SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church 717 State Street Alton, Illinois 62002 Rectory Office 618-465-4221 March 7, 2021

Page created by Grace Stevenson
SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church 717 State Street Alton, Illinois 62002 Rectory Office 618-465-4221 March 7, 2021
SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church
         717 State Street
      Alton, Illinois 62002
   Rectory Office 618-465-4221
             March 7, 2021
SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church 717 State Street Alton, Illinois 62002 Rectory Office 618-465-4221 March 7, 2021
Pastor:                                            Sacramental Life               Project Rachel Post-Abortion Ministry
Fr. Jeff Holtman O.F.S.                                                         1-217-698-4456 or
E-mail -            Confessions- 3:15-3:45pm Saturday
End-of-life Emergencies ONLY call:   Baptism - Baptismal Preparation            Nationwide, call 1-877-722-4355
618-600-4500                         Program is required: call Rectory for Rachels Vineyard Weekend Retreats
Parish Phone - 618-465-4221          Marriage - Call the rectory at least 6       Post Abortion Help is strictly
Parish Web Site -      months in advance for appointment.                      confidential
Parish e-mail -                      Registration and Active Membership              are Required.                              To report allegations of sexual abuse of
Business Manager-Mrs. Chrissy Lewis Parish Registration - New families          a minor by clergy or other church
Parish Secretary - Theresa Stegvilas and individuals are asked to register at personnel (even if it is in the past) please
                                                                                call the Diocese’s Child Abuse Report-
Parish Maintenance – Joseph Green    the rectory at their earliest opportunity. ing and Investigation number at (217)
                                     Each family or wage earner is request- 321-1155. Individuals may also contact
Parish Office Hours -                ed to use the weekly envelope system. Illinois Department of Children and
Monday- Friday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Diocesan Website -               Family Services Child Abuse Hotline at
Mass Schedule / Weekend Masses -       If you or someone you know is
Saturday - 4:00 pm                     interested in becoming a Catholic, or           Deadline for the bulletin is
Sunday - 8:00 am and 10:00 am          needing PSR, please call the                   ***On or Before Monday at
Monday - NO MASS                       Rectory Office at 618-465-4221                           Noon.***
Weekday Masses -                                                                       Please e-mail your bulletin
Tuesday - Friday - 8:15 am                                                                     request to:
  Mother of Perpetual Help
Devotions every Tuesday after Mass

 Divine Mercy Chaplet every
Wednesday after Mass
                                                                        REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS:
   Rosary every Thursday at 5pm                                    Gary Vucich, Lisa Curtis, Jennifer Martin, Lisa Brinkman,
                                                                    Beth Ann Alvi, Patricia Harmon, Cathy Taul, Regan Taylor,
   First Friday adoration after                                    Wes Schultz, Shane Fin, Barb Hinson, Vicki Conley, Gary
    Mass until Noon                                                 Osborne, Rosemary Samuels, Julie Gray, Maren Poettker,
                                                                    Regina Shaw, Trent Ward, Bill Parker, Mary Schwegel
 Holy Day Masses - As Announced                                     Gillett, Bobbi Gernigin, Matthew Paulda Ann Sagez, Re-
                                                                    gan Taylor, Tim Holt, Ryan Lopez, Jodie Huber, Carl
                                                                    Hamberg, Rita Parker, Beverly Fischer, Helen Sands,
                                                                    Roberta Fleming, Robert Curry, Tony Marin, Susan
              PRAY TO KEEP THE CHILDREN                             Hendrickson, Earl Phillips, Brianne Bagwill, Leo
                 OF THE WORLD SAFE                                  McLeod, Tracy Mahan, Carla Mackelden, Ann and
           PRAY FOR OUR VINCENTIAN CLIENTS.                         Rich Phillips, Marilyn Smith, John Brinkman, Tony Martin,
                                                                    Dana Fallon, Dave Simonds, Ken Petitti, Alex Herd, Carol
                                                                    Woelfel, Shirley Plunk, Vivian Dragone, Ashley Taylor, Aman-
                  THE HOLY FATHER’S                                 da Wohlert, Joe Kuhnline
                  PRAYER INTENTIONS
                      March 2021                                    (NAMES  IN BOLD WILL BE REMOVED UNLESS WE
                                                                    RECEIVE A PRAYER UPDATE)
              Intention for evangelization -                        PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE IF A NAME IS TO BE
                                                                    REMOVED FROM THE PRAYER LIST
               Sacrament of reconciliation
         Let us pray that we may experience the                     If you know of any parishioner that is in a Nursing Home
    sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to              or Homebound, please let the rectory office know. Also,
             taste the infinite mercy of God.                       let us know which Nursing Home they are in. Thank You.
SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church 717 State Street Alton, Illinois 62002 Rectory Office 618-465-4221 March 7, 2021
From the Pastor’s Desk - Year of St. Joseph

St. Joseph is honored during the month of March, on the solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the
Blessed Virgin Mary (March 19), on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker (May 1) and every Wednesday
throughout the year. During this Year of St. Joseph, I encourage parishioners to participate in inviting
St. Joseph into your home. A picture of St. Joseph will be available for someone to take the picture to
their home for the week, using the prayers provided for the needs of the parish. At the end of the
week, return the picture to the church so another parishioner may have the picture in their home. I
would like to think that with the size of our parish we can easily fill the weeks until the end of the
Year of St. Joseph (December 8). For those not coming to church yet and would still like to partici-
pate, please call the office and arrangements will be made to bring St. Joseph to your home and return
the picture to the church. Ite ad Joseph - Go to Joseph.
Just a gentle reminder that Stations of the Cross are prayed every Lenten Friday at 12 noon. Please
join us if you are able.
St. Boniface in Edwardsville will have many priests available to hear confessions on Sunday, March
14th at 2:00 pm. I will be one of those priests. Please avail yourselves of this great sacrament of mer-
cy and forgiveness.
The Requiem Pontifical Mass for Bishop Baltes 125th death anniversary, which was cancelled due
to the snowstorm, has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 16th at 6:30 pm. Thankfully, it was not
scheduled for the next day as we might have heard German Bishop Baltes turning over in the crypt!
March 9 & 10 I will be away for the annual Spring Gathering for the priests of the diocese. This year
it is being held in Springfield at the Crown Plaza. This short overnight gathering allows Bishop Pap-
rocki and the priests to discuss relevant issues affecting us in the diocese. Please pray for all the
priests of the diocese and pray for an increase of priests which we desperately need.
More Holy Water bottles have arrived and are ready to be taken home. They are located at the back
of church on top of the Holy Water dispenser by the choir loft stairs and the shrine to Our Mother of
Perpetual Help. Using Holy Water is a great reminder of our baptismal covenant with God as inten-
tional disciples. In addition to wards off the attacks of the devil.

God’s blessing in this Lenten week of grace.
Pax et Bonum,
Fr. Jeff
SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church 717 State Street Alton, Illinois 62002 Rectory Office 618-465-4221 March 7, 2021
For the past 6 years I have
             St. Joseph Candles                                                            served as a deacon in Jersey
                   March                                                                   County at St Francis Xavier
                                                                                           in Jerseyville and St Patrick
                                                                                           in Grafton in addition for 2 ½
❖In Thanksgiving for many graces and blessings                                             years at Holy Ghost in Jer-
               - Jack Snyders                                                              seyville and St Mary in
                                                                                           Fieldon. I was active with the
❖In Memory of Teresa Woelfel - Sherry Rexford                                              Saint Vincent de Paul confer-
                                                                                           ence as a spiritual advisor and
❖Special Intentions - Thomas, Eileen, and Patrick Daly                                     will continue as such at
                                                                      Saints Peter and Paul.
                                                                      I am a retired civil engineer but came out of re-
                                                                      tirement to serve for 2 ½ years as the hospice
                                                                      chaplain with OSF St Anthony and provided pas-
                                       Words of Wisdom                toral care to patients in the Cancer Center at St.
                                            from                      Anthony Hospital.
                                                                      My wife Jeannine and I have 5 children scattered
                                        Mother Teresa                 around the country, with 2 in the Washington DC
             March 6
     Christohpher Sullivan                                            area, one in Jacksonville Florida, one in Tampa,
                                                                      and one near San Francisco. So Alton puts us in
         Lauren Brooks                   Some people                  the center of the children and grandchildren. We
             March 7                  come in our life as             have 15 grandchildren, with the 16th due in the in
          Penny Bodine                                                April.
        Gary Huelsmann
                                                                      We are happy to be back at Saints Peter and Paul,
        Tisa Schaake Tite             Some come in your               please keep us in your prayers as we tend to the
         Beatriz Cuellar                life as lessons.              spiritual and pastoral care of the parish.
     Livyanna Ranay Dixon                                             Deacon John
             March 8
         Jacob Harrison
     Carsen Andrew Dixon
             March 9               Illinois Right to Life cordially invites you to it's 52nd annual Leaders for
                                   Life Banquet on Friday, April 30th, featuring Dan Proft as master of cere-
        Kathryn Kuhnline
                                   monies and Sarah Huckabee Sanders as keynote speaker. Sanders
           Kurt Dennis             served as the former White House Press Secretary under President Don-
            March 10               ald Trump. Sanders was at the President’s side, battling with the media,
        Rebecca Osborne            working with lawmakers and CEOs, and staffing the President on every
           Ellie Jacobs            foreign trip. Sanders was only the third woman and the very first mom to
          Brent Schultz            ever hold the job of White House Press Secretary. Sanders is currently
         Abigail Hamby             running for governor in her home state of Arkansas. Please join IRL at its
        Randi Tomlinson            largest fundraiser of the year, helping them to continue to be your voice
          Lenora Torres            for life in Springfield. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to
                          or call (312)-422-9300.

                         Ss. Peter & Paul Pro-Life Committee has set a table up in our church annex with infor-
                         mation regarding our Catholic faith and our fundamental view and beliefs of Abortion.
                         Please feel free to stop by and take some of the information provided. You will also see a
                         sign-up sheet for the opportunity to pray for an hour (or more!) on First Friday of each
                         month between 9 am and Noon.
                         The sign-up for 40 Days For Life will take place on March 13th/14th, and March 20th/21st.
Our designated day of prayer to end Abortion is Thursday, March 25th. You will have the option of praying in
church from 9 am to 1 pm, or praying in front of the abortion facility in Granite City from 1 pm to 7 pm for one
hour (or more). We are asking that you consider taking one hour and pray for the end of abortion!
Thank You, Pro-Life Committee
1. ABSTINENCE – Everyone 14 years of age and over is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent.

2. FAST – Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 is required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On these two days of fast and absti-
nence, only one full meatless meal is permitted. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength may be taken according to each per-
son’s needs, but together these two should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids (including milk and fruit
juices) are allowed.

3. To disregard completely the law of fast and abstinence is seriously sinful.

March 7, 2021 3rd Sunday of Lent

Many prefer a “create as you go” approach to life where laws and protocols primarily exist to secure and protect liberties rather
than dictate and outline proper and right behavior. There are no real benchmarks for acceptable ethical and moral behavior, with a
“you can’t tell me what to do” attitude prevailing. Parents are even limited in what they can request of their children, and dealing
with threatening behaviors, especially from adults, are a challenge as well. Acceptable and expected conduct seems to amount to
safeguarding each other’s space rather than increasing awareness of necessary relationships that require a more refined and
higher response.
We have lost our axis to the world of “anything goes” and no longer see the Ten Commandments as practical and wise guide-
posts to effective living. We live on “relativism island” where only a possible suggestion to “love and do not harm” may be the only
standard able to be preached. While Jesus most certainly emphasized love above anything else, it was never about warm fuzzy
feelings or halfhearted humanitarian efforts. The love of which Jesus spoke establishes an intimate connection with God, neigh-
bor, self, and creation. Because this love, who is God Himself, is at the foundational core of our lives, it demands actions and atti-
tudes that serve to build up, increase, and free up those relationships. Love requires proper conduct. Preserving and enhancing
these love centered relationships is at the heart of the Ten Commandments (and the Beatitudes) and the reason for Jesus’ display
of anger in the temple.
The Ten Commandments can save the world from turmoil and conflict by instilling basic moral and relational principles within us.
They also hold a healthy sense of sin in balance and always remind us of our relationship with God and the freedom God offers.
Our faith preserves these jewels of truth that we often look beyond, dismiss altogether, or seek to remove from public view. Hu-
man beings can be so arrogant at times. Our Lenten journey, especially when embarked upon with sincerity and resolve, can re-
store all of our essential relationships. When we get absorbed in life’s preoccupations and demands, things can quickly get distort-
ed and we can find ourselves way off track. In short, we find ourselves in sin. Humanity is losing a sense of both grace and sin.
We need both to understand what is real and true. Until we do, the oppressive systems and ideologies that hurt so many will never
change. We will never change. We are grateful for those courageous souls who willingly embrace the conversion and hard work
Lent demands and stand against antiquated systems and ideologies. They give us hope that all is not lost.

                                                                                                A DAY OF LENTEN REFLECTION WITH THE
                   Lent Penance Services Alton Deanery                                        ST. SERRA VOCATIONS CLUB of MADISON CTY.

Immaculate Conception, Pierron: Wednesday March 10, 7:00pm                                              Wednesday, March 10, 2021
                                                                                                  St. Ambrose Church & Community Center
St. Gertrude, Grantfork: Wednesday March 17, 6:30pm                                             (Non-members are most welcome at our retreat!)

St. Boniface: Sunday March 14, 2:00pm                                                             11:00 – 2:00 in Church & Community Center
                                                                                             Includes Mass, 2 Reflection Talks, Lunch & Confes-
Mother of Perpetual Help: Tuesday March 16, 6:45pm                                                                   sions
                                                                                                    Retreat Director: Father Tom Donovan

St. Paul, Highland: Wednesday March 24, 6:30pm                                               Topic: Traveling Together on Our Lenten Journey
Penance Service with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament                                     COST for pasta/salad/dessert lunch $15.00 per per-
                                                                                                       son, RSVP for lunch required
St. Ambrose: None scheduled
                                                                                             PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE FOR OUR
                                                                                                       LENTEN DAY OF RETREAT
                                                                                               BY E-MAILING OR LEAVING A MESSAGE FOR
                                                                                            CAROLYN or 618-463-1793
March 13-14      Saturday              Sunday             Sunday
                   4:00 pm               8:00 am            10:00 am

Lector:            J. Thompson           Chris Dunphy       Judy Pautler

Eucharistic        Sherry Rexford        Ann Hornsey        Gloria Gray

Servers:           Dave Cordes           Sean Williams      Jack Snyders

Ushers:            Dave Cordes           Joe Barrett        Jack Snyders
                   Liz Cordes            Bill Merkle        Jim Hernandez
                   Phyllis Gebben

                                                                  Mass Intentions for the Week
         Budget Weekly                                   Sunday, March 7 Third Sunday of Lent
  Goal…………………………...$7,500.00                             8:00 am e Faustino Marin
                                                         10:00 am People of the Parish
              February 27-28
   Last Sunday Envelopes .... $ 4,544.00                 Monday, March 8th
   Loose………. ....................... $ 215.00            NO MASS
   ACSA ................................... $ 140.00
   On-Line....................................$ 53.00    Tuesday, March 9th
   Building ...................................$ 80.00
    Ash Wednesday.….……..….$ 80.00                        8:15 am e Kathie Henderson
    Easter………………………...$ 5.00
 Catholic Times…………………..$ 15.00                          Wednesday, March 10th COMMUNION SERVICE
 Catholic Relief Services…………$ 30.00                     8:15 am e Ryan Maher
 Catholic Charitites…………….…$ 75.00
   Gift Shop……………….……$ 70.00                             Thursday, March 11th
Difference with Collection……- $ 2,193.00                 8:15 am e William Bray
Of 239 Envelope Holders 73 contributed
         to the Sunday Collection                        Friday, March 12th
    Mass Attendance Last Weekend                         8:15am e Jo Ann Walsh
             Saturday 4:00 - 80                          12 Noon Stations of the Cross
              Sunday 8:00 - 62
             Sunday 10:00 - 67                           Saturday, March 13th
           Total Attendance - 209                        4:00 pm e Teresa Woelfel

           Church Cleaners March 13-14                   Sunday, March 14th Fourth Sunday of Lent
                                                         8:00 am e Karen Lohr
   4 pm: S. Rexford and D. & J. Hanlon                   10:00 am People of the Parish
   8 am: N. Klein and A. Williams
   10 am: E. & P. Daly and B. Hampton

              If you can help please call
               Liz Cordes at 466-7656
This & That                                                                       3049 Godfrey Rd. Godfrey, IL 62035

                                                                                                  MATT HORN
                                                                                                  Managing Broker
                                                                                                Cell 618-560-8201
As you journey through Lent, hopefully your hearts and                                         Office 618-466-1513
minds have settled into the pattern of prayerfulness and                            
penance and planning to care for the poor. Covenant
Network can help you stay the course during this season of
self- denial with inspirational and devotional programming
including the daily Mass, the Rosary, the Divine Mercy
Chaplet and other prayers. You can also hear faith-
nourishing programs on Scripture, the saints and Church
history. Tune into AM 1080 or 92.7 FM this Lent to help
prepare your heart for Easter. Thank you so much! May
God bless you! Claire Doyle Covenant Network


Readings for the week of March 7, 2021                                                     Todd W. Sivia
                                                                                           Attorney at Law
                                                                                           Elder Law
Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn                            Nursing Home
                                                                                           Medicaid - Wills
6:68c]/1 Cor 1:22-25/                                                                      Trusts - POA
                                                                                           Special Needs

Jn 2:13-25 or Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/                            618-258-4800
Jn 4:5-42 or

4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42

Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4 [cf 42:3]/Lk 4:24-

Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43/Ps 25:4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9 [6a]/Mt

Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20]/Mt 5:17-
19                                                                    Contact Trey Hill to place an ad today!
                                                             or (800) 950-9952 x2613
Thursday: Jer 7:23-28/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/Lk 11:14-23

Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 81:6c-8a, 8bc-9, 10-11ab, 14 and 17 [cf.
11 and 9a]/Mk 12:28-34

Saturday: Hos 6:1-6/Ps 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab [cf. Hos 6:6]/Lk

Next Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6
[6ab]/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 or                                        Staten-Fine
1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4m 5, 6 [1]/Eph 5:8-14/    Funeral Homes & Cremation Services
Jn 9:1-41 or                                                          “Family Owned & Operated”
                                                                  220 Court St., Alton    465-8641
9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38                                          
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