Spring 2019 - Wallingford Adult & Continuing Education - Wallingford Adult Education

Page created by Tyler Weaver
Spring 2019 - Wallingford Adult & Continuing Education - Wallingford Adult Education
  Adult & Continuing Education


Welcome to Wallingford Adult Education’s spring brochure of classes and
activities. If you are planning to complete a high school education, or strengthen
your English language skills these are free to all our residents. In addition, we
offer a wide variety of enrichment and general interest classes for community
members. Browse through the brochure and register to experience the power of
lifelong learning.
For more information please visit www.wallingfordadulted.org

Sashi Govin, Director
Wallingford Adult Education

                                CONTACT INFORMATION
    Adult Education Office at
     Mark T. Sheehan High School
       Telephone ...............................................................         (203) 294-5932
       Fax ...........................................................................   (203) 294-5981
     Learning Center
       Telephone ...............................................................         (203) 294-3900
       Fax ...........................................................................   (203) 294-3929

                            Wallingford Adult Education Website

                      Wallingford Adult Education Facebook

                             Wallingford Public Schools Website

    See how to register for mandated programs on page 2.
    See how to register for Enrichment and General Interest classes
    on page 18.

                                          NEW COURSES
    Demystifying Investing.......................................................................11
    Mini Spa Night................................................................................... 12
    Wildlife Rehabilitation ..................................................................... 14
    Trips ................................................................................................... 16
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                               CALENDAR
Mandated Programs                                               Immediately
Adult Basic Education (ABE) .............. 2                    Registrations begin for General Interest
English as a Second Language (ESL) . 2                          Courses.

U.S. Citizenship Preparation ............... 2                  Wallingford High School registration;
                                                                at the Learning Center, by appointment
High School Diploma Programs                                    only, please call (203) 294-3900.
Wallingford Adult High School Credit                            Tuesday, January 1
Diploma ................................................. 3     CLOSED – New Year’s Day
National External Diploma Program
                                                                Wednesday, January 2
(NEDP) ................................................... 3
                                                                LEARNING CENTER OPENS
Preparation for GED® Test .................. 3
                                                                Thursday, January 3
Student Supports                                                ABE/NEDP Classes Begin
Counseling ............................................ 4       Monday, January 14
(Accessibility and Accommodation)                               ESL/CDP Classes Begin

Special Projects                                                Monday, January 21
ESL American Living ............................ 4              CLOSED – Martin Luther King Day
Family Literacy ...................................... 4        Tuesday, January 29
Workforce Readiness ............................ 4              Noon – Wallingford Adult Education
                                                                Advisory Council meeting at the
Enrichment and General Interest                                 Learning Center
Boating .................................................. 5    Monday, February 18
                                                                CLOSED – Presidents’ Day
Computer Technology .......................... 5
Creative Arts .......................................... 7      Monday –Thursday, April 15 - 18
                                                                CLOSED – Spring Break
Fitness & Yoga ...................................... 7
In The Kitchen ...................................... 8         Friday, April 19
                                                                CLOSED – Good Friday
Language ............................................... 8
                                                                Tuesday, April 30
Medical Career Programs ..................... 9
                                                                Noon – Wallingford Adult Education
Money Matters .................................... 10           Advisory Council meeting at the
Personal Enrichment .......................... 11               Learning Center
Specialty Classes ................................ 13           Wednesday, May 8
Teen Driver Education ........................ 15               6:00 p.m. - International Dinner at the
                                                                Learning Center
Travel ................................................... 16
Ways to Register ................................. 18           Thursday, June 8
                                                                6:00 p.m. – Wallingford Adult High
General Information ........................... 19              School Graduation at Mark T. Sheehan
Registration Form ............................... 20            High School

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-3900                                       1
Adult Education Programs at No Cost
    The Wallingford Board of Education provides the following programs at no cost to
                                    Wallingford residents:
        • Adult Basic Education
        • English as a Second Language
        • Citizenship
        • High School Diploma
        (Credit Diploma, National External Diploma Program and GED® Preparation)
  These programs are in compliance with Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-73a(c)
and there is no fee for textbooks and materials. Information on all programs is provided on
             pages 2-4 of this catalog. For more information, call 203-294-3900.

                                 HOW TO REGISTER?
Registration is ongoing throughout the year. Please contact the Wallingford Adult Ed
office at 203-294-3900 or stop in at Adult Learning Center (Historic Train Station), 37
Hall Avenue, during the class times listed below. You must be 17 years of age and no
longer enrolled in school. Proof of residency is required. GENERAL ACCESSIBILITY AND
ACCOMMODATION: If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation
in order to participate in any program or activity, please contact our School Counselor,
Matthew Madruga at 203-294-3904 or mmadruga@wallingfordschools.org

                             ADULT BASIC EDUCATION
ABE classes improve fundamental academic skills and/or can help prepare an adult to earn
a high school diploma. The classes help sharpen English expression, reading, spelling,
writing, and math skills. Students work with computers, audio-visual material and printed
text. You will learn in one-to-one and small group environments.
DAYTIME CLASSES: Tuesday & Thursday: 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
EVENING CLASSES: Tuesday & Thursday: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
START DATE:              Thursday, January 3

Prepare for the US Citizenship exam. You will learn American history as well as the
functions of our local, state, and federal government. You will receive help with the
naturalization application and discuss typical exam questions.
EVENING CLASSES: Monday & Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
START DATE:              Monday, January 14

If you are new to our country, or if you want to improve your English, three levels of classes
are offered that stress the life skills necessary to live and work in the United States. The
sessions are for adults who want to learn or improve their reading, writing and speaking skills.
DAYTIME CLASSES: Monday & Wednesday: 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
EVENING CLASSES: Monday & Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
START DATE:               Monday, January 14

                                  ESL / CIUDADANIA
Ofrecemos estas clases en ingles para estudiantes que desean aprender el idioma ingles o
estudiantes que necesitan prepararse para el examen de la ciudadania.

                        FOR EVERYDAY LIVING
Do you want to improve your pronunciation and speak English more clearly? Do you want
to practice reading? Do you want to learn how to write letters, emails, notes to your child’s
school and fill out forms? Intermediate and Advanced ESL learners are encouraged to join
this lively course.
DAYTIME CLASSES: Friday: 9:15 – 11:15 a.m.
START DATE:             Friday, January 18

2                 Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-3900
               3 WAYS TO EARN YOUR DIPLOMA
This program offers adults the opportunity to earn a high school diploma. Participants
may earn credits through a combination of afternoon courses, documented work or
training experience. Credits may be transferred from public or private high schools
and state technical high schools. To receive this “traditional” diploma, you must earn
20 credits, including those you may have earned at your former high school. The
Wallingford Adult High School Credit Diploma Program offers small classes and online
courses. When all credits are completed, of which four must be in English, three in
mathematics, two in science, three in social studies (including U.S. history and civics),
and one in Vocational Education Arts, a diploma will be awarded. (CDP is open to all
people who are at least 17 years or older, do not hold a high school diploma, and are
no longer officially enrolled in high school). For more information about this diploma
option, please call the Adult Education School Counselor at the Learning Center,
Monday through Friday between 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Earn a Wallingford Adult High School diploma independently, through the successful
completion of a series of assignments in a computer based format. Through this
option students earn their high school diploma independently through the successful
demonstration of life skill competencies as well as individualized competency.
You will meet with an assessor periodically to help you reach your goals. NEDP is
recommended for those 21 years of age who have acquired some of the life skill
experiences needed for successful completion of the program.

This program prepares adult learners to pass the four-part, computer-based GED®
exam to earn a State of Connecticut high school diploma. Students receive necessary
instruction in each of four subject areas - science, social studies, math and language
arts – plus the basic computer skills needed to take the exam. Instructors will
also review the official website, ged.com, where students can access related exam
information and exam registration procedures. To be able to register for the GED®
exam, students must be at least 17 years old and officially withdrawn from school
for six months. Students can begin the GED® registration process online at ged.com
and complete the process in person at Wallingford Adult Education. Individuals with
a documented disability who require accommodations to take the GED® test should
use www.ged.com to apply for test accommodations. You may also contact Sabrina
Mancini at the State Department of Education at 860-807-2111.
DAYTIME CLASSES: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
EVENING CLASSES: Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

For more information about these diploma options please contact The Learning
Center at (203) 294-3900.

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-3900                      3
    “These programs are supported by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act,
                    Title II - Adult Education and Family Literacy.”

                                ESL American Living
For students who regularly attend Intermediate or Advanced ESL classes and persons who
have graduated from ESL, an American Living class is offered that provides additional study of
current events, finances (money), basic writing, US history, computers, and how US government
works and career awareness.
DAYTIME CLASSES:          Tuesday and Thursday, 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
                          Wednesday, Noon – 2:00 p.m.
START DATE:               Tuesday, January 22

                                     Family Literacy
Parents of children enrolled in Prekindergarten and Kindergarten classes at Cook Hill,
Highland, EC Stevens and Moses Y. Beach elementary schools may participate in language
development and reading readiness activities at their child’s school. Parents work on their
own adult education lessons and spend time with their children on their grade level language
development activities. Transportation can be provided between the Adult Education Learning
Center and the elementary schools.
Please call Wallingford Adult Education for additional information at 203-294-3900.

                                Workforce Readiness
Wallingford Adult Education will provide deep exposure to workforce readiness activities
including literacy instruction, digital literacy skill development, career exploration, and usage
of resources available from the American Jobs Center and the post-secondary education
institutions. These sessions are for diploma preparation students and students in the Advance
ESL level. Class days and times to be announced.
                                     KEY COMPONENTS:
• Basic skills instruction of Reading, Writing and Math,
• Develop “soft work place skills” such as understanding of ethics, team-work, and critical
   thinking skills.
• Individual career and education plan/profile.
• Potential employment opportunities and education training programs.
• Job shadowing opportunities and/or pre-apprenticeships.

              National External Diploma Program (NEDP)
(Through WIOA funds, Wallingford Adult Education is able to offer the NEDP a Connecticut
approved high school completion program, to qualified residents of Cheshire, Meriden
and Wallingford, CT. Through this option, a student can earn their high school diploma
independently through successful completion of life skill competencies. The student uses
skills gained from life and work experience to demonstrate reading, writing and math ability.)
If you are employed, enrolled in job training or have other commitments such as managing a
household, NEDP offers flexibility to earn a diploma. NEDP also offers the opportunity to work
independently and meet periodically with an assessor in a confidential setting. Some classes
will be offered in Meriden at the American Job Center by appointment only.

                                   Student Supports
Assessment and Placement: Counselors will administer and interpret tests of your abilities
and interests, then place you in the right courses.
Career Counseling: Explore your abilities, interests, values, and knowledge of various careers;
learn resume writing and interviewing skills.
Educational Counseling: Learn about college programs, vocational and technical schools,
apprenticeships and other learning/training options.
Counseling: FREE to all Wallingford Adult Education students, and to anyone considering
becoming a student. Students meet with a counselor to discuss their educational goals and
the life issues that affect them.

4                 Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-3900
    Registration can be made at any time during the semester. Do not wait unit the
    last minute. Classes may be cancelled if enough registrations are not received five
    days prior to the starting date. Register for any course(s) as soon as our brochure is
    available, regardless of the course start date.
    All classes are held at Mark T. Sheehan High School or other specified locations.
    Registration information can be found on page 18. Registration form can be found on
    page 20. Make checks payable to: Wallingford Adult Education.
                                             PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!

                     BOATING                                        COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY
Safe Boating & Personal                                           Introduction to the Apple
Watercraft Safety                                                 iPad
Certification                                                     This class is for true beginners. No
1-Day Combination complete updated                                computer experience is required. If you
safe boating certification course taught in                       do not have an iPad, we can give you one
one (8-hour) day. This class includes the                         to use during class. In this introductory
newest requirement for towing skiers and                          iPad class students will learn how to
tubes. Successful completion will allow                           control basic setting such as volume,
the student to purchase a Connecticut                             screen brightness and using the home
Certificate of Personal Watercraft                                button. Explore the free apps that come
Operation with Waterski endorsement,                              with every iPad, such as Notes, Safari
which enables them to operate any                                 (internet) and Calendar. Also learn taking
recreational vessel up to 65 feet in length,                      photos, connecting to wi-fi networks,
with some age restrictions of younger                             using the Contacts app to store names
operators.                                                        and addresses and discuss popular iPad
PRIOR TO TAKING THIS CLASS each                                   applications that you can download. Please
student should create an account online                           note: This course is specifically designed
at https://www.ct.wildlifelicense.com/                            for using Apple iPads. If you own a tablet
internnetsales. Create an account if you                          that is made by a manufacturer other than
do not have one, and then print the page                          Apple, this course might not be the best fit
that includes your Conservation ID number                         for you.
and bring it to class. Once we have entered                       P. Andersen ......................... Learning Center
your score in the DEEP system you will                            Monday ................................ 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
use your account to purchase and print the                        4 weeks ............................................... April 1
certificate after the class. Student should                       Resident $72 .................... Non-resident $77
bring a pen or pencil to class.
Professional Marine Education Instructor
Learning Center .............. (Railroad Station)
Saturday ...................... 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1 Day ............................................... March 30
1 Day .................................................. May 18
Each Session Resident ............................ $65
Each Session Non-resident .................... $70

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932                                                            5
Microsoft Excel for                                               NEW! Professional Power
Beginners                                                         Point
Pre-requisite: type at a reasonable speed                         Introducing latest changes in Power
and have basic computer skills. Microsoft                         Point. Review do’s and do not’s of a great
Excel is a spreadsheet software program                           presentation. The fonts, colors, where
for personal or business use. Learn how to                        you stand, where the screen goes and
navigate through a spreadsheet, save and                          understanding your audience. (WIIFM)
print worksheets, cell basics, modifying                          T. Knowlton ..................................... Sheehan
columns, rows, cells, sort, filter, create                        Tuesday ................................ 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
formulas, create graphs, etc. Bring a USB                         1 night ............................................... March 5
flashdrive to save your work. Handouts                            Resident $25 .................... Non-resident $30
M. Hatton ........................................ Sheehan
Wednesday .......................... 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
6 weeks ............................................... April 3
Resident $95 .................. Non-resident $100

Microsoft Word Introduction
You will learn how to create, save, print
and format basic documents. Also how to
edit, format, and insert a table or picture
into a document. Bring a Flash Drive to
J. Holcomb ....................................... Sheehan
Tuesday ................................ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
3 weeks ............................................. March 5
Resident $65 .................... Non-resident $70

Microsoft Word Intermediate
Create, style and format multiple page                            Windows Files and Folders
documents. Create flyers and brochure                             Use Windows Explorer to learn how to set
style documents using bullets and                                 up folders to move or copy documents,
numbering, headers, footers and more.                             pictures and music files. See how to
Bring a Flash Drive to class.                                     transfer files to and from a Flash Drive.
J. Holcomb ....................................... Sheehan        Bring a Flash Drive to class.
Tuesday ................................ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.         J. Holcomb ....................................... Sheehan
3 weeks ........................................... March 26      Tuesday ................................ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Resident $65 .................... Non-resident $70                2 weeks ............................................. April 23
                                                                  Resident $55 .................... Non-resident $60

6                       Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932
Beginning Knit and Crochet                                    Pysanka – Ukrainian Easter
Let’s learn the basics of Knitting or                         Egg Decorating
Crochet. We will teach you to cast on, knit                   Experience the history and folklore of the
stitch, Purl stitch and how to cast on and                    beautiful Ukrainian art known as “Pysanka
will also teach you crochet chain, single                     Decorating”. Using traditional equipment,
and double crochet. $25 supply fee paid to                    techniques and designs, you will create
instructor for needle, hook and yarn.                         3-4 pysanky in time for Easter giving or for
L. Scarpa ................................. Country Yarns     treasured keepsakes. Consumable supply
Thursday .............................. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.      fee of $15 payable in cash to the instructor
4 weeks ....................................... February 28   at the first class. A list of supplies needed
Resident $90 .................... Non-resident $95            for class will be included on the class
                                                              G. Horbaty ....................................... Sheehan
                                                              Tuesday ................................ 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
                                                              3 weeks ........................................... March 12
                                                              Resident $63 .................... Non-resident $68

Pastel Painting
Experiment with pastels in a painterly
style. Subjects such as flowers, landscapes,
seascapes and pets will be demonstrated
to inspire you or for you to copy. Different
techniques will be explored and you
should be able to complete 3-4 pieces
of art to be proud of. A list of supplies
                                                                           FITNESS / YOGA
needed for class will be included on the                      Yoga for Beginners
class confirmation.                                           This class serves as a great introduction for
S. Murphy ........................................ Sheehan    students new to yoga. Learn foundational
Monday ................................ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.      poses, breathing techniques as well as the
8 weeks ....................................... February 25   many benefits of starting a yoga practice.
Resident $129 ................ Non-resident $134              K. Kelly ............................................. Sheehan
                                                              Thursday .............................. 5:45 – 6:45 p.m.
                                                              6 weeks ............................................. March 7
                                                              Resident $59 .................... Non-resident $64

                                                              NEW! Yoga Beyond the Mat
                                                              This unique class will offer ideas on ways
                                                              to take yoga principles beyond the mat.
                                                              Incorporate good posture, balance and
                                                              mindfulness into everyday life. Included
                                                              will be some flow, static poses and idea
                                                              sharing on how to keep great yoga energy
                                                              going after class is over.
                                                              K. Kelly ............................................. Sheehan
                                                              Thursday .............................. 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
                                                              6 weeks ............................................. March 7
                                                              Resident $59 .................... Non-resident $64

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932                                                       7
FITNESS / YOGA                                                    IN THE KITCHEN
Yoga for Everyone                                                 Pizza, Calzones, and Stuffed
This class is open to all levels from                             Breads
beginning to those with yoga experience.                          This hands-on class you will make
Each week we build on poses and skills we                         dough from scratch in 10-15 minutes.
learned from the previous week. The needs                         You will have your choice of toppings/
and abilities of the class are always taken                       filings including; sausage, pepperoni,
into consideration.                                               mushrooms, bacon, broccoli, spinach,
S. Powers ......................................... Sheehan       peppers and onions. You will make pizza
Wednesday .......................... 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.             sauce and authentic gravy (mom’s secret
10 weeks ..................................... February 27        recipe) and also dried dough. Come
Resident $103 ................ Non-resident $108                  hungry and bring containers to take home
                                                                  extra food! Consumable fee of $30 for all
                                                                  ingredients paid in cash to instructor.
                                                                  R. Inzero ........................................... Sheehan
                                                                  Wednesday .......................... 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
                                                                  3 weeks ............................................. March 6
                                                                  Resident $63 .................... Non-resident $68

             IN THE KITCHEN                                                         LANGUAGE
Italian Entrée’s Made with                                        American Sign Language I
Pressure Cooker                                                   This course is designed for students
Dishes made in minutes. Steak Pizzalo with                        who have some background in American
noodles; Italian meat sauce; Pulled Pork                          Sign Language and want to learn more
in BBQ sauce; Crab and Fish sauce; Beef                           vocabulary and grammar. Students will
Stew, you pick one other. Come hungry and                         increase their expressive language skills
bring containers to take home extra food!                         feel more confident holding a conversation
Consumable fee of $35 for all ingredients                         in ASL. No book is required.
paid in cash to instructor.                                       K. Sanzo ........................................... Sheehan
R. Inzero ........................................... Sheehan     Wednesday .......................... 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday .......................... 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.             10 weeks ..................................... February 27
3 weeks ............................................... April 3   Resident $154 ................ Non-resident $159
Resident $63 .................... Non-resident $68

8                       Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932
       Registration/Pretesting: Students interested in becoming a
   Certified Nurse Assistant, Medical Assistant, Phlebotomist or Triple
     Medical Specialist are required to pretest prior to admission.
   • Registration Test Dates: held at 5:30 p.m. at the Learning Center. Call for details.
   • A non-refundable $35.00 test and application fee required with reservation request.
   • Please contact the Learning Center at 203-294-3900 immediately if you are
     interested in any of these courses. Class size is limited.
   • C. Berube, Coordinator, email cberube@wallingfordschools.org

Certified Nurse Assistant                         Information about applying for national
                                                  certification with the National Competency
(CNA)                                             Certification Test (NCCT) will be distributed
Supporting Partner: Lifetime Care at Home.        upon completion of course. Certification is
Are you or someone you know interested            the financial responsibility of the student.
in becoming a Certified Nurse Assistant           Clinical and classroom instruction are
(CNA)? This course prepares the student           required and are held for 16 weeks. Monday
for an entry-level paraprofessional position      and Wednesday evening from 5:30 – 8:30
in the health care industry. Classroom and        p.m. at Mark T. Sheehan High School.
clinical trainings are real life experiences.     Instructor: M. Benitez, CPT
Students will be trained to pass the              Required Textbook and Lab fee ............ $120
state certification exam. This is the only        Resident fee $900 .... Non-resident fee $925
program, in the state, to offer an in-home        Class begins Wednesday, February 20
care program. Students interested may be
chosen to do an externship providing more
real life training. Learn how in home care        Triple Medical Coding
may be a better fit for you! Upon completion      Program
of this program, the student will be able to      Medical Terminology for the Serious
sit for the Connecticut Department of Health      Student: This course will unlock the
Nurse Aide Competency Examination.                mysteries of the medical language for
The fee for the state certification exam is       all students who wish to communicate
included in the cost of the course. Tuition       effectively in a medical career. This more
does not include physical exam, uniform/          detailed vocabulary is needed for coding.
scrubs, or required textbook. This is a           Medical Billing and Coding: This course
16 week program held on Tuesday and               is designed for individuals interested in
Thursday nights from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.        the growing field of medical billing. The
at Mark T. Sheehan High School. Clinical          student will learn how to translate ICD
instruction is held at a State licensed long-     10 CM and CPT coding and apply this
term care facility. A pretest and interview are   knowledge to complete medical forms
required for approval into this program.          (CMS-1500).
Instructor: D. Kirychuk, RNBC                     Computerized Medical Office: This
Required Textbook approximately ......... $60     course uses SimChart to teach Electronic
Resident fee $900 .... Non-resident fee $925      Health Record theory and application. After
Class begins Thursday, February 21                completing this course, students will be
                                                  able to transfer their knowledge to similar
Phlebotomy Program                                office computer programs. Classroom
Phlebotomists obtain blood from patients          instruction is held Monday and Wednesday
for laboratory analysis. Students will            evenings from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Mark T.
learn to identify: potential venipuncture         Sheehan High School. A pretest, interview
sites, the cellular components of blood           and high school diploma are required for
and their functions, the mechanisms for           approval into this program.
anitcoagulants, and necessary precautions         Instructor: E. Flynn, LMSW, MS
for sample transport and infection control. A     Required Textbooks approximately ..... $300
pretest, interview and high school diploma        Resident fee $900 .... Non-resident fee $925
are required for approval into this program.      Class begins, October 2019

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932                            9
MEDICAL CAREER                                               MONEY
          PROGRAMS                                                  MATTERS
Medical Assistant Training                     Asset Protection, Title
Program                                        19 and Long Term Care
The Medical Assistant Program prepares         Strategies
the individual for the responsibilities        If you or a loved one needs long-term
of the medical assistant in a medical          care, will you lose your house and all of
office, clinic or hospital environment.        your assets to the nursing home or to
The administrative program training            the State? You don’t have to! Learn the
includes: scheduling, billing, ICD-10 coding   current Medicaid rules and asset protection
procedures, insurance form preparation         strategies so you can plan ahead and
and electronic medical office computer         preserve your assets. Strategies will be
skills. The clinical instruction includes:     presented for both single and married
vital sign status, patient screening,          individuals, of both modest and significant
basic lab and out-patient surgical             means.
procedures, phlebotomy skills, CPR/First       A. Orlando ....................................... Sheehan
Aid certification in adult/child/infant and    Monday ................................. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
pain management. Classroom instruction         1 night ............................................. March 11
includes: Anatomy and Physiology of            Resident $25 ..................... Non-resident $30
the human body, disease management,
medical terminology and pharmacology.
Career Development Life Skills include:        Business Startup Boot Camp
resume assistance, interview processing.       Classes will guide an individual with
At completion of classroom instruction,        planning and decision making details
the student is required to complete            that go into starting and running a small
160 hours of a clinical externship at an       business. Focus will be on entity selection,
approved medical facility. For entrance        taxes, record keeping, software, including
into this program, the requirements are: a     creating a web presence and more. At the
pretest, knowledge of basic computer skills    first class a textbook may be purchased at
and Microsoft windows, an interview and        the approximate cost of $30.
high school diploma. A criminal records        CPA Purtill & Co. Instructor ........... Cheshire
background check is mandatory. Upon            Tuesday ................................. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
completion of both the classroom and           4 weeks ............................................ March 19
externship components the student will be      Resident $40 ..................... Non-resident $45
awarded a certificate of completion and is
eligible to sit for the National Competency    Changes in Social Security
Certification Test (NCCT). Information
regarding application and additional fee
                                               & Integrating them in
for the NCCT will be distributed upon          Retirement
completion of the course and certification     When to collect Social Security may be the
is the responsibility of the student. This     simple most important decision you make
course runs from September through June        in context of planning your retirement.
at Gaylord Hospital and Mark T. Sheehan        This class is a great opportunity to learn
High School. Class meets two nights a          key concepts you’ll need to know before
week, Monday and Wednesday evenings            applying for social security.
from 5:30 – 9:30 p.m. and every other          M. Alimo .......................................... Sheehan
Thursday 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.                      Monday ................................. 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Instructor: D. Kirychuk, RNBC                  1 night ................................................ March 4
Required textbooks approximately ...... $300   Resident $23 ..................... Non-resident $28
Resident fee $2900 . Non-resident fee $2950
Class begins, January 2 or September 2019

10               Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932
NEW! Demystifying Investing                                       Passport to Retirement
A financial workshop for beginning                                Discuss the most common mistakes made
investors that will cover the basic rules                         in retirement. Social Security, Medicare,
for growing wealth over time. $10 fee for                         determining how long your money will
a personal financial organizer paid to                            last, the power of inflation, long-term
instructor.                                                       care, maximizing your pension, wills and
A. Rendon ....................................... Sheehan         trusts. Also strategies to avoid retirement
Tuesday ................................. 8:00 – 9:00 p.m.        roadblocks, manage cash flow, using tax
5 weeks ............................................ March 12     laws to your advantage.
Resident $29 ..................... Non-resident $34               S. Grove ........................................... Sheehan
                                                                  Thursday ............................... 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Financial Strategies for                                          2 weeks ................................................ April 4
                                                                  Resident $29 ..................... Non-resident $34
Successful Retirement
This course covers important money
management concepts and strategies that
are important to people near retirement. In
depth review of various types of investment
options, annuities and how and when to
collect on Social Security benefits. Tax free
investment options and Estate planning
techniques. A workbook (optional) that
covers the entire course will be available
at a cost of $30 payable to Voya Financial
Advisors on the first night of class. Spouse
may attend for free.
S. Choquette ................................... Sheehan
Thursday ............................... 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
3 weeks .............................................. April 25                    PERSONAL
Resident $39 ..................... Non-resident $44
Guardian Angel Trusts                                             NEW! Discover Self-
An introduction to the benefits of
trust planning, and how trusts provide                            Compassion
opportunities to protect family members                           Much of our suffering comes from being
that Wills simply do not. The law allows                          too hard on ourselves and having an
for careful drafted Revocable Living Trusts                       internal critic. Infants and toddlers are
to protect money and other assets that                            very accepting of themselves yet many
creates a unique opportunity to act as the                        of us grow up with a lack of self-love and
“Guardian Angel” for our family members.                          acceptance. Discover how self-compassion
B. Etter, Esq..................................... Sheehan        begins to improve your relationships with
Monday ................................. 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.         others. Learn a loving kindness meditation
1 night .............................................. March 25   and strategies to talk to yourself with
Resident $23 ..................... Non-resident $28               kindness. Experience a light trance state to
                                                                  boost healing and self-acceptance.
                                                                  L. Lyons, M.S. .................................. Sheehan
                                                                  Wednesday .......................... 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
                                                                  2 weeks ........................................... March 27
                                                                  Resident $55 .................... Non-resident $60

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932                                                           11
NEW! High Impact Public                                            NEW! Mini Spa Night
Speaking                                                           Start your evening making three spa
Presentation skills are the most important                         quality products; a sugar scrub, a salt
personal skills you can develop for success                        foot soak and a body butter, all from
in your life. This workshop is designed to                         natural ingredients and high quality
be one-stop shop for all your presentation/                        essential oils. Then pamper your tired
speaking skills needs.                                             tootsies in a personal mini footbath
T. Knowlton ..................................... Sheehan          and enjoy a tasty home-made blender
Monday ................................ 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.           treat. Material fee of $36 cash paid to
1 night ............................................... March 4    instructor includes all three products,
Resident $25 .................... Non-resident $30                 foot basin and towel and smoothie.
                                                                   D. Kordorsky,
                                                                   Registered Dietitian ....................... Sheehan
Introduction to Meditation                                         Thursday .............................. 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Modern neuroscience shows that what                                1 night .................................................. May 9
we do and think can change the physical                            Resident $31 .................... Non-resident $36
structure of the brain – yet often this
change occurs unconsciously, when we
habitually react to stress in unhealthy ways.                      Reiki Level 1 / 1st Degree
Lisa Wimberger created Neurosculpting®                             Beginning Level: Students will learn Reiki
as a complete approach for consciously                             for self care and treatment of others. We
reshaping our brains for greater happiness,                        will learn benefits of Reiki, what Reiki is
health, creativity, and compassion. Dr.                            used for, and the History; Reiki precepts
Kelley is a certified Neurosculpting ®                             and practicing giving treatments in a
teacher. She will use the work of Lisa                             chair and on table (the protocol hand
Wimberger and her own training to                                  placements). Manual included and a
provide you with a unique experience of                            Certificate at completion.
meditation, mindfulness, diet, and daily                           E. Anderson, RN ............................. Sheehan
practices to help you create positive,                             Wednesday .......................... 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
lasting changes in your brain and your life.                       4 weeks ........................................... March 13
K. Kelley ........................................... Sheehan      Resident $155 ................ Non-resident $160
Monday ................................ 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
10 weeks ........................................... March 4       NEW! Reiki Level 2 / 2nd
Resident $75 .................... Non-resident $80
                                                                   For Reiki 1 practitioners who want to
NEW! Love Your Face                                                deepen their Reiki Practice and learn
and Hands: Natural Skin                                            distant Reiki. Learn the usage of Usui Reiki
Products made with                                                 symbols. Participants must have taken
                                                                   Reiki 1 and have four months of practice
Essential Oils                                                     (on self or others). Manual from Reiki
Are you tired of using (skin) products with                        Level 1 is used in this level. If you need
ingredients you can’t pronounce? In this                           the manual pay $15 cash to instructor.
class you will make a facial cleanser, toner,                      Certificate given at completion.
and moisturizer using natural ingredients                          E. Anderson, RN ............................. Sheehan
and high quality essential oils that are                           Tuesday ................................ 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
compatible with your skin type. We will                            2 weeks ........................................... March 12
also make a lotion bar for your dry, thirsty                       Resident $125 ................ Non-resident $130
hands. Materials fee of $32. cash paid to
instructor includes all materials to make
four products.
D. Kordorsky,
Registered Dietitian ....................... Sheehan
Thursday .............................. 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
1 night .................................................. May 2
Resident $29 .................... Non-resident $34

12                       Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932
NEW! Beginner Guitar                                               Golf! Men’s Playing through
Techniques                                                         the Front Nine
Develop a greater appreciation for music                           For the golfer with little or no golfing
and have fun by learning the fundamentals                          experience. A coach will cover everything
of guitar. Topics covered include notes,                           you need to know to play your first or
fret board theory, right and left hand                             next round of golf. Bring your golf clubs.
technique, major scales, beats, chords/                            If you do not have clubs, clubs will be
chord theory. Bring your guitar to class.                          provided. Equipment will be reviewed and
C. Fazzio .......................................... Sheehan       suggestions made about what clubs to
Thursday .............................. 6:00 – 7:15 p.m.           purchase. Each session runs for 5 weeks
10 weeks .................................... February 28          consecutively.
Resident $115 ............... Non-resident $120                    J. Wilson, Instructor
                                                                                   Lyman Orchards Golf Center
Chords Are Key for Piano                                           Friday, March 22 .................. 4:00 – 5:45 p.m.
In just a few hours, you can learn enough                          OR Friday, May 3 ................. 5:15 – 7:00 p.m.
secrets of the trade to give you years of                          Each Session Resident ......................... $101
musical enjoyment. While piano teachers                            Each Session Non-resident ................. $106
teach note reading, piano professionals
use chords. You can learn all the cords                            Introduction to Digital
you will need to play any song in this one                         Photography
session. If you can find middle C and know                         Beginner or intermediate photographers
the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine,                           with any camera and any photo editing
you already know enough to enroll in this                          experience can learn to make fine
workshop. Includes an online book and                              photographs regardless of the type of
online instructional videos.                                       equipment you own. Learn to use your
D. Fontana ...................................... Sheehan          camera, take better photographs and
Wednesday .......................... 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.              learn the pure enjoyment of capturing the
1 night ............................................... April 24   perfect image.
Resident $59 ............ Non-resident Fee $64                     R. Godbey ....................................... Sheehan
                                                                   Wednesday .......................... 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Golf Fore Woman 101                                                6 weeks .......................................... March 13
Beginner golf lessons for women only that                          Resident $95 ................. Non-resident $100
covers the fundamentals of golf including
full swing, short game, and putting. Bring
your golf clubs. If you do not have clubs,
clubs will be provided. Equipment will be
reviewed and suggestions made about
what clubs to purchase. Each session runs
for 5 weeks consecutively.
M. Crow, Instructor
                Lyman Orchards Golf Center
Saturday, March 23 ......... 10:00 – 11:45 a.m.
OR Tuesday, April 30 ......... 6:35 – 7:50 p.m.
OR Saturday, May 4 ........ 10:00 – 11:45 p.m.
Each Session Resident ......................... $101
Each Session Non-resident ................. $106

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932                                                       13
First Impressions / Body                                         SAT Prep Lentz & Lentz
Language                                                         Lentz & Lentz has had proven results helping
Your first impression lasts forever. The                         thousands of students prepare for the SAT for
power and inference of body language                             over 45 years. Designed to benefit students
is huge. Understand what other people                            of all ability levels, this 30-hour program is
                                                                 divided equally between English and math
really think. Everywhere in your life is an
                                                                 and covers all facets of the SAT. Includes
impression. Discover the language of your
                                                                 course materials, extra help at no charge, live
body. Bring forward your best impression.
                                                                 make up classes, lesson podcasts for review
T. Knowlton..................................... Sheehan
                                                                 or as a supplement for missed lessons and
Wednesday .......................... 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.            complimentary fall refresher classes. The
1 night .............................................. March 6   course features test-taking skills, grammar
Resident $25 ................... Non-resident $30                skills, reading interpretation, speed-reading
                                                                 improvement techniques, advanced math
Getting Paid To Talk                                             review, shortcut math, tip sheets vocabulary
Ever been told you have a great voice?                           development, essay writing, and practice
From audio books and cartoons to                                 testing and grading sessions all geared to
documentaries, commercials, this class                           the format of the SAT. All course components
will introduce you to the field of voice                         reflect the most recent change in the format
over. Learn what the pros look for, how to                       of the SAT and the program is taught by
prepare, and where to find work in your                          highly skilled profession instructors with a
area. You will have an opportunity to                            background in ST preparation. For more
record a short professional script. For more                     information or to register call 1-845-638-
information visit: www.voicecoaches.com/                         2826 or visit www.LentzSATPrep.com.
gptt                                                             Lentz & Lentz Instructor ................. Sheehan
D. Bourgeois .................................. Sheehan          8 weeks ................................. 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday .......................... 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.            Monday .............................................. March 4
1 night ............................................ March 20    Tuition Fee .............................................. $399
Resident $35 ................... Non-resident $40
                                                                 NEW! Introduction to Wildlife
Replacement Window                                               Rehabilitation
                                                                 This class details the role that rehabilitators
Workshop                                                         perform in society and covers topics such
Compare products and prices. See how                             as; solving wildlife conflicts, Zoonosis’ and
windows are properly installed. Save on                          wildlife intervention. Students will gain an
your heat and air conditioning bills and                         understanding of the profession and an
take advantage of incentive programs                             appreciation for the wild animals that share
available. Learn from an experienced                             our world.
Master Carpenter. This workshop is a must                        D. Powers .......................................... Sheehan
for anyone thinking about having windows                         Wednesday ........................... 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
replaced or replacing windows themselves.                        1 night ................................................ April 24
P. O’Doherty,                                                    Resident $35 ..................... Non-resident $40
Master Carpenter ........................... Sheehan
Tuesday ................................ 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.        NEW! Wildlife Rehabilitation
1 night ............................................ March 19
Resident $35 ................... Non-resident $40                101
                                                                 Prerequisite: Attended Intro to Wildlife
                                                                 Rehabilitation. Students considering taking
                                                                 the state licensing exam will go into detail
                                                                 regarding wildlife identification, rules and
                                                                 regulations, basic first aid and licensing
                                                                 requirements intake procedures.
                                                                 D. Powers .......................................... Sheehan
                                                                 Wednesday ........................... 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
                                                                 1 night .................................................... May 8
                                                                 Resident $40 ..................... Non-resident $45

14                      Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932
Wallingford Adult
Education through
Crossroads Driving
School offers Teen Driver
Education at both Mark
T. Sheehan and Lyman
Hall high schools after
the school day. The
program will offer three
options to obtain a State
of Connecticut Driver’s
License. (Student
must be age 16 to
start the course.)
Option 1 (Full Course)
includes 30 hours of
classroom (15 classes) which includes the safe driving, drug and alcohol program, plus 8
hours of behind-the-wheel. Most insurance companies offer a discount if you take this full
course. Driving sessions will be scheduled by the instructor. Fee $565.

Option 2 (Classroom – No Driving) includes 30 hours of classroom (15 classes) which
includes the safe driving, drug and alcohol program. No behind-the-wheel. Fee $290.

Option 3 (Safe Driving/Drug & Alcohol Program) this 8 hour course (4 classes) fulfills
the mandatory requirement of the State of CT for license applicants who choose a Home
Training Program. Required for all drivers, including those over 18. Fee $150.

Required by State Law!
A parent and student orientation and information class!
For student to receive a certificate, the student as well as at least one parent, it is
mandatory to attend this 2 hour orientation session (considered to be first class). If the
student is 18 years old or older a parent does not need to attend but the student must
attend. This orientation is included in the 30 hours of classroom time. .

Lyman Hall High School –                         Mark T. Sheehan High School –
Spring 2019                                      Spring 2019
Parent and student orientation session           Parent and student orientation session
(this is considered first class) will be held    (this is considered first class) will be held
on Monday, March 4 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.         on Monday, March 4 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Classes will be held Monday, Tuesday and         Classes will be held Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.                 Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Starting – Tuesday, March 5                      Starting – Tuesday, March 5

                              Diane Stanley, Instructor
  For more information about Crossroads Driving School visit www.crdrivingschool.com

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932                          15
         Explore the following Day Trip with Friendship Tours/The Ship Shop

                        Warner Theatre – Mamma Mia
                                    Torrington, CT
                                Sunday Matinee – May 5
Pre Show Lunch at Black Tock Tavern in Thomaston: Garden Salad, Choice of Grilled Beef
& Vegetable Kabob with Cous Cous OR Grilled Chicken Breast with Baked Mac & Cheese &
Vegetables, Seasonal Dessert & Beverage. Indicate Entrée Choice with your Registration.

Enjoy a matinee performance of “Mamma Mia”. It’s Abba’s greatest hits woven into three
wonderful love stories. A young girl about to be married, her mother about to confront the
past, and the best love story of all. So many great songs: “Mamma Mia”, “Dancing Queen”
… A great, fun show with lots of energy!

Reserve your seat through Wallingford Adult Educations’ Registration Form by April 5.
2019. Meet the deluxe Motor Coach in the parking lot behind the historic Wallingford train
station for a 10:30 a.m. departure and return 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $109 per person

                   Saint Clements Castle – Eric Kearns
                                     Portland, CT
                                  Wednesday - June 19
The Elegance of St
Clements Castle. Wait
until you see where we
will be spending our
day! The ‘Castle’ is set
amidst 82 scenic acres
alongside a beautiful,
one mile stretch of the
meandering Connecticut
River in Portland, CT.
Saint Clements Castle
is designed like a
French chateau with
two Norman Towers and
French Tudor ambience. You will enjoy a beautifully prepared and presented lunch in the
Prince Edward Ballroom. Dine on Salad, and Choice of: Chicken Francaise with Lemon
and Capers OR Broiled Scrod with Crumb Topping, both served with Vegetable, Potato,
Delicious Dessert and Coffee. Indicate Entrée Choice with your Registration.

Reserve your seat through Wallingford Adult Educations’ Registration Form by May 17.
Meet the deluxe Motor Coach in the parking lot behind the historic Wallingford train
station for a 8:00 a.m. departure and return 7:00 p.m.

Cost: $90 per person

16               Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932
         Explore the following CRUISE with Friendship Tours/The Ship Shop

          Escorted Canada Cruise on the MSC Meraviglia
    NY • Sydney, Nova Scotia • Cornerbrook, Newfoundland • Prince
           Edward Island • Quebec (overnight onboard) • NY
                    October 8 – 18, 2019 / 11 Days – 10 Nights
                    Professional Ship Shop Escort throughout trip!
• Roundtrip deluxe Motorcoach transportation to the NY Pier
• Professional Ship Shop Escort throughout cruise
• 10 nights onboard the brand new MSC Meraviglia
• All meals onboard
• Spectacular entertainment; Casino; Full Service Spa and Fitness Center
• Special Ship Shop Parties & Events

Valid U.S. Passport Required for Travel! Cost from $1149.pp Twin Inside. Deposit of $450.
pp due with reservation. Final Payment Due: June 26, 2019. Trip Protection Coverage is
strongly recommended. Partial Payment Cancellation Policy. Cancel Penalty refunds vary
beginning June 26, 2019. No Refunds if canceled after August 15, 2019.

                   For more information and for reservation contact:
                    The Ship Shop 860-243-1630 or 800-243-1630.

          Explore the following Trips through Collette and Gallagher Travel

                        Painted Canyons of the West
                        Featuring Utah’s 5 National Parks
                                 September 22-30, 2019
                    9 Days • 11 Meals: 7 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch, 3 Dinners
Featuring … Colorado National Monument, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National
Park, Moab, Dead Horse Point State Park, Utah’s Scenic Byways 12 & 24, Capitol Reef
National Park, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Bryce Canyon National
Park, Zion National Park, Las Vegas.
Enjoy Culinary Inclusions: Dinner and a wine tasting in Colorado’s wine country; “Cowboy
Dinner” in Moab above the Colorado River.
Collette Experiences: Two nights in Moab with time to explore Arches and Cayonlands;
Take Utah’s most Scenic Byways; Climb aboard Zion’s open-air tram with an expert guide.
Must-See Inclusions: Incredible views at Dead Horse Point State Park in Moab; Explore the
amazing spires of Bryce Canyon, known as hoodoos; Marvel at the Castle at Capitol Reef.
Per Person rates: Double $3,699. Single $4,799. Triple $3,649. A Deposit amount of $500.pp
due upon reservation. Final payment due July 24, 2019. Not included in Price: Cancellation
Waiver and Insurance of $315.pp.

                                  ASK FOR BROCHURE!
       For more information and Reservations contact: Judi Gallagher 203-265-2856
                          or email: judigallagher@yahoo.com

Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-5932                     17
       WAYS TO REGISTER                                PLEASE NOTE
1. In person                               Course Confirmation
                  Register weekdays        A course confirmation sheet will be
                  from 8:00 am to          mailed to you. This sheet lists the
                  5:30 pm at the Adult     room numbers of your classes and any
                  Education office         materials you should bring with you to
                  located at               class.
Sheehan High School (203) 294-5932
or the Learning Center located at the      Cut-off Dates for Course
historic Wallingford Railroad Station      Registrations are…
(203) 294-3900, weekdays from 8:30         One week prior to the date the class
                                           begins. OR two weeks prior to the
a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
                                           start date if the course requires you to
                                           purchase a textbook.
2. By mail
                 Please use a separate     Consumable Supply Fees
                 registration for each     Please DO NOT include the consumable
                 student, even if          supply fee with your registration
                 you are registering       payment. Fees are collected on the first
                 together with your        night of class, and must be paid in cash.
                 spouse or friends.
                 • You may register for    Who Can Register?
                 up to four courses per    Anyone age 17 or over. All registrations
registration form. If you are signing up   are processed in the order in which
for more than four courses, attach a       they are received. Exceptions to the age
second form.                               requirement are found in some courses
• Photocopying the registration form is    Registrations from Wallingford residents
                                           are processed before registration for
                                           non-residents opens.
• Payment can be made by check or
money order. A separate check or           Registering for Courses with
money order for each class is required.    Different Start Dates
Make check payable to Wallingford          If you want to register for more than one
Adult Education.                           course, you may send all registrations
                                           and payments in together. However, we
                                           must receive the registrations one week
                                           prior to the date of the first class.
    If you can read, you can help!
    Literacy Volunteers needs volunteer           AMERICAN JOB CENTER
 tutors in all the communities it serves            OF CONNECTICUT
 to help adults learn to read and speak      Need help getting a job, developing a
 English. Just two hours of your time        resume, or exploring career options?
 a week can make a big difference in         Connecticut American Job Center pro-
 someone’s life!                             vides free training programs and paid
    Free training for new volunteer          internships for 16-24 year-olds with a
                                             high school diploma or high school
 tutors is held three times a year.          equivalency certificate. Visit your one
 Go to www.lvagnh.org to fill out/           stop center in Meriden, 87 West Main
 send in a tutor application or call         Street (203-238-3688) OR Hamden, 37
 203-776-5899 for more information.          Marne Street (203-859-3200)

18              Spring 2019 • www.wallingfordadulted.org • Telephone (203) 294-3900
You can also read