Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary

Page created by Lewis Rhodes
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary

   Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC.
As his body grows weaker, his spirit grows deeper and stronger as he
gets closer to the God he came to know, love and serve here on earth.
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
 SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY                                                 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH
                                                                                 724 E. Bonita Avenue • San Dimas, CA. 91773
                    Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC.                        Phone (909) 599-1243
                    Fr. John Roche, SS.CC.

Al & Rita Austin .................... x.178                   Temporary Office Phone Hours
Marv Estey ........................ x.177
Jose & Maria Guadamuz .. x.110                              CLOSED FOR WALK-INS
Mario & Irene Lopez ....... x.110                          Monday-Friday ….9:00 am—2:00 pm
Amante & Christina Pulido x.172

Pastor ....................... Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC. ......................................x. 118
Associate Pastor ................Fr. John Roche, SS.CC.                          WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE ................................................x.          All Masses Suspended
Receptionist ..……………………Claude Bahouth                                            . x. 110                DAILY MASS SCHEDULE
Director of Administration ..................... Pat Joyce                       All Masses Suspended ........................................... x. 112             .
Director of Pastoral Ministry .............. Lani Galvan ........................................... x. 111            SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
Director of Music ........................ Trevor Thomson                        Please call the parish office to speak with a priest. ...................................... x. 135               .
Bereavement & Marriage.................. Brenda Luna                             EARLY MORNING ADORATION .................................... x. 137                 Suspended
Staff Accountant ............................ Salah Bahouth                      . ....................................... x. 198               LITURGY OF THE HOURS
Administrative Assistant .................. Michele Cote .................................... x. 199                Suspended.
Communications Coordinator ...... Gabby Pedrego .................................... x. 136                  MISAS Y SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL
Catechetical Programs Coord. ...... Melanie Bailey                               Todas las misas Y Servicios han sido suspendidOs ................................... x. 232
Confirmation Coord. ...................... Jamie Alarcon ....................................... x. 220
Youth Ministry Coord. .................... Candice Mora ................................... x. 234
Rel. ED. Admin. Assistant ........ Erika Montenegro ........................................ x. 280                  Gathered with Mary as
Weekend Receptionist ...................... Maria Triska ...................................... x. 109
Marriage Annulments..... MaryAnn Brewer-Nolan
                                                                                    one family in the Eucharist
St. Vincent de Paul Society ......................... x. 138
                                                                                We are called to live the love of Jesus
                                                                                                Holy Name of Mary Mission Statement

Holy Name of Mary School
124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773                               Follow us HNM PARISH for Prayerful
Principal ..................................... Debbie Marquez                  Moments with Fr. Chris, Coffee Breaks ................................ x. 226                     with Fr. John, Music Videos, and
                                                         Sunday Mass!
                      Phone: (909) 542-0449

2 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                                                       WELCOME TO HOLY NAME OF MARY
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
Alma “Rita” Luna, Patty Thoman,
Bertha Garcia, Paul Zayas, Dave              Due to all Masses being suspended at this time,
Prescott, Victoria Camarella, Edna
Duke, Wayne Demitrico, Nora Rojas,           we will honor all Mass Intentions at a later Mass.
Sue Wise, Graig Tinucci, Jaqui
Bradley, Dolores Haynes, Michelle
Lafargue, Mireya Donoso, Mona
Marie Corral, Maria Ramos, Dr. Luis
Valdez, Eli Moya, Charlie Tinucci,
Mona Corral, Kevin Byron, Edna
Tabah, Marylin Graham, Maria
Calderon, Yvonne Maris-Negron, Dan
Eubanks, Ernestina Valdez, Joseph
Saikali, Maria Romo, Amanda
Caballero, Eva Sherbondy, Celia
Gallardo, Carlos Cruz, Rosanne and
Ed Chavez, Rita Luna, Natalie Sands,
Marcos Loaiza Jr., Martha Hanna, Tom
Nolan, Susan David, Lilliana and Edwin
Rodriguez, Arleene Lujan, Aissa Macis.
May you have rest and peace in
your heart. May angels surround
your bed through the night. May each
day bring healing with the dawn,
Restore your energy, and heal your
wounds. May hope remain within
your heart, As you find new strength
and make a new start. I pray you'll
soon be well, To love and live and
enjoy life again. Amen.

 Donald Clifton                               Call our Parish Office to send us your
 Paul Ramirez
 Russell Giordana
                                             Prayer Requests. One of our priest will offer
                                               these prayer requests in a private Mass.

                                             PRAYER DURING A HEALTH CRISIS
Readings for the week of
May 17, 2020.                                Compassionate and Loving Father,
Sunday: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17/Ps 66:1-3, 4-      In the face of confusion and concern
5, 6-7, 16, 20 [1]/1 Pt 3:15-18/Jn 14:15-    impart to us the calm of your presence.
Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4,
                                             In You allow us to find hope and healing.
5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Jn 15:26—16:4a          Be with those who serve the sick and give them
Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Ps 138:1-2ab,         Your caring hands.
2cde-3, 7c-8 [7c]/Jn 16:5-11                 Be with those who lead and give them Your Spirit of wisdom.
Wednesday:         Acts 17:15, 22—18:1/Ps    Be with those who have fallen ill and give them
148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14/Jn 16:12-15           Your comforting heart.
Thursday:          Acts 18:1-8/Ps 98:1, 2-
3ab, 3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/Jn 16:16-20              Wrap your arms around our world and hold us in your love.
Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9   Allow us at this time of trial to then
[6]/Eph 1:17-23/Mt 28:16-20                  serve as instruments of that love to all we meet.
Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7     We ask this in Your Name.
[8a]/Jn 16:20-23
Saturday:          Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-
3, 8-9, 10 [8a]/Jn 16:23b-28                 Amen.                                                 ©LPi
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
RECALCULATING OUR LIVES                                      During this period of personal and societal restrictions,
DURING COVID-19                                              we can choose how we will live once these limitations are
                                                             lifted. We can recalculate the manner of our lives, the
Recently scientists observed that the massive hole in the    values we uphold, the example we set. We can choose
ozone layer that developed since the acceleration of         to pollute more or less; we can decide to invest in-
pollution we pumped into the atmosphere, has repaired        creased time in our families; we can lovingly serve our
itself. At its worst it was 3 times the size of Greenland.   neighbor because it’s the right thing to do. Until life re-
Contributing factors to this improvement include lower       turns to whatever normal will look like, we can recalcu-
arctic temperatures, a strong polar vortex – and most        late the people we choose to be as Catholic Christians.
recently the vast reduction of pollutants we have put into
the atmosphere while we have driven less and global         Living in this vastly different Easter Season, we recall the
production has drastically slowed.                          sacrifices that Our Lord made for us. Remembering His
                                                            suffering and death on the cross could help us put the
I have spoken with a few families with children and teen- present sacrifices into perspective. We do not only live
agers who have struggled at times to support each other for ourselves – we are called to make decisions that help
during these stay-at-home orders. Prior to the Covid-19 our neighbors near and far live well.
pandemic, they found themselves harried with supporting
their children in many activities like dance, gymnastics,   As your Pastor and brother, I ask God’s blessings on
and sporting events. These were worthwhile for their chil- each of us to discern well what we our futures may look
dren’s lives – but these families are rethinking that after like in the light of faith. I pray we use this time to discern
Covid-19 they may decide to have fewer activities out- well how we have lived our lives in the past – and walk
side the home and more family time together.                with the Lord to help us recalculate areas of our lives
                                                            that may have been selfish, greedy, or egocentric. If you
After a man mowed his lawn on his riding mower, he          are like me, we have not always treated our neighbor
went to the home of an elderly neighbor who is blind        as ourselves. We have not always sought to learn about
and mowed her lawn. Instead of asking her permission, how our actions and attitudes affect other people. With
he realized her lawn needed some attention and he act- God’s help, may this time of Covid-19 restrictions sup-
                                                            port us toward living more authentic, human lives after
ed upon it as a good neighbor.
                                                            these restrictions are lifted.
Before we used apps on our telephones for driving di-
rections, many of us had separate GPS devices to help
us navigate the roads. I remember using one of those –
and I particularly recall what happened if I missed an
exit or a turn. A voice from the machine blurted RECAL-
CULATING with a surly
voice that sounded like
the GPS was being in-
convenienced because I
disobeyed the direc-
tions. The GPS would
reroute me to my desti-

4 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                                        FROM THE PASTOR
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary

Recientemente, los científicos observaron que el agujero
masivo en la capa de ozono que se desarrolló desde la
aceleración de la contaminación que bombeamos a la
atmósfera se ha reparado. En el peor de los casos, era
3 veces el tamaño de Groenlandia. Los factores que
contribuyen a esta mejora incluyen temperaturas árticas
más bajas, un fuerte vórtice polar y, más recientemente,
la gran reducción de contaminantes que hemos deposita-
do en la atmósfera mientras hemos impulsado menos y la
producción mundial se ha reducido drásticamente.

He hablado con algunas familias con niños y adolescen-
tes que a veces han luchado para apoyarse mutuamente
durante estas órdenes de quedarse en casa. Antes de la
pandemia de Covid-19, se vieron acosados con apoyar
a sus hijos en muchas actividades como baile, gimnasia y
eventos deportivos. Esto valió la pena para la vida de
sus hijos, pero estas familias están reconsiderando que
después de Covid-19 pueden decidir tener menos ac-
tividades fuera del hogar y más tiempo en familia.

Después de que un hombre cortara el césped en su cor-
tacésped, fue a la casa de un vecino anciano que es cie-
go y cortó el césped. En lugar de pedirle permiso, se dio
cuenta de que su césped necesitaba algo de atención y
                                                          nosotros. Recordar su sufrimiento y muerte en la cruz po-
actuó como un buen vecino.
                                                          dría ayudarnos a poner en perspectiva los sacrificios
                                                          actuales. No solo vivimos para nosotros mismos, estamos
Antes de usar las aplicaciones en nuestros teléfonos para
                                                          llamados a tomar decisiones que ayuden a nuestros
las indicaciones de manejo, muchos de nosotros teníamos
                                                          vecinos cercanos y lejanos a vivir bien.
dispositivos GPS separados para ayudarnos a navegar
por las carreteras. Recuerdo haber usado uno de esos, y
                                                          Como su Pastor y hermano, le pido a Dios la bendición
recuerdo especialmente lo que sucedió si me perdí una
                                                          de cada uno de nosotros para discernir bien cómo será
salida o un giro. Una voz de la máquina gritó RECALCU-
                                                          nuestro futuro a la luz de la fe. Ruego que usemos este
LANDO con una voz hosca que sonaba como si el GPS
                                                          tiempo para discernir bien cómo hemos vivido nuestras
estuviera siendo molestado porque desobedecí las in-
                                                          vidas en el pasado, y caminar con el Señor para
strucciones. El GPS me redirigiría a mi destino.
                                                          ayudarnos a recalcular áreas de nuestras vidas que
                                                          pueden haber sido egoístas, codiciosas o egocéntricas. Si
Durante este período de restricciones personales y so-
                                                          eres como yo, no siempre hemos tratado a nuestro
ciales, podemos elegir cómo viviremos una vez que se
                                                          prójimo como a nosotros mismos. No siempre hemos trat-
eliminen estas limitaciones. Podemos recalcular la forma
                                                          ado de aprender cómo nuestras acciones y actitudes
de nuestras vidas, los valores que defendemos, el ejem-
                                                          afectan a otras personas. Con la ayuda de Dios, que
plo que damos. Podemos elegir contaminar más o menos;
                                                          esta vez las restricciones de Covid-19 nos ayuden a vivir
podemos decidir invertir más tiempo en nuestras famili-
                                                          vidas humanas más auténticas después de que se le-
as; podemos servir amorosamente a nuestro prójimo
                                                          vanten estas restricciones.
porque es lo correcto. Hasta que la vida vuelva a lo nor-
mal, podemos recalcular a las personas que elegimos ser
como cristianos católicos.

Viviendo en esta temporada de Pascua muy diferente,
recordamos los sacrificios que Nuestro Señor hizo por

                                                                                            MAY 17, 2020 5
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
Our Mother’s Day
      Mass is in honor of...
Mary Alcantar          Lani Galvan            Montserrat Luebke
Lillian Altmanshofer   Ann Gleason            Eleanor Lyons
Marla Altmanshofer     Elena Godinez          Mary Ann Lyons
Audrey Allsop          Jenny Gomez            Lily Madden               Esther Romero
Mary Allsop            Dominga Gonzalez       Ines Magallanes           Carmen Sandoval
Peggy Amaro            Judy Graven            Marcy Manegdeg            Anna Saporito
Irene Andreu           Helen Gutierrez        Ada Manegdeg              Marie Scanlan
Rosemary Andreu        Lisa Perez Gutierrez   Nora McCarthy             Helen Sceglio
Felicia Aquino         Lisa Gutierrez         Ginette Miller            Etta Scurti
Rosa Arana             Marcie Gutierrez       Ann Miltimore             Phyllis Sether
Rose Marie Armstrong   Nellie Gutierrez       Judy Morell               Dawn Severson
Margaret Barret        Ophelia Gutierrez      Myrle Margaret Morisson   Lauren Skinner
Caroline Brammer       Rosie Gutierrez        – LaPointe                Sharon Skinner
Holly J. Beck          Joanne Haase           Joan Monhollen            Sandy Snow
Sarah Callari          Elena Harrington       Janki Motwani             Jennie Somma
Nancy Campa            Brigitte Harrington    Claire Murphy             Ofelia Soto
Rosemary Campa         Susan Harvey           Anna Nuares               Phyllis Terich
Frances Caruso         Aida Hattar            Martha Nuares             Renee Teunisse
Marie Caruso Colaner   Connie Hernandez       Helen Nuccio              Charlotte Tinucci
Sue Cauley             Brianna Johnson        Kimberly O'Hallaron       Geraldine Townsend
Anita Chico            Wanda Juzefozyk        Agnes Ortega              Alma Tracy
Marisol Corona         Jenny Kidd             Mary Belle Ortega         Maria Vasquez
Keri Cruz              Kristi Kidd            Jenny Ostrander           Louise Venezia
Irma Davis             Mary Kidd              Angie Partida             Gail Wagner
Guadalupe DeAlvarado   Nancy Kidd             Jessica Porter            Kara Walker
Rose DiLazzaro         Peggy Kidd             Antonia Chavez Ramirez    Marie Wilson
Aurora Dorantes        Pam Klock              Arlene Ramirez            Mary Wilson
Lisa Elder             Evelyn Kohles          Rose Reh                  Madelyn Zanoni
Mary Escandón          Alma Kruse             Angela Rico
Michelle Esparza       Kim Lambrecht          Carmen Rivas
Josephine Flannery     Anne Lazzari           Mary Rodriguez            For all the beautiful
Lori Fontan            Laura Leon             Faye Roman                Mama's in our parish and
Carolina Fontan        Lorraine Leiva         Vicki Roman               community.
Luciele Frilot         Rosario Lopez          Esther Romeld
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC.

                                               Please continue to pray for Father PD.
                                                   We have stopped medications.

                                                As his body grows weaker, his spirit
                                               grows deeper and stronger as he gets
                                                closer to the God he came to know,
                                                   love and serve here on earth.

                               HOLY NAME OF MARY SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD
                             IS SEEKING 2 CANDIDATES FOR THE GENERAL BOARD
                         "By Drawing on the expertise and experience of its members, The School
                         Advisory Board helps secure the future of the school as in institution of
                         education and formation in Catholic moral principles and traditions and in
                         all aspects of education. Sharing responsibility with the Pastor, the School
                         Advisory Board is established as a consultative body responsible for advis-
                         ing the Pastor and Principal in matters of policy at Holy Name of Mary
                         School." (Constitution By Laws, 2018)

                         The Board currently consists of approximately 15 members from our
                         Parish and School with differing talents ranging from small business
                         owners to education professionals and ALL with a commitment to the sus-
                         tainability and success of our Catholic school. We are seeking 2 parish-
                         ioners who are motivated to be part of this dynamic group. The Board
                         meets on the 3rd Monday of the month August-May.

                         If you are interested in serving our Parish Community in this fashion,
                         please email the School Principal, Mrs. Deborah Marquez

                          "Called to live the love of Jesus, we are committed to the unfolding of
faith and high academic standards in every child's heart and mind." ~HNM School Mission Statement
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
Open to students Grades 2nd-8th

All students will receive an Individualized
Instructional Plan for ELA and Math.
Students are able to work at their own pace.
The program is web based and 100% portable with internet access.
Upon prior approval, our Online Summer School can meet most summer
school requirements.

Students that participate in our online summer program receive an Individual
Learning Path (ILP) to help bridge past academic gaps and to help with student
acceleration. The students that participated in this program last summer displayed
an average of 6 months growth in math and 3 months growth in reading.

10 weeks of access and personal teacher support on a regular basis - $350
For information, please contact:

Greetings, VBS participants!
I am reaching out to get your input on Vacation
Bible School 2020.

VBS is near and dear to the hearts of all of us
here at Holy Name of Mary who work on it. Our
office staff has been brainstorming options for
2020 for the past month. But as our health crisis
continues and gathering limitations seem likely to
extend through the summer, we are narrowing
down what options are reasonable. At this point,
we NEED your input! Is a virtual VBS the right
choice for our parish? Is your family available
and interested in participating? We would GREATLY appreciate hearing your thoughts – please
let us know by completing this survey (should take less than 5 minutes):
Thank you in advance for your input. Most importantly, please pray for the Holy Spirit to guide
us in our Vacation Bible School discernment. We know what a beautiful, powerful journey of faith
that VBS can be, and we leave our next steps in the hands of our Gracious God.

Thank you and God bless your family,
Melanie Bailey
Faith Formation Office (909) 599-1243 x232

Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
A BRIEF HISTORY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA                          The next year, he took a
The Catholic Church celebrates the anniversary of the events   bullet fragment that had
at the Cova da Iria area of Fatima, Portugal, witnessed by     entered his body and had it
three shepherd children who reported that they saw visions     placed in the crown of the
of Mary beginning on May 13, 1917, and then again on the       famed statue of Our Lady
13th day of five subsequent months.                            of Fatima in Portugal. Sister
                                                               Lucia herself indicated that
                                                               she agreed with this inter-
While tending sheep in a field, Lucia dos Santos and her two pretation as a prophetic
younger cousins, Blesseds Francisco and Jacinta Marto, re-     vision of the struggle of
ported seeing a woman dressed in all white, “more brilliant atheistic communism against
than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than Christianity and the suffer-
a crystal glass filled with the most sparkling water and       ings of those persecuted for
pierced by the burning rays of the sun.” Calling herself “Our their faith.
Lady of the Rosary,” Mary asked the children to pray the
Rosary daily for the conversion of sinners. She asked for
prayer, penance, and the consecration of Russia to her Im-     That day, St. John Paul II
maculate Heart.                                                made the feast day of Our
                                                               Lady of Fatima universal by
                                                               including it in the Roman
On October 13, 1930, Bishop Jose Alves Correia da Silva of Missal and beatified the
the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima announced the re-                 two deceased seers, Jacinta
sults of the investigative commission and formally ap-         and Francisco. When canon-
proved the apparitions. Every pope thereafter has recog- ized, they will become the
nized these events and has emphasized the importance of        youngest non-martyred saints in church history.
Our Lady of Fatima and the devotion to her Immaculate
                                                               In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI lifted the normal five-year wait-
                                                               ing period to begin the canonization process of Sister Lucia
The most spectacular of the apparitions was the sixth and      dos Santos who died at age 97 in 2005.
final one on October 13, 1917, when Mary appeared with
St. Joseph. A crowd of 70,000 witnessed the sun dance, spin,
display in various colors and descend on them, drying their    Fatima has become an important place of pilgrimage with
rain-soaked clothes and the land. The sun miracle was report- five million people per year coming to the Basilica of Our
ed by people as far as 40 miles away.                          Lady of the Rosary, the construction of which began in 1928.

Due to the 1918 influenza epidemic, the two younger chil-       This 100th year of the Fatima apparitions is cause for great
dren did not live long beyond the apparition events. Francis-   joy and celebration, as are anniversaries of any of the very
co, ten, requested his first Communion on his deathbed and      rare, highly approved, and celebrated examples of the mir-
passed away the following day, April 4, 1919. Jacinta died      acles found in the Catholic Church. Lourdes, Guadalupe, Di-
on February 20, 1920, at age nine after an unsuccessful op-     vine Mercy, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus visions of St. Mar-
eration for an abscess in her chest.                            garet Mary Alacoque are examples with papal recognition,
                                                                canonized visionaries, basilicas, and feast days on the Roman
Lucia became a postulant at the convent of the Institute of the
Sisters of St. Dorothy at Pontevedra, Spain, but later entered
the Carmelite convent in Coimbra, Portugal, where she re-       It must be remembered by the faithful, however, that these
mained until her death in 2005.                                 events belong to private revelation as opposed to public rev-
                                                                elation, which is meant for all people for all time and has
                                                                been completed by Christ.
Mary had given the children a secret in three parts. The first
was a vision of hell. She also spoke of impending war and
the need for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate       When giving approval to such spectacular supernatu-
Heart; otherwise, communist Russia would “spread her errors ral events, the competent authority—normally the local
throughout the world.”                                          bishop—is declaring that they are “worthy of belief.”

On May 13, 2000, St. John Paul II, at the end of Mass in Fat-   Catholics are under no obligation to place their belief in such
ima with Sister Lucia in attendance, authorized Cardinal An-    occurrences and may choose to incorporate them into their
gelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, to make a state-       lives of faith as they wish.
ment regarding the third secret of Fatima, where he related
the image of a “bishop clothed in white” getting shot.        Whatever the significance of the Fatima apparitions for each
                                                              us personally, the 100-year anniversary of these apparitions
After the assassination attempt by Mehmet Ali Agca of Tur- is a reminder of the central message of the Gospels, calling
key on St. John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981 us to conversion and bringing us closer to Christ.
(feast of Our Lady of Fatima), the pope believed that the
secret applied to that event.                                 This article was originally published on Catholic News Service’s
                                                              Faith Alive!

                                                                                                       MAY 17, 2020 9
Fr. Peter Dennis, SS.CC - Holy Name of Mary
Great uplifting mass, thank you HNM for doing these and making available for the
                                            community. My daughter decided to invite her stuffed animal friends to attend
      We all do Mass                        mass with us today.      Genevieve and Dominic Osmena

      a little different
       these days…

                                                                                                     Sharon and Doug
                                                                                                     Sanicola, Breaking
                                                                                                     bread with Fr. Rich.

Miss you all. We watch everything from
HNM every day. Brings a tear to our eyes
when we see everyone we miss and love.
Even though we have been gone all these
years HNM will always be our home. The
one good thing from this pandemic is that
we can be connected with you daily. Love
to all Sally and Leo Wozniak—Peoria AZ

                                            Hi! Just wanted to let Holy Name of Mary
                                            know that RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of
                                            Adults) is alive and well during this pandemic.
                                            We have been meeting on Zoom. It is difficult
                                            to share your faith journey over the internet,
                                            but we are doing the best we can! Sometimes
                                            it is good and sometimes we just keep trying.
                                            The Holy Spirit guides us. Please keep us all
We miss our HNM family so much but          in your prayers during this difficult time when
are so grateful for weekend and daily       the sacraments are far away. God bless you,
Masses. George & Judi Luebke                Joan Bristow
HNM SPANISH CONFIRMATION. Faced with the need to constantly be hugged,
                                          visiting and greeting each other, but not being able to do it physically, we have tried
                                          for the past five weeks to influence each other in faith through ZOOM, and engage
                                          in mutual relationship, so this may continue to be meaningful to each one of us.

Watching mass- Maldonado Family.
This is our 4 boys

                                           This is Ellie Sapien, age 10-months.
                                           Along with her parents, Trevor and
                                           Signe, Ellie watched Father Rich on
Can’t wait to celebrate mass in our        her first Easter morning. Ellie was
beautiful church and see everyone again. baptized at HNM last summer and is
However, I have to be honest and say       the granddaughter of George and
that I’m enjoying mass on my little patio. Sue Sapien, long-time parishioners.
                                                                                                        MAY 17, 2020 10
Laudato Si’ Week honors the fifth
anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical
on care for our common home. The theme of
the week is “everything is connected.”

This week launches a year-long journey of
transformation, as we grow through the crisis of the
current moment by praying, reflecting, and preparing
together for a better world to come tomorrow.

Following Pope Francis’ invitation to join Laudato Si’
Week, Catholics everywhere will reflect and prepare
for action 16-24 May.

Everything is connected

We’re living through history-shaping events. Laudato
Si’ teaches us how to build a better world–together.

People everywhere are crying out for hope, and our faith is
urgently needed to light the way. For Laudato Si’ Week,
16-24 May, Catholics are uniting in solidarity for a more just
and sustainable future.
                                                                       When we hear
Stand united with our brothers and sisters in faith as we grow
through the crisis of this moment to build a better tomorrow.       “the cry of the earth
                                                                 and the cry of the poor,"
 Reflect and prepare through online trainings, 16-23 May
                                                                    we understand that
 Join the worldwide day of prayer, 24 May
                                                                 everything is connected.
 Put preparation into action during the Season of Creation,        Unite with Catholics
this September.                                                   from around the world
                                                                    for the #LaudatoSi5
  We’re in this together. When you register, you                        Anniversary!
  will be added to the global web of solidarity                    Our faith calls us to
                 below. Please visit                              do more together and
                              collaborate to protect
                                                                   our common home.

MAY 17, 2020 13
You can also read