Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre

Page created by Jimmy Navarro
Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre
Term 4 2021
Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre
Workshops                                                                         Art                                                Art (continued)
We are continuing to deliver a                                                    Create, Move and Play with
COVID Safe diverse range of fun and                                                                                                  Children’s Creative Writing Club
informative workshops for all ages.                                               This series of creative online workshops will      with Sheena
                                                                                  provide experiences for children to discover       This fun online series of workshops uses art,
From arts and craft, to cooking, music,                                           music, dance, and art through play and             music, film, poetry and prose in order to
wellbeing and more. You can gain skills                                           you can leave the thinking and creating to         develop children’s own written work.
and knowledge across a whole range                                                Sheena.
                                                                                                                                     Sheena will encourage children to develop
of topics. New and exciting workshop                                              Suitable for ages 4+.                              their own voice and create pieces of written
listings will be updated each week, led                                                                                              work that includes poetry, fiction, non-fiction,
by our team of knowledgeable and                                                  Starts Monday 18 October                           scripts and more.
friendly tutors.                                                                  10.00am - 11.00am (6 online sessions)
                                                                                  Cost: $115                                         Suitable for ages 7+.

To be updated with what’s on each
                                          Susan’s Quick and Easy
                                                                                                                                     Tuesday 9 November
month, sign up to our e-newsletter.       Croissants Cooking Class                Online Arts and Craft Program                      4. 00pm – 5.00pm (5 online sessions)                                                                    for Children                                       Cost: $95
                                                                                  This 8 session program will have children
                                                                                  exploring drawing, collage and 3 dimensional       Make your own lampshade KIT
                                                                                  art and craft activities including making          Customise your lampshade at home with your
                                                                                  a mask from recycled materials, creating           chosen fabric.
                Online Yoga Classes       Online Arts and Craft                   collages and cards, drawing and painting.
                                          For Children                                                                               Self study at home – instructions and
                                                                                  Suitable for all aged children.                    materials included
                                                                                  Amanda will cater and adapt for any age            Cost: $70
                                                                                  range during the class.

                                                                                  Starts Thursday 14 October
                                                                                  4.00pm - 5.30pm (8 online sessions)
                                                                                  Cost: $155

                                                                                  Bright and Contemporary                                                                            r...
                                                                                  Watercolour Class                                                   i n g soon fo
                                                                                  Learn skills and techniques across each
                                                                                                                                         d a tes com
                                                                                  session, while working at your own pace on         New
                                                                                  a subject of your choosing including still life,
                                                                                                                                                    se  P o ttery
                                                                                                                                          Japan eseboards
                                                                                  landscape, portrait, botanical or try your
                                                                                  hand at each. Suitable for all levels including
                                                                                                                                         Resin C r charity

                                                                                  Starting Monday 25 October - Evening                        Knit fo ithing
                                                                                  6.30pm – 8.30pm (6 online sessions)
                                                                                  Starting Wednesday 27 October - Daytime
                                                                                  2.00pm – 4.00pm (6 online sessions)

 How to enrol                                                                     Cost: $195

                                                                                  Mixed Media Paper Collage
 Online                        @yarravillecommunitycente           with Anna
                                                                                  Unleash your creativity creating a colourful
 Call us on 03 9687 1560                                                          abstract piece of art using mixed media paint

                                              @yarravilleCC                       pen paper collage techniques.
                                                                                                                                                               n ew  s
                                                                                                                                                       to our
 We ask that you book ASAP as our                                                 Wednesday 27 October
                                                                                                                                                n  u p             p d a tes
 courses rely on numbers to run.                                                  6.00pm – 8.30pm (2 online sessions)                       Sig          all the
                                              Refer to our Terms and Conditions   Cost: $150
                                                                                                                                              fo r t h e
                                              on our website for cancellation
                                              and refund policies.
Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre
Health and Wellbeing                                                                             Cooking                                             Cooking (continued)
 Online Pilates (Over 50’s)                                                                       Gozleme Cooking Class for                           Vegan curries of India
 Join a group of like-aged individuals who                                                                                                            Learn to cook healthy and easy vegan Indian
 are interested in their health and wellbeing.                                                    adults and children                                 curries, including the famous dal makhani,
 Beginning with Pilates fundamentals, this                                                        Join this FREE interactive online class to learn    pumpkin curry, baingan bharta (roasted
 course offers progressions or regressions on                                                     how to make gozleme, a traditional savoury          eggplant with spices, onions and tomatoes)
 exercises so that you’re challenged yet work                                                     Turkish flatbread.                                  as well as peas pulao (rice cooked with peas
 within your capacity.                                                                                                                                and spices).
                                                                                                  Friday 1 October
                                                                                                  11.00am - 1.30pm (1 online session)                 Saturday 27 November
 Mondays (Casual Bookings Available)
                                                                                                  Cost: FREE                                          10.00am – 12.00pm (1 online session)
 Starts Monday 4 October                         Chair Yoga                                                                                           Cost: $55
 6.30pm – 7.30pm (10 online sessions)                                                             Delicious Lepinja: Balkan
                                                                                                                                                      Greek Biscuits
                                                                                                  flatbread cooking class                             Make and enjoy three kinds of popular
 Thursdays (Casual Bookings Available)                                                            It’s soft bubbly texture, and chewy pull will       Greek biscuits in this online tutorial: almond
                                                                                                  have you hooked. If you love ciabatta bread
 Starts Thursday 7 October                         Health and Wellbeing                           and middle eastern flatbread varieties, you
                                                                                                                                                      crescents (kourabiedes), butter biscuits
                                                                                                                                                      (koulourakia) and juicy honey biscuits
 6.30pm – 7.30pm (10 online sessions)
                                                   (cont.)                                        will love this online class!                        (melomakarona).
 Cost $125                                                                                        Friday 15 October                                   Online tutorial. Learn in your own home at
                                                   Online Chair Yoga                              11.00am - 1.30pm                                    your own pace.
 Online Hatha Yoga                                 Break up your day and join Laura Sabini,       Cost: FREE                                          Cost: $59
 Hatha yoga is the branch of yoga that             YCC’s expert Yogi for a good stretch! Moving
 typically comes to mind when you think of         your body and stretching has never been as
 yoga in general terms. The practice involves      important as it is during a lockdown.          Indian Ayurveda Cooking
 breath, body, and mind.                                                                          In this interactive online session you will
                                                                                                  discover the 5000 year old rich history of
                                                   Starts Wednesday 6 October                     Ayurveda, learn about its nutritional and                        New dates c
 Tuesdays (Beginners)                              12.00pm - 1.00pm (10 online sessions)          health benefits and cook your very own 3                                    oming
 Starts Tuesday 5 October
                                                   Cost: $90                                      course delicious feast for the weekend!                              soon for
 6.15pm – 7.45pm (10 online sessions)                                                             Saturday 16 October
                                                   Tai chi and qigong
                                                   Tai chi is a slow moving exercise system       10.00am – 12.00pm (1 online session)                       Russian Bak
 Thursdays (General)                               developed from Chinese martial arts. It is     Cost: $55                                                             ed Piroshky
 Starts Thursday 7 October
                                                   often referred to as ‘moving meditation’
                                                   with many benefits including improvement       Susan’s Quick and Easy                                      Street Food
 6.00pm – 7.30pm (10 online sessions)              in general health, coordination, balance,
                                                   strength, flexibility, self-awareness and      Croissants                                                              of India
 Cost $120                                         concentration.                                 Calling all croissant lovers! Learn how to make
                                                                                                  the traditional butter croissant and more!
 Online Zumba - Jiggle, Giggle                                                                    This class will teach you how to make 4 types
                                                   Beginners (Casual Bookings Available)          of croissants: traditional, almond, chocolate
 and Wiggle!                                       Saturdays starting 9 October                   and cheese.
 Move your way and have fun for happiness          11.15am – 12.15pm (9 online sessions)
 and health. That’s what Zumba with Michelle                                                      Saturday 23 October
 is all about, it’s exercise in disguise!          Intermediate (Casual Bookings Available)       1.00pm – 4.30pm (1 online session)
                                                   Saturdays starting 9 October                   Cost: $55
 Starts Wednesday 6 October                        9.30am - 10.30am (9 online sessions)
 6.00pm - 6.50pm (6 online sessions)
 Cost: $65                                         Cost: $125                                     Spooky Halloween Treats
                                                                                                  Learn how to make spooky skeletons and
                                                                                                  spider web gingerbread cookies from scratch.
                                                   Vinyasa Flow: Embodied Yoga                    Bake and then decorate them.
                                                   This class is designed to gently support you

 B o o k o                                         to explore a Vinyasa, a yoga practice that

        cc . n                               is slow and embodied, encouraging mindful      Saturday 30 October

www.y                                              movement and breath awareness rather than      1.00pm – 4.00pm (1 online session)
                                                   focusing on complex or fast sequences.         Cost:$85

                                                   New dates coming soon!
                                                                                                                                                     Simply Shortbread
Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre
Dance and Music                                   Children and Youth                                 Children and Youth                                 Languages
Beginners ukulele for all ages                                                                                                                          Learn Spanish
Playing the ukulele is a fun and easy way                                                                                                               Do you need a day to prepare for Christmas or
to get into music and singing. Students will      Spooky Haloween                                    Children’s Day Program                             just need some time out? Send the kids to YCC
learn tuning, basic strums, essential beginner    Treats                                             Do you need a day to prepare for Christmas or      for a fun-packed Saturday program. Suitable
chords, fun singalong songs and picking using                                                        just need some time out? Send the kids to YCC      for primary school aged children.
ukulele ‘tab’.                                                                                       for a fun-packed Saturday program. Suitable
                                                                                                     for primary school aged children.
Tuesday 9 November                                                                                                                                      Beginners 1 - Basics for
6.30pm – 7.30pm (6 sessions)                                                                         Saturday 4 December                                travellers
Cost: $115                                                                                           9.00am – 4.30pm (1 session)                        Starts Tuesday 12 October
                                                                                                     and                                                6.00pm – 7.30pm (8 online sessions)
                                                                                                     Saturday 11 December                               Cost:$215
                                                                                                     9.00am – 4.30pm (1 session)
                                                                                                     Cost:$135                                          Beginners 2 - Building on the
Bees WaxPlants
Urban Areas                                                                                                                                             basics
                                                                                                     Spooky Halloween Treats                            Tuesday 12 October
                                                                                                     Learn how to make spooky skeletons and             7.30pm – 9.00pm (8 online sessions)
                                                                                                     spider web gingerbread cookies from scratch.       Cost:$215
                                                                                                     Bake and then decorate them.
                                                  Create, Move and Play
                                                  This series of creative online workshops will                                                         F
                                                  provide experiences for children to discover
                                                  music, dance, and art through play and
                                                                                                     Saturday 30 October
                                                                                                     1.00pm – 4.00pm (1 online session)                 Personal Development
                                                  you can leave the thinking and creating to         Cost:$85
                                                  Sheena.                                                                                               The Art of Self-Promotion
                                                                                                                                                        The Art of Self-Promotion workshop will teach
                                                  Suitable for ages 4+.                                                                                 you how to write clear, concise, effective
                                                                                                     FREE Courses                                       copy for websites and other collateral, create
                                                  Starting Monday 18 October                                                                            great headlines, blogs that will help grow your
                                                  10.00am - 11.00am (6 online session)                                                                  business or online presence, and messaging
                                                  Cost: $115                                         The Chatty Cafe                                    that stands out on social media.
                                                                                                     People, like you, from our community will
                                                                                                                                                        Wednesday 13 October
Gardening and                                     Online Arts and Craft Program
                                                                                                     come together to talk and connect in a safe
                                                                                                     and friendly space while they drink a cuppa        7.00pm – 8.30pm (8 online sessions)
Sustainability                                    for Children                                       and enjoy a conversation.                          Cost: $165
                                                  This 8 session program will have children
                                                  exploring drawing, collage and 3 dimensional       Starting Wednesday 6 October
                                                  art and craft activities including making          10.00am - 11.00am
Growing Plants in Urban Areas                     a mask from recycled materials, creating           Cost: FREE
This practical introduction to urban gardening    collages and cards, drawing and painting.
will teach you how to start a garden from                                                            Gozleme Cooking Class for
scratch suitable for any space, including teeny   Suitable for all aged children.
tiny apartment living.                                                                               adults and children
                                                  Starts Thursday 14 October                         Join this FREE interactive online class to learn
Thursday 14 October                               4.00pm - 5.30pm (8 online sessions)                how to make gozleme, a traditional savoury
6.00pm – 8.00pm (8 sessions)                      Cost: $155                                         Turkish flatbread.
Cost: $195
                                                                                                     Friday 1 October
                                                  Children’s Creative Writing Club                   11.00am - 1.30pm (1 online session)
                                                  This fun online series of workshops uses art,      Cost: FREE
                                                  music, film, poetry and prose in order to
              s are being                         develop children’s own written work.
  New workshop                                                                                       Delicious Lepinja: Balkan
     added each w                                 Sheena will encourage children to develop          flatbread cooking class
                                                  their own voice and create pieces of written       It’s soft bubbly texture, and chewy pull will
                  mailing list                    work that includes poetry, fiction, non-fiction,   have you hooked. If you love ciabatta bread
   Sign up to our                                 scripts and more.
                  ates on new
                                                                                                     and middle eastern flatbread varieties, you
  for regular upd                                                                                    will love this online class!
            classes.                              Suitable for ages 7+.
                                                                                                     Friday 15 October
                                                  Tuesday 9 November                                 11.00am - 1.30pm (1 online session)
                                                  4. 00pm – 5.00pm (5 online sessions)               Cost: FREE
                                                  Cost: $95
Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre
YCC offers you more
                                              We provide community services
                                              such as
                                              - Education & Training Programs
                                              - Occassional Childcare
                                              - The Chatty Cafe
                                              - Providing help to access financial
                                              - Food relief program, The Nourish Project

                                              Volunteer with us
                                              If you are thinking about volunteering,
                                              we’d love to hear from you!

                     59 FRANCIS                114 BLACKWOOD                9 VICTORIA
                     STREET                    STREET                       STREET
                     YARRAVILLE 3013           YARRAVILLE 3013              FOOTSCRAY 3011

                     PO BOX 215 YARRAVILLE 3013 | 9687 1560 | INFO@YCC.NET.AU

 Printed on 100%     We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land, the Wurundjeri Woi
 recycled uncoated   wurrung and Boon wurrung peoples of the Kulin Nation and lands on which
 paper               Yarraville Community Centre is located and where we work. We pay our
                     respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging. Always was and always will
                                                     be, Aboriginal land.
Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre Short courses Term 4 2021 - Yarraville Community Centre
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