St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings

Page created by Sue Schneider
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
St. Andrew’s

June Soundings
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
The Rectors Reckonings
After 14 months of limitation, undertaken
together for the good of all, most of our
restrictions have been lifted.
Masks are required of no one, encouraged for the
unvaccinated, and acceptable for those who still feel the need.
Social distancing is not required in church, but we are keeping
one section (the rear on the side opposite the main entrance)
for those who are not ready to sit too close to others.
We can sing again!!!!!
At the passing of the Peace, please be sensitive to others
feelings, be ready for a hug, a handshake, a fist/elbow bum, or
a wave. All are signs of welcome and love.
For the time being we will only be receiving bread at
Communion. It will be administered at a station at the front for
all who wish to come forward. For those who are sitting in the
distancing section, I will be happy to bring the bread back.
No nursery for now, but kids are always welcome in church.
Our new curate, Leslie Roraback, will be ordained to the
diaconate by Bp. Skirving at 6:00 pm on June 2, at St.
Andrew’s On-the-Sound. A reception will follow in the Parish
Ordinations are special times in the life of the ordinand and of
the church. If you can, please join us to welcome Leslie to
ordained ministry and to St Andrew’s.
Life is beginning to come back to normal, or whatever passes
for normal around here. As we move in to Summer, plan to
ease back into church. (One special note for Summer: we had
some major work on the A/C done over the Winter,
and it’s working better than it has in years).
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings

Services are being held in person at
Lebanon Chapel and St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound
   •   7:30am: Lebanon Chapel - outside in the parking lot
       (weather permitting, bring your own chair)
   •   9:00am and 11:00am: in St. Andrew’s Church
In line with the Governor’s new guidelines, and in
consultation with clergy, wardens, and the Executive Council
of the Diocese Bishop Skirving has issued new guidelines for
worship in our diocese.
   •   Social distance and masks are no longer required;
   •   Those who are more comfortable remaining masked
       are welcome to do so;
   •   Those who wish to remain socially distanced may sit
       in the rear pews marked 10, 12, 14, and 16;
   •   Anyone who has not been fully vaccinated is
       encouraged to wear a mask and maintain social
   •   At the Passing of the Peace, please be aware that
       some people may not be comfortable with close
       contact yet;
   •   In all things, remember charity.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation; together we’ve
come through.
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
St. Andrew’s Centennial
Hello St. Andrew's Parish
We have some very
exciting news to share - St.
Andrew's On-the-Sound
will be celebrating our
100th birthday in
2023! Yes, that seems like
a long time off, but as we
all know, time flies! We have gathered an initial planning
team and as things progress, each of these members will be
inviting others to join in the planning and preparation
We will be planning a year-long Centennial Celebration and
weaving that theme through all our traditional activities as
well as adding some special new things! One of our first
activities is a slogan and logo contest. We are launching this
immediately - as in NOW! This can certainly be an individual
or group activity for all ages! Here's the perfect time to get
creative with your artwork and creative thinking. The slogan
needs to be rather short and catchy and the logo needs to be
something with distinct lines that can be reproduced on t-
shirts, etc. Remember to include the theme of our Centennial
in 2023 and get creative. Entries can be emailed to any of
the team members or sent to the church office.
Stay tuned for more upcoming Centennial planning news and
if you would like to offer special ideas, please contact one of
the team. We are very excited to be sharing this journey with
our entire St. Andrew's On-the-Sound parish family!
God Bless and take care,
Your Centennial Team
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound

       Submit your artwork to any of the
          Centennial Team below:

▪ Susan Herrmann: Co-chair
▪ Bill Salter: Co-chair
▪ Kevin Davidson
▪ Catharine Hedrick
▪ Elaine Henson
▪ Alicia Rudd
▪ Anna Richardson-Smith
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
        God Willing, the Right Reverend Rob Skirving will
        ordain Leslie Enid Roraback to the Sacred Order of
Deacons Wednesday, June 2nd at 6pm at St. Andrew’s On-
the-Sound (101 Airlie Road, Wilmington, NC 28403). Your
prayers and presence are requested. A reception
immediately following in the Parish Hall.

     The Daughter’s of the King
The Order of the Daughter of the King will
have the induction of Donna Hancock,
Tracy Hanson, Donna Passmore, and Mary
Schumacher into the Order at the 11:00am
service Sunday, June 13th.
The Order of the Daughters of the King is
an order of prayer and service for women in the Episcopal
Church. Grace Chapter of the DOK prays daily for the
concerns of members of St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound. If you
have a prayer request, or would like to learn more about how
you can become a Daughter, please call Linda Wyatt at 910-

           Church Name Tag
                   Would You Like A Name Tag to help
                    people learn your name and to help
                    newcomers. Please contact Barbara in
                    the church office at 910-256-3034 or
email her at
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
Flowers On-the-Sound
                THE FLOWERS BEHIND THE
                       ALTAR ...
                 are given to the glory of God and in...

                      6th: Memory of Paul V. Wyatt
                         by, Linda and his family.

      Memory of Banks Holt Drewry on his birthday
                   by Gail Drewry.

20th: Memory of our fathers, Dick Wolf and Phil Matheny,
             by Jean and Mark Matheny.

   27th: Love and honor of our special grandchildren,
             Kiptyn, Carter, and Cameron
               by Mark & Niki Bloomquist

  Thank you for your continued support. The Flower Guild

          Candle Dedications
              are given to the glory of God
            and in thanksgiving for our family,
               by Richard and Carol Cox.

If you would like to sign-up for either an Altar or Sanctuary
  Candle, please call Donna Hancock at (910) 256-8754.
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
The Outreach Committee wants to express appreciation to
the Vestry and the members of St. Andrews for the continual
support of outreach programs during these difficult times.
Using an allocation from the Endowment, the Vestry at its
monthly meeting in January committed $6,000 to the Help
Hub program and $10,000 to the Good Shepherd Center
                                 Submitted by Jack Manock

                HELP HUB PROGRAM:
                The Help Hub is a collaborative outreach
                program providing short-term or emergency
                assistance to individuals and families in need
                of financial help and guidance.. Operations
                and neighbor assistance are supported by the
                nonprofit center, area churches, caring
individuals, and organizations. St. Andrews has been
providing financial support for the last five years and is
committed to providing financial assistance in 2022.
Although operations greatly hampered by the COVID virus,
requiring volunteers to advise individuals by telephone and
email, Help Hub was able to distributed $285,000 to 1176
households in 2020 - many of them in crisis due to COVID

               GOOD SHEPHERD CENTER:
               The Good Shepherd Center is operating on a
               reduced funding level due to the canceling of
               all funding events last year and increased
               costs due to the pandemic, such as masks
               gloves and cleaning supplies, and increased
staff costs because they have had to handle duties normally
done by volunteers. Despite these reductions, the Center is
working through the pandemic, keeping the guests,
volunteers and staff safe and trying to rehouse as quickly and
as many as possible. The Center has hired a new position, a
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
Housing Retention Specialist who is working on making sure
rehoused guests have what they need to remain housed.
 The Center has also finished the Eviction Prevention
Programs, helping hundreds from losing their homes due to
the pandemic. The Center continues to provide food to
neighbors in crisis through a weekly food drive giveaway and
still provide three hot and nutritious meals every day to all
shelter guests.
                  THE 3RD WEDNESDAY
                    OF EACH MONTH

Our next opportunity for preparing the evening meal at Good
Shepherd Center is Wednesday, June 16th. If you would like
to participate in preparing the meal, we'll meet at 4:00pm in
the GSC kitchen. If you want to help serve, please meet by
5:30pm. As always, we welcome donations of cash money or
donations of ingredients to help defray the meal's cost. To
learn more about this ministry, please call Ann Cameron
Shuman at 910-256-9659.

(4213 Princess Place Drive

The Bargain Box is a resale
store established to serve the
community by offering low cost quality merchandise,
providing jobs and training for area residents, utilizing
responsible recycling of used goods and providing financial
support to nonprofit community organizations trough direct
funding and grants. 20% coupons are on “The Table:.

               Think Inside the Box…
              DONATE - SHOP - SERVE!
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - June Soundings
From the Music Room
            Dear Members and Friends of
St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound,
As we turn the calendar from May to June in our common
life as liturgical Christians, things do seem to be at a
transition point in the year. Not only are students finishing up
school, and summer travel and vacations may be beginning,
the Church concludes the first half of the liturgical year and
the Advent – Christmas – Epiphany and Lent – Holy Week –
Easter – Ascension – Pentecost – Trinity cycles. While these
times in the calendar are special to all of us because we
have walked with Christ again this year in the important
moments of his life, we also have many Sundays to look
forward to as we enter the season after Pentecost. In fact,
after Trinity Sunday, we have twenty-two more Sundays after
Pentecost to celebrate throughout the summer and fall
months. These “green Sundays” allow us to sing a larger
variety of hymns, many coming from the “Praise to God” and
other general-type sections. While I always look forward to
the church seasons where we can sing from the beginning of
the Hymnal, with the Christmas carols and Easter hymns,
etc., there are many other wonderful hymns later in the book
that we get to sing during the rest of the year.
If this was a normal, non-Covid, year, we would likely be
beginning to speak of the summer break of the musical
ensembles of the church. Since we have not been able to
meet this past program year since I arrived at the beginning
of Advent, there will not be the same type of summer break
this year. It will just be a continuing pause. But I hope that
pause will not last too much longer, and I am especially
encouraged that we may have a more normal fall program
kickoff for some or all of the ensembles as our hard work at
defeating the pandemic through vaccination and safety
measures continues to show progress.
More from the Music Room
While this is typically a less hectic time of year both musically
and more broadly in the community life of the church, music
continues each week at our Sunday services. I think it is
going to become easier to have soloists and small groups of
singers in our liturgies. I look forward to spending the
summer with you at church, both with hymns and
instrumental music, and vocal music as appropriate and
allowed. Please let me know if you have any interest in
providing vocal or instrumental music this summer and/or fall,
as I am sure there will be opportunities for us to make music
together. Please see me at church on Sundays, leave a
message on my phone at church, or email me at to discuss the options we have available as
we move forward in our process of beginning anew.
Episcopal Youth Community
         St. Andrew’s High School
                  Seniors 2021
          Please pray for these seniors as they
          start this new chapter of their lives!

                Benjamin Tyler Arcuri: Ben is
                 graduating from Laney High School. He
                 will be attending NC State in the fall to
                 study engineering. Ben’s first encounter
                 with St. Andrew’s was when Father
                 Richard came to the NICU to pray over
                 Ben shortly after he was born. Ben
                 attended the St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound
                 Preschool all 4 years and loved his
teachers and friends. Over the years Ben has been
participating active in Sunday School, Youth Group,
various Youth Conferences, Christmas Pageants, Good
Shepherd outreach, and serving as an Acolyte.

When asked about the favorite things he remembers, Ben
says that VBS and Trek were favorites. During VBS each
year, Ben has participated and acted in many of the skits
and Bible stories. He has helped to write and create
many lessons. Jen is so thankful for his help and
encouragement. Going on the TREK that Rev. Sarah
Smith organized was also a formative experience for Ben.
He had so much fun reflecting on vocation, hiking,
camping, rock climbing and more!

Many thanks to Richard, Sarah, Stephanie, Vince, Tracy,
Laura Wells, and all the parishioners and teachers who
have been there to mentor and guide Ben over the years.
Episcopal Youth Community Cont.
                Emma Lewis: Emma is graduating
                  from Laney High School. She will attend
                  the University of North Carolina at
                  Chapel Hill and has been awarded the
                  Morehead-Cain scholarship. Emma plans
                  to pursue a degree in Political Science
                  after completing a gap year of
                  international travel. Emma has loved
being involved with St. Andrews On-the-Sound.
She served as an Acolyte for years and has been involved
with the EYC. She also loved going to New Beginnings and
Happening as both a participant and leader. She has loved
all the youth events and particularly ski trips with the
EYC family and she greatly missed being able to spend
time with her EYC family during the pandemic. Emma
looks forward to her next adventures and will be forever
grateful to the community and support she has received
from St Andrews.

                Katherine Mackinnon: Katherine
                will be graduating from Isaac Bear Early
                College with not only a high school
                diploma, but also an Associates Degree,
                and will be attending UNCW in the fall.
                 She participated in EYC and was an
                 Acolyte for the past 7 years. She also
                 attended many summer sessions at Camp
                Trinity and numerous EYC trips. Although
her major is undecided, she is interested in business and
Jake Morris: Jake is graduating
                   from John T. Hoggard High School and
                   will be attending The University of
                   North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He plans
                   to major in Business Administration.
                   Jake has been a member of St.
                   Andrew’s for many years. He attended
                   Sunday School, served as an Acolyte
working his way up to Crucifer, and was a member of EYC
early in the high school years. He also participated in
many community outreach opportunities.
 Jake is an honors student as well as a member of the
John T. Hoggard Tennis Team.

                Sophia Mitchell: Sophia is graduating
                from Indiana University Online High
                School. She left Cape Fear Academy for
                her senior year to pursue her Equestrian
                Sport. She will be going to the University
                of South Carolina where she will ride on
                the NCAA Equestrian Team and has been
                accepted to the business school there.
                 Sophie started in preschool at St.
                 Andrew’s On-the-Sound followed by
                 Sunday school and youth group. She
enjoyed many trips to Camp Trinity as well as summer
camps. We feel lucky that Sophie had St. Andrew’s as
part of her life growing up. Thank you to everyone at St.
Andrew’s for being a part of Sophie’s life and helping her
be the person she is today. Good luck to all the seniors!
College Graduation
                Announcements 2021
Grayson Barnes graduated from East Carolina
University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Magna
Cum Laude). She will be working at UNC REX Hospital in
Raleigh on the Short Stay Unit.

Megan Earnhart graduated from NC State University
cum laude with a bachelor's degree in Nutrition Science.
She has been accepted into the highly prestigious
Eshelman School of Pharmacy to start on her doctorate in
Pharmacy in the Fall.

   2021 Youth Sunday
Children’s Ministry
Christian Formation Cont.
Christian Formation Cont.
Preschool News
For me, it is very easy to say “thank you” and so
difficult to say “good-bye”; at preschool I tackled both in
the month of May.
Let’s do my favorite part first. Thank you to our
dedicated, hardworking, loving, faith-filled teachers who
showed up and gave it their all during a pandemic. As ever
changing COVID-19 guidelines came out, these women
stepped up so that the preschool could open up.
Kristi (4’s), Laura (4’s), Manuela (3’s), Gela (3’s), Katey
(2’s), Tami (1’s), and Catalina (1’s), you are the rock of this
preschool and I appreciate you more than words can
express. Thank you to Richard, Sarah, Barbara, and Jen
for your unwavering support, encouragement and help.
Thank you to the Vestry for being constant champions of
the preschool ministry, especially this year. Thank you to
our preschool families who followed the pandemic
protocols allowing us to stay open the entire year when so
many other preschools had prolonged closures due to
COVID-19. YOU ROCK! And finally, thank you to you, the
St Andrew’s On-the-Sound community, for whole-
heartedly embracing and loving the preschool and the
children who attend. This preschool would not have the
stellar reputation it has without all of the above people.
You are cherished more than you know. Please continue to
keep the preschool ministry in your prayers.
Now for the tough part, the good-byes…..Every year, we
have so say good-bye to the sweet faces of the 4-year-
old class as they move on to Kindergarten. Many of these
children began school with us in the 1-year-old class, and
have been a part of the preschool for four years. We are
confident that they are well prepared for the new
adventures ahead, but that does not make it any less
difficult to send them on their way. Please pray for a
smooth and joyful transition for: Marks, Hue, Avery, Mae,
Andrew, Matthew, Fin, Finny, Davis, Greyson, Mia, and
Preschool News
We are also saying good-bye to two of our wonderful
teachers: Kristi and Tami. These extraordinary women
have been teaching children in some form or another for
a long time and have decided it is time to focus on family,
travel, and health. I am grateful that both would still like
to be substitute teachers. Kristi and Tami, THANK YOU-
you will be missed!
If you or someone you know would be a good fit for our
preschool staff, please contact me at

NOW OPEN! (ages 3-5 years old) Spaces are limited.
                                         Camp Dates
                                         June 7-11th
                                       9am-noon ($125)
                                        July 12-16th
                                      9am-noon ($125)
                                        August 2-6
                                      9am-noon ($125)
                                We are planning fun
                                weeks of art, music,
movement, snack and center time activities. All campers
must be three-years-old and potty-trained by the camp
date. Summer camp is open to all preschool members,
church members, and their friends. Email Tracy at for a registration form or with any
questions you may have.

Tracy Hanson
2021 Graduating Class of
St Andrew’s On-the-Sound

            2021 Teachers of
       St Andrew’s On-the-Sound
  Consider joining us in this
   fulfilling service to the
   Lord with a minimal time
The Altar Guild, presently made up of
23 members of the parish, is
responsible for preparing the church for all services –
Eucharist’s, weddings, funerals and special services. We are
also responsible for the purchase and caring of the linens,
silver, wine and bread. Many of our members have served
on other Altar Guilds before coming to St. Andrews bringing
a lot of experience with them. However, experience is not a
requirement of joining the Altar Guild. There is no fund
raising or decision making. To put it simply, we set God’s
table – clean up after the service and set it up again for the
next service.
The Altar Guild is divided into 4 teams, meets for a brief
meeting on the first Saturday of March, June, September and
December at 9am. Each team is responsible for one week a
month. It meets on Saturday morning to prepare for the
Sunday services. This includes vesting the chalice, filling the
cruets and bread box, filling the candlesticks with oil,
straightening the books in the pews and replacing the votive
candles. Team members are responsible for cleaning up
after the service, resetting for the next service or putting
everything away. During the summer a separate crew takes
care of Lebanon Chapel.
Some of the items we learn to identify are: purificator, lavabo
towel, chalice, burse, veil, paten, fair linen, corporal, cruets,
etc. One member of each team takes home the linens to
wash and iron them.
Please consider becoming a part of this special ministry. For
more information contact Mary Ann Ryder at 910-228-6592
or email
Keep us Informed
June 1    Kaylie McAuliffe, Ginny Morris, Lola Scerri
June 2    Karen Pigman
June 4    Joy Davidson, Grace Donahoe
June 6    Amelia Garrette, Reid Garrette
June 7    Kelley Kinlaw
June 8    Ellen Carpenter, Jane Clow,
          Thomas Jenkins, Daniel Patterson
June 9    Hope Morgan, Marion Dalgleish,
          William Donahoe, Connor & Grace Schillreff,
June 10   Helen Bordeaux, Kirt Doersch,
          Katherine McEwen, Liam Ferree
June 11   Jeffrey Davidson, Catharine Hedrick,
          Joan Dolezal, Greg Respet
June 12   Jerry Kinlaw, Linda Brown, Billy Sowers,
          Carolyn McAleese, Walter Whitehurst,
          Lynn Criswell
June 13   Megan Earnhart, Ron Foster
June 15   Robert McLeod
June 16   Tom Apollonio, Harry Goodwin Jr & III
June 17   Vanessa Hunter, Erica Lewis
June 18   Newland Crocker, Joe Calcutt,
          Kyle McManus
June 20   Nancy Benedict, Warren Bascome,
          Nansi Holt, Anne Caroline Goodwin,
          Ryan McManus
June 21   Carl Benedetto
June 22   Nancy Manock, Scott Dodd
June 23   Joey Williams
June 24   Becky Fawks, Carl Hoffman, Dan Rochester
June 27   Gordon Dalgleish
June 28   John Spoonhour, Margy Abernathy,
          George Baker
June 29   Georgie Bramley, Patti McRae
June 30   Bob Suddith, Grayson Barnes
June 3         Chad and Katherine McEwen
               Thomas and Megan Shannahan
June 5         John and Maggie Guggenheimer
June 6         Bill and Monique Benson, III
June 7         Merrette and Mandy Moore
June 9         Weston and Taylor Aiken, Jr.
               David and Elizabeth Mautz
June 13        Charles and Patricia Meakin
               Rob and Kathy Struble
               Lev and Yulia Kunin
June 15        Ken and Lauris Long
June 16        Newland and Ashleigh Crocker
               Jon and Elizabeth McLamb
               Ed and Karin Egan
June 18        Henry and Patricia Foy
June 21        Bill and Rosalind Fuller
               Ron and Virginia Foster
               Harold and Mary Lund
               Robert and Sandy McLeod
June 23        Carl and Linda Venters
June 25        Allen and Jeannie Baker
June 26        Richard and Ellen Carpenter
               David and Barbara Merten
June 27        Jeffrey and Jennifer Whiting
June 28        Bill and Nancy Briggs
June 29        Drew and Kimberly King
June 30        Wayne and Anne Romano

    And over all these virtues put on love,
 which binds them all together in perfect unity.
               Colossians 3:14
St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound
      101 Airlie Road
  Wilmington, NC 28403
      (910) 256-3034
The Rev. Richard G. Elliott   Rector                Ext: 105
Leslie E. Roraback            Curate                Ext: 102
Barbara Burdett               Parish Secretary      Ext: 101
Jennifer Arcuri               Christian Formation   Ext: 106
Stephanie Rieman              EYC Director          431-7898
Justin Smith                  Director of Music     Ext: 103
Tracy Hanson                  Preschool Director    Ext: 107
Joan Denney                   Financial Secretary   Ext: 104
                                     St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound
                                101 Airlie Road, Wilmington, NC 28403
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