Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021

Page created by Matthew Watson
Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
Little Learners Parent

        Revised March 2021
Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
 Little                                              LITTLE LEARNERS
                                        Dear Parents,
                                        We are happy to welcome you to the Big Lake

  Big Lake Schools                      Schools Little Learners Preschool! We believe that
                                        preschool years are a period of rapid growth for
                                        young children when skills, abilities and attitudes
PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                    develop, which they carry with them their entire
Little Learners provides a clean,       lives.
safe, healthy environment where
every child can develop emotionally,    Little Learners is school readiness preschool
physically, intellectually and          program delivered through Big Lake Schools
socially. The program encourages        Community Education Department. We serve
learning and growth through play.       children 3-5 years of age who reside in Big Lake
We believe that children grow at        and the surrounding communities. We offer a play-
                                        based early childhood curriculum that focuses on
their own pace, and we support their
                                        the needs of the “whole” child with an emphasis
development in ways that help them      on social skills and early literacy development.
become confident in themselves as       Several classrooms provide inclusion opportunities
learners. It is our goal to create an   for children with special needs and include
environment and program where           teachers and support staff from Early Childhood
the child’s natural desire to learn     Special Education.
is stimulated through meaningful,       Our staff shines at helping your child succeed!
appropriate and playful learning        All of our teachers are licensed early childhood
experiences; one that meets the         teachers with four year education degrees or
needs of each child as an individual.   higher.
                                        Our program strives to offer the best in early
                                        education! That is why we have
                                        received the highest possible rating
  • Promoting a positive attitude       from Parent Aware – four stars!
    toward learning.
  • Building trust, security, and a     Our preschool program is designed
    positive self-esteem.               to provide an enriched environment
  • Developing healthy social and       in which your child can learn and
    emotional skills, including         develop in an atmosphere of love,
    appreciation for people             warmth and acceptance. The program and the
    of different abilities and          environment are the result of careful planning and
    backgrounds.                        structuring to meet individual and group goals.
  • Promoting physical and
                                        This handbook contains program goals, policies,
    emotional well-being.
                                        typical daily activities and other pertinent
  • Building important early math       information. Please read these pages carefully,
    and literacy knowledge.             and save it for future reference. Feel free to ask
  • Encouraging creative thinking       questions about anything that is unclear.
    and problem solving.
  • Respect toward self, others and
    the environment.                    Big Lake Early Childhood and Family Education
Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
CONTENTS                                            CONTACT
PROGRESS REPORTING                       4
    PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES                        Office Hours:
EC ADVISORY COUNCIL                      5           7 am - 3:30 pm
COMMUNICATION                            5
    SEESAW                                             Address:
    NEWSLETTERS & CALENDARS                     Big Lake Early Childhood
EARLY CHILDHOOD CLASSES & EVENTS         5       17901 205th Avenue
    ECFE & ME
                                                  Big Lake, MN 55309
                                                (located in Liberty Elementary)
SEPARATION ANXIETY                       6
                                                   Phone: 763-262-3233
GUIDANCE & DISIPLINE                     6
                                                    Fax: 263-262-8185
POLICIES & PROCEDURES                    7                Email:
    ALLERGIES & MEDICATIONS                            Sarah Fritsch
    IMMUNIZATIONS                                    Early Childhood
    FIRST AID & EMERGENCIES                            Coordinator
    SCHOOL CLOSINGS                  
    DROPPING OFF & PICKING UP                        Jeanne Freichels
    LATE PICK UP                              Early Childhood Secretary
    BUSING                                             763-262-3233
    HOLIDAYS                                   Little Learners Teachers:
    BIRTHDAYS                                    Ms. Casey: 763-262-8155
    SPECIAL DAYS                      
                                                Ms. Kristen: 763-262-8152
    STAFF                                       Ms. Sarah K: 763-262-8162
    CONTRACT CHANGES/WITHDRAWAL                  Ms. Sara G: 763-262-8164
    REGISTRATION PROCESS              
                                                 Hive Time-Child Care:
    MANAGING YOUR ONLINE ACCOUNT               Jessica Lumley 763-262-8284
                                                 Hive Time Supervisor

                                                Tate Fowler 763-262-7169
                                                Hive Time Coordinator
Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
The Little Learners Preschool program is structured         We believe that healthy social/emotional development
around daily activities including outdoor play,             has a positive and lasting impact on all other learning.
nutritional snacks, stories, music and movement,
teacher-directed small and large group activities,          LANA (LEARNING ABOUT NUTRITION
and child-directed time in learning centers. Learning
centers include art and creativity, science, math and       THROUGH ACTIVITIES)
manipulatives, language and literacy center, block and      This curriculum concentrates on serving healthy snacks,
building center, dramatic play, sensory center, and         introducing nutritional choices and recognizing children
technology center. Lesson plans are focused on objectives   with allergies and diet alterations by adjusting snacks to
derived from the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators       meet their needs.
of Progress.
                                                            LITERACY CURRICULUMS:
                                                            The strongest and most consistent predictors of later
LEARNING OBJECTIVES &                                       literacy development were found to be:
ASSESSMENT                                                     • Alphabet Knowledge
Program objectives center on helping children develop:         • Phonological awareness and memory
  • Social skills                                              • Rapid automatic naming of letters and objects
  • Emotional regulation                                       • Writing Letters
  • Early language and literacy foundations                 We achieve these goals by aligning with Liberty’s K-2
  • Early mathematics knowledge                             literacy curriculums:
  • Fine motor development                                  THE FUNDATIONS ®
  • Creativity                                              PreK Activity Set offers an introduction, or “pre-dose,” to
  • Critical thinking                                       the letter-sound and writing skills that will be taught to
  • Problem solving                                         mastery in the Fundations Level K program. It supports
  • Self-help skills                                        students’ emerging understanding of the alphabetic
                                                            principles of letter-sound associations and alphabetical
Individual student progress is monitored and planned        order, and the written language skill of manuscript
for using ongoing assessment both formally and              letter formation.
informally through observations, Teaching Stratagies
Gold, and performance-evaluated tasks.                      HEGGERTY PRE-K
                                                            The pre-kindergarten curriculum uses nursery rhymes
                                                            to introduce three and four year old students to language
CREATIVE CURRICULUM                                         play. The lessons include the same ten daily phonemic
The Creative Curriculum balances teacher planned and        awareness skills as the kindergarten and primary
child initiated learning, emphasizing responsiveness        versions. By the end of preschool, students will begin to
to children’s strengths, interests, needs, and              build a repertoire of classic nursery rhymes as they learn
learning styles. Nationally known for being forward         to enjoy language play!
thinking, comprehensive and rigorously researched,
it helps teachers plan and implement content rich,
developmentally-appropriate programs that support           SEEDS FOR EARLY LITERACY
active learning and promote children’s progress in all      A Minnesota Reading Corps curriculum - Minnesota
developmental areas.                                        Reading Corps tutors work within the classroom (with
                                                            4 and 5 year olds) where specific reading skills are
                                                            assessed and taught throughout the year (if available).
The Hive Five program is a comprehensive systematic
approach to assuring all of our early childhood classes
are meeting the social and emotional needs of the
                                                             PROGRESS REPORTING
children and families involved in our programs. The         Progress is shared formally twice a year with families
curriculum components of our Hive Five program help         during parent/teacher conferences, and as needed
support the development of positive social and emotional    informally through phone calls, emails, notes home and
skills in children.                                         an end-of-year summary report.
Core components include:                                    PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES
  • Learning “Bee Your Best Way”                            These meetings are held three times a year:
  • Recognizing and expressing emotions appropriately        • Before preschool starts in September (Getting to
  • Calm down techniques                                       Know You Conferences)
  • Problem solving                                          • November (Fall Conference)
  • Making friends                                           • March (Spring Conference)

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Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
Our teachers strive to establish partnerships
with parents to support student learning. Strong
communication is fundamental to this partnership and
to building a sense of community between home and
school. Therefore, beyond parent/teacher conferences, we
will do our best to make sure we are informing parents
about what is happening at school. We ask that you do
your best to carefully read information we send home to
inform you about your child, your child’s class, and other
school events and activities.                                              Join the ECFE Facebook Group
                                                                            and get updates on all things
                                                                            pertaining to early childhood!
Each classroom will use a parent communication tool                   
called SEESAW. This app allows teachers to share via a
smart phone, iPad or other electronic device.
 • Newsletters
 • Calendars
 • Classroom Activities
 • Special Events
 • Reminders
Your child’s teachers will provide you with information
on how to sign up to use this tool. We have found it
to be an incredible resource for teacher and parent
Parents are strongly encouraged to contact classroom
teachers with any questions, comments, or concerns.
If you are having any issues, changes in your family
situation or routines, etc. please bring them to our
attention as soon as possible so that we may better help
your child succeed.

ECFE                                                         ECFE & ME
Early Childhood Family Education Classes- Classes for        Parent educators from our ECFE program are available
families with children ages birth to before kindergarten     to meet/talk with parents one-on-one through the
entrance. Together, families engage in activities and        ECFE & ME program. These highly trained educators
experiences led by licensed staff that nurture children’s    can help answer any questions or concerns about child
development. Adults join together for a discussion group     development and/or parenting. ECFE & Me visits are
led by a licensed parent educator.                           free. If you are interested, please contact your child’s
                                                             teacher for a referral.

The Early Childhood Advisory Council is composed
primarily of parents of young children in the community.     If you would like to visit a meeting or serve on the
The council’s purpose is to monitor quality and provide      council, please call our office at 763-262-3233. We would
guidance to Big Lake’s rapidly growing Early Childhood       love to have you join this important group!
programs. Members help with special events, fund
raising and providing programming input. The council
meets 4-5 times throughout the school year.

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Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
We want all parents to know we expect that some                a routine for saying goodbye to your child and be
children will struggle at first with separating from their     consistent. Here are some ideas for saying good-bye:
parent (and some parents will struggle with separating
from their child). Please know we are ready to deal             • Tell your child in advance she/he will be going to
with tears and our teachers are skilled at helping                school, and when she/he will be going.
ease children’s anxieties. Parents can help with this           • Tell your child what you will be doing while they are
transition by reading and following the suggestions               at school, and remind your child what they will be
below.                                                            doing at school.
                                                                • Talk about activities your child will do after
WAYS TO SAY GOOD-BYE                                              preschool.
Saying goodbye can be the hardest part of having your           • Show that you are comfortable about leaving them at
child in preschool. Especially if this is your child’s first      school.
group experience, separating the first few times may            • Say a firm, loving, short goodbye when it’s time for
be difficult. This separation anxiety is a natural part of        you to leave, and reassure them you will see them
children’s emotional development.                                 when preschool is over.

Remember, if your child cries, it’s usually only for a         Remember, children will take their cues from you. The
short time. Your child’s teacher can update you through        calmer, confident and more relaxed you can be the more
the SEESAW app on how their day progresses. Establish          comfortable they will be also.

We understand that young children need clear, simple,          We want all children to feel safe and accepted in the
easily understandable expectations. So, as a precursor         school environment, while guiding them towards the
to the “Hornet Way” expectations used in grades K-12,          development of positive self-control. Self-control enables
we have developed the “Bee” Your Best Way. “Bee”               children to feel comfortable, valued and liked.
Your Best Way, in conjunction with other Hive Five
components, helps young children learn what they               When self-control is absent and children are unable to
should do in regard to behavior. The children are taught       regain it on their own, the following strategies may be
these rules and are able to follow them successfully.          suggested to meet the child’s needs:
If a child is struggling to follow “Bee” Your Best Way,          • Redirection towards constructive activity
positive behavior guidance techniques will be used to            • Tutoring/modeling constructive social strategies,
guide them back to more appropriate behavior.                      problem solving skills and empathy
                                                                 • Providing immediate logical and natural
TAKE-A-BREAK & THE CALM DOWN                                       consequences for unacceptable behavior
CORNER                                                         On rare instances, if a child is endangering self and/or
We recognize that young children are in the process
                                                               others, he or she will be removed from the group. An
of developing their self-control and self-regulation
                                                               adult will remain with the child until he or she is ready
skills. We understand that young children may from
                                                               to reenter class. Parents will be informed of behavioral
time to time just need a break in order to regain their
                                                               issues and the positive guidance methods used to help
composure. Therefore, we have a chair/area in each
                                                               children with challenging behaviors. If issues with
classroom for taking a break and calming down.
                                                               behavior persist, parents and teachers will meet as a
                                                               team to develop an action plan for supporting the child’s
The idea of the take-a-break chair and the calm down
                                                               positive behavior development. If a child is unable
corner is not to be a punishment but rather to act as a
                                                               to be successful after continued support is in place
safe place for a child to go where they can still remain a
                                                               we may reevaluate if the setting is the best fit for the
part of the group without being a distraction to the other
                                                               child, and if necessary, ask parents to seek alternative
children. The children are taught these are places to go
to regain their self-control and they are free to rejoin the
group when they feel they are ready.

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Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
ELIGIBILITY                                                  ILLNESS
Preschool is open to all children who are at least 3 years   A child should remain home if he or she has any of the
old by Sept. 1st of the current school year. Children must   following:
be toilet trained, complete required immunizations,            • A contagious disease such as chickenpox, strep
and participate in Early Childhood Screening. Early               throat, pink eye, or impetigo
Childhood Screening is held at Liberty Elementary and          • Vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach within the past
children need to complete screening within 90 days of             24 hours
beginning our program. Please let us know if you have          • Draining ears or eyes that are reddened
questions about any of these requirements or if you child      • An undiagnosed rash
has not yet been screened.                                     • Severe cough, sore throat, runny nose, or cold
TUITION PAYMENTS                                               • Lice, ringworm, or scabies
Tuition is due the 1st of every month, and can be paid         • A temperature of 100º or over (children should
online at If paying by check, please make         remain home for 24 hours after it decreases)
it out to Little Learners Preschool and write your child’s     • If your child is taking antibiotics for an infection, he/
name on the memo line. Tuition will not be prorated               she must not come to class until they have taken the
for missed days including family vacations, snow days,            medication for at least 24 hours
sickness, etc. $10.00 late fee assessed if payment is
received after the 10th of the month. Scholarships           Please let the teacher know of any contagious disease
are available if needed, contact our office for more         your child has had so we have the option of notifying
information.                                                 other parents of exposure (we do not name your child),
                                                             and so we can be on the lookout for other children
                                                             developing symptoms.
If your child has any food or environmental allergies,       SCHOOL CLOSINGS
please inform the teacher verbally and note it during        In the event of inclement weather or other emergency
registration. If your child has an EPI PEN or other          events that cause the school to be closed, we will follow
medication needs, please contact the school nurse prior      the same procedures as the rest of the school district.
to beginning preschool to set up a health action plan.
                                                               • If school is two hours late there will be no
IMMUNIZATIONS                                                    morning classes; afternoon classes will still meet.
State law requires that you provide dates of                   • If school is released two hours early there will
immunization and that your child’s immunizations are             be no afternoon classes.
up-to-date in order to participate in classes. Forms are       • If school is closed, both morning and afternoon
available from the early childhood secretary. Please             classes will be canceled.
notify the secretary when your child has additional
immunizations.                                               Announcements will be made via:
                                                              • Website - an announcement will be posted on the
FIRST AID & EMERGENCIES                                         main district site
If a minor injury or accident occurs the school nurse or a    • Social Media - a post will be made on the district’s
teacher qualified in first aid will administer treatment.       Facebook page
We will notify parents verbally by calling or speaking        • SEESAW - a message will be sent out to classes
to you in person, or by sending a note via email or home        attending on the day a closure occurs.
with your child. If an injury is more severe, we will         • District Student Information System (IC): email/text
follow procedures for medical emergency.                        message will be sent out.
                                                              • Local Media Outlets - WCCO 4, KSTP 5, FOX 9
If your child is injured (more than a minor injury)             KMSP and KARE 11
or becomes ill during preschool, the student will be
brought to the school nurse for further evaluation. We       SCHOOL DRILLS
will contact you by calling your home, work, or the          We follow state guidelines for required fire, tornado, lock
emergency number listed on your child’s registration         down and bus drills. We expect our students will have
form.                                                        many questions and concerns when we are participating
                                                             in these drills. We will do our best to help the children
ABSENCES                                                     remain calm and explain the process. Parent will be
Please SEESAW message your child’s teacher if your           notified after we have participated in these drills so that
child won’t be coming to class.                              you can further discuss this at home.

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Little Learners Parent Handbook - Revised March 2021
DROPPING OFF & PICKING UP                                      SNACKS
When dropping off or picking up your child, families           Parents are asked to supply a snack for the class a few
will use the “bus parking lot” on the east side of Liberty     times per year. Teachers will assign “Snack Days” to
Elementary. Families will enter and drive down the             students and indicate the days on the class calendar
far left of the parking lot in a single line and then circle   and will be shared on SEESAW. Suggestions for snacks
back to drop their child off in front of the building doors.   from our LANA curriculum will be given and parents
Teachers will meet all classes outside. Arrive no more         are asked to provide enough snacks for 18 students and
than 5 minutes before your scheduled class time. A             two to three teachers. In an effort to provide a healthy/
“how to” video will be sent out to all families in August.     safe snack avoid items such as cookies, chips, cake, and
                                                               any products containing peanuts or other high allergens.
LATE PICK UP                                                   Unable to provide a snack? No problem! Please just let
If you do not pick up your child within 5 minutes of the       the teacher know and we’ll take care of it - no questions
end of class, your child will be escorted to our on-site       asked!
Hive Time childcare program and you will be responsible
for childcare fees. Please simply give us a call if you’re     HOLIDAYS
running a few minutes late to avoid fees.                      In our desire to celebrate differences and embrace people
                                                               of all faiths, backgrounds and traditions, we choose not
BUSING                                                         to celebrate holidays because they are not inclusive of
Busing is available for children who are 4 years old           everyone. Instead, we will recognize universal themes
by Sept. 1st of the current school year. A child may           such as the changing seasons and experiences common
be picked up or dropped off at one address only.               to us all. Please understand this does not mean we will
Preschoolers are required to sit in the front seats and        not talk about children’s beliefs, practices, etc., but that
will be escorted by early childhood staff from the bus         we simply do not have holiday parties/celebrations.
to the classroom and vice versa. Please visit our early
childhood office for more information on busing fees and       BIRTHDAYS
to register. Busing fees will be charged monthly with          Please let us know if it’s your child’s birthday so we can
preschool tuition.                                             recognize it during class, or if your child would rather
                                                               not have us acknowledge his/her special day, please let
CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES                                         us know that too!
We kindly ask that you dress your child in comfortable,
durable, kid-friendly clothes that are outside-weather         SPECIAL DAYS
appropriate. We do many activities that may cause              As a way to build classroom community and promote
clothing to get messy or wet (despite encouraging the          individuality and creative expression we have a few
use of protective smocks). We also suggest the use of          “special days” planned throughout the school year such
tennis shoes as our floors can be slippery. Please mark        as silly hair day, pajamas day, etc. Watch our monthly
each removable clothing item with your child’s name.           newsletter and your child’s weekly folder for notification
We will go outside to play everyday (weather                   of these days.
permitting), so please ensure your child has
appropriate outside gear.                                      SPECIAL GUESTS
                                                               In lieu of field trips, we will bring in special guests to
TOYS FROM HOME                                                 share their jobs, talents or hobbies. Teachers will do
We ask that toys from home are not brought into the            their best to notify parents in advance through the
classroom. If items are brought, we will ask your child        monthly newsletter/calendar. Please let us know if you
to leave the items in his/her backpack. If your child          would like to be a special guest.
has something to share, please bring it to your child’s
teacher. Toys and “prized possessions” seem to cause           STUDENT TEACHERS
conflict in the classroom and bring out feelings that we       Periodically we host college students who are working
don’t want associated with children’s early learning           on their teaching/child development degree. You will
experiences.                                                   be informed if we are hosting one of these students. We
                                                               may also have high school students taking a FACS or
                                                               child development class join us for a few days to observe
                                                               or present a lesson.

Big Lake Schools												                                                                                                8
Hive Time is an extension of our Little Learners
program that offers before and/or after preschool

Hive Time classrooms are located close to the Little
Learners classrooms to help make transitioning between
programs go smoothly for your child. Hive Time
classrooms will follow all of the same program policies
and procedures as the Little Learners program, which
makes it easier for our learners to remember things like      CONTRACT CHANGES/WITHDRAWAL
“rules” and helps them feel more secure.                      Contracts can be changed online or by submitting a
                                                              change in writing. The first contract change is free; each
Classrooms will follow Hive Time curriculum, which            additional change incurs a $15 fee. Due to staff/child
has been developed to connect to and enhance learning         ratio requirements, we are unable to accomodate “drop
taking place in Little Learners classrooms.                   in’s” or late schedule requests. Parents are responsible
                                                              for entering schedules two weeks in advance. We will
                                                              NOT be approving any drop in requests. Changes
STAFF                                                         involving additional care or different times of day will
All Hive Time staff members are caring, friendly and          be accepted only if space is available. Contract changes
well-trained people who have experience and a genuine         take effect two weeks from the day the billing office
love for working with young children. They are under          receives the request. For withdrawal, we must receive
the direction of our CE Program Coordinator and Early         notice at least two weeks before your child’s last planned
Childhood Coordinator who ensure curriculum is fluid          attendance day. You are responsible for fees based on
across both programs.                                         the current contract until the new contract goes into
Hive Time is open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.                       REGISTRATION PROCESS
Please be aware that our preschool calendar has several       SY registration opens the same day as Little Learners
additional “Preschool” non-school days beyond those for       Preschool in March and due by August 1. Summer
students K-12. These days are clearly marked on the           registration opens in Feb and due by May 1. There is
LL calendar and on the district-wide printed calendar.        a $35 nonrefundable registration fee for each contract
Non-school days are billed separately and parents             period (school year and summer). Late registrations
must register at least two weeks in advance. Hive             incur a $25 late fee and may be held up to two weeks.
Time is closed for most holidays including Labor Day,         Since this is an extension of our Little Learners
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Presidents Day,           program, participants must have a current enrollment
Good Friday, Memorial Day and July 4. Summer care is          Little Learners in order to register in Hive Time.
also available. See current “Rates and Dates” sheet for
exact dates.
                                                              See current school year/summer session “Rates and
SCHOOL YEAR CONTRACT OPTIONS                                  Dates” sheet for detailed information.
Consistent Contract: This is best for families who
will use Hive Time on the same exact days every week.
Taking a vacation? No problem! Just provide written           HIVE TIME BILLING
notification at least two weeks in advance and we won’t       Hive Time utilizes the same account used for preschool;
bill you for those days.                                      however, billing is processed separately. Billing options
Pick Your Day Contract: This is best suited for                 • Monthly: invoices emailed on the 20th of each
families who have a variable weekly/monthly schedule.             month prior and due by the 1st of each month
With this option, families must submit a calendar               • Auto-Pay: monthly payments will be processed on
indicating days Hive Time is needed by the 20th of the            the 1st of the month
previous month. Late submissions will not be accepted.          • Self-Pay: available for families needing to setup a
With either option, families are required to sign up for at       special payment plan (please contact our office)
least one day of care per week.                               Any days added outside of contracted days will be billed
(Summer Care: Pick Your Day contract only option)             separately. Payments received after the 10th of the
                                                              month will be subject to a $15 late fee.

Big Lake Schools												                                                                                           9
HIVE TIME BILLING...CONT’D                                     LATE PICK UP PROCEDURE & FEE
You are responsible for all costs incurred for your            If your child isn’t picked up by the end of your scheduled
contracted days whether your child attends or not,             day at 3:15pm or 6:00 pm (when Hive Time closes), a
unless we have received a contract change/withdrawal           staff member will call you and any other person(s) listed
request with sufficient notice.                                on your authorized pick up list. If no one answers or
                                                               the child isn’t picked up by 6:30 p.m., local authorities
Hive Time charges a $30 processing fee for all bank-           will be called and your child will be put into their
returned checks. If a check is returned, you must make         custody. An automatic fee of $1 per minute per child
a cash, money order or credit card payment within three        will be incurred for pick ups after 3:15pm or 6:00 pm. If
days of notice. Failure to make payment on uncollected         continued late pick ups occur, removal from the program
checks could result in termination of childcare services.      may occur.

An outstanding balance over 10 business days may               MEALS
result in the termination of care. Any balance over            Just like other childcare options, Hive Time will provide
60 days outstanding will be forwarded to a district-           breakfast, lunch and snacks on school days (depending
approved collection agency for recovery. If forwarded,         on what time your child is in our care). A light breakfast
collection fees may be added to the current balance.           option is available for children dropped off before
                                                               7:15 a.m. Snacks are provided mid-morning and mid-
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE                                           afternoon. Lunch is provided for children in our care
Parent Aware Pathway Early Learning                            during the afternoon (11:30-12:30). We kindly ask that
Scholarships provide income eligible families financial        food from home is not brought to school (unless on a non-
support to attend a high quality early care and education      school day). Accommodations will be made for children
program. Parents whose children qualify for the                with allergy or dietary restrictions. A lunch from home
Free and Reduced Lunch Program, Child and Adult                is needed on non-school days (when K-12 students
Care Food Program, Head Start, Minnesota Family                do not have school). We will let you know of these
Investment Program, Child Care Assistance Programs,            days in advance.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or
placement in foster care are encouraged to apply.              ABSENCES
                                                               Fees are not refunded for sick days or other absences.
County Childcare Assistance is accepted for our                If an illness extends beyond one week, contact the Hive
program. Contact Sherburne County Health and Human             Time billing office. Credit may be given if a medical
Services at 763-765-4000 to find out if you qualify.           certificate from a physician is provided indicating the
Written authorization for families receiving financial         extended absence was due to an illness. All parents
assistance must be received by Hive Time before                are responsible for paying for time reserved, not time
childcare can begin. If financial assistance is cancelled,     used. If you choose for your child not to attend on a day
you will be responsible for all expenses incurred. If you      scheduled for care, you are still responsible for that day’s
receive financial assistance, you assume responsibility        charges.
for fulfilling county requirements (provide information
and child care schedules, submit timely reports and            SPECIAL NEEDS
make payments not covered by the assistance program).          Hive Time may be able to provide long-term one-on-one
                                                               assistance for students provided the student receives
Additional Resources: we understand that short-term            one-on-one student support in the classroom and/or has
financial hardships occur and we may be able to assist         a behavior plan developed by the early childhood team
you. Please call our office to talk about available options.   and additional care has been deemed necessary upon
                                                               review by the staff. However, the child’s start date in
                                                               Hive Time may be delayed until additional staff can be
                                                               hired with the skills necessary to meet the child’s needs.
                                                               Information regarding a student’s needs, will not be used
                                                               to prohibit a child’s enrollment in Hive Time; unless it is
                                                               determined they will need significant assistance beyond
                                                               program capabilities. Parents must provide a written
                                                               schedule that indicates drop off/pick up times specific
                                                               for your child at least two weeks in advance in order for

Big Lake Schools												                                                                                           10
Hive Time to staff appropriately.
MANAGING YOUR ONLINE ACCOUNT                               Schedule Change:
Go to and sign in to your account     Login to your account, Under “Your Accounts” click
From here you are able to:                                 on your Hive Time account > click on the contract you
  1. Register for a new Hive Time contract session         would like to change under “Current and Upcoming
  2. Make payments & review invoices                       Contracts” > click on the “Change Schedule” button on
  3. Manage authorized pickups                             the left. You will be able to add/remove dates and submit
  4. Change your schedule                                  for approval. You will need to do this for each child
  5. Add non-school days                                   individually.
  6. Withdraw from the program
                                                           Contract Change or Withdrawal
Numbers above reference where to access items in online    Login to your account; under “Current and Upcoming
portal pictured below. Items 4-6 can be accessed only      Contracts” click on the contract you would like to change
after selecting a contract indicated by the arrow below.   and then on the left side choose your option (such as
                                                           Withdraw Contract).

Adding Authorized Pickups                                  Year-End Tax Statements
Login to your account, under “Your Accounts” click on      The Federal Tax ID number and total fees paid for the
your Hive Time and/or Little Learners account > click on   calendar year is available in a pdf document through the
the “Manage Authorized Pickups” button on the left side    online billing system. This document is available after
and add additional people you are allowing to pick up      January 1st for the previous tax year.
your child.
                                                           Dependent Care/Flex Reimbursement Forms
                                                           Receipts are easily downloaded from your account and
                                                           can be submitted with your form to your provider.

Big Lake Schools												                                                                                     11
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