St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890

Page created by Jimmie Moss
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
St. Joseph Catholic Church
                                                                      Established 1890

                                 Parish Mission Statement
          We are called by our Lord Jesus Christ, to be His church and live His gospel.
              We strive to fulfill our baptismal calling by prayer, worship, teaching
       and in sharing our faith and serving others. Guided by the Holy Spirit and through
  our patron St. Joseph, we commit ourselves to the responsible stewardship of all God’s gifts.

                                             Contact                        Sacraments
   Mass Schedule                          Rev. William Thess
     Weekday Masses                email:           Reconciliation
Monday - Communion Service             Deacon Mark Byington               Saturdays 4:00-4:45 pm
     Tue.-Fri. - 8:00 am                email: deaconmark@            Sundays 7:00-7:15 am or by appt
School Mass Fridays Aug-May  
     Weekend Masses                 Mrs. Shirley Bieser - Principal   Please contact the parish office.
     Saturday - 5:00 pm  
Sunday - 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am         Parish Office Hours            Please contact the parish office.
                                   Monday - Friday • 8:00 - 3:30 pm

           10 N Long Street, Farm
                                mington, MO 63640 573-756-4250 ww
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
  We believe every individual is on a journey to become closer to God – where you are on that
  journey is unique. We seek to welcome each person regardless of the stage of their spiritual life,
  their struggles, failings, or faults. Join us each week as we worship God in the Holy Sacrifice of
  the Mass.
  God is working in your life. He is guiding you on this journey in life. This journey is never meant
  to be one you take on your own. We hope and pray that you will reach out, sign up and attend
  any of our parish activities. This journey is meant to be shared. Thank you for coming.

                                                   Our Pastoral Team
Rev. William Thess / Pastor...................................................................................
Deacon Mark Byington / Permanent Deacon ... ...........................
Shirley Bieser / Principal ......................................................................
Jane Ramos / Director of PSR ..............................................................
Lisa Cartee / Office - Business Manager .........................................
Agnes Hinkebein / Pastoral Health Care ..................................
Connie Grindel / RCIA ...........................................................................
Abe AuBuchon / Bulletin Editor ...........................................................
    Scott Watson - Pastoral Council / Jim Eaton - Financial Commission / Rob Grindel - Property and Maintenance
                        Ed Brown - Cemetery Association / Mike Ward - Knights of Columbus
                                             Parish Business Office Hours
                  Monday thru Friday • 8:00 am to 3:30 pm • Phone (573)756-4250 • Fax (573)756-6938
                                    10 North Long Street • Farmington, MO 63640

                                Your Gifts to God and Parish

                                   Sunday October 6, 2019
                     Weekly Collection
        Adult Envelopes                  $12,714.90                    Help the Hungry Bakesale                         $374.00
        All Saints Day                       $40.00                    Maintenance & Repair                             $288.00
        Childrens Envelopes                   $2.00                    Mission Sunday                                     $45.00
        Electronic Deposit                $5,603.00                    Our Father’s Table                                 $50.00
        Loose                               $770.50                    Partners in Education                            $305.00
                                         $19,130.40                    Permanent Diaconate                              $587.00
                           Current Week        Year to Date            Total for Specials                              $1,649.00
 Sunday Offering            $19,130.40        $183,203.92
 Budgeted Amount            $12,125.00        $169,750.00                 Thank You For Your Faithfulness!!!
 Shortage/Overage            $7,005.40         $13,453.92
                                                                        * This does not include our budgeted Holy Day offerings

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                          October 13, 2019 • Page 2
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
Liturgical Life
                                             Mass Schedule
                                             Week of October 14 - 20

   Monday      Weekday
               Readings: Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4;
                                                                         Saturday, October 19
                         Lk 11:29-32                                           5:00 pm Mass
               8:00 am: Communion Service
                                                           Priest:   Fr. William Thess
                                                           Lector:   Charlotte Vander Bol
               Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin, Doctor       Extraordinary Ministers:

   Tuesday                                                           Ron Brooks, Sandi Brooks, Mark Halter,
               Readings: Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5;
                          Lk 11:37-41                                Rosetta Halter, Vanessa Trokey
               8:00 am: Bessie Farace                      Ushers: Buddy Bordewick, Ron Carrera,
                                                                     John Denkler, Don Trokey
                                                           Servers: K. Ramos, K. Ramos, M. Williams

 Wednesday     Weekday
                                                           Cantor: Michelle Podolak
               Readings: Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7,
                        9; Lk 11:42-46
               8:00 am: Connie Harness                                    Sunday, October 20
                                                                                7:30 am Mass
             Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop, Martyr

Thursday                                                   Priest:   Fr. William Thess
             Readings:Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab;          Lector:   Norene Leonard
                       Lk 11:47-54                         Extraordinary Ministers:
             8:00 am: Ronald Bailey                                  Jim Eaton, Steve Forsythe, Jack Neiner,
                                                                     Kathy Neiner, Jayne Wooldridge
                                                           Ushers: Jerry Bieser, Ed Brown, Corey Hulsey,

    Friday      Saint Luke, Evangelist
                Readings: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13,               Ed Wooldridge
                          17-18; Lk 10:1-9                 Servers: G. Brockland, L. Brockland
                8:00 am: Dan Stott
                                                                                9:00 am Mass
                                                           Priest:   Fr. William Thess
    The Twenty-Ninth Sunday                                Deacon: Deacon Mark Byington
                                                           Lector:   Dawn Fuemmeler
        in Ordinary Time                                   Extraordinary Ministers: Jane Allen, Mitch Fuemmeler,

                                                                     Cindy Kelso, Mike Kelso
        Readings: Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 --     Ushers: Dylan Kelso, Zach Kelso, George Kracke,
                  4:2; Lk 18:1-8                                     John Podolak
        Saturday: 5:00 pm: John Crouch                     Servers: A. Abt, M. Hale, A. Hubbard
                                                           Cantor: Tom Berkbigler

        Sunday:    7:30 am: Pat Reed Finch
                   9:00 am: St. Joseph Parishioners                            10:30 am Mass
                   10:30 am: Art & Madeline Lampen
                                                           Priest:   Fr. William Thess
                                                           Deacon: Deacon Mark Byington
                                                           Lector:   Karen Melton
                                                           Extraordinary Ministers: Phyllis LaPlant, Jill Patton,
        Monday, October 14, 2019                                     Katie Rhodes, Kelley Speakar
        Sacristans             Money Counters              Ushers: Bob Bone, Nick Hulsey, Chad Speakar,
      Brenda Donze,        Dotty Bach, Ethel Backer,                 Mike Ward
      Linda Gillespie,          Anne Crawford,             Servers: J. Masters, K. O’Hara, K. O’Hara
Karen Jones, Jo Rustemeyer       Carol Rigdon              Cantor: Judy Davis

 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time          October 13, 2019 • Page 3
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
St. Catherine of Alexandria
                  Mass Schedule:                                           Holy Day of Obligation:
                 Saturday 7:00 pm       Coffman, Missouri                    Vigil Mass 7:00pm

                Saturday, October 19                                   Weekly Offertory
    Celebrant: Fr. James Dyer
    Lector: Marilyn Gegg                                                 October 5, 2019
    Extraordinary Ministers: Linda Smith & Agnes Herzog              Adult Collection  $415.00
                                                                     Loose               $65.00
    Offertory Bearers: Jack Parmley & Pat Flieg
                                                                     Total             $480.00
    Mass Intentions: Odessa McDaniel

                    Happy Anniversary!                                 Happy Birthday!
             October 16                 October 20                             October 19
         Bob & Rosie Eck        Jimmy & Susie Herzog                        Peggy Adams

                                    Parish Calendar
Planning Ahead                                                This Week
        October 13
        Knights Breakfast
                                         Tuesday, October 15                   Thursday, October 17
        October 19                            Choir Practice                   Eucharistic Adoration
        Dinner Auction                        6:00 pm • Church               8:30 am - 6:30 pm • Church
        October 20                           Cantor Practice                          RCIA Class
        Knights of Columbus                  7:00 pm • Church                   6:30 pm • Parish Center
        Family Day
                                                                           Parent Teacher Conferences
        October 26 & 27                                                          1:00 pm • School
        Daughter of St. Paul            Wednesday, October 16
        Media Sale after all
                                                     No PSR
                                                                               Saturday, October 19
        November 2                                Rosary                    14th Annual Dinner Auction
        Rosary at the Flagpole                7:00 pm • Church                   6:00 pm • School
        November 2
        Craft Bazaar

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time         October 13, 2019 • Page 4
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
Prayer Life
      Together We Pray for                                            Let us pray for those who are carrying
                                                                                   the gift of life.
       Those Who are Sick
           Parishioners names are in bold.                           Jennifer (Mark) Berkbigler
   Shawn Cleavland         Gail Gosche                                     Gina (Sony) Sharp
      Jim Brewsteri        Denise Boots
      Donnie Sloss       Margaret Heath
     Keith Hutson            Matt Greif
                                                                         Kathy (Mitch) Weddle
      Vince Block           Joyce Rose                           Please call the parish office if you would like to
     Emelina Lara      Romana Corcoran                                    be added to our prayer list.
      Mike Backer           Betty Wolk
     Chuck Davis           David Isabel
      Jack Roberts            JW Heil
       Mike Welker     Bessie Hogenmiller                           In Our Thoughts and Prayers...
    Mary Voertmann       Nick Dispenziere                                We pray for the repose of the souls of
        Sukovaty         Breanna Danner
    Miles Woodward         Jerry Morris                                        Betty Ann Halter
     James Francis       Warren Lodholz                                    mother-in-law of parishioner
       Juanita Hill     Arlene McNamara                                          Joe Mondello
    Carol Hoffman          Tom Hunting
       Kyle Carson          Larry Goff
    Jason Eastman          Camden Ball
                                                                                  Harry Morris
   Floyd McFarland        Connie Pfeiffer                                      father of parishioner
    Bob Hildebrand       Norman Steffens                                           Jerry Morris
      Frank Hulsey          Jack Luffy
                                                                   May God welcome them home, fill them with
       Rich Reiter             Jill M.                             peace and bless those who will miss them.
     Francis Mateo       Charlie Harbison
 Carol Rigdon Williams      Les Semar
  To add someone to the prayer list contact Pat Boatright
        at or 756-4169.

   Prayer to St. Joseph                                                                   Congratulations,
Blessed Joseph, husband of                                                               Joshua and Payden
Mary, be with us this day. You                                                              Simpson on
protected and cherished the                                                                the arrival of
Virgin; loving the Child Jesus as                                                         Abigail Simpson
your Son, you rescued Him from                                                         on September 25, 2019
the danger of death.
Defend the Church, the household of God,
purchased by the Blood of Christ.
Guardian of the Holy Family, be with us in our
trials. May your prayers obtain for us the                                        Agnes Hinkebein, RN
strength to flee from error and wrestle with the                           If you are currently homebound or are
powers of corruption so that in life we may                                 hospitalized or know of a parishioner
                                                                                who is, please contact me at
grow in holiness and in death rejoice in the
                                                                                  756-4250 or email me at:
crown of victory. Amen.                                         

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time             October 13, 2019 • Page 5
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
Prayer Life

        Please Pray for                                                                  Please call the parish
                                                                                         office to update any

          our Troops
                                                                                         changes to our list of
                                                                                       military personnel before
                                                                                          the end of October.

      Private Beau Brandt                                                          CW3 Nicholas Andrew Rice
    grandson of Debbie Thomure              Sergeant Grace Jones
                                                                                     son of Nick and Margaret Rice
                                    daughter-in-law of Dale and Arlene Jones

        E-4 Mark Bieser                                                                2nd LT Jacob Roney
             Parishioner            Tech Sergeant Amber Kammerer
                                          sister of Bryan & Mandy Hubbard             son of Kevin and Terri Roney

     Private James Bishop
      grandson of Judy Carriere            1 LT Olivia M. Klinkhardt                       Patrick Rudroff
                                                niece Mary Lou Brady                   son of Greg & Susan Rudroff

      Major David Brewer
        son of Louise Brewer         CW1 Evan (Jessica) Lunsford                       ET2 Josh Rustemeyer
                                            son-in-law of Jay (Shelly) Ellis            grandson of Jo Rustemeyer
Sergeant Gregory T. Corcoran
   grandson of Romana Corcoran            Sergeant Timothy Masters                            Ryan Turk
                                                     Parishioner                   nephew of Steve and Cynthia Paroski

   2nd LT Christopher Hafner                     Logan Methenia                          PFC Andre Turner
 grandson of Richard and Mary Hafner          nephew of Tracy Millstead               son of Mike & Christine Turner

    Sergeant Gerald Hafner                  Corporal Austin Patton                            BJ Waltz
    son of Richard & Mary Hafner                   son of Jill Patton             nephew of Steve and Cynthia Paroski

        CW4 Steve Howell             Lt Cmdr. Catherine (Wolo) Perez                      Spc James Wolf
                                          daughter of Mike and Jo Anne Wolo              grandson of James Rose
 son-in-law of John & Michelle Podolak

     Specialist Corey Jones              Sr MSgt E-8 Chris (Jill) Perkuhn                 SSG Justin Wolf
     son of Dale and Arlene Jones            son-in-law of Jay (Shelly) Ellis           grandson of James Rose

           Pope Francis’ Monthly                                        Wednesday Rosary
             Prayer Intentions                                                  Wednesday at 7:00 pm

     A Missionary “Spring’ in                                                    Our petition for this week:
           the Church                                                     “For an increase in devotion to
That the breath of the Holy Spirit engender a new                            the most Holy Rosary.”
        missionary "spring" in the Church.

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                October 13, 2019 • Page 6
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
When the Saints Go Marching In
                      St. Joseph Catholic School
                    14th Annual Dinner Auction
                     Saturday, October 19th
                                                      Day at
                                                    Water Par
       Outdoor Patio                    Teacher Gift                    Greek Dinner
         Sofa Set

                       i s W e e k !     Packages

                   T h                                  Dinner Catered by...
                                                          Who Dat’s
                                                        Southern Food
                                                        Cajun Food & Restaurant
         Pig Roast for 25
          at your home
                      Class Auction Packages

      Pre-K                                                                    Preschool
 St. Christopher               3rd Grade             Kindergarten             St. Nicholas
                               St. Isidore            St. Anthony
        Please join us for the Celebration of        Tickets on sale in the Parish Office.
             the Eucharist at 5:00 pm                  Advance tickets only $35 each
         Doors open following 5:00 Mass.                   or $275 for a table of 8.

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time    October 13, 2019 • Page 7
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
Parish Ministries
                    St. Joseph Parish                     2020 Parish Directory Updates
           St. Vincent de Paul                                       We are in the beginning stages of
               Food Pantry                                           updating our parish directory. If you
                                                                     have any changes in your
                                                                     information, for example if you
  Open Tuesday and Friday, 9-12 pm                                   have disconnected your land line
           For assistance call 756-0997
                                                                     phone, please call the parish office
                                                                     to update your information.
            Thank you St. Joseph for your
           generosity for the month of
        September to St. Vincent de Paul,
$1,270 was given in our monthly S.V.D.P.

In today’s Gospel we hear that only one of those
healed returned to glorify God and to give
thanks to God. It is true, that when we have a
grateful heart we know that everything is a gift              Rob & Connie Grindel
from God.
                                                               Family of the Month
 To give thanks for all that God has given
  to you, have you considered answering                              Congratulations!
 the call to help serve the poor by joining
     the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?                                   Rob and Connie were
                                                                           awarded the family of
                                                                           the month for council
                                                                          #12332 and family of the
                                                                            month for the entire
                                                                             State of Missouri!

       Mercy Holiday                                             Tootsie Roll Drive
         Concert                                                  October 12 & 13
            December 13th                                            After all Masses
 Please join us on Friday, December 13th
 when we will travel to Powell Symphony Hall for            Knights of Columbus
 the Mercy Holiday Celebration concert. We will
 be leaving by coach at 12:00 pm from the Lober           Family Appreciation Picnic
 parking lot and will return approximately at 8
 pm. Tickets are already going fast so please                Sunday, October 20
 call me soon! Price is $60.00 per person with
 dinner on your own @ Sweetie Pie’s Upper
                                                                    Twin Oaks Winery
 Crust and Christmas lights @ Tillis Park!                           12:00 - 5:00 pm
 Tickets must be paid for in advance to hold your           If you plan on attending, please RSVP to
 spot. Refunds only if we have a waiting list.                       Mike Ward at 760-8800

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time       October 13, 2019 • Page 8
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Coffman, Missouri

     Thanks Everyone for Our
 Successful Annual Turkey Shoot!!!

                                      Our sincere thanks to all
                                      who helped to make our
                                        annual Turkey Shoot
                                      a truly successful event!

                                 A very special thank you to:
                     Bill and Cheryl Smith for the donation of the gun,
                           Linda Smith for the beautiful deer quilt,
                            Inflatable Fun for the bounce house
                 Crown Winery & Brewery for the bottles for the bottle booth

                         Thank you to each member of St. Catherines
                             who gave so much of their time, talent,
                      and treasure to make this a successful Turkey Shoot.

     Congratulations to the winners of the raffle at our Turkey Shoot!
           Tina Miller .................................. ..........................................Gun Raffle
           Glen Webery.............................. Ste. Genevieve, MO ...................Quilt
           Gerald Buechting...................... Imperial, MO ...............................Quilt
           R.M. Graham ............................. Crystal City, MO......................... $200
           Bill Slocum ................................ Fredericktown, MO .................... $100
           Gail Cox ..................................... Ste. Genevieve, MO .................... $50

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time                 October 13, 2019 • Page 9
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Established 1890
Around the Archdiocese
         St. Maurus Breakfast
     Sunday, Oct. 20 • 7:30 - 12 pm
        St. Maurus Parish, Biehle, MO
       Pancakes, Ham, Sausage Patties,
   Scrambled Eggs, German Fried Potatoes,
 Milk Gravy, Biscuits, Homemade Coffee Cake,
           Orange Juice and Coffee.
                   Adults - $8
         Child 6-12 - $4, Under 6 Free

             German Dinner
       Monday, Oct. 20 • 11-2 pm
         Our Lady Help of Christians
          13370 Hwy 32, Weingarten, MO

    Whole Hog Sausage and Sauerkraut,
    Roast Pork and Gravy, German Fried
  Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans,
          Slaw, Dessert and Drink.

           Adults - $10, Children $5
             Carryouts Available.

         Annual Fall Festival
        Sunday, Nov. 3 • 11-2 pm
       St. Joseph Parish Apple Creek
                                                                Community News
       138 St. Joseph Lane, Weingarten, MO

  Pork Sausage, Backbone and Sauerkraut,                             Parkland PRC
Chicken and Dumplings with all the Trimmings.
                Buffet Style
                                                                 Faith Based Ministry
                                                              Part Time Position Opening
           Adults - $10, Children $5
                                                               Scheduling & Interpersonal
                                                              Communications Coordinator
           Annual Chicken &                            •Must be at least 20 years old and have reliable
                                                       transportation to work in Park Hills
           Dumpling Dinner
                                                       •Must have at least a high school diploma or GED
         Sunday, Nov. 3 • 11-3 pm
        Immaculate Conception Parish                   •Must be adept in handling Twitter, Instagram,
          1020 W. Main St., Park Hills, MO             Facebook, Snapchat, etc.
 Chicken & Dumplings, Green Beans, Coleslaw,           •Must be able to input data and organize a calendar
  Sweet Potatoes, Corn, Homemade Desserts,             •Must be able to communicate clearly and kindly on
                  and Drinks.                          the phone
    Fresh Baked Goods, Quilts and Raffles!
            Adults - $10, Children $5                    Send resume to by Oct.
                                                           17. Call 573-431-6001 for more information.

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time       October 13, 2019 • Page 10
Birthdays & Anniversaries
      October 13               Jim Gerwitz Greg Rudroff
                                    Ed Weidenbenner                 October                 13,                 Paul & Vicki                                                                    October                          16,         Paul & Joann
                                                                        1972                                     Amsden                                                                             1965                                       Fortman
      October 14              Sherry Huitt     Emma Watson
                                                                    October                13,               Rob & Connie                                                                       October                          16,           Keith & Kim

      October 15
                                                                        1979                                   Grindel                                                                              1993                                        Heberlie
                         Liliana Borrego Cynthia Paroski

                                                                                           13,                                                                                                                                   16,
                          Brenda Donze    Mary Weiler
                                                                    October                                                                                                                     October
      October 16
                                                                                                              Jim & Cynthia                                                                                                                    Tom & Ann
                                     Mark Mattina                       2001                                      Pikey                                                                             1976                                         Lutsch

      October 17         Clyde Doromal David Sandweg
                                                                                        14,              Chad & Danielle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17,         David & Linda

      October 18                     Keli Keutzer                  October
                                                                                          14,                Jeff & Rachael
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19,        James & Janie

      October 19
                              Kevin Jennings
                              Sara Renshaw
                                                Tyla Bieser
                                                Brian Boyd
                                                 Eli Gross
                                                                                                                                                          19,                     Chris & Rebecca
                                Luis Ruiz

                                                                                                                              Jeff Swinarski, M.D., F.A.C.S.
                                                        MARCIA DANIELEY PEASE AGENCY
                                                              573-756-5100                                                             General Surgeon
  Get this                                                                                                                               573-756-2057
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          Sign up here:
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          Owner/Parishioner                                                                                                                                                                                   Bonne Terre Park Hills Farmington
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