Page created by Pauline Spencer

2021 - 2023

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) is         best of education to its students. The last six
an Institution of Eminence Deemed to be               decades have seen institutes at Manipal taking
University located at Manipal. MAHE has created       meticulous, small steps to build reservoirs of
some of the country's best institutes across          intellectual wealth and academic excellence.
diverse streams like medicine, dentistry,             Each institution at MAHE is geared to meet the
engineering, pharmacy, hotel management and           same demanding standards to create great
communication. Manipal Academy of Higher              professionals and citizens by inspiring them in
Education is the result of the single-minded          many ways. MAHE is ranked ninth among the
dedication of the founder Dr T M A Pai. It was his    universities as per the current NIRF ranking.

vision to see the bare hilltop of Manipal             T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) is a top-
transformed into one of the premier centres of        ranked Business school in India and is accredited
learning. MAHE was founded on one principle; one      by AACSB, AMBA, and NBA. TAPMI enjoys
unshakable belief – that it must make available the   academic and research collaborations with some

of the best schools and universities around the       international linkage of MAHE and be able to
world. It has produced research outputs in top tier   provide the best international exchange
journals across various management disciplines.       experience for the students.
In addition to the regular management programs,
                                                      It is proposed to merge T A Pai Management
TAPMI offers various contemporary programs in
                                                      Institute Trust (TAPMIT) with Manipal Academy of
the executive education space.
                                                      Higher Education Trust (MAHET). The TAPMIT -
The merger of TAPMI with MAHE shall bring in          MAHET merger process is underway and is
synergies for both the institutions. While TAPMI      expected to be completed on or before April 2021.
shall be able to offer cutting edge inter-            Post-merger, TAPMI will be a constituent unit
disciplinary courses to the students, MAHE, on the    under MAHE offering MBA degree from batch of
other hand, shall benefit from the international      2021-23 onwards (subject to clearance from
recognition and accreditation of TAPMI. TAPMI         regulatory bodies).
shall benefit immensely from the extensive

                                                               02-03        WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE

                             To excel in post-graduate
                             management education
                             research and practice.

                                                       TAPMI Values
•   By nurturing and developing global wealth
    creators and leaders.
•   By continually benchmarking ourselves against
    the best in class institutions.                    Trust
•   By fostering continuous learning and reflection,   Honesty
    achievement orientation, creative
    interdependence and respect for diversity.         Innovation
Value Bounds
•   Holistic concern for ethics, environment and
    society.                                           Student-centric

TAPMI TODAY                               Accreditations

                                                                             Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter (BGS): Beta Gamma Sigma honours
AACSB International: TAPMI was re-accredited by AACSB- International         universities that recognize academic excellence in Business studies.
in April 2017. One of the jewels in the crown of TAPMI, it has established   TAPMI joins this elite group of institutions which allows access to a
TAPMI among the elite group of institutions to have earned this              network of over 580 collegiate chapters internationally across 33
                                                                             countries, and over 8,20,000 lifetime members residing in 190 countries.
distinguished hallmark of excellence in the field of management
education. With less than 5% institutions being AACSB accredited

                                                                             Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) Academic Partnership
                                                                             Programme was created to help colleges and universities improve their
                                                                             risk management course offerings. TAPMI is amongst the elite group of
AMBA International: TAPMI, one of India's premier B-schools, has earned      academic partners to be associated with GARP thus depicting TAPMI's
the Association of MBAs (AMBA) Accreditation for a period of three years.    growing global outreach.
AMBA focuses on increasing Business Schools’ impact on students and
communities, and play a crucial role in the professional and personal
growth of students to produce a new generation of socially responsible

                                                                                            B-School Rankings 2019
                                                                             CSR-GHRDC B-Schools Survey 2019 (Category - Supreme B-
                                                                             #1 – Private B-schools in Karnataka
                                                                             #5 - Govt & Private - Faculty, Publication, Research,
                                                                                  Consultancy, MDP & Other Programmes
The Post Graduate Diploma in Management of TAPMI is recognized by
                                                                             #4 - Govt & Private - Placement (Domestic & International),
the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) as equivalent to an MBA
                                                                                  USP, Social Responsibility, Networking & Industry Interface
                                                                             #4 - among Private Supreme B-Schools
                                                                             Outlook Magazine
                                                                             #1 – South India
                                                                             #16 - Overall at the National Level
                                                                             #9 – Amongst the Top Private B-schools (All India)
                                                                             India Today
TAPMI is a signatory to PRME (Principles of Responsible Management
                                                                             #19 – Overall at the National level
Education), which is a United Nations supported initiative and the largest
organized relationship between the UN and business schools across the        Business Today
world. TAPMI has made a commitment to advancing values such as               #19 – Overall at the National level
sustainability, responsibility and ethics in teaching, research and          QS World University Rankings: Masters in Management Rankings
thought leadership.                                                          2021
                                                                             #101+ band
                                                                             National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) India Rankings
                                                                             2020 – Management
                                                                             #27 – among top B-Schools in India
                                                                             MBA Universe
                                                                             #17 - Overall at the National level

The Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Programme offered
by TAPMI is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education
                                                                             Foreign Collaborations
                                                                             •    Rennes School of Business, ECS Rennes, France
                                                                             •    School of Business, Emporia State University, USA
                                                                             •    School of Business and Economics, Loughborough
                                                                                  University, United Kingdom
National Board of Accreditation (India) has reaffirmed its 5-year            •    University of Passau, Germany
accreditation for the PGDM programme offered by TAPMI, a quality mark        •    Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University,
given only to a few selected B-schools in India.                                  Sydney, Australia

                                                                                           04-05           WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
TAPMI is an advanced signatory to the United          constituted a comprehensive management and
Nations Principles for Responsible Management         economic science-based set of interventions that
Education (UN PRME) and has been confirmed for        will catalyze systemic outcomes. The focus is on
the PRME Champions Cycle 2020-2021.                   TAPMI's and Manipal community's social
                                                      concerns for specific areas such as primary
TAPMI has committed to actively engage in the
                                                      education, differently-abled individuals, art and
PRME Champions' flagship project,
                                                      artisans and other disadvantaged groups. We
“Mainstreaming the SDGs in PRME Institutions”,
                                                      have identified material issues through materiality
and has identified a core team with adequate
                                                      analysis based on GRI G4 aspect list, desktop
capacity and resources to be able to actively drive
                                                      research on broad based societal expectations
the commitment for the two-year cycle of 2020-
                                                      and benchmarks with other organizations. Our
2021. TAPMI will also be participating in the
                                                      material issues include migration, healthcare,
workshops and webinars organized by PRME. As
                                                      education, diversity, food security, governance
an institute, TAPMI is committed to taking
                                                      and poverty. TAPMI has made a commitment to
transformative action towards the integration of
                                                      advancing values such as sustainability,
the Sustainable Development Goals across
                                                      responsibility and ethics in teaching, research and
curriculum, research and partnerships.
                                                      thought leadership.
For this purpose, TAPMI Centre for Inclusive
Growth & Competitiveness (TCIG&C) has



  PURPOSE            VALUES            METHOD         RESEARCH         PARTNERSHIP        DIALOGUES

   Develop the       Values of         Create         Engage in        Interact with      Facilitate and
   capabilities      global social     educational    conceptual       managers of        support
   of students       responsibility    frameworks,    and empirical    business           dialogue and
                                                      research that    corporations       debate among
   to be future      as                materials,                      to extend our      stakeholders on
   generators of     portrayed in      processes      advances our
                                                      understanding    knowledge of       critical issues
   sustainable       international     and                             their challenges   related to
                                                      about the
   value for         initiatives       environments                    in meeting         global social
                                                      role, dynamics   social and         responsibility
   business and
                                                      and impact of    environmental      and
   society                                            corporations     responsibilities   sustainability


Our Founder                                                  -      08

Governance at TAPMI                                          -      09

Director’s Message                                           -      10

Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)                   -      11

PGDM - Human Resource Management (PGDM-HRM)                  -      14

PGDM - Banking & Financial Services (PGDM-BKFS)              -      18

PGDM - Marketing                                             -      21

Awards                                                       -      23

Residential Facilities                                       -      24

Infrastructure                                               -      26

Centres of Learning                                          -      29

Admission Process                                            -      30

Fees and Other Details                                       -      32

Scholarships                                                 -      33

Recipients' Speak                                            -      34

Life at TAPMI                                                -      36

Manipal - The International University Town                  -      37

                                                  06-07   WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE

Late Shri Tonse Ananth Pai
(1922 - 1981)
Padma Bhushan Awardee                      Late Shri Tonse Ananth Pai (T. A. Pai) was born on the
                                           January 17, 1922, the eldest of four sons of Late Shri
                                           Tonse Upendra Pai. After his early childhood spent in
                                           Udupi district, he went to Mumbai to pursue his
                                           education. He graduated in Commerce from
                                           Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics in

                                           Shri T. A. Pai served as the Managing Director and later
                                           Chairman of Syndicate Bank. He was appointed as the
                                           first Chairman of the Food Corporation of India. The
                                           Government of India also appointed him as the
                                           Chairman of Life Insurance Corporation of India. He
                                           was elected to the Rajya Sabha in 1972 and
                                           subsequently served in various ministries like
                                           Railways, Heavy Industries, Steel and Mines, Industry
                                           and Civil Supplies. He was one of the initiators of the
                                           industrial development of India. He founded Manipal
                                           Institute of Management in 1980-81, which was later
                                           renamed as T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI).

                                           Awards and recognitions came his way in many forms.
                                           He was conferred the Padma Bhushan by the
                                           Government of India in 1972. He was awarded the
                                           degree of D.Litt. by Karnataka University, and Andhra
                                           University in 1973 and 1975 respectively.

TAPMI is an autonomous body. The governance of the Institute rests with the TAPMI Trust, Governing
C o u n c i l a n d t h e B o a rd of M a n a g e m e nt S t u d i e s . Th e G ove r n i n g C o u n c i l , c h a i re d by
Dr. Ranjan R Pai is responsible for evolving broad framework and policies while the Board of Management
Studies is responsible for all matters related to academics. Both comprise eminent members drawn from
the academia, industry, and business.

Dr. Ranjan R Pai                                                  Mr. Rajeev Jain
Chairman, MEMG International India Pvt. Ltd.,                     Managing Director, Bajaj Finance Ltd, Pune
                                                                  Mr. Mathew Manimala
Dr. Ramdas M Pai                                                  Professor, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education                   Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru 560076
Manipal                                                           (AICTE Representative)

Dr. H S Ballal                                                    Mr. Nishith Mohanty
Pro-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education               Group President - Human Resources,
Manipal                                                           MEMG International India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru

Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M. D. Venkatesh                                    Prof. Madhu Veeraraghavan
Vice-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education,             Director, TAPMI Manipal
                                                                  Prof. Vinod Madhavan
Dr. M S Valiathan                                                 Dean-Administration, TAPMI Manipal
National Research Professor
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal                      Prof. Vishwanathan Iyer
                                                                  Dean – Academics, TAPMI Manipal
Mr. Rajen Padukone
Group President, MEMG International India Pvt. Ltd.
                                                                  BOARD OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES
Mr. D A Prasanna
                                                                  Prof. Madhu Veeraraghavan
Managing Partner, Acunova Life Sciences LLP
Bengaluru                                                         Director, TAPMI

Dr. H Shantaram                                                   Dr. Ananth Rao
Administrative Officer, Academy of General Education              International Relations, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE
                                                                  Mr. D N Prasad
Dr. P D Shenoy, IAS (Retd)                                        Founder and Executive Coach noetic step
Former Labour Secretary (GOI)
Bengaluru                                                         Mr. M S S Varadan
                                                                  Management Educator, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru
Mr. Ramesh Adige
Former Executive Director - Corporate Affairs & Global            Mr. Deepak Reddy
Corporate Communications,                                         Group Head - Human Resources, Bajaj Finance Ltd, Pune
Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, Gurgaon
                                                                  Ms. Simeran Bhasin
Mr. Bhaskar Bhat                                                  Co-Founder Ragtagger Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru
Former Managing Director, Titan Company, Bengaluru
                                                                  Mr. Harish H V
Dr. Anil Menon                                                    Managing Partner - ECube Investment Advisors, Bengaluru
President, Smart+Connected Communities and Cisco
Deputy Chief Globalization Officer, Cisco                         Prof. Vishwanathan Iyer
Bengaluru                                                         Dean - Academics, TAPMI

                                                                             08-09         WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE

                                                    you throughout your journey of achievement and
                                                    fulfilment at TAPMI.
                                                    That the TAPMI experience is unique is well
                                                    known. We, at TAPMI, now face the challenge of
                                                    not only maintaining that uniqueness but also
                                                    enhancing vast portions of it. To paraphrase
                                                    Shakespeare, change has been thrust on us in the
                                                    past few months, like never before in living
                                                    memory. For conscientious institutions like TAPMI,
                                                    the COVID crisis is a dual challenge: our response
                                                    to the COVID crisis has not only got be
                                                    appropriate, but the response has got to be
                                                    sufficiently future proof. We believe that our
                                                    COVID response takes into account the nature
                                                    and extent of change of the foreseeable future.
                                                    This has meant that our course content has had to
                                                    be redesigned; the course delivery mechanisms
                                                    have had to be re-coursed and our infrastructure,
                                                    both physical and virtual, has had to be improved.
                                                    The changes do not stop here. We have added
Prof. Madhu Veeraraghavan                           supplementary courses to upgrade skills and
Director and T A Pai Chair Professor of Finance     enhance employability in collaboration with
                                                    renowned digital knowledge transfer platforms
Dear TAPMI Aspirant,                                (such as COURSERA). We have augmented and
                                                    sharp-focused our industry partnerships to make
Greetings!                                          our students sail through placements. We have
I thank you for considering TAPMI as your next      deployed multiple intelligence psychometric
college to study management and secure a top        assessments so that our students navigate
grade career. Globally, the top business schools    through their life and career with self-assurance
are housed in the University. Following this        and success. There are premium internships and
model, TAPMI now joins MAHE (Institute of           CXO interfaces to give our students a slice of real-
Eminence). This model is in line with the best      time and real-space experience before they
practices around the world, where Business          immerse themselves in their chosen career. The
schools operate as a part of the University (e.g.   list goes on.
Booth school of Business, Stern school of           Reading hereon, you will come to know of the
Business, Sloan School of Management, and           extraordinary measures we have taken to make
Harvard Business School). These business            your stay safe, rewarding and memorable in the
schools are largely within the framework of the     happy event you join us for your career. The one
University of Chicago, New York University, MIT     and only objective that we do all this is to ensure
and Harvard university respectively.                we send into the world well-adjusted individuals
                                                    and genuine professionals.
The following pages will help you in making the
right choice from among the courses we offer as     Here's looking forward to welcoming you aboard
we stand fully prepared to support and sustain      TAPMI in the batch of 2021-23!

39th Batch

                                                                       Grooming Leaders

The Mission of TAPMI's flagship Post Graduate         counter to one's own views
Diploma in Management (PGDM) Programme is             –   Understanding the need for contribution
“Leadership through Value-Creation”. We aim to            beyond personal goals and achievements
create well-rounded leaders with a cross-
functional orientation. Programme participants        –   Reflecting while taking decisions, limiting the
are expected to jointly work with our faculty for         need to be swayed by short-termism
achieving the following outcomes:                     Programme Structure
–   Mastery of the domain with enhanced               The PGP is divided into six trimesters spread over
    functional skills                                 two years of the programme. The first year covers
–   Taking initiatives under uncertainty, with        courses like Accounting, Organizational Behavior,
    minimal guidance and supervision                  Finance, Economics, Human Resources,
–   Persisting with unfamiliar contexts, subject      Communication, Operations Management,
    matter, and platforms                             Business Law and Basics of IT, to name a few. The
–   Ability to interact and collaborate with people   second-year students can choose their courses
–   Clearly communicating arguments and               from a list of electives, but it has to fulfil a set
    listening to feedback, some of which may run      number of credits.

                                                               10-11       WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
Electives                                                            Summer Internship

TA P M I o f f e r s e l e c t i v e c o u r s e s i n t h e         Students take up a project offered by corporate
domains of Marketing, Finance, Operations, IT,                       concerns during the eight weeks of summer
Analytics and Strategy. Students can choose                          internship at the end of the first year and spend
                                                                     this time accomplishing the goals set by the host
electives of their choice from the list of electives
                                                                     organizations. This has also resulted in the
offered. The academic processes at TAPMI
                                                                     generation of case studies by students. TAPMI has
emerge from a high emphasis on experiential
                                                                     generated over 450 case studies authored by
learning, values and ethics, leadership focus, and                   students and about 200 of them are registered at
development of a balanced view of life. Every year,                  European Case Clearing House (ECCH) & IVEY,
the list of electives offered may undergo a                          which are major international case clearing
change.                                                              agencies.

Programme Structure & Calendar

     Term                Months                                                 Duration                        Credits (tentative)

     1                   July-October                                           12 weeks                                      17

     2                   October-December                                       12 weeks                                      15

     3                   January-March                                          12 weeks                                      17
                         Industry Internship (MIP)                              8 weeks                                       6

     4                   June-September                                         12 weeks                                      18

     5                   October-December                                       12 weeks                                      14

     6                   December-March                                         16 weeks                                      14
                                                               ** The Programme Calendar and term-wise credits are tentative, and subject to change.

                                                                        Leaders Program

TAPMI aims to produce industry relevant              Programme Cycle:
graduates capable of taking leadership roles while
                                                     The assessment starts in Term 1. A maximum of 20
navigating through volatile, uncertain, complex,
                                                     talented students would be selected each year
and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Towards this
                                                     through a rigorous selection process in Term 2.
objective, TAPMI provides a unique opportunity to
                                                     The YLP programme formally commences in Term
its immensely talented students to be part of an
                                                     3 (usually January) and will symbolically conclude
ambitious, action oriented and future focused
                                                     at the convocation (usually March/April) of the
Young Leaders YLP Programme. The programme
                                                     following year.
will provide development opportunities via
extended coaching, mentorship by alumni and          The selected students should also be able to
executive internship with senior leaders from        manage a CGPA of 5.5 or more during term 1 and at
corporate India in year II.                          least 6 at the end of Terms 2 and 3.

   Psychometric assessment                           July-August (Term 1)
   One-on-one expert advisory                        September-November (Terms 1 & 2)
   Selection process for YLP                         December (Term 2)
   Coaching begins for YLP                           January (Term 3)
   Alumni Mentorship begins                          January (Term 3)
   Executive Internship                              January-February (Term 6)
                                                              ** The timelines are tentative, and subject to change.

                                                                12-13        WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE

        To create dynamic learning                                To identify exceptionally
        environment to cultivate                                  talented students for
        future leaders.                                           leadership development.

        To help identify their current                          To expose the selected
        leadership strengths and build a                        candidates to the realities of
        personal leadership philosophy and                      C-suite executive positions.
        a clear future leadership
        development plan.

                                    To facilitate learning from
                                    leaders of Corporate India.

                               Increased self-awareness through one-on-one based expert advisory
 provides the                  Self-development through coaching by trained faculty
 opportunities                 Invaluable mentorship by senior alumni
 to achieve the
 mentioned                     Term-6 on a fast-track mode
                               Executive internship with influential C-Suite business leaders

4th Batch

                                                Value Creation through People

To create sustainable competitive advantage through human
capital, there is a dire need for quality human resource
professionals, which is not being fulfilled in the country owing to
very few institutes offering quality programs in human resources.
TAPMI's PGDM-HRM programme is aimed at addressing this gap. It
is a unique programme focused on creating thought leaders in
human resources who can effectively manage people and
organizations for high performance. The programme aims at:
·    Delivering a comprehensive course curriculum in human
     resources which empowers students to become strategic
     partners for business.
·    Building exceptional behavioral and functional HR
·    Providing an inclusive and excellent learning environment.
·    Partnering with the industry and community to address the
     need of the region, country and the world.
The graduates of this programme will be adept in the following
competency clusters aligned to SHRM Body of Competency &
1.   Leadership and Navigation; Ethical Practices
2.   Business Acumen; Consultation; Critical Evaluation
3.   Relationship Management; Global and Cultural
     Effectiveness; Communication

                                                                      14-15   WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
4.   Technical competencies and HR functional              related to other disciplines like Finance and
     skills in the HR knowledge domains of People          Economics, Marketing, Operations Management,
     (e.g., HR Strategic Planning, Employee                and Information System Management. All
     Engagement, L&D etc.), Organization (e.g.,            students take up an internship at the end of the
     Structure, Organizational Development,                third trimester and eligible ones would appear for
     Employee and Labor Relations etc.) and                the Society for Human Resource Management -
     Workplace (e.g., Diversity & Inclusion, CSR           Certified Professionals (SHRM-CP) certification in
     etc.).                                                the second year. Also, students develop deeper
                                                           understanding of specific HR issues related to
If HR is your passion, TAPMI should be your
                                                           people in organizations by working on industry
Programme Structure
                                                           During the second year, students are exposed to
The PGDM-HRM programme is divided into six                 advance courses in Labor Laws, Analytics and
trimesters spread over two years. During the first         Organizational Development along with several
three terms of the first year, students study              workshops on advanced and upcoming fields.
courses majorly related to Human Resource                  Students also get to study subjects from other
Management with few elementary courses                     disciplines to become a true business partner.

Programme Calendar (indicative)

 Term     Months                                                           Duration            Credits (tentative)
     1    July – October                                                   12 weeks                      21
     2    October – December                                               12 weeks                     22
     3    January – March                                                  12 weeks                     20
          Industry internship (MIP) April – June                           8-10 weeks                    6
     4    June – September                                                 12 weeks                      14
     5    October – December                                               12 weeks                     10
     6    December – March                                                 12 weeks                      12
                                      *The Programme Calendar and term-wise credits are tentative, and subject to change.


Association with SHRM India
For PGDM-HRM, TAPMI has partnered with Society for Human Resource Management India, a wholly owned
subsidiary of the Society for Human Resource Management (visit www. SHRM.org) to co-design the PGDM-
HRM curriculum. With this collaboration, the programme is aligned to SHRM's Body of Competence and
Knowledge (BoCK) ensuring the global standards and access to contemporary knowledge. As part of the
arrangement, TAPMI's PGDM-HRM students are eligible to write SHRM Certified Professionals exam, the
most coveted global certification for HR professionals.

Industry Internship (Summer Internships)

At TAPMI, it was realized that a summer project for       students take up significant projects like
mere academic compliance benefitted neither               o rg a n i z a t i o n re s t r u c t u r i n g , m e rg e r a n d
the industry nor the student. To take this activity to    acquisition etc.
a new level, early and extended Summer                    These internships are experiences where
Internships have been introduced. It includes a           students learn to be managers and go beyond
one-week exposure to industry during the first            textbooks to solve complex business problems.
year followed by 8-10 weeks of summer internship          Summer Internships have been recognized and
at the end of the year. Students take up a project        acclaimed by the industry and the management
and spend this time accomplishing the goals set           fraternity as an innovation in management
by the host organizations. TAPMI also encourages          education, where students get an opportunity to
and provides flexibility for an early and extended        relate classroom concepts to live application in an
internship ranging up to 5 months to enable               integrated and organizational environment.

                                                                       16-17         WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
8th Batch

                                                     Towards a Bankable Future

PGDM-BKFS, offered by TAPMI, is a two                 this field. In the second year, students are
year full-time residential post-graduate              exposed to cutting-edge academic research and
Programme. Unlike the regular PGDM Programme,         state-of-the-art industry best practices. Most of
the PGDM-BKFS gives special focus to Banking          the courses across both years are integrated with
and Capital Markets, catering needs of the vast       Bloomberg.
and fast-growing field of banking and financial
                                                      The BKFS Programme provides experiential
services industry.
                                                      learning through a one of a kind course in India,
Many career paths exist for PGDM-BKFS                 Student Managed Investment Course (SMIC). This
graduates: Investment and Corporate Banking,          is an essential course for BKFS where each
Stock Broking, Financial Analyst, Treasury            student is given a seed capital to invest in real
Operations, Asset Managers, Credit Rating             markets. The objective of SMIC is to provide
Analyst, roles with exchanges/ regulators, etc.       experiential learning by enabling students to
                                                      make investment decisions in BSE/NSE listed
Core courses in the first year provide an in-depth
understanding of the theoretical underpinnings in

Programme Structure                                                           the necessary guidance and scholarships for the

The BKFS Programme is divided into six trimesters                             same.
spread over two years. During the first three terms
                                                                              Summer Internship and Training
of the first year, all students study courses of
different functional areas. The first year covers                             The practice of Banking and Capital Markets is
courses like Accounting, Finance, Economics,                                  intriguing and complex. Exposure to industry
Communication and Business Law to name a few.                                 practices and training by industry experts plays an
In the second year, the students are given the                                important role in growth as a finance professional.
option to select a blend of electives from a pool of                          To ensure a structured industry interaction for
subjects, with a requirement of fulfilling a set                              BKFS students, TAPMI has integrated summer
number of credits.                                                            training by industry professionals along with the
                                                                              general summer internship. Depending on their
CFA (Int.) Association/Global Association of                                  choice, the students are sent for a three-week on
Risk Professionals (GARP)                                                     the job training to the training institutes of either
The entire coursework of the BKFS Programme is                                the Bombay Stock Exchange or the State Bank of
in line with the CFA/FRM Programme's Candidate                                India training institutes after their 8-week long
Body of Knowledge (CBoK). TAPMI actively                                      summer internship. The summer training along
encourages participants of the BKFS Programme                                 with the internship help the students to integrate
to pursue the CFA/FRM certification and offers                                classroom learning with industry practices.

Programme Structure & Calendar

       Term                Months                                                           Duration                  Credits (tentative)

         1                 July-October                                                     16 weeks                             18

         2                 October-December                                                 12 weeks                             15

         3                 January-March                                                    12 weeks                             18

                           Summer Training                                                  8 weeks                               6

         4                 June-September                                                   16 weeks                             22

         5                 October-December                                                 12 weeks                             21

         6                 December-March                                                   16 weeks                             10
                           (SMIC and Winter Internship)
                                                             ** The Programme Calendar and term-wise credits are tentative, and subject to change.

Note: Core courses such as Accounting, Economics, Banking Management, Corporate Finance, Investment Management, Financial Derivatives etc. are
covered during Terms 1 to 3. Courses such as Investment Banking, Fund Management, International Finance, Financial Modelling, Risk Management etc.
and stream specific courses such as Treasury Management, Rural Banking for Banking Stream and Advanced Derivatives using Bloomberg, Mergers and
Acquisitions for Capital Markets Stream are covered in Terms 4 and 5. Term 6 comprises of SMIC and defence of their master thesis on which they have
worked in phases starting from Term 3.

                                                                                            18-19          WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
                                                                             TAPMI Finance Lab

    TAPMI houses a state-of-the-art Finance lab, powered by Bloomberg. Equipped with 16 Bloomberg
    and 7 Reuters terminals, it is the largest in the country. The terminals are available for use for
    students any time. TAPMI is one of the few B-schools in India to have taken this initiative, providing
    students hands-on experience in Investments and Portfolio Management, Forecasting, Risk
    Management and understanding of Global Capital Markets. With real-time financial data and feeds
    from BSE and NSE, the lab provides an edge over others for academic research.

A one of a kind course in India, Student Managed                 Association for support in offering courses in
Investment Course (SMIC) is an essential course for              FinTech and Analytical Tools like Artificial
BKFS Programme. Each student is given a seed                     Intelligence and Blockchain.
capital to invest in real markets. The objective of              TAPMI CFA Support Scholarship
SMIC is to provide experiential learning by enabling
                                                                 TAPMI provides scholarship for students pursuing
students to make investment decisions in BSE/NSE
listed companies.                                                the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)/FRM
                                                                 courses at two levels. CFA Institute waives the one-
Master Thesis
                                                                 time CFA Programme enrolment fee and reduces
This provides the student with an opportunity to
                                                                 the exam registration fees for 4 eligible students
acquire first-hand experience in applied research
in Finance under the supervision of an experienced               pursuing CFA certification. Similarly, GARP offers
faculty. The student is also encouraged to                       scholarships to the students pursuing FRM
disseminate the findings at reputed conferences or               certification. The remaining students are offered a
through publication in peer-reviewed journals.                   scholarship reimbursing the registration fees of
Unique Initiatives                                               these two institutes, provided they clear any level
MOU with Virtusa Consulting Services Ltd                         of certification of these institutes during their two
a n d C h a r t e r e d M a r ke t Te c h n i c i a n (C M T )   years at TAPMI.

3rd Batch
    Programme Mission – Value Creation through Growth

TAPMI launched a 2-year PGDM-Marketing                  and demanding, the quality of sales needs to be top
Programme (PGDM-Marketing) starting                     class. While in the B2B arena, the emphasis is on
from the academic year 2019-2020. This Programme        managing relationships through excellent account
is aimed at producing professionally trained            management practices, in B2C, the challenge is to
manpower to occupy leadership/managerial roles in       succeed in organized retail and growing rural
the domain of sales & marketing across various          markets. Hence, sales professionals need to be
sectors of the economy.                                 highly adaptable. In recent times, sales jobs have
                                                        also become more data-driven and sales managers
Sales skills are at a premium today and there is a      now need to make decisions based on sophisticated
growing need for well-trained sales professionals in    tools to manage a sales team that is more
India & abroad. With customers being more aware         achievement and reward oriented.

Why TAPMI PGDM-Marketing?                                      7.     Successful track record of attracting
    1.   Entire curriculum designed to achieve                        companies from FMCG, durables, retail,
         deeper insights and practice orientation in                  banking, B2B sectors offering sales
         sales and marketing                                          management roles for final placements
    2.   Extended internship programme to provide       Programme Structure & Calendar
         hands-on experience
                                                        Term        Months                      Duration     Credits
    3.   Mentoring by alumni holding senior sales
                                                        1           July-October                12 weeks       17
    4.   Focused on high-value employment
         opportunities with great career prospects in   2           October-December            12 weeks       15
         top companies                                  3           January-March               12 weeks       17
    5.   Sector specific specialization in second                   Industry Internship (MIP)   8 weeks        6
         year delivered by industry professionals       4           June-September              12 weeks       18
    6.   Strong base of faculty members with
                                                        5           October-December            12 weeks       14
         collectively more than 60 years of industry
         experience in sales & marketing function       6           December-March              16 weeks       14

                                                                        20-21         WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE


BrandScan is TAPMI's flagship market research          academics, the Institute has set up BrandScan lab
course with a legacy of twenty seven years.            to foster higher levels of consumer and brand
BrandScan has evolved from a humble market             research. With an eye on market trends and with
research fair in Manipal in 1993 to a                  an intention to be relevant to industry, BrandScan
comprehensive market research activity across          is now going through a makeover and will emerge
India. Initiated by our visionary students who have    as a new tech savvy avatar in the coming days.
built this into India's top research fair with sheer
                                                       Currently, the entire design of BrandScan is being
determination and commitment.
                                                       revamped with respect to its format, execution
BrandScan boasts of major projects undertaken          and evaluation. A team of senior faculty, alumni
for the industry using disguised games and other       and industry professionals would develop
market research tools.      In continuation with       BrandScan's 2.0 which will be offered to Marketing
TAPMI's goal of continuous improvement in              students in the academic year 2021 – 22.


TAPMI acknowledges and appreciates the merit and social commitment of its students through a
series of awards constituted by the TAPMI Board and its Alumni.

       The DEAN'S ROLL OF HONOUR involves a cash award of
       rupees two lakh each (Rs.2,00,000/-). Ten students of the
       PGP Batch across all programmes will receive the Dean's
       Roll of Honour. The selection process will be separate for
        each of the PGDM Programmes. Distribution of awards
      amongst the four PGDM programmes will be decided by the
              Dean (Academics) and Programme chairs.

        The TAPMI TITAN OF THE YEAR AWARD is instituted by
       M/s TITAN Industries and considers the overall personality
       and academic performance as its criteria for choosing the
       winner. The winner of this award is the one whom TAPMI
       wants to project to the world outside, as its ambassador.

                                                                22-23   WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
The M V KINI AWARD is given to the 1st year student scoring
                   highest CGPA in the courses, Organizational Behaviour and
                               Organizational Theory and Practice.

               The TAPMI ACHIEVER OF THE YEAR AWARD is given for exceptional
               performance in addition to academics. These include contribution to
                    the image of the institute by winning awards and prizes in
                 competitions at institutions of repute, publishing in prestigious
                journals, taking part in prestigious projects outside the curriculum
                which are nationally or internationally recognized, contribution to
                 institution building by being a member of Committees or fora at
                         TAPMI, and contributions to local communities.

                   The DR. RANJAN ACHARYA AWARD is given to the student
                   scoring the highest in Marketing specialization at the end of
                                    the two years Programme.

               The institute also recognizes and felicitates the top three academic
                  performers of the graduating batch during convocation with
                                         MERIT AWARDS.

                      The DR. S. DANDAPANI AWARD given to the student
                              securing the first rank (highest CGPA).

 students securing first place in Marketing and Finance respectively.

  Dr A. S. IYER MEMORIAL AWARD is given to the student securing
        first place in Finance and Prashant Kulkarni Award for
                      the best summer project.

 JASPREET-SEBASTIAN AWARD is given to a student considering
    the overall personality and academic performance in 1st year.

  (with contributions from Shri Ramesh Adige, Member-Governing
  Council TAPMI in the memory of his parents) is to recognize good
 academic performance and significant social contribution of eligible
  PGP-II student from any Programme between Terms 1 and 5. The
award includes cash component of Rs 80,000/- and a Certificate. The
   award will be presented to the winner during the Convocation.

 VISHAL CHOWDHARY MEMORIAL AWARD (with contributions from
  TAPMI alumni of 1997-99 batch in the memory of their batchmate
 Late Mr. Vishal Chowdhary) is to recognize the holistic contribution
 and positive impact of a student from current PGP-II (any program)
                  during his/her first year of study.

                                                24-25     WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE


TAPMI's 5 hostel blocks have been designed         water facility supported by solar heating. The
keeping in mind the students' requirements. All    rooms are maintained regularly by staff.
hostels have lifts, back-up power, Wi-Fi           Recreational requirements are served by 6
connectivity. There are separate hostels for men   common rooms for games like Table-tennis. A
and women, each with air-conditioned double &      night canteen that caters to the midnight pangs of
single rooms, and a few guest rooms. Each room     hunger is located close to the hostels, operational
has an attached bathroom and a 24-hour hot         from 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.

                                                19 theatre classes with multi-media
    44-acre CISCO enabled green campus
                                                facilities and state-of-the-art
    dedicated to management education
                                                conference room

    1060-bed-hostel for students                Faculty Housing-24 units

                                                Student Center with cafes,
    In-campus accommodation
                                                indoor games, campus store and
    making it a 24x7 campus
                                                24x7 night canteen (Mini Hangout)

    Knowledge Centre–Library and Information
                                               25 Guest rooms & International Hostel
    Technology Center with 4 computer labs

    Playground facility with green carpet,
    basketball court, cricket practice          Video Conferencing and Wi-Fi facilities
    pitch and nets, and volleyball/throwball

    Green campus with solar power-driven
                                                Hair Salon facilities
    lighting and water heating

                                               26-27        WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE

A bright, spacious hall overlooking the valley     vendors cater to different tastes and offer
houses TAPMI's multi-cuisine canteen in the        delicious vegetarian, jain and non-vegetarian
Student Centre, that provides nutritious food.     options. The welfare commi-ttee and the admin
Students can choose from any of the vendors        team work closely to monitor and ensure the
available in the canteen. Economical options may   highest standards of nutrition and hygiene,
be availed using membership cards. Various         without compromising on the taste.

  Leadership Assessment and Development Centre (LADC)

                                                        have a dedicated centre for Transformational
                                                        Leadership Development and Advisory. A
                                                        dedicated team of well-trained faculty members
                                                        and over 60 specially trained students from PGP 2
                                                        help each student understand his/her
                                                        transformational leadership competencies and
                                                        areas to bridge, based on a basket of proven
LADC at TAPMI prepares students to be                   psychometric tests. The insights are used to
transformational leaders who can                        provide advisories to the students on a one-to-
navigate organizations into an attractive,              one basis. It is worth noting that LADC has been
uncertain future. Since its inception in 2014,          awarded the Gold Award at the IMC Awards for
TAPMI is the only premium B-school in Asia to           excellence in Management Studies.

TAPMI Centre for Inclusive Growth and
Competitiveness (TCIG&C)
The TAPMI Centre for Inclusive Growth &
Competitiveness is the hub for sustainability
related activities at TAPMI. Its stakeholders are the
host district, civil society, TAPMI community,
alumni and businesses-large and small. It
addresses material issues through various
stakeholder engagement and research activities.
The student committees Social Endeavour Group
(SEG) and Sustainability Committee of TAPMI
(SCOT) complete many sustainability consulting
                                                        from the Café that sells sustainable products.
projects under this initiative.
                                                        Additionally, the SEVA (Society, Environment,
Unique Initiatives                                      Values and Attitudes) and SoCH (Social Innovation
Café Biosphere-the Sustainability Corner of             C h a l l e n g e) c o u r s e s , i nt e g rat e d i nt o t h e
TAPMI is integrated into the Student Centre at          curriculum, expose students to real world
TAPMI. In alignment with the PRME goals, the            problems and help them develop skills needed to
carefully designed spot is made out of reusable         balance economic and sustai-nability imperatives
materials, and its thematic murals, furniture and       of businesses by handling live community
decor promote the spirit of sustainability amongst      projects, with the aim to design & deploy
students. SCOT members run a part-time store            innovative market-based solutions.

                                                                    28-29         WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
• The Admission Process provided below                      company, total experience, etc.), extra-
  explains the common process followed across               curricular achievements, if any.
  all programmes. Each PGDM programme may
                                                         • The Statement of Purpose plays an impor-tant
  have additional components based on its                  role in shortlisting.
                                                         • Shortlist for each programme is separate and
• Profile considered for shortlisting consists of          independent of each other. Shortlist in one
  valid CAT/XAT/GMAT scores (whichever is                  Programme does not guarantee shortlist for
  higher), academic profile (10th, 12th,                   the other Programme.
  Graduation), work experience (type of

Minimum Eligibility                                      curricular achievements, if any. Students shall be
A Graduate Degree with not less than 50% marks           informed about the shortlist decision on their
(Final year students may also apply. However, the        registered email address.
admission shall be cancelled if they obtain less than
50% in his/her graduation)                               Stage II: Admission Process
Stage I: Shortlisting                                    The stage II of TAPMI admission process consists of
For candidates with work experience of less than         English Proficiency Test (EPT), followed by
20 months as on Mar 31, 2021:                            Moderated Group Discussion (MGD) and Personal
                                                         Interview (PI).
  Test                    Cut-off (minimum)
                                                         1. English Proficiency Test (EPT): EPT assesses the
  CAT 2020                85 percentile
                                                            English proficiency across listening, writing,
  XAT 2021                85 percentile
                                                            reading and speaking skills of the applicant.
  GMAT                    630
                                                         2. Moderated Group Discussions (MGD): Moderated
  Graduation              60 percent
                                                            Group Discussions aims to evaluate ability of the
  XII                     60 percent
                                                            applicant to interact within a group an enrich the
  X                       60 percent
                                                            discussion. MGD aims at evaluating applicant's
                                                            skills in Problem Solving, Confidence and
This year, applicants may submit any one of test
                                                            Assertiveness, Persuasion, Collaboration and
scores: CAT 2020 OR XAT 2021 OR GMAT (January 1,
                                                            Communication. Topics for MGD will be based on
2016 – February 28, 2021) score. Applicants can
                                                            current affairs/ issues debated in last five years.
submit more than one test score. GMAT test based
                                                            An important change for the forthcoming
candidates are required to update their test score,         process is to restrict the number of candidates to
on or before March 15, 2021.                                6 per group and have the discussion moderated
For candidates with work experience of more than            by the faculty panel.

20 months as on Mar 31, 2021                             3. Personal Interview (PI): TAPMI's objective for
                                                            conducting personal interview is to understand
TAPMI follows profile-based shortlisting. Profile
                                                            the applicant's attitude towards management
considered for shortlisting consists of valid CAT
                                                            education. To ensure the same, TAPMI shall be
2020 OR XAT 2021 /GMAT scores (January 1, 2016 –            conducting Behavioral Personal Interview. TAPMI
February 28, 2021) (whichever is higher), academic          shall evaluate applicant's ability in terms of Self-
profile (10th, 12th, Graduation, etc.), work experience      Awa re n e s s , S e l f-M a n a g e m e nt , S o c i a l
(type of company, total experience, etc.), extra            Awareness, Leadership and Communication.

NRI Eligibility Criteria                                                Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) means a Foreign
                                                                        national, who was eligible to become Citizen of
Candidates under NRI quota must be an Indian                            India on 26.01.1950 or was a Citizen of India on or
national and additionally satisfy either of the criteria                at any time after 26.01.1950 or belonged to a
listed below (with enough proof):                                       territory that became part of India after 15.08.1947.
  1) Must be an Indian Citizen who is ordinarily                        Minor children of such person are also eligible for
     residing outside India and holds an Indian                         OCI. However, if the Applicant had ever been a
     Passport[OR]                                                       Citizen of Pakistan or Bangladesh, he/she will not
                                                                        be eligible for OCI.
  2) Must be the Sons/Daughters of Non-Resident
     Indian(s)                                                          Mode of Interview: Online
*As per AICTE APH 2020-21                                               Final Selection
All other conditions with reference to eligibility                      The final selection of the candidate is based on
requirements such as Minimum 50% marks during                           CAT/XAT/GMAT (Overall Percentile) + Verbal Ability
g r a d u a t i o n a n d A d m i s s i o n Te s t S c o r e s          Percentile + Academic Profile + Work Experience
(CAT/XAT/GMAT) shall apply.                                             + EPT Score + MGD Score + PI Score as follows:
PIO/Foreign Citizen/OCI Eligibility Criteria
                                                                          Category                                                 Percent
An international applicant is the one who is not an                       Score in Common Admission Test
Indian citizen. The admission process and eligibility                     (CAT, XAT, GMAT)
criteria remain the same as Indian National                               Score for academic performance
                                                                          (in X, XII, Undergraduate Degree)
                                                                          Group discussion/interview                                 40
Person of Indian Origin (PIO) means a Foreign                             Weightage for Gender Diversity and
                                                                          Extra-curricular Activities
Citizen (except a national of Pakistan, Afghanistan,
                                                                          Total                                                      100
Bangladesh, China, Iran, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and
Nepal) who at any time held an Indian passport Or                       ** As per the AICTE APH Handbook 2020, subject to change

who or either of their parents/grandparents/great                       Last date for submission of online application is
grandparents were born and permanent resident                           December 11, 2020.
in India as defined in Government of India Act, 1935
and other territories that became part of India                         Application fee
thereafter provided neither was at any time a                           (Non-refundable inclusive GST)
Citizen of any of the aforesaid Countries; or who is a
spouse of a Citizen of India or a PIO.                                    Single program               : INR 2,100 + GST @ 18%
                                                                          Two programs                 : INR 2,500 + GST @ 18%
Foreign Nationals means the Citizen of the
Countries other than India who are not of Indian                          Three programs               : INR 4,000 + GST @ 18%
origin as defined under OCI/ PIO.                                         Four programs                : INR 6,000 + GST @ 18%

      1.    TAPMI does not accept application in hardcopy mode. All applications must be submitted online. Candidates have an option
            of making payment for application through online/credit card/debit card or using online banking payment facility. Our
            website will guide you through the application submission process as well as online payment process.
      2.    The above procedure is subject to change depending on the developments that may arise.
      3.    Any disputes regarding the Admissions to these programmes are subject to the jurisdiction of Udupi only.
      4.    The application fee is non-refundable.
      5.    Our Institute uses CAT/XAT/GMAT scores for shortlisting the candidates for the Post-graduate Programmes in
            Management. IIMs, XLRI and GMAC have no role either in the selection process or in the conduct of the programme.
      6.    There is no “Management Quota” at TAPMI.

Ragging is completely banned. Anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging is liable to be punished.

                                                                                      30-31            WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
Tuition fee – (common for all)-Domestic students - INR 7.55 lakhs for the year (2021-22)+ INR 7.55 lakhs for
the year (2022-23), NRI-USD 20,000 per year
Hostel fees - INR 1.55 lakhs for the year (2021-22) + INR 1.65 lakhs for the year (2022-23)
Alumni lifetime membership fee - INR 20000
Caution deposit (Refundable) - INR 40000
Educational loan support
TAPMI has associated with several banks to ensure quick financial assistance for students interested in
availing educational loans.

  Bank                     Loan Amount          Interest Rate               Repayment           Email
                           (INR in Lakhs)       (floating)                  Period (years)

  Syndicate Bank           Rs.20.00 Lakhs       8.75% –9.75% floating       15years             br.2420@syndicatebank.co.in

  Canara Bank              Rs.20.00 Lakhs       8.70% floating              15years             cb3085@canarabank.com

  State Bank of India      Rs.20.00 Lakhs       9.05% floating              15years             sbi.04426@sbi.co.in

  HDFC Credila             Rs.20.00 Lakhs       9.95% Floating              168 months          vivekgs@hdfccredila.com

  Indian Bank              Rs. 30.00 lakhs      8.35% floating              15 Years            udupi@indianbank.co.in

  ICICI Bank               Rs.20.00 Lakhs       11.75% floating              8years             Chandrabhanu.chittoori@

  Axis Bank                Rs.40.00 Lakhs       11.25 % floating             15years            udupi.branchhead@

  HDFC Bank                Rs 20.00 Lakhs       9.65 % floating             15years             s.sindu@hdfcbank.com

The interest rates and other details are subject to change as per the discretion of the banks. Please contact the respective banks for
further details.

NOTE: All fee withdrawals will be dealt as per AICTE refund policy. Details are provided on the TAPMI website.

Admissions Team

   Name                                                 Designation
   Prof. Kedar Joshi                                    Chairperson - Admissions
   Prof. Vasanth Kamath                                 Co-Chair - Admissions
   Mr. Navin M. Yelamali                                Deputy Manager - Admissions
   Mrs. Jyothi Nayak                                    Assistant Manager – Admissions
   Ms. Reena S                                          Executive - Admissions
   Ms. Shalet Dsouza                                    Associate - Admissions

   Tel: +91 820 2701010/1070/1080/1090 Fax: +91 820 2570699 Email: admissions@tapmi.edu.in

TAPMI appreciates and values merit, and awards scholarships to meritorious students. TAPMI has
instituted four categories of Write Dr Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarships benefitting 50 students with an
amount of INR 2.26 crore. The scholarship amounts to a fee waiver of 30% of the total tuition fee in each

One student amongst every ten gets funding through Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship

Proposed Structure of Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship

   Scholarship                              Current Structure
                                            Nos.      Eligibility

   Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship                   95 percentile and above in CAT/XAT; 730
   Category I                                         and above in GMAT

   Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship                   90 percentile and above in CAT/XAT & family
   Category II                                        gross income (before tax) below rupees ten lakhs.

   Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship                   88 percentile and above in CAT/XAT &
   Category III                                       family gross income (before tax) below rupees eight lakhs.

   Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship                   Family Gross Income (before tax) below rupees
   Category IV                                        seven lakhs; No CAT/XAT score criteria

   Total Scholarships                       50

Note: The further details about scholarships shall be furnished after joining the programme

                                                                            32-33        WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
The recipients of the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarships for the academic year 2019-21 open up about their
experience at TAPMI, and on being recognized for their efforts.

                     Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship (Recipient)
           SASANKA MAGANTI                                        HARSHIT RASTOGI
           The Dr. Ramdas Pai Scholarship has been a great        Paulo Coelho says “When you want something,
           incentive to perform better and work to the best       all the universe conspires in helping you to
           of my potential. TAPMI has been extremely              achieve it.”
           supportive and encouraging towards deserving
                                                                  Hi! I am Harshit and I have been awarded the Dr.
           candidates and I am honoured to have received
                                                                  Ramdas Pai Scholarship under the first
           this scholarship based on merit and to receive
                                                                  category. These scholarships are ways in which
           this financial aid with the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit
                                                                  TAPMI conspires to help its students achieve
                                                                  everything they aimed for. Winning this
           TUHINA DAS                                             scholarship has made me confident in my ability
           “A dream doesn't become reality through magic,         and motivated me to strive harder for greater
           it takes sweat, determination and hard                 achievements.
           work”—These words inspired me to pursue an
                                                                  ABHIJITH KM
           MBA and for me, TAPMI was the perfect place to
                                                                  I feel honoured of being a recipient of Dr.
           start my post graduate journey. One of the
                                                                  Ramdas Pai merit scholarship. In this occasion I
           reasons why I decided to join TAPMI was the
                                                                  thank the whole TAPMI community for awarding
           unique scholarship criteria which is not offered
                                                                  this need based scholarship. This scholarship
           at any other premium B-school. Apart from
                                                                  reduces my financial burden and motivates me
           helping me with my expenses, the scholarship
                                                                  to further grow and excel in education. I am so
           further encourages me to prove my merit. I
                                                                  proud of being a Tapmian and the support that I
           would like to take this opportunity to thank
                                                                  am getting from the institute is overwhelming.
           TAPMI for this wonderful initiative.
                                                                  TAHER BARWANIWALA
           JOE THAMPI
                                                                  My education has always been very important to
           I am extremely happy to be chosen for Dr.
                                                                  me and vital for my successful future. Being
           Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship provided by
                                                                  awarded the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship
           TAPMI. This scholarship differentiates TAPMI
                                                                  only confirms that joining this institute was the
           from the other top tier B-schools and was one of
                                                                  best decision for my future. This scholarship will
           the reasons why I chose to pursue my post-
                                                                  allow me to open new doors of learning and
           graduation from this college. This will also be a
                                                                  continue pursuing my degree in hopes of
           motivating factor for me to perform
                                                                  graduating with good grades. I am so grateful for
           academically well in the coming years. I express
                                                                  this wonderful opportunity.
           my sincere gratitude to the management and
           faculty of TAPMI for awarding me this                  SUTANUKA KOLEY
                                                                  My education has always been very important to
           PRATIK UPADHYAY                                        me and vital for my successful future. Being
                                                                  awarded the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship
           I am grateful to receive the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit
                                                                  only confirms that joining this institute was the
           Scholarship . This scholarship has helped me to
                                                                  best decision for my future. This scholarship will
           realise my dream of studying in a premiere B-
                                                                  allow me to open new doors of learning and
           school, through financial aid. TAPMI is known for
                                                                  continue pursuing my degree in hopes of
           its rigorous course structure, experiential-
                                                                  graduating with good grades. I am so grateful for
           learning methodologies and discipline.
                                                                  this wonderful opportunity.
           I wish to thank the TAPMI administration for
           providing me this privilege, which has motivated
           me to perform even better during my course.

ARPIT VIG                                               NEERAJ KUMAR
The 'Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit' scholarship                  I am thankful to TAPMI to have received this
opportunity instilled a feeling of                      scholarship which has lightened the burden of
competitiveness and thirst for excellence in me         my education loan. I am glad to be part a of such
leading to my overall development. Pursuing a           a renowned institute that offer learning through
PGDM in Banking and Financial Services from T.A         Leadership development, Assessment advisory
Pai Management Institute became one of the              and Bloomberg labs which are instrumental in
best decisions of my life. I would like to thank the    grooming myself into a future leader.
institute for recognizing my potential and
                                                        RUSHI SHAH
believing that I was worthy enough to be granted
                                                        I am honored to receive the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit
this scholarship.
                                                        Scholarship offered by T A Pai Management
VEDASHREE VIDNYAN RELKAR                                Institute (TAPMI), Manipal. The scholarships
I am very grateful to TAPMI for awarding me Dr.         offered by TAPMI highlight the commitment of
Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship. This scholarship          the institute in imparting quality education to
has motivated me to strive for excellence.              students, who are meritorious, come from weak
Coming from a middle-class family, my MBA               financial backgrounds, or both.
education was a huge financial burden. I am very
                                                        This privilege was also one of the reasons why I
thankful to TAPMI for offering this support. The
                                                        decided to join this premier B-school. I thank
fact that the institute is investing in us is so
                                                        TAPMI in recognition of my efforts and shall
overwhelming and I will always try to bring
                                                        strive to achieve academic excellence hereon.
laurels to TAPMI.
                                                        ANSU JOSEPH
                                                        I am honoured and privileged to be a recipient of
I would like to thank TAPMI for encouraging
                                                        the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship. I take this
students to attain the best of their caliber and for
                                                        opportunity to thank the TAPMI community for
acknowledging students based on their merit by
                                                        the efforts taken in motivating and supporting
awarding them the Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit
                                                        students like me in achieving our dreams and
Scholarship. This scholarship provides me, and
                                                        trusting us with the huge responsibility of
students like me, the incentive to perform better
                                                        carrying forward the TAPMI legacy. I am sure this
and utilise our maximum potential.
                                                        scholarship will be a motivating factor for all the
SHRIYA GUPTA                                            recipients to perform better in the future.
I would like to thank our institute for such a
                                                        APOORVA DATTARAM SHINDE
wonderful opportunity that motivates students
                                                        I am truly humbled and thankful to have received
to work hard and achieve the prestigious
                                                        the 'Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship'. I am
Dr. Ramdas Pai Merit Scholarship.
                                                        g r a t e f u l t o TA P M I f o r r e c o g n i z i n g m y
Being a fresher, I greatly appreciate this as it        determination and effort, and for placing their
inspires me to stay focused on my academics. I          faith in my future. This scholarship will not only
thank the institute for recognizing and                 help me to continue my education but also
appreciating our efforts.                               motivate me to work harder and achieve my
                                                        goals. I thank my faculty and the college
                                                        administration for giving me this wonderful
I am honoured to have been given the
                                                        opportunity to help build my career.
opportunity to engage myself in all the aspects
of college life here in TAPMI, because of the           KRITIKA AGARWAL
exceptional Programmes such as the Dr.                  I am honoured to have received the Dr. Ramdas
Ramdas M Pai Merit Scholarship. It has helped           Pai Merit Scholarship awarded by TAPMI and to
me immensely in reducing the cost of my higher          be amongst the very few students chosen for the
education which in turn has motivated me to             same based on their performance and various
work hard. In a society where it is easy to lose        other parameters. This kind of appraisal
sight of education as a blessing and a gift,            motivates me and other recipients to perform
receiving this scholarship is the first step            even better in the future and helps in achieving
towards my dreams of becoming a consultant              our future endeavours financially. I am grateful
and a successful entrepreneur.                          for being a part of TAPMI and for having received
                                                        such recognition.

                                                       34-35          WHERE LEARNING IS FOR LIFE
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