Alameda

For detailed information, please click HERE.

Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
Important Venues

Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
VENUE                               WHAT?                                WHERE?

                                 Elite, U23, Junior, Para Briefings, ITU
        Pazo da Cultura               office, ITU main Media office,       Alexandre Bóveda, s/n, 36005
                                  TOs main office, LOC office, VCC,
                                        Staff-volunteers cafeteria

                                       Sport Info Center, Expo,
                                      Race Package Distribution,
                                 Lost and Found, Opening Ceremony,
     City Centre - Alameda                                                       Alameda, 4, 36001
                                Pasta Parties, AG Video Briefing + Q&A
                                        Closing Ceremony and

                                                                             Jose Malvar Figueroa, 46D,
     Buenos Aires Avenue                      Swim Start

                                                                               Universidad de Vigo
                                 Athletes Cloakroom, Recovery Area,           Campus de Pontevedra
       University Pavilion
                                           Massage Service                    Pabellón Polideportivo
                                                                               Universitario, 36002

  High Perform. Center (CGTD)   ITU staff and Media office (race days),
                                        TOs office (race days),             Padre Fernando Olmedo, 1,
                                       LOC office (race days),                        36002
                                             Press Center

  High Perform. Center (CGTD)   Long Distance Triathlon and Aquabike        Padre Fernando Olmedo, 1,
                                    Transition Area / Finish Line                     36002

          Fairgrounds             Closing Ceremony (28th), Duathlon
                                    AG and Para Medal Ceremony             Rúa de Alexandre Bóveda, s/n

Additional Event Information

Parade of Nations (PON) and Opening Ceremony - 26th of April

The Local Organizing Team (LOC) has designed an attractive programme not only for
participants and their supporters, but also for local residents (who are always ready for a
great party!). We will have local artists offering amazing performances combining music, a
taste of Galician culture and sports at the Multisport Festival.

Music, dance, arts and lots of creativity will be present throughout the Championships! Our
aim is to offer you an unforgettable Galician experience!

Athlete guide Tuesday April, 30th - Cross Triathlon - 2019 Pontevedra
We would like to count on your attendance at the Parade of Nations and the Opening
Ceremony. It is very important to start with a good spirit of camaraderie, diversity, culture
and sports. This Festival will not be possible without you. So please, pick up your country’s
flag and let’s start with a great PON and Opening Ceremony. Each National Federation is
welcome to nominate a flag bearer.

The Parade of Nations (PON) and the Opening Ceremony will take place on 26th of April,
starting at Praza da Ferrería.

Athletes should assemble with their country’s team at 17:00 at Praza da Ferrería. The
PON will start at 17:30. The Parade of Nations will go from Praza da Ferrería to Praza de
España. The Opening Ceremony will start once the PON has ended and after the Opening
Ceremony, at 19:15, the Pasta Party will commence at the same location with music
provided by DJ ‘La Duendeneta’.

Parade of Nations (PON) itinerary

Friday, 26th April

17:00 h. Athletes meet for the Parade of Nations.
Meeting Point: Praza da Ferrería

17:30 h. Parade of Nations starts and Music starts on the main stage at Praza de

18:00 h. Start of the Opening Ceremony at Praza de España

19:15. Start of Pasta Party #1 - Alameda

There will be a second pasta party for the athletes for Aquathlon, LD Triathlon, Aquabike:
     Friday 3rd of May
     From 18:00 to 21:00
     At Alameda

Pasta Party

Pasta Parties will be held at La Alameda (OR AT RECINTO FERIAL in case of rain).
With music from DJ ¨La Duendeneta¨

    Pasta Party ´Galician style´ #1              Pasta Party ´Galician style´ #2
     26.04.2019 @ 19:15 – 22:00                  03.05.2019 @ 18:00 – 21:00
            Participants                                Participants
         Standard Duathlon                                Aquathlon
         Sprint Duathlon                                 LD Triathlon
         Cross Triathlon                                  Aquabike

All MultiSport Athletes will be given 1 Food and Drink Voucher.

The Food/Drink Voucher can be exchanged for one of the special MultiSport Meals.

Menu included with the voucher:
Pasta with tomato sauce (rice option available) and choice of:
       1. Galician style octopus (Gluten free)
       2. Empanada Gallega (Galician style Pie)
       3. Vegan option (Gluten free)

+1 Drink:
Soft drink, water, beer or non-alcoholic beer.

Prices with no voucher:
Pasta 5€
Empanada slice 5€
Pulpo portion 8€

Other food and drink options will also be available to purchase.


The Food/Drink Voucher cannot be exchanged for cash, nor can it be used as payment
(partly or in full) for other dishes.

Should you be tempted by one of the other selections from the menus, you are of course
more than welcome to get one of these at your own expense.

Vouchers for pasta party #1 for Cross Triathlon athletes will have to be collected at
the Info Booth (Expo).

Live Coverage

Live streaming and exclusive features will be available on

For updates, stay social and connect: Facebook (@itupontevedra19), Instagram
(@itupontevedra19) and Twitter (@ITUpontevedra19).

There will be live video and timing for thee Elite and U23 races.
There also will be live timing and finish camera for the Age-Group races.

Live timing will be available at

Multisport Legends

The 2019 Pontevedra ITU Multisport World Championship offers you the opportunity to
obtain a unique souvenir: the Multisport Legend Trophy. It is only for those athletes who
have raced and finished 4 World Championships races (Open Waves do not count):

If you become a Multisport Legend, you will receive your trophy on Saturday, 4 th May,
at 22:00 h in Alameda and your name will appear here:

Further Services

Cultural Offer: HERE

Cycling Pontevedra

On the road, please ride always in single files. Cyclists must abide by traffic regulations and
rules on the road. Be aware! Your cycling training is at your own risk.

These are some aspects to be taken into account regarding road rules for cyclists:


Look backwards to check there are no other vehicles coming along or that they are far away.

It is also compulsory to signal your future movements to other road users (motorists,
pedestrians, etc.) by extending your arm, horizontally, at the level of the shoulder.


Please, ride as close to the right side of the road as possible to allow other motorists to

If you cycle in a group, you can cycle two abreast but never more.

In case of bad weather, poor visibility or traffic congestions, ride in single files.


If riding along a cycle path, a crossing for cyclists or a properly signalled shoulder, cyclists
have right of way in detriment of other motorists.

Cyclists also have right of way when the motor vehicle about to take a turn, to the right or
the left, aims to enter another carriageway and the cyclist is very near or when cyclists are
riding in a group and the leader has initiated the manoeuvre to cross or has entered in a


Before a signalled zebra crossing or just before turning to enter another lane and there are
pedestrians crossing, even if there is no zebra crossing, cyclists have to yield the right of
way to pedestrians and oncoming traffic.


Right of way will always be verified, respecting the signposting:

A police officer with the arm vertically raised or with the arm or arms extended.

Also, when you see a traffic light sign or signal, for example the red light or the non-flashing
yellow light at the traffic lights, unless the cyclist is so close of the place where he/she is
meant to stop and, thus, he/she cannot stop safely before the traffic lights. Or also before a
stop sign where the cyclist must stop, or before a vertical yield sign if other motorists or
pedestrians have right of way.


Hand signals must be used to warn the other road users by lifting your arm, up and down
alternatively, making short and fast movements.


Please keep to the right of the carriageway and check whether it is safe to turn right (check
the position of other motorists on the road); give an appropriate arm signal when you wish

to turn (early enough and with the right arm bent upwards and the palm outstretched), or
else, with the right arm horizontally and the palm outstretched downwards.


ONE-WAY STREET: keep as close to the left edge of the street as possible and give an
appropriate arm signal early enough (the left arm horizontally extended at the level of the
shoulder, the hand outstretched downwards or the right arm bent upwards and the palm

DOUBLE-WAY STREET: respect the centre line or median, and if there isn’t any, bear in
mind the axis of the carriageway. Never swerve into the opposite lane (oncoming traffic).

A LANE HAS BEEN ADAPTED FOR THIS TURN: either urban or inter-urban, riders must
take this lane, ASAP, and turn when traffic signalling allows it.

THE INTER-URBAN CARRIAGE HAS NO ADAPTED LANE: to take a left turn, riders must
keep to the right, outside the carriageway if possible, and from this position take the turn left
when it is safe to do so.


Use ALWAYS cycle lanes and cycle paths if they are available. They will mostly be

If there are no cycle lanes and/or cycle paths, keep to the right side (hard shoulder) of
the road when practicable and/or wide enough, otherwise, just cycle on the carriageway but
do not take more room than needed.

Cyclists can only leave the hard shoulder in a prolonged descent with curve, if it is safe to
do so.


Before overtaking, please make sure:

   ● The road is sufficiently clear ahead (no oncoming traffic or too far away);
   ● There is a suitable gap in front of the road user you plan to overtake.

Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so. You should:

   ● Not get too close to the vehicle you intend to overtake;
   ● Move quickly past the vehicle you are overtaking, once you have started to overtake.
     Allow plenty of room. Move back to the right as soon as you can but do not cut in;
   ● Give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would
     when overtaking a car.

Please, warn other road users early enough and check there is plenty of room to overtake
without putting in danger oncoming motorists. The law when overtaking: 1.5 m is a minimum
safe distance for overtaking in slow moving traffic. If you cannot allow the minimum distance,
do not overtake until you can! SAFETY COMES FIRST!

It is not considered “overtaking” when a cyclist overtakes another cyclist when riding in a


As a general rule, cyclists are banned from riding on motorways and/or highways. SAFETY

Ride the course: we recommend you to ride the competition course (when possible) to
become more familiar with it!

Medical issues: during the races, injured or ill athletes will be assessed and admitted to the
Medical Tent should the medical staff deem it appropriate. If an athlete is taken to
Quirónsalud Miguel Domínguez Hospital (Rúa Frei Xoán de Navarrete, 9), the related
medical costs will be paid directly by the athlete.

*IMPORTANT. All athletes must have their own insurance policy with international coverage.


                                                TRAINING PLAN

(1)    AG: The use of the swimming pool in Pontevedra city (Pontemuiños Pool) will cost € 4.48 per day, and with the
       right to swim in 25 meter pool (possibility of 50 m), access to the SPA area and the gym. Wristband or
       accreditation will be mandatory to access the pool. Bus stop at Plaza de Galicia. Check with the hotel for bus

(2) Elite/U23/Junior/para: Access to the swimming pool in Pontevedra city (Centro Galego de Tecnificación Deportiva
Pool) will be free with the Multisport wristband or accreditation. 4 lanes available (25 m pool).

(3)   All athletes: Access to the swimming pool in Sanxenxo city (Portonovo Pool) will be free with the Multisport
wristband or accreditation. Timetable: 8.00 h - 11:45 h (One lane just for triathletes + two shared lanes) or 11:45 h -
13:15 h (One lane for triathletes + five shared lanes, 33 m pool).

(4)     All athletes: The use of the swimming pool in Vigo city (Navia, Coia and Barreiro Pools) will cost € 3.85 per hour,
with the right to access the pool and the gym; if you want to access the SPA you must pay € 6.00 per day (feel free to
enter at any time and as long as you wish!). Check with the hotel for bus schedule and stops. Wristband or accreditation
will be mandatory to access at the following opening hours Monday through Friday: 7.00 h-12.00 h: 2 lanes; 12.00 h-
15.30 h: 3 lanes (only in Navia); 19.30 h-21.00 h: 1 lane; 21.00 h-23.00 h: 2 lanes; Saturday: 9.00 h-11.00 h: 1 lane; 14.00
h-20.30 h: 2 lanes; Sunday: 9.00 h-14.00 h: 3 lanes (33 m pool).


Mechanical Assistance

Bike Mechanic assistance will be provided at the following hours:

Volunteers/Technical Officials

We all know that the success of any sporting event is largely due to the Volunteer Team.
Their help in carrying out various essential organisational tasks is vital for the perfect
execution/operation of the safest and most fantastic event possible for athletes and their
supporters alike!

Volunteers will help with different aspects of the event’s organisation such as supporting
administration tasks and judges/TOs, helping with protocol, access control and
management, athletes and spectators support etc. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy the
sport from within the organisation, to meet athletes from all over the world and to be involved
in all the other exciting things in our Multisport World Championships event!

Collaborate with us in organising the most important sporting event in recent years in
Galicia! Anyone over the age of 16 who wishes to be part of this great team is welcome!
We only ask that you have the time and the willingness to help others! To apply, simply fill
out the application form (16-17 year olds will need their parent or guardian’s consent).
Be part of an unbeatable experience!

We also will have nearly 60 Technical Officials from 12 different countries who will be
working to ensure your World Championship races are safe and fair.

We encourage you to say THANK YOU to them whenever possible. Without the
Volunteers and the Technical Officials we simply would not be able to run this

Transport & Accommodation

Arriving to Pontevedra: Spain is a member of the European Union. Travel to and from Spain
is governed by EU law. Therefore, different entry requirements may apply depending on
where you're travelling from and your nationality. EU citizens do not need a visa; citizens
from other countries may require a visa. If you travel to Spain from outside the Schengen
Area, you may also require a visa.

Pontevedra is a very friendly city and everything is within walking distance. You won’t need
a car to get to the most relevant spots. Cars are restricted and, thus, not permitted inside
the old quarter (except for residents or services, for example taxis). So, enjoy walking
beautiful Pontevedra!

Further information HERE.


If you book your accommodation with our travel partner “Halcón Viajes”, you will get a free
transfer from/to the airport. BOOK IT HERE.


     Parking for vehicles and motorhomes is available. All those athletes who are
     interested in this service, must ask for accreditation at the expo (Info Booth). It’s
     important to prove that you are a participant of the event.

     Open from 24/04 to 05/05 24 h.

     The parking areas are as follow:

Access: José Malvar Street.

Black arrows symbol: entrance; Red arrows symbol: exit.

Official Merchandise

To buy your official merchandise, head to the Merchandising Stand at the Expo area
during opening hours.

Be proud of your achievements and sport the merchandise around town!

Expo Opening Hours:

Wednesday, 24thApril, 2019: from 17.00 h to 20.00 h.

From Thursday, 25thApril, 2019 to Saturday, 4th May, 2019 included: from 10.00 h to
20.00 h.

Spectator Information

The race course is closed to traffic. However, there are many roads that can take you to
junctions to cheer up your athlete. In general, spectators will be able to cheer up their
athletes along the running course.

Crossing the Finish Line with your beloved athlete is FORBIDDEN. This is a World
Championship event and spectators are not allowed to interfere with the race. Spectators
will not be allowed into the Medical Tent as it is a highly congested area. The athlete’s
Emergency Contact Person will be notified ASAP.


Anti-Doping Rules, like Competition rules, are sport rules governing the conditions under
which sport is played. Athletes and other persons involved in the event accept these rules
as a precondition to compete. All athletes shall be subject to Competition Testing by the ITU,
the Athlete's National Federation, Anti-Doping Organizations or any other organization
promoting Events in triathlon.

**All athletes must ensure they carry their official identification (Photo ID)**

Further info on Anti-Doping Rules can be found HERE.

As an Age-Group athlete participating in an ITU Multisport Festival and/or the ITU Grand
Final event you are subject to Doping Control.

If you are selected for Doping Control, someone will approach you to notify it. You may be
asked to go for Doping Control even before the race, for example, after picking up your
registration pack or when you check in your bicycle in the Transition Area. The Doping

Control Chaperone and/or Officer will explain you the procedure but you should be aware
that you have certain rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to:

   ● Appoint a representative of your choice to accompany you to Doping Control.
   ● Arrange an interpreter in case you do not have a good command of English (if
   ● Request additional information about the Doping Control procedure.
   ● Request a delay in reporting to the Doping Control Station for valid reasons. (These
     reasons may be to receive necessary medical care, locate a representative or fulfil a
     media commitment but you must have the consent of, and be in full view of, the
     Doping Control Officer or Chaperone.)
   ● Request necessary modifications if you have a disability.
   ● Note any concerns with the Doping Control process on the Doping Control Form.
   ● Request part “B” of your sample be analysed to confirm a positive result.
   ● A fair hearing in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

Your responsibilities include:

   ● Be aware of, and comply with, the World Anti-Doping Code and the ITU Anti-Doping
   ● Be aware of which substances are not allowed and are included in the Prohibited List.
   ● Comply with requirements for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE). A TUE allows you
     to take a substance included in the Prohibited List, if that is the only option available
     to you and you meet specific requirements. There are strict rules governing TUEs so
     it is best to check them before the event. As an Age Group athlete you may apply for
     a retroactive TUE but it is not guaranteed, so you may want to request one no sooner
     than 30 days prior to racing.
   ● Report to the Doping Control Station immediately or within the required time slot
     specified by the Doping Control Chaperone.
   ● Control your sample until it is sealed in the sample collection kit.
   ● Ensure the sealed sample collection kit is secure and identified.
   ● Ensure all documentation is accurate.

You must carry with you an ID/passport with photo when proceeding to the Doping Control
Station. It is also a good idea to make sure that you have access to your National Federation
manager’s phone number so that you can let him/her know that you have been selected for
Doping Control.

If you have any questions about Anti-Doping procedures, please visit the ITU Anti-Doping
Stand at the Expo where our volunteers will clarify your doubts/questions. You can also
check the Age-Group Anti-Doping section on

An           Anti-Doping           Age-Group          Q&A          is               available:

Race Rules & Penalties

To check ITU Rules, please click HERE.

To check ITU Rules FAQ, please click HERE.

To check the event FAQ, please click HERE.

To clarify any rules, please contact the Head Referees (see name and email earlier in this

Uniform Rules

At the Multisport World Championships, all athletes should comply with the approved
National Federation uniform colour/format. The uniform must follow ITU uniform rules. Hats,
helmets and race belts with logos are allowed. For further information, please see the ITU
Competition Rule Book.
Please        note       the       following     amendment          of      the       rules:

Due to weather statistics, the Technical Delegates have approved Age-Group athletes
and Paratriathletes to wear short sleeve National Federation uniforms for all events.

Click HERE to check the approved national uniforms.

Weather Conditions

The weather conditions in April/May in Pontevedra are very pleasant with temperatures
around 18 ºC in the daytime and 10 ºC at night. We expect great weather to race, meet with
friends and colleagues, cheer our beloved ones, enjoy beautiful Galicia, have some tapas
and wine/beer at some other terrace by the river or in the old town...Spain is different!

Bad Weather

The Race Organizers and the ITU reserve the right to cancel or change the race profile for
safety reasons. This could be any combination of events that we deem safe and fair. In the
unlikely event that the event must be cancelled or postponed due to bad weather, there will
be no refunds or deferrals. A large amount of your race fee will already have been allocated
to resources before the day of the race! Thanks for your understanding!



Expected water temperature: 15ºC

Website: HERE.

Water Quality:

1. Map showing where the samples have been taken from

2. Data for enterococi, E.coli, PH for each of the sample points

       ENTEROCOCCI                    E. COLI                      PH

    25/03/2019     NMP/10      25/03/2019       NMP/10     25/03/2019   NMP/10
                    0 ML                         0 ML                    0 ML

   PONTE DOS          28      PONTE DOS          101      PONTE DOS      7,39
    TIRANTES                   TIRANTES                    TIRANTES

    BETWEEN                    BETWEEN                     BETWEEN
  PANTALAN AND        26     PANTALAN AND         73     PANTALAN AND    7,4
    RIVER EXIT                 RIVER EXIT                  RIVER EXIT

   PEDESTRIAN         15      PEDESTRIAN          97      PEDESTRIAN     7,5
    WALKWAY                    WALKWAY                     WALKWAY

3. Weather report of the 3 days preceding the sampling

4. Results of the visual sanitary inspection (check competition rules)

1 = ‘Very Good Water Quality’: (E.Coli < 250 or Enterococci < 100) with no or potential visual
pollution during sanitary check or forecasted heavy rain

5. Based on this we will define the rating as per the water quality decision matrix.

1 = ‘Very Good Water Quality’: (E.Coli < 250 or Enterococci < 100) with no or potential visual
pollution during sanitary check or forecasted heavy rain


Athletes’ Registration & Package Pick Up

AGE-GROUP: Registration & Package Pick Up will NOT be open on the day of the race. If
you do not arrive during the designated registration hours, please contact Only registered athletes are allowed to pick up their
package at the designated time.

If you are registered for more than one event, you have to come to the respective Package
Pick up day/time of EACH event.

Package pick up will be open at the Expo during the following hours:

Sunday, April 28th and Monday, April 29th - 12:00 h to 18:00 h

     Recommended times for those countries:
            - USA: 14:00 - 16:00
            - Great Britain: 16:00 - 18:00

JUNIOR AND PARATRIATHLON: Package Pick Up will take place after the Briefing. You
must attend your Briefing to pick up your kit. Briefing is compulsory! The Briefing will take
place at “Pazo da Cultura”.

Monday, April 29th - 13:00 h to 14:00 h

ELITE AND U23: Package Pick Up will take place after the Briefing. You must attend your
Briefing to pick up your kit. Briefing is compulsory! The Briefing will take place at “Pazo da

Monday, April 29th - 16:00 h to 17:00 h

Registration Procedure (AG)

1. Register and confirm your BIB number
2. Give or sign the Athlete Waiver (see below)
3. Package Pick Up. It will include (inside an envelope):
a. BIB number
b. Race number stickers
         i. Bag label x1
        ii. Bike number x1
        iii. Helmet label x3
        iv. I’m supporting x1
c. Bike Plate
d. Athlete’s wristband x1(design below)
         nb: For participants in multiple events: one wristband per event. Each wristband
         must be worn until the specific event has finished.

e. Tattoos (4x)
            i. One for each arm
            ii. One for the swim cap
            iii. One with your AG category to be placed on one of your calf.
f. Swim cap

4. Backpack Pick Up
  a. Each athlete will receive ONE World Championship backpack, and NOT one per event.

Package Pick Up flow:

                         REGISTRATION LAYOUT AND FLOW

Wristbands must be worn during your event and until it has finished. Each event has a
different wristband and will only grant access to Transition Area during the specific event.

Wristband design:

Athletes are welcome to check the Start Lists with their bib numbers, names, surnames,
nationalities,  etc.   on    the    Website       prior    to   the    event:   HERE.

Should you spot any mistake, please contact your National Federation

Please read carefully this acknowledgment, waiver and release from liability:
I understand that competing in the 2019 Pontevedra ITU Multisport World Championships events
involves swimming in either sea or harbour, cycling, running or walking on public roads and property
used by the public. I am aware of the hazards involved. The hazards include but are not limited to
vehicle traffic, pedestrians, actions of competitors, spectators, event personnel, weather conditions
and my physical and mental state of health. In my judgment I have sufficient competence and
experience to participate safely. I certify that I am sufficiently trained for participation in these events.
I have not been advised by a qualified medical person against competing in these events. Should I
be advised by a qualified medical person against competing in these events, prior to the date of
competition, I will notify event organizers and withdraw my entries into these events.
I accept that photos, film footages, interviews, advertisements and like that taken during the event
are the property of ITU and can be freely used by the LOC and the ITU.
In consideration of my acceptance of entry into these ITU Multisport sanctioned events, I agree that
the LOC and officials, ITU and Spanish Triathlon Federation, their directors, employees,
subcontractors, volunteers, members, and sponsors shall not be liable for injuries or loss I might
suffer because of my participation in these events.
I agree and consent to ITU and the LOC processing and keeping my personal data in any format,
including my full name, country, year of birth, sport, Sport Class, Sport Class Status, Email address
and relevant medical information to comply with as a condition of participating in ITU events
for as long as         this    information         is   useful       in   accordance         with     GDPR,
ITU ( and the International Standard for the Protection
of Privacy and Personal Information (hereinafter “ISPPPI”). I agree and consent to my name,
country and Sport Class and Sport Class Status, and Anti-Doping results being published by ITU
and mine name and email address being shared for commercial purposes with ITU Globals Sponsors
(NTT, Asics, Fujitsu), ITU World Triathlon Series, World Cup and World Championship Globals
Sponsors and Local Competition Organizing Committee.

Please tick the box if you don’t consent to use your name and your email address for commercial
purposes with ITU Globals Sponsors (NTT, Asics, Fujitsu), ITU World Triathlon Series, World Cup
and World Championship Globals Sponsors and Local Competition Organizing Committee.

As a participant in the 2019 Pontevedra ITU Multisport World Championships, I verify that I have
read and understand the above waiver and above-mentioned policies:

Print Name: ____________________________________.                  Date: ___________

Email: ___________________________________.                        Signature: ___________

Parent/Guardian Name (for participants under the age of 18): ________________________

Date: ___________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________
Witness Signature: ___________                                     Date: ___________


Athlete Briefings will take place at different times according to the following schedule:

Place: Pazo da Cultura (LOCATION HERE.)

Date: Monday, 29th April

Age-Group Team Managers Briefing: from 11:00 h to 12:00 h. This is for National
Federations Age-Group Team Managers only. It is their responsibility to pass the

Junior and Para athletes (compulsory): from 13:00 h to 14:00 h

Elite and U23 athletes (compulsory): from 16:00 h to 17:00 h

Age-Group: online video race briefing will be recorded and available at Additionally, we will held a Video Briefing Q&A session
(at Alameda), where ITU Technical Officials and Race Director will be available for questions
from 12:00 h to 13:00 h.

Transition Check In

Elite / U23 / Junior / Paratriathlon / Age-Group : mandatory Bike Check In at the Transition

Helmets and cycling shoes can be placed in the Transition Area, at the designated spot, and
INSIDE the transition bins/boxes (supplied by the Organizer) once the material has been
used. Athletes will also have the option to start the race with their cycling shoes attached to
their bike as well as to leave their shoes attached to their bike upon arrival at the Transition
Area. No loose gear will be allowed on the ground next to the bicycles following Transition

Please label all your clothing and gear (including shoes). If you lose or find any belongings,
there will be a Lost and Found Desk at the Information Stand-Expo.

There will be signs and volunteers at the Transition Check In to help you check in your gear
and rack your bike in the right spot.

As you enter Transition Area to check in your bike, your bike/helmet will be subject to a
MANDATORY bike/helmet check. Please ensure your bike is in safe-working conditions.
Securely fasten all equipment you may carry with you. Once the bike has been approved,
you must place your bike in the appropriately numbered spot on the bike racks.

Your bike shoes can be placed on your bike.

You will not be allowed to remove your bike from the transition area until the start of the bike
portion of the race. Bike technicians and bike pumps will be available in the transition area
on race morning.

On race day, a uniform and body decals check will take place upon your arrival to transition.

The Check In will take place on the following days and times:

BIKE CHECK IN (mandatory)

Date: Tuesday, 30th April
Place: Buenos Aires Avenue


     ● Athlete’s Lounge Check In (University Pavilion): from 12:00 h to 13:00 h
     ● Transition Check In: from 12:30 h to 13:15 h


     ● Transition Check In: from 13:00 h to 15:30 h


     ● Athlete’s Lounge Check In (University Pavilion): from 14:00 h to 15:00 h
     ● Transition Check In: from 14:30 h to 15:15 h

What to bring
    - Helmet
    - Bicycle
    - Uniform and body decals check
    - Any nutrition/liquid that you want to leave on your bike

Only registered athletes with ID wristbands or accreditation cards may enter the transition

Cross Triathlon Check In

Timing Information / Tracking

The Multisport World Championships will be timed with MyLapsChampionChip system.

Live timing will be at:

You can find the system description HERE.

You can also find some information about the system components HERE.

Important chip information:

         -   The timing chip must be picked up during the compulsory bike check in, at the
         -   The timing chip is attached to the neoprene velcro strap. It must be worn around
             the ankle during the race.
         -   Athletes must wear their timing chip to take part in the event.
         -   Be sure to wear the chip provided to you. Be careful not to swap it with a friend
             by mistake as this will affect the results.
         -   If you lose your chip during the event, please contact a Technical Official when
             you get to Transition Area.
         -   The timing chip must be returned at bike check out.
         -   There is a 10€ fee if you lose your timing chip.
Correct use of timing chip:

Body marking: tattoos will be provided in your race kit. Please, make sure you have
them on prior to entering the Transition Area on the morning of the race. The race
number tattoos goes on your right and left arms, the category tattoo on the back of
one of your calves.

Only registered athletes with ID wristbands may enter the Transition Area.

Bike technicians and bike pumps will be available in the Transition Area on the day of the
race. Athletes are allowed to bring their own pumps into Transition but like any other
equipment should NOT remain in transition during the event.

Marking your transition spot is FORBIDDEN. All marks will be removed by Technical
Officials, including towels, without prior notice. Portable toilets will be available near the
Transition Area before and after race.

Morning gear that you do not need for the race CANNOT BE LEFT IN THE TRANSITION
AREA. Please take everything you do not need for your race to the cloakroom.


Start times


                                 Start times: Tuesday, 30th 2019

                      13:30 h                                      JUNIOR MEN

                      13:35 h                                  JUNIOR WOMEN

                      13:40 h                                  PARATRIATHON

                      15:30 h                                  ELITE/U23 MEN

                      15:35 h                                 ELITE/U23 WOMEN

                      15:45 h                                      AG M18-39

                      15:48 h                                      AG M40-49

                      15:51 h                                       AG M50+

                      15:55 h                                      AG WOMEN


The Event Details
Cross Triathlon World Championships

The course is of medium hardness, medium-low technique. Most part through forest roads
crossing some paved area at some time. Possibility of overtaking on most of the course.

Tuesday, April 30th

Junior and Paratriathlon Cross Triathlon Men and Women

Swim (1 lap): 0.5 km

Bike (1 lap): 13.4 km
Run (1 lap): 4 km

Elite and U23 Cross Triathlon Men and Women

Swim (1 lap): 1 km
Bike (1 lap): 30 km
Run (1 lap): 7 km

AG Cross Triathlon Men and Women

Swim (1 lap): 1 km
Bike (1 lap): 30 km
Run (1 lap): 7 km

Course Information

Bike Course will be marked on Sunday, April 28th. You can download the track
HERE. We recommend you to download it and take care because the course, in
some areas, is open traffic during the days leading up to the competition.

Transition Area flow


TA 1:

TA 2:




Penalty Box

Run Penalty Box (Elite athletes only)

Aid Stations

At the end of the swim course there will be an Aid Station providing athletes with water for
all competitions.


On the run course there will be three Aid Stations with water:
   ● Aid Station 1: km 0,1
   ● Aid Station 2: km 1,5
   ● Aid Station 3: km 2,5


On the run course there will be four Aid Stations with water:
   ● Aid Station 1: km 0,1
   ● Aid Station 2: km 1,5
   ● Aid Station 3: km 3,5
   ● Aid Station 4: km 5,7

There will be a Fill in Point at km 10,6 on the bike course with water and aquarius available
for all those who want to drink or fill their drums.

The Repair Zone will be also at km 10,6. (Only for Paratriathlon/Junior and Elite)

At the repair station there will be:
-Tools to adjust changes, repair chains, wheel changes and general adjustments
-Return of chains
-Air pump

     Paratriathlon and Junior



At the start area:

          -   2 adapted
          -   2 normal
          -   2 urinals

At the finish area:

          -   1 adapted
          -   1 normal

At the recovery area

     At the University Pavilion you will find a lot of toilets.

Run course (Aid Station 1):

         -   2 normal


Cut off times

The following cut off times will apply:


     ● Swim: Maximum stay in water for AG: according to ITU rules.
     ● Bike: 15:30 h


   ● Bike Start Cut off time: 16:40 h
   ● Bike Cut off time: 19:30 h
   ● Run Cut off time: 21:00 h


                        WHAT WILL I GET IF I AM A FINISHER?

Post Race Recovery Area

The Recovery Area will be located near the Finish Area.

Bike and Gear Pick Up

Congratulations! You are a Finisher! Now you have to pick up your bike and gear from the
Transition Area. Do remember to pick up your bag from the cloakroom. The Pontevedra
Multisport World Championships Festival is not responsible for the gear left behind.

It is mandatory to give back the timing chip at check out.

Junior and Paratriathlon can check out from 15:00 h to 21:00 h.

Elite, U23 and AG can check out from 18:00 h to 21:00 h.

Double check your gear to be sure you have all your belongings with you. Our volunteers
will do their best to check that each athlete’s bib number matches the number on his/her
bike and gear when he/she leaves the Transition Area.

Post Race Massage and Physiotherapy Services

A great massage, free of charge, for all athletes at the Recovery Area.


Results will be timed by MyLapsChampionChip, and will be posted live on on the day of the races. We encourage spectators to visit for basic live tracking such as split times, laps, transitions etc.

Official results will be posted on a board near the Recovery Area as well as at the Expo and
will be published on and

In case of questions or mistakes with your result, please contact your Team Manager; if you
don’t have Team Manager on site, please look for the Head Referee in the finish area.

After the race you will be able to download your Race Certificate here:

Photo Service

Get your personal race photos with FinisherPix!

FinisherPix is the official photographer at the 2019 Pontevedra ITU Multisport World
Championship. Your personal race photos will be available at Make
sure your bib number is facing front at all times and don't forget to smile when you cross the
Finish Line. Have a great race! Enjoy yourself! We are TRIATHLON!

You can get your race photos here:

ITU Pontevedra AG Cross Triathlon:

   ● Ensure you have your race number facing front and visible at all times
   ● Look out for our FinisherPix photographers on course and SMILE ☺
   ● Look up when you cross the Finish Line and SMILE AND WAVE!


ALREADY CONNECTED?| #finisherpix
WeChat: finisherpix

Medal Engraving

Commemorate your achievement! Engrave your FINISHER time on your medal! You
can book this service online, just go HERE and pay 10€. Or also, when you have
crossed the Finish Line go to the University Pavilion (Recovery Area) and pay 15€.

Pontevedra welcomes you! We are TRIATHLON!


     •Ambush marketing rules apply
     •As per the ITU Competition rules:
           •2.8 c.) (i) Athletes must wear the uniform during the entire competition and
      award ceremony. Long sleeves and long pants are allowed for the award ceremony
           •Elite/U23/Junior athletes are not allowed to carry their country flag on the
      podium; there will be flags raising with the playing of the national anthem of the


The Awards Ceremony will take place at the finish line at Buenos Aires Avenue. You have
to be present to receive your medal. If you can’t attend the medal ceremony, your Team
Manager or one of your Teammates can pick it up on your behalf at the end of ceremony.

• Please dress up as per the ITU Competition rules:
           »2.8 c.) (i) Athletes must wear the uniform during the entire competition
      and award ceremony. Long sleeves and long pants are allowed for the award
            »Children are not allowed on the podium.

            »If you can not attend the medal ceremony, your Team Manager or one of
      your team mate should pick up your medal at the end of the ceremony.

Important note:
As Elite and U23 athletes start together, the following process will apply:
        -   Prize money, points and Elite medals will be distributed
            according to the finish line order (Overall - ELITE/U23)
        -   U23 medals will go to U23 athletes only

Prize money (Elite - male and female)

Prize money will be distributed according to the finish line order (Overall Elite/U23).

Medal Ceremonies / Schedule

Junior Men: Tuesday, April 30th at 14:50 h (Buenos Aires Venue)
Junior Women: Tuesday, April 30th at 15:00 h (Buenos Aires Venue)
Paratriathlon: Tuesday, April 30th at 16:00 h (Buenos Aires Venue)
U23 Men: Tuesday, April 30th at 18:15 h (Buenos Aires Venue)
U23 Women: Tuesday, April 30th at 18:30 h (Buenos Aires Venue)
Elite Men: Tuesday, April 30th at 18:45 h (Buenos Aires Venue)
Elite Women: Tuesday, April 30th at 19:00 h (Buenos Aires Venue)
Age-Group: Tuesday, April 30th at 21:00 h (Buenos Aires Venue)

Multisport Legends

Age-Group: Saturday, May 4th from 22:00 h to 22:15 h. (La Alameda)

Closing Ceremony and Concert

Each phase of the World Championships will have its own closing party with dazzling shows
of music and colour to leave you with a good taste in your mouth (to add to the fab Galician
wine and tapas!). There will be live performances, colourful lights and music and this will
also set the stage for the Award Ceremonies.

The Closing Ceremony for Cross Triathlon will take place on Saturday, May 4 th, starting at
22:15 h at the City Centre - Alameda. LOCATION HERE.

Lost and Found
Have you lost anything? Go to the Lost and Found Desk at the Expo during the race week.
It is advisable to mark your gear with your race number. The Information Stand and the
Registration Desk will open daily. LOCATION HERE.


Wednesday, 24th April, 2019: from 17.00 h to 20.00 h.

From Thursday, 25th April, 2019 to Saturday, 4th May, 2019: from 10.00 h to 20.00 h.


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