SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST

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SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
The Newspaper of SRMIST

For private circulation only                             Volume 13 Number 7

      SRM Medical College Hospital...
  Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine !
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
2    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7

                                                                                                                Concretus 2020
                                                                                                                - Celebrating the
                                                                                                                Built Environment
                                                                                                                DIKSHA AVIRAL                          place. In addition to these,
                                                                                                                                                       competitions like Geovideo
                                                                                                                 “Tell me and I forget, teach          for pictorial representation of
                                                                                                                me and I may remember, involve         basic geotechnical concepts
                                                                                                                me and I learn.”                       and Consilid for full-fledged

Scaling New Heights: SRMAP win                                                                                     With this invigorating mantra in
                                                                                                                their hearts and minds, hundreds
                                                                                                                                                       city planning, kept everyone
                                                                                                                                                       attending the fest on their toes.

Three Hackathons in a Row                                                                                       of students came together recently
                                                                                                                to participate in the national
                                                                                                                level technical fest, Concretus.
                                                                                                                                                         Concretus ’20 also hosted a
                                                                                                                                                       number of workshops and hands-
                                                                                                                                                       on training sessions to enhance
                                      Tradeshows, every time we            the game in only 20hrs, starting     Concretus ’20 was a national           the knowledge of students in
                                      attend one my dad and I challenge    from scratch. We developed a         level technical fest held by the       specific topics of interest such
                                      each other to win a game of          few of our own UI elements           Department of Civil engineering,       as BIM, Q-GIS, self-compacting
   The unstoppable team of Next-
                                                                           and game assets. I feel the          SRM Institute of Science and           concrete, practical applications
Tech Lab of SRM University- AP,       Whack A Mole. But, due to
                                                                           User-Interface of the app and        Technology in association with         of analysis and design, coconut
has again brought laurels to the      strict quarantine that my family
                                                                           the effects are pretty cool. VR      the Indian Concrete Institute.         shell concrete, rapid 3D modelling
University by winning three           is following, it’s been a while
                                                                           development is real FUN!             The fest offered a huge array          using Arc-GIS and prestressed
hackathons in a row. During this      now for such challenges. My
                                                                           Moreover, there are a lot of API     of events and workshops to             concrete.
lockdown while some devoted           teammates and I, being gaming
their time to newfound hobbies,       and virtual reality enthusiasts,     and SDK that unity supports,”        students pursuing undergraduate           They say, you can learn more
our young researchers successfully    decided to develop a VR version      exclaimed Koushik Bhargav, a         and postgraduate work in civil         about a man in two hours of play,
developed a fresh multiplayer         of ‘Whack A Mole.’”                  3rd-Year student of Computer         engineering.                           than in two days of conversation.
virtual reality game - ‘Whack                                              Science and Engineering and            Various competitions like            Thus, in the spirit of fun and
                                         ‘Whack A Mole’is a multiplayer    the third member of the team.                                               fellowship Concretus ’20 also
A Mole’ and a cloud-based                                                                                       Davitovits for geopolymer
                                      virtual reality game that allows                                                                                 hosted several sporting events
multiplayer FPS in Virtual Reality-                                           The team has plans to make        concrete for novel construction,
                                      users to play against the computer                                                                               like badminton and chess.
‘Desert Shooter’. The three-                                               this game to be a cross-platform     Aitcin for high performance
                                      or their families or both! One
member team has successfully                                               game. Therefore, their next          concrete, Curva Geometricia              It’s safe to say that Concretus
                                      can use it on iOS or Android.
bagged the second prize in the                                             plan of action is to make the        for complex transportation             ’20 did indeed help lay a concrete
                                      It is built on Unity3D, on top
International / Professional                                               web version of it. The team is       problems, Geowall for mechanical       foundation toward the experience
                                      of Photon PUN and GoogleVR
Award at SKYHacks2020; Best                                                also planning to release it to       stabilization of earth fill took       and learning of all its participants.
                                      SDK. It is also integrated with
echoAR Hack at Silicon Valley                                              production so that users can
                                      Google Firebase. “This was
Hacks; and Best AR/VR hack                                                 have an immersive experience
                                      the very first time we were
at HackNow, organized by Cal                                               of modern gaming techniques.
Hacks, a non-profit organization
at the University of Berkeley,
                                      working on the development
                                      of virtual reality games and            ‘Desert Shooter’ is another       Smart India Hackathon
                                      networking. As we had to run         multiplayer virtual reality game
  When asked how the idea of
                                      the game on our phone to record
                                      the gameplay, the output video
                                                                           developed by the team that
                                                                           allows users to play against
                                                                                                                – SRM Edition
making such a game crossed            on YouTube is a bit blurry,”         the computer or their families
their minds, Epperla Karthik, a       explained Khushboo Sharma,           or both. You can connect with        SADHANA UPENDRAN                       in promoting innovation, out-
2nd Year student of Computer          another member of the team and       your friends and play together.                                             of-the-box thinking in young
                                                                           The game consists of a swarm of      MANOJ VAMSEE
science and Engineering and           a 2nd-year student of Computer                                                                                   minds, especially engineering
a member of the team, said,           Science and Engineering. “We         robot ships moving towards you                                              students from across India.
“My family loves attending            completed the development of         and you have to protect yourself
                                                                                                                Smart India Hackathon 2020                The SRM edition was an
                                                                           from them. “The interesting
                                                                                                                is a nationwide initiative to          internal competition amongst
                                                                           part is that all of this happens
                                                                                                                provide students a platform
         It is again proved that                                           in Mixed Reality which makes
                                                                                                                to solve some of the pressing
                                                                                                                                                       SRM participant teams to send
                                                                                                                                                       the selected team combination of
                                                                           the game immersive. We built it
    pure talent can never                                                  on Unity3D, on top of Photon
                                                                                                                problems we face in our daily
                                                                                                                lives, and thus inculcate a culture
                                                                                                                                                       both hardware and software teams
                                                                           PUN and GoogleVR SDK,                                                       to the finals facing multiple other
    be put in quarantine. It                                               Echoar. It is also integrated with
                                                                                                                of product innovation and a
                                                                                                                mindset of problem solving. The
                                                                                                                                                       teams from different bases. The
                                                                           Google Firebase and the assets                                              duration of the competition was
    will always find a way to                                              are stored in echoar cloud. This
                                                                                                                last edition of the hackathon saw      about 29 – 30 hours with four
                                                                                                                over 5 million+ students from          internal inspections happening
                                                                           project won the best AR/VR
    express itself to the world.                                           hack at “Hack: Now” which
                                                                                                                various colleges compete for the       almost every 6 hours once. The
                                                                                                                top prize at 65+ locations. In         whole event was held in a time
    Our young developers have                                              is organized by the University
                                                                           of California Berkeley,” said
                                                                                                                SIH 2020, the students would           span of 3 days.
                                                                                                                have the opportunity to work
    brilliantly used the ample                                             Epperla Karthik.
                                                                                                                on challenges faced within                This national level competition
                                                                             It is again proved that pure       various Ministries, Departments,       has holistically helped to harness
    time and opportunity to                                                talent can never be put in           Industries, PSUs and NGOs to           creativity and expertise of
                                                                           quarantine. It will always find      create world class solutions for       students and build funnel for the
    put their brains in best use                                           a way to express itself to the       some of the top organizations          ‘Start-up India’ campaign. It also
    and to bring recognitions                                              world. Our young developers
                                                                           have brilliantly used the ample
                                                                                                                including industries in the world,
                                                                                                                thus helping the Private sector
                                                                                                                                                       helps to crowd source solutions
                                                                                                                                                       for improving governance and
    from nationally and globally                                           time and opportunity to put their    hire the best minds from across        quality of life while giving
                                                                           brains in best use and to bring      the nation. The first three editions   opportunity to citizens to provide
    acclaimed competitions                                                 recognitions from nationally and     SIH2017, SIH2018 and SIH2019           innovative solutions to India’s
                                                                           globally acclaimed competitions.     proved to be extremely successful      daunting problems.
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7 3

Scope of Hierarchically                                                                         SRMAP welcomes Prof VS Rao,
Structured Materials                                                                            as Vice-Chancellor
                                                 Director, National Centre for Nanoscience      STAFF WRITER                                                      to the internationally
                                                 and Nano technology, University of                                                                               acclaimed SRM Group,
  The Department of Physics, SRM                 Madras, Chennai delivered his plenary             SRM University- AP,                                            through my best efforts.
Institute of Science & Technology,               talk. Dr. Sreekuttan M.U, Scientist -          Andhra Pradesh welcomes                                           We at SRMAP would
R a m a p u r a m c a m p u s o rg a n i s e d   Academy of Scientific & Innovative             its new Vice-Chancellor                                           like to see that every
the 8th National Conference on                   Research (AcSIR), CSIR-CECRI                   Prof VajjaSambasiva                                               student graduating from
Hierarchically Structured Materials              Chennai Unit, CSIR Madras Complex,             Rao. Prof V.S. Rao is                                             here would be industry-
(NCHSM 2020) recently. The conference            Taramani, Chennai, TamilNadu, Dr. J.           joining the University                                            ready, and get numerous
was sponsored by Council of Scientific           Arokiaraj, Senior Principal Scientist          from July 1st 2020.                                               opportunities during
and Industrial Research, Defence                 , 3M, Bengaluru, Dr. J. Ramajothi,                                                                               their career. I consider
                                                                                                  Prof V. S. Rao is an
Research and Development Organization            Department of Physics, Madras Institute of                                                                       myself fortunate to have
                                                                                                eminent academician who
New Delhi. Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan,              Technology, Dr. P. Murugavel, Associate                                                                          this opportunity to be
                                                                                                has been the vanguard of
Director (E&T), SRM IST presided                 Professor, Department of Physics,                                                                                part of such an excellent
                                                                                                leading excellence in higher technical
over the inaugural function and he               IIT Madras,Chennai, TamilNadu, Dr.                                                           institution in the sphere of higher education,
                                                                                                education in India. An alumnus of BITS,
outlined the significance of gathering           Shanmugasundaram Sakthivel, Team                                                             that has been delivering quality teaching
                                                                                                Pilani and the University of Bielefeld,
researchers and faculties to work for the        Leader and Scientist-F, Centre for Solar                                                     and learning, and research relevant to
                                                                                                Germany, Prof V. S. Rao previously served
advancement of science and technology.           Energy Materials, International Advanced                                                     the society.”
                                                                                                as the President of NIIT University and
He also stated the role of science serving       Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy          Acting Vice-Chancellor and Director at           During his career spanning over
industrial purposes, and to determine            and New Materials (ARCI), Balapur Post,        BITS, Pilani.                                 forty-two years, Prof V. S. Rao has
the problems in the physical sciences.           Hyderabad and Dr. U. Madhusoodanan,                                                          made significant contributions in the
Dr. G. Selvakumar Dean (E&T) and                 Senior Scientist Radiological Safety &           Dr P. Satyanarayanan, the President
                                                                                                                                              arena of education. As the President
Dr. Dr. K.N. Srinivas, Vice Principal            Environmental Group, Indira Gandhi             of the SRM University-AP, shares in
                                                                                                                                              of NIIT University (NU), Neemrana,
(Academic), SRM Institute of Science             Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR),            his welcome note, “I am delighted to
                                                                                                                                              Rajasthan, he has led many initiatives at
& Technology, Ramapuram campus                   Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu delivered their           announce the appointment of Professor
                                                                                                                                              NU starting from curriculum innovations,
felicitated the gathering. Dr. Benjamin          invited talk which enthused the young          V. S. Rao as the new Vice-Chancellor
                                                                                                                                              faculty expansion and development to
Lionel, Director, Instruments Research           researchers for technology transfer.           of SRM University-AP. Dr VS Rao is a
                                                                                                                                              the introduction of new Programmes
and Development Establishment (IRDE),            Research Scholars and Scientists from          renowned academician with over four
                                                                                                                                              and digital learning. He apprehended
Defence Research and Development                 leading Universities, Colleges and R&D         decades of experience in Academics
                                                                                                                                              the importance of Industry linkage with
Organisation (DRDO), Dehradun graced             laboratories contributed and presented         and Administration. I am optimistic
                                                                                                                                              academia and committed to upholding
the conference as a Chief Guest. He              their research findings on topics such         that his strategic and operational skills
                                                                                                                                              it. Prior to joining NU, Prof V. S. Rao
delivered the inaugural and keynote address      as Nanomaterials, Crystal Growth               combined with his deep knowledge
                                                                                                                                              had a vigorous association with BITS,
and précised the scope of Hierarchically         and Characterisation, Magnetic and             in academic research, will help SRM
                                                                                                                                              Pilani for over 44 years including six
Structured Materials, how it engrosses           Semiconducting Materials, Materials            AP scale greater heights in its pursuit
                                                                                                                                              years of his Graduation.
in integration of science and technology         Characterization, Electronic Structure         to be a truly global research-intensive
and released the conference proceedings.         of Materials and thin films. Based on          educational institution.”                       He played a crucial role in the
About 150 faculty members, Scientists            the most innovative and challenging                                                          establishment of BITS Pilani, Hyderabad
                                                                                                  Prof D. Narayana Rao, the Pro-Vice-
& Research scholars from various                 areas of conference, the best oral and                                                       campus in terms of strategy and conception.
                                                                                                Chancellor of the University, cordially
educational institutions with various            poster presentations were awarded.                                                           He worked very closely with Dr Y
                                                                                                welcomed him on campus saying, “Prof
Research & Development laboratories              This was a big boost for the budding                                                         S Rajasekhar Reddy, the then Chief
                                                                                                VS Rao, an institution builder, has
across the country attended the conference       scientists to carry on with their interest                                                   Minister, in realising his vision of
                                                                                                developed BITS, Hyderabad as a highly
and presented their research findings.           on research. In the valedictory function,                                                    establishing BITS Pilani campus in
                                                                                                reputed institution in a short time. With
Dr. L. Sudha, Professor & Head of the            Dr. U. Madhusoodanan, Senior Scientist                                                       Hyderabad, a state-of-the-art campus
                                                                                                his rich and vast experience at BITS -
Department of Physics, Convener of               Radiological Safety & Environmental                                                          with innovative ideas.
                                                                                                Pilani and also as the Director, BITS
NCHSM 2020 welcomed the august                   Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
                                                                                                Hyderabad, I am sure that he will take          His research interest included synthetic
gathering and presented the overview             Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam addressed
                                                                                                SRM University - AP to greater heights.”      organic chemistry, natural product
of the conference. Eminent scientists            the significance of research work in the
                                                                                                                                              research, green chemistry etc. He has
from prestigious institutions presented          field of hierarchically structured materials     Dr D. Gunasekaran, the Registrar of
                                                                                                                                              guided four PhD students and published
plenary and invited talks on a range of          and mentioned that the conference              SRMAP, opined, “Prof V S Rao’s joining
                                                                                                                                              several research papers in reputed
topics. Dr.M.Saravanan, Asst.Prof. (S.G),        which was conducted would enormously           the SRM University AP is wonderful
                                                                                                                                              journals. His passion for teaching has
Organizing Secretary of NCHSM 2020               facilitate the academic community              news for us. We are certain that his
                                                                                                                                              earned accolades from several batches
proposed the vote of thanks. Renowned            to allocate their knowledge for the            values and collaborative leadership
                                                                                                                                              of BITS students.
professionals like Prof. S. Balakumar,           betterment of society.                         approach will help the University to
                                                                                                make a visible difference to the world.         Prof. V. S. Rao obtained his M. Sc
                                                                                                The faculty members, students and staff       and PhD degrees from BITS Pilani. In
                                                                                                of SRM University AP welcomes the             1998, at the invitation of the German
                                                                                                Vice-Chancellor, Prof V S Rao.”               Foundation for International Development,
                                                                                                                                              he attended a four-month training
                                                                                                   As the University embarks on an exciting
                                                                                                                                              programme on Educational Economics &
                                                                                                period of development in an immensely
                                                                                                                                              Educational Research at the University
                                                                                                challenging and competitive environment
                                                                                                                                              of Bielefeld, Germany. His philosophy
                                                                                                with an ambitious strategy that builds
                                                                                                                                              and utilitarian standpoint as an educator
                                                                                                on the well-established reputation for
                                                                                                                                              have been moulded by his pragmatic
                                                                                                ground-breaking research, innovation
                                                                                                                                              ideology and productive wisdom as an
                                                                                                and cross-disciplinary academic activity,
                                                                                                it is the high time to demonstrate the
                                                                                                capability to make a difference to the          Prof V.S. Rao is on the advisory
                                                                                                lives of individuals, communities and         board for various colleges, institutions
                                                                                                societies in the region and around the        and universities across the country.
  Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan, Director (E&T), SRM IST honouring the Chief Guest
Dr. Benjamin Lionel, Director, Instruments Research and Development Establishment               world. Prof V. S. Rao, the man of the hour    He is also an avid explorer who has
        (IRDE), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO),                           himself supported the notion asserting,       extensively travelled across the globe to
            Dehradun in NCHSM 2020 on February 21 & 22nd 2020.                                  “I am looking forward to contributing         visit international universities of repute.
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
4   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7

                                                                                                                                  The entrance to bliss and exuberance

                                                                                                                   Diversity Embodied
                                                                                                                   VAISHNAVI                              in each and every one of us. It
                    Inspiration beyond the classroom: SRM Achievers Connect 2020                                                                          had something for everyone.
                                                                                                                      An eternal adage “unity in          The instant images, ethnic

Achieving to Inspire -                                                                                             diversity” characterizes not
                                                                                                                   only India, but the hues and
                                                                                                                                                          dresses, beautiful designer
                                                                                                                                                          handbags, sophisticated and
                                                                                                                                                          elegant footwear had a lot of
SRM Achievers Connect 2020
                                                                                                                   the realms of tradition that
                                                                                                                   accompany our nation. The              ladies buzzing around it. That
                                                                                                                   diversity of India was strongly        tasty and aromatic aura of amazing
                                                                                                                   unified and perfectly merged           delicacies provided a powerful
SHRUTI                               Mr. Roshan Keshavan, Ms.                 Students learned about different
                                                                                                                   by the “Bazaar” adrift with            lens to peer into our culture,
                                     Yashika Khater, Ms. Devanshi          ways to achieve their professional
                                                                                                                   flavour, tasteful, glorious and rich   fascinating fashion, culture
   The Directorate of Alumni         Seth, and Mr. Krishna Kumar           goals and land their dream jobs.
                                                                                                                   goods, eatables and collectibles       design, food, photographers,
Affairs was proud to organize        Suresh. From founding their own       The panel taught the students
                                                                                                                   from the corners of shores and         cooks, stylists and artists and
SRM Achievers Connect 2020,          companies to rising through the       about the various qualities that a
                                                                                                                   mountains. Standing tall in            illustrators of the decade.
an event that allowed young          ranks in successful corporations,     company looks for in a graduating
                                     this panel of alumni had a vast       student, as well as the resume          campus the Bazaar provided                The Bazaar proved to be
students to learn more about the                                                                                   a welcome relief from the
                                     number of achievements to             one must build in order to start                                               all the states and traditions
journeys of some of SRMIST’s                                                                                       monotonous and grim college
                                     their name. Each one of them          off their career the right way.                                                in a miniature cosmopolitan
successful alumni. Held recently                                                                                   life that has ensnared us all.
                                     spoke about their journey to          The young students were quite                                                  environment. Spectators lost
at the medical auditorium, the                                                                                     From uniquely flavoured tea
                                     success, and provided tips and        enthused upon learning about                                                   themselves to the divine, happy
event witnessed the presence                                                                                       to delicious waffles, the joy
                                     tricks to the students present, to    the alumni’s experiences, and                                                  atmosphere, soaking in the spirit
of 11 stellar alumni.
                                     make the most of their college        let every bit of advice they were       and festive spirit was blowing         of togetherness and festivities. The
  The alumni who shared              lives. They also discussed the        given, sink in. Without a doubt,        in the wind. The pretty tribal         rapport between the shopkeepers
their success stories this year      various aspects of the field of       Achievers Connect 2020 was              earrings and jewellery made a          and the customers, the electrifying
included Mr. Madhavan Unni,          information technology. The           as insightful and rewarding as          sufficient commentary on the           vibes floating in and out- it was
Mr. Karthigeyan, Mr. Karthik         students were fortunate enough        the students hoped.                     value of glitter and fashion.          a spectacle to behold! Standing
Balu, Mr. Neeraj Krishnamoorthy,     to interact with the panel and           The students and alumni were         From trying leather collections        majestically with charm and
Mr. Rahul Kumar, Mr. Rakesh          ask them questions pertaining to      all smiles after the successful         to gobbling momos, the Bazaar          blithe, we were entreated to an
Gupta, Mr. Sagar Choudhary,          internships and career pathways.      event.                                  appealed to the angels and fairies     Adventure of a Lifetime.

Enriching Minds ... Altitudes 2020
SHRUTI                               entertaining and educational          in mathematical applications
                                     activities. The mission for holding   and Evolution of Mathematics.
  The Department of Mathematics      the event was to enhance the          It also had interactive events
was established in the year 1985     analytical, logical and reasoning     like Mathematical Olympiads,
and has ever since guaranteed        skills of the participants, hence     Dumb Charades and Connexions,
the best education to its students   uplifting the student’s abilities     which revolved around topics
with 91 highly qualified faculty     and knowledge up by a notch,          related to algebra, statistics,
members, which include 53            which it clearly was able to          operations research, differential
Doctorates and 71 Research           achieve, by the involvement           equations, Fourier series, calculus
Scholars.                            of various diverse activities.        and famous mathematicians.
  It conducts extra-curricular          The fest included six events       Finally, graphs and models
activities like seminars,            in total. The introductory events     cannot be ruled out when it
Olympiads, workshops which           were Paper Presentation—              comes to mathematics. Thus,
provide students with an edge,       which included topics like            a mathematical and statistical
assisting them in reaching their     Application of Statistics in          modeling event was conducted
                                     various fields, Mathematics in        as well. It revolved around                    The Department of Mathematics believes in enhancing
potential and enriching their
                                                                                                                                    application based mathematics.
lives. ALTITUDES 2020 is             Cryptography, Astronomy, and          recreational mathematics. The
one such event, which was            Modern Technology, and Poster         event was a success in achieving        along with making it easier for        Thus, the event proved the
held recently at TP Ganesan          Presentation— covering topics         its goal to uplift students’ interest   them to understand complex             efficiency of the faculty and
Auditorium. It was a Math Fest       like Joyful Learning through          and knowledge and in furthering         theorems and logic through             students of the Mathematics
which had multiple interactive,      Riddles, Recent advancements          their curiosity in mathematics          interactive and amusing events.        Department of SRMIST.
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7 5

ICMR Selects SRM Medical College Hospital
as Clinical Trial Site For COVID -19 Vaccine
A STAFF WRITER                      for this purpose. Dr.Satyajith
                                    Mohapatra, Associate Professor
  SRM Medical College               from the Department of
Hospital and Research Centre        Pharmacology, SRM Medical
(SRM MCHRC), Kattankulathur         College Hospital and Research
has been selected by Indian         Centre has been chosen as
Council for Medical Research        the Principal. Investigator
(ICMR) as a clinical trial site     for the clinical trials at SRM
of the country's first          MCHRC.
inadigenous COVID-19 vaccine          This is the first indigenous
(BBV152 COVID Vaccine).             vaccine being developed by
SRM Medical College Hospital        India and is one of the top
and Research Centre is one          priority projects which is being
among the 12 institutions in        monitored at the topmost level
India to have been chosen by        of the Government. The Indian
ICMR for undertaking human          Government has envisaged
clinical trials of India’s first    launching the vaccine for public   role in this, President of SRM    will provide him with all the     SRM Medical College Hospital
indigenous vaccine developed        health use latest by 15th August   Medical College Hospital          necessary support to perform      and Research Centre (SRM
by ICMR- National Institute         2020 after completion of all       and Research Centre, Dr.          this exercise towards saving      MCHRC) offers a plethora
of Virology, Pune, ICMR             clinical trials. This comes at a   P. Sathyanarayanan said,          mankind. My best wishes to
                                                                                                                                           of opportunities to climb the
has partnered with Bharat           time when the entire world is      "This is great news for      him and the entire team for the
                                                                                                                                           career ladder as well as to
Biotech International limited,      reeling under the COVID-19         us. I appreciate Dr.Satyajit      successful completion of this
Hyderabad. SRM MCHRC is             pandemic and there is a dire       Mohapatra and his team in         project.” SRM MCHRC serves        change this world to be better
also the only medical institution   urgency to launch the vaccine.     making our institution a part     a population of over 3,00,000     and healthier by providing
to be selected from Tamil Nadu      Praising Dr.Satyajith Mohapatra    of this prestigious project. We   in and around Kattankulathur.     sophisticated treatment.

COVID -19 and the Teaching Learning Process at SRMIST
DR.SRIDHAR KRISHNASWAMI                     March and there is no exact telling         housing to migrant workers coming         COVID-19 but also addressing the
                                            when the doors would be thrown              from different parts of Tamil Nadu        seriousness of the virus. All this is not
   The world has been witness to            open again; examinations have been          and heading to their homes as well        to forget the role of the Directorate
many an infectious disease in the last      postponed or outright cancelled; and        as providing essential food grains to     of Campus Life in the safety of the
several decades; but not like the one       many institutions in the West have left     stranded migrant workers in and around    campuses, making sure that teaching,
it is witnessing since December 2019        this big question mark as to when the       Greater Chennai besides ensuring the      non-teaching and administrative staff
when it was first reported out of Wuhan,    teaching-learning process will begin        needs of the villages that have been      entering the premises are indeed fit to
China. Billed as the Coronavirus, or        and if it does in what fashion this is      adopted by SRMIST. And student            resume duties.
known globally as COVID-19, more            going to be.                                volunteers of the National Service          Here is a glimpse of what SRMIST
than 4 million have been infected in                                                    Scheme (NSS) have done their best         has done and is doing at a very difficult
                                               The SRM Group of Institutions has
close to 190 countries and territories.     made the conscious decision not to skip     in not only creating awareness of the     time ….
Not a continent has been spared—rich        a beat in the teaching-learning process.
or poor, developed or developing, big or    Switching quickly to the online mode
small. A country like the United States
has seen the infection of some 3 million
                                            of teaching faculty members from all
                                            disciplines have been reaching out to
                                                                                             Teaching, non-teaching and
across the 50 states and a death toll of    the student community to finish the              administrative staff of the SRM Group of
around 130,000 at the time of writing.
India too has not been spared— close
                                            course work, set in motion online
                                            examinations and in general to make
                                                                                             Institutions donate Rupees 1.15 Crores
to 675,000 people have been infected        them feel comfortable in a highly                 STAFF WRITER
and nearly 20,000 persons have died         unsettled environment. Faculty and
with states like Maharashtra and Tamil      students at SRMIST have used the                   Teaching, non teaching and
Nadu having to bear an extraordinary        period to also organize and participate          administrative staff of the SRM
amount of strain.                           in a number of webinars to keep the              Group of Institutions have donated
                                            flow of knowledge. And at the SRM                Rupees 1. 15 Crores towards
  The coronavirus has literally impacted
                                            Medical College and Health Center, a             battling the COVID 19 virus at a
every aspect of a country and every                                                          time when the world is struggling
segment of society. International           dedicated team of doctors, technicians
                                                                                             to come to terms with a pandemic
Financial Institutions are stressing        and nursing community are providing
                                                                                             that has affected more than 200
that there is no easy or early solutions    round the clock first rate and high class
to a problem that has dented global         medical treatment to those unfortunates
                                            who have come to be infected with                   The Founder Chancellor of the
economic growth and set it back by at                                                        SRM Group, Dr. Paarivendhar, who
                                            the virus.                                                                                      Dr. Paarivendhar
least two years. That being the case,                                                        is also a Member of Parliament of
education is no exception and for the         From a non-academic and medical                Lok Sabha from the Perambalur        money collected to the Tamil Nadu
whole world. Schools, colleges and          perspective the SRM Family has gone              constituency, has transferred the    Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund.
universities have shuttered since mid-      the extra mile in providing comfort and
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
6   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7

COVID - 19 Pandemicity
Awareness Webliners at SRM IST
SUJITH.R.                            total. Based on a Google form          Dr. Rajesh Kesavan (Pediatric
                                     opinion poll circulated in mass        Surgeon & Director of Hycare
  Corona Virus awareness measure     mailer this webinar series was         Super specialty Hospital), Dr.
towards the raising COVID            conducted at 3 PM daily at             Sheela Sasikumar (Head of Clinical
Pandemicity, Directorate of          a convenient time opted by             Research & Development), Hycare
Research, SRMIST hosted a            the participants as well as our        Super Specialty Hospital), Dr.
webinar series for the benefit       faculties and students to login.       K. Alagusundaram (Chairman
of our students, faculties, staffs                                          of FAD 3 & Deputy Director
and the society at the national         What not was covered in             General of the Agricultural
level was organized by Dr.           this webinar series? Personal          Engineering and Natural Resource
Kantha Deivi Arunachalam             Protection Equipment for COVID,        Management, Indian Council
                                     Immunity development against                                                Awareness Webinar Series.              many National and International
Dean – Centre for Environmental                                             of Agricultural Research, New        Many of SRM IST faculties have         speakers approaching voluntarily
Nuclear Research (CENR) and          COVID through Nutraceutical            Delhi), Dr. Mohanasundaram
                                     Supplements, Ayurveda, Siddha,                                              addressed the SRMIST family            to deliver their talk with around
coordinated by Sujith. R. Adjnuct                                           (Kilpauk Medical College), Mr.
                                     treatment plans, Impact of diabetics                                        members and their extended             1500 participants registered in
Faculty of CENR and Faculty of                                              Neel Mehta (Deputy Manager of
                                     and hypertension with COVID,                                                society through this forum             total. COVID - 19 webinar has
Microbiology Department, SRM                                                Adani Group of Companies), Dr.
                                     Adjuvant therapy, Food Safety and                                           representing SRM Institute of          a wide reach and unconditional
Medical College encouraged                                                  Aarrthy Arunachalam (Emergency
                                     Quality during COVID period,                                                Science and Technology. To             invite among the communities and
by Dr. K. Ramasamy Director                                                 Medicine Physician from Howard
(Research) as per the visionary      Role of Artificial Intelligence in     University, Washington DC,           proudly mention, an invite as          our SRMIST’ians which was all
laid by our honourable Vice          COVID, Living with COVID,              USA), a dual role play talk by Mr.   a speaker to Jain University,          showed as posted in the chat box
Chancellor Dr. Sandeep Sanchetti.    Money management during                Srikanth Meenakshi (Financial        Bangalore knocked the doors            during webinar. SRM IST has
Starting from 27th, April, 2020,     troubled times, Digital Health         Advisor - Finetech Entrepreneur)     of Dr. Chitra Pandian, Vice            bagged a massive outreach and
COVID -19 a series of webinar        Transformation, witnesses to           with Mr.V. Pattabhiram (Author       Principle of SRM College of            public infusion as well has shown
lectures showcased various           this new crisis!, Impact of online     of renounded Financial Books)        Pharmacy through our webinar           our responsibilities and support
domains pertaining to COVID-19       teaching and about protecting          and a NGO group Trustee Mr.          and its wide publicity through         to fight against CORONA Virus
awareness delivered through a        our devices from externals –           Rajesh R Trivedi are the notable     e-flyers, website and social           through COVID -19 Webinar
mixture of 35 eminent National       Cybercrime were the various            speakers who delivered a splendid    media reach. On due course,            missionized by our honourable
and International Speakers in        domains this webinar has touched.      talk through our SRM COVID           this webinar series encountered        Vice Chancellor.

Covid – 19 Pandemic: Strategies adopted in SRM Medical College
A STAFF WRITER                       and 6 ventilator beds in COVID         entry. Patients with suspected       similar to the wards in first          satisfaction with the arrangements
                                     ICU. The Ground floor of SRM           COVID are directed to the            floor. A 6 bedded COVID-ICU            made.
  SRM Medical College                Hospital was divided into three        Fever clinic in Zone ‘A’ and         is located in the ground floor
                                                                                                                                                           A Hospital Administrative
Hospital and Research Centre         Zones. Zone ‘A’ comprising (i)         those being admitted in COVID        with ventilators. Equipments are
                                                                                                                                                        group was created in March
was identified by the Government     Casualty (ii) Fever clinic in          ward go through a cordoned           adequate and sufficient PPEs
                                                                                                                                                        2020 with Pro-VC, Medical &
of Tamilnadu as one of the major     adjoining areas, Zone ‘B’ for          off pathway in Zone ‘A’ to the       have been sourced and kept
                                                                                                                                                        Health Sciences as Chairman.
hospitals in Chennai to treat        screening and entry of Medical         first floor COVID ward which         ready. The wards are also made
                                                                                                                                                        Other members of the Committee
COVID positive and suspect           staff. Zone ‘C’ for screening          has 100 beds (50 male & 50           patient friendly, by providing a
                                                                                                                                                        are Dean (Medical), Deputy
patients.                            and entry of patients attending        female) with secluded area for       separate dining hall, TV facility
                                                                                                                                                        Dean / VP (Medical), Medical
                                     various clinics.                       donning and doffing for health       and two way communication
  In March 2020, the hospital                                                                                                                           Superintendent, Deputy Medical
                                                                                                                 to persons outside the wards.
facilities were modified to treat      All persons visiting the hospital    care workers. Another 100                                                   Superintendent, HOD Medicine,
200 patients in 4 COVID wards        undergo thermal scanning before        beds are located in 2nd floor           In addition, an innovative          Nursing Superintendent,
                                                                                                                 Voice to text software has been        Administrative Heads of HR,
                                                                                                                 installed in the computer inside the   Finance, Biomedical Engineering,
                                                                                                                 COVID ward with connectivity           Operations & Maintenance, IT
                                                                                                                 to a computer outside the ward,        and AGM Public Relations.
                                                                                                                 where case sheet is printed. This      Problems faced are discussed
                                                                                                                 has been done to eliminate the         and instant solutions arrived
                                                                                                                 use of paper records inside the        after discussion. This practice
                                                                                                                 ward to prevent spread of the          has proved to be effective with
                                                                                                                 virus and also avoid typing and        immediate response to situations,
                                                                                                                 contaminating the keyboard.            flexibility and creativity, more
                                                                                                                   The patients in COVID wards          so at present with rising number
                                                                                                                 and ICU are monitored round            of COVID infections.
                                                                                                                 the clock by doctors, nurses and         Since April 2020, the hospital
                                                                                                                 other health care workers. All         has attended to over 750 patients
                                                                                                                 the doctors, nurses and sanitary       in Fever clinic and treated over
                                                                                                                 workers have been well trained         150 patients in the wards and
                                                                                                                 in the use of PPE including            ICU. Since Mid May, Siddha
                                                                                                                 donning and doffing.                   treatment (Kabsurakudineer
                                                                                                                   Honorable Minister of Health         & drumstick leaf soup) is also
                                                                                                                 and Family Welfare, Government         offered to patients under a
                                                                                                                 of Tamilnadu accompanied by            Research Project undertaken
            Donning and Doffing of personal protective equipment training being rendered to                      Director visited the Hospital in       by AYUSH, Govt. of India. The
                     Health Care Workers Doctors, Nurses and ward attendants                                     April and expressed profound           results are promising.
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7 7

Awareness Activities At SRM@ Delhi-NCR, Sonepat
A STAFF WRITER                        smallpox, and influenza in terms
                                      of human cost, it is expected to
   Awareness lecture on Corona        be equally devastating for the
Virus was organized in association    global economy. When there is a
with the Indian Red Cross Society     global pandemic, it is important
at SRM University, Delhi-NCR,         to think beyond the narrow
Sonepat on February 20, 2020.         nationalist perspective. Viruses
Prof. V. Samuel Raj delivered         don’t know religion, caste or
his talk on Declassifying the         creed; they don’t respect national
Effects of Corona Virus: A Global     borders. The new coronavirus,
Health Alarm. He highlighted his      or Covid-19, is a truly global
talks on Coronaviruses, Origin        pandemic that requires a global
of COVID-19 and Preventive            solidarity of humanity. Each
measures: Coronaviruses are           of us are not only responsible
a large family of viruses that        for our own health, but also for
cause illness ranging from the        the health of others. Our well-
winter common cold to more            being is inherently linked to the
severe diseases such as Middle        well-being of others; hence our
East Respiratory Syndrome             happiness is dependent on the
(MERSCoV), Severe Acute               happiness human beings across
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)           the world. An epidemic anywhere
and COVID-19. The SARS-               is a threat to the entire humanity.
CoV-2 capsid is made up by            What matters during times of
four structural proteins known as     crises is a human solidarity
Spike, Envelope, Membrane and         across the world. We need to
Nucleocapsid. The Spike protein       think and act like citizens of
that forms a sort of crown on         planet earth, because we are
the surface of the viral particles    more interconnected than ever.
acts as an anchor allowing virus      It is here that the state, market
attachment, fusion and entry          and the civil society need to
inside the host cells through         work together with a sense of
the binding of Angiotensin            solidarity. We need more love
Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2)            in the times of coronavirus. —
receptors. In December 2019,                                                government made a bold               Ms Shubhra Priyadarshini (Chief       and deeply embedded cultural
                                      love that can help transcend fear.
Wuhan, the capital of Hubai,                                                commitment to achieve Universal      Editor, Nature India). She invited    practices could be triggers for
                                      Love provides a healing touch
China experienced a sudden rise                                             Health Coverage by 2030. The         our honourable Chancellor Dr          zoonotic diseases, he said.
                                      in the face of crises and fear.
in the cases of serious illness                                             promise covers every aspect of       Ravi Pachamoothoo to give the
                                        The Department of                                                                                                Prof. Doherty said the world
causing pneumonia and death.                                                healthcare, from financial risk      opening remark. In his opening
                                      Biotechnology, Microbiology                                                                                      should have learnt a lesson
The outbreak was initiated from                                             protection to access to quality      remarks Dr Ravi Pachamoothoo
                                      & Biomedical Engineering                                                                                         from the SARS and MERS
                                                                            essential health-care services,      complimented this platform of
the Hunan seafood market (where                                                                                                                        outbreaks and started developing
                                      organized a Webinar on the            effective and affordable essential   webinar for being at the right time
the live animals are frequently                                                                                                                        broad-spectrum class-specific
                                      topic “COVID-19 challenges            medicines and vaccines for all,      with right people. COVID-19,
sold such as frogs, bats, birds,                                                                                                                       antivirals for coronaviruses
                                      & possible treatments” on May         said Prof. N K Ganguly.              as we all know, is testing the
snakes, marmots and rabbits)                                                                                                                           long back in order to be much
                                      19, 2020. The Guest Speaker                                                limits of science, healthcare,
and rapidly infected more than                                                 The Department of                                                       more ready for the COVID-19
                                      of the session was Padma                                                   economies and societies. The
50 peoples in Wuhan city. He                                                Biotechnology, Microbiology                                                pandemic. He said just as the
                                      Bhushan Prof. (Dr.) Nirmal                                                 global health emergency is
suggested implementation of                                                 & Biomedical Engineering                                                   CEPI (Centre for Epidemic
                                      Kumar Ganguly, Distinguished                                               affecting 216 Countries and
strict measures such as practicing                                          organized an Exclusive Webinar                                             Preparedness Initiative) has
                                      Professor, SRMUH & Former                                                  territories. There is no specific
quarantine, social distancing,                                              on COVID 19 International                                                  platform technologies for vaccine
                                      Director-General – ICMR.                                                   vaccine or drug available for
avoiding social gathering to reduce                                         Perspective on June 6, 2020.                                               development, there should be
the number of COVID-19 cases             People with no symptoms            The Chief Guest of the session       the treatment of COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                       a CEPI for drug development.
and use immunomodulators as a         are either asymptomatic or pre-       was Prof. Mahendra G Patel,          Worldwide, the coronavirus
food supplements for Curtaining       symptomatic. Some develop             University of Bradford, UK,          has already infected over 8.5            Prof G.P. Talwar who was
COVID-19. SRM University              symptoms some days or a week          Royal Pharmaceutical Society         million people and killed more        also part of the panel had few
Sonepat organized an exclusive        later, but they begin shedding the    and Guest of the Honour of           than 450,000 as of June 19, 2020.     good news to share regarding
webinar on the topic, “Leadership     virus and infecting others even       the session was Dr. Sooraj           India is in the 4th place with more   the work on MW vaccine which
at the time of COVID Crisis”          before they develop symptoms.         Ratnakumar, Founder Scientist,       than 380,000 Covid-19 cases           is going on under his vision
on May 18, 2020. Our Guest            Young, healthy people are             Swagene-Molecular Medicine for       with 12,500 deaths. Billions of       and leadership by CSIR. He
Speakers for the session were,        more likely to have a milder          effective healthcare. The Webinar    US dollars are being spent on         recommended this vaccine to
Dr. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch,       disease than older people and         on “COVID-19: Zoonotics,             discovering new vaccines and          be a part of vaccination program
CEO, Roosevelt Group & Co-            those with chronic illnesses. To      Vaccines, Drug Discovery” was        drugs to arrest the pandemic.         as it is showing encouraging
Director iGTB Oxford & Dr. John       detect community transmission,        organized on June 19, 2020.          Prof. Doherty spoke on the            results for longer period of
Samuel, Former Special Secretary,     we need to scale up testing,          Prof. Peter Doherty (Nobel           implications of COVID-19 on           time. This vaccine has approval
Ministry of Communications.           continue testing all severe           Laureate) from the University        global health and economies.          of FDA and drug authority of
They highlighted their talks on       acute respiratory testing for         of Melbourne, Australia was          On the zoonotic origin of the         India. Subhra Priyadarshini
India is facing an unprecedented      surveillance, and trace, test         the Chief Guest. The expert’s        novel coronavirus SARS-CoV            broached important discussions
health emergency with its             and quarantine all contacts of        members present in the panelist      2, he said shrinking forest area      spanning the latest in vaccine
130-crore people joining the          laboratory-confirmed cases,           were Former DGs ICMR Prof            is increasing the exposure of         development, new drugs, anti-
global lockdown to counter            irrespective of whether they          NK Ganguly, Prof VM Katoch,          humans to various animals             microbial resistance, immunology,
the new coronavirus outbreak.         develop symptoms or not. In           Founder Director NII Prof GP         thereby facilitating the spread       genetics and many other burning
The Covid-19 outbreak cannot          a vindication that government         Talwar, Former Director ICGEB,       of diseases faster, as seen in        aspects of the novel coronavirus
match the destruction caused by       is doing all that it can to make      Executive Chairman, NAAC,            the case of HIV in Africa.            pandemic. The detailed discussion
some of the earlier pandemics         accessible healthcare a reality       Prof VS Chauhan. The event got       Human issues such as population       is available here @ .
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
8    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7

Translational Research                                                        Roles of phyto-compounds
Platform based on plant
based bio-molecules
                                                                              from poly herbal formulation
STAFF WRITER                            listed in the project are based on    STAFF WRITER                           (ExoN) in nonstructural protein       nsp14-ExoN, and protease for
                                        their earlier reported potential                                             14 (nsp14-ExoN) that is distinct      processing virions in silico. This
   Dr. S. Anandhakumar, Associate       in treating viral infections in          Dr. R. Pachaiappan, Associate       from the nsp12- RNA-dependent         proposed research will define
Professor, SRM Research Institute       human. The major constrains           Professor, Dept. Bio-Tech has          RNA polymerase (nsp12-RdRp).          determinants of Coronavirus
has submitted a research proposal       for the lack of commercially          submitted a research proposal to       Expression of the viral structural    fidelity and fitness, identify new
entitled “Translational Research        available therapeutic agents          DST entitled “Roles of phyto-          proteins involves the RNA             targets for antiviral inhibitors,
Platform based on plant based           against these kinds of virus are      compounds from poly herbal             synthesis complex carrying out        and will lead to new strategies
bio-molecules to synthetic drug         the lack of interest among the        formulation against the Coronavirus    discontinuous strand synthesis        to develop antiviral therapy. The
molecules for Covid-19: From            pharmaceutical companies for          (CoV2) life cycle involving            to produce a nested set of viral      specific aims are: 1. Chemo-
Early Detection and Synthesis           new drugs. Usually, the demand        proteins” This proposal is mainly      mRNAs with truncations of the         profiling of immunomodulatory
of Conjugated Drugs to Clinical         for drugs or therapeutics lasts       focused on the Coronaviruses           5’ open reading frames. The           novel poly-herbal formulations
Trials and Mass production of           only for a limited period and         (CoVs) belongiing to the positive-     processing of the glycoprotein        which will elucidate the potential
Drugs” against the special call         secondly the number of infected       sense RNA viruses family which         spike requires the protease. The      antiviral compounds; 2. To
of DST for COVID-19. This               individuals is smaller while          causes human illnesses ranging         immune-modulatory effects of          determine the compounds from
proposal was developed to find          comparing its global drug market.     from the common cold to severe         selected herbal formulations or       poly herbal formulation with the
out the best implementation             So, by the time a new drug or         and lethal respiratory disease.        botanicals containing compounds       viral lifecycle involved proteins
of appropriate disease control          therapeutic materials developed,      There are currently no direct          will be evaluated in silico against   such as spike glycoprotein, RdRp
strategies for COVID-19. So far,        there won’t be any patients,          treatments for these viruses,          the proteins that are involved in     and nsp14-ExoN, and protease
neither vaccines nor direct-acting      thus the pharmacy industry            nor is there a vaccine which           several stages in the Coronavirus     for processing virions in silico.
antiviral drugs are available for its   lose its margin. However, this        induces broad protection from          life cycle. The proposed studies      We will use highly accurate
treatment. However, worldwide           kind of unexpected and critical       infection. However, several            will illuminate novel targets for     physics-based computational
many efforts have been directed         situation all over the world urges    stages in the virus lifecycle are      antiviral therapy. The immune-        platform such as Schrödinger
to develop therapeutic agents           the researchers, technician,          promising targets for therapeutic      modulatory hydro-alcoholic            software to examine the types of
against the viral infection, but        physicians, clinicians, pharmacist,   intervention. Cell entry is mediated   poly herbal formulation will be       interactions with viral proteins
a limiting factor is the degree         etc., to look for emergency           by the large glycoprotein spike,       done and thorough screening of        and also will quantitatively
of cross-protection rendered by         medical requirements. Hence,          which binds to host receptors and      phytoconstituents of botanicals       measure binding affinity. Finally,
the drugs due to their extensive        this proposal has been designed       mediates fusion of the viral and       will be done by using of GC-MS,       these studies will establish new
sequence diversity. In this             on high priority basis to develop     host membranes. Coronaviruses,         LC-MS and LC-MS/MS. The               tools for the perceptive study of
proposal, various options have          therapeutic bio-molecules from        whose genomes are several times        active compounds will be studied      CoV replication and fitness, and
been exploited for the listed drugs     plant and synthetic source            larger than other positive-strand      for the interactions of Coronaviral   will define new vulnerabilities
potency, efficacy, and safety. Most     for target-based treatment of         RNA viruses, encode a unique           lifecycle involved proteins like      in CoVs that can be targeted by
of the therapeutic drug options         COVID-19 at molecular level.          proofreading exoribonuclease           glycoprotein spike, RdRp and          viral inhibitors.

Emerging trends and challenges in advanced                                                                           as future fuel. The 10th day of
                                                                                                                     webinar series comprised of
                                                                                                                                                           were provided with a certificate
                                                                                                                                                           from ACS Publications. A clear
research areas of science and technology                                                                             detail discussion on the Heath        and detailed insight on dissecting
                                                                                                                     technology assessment by Dr. M        the intracellular signaling and
                                                                                                                     Muniyandi, Scientist-D & HoD,         fate of a DNA nanosensor by
STAFF WRITER                            Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia       CSIR-CLRI, Chennai and Prof.           Dept. of Health Economics,            super resolution and quantitative
                                        and Editor in Chief, Ultrasonics      Koustav Ganguly, Institute of          ICMR-National Institute for           microscopy by Prof. Francesca
   Amidst the COVID-19                  and Sonochemistry (Impact             Environmental Medicine (IMM),          Research in Tuberculosis,             Cavalieri, Vice Chancellor Senior
crisis, a webinar series titled         Factor: 7.3). Prof. Ashok kumar       Karolinska Institute, Swedan           Chennai. Prof. A.B Pandit, Vice       Fellow/Associate Professor at
“Emerging Trends and Challenges         delivered a talk on the importance    gave lectures on “repositioning        Chancellor, Institute of Chemical     RMIT University, Melbourne,
in Advanced Research Areas              and various applications of           of drug for SARS-COV-2 using           Technology, Mumbai gave an            Australia, Editorial Board Member
of Science and Technology”,             ultrasound and how to explore         molecular modelling methods            exclusive lecture on cavitational     of Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
was organized by Directorate            and expand this area of research      and Known unknowns” and                transformations, opportunities        with the Impact factor 7.3 was
of Research, SRM IST recently.          into food and bio-processing.         “unknown unknowns” of COVID-           and challenges. In the following      given on the 16th day of webinar
About19 eminent researchers             On the second day Dr. Dhruba J.       19, respectively, which are of         day, status of municipal solid        series. The next talk was by
from different parts of the world       Biswas, Raja Ramanna, Fellow          utmost importance given the crisis     waste management in India             Dr. S. SubashBabu, MBBS,
shared their research outputs           Former Head Laser & Plasma            situation. Further, the Emerging       was explained by Dr. Rajkumar         Ph. D, Scientific Director,
through the webinar series. The         Technology Division, BARC,            Trends in Healthcare – Infection       Joshi, DST. On the 13th and 14th      National Institutes of Health
webinar series ushered a diverse        Mumbai shared his insights            and multidisciplinary approaches       day of webinar series, Dr. Tata       NIRT Center for Excellence
gathering of academicians,              through his lecture on “A glimpse     to address the challenges was          Narasinga Rao, ARCI, Hydrebad         in Research NIRT, Chennai on
students, researchers, and              of the laser and its application      discussed on the 7th day of            and Prof. M. S. Ramachandra           Tuberculosis basics: understanding
industry experts together and           on mankind as one of the major        webinar series by Prof. A.             Rao, IIT Madras, discussed            TB and the immune response.
discussed the progress and              inventions of the 20thCentury”.       Subrahmanyam, Department of            the field of material chemistry       Finally, Dr. H. Purushotham,
advancements in various fields,         Prof. W. Choi, POSTECH, South         Physics, IIT Madras, Chennai.          including energy materials            Chairman & Managing Director,
such as health sciences, material       Korea, Advisory Board member          The next two days consisted            and development of Diamond            National Research Development
sciences, intellectual property         of Energy and Environmental           talks related to energy and            technology respectively. The          Corporation, DSIR Ministry of
management, “how to write a             Science Journal (IF: 33.25)           environmental remediation.             webinar series on the 15th day        Science and Technology Govt. of
research proposal”, energy, waste       discussed about solar energy          Prof. C. T. Aravindakumar,             was conducted in collaboration        India, New Delhi gave his views
management, etc in the period of        based hydrogen economy in             Pro Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma           with ACS publications and the         on IP and Innovation management
COVID-19. This webinar series           detail. Dr. R. Brakaspathy,           Gandhi University, Kerala who          presenter was Prof. Prashant          in academics. So far, the webinar
was inaugurated by Prof. Sandeep        Former Secretary, SERB-DST            elaborated on Fate of Emerging         Kamat, University of Norte            series have used the expertise of
Sancheti, Vice-Chancellor, SRM          gave his suggestions on How           Pollutants in the Environment          Dame, Editor in chief of ACS          eminent scientists with fruitful
IST and introduced the first            to write a Research Proposal.         followed by Dr. SSV Ramakumar,         Energy Letters (IF: 16.33). The       scientific discussion, collaboration
speaker, Prof. M. Ashok kumar,          Dr. V. Subramanian, Chief             Director (R&D), Indian Oil             talk was on how to prepare            initiatives amongst the researchers
Assistant Deputy, Vice-Chancellor       Scientist, Head Professor – AcSIR,    Corporation Limited, R&D               effective tables of content           and future opportunities for joint
International, University of            Centre for High Computing             Centre, Faridabad on Hydrogen          graphics and the participants         research proposals.
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 13 Number 7 9

Monitoring of community waste                                                 COVID-19: Here To Stay…or not?
water for early signaling the spread
                                                                              ARPITA RAVI
of COVID-19 in Chennai City                                                   MANOJ VAMSEE

STAFF WRITER                            without herd immunity to combat          The novel coronavirus (nCoV),
                                        the spread of SARS-CoV-2, a           a strain of virus previously not
  Dr. Paromita Chakraborty,             highly populated country like         identified in humans is causing
Associate Professor, SRM                India will be requiring constant      a worldwide panic due to its
Research Institute has received         vigilance to contain infection        ability to spread fast and prove
an international project titled:        hot spots. When people are not        fatal in many cases. With a
“Monitoring of community                sure whether they are infected or     global emergency declared,
wastewater for early signaling          not, an intervention of real-time     it is no surprise that people
the spread of COVID-19 in               community sewage detection            everywhere are on full alert,
Chennai City” supported by the          can be taken as early as possible     wearing masks and carrying
Swiss Agency for Development            to restrict the movements of          sanitizers. Currently, 84 countries
and Cooperation (SDC), Swiss            that local population, working        are affected, with China, South
Cooperation Office India,               to minimise the pathogen              Korea and Italy taking the top                   Thanks to social media, awareness has increased,
Embassy of Switzerland, New             spread and threat to public           spots. With the number of those                      with preventive measures being taken
Delhi. The objective of this            health. Before patients show          infected increasing by the day,
project is: (1) To track the            any symptoms and the disease          one wonders; will this become          on developing vaccines for the        other cases, and the majority of
SARS-CoV-2 virus in the                 is diagnosed clinically, there        the plague of 2020?.                   virus, with many other labs going     these patients already have an
wastewater in Waste Water               is a genuine reason to suspect                                               to be established for the same.       underlying disease. This is the
Treatment Plant (WWTP) and              evidence of the virus in a city’s        India has also been hit with the
                                                                                                                     India started sending funds to        main reason why this disease
discharge points, in order to have      wastewater, even before the           virus, with many people testing
                                                                              positive in Delhi, Rajasthan,          open a lab in Iran, to test Indians   is fatal for some people. The
information on the community            residents of that city have
                                                                              Kerala and Hyderabad. Airports         before they come back into the        patients in Kerala have been
viral load. This should serve           been tested. This project is
as an early warning system for          being jointly implemented             have increased security and have       country. The virus outbreak has       discharged, giving newfound
health surveillance. (2) To check       by SRMIST, The Energy and             commenced screening all the            brought with it a widespread          hope to fellow Indians that the
the spread from WWTPs and               Resources Institute (TERI),           internationally arriving passengers.   change in lifestyle, with people      others affected will recover.
direct discharge points, map            New Delhi and Mu Gamma                Many schools across the country        being vigilant enough and taking      As of now, with a fatality rate
the presence of the SARS-               Consultants Pvt Ltd (MGC),            have declared holidays, and            preventive measures. Most of          dangling between 2-3%, it does
CoV-2 virus in two locations            Gurugram. We aim to monitor           students giving the board exams        those infected experience mild        not look like it will be as severe
downstream of Buckingham                wastewater from treatment             are now sanctioned to carry a mask     illness with mundane symptoms         as the earlier plagues seen in the
Canal which meets the Cooum             plants, sewers and freshwater         and a hand sanitizer with them.        such as fever, cough and cold,        world; but stay safe, wear masks
River. Without a vaccine and            bodies of river Cooum.                Many laboratories are working          but recover. It can be severe in      and hope for the best!

                                                                                                 Perambalur MP
   A review through online @ FSH
                                                                                                 allocates ` 1 crore to
   A STAFF WRITER                                 related to the Lab courses, to clarify
                                                  the doubts raised by the students on           combat COVID-19 spread
      During this challenging pandemic            specific important topics, to discuss key
   situation where all educational institutions   answer points of important questions in        STAFF WRITER
   have been shut down, conduct of online         every unit of the syllabus, to conduct
   classes enhances the learning of the           reviews of the major project work of             Chancellor of SRM group of Institutions, Indhiya Jananayaga Katchi chief
   student by engaging them in productive         the final year UG &PG students and             and Perambalur Constituency MP, Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar has come forward
   activities .The small advantage for            to encourage interaction between the
                                                                                                 and allocated a total of Rs 1 crore from his MPLADS (Members of Parliament
   students and teachers at the Faculty           Research scholars and Research Guides.
                                                                                                 Local Area Development Scheme) fund to combat the spread of coronavirus in
   of Science and Humanities was that
                                                     In order to effectively conduct online      his constituency. The allocated amount will benefit the six regions that come
   the relevant course materials had been
                                                  classes with respect to the convenience        under his constituency.
   completed and all were only waiting
                                                  of the faculty members and students,
   for the start of Model Examinations                                                             “I wish to allocate Rs.1,00,00,000/- from Perambalur parliamentary constituency
                                                  schedule was prepared in three cycles
   when news of the full closure came.                                                           MPLADS towards combating COVID-19 detection, prevention, and treatment of
                                                  from 06-04-2020 to 30-04-2020.With
     Hence for the entire month of April          the complete support and involvement           coronavirus in my constituency,” said the Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha).
   online classes were scheduled for all          of all Heads of the Departments and
                                                                                                   The amount is to be divided for all six assembly constituencies in his
   course cutting across streams. The             all faculty members, the schedule was
                                                                                                 parliamentary constituency as mentioned below:
   added feature at the FSH was that the          implemented successfully to provide
   Department of Journalism and Mass              students the benefit of greater learning.      1. Perambalur Assembly Constituency - ` 40,00,000/- (Rupees forty lakhs
   Communication delivered Guest Lectures         Students who were unable to connect               only)
   in Journalism courses to students of           to the online sessions were shared the
                                                                                                 2. Lalgudi Assembly Constituency - ` 10,00,000/-(Rupees ten lakhs only)
   English Literature at SRMIST’s sister          soft copy of the content delivered by
   institution SRM University, Sikkim.            the respective course teachers and             3. Manachanallur Assembly Constituency - ` 10,00,000/-(Rupees ten lakhs
   The lectures spanned over a period of          encouraged to clarify their doubts to             only)
   two weeks with enthusiastic students           ensure their academic success.                 4. Thuraiyur Assembly Constituency -` 10,00,000/-(Rupees ten lakhs only)
   from Sikkim braving weather and
                                                     Even though there was network               5. Musiri Assembly Constituency - Rs 10,00,000/-(Rupees ten lakhs only)
   connectivity issues to sit through
                                                  connectivity problem and perceived             6. Kulithalai Assembly Constituency - Rs 20,00,000/-(Rupees twenty lakhs
   every one of the scheduled lectures.
                                                  security threat in using Zoom, students
     The online sessions at the                   and parents are very much happy about
   Kattankulathur campus were conducted           Online Lecturing sessions conducted as           “These funds will be utilized effectively for the purchase of personal protection
   to revise unit-wise topics related to          it provided the students opportunity to        equipment kits for the medical personnel, ICU ventilators, face masks, gloves,
   all theory courses and procedures              use technology for effective learning.         sanitizers, and any other medical equipment recommend by the Union Ministry
                                                                                                 of Health and Family Welfare,” he added.
SRM Medical College Hospital... Clinical Trial Site for Covid-19 Vaccine ! - The Newspaper of SRMIST
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