Page created by Tommy Graves
                              1133 BROADWAY, MILLBRAE, CALIFORNIA 94030

Rev. Joseph Glynn, C.S.Sp. - Pastor                      BAPTISM: Sundays at 1:00 pm preceded by instruction for
Rev. Brendan Hally, C.S.Sp. - Associate Pastor           the parents and godparents. Please call the rectory for more
Rev. Diarmuid Casey, C.S.Sp. - In Residence              information.
Rev. Alwyn Furtado, C.S.Sp.- In Residence                MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the marriage preparation
Deacon Ric Cepriano
                                                         program must be made at least six months prior to the
Ann Woolen - Operations Manager
                                                         date of marriage. Call the Rectory for an appointment.
Mr. James Spray -Principal
Cindy Bruni - Music Director                             ANOINTING THE SICK: Call the rectory when you know
Cecile Toy - Faith Formation Coordinator                 of anyone who is ill at home, in the hospital, scheduled
                                                         for surgery or homebound.
Rectory/Office: 650-697-4730                             REGISTRATION IN THE PARISH: Registration forms are
FAX: 650-697-5203                                        available at or by calling
Email:                  the parish office.
School Office: 650-697-8119
Religious Education Office: 650-697-7451                 RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm in the
Music Director : 650-302-6738                            church sanctuary and by appointment at the rectory.
School Extended Care: 650-697-2231
                                                 MASS TIMES:
                          WEEKDAYS: 6:30 am, 8:00 a.m. & 5:10 pm in the church
                          SATURDAYS: 8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass) in the church
                          SUNDAYS: 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 11:30 am in the church
                          ONLINE MASS Sunday Mornings beginning at 8 am on YouTube
                          HOLY DAYS: 6:30 a.m, 8:00 a.m, 11:00 am, 5:10 pm, & 7:00 p.m.
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                   August 29, 2021
                                                   Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is
                                                              able to save your souls. — James 1:21b

                        When someone mentions laws and/or                                    St. Dunstan Parish Prayer
                        commandments, we usually think of                              God, our Father, we are all your children.
                        them as burdens that we have to bear
                                                                                       Jesus, our Brother, you taught us to love.
                        to be good citizens or church members.
                        But if you listen carefully to the first
                                                                                       Holy Spirit, by Your Light, may our parish
                      reading from Deuteronomy, you get the                            family grow. St. Dunstan, pray for us. Amen.
  sense that the laws Moses presented to the people of Israel
  were a gift from God, something to be proud of. Moses gives
                                                                        The Religious Education school year will be from September
  two reasons for this.
                                                                        14, 2021 through May 17, 2022. Classes will be held in person
  Moses presents the laws as wise and just, so much so that
                                                                        whenever possible, conforming to the mandatory Safety
  other nations would praise and envy the Israelites for having
                                                                        requirements of the government as well as of the Archdiocese
  such laws. Some of the nations around at the time had kings
                                                                        of San Francisco. Classes are held on Tuesdays with the
  who used the law to keep themselves in power and make
                                                                        following grade level schedule:
  them wealthy.
                                                                        Grade 1 – 4:00-5:00pm -- Catechist Maria Soberano
  The second reason was that they showed how much God                   Grade 2 – 5:30-6:30pm -- Catechist Tatyana Larson
  cared for his people, that he would guide them in their               Grade 3 – 5:30-6:30pm -- Catechist Maria Soberano
  everyday lives and hear their prayers. Though God is greater          Grade 4 – 4:00-5:00pm -- Catechist Sue Pallari
  than they could comprehend, he is also nearer than we think.          Grade 5 – 5:30-6:30pm -- Catechist Vaiola Kautoke
  This brings us to Jesus, who shows us the Father and who              Grade 6 - 5:30-6:30pm -- Catechist Terri Cuellar
  made the law both simpler and more challenging.                       Confirmation I – 7:00-8:30pm -- Catechists Marvin Laubacher
  Jesus simplified the laws by showing us that loving God and            and Delenne Franco
  loving our neighbors as ourselves was the basis of all God's          Confirmation II – 7:00-8:30pm -- Catechists Stephanie and
  laws. The challenge is to do more than simply avoid hurting           Roneil Urbino
  or cheating others. We are to love one another as Jesus loves
  us. That means reaching out to those in need, forgiving our                    Registration is now open! Register on line at:
  enemies, caring for the sick or dying. And don't forget about          
  loving God: How often do we even think about Him, thank
  Him for all we have, or take time to listen to Him? Do we love        Our Mission: The St. Dunstan School of Religious Education is
  Jesus so much that we want other people to know him too?              an important part of the St. Dunstan Parish Community. We
  If we are willing to accept the challenge to love God and             are dedicated to providing our students with a desire to share
  neighbor, we will not have to worry about breaking laws.              in the adventure of faith, learning, liturgy, and life. Our
                                                                        programs provide faith formation for children to grow in love,
                                                                        knowledge, appreciation, and desire to become active
                                                                        members of the Catholic Church. We are committed to helping
                                                                        parents encourage and to provide their children with a solid
Prayers of Protection for Our Men and Woman in the Service In           spiritual foundation of their Roman Catholic faith.
continued prayerful support of our men and women in the military,
please call the rectory with name, rank, and branch of service and
location (if allowed) of your loved ones who are serving our country.   NEW - IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE HYDE
                                                                        Maria Martinez-Mont, Respect Life & Gabriel Project Coordinator
Richard “Nacho” Munoz
                                                                        Office of Human Life & Dignity 415-614-5533
Christopher Bruzzone, SPC, Army Combat Medic
                                                                        BISHOPS RESPOND TO HOUSE VOTE FOR TAXPAYER-
1LT Daniel Realini, US Army
Eric M. Warren, US Air Force                                            FUNDED ABORTION. The House of Representatives voted to
Major Deron T Warren, DO, US Air Force, MC                              repeal the Hyde and Helms amendments, which would lead to
Tom Harold Purple, US Army                                              your tax dollars paying for abortions in the United States and
Adam J Helmers, US Navy                                                 overseas. It is not too late to stop taxpayer-funded abortion - sign
Gregory M Grogan, PO2, USCG-R                                           the petition at before these bills go
Michael Obregon, CPL, USMC                                              to the Senate, and spread the word!
Jesse Opalenik, US Marine Corps                                         ___________________________________________________
Luigi Lorenzo, 2nd Lieutenant US Airforce                                      MARRIAGE CONFERENCE “Together in Holiness”
Enrico Enriquez US Army
                                                                              Saturday, September 18, 2021 8:45 am to 4 pm at the
Jacob Arnold, Sergeant, US Army
                                                                              Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | Belmont, CA
Ben Soto, US Airforce
Ken Soto, US Air National Guard                                                Presented by the St. John Paul II Foundation and the
James Raphael R. Cepriano, US Navy                                         Archdiocese of San Francisco Office of Marriage and Family.
John Lorenzo R. Cepriano, US Navy                                            Registration: $59/couple, $35/individual or $15 for online
Dominic Galarza, US Army                                                                              attendance.
Michael Laemmlein, US Navy                                                   For more information, please visit
Matthew A. Martinez, 2nd Lieutenant US Army
August 29, 2021                                                                           Page 3

                                                                                                 Weekend Collection:
                                                                                                 August 21-22: $4,717.00

                                                                                               Online Giving: $1,705.50

                Aug 29 - Sept 4, 2021
                                                                                   Thank you for ALL your support!
Sunday 7:00 am For Parish
         10:00 am Pauline Chetcuti
         11:30 am Olaria Caimotto
                                                                 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
Monday    6:30 am Naita & Modesto Serrano                        Sunday: Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
          8:00 am Pete Pallari                                   Wednesday: World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
          5:10 pm Philip Begin, Jr                               Friday: St. Gregory the Great ; First Friday
                                                                 Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
Tuesday 8:00 am     Maria Caputo
        5:10 pm     Dylan Lawrence Cappel & Family
                                                                 New - Monthly Mass & Rosary Procession for Life Maria
                                                                 Martinez-Mont, Respect Life & Gabriel Project Coordinator |
Wednesday 6:30 am Peter Lynch (living)
                                                                 Office of Human Life & Dignity | 415-614-5533 |
          8:00 am Maria Kiu
          5:10 pm Quigg -Franco Family (dec)
                                                                 Saturday, September 4, 2021, 8:00 am Location: St. Mary's
Thursday 8:00 am John Farrell                                    Cathedral, 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco 94109 All are
         5:10 pm Stephan Bodeman (living)                        invited and welcome for our monthly Mass at the Cathedral
                                                                 followed by a rosary procession to the Bush Street Planned
Friday    6:30 am Epitacio Sison ,Jr                             Parenthood Clinic.
          8:00 am Peter & Frances Barulich
          5:10 pm Aubright Family (liv/dec)

Saturday 8:00 am Dagorret - Ocafrain Family (dec)
          5:00 pm Bob Keefe (dec) & Dolly Keefe (living)
__________________________________________________________                                                          ,
                                                                 Friday, September 3 is the First Friday of the month. There
  We Pray for the Deceased Members of our Parish Family          will be a Holy Hour at 7 am in the church followed by morning
                                                                 mass at 8 am.. Eucharistic Adoration will be held at 3 pm until 5
                                                                 pm, followed by evening mass at 5:10 pm. All parishioners are
                                                                 invited to attend!
Thank you to our Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers For
Serving at this Weekend’s Masses.
                                                                 Thank you to those who served as ushers and greeters at this weekend’s
Saturday                                                         masses. If you’re interested in helping, please contact Ann at the rectory.
8/28: 5:00 PM L Pascual, E Danli, P Sundberg, A Woolen,          650-697-4730.
              F Coh
8/29: 7:00 AM J Cardon, B Penner, B Albright                     We pray for the sick members of our parish family and for those
     10:00 AM T Dizon, K whitfield, E Whitfield, D Mallia,         who care for them:
              L Borromeo, K atkinson                             Susan Silvera-Dunn, Nafal Jweinat, Emily Marshall, Ursula Mendoza,
     11:30 AM S Yeo, B Vas, B Martin, C Caimotto, J Lazaro       Mary Spiteri, Annie O’Sullivan, Wilma & Heather Aragon, Kathleen Corry,
                                                                 Vonnie Spencer, Maria Teresa Rosario, Kathy Montiel, Sue Joseph, Mr &
                                                                 Mrs Figenbaum, Ida Marinaro, Anita Shoop Komula, Iris & Roger Presa,
                                                                 Doug Uthman, Letty Santa Cruz, Ann Heersink, Caoilte O’Casey, Pauline
                                                                 Bertolino, Mike Phipps, Karen Neal, Nancy Grainger, Joel Rivera, Diane
                                                                 Vanoncini, Eric B. Garcia, Peggy Winkenbach, Hugh O’Neill, Jr, Barbara
                                                                 Cappel, Cora Beloy, Theresa Vella, Pete Pallari, Irene Aubright, Christine
                                                                 Monahan, Paul Leung, Arthur Starrh, Margaret Armstrong, Valentino
                                                                 Regal, Christine Regal, Matilda An, Dora Mazzoni Cappel, Carolina Cedia
                                                                 Orantes, Lori Coustier, Carole Weldon, Rosa Mallare, Doug Wright, Joan
                                                                 Walsh, Cheryl Spray, Joseph Lofranco, Conchita Chao, Lucrecia Merida,
                                                                 Joshua Liu, Andrew de los Reyes, Marchita Obregon, Carmel Richard,
                                                                 Frank Richard, Baby Fiona Selig, Geronimo De Los Reyes, Fernando S.
                                                                 De Los Reyes, Baby Cruz David Lagomarsino, Joan Shoop Komula, Curt
                                                                 Mallegni, Dave Marquez, Denise Fricano, Terry Marquez, Dominic
                                                                 Cannuli, Olga V. Petrella, Anna Gonzales, Rosemarie Regal, Yolanda
                                                                 Viteri, Flordeliz Sanchez Ledesma, John Ball, Baby Luke Skall, Arlene
                                                                 Phipps, Willie Manalang, Julia Urruty, Carol Orfino, Consuelo Robel,
                                                                 Cathy Wilson
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