SETON Sunday News - A Pentecost May 31 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

SETON Sunday News - A Pentecost May 31 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
May 31 2020
 Volume 6
Number 27

SETON Sunday News
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community
SETON Sunday News - A Pentecost May 31 2020 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
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                                                                                    Dear Brothers and Sisters,
                                                                                    In very fluid and changing circumstances, we urge
             Office Hours & Contact Information                                     you to check the following resources for the most
                                                                                    current situation:
     “STAY HOME, STAY HEALTHY” mandate                                              our website
 All staff working remotely, please contact us via                        
 email only. We are still working to help and serve
 you. Updates will be posted online and in the App                                  myParish app
                                                                                    Facebook page
Priest Administrator ..............
Fr. Jose Ugalde, MSpS .................................... ext. 304                 Instagram @easbothell
Parochial Vicar .........................                   Be assured of our prayers, remember to keep us in
Fr. Jesús Sanchez, MSpS .................................. ext 305                  your prayers. If you need to reach a priest, use
                                                                                    their email addresses shown on the left.
Administration                                                                                                Fr Jose, Fr Jesus, and Staff
Shannon Everist................................................. ext 303
Secretary ..............................                         NINTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME
Veronica Mendez ............................................... ext 301
Facilities .......................................             The Readings this week:
Oscar Mejia ....................................................................   Sun, May 31:     Pentecost
                                                                                                   Acts 2: 1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3B-7, 12-13;
Faith Formation                                                                                    Jn 20: 19-23
Director............................                    Mon., Jun 1:    Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Stephanie Moran .............................................. ext 311                             Gn 3: 9-15, 20 or Acts 1: 12-14;
Interim Youth Minister                                          Jn 19: 25-34
Br. Jorge Haro, MSpS ....................................... ext 313               Tue., Jun 2:    2 Pt 3: 12-15A, 17-18; Mk 12: 13-17
Bilingual Assistant ...................
                                                                                   Wed., Jun 3:     St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
Eduardo Cardona .............................................. ext 314
                                                                                                   2 Tm 1: 1-3, 6-12; Mk 12: 18-27
Liturgy                                                                            Thu., Jun 4:    2 Tm 2: 8-15; Mk 12: 28-34
Music Coordinator .......................                     Fri., Jun 5:     St. Boniface
Kathy Egashira ........................................ 206-214-5884                               2 Tm 3: 10-17; Mk 12: 5-37
Liturgy Coordinator ....................                     Sat., Jun 6:    2 Tm 4: 1-8; Mk 12: 38-44
Marcia Gimenez ................................................ ext 308
                                                                                   Sun., Jun 7:    The Most Holy Trinity
                                                                                                   Ex 34: 4B, 8-9; 2 Cor 13: 11-13;
                                                                                                   Jn 3: 16-18
                        Officers and Councils
                    The Pastoral Council
                                                                                    Amazing Parish                                      5
  Gerry Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Paul Gallagher, Francis                            Annual Catholic Appeal                              9
  Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares,                            Daily Readings                                      2
                        Amy Walsh
                                                                                    Directory                                           2
                    The Finance Council                                             From Fr Jose’s Desk                                 3
     Fr. Jose Ugalde, Shannon Everist, Richard Carlson, Bill
           Dunnigan, Patty McGoorty, Jon Alejandro                                  Important Updates on Faith Formation                4
                                                                                    Ministries                                         10
                Seton Sunday News Bulletin
     Fr. Jose Ugalde, Marcia Gimenez, Eduardo Cardona                               Sección en Español                                6y7
                                                                                    Vocation Awareness                                  8

Keep in touch
                                                                                                           SCAN ME FOR
                                                                                                              MORE                                                                                            INFORMATION
                                                            MyParish app                    @easbothell
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                      From Fr. Jose’s desk

   Meditation: “The Father’s promise is for you also”               you to call on Him every time I celebrate the Eucharist.

    Brothers and sisters, this Sunday we celebrate the Feast of         The Father’s promise is for all: “For the promise is made
Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit to the first Christian     to you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever
community. Pentecost is the birth of the Church; we could say       the Lord our God will call” Acts 2:39. Gos is constantly
we will be celebrating our birthday as Church. Thanks to this       calling us to open our heart to His proposal of life through the
group of people who obeyed Jesus’ command, we enjoy today           action of the Holy Spirit. The grace of the Holy Spirit is also
the fact that we belong to the Church that Jesus founded with       for those who feel themselves far off. Do you feel far from
the Apostles, and later on with all believers.                      God? Ask the heavenly Father, you Father, that you want the
    The word pentecost makes reference to fifty days after the      fulfillment in your life of the promise of the Holy Spirit, the
Resurrection of the Lord. In the Old Testament the Israelites       promise of new life. I urge you to pray fervently the Sequence
called this festival “the festival of weeks” and they had to        to the Holy Spirit that we hear this Sunday. It’s a beautiful
make a pilgrimage to the temple for it. With the passing of         invocation to the Holy Spirit. “Come, Holy Spirit, come! And
time, it took other names, one of which was “festival of the        from your celestial home shed a ray of light divine!...” There
grain harvest”, when the first fruits were presented to the         are many other prayers to the Holy Spirit that you can use to
Lord in thanksgiving for the good harvest. For us Catholic,         call on Him to come into your life, and to consecrate yourself
Pentecost is the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit       to Him every day. Tell the Holy Spirit: “in all my actions,
and the fulfillment of the Father’s promise:                        grant me the grace of being my Director, my Light, my Guide,
                                                                    my Strength, and the Love of my heart.”
    “I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put
within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh            It is very important to know the Holy Spirit and find life in
and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you so   His consolations. St Paul says that “no one can say, “Jesus is
that you walk in my statutes, observe my ordinances, and keep       Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.” Paul speaks about his own
them; you will be my people, and I will be your God” Ez 36:         experience. About His personal encounter with Jesus and his
26-28. This promise is also fulfilled in each one of us at the      experience of the Holy Spirit which transformed his life,
moment of our baptism. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in            turning him into a person very knowledgeable about the Holy
our hearts and transform it into a new heart. The work of the       Spirit, and his apostle. He says, “there are different kinds of
Holy Spirit is to transform our heart of stone and make it          spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of
docile to His inspirations and teachings. The Holy Spirit           service but the same Lord; there are different workings but
reminds us of everything that Jesus taught us in the gospels        the same God who produces all of them in everyone.”
(Jn 14:26).                                                         Knowing the Holy Spirit, the Father’s promise, helps us enter
                                                                    into a process of getting to know our life in depth; it’s like
    The first Reading speaks about the experience of Pentecost      when we see the deep sea on television. The show us
as the fulfillment of the Father’s promise to the first Christian   wonderful fish and all kinds of wonderful plants that live
community: “they were all in one place together. And                under the sea. The Holy Spirit helps us discover the great
suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving      treasure hidden inside us that we don’t know about. The Holy
wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then       Spirit helps us discover the treasure hidden inside our soul.
there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and         And we find it, we rejoice and we want to share it with others.
came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled          That is, we want to share the richness of our talents and gifts
with the Holy Spirit…speaking of the mighty acts of God.”           to benefit others. This is the reason why God has showered
These words bring to mind a similar experience I had. It was a      upon each one of us a treasure of gifts in order to build up the
Sunday morning; I was participating in a charismatic retreat.       community. “To each individual the manifestation of the
After the talk about the Holy Spirit, the speaker, together with    Spirit is given for some benefit.” The Holy Spirit is the
other people, invoked the Holy Spirit over those of us at the       treasure that we keep inside our heart and our whole being.
retreat. All of a sudden, I felt a presence I had never
experienced before in my life. I felt immensely loved by God            I urge you to fall in love with the Holy Spirit, calling on
and full of a joy that strengthened my whole being. My life         Him every day. “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your
changed after that experience. The way I thought about life,        faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth
and the way I saw life changed. The only focus in my life was       your Spirit and all shall be created, and you will renew the
God. I could only think about God and about doing what He           face of the earth.” Amen.
liked through my service in the church, That experience was
the beginning of my vocation story. From that time on, I fell
in love with the Holy Spirit; this is why you hear me talk              Fr Jose Ugalde, MSpS
about the Holy Spirit so much. TO the point where I invite
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                                                                      It has been over a months since we have been able
                                                                      to come together for the celebration of the Mass
                                                                      and even longer since the children met in their
                                                                      Faith Formation groups! Are you worried your
      FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CELEBRATIONS                               child may be losing their connection to the
                                                                      Church? Well, we now have an online Formation
It is with great sadness and with much prayer, that the decision      Opportunity for Elementary age children. Don’t
to postpone our celebrations of First Holy Communion has been         worry. You and your child work on it together!
made:                                                                 You don’t need to be a teacher or a theologian.
1. The First Holy Communions that were scheduled for April            You watch a video, talk about it and do an optional
   25 and May 2 have been cancelled.                                  worksheet. Each session is fun and short. You can
2. The rehearsals/parent meeting set for April 21 and April 28        do it in less than 10 minutes. Go to our website,
   have been cancelled as well.                              and click on the Faith
                                                                      Formation box.       Then click on the Online
At this time, new dates have NOT been set for the celebrations,       Formation link. It is just that easy. Check it out!
but we are looking at dates later in the summer. Once we do set       Stay connected!
the dates, you will receive a letter from the parish letting you
know the day and time of the new rehearsal and the new
celebration.                                                               FAITH FORMATION FOR YEAR
If you are planning to move out of the area before August 1,                        2020-2021
please let me know and I can create a letter for you to give to       Faith Formation registration will begin the frist of
your new parish so that your child may make their First Holy          July. (Online and paper form). If this is first year to
Communion there.                                                      Faith Formation you will need to submit a copy of
Please know we are looking at dates and as soon as possible we        Baptismal Certificate. For more information
will let you know.                                                    contac:
Thank you for understanding and I share in your
disappointment.                                                                     INFANT BAPTISMS
For questions in English:
Stephanie at                               Baptisms have been postponed for the time being.
For questions in Spanish: Eduardo at           As soon as the new dates are set, we will post them
                                                                      in all our information venues. If you have any
                                                                      questions, please contact us at:

                                                                       ¡Padres de familia!
                 PRIMERAS COMUNIONES                                   ¡Hace más de un mes que no hemos podido reunirnos
                                                                       para la celebración de la Misa y aún más desde que
Es con gran tristeza y con mucha oración, que se tomó la decisión      los niños se reunieron en sus grupos de Catecismo!
de posponer nuestras celebraciones de las Primeras Comuniones:         ¿Le preocupa que su hijo esté perdiendo su conexión
1. Las Primeras Comuniones que estaban programadas para el 25          con la Iglesia?        Bueno, ahora tenemos una
   De abril y el 2 de mayo han sido canceladas.                        oportunidad de formación en línea para niños en edad
2. Los ensayos/reuniones de padres fijados para el 21 de abril y el    primaria. No se preocupe. ¡Usted y su hijo/a
   28 de abril también han sido cancelados.                            trabajarán juntos! No necesita ser profesor o teólogo.
                                                                       Miren un video, platiquen sobre él y completen una
En este momento, NO se han fijado nuevas fechas para las               hoja de trabajo opcional. Cada sesión es divertida y
celebraciones, pero estamos viendo fechas más tarde en el verano.      corta. Pueden hacerlo en menos de 10 minutos.
Una vez que fijemos las fechas, recibirán un aviso de parte la         Vaya a nuestro sitio web, y haga
parroquia informándoles el día y la hora del nuevo ensayo y la         clic en el cuadro “Faith Formation” A continuación,
nueva celebración.                                                     haga clic en el enlace “Online Formation” Es así de
Si usted está planeando mudarse de la zona antes del 1 de agosto,      fácil.    Miren de que se trata. ¡Manténganse
por favor hágamelo saber y puedo crear una carta para que usted        conectados!
entregue a su nueva parroquia para que su hijo pueda hacer su
Primera Comunión allí.
Por favor, sepa que estamos viendo las fechas y tan pronto como            INSCRIPCIONES PARACLASES DE
sea posible se lo haremos saber.                                               CATECISMO AÑO 2020/2021
Gracias por entender y comparto su sentimiento de decepción.            Las inscripciones para las clases de catecismo
                                                                       comenzaran el primero de Julio 2020. (En línea o
Para preguntas en inglés: Stephanie en                                 por formulario) si es primer año de catecismo se                                            necesitara un copia de la fe de Bautismo. Para mas
Para preguntas en español: Eduardo en                información;
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  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

  an                                                           With the Heart of Jesus

Archbishop Etienne invites us to seek the intercession of Our Lady of Seattle :

                                                        H         oly Mary, we come before you as
                                                                  spiritual children in great need, seeking
                                                        your intercession, and asking that your mantle of
                                                        love surround us to console, protect, and lead us to
                                                        your son Jesus.
                                                        We entrust all of God’s family, especially the
                                                        church in Western Washington, into your
                                                        immaculate hands. With your son Jesus’ gentle
                                                        power you can undo any knot in our church, and in
                                                        the lives of believers who entrust themselves to
                                                        your care.
                                                        Today I especially entrust to you [mention
                                                        request / Coronavirus here], and I ask that—
                                                        through your intercession, and that of St. James,
                                                        our guardian angels, and the faithful in our
                                                        archdiocese—we may be free from every spiritual
                                                        and temporal ill, and be safely led to encounter
                                                        your son’s merciful, sacred heart.
                                                        Our Lady of Seattle, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!

                                                            For the time being, the Chapel will be open for private
                                                            prayer only during Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday -
                                                            Friday 10:30am-12:30pm.
                                                            Daily Mass at 9am, Monday, Wednesday - Friday and
                                                            Sundays at 9am on Facebook Live only
 Thank you for continuing to support the Society
                                                            Please continue to practice the recommendations of the
             of St Vincent de Paul                          CDC for when you have to leave home for essential
                                                            business only:
                The St. Vincent de Paul Ministry is         Stay home if you’re sick or at risk
                grateful for the generosity of the          Wash hands or use sanitizer upon entering the Church
                parishioners of St Elizabeth Ann            Practice social distancing
                Seton Parish. Thank you so much for
                                                            Cover your cough or sneeze
                The food and monetary donations you
                have given to help those who are            Due to the Covid-19 crisis, Two Hearts/Pregnancy
                struggling due to the recent                Aid in Everett is running really low on new or
 COVID19 pandemic. Please join us in praying that           gently used children's clothes, sizes infant thru size
 all of our neighbors who are suffering and in need         5, diapers, formula, etc. They are open for donation
                                                            drops just by making an appointment. Someone will
 will experience trust in God and that God will             come out to your car and get your donations. Please
 increase in all of us Faith, Hope and Charity during       call for a drop off appointment at (425) 252-6444.
 this very challenging time.                                The Moms and little ones of Snohomish county will
                                                            be so grateful for your help.
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                                                               S        anta María, venimos a ti como hijos
                                                                        espirituales en gran necesidad buscando
                                                               tu intercesion. Cubrenos con tu manto de amor
                                                               para que encontremos consuelo, proteccion y nos
                                                               guíe a tu hijo Jesus.
                                                               Encomendamos toda la familia de Dios a tus
                                                               inmaculadas manos, especialmente la iglesia del
                                                               Oeste de Washington. Con el suave poder de tu
                                                               hijo Jesus, puedes desatar cualquier nudo en
                                                               nuestra iglesia y en la vida de los creyentes que se
                                                               encomiendan a tu cuidado.
                                                               Hoy especialmente pongo en tus manos mi pedido
                                                               por [mencionar intención / Coronavirus] , y te pido
                                                               que por tu intercesion, la de Santiago, la de
                                                               nuestro angel de la guarda, y de los fieles de la
                                                               arquidiocesis nos liberes de toda afeccion
                                                               espiritual y temporal, y nos guíes al encuentro del
                                                               misericordioso y sagrado corazon de tu hijo.
                                                               Nuestra Senora de Seattle, Desata Nudos, ¡ruega
                                                               por nosotros!

                                                                   Por ahora, la Capilla estará abierta para la oración
    Gracias por su continua ayuda a la                             personal solamente los: lunes, miércoles a viernes de
     Sociedad de San Vincent de Paúl                               10am a 12:30pm.
                                                                   Misa en Español del día a las 5pm lunes, miércoles a
              El ministerio de San Vincent de Paúl                 viernes. El domingo a las 10:30am en vivo por
                                                                   Facebook solamente
              está agradecido por la generosidad de
              los feligreses de la Parroquia de Sta.               Continúe    por     favor   usando    las   prácticas
              Elizabeth Ann Seton. Gracias a sus                   recomendadas por las autoridades de Salud cuando
                                                                   tenga que salir por necesidades esenciales:
              donaciones de comida y de dinero,
              ustedes han ayudado a muchas familias                Quédese en casa si se siente enfermo o es de alto
de la comunidad en tiempos difíciles debido a los                  riesgo
recientes eventos de la pandemia del COVID-19. Por                 Lávese las manos o use el desinfectante al llegar a la
favor únase en oración para que todos nuestros                     Iglesia
vecinos que están sufriendo y tienen necesidad tengan              Mantenga la distancia social
una experiencia de confianza en Dios y que Dios                    Cúbrase al toser o estornudar
incremente su fe, su esperanza y caridad durante
estos tiempos difíciles.

                                                                          INTENCIONES PARA MISA
               Aproveche la oportunidad
    Transferencia de Fondos Electrónicos (EFT) para                ¡Solicite sus intenciones para Misa! Solamente
sus ofrendas automáticas para la parroquia de Sta. Elizabeth
                                                                   mande un correo electrónico a la secretaria de
 Ann Seton. Sus ofrendas son usadas por nuestra parroquia          la parroquia.
para proyectos y mantenimiento de las instalaciones. Usted
  puede hacer una cuenta de EFT contactando a la oficina
       parroquial o por medio de nuestra página web.
Pentecost, 05/31/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 7

                  Del escritorio del P. José
   “La Promesa del Padre es también para ti”                          La promesa del Padre es para todos. “es para ustedes y
   Mis hermanas y hermanos, este domingo celebramos la            para sus hijos, y también para todos los que están lejos; es
Solemnidad de Pentecostés, la venida del Espíritu Santo a la      decir, para todos aquellos a quienes el Señor nuestro Dios
primera comunidad cristiana. Pentecostés es el nacimiento de      quiera llamar” (Hechos 2,39). Dios nos llama
la Iglesia; podríamos decir que celebramos nuestro                constantemente a abrir nuestro corazón a su propuesta de vida
cumpleaños como Iglesia. Gracias a ese grupo de personas          por la acción del Espíritu Santo. La gracia del Espíritu Santo
que obedecieron el mandato de Jesús nosotros gozamos de ser       es también para los que se sienten lejos. ¿Te sientes lejos de
parte de esta Iglesia que fundó Jesús con los Apóstoles y         Dios? Pídele al Padre celestial, quien también es tu padre, que
después con todo el resto de los creyentes.                       quieres que se realice en tu vida la promesa del Espíritu
                                                                  Santo, la nueva vida. Te invito a que reces con mucha
    Pentecostés significa cincuenta días después de la            devoción la secuencia de Pentecostés de este domingo. Es una
Resurrección del Señor. En el Antiguo Testamento, los judíos      invocación muy preciosa al Espíritu Santo. “Ven, Dios
llamaban a Pentecostés “fiesta de las semanas” y en esos días     Espíritu Santo, y envía desde el cielo tu luz, para
debían ir al templo. Con el tiempo, pasó a tener otros            iluminarme…” Hay muchas otras oraciones al Espíritu Santo
nombres, por ejemplo, “fiesta de las cosechas” en las que se      que puedes usar para invocarlo para que venga a tu vida y
presentaban las primicias para agradecer al Señor los buenos      consagrarte a Él todos los días. Dile al Espíritu Santo,
resultados obtenidos. Para nosotros los católicos, Pentecostés    “dígnate ser en cada uno de los instantes de mi vida y en
es la celebración de la venida del Espíritu Santo y realización   cada una de mis acciones: mi Director, mi Luz, mi Guía, mi
de la promesa del Padre. “Pondré en ustedes un corazón            Fuerza y el Amor de mi corazón”.
nuevo y un espíritu nuevo. Quitaré de ustedes ese corazón
duro como la piedra y les pondré un corazón dócil. Pondré             Qué importante es conocer al Espíritu Santo y vivir de sus
en ustedes mi espíritu, y haré que cumplan mis leyes y            consuelos. San Pablo nos dice que “nadie puede llamar a
decretos; serán mi pueblo y yo seré su Dios”. (Ez 36, 26-28).     Jesús, Señor, si no es bajo la acción del Espíritu Santo”. Él
Esta promesa se realiza también en cada uno de nosotros en el     habla de su experiencia. Su encuentro personal con Jesús y su
momento del bautismo. El Espíritu Santo viene a habitar en        experiencia del Espíritu Santo que transformó su vida y se
nuestro corazón y a transformarlo en un corazón nuevo. El         convirtió en un gran conocedor y apóstol del Espíritu Santo.
trabajo del Espíritu Santo es transformar nuestro corazón de      Nos dice, que “hay diferentes dones, pero el Espíritu es el
piedra y hacerlo dócil a sus inspiraciones y enseñanzas. El       mismo. Hay diferentes servicios, pero el Señor es el mismo.
Espíritu Santo nos recuerda todo lo que Jesús nos ha              Hay diferentes actividades, pero Dios, que hace todo en
ensañado en su Evangelio (Jn 14, 26).                             todos, es el mismo”. Conocer al Espíritu Santo, promesa del
                                                                  Padre, nos ayuda a entrar en un proceso de conocer nuestra
    La primera lectura habla de la experiencia de Pentecostés     vida a profundidad; es como cuando vemos en la televisión
como realización de la Promesa del Padre a la primera             las profundidades del mar. Nos muestran la belleza de peces
comunidad cristiana: “se encontraban reunidos en un mismo         preciosos y de todo tipo de plantas maravillosas. El Espíritu
lugar cuando de repente se oyó un gran ruido que venía del        Santo nos muestra la belleza y riqueza que llevamos dentro de
cielo y resonó en toda la casa. Entonces, aparecieron lenguas     nosotros y que no conocemos. El Espíritu Santo nos ayuda a
de fuego que se posaron sobre ellos; se llenaron todos del        descubrir el gran tesoro desconocido dentro de nuestra alma.
Espíritu Santo… y hablaban de las maravillas de Dios”.            Y cuando lo encontramos, nos alegramos y lo queremos
Estas palabras me recuerdan cuando yo tuve una experiencia        compartir con los demás, es decir, queremos compartir la
similar. Fue un domingo por la mañana; me encontraba en un        riqueza de nuestros talentos y dones en beneficio de los
retiro carismático. Después de la plática sobre el Espíritu       demás. Este es el propósito por el cual Dios ha depositado en
Santo, el presentador con un grupo de personas invocó al          cada uno de nosotros una riqueza de dones con el fin de
Espíritu Santo, pidiéndole que viniera y se posara en las         construir la comunidad. “En cada uno se manifiesta el
personas que nos encontrábamos en ese lugar. De repente           Espíritu para el bien común”. El Espíritu Santo es la riqueza,
sentí una presencia que nunca había experimentado en mi           el tesoro, que llevamos dentro nuestro corazón y en todo
vida anteriormente. Me sentí muy amado por Dios y lleno de        nuestro ser.
una alegría que fortaleció todo mi ser. A partir de esa
experiencia mi vida fue otra. Mi forma de pensar y de ver las         Te invito a enamorarte del Espíritu Santo, invocándolo
cosas cambió. El enfoque de mi vida era Dios. Sólo pensaba        todos los días. “Ven, Espíritu Santo llena los corazones de tus
en Dios y en agradarle con mi servicio en la iglesia. Esa         fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Envía tu
experiencia fue el inicio de mi vocación de sacerdote. Desde      Espíritu y todo será creado y renovarás la faz de la tierra”.
entonces me enamoré del Espíritu Santo; por eso me                Amén.
escuchan hablar mucho del Espíritu Santo a tal punto que les
invito a invocarlo cada vez que celebro la Eucaristía.
                                                                     P. José Ugalde, MSpS
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                    A WAITING HARVEST
                                     Vocation Awareness
      Signs of a Vocation to Priesthood
      and Characteristics of a Good Candidate
13. A good candidate for diocesan priesthood has a if he seems to lack mercy and kindness for sinners, or if his
“priest’s heart.”                                  speech is cynical and caustic, then there is a reason to believe
                                                                   his heart is not ready for priesthood. I believe that a “priest’s
    When I say “heart” in this context, I am describing what is    heart” is one of the best indicators for a vocation director that
also called a soul. I can remember when I was a vocation           a man is pursuing priesthood for the right reasons. The people
director giving a talk on vocations, often some young man          of this world desperately need the goodness, love, and mercy
would come up to me afterwards and say something like,             of Jesus, especially when they are suffering. This is
“Father, that was a great talk on vocations! When you were         priesthood. The purpose of a priest is to bring people to Jesus
talking, my heart was really burning.” I would always reply,       and Jesus to people. Priests can provide that Good like no one
“If your heart was burning, it was not because of my talk. The     else can!
Holy Spirit is the only one who makes a man’s heart burn,
and he does it especially when he is calling that man to               A candidate for priesthood should ask himself these
something great. You could be called to be a priest.”              questions: Do I really love God’s People/ Do I feel genuine
                                                                   compassion for them in their suffering and their sins? Am I
    In the gospel account of Christs’ post-resurrection            willing to spend myself, to empty myself in order to forgive
appearance on the road to Emmaus, this is exactly the feeling      them, to heal them and to bless them?
that the apostles described: “Did not our hearts burn within us
as he talked to us on the road and explained the Scriptures to         St. Isaac Jogues, S.J., was tortured and martyred by the
us?” (Luke 24: 32) These were apostles; they were priests! A       Mohawk Indians in 1646 near present-day Auriesville, New
man who is called to become a priest will report this “burning     York, because he went to them again and again to bring them
heart” sensation on more than one occasion.                        Jesus. He had been captured and tortured before, but finally
                                                                   escaped and returned to France where he was considered a
    A priest’s heart is modeled after the Sacred Heart of Jesus,   hero! However, his heart would not allow him to stay away.
full of kindness and compassion for others, like the Good          Knowing he would probably die, he returned to America and
Shepherd. In Scripture, we read that Jesus felt compassion for     immediately went back to the people that God had sent him to
the people because “they were like sheep without a                 serve. This time he did not escape. The Native Americans
shepherd” (Mark 6: 34). Regardless of how tired the Lord           who killed him were very inspired by his bravery and love
was, he healed the sick, he fed the hungry, and he taught          even in the midst of torture. After they killed him, they ate his
people about God. Jesus always sacrificed himself for the          heart hoping to receive his strength and courage. They
people he loved.                                                   recognized the heart of a priest.
    You can tell a lot about a person’s heart by simply                                                             From the Book
watching him, listening to him, and observing what he says                                           “To Save a Thousand Souls”
and does. If a man is overly strict with himself and others, or                                                Fr. Brett A. Brannen

   O Jesus,                                We ask you all this through the
   Our Eternal Pastor,                     Immaculate Virgin Mary of
   Deign to look with merciful eyes        Guadalupe,
   Upon this part of your loving flock.    your sweet and holy Mother.

   Lord,                                   Jesus give us priests
   we need a large number of priests,      according to your heart.
   and men and women
   consecrated to the religious life.      Jesus, savior of all people,
   Multiply vocations,                     save them, save them!
   And sanctify more and more
   your priests,                                                                                 This week please pray for
   And those consecrated                                                                          Br. Jorge Haro, M.Sp.S.
   in the religious life.                                                                      Brother Jorge is in his pastoral
                                                                                               year here at St. Elizabeth Ann
 For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or                           Seton.
 a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams
                                                 Priests:       Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.
                                                              Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S.
Pentecost, 05/31/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 9

   As we all know, the “social distancing” practices
and suspension of gathering for Mass have created
unique challenges to the way we practice our faith.
   Nothing is more important than all of us taking the
necessary steps to protect and ensure the health and
well-being of our families, friends, neighbors, as well
as our parish.
   Although we are physically separated from the
Eucharist---our church is alive and still on mission.
   This year our parish share of the Appeal is
$151,672. If we exceed this goal, all excess payments
received will come back to us and we will put that
towards recovery of lost offertory donations.
    In addition, this year 10% of all the funds collected
through the ACA (excluding our rebate) will be placed
into a special Parish Solidarity Fund at the
   In this way, your donations will help us, but will
also help other parishes recover.
    The reality is that many of your fellow parishioners
may not be able to participate this year, so your support
is more important than ever.
   Be assured of my gratitude for your gift –whatever
the amount— and of my continuing prayers for you and
your loved ones!
   Fr. Jose Ugalde MSpS
10 | SETON Sunday News | Pentecost, 05/31/2020

               MINISTRIES & GROUPS                          Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:
           Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson
  Altar Servers, Jane McKenzie and Veronica Cardona        Dorathy Ambrozic      Tom Gresczyk            Herb Schafer
        Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez           Salvador Andrada      Richard Gross          Gladdis Schafer
            Bible Study in English, Julie Jones               Rudy Aviles      Virginia Guzman          Sharon Schafer
         Bible Study in Spanish, Marcia Gimenez
                                                              Tom Bender          Dee Holiday-             Jim Sloane
Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan
      Coffee & Donuts, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson             Don Bender           Osborne               Judy Sloane
       EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona                 Jane Bentley    Louise Hundertmark          John Sloane
    Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez         Janet Paul- Boers    David Hurtado         Leticia Solorzano
            Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori                Shawna Boger         Steve Jasmer           Fran Sphung
         Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto                  Tyler Brown      Rosemary Jesmer         Harry St Nicholas
              Good Samaritans, in transition
                                                             Sharyl Buehler      Steven Jesmer          Adrienne Steuer
         Guadalupe Committee, Carmen Ramos
        Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto                 Cindy Burby       Helen Johnston          Francis Sullivan
             Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher                   Rick Burns       Alfredo Lazaga          James Sullivan
       Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez               Tom Burns         Arcely Lazaga         Michael Trupiano
                 Linens, Marcia Gimenez                        Ian Bridges     Christopher Leon          Peter Valdez
 “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez         Ruth Carpizo        Jennie Leyva          Alexa Vazquez
            Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira
                                                              Claire Carter     David McDaniel         Neveha Velazquez
       Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin
            Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck                Eulalia Castillo   Elisa Mogollan         Evelio Villalobos
               Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine                 Jason Consolacion       Jim Moran            Vladimir Vozar
              Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati              Magaly Cristerna     Maria Muniz-          Rosemary Wentz
                 Rise, Kianna Garmanian                          Ed Crull          Valdovinez              Barb West
              Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto                    Gary Darnell    Yolanda Noblezada           Tami Wyatt
                Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin
                                                              Sharyl Davis     Selena Oceguedal-         Jorge Zepeda
        Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez
         Symbolon, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson                Mary Deering         Hernandez             Beatrice Zorzi
Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu        Alex De Leon Diaz      Teresa Paris
           Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie                    Saul Diaz        Elamar Perez
                                                            Billie Dougherty    Margarita Perez
                                                               Anna Epps       Margaret Quigley
           Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie                Devlynn Ferguson     Michael Quigley
           Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor                   Fran Fielden         Ritzy Rafer
           Knights of Columbus, Frank Celli
                                                              Jason Gagner      Teresita Ramos
         St. Vincent de Paul     425-355-3504                Ricardo Garcia      Arnold Rivera
                                                              Annie Gillen        Joyce Rosas
                                                               Rebecca Go     Florentine Ruhland
  Contact for all ministries            Lupita Gonzalez    Jesus Sanchez Sr.
     Mention the ministry in the subject line.
                                                                 May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and
                                                                       the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.
      Counseling   425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572             To add/remove someone on this list, please contact
                                                            Eduardo Cardona (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email:
                                                   Si quisiera añadir/remover a
                                                            alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.

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 automatic gifts to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.           Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is
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     Gifts to our home parish are used for parish           their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.
  projects and for the upkeep of our facilities. You
may set up for EFT by contacting the Parish Office or
              through our parish website.
Pentecost, 05/31/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 11
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