SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories

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SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories

SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories

At IEH, our mission is to facilitate efficient and
sustainable production of wholesome foods,
and to protect the environment. IEH works
with food companies to design, implement
and monitor proactive and robust food safety
and quality systems.
                                                     “Our goal is to facilitate
                                                      production, not hinder it

IEH was founded in 2001 by Dalia Alfi and Mansour Samadpour, who left their positions at the
University of Washington, School of Public Health, to start the company. We are a family-owned
company and have grown rapidly since 2001, both organically and through acquisitions. Our
success is fueled by the dedication of our team of scientists, laboratory analysts, food safety
experts and consultants, and support staff.
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories
  Our range of testing services include full
  service microbiology, analytical chemistry,
  allergens, GMOs, toxicology, industrial
  hygiene, forensics and genomics (the lat-
  ter including whole genome sequencing,
  metagenomics, and bioinformatics).

  Our expert consultants are highly experienced
  food industry professionals with international
  reputations. Together, their diverse range of
  expertise includes crisis management, crisis
  prevention, epidemiology, infection control,
  preparation of environmental monitoring
  plans, sanitation assessments & reviews, Pro-
  cess Authority opinions, thermal and aseptic
  processing, validation studies, challenge stud-
  ies, determination of shelflife and shelflife
  extension, labeling, risk assessment and gap

  Crisis Response
  We have worked with companies on some of their most
  challenging problems such as outbreaks, recalls and plant
  closures. IEH responds rapidly and effectively as a source
  of external subject matter expertise, preparing enhanced
  food safety plans to stabilize the situation and keep facili-
  ties open and operational, while contributing to an overall
  resolution of the crisis. In support of crisis management,
  we offer litigation support, forensic analysis and reviews
  of claims.

  The IEH Academy offers a comprehensive array of online, instruc-
  tor assisted or in-person training covering a wide range of topics
  in food safety and sanitation. Training is offered at levels ranging
  from C-Suit to line workers.
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories

You should consider working with IEH if you want
testing as a cohesive part of an overall food produc-
tion/safety/quality plan, a customized testing pro-      COMMITMENT
gram designed to drive your production process to
ensure the safety, quality and shelflife of your prod-   We will produce the most accurate
ucts, to increase efficiency of production, and to       test results in the shortest time
minimize the probability of recalls and outbreaks.       possible, and communicate the
                                                         data in a format that is easy to an-
IEH is unique in its approach in partnership with
                                                         alyze. We will work with your team
client companies. We bring the highest levels of
                                                         to produce process control charts
expertise to our work. We invent and create new
                                                         and trend analyses, distributed to
test systems, sampling methods and approaches fit
                                                         key individuals within your organi-
to the purpose of controlling the food production
                                                         zation, at no extra cost.
process. We are available to our clients 24/7 and
provide expedited services without the additional
                                                         Should there be a need, we will
“rush charges”. Additionally, we also provide com-
                                                         work with your team to re-engi-
prehensive regulatory and technical support and
                                                         neer your food safety and quality
training to our client companies. And, we stand
                                                         system to minimize the possibility
behind our work and our clients, and we are always
                                                         of outbreaks and recalls.
there to put the test results into context.
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories
Microbiology Services
IEH offers expedited full microbiological testing services for
pathogens, microbial indicators, microbial toxins, and spoilage
organisms following, but not limited to, USP, AOAC, ISO and FDA
BAM methodologies. Our rapid pathogen screening capabilities
provide same day to next day results.                                       Turnaround time:
                                                                            1-5 days

             Process Control Testing (PCT) ™
IEH’s PCT program aims to measure the degree of “control of the
production process” based on the simultaneous detection of the
presence or absence of multiple broad groups of microbes at various
stages of the processes and in the production environment. We also
offer, at no cost, Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts to facilities
using IEH’s PCT test.                                                       Turnaround time:
                                                                            1 day

             Allergen Testing Services
IEH offers a comprehensive array of qualitative and quantitative
allergen testing, consulting and validation services for allergen
testing control. We provide ELISA and PCR based testing services
for all major allergens including:
•   Gluten    •   Peanut          •    Mustard     •   Shellfish
•   Egg       •   Tree nuts       •    Seasame     •   Histamine            Turnaround time:
•   Soy       •   Lupin           •    Fish        •   Celery               same day - 1 day

             Chemistry and Nutritional Services
IEH provides full nutritional panel testing services including:
•   Alcohol                   •       Fatty acid profile
•   Amino acid profile        •       Full nutritional panel
•   Caffeine                  •       Guaranteed Analysis
•   Cholesterol               •       Proximates                            Turnaround time:
                              •       Sugar profile                         10 days
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories
Agricultural Residue Testing

IEH provides Trace Analysis of regulated contaminants in products,
water, and soil sample such as:
•   Heavy metals •    Pesticides
•   Microcystins •    Residual solvents
•   Mycotoxins •      Veterinary residues                                      Turnaround time:
                                                                               3-5 days

           California Proposition 65 Services
IEH provides consulting and analytical support related to the Safe
Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, 1986 (also known as
Proposition 65). Our Laboratories and Consulting groups under-
stand the complexities of Proposition 65 testing and compliance.
We offer Proposition 65 chemical testing, analysis, and screening.
Common tests include, but are not limited to:
                                                                               Turnaround time:
•   4-MEI               •   Furfuryl alcohol                                   3-5 days
•   Acrylamide          •   Glyphosate
•   Arsenic             •   Lead
•   Cadmium             •   Mercury

           Forensic Analysis
Through expedited testing and comprehensive analysis, we pro-
cess claims for food companies and ensure that they are ade-
quately addressed. Our services include but are not limited to:
•   Botanical identification
•   Comparison of foreign materials to those used in production
    facilities                                                                Turnaround time:
•   Determination of the validity of claims by analysis of biological         3-10 days with rush
                                                                              service available
    materials in light of processing conditions
•   Determination of the validity of claims by analysis of the
    claimed symptoms
•   Foreign material examination
•   Microbiological and toxicological analysis

* To access the full list of services IEH offers, please visit:
SERVICE CATALOG Testing Consulting - - IEH Laboratories
GMO/Bioengineered Food Testing
IEH offers US National Bioengineered food disclosure standard
compliant testing. We are an approved non-GMO project labora-
tory and work with customers to find the best GMO testing option
for their products. Our labs provide qualitative and quantitative
DNA/PCR based testing services. GMO testing is available for raw
materials and finished products.
                                                                               Turnaround time:
*ISO 17025 Accredited                                                          2 days
*NON GMO Product
Approved Laboratory

           Mycotoxin Testing Services
IEH utilizes state of the art instrumentation for the determination
of mycotoxins in food, feed, grains and nutraceuticals. All meth-
ods are in compliance with US and international MRL (Maximum
Residue Limits) regulations. Mycotoxins we test for include:
•   Aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2, M1)   •   Ochratoxin-A                         Turnaround time:
•   Fumonisins (B1, B2)               •   Patulin                              3-5 days
•   Fusariums (Toxin T-2)             •   Vomitoxin (DON)
•   Mycotoxin HT-2                    •   Zearalenone

           Onsite Laboratories (24/7)
IEH pioneered the approach of placing modular laboratories onsite,
at a facility location, when the sample load of the facility justifies the
need. IEH’s onsite laboratories offer many advantages:
•   Laboratory operates in coordination with the manufacturing
    facility’s production schedule
•   Fastest turnaround time, from sampling to results
•   No cross contamination risk potential
•   No shipping fees or delays
•   Emergency testing support
•   ISO 17025 accredited

* To access the full list of services IEH offers, please visit:
Pesticide Multi-Residue Testing
IEH specializes in pesticide analysis using methods developed by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), U.S Pharmacopeia (USP), and the Califor-
nia Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). We can analyze raw
agricultural products, processed foods, plant tissues, spices, herbs,
soils, water and many more matrices for hundreds of insecticides,              Turnaround time:
fungicides, herbicides and acaricides. Whether you are looking for             3-5 days
Multi-Residue Screens or specific pesticide analysis, IEH has the
expertise to provide accurate and timely service at the lowest cost
possible. Some of our screens include:
•   California Department Food & Agriculture Screen •        US and International markets
•   LCMSMS and GCMSMS Screen                                 Maximum Residue Level (MRL)
•   USDA National Organic Program Screen (USDA NOP) •        USP 561

          SARS CoV-2 Testing
We offer expedited personnel and environmental testing for the
private sector and government agencies. Same day results are
provided to clients after the sample has been received. Eliminate
the risk of exposure to Covid-19 by testing high-traffic areas,
potentially infected sites and employees.                                      Turnaround time:
                                                                               24 hours

          Smoke Exposure Testing
Wines made from smoke-exposed grapes can present undesir-
able sensory attributes identified as ashy or smoke-exposed with
reduced palatability and market acceptance. We provide volatile
phenol testing services that can identify and diagnose smoke-ex-
posed grapes.
                                                                                 Turnaround time:
                                                                                 3-5 days

* To access the full list of services IEH offers, please visit:
Sensory Analysis
We provide independent sensory analyses using trained and/or
untrained panels depending on your objectives. Our services include
but are not limited to:

    Trained Sensory Panel Services
                                                                                   Turnaround time:
•       Flavor Attribute Identification and Quantitation
                                                                                   1-5 days
•       Flavor Profile Analysis
•       Off-Flavor Identification
•       Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA)

    Untrained Sensory Panels Services               Services Support

•       Consumer Panels                         •    Competitor Product Comparisons
•       Difference From Control                 •    Ingredient Comparisons
•       Duo-Trio Tests                          •    Product Acceptability
•       Simple Difference Tests                 •    Product Changes During Storage or Transport
•       Triangle Tests                          •    Product Contamination
                                                •    Shelf Life Determination

              Species Authentication Test
Rapidly determine and quantify the biological origin of meat and
fish samples, as well as potential adulterants with IEH’s PCR based
detection system. This system can be applied to meat and its
products, and environmental sponges or swab samples across
numerous food matrices.                                                              Turnaround time:
                                                                                     2 days

                   Sample Type                                    *Species: PCR Methods

    •    Meat (raw, cooked, and/or processed)         •    Beef    •   Dog    •   Goat    •   Pork
    •    Sponge, Swab samples                         •    Cat     •   Donkey •   Horse   •   Poultry
    •    Environmental samples                        •    Chicken •   Fish   •   Lamb    •   Rat

*Additional species can be added upon request

* To access the full list of services IEH offers, please visit:
Supplement & Nutraceutical Services

At IEH, we offer an array of supplement and nutraceutical services.
All of our services are designed to be individually tailored to our
clients priorities and environment. The services we offer include:
•   Allergens             •   Mycotoxins
•   Authentication        •   Nutritional
•   Heavy metals          •   Pesticides                                       Turnaround time:
•   Microbiology          •   Residual solvents and contaminants               3-10 days

          Pet Food Services

    Guaranteed Analysis
Pet food labels require a guaranteed analysis on the label to advise
the purchaser of the product’s nutrient content. Guarantees are re-
quired for minimum percentages of crude protein and crude fat, and             Turnaround time:
maximum percentages of crude fiber and moisture.                               3-5 days

    Heavy Metal Analysis
Testing for a panel of heavy metal contaminants is a good practice
for monitoring ingredient quality.

    Melamine & Cyanuric Acid
Chemical compounds can affect the nutritional value, while caus-
ing acute medical issues to the pet. Economic adulteration with
melamine of raw materials for pet food has devastated thousands of
animals and owners. Reliable and affordable tests are now available
to assure that ingredients conform to purchasing specifications.

These toxins are coming under increased scrutiny for the chronic
effect of low-level dosages over time. Testing pet food ingredients for
these toxins provides assurance that finished products will conform
to the highest safety standards.

* To access the full list of services IEH offers, please visit:
Pesticide & Residues
Fast & accurate testing for pesticide residues is a good practice to assure ingredients received
will not introduce unwanted chemical residues to your finished product. In addition to panels of
pesticides, IEH has the capability to test for additional pesticides of interest identified by Interna-
tional Markets.

New FDA guidelines establish the expectation that pet food will be free of food pathogens. Our
laboratories have the capability to test microbial pathogen (bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic)
in pet foods.

Vitamin D toxicity has been the source of several pet food recalls. IEH can provide you with trace
level testing of Vitamin D as well as other vitamins present in pet food.

             Veterinary Residue and Dye Screening

IEH offers LC-MS-MS residue and contaminant screens for trace
amounts (ppb) of antibiotics, hormones, illegal dyes, and pentobar-
bital in finished products and raw materials.
Among illegal dyes, we provide screening for the following Triaryl-
methane Dyes:
•     Brilliant Green          •   Leuco-malachite Green                          Turnaround time:
•     Crystal Violet           •   Malachite Green                                3-5 days
•     Leuco-crystal Violet     •   Melamine and Cyanuric acid

    * To access the full list of services IEH offers, please visit:
We offer consulting services using our network of industry experts
and scientists to support the food industry to provide 24/7 support.
All consulting services are uniquely tailored to client environments
and situations. Learn more about the consultation and support we
have been providing our clients with for over 20 years.
We help companies navigate through regulatory, industry, and customer
requirements to meet compliance and facilitate production. Our consulting
services include:

Crisis Management & Recall Support

The expertise needed to handle any food-related crisis
By the time an outbreak or recall occurs, everything that could go wrong has gone
wrong. No company is immune to recalls or outbreaks. That’s why we’ve designed
food safety and quality management systems that drastically reduces the risk of
outbreaks, recalls, and other critical incidents that could be detrimental to produc-
tion or brand reputation. With over three decades of experience, we specialize in
providing exceptional support to food producers facing recalls and outbreaks.

Comprehensive support investigation and mitigation
In a crisis situation there is a need for an overall crisis manager to deal with the
tsunami of events that can overwhelm even the most seasoned food safety experts.
These include but are not limited to:
•   Epidemiological data from state health departments and the CDC.
•   Whole genome sequencing and metagenomics data from CDC, FDA or USDA.
•   Laboratory testing information from states, FDA, USDA, and commercial labs.
•   Interactions with regulatory agencies (FDA, FSIS, CFIA, etc.)
•   Determining the validity of the data and regulatory demands.
•   Determining the root cause and implicated products.
•   Carving out the scope of the recall.
•   Ensuring that the recall is not expanded.
•   Designing and implementing a new food safety system that addresses the root
    cause of the current event, and also protects against other weaknesses in the
•   Design and implementation of monitoring Process Control Protocols.
•   Communicating to the customer base, consumers, regulators, insurance compa-
    nies, and the news media.
•   Ensuring that the effected and potentially effected consumers are communi-
    cated with, their concerns are addressed, and epidemiological data is collected
    (through design and implementation of questioner instruments and call cen-
•   Addressing the needs of the impacted consumers and not to force them into
•   Working with legal teams to prepare for potential trade and bodily injury litiga-
•   Working with regulatory agencies to minimize the possibility of criminal investi-
    gation and charges.
•   Educating the market to the new food safety plan and the food safety objectives
    of the company.
Crisis Prevention

Avert and protect against food-borne outbreaks
IEH was founded on a simple idea: It is far better to prevent food-borne outbreaks
than to try to detect them after they happen. IEH works with food producers to de-
sign and implement food safety and risk management programs to prevent recalls
and outbreaks. Examples of IEH crisis prevention programs are described below.

Regulatory Support

Navigate FDA, USDA, EPA Regulations
Regulatory compliance is one of the essential pillars of food production. Any food
company needs to be in complete compliance with all applicable laws and regula-
tions governing food, the health and welfare of workers, the environment, and the
health and welfare of consumers at all times. The IEH regulatory team is well versed
in FDA, USDA and EPA regulations. We have extensive experience working with
clients on various regulatory issues, including outbreaks, recalls and criminal inves-

Process Validation

Why process validation is critical to food production
Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Food Safety Inspection Ser-
vice (FSIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) require that food process-
es used to control potential public health hazards be validated. The process of
validation is the establishment of objective scientific evidence that the process is
adequate to prevent, reduce, or eliminate potential public health hazards from the

There are many reasons, in addition to the regulatory
requirements, for validating processes
•   Being able to conduct an adequate risk assessment for a process deviation.
•   Reducing the dependence on intensive in-process and finished product testing.
•   Increasing product output and reduced scrap or rework.
•   Lowering complaints and recalls.
•   Building the foundation for process improvements and development of the next
    generation process.
Which Processes Should Be Validated?
Where product safety cannot be fully verified by meeting a set standard (i.e., milk
pasteurization), the process must be validated according to established procedures.
When any of the conditions listed below exist, process validation is the only practi-
cal means for assuring that processes will consistently produce products that meet
their predetermined specifications:
• The process adequacy is unknown, or it is suspected that the process is not
    meeting the intended product safety.
• Routine end-product tests have insufficient sensitivity/specificity to verify the
    desired safety and efficacy of the finished product.
• Substantial microbial testing would be required to show that the manufacturing
    process has produced the desired result or product.

When conducting a validation study, it is important to have appropriate facilities,
knowledgeable experts, and recognized protocols. Validation studies can be com-
plicated and are usually costly. IEH has extensive experience and understanding on
how to carefully plan and complete a validation study, which includes:
• Experience and expert knowledge of USDA and U.S. FDA regulatory require-
• Aseptic fillers and low-acid canned food processing
• Application of new and novel extended shelf-life and shelf-stable processing
• Thermal treatments including pasteurization and sterilization
• Pasteurization of nuts and other low moisture foods
• Non-Thermal processing technology included: high pressure processing,
    pulsed-electric field, pulsed light and UV treatment, irradiation treatments, and
    the use of sanitizing/sterilizing chemicals
• Laboratory facilities to conduct thermal death time (TDT) measurements, micro-
    bial detection and enumeration, pathogen growth, survival, or die-off studies,

IEH Process validation/process authority group
routinely works on:
•   Aseptic Processing
•   Challenge Studies
•   Extended run time evaluations
•   Low-Acid Canned Food (LACF) processing
•   Non-Thermal Processing technology (HPP, PEF, irradiation, etc.)
•   Oven and roaster validations
•   Pasteurization process validation
•   Thermal food processing
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental monitoring is an essential part of any food safety system. We design
and implement environmental monitoring plans which include:
•   Baseline Environmental Sampling & Testing
•   Environmental Pathogen Monitoring Programs (EMP)
•   MicroMap Facility Mapping Program
•   Mold Assessment & Mitigation
•   Validation and verification of Environmental Monitoring Programs

Additionally, IEH offers the following consulting services:

Sanitation Program Develop/Manage

•   Cleaning for Allergen Control
•   Extended Run Time evaluations
•   Hygienic Design - Facility, Equipment & Process
•   Pest Control Programs
•   Sanitation Program Development
•   Sanitation SSOP reviews
•   Sanitation Validation and Verification
•   Wet & Dry Cleaning Procedures

Regulatory Compliance/Response

•   Enforcement Action Support
•   FDA 483 Support
•   FSMA Food Safety Plan Review & Development
•   FSMA Inspection Readiness Assessment
•   HACCP Plan Review & Development
•   Imported Foods Regulatory Support
•   Imported Foods Testing & DWPE Support
•   Process Deviation Support (USDA)
•   Produce Safety Plans
•   Prop 65 Testing & Support
•   Regulatory Support (FDA & USDA-FSIS)
•   Seafood HACCP Programs

Supply Chain Management

•   Supplier Approval Programs
•   Supply Chain Risk Assessment
R&D Product Development

•   End of Shelf Life Programs
•   Sensory Analysis
•   Shelf-Life Studies

Food Defense

•   Economic Adulteration Consulting & Testing
•   Food Defense Mitigation strategies

Due Diligence (Mergers/acquisitions)

•   Facility Risk Assessments
•   Food Safety Culture Assessment
•   Food Safety System Assessments
Domestic Laboratory Locations

Alabama                                   IEH Salinas                                    Illinois
                                          730 Airport Blvd. Salinas, CA 93901
IEH Decatur                               IEH San Juan Bautista                          IEH Bridgeview
1616 Church St. SE Decatur, AL 35601      1721 San Juan Hwy. San Juan Bautista,          7351 S, 78th Ave Bridgeview, IL
                                          CA 95045                                       60455
JLA International Headland
107 E. Railroad St. Headland, AL 36345                                                   IEH Carol Stream
                                          Colorado                                       690 E North Ave, Suite 105 Carol
JLA International Samson                                                                 Stream, IL 60188
101 E Main St. Suite A Samson, AL 36477
                                          IEH Warren Analytical Laboratories
                                          650 O Street, Greely, CO 80631                 Indiana
IEH Yuma                                  Florida                                        Don Levy Laboratories
                                                                                         11165 Delaware Parkway, Crown
3458 E. 33rd Place Yuma, AZ 85365                                                        Point, IN 46307
                                          IEH Belle Glade
                                          1017 Duda Rd Belle Glade, FL 33430             Scientific Methods
Arkansas                                                                                 12441 Beckley St. Granger, IN 46530
                                          IEH Lakeland
                                          501 W Peachtree St. Lakeland, FL 33815
JLA International Jonesboro                                                              Kansas
9605 CW Post Rd. Jonesboro, AR 72401
                                          IEH Orlando
IEH Little Rock                           7474 Chancellor Drive A, Orlando,              IEH Lawrence
8201 Frazier Pike Little Rock, AR 72206   FL 32809                                       769 Grant St. Lawrence, KS 66044
                                                                                         IEH Winfield
California                                Georgia                                        609 Main St. Winfield, KS 67156

                                          JLA International Albany
Environmental Micro Analysis
460 N. East St. Woodland,                 3016 Kensington Court Albany, GA
                                                                                         Environmental Safety Technologies
CA 95776
                                          JLA International Ashburn                      1815 Brownsboro Road, Suite 200,
IEH JL Analytical Services                139 South Lee St. Ashburn, GA 31714            Louisville, KY 40206
217 Primo Way Modesto, CA 95358                                                          IEH Lexington
                                          IEH Augusta
                                                                                         176 E. Reynolds Rd. Lexington, KY
IEH Fresno Food & Dairy Laboratory        1712 Brown Rd Hephzibah, GA 30815
2602 N. Sunnyside Ave. Fresno, CA 93727
                                          JLA International Blakely                      IEH Scottsville
IEH Center for Food & Pharmaceuti-        284 North Main St. Blakely, GA 39823           207 E Locust Street Scottsville, KY
cal Process Safety                                                                       42164
6665 Amador Plaza Road, Suite 207         JLA International Colquitt
Dublin, CA 94568                          721 East Pine Street colquitt, GA 39837
                                          JLA International Dawson
JLA International Arbuckle
                                          908 Forrester Drive SE Dawson, GA 39842
1795 Cortina School Rd. Arbuckle, CA                                                     IEH Annapolis
95912                                     IEH Conley                                     150 Washington Blvd. S Laurel, MD
                                          4322 Moreland Ave SE Conley, GA 30288          20707
IEH Brawley
57 E Shank Rd, Brawley, CA 92227          JLA International Douglas
                                          439 Barrington Road Douglas, GA 31535          Michigan
IEH Guadalupe
4575 W. Main St. Guadalupe, CA 93434      JLA International Sylvester                    IEH Muskegon
                                          406 North Livingston St. Sylvester, GA 31791   165 W. Muskegon Ave Muskegon, MI
IEH Irwindale
4401 Foxdale Ave Irwindale, CA 91706                                                     49440

IEH Lost Hills
                                          Idaho                                          Minnesota
13646 Highway 33 Lost Hills, CA 93249
                                          IEH Jerome                                     IEH St. Paul
IEH Oxnard                                250 W Main St. Jerome, ID 83338                183 Bridgepoint Dr. South St. Paul,
711 Diaz Ave. Oxnard, CA 93030                                                           MN 55075
Missouri                                  South Carolina                            Washington
IEH Meta                                  IEH Gaston                                IEH Headquarters
103 North Olive Street Meta, MO           100 Woodtrail Drive Gaston, SC 29053      15300 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest
65058                                     IEH Gaffney                               Park, WA 98155
                                          116 Willis Street Gaffney, SC 29341
Nebraska                                                                            Molecular Epidemiology
                                                                                    15300 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest
IEH Grand Island                          South Dakota                              Park, WA 98155
215 N Webb Road Grand Island, NE                                                    IEH Analytical Laboratories
68803                                     IEH Aberdeen                              3927 Aurora Ave. N, Seattle, WA
                                          38749 135th St. SW, Aberdeen, SD          98103
IEH Omaha
8529 K St. Omaha, NE 68127                                                          Brooks Applied Labs
                                          Tennessee                                 18804 North Creek Pkwy #100, Both-
New Jersey                                                                          ell, WA 98011
                                          IEH Smyrna                                IEH Cashmere
Sani-pure Food Laboratories               764 Swan Dr. Smyrna, TN 37167             201 S Division St. Cashmere, WA
178 Saddler River Rd, Saddle Brook,                                                 98815
NJ 07663                                  IEH Memphis
                                          3830 South Perkins Road Memphis,          Molecular Epidemiology CLIA Lab
IEH West Deptford                         TN 38118                                  13751 Lake City Way NE, Unit 124
800 Grove Rd. West Deptford, NJ                                                     Seattle, WA 98115
08086                                     Texas                                     IEH Richland
                                                                                    1780 SE Fowler St. Richland, WA
New Mexico                                IEH Quanta Lab                            99352
                                          9330 Corporate Drive Suite 703, Selma,
IEH Sunland Park                          TX 78154                                  IEH Vancouver
5701 McNutt Rd. Sunland Park, NM                                                    2715 E. Mill Plain Blvd. Vancouver,
88008                                     JLA International Brownfield              WA 98661
                                          208 W Main Street, Brownfield, TX
                                                                                    IEH Yakima
New York                                                                            310 N 3rd St, Yakima, WA 98901
                                          IEH Booker
IEH Buffalo                               910 E Industrial Ave Booker, TX 79005     Wisconsin
2060 Union Rd West Seneca, NY             IEH Corpus Christi
14224                                                                               IEH Eugene
                                          9001 Leopard St. Corpus Christi, TX
                                                                                    223 W 12th Ave. Eugene, OR 97401
North Carolina                                                                      IEH Green Bay
                                          JLA International DeLeon
                                          616 W. Navarro Ave DeLeon, TX 76444       300 Elizabeth St. Green Bay, WI 54302
IEH Asheboro
403 W Balfour Ave Asheboro, NC            IEH Dallas                                IEH Sparta
27203                                     2500 South Good Latimer Dallas, TX        400 Century Ct Sparta, WI 54656
JLA International Edenton
145 Peanut Dr. Edenton, NC 27932          IEH PSL Analytical
                                          708 Mozelle St., Suite F Phar, TX 78577
Ohio                                      Utah
IEH Cincinnati                            IEH West Jordan
10230 Springfield Pike, Cincinnati,       1323 W 7900 S West Jordan, UT 84088
OH 45215
Pennsylvania                              Analytical Services
                                          130 Allen Brook Lane, Williston, VT
IEH Bloomsburg                            05495
27 Seiple Dr. Bloomsburg, PA 17815

IEH New Bethlehem                         Virginia
617 Short St. New Bethlehem, PA           IEH Richmond
16242                                     2124 Remey Rd. North Chesterfield,
                                          VA 23237
Rhode Island
IEH Rhode Island
1000 Daniele Drive Mapleville, RI 02839
Discover Our Global Network of Testing Laboratories

Australia                         China                          Mexico
Biotest Laboratories              JLA China Inc.                 IEH CD. DE MEXICO
21 Smallwood St                   Room 001, 4 F, No. 2 Tower     Lebrija/Reforma 873, Granjas Estrella, Cd.
Underwood Qld 4119                177 ZhuZhou Road               de México
                                  QingDao 266000, China          Iztapalapa, Mexico, C.P. 09880
                                                                 IEH Bajio
Biomerx Laboratorium GmbH         Germany                        Carretera Dr. Mora-San Miguel de Allende,
Schärdinger Straße 1                                             Km. 16 S/N Doctor Mora
A-4061 Pasching                   Labor Kneißler GmbH & Co.KG    Guanajuato, Mexico, C.P. 37960
                                  Unterer Mühlweg 10             IEH Leon
Canada                            93133 Burglengenfeld           Carretera a Barretos, Km.
                                                                 4.5, Planta MACU, La Arcina
                                  Labor IBEN GmbH                Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, C.P. 37688
Nautilus Environmental - BC       Am Lunedeich 157
8664 Commerce Court Burnaby,      D-27572 Bremerhaven            IEH Irapuato
BC V5A 4N7                                                       Carretera Panamericana Km. 5,
                                  Dr. Berns Laboratorium         Col. Rancho Grande Irapuato,
Nautilus environmental - AB       GmbH & Co. KG                  Guanajuato, Mexico, C.P. 36543
#4, 6125 12 Street SE, Calgary,   Bendschenweg 36
                                                                 IEH Mexicali
AB T2H 2K1                        47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn
                                                                 Km. 3.0 Carretera Ejido Hermosillo-Ejido Janitzio
IEH Brooks Canada                 IFU Institut für Umfeld- und   Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico C.P. 21951
350 Aquaduct Drive, Brooks,       Lebensmittelanalytik
Alberta T1R 1C8                                                  IEH San Quintin
                                  Am Goldstein 4a                Carretera Transpeninsular Km. 184
IEH Toronto Canada                61231 Bad Nauheim              Baja California CP 22940 Mexico
1400 Creditstone Road
                                  VIL Institut für
Vaughn, ON L4K 4P8
                                  Lebensmittelsicherheit GmbH    Netherlands
IEH Calgary Canada                Nordfeld Str. 19
                                  D-33775 Versmold               Balis Laboratorium GmbH
#42, 4816-35B St. SE Calgary,
                                                                 Ambachtsweg 10, 6657 CK Boven-Leeuwe
Alberta T2B 3N1                   Labor Cuxhaven GmbH
                                  Am Querkamp 19
IEH Richmond Canada
                                  27474 Cuxhaven                 Panama
3851 Jacombs Road, Unite
200, Richmond, BC V6V 2H7                                        J3 Corp
                                                                 Urb. Chanis, Vía Principal Edificio J3, No.145
                                                                 Panamá, Rep. de Panamá
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