St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

Page created by Christian Gill
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

          St. Mary Magdalene
            Catholic Church
                       Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul

527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, Texas 77338 | Tel. (281)446-8211, Fax (281)446-8213
Clergy: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP - Pastor | Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP - Parochial Vicar
         Deacon Rene Ramon | Deacon Rick Simon | Deacon Olatunde Branche
              Deacon Nick Caruso (Retired) | Deacon James Meshell (Retired)

                           Parish Mission Statement
      We are one family in Christ with a welcoming heart called to serve.
    Somos una familia en Cristo con un corazón acogedor llamado a servir.
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
Welcome to St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church! Are you a registered parishioner?
Becoming an active parishioner begins when you register with the parish. Please stop by the
Welcome Ministry table in the narthex to pick up a welcome packet. Alternatively, come by the
church office if you would like to register during the week.

     ST. MM - Parish Office                                                   PARISH STAFF
OFFICE HOURS                                    CLERGY                                       ADMINISTRATION
                                                Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP, Pastor     Tony Butera, Business/Facilities Manager
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
By appointment only on
                                                Rev. Augustine Ogar, MSP, Parochial Vicar    Irma Bueno, Bookkeeper
Monday - Friday: 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm
WEEKDAY MASSES                                  Deacon Rene Ramon                            Susie Aramburu, Parish Secretary
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am (English)                     
Martes: 7:00 pm (Español)                       Deacon Rick Simon                            Rodrigo Fuentes, Parish Communications
1st Saturday: 8:30 am (English)                                 Coordinator
                                                Deacon Olatunde Branche            
                                                                Pat De Los Santos, Nursery Coordinator/
Saturday: 5:00 pm (English)
                                                Deacon Nick Caruso (Retired)                 Recepcionist
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am &
5:00 pm (English)
                                                Deacon James Meshell (Retired)
Sábado: 7:00 pm (Español)                                                                    MUSIC AND LITURGY
Domingo: 1:00 pm (Español)                                                                   Perci Cacanindin, Dir. of Music & Liturgy
LIVESTREAM SERVICES                             FAITH FORMATION                    
Wednesday School Mass: 8:30 am                  Michael Smith, Pastoral Associate for        Natalia Gutierrez, AD. Music & Liturgy
Sunday Mass: 11:00 am (Eng)                     Formation, Coordinator of Youth Ministry &
& 1:00 pm (Español)                             Elementary Formation                         Becky Bibens, Pianist
@StMaryMagdaleneHumble Facebook                                    Kathy Yoo, Pianist
                                                Ginger Herrington, Dir. of Adult Formation
CONFESSION                                                                                   MAINTENANCE
Tuesday: 5:00 - 6:50 pm                                                                      Jose Garcia, Maintenance Technician
                                                Susie Aramburu, Coordinator of Hispanic
Thursday: 5:00 - 7:00 pm                                                                     Ester Castro, Housekeeper
Saturday: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                Josefina Martinez, Formation Secretary

                                                COMMUNITY OUTREACH
                                                Chris Rubio, Director of Social Concerns

   530 Ferguson Street Humble, Texas 77338
  Phone: (281) 446-8535 | Fax: (281) 446-8527                          SACRAMENTAL CARE
                                                BAPTISM: Parents must call the parish office two months prior to the
 Joshua Raab, Principal
                                                desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent or Advent.
                                                MARRIAGE: Couples interested must contact at least six months prior to
 Laura Rocha, Admissions
                                                their desired wedding date.
                                                ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the parish office if you or a loved one
                                                wish to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.

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St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
6th Sunday of Easter, Year B, May 9, 2021
God loves us first: The greatest mystery of our faith is that God is the first to love us. In to-
day’s second reading, St. John summarizes this when he said: “Not that we have loved
God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.” This explains our cre-
ation, free will, and redemption. It explains God’s providence and the life that is eternal.
God has made his choice – to love you and I. God has chosen us and opted for us. It is
now our turn to make our own choices. Are we going to return love for love? Or are we
going to ignore the sacrifice made by the Son of God in laying down his life for us? Many
a time our love for God manifests itself in the way we respond to our neighbor.
Saint Theresa of Calcutta was often asked why she spent so much time and energy help-
ing people who were going to die anyway, and most of them not even Christians. Her
answer was that she had no choice. She was a Christian, committed to serving Jesus in the poorest of the
poor. This self-giving quality of divine love is what made many saints to stand out among other Christians. We
cannot give love unless we have first received it. That is why Jesus says today: “As the Father has loved me,
so I have loved you” (John 15:9). We have all experienced love from someone that is close to that authentic
love that God gives to us, a love that is self-less. To love is more than a feeling, it is a choice that we make
even with our limitations, even with our pains and sufferings. It is love that makes parents respond to the cry
of their babies in the middle of the night even when they are tired. This same love is what the child shows to
the parent by respecting and obeying them. True love is sacrificial. God made a sacrifice by offering his own
Son for our sake and Jesus responded by willingly accepting to lay down his life for us, his friends. If we have
been chosen by Christ, we must accept his way of life which is the way of sacrificial love by making the effort
the love as he has loved us.
Happy Mother’s Day: We celebrate our mothers in a special way today, thanking God for their gift to our
world. For many of us, our mothers were the first to teach us about Jesus and our relationship with God.
Mothers were the first source of earthly nourishment and care for their children. Together with our fathers,
mothers set the stage for our understanding of God. Today we acknowledge the great gift of motherhood to
the world. Mothers are awesome! We cannot fully appreciate the sacrifices our mothers have made on our
behalf. Often the woman is the one that gets blamed when things are not right with the children (at least in
the many African cultures) while the father gets the praise when the children excel. But if we are to be very
objective and sincere, we know that mothers deserve more respect than we give them. For those whose
mothers are alive, please do something special for your mom today, and for children whose mothers have
died, keep their loving memories in your heart. We love our mothers and thank them for their love for us. Hap-
py Mother’s Day!
Daily Adoration: We would like to return to our daily schedule of Adoration this month by having adoration
again on Mondays and Fridays from 9:00AM to 9:00PM in addition to Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Since we have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during the hours of adoration, we would like adorers who
are committed to a specific hour(s) of the day before we add the two days. You can call Yolanda Vuelvas at
2817776188 or email to schedule your hour. Once we have at least two adorers
per hour for Mondays and/or Fridays, we will open back up for the day or both days.
Volunteers needed: Thanks to those parishioners who have updated their information in the parish and those
who took time to register as new parishioners. The parish family update is ongoing. You can go to the parish
website to update your information or register as a parishioner. We appreciate your attention to this. Our par-
ish has about 3700 families in our data but only about 1400 have some form of activity on record. We want
to reach those who are not active by calling them. Our parish staff and volunteers will be placing the calls
very soon. We need more volunteers to help us make the calls. Training will be provided before the volunteers
begin to work. Please call the parish office to volunteer or send an email to the parish secretary, Susie at Thank you very much.

Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP ,

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St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
Saturday    5:00 p.m. Regina Rose †
  08                  Agnes Peters †
            7:00 p.m Gene L Yanez (SPI)
                                                                                                  04/02/21 Offertory        $12,199.70
                      Roy Gutierrez †                                                             04/02/21 Online Giving    $14,434.04

            7:30 a.m.  Mr & Mrs Reyes Gonzalez †                                                  TOTAL                     $26,633.74
                       Mary Postel †                                      Acts 10:25-36,
            9:00 a.m. Eddie Graham †                                                              Second Collection / Segunda Colecta
                                                                          34-35, 44-48;
                       Benigno L Yanez Jr (SPI)                           Ps 98:1-4;              04/02/21
Sunday      11:00 a.m. Sara & Minnie Canales †                                                                              $ 5,730.00
                                                                          1 Jn 4:7-10 or          CAPITAL CAMPAIGN

  09                   Eva Cardenas †
            1:00 p.m. St. Mary Magdalene Community
                                                                          1 Jn 4:11-16;
                                                                          Jn 15:9-17
                        -----------------------------------------------   or Jn 17:11b-19
            5:00 p.m.   Bertha Ramirez †                                                               Second Collection
                                                                                                       SECOND COLLECTION
                        Carmen Lozano †
                                                                                                             School Support
            8:30 a.m. Silvia Cruz †                                                               This weekend's 2nd collection is
Monday                                                                    Acts 16:11-15;
                                                                          Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;       for St. Mary Magdalene Catholic
                        Roger Ramirez †
                                                                          Jn 15:26 — 16:4a        School. Your generous gift will help
                                                                                                  to assist them with their programs
            8:30 a.m. Kathrine & William Eckert (SPI)                                             for our young students. Please indi-
Tuesday               Martha Muskiet †                                    Acts 16:22-34;
                                                                          Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;       cate School on your check. Thanks
   11       7:00 p.m. Maria de Jesus Saucedo (SPI)
                      Tomasa Martinez Reyes †
                                                                          Jn 16:5-11              for your giving generosity!
                                                                                                  Next weekend, 2nd. collection will
Wednesday   8:30 a.m. Maria Lucas Hernandez †                             Acts 17:15, 22 —        be for Catholic Communications.
                                                                          18:1; Ps 148:1-2,
  12                    Shelly & Chris Mcneill (SPI)                      11-14; Jn 16:12-15
                                                                          Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-
Thursday    8:30 a.m. Maria del Socorro Loza †                            3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23
  13                    Jaime Carrillo †                                  or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7,
                                                                          11-13]; Mk 16:15-20
 Friday     8:30 a.m. Mary S. Garcia †                                    Acts 1:15-17, 20-26;
                                                                          Ps 113:1-8;
  14                    James Hayes †                                     Jn 15:9-17
                                                                                                  As of today 04/25/21 the DSF report
                                                                                                  for 2021 is as follows:
                                                                                                  Parish Goal - $150,000
            5:00 p.m. Yaneth Armenta (SPI)                                                        Meta Parroquial
Saturday              Rudy Treviño (SPI)                                                          Payment received - $35,491
  15        7:00 p.m. Sebastian Bocanegra †
                      Maria & Angela Farfan †
                                                                          Acts 1:15-17, 20a,
                                                                                                  Pago recibido
                                                                                                  Participating families - 133
                                                                          Ps 103:1-2,             Familias participantes
                                                                          11-12, 19-20;
            7:30 a.m.  George Fountain †                                  1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn
                       Betty Lou Smith †                                  17:11b-19; or,
            9:00 a.m. George Luis Benavides M. †                          for Ascension,
                       Delia de Leon †                                    Acts 1:1-11; Ps
            11:00 a.m. Esperanza Rodriguez †
Sunday                                                                    47:2-3, 6-9;
                       Joe Vawters (SPI)
                                                                          Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph
            1:00 p.m. Roy Gutierrez †
                                                                          4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13];
                       Azhalia Benavides †                                Mk 16:15-20
            5:00 p.m. St. Mary Magdalene Community

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St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                                                                                    WORD OF LIFE
                                                                                               May 9: “O Blessed Mother, you
                                                                                               received the good news of
                                                                                               the incarnation of Christ, your
                                                                                               Son, with faith and trust. Grant
                                                                                               your protection to all pregnant
                                                                                               mothers facing difficulties.”
                                                                                                                  USCCB Secretariat
                                                                                                                of Pro-Life Activities,
                                                                                                    “A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers”

                                                                                               May 16: “Everyone is in need
                                                                                               of reassurance, and if we, who
                                                                                               have touched ‘the Word of life’
                                                                                               (1 Jn 1:1) do not give it, who
                                                                                               will? How beautiful it is to be
                                                                                               Christians who offer consola-
                                                                                               tion, who bear the burdens of
STEWARDSHIP SHARING - MAY 09                                                                   others and who offer encour-
                                                                                               agement: messengers of life in
“This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No one has greater                    a time of death!”
love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” - JOHN 15:12-13
                                                                                                                  Pope Francis, 2020
Do you love Jesus? Do you consider Him your friend? Jesus says that if we love                                     Easter Vigil Homily
                                                                                                                © 2020 Libreria Editri-
Him we would be willing to offer whatever we have to Him, not because we want
                                                                                                                cea Vaticana. Used
praise and glory, but simply because we love Him. Does your Stewardship seem                                      with permission. All
mechanical, out of obligation, or do you share freely out of love?                                                    rights reserved.

Protocol for Mass Attendance                                                                         Flocknotes!
                                              1. As a reminder, please arrive early. The       Never miss another IMPORTANT
                                              church will be open before the Mass begins.         announcement from us!
                                              2. Face Covering is required for ages 10+ on
                                              our campus and during Mass.
                                              3. Sanitize your hands as you enter and exit
                                              the church.                                                  New Message
                                              4. We have marked the pews so do not sit             To: 845-76
                                              where you find the X sign for social distanc-
                                              ing. Please remember to keep a 6-foot dis-
                                              tance between households.
                                              5. For Holy Communion, follow the direction
                                              of the hospitality ministers for Communion
                                              line, keep your mask on, you will receive
                                              Holy Communion in your hand, then step
                                              aside, lower your mask to consume the
                                              host, cover your nose and mouth again                Text: Magdalene
                                              and proceed to your seat.
                                              6. After the final blessing, parishioners must
                                              remain in their pew. To exit, please follow
                                              the direction of hospitality ministers. Pews
                                              will be dismissed in an orderly fashion start-
                                              ing in the rear of the church and then mov-
                                              ing forward.
                                              7. After each Mass, we will disinfect all pews
For your own safety and the health of others, and all frequently touched surfaces like the
   please follow CDC recommendations!         door handles, bathrooms, etc. before the                  OR JUST VISIT
                                              next Mass.                              
                                                                                                          to Sign Up! |          Sign up in Flocknote |           @StMaryMagdaleneHumble

                                                                                                 Page 5 | Mayo 09, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

                                                                                 Mike Smith, M.A.
                                                                    Pastoral Associate for Formation (K-12)
                                                                           & Youth Ministry (MS/HS)
                                                          or call at 281-446-1241

CCE HOME-BASED WORK                                           2021 GRADUATES MASS
As we approach the final six weeks of the school year,        Looking forward to honoring all our high school or college
please finish up your elementary or middle school “Home-      seniors at the “Graduates Mass” on Sunday, May 23rd
Based CCE” work… all of the 21 online assessments should      at the 5:00pm Mass (please note the new date). We ask
be completed by the end of May. If you are in high school     that all graduates wear their school’s graduation gown to
(gr. 9 - 12), please finish your textbooks and get those      Mass (no caps, please)… we’ll have reserved seating for
back to Mike for review. This will allow us to wrap up this   graduates and you will receive a special blessing at Mass.
catechetical year as we prepare for the next one! Please      Please contact Mike Smith at or 281-
note, if you do not complete the work this year, you will     446-2933 so we can save you a seat.
not receive credit and will have to repeat it next year…
which will delay any sacramental preparation!                 SACRAMENT PREPARATION (SPRING 2021)
CCE REGISTRATION FOR 2021                                     If you have not scheduled your Reconciliation and/or Eu-
                                                              charist interview, please contact the Josefina or Mike in
We had 180 students register for CCE at the first registra-
                                                              the Parish Office at 281-446-2933. Students must success-
tion event. The next registration event for the 2021 - 2022
catechetical year is Saturday, May 15th from 2:00 - 5:00      fully pass the Reconciliation interview before attempting
pm in the FLC. Please note this event is ONLY for REGIS-      the Eucharist interview! Once the student has completed
TERED PARISHIONERS (or those who live within our parish       ALL Home-Based CCE work, the family will be given dates
boundaries (77338, 77396, 77346, and 77044). Parents will     to select a one of the weekend Masses where we will
be able to sign up for both CCE classes and sacramental       celebrate First Communions. Families participating in the
preparation for the coming school year! The final “ear-       “Summer Sacrament” program will be emailed informa-
ly” registration event is scheduled for Saturday, June 5th.   tion regarding the orientation meting and class dates; this
Families who are not registered, or those who live out-       program is only for 2020-2021 sacrament students.
side our parish boundaries, will be permitted to register
for CCE (if space is available) on Saturday, August 21st.     CCE CATECHISTS ARE NEEDED!
                                                              With the return to in-person, on-campus CCE and Sacra-
Please note that we will NOT offer our in-person “Summer
                                                              ment preparation classes this fall, we are looking for adult
Study” CCE program this June; instead “Summer Home-
Based CCE” will be offered to those who want a summer         and young adult catechists to share their faith with our
option. We do plan to resume “in-person” CCE classes          students. We do offer CCE classes for Kindergarten - High
this fall on Sunday afternoons (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm; grades     School students… you do not have to be a professional
Kinder - HS) and Tuesday evenings (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm;         teacher! If you like young people and LOVE your faith,
grades Kinder - 8th). Note: Wednesday night CCE is be-        God wants you to share that faith. We provide free train-
ing discontinued this year! “Home-Based CCE” during the       ing to all catechists and each class is required to have two
school year is always an option for families! All sacrament   adults (so you wont be alone)! If you’ve wanted to learn
preparation (Confession, Communion, and Confirmation)         more about the Roman Catholic Church, what better way
will be held “in-person, on-campus” in 2021 - 2022! Please    to learn than to teach it to someone else? Please contact
note that payment of CCE tuition is expected at the time      Mike Smith at or 281-446-2933… train-
of registration, unless other arrangements have been          ing begins in August and classes begin in September!
made with, and approved by, Fr. Felix in advance.

Text Message Reminders: We offer text message reminders, which can be sent straight to your cellphone /
mobile device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific
messages for our programs… you can also download the Remind app from your cell app store.
2022 Confirmation candidates/ parents: @conf2022A		 		 2021 Confirmation TEAM: @conf21team
2020-2021 Sacrament Preparation (Recon/Euch): 			   		HS Youth Ministry: @stmmhs
Please contact Mike for details!							MS Youth Ministry: @stmmjr

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St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

                                                                               CONSECRATION TO ST. JOSEPH
                                               The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father

                                                                                                            St. Francis de Sales Introduction to the Devout Life meet TODAY!
The Consecration to St. Joseph group will be consecrat-
                                                                                                            We meet again on Sunday, May 16 at 9:30 AM in St. Mary's Hall
ed after the 8:30 AM Mass on Thursday, May 13 (Feast of
                                                                                                            and by Skype. Please purchase the book on your own and RSVP to
Our Lady of Fatima) or on Saturday, May 15 after the 5                                                      Ginger at Themes include: Pursuing a devout
PM Mass. Please pray that their devotion to St. Joseph will                                                 life whole-heartedly, Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a
bear great fruit. You can still have your prayer card to St.                                                busy schedule, Growing in virtue, Battling wisely against tempta-
Joseph, Terror of Demons, just come to the parish office.                                                   tion, Making spiritual progress through daily, monthly, and yearly
Please RSVP to attend our sessions or for more information                                                  exercises... Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and
to Ginger at                                                                              strengthen your desire to walk that road with the Lord.

                                                                                                                          FAITH FORMATION
                            NEW BOOK STUDY!                                                                        For more information, please email or call Ginger at
                                                                                                                 / 281-446-2933

                                                                                                            RCIA ADULTS. Finish their lessons which will help them to con-
                                                                                                            sider, at a deeper level, the Sacraments of Initiation they re-
                                                                                                            ceived at Easter. They will also be prepared to participate in
                                                                                                            the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Adults meet via Skype on
                                                                                                            Thursday, May 13; the lesson is repeated on Sunday, May 16
                                                                                                            at 12:30 PM.
                                                                                                            RCIA INQUIRY CLASSES. Continue this Sunday, May 9 at 4:30
                                                                                                            PM. Anyone interested in becoming Catholic or complet-
                                                                                                            ing their Sacraments of Initiation should contact Ginger at

       ComeRack! ComeRope!                                                                                  ADULT CONFIRMATION. Immediate lessons continue on Fri-
                                                                                                            day, May 14 at 7 PM. Please pray for them as they prepare to
              By Robert Hugh Benson                                                                         be confirmed at Pentecost May 22 (Vigil) or May 23.

                                                                                                            MARRIAGE PREPARATION. Marriage Preparation classes are
                                                                                                            ongoing. Please pick up a packet from the church office or
                                                                                                            download it at Classes are of-
A new book study, Come Rack! Come Rope!, continues this                                                     fered online, but there are in-person meetings with clergy
Saturday, MAY 15 at 1 PM in Room 215 and by Skype. Learn                                                    and/or with Ginger.
about the experience of Catholics under Queen Elizabeth
I of England. Based on the real sufferings of a real Catho-                                                 BAPTISM. For infant and for children seven to seventeen years
lic family, and Catholics across the country. Robert Hugh                                                   of age, please contact Ginger at or
Benson’s classic novel is one of tragedy and loss, but also                                                 visit the following link at
heroism, human and divine love. Learn about your faith and
history while reading an engrossing novel. For more, please
contact Ginger at
                                                                                                                                               Page 7 | Mayo 09, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -
                                          DISASTER FOOD DISTRIBUTION UPDATE (DFD). “My Mommy doesn’t eat.” Since
                                          this crisis began a year ago, many parents have skipped meals… so the chil-
                                          dren don’t have to. Magdalene House Social Services is prepared to stay the
                                          course so that families like these don’t miss a meal. If you would like to join our
                                          team, please contact Chris Rubio at We meet two days a
                                          week. Preparation on Monday’s and Distributions on Wednesday’s. DFD Totals
                                          for 2021: 2,422 Households/8,324 Individuals. Total (as of March 2020): 19,000
                                          Households/87,646 Individuals. Angel Team Homeless Ministry: 684 Individuals.
                                          Important: Wednesday Drive-Thru Distribution Hours: 8:30am until we run out of
                                          food (usually 10:30am).
                                          MAGDALENE HOUSE SOCIAL SERVICES. A special thank you to the parish for their
                                          financial support, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Since January
                                          2021, we’ve assisted six families with Rent/Eviction, eight families with electricity,
                                          one family with CenterPoint, one family with medical costs, and three families
                                          with their water bill.
                                          MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINATION (1ST DOSE). On Thursday, April 22, 150 Pa-
                                          rishioners and Community Friends received their first vaccine. Harris County Pub-
                                          lic Health is scheduled to return to the Family Life Center on Thursday, May 20.
                                          Please remember to bring your Vaccination Cards with you when you return for
  will continue until further notice on
  Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m.
                                          your second dose.
We are also accepting new volunteers      COVID-19 VACCINATION REGISTRATION. Register for COVID-19 Vaccine or find
to join the team to assist with Monday
                                          more local providers. Visit Harris County Public Health website using the link
 Preparation, Wednesday Distribution,
       and Grocery Store Pick Up.

      Please contact Chris Rubio          FREE COVID-19 TESTING AVAILABLE. Sign up for free HCPC COVID-19 testing via
  to volunteer at Find all testing locations or by calling at 832-927-

                                                                             Dear eternal and most gracious
                                                                             God, we praise you as the Almighty,
                                                                  powerful God. We pray that more people will
                                                                  accept their religious calling, and that more
                                                                  men become priests. We pray for this so there
                                                                  is less hate, sin, and violence in this world
                                                                  today. We give thanks to you, for all you do,
                                                                  and for all you have done.

                                                                  MARLI VANOVER – 6TH GRADE
                                                                  St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School
                                                                  Serra Club Vocation Prayer
                                                                  Contest Winner

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St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -


       Our Online Giving is
            an upgrade to a
          newer, easier-to-use
If you currently give online,
   you will soon be receiving
  an email with instructions
            on how to log into
              the new system.
    Best of all, your existing
  payment and donation in-
 formation will be migrated
    over so you will not have
   to set up your gifts again!
  Keep an eye on your email
        for more information
            coming very soon.
                               "     Fr. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, MSP
                                     St Mary Magdalene Catholic Church

          TO SERVE                       If you have questions
                                         call the Parish Office
          THE CHURCH                     at 281.446.8211

                                                                                   KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS 6878
                                                                                      IMPORTANT UPDATES
                                                                         NEXT LIVE CEREMONY for NEW incoming Knights will be
                                                                         held on SATURDAY, MAY 15 at 10:00 AM in McGivney Hall.
       From 8:30 am - 12:30 pm in the foyer of the FLC.                  BECOME AN ONLINE           MEMBER FOR FREE!
      Baked items and pricing can be found on CDA2374                    Now through June 30th, enter
          Website at | (QR Code)                         Promo Code MCGIVNEY2020
               Prices range from $1.00 - $8.00                           at for 12 months of free online
                                                                         membership. Our council number
        Please PRE-ORDER by texting Rosa Herrera                         is 6878. *Online Membership only.
                    at 281-687-5823                                      Visit to
                                                                         join the Knights or contact Grand
                 Thank you for your support!                             Knight, David Herrera at 713-244-
                                                                         4297, for more information.
                                                                         VIVAT JESUS!

                                                                                                         Page 9 |Mayo 09, 2021
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church -

                          Join us for 1, 2, 3 or all 4 trips in 2022!
                          We will be exploring US Canyon Country, Cape
                          Cod & the Islands,The Netherlands, Belgium,
                          and France. Travel information is available
                          on St. Mary Magdalene’s website at

                                                             "WE ARE IN NEED
                                                             OF ADORERS FOR
                                                            MONDAYS & FRIDAYS"
                                                           If you can help us keep
                                                        adoration in our parish, please
                                                          contact Yolanda Vuelvas
                                                               at 281-777-6188
                                                         We currently have adoration
                                                          on Tuesday, Wednesday
                                                                 & Thursday.
                                                          Different hours available.

                                                          ADORADORES PARA LOS
                                                            LUNES Y VIERNES"
                                                           Si puedes ayudarnos a
                                                          continuar la adoración en
                                                         nuestra parroquia, por favor
                                                         contacte a Yolanda Vuelvas
                                                               al 281-777-6188
                                                             Actualmente tenemos
                                                          Adoración los días Martes,
                                                              Miercoles y Jueves
                                                         Diferentes horas disponibles.

Page 10 | Mayo 09, 2021

    We wish all our mothers
    a happy and healthy Mother’s Day!

            "Loving GOD, as a mother gives life and nourishment
                to her children, so you watch over your Church.
              BLESS our mother. Let the example of her FAITH
               and LOVE shine forth. Grant that we, her family,
                    may HONOR her always with a SPIRIT
           of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.
Prayer taken from Catholic Household Blessing and Prayers, Revised Edition.                            Page 11 | Mayo 09, 2021
• MASS / LITURGY                         • GROUPS                                  • OUTREACH MINISTRIES
Darlene Akerman		       (281) 852-9474   David Herrera,                            Chris Rubio              (281) 540-1907
June Domengeaux         (281) 852-2555   Grand Knight          (713) 244-4297      Food pantry, utilities and evictions.
ALTAR GUILD                              CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS                        ASSISTANCE COUNSELING SERVICES
Shirley Jones           (281) 852-0670   Brinder Fondal        (281) 300-4145      (Consejeria) / REJOICE COUNSELING
ALTAR SERVERS                            MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO             APOSTOLATE               (844) -295-3167
Vickie VanGordon        (832) 496-9876   German Pereira        (281) 703-2418      HOSPITAL MINISTRY
Elizabeth Banos         (713) 884-5130   Gloria Pereira        (713) 253-7848      Deacon Ola Branche       (713) 870- 4143
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS                                                            HOMEBOUND MINISTRY
OF HOLY COMMUNION                                                                  Linda Enloe 		           (281) 389-1820
                                         • FORMATION
Freda Monk 		           (713) 962-2865                                             RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY
German Pereira (Esp.)   (281) 703-2418   ADULT FORMATION, CONFIRMATION,            Brenda Baez-Contreras (713) 277-5093
Ron Cecil 		            (281) 590-7528   CATHOLIC (RCIA)                           Rosa Herrera 		          (281) 687-5823
MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY                 Ginger Herrington       (281) 446-2933    BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY
Bert Guempel            (832) 445-8729   CCE/FORMATION                             Madeline Graham          (281) 446-8044
Enrique Reyes (Esp.)    (832) 851-7780   Mike Smith              (281) 446-2933    NURSING HOME MINISTRY
LECTORS                                  ELEMENTARY FORMATION (K-5)                Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park
Denise Ruffino 		       (281) 300-8534   Mike Smith              (281) 446-2933    Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home
Maricarmen Wells (Esp.) (832) 632-9944   IMPACT Young Adult Ministry               VACANT
CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD               Cynthia Hernandez       (713) 302-5119    ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE
Jennifer Loveless       (580) 475-8566   PREPARATION FOR THE                       Darryl B. 		             (713) 256-5529
Raquel Serrano (Esp.)   (832) 790-0058   SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE                     Wayne B. 		              (281) 777-9217
MUSIC MINISTRY                           Ginger Herrington       (281) 446-2933    Florentino V. 		         (832) 605-1881
Perci Cacanindin        (281) 446-8211   YOUTH MINISTRY (6-12)                     Susan G. 		              (281) 813-0575
Yvette Rodriguez        (281) 548-1674   Mike Smith              (281) 446-1241    PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY
                                         RETIROS                                   Ron & Ann McCuen         (281) 852-4743
• DEVOTIONS                              RETIRO DE ACTS                            (
                                         Jesus Aguilar           (713) 679-4623    Lucia (Lucy) Martinez    (915) 503-3533
                                         Lucero Sotelo           (832) 284-1289    1 CHURCH INITIATIVE
Yolanda Vuelvas         (281)777-6188
                                                                                   Ron McCuen 		            (281) 852-4743
Cynthia Castro (Eng.)   (720) 352-4705   • ORGANIZATIONS                           PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY
                                                                                   Jan Crawford 		          (281) 852-3508
Miriam Krohn (Esp.)AM (979) 709-3040     KEENAGERS (60+)                           Kathy Burch 		           (281) 812-9374
Violeta Amador (Esp.)PM (832) 571-6391   Barbara Walker       (281) 852-4103       HELPING HANDS MINISTRY
GRUPO DE ORACIÓN                         YOUNG AT HEART (50+)                      Jan Crawford 		          (281) 852-3508
Romualdo Rico (Esp.)    (346) 423-7555   SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP                       LITTLE DRESSES FOR AFRICA
Patricia Rico		         (832) 329-2625   Jan Crawford         (281) 852-3508       Dottie Gauthier 		       (337) 344-2461
Cynthia Meneses         (832) 492-1742   • MINISTERIO HISPANO                      • OTHERS
Don Beyette 		          (832) 606-4710   Enriquecimiento de fe para adultos,       PASTORAL COUNCIL
Terry Mares 		          (832) 790-0837   sacramentos de confirmación y             Steve Wells		            (281) 536-5534
                                         comunión, el proceso de rica,             FINANCE COUNCIL
• STEWARDSHIP                            patrocinadores de matrimonio,             Bert Guempel 		          (832) 445-8729
                                         bautismo de niños de 0-6 años,            SECURITY TEAM
Tom Kleypas 		          (281) 852-7937   quinceañeras.                             Carl Smith 		            (281) 446-8211
                                         Susie Aramburu           (281) 446-8211

  Page 12 | Mayo 09, 2021
6º Domingo de Pascua, Año B, 9 de mayo de 2021

Dios nos ama primero: El mayor misterio de nuestra fe es que Dios es el primero en ama-
rnos. En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Juan resume esto cuando dice: "No es que hay-
amos amado a Dios, sino que él nos amó y envió a su Hijo como expiación por nuestros
pecados". Esto explica nuestra creación, libre albedrío y redención. Asimismo, la provi-
dencia de Dios y la vida eterna. Dios ha tomado su decisión: amarte a ti y a mi. Ahora
nos toca tomar nuestras propias decisiones. ¿Vamos a devolver el amor con amor? ¿O
vamos a ignorar el sacrificio hecho por el Hijo de Dios al dar su vida por nosotros? Muchas
veces nuestro amor por Dios se manifiesta en la forma en que respondemos a nuestro
Santa Teresa de Calcuta a menudo se le preguntaba por qué invertia tanto tiempo y
energía ayudando personas desahuciadas, y la mayoría de ellos ni siquiera cristianos.
Su respuesta fue que no tenía elección. Ella era cristiana, comprometida a servir a Jesús en el más pobre de
los pobres. Esta cualidad auto-dar del amor divino es lo que hizo que muchos santos destacaran entre otros
cristianos. No podemos dar amor a menos que lo hayamos recibido por primera vez. Por eso Jesús dice hoy:
"Como el Padre me ha amado, así también yo os he amado" (Juan 15:9). Todos hemos experimentado el
amor de alguien que está cerca, de ese amor auténtico que Dios nos da, un amor que es sin uno mismo.
Amar es más que un sentimiento, es una elección que tomamos incluso con nuestras limitaciones, dolores y
sufrimientos. Es el amor lo que hace que los padres respondan al llanto de sus bebés en medio de la noche,
incluso cuando están cansados. Este mismo amor es lo que el niño muestra al padre al respetarlos y obede-
cerlos. El verdadero amor es sacrificial. Dios hizo un sacrificio ofreciendo a su propio Hijo por nuestro bien y
Jesús respondió aceptando voluntariamente al dar su vida por nosotros, sus amigos. Si hemos sido elegidos
por Cristo, debemos aceptar su forma de vida, que es el camino del amor sacrificial haciendo esfuerzo en el
amor asi como él nos ha amado.
Feliz Día de la Madre: Hoy celebramos a nuestras madres de una manera especial, agradeciendo a Dios por
ese don para nuestro mundo. Para muchos de nosotros, nuestras madres fueron las primeras en enseñarnos
acerca de Jesús y nuestra relación con Dios. Las madres fueron la primera fuente de alimento terrenal y
cuidado de sus hijos. Junto con nuestros padres, las madres prepararon el escenario para nuestra comp-
rensión de Dios. Hoy reconocemos el gran don de la maternidad al mundo. ¡Las madres son increíbles! No
podemos apreciar plenamente los sacrificios que nuestras madres han hecho en nuestro nombre. A menudo
es la mujer la que se culpa cuando las cosas no están bien con los niños (al menos en las muchas culturas
africanas) mientras que el padre recibe los elogios cuando los niños sobresalen. Pero si queremos ser objetivos
y sinceros, sabemos que las madres merecen más respeto del que les damos. Para aquellos cuyas madres es-
tán vivas, por favor hagan algo especial por su madre hoy, y por los niños cuyas madres han muerto, guarden
sus recuerdos amorosos en su corazón. Amemos a nuestras madres y damosles las gracias por su amor por
nosotros. ¡Feliz Día de la Madre!
Adoración: Nos gustaría volver a nuestro horario diario de Adoración este mes, teniendola de nuevo de lunes
a viernes de 9:00AM a 9:00PM; actualmente es solamente martes, miércoles y jueves. Puesto que tenemos
exposición del Santísimo Sacramento durante las horas de adoración, nos gustaría tener adoradores que
esten comprometidos con una hora o horas específicas del día antes de agregar los dos días nuevamente.
Puede llamar a Yolanda Vuelvas al 281-777-6188 o enviar un correo electrónico
para programar su hora. Una vez que tengamos al menos dos adoradores por hora para los lunes y/o viernes,
abriremos de nuevo para ambos días.
Voluntarios necesarios: Gracias a aquellos feligreses que han actualizado su información en la parroquia y a
aquellos que se tomaron el tiempo en registrarse como nuevos feligreses. La actualización de la familia par-
roquial está en curso. Recuerde que puede visitar el sitio web de la parroquia para actualizar su información
o registrarse como feligres. Agradecemos su atención a esto. Nuestra parroquia tiene alrededor de 3700
familias en nuestra base de datos, pero sólo alrededor de 1400 tienen algún tipo de actividad registrada.
Queremos llegar a aquellos que no están activos llamándolos. Nuestro personal parroquial y voluntarios harán
llamadas muy pronto, por lo que necesitamos de más voluntarios que nos ayuden a hacer estas llamadas.
Se proporcionará capacitación antes de que los voluntarios comiencen con esta actividad. Por favor, llame
a la oficina parroquial para ser voluntario o envíe un correo electrónico a Susie, secretaria parroquial, al Muchas gracias.

Fr. Felix I. Osasona, MSP ,

                                                                                    Page 13 | Mayo 09, 2021
                                                                      FORMACIÓN/CCE Y MINISTERIO DE JOVENES

                                                           PREPARACIÓN SACRAMENTAL (PRIMAVERA 2021). Si aún
                                                           necesita programar una entrevista reconciliación y/o eucar-
                                                           istía, comuníquese con Josefina o Mike en la Oficina Parroqui-
                                                           al al 281-446-2933. Tenga en cuenta que los alumnos deben
                                                           pasar con éxito la entrevista reconciliación antes de intentar
                                                           la entrevista eucaristía! Una vez que el estudiante haya com-
                                                           pletado TODOS los trabajos del CCE en casa, la familia ten-
                                                           drá fechas para seleccionar una misa de primera comunión
                                                           (8 de mayo en inglés), o fechas de misa de fin de semana
                                                           seleccionadas en mayo y junio. Las familias que participen en
Este fin de semana, la 2da. colecta es por la APOYO el programa "Sacramento de Verano" recibirán información
ESCOLAR. Ve a la Pág. 4 para ver las colectas de la semana por correo electrónico sobre el meting de orientación y las
anterior. Puedes hacer tu donación por ONLINE GIVING!      fechas de la clase; este programa es sólo para los alumnos
                                                           sacramentales 2020-2021.
Anuncios de la Arquidiocesis                                        INSCRIPCIÓN DEL CCE 2021. Tuvimos 180 estudiantes inscri-
                                                                    tos en el CCE en el primer evento de inscripción. El próximo
                                    CONTINUAMOS TRABAJANDO          evento de inscripción para el año catequético 2021 - 2022
                                    DURANTE EL CORONAVIRUS          es el sábado 15 de mayo de 2:00pm a 5:00pm en el FLC.
                                    Somos un apostolado PRO-        Tenga en cuenta que este evento es SOLO para FELIGRESES
                                    VIDA, que ofrece asistencia a   REGISTRADOS (o aquellos que viven dentro de nuestros límites
                                    mujeres que están pasando       parroquiales 77338, 77396, 77346 y 77044. ¡Los padres podrán
                                    por situaciones difíciles.
                                    Durante este tiempo de
                                                                    inscribirse tanto en las clases de CCE como en la preparación
                                    incertidumbre, el Proyecto      sacramental para el próximo año escolar! El evento final de
                                    Gabriel continua su min-        inscripción "temprano" está programado para el sábado 5 de
                                    sterio con nuestras madres      junio. Las familias que no estén registradas, o aquellas que
                                    necesitadas. Si usted o         viven fuera de nuestros límites parroquiales, podrán inscribirse
                                    alguien que conoce esta
                                    experimentando dificultades     en el CCE (si hay espacio disponible) el sábado 21 de agosto.
                                    durante su embarazo, por        Tenga en cuenta que no ofreceremos nuestro programa
                                    favor llama a (713) 225-5826.   en persona "Estudio de Verano" CCE este junio; en su lugar,
                                    ESTAMOS PARA AYUDARLE!          "Summer Home-Based CCE" se ofrecerá a aquellos que qui-
                                                                    eran una opción de verano. Planeamos reanudar las clases
                                                                    de CCE "en persona" este otoño los domingos por la tarde
                                                                    (3:00pm - 4:30pm; grados Kinder - HS) y martes por la noche
                                                                    (6:00pm - 7:30pm; grados Kinder - 8th). Nota: ¡El CCE del miér-
                                                                    coles por la noche se suspende este año! "CCE basado en
                                                                    el hogar" durante el año escolar es siempre una opción para
                                                                    las familias! Toda la preparación sacramental (Confesión, Co-
                                                                    munión y Confirmación) se llevará a cabo "en persona, en el
                                                                    campus" en 2021 - 2022! Tenga en cuenta que el pago de la
                                                                    matrícula CCE se espera en el momento de la inscripción, a
                                                                    menos que se hayan hecho otros arreglos con, y aprobado
                                                                    por, P. Félix por adelantado.
                                                                    CCE HOME-BASED WORK. Al comenzar el último mes del año
                                                                    escolar, por favor termine su trabajo de escuela primaria o
                                                                    secundaria "CCE basado en el hogar"... todas las 21 evalua-
                                                                    ciones en línea deben completarse a finales de mayo. Si ust-
                                                                    ed está en la escuela secundaria (gr. 9 - 12), por favor termine
                                                                    sus libros de texto y llévalos de vuelta a Mike para su revisión.
                                                                    Esto nos permitirá terminar este año catequético, ya que ya
                                                                    hemos comenzado los preparativos para el próximo! Tenga
                                                                    en cuenta que, si no completa la obra este año, no recibirá
                                                                    crédito y tendrá que repetirlo el próximo año... que retrasará
                                                                    cualquier preparación sacramental!
                                                                    MISA DE GRADUADOS 2021. Si usted es un graduado de la
                                                                    escuela secundaria o la universidad este año, queremos hon-
                                                                    rarlo en la "Misa de Graduados" el domingo 23 de mayo en la
                                                                    misa de las 5:00 pm (tenga en cuenta la nueva fecha). Pedi-
                                                                    mos que todos los graduados lleven el vestido de graduación
                                                                    de su escuela a la misa; tendremos asientos reservados para
                                                                    los graduados y usted recibirá una bendición especial en la
                                                                    misa. Comuníquese con Mike Smith al o
                                                                    al 281-446-2933 para que podamos ahorrarle un asiento.

  Page 14 | Mayo 09, 2021
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