Page created by Bob Delgado
San Pabl0
                    Catholic Church
             Our Mission is to embrace God’s Loving Mercy,
                        embracing our diversity
                    as we serve the needs of others

   “When the people saw the sign he had done,
    they said, ‘This is truly the Prophet, the one
                     who is to come into the world.’”
Photo credit: Jeanne LoBasso         ”                - John 6:14
Reflections on the Gospel                                            Mass Intentions
Offer your gift, however inadequate, with
                                                            SATURDAY July 24
thanksgiving, trusting the power of God.                    4:00 PM       L Cuqui Ornelas & Bonnie Cucchi by
Today’s sign from John’s Gospel, the feeding of the                       The San Pablo Parish
five thousand, shows the power of God. The boy                            L Marie Schmidt (92nd Birthday) by
gave five loaves and two fish. It was a small                             The San Pablo Parish
                                                                          L&D Wilhelm, Cook, & Benz Fami-
amount, but it was all he had. Jesus took the loaves
                                                                          lies by Bernie Wilhelm
and gave thanks, and God provided food for many.
                                                                          L&D Members of the Youra Family
We, too, can benefit from these three steps: Offer                        by Gloria Sciascia
what we have. Give thanks. Expect God to act.                             + Father Sean Hyland
                                                                          + Steve Flood by Marie Flood
                                                            SUNDAY, July 25
       Please Pray for the Sick                             8:00 AM       L Cuqui Ornelas & Bonnie Cucchi by
                                                                          The San Pablo Parish
                                                                          L Marie Schmidt (92nd Birthday) by
Abby Cafiero, Amy Catanach, Andrew Czeck, Anna
                                                                          The San Pablo Parish
Hartley, Annie Marill & girls, Ashley Radloff, Baby Ale-
                                                                          L Linda & Michael Coletta by Gloria
man, Baby Axel, Baby Elizabeth, Baby Mila, Barbara Ma-
ría Gooch, Barbara Musacchia, Bernie Wilhelm, Bill &
                                                                          L&D Wilhelm, Cook, & Benz Fami-
Melody Kelley, Bob Wimmer, Bonnie Cucchi, Catherine
                                                                          lies by Bernie Wilhelm
Diaz, Catherine Dunn, Cassandra Followell-Bolten, Ce-
celia, Chris, Christine Grenet, Christopher Cullen, Cris-
                                                                          + Steve Flood by Marie Flood
tine Beysel, Craig Cates, Debra Loeffler, Denny Palmer,
Diane Coldren, Don Benz, Don Elzer, Donna Brozdonis,        10:00 AM      L Cuqui Ornelas & Bonnie Cucchi by
Doug & Melissa, Elba & Baby, Ellen Monahan Andary,                        The San Pablo Parish
Emilia Echevarría, Faith Palguta, Father Ed Prus, Fran                    L Marie Schmidt (92nd Birthday) by
Newman, Frank Batistich, Frank Vaccaro, Frankie Wise,                     The San Pablo Parish
Fred Beverly, Gabriel Alvarez, Gabriel Carpintero, Hon-                   L&D Wilhelm, Cook, & Benz Fami-
ey Karl, Jany Wisnewski, Jayna Johannes, Jeanne Eigner,                   lies by Bernie Wilhelm
Jeannie Platt, Jerry Paige, Jim & Connie Aaron, Jim John-
son, Jim Walton, Jim, Joan Hoch, Joanne Piasecki, Joann     MONDAY, July 26
Henning, John & Judy Arnold, John Cunningham, John          8:00AM       L Arlene Keeney (Birthday) by The
Jabro, John Luce, Joyce DeMarco, Kaitlyn Palguta, Karen                  San Pablo Women’s Club
Moll, Karen Nielsen, Karen Wimmer, Kay Cornell, Lidia                    + Steve Flood by Marie Flood
Morelia, Maida Brown, Margaret D’Ascanio, Marie
Flood, Marie Schmidt, Mario Hernandez, Mark Horne,          TUESDAY July 27
Mark Margenot, Mary Love, Michael Valentine, Mike           8:00AM       L Michele Rockett (Birthday) by The
Puto, Morgan Leary, Nancy Ahearn, Neal Rathburn, Pe-                     San Pablo Women’s Club
ter Pittman, Philomene Lebon, Raisa Gonzalez, Randy                      L Marie Schmidt (92nd Birthday) by
Wright, Riley Johannes, Rita Sciascia, Roberto                           The San Pablo Women’s Club
Betancourt, Roland & Truitt, Ruthie & Billy Wagner,                      L Angie Kringle (Birthday) by The
Samantha Scofield, Sara Joseph‐Rager, Sue Palguta, Su-                   San Pablo Women’s Club
san Babb, Tamara Pfeffer, Tatyana Hribar, Teresa Vacca-                  + Steve Flood by Marie Flood
ro, Vincente Leguizamon, William Gustautson, Wilma
Tarlton, & Yvonne Crimella                                  WEDNESDAY, July 28
                                                            8:00 AM     + Steve Flood by Marie Flood
To be sure that this sick list is up to date,               THURSDAY, July 29
Beginning September 1st 2021, only the names                8:00 AM      + Steve Flood by Marie Flood
of those verified will continue to be on the list.
If there has been a change in status of the sick            FRIDAY, July 30
person, either from healing or passing away,                8:00 AM        L Sharon & Stephen Starling
please contact the Parish Office and include your                          (30th Wedding Anniversary) by Sha-
name, phone number and/or email address and                                ron Starling
                                                                           + Steve Flood by Marie Flood
identify the names of those you requested.
Covid-19 Prayer of Solidarity                                  Discover the Cosmos
   For all who have contracted coronavirus,                            2021 July 18th
                                                        Title: The Andromeda Galaxy in Ultraviolet
         we pray for care and healing.
                                                             Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, GALEX
  For those who are particularly vulnerable,
      we pray for safety and protection.
    For all who experience fear or anxiety,
     we pray for peace of mind and spirit.
  For affected families who are facing difficult
 decisions between food on the table or public
safety, we pray for policies that recognize their
 For those who do not have adequate health            Explanation: What does the Andromeda galaxy
 insurance, we pray that no family will face          look like in ultraviolet light? Young blue stars
          financial burdens alone.                    circling the galactic center dominate. A mere 2.5
                                                      million light-years away, the Andromeda Galaxy,
For those who are afraid to access care due to        also known as M31, really is just next door as large
immigration status, we pray for recognition of        galaxies go. Spanning about 230,000 light-years, it
        the God-given dignity of all.                 took 11 different image fields from NASA's Galaxy
                                                      Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite telescope to
For our brothers and sisters around the world,        produce this gorgeous portrait of the spiral galaxy
         we pray for shared solidarity.               in ultraviolet light in 2003. While its spiral arms
                                                      stand out in visible light images, Andromeda's
   For public officials and decisionmakers,
                                                      arms look more like rings in ultraviolet. The rings
     we pray for wisdom and guidance.
                                                      are sites of intense star formation and have been
Father, during this time may your Church be a         interpreted as evidence that Andromeda collided
 sign of hope, comfort and love to all. Grant         with its smaller neighboring elliptical galaxy M32
    peace. Grant comfort. Grant healing.              more than 200 million years ago. The Andromeda
                                                      galaxy and our own comparable Milky Way galaxy
                                                      are the most massive members of the Local Group
               Be with us, Lord.
                                                      of galaxies and are projected to collide in several
                    Amen.                             billion years -- perhaps around the time that our
                                                      Sun's atmosphere will expand to engulf the Earth.
                                                      Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating
                                                      universe is featured, along with a brief explanation
                                                      written by a professional astronomer.

                                                                                              Reflective Listening
 Information                                    Reflection

    Prayer                                    Faith Formation                                  Reflective Listening

                                                                                                       What the
Hurricane Prayer                          Sacramental Life at
                                                  San Pablo
  All the elements of nature                             Matrimony
    Obey Your commands.
                                           We congratulate Yanisa Henriquez-
           Protect us,                     Echevarria and Joseph William Pinder, who
      and all Your people                  celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony here
                                           at San Pablo on Friday, July 16th, 2021.
 during this season of storms
        and hurricanes.                    On Friday July 30th, we at San Pablo
        Calm our fears,                    congratulate Sharon & Stephen Starling
                                           on their 30th wedding anniversary
    And help us to prepare
           Our hearts                                      Baptism
     As well as our homes.
                                           San Pablo welcomes the newest member of
       Help us to see You                  our Faith community through the sacrament
   in all we may encounter,                of Baptism, received on Saturday, July 17th,
          and help us                      2021:

  to minister to each other                      Carly Noely Delgado, child of
                                                 Mistica Mora & Carlos Delgado
         in Your Name.
                                           Whenever we welcome new life, our life as a
                                           faith community is enhanced. Parents,
       We ask this through
                                           Godparents, and community promise to
        Christ Our Lord,                   share the joys and challenges of living our
                                           Catholic faith.

               Amen.                            “Teach them to carry out
                                           everything I have commanded you.
                                              And know that I am with you
  July 25th, 2021 World
   Grandparents’ Day
The theme chosen by Pope Francis for
                                             San Pablo Wishes a very
this inaugural commemoration is “I             Happy Birthday to
am with you always” (Mt 28:20). It
expresses the closeness of the Lord              Marie Schmidt
and the Church to every older person,       who celebrates 92 years on
especially in these challenging times of
the Covid-19 pandemic.                          Tuesday, July 27th
Newly Confirmed Help KAIR

Every month they will be collecting a different kind of food for KAIR (Keys Area
Interdenominational Resources), which is the primary source in Marathon for those in need. It is
supported by all the churches in our fine city.

Where should I put my donations? In the giant blue bins at the doors of the church.

Every Monday the food will be delivered to KAIR where the people are happily waiting to see what
the donations will be!

INSTACART: If it’s hard to get out shopping, think about having Instacart do it for you AND have
it delivered to San Pablo!

What are the donations for July? ThankBread, peanut butter, jelly/jam, lunchables, apples, sticks
for coating with…caramels, individual boxes of raisins, refreezable ice packs, *paper towels (select
a size), celery and peanut butter, Nature Valley Granola Bars and other gluten-free options
happily accepted.

            Religious Education Program Update from our DRE
  Classes will resume in September. Calendars will be available
  soon. Currently, you can use the form on our website, to register your children grades PK4
  through 9th grade. Or, you can go to the church office between
  9:30 and 2:30 Monday - Friday.
  Completed registration forms can be handed in at the church
  office or put in the collection basket at weekend Masses.
  Thank you!
  -Terry Walters, DRE
Time                           Talent                     Treasure
   Stewardship = Time, Talent and Treasure.

   Please consider sharing your time and talents.

   Time: Can you help in the office? Help needed especially early on
   Monday mornings. Please contact

   Talent: We invite anyone who would like to share their talents to
   submit photos for the cover of our bulletin. If you have pictures for
   future bulletins, please submit at least one week in advance of the next
   week’s bulletin. Submissions can be sent to
   Please include your permission to use the photo

   San Pablo Parish takes only one collection at each weekend Mass

                                                                       July 18th, 2021
First Collection....................................... $2,712
Parish Maintenance ............................... $630
Electronic Giving @ WeShare ............... $1,577
Devotional Candles................................ $125
Stipend.................................................... $1,550        $6,660
Poor Box.................................................. $66

                                Attention Parishioners
If you receive text messages or emails from “clergy” asking for gifts of any kind,
especially those of financial nature, please know that they are scammers. Clergy would
not ask for donations through those channels. You can report the scam to Florida’s
Consumer Protection Division, by visiting or by calling the
Fraud Hotline, 1-866-966-7226.
First World Day for Grandparents and Elderly
The Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life announces the first World Day for Grandparents and the
Elderly under the theme “I am with you always”.
By Vatican News staff writer
The First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated on Sunday 25 July,
announced the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life in a press release on Tuesday.
The theme chosen by Pope Francis for this inaugural commemoration is “I am with you always” (Mt
28:20). It expresses the closeness of the Lord and the Church to every older person, especially in
these challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The theme, “I am with you always” is also “a promise of closeness and hope that young and old can
mutually share”, notes the press release. Not only are grandchildren and youths invited to be present
in the lives of older people, but older people and grandparents also have a mission of evangelization,
proclamation and prayer, and of encouraging young people in their faith.
To further encourage the celebration of the World Day in local churches and associations, the
Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life will offer pastoral tools from mid-June, which will be available on
the website

 The Prayer for the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
  I thank You, Lord, for the comfort of Your presence: even in times of loneliness, You are my hope
and my confidence, You have been my rock and my fortress since my youth! I thank You for having
  given me a family and for having blessed me with a long life. I thank You for moments of joy and
 difficulty, for the dreams that have already come true in my life and for those that are still ahead of
   me. I thank You for this time of renewed fruitfulness to which You call me. Increase, O Lord, my
   faith, make me a channel of your peace, teach me to embrace those who suffer more than me, to
never stop dreaming and to tell of your wonders to new generations. Protect and guide Pope Francis
 and the Church, that the light of the Gospel might reach the ends of the earth. Send Your Spirit, O
 Lord, to renew the world, that the storm of the pandemic might be calmed, the poor consoled and
wars ended. Sustain me in weakness and help me to live life to the full in each moment that You give
           me, in the certainty that you are with me every day, even until the end of the age.
Community Resources
Below is a list of commonly requested community resources. Please note that the availability of the
financial assistance varies and is dependent on current grant funding availability for each organization.
You are always welcome to call Catholic Charities to receive information about currently available
resources at 305 292 9790.

     For a much more comprehensive list of all services available at this time, please visit our
                        website’s homepage and click “United Way”.

                             Rent/Mortgage/Housing assistance
       Catholic Charities…………………………..305-292-9790, 305-807-4503,
       Rapid Rehousing Program…………….786-526-1954
       Community Services Block Grant….305-245-7738 (extension 236).
       Samuels House……………………………….305-296-0240,
       Habitat for Humanity…………………...305-734-9828

                                  Food and Nutrition Services

       Feeding the Homeless at Independence Kay…….305-289-7676

             Legal Aide: Tennent/ landlord issues, Benefit issues and other civil issues

       Legal Services of Greater Miami.…………………..866-686-2760,

                                            Medical Care:
       CHI Marathon Health Center………...………...305-743-4000
       Good Health Clinic:…………………………………...305-853-1788

                                        COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccine Information to Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Your Community:
Vaccines are now available, with or without an appointment at local pharmacies including at CVS,
Walgreens, Publix, and CHI.
You can pre-register with the State’s Sharecare system at Once pre-registered, you will
be notified when appointments are available in your area. This website allows individuals who are eligible
to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to be proactively contacted when vaccine appointments are available.
If you do not have access to a computer, call the toll-free line for Monroe County at 866-201-7069 or for
TTY (Text Telephone Relay) at 833-990-2908.
San Pablo Mass Accommodations
In addition to providing our parishioners with the option to view our Masses online, we are also
simulcasting our weekend Masses outside at the church entrance and throughout our gardens for those
who cannot find comfortable space in the church building and for those who prefer to socially distance

If you need to receive the Eucharist by tongue, please direct yourself towards the priest during Holy

Update from the Archdiocese: The Archdiocese of Miami’s guidelines for masks and
social distancing have not changed. In the coming days they will review what might
be appropriate.
For your safety and peace of mind, Father Luis and San Pablo’s office staff have been
vaccinated for the Covid-19 virus and will continue to wear masks.
Forgiveness: Letting go of Grudges & Bitterness

         Reflecting on hurt and                                   What are the benefits of
             how to forgive                                        forgiving someone?
When someone you care about hurts you, you can
                                                           Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make
hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge
                                                           way for improved health and peace of mind.
— or embrace forgiveness and move forward.
By Mayo Clinic Staff                                                    Forgiveness can lead to:
Who hasn't been hurt by the actions or words of            •   Healthier relationships
another? Perhaps a parent constantly criticized you        •   Improved mental health
growing up, a colleague sabotaged a project or your
partner had an affair. Or maybe you've had a traumatic     •   Less anxiety, stress and hostility
experience, such as being physically or emotionally        •   Lower blood pressure
abused by someone close to you.
                                                           •   Fewer symptoms of depression
These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of
anger and bitterness — even vengeance.                     •   A stronger immune system
But if you don't practice forgiveness, you might be the    •   Improved heart health
one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness,
you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy.       •   Improved self-esteem
Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path
of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.           What are the effects of holding a grudge?
What is forgiveness? Forgiveness means different              If you're unforgiving, you might:
things to different people. Generally, however, it
                                                           •   Bring anger and bitterness into every
involves a decision to let go of resentment and
                                                               relationship and new experience
thoughts of revenge. The act that hurt or offended you
might always be with you, but forgiveness can lessen its   •   Become so wrapped up in the wrong that
grip on you and help free you from the control of the          you can't enjoy the present
person who harmed you. Forgiveness can even lead to        •   Become depressed or anxious
feelings of understanding, empathy and compassion
for the one who hurt you.                                  •   Feel that your life lacks meaning or
                                                               purpose, or that you're at odds with your
Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting or excusing the
                                                               spiritual beliefs
harm done to you or making up with the person who
caused the harm. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace        •   Lose valuable and enriching
that helps you go on with life.                                connectedness with others

      To read more, please visit the This Week page on our parish website.
We welcome anyone new to the area to
   register at our parish, visit Jesus in the
    Blessed Sacrament, and take a walk
   through our beautiful Prayer Gardens.
         Mass & Confessions                                San Pablo Parish
             Schedule                                        Information

*Masses are on Eastern Daylight Time               Staff
               Saturdays                       Pastor: Fr. Luis Pérez
               Vigil Mass            
    Celebrated & Recorded in Church            Phone: (305) 289-0636 Ext. 101
               at 4:00 PM
        Available to View Online               Plant Manager: Paul Navara
          Saturday Evening on                          Phone: (305) 587-4383
                Sundays                        Office Manager: Marianne Benvenuti
      Mass Celebrated in Church at   
          8:00 AM & 10:00 AM                   Phone: (305) 289-0636 Ext. 102
   Recorded Mass Available All Day on          Office Secretary: May Rosario        
                                               Phone: (305) 289-0636
        Monday through Friday
   Recitation of the Rosary at 7:30 AM
         Daily Mass at 8:00 AM
                Confession                     Monday through Friday
    First Fridays immediately following        Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
               Morning Mass
                                               Phone: (305)-289-0636
   Saturdays at 3:00 PM in the entrance
                   gazebo                      Emergency Phone: (305) 587-4383
Alternatively, call the Office or speak with
          Father to arrange a time
             550 122nd Street-Ocean
               Marathon, Fl 33050

Email Father for: Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Marriage, Anointing and Holy
        Communion for the Homebound, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
View Our Parish Supporters at

                                                                                              For Advertising Information CALL 1-800-292-9111

                                                                           CERTIFIED PUBLIC

                                                                                                Online at

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