Some things and ideas: February 2021 - Yet Another Value Blog

Page created by Charlotte James
Some   things                      and          ideas:
February 2021
Some random thoughts on articles that caught my attention in
the last month. Note that I try to write notes on articles
immediately after reading them, so there can be a little
overlap in themes if an article grabs my attention early in
the month and is similar to an article that I like later in
the month.

My monthly overview

I'm going to start putting this piece in at the start of every
month. I just want to highlight two things

   1. I do four things publicly: this blog, my podcast
      (Spotify, iTunes, or YouTube), my premium site, and my
      twitter account. You can see my vision for the podcast
      here, and my vision for the blog and premium site here.
      If you like the blog / free site, I'd encourage you to
      check out the pod, follow me on twitter, and maybe even
      subscribe to the premium site!
   2. I try to be as helpful as humanly possible to anyone
      whose research / writing I enjoy. In almost every post I
      do, you'll notice I link to other subscription services
      or investors who I like. I don't get referral fees or
      anything for that; these are almost always organic links
      and highlight that I do not because I was asked to but
      because one of my goals with the (very small) platform I
      have is to shine light on other people who are doing
      good work.
If you're launching a subscription service, or a
           new blog, or you're an investor who has done some
           really good research and wants to let the world
           know, please send me a line and let me know. If
           the quality is there, I would love to link to your
           blog post or subscription service or research (and
           if the quality isn't there, I'm happy to provide
           feedback!), and I'd love to have you on the
           podcast to talk about all of it. I can't promise
           anything, but most podcast guests / people I've
           linked to have been very happy about the reception
           / feedback they've gotten (I've even been called
           the king of the sub bumps, and I've generally
           heard from investors with LPs who come on the
           podcast that they're delighted by the response).
           My DMs are always open, so feel free to slide into
           them if I can be helpful!

Virtu (VIRT) investment thesis

     My "state of the markets" heading into 2021 was
     speculative excess and opportunity everywhere. The
     overarching theme was pretty simple; there are multiple
     bubbles / manias going on, but if you're willing to look
     at the edges of those bubbles, you can find a lot of
     opportunity. For example, I think there's a SPAC bubble
     going on currently, but that bubble created the
     opportunity to buy Worthington at a huge discount last
     year, trade around PSTH while they're still looking for
     a deal, and buy the "picks and shovels" to the SPAC
     bubble at a large discount (note: that's my premium idea
     for February, so unfortunately it is behind a paywall
     for non-subs).
     The headliner bubble this year (and likely for the next
     several years) was Gamestop. And while that mania was
absolutely crazy, I think even that bubble presented
opportunity. One play was to sell deep, deep out of the
money puts on Gamestop (I highlighted this in my post on
short squeezes, though as always I'll remind you that
options are risky and nothing on this site is investing
advice). The other interesting play Gamestop related
play that seems to be still ongoing? Virtu (VIRT; I
tweeted out a summary thesis earlier this month).
VIRT is an electronic trading firm. Basically, VIRT (and
firms like them) are the reason Robinhood can offer free
trades. Robinhood routes all of their orders through the
electronic trading firms, the electronic trading firms
match all of the buys and sells against them and keep a
small spread (with part of that spread going to
Robinhood as a reward for giving them the trades; this
is known as Payment for Order Flow (PFOF)), and retail
traders get better prices than they otherwise would
(plus free commission). Viewed from one lens, it's a
win/win/win. There are... less generous views that the
business model is actually taking advantage of retail
traders. I tend to lean more towards the former than the
later, but I'm perhaps biased and will also admit I'm
not an expert. This piece from Matt Levine did a nice
job of covering PFOF in more detail.
So what's the opportunity? Again, Virtu handles orders
for retail trading platforms. More volume = more
money.... and volume exploded with Gamestop mania.
VIRT is trading for
2020 was a onetime thing, but the trends in 2021 seem to
be in their favor. Even if not, VIRT is trading at a
reasonable multiple to what they say their "normalized"
earnings are ($2/share, so
those problems putting out a press release that
     says, "we're investing $500m to building an
     internalizer so we can make sure the Wall Street
     fat cats don't get rich at the expense of our
     clients?" Would that PR make any sense if you
     actually understood what was happening? Not
     really! But it would be great PR, and since very
     few people seem to be taking the time to
     understand what is happening I think it would
     instantly solve a lot of Robinhood's problems.
     Of course, that's a big investment for something
     that's probably not as good as the existing
     solution. Maybe the PR is worth it, but that's
     expensive PR! There does seem to be a moat here;
     perhaps there's a reason the majority of HFT firms
      launched decades ago.
Anyway, I'm not an expert here. There are a variety of
other risks that I've glossed over (a pretty obvious
one: VIRT says normalized earnings are $2/share, but
what assumptions go into that?), and there are open
questions on how sustainable this business is in the
long term. But the set up appears really interesting:
very cheap on trailing numbers, tons of near term
tailwinds, aggressive capital returns, and even if all
that fails it seems reasonably priced on management's
"normalized" earnings numbers.
      Note: I wrote this Feb. 12, the same day I tweeted
      my one tweet investment thesis of VIRT. If there's
      any huge changes between now and month end, I'll
      try to come back and edit this section, but if
      shares have changed by a dollar or three between
      now and month end, I'm not going to update and
      will just live with slightly stale numbers.
      This article reminded me: even as GME dies down,
      it does seem like retail driven trading flows are
      here to stay, and VIRT will benefit.
Free money for growth tech

     A wave of growthy companies are raising money by issuing
     convertible senior notes at 0% interest rates. Pelton,
     Spotify, and Dropbox are good examples, but I think I've
     seen a few more and I bet the trend accelerates if
     markets remain open to them.
     I understand that this isn't technically "free" money
     and all the option math behind the converts.... but it
     is still crazy. These are multi-billion dollar
     companies, and the volatility on them is so high that
     they can raise 0% debt just by offering investors the
     option to buy their stock 30% higher a few years out?
     Wild wild wild. Dropbox has said that their FCF is
     inflecting upwards and committed to an aggressive share
     repurchase program, so they're effectively raising money
     to leverage up and buyback their stock.... which, if
     successful, these convert investors will then be
     converting into at prices significantly higher than
     today's! Quite the arb.
           The dropbox case is funny just because they've
           been so clear that about repurchases are going to
           be a serious part of their capital allocation
           program. I think the free money is almost more
           interesting for something like Peloton. When you
           combine a founder / CEO with an incredible brand
           and effectively free growth capital, what's the
           limits to what they can do?

Venmo Credit Card

     Venmo launched a credit card, and it made me think of
     two things:
     First, just continues to drive home the optionality from
owning the customer relationship / an app that people
use frequently. I'm sure when venmo was launching they
didn't have "build a venmo branded credit card" in their
business plan, but the fact so many people use them
frequently for payments made that an easy brand
extension that I would guess has a good chance of making
a decent amount of money.
Second, it makes me worry about the legacy banks. I
mean, how much does capital one spend to get new
customers signing up for credit cards? I would guess a
good amount; Venmo got me to sign up for a new credit
card with a nice rewards program, an email, and
integration to my venmo account. That's a huge customer
acquisition cost advantage. I get this is n=1, but there
are a lot of fintechs backed by a lot of money coming
for banking products. For years, one of the best /
safest investments to make has been buying small cap
banks when they trade below tangible book value and
waiting for them to get bought out. If you did a basket
of those, you would have made good money over time. I
wonder if eventually those small banks will be destroyed
by a nuclear arms race of tech, regulatory spend, and
customer service (big banks spend tons of tech and
regulatory that they can spread over a very large asset
base, so small banks can't match them there, while small
banks also can't match the customer service / speed of
fintech start ups, so small banks lose on all sides).
      Maybe I've simplified too much here. The history
      of betting against small banks when purchased at
      reasonably cheap levels is pretty poor (they
      generally consolidate and buying a basket cheaply
      does well). The scariest words in finance are
      "this time is different...." but the actual
      scariest thing in finance is betting that this
      time isn't different and being proven wrong. I'm
      worried that's what could happen here.
Psychology / Ego

     This article (on how Bruce Berkowitz stumbled) is really
     excellent. So much rang out to me; I don't agree with
     everything, but everything in there is well thought out
     and on the whole the article is great / I agree with
     One line in particular really stood out to me:
           "I recently had a great discussion with a close
           friend who said to me that one of the sharpest
           people he knew seemed to be getting less
           thoughtful. Probably because a certain amount of
           fame was getting to his head and starting to
           impact his judgement. I feel that the amount of
           signal a person generates right after they nail a
           big win is actually lower than it was before,
           though most people tend to increase their
           confidence in that person’s takes and analysis."
           As someone who can have..... a little bit of an
           ego, there's a lot of wisdom in that to me. When I
           look back, most of the failures in my career have
           been on the heels of big wins. Wins create
           arrogance, which maybe leads to less rational
           thinking or less thoughtful investing, which leads
           to big losses.
           Buffett said, "you never know who is swimming
           naked until the tide goes out." And we all know
           the simplistic meaning of it (a bull market makes
           a genius of everyone). But I think there's a
           deeper level to it too. A little success can make
           you feel like a good swimmer. Maybe a better
           swimmer than you are. Maybe it encourages you to
           swim in the deep end, or try to swim races or
           distances you wouldn't have swum before. Maybe all
           of your success was buying growthy microcaps, but
           that success makes you think you're a genius and
encourages you to swim in the leveraged turnaround
           water, or in the macro waters.... and eventually,
           you'll discover that you were swimming in much
           deeper waters than you can handle.
           Anyway, I know a lot of people think it's weird
           for someone who is on the "professional" buyside
           to write publicly as much as I do. But I enjoy it,
           and I find it comes with tons of benefits. One of
           the key benefits is that writing publicly helps
           keep my ego in check. Every now and then I'll
           write something and look at it and think, "ok,
           you're being an asshole, time to check yourself."
           Or I'll post a super detailed thing that took me a
           week of writing and research, and someone will
           come and blow the whole thing up in two sentences
           by pointing out something obvious I missed. Very
           humbling, and certainly helps keep the ego in


     I launched the Yet Another Value Podcast in August 2020
     and provided a longer piece on my vision for the podcast
     at the start of 2021 . They've been a blast so far. You
     can follow on Spotify, iTunes, or YouTube (and please be
     sure to subscribe and rate them if you enjoy them!).
     This month's pods:
           Al Grujic on Robinhood's issues and stonk squeezes
           Shehryar Khursheed from Return on Capital on RH
           Joe Boskovich on WildBrain $WLDBF

Blank-check companies sets eyes on corporate spinouts or
      I've been saying this for a while, but the boom in
      SPACs eventually has to bleed into general
      valuations. All of these SPACs need to get deals
      done or else their founders lose millions in
      promote; they will find companies to take public,
      and there are only so many EV companies to go
      around. Eventually, the SPACs will need to turn
      their eyes to unloved segments within
      conglomerates or lifting PE portfolio companies.
RSVA PIPE at a premium (CCIV / Lucid did a premium pipe
later that afternoon)
      I'm highlighting for two reasons
      First, I haven't seen a PIPE at a premium to trust
     before, so highlighting a new trend.
     Second, I just find these weird. Consider CCIV /
     Lucid: their stock was a $60 when they announced
     the deal. They had PIPE investors willing to
     invest $2.5B at $15/share. CCIV's trust was
     $10/share.... why would Lucid agree to merge with
     CCIV at $10/share? Why not demand the $15 that the
     PIPE investors were putting in at, or simply go
     raise money with them directly?
     I also wonder if we start seeing sponsors whose
      SPACs trade at premiums to trust monetize their
      forward commitments. I mentioned this in my PSTH
      write up, but PSH has committed to invest at least
      $1b at trust value in PSTH when PSTH announces a
      deal. With PSTH trading at a ~50% premium to
      trust, PSH is already $500m in the money on that
      commitment. Why not sell half of that at a premium
      (i.e. sell the $500m commitment for $750m and
      split the value difference with the buyer)?
Beachbody going public through a SPAC
      Beachbody comps are legit hilarious. I love Shaun
      T (I did Insanity 5x/week at the height of the
pandemic / before my beloved Peloton came in), but
      the valuation comparison is insane.
      Hat tip to the beachbody team; they've evolved
      with the times and negotiated a deal that gives
      them top dollar. But this business has been around
      for a really long time; they got a nice bump from
      the pandemic but even on those bumped up numbers
      this seems to be a pretty rich price....
      Also, very interesting for a company that sells
      meal plans to comp themselves to Chewy.... (hat
      tip here)
CLOV response to short seller
      I mentioned it in my notes from Bill Brewster's
      podcast, but I honestly cannot believe the company
      went public / deSPACd without disclosing a
     freaking DOJ investigation.
     Chamath interview on CLOV on CNBC (ignore the
     click-bait title on the YouTube video); I think
     the discussion on his promote was very
     disingenuous on his end (he appears to completely
     ignore the value of the ~11m private placements
     warrants he got as a sponsor), and it spoke to a
     lot of the criticism that many people (including
     myself!) have made of him.
     The story gets even better! Billionaire Clover
      Health CEO Expletive-Ridden Tirade.
Endless boom in blank check companies is wearing out
      Two things on this
      First, there are lots of questions of how the SPAC
      bubble ends. It won't end until you see a wave of
      SPAC deals fail. When SPAC deals fail, sponsors /
      founders lose all of their risk capital. This
      increase in insurance rates will bring that end on
      a little sooner; higher insurance costs (and other
      costs attached to a SPAC) means that founders need
      to put up more risk capital.
Second, this is going to create a little bit of a
      moat for repeat sponsors and/or sponsors with very
      good track records. If D&O insurance is more
      expensive for fly by night SPAC sponsors than
      repeat sponsors, over time you'll see fly by night
      sponsors priced out.
Investors in SPACs need to know the real deal
The SPAC boom, visualized
      Gamestop Day Traders Are moving into SPACs
NEBC / Rover's clever presentation
SPAC dream (rap video).
      WSJ article on SPAC rap
Nevin's Thoughts on Investing: Issue 4 (SPAC mania)
SPAC boom drives gains at CS investment bank
From butter deal to lucid: inside citi's 15-year-old
SPAC desk
A-rod joins blank-check derby to build the Yankees of
New breed of firms vies for stakes in NBA teeams
Typos on CCIV / Lucid merger deck
      Look, I get those are small. But the merger deck
     is the most important marketing for a SPAC. This
     is a $16B deal. Reams of bankers and consultants
     are pouring over everything they are publishing.
     For two typos to escape on one slide is absolutely
     You hear tons of rumors that SPAC sponsors are
     doing.... very light due diligence in a rush to
     get deals done before the SPAC bubble collapses.
     Things like that slide do absolutely nothing to
     dispel those notions!
     One more CCIV shenanigans slide while we're here
     WSJ: nothing Lucid about a $57B valuation for an
     electric-vehicle start up
     Ok, last thing on CCIV / Lucid. I mentioned this
     in my post on PSTH, but bubbles can pop for really
     weird reasons, and the fact that Lucid (the
biggest / most buzzy SPAC) dropped ~50% on deal
           announcement seems as good a reason as any for a
           bubble to pop. Markets have been reasonably weak
           since that deal, and it's still early / only one
           deal..... but I certainly feel like some of the
           air has come out of SPACs since that announcement,
           and pre-deal SPACs have traded down notably since
           then (though many are still trading at big
     Tweet thread on coming era of SPAC shorts
           I tend to agree. I also think there will be a
           really interesting opportunity set from SPAC
           "babies tossed out with the bath water."
           Speaking of getting tossed out, interesting idea
           but I'd be shocked if this wasn't tossed out. SPAC
           Flop is test     case   for   disgruntled   investor

Let me get weird for a second

     Three random and weird thoughts. I figure if you've read
     this far, this is a safe space to throw some out there
     thoughts at you!
     First, I absolutely love fantasy novels. I read
     Warbreaker this month (one of the few Sanderson novels I
     hadn't read); it started slow but by the end it was just
     dropping bombs left and right. Reading Warbreaker
     reminded got me thinking: Brandon Sanderson is operating
     on a different plane of existence than other mere mortal
     fantasy writers. The only other author who I'd even put
     in his class is Patrick Rothfuss (of Name of the Wind /
     Kingkiller fame), but I don't think that's fair once you
     consider output: Sanderson is out here writing like 1.5
     books a year, while Rothfuss is barely writing one a
     decade and hasn't even finished a series.
Why do I mention this? First, because Warbreaker
     was so good I had to share it somewhere. Second,
     because I wanted to think about people who are
     performing at levels just leaps and bounds above
     their fields. What other examples of there are
     people who are operating at just a different level
     than the rest of their industry? There aren't
     many. For example, LeBron James might be the best
     basketball player ever, but the difference between
     his performance and, say, Kevin Durant isn't
     "other plane of existance higher."
     With investing, I think there are three historical
     examples of people operating on a different plane
     than there competitors:
           Ben Graham inventing fundamental analysis
           and then just going and buying good
           busiensses for less than the cash in their
           Ed Thorp (of "A man for all markets" fame)
           figuring out put/call parity and making a
           fortune before Black-Scholes existed.
           Joel Greenblatt (of "You Can Be a Stock
           Market Genius" fame) figuring out spinoffs
           can hide riches before anyone else caught on
           (but this is probably a looser example!).
Second, while I'm on books, another weird thought: I
feel like most of my friends who are value investors /
more real estate focused investors enjoy fantasy, while
I feel like my more growthy or VC driven friends enjoy
sci-fi more. Is that just a broad generalization, my
imagination, or is there something to those two
different mindsets leading people to like different
types of writing?
      Honestly, as I write this I get it soudns silly. I
      guess the thought here would be "growthy investors
      are more interested in speculating in the future
      and how tech evolves, while value investors are
more interested in the past (where most fantasy is
      based)." Probably silly, but feels sort of right
      based on my understanding.
      Another related but probably equally silly theory:
      investors who focus on very hard assets (investing
      in stocks for less than net asset value, investing
      in banks and insurance companies) are much more
      into non-fiction / history books than most other
      investors (who like nonfiction books, but read
      more broadly).
Third weird thought: obviously I need to mention my
current obsession, Peloton. I recently discovered
Peloton and ESPN hosted an all star ride at the depths
of the pandemic. Three things on that:
   1. My god, you want to talk about brand strength? I
     know ESPN was desperate for content during all of
     the stay at home orders, but for ESPN to host
     essentially a 60 minute infomercial for Peloton
     where a bunch of elite athletes came on and
     effectively said "I love Peloton; it's what I use
     to train at home" Wow!
   2. I just love what these results reveal about the
      underlying athleticism of these people. At his
     weight, Rory's results are equivalent to a low
     level professional cyclist (or at leash that's
     what a locked account on twitter told me; I
     believe them!). This is one of the best golfers in
     the world, and on the side he's casually putting
     out the results for elite cyclists. That's
     incredibly impressive.... but I don't even know
     how to speak to how unbelievable Colleen Quigley's
     results are. She almost freaking beat Rory, who I
     was just raving about for putting up a borderline
     professional power output! The difference between
     her and second place in the women's was almost
     double the difference between second and last
     place! A "Brandon Sanderson writing fantasy" level
of dominance from her.
         3. I did my first FTP test a few weeks before seeing
            that ride; I'm planning on doing one every six
            weeks or so. My first test was fine, but I went
            into the test blind in terms of how I should pace
            myself and what cadence I should use. Super
            excited to take my next one with better pacing /
            cadence / form; looking forward to catching Rory
            at some point (don't worry, my body weight is much
            higher than Rory so I'm not planning on putting up
            professional cycling levels anytime soon!). If you
            have tips for training or pacing an FTP test, I'm
            all ears!

A quick cable follow up

     I posted: Big Three Cable; still too cheap early this
     month. A quick follow up.
     Charter raised ~$3b of debt this month. Look at the
     rates they're raising at! 30 + 40 year paper at
adjusted returns on those buybacks are outstanding.

Other things I liked

     Stop everything you are doing and read this legendary
     exchange between Dan Loeb and Aaron Edelheit
           The article it is from (on missing Disney) is well
           worth the read too!
     The diff on short selling
           Fully agree, and while on the subject: I consider
           the Diff the work of a mad genius. I cannot
           believe how many topics he covers, and how well he
           covers them, on a daily basis. Highly, highly
     What does stripe do?
     Why Fubo is a divisive media stock but not Gamestop
     Basketball fans are investing in NBA highlights for some
           What is Top Shot
     Silver Lake outmaneuvers rivals to win big AMC bet
     Why did I leave Google, or why did I stay so long?
     WWE: getting paid to give leagues championship belts
           How Covid upended WWE
     Disney takes 80% of streaming revenue by calling it home
     Why Ted Lasso became the hit that put AppleTV on the map
     Padres own Fernando Tatis $240m. He owes an Investment
     Fund Millions from his payday'
     Music Mogul buys Beach Boys Songs, calling band
     Who really wrote your favorite song? It's complicated
     Achilles Tear is basketball's worst injury. Except for
     Kevin Durant
           The progress in medicine continues to be
           unbelievable. Decades ago a torn ACL was the end
of a career. Now you're back full strength within
      a year. Achilles injuries seem to be trending the
      same way.
Activism at Kohls
      Death, taxes, and activists tilting at windmills
      to revitalize old department stores. Maybe this
      time will be different....
Investors changing, golf, and Sarah Tavel
EA removes multiplayer mode from dragon age game in big
How NBCU missed out on billions in Peloton and SNAP
      Enjoyed it but suspect it was written by a certain
      faux account.....
SNL skits: SNL is just spot on with the best growth /
momentum stocks this month
     Introducing Pelotaunt
     SNL on Zillow
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