Serving: Alberta Beach, Barrhead, Calahoo, Cherhill, Darwell, Glenevis, Gunn, Lac Ste. Anne County,
         Mayerthorpe, Onoway, Rich Valley, Rochfort Bridge, Sangudo, Whitecourt, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain.

            January 12, 2021
 Submitted by Brenda            presenting our 14th Annual      the University of Saskatch-
Ogden, Sangudo & Dis-           Gardeners Day as a VIRTUAL      ewan. His topic is about the
trict Horticultural Club        meeting via Zoom, on Satur-     Top Tips for Growing Fruit.
                                day, January 23, 2021. This     Bob has been in charge of
 With the need for social       allows us to recruit speak-     the Fruit breeding program
distancing, the Sangudo         ers from a farther distance     at the university for 21 years.
Horticultural Club is doing     than we normally could.
things differently in 2021 by   Bob Bors is speaking from               Continued on Page 4

 Submitted by Western           gensen. While checking the      MAXMILLIONS numbers 1,
Canada Lottery Corporation      pockets, he discovered an       4, 10, 12, 13, 26, and 41 and
                                old LOTTO MAX ticket for        netted Jorgensen a $1 mil-
 A trip to take some suits      the October 9, 2020 draw        lion windfall.
to the dry cleaners proved      – a ticket that turned out
very fruitful for Glenn Jor-    to exactly match winning                Continued on Page 8

 Submitted by Parkland            If you have seen the track    the Parkland RCMP at 825-
RCMP                            hoe or have any information     220-7267 or your local police.
                                that can assist with this in-
  A Case CX470B yellow track    vestigation, please contact
hoe excavator with a Border
Paving logo on it was report-
ed as stolen from the Border
Paving yard located at 54106
Range Road 15 near Onoway,
AB. The complainant advised
the theft occurred on Satur-
day, Jan. 9, 2021 between the
hours of 5:30 a.m. and 11:00
  The suspect(s) would have
needed a semi truck with a
low bed to tow the track hoe.
Page 2   CommunityVOICE                                                                              January 12, 2021

                              RCMP REQUEST PUBLIC’S
                          ASSISTANCE TO IDENTIFY SUSPECT
                           Submitted by Parkland         victim and her friend ran.
                          RCMP                             The suspect is described
                            On Jan. 4, 2021 Parkland       • East Indian male
                          RCMP responded to a report       • Accent
                          of an attempted abduction.       • Deep voice
                          The 14-yr-old female victim      • Appeared to be in his 20’s
                          reported that at approxi-        • Slim build
                          mately 12:30 p.m. she was        • Bald
                          out for a walk to meet with      • Brown eyes
                          some friends in the Silver-      • Bushy eyebrows
                          stone area of Stony Plain.       • Sunglasses with thin sil-
                          A male in a black vehicle      ver arms and clear frames
                          honked the horn at her and     (on the end of his nose)         like to speak to the potential
                          waved. The vehicle turned        • A bit of a mustache          witness that was driving the
                          around and pulled up beside      • Possible a tattoo on his     white vehicle that honked
                          her with the window rolled     wrist                            his horn at the suspect.
                          down and said, “hey, get in      • Wearing a dark colored         A composite sketch of the
                          the car”. The victim did not   jacket                           suspect has been shown.
                          respond. She observed her        The suspect vehicle is de-       If you are able to identi-
                          friend and waved her over.     scribed as:                      fy the suspect or have any
                          A white vehicle pulled up        • Black mid-size 4 door se-    information that will as-
                          behind the suspect. The        dan                              sist with this investigation,
                          driver of the white vehicle      • Steering wheel was on        please contact the Parkland
                          honked his horn. The sus-      the right side of the vehicle    RCMP at 825-220-7267 or
                          pect was startled and drove      • Clean                        your local police. If you wish
                          away. The suspect vehicle        • Lettering on license plate   to remain anonymous, you
                          drove by again and when        was red                          can contact Crime Stoppers
                          it appeared to be turning        • Silver rims                  at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS),
                          around to come back, the         The Parkland RCMP would        online at
January 12, 2021                                                                                           CommunityVOICE          Page 3

 Submitted by Shane               tracted in an effort to mitigate    made to me, or I had made to          Drayton Valley, where at the
Getson, MLA for Lac Ste.          safety incidents. We all want-      them, to be able to make the          kickoff meeting in Septem-
Anne-Parkland                     ed to make sure the people we       construction schedule.                ber the horizontal directional
                                  worked with made it home safe         Early in my marriage my wife        drilling contractor provided a
  Firstly, I want to wish you a   to be with their families, and      gave me a very dirty look when        schedule that was very tight.
belated Merry Christmas and       that they were able to enjoy        I got up from our Christmas           In fact, so tight that if they
a Happy New Year. 2020 was        their well-deserved down time.      supper with her family to take        had any hiccups they may not
a rough ride for all of us, and   In my prior life I also found       a phone call, and then a follow       be able to recover, and would
I have never been so happy        myself hoping for cold weather      up tongue lashing about why           have to work through Christ-
to see a year come to a close.    so that we could have a good        I took the call. I explained to       mas. I brought this to their
I am looking forward to a “Do     chance of driving frost into the    her that there was a crew of 15       attention, and they assured
Over” in 2021, getting through    right-of -way, so that when the     people up in the “Bush” that          me they would make it, and if
the worst of COVID, getting       crews returned refreshed from       didn’t have the luxury of be-         needed would skip Christmas
the economy rolling again,        the Christmas Break, they had       ing home with their families          to complete.
making up for the downturn in     the best conditions possible to     because they were putting up             As chance would have it, the
business / job losses we had in   be able to maintain safety and      the camp that was needed for          rig they were mobilizing to
2020, and returning to normal.    schedule. On the pipeline proj-     the 200 people who would              the site was delayed a week,
The time off at Christmas did     ects we were always racing the      need beds when they returned          it was a challenging hole, and
however give me some time to      elements, specifically breakup      from their Christmas break.           they indeed were going to
reflect on previous years, and    in the spring, and if we missed     So, as the Project Manager, if        miss the schedule. Their su-
previous Christmas break, or      that, the in-service date could     those folks on site needed my         perintendent came to me and
lack thereof.                     be delayed until the next con-      help, the least I could do was        said it was their intent to work
  In my life prior to politics    struction season in some cases.     be there to take that call. I felt    through Christmas to not let
I was leading major project         There were only two instanc-      they needed to know that they         me down, and to keep his word
teams, predominantly pipe-        es in the 19 years I’ve been mar-   were not alone, and that they         that he made back in Septem-
lines, for the last decade. In    ried that I didn’t have a chance    had my thanks and respect             ber. I, in turn, went back to my
that industry, we always paid     to have a Christmas Break at        for the work they were doing          team of inspectors, and asked
attention to the morale of the    home. In both cases, it was be-     for the team. She understood          who would be willing to work
team, the hours the folks were    cause of project requirements,      completely.                           with me through the break.
working, and their attention to   the commitments people who            The second time was on a
detail so they wouldn’t be dis-   were part of my team had            small looping project down in                  Continued on Page 9
Page 4    CommunityVOICE                                                                                     January 12, 2021

                               Sangudo Horticultural Club Doing
                               Things Differently

Continued from Page 1          the ‘Under the Sea’ Coleus.      Bob has won the prestigious      fits of having permanent seed
                               The university has released 10   Stevenson Award.                 beds along with using mulch,
 His specialty is with har-    new varieties of haskaps and      We will also have Kim Ross of   is a greater protection for the
dy fruits such as the Haskap   is considered one of the best    Rossdale Farms with the topic    structure of the soil, less wa-
and Sour Cherry as well as     worldwide breeding programs.     of No-Till Gardens. The bene-    ter needed, the prevention of
                                                                                                 weeds, and an improved soil
                                                                                                 quality. Kim is a Master Gar-
                                                                                                 dener and is currently work-
                                                                                                 ing on a Prairie Horticulture
                                                                                                 Certificate to obtain greater
                                                                                                 knowledge of fruits, vegeta-
                                                                                                 bles, and greenhouse growing.
                                                                                                   Registration for the event is
                                                                                                 $20.00 with a deadline for en-
                                                                                                 try on January 20. The meeting
                                                                                                 starts at 9:00am. Payment by
                                                                                                 e-transfer. Info Heather 780-
                                                                                                 785-2171 and you can register
                                                                                                 at SangudoHortClub@gmail.
                                                                                                 com with more details at www.
                                                                                        The event is host-
                                                                                                 ed by the Sangudo & District
                                                                                                 Horticultural Club and spon-
                                                                                                 sored by Lac Ste. Anne County.
                                                                                                   The Horticultural Club was
                                                                                                 able to put on a few events in
                                                                                                 2020. We thank Marlene Pe-
                                                                                                 tersen for her talk on a Walk
                                                                                                 in my Greenhouse (January
                                                                                                 20th), the speakers at our Flo-
                                                                                                 ral Fantasy Gardeners Day
                                                                                                 (January 25th) Maria Beers
                                                                                                 and Clara Qualizza, Ashleigh
                                                                                                 Munro of Kiwi Nurseries for
                                                                                                 her talk on What’s New in 2020
                                                                                                 (February 24th), Denise O’Reil-
                                                                                                 ly for How to Make Your Own
                                                                                                 Herbal Teas (September 28th),
                                                                                                 Jessica Stambulic for her talk
                                                                                                 on Vermiculture (October
                                                                                                 26th), and Shelley Batdorf of
                                                                                                 Pots ‘n’ Pansies Greenhouse
                                                                                                 for hosting the Christmas craft
                                                                                                 (November 14).
                                                                                                   While our 2021 season will
                                                                                                 look different, we are still
                                                                                                 planning to share good gar-
                                                                                                 dening information. Watch
                                                                                                 for updates on our Facebook
                                                                                                 page. New members are al-
                                                                                                 ways welcome. We wish all of
                                                                                                 you the best for 2021.
January 12, 2021   CommunityVOICE   Page 5
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January 12, 2021   CommunityVOICE   Page 7
Page 8    CommunityVOICE                                                                                  January 12, 2021

              OF DRUGS AND CASH
  Submitted  by        Val-    hospital to seek treatment      significant amount of drugs     garding this incident. Please
leyview RCMP                   for injuries. Upon further      and cash were seized during     contact Valleyview RCMP at
                               investigation, police arrest-   the investigation. Suspected    780-524-3345 or your local
 On December 13, 2020,         ed and charged the offend-      methamphetamine, total-         police. If you wish to re-
Valleyview RCMP along          ing driver, a northern Alber-   ling 880 grams was seized,      main anonymous, you can
with High Prairie RCMP re-     ta resident, with possession    as well as over $6200 CAD       contact Crime Stoppers at
sponded to a single motor      for the purpose of traffick-    cash. The investigation is      1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), on-
vehicle collision. The driv-   ing under the Controlled        ongoing.                        line at or
er was taken to Valleyview     Drugs and Substances Act. A       If you have information re-   by using the “P3 Tips” app.

Onoway Winner Brings Home a Cool $1 Million

                                                                                               Continued from Page 1
                                                                                                 Jorgensen picked up his
                                                                                               winning ticket a few days
                                                                                               before the draw at the Petro
                                                                                               Canada at 16951 109th Ave-
                                                                                               nue in Edmonton. When he
                                                                                               discovered his ticket and
                                                                                               took it in to a local store
                                                                                               to use their ticket checker,
                                                                                               he wasn’t sure what he was
                                                                                               seeing at first – literally.
                                                                                                 “The first time I thought
                                                                                               it was $1,000, because I
                                                                                               didn’t have my glasses,” he
                                                                                               laughed while claiming his
                                                                                               prize. “Then I thought it was
                                                                                               $10,000. Then $100,000 –
                                                                                               then finally I went to cashier
                                                                                               and asked her to check it.”
                                                                                                 The cashier confirmed he
                                                                                               was about to be $1 million
                                                                                                 “At that point, honestly, I
                                                                                               got a little emotional,” Jor-
                                                                                               gensen recalled. He says he
                                                                                               went home, took his dog
                                                                                               for a walk, and then imme-
                                                                                               diately put his ticket in a
                                                                                               safety deposit box until he
                                                                                               could claim his prize.
                                                                                                 Now that he has his prize
                                                                                               in hand, Jorgensen says he’s
                                                                                               still determining what to do
                                                                                               with it.
                                                                                                 “I have pretty simple
                                                                                               tastes – there’s no sports car
                                                                                               in my future,” he laughed.
January 12, 2021                                                                                             CommunityVOICE           Page 9
Back to Work, Comments and Reflections of the Christmas Break
Continued from Page 3               computer, and turned off the         that I have not made decisions       directly, but with the team as a
                                    phones. I spent time with my         in my life that I did not regret.    whole.
   I wouldn’t expect anyone else    family at home, worked on get-       Nor would I be naive enough to         All I can do is my best to keep
                                    ting an old pickup running for       say that in the future I will not    the commitments I made, and
to work through Christmas if I
                                    my son, calling friends and rel-     make a decision that I could         through my actions regain
wouldn’t do that myself, lead-
                                    atives on the phone, enjoying a      come to regret. I do however,        what has been lost by con-
ing by example, the way I was
                                    few fire pits, went on a flight to   through experience and lean-         tinuing to keep my word, and
                                    the mountains, and even a little     ing on others for counsel from       showing results for the work
  I advised the landowners who
                                    axe throwing with my son and         time to time, take the time to       effort that is being made. I
would be impacted, including
                                    youngest daughter.                   weigh the options to minimize        need to make sure that the vot-
one straight shooting farm
                                      For those that have been ask-      the potential impact of less         ers who put me here continue
lady where our exit pit was lo-
                                    ing for me to respond to the         than desirable decisions.            to feel that they made the right
cated in her barn yard. She was
                                    personal choices that some of          I can only speak for myself,       decision in the last election by
a take no guff kind of person,
                                    my colleagues made in regards        but am highly confident that as      choosing me to represent their
and was none too happy about
                                    to how and where they spent          a team we will double our ef-        interests. In short, as a team
us working through Christmas.
                                    the time they had over Christ-       forts to get us through COVID.       we need be humble enough to
I assured her we would do our
                                    mas I can only say that I made       We will focus on creating an         learn from the mistakes made
best not to disturb their day,
                                    different choices than they did.     environment where our econ-          and to ensure they never hap-
and apologized again for the
                                    They are responsible for their       omy will grow, and foster an         pen again, dust ourselves off,
inconvenience. She asked if I
                                    actions to their constituents,       environment where the many           get back to work on fixing the
was going to be there too, how
                                    to their team members as a           jobs that have been lost will be     problems at hand. Albertans
many people were working,
                                    whole, and to the Premier. The       regained. I fully recognize that     deserve no less, 2021 is the
and if we were at least going to
                                    short term consequences for          the recent events have eroded        turnaround year for our prov-
shut down at the lunch hour. I
                                    their choices have now come          some of the confidence and           ince.
let her know that I’d be there,
                                    to pass.                             trust of my constituents, not          Yours Truly,
and wouldn’t ask my guys to
                                      I would be a hypocrite if I said   only with the people involved          Shane Getson
miss Christmas if I wasn’t will-
ing to do so, that we would take
an hour-long break for lunch
and the number of folks we
had working. Christmas day,
that farm lady brought out a
turkey to the drilling rig, com-
plete with most of the fixings,
saying no one would go with-
out a Christmas dinner if she
had anything to do with it. It
takes a team to build a project,
it is not without effort, or giv-
ing up the things that we hold
important at times to make it
happen. Those efforts can be
recognized by folks that we
would least expect sometimes.
  When I campaigned, I let
folks know that if they hired
me for the job as their MLA,
I would treat this job like a
project. I’d be willing to give
them 6 days a week, but I get
Sundays off to myself to spend
time with my family. A typical
6 & 1 shift, and for most of the
time it works out. What does
not stop is the phone calls, so-
cial media and e-mails.
  The promise I made to my
family is that Christmas, I
spend with them. The vast ma-
jority of the people who hired
me for this job respect that,
and I was fortunate enough
this year to take off the 24th of
December until the 4th of Jan-
uary. This year I didn’t have to
worry about the safety of the
crews in the field, nor the warm
weather messing up the frost
packing of muskeg, or log-
ging that needed to take place.
As such, I went into “Dark
Mode” stepped away from the
Page 10      CommunityVOICE                                                                                           January 12, 2021

    Classified Ads - Call 962-9228
                                   clear ALL data. Call 780-892-      vehicle, can only be viewed         with full kitchen and furnished
   Dog Caretaker                   2407 (16) 05-01                    on week days after 4pm &            1 bedrooms with full kitchen
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Alberta Beach & Surrounding
Areas, thinking of a Seasonal
                                       To Give Away                   any questions text or call 780-
                                                                      908-6659 (S) OG
                                                                                                          tax. Please call for viewing,
                                                                                                          780-967-4420 or 780-945-1723.
Getaway? Worried about                                                                                    www.onowayinnandsuites.
                                   FREE – Good Upright Piano,
leaving your dog in a kennel?
Don’t worry anymore, you can
                                   Must go to you or to the dump.            Buy & Sell                   com (4) 22-12-20 OG
                                   780-967-3660 (2) 05-01                                                 Year Round Cabins for Rent.
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loving care, with walks every                                                                             $1050/month      +    DD.    All
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interested call 780-920-4166       new      serpentine   belt(have                                        For Rent by Owner, Looking
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      Computers                    rips on seats (MINT), Car sits     included. Utilities extra. No
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                                   on coilovers, Downpipes, Tail      Pets. Non smokers; no smoking       within reason, $600/month,
FREE Computer Checkup,
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                                                                      Completely renovated Motel              Land For Rent
Parts. Saving/Erase hard drive,                                       in Onoway, AB. offering daily,
                                   is in amazing condition for the
photos, documents. DONATE:                                            weekly or monthly rentals.          220 Acres of grain land for rent,
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tablets,    cameras,    radios,                                       tv with Satellite.      Double      780-910-5472 (16) 24-11-20
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January 12, 2021   CommunityVOICE   Page 11
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January 12, 2021   CommunityVOICE   Page 13

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