SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre

SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
What’s on
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
At a Glance                                                                The Kings Theatre is extremely
                                                                           grateful for the continued support
                                                                           of Portsmouth City Council.

                                         Page                                  Banff Mountain
                                          No.   2                              Film Festival: Blue            19

25-2               Avenue Q                4    4

                                                                               Walk Right Back                19
                                                                                                                     Setting the Scene                            Moscow State Ballet are
                                                                                                                                                                  returning with the ever-
                                                                                                                                                                  popular Sleeping Beauty and
FEBRUARY                                                                       In The Night
                                                                               Garden Live
                                                                                                             20                                                   Prokofiev’s exhilarating Romeo
                   The Adult Panto:                                                                                  Welcome to the Kings Theatre                 and Juliet. And our one night
7                                          7
                   Hansel and Gretel            17-20                          Bugsy Malone                   22     2019 Spring season. As ever we aim           shows include the highly successful
                   Moscow City Ballet:
                                           6                                                                         to present something for everyone            An Evening with Sir Michael Parkinson;
                   Romeo and Juliet             22-27                          Let It Be                      24
                                                                                                                     to enjoy in our wide-ranging and             and the return of the much-loved
                   Moscow City Ballet:
                   The Sleeping Beauty
                                                                               Seven Drunken
                                                                                                              19     varied programme.                            Giovanni Pernice in Dance is Life.
                   Banff Mountain
                                                30-4                           Blood Brothers                 26
                                                                                                                     In January we kick off with a return         Kings Youth Theatre goes from
13                 Film Festival: Red      7
                   Programme                                                                                         visit of the multi-award winning             strength to strength with Leading
                   Some Guys Have                                                                                    American musical Avenue Q at the             Lights preparing to take part once
14                                         7
                   All The Luck                 7-11                           Mindgame                       29     start of its new UK tour.                    again in the National Theatre
15                 Bowie Experience        7    12                             Bootleg Beatles               30      I am particularly pleased that in our        Connections Festival in February with
                   Joe Black’s House                                                                                 Spring programme we have been                a performance of Salt by Dawn King.
16                                         8    15-18                          New Jersey Nights              31
                   of Burlesque                                                                                      able to include some high-quality            We are continuing our popular
                   Circus of Horrors:
                                           9    19
                                                                               The Tina Turner
                                                                                                             30      drama ranging from Peter James’              Toddler Tours and developing our
                   Psycho Asylum                                               Experience
                                                                                                                     spine-tingling ghost story The House         schools offer by linking more with
                   Kings Youth                                                 The Beach Boys®
                   Theatre: Salt
                                           9    23
                                                                               Tribute Show
                                                                                                              34     on Cold Hill through to the hilarious        our programming for example with
                   An Evening With Sir
                                                                                                                     new comedy Octopus Soup and                  Tom Gates and Blood Brothers. Our
21                                        10    24                             One Night of Elvis             34
                                                                                                                     Anthony Horowitz’s psychological
                   Michael Parkinson                                                                                                                              Outreach activity continues with an
22                 Genesis Connected       11   25                             Illegal Eagles                 34     thriller Mindgame.                           enhanced access programme which
                                                                               The Little Mix                        Musicals continue to be a regular            includes special sessions for those
23                 Respect to Aretha      10    26                                                            34
                                                                               Experience                            feature and in 2019 we are delighted         living with, or caring for, those
                   The House on
                                          12    28-1                           Dirty Dancing                  32     to welcome back Willy Russell’s              suffering from dementia or
                   Cold Hill                                                                                                                                      Alzheimer’s. Our popular Theatre
                                                                                                                     classic Blood Brothers, Let it Be, the
MARCH                                           Show key                                        Show Symbols         smash hit Dirty Dancing and the              Tours, Talks and ‘Meet the Archivist’
                                          15           After Dark                                                    award winning 50th Anniversary               coffee mornings of course continue
                   Players: Grease                                         Film                        Kings Card
                                                                                                                     production of the joyfully hippie            this spring. I trust you will find many
                   Giovanni Pernice:
                   Dance is Life
                                          10           Classical           Music                 HT    Hovertravel   musical Hair which enjoyed great             reasons to visit us during the early
                                                       Comedy                                                        success in London in 2018.                   part of 2019 and as ever, we look
14                 Sweet Caroline         10                               Musical
                                                                                                 EB    Early Bird                                                 forward to welcoming you at the
15                 That’ll Be The Day     16
                                                       Dance                Panto                                    Family shows of course remain a core         wonderful Kings Theatre.
                                                       Drama                Tours                SS    Student       part of our programming and coming
                   Stars of Les
                                          16                                and Talks
                                                                                                                     up we have Tom Gates, In the Night           Armand Gerrard
                   Sinatra, Sequins
                                                       Events               Workshops            FC    Portsmouth
                                                                                                       Family Card
                                                                                                                     Garden and, in an exciting new               Creative Director
                   and Swing
                                                       Family                                                        departure, our very own production
                                                                                                                     with Jack Edwards of the timeless
19-23              Octopus Soup           17
                                                                                                                     Bugsy Malone for which we
                   Spice: The Live                                                                                   auditioned far and wide and found
24                                        16                         Box Office 023 9282 8282
                   Stage Show
                                                                                                                     some truly amazing young talent.
                   Tom Gates – Live                                  www.kingsportsmouth.co.uk
27-31                                     18
                   on Stage!
APRIL                                                                @Kingstheatre
                   Hancock’s Half
1                                         19

                                                               The Kings Theatre Trust Ltd, Charity No: 1088254
                                                                                                                                                      BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK     3
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
Avenue Q
                  Preview Performances:
                  FRI 25 JAN 7:30PM
                  SAT 26 JAN 4PM & 8PM
                  MON 28 JAN – SAT 2 FEB | 7:30PM
                  WED & SAT MAT | 2:30PM

                  £15 – £38                                 SS
                  Conc: £2 off

                  Fantasies come true – the hilarious and
                  multi-award winning Avenue Q is back!

                  Following a smash-hit run in 2014, the
                  fur-lariously laugh-out-loud musical is
                  back by popular demand.

                  Catch-up with all your favourite (and
                  unforgettable) characters on a downtown
                  New York street trying to make sense of
                  life’s burning issues – like what do you do
                  with a BA in English? How do you find
                  your purpose? And is the internet really
                  just for...nevermind.

                  Missed all the fuzz last time round? Don’t
                  let your life suck – book now!

                  Created by Jeff Marx and Robert Lopez
                  (Co-creator of Book of Mormon).

                  From the producers of Footloose,
                  Flashdance and American Idiot.

                  Suitable for audiences 14+

                  “You’d be a muppet to miss it!”
                  Edinburgh Evening News

                  “Impossible not to fall in love with”
                  The Stage

4   BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK       5
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
with Live Orchestra
                                                 Founder: Victor Smirnov-Golovanov

                                               “Not to be missed”
                                                               Sunday Express


                                                                                     Adult Panto                                     Banff Mountain Film Festival
      MUSIC: SERGEI PROKOFIEV                                                        Hansel and Gretel Go Down in                    Red Programme
                                                                                     the Woods                                       WED 13 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM

           THE                                                                       THU 7 FEBRUARY | 8PM
                                                                                     The fearless cast of three bring you an
                                                                                                                                     Experience an evening of extraordinary

                                                                                                                                     short films from the world’s most
                                                                                     evening of slick, fast-moving fun and           prestigious mountain film festival.
                                                                                     bawdy sexual innuendo.
                                                                                                                                     Special offer: Buy a ticket to both the Red

 BEAUTY                                                                              For adults only – not suitable for under 16s.

                                                                                            £19 – £21   SS
                                                                                                                                     and Blue (2 April) screenings for £27.

                                                                                                                                            £15 | Conc: £1.50 off

     Moscow City Ballet         Romeo and Juliet – Fri 8 at 7:30pm
                                Sat 9 at 2:30pm & 7:30pm
     Romeo and Juliet &         Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet is the
     The Sleeping Beauty        perfect marriage of a powerful and iconic            Some Guys Have All                              Bowie Experience
                                musical score with the world’s most
     FRI 8 – SUN 10 FEBRUARY    famous love story, presented here in                 The Luck                                        FRI 15 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM
                                classic Russian style with full orchestra.           The Rod Stewart Story                           A breathtaking concert celebrating the
                                                                                                                                     music of the world’s greatest pop icon,
     Tickets:                   The Sleeping Beauty – Sun 10 at 6pm                  THU 14 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM
                                                                                                                                     David Bowie. A must see for all, the latest
                                The enchanting and romantic story of The             Capturing the energy and charisma that          production promises an unforgettable
     £15 – £35 | Conc: £2 off                                                        have made Rod a rock icon, including hits
                                Sleeping Beauty inspired Tchaikovsky to                                                              journey of sound and vision, featuring all
                                write some of his most glorious music and            like Handbags & Gladrags, Maggie May, Da        the hits from A to Ziggy.
                                this magical production showcases                    Ya Think I’m Sexy, Sailing, The First Cut Is
                                Moscow City Ballet’s exquisite dramatic              The Deepest and more!

                SS FC           and lyrical talents.
                                                                                            £21.50 – £23.50 | Conc: £2 off     SS           £24   SS

6                                                                                                                                                                                  7
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
Theatre benefits:
                                                                                   • Discounts on many shows for you
                                                                                     and up to eight people. Look out for

                                                                                                                               £25.00per year
                                                                                     KC symbol throughout the brochure
                                                                                   • A free drinks voucher when
                                                                                     you purchase your Kings Card
                                                                                     to redeem in one of the Kings
                                                                                     Theatre bars                             Offers currently available at:
                                                                                   • Reserve your seats for                   Home Coffee, Spinnaker Tower, Aurora, The
                                                                                     up to three days                         Phoenix, Gin & Olive, Wild Thyme Wholefoods,
                                                                                   • 20% off all pre-ordered                  Hovertravel, Charmaine of Southsea, Porters,
                                                                                     interval drinks                          Subway Albert Road. Kings Card members also
                                                                                   • Priority booking for selected shows      receive 15% off as foot passengers for Wightlink
                                                                                   Local area benefits:                       ferries! Your next unforgettable moment is
                                                                                   • Up to 20% discount at many               closer than you think…
                                                                                     local bars and restaurants
                                                                                   • Up to 10% discount at selected           Get yours today:
                                                                                     local shops
                                                                                   • Up to 25% discount at
                                                                                     local attractions                        023 9282 8282

    Joe Black’s House          One of the biggest events of its kind in the UK.

    of Burlesque               Witness the marvel that is the ever-rotating       Circus of Horrors                           Salt – Dawn King
                               cast of Joe Black’s ‘House of Burlesque’ at
                               the Kings Theatre in Portsmouth.
                                                                                  Psycho Asylum                               Performed by the KYT
    SAT 16 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM
                               Hosted by Joe Black and featuring
                                                                                  SUN 17 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM                    Kings Company
                               Ulrike Storch, Demi Noire, Dave The Bear,          After taking to the road over 23            TUE 19 & WED 20 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM
    Tickets:                   Alfie Ordinary, Jeanie Wishes, Avdotia             years ago and touring all over the          A play about generations, choices and
                               The Russian Doll, Prudence Rae and                 world the phenomenon returns with           hope performed by the Kings Youth
    £19.50 | Conc: £2 off
                               Arran Shurvinton.                                  its latest & greatest new incarnation       Theatre as part of the 2019 National
                                                                                  The Psycho Asylum.                          Theatre Connections Festival.
                               14+ and dressing up is encouraged!
                                                                                         £20 – £28 | Conc: £3 off   FC SS             £7.50 | Conc £2.50 off

8                                                                                                                   BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK   9
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
An Evening With Sir                           Respect to Aretha
Michael Parkinson                             Starring Letitia George
THU 21 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM                      SAT 23 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM
In conversation with his son Mike and         Life-long Aretha Franklin fan and power-
showing highlights from the Parkinson         house vocalist, Letitia George stars in this
archive, An Evening with Sir Michael          heartfelt and uplifting dedication to the
Parkinson is a unique opportunity to get      Queen of Soul. George and her fabulous band
an intimate look at his remarkable career.    will perform all of Franklin’s most famous hits.

      £25 – £28.50 | Conc: £2 off    SS              £24.50 | Conc £2.50 off      FC

                                                                                                                                     Genesis Connected is a tribute show
Giovanni Pernice                              Sweet Caroline                                     Genesis Connected                   celebrating the music of Genesis and
                                                                                                                                     the biggest selling acts connected:
Dance is Life                                 The ultimate tribute to Neil                       FRI 22 FEBRUARY | 7:30PM            Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins and Mike &
MON 11 MARCH | 7:30PM                         Diamond                                                                                the Mechanics.
Strictly Come Dancing’s Giovanni Pernice      THU 14 MARCH | 7:30PM                              Tickets:                            From atmospheric anthems to chart
returns in 2019, this time with his 5 star    The good times never seemed so good!               £18 – £24 | Conc: £2 off            toppers that will get the crowd dancing
rated show DANCE IS LIFE and he is ready      Introducing Sweet Caroline, the ultimate                                               in the aisles. Hits spanning from the late
to raise the temperature! Featuring 7 other   tribute to Neil Diamond featuring Gary                                                 70s onwards including; Turn It On Again,
world-class professional dancers, including   Ryan, as seen on ‘Stars in Their Eyes’.                                                Sledgehammer, In The Air Tonight, Over
Strictly’s newest pro, Luba Mushtuk.                                                                                                 My Shoulder, Against All Odds, That’s All,
                                                                                                                                     Solsbury Hill, You Can’t Hurry Love, The
       £55 (VIP) | £29.50 | Conc: £2 off                                                                  SS
                                                     £25 | Conc: £2 off     SS                                                       Living Years and many more...

10                                                                                                                          BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK     11
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
The House on Cold Hill
     THEY SAID THE DEAD CAN’T HURT YOU...                                       By Best Selling Author Peter James
              THEY WERE WRONG                                                   MON 25 FEBRUARY – SAT 2 MARCH
                                                                                7:30PM NIGHTLY | WED & SAT
                                                                                MAT 2:30PM

                                                                                £15 – £31.50
                                                                                Conc: £2 off
                                                                                Following the incredible sell-out stage
                                                                                success of Not Dead Enough, The Perfect
                                                                                Murder and Dead Simple, the No. 1 best-
                                                                                selling author Peter James is back with the
                                                                                world premiere of this spinechilling thriller.
                                                                                BAFTA nominated actor and winner
                                                                                of BBC1’s Strictly Come Dancing 2017,
                                                                                Joe McFadden (Heartbeat, Holby City)
                                                                                and award-winning actress Rita Simons,
                                                                                who played the iconic Roxy Mitchell in
                                                                                EastEnders and was most recently seen in
                                                                                ITV’s I’m A Celebrity!, star alongside award
                                                                                winning actors, Charlie Clements (Bradley
                                                                                in EastEnders) and Persephone Swales-
                                                                                Dawson (Nico Blake in Hollyoaks) in Peter
                                                                                James’ ghostly new stage hit.
                                                                                When the Harcourt family move into the
                                                        CHILLING N
                                                         STAGE PL A W
                                                                                house of their dreams, it quickly turns into
                                                                                the stuff of nightmares as they begin to
                               in                      FROM THE Y               feel that they may not be the only residents
                                                        BESTSELLINO.1           at Cold Hill... The House on Cold Hill is a
                                                                   G            modern-day supernatural thriller that will
                                                                                send shivers down your spine and make
                                                                                you think twice about returning home to
                                                                                a dark, empty house after the show!
                                                                                ‘It’s a night for everyone, with horror,
                                                                                intrigue and mystery... it’s terrific!’ British
                                                                                Theatre Guide, for The Perfect Murder.

                                                                                “This thrilling thriller…
                                                                                had the audience on the
                                                                                edge of their seats”
                                                                                Latest 7
12                                                                 BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK         13
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
Meet the Archivists
     SAT 9 MARCH | FRI 29 MARCH | 10:30AM
     Come along to one of our ‘Meet the Archivist’ Coffee
     Mornings where you’ll discover the rich history of the Kings
     Theatre through illustrated talks. Refreshments provided.


     Monthly Tours
     SAT 4 MAY | 10:30AM
     Kings Theatre Tours are a chance for you to see the theatre as
     never before! Step behind the scenes with one of our knowledgeable
     team and discover things you never knew! Please note, the tour is
     across all levels and the theatre has no lift. Refreshments provided.
                                                                             Grease                       Join Danny and Sandy, along with the
                                                                                                          Pink Ladies, Burger Palace Boys and
             £8 | Children £5.50                                             Performed by the             the rest of the gang at Rydell High
                                                                             Portsmouth Players           for this electrifying rock ‘n’ roll show
                                                                                                          brought to you by the award-winning
     Toddler Tours                                                           TUE 5 – SAT 9 MARCH 7:30PM
                                                                                                          Portsmouth Players.
                                                                                                          Grease is the original high-school
     FRI 11 JANUARY | FRI 1 FEBRUARY | FRI 1 MARCH                           SAT MAT 2:30PM
                                                                                                          musical, packed with and all the songs
     FRI 5 APRIL | FRI 3 MAY | 10:30AM
                                                                                                          you love including: Summer Nights,
     This interactive tour allows your little ones to visit our beautiful
                                                                             Tickets:                     Greased Lightnin’ and We Go Together
     Edwardian Theatre and through songs, music and stories they             £13 – £20                    – plus many more!
     will learn about the characters that performed on our main stage.
     Tours include the dress circle, the stalls and boxes with interactive
     activities throughout! Suitable for 18 Months – 6 Years.

            £4 | Adults free
14                                                                                                                                                   15
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
Simon Fielder and the Belgrade Theatre Coventry
                                                                                           present the
                                                                                           WORLD PREMIERE OF A
                                                                                           BRAND NEW BRITISH FARCE

Sinatra, Sequins & Swing                     SPICE
The Capitol Years Live!                      The Live Stage Show
SUN 17 MARCH | 3PM                           SUN 24 MARCH | 4PM & 7:30PM                   By JACK MILNER                                                                 NICK
The visually-evocative, spectacular-         From the chart stomping ‘Spice Up Your
                                                                                           and MARK STEVENSON                                                         HANCOCK
sounding Frank Sinatra show like no other                                                                                                                             with PAUL BRADLEY
                                             Life’ through to the hip shaking ‘Who Do      Directed by
and only UK production endorsed by                                                                                                                                        GILLIAN BEVAN
                                             You Think You Are?’, WANNABE takes you        JOE HARMSTON                                                            CAROLYN BACKHOUSE
President of Sinatra Music Society is back   on a Spice World journey that will make                                                                                   and ERIC RICHARD
– and newly revamped for 2019!               you Zig-A-Zig-Ahhhh.

       £15 (U21) – £25.50 | Conc: £2 off

                                                                                                                                             A razor-sharp new comedy with
                                                                                              Octopus Soup                                   Nick Hancock.
                                                                                              A Brand New British Farce                      Meet Seymour, the safest man in Britain. An
Stars of Les Misérables                      That’ll Be The Day                                                                              insurance consultant who wears a belt and
Featuring The Barricade Boys                 FRI 15 MARCH | 7:30PM                            TUE 19 – SAT 23 MARCH 7:30PM                   braces (and another belt, just to be sure).
SAT 16 MARCH | 7:30PM                                                                                                                        He’s in last chance saloon and everything
                                             The UK’s No.1 Rock & Roll variety                WED & SAT MAT 2:30PM
                                                                                                                                             rests on this one important conference
Direct from London’s West End and            production That’ll Be The Day returns with
                                                                                                                                             call. What could possibly go wrong? Enter
                                             another opportunity to see its latest show!
Broadway, The Barricade Boys are back
                                             Featuring classic hits from the 50s, 60s, &
                                                                                              Tickets:                                       Marvin, a bungling burglar with bad knees…
on the road with their international tour!
Fabulous harmonies, incredible vocals and    70s plus hilarious comedy!                       £15 – £27.50 | Conc: £2 off                    With Seymour’s highly neurotic actress wife
the boy’s dashing good looks make this a                                                                                                     Gloria awaiting news on a star TV role, the
show not to be missed.                                                                                                                       burglar’s psychopathic crime boss around
                                                                                                                                             the corner and a share of the £30 billion
                                                                                                                                             insurance market at stake, will our heroes
      £24 | Conc: £2 off    SS                     £25 – £28                                               SS
                                                                                                                                             and their octopus get out alive?

16                                                                                                                               BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK         17
SPRING 2019 - Kings Theatre
Hancock’s Half Hour                               Banff Mountain Film Festival
                                                                             MON 1 APRIL | 7:30PM                              Blue Programme
                                                                             In 1954 Tony Hancock burst onto the               TUE 2 APRIL | 7:30PM
                                                                             airwaves with a brand-new style of
                                                                                                                               Experience an evening of extraordinary
                                                                             comedy, the sitcom. Now, 65 years later,
                                                                                                                               short films from the world’s most
                                                                             join us as we transport you to 23 Railway
                                                                                                                               prestigious mountain film festival.
                                                                             Cuttings, for three episodes performed live
                                                                             on the Kings Theatre stage.                       Special offer: Buy a ticket to both the Blue
                                                                                                                               and Red (13 February) screenings for £27.

                                                                                     £21 | Conc: £2 off     SS                        £15 | Conc: £1.50 off

     Tom Gates                     From the producers of Horrible
                                   Histories and Gangsta Granny comes
     By Liz Pichon                 the world premiere of TOM GATES live      Walk Right Back                                   Seven Drunken Nights
     WED 27 – SUN 31 MARCH
                                   on stage for the very first time in an    The Everly Brothers Story                         The Story of The Dubliners
                                   exciting and hilarious adventure that
     WED – SAT 7PM | THU – FRI                                               THU 4 APRIL | 7:30PM                              SUN 28 APRIL | 7:30PM
                                   sends Tom’s world spinning!
     10:30AM | SAT 2PM                                                       From their rise to fame, decade-long feud         Direct from the West End and following
                                   Don’t miss Liz Pichon’s fantastic         and glorious reunion, follow the sad yet          its sold out smash hit debut tour, Seven
     SUN 11AM & 3PM                characters as they come to life in this   glorious story of The Everly Brothers.            Drunken Nights – The Story of The
     Tickets:                      brand new story for the stage!
                                                                             Featuring all their hits: Bye Bye Love, All I     Dubliners returns to the Kings Theatre
     £15 - £22.50 | Conc: £2 off   Signed and Relaxed Performance            Have To Do Is Dream and Cathy’s Clown,            in 2019 with an even bigger production.
                                   – Fri 29 March, 10:30am.                  plus many more.

                                                                                    £24.50 | Conc: £2 off        SS FC                £20 – £24 | Conc: £2 off

18                                                                                                                   BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK    19
                                                                                    of joining?
                                                                                    Contact Nathalie Gunn on

                                                                                     • Perform on the Kings Theatre Stage
                                                                                     • Develop confidence and imagination
                                                                                     • Create productions

                                                                                    4 – 5pm Singing Core Class –             6 – 8pm King’s Company
                                                                                            Juniors (7-12 years)                     (14+ audition only group)
                               Join Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka            5 – 6pm Singing Core Class –             Friday
     In The Night              and friends at In the Night Garden Live for                  Seniors (13-18 years)
                                                                                                                             11 – 11:50am Theatre Tots (2-4 years)
     Garden Live               a brand new show on their first ever UK
                               theatre tour in 2019!                                Wednesday
                                                                                                                             Saturday – Show Classes
                                                                                    4 – 5pm Acting Core Class –
     SAT 13 – SUN 14 APRIL     You’ll see all your favourite characters
                                                                                            Juniors (7-12 years)             9 – 10am Act 1 Beginners (4-7 yrs)
     10AM, 1PM & 4PM           beautifully brought to life with full-size
                               costumes, magical puppets, and enchanting            5 – 6pm Acting Core Class –              10:15 – 12:15pm Juniors (7-10yrs)
     Tickets:                  music. The show lasts just under an hour and                 Seniors (13-18 years)            12:30 – 2:30pm Inters (10-13yrs)
     Adults: £16.50 - £20.50   it’s a completely new production for the very
                               first In the Night Garden Live UK theatre tour.      Thursday                                 3 – 5pm Seniors (13-18yrs)
     Children: £2 off!
                               Now in its 10th year, In the Night Garden Live is    4 – 5pm Dance Core Class –               The Kings Youth Theatre also
     0-6 Months: Free
                               one of the UK’s favourite family events. Over 1              Juniors (7-12 years)             offers one to one vocal, dance &
                               million people have seen it so far and it gets 4.8   5 – 6pm Dance Core Class –               drama coaching.
                               out of 5 stars based on 12,844 parents’ reviews.             Seniors (13-18 years)

20                                                                                                                 BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK   21
A Kings Theatre & Jack Edwards Production

                                                           Bugsy Malone
                                                           A Kings Theatre & Jack
                                                           Edwards Production
                                                           WED 17 – SAT 20 APRIL 6:30PM
                                                           WED & SAT MAT 1:30PM

                                                           ADULTS: £19.50
                                                           CHILDREN: £13.50

                                                           The Kings Theatre and Jack Edwards
                                                           Productions brings together a large
                                                           cast of talented young performers
                                                           from the southern region to perform
                                                           in Bugsy Malone.
                                                           It is 1929 in New York and the city
                                                           is divided by gang warfare. On one
                                                           side, Dandy Dan’s mob terrorise the
                                                           district, taking out those they turn
                                                           against with their new splurge guns.
                                                           On the other side, Dandy Dan’s rival,
                                                           Fat Sam, runs his successful Grand
                                                           Slam Speakeasy. Splurge, custard
                                                           pies, and flour bombs fly across the
                                                           bar as the pandemonium comes to a
                                                           sticky end.

22                                           BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK     23
Let It Be
                   The Beatles concert you
                   never got to see!
                   MON 22 – SAT 27 APRIL 7:30PM
                   WED & SAT MAT 2:30PM

                   £17.50 – £32.50
                   Conc: £5 off

                   Come Together and experience the iconic
                   music of The Beatles with Let It Be, the
                   spectacular new concert jam-packed
                   with over 40 of The Beatles’ greatest
                   hits! Direct from the West End, this
                   international hit show celebrates
                   the legacy of the world’s greatest
                   rock ‘n’ roll band.
                   Relive The Beatles’ meteoric rise from
                   their humble beginnings to the heights
                   of Beatlemania with live performances of
                   early tracks including Twist and Shout and
                   She Loves You as well as global mega-hits
                   Yesterday, Hey Jude, Come Together and,
                   of course, Let It Be.

                   “A non-stop parade of hits”
                   Daily Telegraph

24   BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK   25
‘EXHILARATING...                                                             HHHHH                 Blood Brothers
        ONE OF THE BEST MUSICALS                                                            SUNDAY TELEGRAPH

             EVER WRITTEN’
                       SUNDAY TIMES
                                                                                         HHHHH                 TUE 30 APRIL – SAT 4 MAY 7:30PM
                                                                                                               WED, THU & SAT MAT 2:30PM

                                                                                           ‘TERRIFIC’          Tickets:
                BILL KENWRIGHT PRESENTS                                                      SUNDAY EXPRESS
                                                                                                               £20 – £39
                                                                                                                                                SS FC
                                                                                                               Conc: £2 off
                                                                                       ‘GRITTY, GRIPPING,
                                                                                            SUPERB’            Written by Willy Russell, the legendary
                                                                                                               BLOOD BROTHERS tells the captivating
                                                                                             MAIL ON SUNDAY
                                                                                                               and moving tale of twins who, separated
                                                                                                               at birth, grow up on opposite sides of
                                                                                                               the tracks, only to meet again with
                                                                                                               fateful consequences.
                                                                                                               Few musicals have received quite such
                                                                                                               acclaim as the multi-award winning
                                                                                                               BLOOD BROTHERS. Bill Kenwright’s
                                                                                                               production surpassed 10,000
                                                                                                               performances in London’s West End, one
                                                                                                               of only three musicals ever to achieve
                                                                                                               that milestone. It has been affectionately
     THEIR                                   ...THEIR                                                          christened the ‘Standing Ovation Musical’.

     LIVES                                  DESTINY                                                            Starring Olivier Award nominated British
                                                                                                               actress Linzi Hateley in the seminal role
     WERE                                    JOINED                                                            of Mrs Johnstone. Linzi has performed in

     WORLDS                                     THEM                                                           countless West End productions including
                                                                                                               Mamma Mia, Joseph and the Amazing
     APART...                             TOGETHER                                                             Technicolour Dreamcoat, Les Miserables,
                                                                                                               Chicago, Grease and Mary Poppins!
                                                                                                               The superb score includes Bright New
                                                        Photos include previous cast                           Day, Marilyn Monroe and the emotionally
                                                                                                               charged hit Tell Me It’s Not True.

                                                                                                               “Brings the audience
                                                                                                               cheering to its feet and
                                                                                                               roaring its approval”
                                                                                           BEST                The Daily Mail

                                                                                            ALL MAJOR
                                                                                             AWA R D S
26                                                                                                                        KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK      27
and discuss upcoming events and ways to
                                                  engage schools and youth groups further.
                                                  We offer workshops and tours of the theatre
                                                  and we always welcome the opportunity to
                                                  discuss with you any requirements focussed
 Education                                        on education.
 The Kings Theatre has a vibrant community        For more information on education
 engagement programme. Our work within            opportunities, contact us at
 the education sector is especially exciting      education@kingsportsmouth.co.uk
 and we welcome the opportunity to work
 with schools in many capacities.

 We hold Education Focus Groups, an
 informal networking event for educators
 providing a chance to visit the theatre

 Community Engagement                             Sensory Story Telling (0 – 18 Months)
                                                  Tue 8 & Tue 2 Jan, Tue 5 & 19 February, Tue 5
 Heritage Volunteers                              & 19 March, Tue 2, 16 & 30 April, Tue 14 & 28                                             “Intriguing and Chilling.”
 Have you got an interest in theatre and local    May | 10:30am | £4                                                                                              Derbyshire Times
 history? Can you spare some regular time
 to support us researching and developing
                                                  Speak to the team on 02392 852 218
                                                  to find out more.
                                                                                                                                                           “A superb play.”
 our archive? Would you like to join a friendly                                                                                                               British Theatre Guide
 group who work on projects about the             For more information on community
 theatres history?                                opportunities including pricing, contact us
                                                                                                                                    Following a West End run in 2018 at the
 Access Focus Groups
                                                  at community@kingsportsmouth.co.uk
                                                                                                  Mindgame                          Ambassadors Theatre, Anthony Horowitz’s
 Our Access Focus Group meet at regular                                                                                             Mindgame will tour the UK in 2019.
 intervals throughout the year. It gives us a                                                     By Anthony Horowitz
                                                                                                                                    Mark Styler, a writer of glossy ‘true crime’
 chance to update you on planned access
                                                                                                  TUE 7 – SAT 11 MAY 7:30PM         paperbacks, has no idea what he’s walking
 improvements, events and activities. It also
                                                                                                                                    into when he tries to get an interview with
 gives you the chance to tell us what we can                                                      WED & SAT MAT 2:30PM
                                                                                                                                    Easterman, a notorious serial killer.
 do to improve your visit to the theatre.
                                                                                                                                    First he has to get past Dr Farquhar, the
 Talks                                                                                            Tickets:                          quixotic head of Fairfields – the asylum
 The Kings Theatre’s team have a range of                                                         £15 – £23 | Conc: £2 off          where Easterman is kept.
 talks from general interest to specialist that                                                                                     But soon he discovers that nothing is
 can be delivered to your group.                                                                                                    what it seems...
                                                                                                                                    Mindgame is a mind bending psychological
                                                                                                            SS                      thriller from the pen of Anthony Horowitz.

28                                                                                                                            BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK    29
Bootleg Beatles
     SUN 12 MAY | 7:30PM

     The world’s Premier Beatles tribute
     band returns to the Kings Theatre for
     an evening of witty ‘Scouse’ banter
     and ‘inflection perfect’ vocals. A
     not-to-be-missed event for Fab Four
     fans of all ages.

             £19.50 – £31.50 | Conc: £2 off

     The Tina Turner
     SUN 19 MAY | 7:30PM

     This concert style show features a
     completely live 10 piece band making
     this the only tribute show of its kind.
     Powerful vocals, backing singers and      New Jersey Nights                  A spectacular celebration of the music of
                                                                                  Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons which
     dancers make this show ‘Simply
                                                                                  takes the audience on a nostalgic musical
     the Best’.
                                               WED 15 – SAT 18 MAY 7:30PM         journey through the career of one of the
                                                                                  biggest selling groups of all time.
                                               SAT MAT 2:30PM
                                                                                  From the back street studio in New Jersey
                                                                                  where it all began, this vibrant production
                                               Tickets:                           includes all of The Four Seasons greatest
                                               £19.50 – £29.50 | Conc: £2 off     hits, including Sherry, Rag Doll, Big Girls
                                                                                  Don’t Cry, Walk Like A Man and many more.
            £18.50 – £22.50 | Conc: £2 off                                        The production features an award-winning
                                                          SS                      cast of singers, dancers and a rockin’ on
                                                                                  stage band.

30                                                                         BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK   31
     LIVE THEATRE       ALL PREVIOUS                                Dirty Dancing
       SENSATION        PRODUCTIONS’                                The Classic Story on Stage
                          NORTH WEST END, BLACKPOOL
                                                                    TUE 28 MAY – SAT 1 JUNE
                                                                    TUE – THU 7:30PM
                                                                    FRI 5PM & 8PM
                                                                    SAT 2:30PM & 8PM

                                                                    £14.75 – £60
                                                                    Conc: £5 off

                                                                    Dirty Dancing – The Classic Story on
                                                                    Stage is back, exploding with heart-
                                                                    pounding music, breath-taking emotion
                                                                    and sensationally sexy dancing. Seen by
                                                                    millions across the globe, this worldwide
                                                                    smash hit tells the classic story of Baby
                                                                    and Johnny, two fiercely independent
                                                                    young spirits from different worlds, who
                                                                    come together in what will be the most
                                                                    challenging and triumphant summer
                                                                    of their lives. Featuring the hit songs,
                                                                    including Hungry Eyes, Hey! Baby, Do
                                                                    You Love Me? and the heart-stopping
                                                                    (I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life.

                                                                    Don’t miss your chance to see this
                                                                    sensational new production.

                                                                    “THRILLING... It can’t
                                                                    fail to make you smile”
                                                                    The Argus, Brighton

32                                                    BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK    33
Coming Soon
The Beach Boys®                               One Night of Elvis                                       now
                                                                                               B o o k 01 8
                                                                                                  at 2 with
Tribute Show                                  Lee Memphis King                                 prices code
                                                                                               p romo
                                                                                                         O1 9
THU 23 MAY | 7:30PM                           FRI 24 MAY | 7:30PM
                                                                                                        ril 2
The Beach Boyz Tribute Band returns to        There are Elvis tributes... and then there’s         30 Ap

the Kings Theatre! Come join the fun and      Lee Memphis King. This new production is
ride the wave of adrenaline and nostalgia     dedicated entirely to the ‘Vegas Years’
that will sweep you from surf and sun to      when Elvis would perform in Las Vegas
hit after hit.                                and tour throughout the US and Canada.

      £23 | Conc: £2 off       SS                    £20 – £28 | Conc: £2 off     SS

                                                                                             Aladdin                         Join us in 2019 for a magical journey
                                                                                                                             aboard a flying carpet!
                                                                                             Christmas Pantomime 2019        Our panto is packed full of all the
Illegal Eagles                                The Little Mix Experience                                                      traditional ingredients plus a few modern
                                                                                                                             surprises. You’ll see Aladdin take to the
SAT 25 MAY | 7:30PM                           SUN 26 MAY | 6PM                               WED 11 DECEMBER 2019 –          skies right before your eyes on a
The World’s Official No.1 Eagles tribute                                                     SUN 5 JANUARY 2020
                                              This is a high-energy show from beginning                                      spectacular adventure full of excitement,
performs all the Eagles’ classics including   to end, packed with all of Little Mix’s                                        fun and love too.
Hotel California, Take it to the Limit,       greatest hits! Featuring songs such as                                         Expect laugh-out-loud comedy, a
Take It Easy, Lyin’ Eyes, Desperado,          Wings, Black Magic, Shout Out To My Ex                                         wishgranting genie, stunning scenery,
and many more!                                and many more. Suitable for all ages.                                          dazzling costumes, an evil sorcerer and
www.illegaleagles.com                                                                                                        a lamp-full of family fun for all the ages.
                                                                                                                             Booing is strictly allowed!
       £27.50 | conc: £2 off                         £17 | conc: £2 off   SS                             EB                  This promises to be our biggest, best
                                                                                                                             and funniest panto ever!

34                                                                                                                    BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK    35

Seating Plan                                                                                        UPPER CIRCLE LEFT

                                                                                                                                  G                   G
                                                                                                                                                          UPPER CIRCLE RIGHT                                                                                                GALLERY

                                                                                                                                  F                   F
                                                                                                                                  E                   E                                                                                                                  UPPER CIRCLE

                                                                                                                                  D                   D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SLIP                                     SLIP
                                                                                                                                  C                   C                                                                                                  SEATS           DRESS CIRCLE              SEATS

                                                                                                                                  B                   B
                                                                                                                                  A                   A                                                                                                                      STALLS

                                                                                               DRESS CIRCLE LEFT                                          DRESS CIRCLE RIGHT
                                                                                                                             E                            E                                                                                                                  STAGE
                                                                                                                             D                            D
                                                                                                                             C                            C                                                                                                                   blocked seats

                                                                                                                                      Centre aisle
                                                                                                                             B                            B
                                                                                                                             A                            A

                                                                                                              STALLS LEFT                                  STALLS RIGHT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Finding Us
                                      BOX B
                                                        V1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8    9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   V                   V    1     2   3    4  5 6 7   8 9 10 11 12 13 14                   15   16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BOX E
                                                                                                                                                                   Sound and      U22        U27   U28
                                      4 Seats       1   2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   U                   U    18   19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 24 28 29 30 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          25 26            4 Seats
                                                    1   2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   T                   T    18   19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30            31   32 33 34
                                      BOX A                                                                                                                                                                                                BOX D
                                      4 Seats
                                                    1   2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   S                   S    18   9    20   21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30            31   32 33 34
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4 Seats
Always check that                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Kings Theatre address
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   R                   R    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
the details on your
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   Q                   Q    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36                              is Kings Theatre, Albert Road,
tickets and note the
date and start time.
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   P                   P    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36                                  Portsmouth, PO5 2QJ and
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   O                   O    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the Box Office number is
Please see the full terms                       1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   N                   N    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
and conditions and booking                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      023 9282 8282.
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   M                   M    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
information on the Kings
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   L                   L    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
Theatre website.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        By Road:
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   K                   K    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
By purchasing a ticket,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Kings Theatre is less than 5 miles from
                                                1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   J                   J    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
you agree to these terms.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the M27 and A27 with several routes through
                                                    2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   H                   H    19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30           31    32 33 34 35 36
For more information, please call                       2    3   4   5   6   7   8   9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   G                   G    18   19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30            31   32 33 34                                            Portsmouth available.
the Box Office on 023 9282 8282                                  3   4   5   6   7   8    9    10   11   12   13   14   15   16   F                   F    17   18   19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
or visit the website                                             2   3   4   5   6   7    8    9    10   11   12   13   14   15   E                   E    16   17   18   19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
www.kingsportsmouth.co.uk.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Car parking is available at Waitrose on Marmion
                                                                     1   2   3   4   5    6    7    8    9    10   11   12   13   D                   D    14   15   16   17   18   19 20     21   22 23 24 25 26
All tickets are non-refundable                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Road (PO5 2EJ). Charges may apply and please
                                                                                 2   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11   C                   C    12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19 20   21
and cannot be exchanged.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ensure you check all parking notices.
                                                                                 2   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11   B                   B    12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19 20   21

All details are correct at the time of going                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          By Water:
to print. Times, prices, casting information                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Services operate from Gosport and the
and other factors may change due to                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Isle of Wight to Portsmouth. Bus connections
unavoidable cause.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           from The Hard Interchange are available.
The Box Office is open 10am – 6pm
Monday – Saturday.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       By Rail:
For all access queries, please call
the Box Office on 023 9282 8282.
                                                                                                                                      Stage                                                                                              The Kings Theatre is approximately a 20-minute walk from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           either Fratton or Portsmouth and Southsea train station.
                                                                                                                                                                               UPPER CIRCLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          By Bus:
Booking Info                                                                                                                                          SLIP
                                                                                                                                                     SEATS                     DRESS CIRCLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SLIP There is a bus stop immediately outside the Kings Theatre on Albert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SEATS    Road. There is a frequent timetable from The Hard Interchange.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK             37
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38                                                                                                                                         BOX OFFICE: 023 9282 8282 | KINGSPORTSMOUTH.CO.UK   39
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