THE COMING 3RD TEMPLE - TYPOLOGY OF MERCURY'S RETROGRADE Celestial Signs related to Israel & the coming NWO Year of Light 5776 -

Page created by Charlie Cummings
Celestial Signs related to Israel & the coming NWO Year of Light 5776

by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustration in chart section

‘Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the
dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in
heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan,
who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the Earth, and his angels (i.e.
messengers as in Mercury) with him. – Revelation 12:7

The purpose of this study is to correlate several layers of symbolism with historical and
geometric sacred geometry to possibly obtain clues as to when the possible 3rd Temple
is to be built that will coincide with the revelation of the AntiChrist. This study seeks to
understanding when the AntiChrist might possibly manifest himself to the world as a
’savior’ then sometime thereafter set himself up to be worshipped as ‘God’. Most, if not
all of his dealings will be directly related to the rebuilt Temple. This study suggests that
based on the retrograde of Mercury, an event dealing with the 3rd Temple is for such a
sign that as Mercury will descend down the pyramid of Taurus astronomically.

So too the AntiChrist as a type will be descending to initiate the literal Temple as if
where the un-finished pyramid of the Mason’s emblem. It is speculated that this 3rd
Temple is to begin perhaps in 2015/16 (5776). A primary source will be used from the
research and work of David Flynn. He had a unique study regarding the 1st Temple
build by Solomon and found that it was associated with the sacred geometry of the
Great Pyramid of Giza. According to his calculations, the year 2016 has to do with a
fulfillment regarding the 3rd Temple.

He also correlates the Masonic unfinished pyramid Reverse Seal of the USA to
calculate the start of this Secret Society’s endeavor based on the levels depicted.
Based off of Flynn’s theory, using his time template from 962 BC, one does in fact reach
the ‘All Seeing Eye’ in 2015 that could be a clue or prelude as depicted in the retrograde
of Mercury that occurs dead center on the Summer Solstice in-between the 3rd and 4th
Blood Moons of the Tetrad. This celestial phenomenon precisely occurs on July, 2015
when the ‘Eye of Lucifer’ is astronomically attained in the Heavens as depicted rising to
the ‘apex’ within the Horns of Taurus.

The Temple for the Shining One
Will this ‘event’ initiate the protocols for the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple that once stood
on Solomon's Temple Mount? Will a geo-political event facilitated such an undertaking?
The 1st Temple of the GOD of Israel was erected by King Solomon, son of King David.
It took 7 Years to complete starting in 969 BC by some estimation. The Temple was
dedicated on 962 BC. These dates are in dispute as there are other possible dates that
have been postulated. There are several entities that have a direct interest and have a
hand in seeing that the 3rd Temple is rebuilt. The Orthodox Jews of Israel, the Vatican,
the Masons and Lucifer himself are among the primary groups. This will be the ’Last’
Temple before the Millennial Reign of Christ where Lucifer will pronounce himself ‘God’
and will seek compulsory worship and loyalty on all levels during the Tribulation period.

If this is the case as some interpret the Bible, then metaphorically, the AntiChrist will be
the ’head’ or the ’Cap Stone’ of the New World Order. Perhaps this will happen as the
calculations suggest in the Jewish Year 5776 = 2015/2016. According to Flynn’s
conclusions, the Masons and such like the Illuminati have incorporated the Great
Pyramid’s geometry into their timetable that is needed to complete their work. A 7 year
countdown began in 2009 as was the Temple of Solomon built in 7 years. In
Freemasonry, 1776 AD was the ‘Year of Light’ as 5776 will be as this study suggests
will correlated to the Jubilee.

The Great Pyramid of Giza, according to Flynn is from where the Masons derived their
time schedule for the 3rd Temple. The Great Pyramid is 481 feet tall with the Cap Stone
or 5776 inches. The Great Pyramid’s perimeter is 3022 ft which equals the years from
962 BC to 2016 AD. Again of great significance is that the year 2016 is 5776 in the
Jewish calendar. There are 3022 Biblical years of 360 days that equal 2978 years.
There are 2978 years from Solomon’s dedication of Temple in 962/1 BC to 2016. The
following are some Calculations of the Great Pyramid pattern.

481 feet radius x 2
= 962 ft. diameter

962 ft. diameter x Pi (3.14…)
= 3022 ft. circumference

From Base of Great Pyramid to include the Cap Stone
= 5776 inches
or 481 feet

243 Years since 1776 Conjunction with Jupiter-Venus-Pleiades

From 1776 Base Year
=19.48 X 12 Steps
= 233 Years

233 Years + 1776 =
2009 + 7 years = 2015

3022 Great Pyramid circumference x 360 Biblical Years
= 1087920 days / 364 Solar Years
= 2980.6 years - 963 (Dedication of Solomon’s Temple)
= 2017.6 or 2018 (midpoint of Tribulation?)

The Rise of the AntiChrist
The Bible tells the possible season regarding the timing of the Rise of the AntiChrist. It
would be in the ‘time’ when the Restrainer –the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way
to then have revealed to the world who the AntiChrist really will be. This study suggests
that the Rapture could very well coincide with this season that could be the Jubilee Year
of Yom Kippur 2015. This would coincide with the revealing of the AntiChrist soon
thereafter. Nonetheless the ‘Great Work’ of Lucifer‘s secret religious orders such as the
Masons seek to prepare the world for the descent of their Master Lucifer because they
too know and realize that the Rapture is to occur that will facilitate their grand finale.
Their ultimate prize is to secure the Temple in Jerusalem and usher in their New World
Order or evil Empire. They accomplish this endeavor through the control and/or
manipulation of world governments, economy, religions etc., to prepare the world for
their false ’Christ’.

As Lucifer will mimic the true Christ, Jesus, the AntiChrist will undergo a false death and
resurrection to deceive the world into believing his divine credentials. This is alluding to
the “Lie” that the Bible speaks about in part; that will be promulgated by his New World
Order media outlets. As far as the celestial depiction of Lucifer’s Eye, during the
retrograde of Mercury, the planet traverses up the ‘pyramid’ made up of the 2 Horns of
Taurus to become the apex in the ‘pyramid’ due to its retrograde motion within the
horns. A retrograde means it appears to go ‘backwards’ in motion. The retrogrades of
Mercury occur in a celestial pattern as it travels around the Zodiac. What is spectacular
about this retrograde is its time and place. The retrograde of Mercury depicting the ‘All
Seeing Eye of Lucifer’ at the top of the pyramid is as the emblem used in the adoration
of Lucifer by the secret societies and Synagogues of Satan symbol of the un-finished
pyramid, 1776.

The Retrograde of Mercury
The point is that the retrograde of Mercury occurs on the Summer Solstices in July and
perhaps has obvious connotations to the end of the current ‘Phoenix’, the USA’ Old
Order that has to be destroyed to usher in the New Order. The Capstone is about
initiating the New Order. Mercury will astronomically be the Capstone set on top of the
pyramid of Taurus completing its construction. If such imagery is valid and coinciding to
events to unfold on Earth, then it will be a momentous milestone in history. Will this be
the time that the AntiChrist is to be revealed? Or the Rapture of the Christian Church is
to take place or some pending judgment? According to the work and research of E.W.
Bullinger, Taurus represents the fierce wrath of the Judge to come against Orion, the
Light Bearer.

Here is also seen the dualism of the symbology. For Christians, Orion is Jesus Christ
taking the Wrath of the Judge at the Cross. In Taurus, there are the Pleiades, the 7
Sisters that represent the 7-fold Churches of Asia and Ages until the Resurrection and
Rapture of the Bride. Bullinger stipulates that these Churches are covered or shielded
from the Wrath that is to be executed against Lucifer and the world for their sin and
iniquity. Thus Taurus can be seen as a ‘tabernacle’ or a house or a ‘temple’ that in
Psalm 27 GOD promises His own to be ushered into a Pavilion for a ‘little while’ until the
time of the indignation passes.

It is a type, celestially of how GOD put Moses in the hollow of the Rock as the Glory
passed and the LORD and pronounced a judgment. He proclaimed, ‘The LORD is
merciful, slow to anger’, etc. Thus, when the Wrath of the Lamb and of GOD is to be
poured at some time during the Tribulation, the Church will be ushered up or Raptured
to the Celestial Pavilion or Temple to be shielded of the Seal Judgments according to
some interpretations of the Book of Revelation chapter 4. Such heavenly signs as the
retrograde of Mercury at this specific time and place may have a bearing on when the
3rd Temple might be signaled to commence its construction.

The celestial sign is not insinuating that it has to commence that very time period but
that perhaps it’s an imminent sign that it will be perhaps tied to the Jubilee Year
proclamation of Yom Kippur 2015. If it is based on the liberation of Jerusalem in 1967,
then 5776 could very well correspond to the Masonic Year of Light that parallels the
1776 foundation of America in ‘liberty’ and freedom. Ironically it will be the law of
opposites for America to go into bondage and captivity for its sins. The major celestial
occurrences for 2015 are as follows: 2 solar eclipses, the 3rd and 4th total Blood Moons
of the Tetrad, 3 main planetary conjunctions, the Book of Revelation 12 Woman with
Sun and Moon imagery and Retrograde of Mercury.

This study foremost seeks to show and examine the timing of the prominent retrograde
of Mercury that occurs dead-center in 2015 and in-between the 3rd and 4th Blood Moons
of the 2014-15 Tetrad. In the years spanning from 2002-2022, there has not been such
a retrograde of Mercury occur precisely in Taurus’ Hyades pyramid or V-shaped region
and in-between 2 Total Blood Moons. The Retrograde of Mercury that this study
suggests is a metaphorical type of Lucifer’s AntiChrist coming down will take about 4
weeks to complete but will culminate at the ‘base’ of the ‘celestial pyramid’ in the
constellation of Taurus on the Summer Solstice, June 22, 2015.

To reiterate, the retrograde of Mercury that occurs from May 18, 2015 to Jun 11, 2015 is
very unique. This is when, if you will metaphorically, Mercury descends as the
‘Capstone’ to complete the ’Great Temple’ or ‘Triangle’ of the Hyades in Taurus. The
head of Taurus has the 7-Sisters V-shaped Hyades. On the Summer Solstice, June 22,
2015 the Retrograde of Mercury will also be in conjunction to the star Aldebaran, which
is the Left ‘All-Seeing Eye’ in Taurus’ head.

Confirming the Covenant
The theory presented in this study only suggests that the Mercury retrograde typology
could allude to a ‘type and shadow’ of the truncated New World Order ‘Capstone’
descending down to complete the ‘Pyramid’ or a Masonic Temple of a ‘Solomon’ that
could be inferring to the Jewish 3rd Temple. This time is linked, in part to the Peace
Initiatives being pushed through specifically since the Oslo Accords. Such could see a
land for peace initiative be incorporated for the 3rd Temple to be built. This ‘Road Map to
Peace’ could thus be the pending ’Confirming of the Covenant’ 7 year Peace Treaty
with Israel. This study only is suggesting that such a Covenant could coincide with the
Jubilee Year Proclamation of ‘Liberty’ in 2015.

This ‘Confirming’ would be amongst Israel, the ‘Many’ –as in possibly the US, EU, UN
and the Mediterranean Union perhaps and the AntiChrist, that would have been
revealed by that time. This ‘Confirming of the Covenant’ might well be the culmination
of the Madrid and Oslo Peace Accords or it could be a totally different acquisition based
on a new political paradigm due to the ‘Sudden Destruction’ event that will require a
whole new framework and political/religious point of reference for Israel in relation to its
surrounding Muslim neighbors. This ‘Confirming’ is referred to in the Bible as the
‘Covenant with Death’ by the LORD. It is stated in Isaiah 28:18 that the nation of Israel
will make with the ‘he’ primarily, that being the AntiChrist.

On an aside note, IF the AntiChrist will be posing as the true Messiah, then he will try to
mimic Jesus Christ down to the very age as well. For the purposes of this study, it is
assumed that Jesus Christ started His ministry at age 30 and thereafter died before He
reached the age of 33. Thus IF 2015 is the year that the AntiChrist is to come onto the
world stage and launch his ‘ministry’, the AntiChrist will thus also be around 30 years of
age. This would mean that the AntiChrist was born during the early 1980s; of course
this is pure conjecture. If this scenario holds, then it will be about 3 years later -around
2018, at age 32 or 33 as in the Freemasonic 33rd degree when this false ‘Messiah’
would proclaim himself ‘King’ and ‘Messiah’ to national Israel in the Holy of Holies of the
3rd Jewish Temple as he ‘sits’ on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant. This
specific event occurs at the beginning of the last 42 months of total power giving over to
the AntiChrist.

This in itself would also lend credence to the speculation that 2018 will be the ‘midst’ of
the Tribulation period when he orders the Daily Sacrifices to cease and begins the ‘reign
of terror’ against Israel and the world at large. National Israel will seek an alliance with a
false ‘Messiah’ that will promise and guarantee a true ‘Peace and Safety’ after the
possible ‘Sudden Destruction’ scenario that occurred instead of a peace accord
between Israel and the Muslims. Instead of ‘Peace and Safety’, it will be a Sudden
Destruction as foretold in the Bible. This will be when the surrounding Muslim nations
turn their Satanic rage and hate toward Israel as the Psalm 83 depicts will happen at
some point perhaps tied to this convergence of prophecy around the Jubilee Year.
National Israel has always had and –as in ancient times, relied more on a strong worldly
leader-King or an empire for ‘Peace and Safety’. Israel will learn the hard way because
it hardly ever sought the LORD with few exceptions as recorded in the Bible; it will pay a
high price during a coming future ‘Time of Jacob’s Troubles’.

The only true Biblical ‘Peace and Security’ will come to Israel when as a nation, Israel
will seek their LORD and True Messiah Jesus Christ with all their soul, mind and
strength. Christ Jesus stated that He would reveal Himself to national Israel only after
they would be able to say to Jesus Christ, ‘Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the
LORD”. This assertion predisposes that in fact, one day, national Israel will do such
that. For Israel, to get there, she will have to go through the Tribulation period. It is what
it will take, a ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ to get Israel to where they will finally ‘see Him
whom they have pierced’. Perhaps when national Israel will realize that they have been
double-crossed by the false Messiah AntiChrist and is seeking to destroy them that it
will be the time when Israel is ‘cornered’ sort of speak, on the verge of genocide once
again due to its Masonic leaders, that they truly will sincerely cry out to Jesus and say
‘Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the LORD’.

Peace and Security
Until that day, National Israel will be disposed and/or forced to divide its land for such
illusive promises of ‘Peace and Safety’ with the surrounding sea of Muslims bent on its
destruction. The ratification of this ‘Covenant’ will most likely initially set the stage for a
division of the land of Israel to accommodate a Palestinian state. This commencement
could be as the direct result of a Secretary of State, U.S. President or U.S. led Peace
Initiative that will ‘confirm’ the Oslo Peace Accord ‘Roadmap to Peace’ which is
stipulated to be land for peace all along.

To reiterate, the Bible prophesizes that a ‘Sudden Destruction’ will instead come upon
the Muslims due to the possible double-cross by them going up against Israel as they
amass an orchestrated attack that could be possibly the Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 event.
This attack on Israel might occur when such talks of ‘Peace and Security’ are
culminating. As the wars of intrusion rages on and idle East spirals out of control and as
other Muslim nations surrounding Israel become unstable, it would be a ‘perfect storm’
to divert Muslim internal strife towards Israel as an outlet.

The Mark of the Beast
This is exactly what the Masonic plan has been all along to initiate their last Luciferian
Empire. Perhaps the retrograde of Mercury is possibly insinuating, the coming of
‘Mercury’, the Messenger of God, aka, the AntiChrist that will make it so. How this New
Masonic Order might need to come about is through their manipulation of its fiat money
system that will initiate a collapse and thus a need for a new worldwide economic reset.
Mercury is associated with the god of commerce, money and medicine…so perhaps the
Mercury retrograde is also heralding a time when the current world currency is to
collapse around the fall of 2015 that coincidentally will see the 3rd and final Shmitah 7
year cycle comes to an end on Rosh HaShana. Thus there will be a need for a ‘New
World Order’ economic reset and currency to replace the old Order.

Perhaps as their new monetary system might be solely digital, the ’Mark of the Beast’ is
what will enable the world to buy and sell in the new world economy to come; it will be
required and mandatory. The refusal to participate in this new world economy will be
capital punishment eventually. As Mercury is also the ‘god’ of medicine, perhaps the
implants/chipping that has been introduced by stealth so far throughout the world will be
required to go hand in hand with the monetary system and the nationalized medical
health care systems as an overall coming Masonic spider web grid. The Caduceus that
Mercury holds in his hand is the symbol of a ‘Herald’ being announced and of the
Medical profession as it looks like a DNA strand.

What worries many is that such chipping or ‘Mark’ will lead to Trans-Humanism at some
point and to some extent. Such chipping is speculated to possibly alter the DNA code of
humans who receive it. As it is human genetic experimentation with cross species has
been occurring since the times of Noah. Such a new technological biometric
manipulation is now possible. Current science can alter a human’s DNA; why not have it
also function as the new digital currency to buy and sell and track a person by way of
GPS 24/7. Through some type of technology, perhaps even introduced by the Fallen
Angels, aka ‘Aliens’, the lie will be that such new technology would help Humanity’s
evolutionary journey to take a ‘great leap forward’. Such benefits could include a
possible extension of life or cures for terminal ailments and orchestrated plagues for

Nonetheless such new technologies would render those that take the ‘Mark’ no longer
100% human and therefore unredeemable for salvation as offered and stipulated only
by Jesus Christ. If in fact the retrograde of Mercury, god of money is the astronomical
‘metaphor’ for the descending of the AntiChrist’ to initiate the ’temple’ and set up this
monetary digital biometric ‘Mark’ to the world, then the typology would fit the research of
J. Cahn’s, The Harbinger in that 2015 would coincide with the final 7-Year monetary
cycle that is designed to implode the world economy to prepare it for the new digital
implanted biometric currency of the New World Order. These assertions are based on
the prior economic collapse cycles of 7-years; most notably in 2001 and 2008. As
Mercury is the ‘messenger’ of the gods’, the retrograde of Mercury could be a type of
the ‘angel of the gods’ aka Lucifer... about to be revealed.

Thus the year 2015 could see the convergence of many prophetic key elements played
out; among those, the possibility of the so called ‘Alien Disclosure’ many are anticipating
will come to pass during this very same time-frame due to the Rapture of the Bride of
Christ in which millions will just plainly vanish without a trace. Interestingly,
astronomically the Sun on the Summer Solstice June, 21/22, 2015 will light up as the
‘Torch’ of Orion’s left hand much like the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Thus,
assuming that the Rapture has occurred at some time prior to a ‘Confirming of the
Covenant’, the retrograde of Mercury in 2015 that occurs in-between the 2 last Total
Lunar Blood Moons of the Tetrad could then possibly allude to what is to happen during
the Tribulation period as the Rapture would also leave a religious vacuum:

1) The dedication of the 3rd Temple as sacrifices begins under auspices of AntiChrist.
2) The Alien Disclosure ‘Great Deception’ explains the Rapture.
3) Compulsory ‘Mark’ for new world biometric currency as new commerce begins.
4) War in Heaven ensues as the Church of Christ occupies the thrones of the Principalities.
5) AntiChrist (type of Mercury) or awaited Messiah is worshipped as religious system is set up.

These scenarios would also support the notion that the Rapture has occurred prior to
the War in Heaven at which time thereafter, Lucifer is cast down to the Earth. To some
who study End Times, this event of Lucifer being cast out literally might coincide with
the Virgo sign of 2017 and could put the event to occur the subsequent year in 2018.
Realize that as a sign is given, it does not predicate the event there and then but casts
a shadow in time. It may be the case that once the Rapture occurs and the Bride of
Christ is removed from Earth, it will coincide with the economic implosion and need for a
New World Order led by their long awaited ‘Messiah’ Prince that is expected will
accompany the new rebuilt Jewish 3rd Temple of ‘Light’ for the ‘Illuminated One’ that
coincides with the Year of Light, 5776. The Temple will only be a pretext to eventually
draw worship away from YHVH toward the AntiChrist.

The Temple of ‘Light’?
The possible location and/or placement of the 3rd Temple -as per some research
suggest that the Holy of Holies lies square over the Dome of the Spirits on the Temple
Mount. It would place it also directly in line with the Golden Gate on the west side facing
the Mount of Olives. According to Jewish oral tradition, the Messiah is to come through
the Golden Gate per Zechariah to save the city when such a time is that ‘Jerusalem is
surrounded by armies’. A Muslim cemetery is currently placed in front of the Gate so as
to defile any Jewish ‘High Priest’ as the Messiah would have to walk through a cemetery
and touch dead bodies.

This defilement would make a Priest ceremonially unclean and thus unfit for His Priestly
Service in the Temple. Based on Christian understanding of theology, Jesus Christ is
currently operating as the ‘Advocate’ or High Priest before the Judicial Throne of the
LORD. It will be at His 2nd Coming that He will come as the KING. So no ceremonial
laws will be broken once Jesus’ foot touches down on the Mt. of Olives as Zechariah 14
states that therein will walk through the Golden Gate or East Gate. Currently, it is lined
up and stacked with Muslims buried to impede the Jewish Messiah from coming into the
Jerusalem because doing so would defile Him ceremoniously and disqualify Him from
operating in the Office of Messiahship.

The Solution? It will be at this time when Jesus splits open the valley below in 2 with an
earthquake to remove such cemeteries out of the way. He thereafter will walk into the
Temple Mount through the Golden Gate. As to what Feast this will correlate to? Rosh
HaShana, Yom Kippur or Tabernacles? That is for another study. Until that day,
according to the research of the late David Flynn, the Illuminati Masons nonetheless
have incorporated the Great Pyramid’s sacred geometry into their diabolical plans to
build Lucifer a ‘Temple of Light’.

They want Lucifer enthroned to rule all of humanity which basically means enslavement.
Lucifer and his Fallen Angels have been preparing for this time since even before
mankind came on the scene but in every generation Lucifer has had his human agents,
his Builders and Elders infiltrate the media, education, commerce, governments,
military, etc. for such purposes. At the core of their false Masonic religion is their
worship of their fallen ‘Mercury’, Lucifer. They have joined in allegiance to Satan, the
one in the same ‘dragon’ that ‘accuses the Brethren’ and is at war with that is at war
with Heaven i.e. the LORD Creator YHWH and the Church, the true ‘Temple of Light’.
What they have embarked on is an all-out war against Heaven as Revelation 12:7

What is needed to complete their ‘Great Work’, at least on Earth since they cannot
accomplish it in Heaven is to build their Lucifer the Holy of Holies and enthrone him as
‘Messiah’ there and then, in the 3rd rebuild Temple. This Temple will be usurped by the
Masons as they had done in the 1st and 2nd Temples of YHVH. The 3rd Temple has to
be a Temple of ‘Light’ for their Masonic lord of lords and kings of kings. Evidently the
Supreme G, God of the Masons is not Jesus Christ but Lucifer, Baphomet, etc. What
they perceive to build for Lucifer is not a true Temple that is to be a ‘House of Prayer’ for
all Nations’, a true light and beacon of hope and salvation but a house of horror,
darkness and death; a Mason Temple of Doom.

To reiterate, according to Flynn’s research, the last 7 year of countdown preparations to
the 3rd Temple by such entities began in 2009 –mirroring the time it took for the Temple
of Solomon to be build, which took 7 years. He identified that in Freemasonry, 1776 was
the ‘Year of Light ‘ as 5776 will be as well and is calculated to be the year the 3 rd
Temple is to be started in 2015. This will occur in the fall during Yom Kippur 2015 when
the Year of Jubilee is to be proclaimed as the Jewish civil year clocks-over to 5776 in
Rosh HaShana. It is the same concept as it was for the ‘Year of Liberty’ in 1776 for the
USA. His calculations are as follows.

There are 12 steps to the New World Order truncated or unfinished pyramid Masonic
log. Once they have finished the ‘Great Work’ or 3rd Temple, the ‘All Seeing Eye’ of
Lucifer will then come down to dwell in it. Each step or level of the pyramid is calculated
to be 19.48 years. If one multiplies that value by 12 steps, the result will be 233 years.
Thus the follow equation.

1776 + 233 years = 2009 + 7 years = 2006 (5776)

This is where the 7 year duration will be the countdown to the event dealing with the
Temple; mainly 5776 or on Rosh HaShana 2015 when the Jewish civil calendar turns to
5776 and is considered by many to then be followed by the last prophetic Jubilee Year
as it could very well correspond to Yom Kippur on September 22, 2015. Furthermore,
the Great Pyramid is 481 feet tall with Cap Stone or 5776 inches. The Great Pyramid’s
perimeter is 3022 ft which equals the years from 962 BC to 2016. The year 962/1 BC is
the year Solomon dedicated the 2nd Temple, according to Flynn’s research. Some
suggest that the Temple will require 18 months from the time of construction to the
completion, due to ceremonial laws and requirements as with the consecration needed
of the Red Heifer, etc. Very interesting is how this 18 month numerical value has a deep
meaning. In esoteric terms, this number can be broken down to its common
denominator which is 6 as in 6-6-6.

18 month construction duration = 6   +6+6

Currently, Israel is in talks with the Muslims off and on and all are extolling ‘Peace and
Security’ but a ‘Sudden Destruction’ is Biblically prophesied to instead occur due to an
orchestrated attack on Israel, i.e., Psalm 83 war. So perhaps after this scenario, it will
allow Israel a time and opportunity to actually realize their 3rd Temple.

Planetary Conjunctions for 2015
The time subsequently following the 2014-15 Tetrad period could be the time that this
‘Sudden Destruction’ could happen. This could be World War 3 as disclosed by Mason
Albert Pike that very well may constitute the Psalm 83 Muslim coordinated attack on
Israel. From the Fall Jewish Feasts of 2015 there could be that 18 months period of time
from this ‘Sudden Destruction’ IF that would occur sometime in 2015. By some
accounts, IF in fact the 3rd Temple has to take 18 months to build, from the March 20,
2015 total solar eclipse + ~18 months would coincide with the Spring Jewish Feast of
Passover 2016.

Thus this time frame could correspond to either the start or the Dedication of the 3rd
Temple and/or start of animal sacrifices. What also appears to be peculiar about 2015 is
that the year is book-ended by the conjunction of Venus and Mars. On 2 occasions, the
Venus-Mars planetary conjunction occurs at the beginning and one at the end of the
year. To get a sense of the conjunction symmetry and timing, from the first Venus-Mars
conjunction to the 3rd Blood Moon of the Tetrad of April 4, 2015 is 40 days. From the 4 th
Blood Moon on September 28 to the Venus-Mars and Jupiter conjunction on Oct 28,
2015 is 30 days.

-Venus-Mars Conjunction Feb 22
-Venus-Jupiter Conjunction Oct 26
-Venus-Jupiter-Mars Conjunction Oct 28
-Venus-Moon Conjunction Dec 7 (start of Hanukah)

From Earth’s Perspective, there will be another amazing sign dealing the ‘god
messenger’ Mercury. The Transit of Mercury will take place on May 9, 2016 at 6am
MDT to last around 12:20pm or ~6 hours. This is not to be confused with the Retrograde
of Mercury in 2015. The Retrograde of Mercury is exactly 3 years from the Transit of
Venus that occurred in June 5/6th of 2012 that also occurred in Taurus and depicted the
same typology of the ‘truncated pyramid’ being completed. Planet Mercury has an 88
day rotation around the Sun, attributed to the mythical ‘Mercury’ with wings. As
mentioned before, the retrograde of Mercury occurs approximately every 3-4 times
during a year and takes about 4 weeks to complete.

In the years spanning from 2002-2022, there has not been such a Retrograde of
Mercury occur precisely in Taurus’ Hyades pyramid or V-shaped region and in between
2 Total Blood Moons. Thus this particular retrograde might be extremely significant. The
Retrograde will culminate at the ‘base’ of the ‘celestial pyramid’ in the constellation of
Taurus on the Summer Solstice of June 22, 2015. The following listing by years will
show that only in 2015 does the Retrograde of Mercury occur in the Pyramid of Taurus
and in-between 2 Total Blood Moons. The following is a table showing the various date
and times of the retrograde of Mercury.

Feb 06 2014 to Feb 28 2014
Jun 07 2014 to Jul 01 2014
Oct 04 2014 to Oct 25 2014
Jan 21 2015 to Feb 11 2015
May 18 2015 to Jun 11 2015 (Passes through ‘celestial pyramid’ in Taurus, JUN 22 at base
on Summer Solstice.)
Sep 17 2015 to Oct 09 2015
Jan 05 2016 to Jan 25 2016
Apr 28 2016 to May 22 2016
Aug 30 2016 to Sep 21 2016
Dec 19 2016 to Jan 08 2017

Apr 09 2017 to May 03 2017
Aug 12 2017 to Sep 05 2017
Dec 02 2017 to Dec 22 2017

Mar 22 2018 to Apr 15 2018
Jul 25 2018 to Aug 18 2018
Nov 16 2018 to Dec 06 2018

Mar 05 2019 to Mar 28 2019
Jul 07 2019 to Jul 31 2019
Oct 31 2019 to Nov 20 2019

Feb 16 2020 to Mar 09 2020
Jun 17 2020 to Jul 12 2020
Oct 13 2020 to Nov 3 2020

Jan 30 2021 to Feb 20 2021
May 29 2021 to Jun 22 2021
Sep 26 2021 to Oct 18 2021

Jan 14 2022 to Feb 03 2022
May 10 2022 to Jun 03 2022
Sep 09 2022 to Oct 02 2022
Dec 29 2022 to Jan 18 2023

Some Mathematical Date Calculations & Associations
-Pesach APR 04, 2015 Blood Moon to Solstice JUN 22 = 80 DAYS
-Solstice JUN 22 , 2015 to Rosh HaShana OCT 13, 2015 Blood Moon = 83 DAYS
-Or 164 Days total, can also be factored as = 54+54+54 (5+4) (5+4) (5+4) or a 9-9-9 pattern
-Solstice JUN 22, 2015 to 9th of Av, 2015 = 33 DAYS
-Pentecost May 23, 2015 to Solstice JUN 22 = 30 DAYS
-From March 20, 2015 solar eclipse on Jewish Religious New Year to Sep 13, 2015 partial Solar
Eclipse on Jewish Rosh HaShana Civil New Year = 176 Days or 88 + 88 Days. This 88 Day
count is same time Mercury revolves around Sun.

War in the Heavenlies
As it has been noted, the particular timing and place this Mercury retrograde
phenomenon in Taurus and in-between the 2 Blood Moons of the Tetrad of 2015 is very
unique. It could perhaps infer metaphorically to the time when Lucifer’s AntiChrist, aka
‘messenger’ as in Mercury is to come down. Others may see it as the time when the
‘Aliens’ that so many are expecting, will be disclosed worldwide. According to
Revelation 12:7 imagery, such a scenario would be after the War in Heaven but NOT
before the ‘Sign’ of the Woman in travail gives birth to the Man-Child, i.e. the Rapture of
the Bride of Christ from the Earth. On September 16, 2015, right in-between Rosh
HaShana and Yom Kippur, a Revelation 12 Woman clothed with Sun at head and Moon
at feet will appear. The next closest configuration of this type in Virgo occurs in 2017 at
which time many believe Israel flees to the wilderness of Petra due to the War in
Heaven where thereafter Lucifer and his Fallen Angels are expelled to Earth.

This is assuming a chronological order. But IF in one sense, the Believers or Church of
Christ is that ‘Man-Child’ that has been caught up per Revelation 12:5… then indeed the
Rapture of the Church occurs…BEFORE the casting down of Lucifer. IF the Rapture
coincides with the Year of Liberty, of Release, that is Yom Kippur or just before, this will
also possibly coincide with the AntiChrist explaining away the Rapture with the ‘Great
Lie’ as foretold in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-17. Perhaps at this time is when the ‘Alien
Disclosure’ will be given as an explanation to the Rapture or that it might have been due
to Alien abductions or plagues, etc. This will be an attempt to also explain Lucifer’s
expulsion from Heaven. This lie would attack the credibility of the Gospel as the
AntiChrist will seek to infuse his own Masonic ‘gospel’ in that Jesus was not GOD the
SON or the Creator that died for the redemption of Humanity.

This study suggests that the Rapture precedes the casting down of Lucifer from the
legal access he currently has as the ‘Accuser of the Brethren’ before the very Judicial
Throne Room of the LORD as Revelation 12:10 depicts. It is very interesting how
Revelation 12 has a wealth of meaning and how a Rapture, Israel, Lucifer and War in
Heaven are ALL linked to each other in the same breath and thought. Again these
scenarios are according to how some interpret such Scripture verses. Thus
metaphorically, the retrograde of Mercury is perhaps giving an astronomical clue or
‘picture’ of what is to occur shortly after the Rapture or leading up to it that prophetic
event. But according to Revelation, the casting down of Lucifer could coincide with the
normal operational Daily Sacrifices of the 3rd Jewish Temple being halted.

Despite all these possible sequence of prophetic events the world will be anticipating
the long awaited arrival of the ‘Illuminated One’ or false ‘Messiah’ of the Masons that
Israel will accept and the whole occultic world has long been waiting for; just in time to
save the world from economic collapse and global nuclear war. If one follows the
Revelation 12 imagery chronologically, it would stand to reason deductively, that the
Woman as a type of Israel, births a Man-Child that on one level of Biblical interpretation.
This could allude to the Church Believers being ‘caught’ up or Raptured up while the
‘Woman’ aka National Israel, remains on Earth but is protected for 1260 days in the
Wilderness to experience the ‘Time of Jacob’s Troubles’. There are multitudes of
deferring interpretation to this Revelation 12 heavenly sign as such a scenario could
possibly place the Rapture of the Church at the mid-point of the 7-year time span.

This is also assuming one subscribes to the pre-Tribulation or pre-Wrath scenarios of
the Rapture. Perhaps the time frame between 2015 or 2016 will see the start the 7 Year
Tribulation period based on the ‘Confirming of the Covenant’ but not before the Body of
Christ goes up where thereafter Lucifer and his ‘messengers’ are cast down but not at
that precise time. The casting down of Lucifer could be at the end of the judicial review
of the Bride in the Heavenly courts that with Jesus Christ initiate the breaking the 7-7-7
fold Seal judgments. This time period also could possibly be related then to a time when
the revealing of the AntiChrist will occur as the ‘Restrainer’ will be taken out. The actual
literal casting out of Lucifer and his Fallen Angels from Heaven may not occur until 2018
that astronomically correlates to the Virgo 12 sign and perhaps the middle of the
Tribulation period.

Realize that when the Rapture occurs and all the ‘Dead in Christ’ and ‘those that remain
alive’ will at that moment be fully gloried, sinless and incorruptible. Thereafter there will
be an evaluation of the LORD Himself called the Bema Seat of Christ. This study
suggests that there will be also a need for the judicial review or accusation by Satan of
the Bride. In essence the Church like Christ has needed to go through several trials as
Jesus did before His crucifixion but not through the last prophetic Week of 7 years that
Daniel was given pertaining only to ‘his People’, the Jews.

At that time, judicially, the Bride will be exonerated of Lucifer’s accusations. There will
be no room for Lucifer anymore in Heaven, for that matter, as the Groom, Christ Jesus
would have finished building the Pavilions for His Bride for the faithful and spotless
Church that had been called ‘up’. This will then lead to having the posts and thrones of
the Principalities once occupied judicially by Lucifer and his minions to be vacated and
expelled from Heaven; no more to be the ‘Accuser of the Brethren’.

Thereafter, it will be at that time that ‘War in Heaven’ will ensue per Revelation 12:17 as
Lucifer will not go down without a fight but ultimately Lucifer will be cast down to the
Earth. This study has only theorized that the retrograde of Mercury is thus but one
possible clue as a ‘type and shadow’ correlating and incorporating the peculiar celestial
events of 2015. This study supposes that a physical 3rd Temple will be rebuilt for one.
Other points deal with the speculation that the ’Confirming of the Covenant’ with the
’Many’ will be initiated sometime after the Tetrad or soon after the Year of Light, 5776 is
proclaimed in the Fall of 2015.

On Yom Kippur 2015, if indeed this time correlates to when the Jubilee Year will be
proclaimed, it will make 2015-2016 or 5776 the Year of Light, Year of release. The year
of Liberty may work hand and glove with an event directly dealing with the 3rd Temple.
Perhaps the construction will start or the sacrificial and worship services begin. This
time appears to be prophetically a convergence of monumental events such as who the
AntiChrist leader of this coming new Masonic Empire or World Order will be. Most
interestingly, IF 2015-16 is in fact the Jubilee Year, it will occur in-between the partial
solar eclipse at Rosh HaShana on September 13, 2015 and the 4th and last total lunar
eclipse or Blood Moon of September 28, 2015.

To many, as with the Masons and other Secret Societies, etc., the year 2015 or 5776
has to do with the former glory of Temple of Solomon is to be restored according to the
work and research of the late David Flynn. This study also supposes that the
‘Restrainer’ that will be taken out before the AntiChrist can be exposed is referring to the
Church, the Bride of Christ specifically as referenced by 2 Thessalonians 2:7. According
to the Bible, the Followers of Christ -that make up the Bride are the ones that have the
Seal of the Holy Spirit indwelling each Follower of Christ Jesus that will be taken.

It is the Church in general that is acting as the Salt and Light to the world, restraining full
blown evil until the end of the Church Age that could coincide with the beginning of the
New Age on the Year of Jubilee. Another supposition is that the ‘Covenant’ in question
will be dealing with the division of the land of Israel in a concrete manner, that if the
USA is involved to divide Israel, so too will the USA be divided. It will be after the
Rapture that the AntiChrist will start with his peaceful deception as the ‘Messiah’ savior
and defender of national Israel. This is part of the initial first 2 Seals of the judgments of
the Lamb of YHVH.

This will set the stage for a time when Israel will be living in ‘un-walled’ cities and will be
thereafter be set up for the Gog-Magog I invasion the Outer-Ring of Muslim nations led
by the Russian Federation. This scenario will be well within the time of the false peace
first initiated by the false Messiah. The AntiChrist is prophesied to also sway the world
but will thereafter, in the ‘midst’ of the ‘Confirming of the Covenant’ initiate a ‘reign of
terror’ against GOD’s People, both Jews and those that become Christians during the
Tribulation period around the world. IF such scenarios are plausible, then realize that
the Rapture of the Church could occur sometime leading up to the conclusions or soon
after the Blood Moons of 2015.

Some Sources

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