Special free services for our members - Medicaid - Amerigroup

Page created by Jacob Rojas
Special free services for our members - Medicaid - Amerigroup

Special free services
for our members
Special free services for our members - Medicaid - Amerigroup
Educational and                                   Pregnancy support
advocacy support                                  Taking Care of Baby and Me®
Free GED testing                                  program
For members 17 years of age and                   This program provides educational tools and
older, Amerigroup Washington,                     support during pregnancy and throughout
Inc. pays the four required                       the postpartum period. Additionally, the
modules of GED testing once per                   program offers incentives to pregnant
member lifetime. This benefit is                  members for attending healthy activities such
accessed through coordination                     as prenatal and postpartum visits.
with local community colleges. Amerigroup
works with the school to verify eligibility and   My Advocate®
arrange payment. To help members learn            This component of our pregnancy support provides
more, advise them to contact Member Services      health education by phone, smartphone app, or web.
at 800-600-4441.                                  Pregnant women who choose the phone program will
                                                  get to know Mary Beth, My Advocate’s automated
National disability advocacy                      personality. Members can complete an initial health
                                                  screening related to their pregnancy and then receive
organizations                                     prenatal educational messages related to each stage of
Members with disabilities may enroll in an
                                                  pregnancy. Once the member delivers, education shifts
annual membership to one of four national
                                                  to postpartum and well-baby content. When members
disability advocacy organizations:
                                                  tell Mary Beth they have a problem, a prompt callback
■ Autistic Self Advocacy Network
                                                  is initiated by one of our case managers.
■ American Association of People
   with Disabilities
■ National Council on Independent Living          Prenatal ultrasounds
■ TASH                                            We cover two routine prenatal
                                                  ultrasounds for fetal anatomic survey
                                                  per pregnancy (CPT® codes 76801 and
                                                  76805); no authorization is required.
                                                  Additional ultrasounds for CPT codes 76811, 76812,
                                                  76815, 76816, and 76817 for suspected maternal/
                                                  fetal abnormality or follow-up require an appropriate
                                                  diagnosis indicating medical necessity to be
                                                  reimbursed. Authorization is not required. These limits
                                                  do not apply to hospitals, maternal fetal medicine,
                                                  or radiology providers. Review our policy on prenatal
                                                  ultrasounds using our Quick Tools menu to access
                                                  medical coverage policies on our provider self-service
                                                  website at https://provider.amerigroup.com/WA.

                                                  Electric breast pumps
                                                  Moms may receive one electric breast pump per
                                                  pregnancy without need for prior authorization.
                                                  Providers simply submit the request form to our sole
                                                  source provider, Medline, denoting the member’s
                                                  choice pumpsfrom Medela, Ameda, Evenflo, Medline,
                                                  or Lansinoh brands.
Special free services for our members - Medicaid - Amerigroup
Maternal meal program                                  Allowable sick visits are limited to the following:
Members can receive customized meals to take the       ■ A minor (for example, 10 minutes) new patient
stress off mom. Qualifying members can receive            E&M visit
up to two meals per day for 14 days (28 meals per      ■ A minor established patient E&M visit
member total). Various meal options are available      ■ A minimal (for example, five minutes)
and include low-sodium, low-fat, diabetic-friendly,       established patient E&M visit
gluten-free, renal-friendly, and pureed meals.         When modifier 25 is not billed appropriately, the
                                                       sick visit is denied. Appropriate diagnosis codes
Maternal health support                                must also be billed for every visit. Same-day
Pregnant members and moms can choose                   wellness visits are not applicable to the After Hours
two of the following items to support with             Care program; after-hours care is for sick visits only.
maternal health: Diapers, breastfeeding support
kit, breastfeeding pillow, microwave sterilizer,       Boys & Girls Club free membership
microwave steam bags, baby car seat, preemie car       This service is available in each of the state
seat, portable crib, highchair, safe sleep kit, baby   locations for members ages 6 to 18.
monitor-video, and baby proof items (for example,
plug protectors, doorknob covers, cabinet and
drawer latches).                                       Memberships for WA State 4-H
                                                       This benefit is available for members ages 5 to 18
                                                       to support with youth development statewide.
Just for kids
Newborn circumcisions                                  YMCA membership
                                                       Members who qualify for the Y scholarship at
We pay for newborn circumcisions up to $150 for
                                                       Wenatchee and Cowlitz County up to 19 years old
members. Use CPT codes 54150, 54160, or 54161.
                                                       are eligible for this benefit.

Sports physicals                                       Healthy Families program
We pay in-network primary care
                                                       We give families with children
providers for performing sports
                                                       ages 7 to 13 coaching and support
physicals once per year for our
                                                       on nutrition and physical activity.
members ages 7 to 18. Use current
CPT code 99212 with DX Z02.5 when
you bill. You can bill for both a wellness visit and   Calm app
a sports physical on the same day by including         This is an annual membership for members
modifier 25.                                           up to 18 years old. The Calm app provides age
                                                       appropriate meditations and sleep aids to help
                                                       calm the mind and body.
Same-day well-child and sick visits
We pay for sick visits and complete
preventive well-child assessment                       TutorMe-online tutorial
visits on the same day. Use                            TutorMe is an online platform used to improve
evaluation and management                              student engagement and success by providing
(E&M) CPT codes for the level of                       easy access to detailed information on student’s
complexity combined with the age. Bill with the        progress, hours spent, tutoring, and subject
age-appropriate Early and Periodic Screening,          analytics. The maximum allowance is 24 hours
Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) service codes        per member, per year. This benefit is available for
(99381-99385 and 99392-99395) using one of the         members 8 to 17 years of age and at risk of failing
appropriate sick visit E&M codes with modifier 25.     a grade or individual subject, or in the juvenile
                                                       justice system.
Special free services for our members - Medicaid - Amerigroup
Adults — filling the gaps                               Transportation services
                                                        Members receive a nonmedical
Eyeglasses                                              transportation benefit to help
Members ages 21 to 64 are covered                       them access services including
for one pair, once a year, up to $100.                  transportation to school, work,
This service is available through EyeQuest, our         job interviews, transporting kids to daycare and
eye care vendor.                                        other services.
                                                        Members should call the National Call Center, verify
Acupuncture                                             mailing address and report the service they are
Amerigroup pays for seven acupuncture visits per
                                                        trying to access. An Orca card or gas card will be
calendar year, per member ages 18 years and older,
                                                        mailed to the member (18 years or older).
with contracted providers. Providers must use the
following codes:
■ 97810: Acupuncture, one or more needles,
                                                        One-time only benefit
   without electrical stimulation, initial 15 minutes   Members will receive one of the following:
                                                        ■ $50 choice Uber/Lyft Card — once per year
   of personal one-on-one contact with the patient;
                                                        ■ $50 Gas card — once per year
   Amerigroup fixed price of $30
                                                        ■ $50 King County Orca Card
■ 97811: Each additional 15 minutes of personal
   one-on-one contact with the patient, with
   reinsertion of needles; Amerigroup fixed price of    Tobacco cessation
   $30                                                  All members ages 18 years and
■ 97813: Acupuncture, one or more needles,              older may enroll in Quit for Life, the
   with electrical stimulation, initial 15 minutes of   state’s tobacco cessation program.
   personal one-on-one contact with the patient;        Members enroll by phone at
   Amerigroup fixed price of $50                        866-QUIT-4-LIFE (866-784-8454) or
■ 97814: Each additional 15 minutes of personal         online (https://quitnow.net). Amerigroup provides
   one-on-one contact with the patient, with            additional resource information and local tobacco
   reinsertion of needles; Amerigroup fixed price of    cessation program promotion via collaborative
   $50                                                  partnerships.
                                                        Effective January 1, 2022, Amerigroup covers the
Costco membership                                       cost of the EX by Truth Initiative Program, a digital
Members can receive a one-year Costco Gold Star         quit-tobacco program, for eligible members who
membership. This membership is a household              smoke, vape, or chew. Nicotine patches, gum, or
card and valid at all Costco locations. Only one        lozenges at no extra cost, as well as custom quit
membership per family is available. Members             plans, and expert support.
should call the Member Services at 800-600-4441
to request, verify their address, and report the        Amerigroup also pays PCPs for smoking cessation
benefit they are trying to access. The Costco Gold      referral evaluations, smoking cessation prescription
Star membership card will then be mailed to             evaluation, and face-to-face counseling for all
the member.                                             members ages 18 years and older:
                                                        ■ Intensive smoking cessation counseling
Flu Pandemic kit                                           (procedure 99407 for greater than 10 minutes) is
Flu Pandemic kit benefit, helps members to remain          limited to one per day.
prepared for the next flu season or pandemic. The       ■ Two cessation counseling attempts (or up to
kit may include essential and preventive safety            eight sessions) are allowed every 12 months.
items such as face masks, hand sanitizer, and wipes.       An attempt is defined as up to four cessation
Limit one per member per year.                             counseling sessions.
Staying fit
Weight Watchers®
Members can receive one Weight
Watchers voucher good for sign-up
fee and 13 weeks of classes and
14 weeks of Digital Tools. They must
be over age 17 and get permission
from their doctor. This is a one-time benefit.

FitnessCoach Program
Services include online exercise classes and online
information on fitness and exercise topics, including
information available to special needs populations.

Light Box for seasonal affective
disorder (SAD)
Members must be diagnosed with
depression or SAD to be eligible. This
is available for members ages 19 years
and older.
No preauthorization is required; however, members
with past or current eye problems, such as
glaucoma, cataracts, or eye damage from diabetes,
must get advice from their eye doctor before
starting light therapy.

Emotional well-being resources
Learn ways to manage stress, anxiety, depression,
substance use, and sleep issues that affect your
emotional well-being through this online program
and coaching support

Life Transition Kit
A Life Transition Kit includes: first-aid supplies
such as bandages and ointment, toothpaste, travel
toothbrush, mouthwash, dental floss, and a
$15 Subway gift card.
This benefit is intended to help members get back
on their feet more quickly when transitioning out
of an institutional setting or for anyone enrolled in
supportive employment.
Peer-to-peer counselor benefit                       Employment and
Certified peer counselors work with
their peers (adults and youth) and                   education support
the parents of children receiving
mental health services. They
                                                     Internet essentials package
                                                     Receive up to a $300 allowance to help cover the
draw upon their experiences to
                                                     cost of internet services. Funds can be used for
help peers find hope and make progress toward
                                                     installation and set-up fees, to purchase modems,
recovery. Because of their own life experience,
                                                     routers, and any additional equipment that is
they are uniquely equipped to provide support,
                                                     essential to obtain (or strengthen) an internet
encouragement and resources to those with mental
                                                     connection, as well as to help cover monthly
health challenges.
                                                     service charges. This is a one-time benefit and
Washington state's Peer Support Program has          applicable to members who have been previously
trained and qualified mental health consumers as     incarcerated in the past 12 months.
certified peer counselors since 2005. A consumer
is someone who has applied for, is eligible for or   Employment industry certification
who has received mental health services. This        We will cover the cost of employment certifications
also includes parents and legal guardians when       in fields such as early childhood education,
they have a child under the age of 13, or a child    foundations of reading, business education,
13 years or older when they are involved in their    computer science, technology education, English
treatment plan (Washington Administrative Code       language arts, health, and marketing. This is a
388-865-0150).                                       one-time benefit.
Members can contact Member Services to request
payment for the program. Member Services will        Free laptop program
contact David Escame at the health plan,             Members transitioning from incarceration will
david.escame@amerigroup.com:                         be able to receive a free laptop to help with
■ $90 initial registration fee
                                                     employment and educational pursuits.
■ $75 annual renewal fee
                                                     This is a one-time benefit and
■ $165 total unit cost
                                                     applicable to members who have
                                                     been previously incarcerated in the
                                                     past 12 months.

                                                     End of life
                                                     Vital decisions
                                                     This program provides telephonic healthcare
                                                     counseling service for members who are within
                                                     approximately 6 to 9 months from end of life.
                                                     The program consists of a series of telephone
                                                     counseling sessions with an individual counselor
                                                     to educate and coach members to become more
                                                     active participants in healthcare and end-of-life
                                                     decision making. Amerigroup identifies potential
                                                     participants through medical and pharmacy claims.
                                                     If providers wish to refer members to this optional
                                                     program, they may contact our case managers at
Member incentives for                                                      Note: SafeLink Wireless® is a Lifeline-supported
                                                                           service. Lifeline is a government benefit program.
healthy behaviors                                                          Only those who qualify may enroll in Lifeline;
                                                                           it can’t be transferred and is limited to one per
Amerigroup partners with provider
                                                                           household. Members may need to show proof
groups to tailor member incentives
                                                                           of income or that they take part in the program
and outreach. Programs are
                                                                           to enroll.
developed based on population
needs and priorities. Additionally, Amerigroup
offers eligible members incentives for important                           Amerigroup mobile ID card and app
preventive care visits identified below. Each                              Members may use this feature to safely access
incentive reward is limited to one per year, per                           ID cards, find a doctor, and increase access to
reward. Gift cards are not valid for alcohol, tobacco,                     health resources.
gift cards, stored-value cards, lottery tickets, or
other contest entries.                                                     Additional resources
Online and mobile resources                                                First-aid kit and dental hygiene kit
                                                                           These kits are available at no cost when a personal
Amerigroup On Call                                                         disaster plan is completed online.
Members may speak to a nurse about medical
questions or concerns, day or night, even on                               Disease management education
holidays. Translation services are available for more                      and support
than 150 languages.                                                        This support program is designed
Amerigroup On Call/24-hour Nurse HelpLine:                                 to help manage difficult
866-864-2544.                                                              health conditions like asthma,
                                                                           diabetes, and chronic obstructive
SafeLink®                                                                  pulmonary disease.
Qualified members may secure a cellphone with up
to 350 free minutes of service each month, plus the
member may be eligible for the following:
■ 200 extra one-time bonus minutes when
   the member chooses to receive free health                                      Contact information
   text messages                                                                  To find out more about these special services,
■ Unlimited wellness text messages from                                           please call your local Provider Experience
   Amerigroup, plus reminders to renew benefits                                   consultant or our Provider Services team at
   on time                                                                        800-454-3730.
■ Unlimited minutes when calling our Member
   Services department and Amerigroup On Call                                     Members can call 800-600-4441 or TTY 711
■ Members enrolled in Case Management who                                         to learn more about the benefits listed above.
   access SafeLink receive an 8.5GB plan with
   unlimited talk and text

EyeQuest is an independent company providing eye carevision benefit management services on behalf of Amerigroup, Washington, Inc.

Please note: This flier is intended for educational use to providers and community organizations. This is not for public distribution.
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