Sierra Leone Fiscal Guide 2020 - Baker Tilly International

Page created by Terrence Castillo
Sierra Leone Fiscal Guide 2020 - Baker Tilly International
Sierra Leone Fiscal Guide 2020

01/06/2020           © Baker Tilly            1
Sierra Leone Fiscal Guide 2020 - Baker Tilly International
Introduction: Sierra Leone Fiscal Guide
Income Tax
Basis of taxation

Residents are taxable on worldwide income, subject to certain exemptions for foreign income. Non -residents are taxable
on any payments subject to withholding tax, and all Sierra Leone income. Temporary residents are taxable on Sierra Leone
income and any foreign income remitted to Sierra Leone.


  R esident Companies

  Co rporation tax (CIT):

  - Basic rate                                                          25%

  Capital gains                                                         30%

  Rental income                                                         10%**

  Dividends                                                             0%¹

  Interest                                                              15%²

  Royalties                                                             25%

  Natural resource payments                                             25%

  Payments to contractors                                               5%

  National Insurance Levy                                               0.5% FA 2017

  Non-Resident Companies
  Co rporation tax( CIT):

  - Basic rate                                                          25%

  Capital gains                                                         30%

  Rental income                                                         25%***

  Dividends                                                             10%***

  Interest                                                              15%***

  Royalties                                                             25%***

  Natural resource payments                                             25%

  Payments to contractors                                               10%

  National Insurance Levy                                               0.5% FA 2017

  Management/Technical Service fees                                     20%

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Sierra Leone Fiscal Guide 2020 - Baker Tilly International
Basis of Taxation: Rates
 R esident individuals

 Income tax                                                                            0-30%

 Rental income                                                                         10%**

 Dividends                                                                             10%*#

 Interest                                                                              15%*

 Royalties                                                                             25%

 Natural resource payments                                                             25%*

 Payments to contractors                                                               5%*

 Payment to Professional Service Providers                                             10%* (Finance Act 2020)

 National Health Insurance Levy                                                        0.5% (Finance Act 2017)

 *   Tax is withheld at source.
 **  Subject to an allowance of 10% for repairs & maintenance and a tax free threshold of Le. 7,200,000.
 ¹   Dividends received by a resident company from another resident company are exempt from tax.
 ²   Interest on government development stocks is exempt from tax.
 *** Final tax for non-resident companies

  Non-Resident individuals

  Corporation tax as for residents but only on Sierra Leone-source income:
  Income tax                                                                            25%
  Rental income                                                                         25%*
  Dividends                                                                             10%*
  Interest                                                                              15%*
  Royalties                                                                             25%*
  Natural resource payments                                                             25%*
  Payments to contractors                                                               10%*
  Payment to Professional Service Providers                                             10%* (Finance Act 2020)

  National Insurance Levy                                                               0.5% (Finance Act 2017)

  Trust income                                                                          25%*

  *Tax is withheld at source.

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Sierra Leone Fiscal Guide 2020 - Baker Tilly International
 An individual is a resident individual for a year of assessment, if       work giv ing r ise to the income is carried on in Sierra Leone
 t h at individual:                                                        irresp ective of wher e the contract of employm ent is signed or
                                                                           payments made.
 ❑     Has their normal plac e of abode in Sierra Leone and is
       present in Sierra L eone at any tim e during th e year of           Fringe ben efits are taxed on the basis o f the lower of market
       assessment;                                                         value and scaled valu es as provid ed under the Tax Act. The
 ❑     Is present in Sierra L eone for mor e than 182 days in a 12-        rates of tax applicable on employment income ran ge from 0-
       month period that commences or ends durin g the year of             30%, on a monthly basis as follows:
       assessment; and
 ❑     Is an official of th e gov ernment of Sierra L eone post ed              Chargeable Incom e                       Tax Rate
       overseas during the year of assessment.                               Under Le 600,000                               Nil
                                                                             Next Le 600,000                               15%
 Tem porary residents                                                        Next Le 600,000                               20%
                                                                             Next Le 600,000                               25%
 An indiv idual that is resid ent (as per the t ests abov e) shall be        Above Le 2,400,000                            30%
 treated as a t emporary r esident for the entir e tax year if that
 individual:                                                               There is a tax free threshold of L e500, 000 per month for
 a) Is not a citizen or domiciled in Sierra Leone;
 b) Does not intend to reside in Sierra L eone for more than               Furthermore, an annual lump sum tax (known as payro ll tax) is
    four years; and                                                        lev ied on all foreign nationals work ing in Sierr a Leone. The
 c) At the end o f th e year, has not been resident in Sierra              payroll t ax is pay able by th e employ ers o f the for eign nationals.
    Leone for more than four years.                                        The amount payable by emp loyer s per expatriate employ ee as
 Individuals not domic iled in Sierra Leon e are deem ed to be
 temporary residents if they are in the country for period                 C it izens from ECOWAS – L e 1,500, 000
 exceeding 182 days in a tax year.                                         No n -ECOWAS Citizens – L e 5,000,000

 Individuals who r eceiv e on ly employm ent income, or are                Sierra Leon e has a contributory Social Security schem e. The
 subject to the nil rate of tax, are not r equired to file a tax           total minimum contribution by both the employee and
 return. The tax year runs to 31 Dec ember. How ever,                      employer is 15% of basic salary. Th e employ ee and employer
 companies may choose any financial year end they wish, by                 contribute 5% and 10% o f the emp loyee’s basic salary
 applying for a substituted financial year.                                respectiv ely. The amount is r emitted to the National Social
                                                                           Security and Insurance Trust (NASSI T).         The amount
 Every taxpayer is r equir ed to file a tax return four months after       contributed by the employee is granted as a deduction against
 year-end or can r equest for an extension o f L e 5,000,000 to file       his personal income tax.
 a tax r eturn late. Th e r eturns must b e filed w ith a set of audited
 financial statem ents, audited by a firm of accountants                   L eave allowance
 recognised by the Commission er General o f National Rev enue
 Authority, as w ell as other documents or supporting                      For indiv idual Income t ax, only leav e allowance in excess of the
 documents required to support the tax return.                             gross monthly salary is subject to income tax at the existing
                                                                           highest mar ginal tax rate (30% - effective January 2019), any
 R esident individuals                                                     amount below the gross monthly salary is tax exempt.

 Tax is applied on payments or b enefits ar ising from past,               An indiv idual is non-r esident in Sierra Leon e if he or sh e do es
 present or prospectiv e world-w ide employm ent including the             not fulfil the definition of a “resident individual.”
                                                                           Non-resident individuals are subject to tax on employm ent
                                                                           income der ived in Sierra L eone. The employm ent incom e of a
 ❑      Wages, salaries, commissions and bonuses;                          non-resid ent individual is det ermined in the sam e mann er as
 ❑      Gift s r eceived by an emp loyee in the course of                  that of a resid ent indiv idual. Emp loyment income of a non-
       employment;                                                         resid ent is subject to tax at a flat rate of 25%. The tax is
 ❑      Allowances provid ed by the emp loyer for th e ben efit of         imposed on the employ er as a withholding tax (WH T), pay as
       the employee; and                                                   you earn (PAYE).
 ❑      Fringe ben efits paid by the employ er for th e ben efits of
       employees or their family members.

 Employment income is d eem ed to arise in Sierra Leon e if the                                                                                      4
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Non-resident individuals
 Pensions and annuit ies pay able to non-r esidents are also subject           I n heritances and donations
 to withholding tax at 25%. A non-resident indiv idual is not
 required to submit a tax r eturn wher e the non-resid ent’s only
 income was employm ent income subject to withholding tax. In                  No estate duty is levied in Sierr a Leon e nor is a donation or gift tax
 such cases the WHT is therefore a final tax.                                  applied.

 Cap ital gains tax                                                            Tr ansaction taxes

 CGT is pay able on gain accruing to or der ived by a p erson or               Go ods and services tax (GST)
 company from the disposal of chargeable assets. The CGT rate is
 30% of capital gains.                                                         Goods and servic es tax (GST) is lev ied on all goods and serv ices
                                                                               supplied in Sierra L eone except exempt supplies. Goods and
 Capital gain is defined as the exc ess o f the consider ation rec eiv ed      services imported into Sierra Leone are also subject to GST.
 or rec eivab le by a chargeable p erson from th e r ealization or
                                                                               Su pply of goods
 disposal o f a chargeable asset over the cost base at th e t ime of
 disposal or r ealization. Ther e is howev er a CGT exemption of Le
 3,600,000 per annum or transaction on chargeable gain realized.               A supply of goods includes:

                                                                                         ❑         Sale, exchange or transfer o f the right to d ispose
 Tr ansfer pricing and thin capitalisation
                                                                                                   of goods as owner;
 Sierra L eone do es not have tran sfer pricing ru les. However, the
 Commissioner of Income Tax can re-characterise a transaction or                         ❑         Ease, hir e or other right granted in r elation to
 an elem ent o f a transaction or disr egard a transaction wh ich in his                           goods, inc luding a supply of goods under a
 opinion was entered into as part o f a tax avo idance schem e which                               finance lease; or
 would result or has resulted in less tax being paid.                                    ❑         Anything deemed to be a supply of goods.
  There ar e no specific thin c apitalization rules in Sierr a L eone.
                                                                               Anything that is not a supply of goods or money is a supply of
  However, there are restrictions on shareholder loans as follows:             services and includes:

                 (i)      The amount allowable in r espect of inter est
                          expense is restricted on lo ans from a
                                                                                         ❑   The grant, assignm ent, terminat ion or surrend er o f
                          sharehold er or his associate to the extent o f                    a right;
                          interest on one half (50%) the excess of that                  ❑   Making available facility, opportunity or advantage;
                          loan over the shar eholder’s paid up shar e                        and
                          capital;                                                       ❑   Refraining from or toler ating an act ivity, a situation
                                                                                             or the doing of an act.
                 (i)      In the case of m ining companies, the amount
                          allowab le in r esp ect of inter est expense is      Tax able activity
                          restricted on loans from a shar ehold er or his
                          associate on total borrowing o f th e pay ing        This includes anything done or undertak en during the
                          company to three times its p aid-up share capital.
                                                                               commencement or t ermination of a t axable activity and is carried
                          Interest on the excess of the loan in this regard    on continuously or r egu larly wh ether or not for profit. It involv es
                          is disallowed as a d eduction against taxable
                                                                               or is intended to invo lve the supply of goods and serv ices to
                          profit.                                              another person. It includ es a busin ess, trade, manufacture,
                                                                               commerce or adventure in the nature of trade.
 Any amount disallowed shall be treated as a deemed dividend.
                                                                               Tax able supply
 Ot h er taxes

 A m ining royalty is levied ad valorem on the ex -mine pr ice of              Except st ated under the law, a taxab le supply is a supply of goods
 minerals as:                                                                  and servic es m ade by a taxab le person for a consid eration, in the
                                                                               course of h is business activities and includ es but is not limit ed to
                                                                               the following:
                 ❑     5% precious stones;
                 ❑     4% precious metals; and                                           ❑         Processing of data or supply of informat ion or
                 ❑     3% all other min erals except building and industrial                       similar service;
                       minerals.                                                         ❑         Supply of staff;
                                                                                         ❑         Acceptance of a wager or stak e in any form of
                                                                                                   betting, gaming including lott eries and gam ing
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Transaction taxes
              ❑      Making of gifts or loans of goods;                                         lesser months exceeds Le350 million;
              ❑      Leasing or getting goods on hire;                                 2.       The per son’s turnover exceeds one-th ird o f
              ❑      Appropriation of goods for personal use;                                   the thresho ld (Le350 million in a p eriod of 4
              ❑      Sale, transfer, assignm ent or lic ensin g o f                             months ending on that day; and
                     patents, copyrights, tradem arks, computer                        3.       There ar e r easonable grounds to expect that
                     software and other proprietary information;                                the person will exceed the threshold (L e350
              ❑      Supply of power, heat, r efr igeration and                                 million) in the 12-month per iod commencin g
                     ventilation; and                                                           on the following day.
              ❑      Supply of mining and drilling services.
                                                                            A r egister ed p erson for GST, who c eases to make taxab le
                                                                            supplies for a six-month period and who does not intend to
  I m position o f GST                                                      make taxable supplies within a further consecutive 12-month
                                                                            period shall apply for a cancellation of its registration.
  GST is imposed on:
                                                                            An application in the prescrib ed form shall be mad e to the
     (a) A taxable supply; and                                              Commissioner Gen eral w ithin 30 day s of the date on wh ich the
     (b) A taxable import.                                                  person is r equired to r egister. The Commission er General will,
                                                                            within 21 days o f the applic ation for r egistration, confirm a
  The amount of GST chargeable on a taxab le supply or import is            person’s r egistration with the issu e o f a GST registration
  calculated by applying th e rate to the GST exclusive v alu e of          certificate and a tax identification number.
  the taxable supply or import.
                                                                            Tim e of supply
  The rate of GST applicable on taxable supply or import is:
                                                                            A supply of goods and serv ices is made on the ear lier of the
     1. If the supply or import is zero-rated - 0%; and                     time when:
     2. If the supply or import is standard -15%.
                                                                                       a)       An invo ice for the supply is issu ed by th e
  The GST chargeable on a taxable supply is the liability of the                                supplier;
  supplier and accounted for by the supplier to the tax                                b)       Any consideration for the supply is received;
  authorities, whilst the GST on imports is paid by the importer.
                                                                                       c)       For a supply of goods; the goods ar e
  If a non-resident principal mak es a taxable supply or import                                 deliv er ed or made av ailable for co llection;
  through a resid ent agent, the liability for GST lies with the                                and
  agent. Howev er, if such supply is m ade by a principal, that is
                                                                                       d)       For a supply o f servic e, th e services ar e
  treated as resid ent and r egist ered for GST, the liability lies w ith
  the principal resident under the GST Act and is defined as:                                   performed.

              a)     Government entity or a local council;
                                                                            A supply of goods under a hir e purchase agreement or finance
              b)     Person r esid ent in Sierra Leon e for the year in
                                                                            lease occurs on the date the goods ar e m ade available under
                     question, for the purposes of the Income Tax           the agreement or lease.
                     Act 2000;
              c)     A per son, other than an indiv idual, wh ich is        P lace o f supply
                     formed or created under an enactment or is
                     managed and controlled in Sierra Leon e                A supply of goods or serv ices is regarded as takin g place in
                     (whether or not that per son is r esident in           Sierra Leone if:
                     Sierra Leon e for the y ear in question for th e       a)      The supplier is a resident; or
                     purposes of the Income Tax Act 2000); and              b)      The supplier is a non-resident and:
              d)     Any other person to the extent that th e                         •       In the case of a supply of goods, the goods
                     person carries on a taxable activ ity in Sierr a                         supplied ar e located in Sierr a Leone at the
                     Leone.                                                                   time of the supply; or
  R egistration                                                                        •        In the case o f a supply or serv ices, the
                                                                                                servic es are physically per formed in Sierr a
  A person is required to register for GST if:                                                  Leone by any person who is in Sierra Leon e at
                                                                                                the time the services are performed.
              1.     The per son’s turnover in a period o f 12 or
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Transaction taxes
  Where goods that hav e been imported and are supplied to a
  person before th e goods ar e entered for use w ithin Sierra
  Leone, the supply is deemed to hav e tak en plac e outside Sierra
  Further, a rev erse charge of GST applies, wher e a non-resid ent
  person supplies services to a taxable per son in Sierra Leone,
  otherwise than through a resident agent, and the supply is not
  taxable, but would hav e been taxab le if by a r esident, GST-
  registered person.
  GST Invoices (FA 2016)
  Where ther e is improper use of GST invoic es, the Act imposes
  a penalty of Le500,000 for any GST r egister ed person that
  issu es a GST invoice that is not printed by the Nat ional
  Revenue Authority or produced based on authorization from
  the Commissioner General.

  St amp and transfer duty
  Stamp duties are levied on a w ide range of instruments and
  documents at the rate o f 0.1% of the value o f the transaction.
  These include agreements, bills o f exchange and promissory
  notes, bills of lading, bonds, leases and power o f attorney

  D o uble tax treaties and r educed rates

   Country          Dividends                  Interest        Royalties
                    Qualifying companies (%)   (%)             (%)
   Norway           #                          0               0
   South Africa     #                          #               #
   United Kingdom                              #               0

  # Th ere is no reduction under the treaty, the domestic
  withholding tax rate applies.

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Investment Information and Exchange
I n vestment rules                                                    Tr ade and bilateral agreements
                                                                      Member ship – W TO, ACP-EU Partn ership Agr eem ent,
The Investm ent Promotions Act was instituted to promote and
attract private investment, both domestic and for eign, for the
                                                                      Bilat eral investm ent treat ies concluded with USA, Germany
development of value adding opportunities, export creation
                                                                      and UK and is a signatory to the 1965 ICSID.
and employment opportunities.

Investments in arms and ammunition, m ilitary, polic e and
prison offic ers’ apparel and accoutrement ar e r estrict ed.
Therefore special approvals ar e r equir ed in ord er to inv est in
these areas.

I n vestment incentives

Incentives granted under the Investment Promotions Act
          ❑     Expatriate per sonnel w ith work perm its ar e
                permitted to m ake rem ittances abroad
                through a commercial bank;
          ❑     Profits and capital can be r epatriated w ithout
                any restrictions; and
          ❑     Guarantees against expropriation of domest ic
                or foreign private investments.
          ❑     An export lic ense is not requir ed for loc ally
                produced goods except for precious miner als
                and other materials as may be pr escrib ed            Cu rrency of Sierra Leone - Bank of Sierra Leone Act 2019
                from time to time;
          ❑     The personal effects o f an expatriat e work er
                                                                      The currency of Sierra Leone shall continue to be the Leone.
                issu ed with a work permit and his imm ediat e
                family is exempted from customs duty; and             The Leone shall be the currency for all accounting, financial
          ❑     Losses are carr ied forward for a period of t en      reporting and official purposes in Sierra Leone and it shall be
                (10) years.                                           issued in banknotes and coins and prefixed by the sign "L e".
                                                                      Prices for all transactions in Sierra Leone shall be indicated in
Ex c hange control
                                                                      Leones. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any person or
In order to improve transpar ency and effic iency in for eign         institution who contravenes any provision of this Act or
exchange tran sactions and achiev e a mark et-det ermined             Statutory Instruments made under this Act commits an
foreign exchange rat e, the Bank o f Sierra Leone (BSL) initiat es    offence.
week ly auctions o f non-cash foreign exchange. While the
auction is primarily d esigned as a m echanism for the BSL to
efficiently inject foreign exchange into the m arket, it also
envisages a w indow for the sale o f foreign exchange by other
economic agents at market rates.

R esidence and work permits
All for eign citizens are requir ed to obtain work p ermits on
application to th e Ministry of Labour which will generally be
granted if it can be demonstrated that no local person is ab le
to do the job, however, all applicants should present valid
residential permits.

An n ual budget announcement
The Min ister of Finance generally announces the annual
Budget and Taxat ion Proposals in November each year for the
      year commencing on 1 January thereafter.© Baker Tilly                                                                               8
Economic statistics
Economic statistics

                                 Var iable                                         D ec ember 2019
    Prime Interest Rate                                                                            17.92
    Exchange rate Le/US$)                                                                            9711
    Inflation (end Period)                                                                         13.89
    Inflation (Annual Av)                                                                          14.81
    Nominal GDP (Le. Bn) - Projection                                                             38,015
    Nominal GDP (exc.Iron Ore(LeBn) - Projection                                                  37,574

Travel information

  Visa Requirements                                       A visa is required to travel to Sierra Leone
                                                          from any country outside West Africa

  Flights                                                 London and West African Neighbours

  Inoculations                                            Yellow Fever

C u rrency
The Leone (Le) which is equal to 100 cents.

L an guages
The official language is English, although a number of local
languages, such as Krio, are also spoken.

Official holidays
❑   New Year's Day - 1 January
❑   Maoulid-Un-Nabi - The Prophet’s Birthday* - Movable
❑   Armed Forces Day - 18 February
❑   International Women’s Day - 8 March
❑   Good Friday - Movable
❑   Easter Monday - Movable
❑   Independence Day - 27 April
❑   Eid-Ul-Fitr - End of Ramadan* - Movable
❑   Eid el-Adha - Feast of the Sacrifice* - Movable
❑   Christmas Day - 25 December
❑   Boxing Day - 26 December

*To be confirmed depending on appearance of the moon

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For enquiries on further/additional Baker Tilly SL Services
  please contact:

  Derrick Kawaley - Managing Partner
  T: +232 76 648987

  Isiaka Balogun – Tax Partner
  T: +232 79 462251
  Clifford Marcus-Roberts – Senior Manager
  T: +232 76612961

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entities, and it is influenced by local business practices and cultural attitudes.

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Baker Tilly International provides no client services.

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