St. Mary's Church Our Lady of the Falls Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 - John Patrick Publishing Company

Page created by Samantha Pope
St. Mary's Church Our Lady of the Falls Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 - John Patrick Publishing Company
St. Mary’s Church
                       Our Lady of the Falls † Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
                                                                             Rev. Daniel D’Alliessi, Pastor
                                                                            Rev. John Tran, Parochial Vicar
                                                                              Deacon Mark Wisniewski
                                                                       Rectory & Cemetery ------ 11 Clinton Street
                                                                Mon.– Thurs. 9AM – 5PM; Fri. 9AM – 12N & 1PM – 5PM
                                                                                 Phone 845-297-6261

                                                                              Religious Education Office
                                                                            Mr. Michael McCabe Coordinator
                                                                                     Office Hours
                                                                                Tues. 3:30PM – 4:30PM
                                                                                 Phone 845-297-7586

                                                                                    Parish Trustees
                                                                            Marsha O’Neill ◊ Pasquale Decina

                                         HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS
                  Sundays: Vigil(Saturday): 5:30PM; Morning: 8:00, 10:00AM & 12N (Spanish)
                                  Weekdays: Monday – Friday: 8:30AM
                                Holy Days: Vigil:5:30PM, Day: 12N, 7:00PM
               Angelus and Rosary: Monday – Friday: after 8:30 AM Mass;Sunday:before 12N Mass
                              Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 8:30 Mass
                Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction: First Fridays 12N-1:30 PM
                                CONFESSIONS/ PENANCE/ RECONCILIATION
             Saturdays:3:30 -4:30 PM │Thursday Before First Friday, 4:00-4:30PM│or by appointment.
                              Children should be baptized as soon as possible after birth.
    Prior Baptismal instruction for parents is required. Godparents must be practicing Catholics in good standing.
                                      Please call the Rectory to arrange the date.
                             RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA)
Those who are interested in Catholicism or Catholics who have not received Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, or Penance
                  can call the Office of Religious Education (845-297-7586) for more information.
                                               HOLY MATRIMONY
     To arrange your wedding, call the Rectory as soon as possible, and as a rule at least six months in advance.
                                                CARE OF THE SICK
                         Call the Rectory for Anointing of the Sick and/or regular visitation.
                                         PARISHIONER REGISTRATION
    Registration is one indicator of active parish membership and facilitates in matters such as testimonial letters,
   permission to be a godparent, and school registrations. Registration forms are available in the Church or online.
St. Mary's Church Our Lady of the Falls Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 - John Patrick Publishing Company
December 12, 2021                                                                 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT
                                                                                   NOVEMBER COLLECTION - $33,637
                                                                                          Thank you for your generosity!

Saturday, December 11 Saturday Vigil
5:30 (Vigil) Lena Suraci

Sunday, December 12 Third Sunday of Advent
8:00        Vincent R. and Katheryn Valentino
10:00       Deceased Members Knights of Columbus
12:00       People of the Parish                                                           PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY
                                                                          O Lord, we pray, by the power of Your Spirit give strength
Monday, December 13 St. Lucy                                              and comfort to the men andwomen who serve and protect
8:30        Carolina DeMelis                                                        our country, through Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, December14 St.John of the Cross
8:30         Raymond Pantaleo                                             PO1-Brian C.Trabucco                    CPT – Chad Wallace
                                                                          2 LT–Brian Biwer                        CPT-Steven C. Rohrig
Wednesday, December 15 St. Valerian                                       MAJ–Michael Dembeck                     MAJ - Jennifer Dembeck
8:30        Margaret Wilby
                                                                          LCpl-Richard Goring                     GY SGT–WiltonGarcia
Thursday, December 16 St. Modestus                                        PO3–Michael DeAngelis                   PFC – Richard Rohrig
8:30         Louis and Gloria Muhlbauer                                   PO1-Justin Merritt                      PFC–Taylor N. Parrella
l                                                                         PVT-Nicholas D’Amicantonio              E4-Anthony Eisinger
Friday, December 17 St. Malachi the Prophet                               Archbishop William Muhm                 SGT-Joseph Iadareta
8:30         Sister Thomas Joseph Durkin                                  MAJ-Fr. James B. Collins                CAP-Fr. Peter Pomposello
                                                                          CPT – Steven Thomas                     SPC– Max Lueck
Saturday, December 18 –St. Anastasius                                     SGT-Jacob Simonetty                     CPT – Nicholas Paradie
5:30         Giulia DeSantis                                              PFC – Aidan Simonetty                   PVT – Trevor Surico Pink

Sunday, December 19 Fourth Sunday of Advent                                                    RESPECT LIFE ROSE
8:00        William and Mary P. Mucci
10:00       Joan,Bob, and Peggy Sperber                                  The Rose on the Altar this week        La Rosa cerca del Altar de esta
12:00       People of the Parish                                            is in for the intentions of       semana es para las intenciones de
                                                                                            William and Caroline Bennett

                                                                                                SANCTUARY LAMP
                                                                         The Candle near the Tabernacle        La Vela acerca el Tabernáculo se
Camarita Vazquez, Venera Pellerito, Brian Andrews, Dennis Skea,            burns reminding us of Our              quema recordándonos de la
Christine Trabucco, JohnKadara, Marge Schlueter, Andrew Parisi, Peg        Lord’s real presence in the        presencia real de Nuestro Señor en
Colasurdo, Vivian Thornton, Cathy Vanattia, Ernest Hamm, Fr.                Blessed Sacrament for the          el Santísimo Sacramento para las
Patrick Curley, Fr. Angelo Micciulla, Sheri Polgrean, Donna Fiore,                intentions of                          intenciones de
Margaret Vogt, Gertrude McManus, Mark Kutch, Jacob Buress,
Rob Harrison, Janice Schanck, Theresa Moss, Sheri Polgrean, Bill                                   Richard Gannon
McCord, Ed Logue, Terry Zacchao, Gabriella Cachon, Eleanor
DiMarzio, Frank Colasurdo, Lorraine Moreland, Jean Fitzgerald,                            OFFERTORY BREAD AND WINE
Jason Hadshian, Christopher DiTullio.
Please, inform the rectory of the sick for whom you’d like prayers.          The bread and wine to be            El pan y el vino que se ofrecen
                                                                           offered in the Holy Sacrifice is      en el Santo Sacrificio se donan
                                                                            donated for the intentions of              para las intenciones
                 DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET
                                                                                              John and Teresa Masterson
                    Fridays after 8:30 Mass

                    EMERGENCY PHONE
In an emergency requiring the Sacraments of Penance,
Anointing and Holy Communion for someone in danger of
death call845-421-5792. For anon-emergency, call845-297-6261.                       ADVENT HOLY HOUR AND VESPERS
                                                                                      SUNDAYS DEC. 12,19 @ 2:30 PM
                   HOSPITAL EMERGENCIES                                   To prepare for the Birth of Christ our God, St. Mary's invites
If you or a loved one is admitted to a hospital, make sure to tell the    you to spend an hour of your Advent Sundaysin prayer before
hospital you are Catholic and that you want a Catholic priest to visit    our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and join in the Evening
with the sacraments. If you neglect to do so, you may lose the chance     Prayer of the Church.Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
to receive the sacraments as parish priestsare not allowed in certain     takes place in the Church at 2:30 pm with for silent meditation.
areas where the official priest chaplain is allowed.                      Evening Prayer begins at 3 pm and is followed with
       The 2nd Collection is for Retired Religious.                                  AMERICA NEEDS FATIMA ROSARY
                                                                          Saturday Dec. 18th at 12:00 noon there will be a prayer of the
                                                                          Rosary at the Parking lot at Clinton and West Main. The Rosary
                                                                          will be for “Keep Christ in Christmas”.
St. Mary's Church Our Lady of the Falls Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 - John Patrick Publishing Company
SUNDAY MASS READINGS DECEMBER 12                                                  GENERAL INFORMATION
1stReading Zep 3:14-18a                                             CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF DUTCHESS
Responsorial Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6.                                     CCCSDC is a resource for needy families and individuals in
   V.Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the            Dutchess County. Contact: - 845-452-1400
                great and Holy One of Israel.             
2ndReading Phil 4:4-7
Gospel Lk 3:10-18                                                   ALCOHOL/DRUG ADDICTION
    READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 12                            Call DAYTOP if a loved one has a serious drug or alcohol
Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25; Mt 21:23-27                       problem: 845-876-3789 or Fax 845-876-3276.
Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34; Mt 21:28-32
Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21c-25; Ps 85; Lk 7:18b-23               CRISIS PREGNANCY
Thursday: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lk 7:24-30      For Help contact Care Net Pregnancy Center of the Hudson
Friday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-2, 3-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17         Valley, Poughkeepsie (845) 471-9284 – Life Options Center,
Saturday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25           Yonkers 914-620-4464.
Sunday: Mi 5:1-4a; Ps 80; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45
                                                                    UNPLANNED PREGNANCY?
      CONFESSION SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER                              Birthright is located in Poughkeepsie, near Holy Trinity
               HORARIO DE CONFESION                                 Churchprovides “love, support and hope to women facing
                  Saturday, December18                              unplanned pregnancies”. For counseling, referrals, to
                         3:30-4:30pm                                volunteer or to learn more about their services, please call
       N.B. No scheduled confessions on December 25                 845-473-1300.
                   Monday,December 20
                        11:00-1:00pm                                MORAL MOVIES
                         6:00-8:00pm                                The U.S. Catholic Bishop’s Office of Film and Broadcasting
                  Or call for an appointment                        rates movies:

     PRAYER FOR LIGHTING ADVENT WREATH                              ENCOURAGE
Lord God, let your blessing come upon us as we light the            A Catholic Apostolate for those with loved ones with same sex
candles of this wreath. May the wreath and its light be a sign of   attraction. Know the Church’s teachings on same sex
Christ's promise to bring us salvation. May he come quickly         attraction    and        how        to      give      spiritual
and not delay. We ask this through Christ our Lord.                 support!

                 CATECHETICAL CLASSES                               POST-ABORTION SPIRITUAL HEALING
For anyone interesting about learning more about the Holy           Suffering from an abortion? Want to experience God’s love
Catholic Faith. This week’stopic: Blessed Virgin Mary and the       and mercy and begin the process of spiritual and emotional
Saints. Thurs Dec. 16 7:00 -8:30PM in the school gym. Bring         healing?          Call     866-575-0075      or    e-mail:
mask. For information contact Dcn Mark 845- 298-8663       Men, call 877-
                                                                    586-4621 or e-mail:
                         CONFESSION                                 Confidential.
“Priests have received a power which God has given neither
to angels nor to archangels. It was said to them: “Whatsoever       MORAL MEDICAL DECISIONS
you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and               The National Catholic Bioethics Center offers free
whatsoever you shall loose, shall be loosed.” Temporal rulers       consultation service by orthodox Catholic bioethicists for
have indeed the power of binding: but they can only bind the        decisions on healthcare or medical treatments. In an
body. Priests, in contrast, can bind with a bond which pertains     emergency, call: 215-877-2660, (24/7). Non-emergency:
to the soul itself and transcends the very heavens. Did [God]       call        between        9am-5pm         or         visit
not give them all the powers of heaven? “Whose sins you shall
forgive,” He says, “they are forgiven them; whose sins you
shall retain, they are retained.” The Father has given all
                                                                    SUICIDE & CRISIS PREVENTION INFORMATION
judgment to the Son. And now I see the Son placing all this
                                                                    Crisis Text Line: (Text HOME to 741741)
power in the hands of men [Matt. 10:40; John 20:21-23]. They
                                                                    Suicide Prevention Lifeline-800-273-TALK(8255)
are raised to this dignity as if they were already gathered up
                                                                    Suicide Prevention website (with chat function)
to heaven.”(St. John Chrysostom, AD387, On the Priesthood

                ST. MARYS’S FOOD PANTRY                             DOMESTIC ABUSE HELP
                 Most Thursdays 10am to 12pm                        National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
Is available for those in need. First time clients, please bring    (24/7);800-787-3224 (TTY). If you’re unable to speak safely,
identification. The pantry especially needs: cereal, canned         log on to        In immediate
fruit, instant oatmeal, jelly, broth, snacks, rice, hamburger       danger, call 911. More information:
helper, coffee/tea, syrup, toilitries: shampoo, toothpaste,         life/training-resources/additionalresources/              or
soap. Monetary donations are appreciated as cash or gift card
or check made to “St. Mary’s Church” (in memo:”food
pantry”).                                                                     RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES
                                                                    OFFICEHOURS:Tuesday 3:30-4:30 pm Call 297-7586 or email
                     HELP WANTED                          
The Capuchin Friars of St. Lawrence Friary in Beaon have a job      CLASSES: Tuesday 6:00-7:30 pm/ Dismissal from GYM
opportunity for a CAREGOVER in their infirmary. Night and
weekends. Interested candidates should call (551) 225-4947.                         FREE CATENA BIBLE APP
                                                                    Download on Apple or Android
                                                                    App includes various Scripture translations as well as Patristic
                                                                    and Ecclesiastical commentaries on each verse.
Special thanks to Marisa Wisniewski who has been artfully
arranging the pew ribbons with the color of the liturgical
season. Because of the continuing pandemic, the ribbons have
been maintained on some of the pews so that all feel welcome.
Of course, we look forward to the day when they will not be
needed. Meanwhile, when we see the ribbons let us pray for                 CHRISTMAS DINNER BASKET DONATIONS
both those who cannot be present for valid reasons and those         Due to Covid 19 and a well stocked St. Mary’s food pantry,
who without good reason may be using the pandemic as an              local grocery store gift cards will be distributed to supplement
excuse not to be present at the Holy Sacrifice.                      a Christmas meal this year for those in need. We suggest gift
                                                                     card donations be in $25 amounts. Monetary donations or
                     LEGION OF MARY                                  grocery gift cards can be dropped in the collection basket or
Join us at Legion of Mary meetings onMondays @ 1:15 in St.           brought to the Rectory Office during regular office hours.
Mary’s Cemetery Office to learn more about the Legions               Please send donations by Wednesday Dec. 15th. Any late
apostolate as well as the Catholic Faith, how to enrich your         donations will be applied to the food pantry. Because of
prayer and develop good friendships with fellow Catholics            your immense generosity, not all cards were used for
and most of all with Jesus and his Mother. For more                  Thanksgiving. If there are no objections late and unused
information contact Lynn at 518-281-7077.                            cards and donations will be used forfuture needs.
          LEGION OF MARY FATIMA STATUE                                                       THRIFT SHOP
The Legion of Mary from St. Mary’s Church has custody of a                       Tuesdays and Saturdays10am to 2pm
pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima which parishioners can          St. Mary’s Thrift Shop is located in the School Building. There
request to visit their home to promote praying the Rosary            is something for everyone to be discovered at great prices!
within the family for a week. The family that prays together         Sales benefit St. Mary’s Church’s mission. Donations of
stays together! This devotion is a beautiful way to strengthen       usuable items are accepted Tues and Sat, 10am to 1:30 pm.
family bonds under the mantle of our Blessed Mother, promote
peace, and find prayers answered. To participate in this
                                                                                       MORNING OFFERING
opportunity by calling Eileen 845-297-2337 or Lynn 518-281-
                                                                     My God, I offer You all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings
                                                                     in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the intentions for
                                                                     which He pleads and offers Himself in the Holy Sacrifice of the
                    MEN’S MINISTRY                                   Mass, in thanksgiving for Your favors, in reparation for my
Meeting on Sat, Dec. 18th at 9am via Zoom video or phone             sins, and in humble supplication for my temporal and eternal
audio. The meeting topic is: “Joy to the World”, but, what does      welfare, for the needs of our holy Mother the Church, for the
it mean. For information or to obtain a copy of the discussion       conversion of sinners, and for the relief of the poor souls in
outline call 831-5044, or email               purgatory.
Instructions to connect to the meetings are emailed prior to
meeting.                                                                                ACT OF CONTRITION
                                                                     O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I
     CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS                              detest all my sins, because of Your just punishments, but most
COURT #1534 is selling Foam & Wash car wash tickets at               of all because they offend You, my God, Who are all good and
discounted prices. “Rain X Complete” $14 each or $65 for 5-          deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your
pack and "Plus" $10 each and 5-pack for $45 until the end of         grace, to sin no more and avoid the near occasion of sin.
February. Tickets have no expiration and can be used at any          Amen.
Foam & Wash location. Makes a great Christmas gift. To
purchase contact Eugenia at 914-557-6213/                           SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
                                                                     My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy
                 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS                                 Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive
The Knights of Columbus are a fraternal group of Catholic men        You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You
                                                                     sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace
who promote the works of mercy in the community. Our local
council is always welcoming to new members. The Knights              You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
also rent out space in their meeting hall located at 2660 E Main     Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
St, Wappingers Fallsfor events in keeping with Catholic
teaching. The building is equipped with a dining room,                                 BEARING THE GOOD NEWS
restaurant type kitchen, and more. If you are planning a             What does Zion mean if not the city previously called
gathering after liturgy in a local Catholic parish, for example,     Jerusalem? This is the mountain referred to in that passage
a baptism, first communion, wedding, funeral, or some other          from Scripture: Here is mount Zion, where you dwelt. The
occasion, and would like to rent space call Tom at 914-474-          Apostle says: You have come to mount Zion. Does not this refer
1583.                                                                to the company of the apostles, chosen from the former people
                                                                     of the circumcision?This is the Zion, the Jerusalem, that
    PRAYER TO SAINT LUCY FOR EYE PROBLEMS                            received God’s salvation. It stands aloft on the mountain of
Relying on Your goodness, O God, we humbly ask You,                  God, that is, it is raised high on the only-begotten Word of
                                                                     God. It is commanded to climb the high mountain and
through the intercession of Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr, to
                                                                     announce the word of salvation. Who is the bearer of the good
give perfect vision to our eyes, that they may serve for Your
greater honor and glory. Saint Lucy, hear our prayers and            news but the company of the evangelists? What does it mean
obtain our petitions. Amen.                                          to bear the good news but to preach to all nations, but first of
                                                                     all to the cities of Judah, the coming of Christ on earth?
                 DEALING WITH DIVORCE                                From commentary on Isaiah by Eusebius of Caesarea
DivorceCare Seminar offers spouses and children support and
practical tools to deal with the pain and difficulties of divorce.
Meets most Wednesdays 7pm in St. Mary’s Cemetery Office.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our                                   ADVIENTO
protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May     Señor Dios, deja que tu bendición venga sobre nosotros al
God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of           encender las velas de esta corona.Que la corona y su luz sean
the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan       un signo de la promesa de Cristo de traernos la salvación.Que
and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin    venga pronto y no se demore.Te lo pedimos por Cristo
of souls. Amen.                                                    nuestro Señor.

                        THE ANGELUS                                 APOYE A NUESTROS ANUNCIANTES DEL BOLETÍN
V The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary:                          Agradecemos a los muchos negocios y oficinas que anuncian
R.And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.                            y apoyan la impresión de nuestro boletín dominical. Por favor,
V Behold the handmaid of the Lord:                                 considere patrocinarlos y dígales que vio su anuncio en
R.Be it done unto me according to Thy word.Hail Mary...            nuestro boletín dominical.
V And the Word was made Flesh:
R. And dwelt among us.Hail Mary...                                     BENDICIÓN DE LA CORONILLA DE ADVIENTO
V Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made           Señor Dios, deja que tu bendición venga sobre nosotros al
worthy of the promises of Christ.                                  encender las velas de esta coronilla. Que la coronilla y su luz
V Let us pray:Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace       sean un signo de la promesa de Cristo de traernos la
into our hearts; that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy   salvación. Que venga pronto y no se demore. Te lo pedimos
Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His         por Cristo nuestro Señor.
Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection,
through the same Christ Our Lord.Amen.                                            LOS CABALLEROS DE COLÓN
                                                                   Los Caballeros de Colón son un grupo fraterno de hombres
   LECTURA DE LA SEMANA DE 12 DE DICIEMBRE                         católicos que promueven obras de misericordia.Nuestro
1aLectura Sof 3, 14-18                                             consejo local siempre da la bienvenida a nuevos
Salmo Responsorial Is 12, 2-3. 4bcd. 5-6                           miembros.Los Caballeros también alquilan espacio en su
         V.. El Señor es mi Dios y salvador.                       salón de reuniones ubicado en 2660 E MainSt, Wappingers
2ª Lectura Flp 4, 4-7                                              Falls, NY 12590 para eventos de acuerdo con la enseñanza
Evangelio Lc 3, 10-18                                              católica.El edificio está equipado con sala comedor, cocina
LECTURA DE LA SEMANA DE 12 DE DICIEMBRE                            tipo restaurante, y más.Si está planeando una reunión después
Lunes: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Sal 24; Mt 21:23-27                      de la liturgia en una parroquia católica local, por ejemplo, un
Martes: So 3:1-2, 9-13; Sal 33; Mt 21:28-32                        bautismo, una primera comunión, una boda, un funeral o
Miércoles: Is 45:6-8, 18, 21-25; Sal 84; Lc 7:19-23                alguna otra ocasión, y le gustaría alquilar un espacio, llame a
Jueves: Is 54:1-10; Sal 29:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lc 7:24-30      Tom al 914-474-1583.
Viernes: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Sal 71:2, 3-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17
Sábado: Jr 23:5-8; Sal 71:2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Mt 1:18-24                   ORACIÓN A SANTA LUCÍA POR LOS OJOS
Domingo: Miq 5:1-4a; Sal 79; Heb 10:5-10; Lc 1:39-45               Confiando en Tu bondad, oh Dios, te pedimos humildemente,
                                                                   por intercesión de Santa Lucía, Virgen y Mártir, que des una
              TIENDA DE SEGUNDA MANO                               perfecta visión a nuestros ojos, para que sirvan para Tu mayor
            Martes y Sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 h.                   honor y gloria.Santa Lucía, escucha nuestras oraciones y obtén
St. Mary'sThrift Shop se encuentra en el edificio de la            nuestras peticiones.Amén.
escuela.¡Hay algo para todos por descubrir a excelentes
precios!Las ventas benefician la misión de la Iglesia de Santa                    UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS
María.Se aceptan donaciones de artículos útiles los martes y       “¿Hay alguien enfermo entre ustedes? Que mande llamar a los
sábados, de 10 am-1:30 pm.                                         sacerdotes de la Iglesia y que oren por él, ungiéndole con
                                                                   aceite en el nombre del Señor ”. (Santiago 5:14)
          COMIDA POR LOS QUE NECESITAN                             ¿Qué es la unción de los enfermos? Es uno de los siete
                  Jueves de 10 am a 12 pm                          sacramentos que, mediante la unción del sacerdote con el
Clientes nuevos: traigan prueba de identidad. Donantes: la         aceite bendito, y mediante su oración, da salud y fuerza al
despensa necesita: cereales, frutas enlatadas, avena               alma y, a veces, al cuerpo.
instantánea, gelatina, caldo, bocadillos, arroz, ayudante de       ¿Quién puede recibir la unción de los enfermos? Un
hamburguesas, café/té, jarabe; champú, pasta de dientes,           católico, en estado de gracia, que ha alcanzado el uso de la
jabón. Se aprecian como dinero en efectivo, tarjeta de regalo      razón y cuya salud se ha visto seriamente afectada por una
o cheque a nombre de “St. Mary's Church "(en nota:"Pantry          enfermedad, la vejez o un accidente. Las personas mayores
                                                                   pueden ser ungidas si se han debilitado notablemente aunque
  ADVIENTO HORA SANTA Y VESPERS DOMINGOS                           no tengan una enfermedad grave. Aquellos que tienen una
                 DIC.12,19 a las 2:30 PM                           enfermedad que requiere cirugía también deben buscar la
Para prepararse para el nacimiento de Cristo nuestro Dios,         unción.
Santa María le invita a pasar una hora de su domingo de            ¿Puedo recibir la unción más de una vez? La Santa Cena
Adviento en oración ante nuestro Señor en el Santísimo             puede repetirse si, habiéndose recuperado de la última
Sacramento y unirse a la Oración de la tarde de la Liturgia de     unción, se vuelve a debilitar gravemente o si la misma
las Horas de la Iglesia.tendrá lugar en la Iglesia a las 2:30 pm   enfermedad ha empeorado. Si no está seguro de su
y permitirá media hora de meditación en silencio.La oración        elegibilidad para este sacramento, comuníquese con la
de la tarde comenzará a las 3 pm y la bendición comenzará          rectoría o hable con un sacerdote antes de la misa.
alrededor de las 3:20 y concluirá a las 3:30 pm.Mark presidirá.

Martes 3: 30-4: 30 pm Llame al 297-7586 o envíe un correo
electrónico a
EL ANGELUS                                            COMPARTIENDO EL EVANGELIO
V. El Ángel del Señor anunció a María.                              Una voz grita en el desierto: «Preparad un camino al Señor,
R. Y ella concibió por obra del Espíritu Santo. (Ave Maria)         allanad una calzada para nuestro Dios.» EL profeta declara
V. He aquí la esclava del Señor.                                    abiertamente que su vaticinio no ha de realizarse en
R. Hágase en mi según Tu palabra. (Ave Maria)                       Jerusalén, sino en el desierto; a saber, que se manifestará
V. Y el Verbo se hizo carne.                                        la gloria del Señor, y la salvación de Dios llegará a
R. Y habitó entre nosotros. (Ave Maria)                             conocimiento de todos los hombres. Y todo esto, de
V. Ruega por nosotros, Santa Madre de Dios,
                                                                    acuerdo con la historia y a la letra, se cumplió
R. Para que seamos dignos de alcanzar las promesas de
                                                                    precisamente      cuando    Juan    Bautista    predicó   el
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
V. Oremos. Te suplicamos, Señor, que derrames Tu gracia en          advenimiento salvador de Dios en el desierto del Jordán,
nuestras almas para que los que, por el anuncio del Ángel,          donde la salvación de Dios se dejó ver. Pues Cristo y su
hemos conocido la encarnación de Tu Hijo Jesucristo, por Su         gloria se pusieron de manifiesto para todos cuando, una
Pasión y Cruz, seamos llevados a la gloria de Su Resurrección.      vez bautizado, se abrieron los cielos y el Espíritu Santo
Por el mismo Jesucristo Nuestro Señor. Amén.                        descendió en forma de paloma y se posó sobre él,
                                                                    mientras se oía la voz del Padre que daba testimonio de su
                          CONFESIÓN                                 Hijo: Éste es mi Hijo, el amado; escuchadlo. Todo esto se
“Los sacerdotes han recibido un poder que Dios no ha dado ni        decía porque Dios había de presentarse en el desierto,
a los ángeles ni a los arcángeles.Se les dijo: “Todo lo que atéis   impracticable e inaccesible desde siempre. Se trataba, en
en la tierra, será atado en el cielo;y todo lo que desatares,       efecto, de todas las gentes privadas del conocimiento de
será desatado ".Los gobernantes temporales tienen el poder          Dios, con las que no pudieron entrar en contacto los justos
de atar, pero solo pueden atar el cuerpo.Los sacerdotes, por        de Dios y los profetas. Por este motivo, aquella voz manda
el contrario, pueden unirse con un vínculo que pertenece al         preparar un camino para la Palabra de Dios, así como
alma misma y trasciende los mismos cielos.¿No les dio [Dios]        allanar sus obstáculos y asperezas, para que cuando venga
todos los poderes del cielo?“A quienes perdonaréis los              nuestro Dios pueda caminar sin dificultad. Preparad un
pecados”, dice, “les son perdonados;cuyos pecados
                                                                    camino al Señor: se trata de la predicación evangélica y de
retendrás, serán retenidos ".El Padre ha dado todo el juicio al
                                                                    la nueva consolación, con el deseo de que la salvación de
Hijo.Y ahora veo al Hijo poniendo todo este poder en manos
de los hombres [Mat.10:40;Juan 20: 21-23].Son elevados a esta
                                                                    Dios llegue a conocimiento de todos los hombres. Súbete a
dignidad como si ya estuvieran reunidos en el cielo ”(San Juan      un monte elevado, heraldo de Sión; alza fuerte la voz,
Crisóstomo, 387 d.C., Sobre el sacerdocio 3: 5).                    heraldo de Jerusalén. Estas expresiones de los antiguos
                                                                    profetas encajan muy bien y se refieren con oportunidad a
               DAILY MORNING PRAYER                                 los evangelistas: ellas anuncian el advenimiento de Dios a
DOMINE Deus omnipotens, qui ad principium huius diei nos            los hombres, después de haberse hablado de la voz que
pervenire fecisti; tua nos hodie salva virtute; ut hac die ad       grita en el desierto. Pues a la profecía de Juan Bautista
nullum declinemus peccatum, sed semper ad tuam iustitiam            sigue coherentemente la mención de los evangelistas.
faciendam nostra procedant eloquia, dirigantur cogitationes et      ¿Cuál es esta Sión sino aquella misma que antes se llamaba
opera. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.                          Jerusalén? Y ella misma era aquel monte al que la Escritura
                                                                    se refiere cuando dice: El monte Sión donde pusiste tu
Señor Dios Todopoderoso, que nos has traído al principio de         morada; y el Apóstol: Os habéis acercado al monte Sión.
este día; sálvanos hoy con tu fuerza, para que en este día no       ¿Acaso de esta forma se estará aludiendo al coro
nos volvamos a pecado, pero que nuestras palabras procedan          apostólico, escogido de entre el primitivo pueblo de la
siempre, y nuestros pensamientos y obras sean dirigidos para        circuncisión? Y esta Sión y Jerusalén es la que recibió la
hacer tu justicia. Por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén.                  salvación de Dios, la misma que a su vez se yergue
                                                                    sublime sobre el monte de Dios, es decir, sobre su Verbo
Lord God Almighty, who hast brought us to the beginning of
                                                                    unigénito: a la cual Dios manda que, una vez ascendida la
this day; save us today by your power,so that in this day we
                                                                    sublime cumbre, anuncie la palabra de salvación. ¿Y quién
may not fall back into sin, but that our words may proceed
                                                                    es el que evangeliza sino el coro apostólico? ¿Y qué es
always and our thoughts and works may be directed to doing
your justice. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.                        evangelizar? Predicar a todos los hombres, y en primer
                                                                    lugar a las ciudades de Judá, que Cristo ha venido a la
Debido a Covid 19 y una despensa de alimentos bien surtida          Del comentario del libro de Isaías por Eusebio de Cesarea
de St. Mary's, se distribuirán tarjetas de regalo de las tiendas
de comestibles locales para complementar una comida de
Navidad este año para aquellos que lo necesiten.Sugerimos
que las donaciones de tarjetas de regalo sean en cantidades
de $ 25.Las donaciones monetarias o las tarjetas de regalo de
comestibles pueden depositarse en la caja de recolección en
la parte trasera de la iglesia o llevarse a la oficina de la
rectoría durante los años regulares de oficina.Envíe las
donaciones antes del miércoles 15 de diciembre.Cualquier
donación tardía se aplicará a la despensa de
alimentos.Debido a su inmensa generosidad, no todas las
tarjetas se usaron para el Día de Acción de Gracias.Si no hay
objeciones, las tarjetas y donaciones no utilizadas se utilizarán
para el FoodPantyr
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                                                                                                     Kristin L. Catalano
                                                                                                          Funeral Director
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                    55 East Main Street • P.O. Box 131                                                    Funeral Director
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                               (845) 297-2610                     
4009 St. Mary’s Church, Wappingers Falls, NY (B)                                                                  John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 •
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