The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill

Page created by Linda Solis
The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
   Mag           azine

       2020 AD
The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill

Parish Children’s and Families Worker
                                  Miss Janine Scothern ....................... (539167)
Hon. Assistant Clergy             Revd Keith Williams .......................... (734093)
                                  Revd Mel Durrant ............................. (217468)
                                  Revd Simon Earl ............................... (842179)
Readers                           Miss Alison Marchant ....................... (216466)
                                  Mr Paul Abnett .................................. (213816)
St. Peter’s & Parish Wardens      Miss Cathy Gillman ........................... (224996)
                                  Mr Chris Miles ................................... (222407)
St. Michael’s Wardens             Miss Alison Marchant ....................... (216466)
                                  Iain Scott-Dickeson ........................... (730653)
St. Peter’s Director of Music     Vacant position
St. Peter’s Verger                Mrs Helen Cunliffe ............................ (844916)
PCC Secretary                     Revd Stephanie Prosser ................... (213360)
PCC Treasurer                     Mr Stephen Parry
St. Peter’s Treasurer             Mr Alan Simmons
St. Michael’s Treasurer           Mr John Hudson
Electoral Roll Officer

St. Peter’s Bell Ringers          Mr Roy Cox ....................................... (211473)
                                  Mr Richard Kennard ......................... (213849)
St. Peter’s Stewardship Officer   Mrs Shirley Morgan
St. Peter’s Community Centre      Warden - Mrs Heidi Miles ................. (219908)
St. Michael’s Community Centre Bookings - Mrs Judith Hattam .......... (730082)
                                                NO CALLS AFTER 8:30pm
Parish Minibus Enquiries          Mr Chris Miles .................................. (222407)

          Parish Office - Mrs Caroline Young - Rector’s Secretary
                St. Peter’s Stables, Church Street, TN40 2HE

           Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday (9.00am - 1.00pm)

     Email:             Tel:- 01424 734438
The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
Contents                                                                                      Page
Pastoral Letter ............................................................................ 4-5
Services and events .................................................................... 5
Christmas Messages from our Parish Wardens .......................... 6-7
Christmas Message from St Peter’s Treasurer ............................ 8-9
Alpha Course ............................................................................... 10
St Michael’s Harvest and Christ The King Pictures ...................... 11
News From St Michael’s .............................................................. 12-13
St Michael’s and All Angels ......................................................... 13
Christmas Lunch - Friends of Lossie Long ................................... 14
Advent and Christmas Services ................................................... 15
Time For God ............................................................................... 16-18
The Green Spot ........................................................................... 19
TFG - A Christmas Helping ........................................................... 20
TFG - Celebrating Christmas the TfG Way ................................... 21
Alpha Article ................................................................................ 22-23
St Peter’s Church ........................................................................ 24
TFG Informal Service ................................................................... 25
Vacancies at St Peter’s ................................................................ 26
Sussex Wildlife Trust ................................................................... 27
Parish Diary ................................................................................. 40

                      Please see page 28 for more details

        Don’t forget to check out our parish websites

                   Copy for next month’s magazine by
                    8th December please email to
The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
Pastoral Letter

As we approach Christmas, in what has been a very unpredictable year, I
find my thoughts turning to Mary. Mary a young girl whose whole world
was turned upside down by the visitation of an angel telling her she was
to give birth to the son of God. Then to cap it all, Joseph the man she is
betrothed to, is required to travel to Jerusalem, to pay his taxes, when she
is heavily pregnant and would have much preferred to be at home with
her family in familiar surroundings. She must have felt her world was
spiraling out of control.

Since March we have all had a taste of life not being as normal; we have
lost control of our own lives, unable to make plans, to visit places and
people of our choice, even to go to our places of work and of leisure. The
effect on some people has been devastating, lack of income, lack of human
company, lack of purpose, lack of hope. Others have been able to take
time out, take stock and re-evaluate what is important to them but I am
sure that there is no one reading this who has not been effected in some
way by Covid 19. All our lives have been changed and the realisation of
how little actual control we have on them has become apparent.

I am writing this on a November morning when the temperature is 14
degrees; as I look out of my window I see a Cana lily and an Arum lily both
in flower as well as other summer flowers still in bloom – even nature is
confused and unpredictable. I need to put my bulbs in but the borders are
still in bloom!

As some of you know I am involved with HUG a local homelessness Charity,
I think it is fair to say that very few people who find themselves street
homeless predicted this for their life but life has gone wrong somewhere
along the way, relationships, trauma, ill health whatever the catalyst – the
outcome is desperate. It’s like being lost in an unfamiliar wood all the
footpaths look the same but not all lead to where we want to go. It feels
scary and out of control – we like certainties in our lives.

As this year has unfolded, and our lives been disrupted I have been grateful
for my Christian faith, my belief that when chaos is all around me God is

The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
not only in it he is in control of it, although I accept that it is difficult to
see the reality of this when we look around us this is my faith and my

As a Christian we have one certainty, the certainty of eternal life (John 3
v 16) Christmas is a time for giving gifts but no gift can be greater than this
gift freely given to all by the God who created the World and loves
everything that he has made. If you have not accepted this gift from God
do so this Christmas, accept that Jesus lived and died and rose gain
because he loves you; all he wants in return is your love for him and those
around you. I am sure you won’t regret it.

So to finish may I quote scripture:- May God the source of hope, fill you
with all joy and peace by means of your faith in him so that your hope will
continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15 v 13).

Have a blessed Christmas and a hopeful New Year.

Pauline Goubert

                         SERVICES and EVENTS
  Whilst this afternoons (23rd November) announcement by the Prime
  Minister indicates the lockdown is being lifted on Wednesday 2nd
  December, we're sadly still unable to confirm when services and
  other events (junior church, sewing guild, etc) will resume until
  Bexhill's status within the "Tier System" is confirmed and any
  relevant guidelines from the Church of England are distributed.

  Therefore the services and events detailed within the magazine
  indicate the BEST scenario IF the local tier restrictions and Church
  of England guidance permit a full resumption.

  Updates related to services and events will be confirmed on the
  weekly newsletters and via the Virtual / Email groups.

  Hope you’re all staying safe and well, wishing you all a happy
  Christmas, Caroline

The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
Christmas Messages from our Parish Wardens

As I sit here, a few days before we celebrate Christ the King and a week
before the great season of Advent I am wondering how to keep Christmas
fresh. I don't feel at all like Christmas, especially after the challenging
year we've all had. So I've turned to my hymn book for some
inspiration and it fell open at "Hills of the North Rejoice".

This is one of my all time favourites for Advent and all of a sudden I'm
singing away to myself and that Christmas feeling is returning.

There are so many wonderful texts to read, so many wonderful hymns
and carols to sing, all to remind us of the start of the most wonderful
story of all time, the Birth of Jesus.

So as we prepare during this Advent and Christmas take a moment to
enjoy my season's opening inspiration.

Happy Christmas to you all!

Hills of the north, rejoice;
river and mountain spring,
hark to the advent voice;
valley and lowland, sing;
though absent long, your Lord is nigh;
he judgment brings and victory.

Isles of the southern seas,
deep in your coral caves
pent be each warring breeze,
lulled be your restless waves:
he comes to reign with boundless sway,
and makes your wastes his great highway.

Lands of the East, awake,
soon shall your sons be free;
the sleep of ages break,

The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
and rise to liberty.
On your far hills, long cold and gray,
has dawned the everlasting day.

Shores of the utmost West,
ye that have waited long,
unvisited, unblessed,
break forth to swelling song;
high raise the note, that Jesus died,
yet lives and reigns, the Crucified.

Shout, while ye journey home;
songs be in every mouth;
lo, from the North we come,
from East, and West, and South.
city of God, the bond are free,
we come to live and reign in thee!

Chris Miles

  Sitting here at home starting to write my Christmas Cards and letters
  for friends who live abroad it sets me thinking about the people I
  only hear from or see at Christmas. That leads me onto thinking of
  my Church family who I have been unable to see since March. I have
  missed them so much but both Ruby and I wish you all the love of
  Christmas, all be it different this year. May the good news that was
  given to us at the first Christmas flourish and gain momentum next
  I hope we will meet up totally soon and to those who I will not see
  please take care, keep safe and have a happy Christmas and a healthy
  and prosperous New Year.
  Cathy Gillman

The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
A Christmas message

I was reading one of the many messages received from people wanting
to update me on whether they are open and what to expect. One of them
started “Christmas is often a season for traditions and reflection. In a
year where the normal has frequently been thrown into disarray, there
has also been plenty of opportunity to stop and reflect on what is really
important” – How very true.

Thankfully this lockdown is not as severe as the first one and although
we may not be able to bring people together with the services and events
that we enjoy so much at least we can still use the church for private
prayer and look forward to better times in the future.

During the year we have seen some wonderful examples of “thinking
outside the box” and thanks to all the hard work we can now enjoy the
virtual church and everything that it brings to us, the service for TFG and
regular articles from Roger and Judith. We have now seen the start of
the daily thought and message for the day and having learnt from the
previous lock down we are working on how to stay in contact with people
who would appreciate a phone call and a quick chat.

At times lock down has presented us with challenges. For example
General Data Protection Regulations, designed to prevent misuse of your
personal information means that we cannot use our electoral roll to look
up phone numbers and for people to call you. We have learnt from the
first lock down and are working on a system to support people using
allowable data sources.

Turning to the Finance side I want to thank everybody who has either
changed their method of giving or has been dropping donations through
the church letter box. Although the flow of cash has not been as smooth
as with weekly donations we have received around 1/3 of the normal
level of donations.

The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
We have also been fortunate that the government introduced the
Furlough system which has provided finance to pay some of the staff who
could not perform their normal duties during the first lock down.

Sadly income has reduced, at the time of writing we are nearly £5500
lower than this time last year, as a church we are not alone in this and
as a result at the Deanery finance meeting we, along with other churches,
were advised not to make charitable payments this year out of church
funds. We also have to be cautious with how we handle money and as a
result most of the retiring collections for the year were stopped. This will
sadly mean that outward giving figures in the year end accounts will be
substantially lower than last year.

On the positive side we have been able to reduce expenditure in lots of
areas, less orders of service and parish magazines have been printed,
water rates stopped, less candles and wafers purchased and so on. All of
this has helped to balance some of the shortfall in income.

As you can see even in lockdown there is a lot to be thankful for.

Thank you for all of your support in 2020, stay safe

Alan Simmons

          THE PARISH OFFICE will be CLOSED on
            Wednesday 16th and 23rd December
The Parish Magazine - 2020 AD - St. Peters, Bexhill
Alpha is the place to ask
the Big Questions of Life
and explore the Christian faith with friends
St Peter’s is running Alpha in the Community Centre, Church
Street, Bexhill TN40 2HE, starting in January 2021. We meet for
a simple meal, watch a DVD and discuss what we have seen.
Questions are valued and discussed at any level.

We have a Friday morning meeting, finishing in plenty of time to
pick up children from school, and an evening meeting. It is
planned to be 10 weeks long and will follow government
guidelines. Would you benefit from Alpha or do you know
someone who would? Please think and pray about it.

Interested? Telephone: (01424) 222107
or email:
‘What distinguishes Alpha from other initiatives is the easy-going, relaxed feel of the proceedings –
that, and its astonishing success.’                                               The Times, London

St Michael’s
Harvest Festival
Christ The King

 many thanks to
Rosemary Roberts
 for the pictures

News from St Michael’s
Despite being plunged back into lockdown from early November, and only being
able to have private prayer in church on Sundays and Wednesdays, (many
thanks to Robin, Kathy and Jill for opening up for us); we did have a wonderfully
uplifting Harvest Thanksgiving, led by Mel Durrant, with Paul Abnett playing
lovely Harvest, and other hymns of praise. And we really did “go out with joy”.

We also just managed to squeeze our All Souls’ service in, led by Keith Williams,
the day before lockdown restarted, and then had a simple 2 minutes silent
remembrance at the private prayer on both the Sunday and on Wed 11th itself.
All 3 were very moving, and helped by really beautiful visual reminders: the
cross and candle lighting for All Souls’ and a great display of poppies made by
Jill and the AAGHH (all age service) children, plus other reminders of the wars,
coordinated by Rosemary. Thank you so much to all who contributed to these
in any way.

Throughout November we are collecting toys for St Nicholas Fellowship, for
local, disadvantaged children at Christmas. The needs are greater this year, so
all donations very welcome by Wed 2ⁿd Dec, please, (but please NO furry toys,
except in manufacturer’s wrapping, because of Covid).

Our next focus in November is celebrating Christ the King and then moving into
Advent. There is so much focus on Christ, born in Bethlehem and dying on a
cross before being raised to life again at Easter, but we can easily think that
that’s it really. Or we may only have a very hazy idea that Jesus IS King of Kings
and Lord of Lords, and don’t open our eyes to see that, despite all the problems
we see around us, He is King, NOW! And God’s purposes are being worked out,
according to His timetable, and He is not phased by the virus or any other
problems we face in our lives. So, on “Christ the King”, let’s look up from all the
difficulties and acknowledge that He is reigning over all, and take the
opportunity to get things into proportion, and renew our personal commitment
to Him, as OUR King.
In Advent, our Home Groups will be using the Sat7 Advent daily prayer guide,
to pray for Christians and rejoice over what God is doing in many countries in
the Middle East and N Africa, through their satellite broadcasts. Check:, if you want to join in. They need our prayers, and we

in the West, need their encouragement as they see God working powerfully
throughout their region, in ways never seen before.

We very much regret that we have had to cancel our Christmas Tree Festival
due to Covid 19, but we are really looking forward to welcoming Bp Will for a
family Communion, 11am on Wed 23rd Dec. This will be ticketed, and families
very welcome. This in some way replaces our usual Crib Service which, sadly,
cannot happen this year because of distancing. But we will have our Christmas
Eve Communion at 9pm on 24th, and our usual Christmas morning family service
at 10.30am.

Happy Christmas everyone

Alison Marchant. Lay Reader

     St Michael & All Angels

               Holy Communion
       every Wednesday – 11:00am*

                 Private Prayers
    every Sunday – 10:00am-12:00*

 *Subject to change, please check website for up to date infor-
Advent and Christmas Services
           at St Peter’s and St Michael’s
Sunday 6th December
6pm        Advent Carols @ St Peter’s
Sunday 13th December
6pm        TfG - A Christmas Helping at St Peter’s
Sunday 20th December
6pm        9 Lesson and Carols at St Peter’s
Wednesday 23rd December
11am     Family Communion with Bishop Will
         at St Michael’s (ticketed)
Thursday 24th December
4pm       Crib Service at St Peter’s
9pm       Christmas Eve Mass at St Michael’s
11:30pm Midnight Mass at St Peter’s (ticketed)
Friday 25th December
10am        St Peter’s Service on Christmas Day
10:30am St Michael’s Service on Christmas Day

Faith ~ Fellowship ~ Friendship
                  Founded September 2000
      ~ One of the many Services offered at St Peter’s ~
      ~ 10am every Sunday in the Community Centre ~
         ~ on Email and St Peter’s Facebook Page ~

  During these difficult times, we are here for you at St Peter’s.
  Whether you wish to take part in one of our virtual Services
  through email or St Peter’s Facebook page or whether you
  wish to contact someone just for a chat, please do look at the
  contact details in this Parish Mag.

  The TfG Service is also available for everyone through email
  or our St Peter’s Facebook page and, again, please do contact
  someone if you have not yet found us in whatever form you

               Happy Advent! Happy Christmas!

It is sincerely hoped that by the time you are reading this we are
either coming out of lockdown or we are out of it. Whatever the
situation, whatever your situation, do join in whatever way you wish
as set out above and in this Mag.

Just before lockdown, in October and at the beginning of Novem-
ber, we enjoyed some moving Services held by Rev’d Mel, Eliza-
beth and Peter and Janine.

Due to the lockdown, the remainder of the Services in November,
held by Rev’d Mel and Elizabeth and Peter, were done remotely,
but these are some that were held in person and also remotely:-

For Climate Sunday Rev’d Mel reminded us of the importance of
trees in God’s creation and how they are represented right from
the beginning of the Bible through to the end. Here are some of
them mentioned in the Bible:-

Can you think of any others?
Elizabeth and Peter talked about giving back to God what is God’s
– in other words, getting our priorities right and giving 100% to God.
With Janine we celebrated All Saints Day and we learnt that we are
all saints in Jesus Christ. Have a think about who is your favourite
saint and why.
So, on to December and lots more to look forward to. A special
mention is our Christmas Service on 20 December.
Please note there is no Service on 27 December.

And, let’s end on a positive with Rev’d Mel’s talk about the greatest
Commandment and the second greatest Commandment taught by

               Every blessing to you all.

              Faith ~ Fellowship ~ Friendship
                    (Founded Sept. 2000)
       One of the many Services offered at St Peter’s
      ~ 10am every Sunday in the Community Centre ~
       ~ on Email and on St Peter’s Facebook Page ~
       ~ Look in this Parish Mag for contact details ~

The Green Spot
What if?
We need to imagine the future before
it can happen. If we can’t imagine it
then it’s unlikely to happen. Poets and
singers set our imaginations on fire
long before NASA set up the
programme to put a man on the
moon. Just think Frank Sinatra and “fly
me to the moon.”
At the recent Green Christian online Festival Rob Hopkins of Transition
Towns stressed the importance of nature and imagination and
encouraged us to ask the “What if?” questions. What if we could create
an urban forest in the midst of our inner cities? What if all new housing
estates had ground source heat pumps in place? What if everyone had
an adequate basic income? What if children could play safely in the
streets, as most of us reading this magazine did in our childhoods? What
if we aim for a different standard of living, not a lower standard? What
if we grew our food in ways that encourage farm animals and wildlife to
flourish? What if we believe our future can be fun!
All these ideas are happening somewhere in the world today. First we
need to imagine, then to share and collaborate to make that future
If we’ve learned one thing from this dreadful pandemic it’s that change
can happen quickly. Going to the moon took just a few years of intense
planning once NASA got the go ahead. Providing a basic adequate income
for workers through the furlough scheme, and moving rough sleepers
off the streets, took just a few days back in April. Discovering we could
work, worship and have fun, through online platforms like Zoom took
only a few weeks.
Advent is a time of hope. We look forward with joy to the celebration of
Christ’s birth. What if, together, we could build back better after the
pandemic with a fairer and greener world?
                                     19                     Barbara Echlin

About 25 years ago I was for a few years, Tower Captain at Christ Church
Blacklands, and during that time the Vicar asked me to go with him and his
wife for an Alpha training weekend to Holy Trinity Brompton. The church
was packed with people from all over the world (Australia, Japan, Germany,
Korea, and all the Americas to name but a few), and yet this course started
initially with eight people meeting to study CHRISTIAN BASICS in the church
vicarage. I was taken back to that small nucleus of disciples, uneducated for
the most part who, one would have thought, were very unlikely material for
the mission to spread God’s love for mankind throughout the known world.

At the beginning of this year, I awoke with a strong conviction that we should
do Alpha again at St. Peter’s. (We had done it in the parish some years ago).
I suggested it to Father David who was in agreement. (THEN LOCKDOWN)
and the church was shut for Easter, Ascension and Pentecost for the first
time in hundreds of years and now Interregnum. It seemed as if the church
was standing still or marking time; but for how long?

I started with Paula and Mike Mullens (my prayer partners in the churchyard
all the way through lockdown) to enquire about what other churches were
doing about Alpha. It seems there has been great interest across all the
denominations, so what about St. Peter’s?

The format for Alpha is that people meet together for a simple meal and
fellowship, watch a DVD and then enjoy a discussion and any questions
afterwards. Questions are valued and discussed at any level.

Walking in faith so to speak, I have discovered that the Bell Room is not used
at present in the week, and is suitable for small groups of 12 people following
Government guidelines and using local takeaways for food (possible
outreach here perhaps). I started to make plans.

The current situation is:

A Friday morning meeting of youngish mums and one elderly lady finishing
in plenty of time to pick up children from school. There is room for three
more in this group.

An evening group so far with two men and this group is open for more takers.

Whether you are an unbeliever, or your faith has become jaded or perhaps
has become a comfortable habit, maybe Alpha is right for you, or someone
else you know.

Note that groups should consist of:      8 guests
                                         2 Leaders
                                         2 Helpers

This seems to fit in with the original eight in the vicarage and with the twelve

It is planned to start in the week commencing the 4th January so would you
benefit from Alpha or do you know someone who would? Please think and
pray about it. Whichever applies to you we pray you will be blessed by it.

Interested enquiries tel: 222107
or email:

Eleanor Chapman

St. Peter’s Church

Holy Communion - 10.00am each Sunday
 Evensong - 6pm on Sunday evenings

  Opening Times for Private Prayer
     Sunday 11.00am - 2.00pm
   Wednesday 10.00am - 2.00pm

       PCC Treasurer – immediate start to help with handover

                   DDC Secretary - immediate start

            DCC Treasurer – from next APCM in April 2021
This interesting and vital role for the church requires somebody who is
comfortable working with figures and is organized. It involves inputting
and paying invoices and salary roll and preparing bi monthly accounts
for the DCC and working with the church accountant at the end of the
year to compile the annual accounts. If you think you might be the person
to fulfil this role please contact Alan Simmons via email or leave a message with Caroline on
01424 734438 - alternatively please speak one of the Church Wardens.

         The above roles are undertaken on a voluntary basis

    Please contact St Peter’s Church Wardens for a more detailed
  explanation of the role/s if you are interested in any of the above
                (See page 2 for contact information)

Long-tailed tits by Michael Blencowe of the Sussex Wildlife Trust
                        The ties that bind

“Who are these people?” You’ve hardly seen them all year yet here you are, paper
hat askew, squashed between them on the sofa at Christmas. On a branch out in
the cold darkness of the garden, also sandwiched between aunts, brothers, cousins
and daughters, a tiny bird is asking a similar question.

Long-tailed tits and humans are two of Britain’s most social species. And just like a
visit from your relatives, the arrival of a long-tailed tit flock in your garden can turn
tranquillity into chaos. It’s like someone has emptied a box of feathered fireworks
over the fence. They manically bicker on the bird feeder and swing acrobatically
upside-down on the fat balls, all the while trilling, rattling and screaming ‘eee-heee-
heee’ like a troupe of Michael Jackson impersonators. What you’re witnessing is a
group of roving relatives, roaming the neighbourhood to pillage your peanuts. This
posse of outlaws consists of in-laws, brothers, sons and daughters. With their
gorgeous pink, black and white plumage and those ridiculously long tails, these
flying lollypops must qualify for Britain’s cutest bird. Then, suddenly they’re gone
and the pulse rate of the garden returns to normal.

By late winter the extended family will drift apart to find new partners, ready to
start new families. In March, the foundations are laid for an epic construction. Moss
building bricks are lashed together with ropes of sticky spider’s webs. The walls
rise, a camouflage cladding of lichen is added to the roof and a cosy filling of a
thousand feathers lines the interior. The end result looks a crocheted stomach and
soon there will be plenty of rumbling from inside as eight hungry chicks demand
to be fed. But raising a large family can take its toll. The constant hunt for insects
can exhaust a parent almost to breaking point. And that’s when something unusual
and wonderful happens. Their family arrives to save them. Aunties and uncles who
have not been successful raising their own family that year will selflessly help the
parents and feed their nephews and nieces.

Once the children have flown the nest the whole gang remains together and joins
with other siblings to form your chaotic neighbourhood feeding flock. But the
biggest challenge of the year still awaits: winter. Freezing night-time temperatures
exact a heavy toll on our garden birds. And that’s why at Christmas, hidden deep
in a hedge, you’ll find the extended family of long-tailed tits huddled together on
a frosty branch, sharing their warmth and surviving. Like them, we can all extend
a warm wing to surround and support our family and friends this Christmas, whether
near or far. Because none of us can get through this on our own.


Please contact the Parish Office if you wish to place an
                advert in our magazine.

                 Tel: 01424 734438 or

             1/8 page            £38.50 pa
             Quarter page        £61.00 pa
             Half page           £93.25 pa
             Full page           £145.00 pa

For a yearly membership of £25,            Dial-A-Ride Bus
clients have full access to all our        Minibus with tail lift to take
services.                                  clients anywhere in Bexhill for
                                           £8.50* return (escort free)
Introduction to self employed
carers, domestics, gardeners,              Day Centres
handyman and shoppers                      Two Day Centres for the elderly
                                           in Bexhill £20* a day including
          Community Car                    transport, refreshments, lunch,
          Service for medical              activities
          appointments and
            funerals anywhere in           We also offer:
             the South East.               ● Medical equipment for
              Suggested donation           hire/sale ● Home Library Service
              to Conquest                  for the Housebound ● Volunteer
              Hospital £20.00*             sitters and visitors ● Help to fill
              return (includes             out Attendance Allowance and
              drivers waiting up           Blue Badge Forms etc.
             to 2 hours)

                   *All prices/ suggested donations current as of April 2019

This bus (15 seats including driver’s) is available to
all church groups and individuals connected with
our three churches.

On Sunday mornings it carries senior church-goers
to and from St. Peter’s and St. Michael’s churches
at a very reasonable cost. For further details contact
Chris Miles, tel: 222407.

New drivers aged 25 & conductors aged 18 upwards and reasonably fit are always
welcome and are now needed urgently. Failure to replace those who retire could
mean ending this service. Contact Chris Miles, tel: 222407.

 Would you like to join our Musical Drama Group?
 For more details contact:- Alan Young on 01424 220685
 Or visit:-

                                                    Beautiful hand-made food,
                                                  bespoke menus and exceptional
                                                     service. For dinner parties,
                                                  canapés, finger or fork buffets,
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                                                              or email


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  We offer free design and
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kitchen or fitted wardrobes.

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                                                                              Memorial Masons
                                                                            serving Kent & Sussex

                                                         ● New memorials
                                                         ● Renovations
              MARK ADAMS                                 ● Cleaning
                                                         ● Additional inscriptions
          Qualified Clock Maker                          ● BRAMM listed
                                                         ● All memorial fixers are City & Guilds
          All types of clocks restored.
           Over 28 years experience.                     ● 20 year stability guarantee on all new
   Free local collection and delivery service.
                                                         Telephone:     07511 133272
  Tel: 01424 772147    Mobile: 07527 073530              E-mail:
                                                         Web:           www.
      E Mail:
                                                                      UNIT 6, QUARRY FARM, BODIAM,
                                                                         EAST SUSSEX. TN32 5RA


Trees an issue or their plants a problem?

 Have you got a ‘mobile’ fence situation - a
‘shrinking’ garden?

Is getting in and out of your place driving you

Why sit there worrying about what’s coming
next? You are not alone, many people have let us
help them and we have years of experience deal-
ing with upsetting and difficult situations.

Why not let us help?

Perhaps write a strong and decisive letter for
you, and set things in motion to sort it out?

Have a chat to FIONA DUFF of Legal Knowledge
Solicitors at Ninfield on 01424 893210.

Samuels & Sons Roofing
(established 1960)

* UPVC fascias etc * guttering * tiling * slating lead work * flat roofs *
      * shingles * peg tiles power-washing and moss removal *
                          FREE ESTIMATES

Tel:    01424 251248                                                    G P Samuels (Proprietor)
Mob:    07973 298195                                           6 Third Avenue, Bexhill TN40 2PG

                                                 The Little
                                                 Man That
             Have you ever needed a “little man” who can .......

                 …... do jobs too small for a builder?

                 …... decorate and repair?

                 …... assist you to appointments or shopping?

                 …... landscaping and garden maintenance

                 …... do those little jobs that just need sorting out?

                                  Now you've found him!

                 Fully insured           DBS checked              Multi trades

                            Hourly and day rates available.

                   Call David Bourne, General Handyman for a
                                free quotation on
                                    07538 214 691
LEE & UPTON                                   BESPOKE BLINDS LTD
                                                        All types of blinds, conservatory
   BUILDERS & DECORATORS                                    blinds, awnings and Dutch
   Corgi & Gas Safe Registered                                       canopies.
          Enquiries to: C.D.LEE
                                                        Visit our showroom or select at
              Tel: 215089                              home for that perfect colour match.
           or 0781 709 1851
                                                        Free no-obligation quote and local
                                                                   home visits.
 COMMUNITY CENTRE                                           For more information call
                                                                 01424 220225
  Do you need a hall for a meeting                          105 London Road, Bexhill
            or function ?
                                                                   TN39 3LB
           Please contact
             Mrs. Miles                                             Email:
      Office hours 10-12noon
           Bexhill 219908

Please join and help us look after
Bexhill Old Town                                       BRIAN THOMAS
Tel: 01424 732642
                                                       YOUR LOCAL FRIENDLY

                                                       GARDENING, PAINTING, FENCING,
         ST. MICHAEL’S
       COMMUNITY CENTRE                                GENERAL MAINTENANCE, ODD JOBS.

         CENTRALLY HEATED                              INSURANCE & ENHANCED DBS HELD
      Fully Equipped Industrial Kitchen                FREE QUOTATION
 Ideal for Children’s Parties, Social Club etc.

          Contact: Judith Hattam
 Tel: 01424 730082 - no calls after 8.30pm


Bexhill Chiropody Centre
                                            HPC Registered Chiropodists

                                             for all of your basic foot care
                                            including hard skin and corns,
                                                      difficult nails
                                                 Persistent Verrucae.
                                                 Specialist footwear
                                              Surgery or Home visiting
                                           Foot care for all of your family

  18 Parkhurst Road, Bexhill-on-Sea. TN40 1DF Tel: 01424 730 822

      Have your hair styled in the
    comfort of your own home by a
             mature stylist

      Traditional hairdressing a

       Over thirty five years of

     For further information or to
     book an appointment please

Warming Up The Homeless Charity No:- 1180417
         Hastings - St Leonards on Sea - Bexhill on Sea - Eastbourne

We are a local charity distributing in the evenings to the homeless - clothes,
sleeping bags, food and drink. A Collection Box is in St Peter's Community
Centre. For more details on what and how you can donate/what we do/how
to become involved, please see the contact details below:-

                           Registered Address:-
   Charter Centre, 36 London Road, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex TN39 9JU


 We couldn’t do this without you - Thank you so very much

* Latest digital hearing
                                                         * Assistive devices
                                                         * 30-day trial period
                                                         * Free hearing tests
                                                         (at home or at our centre)

01424 733030 11 Sea Rd

         Elizabeth Court
             Rest Home

Proprietors:   Mrs. Dade
               Mrs. C Robinson
Manager:       Mrs. C Robinson RGN

If you are looking for “quality care” in a warm, secure and friendly environment,
then look no further. We provide short stay, convalescent, respite and
permanent care, we welcome your pets to stay too. All food freshly cooked
daily. The home is situated in the heart of Bexhill Old Town, opposite the
Manor Barn and local amenities. All the bedrooms are single and beautifully
decorated, and some with en-suite facilities. The home is adapted for wheel-
chair access too. We accept DSS and private clients. For further information
contact Mandy or Carol on the number below:

               Tel: 01424 219105 Fax: 01424 222901
      4 Hastings Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN40 2HH

                                                                   JOHN BUTTON

                                                                    01424 256404
                                                                    07958 052902

                                       FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS
                                       BEXHILL AND SURROUNDING AREA
    TEL: 01424 730525
  MOBILE: 07980 873083


     Feet 1st Podiatry
   A home visiting service                         Painting, Decorating
                                                      and Carpentry.
     Debra Thomson                                 Interior and Exterior
 Bsc. (Hons), S.R.Ch., M.Ch.S.,
       H.C.P.C Registered
                                                            Est. 1984
                                          A.B. Stevens
   Tel: 01424 601700               01424 772196



6th   6pm            Advent Carols @ St Peter’s

13th 6pm             TfG - A Christmas Helping @ St Peter’s

20th 6pm             9 Lesson and Carols @ St Peter’s

23rd 11am            Family Communion at St Michael’s with Bishop Will

24th 4pm             Crib Service @ St Peter’s
     9pm             Christmas Eve Communion @ St Michael’s
     11:30pm         Midnight Mass @ St Peter’s (ticketed)

25th 10am            St Peter’s Service on Christmas Day
     10:30am         St Michael’s Service on Christmas Day

                                     St Peter’s
  Junior Church from 9:45am every Sunday in St Peter’s Community Centre
                 Holy Communion each Sunday at 10am
  TFG every Sunday (ex. 27th December) from 10am in Community Centre
                       Evensong each Sunday at 6pm
  Private Prayers - Sunday’s 11am to 2pm and Wednesday’s 10am to 2pm

                                  St Michael’s
               Holy Communion every Wednesday at 11am
                 Private Prayers - Sunday’s 10am to noon


                 Bexhill Parish Team Ministry -40
                                               Registered Charity No: 1131504
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