School Calendar 2018 2019 - Edmonton ...

Page created by Ray Acosta
School Calendar 2018 2019 - Edmonton ...
School Calendar
    2018 - 2019
School Calendar 2018 2019 - Edmonton ...
School Vision
                                                                             At Jasper Place High School we are serious about
Welcome to 2018/19 at Jasper Place High School! We hope you have             student success and committed to providing a
                                                                             positive learning environment that will foster and
enjoyed a relaxing summer and are prepared for the challenges of this        support high expectations and excellence in student
new school year.                                                             achievement, behavior and service. We believe
                                                                             that success is best achieved in an atmosphere of
                                                                             mutual respect and trust supported by a partnership
                                                                             among students, staff, parents and community
Our commitment to you is to provide excellent curricular, co-curricular      members that reinforces academic learning,
and extra-curricular programs to make each year productive and               citizenship skills and student responsibility.

enjoyable. Jasper Place High School will continue to promote excellence
in learning through our conscientious dedicated staff, our enthusiastic
students and our supportive parents and community members. We
will provide you with access to an extensive selection of courses and
involvements. Your commitment to regular attendance, sincere effort,
high achievement and participation in all aspects of school life will make
this an excellent year.
                                                                                  Respectful Learning and Working
Keep this booklet with you at all times. It will be very useful to you in    Edmonton Public Schools, in co-operation with its
                                                                             staff groups, is committed to a creating a healthy,
maintaining an organized approach to your studies.                           respectful learning environment for students,
                                                                             staff members, trustees, parents, volunteers and
                                                                             contractors. We recognize the worth of every person
Best wishes for an excellent year.                                           without discrimination. We are committed to working
                                                                             toward the elimination of objectionable behaviour in
                                                                             our schools and workplaces, and to maintaining an
The Administration Team                                                      environment that is respectful, safe, nurturing and
                                                                             positive for everyone. Please help us achieve this
Jasper Place High School                                                     goal by interacting in a manner which respects the
                                                                             dignity and value of others.
We’re one of the biggest high schools in             4 . You’ll have the opportunity to be                  8.   We give you the chance to explore
Western Canada. That means we’re able to                 challenged.                                             your interests.
offer more to our students.                              Research has shown that AP and IB                       With more than 100 courses to
These are just a few of the reasons we think             students are better prepared to handle the              choose from, and more than 30 clubs
you should be at JP.                                     academic rigor experienced at university,               and teams to join, we know you
                                                         and we’re the only high school in Edmonton              will find something for you. Choose
1.   You can be yourself.                                to offer both!                                          options like Guitar, Cosmetology, or
     Students tell us they feel they can really be                                                               Web Design. Are you going to try
     themselves at JP and that makes us proud.       5.   We’ll prepare you for the future.                      out for the Wrestling, Cheer, or Golf
     Everyone feels like they have a special              We provide you with the tools you need                 team? You might find students just
     place at our school — we learn from each             to succeed after high school. Our unique               like you in the Book Club, Theater
     other, respect each other and celebrate our          course offerings, modern technology,                   Club, or Ski Club. We have it all!
     differences.                                         and state of the art facilities will give you
                                                          an edge and ensure our graduates can              9.   We have our very own TV channel.
2.   Our staff love their jobs.                           compete with the best in the world.                    Our talented Media Communication
     Our teachers have received provincial,                                                                      Technology students produce and
     national and international recognition          6.   You can work while you study — and                     broadcast a weekly episode of JPTV,
     for excellence in teaching. Teachers,                earn credits doing it!                                 keeping our entire school up to date
     counselors, administration, and other                Explore a future career through our Work               on campus events. Not to be missed!
     staff are dedicated to helping everyone              Experience program or RAP, our Registered
     succeed. Our students tell us that makes             Apprenticeship Program where you can              10. Rebel pride.
     the difference in ensuring a great high              receive on the job training and experience.           You can see Rebel pride in all aspects
     school experience.                                                                                         of student life at Jasper Place.
                                                     7.   You can get involved.                                 It’s apparent when we celebrate
3.   We’ll tailor a program specifically for              Belt out a tune at Christmas Karaoke or use           JP students achieving academic
     your needs.                                          your charm to help raise funds for charity!           excellence (have you ever seen a
     Every JP student spends time with one                Each month, student leaders organize                  mascot at a Math Competition?). You
     of our counselors to establish a unique              energizing activities for staff and students to       can hear it when the crowd roars in
     educational and career plan that supports            build school spirit.                                  support of our athletes. You can see it
     each student’s style of learning, interests                                                                in the bright red shirts, face paint, and
     and aspirations.                                                                                           posters throughout the school. We’re
                                                                                                                bold, confident and proud. We are
                     FOR HIGH SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT:
Grade 10
Average of 75.0% - 79.9% in five subjects - $300
Average of 80.0% or higher in five subjects - $400
• English 10-1 or 10-2 or Francais 10-1, 13 or 10-2
• Two of the following:
  Mathematics 10C
  Science 10
  Social Studies 10-1, 10-2
  A language other than one used above at the Grade 10 level
• Any two courses with minimum three credit value at Grade 10 level including those listed
  above and combined introductory CTS courses
Grade 11
Average of 75.0% - 79.9% in five subjects - $500
Average of 80.0% or higher in five subjects - $800
• English 20-1 or 20-2 or Francais 20-1, 23 or 20-2
• Two of the following:
  Mathematics 20-1, Mathematics 20-2
  Science 20
  Biology 20
  Chemistry 20
  Physics 20
  Social Studies 20-1, 20-2
  A language other than one used above at the Grade 11 level.
• Any two courses with minimum three credit value at Grade 11 level including those listed
  above and combined intermediate CTS courses.
Grade 12
Average of 75.0% - 79.9% in five subjects - $700
Average of 80.0% or higher in five subjects - $1300
• English 30-1 or 30-2 or Francais 30-1 or 30-2
• Two of the following:
  Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 30-2, Mathematics 31
  Science 30
  Biology 30
  Chemistry 30
  Physics 30
  Social Studies 30-1, 30-2
  A language other than one used above at the Grade 12 level.
• Any two courses with minimum five credit value at Grade 12 level including those listed
  above and combined advanced CTS courses.
Alberta High School Diploma

□□Earn a minimum of 100 credits and complete the following courses:
     □□ English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2; and
     □□ Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2; and
     □□ Mathematics 20-1, or 20-2, or 20-3; and
     □□ Science 20 or 24 or Biology 20 or Chemistry 20 or Physics 20; and
     □□ Physical Education 10; and
     □□ Career and Life Management (CALM); and
     □□ 10 credits, in any combination, from:
		      Career and Technology Studies (CTS) and/or
		Fine Arts and/or
		      Second Languages and/or
       Physical Education 20 and/or Physical Education 30; and
       Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) courses
       Knowledge and Employability courses; and
    		10 credits in any 30-level course (other than English and Social Studies), including:
        30 level Mathematics, Science, Fine Arts, Second Language, CTS, or Physical
        Education and/or
        30 level Locally Developed Course and/or
        30 level Work Experience and/or
        30 level Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
       30-level Knowledge and Employability courses
       Advanced level (3000 series) in CTS courses
       30-level Green Certificate Specialization courses
       Special Projects 30
Student Services and Career Centre
What can school counsellors do for you? The counselling department at Jasper Place provides a number of services for students and parents:

Scholarships                                                             Academic Assistance
We are very proud of student achievement at Jasper Place                 Students who are struggling with course work are encouraged
High School. Students are encouraged to start working toward             to seek help. The first source of help is the classroom teacher.
scholarship requirements during their grade ten year, as there are       Beyond that, Student Services provides study skills information and
often community service or leadership components that must be            counsellors will work to provide support and make connections with
completed. Scholarship information is available on the website and       ACCESS and outside tutors.
on JPTV. Scholarship information is also available in a brochure
in Student Services. Counsellors will assist students to research        Personal Counselling
the multitude of scholarships available, and to write effective          Problems that students may encounter are varied but often
applications.                                                            a conversation with a counsellor can help. Counsellors are
                                                                         experienced in helping students see problems clearly, and in
Educational Planning                                                     identifying potential solutions. Where more intensive help is needed,
Choosing the right set of courses for high school can be challenging,    students are referred to appropriate agencies.
but is crucial to future success. A counsellor can inform students of
the requirements for university or other post- secondary institutions,   Career Centre
help identify strengths and interests, and create a plan for high        Career information and assistance, designed to help students
school.                                                                  research their career goal, will be available through Student
                                                                         Services on the main floor. Ms. Corbo is available to help students
Career Awareness                                                         research post-secondary, scholarship, careers information, and
Students who have not created a list of potential careers, or who        complete applications.
do not see how high school will help them reach their goals are at
greater risk for low achievement or dropping out of high school.         Work Experience can be coordinated through Mr. Haynes in Room
Career tools such as interest inventories and job information banks      116 and RAP programming is provided through Mr. Elliott in Room
help students plan for their future.                                     155a.
The ACCESS centre is a program at Jasper Place that oversees students taking courses by modules to either upgrade or complete a course in their program.                How Can You
The tutoring program provides students with volunteer student tutors available throughout the day. Any student can access this great program on a drop in basis,
and we welcome students who want to study, use a computer or work in ACCESS before school, lunch, after school or during a spare.                                       Get Involved?
There are many school athletic teams, and these include Badminton, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country Running, Golf, Football, Rugby, Track and Field,
Soccer, Volleyball, etc. If you are interested in taking part in any of these events, please contact the Athletics office in the Fitness Centre for more information.   Athletic Leadership
Attendance                                                                                                                                                                   Badminton
Regular attendance in class is one of the most important contributing factors to student learning and student success. Students are expected to be in every class,           Basketball
on time, every day unless they are approved to be away. Possible reasons may include field trip, illness, or bereavement. Parents must contact the school if the
student is away from school for illness or personal reasons before the absence starts. All absences from class will be recorded. Student absences will be reported
                                                                                                                                                                             Cheer team
daily on SchoolZone. Parents can request a printout of their child’s attendance at any time through the general office or access this information on SchoolZone                Cricket
( Students are responsible for all course material missed while absent for any reason, and there may be consequences for unexcused                Bloomsday
absences.                                                                                                                                                                      Football
Awards and Scholarships                                                                                                                                                          Golf
There are a wide variety of scholarships and financial assistance available. Please talk to our Career Advisor in Student Services or view the list of awards on
the school website (
                                                                                                                                                                           Indoor Soccer
Appropriate behavior is required from all students. Students are expected to respect all staff, all students and their property, and school authority and school          Olympic Lifting
board property.                                                                                                                                                              Pom Team
Student Code of Conduct                                                                                                                                                          REB
Students shall conduct themselves so as to reasonably comply with the following code of conduct:                                                                              Rebel Fit
a) be diligent in pursuing their studies;
b) attend school regularly and punctually;
                                                                                                                                                                          Rock Climbing
c) co-operate fully with everyone authorized to provide education programs and other services;                                                                                  Rugby
d) comply with the rules of the school;                                                                                                                                        Soccer
e) account to their teachers for their conduct;                                                                                                                           Track and Field
f) respect the rights of others;
g) carry I.D. card at all times; and
h) Cellphones and handheld communication devices are to be used only during non-instructional time, and are not permitted in instructional areas such as the                  Wrestling
General Office, or the Library. At teachers discretion, such devices may be permitted for educational use in the classroom.
Failure to follow any of these expectations may result in detention, suspensions and/or a recommendation for expulsion
from the school.
An Edmonton by-law makes it illegal to bully and harass others. The bylaw defines bullying as “repeated intimidation
of others by the real or threatened infliction of physical, verbal, written, electronically transmitted, or emotional abuse.”
                                                                                                                                  Web Sites of Interest
Please ensure your bike is securely locked and stored in a designated area. Bikes should not be ridden on school
Bus Passes
Bus Passes are sold before school, lunch hour and after school by cash, cheque, interac, MasterCard and Visa at the   
Kiosk (located by the library). Annual bus passes will be available for pick-up the day before monthly passes go on sale.
Please watch the announcements for the date each month. Students must have a school I.D. card to purchase a bus       
pass. If you do not have your I.D. you may not have another student purchase your bus pass. This is considered fraud
by Edmonton Transit and they will issue bylaw tickets to the owner as well as the second user of the bus pass for fare
The cafeteria is open all day to students, and breakfast and lunch include healthy choices such as vegetables and dip,
fruit cups, soups, and sandwiches. Students are expected to deposit all garbage in the proper bins, and return used    (Armed Forces)
cafeteria dishes and trays to the proper containers. Appropriate behavior is expected in the cafeteria at all times.
Career Information                                                                                                    
Our Career Centre is located in Student Services, and offers many services to students. Post-Secondary and Scholarship
information to help guide students to create an educational and career plan, and to make course selections and choices (Career Information
around their career pathway. All students build a portfolio, which contains a resume, aptitude tests, career investigations,
and samples of the student’s best work.                                                                                         Hotline, Student Finance, Occupational Profiles,
Cell Phones                                                                                                                     Scholarships and Bursaries)
Cellphones and handheld communication devices are to be used only during non-instructional time, and are not permitted
in instructional areas such as the General Office, or the Library. At teachers discretion, such devices may be permitted (Students interested in
for educational use in the classroom.
                                                                                                                                post secondary education in the United States
Cheating/Academic Dishonesty
Cheating in any form is not allowed. This includes plagiarizing or copying material from another student or source without      including information on ACT and SAT tests)
attribution, or using unauthorized material for an assignment or exam, or supplying information to other students. Students
may be suspended, may lose credits/course privileges, and/or may have to demonstrate learning in another manner. At
Jasper Place High School, depending on the circumstances of the case, a variety of consequences may result.
Clubs and Teams
At Jasper Place, there are many opportunities for students to get involved in clubs and teams. Participation in clubs and teams is open to all students.
Please watch the announcements for information on clubs and teams.
Counselling & Student Services                                                                                                                                    How Can You
The Counselling office is located in the front of the school, and school counsellors provide:
• counselling assistance to students experiencing personal difficulties
                                                                                                                                                                  Get Involved?
• assistance to students and parents in educational planning
• liaison between students/families and community services
• assistance to students in career planning                                                                                                                              Beading
• information about scholarships, grants and loans                                                                                                                  Citadel Theatre
• advocacy for students in personal and academic development                                                                                                         Culture Club
Course Challenge                                                                                                                                                        Drumline
Students who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes prescribed by the Program of Studies for a course have the opportunity to challenge course
requirements through a district recommended assessment and evaluation process. Students shall initiate the course challenge process within the first two
weeks of a semester.                                                                                                                                                Fashion Show
Detention Room                                                                                                                                                          Glee Club
Students who are continually late or absent from class may be assigned to serve detentions at lunch in our DT room. Students are expected to bring school            Grad Council
work to work on. This area is also used for students to make up missed homework or exams.                                                                          Guitar Ensemble
Dress Code                                                                                                                                                               Interact
Students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner for a learning environment, and are asked to please refrain from wearing tube/halter tops, belly or off
                                                                                                                                                                        Key Club
the shoulder shirts, clothing that exposes underwear, or clothing bearing offensive messages or symbols. Hats and other casual headgear will not be permitted
in the school building, and footwear must be worn at all times. Students may be asked to change their clothing if it is deemed inappropriate for school.            Leading Spirits
Emergency Measures (Intruders in School)                                                                                                                           Math Leadership
If intruders present a threat to student safety, the following steps will occur:                                                                                     Peer Support
1. The buzzer will be sounded a number of times in quick succession and a P.A. announcement will declare a LOCKDOWN to be in effect.                                 Rebel News
2. At this signal, students are to move directly to the nearest classroom or secure area and await further directions.
3. Students are to remain calm and refrain from using the school phone or personal cell phones.
Further instructions will be provided on the school P.A. system. Our school will participate in lockdown drills throughout the year.                                      Skiing
Emergency Measures (Unsafe Building)                                                                                                                              Student Leadership
If there is a need to evacuate the school due to an unsafe environment such as a gas leak or chemical spill, the following steps will occur:                            Yearbook
1. The buzzer will be sounded a number of times in quick succession.                                                                                                  ...and More!
2. The continuous fire alarm will sound.
Students are to exit the building in an orderly manner and proceed to the gym at St. F.X. School (1 block north on 163 Street) and assemble there with their
Examinations                                                                                                  Gymnasiums & Fitness Centre Use
During an examination, students:                                                                              The gyms and fitness centre may be used by students with the permission of their Phys. Ed. Teacher
• will have no other work or material on their desks other than materials specifically required for that      or other designate. Students borrowing equipment must leave their school I.D. card with the Phys. Ed.
  exam,                                                                                                       supervisor.
• shall not talk to any other student during the exam time. (cell phones and music devices are
• requiring assistance or explanation will raise their hand and communicate only with the teacher,            Students are not permitted in the hallways during class time. Students who do not have a class scheduled
• shall not look at the paper or work of any other student nor will they have anything written on their       must work in the Access Room, Learning Resource Centre or Cafeteria.
  desks or person, and                                                                                        Homework
• in conjunction with district policy, may only use approved calculators that must be cleared before
                                                                                                              Homework is to be expected in most courses every day, and students should spend between 15-30
  entering the exam room.
                                                                                                              minutes per subject each night. Assignments are an essential part of course content and, in order for
Exam Break                                                                                                    students to maintain satisfactory progress it is important that assignments are done well and completed
During the writing of examinations in January & June, regular classes are suspended so that students          on time. If students are having difficulty with an assignment, they should request assistance from their
can study for their exams. Special study classes and tutorials are available for all students who require     teacher in advance of the due date. Please contact a teacher if you need additional information.
extra help. Check with your teacher for times and places. Examination schedules are posted in all
                                                                                                              High School Completion
classrooms and on SchoolZone. Students who have a conflict with exams are responsible for making
                                                                                                              Edmonton Public Schools allows students three years to complete their graduation requirements at their
arrangements with their teachers to write their exams at different times. Exceptional situations require
                                                                                                              local high school. Students are expected to plan their course work and requirements within this time
prior approval from the principal or your assistant principal.
                                                                                                              span. Students who do not complete their requirements in the three years can attend Centre High to
Fees                                                                                                          complete or upgrade their high school diploma requirements. A fourth year at the current high school
Fees are payable at the time of registration. If a student is unable to pay fees when registering,            is allowed only under very specific circumstances. In order to receive an application for a fourth year at
arrangements for payment must be made with the administration.                                                Jasper Place High School, students must make an appointment to see their Assistant Principal in early
Fire Drills                                                                                                   March, and must meet very stringent criteria to be considered.
There will be fire drills during the course of the year as required by fire code regulations. These are       Illness
an important part of school safety and students are expected to exit the building in a timely and orderly     If you feel sick during the school day, please report to the office for assistance. If you need to go home,
fashion. Students in wheelchairs, (i.e. students requiring additional assistance) during evacuation will      the school will contact your parent. Students who are required to leave school early for medical or dental
be briefed about procedures.                                                                                  appointments, personal business or any other legitimate purpose must sign out at the General Office.
Graduation Ceremony Requirements                                                                              Students are asked to bring a written note of permission from a parent/guardian indicating the reason for
Students may be included in commencement ceremonies when they have the potential of meeting                   early leave. If a student becomes ill during the course of the day, they must sign out at the office prior
the Alberta High School Diploma requirements (page 5) by August of their graduation year. Summer              to leaving school. Parents/guardians will be contacted by phone informing them of their child’s illness
school allows a maximum of 5 credits. A review of students’ eligibility will be conducted early in the        prior to the student signing out.
Grade 12 year. A listing of eligible participants will be posted throughout the year. Grade 12 students are   Lates
responsible for checking and resolving any discrepancies from the list with their student coordinator prior   Students are expected to arrive on time. Students who arrive late are expected to report directly to class,
to the end of February. In addition, students must have 90% attendance in their Grade 12 year. Students       and may have to make up the missed time.
with outstanding fees must resolve these before they can participate in the school based celebrations.
                                                                                                              Learning Resource Centre
                                                                                                              Your I.D. card is required to sign out materials and use computers.
Lockers                                                                                                        School Resource Officer
Specific lockers will be assigned to all students and will be registered by their teachers. All lockers must   The School Resource Officer is available to help staff and students at any time in order to discuss
be registered with the General Office. The school will provide access to a lock and students are advised       personal and legal matters.
not to share their locker combination or to leave valuables in their lockers. Unauthorized locks will be       School Council
removed. Jasper Place High School is not responsible for the security of your locker or its contents.          Interested parents are invited to participate as members of the school council, along with representatives
Locks must be returned at the end of the school year. Students will be expected to complete a locker           from staff, students and the community. The purpose of school council is to provide input on matters
agreement form on the 1st day of classes.                                                                      related to the school. Contact the school office for meeting dates.
Note: School officials may search a student’s locker and seize any illegal materials. Such materials
may be used as evidence against the student in disciplinary proceedings. If, school authorities have a
                                                                                                               Use SchoolZone is a link between classroom and home. This secure web portal allows parents,
reasonable suspicion that the locker contains materials that pose a threat to the health, welfare, and
                                                                                                               teachers and students to access school information including homework assignments, attendance,
safety of students in the school or the school environment, a student’s locker may be searched without
                                                                                                               progress reports, learning resources, test banks, events, school news and announcements.
prior warning.
                                                                                                               Skateboards and Roller blades
If you have a question about your assigned mark, please talk with your teacher. If you are not satisfied,
                                                                                                               For the safety of our students and staff skateboards, roller blades, and roller shoes are not allowed to be
you may discuss it with the Department Head or, if necessary, your Assistant Principal. Marks are
                                                                                                               used in the school or on the school property.
cumulatively determined throughout the school term. The final mark will reflect the full year’s work.
Media Players
                                                                                                               Edmonton Public Schools maintains a smoke-free environment. Smoking is not permitted in the school
Media players and other similar devices should be used with discretion and removed when requested
                                                                                                               or on the school grounds, and an Edmonton by-law makes it illegal for all people under 18 to access or
by a teacher or other person of authority.
                                                                                                               smoke cigarettes. Students caught smoking may be fined.
                                                                                                               Sports Medicine & Fitness Centre
The JP School newsletter is distributed periodically throughout the school year and news items are
                                                                                                               An on-site athletic trainer and fitness consultant is available to students through the Jasper Place
posted to our school website on a regular basis.
                                                                                                               Fitness Centre. Our trainer also assists in providing support to our Sports Medicine courses, and
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences                                                                             offers support in fitness testing, nutritional counselling, and the development of a personalized fitness
Conferences are held after the first and third progress reports. Parents are encouraged to contact             program. Students can receive assistance with training and injury rehabilitation.
the school at any time during the school year for additional information regarding achievement and
                                                                                                               STAR Program
progress, as well as accessing information through SchoolZone.
                                                                                                               STAR (Strength Tolerance Attitude Resilience) is a program initiated by Jasper Place and Alberta Health
Parking                                                                                                        Services together with community partnerships to provide support for students. It is an integrated
There is limited parking for student vehicles. Parking is permitted in designated areas only. Students         school-based mental health promotion/prevention program that allows service providers to work on
are to refrain from parking in staff or visitor parking areas.                                                 site with students. Students may be identified by counselors and administrators to access resources
Progress Reports                                                                                               in this program.
Progress reports are issued on schoolzone in early November, February, April and June. Final progress
                                                                                                               Student Leadership
reports for the school year will be posted to SchoolZone.
                                                                                                               Become part of the Student Leadership team and help to plan the many worthwhile student involvements
REB                                                                                                            for this year! Any students can take part and all are encouraged to participate in the many and varied
REB is Jasper Place High School’s international basketball tournament. It involves teams from around           events throughout the year.
the world and is a first class event with major student participation in a variety of areas. Students who
have no unexcused absences will be invited to attend the Opening Ceremonies.
Student I.D. Cards
Each student will be issued a photo I.D. card. These must be carried by students at all times and presented when
requested. Student I.D. cards are bar coded and used to sign out textbooks and purchase bus passes. They are
also used to access computer terminals in the Learning Resources Centre, and access the Fitness Centre. It is
                                                                                                                            How Can You Get Involved?
the student’s responsibility to safeguard their I.D. card. If a photo I.D. card is lost a replacement is available at the
office for a $5 charge.                                                                                                            STUDENT LEADERSHIP
Students can sign out textbooks by presenting their I.D. card in the Bookroom. Students cannot take out second
copies of books or sign out texts for courses not on their timetable. If books are lost, students must pay the
replacement cost of the book. Textbooks must be returned before final exams are written.
                                                                                                                            • Community Halloween Party
Jasper Place High School runs on a Day A/B timetable. There are 4 blocks in a day: 2 in the morning, and 2                  • Fashion Show
in the afternoon. Each block is approximately 80 minutes long with breaks between classes and a lunch break.
Timetables are distributed during Registration. If students want to make changes to their timetable, they must make         • Grade 10 Orientation
the requested change before the semester starts. Students must follow their timetable as scheduled once classes
have started. All Grade 10 students must have a full timetable. Students will be assigned a final mark for every
course they are registered in. This mark will become part of the students’ permanent Alberta Education record and           • JP Ambassador Program
will represent the student’s skills, knowledge and attitudes in the graded curriculum. If a student stops attending a
class prior to completion of that course or if poor attendance appears to be a factor resulting in an unsuccessful first
attempt at a course, the student may not be allowed to register in that course for the following semester. Students
                                                                                                                            • Book Drive
may only be allowed to register in the same diploma course twice in the same year if they write the diploma and if
space permits.                                                                                                              • REB Hosts
All visitors must contact the General Office for permission to be in the school.
                                                                                                                            • Terry Fox Run for Cancer
REGULATION WILL BE RECOMMENDED FOR EXPULSION FROM SCHOOL.                                                                   • Touch of Class Day
Our yearbook is compiled of photographs and details of the year’s events and activities. Yearbooks are sold at              • REB-IT-UP
registration in the fall and students should make sure they reserve their book at this time as it may not be available
for purchase in June.
Jasper Place High School
      8950-163 Street
   Edmonton, AB T5R 2P2

                               Principal: David Morris

                                Assistant Principals:
                              Craig Daniel (Students A-C)
                             Rob Simpson (Students D-He)
                             Ana Paulino (Students Hi-Me)
                              Rob Ennis (Students Mi-Sc)
                           Leanne Whitefield (Students Se-Z)

                              Telephone: (780) 408-9000
                                 Fax: (780) 486-1984

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