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VOL. 90 NO. 1    WINTER 2011

   Signed up for Give
   Kids A Smile Day?
     Be sure to visit
    for information.
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Signed up for Give Kids A Smile Day? Be sure to visit for information - Colorado Dental ...
CDA Editorial Board
   Dr. Joseph Tomlinson/Dr. Brandon Owen
                      Molly M. Pereira
                      Managing Editor
                Dr. Pasco Scarpella
                Dr. Thomas Pixley
                Dr. Kenneth Peters
                    Vice President
                 Dr. Brett Kessler
                  Dr. Calvin Utke
                  Dr. David Lurye
               Immediate Past President
                 Dr. Gerald Savory
                 Speaker of the House
             Quinn Dufurrena, DDS, JD
                  Executive Director
Dr. Carol Morrow       Arkansas Valley
 719-324-5251, fax 719-324-5252
Dr. Dana Johnson       Boulder-Broomfield
 303-447-8810, fax 303-447-0553
Dr. Mike Wiley         Colorado Springs
 719-593-0005, fax 719-593-0282
Dr. Stephenie Kaufmann Intermountain
 719-687-9219, fax 719-687-3919
Dr. John Siegmund      Larimer County
 970-226-2920, fax 970-226-8699
Dr. Timothy Kneller    Metro Denver
 303-696-9364, fax 303-696-6282
Dr. James Armbruster II Northeastern
 970-522-1684, fax 970-522-9492
Dr. Brian West         San Juan Basin
 970-259-5600, fax 970-247-2820
Dr. Fred Thrash        San Luis Valley
 719-589-4771, fax 719-589-4258
Dr. R.J. Schultz       Southeastern
 719-542-0036, fax 719-583-2530
Dr. Robert Benke       Weld County
 970-356-2120, fax 970-356-1013
Dr. Jerry Peterson                    Western
Cody Garrison                         CU Student Member
USPS 661730 ISSN 0010-1559
Journal of the Colorado Dental Association (ISSN 0010-1559) is
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                                      OF THE COLORADO DENTAL ASSOCIATION
                                 Vol. 90, No. 1                             Winter 2011

                                                                 C O N T E N T S

About Our Cover:
                                 6     Lessons Learned                      18   Thank You Volunteers
     ational Children’s Dental         By Quinn Dufurrena, D.D.S., J.D.

N    Health Month is coming      8     A Farewell and an
                                                                                 Thank You Generous Donors
                                                                                 The Fiduciary Difference
in February. For volunteer
                                       By Brandon Owen, D.D.S., M.S.             By Mimi N. Hackley, M.P.H., C.F.P.®
opportunities, call the CDA at
303-740-6900 or 800-343-         10    Fly on the Wall                      26   One Consultant Does Not Fit
3010.                                  By Joseph Tomlinson, D.M.D.               All – Hiring the Right
                                 12    Clinical Guide to Infant Oral             By Larry Chatterley and Marie
                                       Health                                    Chatterley
                                       By Elizabeth Shick, D.D.S., M.P.H.
                                                                            28   Classified Ads
                                 16    Grateful Smiles at COMOM
                                       By Pam Dinkfelt, Ph.D.

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                                       Lessons Learned
                                   By Quinn Dufurrena, D.D.S., J.D., CDA Executive Director

                                                learned this somewhere between building          rently, I remained active in organized

                   O          ne of my
                   memories of Colorado
                   was visiting my uncle’s
                                                fence and hitting hard ground, comple-
                                                ments of another bad tempered horse. It
                                                was one of those moments, when I stood
                                                dreading the act of getting back in the
                                                                                                 dentistry with the Nevada Dental Associa-
                                                                                                 tion, as a component officer and peer
                                                                                                 review chairman.
                                                                                                    It was during this time, between Mrs.
                                                saddle, that I decided I should try some-        Jenkins endo and Bob’s crown prep that I
                   ranch near Gunnison. I
                                                thing new and innovative. Therefore, in          came across an article in the ADA News
Dr. Quinn          had never seen such
                                                order to avoid the arduous lessons of the        about a fellowship offered at the Ameri-
Dufurrena          vast areas of green nor
                                                ranch, I decided to get an education.            can Dental Association. I decided to apply
                   caught so many fish.
The reason I was taken aback by the area           I received my Bachelor of Science, in         for it. That was the beginning of a career
is because I grew up on the edges of the        general science, from the University of          change for me. Receiving the ADA
barren Black Rock Desert, 66 miles north        Nevada, Reno. Then I went on to receive          Hillenbrand Fellowship award meant
of Winnemucca, Nev. The family ranch,           my Doctor of Dental Surgery from the             selling my dental practice and moving to
where we raised Hereford cattle, was            University of the Pacific School of              ADA headquarters in Chicago, Ill.
called the Quinn River Ranch. I’ve always       Dentistry. Paying back a rural scholarship,         Awarded every other year, the Hillen-
had a sense of pride that the early             I returned to Nevada and practiced in a          brand Fellow is designed to provide
pioneers named a river after me.                small town called Battle Mountain. It was        extensive training and experience in
                                                there where I came to realize that I really      health policy leadership and management
   My early formal schooling took place in
                                                didn’t have all the answers in dentistry.        skills in organized dentistry. As part of
a one-room schoolhouse. The school-
                                                With no other fellow dentist within 50           this program, I took MBA courses in
house was in Nevada, but the playground
                                                miles, I learned a lot about dentistry and       association management and business
was in Oregon. With only one other
                                                the term “practice.” After fulfilling my three   strategies at Northwestern University. As
student in my class, and he being twice
                                                years, I volunteered for the U.S. Navy. I        well, I worked and trained with the
my size, I designated myself as the second
                                                wanted a broader perspective of the world,       highest levels of leadership of the ADA,
smartest kid in the first grade.
                                                and I volunteered for everything. As such, I     including the president, executive director
   As the second smartest kid in my class,      traveled to most of the countries in Central     and chief policy advisor. My major project
I thought I knew a little something about       and South America and spent three years          focus involved teledentistry and its
interstate jurisdiction. As such, I figured I   stationed in the Highlands of Scotland. It       implications for rural dental practices.
could set my teacher straight concerning        was in Scotland that I learned the never
appropriate classroom behavior. Being the       ending frustration of golf.                         Once the fellowship was completed, I
fastest kid in my class, I could out run her                                                     headed off to Idaho to put my newly
                                                   After getting the need for worldly            acquired knowledge to the test. I have
to the state line, somewhere around the
                                                adventure out of my system, I headed back        spent the last three years as the Idaho
swing set. Once over the line, I would
                                                to private practice. I opened up shop in         State Dental Association’s executive
quickly explain that even the sheriff
                                                Elko, Nev., at the base of the Ruby Moun-        director.
couldn’t cross state lines in pursuit.
                                                tains – a wilderness area, famous for its
Looking back, I felt confident that Oregon                                                          Without a doubt though, my biggest
                                                helicopter skiing. I practiced as a general
was probably a non-extradition state.                                                            learning experience has been helping my
                                                dentist for the better part of 20 years.
  Much to my disappointment, I quickly                                                           wife, Karen (okay she really did all the
                                                  During this time, I also served as an          work!), raise seven wonderful children, all
found out that I was slightly mistaken
                                                associate professor, teaching fixed              of whom are attending or have graduated
about the realities of being the second
                                                prosthodontics and operative dentistry, at       college.
smartest kid in my class. I learned first
                                                the Oregon Health Sciences University
hand about what the long arm of the law                                                             I look forward to using my lessons
                                                Dental School. While still maintaining my
really meant.                                                                                    learned in doing the best job I can for the
                                                                                                 Colorado Dental Association. I
                                                practice, I acquired my law degree from
  Speaking of lessons, I realized that a        Concord Law School, concentrating on
ranching career was not in my future. I         health and small business law. Concur-

6   I                                           Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                     WINTER 2011
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Signed up for Give Kids A Smile Day? Be sure to visit for information - Colorado Dental ...

        A Farewell and an Introduction
                                     By Brandon Owen, D.D.S., M.S., CDA Interim Editor

                                                  My first encounter with Joe was at a       dental advisor and a general dentist in

                   I    would like to open
                        my first article as
                   the interim editor with
                   a heartfelt thank you to
                                               dental open house in Fort Collins, Colo.
                                               Within minutes, we discovered that we
                                               share a common alma mater: Montana
                                               State University. Furthermore, we came
                                                                                             college, he decided he would take the
                                                                                             Dental Aptitude Test, and he did very well.
                                                                                             His interviewers at the University of
                                                                                             Kentucky gave him a warm welcome, and,
                                               to discover that we also both met our         thus, he accepted a slot in their dental
                   Dr. Joe Tomlinson. In
                                               spouses at MSU. It wasn’t until I sat         school.
Dr. Brandon        my short time editing
                                               down to lunch with Joe two weeks ago,            Upon graduation from dental school,
Owen is an         the  CDA publications
                                               however, that I discovered how much our       and after serving two very enjoyable years
                   and attending the
Orthodontist                                   lives parallel one another.
                   Board of Trustees and                                                     in the U.S. Army Dental Corps, from 1971
in Fort Collins,                                  Joe’s early childhood was spent in         to 1973, Dr. Tomlinson set up a practice in
                   Executive Committee
Colo.                                          Minneapolis and St. Louis Park (a             Fort Collins where he has practiced
                   meetings, it has
                   become quickly              Minneapolis suburb). His high school          dentistry in a solo setting and in various
apparent how demanding the tasks of the        years were spent in Eden Prairie, Minn.,      group settings for the past decades.
editor are, and Dr. Tomlinson served and       where he was the captain of the football      Twenty-seven years ago, a Denver Post
excelled in this position for four years. At   team and the sports editor of the school      advertisement for a regional director to
the November Board of Trustees meeting,        newspaper. He then ventured to Montana        oversee insurance claims reviews caught
he was showered with comments of well          State University in Bozeman, Mont.,           his eye, and he was awarded the position
deserved reverence and gratitude for all       where he was attracted to the access to       (over dozens of other applicants). Now
that he has done for the CDA. He has           great skiing and a strong engineering         Joe spends three days a week running an
been a wonderful mentor for me in this         program. It was there where he met Dot,       insurance claim review company,
transition and will always be a figure that    his wife. Dot planted the seed of dentistry   NADENT, and spends one day a week in
captures a great deal of respect from all      as a profession in Joe’s mind after he        private practice. He has two daughters
those around him.                              spent time in the earth science and civil     and now has two grandchildren – three-
                                               engineering departments for his first years   year-old, Matthew, and six-month-old,
                                               of college. After discussion with a pre-

8   I                                          Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                 WINTER 2011
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Vanessa, whom he frequently visits in             From Montana, I ventured to the             When Dr. Tomlinson approached me
California.                                   University of Minnesota for dental school.   this summer to see if I would be interested
   Knowing Dr. Tomlinson’s story offers       I lived in Minneapolis for my four years     in becoming the editor of CDA publica-
much insight into my life as well, as we      in dental school, and I spent each year in   tions, I was honored and excited to have a
share many of the same cities as back-        the Summer Research Program in the           chance to apply for the position. When
drops in our lives. I was born and spent      biomaterials department. Nicole came to      CDA President Dr. Pasco Scarpella called
my early childhood in Bozeman, Mont.          Minneapolis during my second year of         me to let me know that I was to be named
My high school years were spent in Great      dental school where she completed a M.S.     the interim editor, I was nothing short of
Falls, Mont., and I then returned to          at the U of M in clinical immunology and     elated. I have been so impressed with the
Bozeman where I, like Joe, lived in           worked on cancer research. U of M is         knowledge and dedication of the CDA
Langford Hall at Montana State University.    where I stayed for my orthodontic and        Trustees and the Executive Committee
I was focused on medicine my first years      M.S. training, but we moved to St. Louis     members and am very excited for Quinn
in college, but I became aware that my        Park for the duration of my program.         Dufurrena, D.D.S., J.D., our new executive
two uncles, who were physicians, spent a      Nicole and I were both drawn to the          director, to join our team. I am also
great deal of their time at work. My          mountains and quickly fell in love with      thrilled with the competence and commit-
observation of my childhood dentist (and      Fort Collins where I bought an orthodon-     ment of Molly Pereira who makes the life
family friend) was that he was able to        tic practice. We have also been blessed      of the editor so much easier with all her
dedicate a great deal more time to his        with our two-year-old son, Keller and our    hard work at the CDA. I look forward to
family, while flourishing in a very           three-month-old, Presley since we moved      covering topics like midlevel providers and
rewarding profession. I spent some time       to Colorado. I quickly became involved       access-to-care, along with a host of other
over the summer in an orthodontist’s          with the CDA by becoming a delegate          issues that are coming to a front in the
office near MSU, and I quickly took a         from the Larimer County Dental Society       near future; we are all fortunate to have
great interest in the specialty. My wife,     (LCDS) to the CDA House of Delegates.        such a capable group in the CDA leader-
                                              From there, I became a member of the         ship to help guide dentistry through the
                                                                                           tough battles that lie ahead! I
Nicole, and I met shortly after I graduated
from college at a friend’s birthday party.    CDA New Dentist Committee and a part of
                                              the LCDS Executive Committee.

VOL. 90, NO. 1                                Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                           9   I
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                                        Fly on the Wall
                                                By Joseph Tomlinson, D.M.D., CDA Editor

                                                   swallowed the hook pretty deep inside.         as possibly having lived as a dentist in a

                 “F             ly on the
                                Wall.” That’s
                   an expression many of us
                   have heard or used. I
                                                   That was followed by another one with
                                                   the same predicament. As I had to
                                                   remove a hook from these two fish, I
                                                   thought this has really got to hurt the fish
                                                   a lot, and yet as I held it in one hand, its
                                                                                                  former life, or that it might possibly switch
                                                                                                  places with you in a future life. It’s a scary
                                                                                                  thought but maybe you’ll be just a little
                                                                                                  kinder and a little gentler to that tooth
                                                                                                  that day.
                   never gave it a lot of          little body didn’t shudder or squirm, and
                                                                                                     Anyway, sometimes a little silliness is
Dr. Joseph         thought, however, until         fish never make a sound, at least not that
                                                                                                  fun. If you have something silly, or useful,
Tomlinson is
                   after my mother passed          I can recall. However, as I worked to
                                                                                                  or a thought you might think is crazy, feel
                   away nearly five years          remove that hook I knew the fish wasn’t
a General                                                                                         free to share it with us at CDA publica-
                   ago. Now when I see a           going to survive. What would become of
Practitioner                                                                                      tions. We might decide it’s worth
                   fly on the wall, or more        it besides food for other creatures of the
in Fort                                                                                           publishing and sharing with others. Don’t
                   commonly a spider in the        lake? Well, I began to think – maybe it
                                                                                                  worry if you think your thoughts are too
Collins, Colo. sink, I tend to think that          would return as a fisherman. Then I
                                                                                                  silly or crazy, you’re probably not the only
                   maybe it is my mother in        thought – maybe fishermen would return
                                                                                                  one having them.
a new form, and that she has come to               as fish. A crazy thought, I know, fisher-
visit us just to see what we’re up to, to          men returning in another life as fish and         Note: This is my final article as editor-
see how we’re doing, maybe to see how              fish sometimes returning to life as            in-chief of the CDA. I extend a hearty
often we speak of her. I sometimes think           fishermen or fisherwomen. Well, one            thank you to all the members of the CDA
to myself, “Mom, is that you?” “Glad to            never knows where the mind will wander.        for your patience and positive feedback
see you.” “We miss you.” “Thanks for your          At least my mind was off of work and           on my efforts as CDA editor and an article
visit to us.” Then I carefully help the            teeth. At least it was until I decided to      writer. In addition, I offer a bigger thank
spider escape from the sink.                       share this silly thought with my wife one      you to all of the CDA officers who I have
                                                   evening.                                       served with on the Executive Committee
   I never thought too much about
                                                                                                  over the past four years for their support
reincarnation and I’m not particularly                After I mentioned the idea to her about
                                                                                                  and suggestions, as well as all the
religious, but I do like to let my thoughts        the future lives of fishermen and fish, of
                                                                                                  discussions and communications we have
wander to “what if” scenarios sometimes.           hunters and the game they hunt, we both
                                                                                                  had at our monthly meetings, including
In May of last year, I took my elderly             suddenly wondered about dentists.
                                                                                                  our annual retreat and the Annual
father fishing near his assisted care home         Coincidentally we both thought – do
                                                                                                  Session. I also thank the members of the
in Minnesota. He hadn’t fished in 10               dentists return as teeth? Or even wilder,
                                                                                                  Board of Trustees for the time we have
months; not since he suffered a series of          do teeth return as dentists?! Wow, what
                                                                                                  served together, and all the great staff of
five strokes that left him very weak up            an idea. Maybe each of us in a former life
                                                                                                  the CDA including two executive direc-
and down his right side. He is right hand          existed as a first or second or third molar
                                                                                                  tors, Gary Cummins and Jim Young. Most
dominant, so he didn’t think he could ever         – or maybe as an incisor or premolar.
                                                                                                  of all, I sincerely and heartily thank Molly
fish again. However, in the weeks before           Maybe we were neglected and abused,
                                                                                                  Pereira, CDA managing editor, for all the
my visit, he had made progress in                  and were allowed to deteriorate until our
                                                                                                  support, guidance and friendship she has
regaining some use of that hand and was            insides were exposed. Having no brains or
                                                                                                  given me over the past four years. She is
certainly eager to give fishing a try,             voices there was nothing we could do or
                                                                                                  truly a great asset to the CDA and I can’t
especially with help from me.                      say about it, until we re-emerged as
                                                                                                  thank her enough. I will miss serving in
   While we sat and waited for fish to bite,       humans and our destiny was set – to
                                                                                                  this role as editor, but look forward to
we reminisced a bit about my mom/his               become dentists, to spread the word
                                                                                                  spending more time with my family and
wife. Soon we started catching a few fish.         about plaque and hygiene and caries
                                                                                                  will gladly submit articles in the future on
The first two were small, and it was easy          control.
                                                                                                  topics that I think might be of interest to
to dislodge the hook from their lips and             Well, it is a wild idea, but maybe the       other members of the CDA. Thank you. I
return them to the water. A little later,          next time you work on one of those badly
however, he caught a larger one that had           decayed or infected molars, think about it

10   I                                             Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                    WINTER 2011

                       Clinical Guide to Infant
                             Oral Health  By Elizabeth Shick, D.D.S., M.P.H.
                                      Assistant Professor of Pediatric Dentistry,
                     The Children’s Hospital and University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine

                                               hygiene recommenda-

A        ccess-to-care for dentistry is
         always a hot topic among general
dentists and specialists, but helping solve
the problem may be easier than you think.
                                               tions, and provide an
                                               oral health exam.
                                               There is no question
                                               that providing care to
                                               children when their
Public health leaders and researchers
                                               first tooth erupts will
know that finding dental care for young
                                               help them stay caries
children can be especially difficult, as
                                               free for a lifetime.
many general dentists prefer to see
                                               Also, by forming a
children when they are closer to three or
                                               solid relationship as
five years old. By this time, however, it is
                                               their dental provider,
often too late, as the caries process has
                                               your practice may
already begun for many children. If this
                                               maintain these
sounds familiar to you, consider the
                                               children and most
benefits of opening your practice to those
                                               likely see the entire
adorable one-year-olds. Their teeth can                                Figure 1: Counseling the primary caregiver about risk factors for
                                               family too.
benefit from your services just as much as                             developing early childhood caries.
your adult patients.                              There are a few
                                               simple steps and easy-
   The American Dental Association (ADA)
                                               to-use tools to make
and the American Academy of Pediatric
                                               the Age One dental
Dentistry (AAPD) have currently instituted
                                               visit run smoothly in
guidelines stating that all children should
                                               your office. First, it’s
see a dentist for routine care when the
                                               important to know
first tooth erupts or by age one at the
                                               that you can utilize
latest. The ADA and the AAPD also
                                               your auxiliary staff for
suggest that this Age One dental visit
                                               most of the Age One
should establish a dental home where the
                                               dental visit. Your
child returns for routine oral healthcare,
                                               dental assistants or
thus decreasing caries rates among young
                                               dental hygienists can
children. Statistics show, however, that
                                               be quickly trained on
there are not enough pediatric dentists in
                                               how to counsel
any given community to meet these needs
                                               caregivers about the Figure 2: Clinical documentation form that may be used for the
and provide a dental home beginning at                                   Age One dental visit.
                                               risk factors for early
age one.
                                               childhood caries, as seen in Figure 1.          hygiene. The form in Figure 2 is an
  General dentists can play an important                                                       effective tool that shows counseling
                                                  Second, train your auxiliary staff with a
role in prevention of early childhood                                                          points and clinical documentation. Your
                                               review of the major risk factors. “Get the
caries by seeing young children. By seeing                                                     auxiliary staff can perform all the
                                               INFO” is an easy way to remember to
children and their primary caregivers                                                          counseling points on the left side of this
                                               cover the essential: Initial history,
early, you can provide valuable counsel-                                                       form.
                                               Nutrition, Fluoride exposure and Oral
ing, make appropriate diet, fluoride and

12   I                                         Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                     WINTER 2011
It’s very quick and easy to “Get the
INFO.” Initial history pertains to the entire
family’s oral health. It’s important to
counsel caregivers about transmission of
bacteria that causes decay from caregiver
to child and child-to-child (siblings or
daycare setting). Encourage the entire                                                         Figure 5: Decay seen on primary teeth.
                                                Figure 4: Decalcification seen on primary
family to have routine dental care in your      teeth.
office so the Age One dental patient has a
                                                fluoridated toothpaste as soon as the first    documenting occlusion, you need to only
lower risk of being exposed to mutans
                                                tooth erupts. Researchers believe that the     note the problems that are present, if any.
streptococci (MS). The goal here is that
                                                risk of fluorosis is not an issue and          Increased overjet is anything beyond three
the entire family maintains a healthy oral
                                                fluoridated toothpaste use is recom-           millimeters. Increased overbite is anything
cavity, and, therefore, transmission to the
                                                mended early because the benefits of           beyond 85%. Also, document presence of
Age One patient is lessened and delayed
                                                cavity prevention outweigh the risks of        any open bite, end-to-end relationships
as long as possible.
                                                fluorosis.                                     and anterior or posterior crossbites. You
                                                                                               may then document any fractured teeth,
                                                   For the oral hygiene component, all you
                                                                                               congenitally missing teeth or other
                                                have to know is that children should
                                                                                               anomalies. Recall status can be assigned
                                                brush twice daily, after breakfast and the
                                                                                               based on risk status. Any child with heavy
                                                very last thing before bedtime. It’s
                                                                                               decalcification or decay should be
                                                important to emphasize that caregivers
                                                                                               considered for a three-month recall. Low-
                                                need to brush for their child until age 8.
                                                                                               risk children can be placed on six-month
                                                Children age 0-3 should not brush alone
                                                                                               recalls like adult patients.
                                                without the help of an adult. Parents
                                                should begin flossing for their child as          An average appointment for a child 0-3
                                                soon as teeth are contacting. After            years old takes approximately 30 minutes
Figure 3: Proper knee-knee position for         counseling is complete, the dentist can        of chair time and does not utilize the
the infant oral health exam using two           perform the dental exam. The right side of     dental chair. Instead, using two chairs
chairs in the operatory with the patient’s      Figure 2 shows the major clinical docu-        implementing the knee-knee position will
head in the dentist’s lap for easy examina-     mentation needed for 0-3-year-olds. The        work best for this age group (Figure 3). If
tion. The caregiver is also present and         dentist should employ the knee-knee            you have read this far, then hopefully
may hold the child’s hands to prevent                                                          you’ve seen how easy this is to implement
                                                position when seeing 0-3-year-olds as
                                                seen in Figure 3.                              in your office. Involving your entire office
                                                                                               in the Age One dental visit for children
   The nutrition component outlines the            During the Age One dental visit, the
                                                                                               maximizes the resources of your practice
major points that should be emphasized          dentist should document the presence of
                                                                                               and brings everyone together for the
with caregivers. Stopping baby bottle use       any decalcification (Figure 4) or decay
                                                                                               cause you work so hard for everyday:
                                                                                               successfully fighting cavities! I
at age one is crucial to preventing             (Figure 5) as well as any areas that need
cavities. Also make sure caregivers are         to be monitored. Using disclosing solution
not giving their child milk or other            is not necessary in this age group; you
                                                may simply assign a plaque score as high,      If you’re interested in learning more about
sweetened beverages all day long without
                                                medium or low based on visual evalua-          the Age One dental visit, contact Dr.
limit. Milk and juice should be given at
                                                                                               Elizabeth Shick at The Children’s Hospital
mealtime only, and children should be           tion. Similarly, a gingival score is
                                                                                               at High-
encouraged to drink water in between            somewhat subjective. Assign gingivitis as      quality patient education materials are
meals. Juice should be limited to 4-6 oz        mild, moderate or severe based on              also available free of charge to assist your
per day or less. Discourage use of soda,        presentation and bleeding on brushing. A       practice with the Age One dental visit. For
sports drinks or other sweetened bever-         mild gingival score is assigned if there are   more information and to order materials,
ages in this age group.                         one-to-two teeth bleeding, a moderate          go to
                                                score is when three-to-five teeth are
   The AAPD fluoride exposure recom-
                                                bleeding and anything more is severe. Do
mendation for children is now the same
                                                not count partially erupted teeth that are
as adults. All children should drink
                                                bleeding during this assessment. When
optimally fluoridated water and use

VOL. 90, NO. 1                                  Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                              13   I
14   I   Journal of the Colorado Dental Association   WINTER 2011

             Grateful Smiles at COMOM               By Pam Dinkfelt, Ph.D.

                                                This year, the clinic was set-up with     clinic had sections for medical and dental

A          fter four years, the Colorado
           Mission of Mercy (COMOM) needs
little introduction. This program, commit-
ted to providing donated dental treatment
                                             132 portable dental chairs – the highest
                                             number of chairs used among the Mission
                                             of Mercy clinics in the country. In
                                             addition to patient treatment areas, the
                                                                                          triage, x-rays, anesthesia, sterilization,
                                                                                          and a dental lab. As in years past there
                                                                                          were also areas for oral health instruction
                                                                                          and exit interviews.

to those who need it most, changes the                                                       Patients, ages one through 87 years,
lives of both patients and volunteers. The                                                underwent 6,800 procedures at COMOM
                                              Dentists                            232     amounting to approximately $1,100,000 in
stories and warm comments received
after this fourth annual clinic event were    Dental Assistants                   202     donated dental care. This year, patients
abundant. Thank you to the 1,193              Dental Hygienists                   116     were seen at COMOM on a voucher
volunteers who made this year’s COMOM                                                     system, where appointment windows
                                              Dental Lab Technicians               22     were distributed prior to the event.
in Colorado Springs a huge success.
                                              Dental Billing Coders                22     Thanks to the low-cost dental clinics in
  COMOM was held at the Phil Long Expo
                                              Dental Equipment Specialists          8     Colorado Springs and social service
Center, Sept. 30 to Oct. 3, 2010. Under
                                                                                          organizations across the state that helped
the guidance of COMOM Site Chair Dr.          Dental Students                      12     locate patients who were unable to afford
Cal Utke and Colorado Springs Dental
                                              Pre-Dental Students                  22     dental care and in urgent need of dental
Society Executive Director Sharyn
                                              Dental Assisting Students           117     treatment. COMOM also accepted
Markus, a record 232 dentists volun-
                                                                                          patients on a walk-in basis.
teered for this year’s event. Volunteering    Dental Hygiene Students              73
alongside other dental professionals, they                                                   While patient treatment is a priority at
                                              Non-Dental Health Professionals      68     COMOM, the program also strives to
donated treatment to more than 1,400
patients in just two days.                                                                promote an awareness of the struggle that
                                              Community Volunteers                299
                                                                                          many people face for oral healthcare.
                                              TOTAL                             1,193
                                                                                          Five legislators attended the Colorado
                                                                                          Springs event: Rep. Cindy Acree
                                                                                          (Aurora), Rep. Dennis Apuan (Colorado
                                                                                          Springs), Rep. Marsha Looper (Calhan),
                                                                                          Sen. Michael Johnston (Denver) and
                                                                                          incoming Rep. Janak Joshi (Colorado
                                                                                          Springs). Most of the legislators who
                                                                                          attended this year’s event came at the
                                                                                          invitation of their CDA action team leader,
                                                                                          which is a great testimony to the relation-
                                                                                          ships that dentists are developing with
                                                                                          legislators at the local level. As in years
                                                                                          past, the legislators who attended were
                                                                                          astounded by the size of the clinic, the
                                                                                          care provided and the volunteers who
                                                                                          make it all possible. Four of the five
                                                                                          legislators who attended will be returning
                                                                                          to the statehouse this month and will
                                                                                          continue to spread the word about
                                                                                          COMOM and its impact.

A grateful COMOM patient is interviewed by Channel 5 KOAA of Colorado Springs.

16   I                                       Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                 WINTER 2011
shuttle bus driver told me that one of
                                                                                              the homeless patients said to her,
                                                                                              “Normally, I feel like a rat when I’m
                                                                                              with people who work, especially
                                                                                              doctors; but, today everyone was so
                                                                                              thoughtful and kind, and I was treated
                                                                                              like a king. I am so grateful to have all
                                                                                              this dental work done and to have
                                                                                              been treated so professionally.”
                                                                                            • I am newly retired and have had many
                                                                                              opportunities to volunteer in many
                                                                                              capacities but this one was the most
                                                                                              rewarding. This experience was
                                                                                              exceptional. I left knowing that the
                                                                                              Mission of Mercy was worth every
                                                                                              minute I was able to volunteer. I also
Rep. Marsha Looper (right) with three COMOM patients.                                         left grateful knowing that so many
                                                                                              people were served with services that
  Our deep appreciation to the nearly            expected to live. He was engaged and         are so important to their well being,
1,200 volunteers and other individuals           just hoped to get a few of his dental        both physically and emotionally.
and entities that provided support to the        issues addressed prior to his wedding.
2010 COMOM.                                      After restoring his front teeth, I sent
                                                 him to look at his smile in the restroom
Please save the date for the
                                                 mirror. While he was gone, his fiancée
2011 COMOM in Brush,                             began to cry. He hadn’t smiled in years
Colo., held October 20-23!                       because of the decay. Everyone in the
Procedures Performed:                            area teared up or outright cried when
  • 784 preventive (prophylaxis, fluoride        they heard the story and saw him
     treatments, sealants)                       beaming when he returned.
  • 1,564 restorative (fillings)               • One of my patients was a disabled
                                                 veteran who came in for a flipper. He
  • 89 endodontic (root canals)
                                                 had been going to Hobby Lobby to buy
  • 222 periodontic (debridements)               white clay to make his own tempo-
  • 115 prosthodontic (anterior partial          raries, which looked like teeth from a
     dentures)                                   distance.

  • 1,571 surgical (extractions)               • I saw a woman burst into tears when
                                                 she found out that she would be able
Memorable Volunteer Experiences:
                                                 to have her bottom teeth removed. She
• The whole experience was wonderful.
                                                 had been using superglue to hold them
  It is a ton of work for everyone
                                                 in place for the past three years.
  involved, but it is the best kind of work.
  My husband has been a dentist for over       • An elderly gentleman came by and
  30 years, but I learned more about             shared his COMOM experience with
  dentistry in two days than I ever knew         me. He received $750 per month from
  before. Thank you for letting me help.         Social Security. After receiving treat-
                                                 ment from COMOM, he said, “I usually
• I treated a 20-year-old male patient
                                                 splurge $5 once a week by going to
  who had severe decay and stain on all
                                                 McDonald’s, but for the next three
  of his anterior teeth. He hadn’t smiled
                                                 weeks, I will save that money and give
  in years because of his appearance,
                                                 it to COMOM for helping bring back
  and then a year ago he was in his                                                         Dr. Mike Wiley fits a removable partial
                                                 my smile.”
  home when a gas line exploded. He                                                         denture.
  had been badly burned and not                • At the end of my shift on Friday, the

VOL. 90, NO. 1                                 Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                          17     I
2 010 C O M O M VO L U N T E E R S

Danny Abboud DDS
                       Thank You Volunteers!
                       Allen Benning DDS                Kelly Capansky RDH        Charles Danna DDS          Jean Fanning
Megan Abreu            Mark Bentele DDS, MS             Marcela Cardona           Beth Davis                 Laura Farmer
Andrea Acevedo         Bruce Bergstrom                  Lacey Carleo              Dantaya Davis              Norm Farrar DDS
Katherine Acosta       Dionna Berkolder                 Pete Carlesimo DDS        Jane Davis RDH             Greg Farthing DDS, MSD
Judy Adams RDH         Ronald Berquist DDS              Scott Carlson             Sidney Davis               John Farthing
Eric Adler DMD         Anna Berrios-Chavez              Steve Carlson DDS         Skip Davis RPH             Dick Fatout
Mark Albers DDS        Jennifer Berrong                 Erin Carpenter DDS        Christian De Luna-Zuno     Paola Faufau
Yossf Albshara         Kim Berry RDH                    Jennifer Carpenter        Martha Dean                Jennifer Fawaz RDH
Eugene Alcorta         Kay Biccum                       Bernard Carroll DDS       Jan DeBell EDDA            Erin Fay CDA
Nawal Alejandro        Josephine Bicknell               Colleen Carter DDS        Brittany Debus CDA         Julie Fayette
Mike Alexander         Phil Bird DDS                    Jennifer Carter           Carol Decker               Jennifer Feger EDDA
Shelby Alexander       Sherry Birkenbeil                Maggie Carter             Todd Decker                Joel Feinberg DDS
Michelle Alexis CDA    John Bishop DDS                  Richard Carter DDS        Josephine Delgado          Cara Fennessy RDH
Naomi Alford           Darcie Bissell CDA               Laura Cartwright EFDA     Frank Delgesso EFDA        Lauren Ferguson
Taylor Alford          Heather Blair RDH                Chris Carusone            Chelsea Deutscher DMD      Ana-Rosa Fernandez
Leslie Allan           Erin Bley                        Jonni Cawood CDA          Joseph Devine DDS          Cassie Fernandez
Neal Allan DDS         Justin Bley DMD                  Carrissa Chalut           Kelly Devoid               Nicole Ferrara DDS
Roger Allan DDS        Patricia Bloss DDS               Sharon Chamberlain EDDA   Tina Dewar                 Carolyn Ferrier
George Allen MD        Sabrina Bochert EDDA             Rachael Chaskey           Kristine Dieter EDDA       Bob Feyerabend
Oleta Almeida RDH      Martha Bodell                    Alice Chavez              Bob DiGiorgio DDS          Brenda Fickes
Bill Alsdorf           Brenda Bollacker                 Amanda Chavez             Steven Dilley DDS          Gary Field DDS
Dale Alto DDS          Neil Botting RN                  Betty Chavez              Peggy Dinkel               Monica Fields EDDA
Cassandra Altrich      Gary Boudreaux DDS               Joel Chavez DDS           Pam Dinkfelt PhD           Larry Finkbeiner DDS
Bill Ames DDS          Lori Boudreaux                   Raymond Chavez            Linda Divido EDDA          Patricia Fiore DDS
Jane Ames              Janice Box CDA                   Sara Checkelsky           Tyler Divido               Lorie Firestone EDDA
Frankie Anderson       Sasha Boyarskaya                 Tori Chester              Dick Dobbin DDS            Meghan Fish
Katherine Anderson     Michelle Boyer                   Man Chhtri                Jeffrey Dombrowski DDS     Susan Fisher
Stephen Andrews DMD    Charis Bozung RDH                Nick Chiovitti DDS        Jerri Donahue DDS          Alicia Fleker
Carolyn Anello RDH     Victor Bradford DMD              Peggy Chiovitti-Moritz    Allie Donner               Cindy Fletcher
Heather Angers RDH     Julie Bradley                    Jack Choi DDS             Sandy Dorcey               Liz Flores CDA
Valerie Anthony CDA    Matthew Brady DDS                Carter Christensen DMD    Mindy Dover                Elizabeth Flynn CDA
Bob Antiel DDS         Cindy Brandich                   Jennifer Christman        Melissa Dowdrick EDDA      Cory Foster DDS
Lisa Appleman          Katie Bratlien-Kirby DMD         Tori Cimiano CDA          Marina Downing RN          Elizabeth Foster
Karen Archbold         Luis Bravo DMD                   Mike Cimino DDS           Jonathan Dubin DMD         Wanda Foster
Damaris Arias          Corliss Brecht                   Jill Cisneroz             Adrienne Duchaine          Shanna Fournier RDH
Lerry Armstrong        Sandra Brinkel EDDA              Phyllis Clark MD          Nikki Dudek                Abby Fox CDA
Kara Arnold            Donald Brown DDS                 Rena Clark                Ramone Dupree              Michael Foy DDS
Bonnie Ashe            Julie Brown DDS                  Thomas Clark              Addie Dusel                Mary French
Frank Avello           Rice Brown                       Sue Clarke                Tom Dusel DDS              Maria Freyta
Holly Avila            Sandy Brown                      Lynne Clayton             Elsa Eccles RDH            Melissa Fujan
Delilah Baca EDDA      Theresa Brown RDH                Stephanie Clinton         Brooke Eddy RDH            Diane Fuller DDS
Natalie Baca           Renee Bruce CDA                  Mary Beth Coates RDH      Mary Edwards DDS           Sue Funk CDA
Mark Backlin           Sylvia Bruce                     Julie Collett RDH         Joanne Eisenhuth           Alex Gaebler CMT
Regina Bagley CDA      Bianca Bryant                    Andrea Collins RDH        Rose Elder                 Kendra Gagich CDA
J Brandon Bailey DDS   Stacey Bryant                    James Colt DDS            Yuliya Elevich RDH         Frankie Gales
Shawn Baird            Gina Bryer EDDA                  Brooke Condie             Dan Elfring CDT            Carol Gallegos RDH
Justine Baker          Jeffrey Bryson DDS               Courtney Connell          Dean Ellico                Melissa Gallegos
Gabriel Bakhtiyaryan   Heather Buckley EDDA             Tracy Connors             Forrest Ellico             LeAnne Gant
Cheick Bakouan         Nicki Buckley                    Chauna Cook               Tammy Ellico RDH           Alta Garcia CDA
Laura Baldonado        Donica Buckmann                  Audrey Coon               Alicia Elliott             Andrea Garcia
Diana Ball             Janet Buffington RDH             Chandler Coon             Shawna Ellis RDH           Jasmin Garcia
Jim Ball CDT           Tuyen Bui CDA                    Kelly Copeland            Lauren Emberty             Julia Garcia RDH
Nora Ballou            Ashlee Bulik                     Diana Corona LPN          Martin Emeson              Renee Garcia
Joanne Bancroft DDS    Rose Bunting                     Lisa Corrigan             Nikki Encinias             Joshua Garfein
Teri Barichello DMD    Mabel Burciaga                   Aileen Cosby              Marie Enck RDH             Jocelyn Garlan EDDA
Tara Barmett           Ruth Burciaga                    Aaron Cosley              Albert Eng DDS, MS         Lu Anne Garvin
Stephanie Barnhart     Michael Burnham DDS              Meagan Costantino         Geoff Engelhardt DDS       Amy Gavito RDH
Pepper Barrera         Cheryl Burrows CDA               Judy Costanza RDH         Jody Engesser RDH          Matt Gaworski DDS
Nelly Barreto DMD      Matt Burton DDS                  Caitlin Couch             Joshua Erickson DDS, MSD   Randolph Geoghan DDS
Sandra Barrios         Chris Bustamante                 Mikki Couch               Kristine Erickson          Bud Gerathy DMD
Amy Batson EDDA        Alisha Bustos                    Steph Counts              Julie Erker EDDA           Leslie Gerbraeht
Melissa Bauer RDH      Charity Butler                   Lisa Cramer               Eric Erlander DDS          John Gerken
Jacque Baumann         Tracy Buyse                      Arnold Cullum DDS         Brenda Erwin RMA           Brett Germain
Carol Beach            Tara Byble RDH                   Lisa Cummings             Matt Erwin                 Natalie Germain DDS
Karen Beacham          Mayra Cabrera                    James Curtin              Joan Eskens RDH, MS, MHA   Andrea Geronimo
Dawn Beall             Emily Cade RDH                   Andrea D'Addario DMD      Kay Esmiol                 Linda Gerwatowski RDH
Kendal Bear CDA        Frank Cade                       Matt D'Addario DDS, MD    Jesus Esparza              Mike Gerwatowski
Heather Becker EMT     Allison Caley EDDA               Tabitha Dafni             Davina Esquibel RDH        London Gibson CDA
Nolan Behr DDS         Max Calkins                      Jessica Dague             Korinn Etrata              Jessica Gilbert
Lee Ann Behsmann RDH   Sarah Calkins                    Luz Marina Dakin CDA      Maryminnie Eusepio Sio     Kristin Gilbo
George Beilby DDS      Clint Callahan DMD               Breyanna Dallman          Rochelle Evitt CDA         Christian Gile
Sabrina Bendiff RDH    Leslee Campbell                  Donna Damphousse EFDA     Sharon Fabrizius EDDA      Melissa Gillespie
Renee Bendrick RDH     Nick Campbell                    Edna Daniels RN           Tracy Fails RDH            Anthony Girardi
Laura Bennett RDH      Vanessa Campbell                 Judy Daniels EDDA         Ben Fanning                Nancy Girardi
Mike Bennett RDH       Jennifer Canaria                 Jennifer Danley           Cyrus Fanning DDS          Tony Girardi DDS

18   I                                        Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                   WINTER 2011
Nora Gledich              Christopher Hobelman        Dayna Kiefer                Ilnara Lueders           Shawna Mehlhose PharmD, RPh
Beverly Goddard           Steffanie Hobelman          Heather Kiesler             Kimberly Lunn RDH        Auburn Meisner
Jennifer Goddard RDH      Michelle Hoffer RDH         Jennie Kimball              Janie Luong              Colten Meisner
Mojgan Goharriz           Julianne Hoffmann           Megan Kinder DDS            John Lydiatt DDS         David Meisner DDS
Anita Gomez               Stacey Holden               Tannishia King              Tom Lynch DDS            Savana Meisner
DeeAnn Gomez EDDA         Destinee Holland            Derek Kirkham DDS           Lisa Lynn                Jennifer Merritt DDS
Denise Gomez              Jim Holland                 Miranda Kirksey             Michele Lyons CDA        Keith Messersmith DDS
Marlen Gomez              Debra Holliman CDA          Anna Kitowski               Alejandra Machado EDDA   Becky Meyer
Arlene Gonzales           Rebecca Holmes              Sharon Klee RDH             Leslie MacPherson        Bob Meyer DMD
Christye Gonzales         Mark Hood                   Mary Kliner                 Vernon Maelzer           Diane Meyer
Nathaleen Gonzales EDDA   Marjean Horn                Jennifer Klyne              Sheri Maes               Robin Meyer
Bailey Gonzalez           Juncheng Hou                Darrel Kneupper DDS         Michelle Magariner       Roger Meyer DDS
Debbie Goodrich           Kimberly Hough EMT,CST      Dianne Knight RDH           Erica Mahan RN           Kelly Meyers
Jennifer Goodrum          Jennifer Houseman           Edward Koditek DDS          Dan Mahnke               Claire Mielke DDS
Rhonda Gotto              Zach Houser DMD             Elizabeth Koditek RDH       Tracey Maldonado         Alyssa Milam RDH
Erin Graden PharmD        Mindy Houston               Selina Koeder               Stacie Malin CDA         Amy Miller
Terrill Graden            Meghan Hummer CDA           Jennifer Koenig             Lauren Malone            Debbie Miller
Courtney Graham           Jeff Hurst DDS              Bob Koff DMD                Lori Malone              Elaine Miller
Thomas Greany DDS         Michael Hurtado DDS         Tanja Kofoed                Netha Manby              Jenni Miller RDH
Dana Greco                Luann Husmann RDH           Arlene Kolz DDS             Andy Mancini DMD         Tasha Miller
Denise Greenberg EDDA     Maryanne Imig EDDA          Norma Korinek               Jonathan Manley          Scott Minnich DDS
Henriette Gregorio        Meghan Imig                 Kelly Kossoff RDH           Clarisa Mantanona DDS    Jill Mioduski DDS
Chelsie Gritzmacher DDS   Greg Ingalls DDS            Jason Krause                Kate Maples-Andrade      Theo Mioduski III DDS
Angie Guevara             James Jack DDS              Rhonda Krause DDS           Heather Mapp             Ted Mioduski, Jr. DDS
Michelle Hair RDH         Megan Jackson               Stephanie Kring             Laura March EDDA         Mo Miskell
Kate Hakala DDS           Alesia Jacobsen RDH         Donna-Joan Kringlen         Sharyn Markus MA         Heather Mitchell
BJ Hall                   Steven Jacobsen DDS         Cindy Krist RDH             Tabitha Marquez EDDA     Paul Mizoue DDS
Christine Hall EDDA       Verlin Jacobson             Jennifer Kronebusch         Sharon Marron CDA        Nikki Mochko DDS
Tim Halligan DMD          Amber James                 Alan Kusek DDS              Pam Marsh                Marjan Mohajer
Kate Hallowell RDH        Beatrice James EDDA         Melissa LaBato CDA          Macquel Martin           Ajmed Mohammed
Jennifer Hamilton         Thomas Jennings DDS         Jacob Lackler               Abiegaile Martinez       Ben Mollner DDS
Jessica Hamilton EDDA     Jody Jenny RN               Karl Lackler DDS            Adrian Martinez          Mark Mollner DDS
Patience Hamilton         Kathy Jensen                Shannon Lackler             April Martinez           Chantel Money
Ashley Hamman             Sarah Jimerson              Chris Lacy                  Jean Martinez EDDA       Reggie Monson
David Hamula DDS          Sumit Jindal                Rosa Lacy DDS               Karen Martinez           Tonya Montana
John Hanck DDS            Harald Joesaar DDS          Ed Lacy, Jr. DDS            Kathleen Martinez        Vicky Montez EDDA
Nancy Hanck PhD           Alyson Johnson              Kathryn LaFree              Loretta Martinez CDA     Bethany Montoya
Brad Hanenkratt CDT       Amanda Johnson              Pearl Lai DDS               Madison Martinez         Ashley Moon
Regina Hanenkratt EDDA    Amy Johnson                 Johnna Lamoureux            Maria Martinez           Heather Moorcroft CDA
Matthew Hansen DDS        Daniel Johnson              Jennifer Landen RDH         Martin Martinez          Gregory Moore DDS
Carrie Hare MSW           Jade Johnson                Naomi Lane DDS              Natasha Martinez         Amanda Moreno RDH
Nadine Harp               Karen Johnson RDH           Corrina Lang                Olivia Martinez          Bonnie Morgan EDDA
Dominique Harper          Scott Johnson DDS           Reyna Lang                  Svetlana Martinez        Judy Morgan
Jillian Harrell           Cory Johnston DMD           Allyson Langham EDDA        Patricia Marx            Lorna Morgan
Mike Harris DDS           Ankur Jolly DDS             Samantha Lanser             Zachary Mason            Michael Morgan
Bunnie Harrison           Kim Jolly                   Jennifer LaPierre           Britny Massey DDS        Vernon Morgan DDS
Jost Harrison             Peggy Jolly                 Lynda Larsen RDH            Martha Massey            Mallory Moritz CDA
Stephanie Harrison RDH    Adrienne Jordan             Flo Lattery                 Jane Masterson RN        Terri Morreale RDH
Felish Harshman           Bob Jordan CDT              Bill Laughlin               Barb Mather              Bob Morrow DMD
Dayle Hartgerink DDS      Cara Jordan RDH             Lori Lavelle                Belinda Matherne         Dolly Morrow MS
David Hartman DDS         Gian Luc Jordan             Sydney Lawrence             Vickie Mathers RDH       Jack Moss DDS
Stacie Hassinger RDH      Ann Justus                  Matt Leahy                  Amanda Matus-Creapo      Elizabeth Moua CDA
Laurie Hauschild RDH      Jason Justus                Jennifer Leavitt RDH        Stephanie Maxwell        Parvin Movaffagh
Nicole Havengar           John Justus DDS             Julie LeBlanc DDS           Kayla Maynard            Valerie Munger
Barry Hawkins             Jonathan Justus             Tabitha Leeson              Jennifer Maynes          Janet Murdoch
Jennifer Hawkins RDH      Mike Justus                 Kara Leininger              Mariah Mays              Rick Murdoch DDS
Wendy Hawkins             Jaimie Kageorgis RDH        Lori Leischer EDDA          Meredith Mazanec         Catherine Murphy
Raeann Hawley             Jeff Kahl DDS               Kimberly Leos EDDA          Egypt McAdro DDS         F. Robert Murphy DDS
Josey Hayden RDH          Kunjan Kakar                Dennis Levasseur DDS        Cori McCallister         Robert E. Murphy DDS
Kari Hayden RDH           Dawn Kanzler                Elaine Levesque             James McCartney DDS      Alley Murray
Danielle Hayes EDDA       Nicole Karges               Lee Lewis                   Heather McCauley RDH     Melissa Musolf DDS
Thomas Hebda DDS          Kim Kastrul RDH             David Leyden                Angelica McClure         Ashley Musseau EDDA
Charlie Hebeler Dr PH     Stephenie Kaufmann DDS      Marshall Leydens            Nickeya McConnell        Donna Musso RDH
Mary Heberlee RDH         Navjot Kaur                 Roxanne Lieber              Syivana McCurley         Kelly Myers
Conor Hebert              Jim Kearney DDS             Mari Liestman CDA           Sarah McDaniel           Kelli Naibauer CDA
Sarah Helman              John Kearney DDS            Behjat Ligon                Dilys McDole             Jan Nansel
Dan Hemphill              Sean Keefe                  Sid Ligon DDS               Sarah McEntee            Leo Nassimbene DDS
Jodi Henderson RDH        Kate Keeley                 Helen Lima                  MaryAnn McGillivray      Ganesh Natrajan
Kimberly Henderson        Robin Keller RDH            Glenda Lindsay RDH          Kim McGuire              Connie Neff
Paul Hendrickson          Adrian Kelley               Joe Lindsay                 Judy McIntosh            Jenny Nelson RDH
Trudy Herman              Linda Kelley EDDA           Shiloh Lindsey DDS          Kari McIntyre            Jim Nelson DDS
Roger Hernandez           Ashley Kelly                Ted Link                    James McKinney           Trent Nestman DDS, MS
Vanessa Hernandez RDH     Jeanine Kennedy             Tina Liptrap CDA            Doug McLaughlin          Cindy Newberry RDH
Mike Herr                 Kathryn Kennedy             Gene Lodes DDS              Lori McLaughlin RDH      Danielle Newhouse
Dave Herrera CDT          Wade Kennedy DMD            Lacey Logue-Magill          Davina McMillan          Kathy Nguyen
Jessica Hetcko DDS        Brett Kessler DDS           LuAnn Long                  Leah McQuigg             Brittany Nicely
Laurel Hewlen EDDA        Marilyn Kessler             Charlotte Lopez             Augustina McQuilliams    Jeanne Nicoulin
Bernie Hidalgo            Mark Kessler DDS            Amy Lott                    Darcey McQuiston RDH     Brent Nielsen DMD
Elizabeth Hightower       Shelbie Keys                Matthew Lovato DDS          Jan McQuiston            Candice Niquette
Janet Hildebrant EDDA     Kari Keyser                 Mike Lovato DDS             Ted McQuiston            Tammy Nisley
Keith Hinton              Linda Keyser RDH            Krystal Lucero CDA          Daisy Means              Lasha Nisogi EDDA
Scott Hirsbrunner         Omid Khodaverdian           Victoria Lucero             Grace Meeker             Jonathan Norris DDS

VOL. 90, NO. 1                                Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                          19     I
Vinna Norris DDS               Taylor Pinto                  Katie Savage                Beverly Steele                 Vie Walchli RDH
Rene Nortman                   Mackenzie Piper               William Savage              Reneta Stegehuis RDH           Katrina Walker RDH
Michelle Noyes                 Tom Pixley DDS                Jerry Savory DDS            Susan Stegman                  Sally Walker
Debra Nussdorfer               Thomas Plamondon DDS          Mary Ellen Savory RN        Pam Steinert EDDA              Stephen Walker
Flossie O'Day RN               Michael Plous DDS             Ashleigh Scarlett           Tamra Stephens                 Stormie Jade Walker Tausch
Rich O'Day DDS                 Gabe Pocrass                  Bonnie Scarlett RMT         Dan Stern                      Chuck Wall
Laura Ogas CDA                 Stacy Pocrass                 Karen Scarpella PhD         Rene Stewart                   Cindy Walsh
David Okano DDS                Adam Podratz DDS              Pasco Scarpella DDS         Shawna Stewart                 Emma Walters
Voileta Olivo                  Ken Pollary DDS               Kayla Schear                Hannah Stiebing                Jim Walton
Cecelia Ollila CDA             Cherie Pollock RDH            Rebecca Scheele             Karyn Stockwell DDS            Maggie Wamberg
Stephanie Olsen                Michelle Post                 Kathryn Scheidt RN, MSN     Danielle Stonehouse            Nancy Wang
Catherine Olson                Roxanne Powers RDH            Michael Scheidt DDS         Julie Strabala                 Shantel Ware
Beth O'Malley RN               Nicole Prado                  Steve Schiffer DDS          Richard Stratton CDA           Devon Warren
Bradford O'Neill DDS           Janie Prendergast             Catherine Schirmer RDH      Rikki Straughan                April Washnock
Charlotte O'Neill              Pat Prendergast DDS           Angie Schmidt               Leigha Studt                   Jaelyn Watson
Karen O'Neill                  Ivo Prizmic                   Briana Schmidt              Donna Stump                    Chad Watts DMD
Jim Orban DDS                  Seth Prochaska                Chuck Schonberger DDS       Breanna Stumpf                 Mary Weaver RDH
John Ordahl DDS                Bed Pyakurel                  Pat Schonberger RDH         Alicia Sullivan                Angela Webb
Denise Ortiz                   Dana Quiller DDS              Jo Schope DDS               Bernadette Sullivan            Luther Webb
Noelani Ortiz Gonzalez CDA     Carla Quintana CDA            Nancy Schoyer               Shelley Sumner                 Courtney Weber
Samantha Osban                 Debra Quintana                RJ Schultz DDS              Carol Surface                  Veronica Weber EDDA
Jacquie Ostrom                 Beatrice Quintela-James       Kyle Schulz DDS             Donna Svendsen                 Kelly Weil
Holly Ouellette                Maria Rafal                   Anton Schulzki              Ali Swain EDDA                 Ann Weldon EDDA
Mary Ouellette                 Amy Ragsdale                  Kadeesha Scott              Candice Swan                   Jerry West
Kim Overholser RDH             Tonya Rainwater CDA           Lisa Scott RDH              Ricky Swanson                  Daniel Wherley DDS
Jeff Owen                      Walter Rakocy                 Maice Scott DDS             Misty Swartz                   Sandy Wherley
Brian Ozenbaugh DDS            Karen Ramos                   Heather Scura               Pete Sweeney                   Rachel Whitcomb
Alan Packard                   Dawn Ramsey                   Eve Seal CDA                Beverly Swift CDA              Winston White DMD
Cindy Packard RDH              Jeff Ranta DMD                Frank Seaman DDS, MS        Cindy Swift                    Joyce Wiersma
Tana Packard                   JoAnn Ranta                   Jane Seaman RDH             Rebecca Swift                  Debby Wiley
Jean Faye Paguio               Dreya Rathke EDDA             Ann Seibert                 Christine Switalski EDDA CDA   Megan Wiley
Jordan Palmer                  Kathy Reddick                 Steve Seiler DDS            Larry Sylvester                Mike Wiley DDS, MS
Ron Palmer DDS                 Rand Redfern DDS              Deon Senecal                Kirsten Tacha RDH              Andrea Wilkerson
Susan Palmer                   Amy Reed EFDA                 Jonathan Sercel             Susan Takemoto DDS             Mia Wilkie
Tina Palomino                  Brittany Reed RDH             Patricia Sercel EDDA        Brian Talley DMD               Arlelma Williams
Gabrielle Parada               Deana Reifschneider           Eleanor Serrano EDDA        Steven Tanner                  Cassandra Williams
Alex Park DDS                  Valerie Remington             Amber Severin DDS           Denise Tatum EDDA              Christian Williams
Craig Parlet DDS               Shamree Rencher               Susan Sexson RDH            Kristen Taylor RDH             Morgan Williams CDA
Porche Parnell                 Jan Rennie                    Valerie Sexton CDA          Alan Tefft                     Judi Williamson EDDA
Lori Passarelli RDH            Heather Reyes                 Jay Shaeffer                Sharon Tefft                   Amanda Wilson
Janet Patterson                Judith Reynolds MD            Bill Shaner DDS             Candra Terry-Graves            Avery Wilson
Mark Patterson RDH             Leah Richard                  Danielle Shayne             Ann Thomas                     Doug Wilson BS
Margaret Patton EDDA           Steve Richardson DDS          Hannah Shepherd             Lisa Thomas RDH                Elizabeth Wilson
Ashley Paulus DDS              Jamie Riddle                  Mindy Sherrod               Marie Thomas                   Tracey Wilson
Andrea Payne                   Ted Rigby DDS                 Kristine Shook              Terri Tilliss RDH, PhD         Mitzi Wimer
John Peacock DDS               Nate Rivera                   Sailuja Shrestha            Gerard Timmons DDS, MS         Svetlana Winters
Antraneva Pearson              Hannah Robertson              Jennifer Sigmon             Cheryl Tindall                 Karna Wise EDDA
Jane Peck RN, MBA              Greg Robinson                 Angelica Skeet CDA          Catherine Tinsley              Katie Woehrman
Julie Pelz                     Sharon Robinson               Debora Skelton              Jaren Tobey                    James Wolcott DDS
Justin Pelz                    Teri Robinson RDH             Gretel Skelton              Susan Tolbert                  Susan Wolcott DDS
Renee Penner                   Lupe Rodriguez CDA            Julia Skoczynski            William Torres                 Penny Wong Schulz
Joshua Peppler                 Joyce Roever                  Tom Slack DDS               Jennina Townsend DDS           Alexx Wood CDA
Haven Perconti                 Michaela Roll                 Tracy Slauenwhite           Leigh Townsend                 Julie Wood RDH
Paula Perconti                 Hector Romanos                Maria Slone                 Igor Traktinskiy               Nicole Woosley
Shale Perconti                 Suzanne Romens RDH            Maroa Slowe                 Seiko Tran                     Delmon Wright
Orlando Perea                  Joetta Romero                 Derek Smith                 Theresa Tran                   Judi Wright RDH
Molly Pereira                  Erin Romine                   George Smith                Sarah Tripe                    Edwina Yamamoto
Trinidad Pereira               Terri Roney                   Jessica Smith CDT           Sussy Tromble                  Stephanie Yanney
Ashley Perkins-Kersten         Laura Rose                    Kelly Smith                 Kristina Trotter RDH           Shelby Ybarra CDA
Karen Perko CDA                Laurie Ross EDDA              Kimmie Smith CDA            Katie Truettner                Requal Yellowhair
Brad Perrett DDS               Elisa Roth DMD                Lance Smith                 Catherine Trujillo EDDA        Stacey Yocubets
Dennis Perry                   Thomas Roth                   Lee Smith DDS               Colin Turner                   Bill Yoh
Andrea Peters                  Christina Roturier            Lorena Smith                Elizabeth Twomey DDS           Rachel Yoh
Ken Peters DDS                 Marissa Rowell                Renee Smith CDA             Bianca Tyrell                  Heidi York RDH
Teresa Peters                  Adrienne Rubbo                Shandell Smithlin           Cal Utke DDS                   Sharon York
Teresa Peters RPh              Danielle Ruggaber             Amber Sokol RDH             Marcela Valadez-Cruz           Marcee Young
Michael Petersen DDS           Justin Ruiz                   Chris Solano                Genevieve Valdez RDH           Betty Zabel EDDA
Jerry Peterson DDS             Vicki Ruiz EDDA               Joseph Solano               Yadira Valdez                  Jenny Zabel
Ivona Petkovic                 Linda Rundles                 Robbie Solano               Samantha Valenzuela            Annette Zacharias
Candace Pfister DMD            Talli Russell                 Allyson Soldani             Brittany VanBeek               Sheila Zell
Sherri Pfleiger-Elliott EDDA   Carol Rykiel RDH              Laura Soto                  Lauren VanBrunt                Mary Ziance RDH
Deana Phillips                 Brea Sabala                   Connie Souza                Jenifer Velasquez CDA          Bruce Zimmerman DDS
Richard Phillips               Daniel Salazar                Ed Souza DMD                Valerie Velasquez              James Ziuchkovski DDS
Shaniqua Phillips              Edward Salazar                Oliver Spaeth DDS           Amanda Velgersdyk              Kirsten Ziuchkovski DDS
Leann Pickle RN                Tracy Sales                   Laura Sparks                Allen Vessel DDS               Desmond Zoller
Todd Pickle DDS                Khrystal Salomon EDDA         Kim Spelts                  Lowell Vine                    Krystle Zoller
Kellie Pierce                  Sara Salter RDH               Jaclynn Spencer DDS         Laurie Vining                  Mellem Zoorob
Rebecca Pietsch                Christina Sandoval EDDA       Rebecca Spresser            Lesley Votava EDDA             Sharon Zuniga
Jordan Pingel                  Stacey Sandoval               Timothy Stacey DDS          Chris Vrana RDH                Amy Zwahlen RDH
Beth Pino                      Jeanette Sathre EDDA          David Stangl DMD            Amanda Waddingham
Jo Ann Pinto RN                Richard Sathre DDS            Samuel Stanley              Natalie Wagner EDDA
Morgan Pinto                   Diane Savage RN               Stephanie Stariha           Tina Wake RDH

20   I                                               Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                       WINTER 2011
2 010 C O M O M D O N O R S

              Thank You Generous Donors!
Colorado Springs Dental          Gendex                           A Village Pharmacy          Michael Cimino DDS        Joseph Hanlin DDS
   Society                       Giuseppe's Old Depot             Walmart                     Larry Coffee DDS          Jarvis Hansford DDS
Delta Dental of Colorado             Restaurant                   Wave's End Services         Laurence Colletti DDS     Jennifer Hargleroad DDS
Edmondson Foundation             Henry Schein                     Weisberg Landscaping        Ronald Concialdi DDS      Katherine Harmon DDS
El Pomar Foundation              Home Depot - Colorado            Wells Fargo Foundation      Donald Couchman DDS       Patrick Harrison DDS
Colorado Springs Osteopathic         Springs                      Wendy's                     Thomas Croghan DDS        Kathryn Hart DDS
   Foundation                    Home Depot - Longmont            Western Colorado Dental     Arnold Cullum DDS         Nicole Hartmann DDS
Ackerman Fund                    Johnson and Wales University        Society                  Paul D'Amore DDS          Richard Harvey DDS
Memorial Health System               - College of Culinary Arts   WISER                       Joseph Dankey DDS         Ted Hauschildt DDS
Bank of the West                 Just Details Painting            Z Laboratories              Charles Danna DDS         Karl Heggland DDS
Centura Health                   K & J Longenecker                                            Jack Davis DDS            Lloyd Heikes DMD
Duncan Charitable Trust              Landscaping                  Alex Acevedo DDS            Jody Davis DDS            James Henry DDS
Marson Foundation                Kids in Need of Dentistry        Eric Adler DMD              Jill Decker DDS           Christopher Higuchi DDS
North Colorado Springs           Lewis Palmer School District     William Allen DDS           D Michael DeSimone DMD    John Hildebrandt DDS
   Rotary Club                       #38                          Jack Allen DDS              Geoffrey Dibert DDS       Donald Hoch DDS
Pikes Peak Community             Mad Greens Restaurant            Robert Allen DDS            Robert DiGiorgio DDS      Terrence Hoerner DDS
   Foundation                    Marigold's Restaurant            Kari Amick DDS              Pam Dinkfelt PhD          Scott Horsley DDS
USAA Foundation                  Master Craft Dental Lab          Richard Anderson DDS        Michael Diorio DDS        Kenneth Howie DDS
                                 McDonalds                        Robert Andrus DDS           Dorothy Distelhorst DDS   Gary Hulse DDS
3M ESPE Dental                   McKesson Foundation              James Armbruster DMD        Richard Dobbin DDS        Jeffrey Hurst DDS
AAA Rental and Event             Medical Systems of Denver        Lisa Augustine DDS          Mishelle Doll DDS         Michael Hurtado DDS
    Services                     Mission Dental Clinic            Ryan Bailey DDS             Jeff Dombrowski DDS       Jerolyn Ipson DDS
Academy School District 20       Modern Woodmen of America        Bruce Baldwin DDS           Charles Doolittle DMD     Jamie Irwin DDS
All Rental Center                Montage Graphics                 James and Diana Ball        G. Bruce Douglas DDS      Bruce Iverson DDS
Alpha Delta Kappa                Monument Hill Kiwanis Club       Gregory Bartold             David Drake DDS           David Jackson DDS
American Medical Response        Nobel Biocare                    John Bassett DDS            Matthew Drbohlav DDS      Stephen Jackson DDS
American National Bank           Olive Branch Restaurant          Emily Batson DDS            Dennis Driscoll DDS       Ted Johnson DMD
American Trailer Storage         Omega Marketing                  John Bauman DDS             Roger Druckman DDS        Domatilla Jones
    Leasing of Fort Collins      Ortho Express                    Steven Baumgart DDS         Bruce Dunn DDS            Jeffrey Kahl DDS
Best Card                        Pacific Dental Services          Nolan Behr DDS              Matthew Dunn DDS          Thomas Kammer DDS
Black Forest Lutheran Church     Partnership for Excellence       George Beilby DDS           Yuki Dykes DDS            Stephenie Kaufman DDS
CADA & Associates                Patterson Dental                 Susan Benak DDS             Jacob Eisenson DDS        James Kearney DDS
Carr Healthcare Realty           Peak Vista Community Health      Robert Benke DDS            Joshua Erickson DDS       John Kearney DDS
Central Uniforms                     Center                       Sidney Benner DDS           Steven Eurich DDS         Brian Keller DDS
Chick-fil-A                      Peebles Prosthodontics           David Bennett DDS           Stephen Fante DDS         Tracie Keller DDS
Clear Choice Dental Implants     Perry and Young Dental           Stuart Bennett DDS          Norman Farrar DDS         Michael Kellogg DDS
Coda Coffee Company                  Laboratories                 Shane Bergo DDS             Joel Feinberg DDS         Wade Kennedy DMD
Colorado Mounted Rangers         Phil Long Dealerships            Brandon Berguin DDS         Dennis Ferraro DDS        James Kennedy DDS
Colorado Society of Oral and     Pickles Dental Laboratory        Pawel Bielecki DDS          R Larry Finkbeiner DDS    Derek Kirkham DDS
    Maxillofacial Surgeons       Pikes Peak Area Rotary           Christopher Biety DDS       Brian Fitzpatric DDS      Mary Kissinger DDS
Colorado Springs Downtown            Endowment                    Philip Bird DDS             James Fodor DDS           Donald Kleier DMD
    Restaurant Association       Premier Dental Care              Mark Birnbach DMD           Russell Ford DMD          Joel Klein DDS
Colorado Springs School          Premier Dental Products          Andrew Bland DDS            Paul Forman               David Klekamp DDS
    District 11                  Ready Foods                      Jacqueline Blasko DMD       Thomas Forti DDS          Richard Kloehn DDS
Copy It - North Academy          Red Bird Farms                   Landon Blatter DMD          Lisa Fox DDS              Darrel Kneupper DDS
Crawford Dental Laboratory       RMS Sign Company                 Gene Bloom DDS              Wayne Franz DDS           Edward Koditek DDS
CSI Colorado                     Rockhill Electric                Gary Blumenschein DDS       Michael Freimuth DDS      Arlene Joy Kolz DDS
CTI Imaging                      Restorative and Aesthetic        Thomas Bonbright DDS        Dana Gamblin DMD          Jason Krause
Dawn's Food Products                 Dentistry                    Malcolm Boone DDS           Donavon Garehime DDS      Rhonda Krause DDS
Design Partnership               Rotary Club of the Garden of     Mike Boren DDS              Howard Garel DDS          Kimberly Kretsch DDS
Dental Arts Studio                   the Gods                     Paul Bottone DDS            Matt Gaworski DDS         Robert Kron DMD
Dentists Professional Liabilty   Rx Plus Pharmacies               Gerald Branes DDS           Joseph Gentile DDS        James Kruse DDS
    Trust of Colorado            Santiagos Restaurant - Castle    Thomas Brewer DDS           Randolph Geoghan DDS      Jennifer Kurth DDS
Dentsply                             Rock                         Terry Brown DDS             Louis Gerken DDS          Gregg Lage DDS
DEXIS                            Santiagos Restaurant -           William Burns DDS           Leroy Gerry DDS           Joy Lane
Domino's Pizza                       Commerce City                Matthew Burt DDS            Colin Gibson DDS          Michael Larson DDS
Drake Hardware                   Seaman and Wiley Dental          Robert Bushey DDS           Dylan Gibson DMD          Kelly Last DDS
Elite Auto Service                   Laboratory                   Richard Callahan DDS        Michael Gilbert DDS       Kye Lee DDS
Elk Creek Technology             Seiko Marketing                  David Carbone DDS           Shauna Gilmore DDS        Darin Lee DDS
    Partners                     Shirt Stop                       Vance Carlson DDS           Jayme Glamm DDS           Edward Leone DMD
Emberwilde Productions           Sierra Radiation                 Steven Carlson DDS          Bradley Goings DDS        Bradley LeValley DDS
Endodontic Specialists of        Simply Kis Dental                Lisa Carlson-Marks DDS      Charolotte Golden         Dennis LeVasseur DDS
    Colorado                     St. Francis Men's Club           Marc Carpenter DDS          Andrew Goldsmith DDS      Brett Levin DMD
Erickson Pediatric Dentistry     St. Francis Parish               John Carson DDS             Roberta Goldstein         John Ley DDS
    and Orthodontics             St. Paul's United Methodist      Douglas Carver DDS          James Grant DDS           Shiloh Lindsey DDS
Espo's Gelato                        Women                        Bryan Casseday DDS          Henriette Gregoria        Clifford Litvak, DDS
Frontier Business Products       TE Dental Lab                    Jon Caulfield DDS           Jeffrey Grout DDS         Jeff Lodl DDS
Front Range Maxillogacial        Update Printing                  Kevin Chapman DMD           Ronald Grout DDS          Eloisa Lovato DDS
    and Implant Surgery          United States Air Force Area     Kenneth Chernoff DDS        Joseph Guido DDS          Michael Lovato DDS
Garden of the Gods Rotary            Dental Laboratory,           Charles Chew DDS            Michelle Haman DDS        Teresa Lowery DDS
    Club                             Peterson AFB                 Kevin Christ DDS            Ronald Hanawalt DDS       George Lunn DDS
The Gazette                      VELscope                         Mark Chua DDS               John Hanck DDS            David Lurye DDS

VOL. 90, NO. 1                                           Journal of the Colorado Dental Association                                               21   I
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