Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale

Page created by Edith Perkins
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Spring/Summer 2019

 A q u at i c s | At h l e t i c s | C l a s s e s | E v e n t s | Pa r k s | T e n n i s

                                                                              Inside for

for more information, visit
                                          Connect With Us!
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Connect With Us!


Mission                                Instagram
To provide fun and rewarding
activities-in safe, attractive         YouTube
environments-accessible to all.

Dean J. Trantalis                 ENTER
Vice Mayor, District IV             TO         Follow, like, or
Ben Sorensen                       WIN!      subscribe to any
Commissioner, District I                    of our social media
Heather Moraitis                           channels from March
                                            to September and
Commissioner, District II                  you’re automatically
Steven Glassman                              entered to win a
                                               free gift card!
Commissioner, District III
Robert L. McKinzie

City Manager
Chris Lagerbloom

Parks & Recreation
Phil Thornburg, Director
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Parks & Facilities                  1-2
Program Registration                 3
Dog-Friendly Places                 4-5
Pavilion Rentals                     6
Recreation Center Rentals            7
Wedding Rentals                      8
War Memorial Auditorium              9
Special Events                    10-21
South Side Cultural Arts Center   22-25
After-School & Camp Programs      26-31
Adult Athletics                     32
Adult Classes                       33
Youth Athletics                   34-36
Youth Classes                       37
Club 55+                          38-44
Tennis                            45-48
Aquatics                          49-53
Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex   54-61
News & Information                62-63
Fit Fort Lauderdale                 64
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Parks & Facilities
                                                                                                                         NE 52 St
                                         Fort Lauderdale
                                         Executive Airport

                                   Commercial Blvd

                                                                                                                ie Hwy
                                                                                                         Old Dix
                               Middle River                                                                                                                    3

                                    Oakland Park Blvd


                                                                                                    NE 26th St



                                        NW 19 St
                                                                                                  NE 4th



                                                                                                                                                      Seabreeze Blv
                                                                                            23                                          8
                                    Sunrise Blvd
                                                                              Andrews Ave

                                                                                              NE 3rd Ave

                                                     13        16                                                   22

                                                                                                                                                                      Atlantic Ocean
                                  Broward Blvd
                                                                                                                             s Blvd
                                                                            6                                       Las Ola
                                                                18                   10 19                                                       7
                                                                                                       SE 3rd Ave
                                                                     SE 4th Ave

                                                                                             Federal Highway

                                    Davie Blvd


                                                         o      ad 84
                                                 State R       21

                         To Alligator
                         Alley                            Fort Lauderdale
                                Griffin Rd
      1              City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Parks & Facilities
 1 Parks and Recreation                        8 George English Park                        16 Provident Park
 Administration/                                   & Tennis Center*                         1412 N.W. 6th Street
	Holiday Park*                                1101 Bayview Drive                            Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
1150 G. Harold Martin Drive                   Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304                     (954) 828-7275 (PARK)
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304                     (954) 828-4620
                                                                                            17 Riverland Park*
(954) 828-7275 (PARK)
                                               9 Hortt Park                                 950 S.W. 27th Avenue
 2 Bass Park*                                 1700 S.W. 14th Court                          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
2750 N.W. 19th Street                         Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312                     (954) 828-5320
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311                     (954) 828-7275 (PARK)
                                                                                            18 Riverside Park
(954) 828-8498
                                              10 Huizenga Plaza                             555 S.W. 11th Avenue
 3 Beach Community                            32 E. Las Olas Boulevard                      Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
	Center*                                      Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301                     (954) 828-7275 (PARK)
3351 N.E. 33rd Avenue                         (954) 828-7275 (PARK)
                                                                                            19 Riverwalk
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
                                              11 Jimmy Evert                                20 N. New River Drive
(954) 828-4610
                                              	Tennis Center*                               Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
 4 Carter Park*                               701 N.E. 12th Avenue                          (954) 828-7275 (PARK)
1450 W. Sunrise Boulevard                     Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304                     20 South Side
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311                     (954) 828-5378                                	Cultural Arts Center*
(954) 828-5411
                                              12 Lauderdale Manors Park                     701 S. Andrews Avenue
 5 Croissant Park*                            1340 Chateau Park Drive                       Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
245 W. Park Drive                             Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311                     (954) 828-6250
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315                     (954) 828-5412                                21 Snyder Park
(954) 828-6154
                                              13 Lincoln Park                               3299 S.W. 4th Avenue
 6 Esplanade Park                             600 N.W. 19th Avenue                          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
400 S.W. 2nd Street                           Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311                     (954) 828-4585
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312                     (954) 828-7275 (PARK)                         22 War Memorial
(954) 828-7275 (PARK)
                                              14 Mills Pond Park*                                Auditorium
 7 Fort Lauderdale                            2201 N.W. 9th Avenue                          800 N.E. 8th Street
    Aquatic Complex*                          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311                     Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
501 Seabreeze Boulevard                       (954) 828-8943                                (954) 828-5380
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316                                                                   23 Warfield Park*
                                              15 Osswald Park*
(954) 828-4580
                                              2220 N.W. 21st Avenue                         1000 N. Andrews Avenue
                                              Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311                     Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
                                              (954) 828-6455                                (954) 828-6120

* Locations accepting program registrations.

      For a complete listing, please visit

Park Rangers provide a safe environment ensuring that City of Fort Lauderdale Parks & Recreation Rules and Regulations are upheld.
Please help the Park Rangers to keep our parks safe. Call (954) 828-4634 to report violations or problems.

                                                           Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |                     2
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Program Registration                                                               Fees & Payment
                                                                                   Payment must be made at the time of registration.
                                                                                   Valid proof of City of Fort Lauderdale residency must
                                                                                   be provided to receive the resident rate. Acceptable
                                                                                   documents include water bill, voter registration, FPL
                                                                                   bill, lease agreement, or property tax bill.
                                                                                   American Express, MasterCard, or Visa is the preferred
                                                                                   method of payment.
                                                                                   Note: The Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex,
                                                                                   Holiday Park, and Jimmy Evert Tennis Center
                                                                                   accept all methods of payment. Bass Park, Beach
                       Online Registration                                         Community Center, Carter Park, Croissant Park,
                       The City of Fort Lauderdale Parks & Recreation              George English Park, Mills Pond Park, Osswald
                       Department is pleased to offer online registration for      Park, Riverland Park, South Side Cultural Arts
                       many of our programs and activities.                        Center, and Warfield Park accept only credit cards
                                          as payment methods.

                       New Participants                                            Youth Enrichment Scholarship
                       To use our online registration, you must first register     The Youth Enrichment Scholarship (YES) is available
                       for an account in person. Please take your State of         to City residents. Applicants must bring proof that
                       Florida identification or driver’s license and proof        the child is currently on the Broward County School
                       of residency (water bill, voter registration, FPL bill,     Board’s free or reduced lunch program and proof of
                       lease agreement, or property tax bill) to any of our        City residency.
                       community center locations listed on page 2.

                       In-Person Registration                                                       Make sure to
                       Registration is also available in person at any of our                   select “PLAYBOOK”
                       community center locations listed on page 2.                            in the referral section
                                                                                                online or mention it
                                                                                                in person when you
                                                                       Enter                     register and you’ll
                                                                      to Win                      be automatically
                                                                                                entered to win some
                                                                                                  fabulous prizes!

                                                                   Important Notice
                            Every effort has been made to ensure this guide contains accurate information. However, circumstances
                             may require that adjustments be made to programs, fees, schedules, etc. and errors can occur. Please
                           note that dates, prices, and content listed in this publication are subject to change. We apologize for any
                                                      inconvenience these errors or adjustments may cause.

       3               City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Dog-Friendly Places
Days: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only
November-March: 3 to 7 PM
April-October: 3 to 9 PM
Location: Second set of parking spaces north of
Sunrise Boulevard on A1A (approximately 1269 North
Fort Lauderdale)
Annual permits must be purchased in-person at
Parks and Recreation Administration located at Holiday
Park, 1150 G. Harold Martin Drive, Monday through
Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. Annual renewals may be
handled by mail.
2019 Annual Permit Fees:
(January 1 to December 31)
$30 per dog (Fort Lauderdale Resident)
$45 per dog (Non-Resident)
$5 Lost permit replacement
One-Weekend Permit Fee:
(Friday, Saturday, & Sunday):
$7 per dog
                                                           Dog Rules & Regulations
A1A DOG WALKING                                            Canine Beach, A1A Dog Walking, &
Days: Daily                                                Riverwalk Linear Park
Hours: 6 to 9 AM                                           1. Dogs shall be kept on a leash, maximum of
Location: West side of A1A from Sunrise Boulevard             6-feet in length, at all times.
south to the intersection of Fort Lauderdale Beach and     2. All dogs must have current vaccination and
Seabreeze Boulevards. (Note: You may walk dogs on             license.
the west side of A1A north of Sunrise Boulevard 24         3. Owners must be responsible for their pets.
hours a day, no permit required.)                             Aggressive dogs may be removed at the City’s
Fees: Included with purchase of annual Canine Beach           discretion.
permit.                                                    4. Dog owners shall be responsible for disposing
                                                              of all fecal matter deposited by their dog.
RIVERWALK LINEAR PARK                                      5. Dogs shall not create a nuisance by causing
Days: Daily                                                   any form of disturbance such as excessive
Hours: All day                                                barking or any similar conduct.
                                                           6. Dogs are only permitted on the beach in the
Location: 20 North New River Drive from S.W. 5th to
                                                              designated 100-yard section posted as a
S.E. 2nd Avenues (along the New River in Downtown
                                                              Canine Beach.
Fort Lauderdale).
                                                           7. Each dog owner must obtain and carry a
Fees: Free
                                                              permit when using Canine Beach.

                                                  Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |        4
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Dog-Friendly Places                                                                               Holiday Park Dog Park
                                                                                                  Enjoy the brand new dog park in the heart of Fort
                                                                                                  Lauderdale at Holiday Park!
                                                                                                  Days: Daily
                                                                                                  Hours: 7:30 AM to 7 PM (Closed every Monday
                                                                                                  and Wednesday morning from 8 to 11 AM for
                                                                                                  Location: 1150 G. Harold Martin Drive,
                                                                                                  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
                                                                                                  Fee: Free

                                                                                                     Dog Rules & Regulations
                      BARK PARK AT SNYDER PARK                                                       Bark Park at Snyder Park &
                      Two fenced acres with agility courses for dogs are                             Holiday Park Dog Park
                      available at Bark Park in Snyder Park.                                         1. All dogs must have current vaccination and
                                                                                                         license. Puppies under four months old are
                      Days: Daily except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day
                                                                                                         not permitted.
                      Hours: 7 AM to 7 PM (Closed every Tuesday and
                                                                                                     2. Owners must stay with and be responsible for
                      Thursday morning from 8 to 11 AM for maintenance.)
                                                                                                         their pets. Aggressive dogs may be removed
                      Location: 3299 S.W. 4th Avenue,                                                    at the City’s discretion.
                      Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315                                                      3. Dog owners shall be responsible for disposing
                      Fees: No charge except for parking on Saturday,                                    of all fecal matter deposited by their dog.
                      Sunday, and holidays ($1 per car per hour, $5 daily                            4. Dogs shall not create a nuisance by causing
                      maximum).                                                                          any form of disturbance such as excessive
                                                                                                         barking or any similar conduct.
                      DOG SWIM AT SNYDER PARK                                                        5. No more than three (3) dogs per person are
                      Swimming for dogs is available at Snyder Park’s East                               permitted.
                      Lake. Dog Swim is closed on the first Tuesday and                              6. Rollerblading, roller skating, and bicycle riding
                      Wednesday of each month for water treatment.                                       are not permitted in Bark Park or Holiday Park
                      Days: Daily except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day                                Dog Park.
                      Hours: 7 AM to 7 PM (Closed entirely the first Tuesday                         7. Dogs in estrus (heat), ill, and/or with internal
                      and Wednesday of each month as well as every                                       or external parasites are not allowed in
                      Wednesday from 8 to 11 AM for maintenance.)                                        the park.
                      Location: 3299 S.W. 4th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale,                               8. Please keep gate closed at all times.
                      FL 33315                                                                       9. Dogs are not allowed to dig inside the park.
                      Fees: No charge except for parking on Saturday,                                10. Children under 13 years old must be
                      Sunday, and holidays ($1 per car per hour, $5 daily                                accompanied by an adult.
                      maximum).                                                                      11. No food is allowed inside the park. Treats are
                                                                                                         to be used for training purposes only.

                                                 Non-service canines are NOT allowed in any other City Parks.
                      NOTE: Dogs and/or their owners who violate these rules are subject to removal from the park and possible suspension. The City of Fort Lauderdale
                      reserves the right to refuse entry into Bark Park at Snyder Park and Holiday Park Dog Park for the reasons of health, safety, and prior offenses or
                      for the comfort of all patrons and/or their pets. Bark Park and Holiday Park Dog Park are not staffed, please use at your own risk.

      5               City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Pavilion Rentals
Pavilions may be rented at the following parks. All locations can be reserved up to six months in advance. To
reserve a pavilion, please visit Parks and Recreation Administration, Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM,
located at Holiday Park, 1150 G. Harold Martin Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304. For more information including
availability and rental regulations, call (954) 828-7275 (PARK).
Fee: Resident $75, Non-Resident $110 (plus applicable sales tax)

Ann Herman Park                            Holiday Park                               Shirley Small Park
1760 S.W. 29th Avenue                      800 N. Federal Highway                     S.W. 34th Ave (one block north of
                                                                                      Davie Boulevard)
Bayview Park                               Lincoln Park
4400 Bayview Drive                         600 N.W. 19th Avenue                       Stranahan Park
                                                                                      10 E. Broward Blvd
Carter Park                                Middle River Terrace Park
1450 W. Sunrise Boulevard                  1330 N.E. 5th Terrace                      Snyder Park*
                                                                                      3299 S.W. 4th Avenue
Coontie Hatchee Park                       Osswald Park
1116 S.W. 15th Avenue                      2220 N.W. 21st Avenue                      Large Pavilion: Resident $80,
                                                                                      Non-Resident $120
Dr. Elizabeth Hays Civic Park              Palm Aire Village Park                     Pavilion #5: Resident $100,
3781 Riverland Road                        6401 N.W. 21st Avenue                      Non-Resident $150
Floranada Park                             Poinciana Park                             Caldwell Pavilion: Resident
5100 N.E. 14th Way                         400 S.E. 21st Street                       $400, Non-Resident $600
                                                                                      (plus applicable sales tax)
George English Park*                       Riverland Park*
1101 Bayview Drive                         950 S.W. 27th Avenue

*Pavilion rentals may be secured online. Visit for more information.

                                                       Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |             6
Playbook Spring/Summer 2019 - ConneCt With Us! - City of Fort Lauderdale
Recreation Center Rentals
                            RECREATION CENTER RENTALS
                            For availability and rental information, please call (954) 828-7275 (PARK).

                             Small Recreation Centers
                                                                                        South Side Cultural Arts Center
                            Hourly Rate: Resident $100, Non-Resident $135
                            (plus applicable sales tax)
                            Non-Profit* Hourly Rate: Resident $75,
                            Non-Resident $100 (plus applicable sales tax)
                            •   Bass Park
                            •   Beach Community Center Small Room
                            •   Carter Park Annex
                            •   George English Park
                                                                                         First Floor
                            •   Holiday Park Social Center Small Room
                                                                                        Hourly Rate: Resident $425, Non-Resident $580
                            •   Hortt Park                                              (plus applicable sales tax)
                            •   Riverside Park                                          Non-Profit* Hourly Rate: Resident $300,
                                                                                        Non-Resident $425 (plus applicable sales tax)
                             Large Recreation Centers                                   Park Ranger Detail: $30/hour
                             No Alcohol Permitted
                            Hourly Rate: Resident $125, Non-Resident $175
                            (plus applicable sales tax)
                            Non-Profit* Hourly Rate: Resident $75,
                            Non-Resident $125 (plus applicable sales tax)
                            •   Carter Park Social Center
                            •   Croissant Park
                            •   Lauderdale Manors Park                                   Culinary Room
                            •   Osswald Park                                            Hourly Rate: Resident $125, Non-Resident $175
                            •   Riverland Park                                          (plus applicable sales tax)
                            •   Warfield Park                                           Non-Profit* Hourly Rate: Resident $75,
                                                                                        Non-Resident $125 (plus applicable sales tax)
                             Large Recreation Centers                                   Park Ranger Detail: $30/hour
                             Alcohol Permitted
                            Hourly Rate: Resident $125, Non-Resident $175
                            (plus applicable sales tax)
                            Non-Profit* Hourly Rate: Resident $75,
                            Non-Resident $125 (plus applicable sales tax)
                            Park Ranger Detail: $30/hour
                            • Beach Community Center Large Room
                            • Holiday Park Social Center                                 Fitness Room, Multipurpose Room
                                                                                         or Performance Arts Room
                            • Mills Pond Park
                                                                                        Hourly Rate: Resident $100, Non-Resident $135
                                                                                        (plus applicable sales tax)
                                                                                        Non-Profit* Hourly Rate: Resident $75,
                                                                                        Non-Resident $100 (plus applicable sales tax)
                                                                                        Park Ranger Detail: $30/hour

                            *Non-Profit must be verified on
        7                   City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Wedding Rentals
The City of Fort Lauderdale offers
beautiful wedding locations.
Below is a list of potential
wedding locations. Most locations
require a reservation and permit at
a nominal fee.

For more information, including
availability and rental regulations,
call (954) 828-7275 (PARK).

 Beach Community Center
3351 N.E. 33rd Avenue
Small Room
Fee: Resident $100/hour,
Non-Resident $135/hour
(plus applicable sales tax)
Large Ballroom
(with stage, dance floor, and kitchen)
Fee: Resident $125/hour,
Non-Resident $175/hour
(plus applicable sales tax)
Call (954) 828-4610 for rental information.

 Colee Hammock Park
1500 Brickell Drive
Fee: Resident $150, Non-Resident $225
(plus applicable sales tax)

 Connie Hoffman Gazebo
300 S.W. 3rd Avenue
Fee: Resident $150, Non-Resident $225
(plus applicable sales tax)

 Rotary Gazebo                                           Connie Hoffman Gazebo
300 S.W. 2nd Avenue
Fee: Resident $150, Non-Resident $225
(plus applicable sales tax)

 Stranahan Park Gazebo
10 E. Broward Blvd
Fee: Resident $150, Non-Resident $225
(plus applicable sales tax)

                                              Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |       8
War Memorial Auditorium

                                  800 NE 8th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
                                 (954) 828-5380 |
                          War Memorial Auditorium Event Schedule
                                                            Book your event!

                                   Weddings                                    Events                         Business

                           MARCH 9-10                                                  APRIL 20

                                                                                      THE FITNESS EXPO
                          BROWARD QUILT SHOW & MARKET                                 Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM
                          Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM                                       $20; Parking $6
                          Sunday 10 AM - 5 PM                               
                          Two Day Pass $16
                          Saturday $10; Sunday $8; Student $5                          APRIL 28

                           MARCH 22-24

                                                                                      ANIMAL ADOPTION
                                                                                      Sunday 9 AM
                                                                                      Free Parking and Admission
                          Sports Memorabilia

        9                 City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Special Events
     The Riverwalk comes alive the first Sunday of each month with three stages
 showcasing talented local jazz ensembles. The Sunday Jazz Brunch is sponsored by
Revolution Live, the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, and Stephens Distributing.

            First Sunday of Each Month
                           11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
                      ESPLANADE PARK, 400 SW 2ND ST

                                      Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |    10
Special Events

                               FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH
                                MARCH 1 | APRIL 5 | MAY 3
                                        7-10 PM | PROVIDENT PARK
                          1412 NW 6th Street | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
                      Join us for a FREE concert series at Provident Park! Bring
                      your chairs, picnic blankets, snacks, family, and friends
                      to enjoy great music outdoors!
                  FOR INFO: | (954) 828-5363
  11             City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
FREE ConCert SerieS!

                                                                                           Special Events

       Huizenga plaza | 32 E. Las Olas Blvd.

       Every Wednesday Through March 27
                Noon - 1:30 pM
   Breathe in the fresh air as you listen to live music from some of
  Fort Lauderdale’s favorite musical talent. Bring your bagged lunch
         and enjoy the sounds along the beautiful Riverwalk.

                              Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |    12
Special Events

                 MARCH 15 • APRIL 19 • MAY 17 • JUNE 21 • JULY 19
                            7-10 PM AT CARTER PARK
                              1450 W. Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
                    Enjoy a FREE concert series with a broad range of musical
                     varieties featuring a different live performer each month!
                   Bring your chairs, picnic blankets, and snacks to relax under
                     the stars. From R&B to pop, Friday Night Tunes has it all.

                                       LIVE MUSIC • FOOD TRUCKS

  13             City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Special Events
ciTY of foRT lAUDeRDAle

sATURDAY, MARch 16, 2019
 Huizenga Plaza • las Olas & andrews ave.

           shaMrock 4-Mile run • 7 aM
           Plus Kids leprechaun dash • register at

           Festival • 11 aM - 7 PM
           live Bands • interactive games • Cultural activities
           live show by U2BYUV • Kids zone • Food & Beverages

           PARADe AT NooN AloNg lAs olAs
           decorative Floats • Marching Bands • Pipe and drum Corps
           irish dancers • street Performers • Classic automobiles

           iRish PARTY iN The PARK KicKoff
           Friday, March 15 • huizenga Plaza • 4 - 7 PM
           street striping • live Music • line dancing • irish Happy Hour


                        Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |    14
Special Events

                                     Children will enjoy finding hidden treasure in bright,
                                   colorful eggs, meeting the Spring Bunny, and much more.

                                         Riverland Park | March 23, 10 AM-2PM
                                              950 S.W. 27th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

                                      Lauderdale Manors Park | April 6, 1-4 PM
                                            1340 Chateau Park Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

                                        Mills Pond Park | April 13, 10 AM-1 PM
                                              2201 N.W. 9th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

                                             Croissant Park | April 20, 12-2 PM
                                               245 W. Park Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
                                          In partnership with the Croissant Park Civic Association.

                      SATURDAY, APRIL 6
                      6 - 10 P.M. | BASS PARK
                      2750 NW 19th Street | Fort Lauderdale

  15             City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Special Events

        Join us for a FREE Latin music concert series
Free      on Friday nights at Riverland Park! Bring
Event   your chairs, picnic blankets, snacks, family,
         and friends to enjoy great music outdoors!

   APRIL 12 & MAY 10 | 7-10 PM

              RIVERLAND PARK
            950 S.W. 27th Avenue
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
             FOR MORE INFO
              (954) 828-5363

                    Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |    16
Special Events

                          Family &
                        Friends DAY!
                                  Come get to know your neighbors and bring a friend.
                                           Come enjoy food and fellowship.

                                         SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2019 | 1-4 PM
                                                 LAUDERDALE MANORS PARK
                                                   1340 Chateau Park Drive
                                     (954) 828-7275 (PARK) |

                                2019 RELAY FOR LIFE
                     FRIDAY, MAY 10 TO SATURDAY MAY 11, 2019
                                   6 P.M.- 6 A.M.
                        JOSEPH C. CARTER PARK | 1450 W. SUNRISE BOULEVARD

                            REGISTER AS A TEAM! REGISTER AS A SURVIVOR!

  17             City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Special Events
 SATURDAY • MAY 25 • 10 AM - 8 PM

                               F eaturing
                                                                       LIVE BANDS • KIDS ZONE • DJ
                                                                          SAND CASTLE CONTEST
                                                                      ART SHOW • CLASSIC CAR SHOW
                                                                          LIFE-SIZE BEACH GAMES
                                                                        SOCOM PARA-COMMANDOS
       HEADLINER:                                                     TRIBUTE TO U.S. ARMED FORCES
   BLOOD, SWEAT, & TEARS                                                WALK OF FAME INDUCTION

                 WWW.FORTLAUDERDALE.GOV/GABP | (954) 828-5363

Funding for this event is provided in part by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council
and Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau. If you would like this publication in an alternate format or if you need reasonable
accommodation to participate in this event, please call to (954) 828-7275 (PARK) and

                                                             Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |                          18
Special Events

                                 E. Sunrise Boulevard and Federal Highway

  19             City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Special Events
                                        2 19
                A1A and Las Olas Boulevard
               Free all day celebration!
                       Noon – 5:00 PM 
          Family Zone: DJ, Music, Bounce Houses, Water Slides,
                 Face Painting, Beach Games & Contests

                        4:30 – 7:15 PM 
                             Brass Evolution
                    (Classic Rock with Horn Section)
                        7:45 – 9:00 PM 
                   Country Music Icon Lee Greenwood
                      “Proud to be an American”
                         “God Bless the U.S.A.”
                            9:00 PM 
Fireworks Show over Atlantic Ocean Simulcast with Music on 101.5 LITE FM

        WWW.FORTLAUDERDALE.GOV  (954) 828-5363

                              Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |    20
Special Events
                                                           66 TH ANNUAL

                                                             PLAYDAY KIDS DAY
                                 July 31 • 8:30 AM - 4 PM • Carter Park, 1450 W. Sunrise Blvd.
                                                      BOXING UNDER THE STARS
                                     August 1 • 7-10 PM • Carter Park, 1450 W. Sunrise Blvd.
                                        PLAYDAY TEEN BASH & 3-ON-3 TOURNAMENT
                                      August 2 • 2-8 PM • Carter Park, 1450 W. Sunrise Blvd.
                                                            GOLF TOURNAMENT
                                  August 3 • 8 AM - 12 PM • Osswald Park, 2201 N.W. 21st St.

                                    FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 | 7-10 PM
                                            CARTER PARK SOUTH FIELD
                                                 1450 W. Sunrise Boulevard

  21             City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
South Side Cultural Arts Center
                              registration info
  We are now accepting registrations at the following locations:

           South Side Cultural                                           Holiday Park
              Arts Center                                          1150 G. Harold Martin Drive
               701 S. Andrews Avenue                                Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
             Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316                            Forms of Payment Accepted:
           Forms of Payment Accepted:                                    Cash • Check
                   Credit Card                                     Money Order • Credit Card

                   Register Online:
 Aranmore Academy: Beginner Irish Dance for Kids
A camp for those who are new to Irish dance.
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 5-12
Day	Dates	Time	Fee
Sat  3/2-3/30 11 AM-12 PM 	Session: $45, Drop-In: $12
Sat  4/6-4/27 11 AM-12 PM

 Aranmore Academy: Beginner Irish Dance
A camp for those who are new to Irish dance.
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 13+
Day	Dates	Time	Fee
Sat  3/2-3/30 12-1 PM	Session: $45, Drop-In: $12
Sat  4/6-4/27 12-1 PM

 Code Explorers: Aeronautical Engineering
Learn the science of flight and engineer your own flying machines. Create a flying theater with others in the class.
Keep what you make in the class.
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center
Ages	Day	Dates	Time	Fee
6-9   Wed 3/13-5/8 6-7 PM	Session: $115
10-13 Wed 3/13-5/8 6-7 PM

                                                   Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |             22
South Side Cultural Arts Center

                                   Code Explorers: Internet of Things (IoT) for Kids
                                  Invent to learn! Amazon Alexa and NEST devices are some examples of the Internet of Things (IoT). This program
                                  connects engineering process with devices that students will create and program with different types of sensors,
                                  i.e. LEDs. Students will learn IoT by inventing, programming, and manufacturing their own games, e-textiles, and
                                  e-toys with responsive sensors. Children will receive an IoT board to take home. Pre-requisite: Student must bring
                                  their own device to code (tablet, iPad, laptop, etc.).
                                  Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center
                                  Ages	Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  6-9	Tue    3/12-5/7 5-6 PM	Session: $115
                                  10-13 	Tue 3/12-5/7 6-7 PM

                                   Foundation of Mexican Dance the Art and Folklore
                                  Teach step-by-step traditional Mexican dance.
                                  Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 8+
                                  Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  Fri  3/1-3/30 7:30-9 PM	Session: $50, Drop-In: $10
                                  Sat  3/1-3/30 1-3:30 PM
                                  Fri  4/5-4/27 7:30-9 PM
                                  Sat  4/5-4/27 1-3:30 PM

                                   Fitness Bootcamp
                                  This class welcomes all fitness levels. The workouts are geared towards improving your overall fitness. You can
                                  expect an increase strength, endurance, flexibility, stamina and confidence.
                                  Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 14+
                                  Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  Mon/Wed 3/4-3/27 12-1 PM 	Session: $60, Drop-In: $10
                                  Mon/Wed 4/1-4/29 12-1 PM

                                   Joy of Movement
                                  A non-impact dance, martial arts, and yoga exercise practice. Bring water and a yoga mat for floor play, if
                                  Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 17+
                                  Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  Wed  3/6-3/27 9:30-10:30 AM	Session: $40, Drop-In: $13
                                  Wed  4/3-4/24 9:30-10:30 AM

      23                          City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
South Side Cultural Arts Center
 Kids Can Cook with Chef Stephen
Young Chefs to be will learn the basic of cooking with mommy or daddy.
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 2+
Day	Dates	Time	Fee
Wed  3/6-3/27  6-7:30 PM	Session: $125,
Wed  4/3-4/24		           Drop-In: $50,
		                        Addl. Child: $25

 Lil’ Green Gardener
Lil’ Green Gardeners will learn that planting is a personal relationship with soil+seed=harvest. They will learn
infancy actions in the basic lessons on recycling with paper and plastic. In our Lil’ Green Gardener class we will
have an art project that includes recyclable items into an art activity to create a green steward in every action,
including play.
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 5-8
Day	Dates	Time	Fee
Tue  3/5-3/26 4-5 PM	Session: $80, Drop-In: $20
Tue  4/2-4/30 4-5 PM

 One Stitch at a Time: Beginning Sewing
Learn to use a sewing machine with instructor guided projects.
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 8+
Day	Dates	Time	Fee
Tue  3/4-3/25 6:30-7:30 PM	Session: $84, Drop-In: $21
Tue  4/2-4/30 6:30-7:30 PM	Session: $84, Drop-In: $21

 Plein Air Art
Watercolors, acrylics, and mixed media. Learn Pat’s secrets to, “Paint what you see while you see it Plein Air,” in
the plain air. Elegant new studio indoors and spacious outdoors Hardy Park. Basic paints and Leaf Bar table/easel
supplied. Field trips, big canvas, and special supplies are extra costs. All levels.
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 21+
Day	Dates	Time	Fee
Thu  3/7-3/14 1-4 PM	Session: $70, Drop-In: $60
Thu  4/4-4/11 1-4 PM

 Pop-a-Cork and Cook with Chef Stephen
Cooking With A Twist offers hands-on, interactive, and fun cooking classes that are perfect for date nights, girls
night out, anniversaries, birthdays, bridal showers, corporate team building events, and just something fun to do!
Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 21+
Day	Date	Time	Fee
Fri  3/1  6-8 PM $65
Fri  4/5  6-8 PM $65

                                                   Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |            24
South Side Cultural Arts Center

                                   Ready, Steady, Grow
                                  Preschoolers will explore the world around them and interact with peers through movement and play. This class
                                  is designed to enhance development using a variety of dancing, movement, and sports games. Children will learn
                                  critical thinking, explore creative expression, develop cooperation skills, and socialize in a group setting. Games
                                  played will stimulate hand-eye coordination and improve core strength and flexibility as well as develop large
                                  motor skills such as kicking, throwing, and balance.
                                  Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 2-4
                                  Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  Mon/Wed 3/11-5/1 11 AM-1 PM 	Session: $260

                                   Silly Science
                                  Young scientists will explore the world of science through silly games and wacky wild experiments.
                                  Location: Location South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                 Ages: 7-12
                                  Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  Tue  3/12-5/2 5-6 PM 	Session: $115

                                   Sip and Stitch Workshop
                                  Students will learn how to use a sewing machine. Students will be provided with a materials list and guidelines.
                                  Sewing machines will be provided. Bring your own snacks.
                                  Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center		                                          Ages: 21+
                                  Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  Fri  3/8   6:30-9 PM 	Session: $50
                                  Fri  4/5   6:30-9 PM 	Session: $50

                                   Soca Aerobics/ChikaMoves
                                  Group fitness to Caribbean, Soul, Funk, and African pop music.
                                  Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center                                            Ages: 13+
                                  Day	Dates	Time	Fee
                                  Tue  3/2-3/30 7-8 PM	Session: $40,
                                  Sat  3/2-3/30 9:30-10:30 AM Drop-In: $12.50
                                  Tue  4/2-4/30 7-8 PM
                                  Sat  4/2-4/30 9:30-10:30 AM

      25                          City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
After-School & Camp Programs
 Community Camps
Join us at one of our spring break camp locations for a fun-filled week of games, crafts, sports, swimming and
much more!
Locations: Bass Park, Croissant Park, and Riverland Park
Grades: K-5		                                 Registration Deadline: 3/20
Day	Dates	Time	Fee*
Mon-Fri 3/25-3/29 8 AM-5:30 PM $110 R, $165 NR

 Drop-In Camps
Locations: Carter Park, Lauderdale Manors Park, Osswald Park, and Warfield Park
Grades: K-5
Day	Dates	Time	Fee
Mon-Fri 3/25-3/29 10 AM-4 PM Free

                                                                                 *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
                                                  Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |        26
After-School & Camp Programs
                                           Camp placement is based on the grade student is entering for the 2019-2020 school year.

                               ELEMENTARY CAMPS                                            MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL CAMPS
                               Our summer community camps are action-packed                Our community middle and high school camps
                               with playtime, creative expression and friendly             combine performing arts with traditional camp
                               competition. Children will express their imagination        activities. Children will enjoy making new friends while
                               with arts and crafts. Sports, fitness activities, and       promoting their social growth and physical health.
                               swimming will build strength, coordination, and             Lunch and snack provided.
                               teamwork. Field trips are included. Lunch provided
                               with the exception of the Beach Community Center.           REGISTRATION DATES
                                                                                           Space is limited at all camps so register early!
                               REGISTRATION DATES                                          April 1: Resident registration begins at 8 AM.
                               Space is limited at all camps so register early!
                                                                                           April 1: Online resident registration begins at 8 AM.
                               April 1: Resident registration begins at 8 AM.
                                                                                           April 15: Non-Resident registration begins.
                               April 1: Online resident registration begins at 8 AM.
                               April 15: Non-Resident registration begins.                 SESSION DATES/TIME
                                                                                           Session I: June 10 – July 5
                               Grades: K-5                                                 Session II: July 8 – August 2
                               Report cards are required at time of registration for
                               grade verification. Birth certificates are required for     Time: 7:30 AM-5:30 PM
                               5-year-olds. Must be age 5 by June 17, 2019.                After-Hours Care: 5:30-6 PM (Additional cost)
                               SESSION DATES/TIME                                          LOCATIONS
                               Session I: June 10 – July 5                                 Carter Park and Osswald Park
                               Session II: July 8 – August 2                               Grades: 6-12
                               Time: 7:30 AM-5:30 PM                                       Lauderdale Manors Park
                               After-Hours Care: 5:30-6 PM (Additional cost)               Grades: 6-8

                               LOCATIONS                                                   FEES*
                               Bass Park, Beach Community Center, Carter Park,             Resident: $280 per session, $530 both sessions
                               Croissant Park, Osswald Park, Riverland Park,               Non-Resident: $490 per session, $980 both
                               Riverside Park and Warfield Park                            sessions
                               FEES*                                                       YES: $70 per session, $132.50 both sessions
                               Resident: $280 per session, $530 both sessions              After-Hours Care: Resident/Non-Resident $40 both
                               Non-Resident: $490 per session, $980 both                   sessions, YES $10 both sessions
                               YES: $70 per session, $132.50 both sessions
                               After-Hours Care: Resident/Non-Resident $40 both
                               sessions, YES $10 both sessions

     27                        City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
After-School & Camp Programs
           Camp placement is based on the grade student is entering for the 2019-2020 school year.

Counselors-in-Training gives tweens and teens the opportunity to work with children and develop leadership skills
in an enjoyable atmosphere under the leadership of experienced and trained mentors/counselors.
Registration Deadline: 4/12          Location: Bass Park             Grades: 7-10
Contact: (954) 828-8498 or
Day 	Session	Time 	Cost Per Session*
Mon-Fri 6/10-8/2 7:30 AM-5:30 PM Free! Space is limited and acceptance is
				                             based upon an application and interview
				                             process. Applications are available at
				                             Bass Park beginning April 15.

 Holiday Park Sports & Fitness Camp
Attention middle schoolers! Are you ready for an action-packed summer filled with two, exciting field trips per
week and more sports than you can imagine? This camp features a wide variety of sports including basketball,
baseball, football, golf, soccer, tennis, and volleyball. This camp emphasizes good sportsmanship and builds
self-esteem. Campers will participate in a daily 1-mile walk/run and cardio workout. For your convenience, two
sessions are available for this camp. Lunch provided by parent/caretaker.
Location: Holiday Park			                                            Grades: 6-8
Day	Session	Time	Cost Per Session*
Mon-Fri 6/10-7/5 7:30 AM-5:30 PM $490 R, $1150 NR, $122.50 YES
Mon-Fri 7/8-8/2  7:30 AM-5:30 PM $490 R, $1150 NR, $122.50 YES
After-Hours Care: 5:30-6 PM ($40 per session)

                                                                                 *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
                                                  Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |           28
After-School & Camp Programs
                                           Camp placement is based on the grade student is entering for the 2019-2020 school year.

                               SPORTS & SPECIALTY CAMPS
                                Carter Park Summer Speed and Agility Camp
                               This camp is designed to keep youth, teens, and college athletes in shape during the summer break. They can
                               continue their practice regimen before the sports season begins. Personal trainer extraordinaire Tony Sands and
                               former NFL player Bennie Blades will practice various skills and drills to ensure the future athletic stars are ready
                               when the new season begins.
                               Location: Carter Park			                                                Grades: Elementary-College
                               Day	Dates	Time	Cost Per Session*
                               Mon-Tue 6/10-8/2 9 AM-1 PM $100 R, $150 NR, $25 YES

                                Future Computer Coders Camp
                               Learn computer coding at Lauderdale Manors! Campers will spend the first part of their day learning basic coding
                               and working on fun and creative projects. The camp will also include traditional activities like sports, cultural arts,
                               swimming and more. Lunch and snack provided.
                               Location: Lauderdale Manors Park			                                     Grades: 1-5
                               Day	Dates	Time	Cost Per Session*
                               Sat  6/10-8/2 1-4 PM $280 R, $490 NR, $70 YES

                                Greenroom Performing and Cultural Arts Summer Camp
                               Have a love for the performing and cultural arts? Come show what you know and become the star center stage!
                               If you are an artist at heart, grab an easel, the medium is yours to choose as you reach your inner creativity. For
                               those that love music, dance, theater, and movement, we have a thing or two for you, right here at Greenroom.
                               For your convenience, weekly or session payments are available for this camp. Lunch and snack provided by
                               parent/caretaker. Online registration is not available. Students must submit an audition video prior to registration.
                               Location: South Side Cultural Arts Center                               Grades: 2-8
                               Day	Dates		Time	Cost Per Session*
                               Mon-Fri 6/10-7/5 7:30 AM-5:30 PM $495 R, $742 NR, $123.75 YES
                               Mon-Fri 7/8-8/2  7:30 AM-5:30 PM $495 R, $742 NR, $123.75 YES
                               After-Hours Care: 5:30-6 PM (additional cost)

                                Holiday Park Sports & Fitness Camp
                               Children will enjoy their summer vacation while learning the fundamental skills of several different sports. Most
                               camp activities will be held outside. Campers will participate in a daily 1-mile walk/run and cardio workout. For
                               your convenience, two sessions are available for this camp. Lunch and snack provided by parent/caretaker.
                               Location: Holiday Park			                                               Grades: 1-5
                               Session	Time			Cost Per Session*
                               TBD      7:30 AM-5:30 PM			 $445 R, $667 NR, $111.25 YES
                               After-Hours Care: 5:30-6 PM ($40 per session)

                               *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
     29                        City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
After-School & Camp Programs
           Camp placement is based on the grade student is entering for the 2019-2020 school year.

 Tennis and Sports Camp
Our Tennis and Sports Camp is a great way for your child to spend summer vacation making new friends, being
active, and learning various sports with a primary focus on tennis.
Location: George English Tennis Center                                  Ages: 6-14
Day	Dates	Time	Cost Per Session*
Mon-Fri 6/10-6/28 9 AM-4 PM $495 R, $742 NR, $123.75 YES
Mon-Fri 7/1-7/19  9 AM-4 PM $495 R, $742 NR, $123.75 YES
Mon-Fri 7/22-8/9  9 AM-4 PM $495 R, $742 NR, $123.75 YES

 Life Sports Fitness
Life Sport Fitness is offering two weeks of action-packed fun while emphasizing sports and fitness. Sports will
include basketball, soccer, flag football, dodgeball, and other entertaining sports that your child will enjoy. The
camp will also feature fun and interactive fitness activities each day. Free or reduced lunch accepted, please
contact Life Sports Fitness for more details.
Location: Holiday Park			                                               Ages: 5-13
Contact: (954) 649-0020 or
Pre-Camp        Post-Camp	Time	Cost Per Session
6/5-6/7         8/5-8/9, 8/12 8 AM-6 PM $125 (Daily Rate: $35)

 Florida Aikikai
Session: June 10 - August 9
Contact: (954) 562-1093 or

 Fort Lauderdale STARS Gymnastics
Session: June 10 - August 9
Contact: (954) 828-5862 or

                                                                                     *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
                                                     Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |          30
After-School & Camp Programs


                                                                                           Grades:      K-5
                                    PLAY Fort Lauderdale is your child’s                   Locations:    Bass Park
                                 passport to fun! Our licensed after-school                              Carter Park
                                program provides children the opportunity                                Croissant Park
                                to exercise, play, and build their self-esteem                           Lauderdale Manors Park
                                 in a safe and nurturing environment. This                              Osswald Park
                                   program offers a balance of organized                                Riverland Park
                                  and recreational activities in a pleasant,                            Warfield Park
                                     comfortable afternoon experience.                     Dates:       Sessions: I: August 14 – December 20
                                   Activities include free play, games, arts                            Sessions: II: January 6 – June 2
                                   and crafts, fitness, sports, cultural arts,             Days:        Monday-Friday
                                     homework help, and so much more!                                   (excluding National Holidays)
                                                                                           Time:        2-6 PM
                                                                                           Fee* per
                                                                                           Session:     $400 R, $600 NR, $100 YES

                               *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
     31                        City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Adult Athletics
Adult Athletics
 Flag Football
Games for the Joes (lower) division will be played on
Monday nights and games for the Pros (upper) division will
be played on Tuesdays. Eight game regular season followed
by playoffs for the top four teams in each division. Awards and plaques
will be distributed to the Season Champions as well as Playoff Champions and Runners-Up.
Location: Mills Pond Park
Day	Dates	Time	Team Fee
Mon/Tue Jun-Aug 8-11 PM $400

A fun sport very popular in our community that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong,
which is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes that is played as doubles or singles.
Location: Holiday Park
Day		Time	Fee
Daily		Sunrise-9:30 PM Free

 Senior Softball
Relive your youth! Come out to Mills Pond to join fellow softball enthusiasts who enjoy the game. Play among new
friends and old and hit it off with your fellow teammates too. All levels of play welcome but only players 50 years
old and older can join in and experience the benefits of senior softball.
Location: Mills Pond Park
Day	Dates	Time	Monthly Fee
Mon/Wed 	Ongoing 8:30-11:30 AM $10

Mills Pond Park offers a dynamic venue with different levels of softball competition in Corporate Coed, Men’s, and
40 years and older divisions. Competition levels consist of D1 and D2 (competitive) and D3 and D4 (recreational).
Ten game regular season, season champions team plaque, season runners-up team plaque, and a playoff for a
playoff champion team plaque. Twelve individual awards for season and playoff champions.
Location: Mills Pond Park
Day	Dates	Time	Team Fee
Mon-Fri Mar-Jun 6:45-11 PM $500

For a complete listing of adult swimming programs, please see the Aquatics or Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex

This is an indoor open gym program for adults that meet on Sundays to play a fun sport very popular in our hotel
business community. There are two volleyball courts that will be available for open play. All level of experience is
Location: Holiday Park
Day 		Time	Fee
Sun		  3-6 PM Per Visit: $5, 5-Visit: $25

                                                    Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |          32
Adult Classes

                Adult Classes
                 Ballroom Dance
                Ballroom dance is a set of partner dances, which are enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world.
                Featured instructors lead dance instruction in the popular modes of Latin, international, classical ballroom, waltz,
                tango, plus many more.
                Location: Holiday Park
                Day	Time	Fee*
                Mon/Thu 6:30-8 PM Per Visit: $7.50 R, $11.50 NR,
                		                10-Visit: $60 R, $90 NR

                 Tai Chi
                Learn the relaxing and cleansing techniques that have been practiced in the Orient for thousands of years. Tai Chi
                Instructor Judith Smallwood will show you the secrets of tai chi, a great low-impact workout.
                Location: Holiday Park
                Day	Time	Fee*
                Thu  9-10:30 AM Per Visit: $5 R, $7.50 NR,
                		              5- Visit: $25 R, $37.50 NR,
                		              10- Visit: $50 R, $75 NR

                *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
  33            City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Youth Athletics
 Federal Little League Baseball Program
Contact: (954) 525-4910 or
Location: Floyd Hull Stadium 		                                         Ages: 5-14

 Fort Lauderdale Little League Baseball Program
Contact: (954) 693-5000 or
Locations: Bayview Park, George English Park, and Holiday Park          Ages: 5-14

 Kings Youth Baseball
Contact: (954) 663-9498 or
Locations: Carter Park and Osswald Park 		                              Ages: 4-16

 3-on-3 Playground Battle
Come out and join us for an awesome day full of competitive basketball under the green top.
Location: Osswald Park			                                               Ages: 13-18
Day	Dates		Time	Fee
Sat  3/2-5/18		 10 AM-3 PM Free

 Holiday Park Basketball League
Youth basketball league for all skill levels. Practice once per week with games on Saturday. Players will receive
a uniform.
Location: Holiday Park			                                               Ages: 4-14
Day	Time			Fee*
Sat     Games 8:30 AM-6 PM		 $100 R, $150 NR
Mon-Fri Practices 5:45-9 PM

                                                                                   *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
                                                   Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |        34
Youth Athletics

                   Flag Football
                  This program is design for 4-14 year old boys and girls. The purpose is teaching kids teamwork and
                  sportsmanship while learning the sport of soccer. This is a 9-week program with games on Saturday and
                  practices once a week and some weeknight games. Each participant will receive a uniform.
                  Location: Holiday Park         Registration: Begins in March        Ages: 4-14
                  Day	Dates	Time		Fee*
                  Sat  Aug-Nov Games 8:30 AM-6 PM          $100 R, $150 NR
                  		           Practice Weekdays 5:30-9 PM

                   Fort Lauderdale Falcons/Optimist
                  Contact: (954) 554-4664
                  Location: Holiday Park 			                                          Ages: 4-16

                   Fort Lauderdale Hurricanes
                  Contact: (954) 655-7516 or
                  Location: Mills Pond Park 		                                        Ages: 4-16

                   Western Tigers
                  Contact: (954) 818-7078
                  Location: Carter Park 			                                           Ages: 4-16

                   Lauderdale LandSharks Lacrosse
                  Contact: (954) 614-4718
                  Location: Floronada Park 			                                        Ages: 4-16

                  * R=Resident; NR=Non-Resident
  35              City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Youth Athletics
 Fort Lauderdale Select
Contact: (954) 816-7140 or
Locati on: Various Parks 			                                         Ages: 6-18

 Riverland Park Soccer
This program is designed for boys and girls 7-12 who want to play soccer that focuses on fundamentals,
teamwork, and sportsmanship. Each participant will receive a uniform and trophy.
Location: Riverland Park     Registration Deadline: 5/4              Ages: 5-12
Ages	Dates		Time	Fee*
7-12  4/13-6/8		 9 AM-1 PM $100 R, $150 NR

 Fort Lauderdale Little League Girls Softball
Contact: (954) 693-5000 or
Location: Holiday Park 			                                           Ages: 5-14

The youth volleyball program is design for ages 9-15 years old boys and girls. They will learn showmanship,
teamwork, and some of the skills of the game. There will be one practice per week and games will be played on
Location: Holiday Park       Registration: Begins in March           Ages: 9-15
Day	Dates			Fee*
Sat  Aug-Nov			 $100 R, $150 NR

                                                                              * R=Resident; NR=Non-Resident
                                                 Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |      36
Youth Classes

                YOUTH CLASSES
                 Hot Pot Cuisine
                Teens will learn an important life skill in this cooking class that they will be able to carry with them
                throughout life.
                Location: Riverland Park		                                        Ages: 12-18
                Day	Dates	Time	Fee*
                Mon  3/4-4/1 6-8:30 PM $30 R, $45 NR

                 Kuumba Dance Academy
                The Kuumba Dance Academy students are the official performance team and will represent the Parks &
                Recreation Department at special events and community engagements.
                Location: Holiday Park 		                                         Ages: 7-17
                Day	Dates	Time	Fee*
                Wed/Thu	Thru-5/31 6-8 PM $30 R, $45 NR
                Wed/Thu  6/19-8/8 6-8 PM

                *R=Resident, NR=Non-Resident
  37            City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Club 55+
Club 55+ is a program that encourages active adults
to enjoy endless opportunities at 12 City parks for a
discounted annual membership rate of only $55 for
residents and non-residents. Residents may also qualify
for a fee reduction.
Activities include art, line dance, outings, pickleball, monthly events, watercolor, active learning, wellness, yoga,
Zumba and much more!
Registration for Club 55+ in person at Bass Park, Beach Community Center, Carter Park, Croissant Park, Holiday
Park, Osswald Park, Riverland Park, and Warfield Park.

Please inquire about other offerings included with your Club 55+ membership.

Active Learning
Knot, twist, or pleat your t-shirt to create cool color patterns with dye. T-shirt provided. RSVP by 2/25 to Starr
Ferguson (954) 828-6455 or
Day 	Date 	Time	Location
Thu   3/7   10 AM-12 PM 	Osswald Park

 Cooking with Ms. Starr
Enjoy those tasty conch fritters during the annual fish fry? Learn how to make homemade conch fritter batter from
Starr’s kitchen to your kitchen. Limited space is available. RSVP by 3/8 to Starr Ferguson to (954) 828-6455 or
Day 	Date 	Time	Location
Thu   3/14  10 AM-12 PM 	Osswald Park

                                                    Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |           38
Club 55+    Living Healthy
           Learn to manage your balance as well as your concerns and fears of falling. Discover tips on healthy
           eating and light exercise presented by Almeter Ace. RSVP by 3/7 to Vanessa Wright (954) 828-6120 or
           Day 	Date 	Time	Location
           Fri   4/12  11 AM-1 PM Warfield Park

            Basic Makeup 101
           Achieve a flawless everyday look by applying basic, natural makeup using affordable products. Makeup provided.
           RSVP by 4/11 to Vanessa Wright (954) 828-6120 or
           Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
           Thu   4/25  10 AM-1 PM Warfield Park

            Mother’s Day Crafts
           Create a memorable Mother’s Day arts and crafts project in this make-it and take-it class. RSVP by 4/22 to Lee
           Ervin (954) 828-5497 or
           Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
           Thu   5/2   11 AM-1 PM Riverland Park

            Minute to Win It
           Can you win it in a minute? Win prizes for completing fun games while racing the clock. RSVP by 5/24 to Lee
           Ervin (954) 828-5497 or
           Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
           Tue   5/28  11 AM-1 PM Riverland Park

            Board Games
           Challenge your friends to a board game while learning the basics to some popular games. RSVP by 6/5 to Jon
           Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Thu  6/13 12 PM Hortt Park

            How to Play Percussion
           Move to the beat while learning how to play different percussion instruments. No experience needed. RSVP by
           6/20 to Jon Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Thu  6/27 12 PM Hortt Park

            Sewing 101
           Learn sewing basics, tips, and tricks. RSVP by 7/3 to Jon Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Thu  7/11 12 PM Hortt Park

            Tech it Out
           Learn the basics to communicate with friends and family on fun social media platforms. RSVP by 7/11 to Jon
           Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Thu  7/18 12 PM Hortt Park

 39        City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Club 55+
 How to Brew Coffee “Kalita” Style
Learn how to brew coffee “Kalita style” and gain a better taste with some simple but valuable techniques. RSVP
by 8/19 to Kyle Miller (954) 828-5360 or
Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
Tue   8/27  12-1 PM Beach Community Center

 Florida Brewery Sampling Class
Sample beers brewed throughout Florida and learn about the process and ingredients that make up their unique
flavors. RSVP by 8/22 to Kyle Miller (954) 828-5360 or
Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
Fri   8/30  12-1 PM Beach Community Center

 Art (Multimedia)
Day	Dates	Time                                                                    Location
Tue  3/1-6/7 10:30 AM-12:30 PM                                                    Warfield Park
Thu  3/1-6/7 11 AM-1 PM                                                           Holiday Park

 Balance & Strengthening
Day	Dates	Time	Location
Mon  3/1-6/7 9-10 AM Croissant Park

 Chess Instruction
Day	Dates	Time	Location
Mon  3/1-6/7 11:15 AM-1:15 PM Riverside Park
Wed  3/1-6/7 11 AM-1 PM	Osswald Park

 Crafty Creations
Day	Dates	Time	Location
Thu  3/1-6/7 11:15 AM-1:15 PM Bass Park

 Dance – Line Dance (Beginners)
Day	Dates	Time	Location
Mon  3/1-6/7 9:30-11 AM Riverside Park
Wed  3/1-6/7 9:30-11 AM Bass Park

 Dance – Line Dance (Multilevel)
Day	Dates	Time	Location
Tue/Thu 3/1-6/7 9:30-11 AM Bass Park

Day	Dates	Time	Location
Mon/Wed 3/1-6/7 8:30-10:30 AM 	Osswald Park

 Group Exercise
Day	Dates	Time	Location
Wed  3/1-6/7 6:30-7:30 PM Holiday Park

                                                  Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |      40
Club 55+    Jewelry Making/Beading
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Wed  3/1-6/7 11:30 AM-1:30 PM Lauderdale Manors

           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Mon  3/1-6/7 11:30 AM-1:30 PM Bass Park

            Mahjongg Instruction
           Day	Dates	Time 	Location
           Wed  3/1-6/7 2-4:30 PM Beach Community Center
           Fri  3/1-6/7 9-11 AM   Holiday Park

            Pickleball (Intermediate)
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Mon/Wed/Fri 3/1-6/7 10 AM-1 PM Riverland Park

            Pickleball (Multilevel)
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Tue/Thu 3/1-6/7 10 AM-1 PM Holiday Park

            Senior Social Club
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Mon-Sat 3/1-6/7 12-5 PM Carter Park

            Tennis Instruction
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Fri  3/1-6/7 8-9 AM George English Park

            Watercolor Exploration
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Sat  3/1-6/7 12-3 PM Beach Community Center

            Yoga (Chair)
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Tue  3/1-6/7 9:30-10:30 AM Warfield Park

            Yoga (Mat)
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Thu  3/1-6/7 9:30-10:45 AM Hortt Park

            Yoga (Meditative)
           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Tue  3/1-6/7 9-9:30 AM Warfield Park
           Thu  3/1-6/7 9-9:30 AM Hortt Park

           Day	Dates	Time	Location
           Mon  3/1-6/7 6-7 PM      Bass Park
           Wed  3/1-6/7 11 AM-12 PM Riverside Park
           Thu  3/1-6/7 1-2 PM      Lauderdale Manors Park

 41        City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Club 55+
 Fish Fry
Challenge your friends to a board game, enjoy fried fish and hush puppies, and meet new friends. RSVP by 3/11
to Starr Ferguson (954) 828-6455 or
Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
Wed   3/20  10 AM-1 PM Osswald Park

 Bunco Tournament
Traveler, most bunco, three-of-a-kind, learn to play this fun and easy group dice game and win prizes for
categories. RSVP by 3/7 to Vanessa Wright (954) 828-6120 or
Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
Thu   4/4   10 AM-1 PM Warfield Park

 Mother’s Day Brunch
Celebrate the selfless love mothers have shared with us with this delicious brunch dedicated to all mothers. All
members invited. RSVP by 5/7 to Lee Ervin (954) 828-5497 or
Day 	Date 	Time                                                                      Location
Fri   5/10  11 AM-1 PM                                                               Riverland Park

 Indoor Kickball
The game that used to be played by school-aged children alone is now a popular adult pastime. Kick the rubber
ball and jog the bases to score a homerun for your team. No experience necessary. Please wear sneakers. RSVP
by 6/12 to Jon Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Thu  6/20 1-3 PM War Memorial Auditorium

                                                   Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |       42
Club 55+    Create-A-Canvas
           Discover the artist hidden in you! Create your very own masterpiece in this make-it and take-it class. Beginners
           are welcomed. Bring a smock or old t-shirt to protect your clothes. Light lunch provided. RSVP by 7/16 to Jon
           Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Fri  7/26 12 PM Hortt Park

            National Senior Citizens Day Celebration
           Celebrate National Senior Citizens Day with games, music, entertainment, and health screenings. Inquiries to
           954-828-5360 or
           Day 	Date 	Time 	Location
           Wed   8/21	TBA 	TBA

            Maranda Farms
           Enjoy a day in the Florida sun, while getting a detailed outlook on agricultural knowledge and planting. Taste a
           fresh smoothie and take home a planting, both included in your tour. RSVP by 2/25 to Starretha Ferguson (954)
           828-6455 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Tue  3/5  10 AM-1 PM Davie

            St. Patrick’s Day Mixer
           Enjoy an evening of live music while socializing with friends. Gulfstream Park is an outdoor and indoor venue with
           shopping and restaurant options surrounding the two-story casino. RSVP by 3/11 to Starretha Ferguson (954)
           828-6455 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Sat  3/16 4-11 PM Hallandale Beach

            Rockin’ At Provident Park
           Enjoy a live performance under the stars. Bring your chairs and snacks to relax or enjoy foods from local
           food trucks. Food truck purchases are on your own. RSVP by 3/14 to Vanessa Wright (954) 828-6120 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Fri  4/5  7-10 PM Fort Lauderdale

            Brightline to City Place Mall
           Connect to West Palm Beach City Place on the Brightline train. RSVP by 3/14 to Vanessa Wright (954) 828-6120
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Thu  4/18 11 AM-2:30 PM West Palm Beach

            Food Truck Invasion
           Enjoy tasty gourmet foods from a variety of delicious food trucks (dining on your own) at Heritage Park. RSVP by
           5/10 to Lee Ervin (954) 828-5497 or
           Day	Date	Time	Location
           Tue  5/14 6-8:30 PM Plantation

 43        City of Fort Lauderdale | Parks and Recreation Department
Club 55+
 Movie at AMC Coral Ridge Theatre
Enjoy the latest movie in plush seating at the AMC Coral Ridge Theatre. RSVP by 5/20 to Lee Ervin (954) 828-
5497 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Thu  5/23	TBA  Fort Lauderdale

 Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum
Take a step back in time as we explore the largest collection of Packard cars and car accessories from 1900 and
on in this unique museum. RSVP by 5/31 to Jon Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Fri  6/14 12 PM Fort Lauderdale

 Aventura Mall
Visit one of the nation’s premier fashion destinations located just south of Broward County. Shop at favorite
department stores and upscale boutiques or choose from a variety of restaurants and cafes. RSVP by 6/21 to Jon
Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Fri  6/28 12 PM Aventura

 Summer Nights
Enjoy culinary demos from local restaurants, live music, games, a movie, and food vendors under the moonlit
sky at Jaco Pastorius Park. Bring a lawn chair and snacks. RSVP by 7/3 to Jon Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Fri  7/12 6-9 PM 	Oakland Park

 Museum of Discovery & Science
Board the Everglades airboat adventure simulator, enjoy watching North American otters at play, view the Clyde
Butcher photography exhibit, and explore the Wall of Wind to understand the science behind hurricanes. RSVP
by 7/9 to Jon Quinton (954) 828-4594 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Tue  7/23 2 PM Downtown Fort Lauderdale

 Anne Kolb Nature Center Sea Turtle Release Program
Learn about sea turtles in a short presentation at the nature center then embark to the beach to get a
chance to view sea turtles released back into the ocean. RSVP by 7/3 to Kyle Miller (954) 828-5360 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Wed/Fri 	TBA 8-10 PM Hollywood

 Starlight Musicals
Listen to live music under the summer night sky in this outdoor concert at the Holiday Park soccer
fields. Bring your own snacks to enjoy during the show. RSVP by 8/1 to Kyle Miller (954) 828-5360 or
Day	Date	Time	Location
Fri  8/9  7-10 PM Holiday Park

                                                  Spring/Summer 2019 Playbook |       44
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