Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Page created by Marion Luna
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
                        Rancho Cucamonga, CA
                         February 23, 2020
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

                                                    —Matthew 5:44

                                                 —Mateo 5:44
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Page 2
                Mass Intentions for the week
         We Pray For / Oramos Por:              Requested by/ Pedido por:
SATURDAY / SÁBADO                                              FEBRUARY 22, 2020
                                                                                                                   We pray for Vocations
                                                                                                                  Oramos por las Vocaciones
5:00pm   Rosario Leyesa †              Repose             Evelyn Yan
                                                                                         Our Seminarians : Michael Ezeoke & Joaquin Oliveros
         Janet T. Meyer †              Repose             Larry Mayer
                                                                                       Bryant RIvas–Assumption Seminary    Antonio Guzman–Assumption
        Aurea Convento †               Repose             Dineros Family               Maurice Quindoy–Assumption Seminary Juan Robles–Assumption Seminary
SUNDAY / DOMINGO                                                   FEBRUARY 23, 2020   Derek Curtis–Serra House            Theodore Drennan–St. John’s Seminary
                                                                                       Carlos Flores —Assumption Seminary  Ian Hollick–St. John’s Seminary
7:00 am Maskivua & Felix Corral †      Repose             Manuel Corral                                                    Andres Rivera–Assumption Seminary
                                                                                       Jonathan Garcia–Assumption
         Maria Loo †                   Repose                                          Noel Simental–Assumption            Jose Perez–Assumption Seminary
                                                          Evelyn Yan
                                                                                       Jorge Tellez–St. John’s Seminary    Rafael Flores–Assumption Seminary
         Jimmy Yan †                   Repose             Evelyn Yan
8:30am   Pro Populo
                                                                                                                   We pray for babies in the womb
         Pro Populo                                                                                               Oramos por los bebes en el vientre
         Pro Populo                                                                      Due April, 2020                            Due August. 2020
10:30am Ignacio Cazares †              Repose             Cazarez Family                 ♥ Baby Trujillo                            ♥ Baby Manzanares-Ruiz
         Emiliano Aytona †             Repose             Michael & Carmen Domingo
                                                                                         ♥ Baby Murillo                             Please also pray for all expectant
                                                                                         Due May. 2020                              woman, that they understand the
         Georgette Assal †             Repose             Assal Family                                                              sanctity of human life
                                                                                         ♥ Baby Rascon-Buis                         and know the grace and
12:30pm Angelica Snow Pining †         Repose             Mom & Dad                      ♥ Baby Mila                                strength in God’s gift.

         Margaret Castro †             Repose             Josie Santacruz                ♥ Baby Convento
         Alex Resureccion †            Repose             Ray & Connie Ronquillo
                                                                                                                               We pray for healing
5:00pm George Luis Rodriguez †         Repose             Tatiana Rodriguez
                                                                                                                              Oramos por la sanación
         Micael Eusebio †              Repose             Helen Casupanan
                                                                                       Baby Phoebe          April Barrera          Obie Chukuani         Judy Ozyminski
         Felipe & Guadalupe Ortega †   Repose             Jose Ortega                  Linda Ascio          Renato Villegas        Bobby Rios            Ricardo Varela
                                                                                       Baby Bella Bravo     Mary Teed              Terry Lyons           Martha Elena
7:00pm   Blanca Estela Lopez †         Repose             Children                     Baby Tomas Joe       Renato Villegas        Carlos Sanchez             Corrales
                                                                                            Velezquez       Brian Ramirez          Phil Ortiz            Teresita Tampoy
         Hilda Escamilla †             Repose             Alberto & Georgia Soto       Joshua Carbonell     Ed Cramm               Gilbert Padilla       *Obie Chukuani
                                                                                       Paul Carbonell       Mike Ramirez           Brian Gish            *Jeanne K.
         Ramon Muro Catañeda †         Repose             Muro Family                  Pedro Torres Ines    Alberto Vargas         Cindy Whisler         *Dorie F.
                                                                                       Matha Lopez          Robert Ramirez         Alice Omgche Lim      *Mary Groth
MONDAY    / LUNES                                           FEBRUARY 24, 2020          Baby Leonardo        Ruby Laponis           Eduardo Castro        *Veronica Reyes

7:30am   Adela Calzada †               Repose             Maria Milanes                                               We pray for the deceased
TUESDAY / MARTES                                            FEBRUARY 25, 2020                                         Oramos por los difuntos
7:30am   Nestor & Emelina Gamit †      Repose             Leslie McCaffrey                                      + = RECENTLY ADDED/ RECIENTEMENTE AÑADIDOS
6:15pm   Maria Trejo †                 Repose             Angelica Cruz
                                                                                         Andrew Chaparro             Gianna Bryant               Tomas Romero Guzman
WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES                                       FEBRUARY 26, 2020            Angelo Chavez               Jorge Reza                  Manuel Barboza Avila
                                                                                         Jose Fermin Rivera          John Altobelli              +Loreto Ciriaco
7:30 am Patricia Aureus                Happy Birhtday Angelica Cruz                      Sr. Angela Edbikuadje       Keri Altobelli              +Cesar Harim Vitela
         Volunteers                                                                      Debie Vasquez               Alyssa Altobelli                Gonzalez
                                                                                         Bernadita “Lita”            Christina Mauser            +Ernesto Zabala
8:00pm   Ines-Arevalo                  Blessings          Family                              Rodriguez              Sarah Chester               +Jose Estrada
                                                                                         Sue King                    Payton Chester              +Justice Arturo Buena
THURSDAY / JUEVES                                           FEBRUARY 27, 2020
                                                                                         Kobe Bryant                 Ara Zobayan                 +Margarita Concepcion
7:30am Aaron Huizar                    Happy Birthday Mom & Dad
FRIDAY/VIERNES                                             FEBRUARY 28, 2020                                               We pray for our armed forces
                                                                                                                        Oramos por nuestras fuerzas armadas
7:30 am Jose Samson Jr. †              Repose             Cabildo Family
                                                                                                                                                         V = Veteran
SATURDAY / SÁBADO                                           FEBRUARY 29, 2020
                                                                                          ARMY                       Kylee Quintanilla            NAVY
7:30am   Raymond J. Villanueva †       Repose             Jaime & Linda Gutierrez         Zedrix P Santos (V)        National Guard              Jonathan Cruz
                                                                                          Rosario Salazar            John Njuh                   Frankie Espinosa (V)
                                                                                          Marcela Camacho (V)                                    Evelyn Alcocer (V)
                                                                                                                     Air Force
                                                                                          Lucy Queen                                             Jonathan Cruz
                                                                                                                     Carissa Fall
                                                                                          Amy Deck                                               Victor Sandoval (V)
                                                                                                                     Joseph Vargas
                                                                                          Kyle J. Marquez                                        Kevin Chavez
                                                                                                                     Danielle Giddens
                                                                                          Randy Castillejo                                       Kesly Gonzalez
                                                                                                                     Angel Marquez
                                                                                          Christian Lopez                                        Arden Garcia
                                                                                                                     Max Beerbaum (V)
                                                                                          Andrew Jimenez (V)                                     Brandon Trammell
                                                                                          Andrew Gutierrez           Marines                     Jadene Mendez
                                                                                          Luis David Sanchez         John Gracias                Evany Arreola
                                                                                          Emil Allen (V)             Alex Castillo               Karen Rodriguez
                                                                                          Robert Barraza (V)         Eddie Castillo              Evan Maul
                                                                                          Joe Contreras (V)          Isaiah Cayo                 Anthony Lopez
                                                                                          Jacob Quitanilla           Joshua Edmonson             Valerie Garcia
                                                                                          Anthony Delgado            Isaac Morales
                                                                                          Kevin Acosta               Karen Kwon
                                                                                                                     Jared Sandoval
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Reflection / Faith Formation                                                                                  Page 3

                     To Fulfill….
                                       My Dear Friends,

                                       In our Spiritual journey through the Gospel of Matthew we have been walking
                                       through the Sermon on the Mount, chapters 5 through 7, where Jesus gives
                                       instructions on what it means to be his follower. He called his first disciples, as he
                                       calls us, and takes the time to help us understand how we must be transformed
                                       because we have encountered his friendship. Although we missed the beginning
of this sermon, the Beatitudes, the beautiful blessing we have received, because the Feast of the Presentation fell on a
Sunday we have been privileged to listen to Jesus speak of a renewed covenant based not upon strict obedience to the
letter of the law but rather a deeper adherence to a merciful relationship with God and others. But go and learn what
this means: ’I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ (Mt. 9:13)

     Whereas he reminds his disciples that the letter of the law, handed down through the Torah and the Prophets, is
important, the fulfillment of the law comes not in a blind adherence but rather living out the law in pastoral mercy.
Making our ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’ and our ‘no’ mean ‘no’ allows us to enter into trusting, intimate relationships with God
and others. What the Sermon on the Mount teaches is that entering into an intimate relationship with Jesus transforms
us, helps us to form our conscience, the deep place of discernment where, knowing the laws, we can meet with God and
comprehend how we need to act in a particular situation. Being in an intimate relationship with Jesus allows us to see
that things are not simply a matter of following or not following a law but a deeper implication of how our actions affect
our relationship with God and with others.

    In his most recent exhortation, Querida Amazonia (‘beloved Amazon’), promulgated after the meeting of the
Bishops of the Amazon, but directed to all people, Pope Francis exemplified this fulfillment of the law as he wrote of
four great dreams: Social, Cultural, Ecological, Ecclesial: which would ‘cultivate without uprooting…foster growth
without weakening…be supportive without being invasive (28), to become a vital synthesis…[with] its own form of
wisdom (32). This synthesis and wisdom, gained from entering into civil exchange or debate regarding the truth about
humankind, not only keeps our consciences from being deadened but helps us to develop a well-formed conscience
which allows us to enter into a deeper dialogue with God and discern more fully how to act in a given situation.

    Our well-formed conscience helps us to see the church, as Pope Francis has said at other times, as a ‘field hospital’
ministering to the spiritually, culturally, and physically needy. It helps us to go out to the margins of society, to the
peripheries, and seek out those who are in need. This requires that we become well aware of the social teachings of the
church and begin to integrate them into our lives. For those of us who are eligible it means that we register to vote and
exercise that right every time we have the opportunity. But our exercise in being part of the electorate must come from
our well-formed conscience, as faithful citizens, we cannot be distracted by a single issue or a single political party but
rather must consider the common good always with a preferential option to the neediest. A well-formed conscience
helps us integrate the question of social justice into our deliberation, a respect for the dignity of life in the seamless
garment from conception to natural death, the needs of the poor and the migrant, our responsibility to give of our gifts
from God for the betterment of others, and our great commissioning to proclaim the gospel with our lives.

    Take time this week to help form your conscience; read the Pope’s exhortation, learn about the social teachings of
the church, reflectively read through the Sermon on the Mount and let God speak to you. If you are eligible and not
registered to vote, register. If registered to vote – study the candidates and the issues and vote from your well-formed
conscience. Make your voice heard in the public discourse on issues and allow the Catholic voice to be heard.
Something we all can do, when given the opportunity, be counted in the census, this is a count of everyone and it
matters since it is the count by which our voice is measured.

Let us not only live the law but fulfill the law so that our lives reflect the kingdom of God which is here and now.

Dcn. Ed
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Page 4
                  Faith formation
         Faith Formation Of ice, Baptism, Catechism, RCIA
             O icina de Formación de Fe, Bautizos, Catecismo, RICA
         Monday thru Friday 9:30am-5:30pm (909)-803-1452
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Youth Ministry                                                        Page 5

      Faith Formation Of ice of Con irmation, Youth & Young Adult Ministries
                 O icina de Formación de Fe de Con irmación y Pastoral Juvenil
 Mon./Lunes 9:00am-5:00pm               (909) 803-1422               Thrs./Jueves           9:00am –5:00pm
Tues./Martes 12:30pm-8:30pm                           Wed./Miercoles CLOSED/   Fri./Viernes 9:00am-5:00pm

                    No class
                 February 25th                             Social Justice Project
                Class will resume
                   March 3rd
                  No hay clase
                el 25 de Febrero
                                                                     Supplies needed:
            Se reanudará la clase el
                   3 de Marzo                                      2 yards of fleece material
                                                            A pair of scissors to complete project
                                                       (Can purchase at Walmart, Joann’s, Hobby Lobby)
                         CONFIRMATION                    A written reflection is required to complete
                             YEAR 1 & 2                    the project (Outline provided by office)
                      Please join us at
                     Holy Hour / XLT
                           March 3rd
                                in the Church
 Please arrive on time, sign in & out. This evening
  is a part of your confirmation faith formation.
Not attending is considered an absence. Teens have    Proyecto de Justicia Social
        to makeup all Holy Hour’s missed.

                                                                2 yardas de material de vellón
                                                                        Un par de tijeras
              Wednesday                                (Pueden comprar en Walmart, Joann’s, Hobby Lobby)
             March 4th                                      Se require una reflexión escrita para
               Horvath Hall                                      completer el proyecto
                                                        (esquema proporcionado por la oficina)
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Page 6
                                        Out Reach
           Sacred Heart School                                    Date              Important Events                         Place
                                                                 Sunday,      8:00am Marriage Enrichtment              JP2
          Home of the Bulldog Pride                                           8:00am Marriage Pre Spanish              Dcn. Roberto
                                                                  Feb. 23
              Grades: TK-8th                                                  10:00am Quinceañera Info                 Faith Formation
                                                                                                                       St. Therese Library
                                                                              10:30am Good Shepherd
                                                                              10:45am Children Liturgy                 Horvath Hall
      12676 Foothill Blvd. R. Cucamonga, 91739
          (909) 803-1400 Fax (909) 899-0413                      Monday,      7:30am Mass                              Chapel
          WWW.SHSRCBULLDOGS.COM                                               3:00pm Divine Mercy                      Chapel
                                                                  Feb. 24     7:00pm NFP English                       Dcn. Roberto
    Like us on                               7:00pm Cristo Rey                        JP2
              Dr. Danielle Espinoza, Principal                                7:00pm Taller de Oracion y Vida          St. Therese Library
               Mary Carr, School Secretary
            For School Day Care call ext. 407 & 660              Tuesday,     7:30am Mass                              Chapel
                                                                              8:30am Bible Study                       JP2
Announcements:                                                    Feb. 25     3:00pm Divine Mercy                      Chapel
                                                                              5:00pm Confessions                       Church
Feb.24 7th & 8th Grade Field Trip Museum of Tolerance                         6:15pm Misa en Español                   Church
                                                                              7:00pm Holy Spirit Prayer                Chapel
Feb.26 Ash Wednesday 9:00 am mass. 3:00 pm dismissal                          7:00pm Matrimonios del Sagrado Corazon   J23
No Afternoon Extended Care
Feb.28 End of Trimester. 11:00 am Stations of the Cross.                      7:30am Mass Eng.                         Church
Dr. Seuss Day.                                                 Wednesday 9:00am School Mass                            Church
                                                                              12:00pm Liturgy of the Word Bil          Church
         Pizza lunch and Buck-a-Jeans Day                         Feb. 26     3:00pm Divine Mercy                      Chapel
                                                                              4:30pm Liturgy of the Word Eng           Church
Mar.3 Parent meeting at 6:00 pm.                                              6:00pm Mass Eng                          Church
Mar.5 Lifetouch Spring Pictures (Casual dress according                       6:30pm Liturgy of the Word Eng           JP2
                                                                              7:00pm NFP Spanish                       Dcn. Roberto
to dress code).                                                               8:00pm Mass Español                      Iglesia
                                                                              8:30pm Liturgia de la Palabra Español    JP2
•    The city will be doing road work in front of the
     church on Foothill through February 2020. City             Thursday,     7:30am Mass                              hapel
                                                                              9:30am PMFP                              Ministry Center
     workers will be directing traffic. Please plan to            Feb. 27     3:00pm Divine Mercy                      Chapel
     leave earlier to arrive on time.                                         5:00pm Good Shepherd Spanish             St. Therese Library
                                                                              6:30pm Holy Hour
•    Please continue to save Box Tops for the school.
                                                                  Friday,     7:30am Mass                              Chapel
                                                                              11:00am School Stations of the Cross     Church
                                                                  Feb. 28     3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet              Chapel
    Check your emails for the most current events                             6:00pm Stations of the Cross             Church
                and announcements.                                            7:00pm Fish Fry                          J23

    Like us on                  Saturday,    7:30am Mass                              Chapel
                                                                              10:00am 1st Comm 2nd yr. Parent Mtg.     JP2
                                                                  Feb. 29     4:00pm FREE Immigration Clinic           Horvath Hall
                                                                              3:30pm Confessions                       Church

                               Lecturas Semanales
                        Lunes: Stgo 1:1-11; Sal 119 (118):67-68, 71-72,                       Weekly Readings
                        75-76; Mc 8:11-13
                                                                              Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29
                        Martes: Stgo 1:12-18; Sal 94 (93):12-13a; 14-15,
                        18-19; Mc 8:14-21                                     Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37
                        Miércoles: Stgo 1:19-27; Sal 15 (14):2-4ab, 5; Mc     Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14,
                        8:22-26                                               17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
                        Jueves: Stgo 2:1-9; Sal 34 (33):2-7; Mc 8:27-33       Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
                        Viernes: Stgo 2:14-24, 26; Sal 112 (111):1-6;         Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-
                        Mc 8:34 — 9:1                                         15
                        Sábado: 1 Pe 5:1-4; Sal 23 (22):1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13   Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
                        -19                                                   Sunday: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps 51:3-6, 12-13, 17;
                        Domingo: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8,      Rom 5:12-19 [12, 17-19]; Mt 4:1-11
                        10,12-13; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Around Sacred Heart
                      Page 7
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Nuestro Enfoque de Fe
 Page 8

                                                              Para Cumplir....
                                      Mis Queridos Amigos,

                                               En nuestro trayecto espiritual a través del Evangelio según San Mateo,
                                      hemos estado caminando con el Sermón de la Montaña, capítulos 5 a 7, en donde
                                      Jesús da instrucciones sobre lo que significa seguirlo. Llamó a sus primeros
                                      discípulos como nos llama a nosotros, y toma el tiempo para ayudarnos a entender
                                      cómo debemos transformarnos una vez que hemos encontrado su amistad. A pesar
                                      de que no escuchamos el principio del sermón, las Bienaventuranzas, la bella
                                      bendición que hemos recibido, debido a que la Solemnidad de la Presentación cayó
en Domingo, hemos tenido el        privilegio de escuchar a Jesús hablar sobre una alianza renovada basada no en la estric-
ta obediencia a la ley, sino una adherencia más profunda a una misericordiosa relación con Dios y con los demás. Id
pues, y aprended lo que significa: “Misericordia quiero, y no sacrificio,” (Mateo 9: 13)

         Mientras que recuerda a sus discípulos que la ley escrita, transmitida a través de la Torá y los Profetas, es
importante, cumplir con la ley no es una adherencia ciega, sino el vivir la ley en misericordia pastoral. Hacer que nuestro
‘sí’ signifique ‘sí’ y nuestro ‘no’ signifique ‘no’ nos permite tener una relación más íntima y de confianza con Dios y
con los demás. Lo que nos enseña el Sermón de la Montaña es que el tener una relación íntima con Jesús nos transforma,
nos ayuda a formar nuestra conciencia, es un profundo lugar de discernimiento en el cual, conociendo las leyes, podemos
encontrar a Dios y comprender cómo debemos actuar en una situación en particular. El tener una íntima relación con
Jesús nos permite ver que no es simplemente el hecho de seguir o no una ley, sino una implicación más profunda de
cómo nuestras acciones afectan nuestra relación con Dios y con los demás.

       En su más reciente exhortación, Querida Amazonia,(‘querida Amazonas’) promulgada después de la junta de los
Obispos de Amazonas, pero dirigida a todo el mundo, el Papa Francisco ejemplifica el cumplimiento de la ley al escribir
de cuatro grandes sueños: Social, Cultural, Ecológico, Eclesial: los cuales ‘cultivarían sin desarraigar...promoverían el
crecimiento sin debilitar...brindarían apoyo sin invadir..(28), para convertirse en una síntesis vital...(con) su propia forma
de sabiduría (32). Esta síntesis y sabiduría, obtenida de tener un intercambio o debate cortés, respecto a la verdad acerca
de la humanidad, no sólo evita que se muera nuestra conciencia, sino que nos ayuda a formar una conciencia informada
la cual nos permite tener un diálogo con Dios, y discernir más plenamente cómo actuar en determinada situación.

     Como el Papa Francisco lo ha dicho en otras ocasiones, una conciencia bien formada nos ayuda a ver a la iglesia
como un ‘hospital de campaña’ atendiendo a los necesitados espiritual, cultural y físicamente. Nos ayuda a salirnos de
los márgenes de la sociedad, a las periferias, a buscar a quienes lo necesitan. Esto requiere que conozcamos bien las
enseñanzas sociales de la iglesia y las comencemos a integrar a nuestras vidas. Para quienes son elegibles, esto significa
registrarnos para votar y ejercitar ese derecho cada vez que tengamos la oportunidad. Pero para ejercer nuestro derecho
debemos tener una conciencia bien formada, como fieles ciudadanos, no podemos permitir que un solo tema o partido
político nos distraiga, sino que siempre debemos considerar el bien común con la opción preferencial hacia los más
necesitados. Una conciencia bien formada nos ayuda a integrar la cuestión de la justicia social en nuestra deliberación, el
respeto a la dignidad de vida desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural, las necesidades del pobre y del inmigrante,
nuestra responsabilidad de compartir lo que Dios nos ha dado para el mejoramiento de los demás, y la gran misión que
tenemos de proclamar el evangelio con nuestras vidas.

       Tome tiempo esta semana para ayudar a formar su conciencia; lea la exhortación del Papa, aprenda las enseñanzas
sociales de la iglesia, lea y reflexione en el Sermón de la Montaña y deje que Dios le hable. Si es elegible para votar y no
se ha registrado, regístrese. Si se ha registrado para votar - estudie a los candidatos y los temas en cuestión y vote
conforme a su bien formada conciencia. Haga que su voz se escuche en el discurso público de los diferentes temas en
cuestión y haga que se escuche la voz católica. Algo que todos podemos hacer, cuando se nos dé la oportunidad, es
responder al censo. Este es un conteo de todos y es importante ya que es el conteo mediante el cual se mide nuestra voz.

      No sólo vivamos la ley, sino cumplamos con la ley para que nuestras vidas reflejen el reino de Dios el cual es aquí
y ahora.

Diacono Ed
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Nuestra Comunidad   Page 9
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - February 23, 2020 Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Page 10                            Administrative

We would like to thank all of our priest, committee, volunteers, staff, school choir
and donors for all your commitment to our mission and all the hard work and
dedication you put in. Your YES is truly appreciated!

                   Sacred Heart Parish Mission
We, the people of Sacred Heart, are a welcoming community, faithful to Catholic teaching, called to live
out the Gospel message through prayer, ministry, and example, so that God’s love may be known to all.

Nosotros, la gente del Sagrado Corazón, somos una comunidad acogedora, fieles a la enseñanza católica, llamados a
vivir el mensaje del Evangelio mediante la oración, la pastoral y el ejemplo, para que todos conozcan el amor de
                                       PARISH STAFF: “Serving God through Serving Others”
                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 11

                                                          909-899-1049 or

                                 ADMINISTRATIVE                                                                   FAITH FORMATION/YOUTH MINISTRY
LaQuita Gray-Baker, Business Manager                                                                     Cecilia Fornelli, Coordinator of Catechetical Ministry ……………...ext. 150
e-mail:…….…………………………...ext.111                                               e-mail:
Blanca Marrufo, Adm. Assistant to the Pastor………………………….ext. 133
                                                                                                         Melissa Valenzuela, RE Administrative Assistant……………………ext. 151
Aileen Arrezola, Bookkeeper     e-mail:…..ext. 114
Mauricio Romero, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries                                                      Lucy Barajas, RE Administrative Assistant…………………...…….. ext.152
e-mail:………………………………… .ext. 145                                              e-mail:
Ana Estrella, Coordinator of Ministries                                                                  Nellie Davison, Coordinator of Confirmation……………………………..ext. 123
e-mail:……………………………………..…ext. 116                                                 e-mail:
Vivian Huizar, Administrative Assistant/Sacramental Records……………ext. 113                                 Adriana Rios, Confirmation & Youth Office Administrative Assistant…...ext. 122
e-mail:                                                                       email:
Maria A. Inés, Administrative Assistant/Bulletin Editor……….………ext. 115                                    Laura Figueroa, Youth & Young Adults Minister ………………….ext. 121
e-mail:                                                                        e-mail:
                                       LITURGICAL                                                                                               FACILITIES
Mary Dias, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries………………………..ext. 701
e-mail:                                                                         Carlos Sanchez, Facility Manager ………………………………….ext. 552
Ricardo Varela, Coordinator of Liturgical & Choir Ministries.………....ext. 154                             e-mail:
e-mail:                                                                      Salvador Marquez, Lawn Care…………………………………....ext. 118
Haley Henry, Liturgy Asst. e-mail:……...ext. 131                                 Francisco Valenzuela, Maintenance……………………………. ext.551
Thomas Haynes, Audio Visual Coordinator          E-mail:

                                            PARISH MINISTRIES (Telephone or Extension)
Abide Young Adult Ministry                                                          ext. 121             Natural Family Planning               Gerardo & Lupe Valvaneda             (909)556-5244
ACTS                                   Femin Jaramillo                              (909)223-7209        Parish School Board                   Jeannette Martinez                   (909)772-3362
Adoration                              Alberto Soto                                 (909) 518-2793       Pastoral Council                      Dave Hutson                          (909) 823-0146
                                       Angelina Corral                                                   Purgatorial Prayer Ministry           Alicia Santacruz                     (909)578-7658
African Descent Ministry               Oby Omelu                                    (951)440-7332        Readers                               Robert Covington                     (909)350-3277
Altar Linens                           Paul Camarillo                               (909)239-7954        Respect Life                          Mirella Barclay                      (909) 377-8454
Altar Server                           Nidia Vargas                                 (559)331-5173        RCIA (English)                        Mary Ann Andel                       (909)987-9312
Arts / Environment                     Veronica Assal                                                    Parking Ministry                      Iggy Araujo                          (909)296-5233
Bereavement Ministry                   Olga Rios                                    (909)702-2951        Social Justice                        Sandra Gonzalez                      (909)921-3163
Catholic Men’s Fellowship              Adam Salas                                                        Tribunal Advocates                    Dcn. Ed Clark
Children’s Liturgy                     Cecilia Fornelli                             ext. 150             Ushers / Greeters                     Andy Morales                         (909)600-9593
Church Cleaning                        Jesus Molina                                 (909)582-4467        Women’s Fellowship                    Rosa Anne Amoruwa                    (909)731-1180
Coffee & Donut Ministry                Mary Orduño                                  (909)561-2950
Communion to Homebound                 Jim & Maribel Hernandez              email:                            MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES
Cursillos In Christianity              Gio Peralta                                  (909)921-6974        Adoración al Santísimo                  Alberto Soto                       (909)518-2793
Divorced, Widowed, Separated           Judy Nelson                                  (909) 815-2819                                               Angelina Corral
Divine Mercy Ministry                   Anne Magodoro                               (909)518-7637        AGAPE (Ministerio para niños especiales) David y Maria Arias                (951)217-2675
EDGE (Middle School)                   Nellie Davison                               ext. 123             Ángeles de María (Las Niñas)            Maria Berumen                       (909)904-5657
Ext. Min. of Holy Communion            Lydia Hanna                                  (909)721-6440        Comunión a los Enfermos                 Patricia Hassin                     (909)232-0041
Faith on Fire                          Adriana Magdaleno                            (951) 966-6389       Despensa de Comida                      Maria Brown                         (626)274-9068
Filipino Ministry                      Isabel Briones                                                    Duelo - Ministerio                      Olga Rios                           (909)702-2951
Finance Council                        Ernie DePass                                                      Educación Religiosa y RICA              Cecilia Fornelli                    ext. 150
Fire Starter                           Eric Batoon                           email:
                                                                                                          RICA para Adultos                      América Uriarte                     (909)746-9067
Food Pantry                            Maria Brown                                 (626)274-9068         Estudio Bíblico                          Joseph Moctezuma                  (909)282-2142
Gift Store                                                                         ext. 117              Eucaristía - Ministros                   Lydia Hanna                        (909)721-6440
Guadalupano’s (bilingual)              Rod Morales                                 (909)489-3933         Grupo de Oración-Cristo Rey              Irma Morales                        909-782-7231
Good Shepherd                          Cecilia Fornelli                            ext. 150
                                                                                                         Justicia Social                          Sandra Gonzalez                    (909)921-3163
Grief Ministry                         Olga Rios                                   (909)702-2951
                                                                                                         Lectores                                 Luis Torres                        (909)854-6670
Holy Spirit Prayer Ministry            Ana Estrella                                ext. 116
                                                                                                         Librería                                                                    ext. 117
Jail Ministry                          Dave Hutson                                 (909) 823-0146
                                                                                                         Matrimonios del Sagrado
Joy Senior Ministry                    Rosalie Lomelin                             (909) 641-8093
                                                                                                              Corazón de Jesús y María           Diacono Antonio
Knights of Columbus                    Glenn Yepez (Grand Knight)                  (909) 437-8954
                                                                                                         Ministerio de Hombres San José Obrero Roberto Hernandez                    (909) 719-2889
LifeTeen (High School)                 Nellie Davison                              ext. 123
                                                                                                         Monaguillos                              Nidia Vargas                      (559)331-5173
Light of Jesus Family Ministry         Lester Pasimio                              (626)643-0012
                                                                                                         Movimiento Familiar                     Guillermo y Carmen Navarro         (909)782-3233
Marriage Encounter                     Tony & Carmel Giliberto                     (909)899-6223
                                                                                                         Música                                  Joaquín Vázquez, Carlos Urrutia,   ——————
Marriage Enrichment                    Shawn & Bern Judson                         (909)463-9689
                                                                                                                                                  José Ramírez, Juan Soto           —————–
Marriage Preparation                   Paul & Nancy Camarillo                       (909)239-7095
                                                                                                         Planificación Natural de la Fam. Gerardo y Lupe Valvaneda                  (909)556-5244
Mary’s Hands Cir (Knitting Ministry)                                                (909)827-5805
                                                                                                         Quinceañeras                             Mauricio Romero                   ext. 145
Multi Cultural Fellowship              Marjorie Saint-Louis                        (909)859-5235
                                                                                                         Preparación Matrimonial                  Francisco & Vicki Bellota
                                                                                                         Respeto a la Vida                        Mirella Barclay                    (909) 377-8454
Music                                  Daniella Almario, Raul Cancio, Ernie Gomez,
                                       Jayson Mojica, Vhen Bautista, Jay Plaza                           Ujieres                                  Andy Morales                      (909)600-9593

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church
                                     12704 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9795
                                              Office: (909) 899-1049 | Fax: (909) 899-3229

                                                      FOLLOW US!            Website:
    CLERGY                                                        Facebook:
    Nwachukwu-UdakuΎVF,Ύ                                                                          Mass Schedule
       Pastor,ΎΎExt.Ύ132Ύ                           1st & 3rd Friday
                                             Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament                Saturday/Sabado
                                         starting with the 7:30am Mass till 7:00pm             5:00 p.m. Vigil
        Rev.ΎJulianΎ                      Adoración al Santísimo comenzando con
      Okoroanyanwu                          la Misa de 7:30 am hasta las 7:00pm                Sunday/Domingo
  ParochialΎVicar,ΎExt.Ύ141                                                                    7:00 a.m.                   Chapel — Capilla
                                                       Reservation Chapel                      8:30 a.m. (Español)**
                                           Open on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. En-
                                             trance is on the West side of the building.
                                                                                               10:30 a.m. (w/Amerian Sign Language)*
        Molumby,ΎS.T.                     La Capilla - abierta entre semana de 7 a.m. a 5      12:30 p.m. ***
                                             p.m. La entrada esta al oeste del edificio.
     PriestΎinΎResidence                                                                       5:00 p.m.
                                                       Rosary                                  7:00 p.m. (Español)
      DeaconΎEdΎClark                      Monday –Friday 6:50AM in the Chapel                 * Except the Third Sunday
  ParishΎDeaconΎ,ΎExt.Ύ286                  Chaplet of the Divine Mercy                        ** 3⁰ Domingo con Lenguaje de Signos
                                             Monday –Friday after 7:30 am Mass                 ***3rd Sunday of the month Bilingual Filipino:
                                                  and 3 PM in the Chapel
      DeaconΎAntonioΎ                   Holy Hour                                                     Daily Mass Schedule
          Hernandez                     Every Thursday from 6:30pm. to 7:30pm.
     ParishΎDeaconΎ,ΎExt.Ύ              Hora Santa                                                     Mon-Sat/Lunes-Sabado                                                                       7:30 a.m. English—Chapel
                                        Todos los Jueves de 6:30pm. a las 7:30pm.
General Information — Información General                                                            6:15 p.m. Español—Church
Baptisms/Bautizos                                                                                           Wed/Miércoles
You may contact the Religious Education Office at ext. 152 or ext. 151 or see our website.
                                                                                                     6:15 p.m. English—Chapel
Puede comunicarse con la oficina, a la ext. 152 o ext. 151 o ver nuestra pagina de internet.
Weddings/Bodas                                                                                 Confession/Confeciones
Minimum of six months preparation required. Call Blanca at Ext. 133 for more information                    Saturday/Sabado
and appointments.                                                                                         3:30 p.m. — Church
Mínimo de seis meses de preparación. Llame a Blanca a la Ext. 133 para mas información
y citas.                                                                                                    Tuesday/Martes
                                                                                                          5:00 p.m. — Church
Parents and Quinceañera need to attend an information meeting after the 8:30 am mass on                For an appt./Para una cita
the last Sunday of the Month. 6 Month Prep. required.                                                     Call/llame a ext. 133
Padres y Quinceañera deben asistir a una reunión informativa después de la misa de 8:30
am el ultimo domingo de cada mes. Se requiere 6 meses de preparación.
                                                                                                       How to reach us
Mass Intentions
The offering is $10 per Mass (maximum of four intentions). Anyone may request a Mass
intention in person at the parish office.                                                           OFFICE HOURS:
La oferta es de $ 10 por Misa (máximo de cuatro intenciones). Cualquier persona puede           Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-5:30pm
solicitar una Misa en persona en la oficina parroquial.                                             Friday: 8:30am- 5:00pm
Anointing of the Sick/Unción de los Enfermos
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is NOT just for the dying. It is also a beautiful
                                                                                                       (909) 899-1049
sacrament for healing and strength. Call the office to make arrangements.                                  Fax: (909) 899-3229
El Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos NO es solo para los moribundos. Es también             For General Information call ext. 113 or 115
un hermoso sacramento de sanación y fuerza. Llame a la oficina para los arreglos.                    For Emergencies ONLY requiring a priest
                                                                                                    during non-office hours call (909) 503-5588.
If you would like to make arrangements for a funeral please contact Olga Rios with our           Gift Store HOURS:
bereavement Ministry at 909-702-2951.                                                             Saturday (call for times) ext. 117
Si desea hacer arreglos para un funeral, por favor póngase en
contacto con Olga Rios del Ministerio de Duelo al 909-702-2951.                                      Tue.-Thr: 4:00pm– 6:00pm
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