Page created by Sylvia Ellis

                       WEEKLY NEWS
DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021                                                                                                              ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                3

            Tables are set for restaurant relief
         ASSOCIATED PRESS                    priority during the first 21 days of ap-    ized was 61. There were an estimated      demic. The state first launched the
                                             plications.                                 22,000 people with current active cases   SNAP online purchasing program in
  BOSTON — Massachusetts restau-
                                               In addition to restaurants, other         of COVID-19 in the state.                 May 2020.
rants that have struggled to stay open
                                             food service businesses including food        More than 6.3 million doses of the        So far, Massachusetts residents have
during the coronavirus pandemic are
                                             trucks, caterers, bars, bakeries and        COVID-19 vaccine have been adminis-       spent more than $51 million in SNAP
being offered a lifeline of up to $10 mil-
                                             brewpubs are eligible to apply.             tered in Massachusetts, including more    benefits in online grocery purchases.
lion through a federal relief program,
                                               Applications can be filed online at the   than 3.6 million first doses and more     The benefits can be used to purchase
authorities say.
  The money is available through the         Small Business Administration web-          than 2.4 million second doses of the      SNAP-eligible food online, including
$28.6 billion Restaurant Revitalization      site.                                       Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.              fresh produce, frozen foods, dairy and
Fund, part of the $1.9 trillion American       The number of new daily cases of            There have been about 212,000 doses     eggs.
Rescue Plan passed last month, accord-       COVID-19 increased by more than 700         of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vac-      "Helping thousands of families across
ing to a statement Monday from U.S.          on Tuesday while the number of newly        cine administered.                        the Commonwealth shop for healthy
Rep. Ayanna Pressley.                        confirmed coronavirus deaths in Mas-          More than 2.6 million people have       food in a safe way is important as we
  "Our restaurants are the backbones         sachusetts rose by five.                    been fully immunized.                     continue to navigate our way through
of our local economies and among the           The new numbers pushed the state's          Massachusetts residents who receive     the public health crisis and move to-
hardest hit by this public health and        confirmed COVID-19 death toll to            Supplemental Nutrition Assistance         ward a post-pandemic economy," Sec-
economic crisis," the Democrat said.         17,293 since the start of the pandemic,     Program (SNAP) benefits can now use       retary of Health and Human Services
  The fund will provide restaurants and      while its confirmed caseload rose to        their benefits to buy groceries online    Marylou Sudders said in a written
other eligible businesses with funding       about 649,000.                              from participating Price Chopper stores   statement.
equal to their pandemic-related reve-          The true number of cases is likely        with pickup and delivery through In-        Due to the economic fallout of COV-
nue loss up to $10 million per business.     higher because studies suggest some         stacart, the Baker administration said    ID-19, Massachusetts has seen a histor-
The relief does not have to be repaid,       people can be infected and not feel sick.   Tuesday.                                  ic increase in SNAP participation, up
provided that the funds are put toward         There were about 520 people reported        Price Chopper joins Walmart, Ama-       nearly 100,000 households for a total
eligible uses by March 2023.                 hospitalized Tuesday because of con-        zon and Aldi supermarkets to allow the    of approximately 550,000 households
  Restaurants owned and operated by          firmed cases of COVID-19, with about        use of SNAP benefits online.              receiving SNAP benefits, according to
women, veterans, or the socially and ec-     130 in intensive care units.                  One goal of the program is to help      Department of Transitional Assistance
onomically disadvantaged will receive          The average age of those hospital-        fight food insecurity during the pan-     Commissioner Amy Kershaw.
4   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                               DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021

                                               “Open” signs take on
                                              new meaning for small
                                                 business owners
                                                          STATEPOINT                     she’s working to bring the mission of
                                                                                         PREP Atlanta to life, which focuses
                                               More than a year into the pandem-
                                                                                         on offering diverse food truck owners
                                             ic, the “open” sign in countless online
                                                                                         and caterers access to a commercial
                                             and retail storefronts has evolved          kitchen. During the pandemic, PREP
                                             into a universal symbol of the grit of      Atlanta was a venue for keeping the
                                             small businesses. Tenacious entre-          city’s restaurant and food industry
                                             preneurs nationwide made a way to           afloat, including for many Black-
                                             stay open in spite of all the obstacles.    owned businesses. Aleman will com-
                                               As part of an effort to amplify these     bine her art with a shared dedication
                                             inspiring stories, Wells Fargo has          to feeding the community as she de-
                                             commissioned three artists to design        picts PREP Atlanta’s grit.
                                             custom “open” signs for businesses            This project comes on the heels of
                                             that persevered and is also pointing        the July 2020 announcement of the
     Come for the great food.
                                             entrepreneurs to resources that can         Wells Fargo Open for Business Fund,
                                             help.                                       a roughly $420 million small busi-
                                               Dedicated to showcasing women             ness recovery effort providing grants
    Stay for the entertainment.              and diverse voices, illustrator and
                                             graphic designer Sophia Yeshi, is
                                                                                         to nonprofits that serve small busi-
                                                                                         ness owners. The fund was created
                                             paired with Roxtography, a wom-             by donating all gross processing fees
                                             an-owned business based near the            from Paycheck Protection Program
                                             Colville Reservation, outside of Se-        (PPP) loans made in 2020. The com-
                                             attle. Owner Roxanne Best shifted           pany has also committed not to take
                                             from in-person yoga and photogra-           a profit from the second round of
                                             phy classes to outdoor stand-up pad-        PPP. Overall, the Open for Business
                                             dleboarding classes and photography         Fund is expected to translate into
                                             that embodies her love of nature.           roughly $1 billion in available financ-
                                               Precision Productions, a new rental       ing and 7.5 million hours of technical
                                             music studio, was just about to open        assistance for small business owners,
                                             its doors when the pandemic hit. Op-        helping them close the gap on rent,
                                             timistic owner Kasey Phillips, who          utilities and employee pay, while ac-
                                             hails from Trinidad and Tobago, piv-        cessing expertise to adapt for the fu-
       FOUR exceptional venues               oted to a hybrid in-person and virtual
                                             studio model, never wavering from
                                                                                           To learn more about available

          under ONE roof
                                             his plan to expand the music scene          support or to download an artistic
                                             and own his first studio. Taking cues       “Open” sign, entrepreneurs can visit
                                             from music while paying homage to           wellsfargo.com/together.
                                             Phillips’s Caribbean roots, Korean-           “Today ‘open’ signs represent much
                                             born illustrator Deborah Lee, known         more than they used to, embody-
                                             for her use of bold, vivid colors, is in-   ing the ingenuity required to pivot
                                             terpreting how Precision Productions        in this ever-evolving economy,” says
                                             made a way to stay open.                    Jenny Flores, head of Small Busi-
                                               “As an artist, it was rewarding to        ness Growth Philanthropy at Wells
                                             support not just a small business           Fargo. “We are inspired every day
                                             that stayed open in tough economic          by small business owners pushing
                                             conditions, but one that’s a platform       through these tough times, particu-
           123 Pleasant Street, Marblehead   for creativity,” says Lee.                  larly those who have been hard hit.
                                               Writer, illustrator, visual artist        This effort aims to shine a light on
                                             and community organizer Gabri-              stories of resilience so entrepreneurs
                                             ela Alemán has a passion for help-          can learn from each other and seek
                       781.631.0180          ing combat food insecurity. With            the resources needed to keep their
                                             her comics and pop art aesthetic,           dreams alive.”
DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021                                              ESSEX MEDIA GROUP   5

                                                                  NICK YEBBA SR.
                                                       FOUNDER, TERESA'S HOSPITALITY GROUP
                                                              PHOTO: SPENCER HASAK

              The Yebba family invites you to enjoy
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6   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                         DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021

         Grand Banks Fish House celebrates
         New England’s bounty from the sea
      Maria DeNapoli for                   ing raw bar with seating for 12. The        Seafoodthat is a revival of the New         highest quality and freshest ingredi-
    Grand Banks Fish House                 second floor features an open kitchen       England Fish House experience. The          ents from our personal relationships
                                           dining room, floor-to-ceiling windows       menu brings the bounty of the ocean to      is what Grand Banks is built upon.
  Grand Banks Fish House, slated to        overlooking historic Trinity Church,        Bostonians by offering exceptional sea-     Chef Sisca and Chris Himmel are avid
open in mid-July 2021, will celebrate      multiple private dining rooms, two          food and a fresh take on classic New        fishermen and have a deep respect for
East Coast seafood with a two-story        fireplaces, and an oversized horseshoe      England fare. The menu is dedicated         the ocean and its bounty. Partners like
restaurant in the heart of Boston’s        bar at the center of it all. The restau-    to procuring the finest sustainable         Snappy Lobster, Wulff’s Fish and Is-
Back Bay.                                  rant will pay homage to the New Eng-        seafood from well managed fisheries         land Creek have helped them to create
  Grand Banks Fish House is a col-         land fishing traditions that are found      and treating those ingredients with         a really special restaurant.
laboration between restaurateur Chris      in Grand Banks, where the Labrador          uncompromising respect. The menu              There will also be a crudo and raw
Himmel and Chef Robert Sisca that is       Current meets the Gulf Stream in            will offer a variety of ingredients, such   bar section of the menu, sandwiches,
slated to open in Boston in mid-July       Newfoundland, and the fishing tradi-        as: lobsters, oysters, scallops, halibut    as well as grilled, baked and fried se-
2021. For the two lifelong fishermen,      tions are alive and well.                   and more exotic fishes like razor clams,    lections from the sea. Chef Sisca is also
the ocean has always been a source of        “Cooking seafood has always been a        uni and Dover Sole. Many of the New         working with Regis Caviar to create
inspiration. Grand Banks, a revival of     passion of mine and this has been a         England seafood favorites, like Baked       the restaurant’s own signature caviar
the New England Fish House, will of-       concept that Chris Himmel and I have        Stuffed Lobsters, Clam Chowder, Fried       label. For the land lovers, there will
fer inspired seafood dishes and a fresh    been planning out for about five years      Clams and Lobster Rolls will be signa-      also be flatbreads and a variety of oth-
take on classic New England fare. Lo-      now.,” said Sisca. “It is exciting to see   ture menu items.                            er entrees.
cated in the heart of Boston’s Back Bay    our dreams come to fruition with the          The strong relationships that Chef          The beverage program at Grand
at 406 Stuart Street, Grand Banks will     opening of Grand Banks Fish House.”         Sisca has formed with his farmers,          Banks will be procured by Himmel
offer two floors of seafood-focused din-     The inspiration for the menu was con-     fishermen and purveyors through the         Hospitality Group’s award-winning
ing. The first-floor will feature a 26-    ceived by Executive Chef/Partner Rob-       years have helped bring this restau-        beverage team. There will be a care-
seat bar, high top tables, and a work-     ert Sisca and is New England Inspired       rant concept to life. Offering guests the   fully curated selection of beers, wines,

                 DINE IN • TAKE OUT
              We use 100% vegetable oil.
            Gluten free dishes are available.

                    146 Humphrey St., Swampscott • 781-593-3308 • yansbistro.com

           Sunday to Thursday: 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. • Friday to Saturday: 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021                                                                                             ESSEX MEDIA GROUP    7

cocktails and mocktails that will per-    Three Star award and four stars from
fectly compliment the seafood-focused     the New York Times. After working

                                                                                       CHARLIE’S SEAFOOD
menu.                                     with Rhode Island based G Hospital-
   The space is designed by award-        ity restaurant group and launching
winning restaurant designer Peter         Garde East on Martha’s Vineyard to
Niemitz who has created a lively yet      local and national acclaim, Chef Sisca
sophisticated seafood restaurant that     returned to Bistro du Midi. Chef Sisca
pays tribute to the coastal cuisine of    recently “Beat Bobby Flay” on the Food
New England. The first floor features     Network with his rendition of bouilla-
an oyster bar, the “Three Sheets Bar”,    baisse and he is a two-time nominee                    Since        PREPARED THE SAME WAY FOR
and a more casual dining atmosphere.      for Food & Wine magazine’s “Best New                   1961
The second floor, known as “Top Shell”,
will feature an open kitchen, large
                                          Chef” (2011 and 2012).                                          THE LAST 5           YEARS
                                            Partner and Restaurateur Chris
horseshoe-shaped bar area, and re-        Himmel is President of Himmel Hos-                                     BY THE SAME FAMILY
laxed dining room as well as private
                                          pitality Group which also owns three
dining rooms available for functions.
                                          other area restaurants, including the
The space is lively, vibrant and chic
                                          award-winning Grill 23 Steakhouse &
with hues of blues to make the two-
floor restaurant feel like a welcoming    Bar, Cambridge’s renowned Harvest
neighborhood seafood destination.         Restaurant, and the acclaimed French
The artwork was curated by Vision-
Art Consulting and there are original
                                          restaurant, Bistro du Midi in Boston.
                                             Grand Banks Fish House will be
                                          open for dinner daily at 5:00 p.m. and
                                                                                           THE BEST
photos hanging on the walls that were
taken by Pulitzer Prize winning pho-
tographer, Patrick Farrell.
                                          will be open until 10:00 p.m. on Sun-
                                          days through Thursdays and until
                                                                                          AND MOST
   Chef Robert Sisca also serves as
Executive Chef and Partner at Bistro
                                          11:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
                                          Grand Banks Fish House is located
                                          at 406 Stuart Street in Boston’s Back
                                                                                       FOR YOUR MONEY
du Midi. Chef Sisca made a name for
himself while working under Eric Rip-     Bay. For more information, visit grand-
ert as Sous Chef at the renowned Le       banksfishhouse.com, or follow along on
Bernardin. During his tenure, Le Ber-
nardin earned the coveted Michelin
                                          social media at @grandbanksboston on
                                                                                           All seafood,
                                                                                        chicken, and rings
                                                                                       are freshly battered
                                                                                         before your eyes
                                                                                         prior to cooking

                                                                                        BEST SEAFOOD
                                                                                           IN LYNN

                                                                                         TAKE OUT • EAT IN • DELIVERY
                                                                                              Accepting all major credit cards
                                                                                                188 Essex St., Lynn
                                           MARIA DENAPOLI FOR GRAND BANKS FISH HOUSE
8   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                     DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021

    Lessons learned from women business owners beating the odds
            STATEPOINT                   ment terms. Roxanne Best, owner               2. Make time for a business plan:      Ranjana Hans, owner of Raw Roots
                                         of Roxtography, says she’s been able        2020 taught us to plan for the unex-     Turmeric, says her community has
  Women-owned small businesses           to stay afloat thanks to low-interest       pected, reinforcing that a business      supported her health and wellness
are an economic driving force. To-       loans from Northwest Native Devel-          plan is critical for any small busi-     business throughout the pandemic,
day, nearly 13 million women-owned       opment Fund, a CDFI supporting              ness. Tamil Maldonado Vega and her       and she’s learned the benefits of ask-
businesses nationwide employ 9.4         tribal communities that received a          husband, owners of Raíces Brewing        ing loyal customers to promote her
million workers and earn $1.9 tril-      grant from Wells Fargo’s Open for           Co., say they don’t regret opening       products in their social networks.
lion in revenue.                         Business Fund, a roughly $420 mil-          a Latino craft brewery right before      “I have always thought that hav-
  Overwhelmingly impacted by the         lion small business recovery effort.        the pandemic. While they have had        ing strong connections enriched my
pandemic, 71 percent of women-           To help entrepreneurs stay open and         hard times like everyone else during     life, and over the course of this year,
owned small businesses reported          support local jobs, the initiative is en-   closures and due to limits on seat-      that’s become even more evident.”
a loss in revenues or sales in 2020,     gaging CDFIs and nonprofits across          ing and space, they felt prepared to       Susan Wallace, head of Small Busi-
according to a recent study. Beyond      the U.S. to provide women and di-           handle those challenges thanks to a      ness Lending Operations at Wells
cutting costs and applying for federal   verse entrepreneurs with increased          strong business plan, which they de-     Fargo, says businesses can find more
resources, women-owned businesses        access to flexible capital and train-       veloped with the help of their banker.   tips and resources for navigating the
and entrepreneurs of color have had      ing.                                          3. Pivot from crisis to opportunity:   pandemic at the bank’s Small Busi-
to get more creative than ever to nav-     “We have been so inspired by the          Looking for new income streams?          ness Resource Center at smallbusi-
igate the uncertain economy.             determination and perseverance of           Being flexible while staying true to     nessresources.wf.com/.
  Consider these four lessons learned    the many women business owners              your business can help increase the        “It’s important for women busi-
from women entrepreneurs who are         who we’ve had an opportunity to sup-        chances of success. Kadijatu Ahene,      ness owners to understand that they
beating the odds.                        port. We made a way to work together        owner of Dija’s Touch Designs, spe-      don’t need to go it alone. Lean into
  1. Seek alternative funding sourc-     with the small business community           cializes in African print designs.       networking and establishing rela-
es: In addition to tapping traditional   to offer a mix of resources that enable     During the pandemic, she shifted to      tionships with fellow entrepreneurs,
bank loans, connect with a nonprofit     a sustainable and equitable road to         an online model and expanded into        seek advice and counsel from oth-
Community Development Financial          recovery,” says Jenny Flores, head of       making stylish personal protection       ers, including financial advisors, and
Institution, or CDFI, which offers       Small Business Growth Philanthro-           equipment for first responders.          know there is support out there,”
low-cost capital with friendly repay-    py at Wells Fargo.                            4. Find strength in community:         says Wallace.
DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021                                                                                             ESSEX MEDIA GROUP   9

  Improve your backyard life
   with these lawn care tips
             STATEPOINT                      Brian Latimer, a professional angler        LET US DO THE
                                                                                         C oking
                                             and yard fanatic. “And you’ll have to
  The backyard is one of the most popu-      fight weeds all year.”
lar spots of the home to relax, host and       To ensure a lush, healthy lawn, Lat-
have fun. However, it all starts with a      imer offers these additional weed-fight-
beautiful lawn. If you’re in the weeds       ing and green-up tips:
— literally — there are great resources
                                               1. Fight Weeds. Although hand-weed-
available to help you tackle lawn care
                                             ing works, applying pre-emergent treat-
so you can make the most of your out-
                                             ments to your lawn can help combat op-
door spaces and have a better overall
                                             portunistic weeds preemptively. Just be
outdoor experience.
                                             sure any chemical being applied is safe
  One place that can help you get start-
                                             for the type of grass you have. Keep an
ed is Exmark’s Backyard Life site. Ex-
mark, a leading manufacturer of lawn         eye on your lawn and manage weeds
                                             that appear.
care equipment, created this multime-
dia destination to provide homeowners
with everything from barbecue recipes
                                               2. Mulch. While weeds tend to thrive
                                             in bare soil, they hate thick mulch.
                                                                                         Catered Clambakes
and design tips to gardening and lawn
care advice. The fourth episode in the
                                             Mulching can keep weeds from germi-
                                             nating. Use landscape fabrics beneath
                                             the mulch to keep sunlight out, but
                                                                                         Are Back!
Exmark Original “Backyard Smart”
video series, offers the following steps     you’ll want to be sure it’s a type that     • We have been catering clambakes
                                             will allow water to still permeate your
for repairing bare spots in the lawn:
                                             soil. You’ll also want to prune plants        for more than 20 years
  • Remove dead grass and weeds,
                                             and trees. This doesn’t just include cut-
  • Loosen the soil a few inches deep.
                                             ting back new growth, but also cleaning
                                                                                         • Our menus fit every taste and
  If it’s hard and dry, add fresh topsoil.
  • Next, sow seeds that match your          out dead limbs or branches, and shap-         budget so you can sit back and relax
  lawn type. Gently rake them into the       ing areas that have become unsightly.
  soil.                                        3. Scalp. To start the season, “scalp”

                                                                                         Try Our Clambakes
  • Now, feed that new grass using a         warm-season grasses like zoysia or Ber-
  granular starter fertilizer.               muda. Removing old growth by cutting
  • Lightly cover the area with straw        your lawn super low will allow sunlight
  to hold in moisture and keeps birds
  from snacking.
                                             in, which warms root systems and soil
                                             temperatures. Bag clippings so sun-         To Go
  • Water it and keep it damp at all         light, fertilizer and water can penetrate
  times.                                     the soil.                                   • Cooked and ready to go at our store
  • Sprouts will appear soon! But wait         More backyard life tips, advice and         in Peabody
  a few weeks before mowing.                 video tutorials can be found by visiting
                                             exmark.com/backyard.                        • Perfect for smaller gatherings
  Experts also say that ongoing mainte-        When it comes to better backyard life,
nance is essential to keeping that lawn      a beautiful lawn is fundamental. Tak-       • Please order at least 24 hours in advance
looking great.                               ing your cues from the professionals
  “One of the worst things you’ll have to    can help you achieve lush, green spaces
fight, no matter what type of grass you      perfect for grilling, playing, kicking
have, is weeds,” says Exmark partner         back and more.

                                                                                         Visit cclobster.com to learn more
                                                                                         and see our menus or visit our
                                                                                         retail store at 297 Lynn Street
                                                                                         in Peabody.

10    ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                  DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021

 Pandemic-hit oyster farmers turn to conservation to survive
     By MICHAEL CASEY                    out in orange waders as he poured the        Farmers needed to find a way to         deadly pathogens. Oyster reefs pro-
        ASSOCIATED PRESS                 caged oysters into shipping crates.        offload the oysters — and the pro-        vide habitat for fish and other wild-
                                           The program, known as Supporting         gram was made to order. It paid an        life as well as bolster shoreline pro-
  DURHAM, N.H. — When the pan-           Oyster Aquaculture and Restoration         industry—negotiated price of about
demic struck last year, oyster farmer                                                                                         tection. They also help clean polluted
                                         or SOAR, is spending $2 million from       20 percent below pre-pandemic prices.     waterways, since the larger bivalves
Chris Bertis soon realized the res-      an anonymous donor to buy more than          "What had started off as a great
taurants that bought his oysters had                                                                                          can filter as much as 50 gallons (189
                                         5 million oysters in New England, the      year for oysters going out to the res-
mostly closed. Without a new market,                                                                                          liters) of water each day.
                                         Mid-Atlantic and Washington state to       taurants just immediately stopped
his Ferda Farms faced potential eco-     restore shellfish reefs at 20 locations.   once the restaurants closed," said Bri-     "It's the major silver lining that
nomic ruin.                              The Nature Conservancy is coordinat-       an Gennaco, owner of the Dover, New       comes out of the global pandemic
  Then, Bertis heard The Nature          ing its efforts with the National Oce-     Hampshire-based Virgin Oyster Com-        for oysters," said Alix Laferriere, the
Conservancy in partnership with          anic and Atmospheric Administration        pany, which has sold oysters to the       marine director for the conservancy
The Pew Charitable Trusts was buy-       and U.S. Department of Agriculture,        program and was among oyster farm-        in New Hampshire, who was on one
ing millions of bivalves around the      which offered similar but smaller pro-     ers placing them in the Great Bay.        of several boats in the Great Bay de-
country for rebuilding decimated         grams in several states.                     "We were on the farm looking around     ploying more than 20,000 oysters.
oyster reefs — and he quickly joined       The SOAR program was launched            saying what are we going to do," he         "The growers get money during a
the effort.                              in October with a goal of helping          said. "We have these oysters and they     global pandemic and we can use their
  One recent day, he pulled up cages     more than 100 oyster farmers, many         are going to outgrow the market if we     oysters for conservation," she said.
packed with eastern oysters on the       who lost as much as 90 percent of          can't get them off the farm."
                                                                                                                              "Great Bay used to be covered in oys-
New Meadows River in Brunswick,          their business during the pandemic.          The Nature Conservancy saw an
Maine, readying them to be trucked       Their bigger oysters — known as Ug-        opportunity to jump-start long-run-       ter reefs. And because of historical
to oyster reefs on a patch of New        lies because they're too large for the     ning efforts to rebuild oyster reefs,     overharvesting, disease and environ-
Hampshire's Great Bay.                   traditional raw bar market — were          which the group says have declined        mental stressors, a lot of those oyster
  "Yeah. it really has been kind of a    piling up on farms due to a lack of de-    an estimated 85 percent globally due      reefs are gone. We need to do oyster
lifesaver to be able to keep some rev-   mand, and the growing surplus was          to pollution, overharvesting, develop-    restoration to replace those ecosys-
enue coming in," said Bertis, decked     causing prices to crater.                  ment and the emergence of several         tem services that are lost."

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DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021                                                                                                 ESSEX MEDIA GROUP          11
                        INTERNATIONAL MENU
ACROSS                                 68. Frank Wright's middle name
1. Arithmetic operation                69. Atones, archaic
6. Romantic getaway destination        70. Days of ____
9. "Hold on!"                          71. Containing fat
13. Foolish                            72. Cut the crop
14. Unit of electrical resistance      73. College degrees
15. Ann Patchett's novel "Bel ____"    74. Stainless material
16. Parallel grooves
17. New Zealand's bygone bird          DOWN
18. Daisy-like bloom                   1. Catchall abbr.
19. *En ____, cooked and served        2. Gung-ho about
in individual pot                      3. DEA agent
21. *Raw fish                          4. Jimmy Hoffa's organization
23. Like Second Testament              5. Position while landing
24. Archipelago unit                   6. A few
25. Fool's Day mo.                     7. *Vietnamese soup
28. "Days" in Havana                   8. Accumulate
30. Just one of TV's "American         9. Done in loads
____"                                  10. Opposing prefix
35. Russian mountain range             11. Unit on a list
37. Urban haze                         12. Torus, pl.
39. Spiral-horned African ante-        15. Milk protein
lope                                   20. *Cocktail garnish
40. Aggressive remark                  22. Mont Blanc, e.g.
41. 10 percent to charity, e.g.        24. Heavy hydrogen, e.g.
43. Milk choice                        25. *With jus
44. Burnt ____                         26. First-rate
46. "Nobody ____ It Better"            27. Browning's "____ ben Ezra"
47. London art museum                  29. In the thick of
48. Evening party                      31. Benign lump                           Origina
50. Boll weevil, e.g.                                                       “The
52. Dianne Feinstein, abbr.
                                       32. New Zealand parrots
                                       33. Like NCAA's eight
53. Windmill blade                     34. *Japanese noodle soup                                                                     YEARS
55. "... ____ he drove out of sight"                                                                                                 in Business
                                       36. Suggestive look
57. *It's battered and fried           38. *Clarified butter
61. *Cheese and potato dumplings
65. Loudspeaker noise
                                       42. Ruhr's industrial center
                                       45. "The Dean Martin Show" and
                                                                                                117 WATER STREET                     7
66. Sheep sound                                    "The Carol Burnett                            WAKEFIELD, MA
                                                   49. Lobe locale                                Hours: Mon. - Sat. 11-10
                                                   51. Ogres of the Norse                                                               ASK US
                                                                                                     Closed Sundays                   ABOUT OUR
                                                   54. Bigwig in the                                                                   CATERING
                                                   Orient                                         TEL: 781-246-1161
                                                   56. Approval of the
                                                   audience                     TAKE OUT OR EAT IN – LUNCH AND DINNER
                                                   57. Tow rope alterna-
                                                   tive                      SANDWICHES                                             EGG SUBS
                                                   58. River in Bohemia
                                                   59. Comedian Ru-          BASKETS                                         CLUB SANDWICHES
                                                   60. "Dead Poets Soci-     ROLLS                                               SIDE ORDERS
                                                   ety" school, e.g.
                                                   61. Cowboy's prods
                                                                             PASTA                                                   DINNERS
                                                   62. Apple leftover        SUBS                                             COMBO DINNERS
                                                   63. Jekyll's alter ego
                                                   64. Bucolic poem          STEAK SUBS                                               SALADS
                                                   67. *____ ____ mode
12    ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                 DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021

Kristen Colella, the manager at Rolly's
Tavern, pours a drink for a customer on
the other side of the plexiglass shield.

Rolly's Tavern on the Square has                                                                                           PHOTOS BY JULIA HOPKINS
transitioned to digital menus due to
the pandemic.                              Cindy and Dale Tapley, of Saugus, enjoy dinner together at Rolly's Tavern on the Square in Lynn.

                                                 Monday–Thursday 4 pm – Close
                                                      Friday 2 p.m. – Close
                                                 Saturday–Sunday Noon – Close

                                    ONLINE ORDERING and GIFT CARDS
                                    TAKEOUT/DELIVERY AND CURBSIDE
                                              Call 781-599-2160
                                 CHECK OUT OUR DAILY SPECIALS ON FACEBOOK

                                visit our Facebook page or rollystavern.com to view specials
                                  Rolly’s Tavern | 338 Broadway | Lynn, Ma 01904 | 781-599-2160
DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021                                                                                                          ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                13

  Spring is here – along with the harshest allergy season yet
             STATEPOINT                     • Rinse Your Eyes. Allergies can cause     an extract from French maritime pine          stuffy, runny, or itchy nose.
                                            burning, itching, and tearing in our       bark, is shown in research to reduce         “For the many people seeking al-
  Experts predict allergy season to be      eyes as well as swelling of the eyelids.   the body’s response to histamines          ternatives to conventional treatment
exceptionally severe this spring, accord-   Washing your eyes with clean water         without the side effects typically expe-   for seasonal allergies, Pycnogenol
ing to the Allergy & Asthma Network.        or an eye wetting product moistens         rienced with allergy medications, such     may represent an effective and com-
Rising global temperatures and a fore-      them to provide relief when they are       as drowsiness. Studies show that sup-      pletely natural solution, void of any
cast of warm, dry air this spring after     dry and irritated. It also removes al-     plementing daily with Pycnogenol can       side-effects,” says Dr. Pescatore. Pyc-
a winter of heavy snow could signifi-       lergens that cause eye inflammation.       substantially reduce the symptoms          nogenol is available in more than 800
cantly increase pollen production. This     • Wash Your Clothes Often. When            associated with seasonal allergies, like   products sold in stores and online.
comes after a year many people spent        worn outdoors, your clothes can carry      burning, itchy, or watering eyes, and      To learn more, visit pycnogenol.com.
mostly indoors in quarantine.               small particles back into your home
  As you head outside to enjoy the          and cause more exposure and allergic
spring weather, allergens like pollen       reaction. Washing your clothes and
may come as a shock to the system.          taking a shower after outdoor activity
Spring allergens, which can lead to         can remove lingering allergens.
chronic and troublesome symptoms,           • Manage Your Stress Levels. Stress
such as respiratory irritation, itchy       can be a powerful force on your physi-
eyes, and nasal congestion, impact mil-     cal and mental well-being, and it can
lions of Americans.                         pile on quickly. Stress hormones can
  “After over a year spent in the con-      negatively impact the immune sys-
fines of our homes during the pan-          tem, increase oxidative stress levels,
demic, we want to spend as much time        and inflame seasonal allergy symp-
outdoors as we can this spring,” says       toms. When you start to feel stressed,
nationally renowned natural health          stop and take a breath. If you can,
physician and best-selling author, Dr.      take a walk. Getting quality sleep
Fred Pescatore. “Don’t let allergies ruin   also helps reduce the effects of stress.
your long-awaited spring. There are         • Add a Natural Supplement. Try
steps you can take to alleviate your al-    adding a natural anti-inflammatory

lergy symptoms.”                            daily oral supplement. Pycnogenol,

   Chicken Sandwich

14    ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                                                                                                 DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021

                    CATERING                                                                         Giving gifts with meaning
 Hand-Crafted Fruit Platters and Snack Bundles                                                        on special occasions
                                                                                                       In today’s world, intimacy can        book, complete with a title page
                                                                                                     sometimes be sacrificed for im-         inscription from you. Not only
                                                                                                     mediacy. We often send texts or         will it make them feel like an
                                                                                                     emails, rather than hand writing        accomplished chef, it’ll preserve
                                                                                                     letters, cards or notes.                these treasured treats forever.
                                                                                                       However, handwritten notes are        • Capture the Everyday: The
                                                                                                     a beautiful way to capture mean-        first step to preserving treasured
                                                                                                     ingful moments and create some-         memories is to record them. Gift
                                                                                                     thing tangible that goes beyond         some stunning stationery, a stur-
                                                                                                     the digital. In the past, writing by    dy leather-bound journal or even
                                                                                                     hand was an integral part of daily      high-quality card stock and en-
                                                                                                     life — letters were written to sol-     courage your recipient to do some
                                                                                                     diers overseas, travel journals and     writing of their own. Journaling
  Enjoyable treats and gifts for                                                                     diaries were kept, and cards were
                                                                                                     sent to celebrate birthdays. Today,
                                                                                                                                             is proven to be an effective tool
                                                                                                                                             for relaxation and self-reflection,

the holiday and every celebration                                                                    we have to be much more inten-
                                                                                                     tional about crafting these hand-
                                                                                                     made mementos.
                                                                                                                                             and a lovely journal might be a
                                                                                                                                             welcome invitation to for some
                                                                                                                                             self-care. Pair your gift with a
                                                                                                       Whether you’re celebrating a          smooth-writing, long-lasting gel
                                                                                                     birthday, graduation or other spe-      ink pen, like the G2 from Pilot,
                                                                                                     cial occasion, get inspired by the      to ensure their words flow effort-
                                                                                                     art of handwritten communication        lessly.
                                                                                                     and celebrate with one of these         • Give the Ultimate Upgrade:
                                                                                                     lasting keepsakes:                      Complete the gift and make sure
                                                                                                                                             your loved one is ready for any
                                                                                                      • Tap into Nostalgia: Take your        writing task with a Decimo foun-
                                                                                                      gift recipient for a sweet trip        tain pen. The slimmer barreled
                                                                                                      down memory lane by compil-            cousin to Pilot’s classic Vanish-
                                                                                                      ing a scrapbook or memory box          ing Point fountain pen features
                                                                                                      of photographs, keepsakes and          a unique, retractable design and
                                                                                                      more. Make sure to include a           a rhodium plated 18K gold writ-
                                                                                                      handwritten note from the pres-        ing nib that is as durable as it is

                                                                                                      ent day for a heartfelt finishing      sophisticated.
                                                                                                      • Feed the Soul: Preparing food         However you celebrate, be sure
                                                                                                      and sharing meals is one of the       to skip the e-card and handwrite
                   On all future orders                                                               most common ways for friends          something from the heart, instead.
                                                                                                      and families to connect. If your        By embracing the art of the writ-
                          Same day delivery $9.99                                                     celebrant has a collection of
                                                                                                      handwritten recipe cards, con-
                                                                                                                                            ten word, you can create lifelong
                                                                                                                                            memories and treasured heirlooms
                                                                                                      sider binding them into a cook-       on special occasions.

       NEW N
          TIO                              gifts and treats                       CURB
     LOCA W                                                                            S
        NO                                                                         PICK- IDE
Peabody, MA | 637 Lowell St. (Big Y Plaza) | 978-536-7010
Lynn, MA | 919 Lynnfield St. (Goodwin Circle) | 781-593-1888
Beverly, MA | 45 Enon St. | 978-927-3120
*Cannot be combined with any other offer. Restrictions may apply. See store for details. Edible ®,
Edible Arrangements, the Fruit Basket Logo, and other marks mentioned herein are registered
trademarks of Edible Arrangements, LLC. © All rights reserved.
DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021                                     ESSEX MEDIA GROUP   15

                    Welcome to Capone’s
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          Dine in or order curbside takeout                  DELIVERY
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16   ESSEX MEDIA GROUP                                    DINING GUIDE SPRING 2021

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