Page created by Herbert Glover
2019 Season

                        JD Promotion & Compétition Inc.
                                          10 | 01 | 2019

                   SPORT REGULATION                                                      6

                   ARTICLE   1 – ORGANIZATION                                             7
                      1.1     Organizers                                                  7
                      1.2     Applicable regulations                                      7
                      1.3     2019 Provisional calendar                                   7

                   ARTICLE   2 – COMPETITORS AND DRIVERS                                 8
                      2.1     Licenses                                                   8
                      2.2     Guests drivers                                             8
                      2.3     Registration procedures                                    8
                      2.4     Registration refusal                                       8
                      2.5     Events registration                                        9
                      2.6     General                                                   10
                      2.7     Crew                                                      10
                      2.8     Information dissemination                                 10
                      2.9     Fail to participate                                       10

                   ARTICLE 3 – CARS AND EQUIPMENTS                                      11
                      3.1   Vehicle permitted                                           11
                            3.1.1 Vehicle change                                        11
                      3.2   Use of tires                                                11
                            3.2.1 Use of rain tires                                     12
                      3.3   Spare parts and lubricants                                  12
                      3.4   Transponder                                                 12
                      3.5   Cameras                                                     12
                      3.6   Competition number                                          12
                      3.7   Drivers name                                                13

                   ARTICLE   4 – PUBLICITY                                              14
                      4.1     Publicity on the cars                                     14
                      4.2     Publicity on the driver’s suit                            14
                      4.3     Exploitation rights                                       14

                                                               Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   2
ARTICLE 5 – EVENT PROCEDURES                                           15
   5.1   Definitions                                                   15
   5.2   Verifications                                                 15
         5.2.1 General                                                 15
         5.2.2 Administrative verifications                            15
         5.2.3 Initial scrutineering                                   15
   5.3   Technical inspection at finish                                16
         5.3.1 General principles                                      16
         5.3.2 Presence allowed                                        17
         5.3.3 Parts sampling                                          17
   5.4   Qualification                                                 17
         5.4.1 False grid                                              17
         5.4.2 Qualifying sessions                                     17
   5.5   Drivers meeting                                               18
   5.6   Race                                                          18
         5.6.1 Two races event                                         18
         5.6.2 Starting procedures                                     18
   5.7   Parc Fermé                                                    19
   5.8   Podium ceremony                                               19
   5.9   Drugs and alcohol usage                                       19

ARTICLE   6 – PENALITIES                                               20
   6.1     General                                                     20
   6.2     Exclusions                                                  20
   6.3     Disciplinary sanctions                                      20
   6.4     Financial penalties (fines)                                 21

ARTICLE 7 – STANDINGS                                                  22
   7.1   Points distribution                                           22
         7.1.1 Points distribution                                     22
         7.1.2 General standing after each event                       22
         7.1.3 Team standing                                           22
   7.2   Nissan Micra Cup 2019                                         23
         7.2.1 Ex aequo                                                23
   7.3   Rookie Category                                               23
   7.4   Senior Category                                               23

ARTICLE 8 – PRIZES AND AWARDS                                          24
   8.1   General, prizes and awards                                    24

ARTICLE 9 – FINAL TEXT                                                 24
   9.1   Final Text                                                    24

                                              Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   3
TECHNICAL REGULATIONS                                                25
ARTICLE   1 – DEFINITIONS                                              27
   1.1     Type of car use                                             27
   1.2     Event                                                       27
   1.3     Minimum weight for competition                              27
   1.4     Data acquisition                                            27
   1.5     New tires                                                   27
   1.6     Use tires                                                   27

ARTICLE   2 – REGULATIONS                                              28
   2.1     Technical regulation principle                              28
   2.2     Continued compliance with Regulation                        29
   2.3     Repairs                                                     29
   2.4     Log book                                                    29

ARTICLE 3 – BODY                                                       30
   3.1   Instructions for the replacement or repair
         of welded elements on the body                                30
   3.2   Windows                                                       30

ARTICLE   4 – WEIGHT                                                   31
   4.1     Competition weight                                          31
   4.2     Ballast                                                     31
   4.3     Additions after the race and qualifying                     31
   4.4     Weighing                                                    31

ARTICLE   5 – ENGINE                                                   31
   5.1     Authorized engine                                           31
   5.2     Technical testing                                           31
   5.3     Exhaust                                                     31

ARTICLE 6 – FUEL LINES AND TANK                                        32


                                              Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   4
ARTICLE 8 – TRANSMISSION                                              33

ARTICLE 9 - SUSPENSION AND STEERING                                   33
   9.1   Wheel alignment                                              33

ARTICLE 10 - BRAKES                                                   34

ARTICLE 11 - WHEELS AND TIRES                                         34
   11.1 Wheels                                                        34
   11.2 Tires                                                         34

ARTICLE 12 - COCKPIT                                                  35

ARTICLE 13 - SECURITY EQUIPMENT                                       36
   13.1 Fire extinguisher                                             36
   13.2 Electrical kill switch                                        36
   13.3 Mirrors                                                       36
   13.4 Driver seat belts                                             36
   13.5 Seat and seat supports                                        37
   13.6 Safety latches (hood)                                         37
   13.7 Windshield                                                    37
   13.8 Driver side window net                                        37
   13.9 Tow hooks                                                     37
   13.10 Signals - Lights - Headlights                                37
   13.11 Driver’s equipment                                           37

ARTICLE 14 - ROLL CAGE                                                38

ARTICLE 15 - FUEL                                                     38
   15.1 Fuel                                                          38

ARTICLE   16 - ELECTRONICS                                            39
   16.1    Radio system and telemetry                                 39
   16.2    Dashboard                                                  39
   16.3    Wiring harnesses and cables                                39
   16.4    Engine elctronic control unit (ECU ou Calculator)
           and data acquisition                                       39

ARTICLE 17 - FINAL TEXT                                               39

ARTICLE 18 - APPENDIX                                                 40
   18.1 Series logo on the car                                        40
   18.2 Series logo on the racing suit                                42

                                             Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   5

        SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   6

1.1 - ORGANIZERS                                            1.2 - APPLICABLE REGULATIONS

The 2019 NISSAN MICRA CUP is organized by JD                This regulation shall apply from 31 January until 31 of
Promotion et Compétition Inc., and is sanctioned by         December 2019.
Auto Sport Québec FIA representative and designated in
this document by ASQ.                                       All points not covered by the sports and technical
                                                            regulations falls under:
The NISSAN MICRA CUP organizing committee has all
the powers on the organization of the series event’s and       • FIA international sport regulations,
is composed of the following members:                          • Auto Sport Québec sporting code,
                                                               • The supplementary regulations of the concerned
Organizing committee:                                            event,
                                                               • NISSAN MICRA CUP official published bulletins.
Promotor: Jacques Deshaies
Sport and General Manager: Gilles Villeneuve                All participating drivers and competitors of the NISSAN
Chief Steward Terry Dale                                    MICRA CUP are deemed to know all the above
Deputy Chief Steward Martin Hardy                           regulations. They undertake to respect this set of texts,
                                                            both in form and in spirit.
JD Promotion et Compétition Inc. reserves the right to
change the composition of the organizing committee          All Drivers will be required to sign a document
members at any time.                                        stating that they have read all applicable


 RACES                       DATES               RACE TRACKS                          EVENTS
Races   1&2                  17 - 19 May         Canadian Tire Motorsport Park        Victoria day speedfest
Races   3&4                  1 - 2 June          Calabogie Motorsport Park            Kyle Nash race week-end
Races   5&6                  26 - 28 July        Circuit Mont-Tremblant               Classique d’été
Races   7&8                  9 - 11 August       Circuit Trois-Rivières               Grand Prix de Trois-Rivières
Races   9 & 10               23 - 25 August      Canadian Tire Motorsport Park        Silverado 250
Races   11 & 12              27 - 29 September   Circuit Mont-Tremblant               Classique d’automne

All events have two races.

                                                                    SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   7

2.1 - LICENSES                                               2.4 - REGISTRATION REFUSAL

The NISSAN MICRA CUP is open to all drivers with a           NISSAN MICRA CUP organizing committee reserves
valid ASQ, road racing license, or any other equivalent or   the right to refuse registration to any applicant to the
higher road racing license recognized by ASQ.                NISSAN MICRA CUP:

2.2 - GUESTS DRIVERS                                           • Would not fulfill the required conditions

NISSAN MICRA CUP may at its discretion accept non-             • Who would pursue an object contrary to those of
registered drivers in the series. These drivers will be          motorsport or those of JD Promotion et
known as guest drivers. They will be ranked according            Compétition Inc.
to their final position in the race, but won’t be allowed
any points in the standings nor will they receive prizes       • Who would have refused to implement the
or purses.                                                       decisions of ASQ, their officials or JD Promotion
                                                                 et Compétition Inc.
The awards as well as ranking points will be awarded to
the following drivers in the standings of the race.            • Who by his words, his actions or his writings
                                                                 would have brought a moral or material prejudice
                                                                 to NISSAN, its affiliates, its employees or its
2.3 - REGISTRATION PROCEDURES                                    management, including in previous racing
Any driver or team who wants to register to a NISSAN
MICRA CUP event has to send is registration form               • Who would not have paid a financial penalty
Twenty (20) days before the event to:                            (fine) during a previous season or a previous
JD Promotion et Compétition Inc. at this email address:                                        • Who would have a debtor account with JD
and at the following address:                                    Promotion et Compétition Inc. or any of the
JD Promotion et Compétition Inc.                                 NISSAN MICRA CUP partner.
3195, d’Auvergne, Trois-Rivières, Québec, G8Y 3L1
                                                               • Whose application as a particular nature that will
The registration form must be accompanied by a check             not allow to preserve the spirit of the NISSAN
made out to JD Promotion et Compétition Inc. to cover            MICRA CUP.
the registration fees.
                                                             The competitor will be warned promptly in the event
Just by signing their registration form, drivers and         that a request to participate is refused, and JD Pro-
competitors accept the terms of the present sport            motion et Compétition Inc. will return him the check(s)
regulations, and undertake to respect it in form and in      for the registration at an event or will reimburse the
spirit.                                                      rights for registration.

                                                                     SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   8

Just by signing their registration form, drivers and
competitors accept the terms of the present sport and
technical regulations, and undertake to respect it in
form and in spirit.

It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure that
all persons concerned by his entry observe all the
provisions of the general requirements, ASQ sporting
code, technical regulation of the NISSAN MICRA CUP
and of this sporting regulations.

NISSAN MICRA CUP participation costs

The competitors have two options for the payment of
the registration fees:

*OPTION # 1:
$7900.00 + Taxes ($9083.03) Single payment for all
the Championship. Deadline March 15. After this date,
it will be $8400 + Taxes ($9657.90)

*OPTION # 2:
$2300.00 (with taxes $2644.43) by week-end to all
indicated events.

 RACES                 DATES                   RACE TRACK                            EVENTS
 Races   1&2           17 - 19 May             Canadian Tire Motorsport Park         Victoria day speedfest
 Races   3&4           1 - 2 June              Calabogie Motorsport Park             Kyle Nash race week-end
 Races   5&6           26 - 28 July            Circuit Mont-Tremblant                Classique d’été
 Races   7&8           9 - 11 August           Circuit Trois-Rivières                Grand Prix de Trois-Rivières
 Races   9 & 10        23 - 25 August          Canadian Tire Motorsport Park         Silverado 250
 Races   11 & 12       27 - 29 September       Circuit Mont-Tremblant                Classique d’automne

All events have two races.

                                                                     SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   9
2.6 - GENERAL                                                 2.9 - FAIL TO PARTICIPATE

These fees represent:                                         In case of a driver that cannot participate to an event of
                                                              the NISSAN MICRA CUP, he will have to send an email
  • NISSAN MICRA CUP registration fees                        saying that he cannot participate to Sports management
  • Credentials for four (5) persons and parking.             at this email address: no
    (Places determined in paddocks depending on               later than 15 days before the event in question.
    space available)
  • JD Promotion et Compétition Inc. services                 NISSAN MICRA CUP will not refund the registration fee
  • The various identifications for cars and suits            within 15 days before the event in question.

A competitor who sent a registration application will be
considered permanently registered after receiving official
confirmation from NISSAN MICRA CUP. This official
confirmation will be sent by email only.

To participate to the NISSAN MICRA CUP series, an
email address is mandatory

2.7 - CREW

A team of many drivers can register a car in the series.

During the season, it will be possible to change the

The drivers will have to follow the procedure of
administrative checks and attend the driver’s meeting.
Winning points will be given individually to each driver
that participates to an event.

For each session, the crew must name a driver, in
writing, no later than two hours before the start of the


It will be mandatory for each driver and competitor to
have a valid email address in order to receive all the
necessary information for the success of the event.

Competitors and drivers are responsible for the running of
their email address in case of absence or poor reception
of the information.

In case of a change in the email address of a competitor or
driver, it will be mandatory to inform sports management
at this e-mail address: as
soon as the change is effective.

                                                                      SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   10

3.1 - VEHICLE PERMITTED                                      3.2 - USE OF TIRES

The driver’s participation is authorized only if driving:    NISSAN MICRA CUP imposes a limitation on the
                                                             number of tires that are use. At each event a competitor
Model S 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 NISSAN               may register 4 slick tires that he wants to use during this
MICRA, complying with technical regulations of the           event. The supplied tires at given at the purchase of a
2019 NISSAN MICRA CUP.                                       car and the registered tires for a past event can also be
                                                             used. NISSAN MICRA CUP will keep a log of these tires.
Vehicles must imperatively present the official decals
of the NISSAN MICRA CUP in accordance with the               The driver will be responsible for the concordance
identification plan annexed to the technical regulations     between the registration barcode included in the
                                                             registration card and those placed on the tires of his
All vehicles must necessarily have undergone initial         car. The driver or one of his crew must give a list of
scrutineering.                                               registered tires before the first qualifying session.

3.1.1 Vehicle change                                         It will be under the responsibility of the driver to present
                                                             a car equipped with tires that show barcodes, and that
Vehicle change in between qualifying and race is             can sustain participation to a free practice, to qualifying
forbidden.                                                   sessions and races safely. Otherwise, he could be
                                                             prohibited to go on track.
However, the change of the vehicle between the races is
allowed provided:                                            A barcode not appearing in the individual log is a
                                                             technical infringement.
  • Following an accident, the registered vehicle is
    declared irreparable by the scrutineering officials      Registered barcodes must be made visible by the
    before the beginning time of the false grid of the       competitor for controls.
    next race.
                                                             In case of damage of one or more slick tires, by the
  • The technical inspector and the series steward           technical inspector, and upon the approval of the series
    may give their approval after a new vehicle has          steward. The competitor will have the opportunity to
    passed the preliminary scrutineering. The series         use one or two unregistered slick tires on the front axle
    steward remains free arbiter of the relevance and        only if he doesn’t have enough tires with the wear that
    sporting fairness to grant a change of vehicle.          would allow a safe second race. In this case, a penalty
                                                             of ten (10) places on the starting grid will be given to
  • A competitor cannot take the start of the next           the driver. For safety reasons, the change of tires should
    race with a new vehicle without the agreement of         be done at least thirty (30) minutes before the opening
    the technical inspector who will verify the              of the false grid.
    compliance with the definition of the NISSAN

The vehicle change will necessarily mean that this vehicle
will have to start from the back of the pack for the race
or the two races, all this subject to the agreement of the
series steward.

                                                                     SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   11
3.2.1 Use of rain tires                                           3.4 - TRANSPONDER

The use of rain tires is only valid for the complete set of       An AMB type transponder, model Trans X260 or the
tires, a set of mixed tires (rain and slick) is not authorized.   equivalent should equip every racing car. The number of
The number of tires per weekend is free.                          the transponder as to be given to scrutineering at every
Each driver is free and responsible for choosing his set of
tires. The sport management reserves the right to impose          The transponder should be installed in the front of the
rain tires because of weather conditions, however if such         car without exceeding the radiator support.
a decision is taken the teams will be informed at least
45 minutes before the session.                                    The driver is responsible for the installation and proper
                                                                  operation of the transponder. No time will be shown if
Change of tires are not permitted on the false grid. The          the transponder is not properly working during qualifying
drivers that wishes to change tires will have to do so            sessions.
before coming to the false grid or in the pits.

At the start of a race, the driver that will have change is       3.5 - CAMERAS
tires in the pits, will start from the pit lane behind the
pack.                                                             360-degree cameras sold by the series will be mandatory
                                                                  for 2019, the series could take over the system during
                                                                  the season.
                                                                  Additional cameras may be install by teams, provided
All original spare parts must to be acquired from an              they are securely attached.
authorized NISSAN dealer.
                                                                  Officials will use these images to analyze the track
Competitors may use used parts only if they are able to           actions and if appropriate, treat various incidents on the
provide the series with their provenance associated with          track. Refusal to provide these images will be considered
a compatible car serial number.                                   a violation of this regulation.

All competition spare parts must to be acquired from JD
PROMOTION ET COMPÉTITION INC.                                     3.6 - COMPETITION NUMBER

The authorized lubricants MOBIL must be acquired from             NISSAN MICRA CUP will assign to each driver a race
JD PROMOTION ET COMPÉTITION INC.                                  competition number for the current year.

It is mandatory for competitors to acquire tires from             No changes will be authorized.
                                                                  The assignment of numbers is left to the discretion of
A staff person from JD PROMOTION ET COMPÉ-TITION                  the series.
present at the tracks (race week ends).                           A specific number can be asked by a competitor in
                                                                  writing (email) except for the number one (1) is assigned
The use of spare parts not originating from NISSAN                to the champion of the previous year of NISSAN MICRA
will be consider as a technical infringement. The only            CUP.
exception is the windshield.

                                                                          SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   12
NISSAN MICRA CUP shall not be bound by the request
made by the competitor.

Only competition numbers respecting the 2019
identification plan will be allowed. They will have to be
installed as the attached identification plan.

The presence of competition numbers is mandatory at
all times, including during collective testing.

Any competitor who does not comply with this article on
the competition numbers will be denied the access to
the qualifying sessions and the race, and may be subject
to a financial penalty.

The only authorized font is the one specified by the


The names of the driver must be affixed on the body
based on the identification plan annexed to the technical

                                                            SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   13

Strict compliance with this section is mandatory for the      NISSAN MICRA CUP shall necessarily affix all official
duration of an event, but also in collective testing by       patches on his suit at the proper locations specified
NISSAN MICRA CUP or private testing preceding the             in the technical regulation appendix.This suit shall be
event.                                                        red and comply with FIA or SFI standards. The official
                                                              patches of the series shall be embroidered or sewn on
4.1 - PUBLICITY ON THE CARS                                   the suit.

Cars must constantly bear identifications and stickers        Failure to do so could result in sanctions and to the
specified in the technical regulation appendix. They          exclusion of the event.
will be placed in the spaces provided based on the
identification plan.                                          The drivers will have the opportunity to affix badges or
                                                              other embroidery provided they do not overlap those
Under no circumstances, identification of vehicles            defined by the NISSAN MICRA CUP.
defined by NISSAN MICRA CUP can be changed.
                                                              During the podium ceremonies, the driver agrees to
NISSAN MICRA CUP, will provide a set of stickers at           bear all the identifications that will be handed to him
the beginning of the season. Then, the production of          by NISSAN MICRA CUP.
extra or damaged stickers will be the responsibility
of the competitor. The only authorized font is the one
supplied by the NISSAN MICRA CUP.                             4.3 - EXPLOITATION RIGHTS

The drivers will be able to affix other ads on other areas    NISSAN MICRA CUP and partners and sponsors of
than those reserved for NISSAN MICRA CUP.                     the NISSAN MICRA CUP reserves the right to exploit
                                                              for advertising, promotional or commercial the names
NISSAN MICRA CUP reserves the right to add other              and sports results of the competitors and drivers in this
partners to the list in appendix.                             discipline, and any picture / voice and image, without
                                                              their permission and without paying particular rights or
                                                              fees. All drivers and competitors by registering therefore
4.2 - PUBLICITY ON THE DRIVER’S SUIT                          undertake to authorize the organizing committee to
                                                              use freely all information and images related to their
When buying a car, a driver’s suit is supplied by             participation in an event of the series, and to assign this
NISSAN MICRA CUP, that is to say, the competitor              right to third parties without limit in time or of any kind.
must wear the official NISSAN MICRA CUP driver’s
suit, from pre-season testing. This suit will comply with
FIA or SFI standards

NISSAN MICRA CUP could allow a driver to participate
in a race without the provided suit. A driver involved in a
race and that does not have a suit that was supplied by

                                                                      SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   14

5.1 - DEFINITIONS                                           No competitor or driver may participate in a qualifying
                                                            session or a race without having previously met all the
  • Event: an event has administrative (registration)       requirements of administrative checks.
    and technical checks, free practice, qualifying
    sessions and one or more races.                         5.2.3 Initial scrutineering

  • Free practice: Optional test session incorporated       Car :
    in an event (inevitably place after the sporting and
    technical checks).                                        • Initial scrutineering of the car will be made in the
                                                                technical inspection paddock area or at the
  • Private testing: Track days preceding all the               location allocated to the team in the paddock.
    administrative and technical checks. Private
    testing is not part of the event.                         • A car that did not show up at the preliminary
                                                                scrutineering will not be permitted in taking part to
  • Collective tests: practice sessions organized by the        the event.
                                                              • The presentation of the car to the preliminary
                                                                scrutineering will be deemed an implicit statement
5.2 - VERIFICATIONS                                             of compliance by the competitor.

5.2.1 General                                                 • The competitor shall be responsible for the
                                                                compliance of the spare parts installed on his
Only drivers who received their registration confirmation       car; he will have to ensure their technical
will be able to present oneself to verification. This           compliance before use.
confirmation will be sent by email only.
                                                              • Initial scrutineering of the car may be conducted
Only drivers and cars that meet the administrative              outside the presence of the competitor and the
and technical checks will be allowed to participate in          driver.
                                                              • The car shall be presented ready to go on track
Any delay in presenting oneself to the verifications            complying with the identification plan attached.
(administrative and / or technical) must be sanctioned
by a financial penalty imposed by the series steward.         • Only security features are covered by the initial
5.2.2 Administrative verifications
                                                            Repairs :
To participate in an event, the driver should have sent
his registration form (s) to JD Promotion et Compétition      • Any repairs to the chassis must be the subject of a
Inc. accompanied with a check, payable to and the               written statement from the competitor to the
amount are described in section 2.5 of this regulation.         NISSAN MICRA CUP officials. It will be indicated
                                                                in the vehicle log book.
  • Each driver (or designee) should present himself
    at the hours and accreditation places provided on
    the schedules communicated by NISSAN MICRA
    CUP before each event, with the following
    documents: License, driver’s and car’s logbooks,
    list of crews.

                                                                    SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   15
• Any car which, after being approved by the              5.3 - TECHNICAL INSPECTION ON ARRIVAL
    technical inspector, is dismantled or modified in a
    way that might affect its safety or call into           5.3.1 General principles :
    question its eligibility, or which is involved in an
    accident with similar consequences, must be             Any cars involved in an accident can be, as asked by the
    reintroduced to the technical scrutineering for         race director or series steward, stopped and inspected.
                                                            The technical inspectors can, with the written approval
Seals :                                                     of the race director or the series steward, initiate any of
                                                            the following:
  • The engine and gearbox are sealed by the series,
    the presence of these seals is mandatory at all           • Verify compliance of a vehicle or of a competitor at
    time. (see technical regulations).                          any time during the event.

  • Additional elements can be sealed at any time of          • Require that the vehicle be dismantled by the
    an event. These seals must remain intact until the          competitor to ensure that the admission
    approval of the NISSAN MICRA CUP technical                  requirements, compliance and security are fully
    inspector to take them off.                                 respected.

  • The condition of the seals is the competitor’s            • Require that a competitor provides sample or piece
    responsibility; the absence or deterioration will           they deem necessary.
    lead to a request for disciplinary action with ASQ,
    notwithstanding the decision of the stewards. The       After each free practice, qualifying session and after
    penalty can go up to the exclusion of the NISSAN        each race, the cars designated by series officials will
    MICRA CUP for two years.                                be controlled at all points of compliance may deem
                                                            relevant. At any time and at their sole discretion, they
  • The presence of seals is only a presumption of          may increase the number of cars designated for them to
    conformity. Under no circumstances can they             be subject to compliance checks.
    guarantee the accuracy of the vehicle. In case of
    non-compliance found, the presence of seals can         Any competitor who refuses to submit to technical
    not be used as a defense.                               inspection will be excluded from the event and the
                                                            NISSAN MICRA CUP.
Any violation of this rule may result in the exclusion of
the driver and/or competitor from NISSAN MICRA CUP          Technical inspections will be carried out after the finish
Series.                                                     in the presence of the competitor or his representative.
                                                            In the absence of the competitor or his representative
Driver :                                                    at a duly advertised technical inspection, any claim
                                                            concerning this inspection will be inadmissible.
When going to scrutineering, the driver should have
with him is driver’s suit: suit, underwear that covers      Furthermore, if the steward deems it necessary, the
the entire body, his socks, his hood, his helmet, and       collaboration of two mechanics designated by the
his HANS’s device or authorized equivalent. The use of      competitor or his representative may be required for
these equipment’s is mandatory for practices, qualifying    disassembly.
and races.
                                                            The driver and / or the competitor will be held accountable
                                                            for the compliance of the spare parts mounted on his
                                                            car; he will have to ensure their technical compliance
                                                            before use.

                                                                    SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   16
The cost of dismantling and reassembly are entirely the        • The technical control can be done by comparing
responsibility of the competitor.                                the controlled parts and the same original new
Disassembly provided by the competitor is not subject
to a time limit, but a disassembly which would take            • No claim can be made as to the origin of the parts
time considered unreasonable by the stewards would be            removed.
considered a refusal to submit to technical inspection
and will be punished as such.                                  • The removed parts, declared non-compliant, will
                                                                 be retained by the organizing committee and will
If a car is found not to conform to the technical                not be replaced by NISSAN MICRA CUP.
regulations, the lack of performance gain will never be
regarded as a valid part of defense.                           • The removed parts, declared compliant, will be
                                                                 rendered, or could be replaced with new parts
A driver and / or a competitor excluded once for breach          identical by NISSAN MICRA CUP.
of technical regulations will be fined in the amount of
$ 1,500.
                                                             5.4 - QUALIFICATION
A driver and / or a competitor excluded a second time
for violation of technical regulation is at least excluded   5.4.1 False grid
from the classification of the NISSAN MICRA CUP for
the current year.                                            It is mandatory to be on to the false grid 20 minutes
                                                             before the time limit.
5.3.2 Presence allowed
                                                             5.4.2 Qualifying sessions
Technical inspections at the end of the events can be
made in the presence:                                        Running of qualifying sessions.

  • NISSAN MICRA CUP representative.                         The qualifying sessions are held as follows:
  • ASQ officials.
  • Competitors and drivers.                                   • The first fastest time of the qualifying session for
  • In case of disassembly, two mechanics maximum,               each driver will determine the starting grid for race
    appointed by the competitor.                                 #1

In the absence of the competitor or his representative         • The second fastest time of the qualifying session
at a duly advertised technical inspection, any claim             for each driver will determine the starting grid for
concerning this inspection will be inadmissible.                 race # 2

5.3.3 Parts sampling                                           • This procedure will apply only to those tracks
                                                                 where it will not possible to obtain two separate
  • With the agreement of the steward, technical                 qualifying sessions.
    inspectors should collect and retain one or more
    parts of the car to control them after qualifying          • Any tie will be separated by the 2nd best time of
    sessions or races. In this perspective, they may             each qualifying session and so on.
    also identify any car part. In this case, the
    competitor can only replace the item after               Refueling is prohibited during the duration of the session.
    authorization of the technical inspectors that retain
    the ability to control the item.                         NISSAN MICRA CUP reserves the right, for any
                                                             exceptional reasons to change the qualifying sessions

                                                                     SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   17
Unqualified competitors :                                      5.6 - RACE

As long as the maximum number of cars allowed to take          5.6.1 Two races event
the start of a race on a given track is not exceeded,
drivers who could not qualifiy for the race may be             The NISSAN MICRA CUP events, will be held in two
allowed to sit on the starting grid at the discretion of the   40 minutes races wherever possible otherwise the race
steward. Drivers, and additional cars cannot be allowed        format will be 30 minutes.
on the grid unless the following conditions are met:
                                                               It is the responsibility of the race director to make sure
a) Neither drivers nor qualified cars will be adversely        the time schedule is followed and the NISSAN MICRA
affected if additional drivers and cars are allowed on the     CUP must submit to it. In the event that a race would
starting grid.                                                 be shortened because of lack of time, the drivers will
                                                               be notified as soon as possible before or during the
b) Additional drivers must have complete knowledge of          race. The shortened race will be considered complete
the race track and general safety instructions.                and rankings points will be awarded in full.

c) Additional cars will always be placed in the last           5.6.2 Starting procedures
position at the back of the grid. If several competitors
have no qualifying time, free will is given to the steward     Principle: 2019 NISSAN MICRA CUP races will be a
to determine the order in which they will be placed in         rolling start.
the grid.
                                                               One pace lap will take place behind the safety car unless
                                                               otherwise indicated.
                                                               Intervention on the false grid:
Drivers meetings will take place in each event. The place
and time of the meetings will be communicated prior to           • Interventions on false grid are limited to security
the event.                                                         interventions like adjustment of safety harness,
                                                                   wheels torque check, fastening body parts. No work
A driver or a team representative must necessarily                 on red flag situation.
attend all the meetings. It is strongly recommended that
all drivers of a crew and at least one representative from       • No other settings or mechanical intervention are
each team are present.                                             allowed.

The steward will penalize any absence or late arrival
to the meetings with a fine of 50.00 for late show and
100.00 for no show.

NISSAN MICRA CUP can also organize occasional
meetings that will also be mandatory and subject to the
same penalties.

                                                                       SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   18
5.7 - PARC FERMÉ                                                5.8 - PODIUM CEREMONY

At the presentation of the checkered flag of all track          The drivers finishing first, second and third positions
sessions some cars could be placed under the “parc              overall and in the senior class, as well as the rookie
fermé”. Officials then communicate the number of                class, must participate in the awards ceremony on the
designated cars to be conducted at the NISSAN MICRA             podium and immediately make themselves available for
CUP technical inspection.                                       media needs.

As long as the parc fermé is operational, the rules of
parc fermé apply in the area between the finish line and        5.9 - DRUGS AND ALCOHOL USAGE
the entrance to the parc fermé.
                                                                Alcoholic beverage consumption by any participant is
The cars placed in the technical inspection area are            expressly prohibited until the series track sessions are
under parc fermé rules.                                         over.

The rules of parc fermé take effect at the end of the           For all participants involved in a dispute or request for
qualifying sessions and races as soon as the checkered          review, the consumption of alcohol will be prohibited
flag is presented at the finish line. At this time, on the      until the end of the dispute or the publication of the
pit lane, if a car has issues that are being repair, any        official results.
intervention on the car should be stopped immediately
and it is up to the driver to comply with the instructions      The use of any narcotic or illegal substance as defined in
of the officials to drive his car directly in the parc fermé.   the law, or misuse of legal substances of any participant
                                                                before or during a competition, is expressly prohibited.
All cars placed in “parc fermé” must go directly to
the parc fermé without stopping, without receiving              Consumption of Cannabis products before and during
any object whatsoever and without any assistance                competitions is expressly prohibited.
(except that of officials, if necessary), and must remain
available to the stewards and scrutineers.                      Alcohol and drug testing may be conducted at any time
                                                                during competitions.
In the parc fermé, drivers must park their vehicle the
correct way and follow the instructions of the officials.

Only officials of the NISSAN MICRA CUP have the right
to be inside the parc fermé.

Weigh procedure :

A car that, after weighing, would be lighter than the
specified minimum weight to the technical regulations
will be immediately weighed a second time. The officials
weight recorded shall be the higher of the two.

End of parc fermé :

  • For vehicles subject to conformity checks the end
    of the parc fermé will be by decision of the
    technical inspectors of the NISSAN MICRA CUP.

                                                                        SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   19

6.1 - GENERAL                                               6.2 - EXCLUSIONS

All infringement :                                          If a driver is excluded from a session or event, for
                                                            sporting or technical reasons, he cannot claim any
  • NISSAN MICRA CUP general rules.                         allocation of points or any endowment or for any prizes
                                                            for the session or for the concerned event.
  • NISSAN MICRA CUP technical regulations.
                                                            In addition, depending on the seriousness of the
  • NISSAN MICRA CUP annexes, technical and                 misconduct, enrollment in the following events may be
    sporting bulletins.
                                                            refused in accordance with Article 2.4.
  • In the supplementary regulations of the event
    concerned.                                              The exclusion of a driver or a competitor may be
                                                            grounds for refusal of coming entry in NISSAN MICRA
  • ASQ sporting code.                                      CUP Series for a maximum period of 2 years.
  • Race director’s instructions.

  • Series steward’s instructions.                          6.3 - DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS

Will be submit to the series steward.                       Any finding of an incident in the paddock and on the
Particular attention will be given to the behavior on the
track. When overtaking or passing attempt, it is up to        • Proceedings of provocations of all kinds.
all drivers to try to avoid contact between the cars. A
breach of this rule will be considered an offense.            • Verbal or other threats.

                                                              • Unsporting behavior or inconsistent with the spirit
In case of infringement, unsportsmanlike conduct or
                                                                of the NISSAN MICRA CUP.
failure to comply flags or instructions given by the
officials, the steward may impose on any driver involved      • Failure to moral and sporting ethics.
in an incident the following penalties:
                                                              • Nuisance to the best interests of motor sport.
  • A drop of position in the ranking of the race in
                                                              • Moral or material prejudice suffered by NISSAN
                                                                MICRA CUP by a member of a team, driver or
  • A drop of position on the starting grid for a later
    race held by the driver.

  • A mandatory drive thru in pit lane.

  • A mandatory stop and go in pit lane.

  • An exclusion.

  • A financial penalty (fine).

  • A lost of time penalty.

A chart of penalties will be produced in series bulletin
at the beginning of the season.

                                                                    SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   20
May be subject to the following penalties:
                                                           The registration form signed by the driver in the early
  • Warning and probation period whose length will be      season is a contract between the driver and NISSAN
    defined by NISSAN MICRA CUP.                           MICRA CUP. The driver is committed to respect all
                                                           points of this regulation. In case of non-compliance,
  • Refusal to register at the following event for the     financial penalties may be imposed by NISSAN MICRA
    competitor concerned by the actions of those           CUP.
    around him or his team.

  • Exclusion from the ongoing event for the
    competitor or driver concerned by the actions of
    his entourage or his team. If a driver is excluded
    from a session or event, he cannot claim any
    allocation of points or any bonus for the session or
    concerned event.

  • Removal of bonuses for the event for the driver
    directly or indirectly bound by the actions of his
    entourage or his team.

  • Immediate exclusion of the team and / or driver
    from NISSAN MICRA CUP championship for a
    period of up to 2 years.

NISSAN MICRA CUP officials will be designated and
authorized to note any infringement.

                                                                   SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   21


Points are awarded at each event. All drivers who start-
ed the race will be ranked.

The distribution of points will be the same for races of
30 or 40 minutes.

7.1.1 Points distribution

The 30 highest-ranked drivers will be awarded points
for races counting for the 2019 NISSAN MICRA CUP
according to the following scale:

  1st        40          2nd        36          3rd        32          4th            28             5th            24
  6th        20          7th        18          8th        16          9th            14             10th           12
  11th       10          12th       9           13th       8           14th           7              15th           6
  16th       5           17th       4           18th       3           19th           3              20th           3
  21st       2           22nd       2           23rd       2           24th           2              25th           2
  26th       1           27th       1           28th       1           29th           1              30th           1

  • The driver having achieved the pole position for        7.1.2 - General standing after each event
    each race will score 2 points.
                                                            Will be obtained by adding the points awarded to the
  • The driver having achieved the fastest lap during       previous races and the application of Article 7.1.1
    each race will score 2 points.
                                                            7.1.3 Team standing
All drivers who started the races will be listed in the
standings.                                                  A team ranking, using the competition number, will be
                                                            obtained by adding the points in previous races and by
Full points and finish bonuses will only be allocated if    the application of Article 7.1.1.
a race is stopped after 65% of the scheduled distance
or time.

If a race has to be stopped by Race Control between the
second lap and the achievement of 65% of the sched-
uled distance or time, only 50% of points and bonuses
will be awarded at arrival.

                                                                    SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   22
7.2 NISSAN MICRA CUP 2019                                   7.3 ROOKIE CATEGORY

The final ranking of the 2019 NISSAN MICRA CUP              A ranking points can be is established on the same
will be determined by adding all the results of events to   principles as Articles 7.1 & 7.2.
which the contestant has participated.
                                                            Will be eligible for the rookie category, any driver not
The winner will be the driver with the maximum points.      having a full year of car racing experience on asphalt.
                                                            However, the organizing committee reserves the right
The final ranking by team for the 2019 NISSAN MICRA         to refuse an entry in the rookie category, based on his
CUP will be determined by adding all the results of         previous results of the concerned competitor. Drivers
events to which the team has participated.                  that won’t be admit in the rookie category of the NISSAN
                                                            MICRA CUP, will be ranked in the general standing.
The winner will be the team with the maximum points.
                                                            The NISSAN MICRA CUP final ranking of the rookie
7.2.1 Ex aequo                                              category will be establish by adding all the points obtain
                                                            following the final results of the NISSAN MICRA CUP
If multiple drivers have the same number of points,         2019 events.
NISSAN MICRA CUP organizers will ranked them based
on:                                                         NISSAN MICRA CUP 2019 rookie category winner will
                                                            be the driver with the maximum points.
  • The quality of the obtained places (1st place,
    then 2nd place, etc.).
                                                            7.4 SENIOR CATEGORY
  • The priority of the best place obtained.
                                                            Will be eligible for this ranking any driver who is 40
  • Any other consideration they deem appropriate           years and older at the start of the season.
    if the quality of the places obtained cannot
    separate them.                                          The final ranking of the Senior class, will be established
                                                            by summing all the points obtained Following the results
                                                            of the season 2019.

                                                                     SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   23


Prizes and awards may be awarded to drivers. They will
be announced later in an official bulletin.

Only drivers who have made 65% of the distance will be
eligible for the award of prizes and awards.

To qualify for these awards, drivers should not have been
excluded from the race or concerned event.

Full points and awards will only be allocated if the race
is stopped after 65% of the scheduled distance or time.

If the race has to be stopped by Race Control between
the second lap and the achievement of 65% of the
scheduled distance or time, only 50% of points and
bonuses will be awarded at arrival.



The French version of the final text of the SPORTS
REGULATIONS and the terminology shall prevail in case
of dispute

                                                            SPORTS REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   24

       TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   25

Anything that is not explicitly authorized in these
regulations and in technical bulletins issued by NISSAN

All of these documents will be submitted by email to
each competitor registered for the 2019 NISSAN MICRA

All of these documents are also made available on the

IMPORTANT: The competitor must ensure that all
technical staff that may examine or inspect the
team car has all necessary technical documents for
examination or inspection of the car in compliance
of this regulation. Ignorance of a technical paper
published by the NISSAN MICRA CUP during the
season will not be accepted as a defense. The driver
and competitor will be held responsible at all times to
ensure the compliance of their car to the regulations.
Only the measuring instruments for measuring size,
weight, pressure or capacity used by the technical
inspectors of the NISSAN MICRA CUP shall prevail. No
dispute is allowed. These instruments may be available
to competitors for their own measurements, or to
calibrate their own measurement instruments, until the
opening of the false grid for qualifying.

                                                          TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   26

                                                               1.4 - DATA ACQUISITION
NISSAN Micra S 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and
2019 marketed by JD Promotion et Compétition Inc.,             Onboard data recording system. This system connects to
in compliance with the present technical regulation.           a computer for the recovery and analysis of the recorded
Vehicles built from parts or collections of parts are not      data only.

                                                               1.5 - NEW TIRES
1.2 – EVENT
                                                               Tires that never been use or have little use (definition of
An event shall consist of free practices, one or two           “little use” as per the technical inspectors) and that were
qualifying sessions, and one /or more race (s). An event       never recorded in the NISSAN MICRA CUP.
begins with the start of preliminary technical inspections
and ends at the finish of the protest period following the
last race.                                                     1.6 - USED TIRES

                                                               Tires previously used, but the wear condition still allows
1.3 - MINIMUM COMPETITION WEIGHT                               use in competition (assessing the degree of wear accruing
                                                               to technical inspectors), or tires already registered in a
The minimum competition weight 2410 pounds or                  previous event for the same car.
1094 kg, is the weight of the car, after its participation
in qualifying or a race, including the weight of the driver.
This excludes any servicing, modification or addition.

                                                                     TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   27

No car may take part in an event before it has been          • Installation of a MIA roll cage.
inspected and approved (beforehand) by the technical         • Installation of a 5 point OMP safety harness.
                                                             • Installation of a driver side safety net.
At any time during the event, technical inspectors can:      • Installation of a kill switch.
                                                             • Installation of racing pedals.
  • Check the compliance of a car.
                                                             • Installation of MIA front left floor panel.
  • Require that a car, or a specific component of the       • Installation of camber bolts
    car be dismantled by the competitor to                   • Replacing of front brake pads with racing pads.
    ensure that the conditions of eligibility or confor      • Replacing the air filter housing with a filter and a
    mity fully in compliance.                                  less restrictive type MIA inlet tube.
  • Require from a competitor to provide any sample          • Replacement of the hood restraint system by hood
    or any part or component or stored data they may           pins.
    deem necessary.                                          • Installation of a front tow hook.
                                                             • Replacement of front brake lines by braided steel
Confirmation of technical controls compliance will be          lines.
carried out by series authorized technical inspectors.
                                                             • Replacement of ARP wheel studs
                                                             • Replacement of the exhaust system by MIA system
2.1 - TECHNICAL REGULATION PRINCIPLES                          with CORTEK muffler.
                                                             • Replacement of shocks and springs suspension
The parts constituting the NISSAN MICRA CUP are                decided by the series.
divided into two classes.
                                                             • Installation of brake cooling air ducts
                                                               (IN OPTION)
CLASS « A »: No changes are allowed. The parts in this
class must remain in their original position and perform
                                                           (In case of replacement, these parts are solely acquired
the functions for which they were intended. These parts
                                                           from JD Promotion et Compétition Inc.)
are factory original from NISSAN. Modified or non-
original parts are prohibited.

CLASS « B »: Only changes made by the team MIA
(Motorsport In Action) before delivery of the car are

  • Removal of trim of the cockpit, seats, carpets.
  • Replacement with a steering wheel adapter and
    OMP steering wheel.
  • Replacement of door panels by MIA panels.
  • Installation of OMP racing seat.
  • Installation of a fire extinguishing system.

                                                                TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   28
Locations of the seals on the engine:                         2.3 - REPAIRS

  • # 1 Lower driver’s side: Bell housing -                   Any work on the car must be carried out according to
    intake manifold - thermostat housing.                     the methods defined by the various technical documents
                                                              issued by NISSAN and in compliance with these
  • # 2 Upper passenger side:                                 regulations, in order to maintain the configuration of
    Cylinder head cover – timing cover.                       the original car. Any spare part mounted must meet the
                                                              criteria related to the categories mentioned above that
  • # 3 Lower passenger side:                                 contains the replaced part. The class “A” parts must be
    Bottom of the timing cover - the exhaust manifold.        genuine NISSAN and must be in the parts catalog for
                                                              NISSAN MICRA.
  • # 4 Lower driver’s side: Bell housing - oil pan.
                                                              IMPORTANT NOTES:
(In case of a broken seal or replacement of a seal
element, it will be the responsibility of the competitor      1) The driver, the entrant and the team, are held
to notify the NISSAN MICRA CUP officials to get the           accountable for the ongoing compliance of the car and
proper procedure for reseal).                                 the mounted and used spare parts and ensure technical
                                                              compliance before use.
                                                              2) Any original replacement part that does not meet
All fasteners are free, provided they meet the following      the same standard as the part it replaces without
criteria:                                                     modification shall in NO CIRCUMSTANCES be used
                                                              and must be exchanged with the NISSAN dealer after
  - The original diameter.                                    informing the technical inspector of the NISSAN MICRA
  - The original thread path.                                 CUP.
  - The original material (example: a steel bolt can only
    be replaced by a steel bolt to the exclusion of any       3) During an event, any car which, after being approved
    other material).                                          by the technical inspectors has been repaired or
  - The original minimum mechanical properties                modified in such a way that it might affect its safety or
    should be maintained (example: a bolt quality             call into question its compliance, or would have been
    8.8 may be replaced by a quality of bolt 10.8, but        involved in an accident with similar consequences
    the opposite is not allowed)                              must be resubmitted to the technical inspectors of
                                                              the NISSAN MICRA CUP by the competitor for a new

The cars of the NISSAN MICRA CUP must fully comply            2.4 – LOG BOOK
with these regulations for the entire duration of an event.
The driver, his entrant and the team are responsible for      Technical Inspectors in charge of the NISSAN MICRA
the ongoing technical compliance of the car.                  CUP issue a log book at the time of initial inspection of
                                                              the vehicle. This log book remains with the technical
                                                              inspectors for the NISSAN MICRA CUP. If necessary, it
                                                              may be given to the competitor on request, but must be
                                                              promptly returned to the technical inspectors.

                                                                   TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   29

It is allowed to paint the body parts on the inner and        3.2 - WINDOWS
outer surfaces with the exception of the radiator grill,
provided they respect the contracts with the partners of      All windows must be present at all times.
the 2019 NISSAN MICRA CUP and the identification
plan as specified in the sporting regulations.                The windows cannot be painted.

                                                              The front driver window must be completely lowered.
      OR REPAIR OF WELDED PARTS ON THE BODY                   The front side windows passenger window must be
                                                              completely lowered or completely raised.
In all circumstances, the operations of replacement or
repair of body parts must be carried out according to         The rear side windows must be fully raised.
the methods defined by NISSAN and as described in the
2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 repair manual of              Windshield: a windshield with too many impacts or
the NISSAN MICRA “road” version. Any car that would           whose inner glass sheet is broken must be replaced.
present traces of reinforcement in the connecting areas
of welded parts will be considered non-compliant with
the regulations of the NISSAN MICRA CUP. The use of
duct or similar tape to repair body parts is subject to
the approval of the technical inspectors. The duct tape
can be permitted for the repair of the body only when
the time between sessions does not allow a complete
repair. The attachment of body parts together with duct
or similar tape is subject to the approval of the technical
inspectors of the NISSAN MICRA CUP.

The use of such tape for a purpose other than temporary
repair of a body part as specified above is prohibited.

                                                                   TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   30

4.1 - COMPETITION WEIGHT                                    4.3 - ADDITIONS AFTER THE RACE AND
The minimum competition weight is 2410 pounds or
1094 kg. This weight is as defined in section 1.3.          Unless specifically authorized by a technical inspector,
                                                            after a qualifying and/or a race, the addition of any liquid
                                                            or other material whatsoever is prohibited until the end
4.2 - BALLAST                                               of the protest period following the qualifying sessions or
Below this weight of 2410 pounds or 1094 kg, it is
mandatory to add (one or more) ballast, and that ballast
must be secured by at least by two (2) of bolts. The        4.4 - WEIGHING
ballast will be located on the floor behind the driver’s
seat. The presence of the ballast is the competitor’s       In addition to the competitor or his representative, only
responsibility.                                             the technical inspectors and officials may enter the
                                                            weighting area. No intervention of any kind is allowed
                                                            in this area unless it has been specifically permitted by
                                                            the officials.


5.1 - AUTHORIZED ENGINE                                     5.3 - EXHAUST

Only the original engine for the NISSAN MICRA is            Mandatory use of the original exhaust system for the
allowed. In case of replacement, only a new engine or       NISSAN MICRA CUP is required. The catalytic converter
used engine with traceable proof of the same model and      should be in place and in working order, without change
type will be allowed. It must come from a NISSAN dealer     and free of defects.
and be sealed by NISSAN MICRA CUP the technical
inspectors before being installed.


In case of the absence or alteration of one or more seals
in the Preliminary technical controls, Technical controls
instructions for compliance, up to the replacement of
the engine, will be communicated to the competitor
by technical inspectors of CUP NISSAN MICRA. The
cost of compliance is then the responsibility of the
competitor. During the event (practices, qualifying
sessions and races) the absence of a seal (s) will be
considered as a technical nonconformity.

                                                                  TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   31

Fuel lines and the fuel tank are original equipment for the
NISSAN MICRA and that are as included in the 2015,
2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 spare parts catalog.

Any storage of fuel on board the car at a lower temperature
than 10 ° C of the room temperature is prohibited.

The use of a specific device, whether or not on board the
car, to reduce the fuel temperature below the ambient
temperature is forbidden.


  • Refueling is prohibited during qualifying or the race.
  • Any refueling on the false grid or the starting grid
    is prohibited.


Engine lubricant:

The only authorized motor oil is the
Mobil: Mobil racing Track use only 0W-30 provided by
the series.

Any oil additive is strictly forbidden.

Ethylene glycol type antifreeze is prohibited. Only water
and a type of anti overheat additive are authorized.

The only authorized brake fluid is the:
Mobil 1: Red Line RL-600.

The only lubricant for the gear box is allowed is the
Mobil 1: Synthetic Gear Lubricant 75W-90 LS.

                                                              TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   32

NB: On delivery, the gearbox contains original oil. It will
be possible to use a more efficient replacement oil. The
only one that will be allowed is the Mobil 1: Synthetic
Gear Lubricant 75W-90 LS.

Maintenance and repairs will be made according to
the methods defined by NISSAN in the repair manual
NISSAN MICRA 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

Reverse should be in working order on the vehicle. The
transmission ratio must remain original.


Any modifications other than those made by MIA
(Motorsport in Action) before the delivery of the car are
strictly prohibited.

The use of the original OMP steering wheel is mandatory.


The camber and the toe are free without modification
to the parts provided by the series, however the caster
cannot be modified.

No other parts than those delivered with the vehicle
can be added with the exception of adjustment shims
for the rear.

                                                              TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   33

Any modifications other than those made by MIA
(Motorsport in Action) before the delivery of the car are
strictly prohibited. Except for the optional brake cooling

Front brake pads must be acquired from JD Promotion
et Compétition Inc.

Only Hawk brake pads of the series are allowed.


11.1 - WHEELS

Mandatory use of the original wheels, as delivered, and
as replacement parts for the NISSAN MICRA CUP.

Dimensions: 15 x 7

11.2 - TIRES

Only PIRELLI tires are permitted

• Slick tires: 190-580 x 15 Product code: 249 8600

• Rain tires: 190-580 x 15 Product code : 208 6400

All modifications of tires: sculpting, retreading, or surface
treatment are prohibited.

See sporting regulations 3.2 and 3.2.1 on the use of

                                                                TECHNICAL REGULATIONS | Nissan Micra Cup | 2019 Season   34
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