Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -

Page created by Jon Baker
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
Sainte Anne Parish
Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA
                     Salem, MA
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
Pਅ਎ਔਅਃਏਓਔ Sਕ਎਄ਁਙ                                                                                         Mਁਙ 23, 2021

                                                Sainte Anne Parish
                                  W            M        : ……….Saturday 4:00 PM; Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 AM
                                  D      M       : ……………….…..…..….. Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM
                                  H      D M           : …......................................................As Announced
  Sainte Anne Parish is a faith   C            M : …..…..…..…2nd and 4th Sunday of Month, 1:00 PM
    community in the Roman        E             A                 : ...................... Thursday, 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  Catholic tradition. We strive   R        G       : ......................................................Thursday, 6:00 PM
  to live up to the motto: “We    C              P           G          : …………………......Tuesday, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
       Are Family.” We see        C             : …..............Saturday 3:15 - 3:45 PM or By Appointment
        ourselves as a local      C       : …………………………………..…………….Closed Un l Further No ce
   expression of the universal    C        : …..Will Remain Open A er 9 AM Mass Un l 5 PM Monday,
  Church, the People of God,                    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; Saturday 9 AM-5 PM;
        the Body of Christ.
                                                 Sunday Open for Mass Only
     Through God’s grace we
    seek to be welcoming and
   loving. Our life centers on    Welcome to New Parishioners: Please introduce yourself to us a er Mass. To
   the daily celebration of the   register, contact the Parish Office or online at
    Eucharist. We meet Jesus      Sacrament of Bap sm: Bap sms are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the
   Christ in the Eucharist and    month at 12:15 pm. A prepara on for parents and godparents will take place
  are then challenged to bring    on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Rectory. Please
         His love to others.      contact the Parish Office to arrange a bap sm.
                                  Matrimony: Please contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance to
                                  arrange for the celebra on of your wedding.
Parish and Religious
                                  Home Visita on: We are happy to visit for confession, holy communion,
Educa on Offices:
                                  anoin ng of the sick, or with anyone who is unable to come to church. Please
11 Cleveland Street
                                  contact the Parish Office.
Salem, MA 01970
                                  Anoin ng of the Sick: This sacrament is for anyone who is seriously ill, in a
                                  weakened condi on, facing surgery, entering hospice care, or near death.
Office: 978.744.1930
                                  Please contact the Parish Office for this sacrament to be celebrated.
Religious Ed.: 978.745.8915

Hours:                                                              P          S        :
Mon-Thurs 9am- 12 Noon                               Fr. Maurice Agbaw-Ebai, Administrator
Friday (office closed)                        Fr. Denis Tameh | Fr. Casmia Bello, Priests in Residence
                                                               Fr. Jim Morris, Priest
                                             Charlene Carrier, Coordinator of Religious Educa on
Religious Educa on:                             Nancy Gavenda and Sr. Pauline For n, Sacristans
faithforma                       Michelle Kolodziej, Opera ons Manager
Bulle n:
                                                        Paul L’heureux, Projects Manager
Parish Pastoral Council:                            Joseph Stella, Director of Music Ministry                              Lourdelyn Valsote, Administra ve Coordinator
290 Jefferson Avenue               Website - | Facebook Anne Salem, MA
Salem, MA 01970                                           YouTube - Sainte Anne’s Parish, Salem, MA
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
Pਅ਎ਔਅਃਏਓਔ Sਕ਎਄ਁਙ                                                                                                     Mਁਙ 23, 2021
                                          On Prayer: The Reality of Spiritual Discouragement

Dear Holy People of God,

Warm Gree ngs in Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Happy Pentecost to you all. May the Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth. May
the Holy Spirit renew our parish family of Ste. Anne's. Permit me con nue with you, our catechesis on Prayer. Last week, we talked
about the rela onship between Faith and Prayer. Essen ally, I made the argument that Prayer flows from Faith, that is, to trust God
with my problems, my challenges, my difficul es. I lamented the divorce between Prayer and the other aspects of life, in which God is
seen as having li le to do with what are our daily concerns, such as educa on, food, shelter, spouse to marry, fidelity to our Chris an
life and tradi on, the type of friends to hang out with, the type of persons to date, re rement savings, my finances, fun, sports and
recrea on, summer vaca on, etc.

My argument last week was: If I believe that God has become a human being in Christ Jesus, and that God has entered my history
(and the Word became flesh), then I won't see God as distant from my daily concerns about life, economic, social, poli cal, etc. God
cannot be excluded from any longitude or la tude (St. John Paul II). Hence, not to create me for prayer is an indica on that even
though I might not be an atheist, my unsaid convic on is that God has li le to do with the prac cal issues of my life. In effect, God is a
theore cal being, good, but not really interested or concerned with the things, li le and great, that I have to deal with. This is the
a tude that shapes many today, and this, in my opinion, explains why many a young person, a er Confirma on, "disappear" from
the life of the Church, only to "reappear" again at weddings, bap sms, funerals, and for some, Christmas and Easter. But God cannot
be contented with only a few days in a year's rela onship. The Bible shows us that God is interested, every day, in what happens to
us. And God wants to be a part of our lives.

At the root of why many tend to abandon the life of prayer lies spiritual discouragement. Many young people begin their adult
spiritual lives eager to follow Jesus - sequila Chris - as St. Igna us of Loyola teaches us in the Spiritual Exercises. But along the way -
as we read in the Parable of the Sower - the cares of life and the challenges of this world make them fall away from the faith. And it is
not just the case regarding the young. Even adults fall away from the faith. The spiritual lives just stop making sense to many. There is
no warmth. The spiritual life no longer makes sense, no longer offers any meaningful support to the issues they were facing at the

To be honest with you, I do not have an easy answer to this dilemma. There is no one-size-fits-all solu on. People are at different
points and stages in the spiritual journey - Jesus tells us, in the parable in which the owner of the vineyard calls people at different
hours to work in his vineyard. Perhaps the example of St. Paul could be an inspira on to us, when we feel discouraged about the
spiritual journey: "(...) I have been sent to prison more o en, and whipped so many mes more, o en almost to death. Five mes I
had the thirty-nine lashes from the Jews; three mes I have been beaten with s cks; once I was stoned; three mes I have been ship-
wrecked and once adri in the open sea for a night and a day. Constantly travelling, I have been in danger from rivers and in danger
from brigands, in danger from my own people and in danger from pagans; in danger in the towns, in danger in the open country,
danger at sea and danger from so-called brothers. I have worked and laboured, o en without sleep; I have been hungry and thirsty
and o en starving; I have been in the cold without clothes. And, to leave out much more, there is my daily preoccupa on: my anxiety
for all the churches" (1 Corinthians 11:23-28).

Dear Holy People of God, beloved children of God, the life of Paul of Tarsus should serve as an inspira on to us when those moments
of discouragement come. Paul faced tough mes. He went through what many of us would not wish, even for those we dislike. And
yet, Paul never abandoned the spiritual journey. Towards the end of his life, as an old man in prison awai ng capital punishment, Paul
would write to Timothy: "I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy
4:7). Paul did not give up. And Jesus too did not give up on Paul.

And this brings me to an aspect of the life of Prayer that is a common jus fica on that people have for abandoning the life of prayer
and the spiritual life, namely, "what's the point of praying, of a ending Holy Mass, of daily Bible Reading, daily Rosary, when I s ll sin;
when I s ll find myself falling into the same tempta on. Nothing seems to change, so what is the point of prayer, if nothing changed?"
In other words, the rela onship between our moral weaknesses and the life of prayer. (To be con nued, Fr. Maurice).
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
Pਅ਎ਔਅਃਏਓਔ Sਕ਎਄ਁਙ                                                                                                   Mਁਙ 23, 2021
Ste. Anne’s Parish Summer Children Youth Camp 2021
Theme: Love One Another | Date : August 9-13, 9am - 12noon | Venue: Ste. Anne's Parish Church, Parish Centre and Adjacent Yards

A week-long experience of faith filled adventure, fun, and learning is being planned for the children of Ste. Anne’s Parish. The camp will
be serving children entering Grades 1-6 in the 2021-2022 Academic School Year. We are ac vely seeking as volunteers: teachers,
nurses, and catechists to assist us as we develop and implement this new program. Volunteerism is necessary for this program to
launch. If you or someone you know is interested in being a volunteer, please reach out to Carmen Ochoa at,
or Lourdelyn Valsote at (Fr. Maurice)

Grand Annual Collec on
Dear Holy People, once again, thank you very much for all who support our parish financially. As you know, our Grand Annual is an
integral part of our parish budget. We are behind now in terms of budget because many are yet to catch up on the Grand Annual. I
wish to take this opportunity to plead with all to kindly consider dona ng to the Grand Annual. I cannot overemphasize the importance
of the Grand Annual to our day-to-day running of the parish, especially given that many are yet to return to Sunday Mass, and few
think of sending their weekly dona ons to the parish. Please, kindly consider making a contribu on to our parish Grand Annual, which
is the spiritual equivalent of the Biblical Harvest Thanksgiving. Thank you that you are able to help.

Congolese Community
Dear Holy People of God, at the request of the Archdiocese of Boston, and following discussions within the Pastoral Council of Ste.
Anne's, our parish community, star ng weekend of July 11, 2021, will be welcoming a new community, the Congolese Community.
Their liturgy will take place every First and Third Sundays, 1pm, and Second and Fourth Sundays, 4pm, in the French Language. All
who want to celebrate the liturgy in French are very much welcome. Bishop Mark will be coming for the inaugural liturgy, Sunday, July
11, 4pm. I have asked Sr. Pauline For n and Mr. Paul Bosse to help out with the liturgy in the French liturgy, serving as a link with the
Congolese Community liturgical team. May this new community be a source of enrichment for our parish community. A hearty
welcome to the Congolese Community. (Fr. Maurice).

      Fr. Casmia and Fr. Morris celebrated daily Mass at the Gro o in honor of our Blessed Mother Mary, whom we honor
       during the month of May. Weather permi ng, 9AM Mass will be celebrated at the Gro o on Tuesday, May 25th.
                    Signs will be posted at the entrances of the Church that Mass will be held at the Gro o.
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
Pਅ਎ਔਅਃਏਓਔ Sਕ਎਄ਁਙ                                                                      Mਁਙ 23, 2021

Saturday, May 22nd  St. Rita of Cascia, Religious
4:00 pm             Parish Family
Sunday, May 23rd    Pentecost Sunday
8:30 am             Parish Family
11:00 am            Rita Robidoux, 10th Anniversary, by the Robidoux Family
                    Aida & Jean Lachapelle, in Loving Memory, by Richard
                      Lachapelle & Family
1:00 pm             Cameroon Community
Monday, May 24th    Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the
9:00 am             Henry Jale e, Jr., for Healing, by Connie Kirby
Tuesday, May 25th   St. Bede the Venerable, Priest and Doctor of the Church;
                    St. Gregory VII, Pope; St. Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi, Virgin
9:00 am             Thank you, St. Anthony, by IJ
Wednesday, May 26th Memorial of Saint Philip Neri, Priest
9:00 am             Parish Family
Thursday, May 27th  St. Augus ne of Canterbury, Bishop
9:00 am             Parish Family
Friday, May 28th
9:00 am             Felisa C. Bantayan, in Loving Memory, by the Family
Saturday, May 29th  St. Paul VI, Pope; BVM
4:00 pm             Bridget O’Mahoney, in Loving Memory, by the Family
Sunday, May 30th    The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
8:30 am             Parish Family
11:00 am            Charlie Pierga, in Loving Memory, by Patricia M. Davis

This Sunday, we celebrate the moment when Christ empowered his disciples
through the Holy Spirit to go out into the world and share his message of love and
hope. Today, the Central Ministries of the Archdiocese con nue Christ’s mission by
serving our brothers and sisters in need. By suppor ng the annual Catholic Appeal,
you are helping our Church bring Christ’s presence to the world through ministries
such as Pro-Life, Social Jus ce, and Catholic Schools. If you have not already done
so, please consider contribu ng to the 2021 Catholic Appeal to help ensure these
ministries can con nue helping our parish and communi es throughout our
Archdiocese of Boston. Visit to learn more. To give now,
scan the QR code above. To date, Ste. Anne’s has raised $6,329 toward our goal
of $21,805 (29%).
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
Pਅ਎ਔਅਃਏਓਔ Sਕ਎਄ਁਙ                                                                                               Mਁਙ 23, 2021

 Your financial support of the parish pays for u li es, staff and clergy
 salaries, property maintenance, supplies, and supports our parish               For the Sick: Jason Alexander, Dorothy Sherry,
 ministries. Everything we do as a parish relies on the offertory collec ons      Armen Sarafian, Pat John, Steve L., Kathleen Levy,
 and other dona ons. Your con nuing generous and sacrificial giving will         Ron Budka, Leona Budka, Denise Wells, Kayla
 assist your parish to provide for your spiritual needs and to serve the wider   Campagna, Jay P., Madeline St. Pierre, Joan
 community. Merci and Thank You!
                                                                                 Driscoll Bick, Pat Jalbert, Steven Conner,
 Collec on for Weekend of          Collec on Online                              Raymond Thompson, Larry Blanchard, Chris Hall,
 5/16/21                                     Giving                  Goal:       Laurie Babbin, Rob Holloran, Karen Friedrich,
                                                                     $30,000     Peter and Ben, Barbara Newman, Lila LaMalfa,
 Offertory                          $2,548      $740        80%                   Dina Russo, Carson Borden, Terry Walters, Bill
 Maintenance/Repairs/Fuel          $1,235      $5          70%       Total to    Walters, Frank Popielski, Jean Sacco, Pauline
                                                                     date:       Bellomo, J. Richard Julien, Henry Jale e, Jr., Lee
 Sacramental                       $190                              $5,170
 St. Vincent de Paul*              $22         $20                   (17%)

 Ascension                         $403                                          For the Military: Jason Boyle, Nicholas Budka,
                                                                                 Sean Patrick Mautone, Keith Lovely, David Irwin,
 Seminary/Pentecost                $15                     20%
                                                                                 K. Ryan McKinley, Michael Angers
 Promo ng the Gospel               $5
                                                            0%                   For God’s protec on for all of God’s children, for
 St. Vincent de Paul Total:        $22         $20
                                                                                 the health and safety of everyone during this me
 Ste. Anne’s Total Collec on:      $4,396      $745                              of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                            Grand Annual
                                                            Campaign             For all the deceased members of our parish.

                                                                                 For our parish community and its needs, that we
500 Club Winners for May 2021                                                    would open ourselves to the transforming
                                                                                 message of the gospel and heed the call of Christ.
$500 Deb Hiltunen #236
$300 Monica Tremblay #362                 $25 Heather Burke #387                 For the Church, that we the bap zed will be
$100 Therese Hudson Jinks #417            $25 Mark & Kelly Louf #057             inspired by the Holy Spirit and engage vibrantly
$100 Gloria Kelley #157                   $25 Ma on Family #027                  with the mission of Christ, being keepers of the
$50 Maria Abramo #014                     $25 Andy Bedard #037                   word and builders of communi es of love and
$50 Pat Pelle er #289                     ATT Marion Blanche e #442686           jus ce.
$25 Mary Awokang #386
$25 Normand Berube #279
                                                                                 For Priests and Seminarians:
                                                                                 Saturday -    Class of 2021 Ordinandi
                                                                                 Sunday -      Fr. Mark Coiro and Denis Nakkeeran
                                                                                 Monday -      Fr. Paul Ri and Ma hew Norwood
                                                                                 Tuesday -     Fr. Joel Santos and Daniel Zinger
                                                                                 Wednesday - Fr. Richard McLaughlin and Giovanni
                                                                                 Thursday - Fr. Joseph Mazzone and Fernando
                                                                                 Friday -      Fr. Joseph Gaudet and David Campo
                                                                                 Saturday -    Fr. J. Thomas Gignac and Gabriel

This week’s second collec on supports the forma on and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese of Boston for service, we pray, as
future priests. We are blessed that many are responding to the call to serve as priests. Please be generous and support these
seminarians on their journey toward their ordina on to the priesthood. For more informa on, please visit www.VocaƟ
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
                                FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS

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                                                                                                 are significantly impacted.

              Please consider supporting the
            sponsors on the back pages to help
              keep the local economy strong.
                                                                                       Also, visit their websites to see how they
                                                                                       can assist you with any of their services
                                                                                      you may need through these difficult times.

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                                 Pilot Bulletins           Saint Anne, Salem, MA   4734
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
George Barbuzzi,          Complete insurance
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                                                                 Susan Fisher, R.N.,         individuals and
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For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                             Pilot Bulletins                                                                    Saint Anne, Salem, MA      4734
Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA - Sainte Anne Parish Salem, MA - Celebrating 120 Years as the Catholic Community in Salem, MA -
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