January 26, 2020 - Solutions

Page created by Ian Goodman
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
January 26, 2020
                                                                    Rev. Scott S Herrera
                                                                    Associate Pastors:
                                                                    Rev. Manuel Gutierrez del Toro
                                                                    Rev. Derek Twilliger
                                                                    Palomar Hospital Chaplain:
                                                                    Rev. Gabriel Afeti
                                                                    James Kostick
                                                                    Mitch Rennix
                                                                    Andres Sanchez
                                                                    Amador Durán
                                                                    Parish Office Address:
                                                                    1170 South Broadway
                                                                    Escondido CA, 92025
                                                                    Phone: (760) 745-1611
                                                                    Fax: (442) 248-8600
                                                                    Office Hours/Horario:
                                                                    9:00 am-12:45 pm
                                                                    Closed for lunch/
                                                                    Cerrado durante el almuerzo
                                                                    2:00 pm-5:00 pm
                                                                    St. Mary School:
                                                                    (760) 743-3431
                                                                    St Mary Preschool:
                                                                    (760) 705-9906

          LITURGY & SACRAMENTS                                LITURGIA Y SACRAMENTOS
      Refer to page 3 for Mass Schedule              Consulte la página 3 para el Horario de Misas
Morning Prayer: Mon - Sat 7:40am                     Rosario: Lunes-Viernes 5:00pm
Rosary: Mon - Sat after 8:00am Mass                  Confesiones: Martes & Jueves antes de la Misa a las
Mother of Perpetual Help: Tue after 8am Mass         7:15am y 5:15pm. Sábado 4:00pm-5:15pm y con cita
Penance: Tues & Thurs 7:15am & 5:15pm Sat 4-5:15pm   previa a tráves de la oficina parroquial.
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
PAGE 2                  ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                           January 26, 2020
         Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
January 26, 2020                                          ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                       PAGE 3
                                   Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

       OUR LITURGICAL WEEK: MASS INTENTIONS & WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS                                                                           
 Fr. Scott Herrera (SH) | Fr. Manuel Guiterrez (MG) | Fr. Gabriel Afeti (GA) | Fr. Derek Twilliger (DT) | Visiting Priest (VP) | Dcn Mitch   PRAY FOR THE SICK
 Rennix (MR) | Dcn James Kostick (JK) | Dcn Andres Sanchez (AS) | Dcn Amador Durán (AD) | Latin (L) | English (E) | Spanish (S)
                                                                                                                                                 Celeste Parent
Day                              Date: Priest Lang: Daily Readings:                                                                               Bruce Botner
                                                                                                                                             Henry and Irene Armenta
Mass Feasts:                           / Dcn:       Mass Times: Mass Intentions:                                                                 Ana Recinos
                                                                                                                                                 Robbie Lyons
Monday / Lunes                    1/27                              2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26; Mk 3:22-30
                                                                                                                                                Carmen Serrano
St. Angela Merici                              GA           E       8:00 AM         Lora Whitz- Birthday                                      Robert and Michelle
                                                                                                                                               Herrera and family
                                               MG           S       6:00 PM         †German Moran Cruz                                             Virgil Arado
                                                                                                                                                   Bert Verger
Tuesday / Martes                  1/28                              2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35                                  Irene Palmer
                                               DT           E                                                                                       Tillie King
St. Thomas Aquinas                                                  8:00 AM         †Jess Arriola                                                Dana Trudelle
                                               MG           S                                                                                     Rosa Wilson
                                                                    6:00 PM         †Francisca Barrios
                                                                                                                                             Noe Samuel Arguelles
Wednesday / Miercoles             1/29                              2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20                                    Carmen Serrano
                                                                                                                                             Maria Elena St. Martin
Sts. Sarbelius & Barbea                     MG / MR         E       8:00 AM         †Deacon Ken Finn- Anniversary of birth                      Julie Woessner
                                                                                                                                              Yolanda H. Villicano
                                            DT / AS         S       6:00 PM         Fin de abortos y Cultura de la Muerte                     Raymundo Saldivar
                                  1/30                              2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14; Mk 4:21-25                           Lucio Juarez
Thursday / Jueves
St. Aldegunais                                 DT           E       8:00 AM         Lemus Juarez Family                                         LOVING FATHER
                                                                                                                                               GRANT UNTO THEM
                                            GA / AD         S       6:00 PM         †Micaela Navarrete y †Antonio Rosales                          HEALING
Friday / Viernes                  1/31                              2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34                  AND FULL RECOVERY
                                                                                                                                             FROM THEIR AILMENTS
St. John Bosco                                 DT           E       8:00 AM         †Lenny Basconb
                                               MG           S       6:00 PM         †Miguel Castro Jr
                                                                                                                                                PRAY FOR THE
Saturday / Sabado                  2/1                              2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41                                 DECEASED
Blessed Virgin Mary;                                        E       8:00 AM         Souls of Purgatory                                          †Honorio Cordero
First Saturday                                              E       5:30 PM         Purification and holiness of the Church                      †Antonia Araujo
                                                                                                                                                  † Larry Murray
                                                            S       7:00 PM         †Paula Estrada Guerrero                                  † Maria Duron Santos
                                                                                                                                                † Robert Carlson
Sunday / Domingo                   2/2                              Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]                    † Christina Lineham
                                                            E                                                                                † Maria Duron Santos
The Presentation of the                                             7:30 AM         †Bay Espino                                              † Elvira Duron Esparza
Lord; Blessing of                                           E       9:00 AM         †Jim Nilles and †Bryan Nilles                              † Salvador Morales
Candles; World Day for                                                                                                                       † Romy Garcia Castro
                                                            E       10:30 AM †Thomas Dobrino                                                   † Jackie Whittaker
Consecrated Life                                                                                                                               † Michael P. Kelley
                                                            S       12:00 PM †Sofia Albarran
                                                                                                                                             ETERNAL REST GRANT
                                                                    1:30 PM         †Maria de Jesus Ramirez                                  UNTO THEM O LORD,
                                                            L       3:30 PM         †George Buehl and †Muriel Buehl                             AND LET YOUR
                                                                                                                                               PERPETUAL LIGHT
                                                            E       5:30 PM         †Jacinto Ortega                                            SHINE UPON THEM
                                                            S       7:00 PM         Conversión de Pecadores                                       
                                                                                                                                              WEDDING BANNS /
                                                                                                                                             2/22 Martinez/Cervantes

                                                 PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS
Sun / Dom        26 Rev. Miguel Romero Mozo, MSP                     Thu / Jue        30 Rev. Urbano Salada
Mon / Lun        27 Rev. Reynaldo Roque                              Fri / Vie        31 Rev. Eduardo Samaniego, SJ
Tue / Mar        28 Rev. William Rowland, CJM                        Sat / Sab         1    Pope Francis
Wed / Mie        29 Rev. Czeslaw Rybacki, SChr                       Sun / Dom         2    Bishop Robert McElroy
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
PAGE 4                                         ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                        January 26, 2020
                           Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

                                                                      Ubicada a un lado del Centro
                        Located beside the Parish Center.                       Parroquial.
                              Hours of Operation:                                Horario:
                            Saturday 5:30pm-8:30pm                       Sábado 5:30pm-8:30pm
                            Sunday 8:30am-3:30pm                        Domingo 8:30am-3:30pm
                               ....please stop by!                         …por favor visítenos!
                           Thank you, St Mary Parish.               Gracias, Parroquia de Santa Maria.
                             Phone: (760) 745-1611                        Phone: (760) 745-1611
                              Fax: (442) 248-8600                          Fax: (442) 248-8600

     RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ANNOUNCEMENTS                                       St. Mary Middle School Youth Gatherings
                                                                    Come and gather with other Christ-like youth in a setting that
                  Notice to All Parishioners                        is youth friendly, where you can get fed spiritually, from the
To prevent accidental spillage of the Precious Blood of             four pillars of faith, the Creed, Liturgy , Sacraments, Christian
Christ during communion, Extraordinary Ministers of                 Morality and Christian Prayer. We will make new friends, on
Communion will not present the cup to anyone seated in the          occasion break bread together, sing, laugh and be Christ like.
pews. Also, please do not approach the cup holding a child or if    FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ENEDINA SAUCEDO
you are unable to embrace the cup with both hands to                at 760-745-1611x3 or esaucedo@stmaryp.org and NORMAN
receive. There have been many unfortunate spill accidents under     SAUCEDA 760-518-7645 nsauceda@stmaryp.org
these circumstances. The ministers have been directed to follow                 EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA AVISOS
these conditions. Rest assured, Christ is present "body, blood,
soul and divinity" when receiving only the consecrated Host, so       Inscripciones para Primera Comunión y Confirmación
receiving the Precious Blood is not needed to receive Him fully.    Registros para la Primera Comunión y Confirmación desde
                                                                    Febrero 2020. Especial de $80 de Febrero a Julio. $100 de
   Registrations for First Communion & Confirmations                Agosto para Adelante. Las clases comienzan en Septiembre.
Registrations for First Communions and Confirmations begin          Traiga los certificados de Bautismo y/o Comunion. Oficina de
on February 2020. Register early for $80 special up to July.        Educación Religiosa #215 del edificio nuevo.
$100 after August. Classes begin in September. Bring your
                                                                              Conquistando Las Naciones Para Cristo
Baptism and/or Communion Certificates. Office of Religious
Education #215 of the new building.                                 El cupo es limitado, entregue su aplicación en la Oficina de
                                                                    Educación Religiosa de Santa Maria lo antes posible.
                      Adult Bible Study                             Crecimientos en el SM Hall de la Escuela. Todos los lunes
Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the Parish              comenzando con la misa de 6:00 pm. Fechas de Retiros.
Center, Room 223. We are studying the Acts of the Apostles,
                                                                    Enero 10-11-12, Febrero 07-08-09, Marzo 20-21-22, Mayo 29-
also known as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit!
                                                                    30-31, Julio 31, Agosto 01 y 02
                    Sacred Heart Novena
                                                                                    Novena del Sagrado Corazon
On the First Friday of the month, we celebrate the consecration
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please join us at the 6:00 pm         El primer Viernes de cada mes, celebramos la consagración al
Mass for the consecration of children to His most precious          Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Por favor acompáñenos en la
heart followed by Adoration.                                        Misa de 6:00 pm para la consagración de los niños al
                                                                    Preciosísimo Corazón de Jesús.
           A blessing at 15: Quinceañera Masses
                                                                         La bendición a los 15: Misas para Quinceañeras
Please register at the Office of Religious Education at 14 or one
year before the 15th birthday. Masses available individual or in    Favor de registrarse en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa al
group of four. 1170 S. Broadway, Room 215A, (760) 745-1611.         cumplir los 14 años o un año antes de los 15. Hay Misas
                                                                    disponibles en grupo de 4 o individuales. 1170 S. Broadway,
                   Women’s Bible Studies
                                                                    Salón 215A, (760) 745-1611.
     St. Mary Parish – 1170 South Broadway, Escondido
                                                                                     Curso de Biblia en Español
Enjoy a deeper look at Scripture with a great group of women.
Enjoy singing, praying and studying together. Come and join         Venga y participe en el Curso de Biblia todos Los Jueves de las
us. Monday evenings, 6:45 pm, in the Catechumen room in the         6:15 pm a las 8:20 pm en el salón #3. Para mayor información,
church. Info: Mary – 760-798-4323. Tuesday Mornings – 9:15          por favor contáctese con la señora Lourdes Alejandrino at
am in the Parish Center room 211 Info: Jean – 760-745-9439          teléfono 760-519-4226. Muchas gracias le esperamos.
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
January 26, 2020                               ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                       PAGE 5
                           Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
               PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS                                        Altar and Rosary Ladies Reconciliation Retreat
                                                                     Prince of Peace Abbey 650 Bennett Hill Rd, Oceanside, CA on
               Compulsive Behavior Seminar                           Thursday, February 27, 2020 from 9 am to 3 pm. The cost will
Overcoming Compulsive Behavior By the Power of God's                 be $35 per person. Please mail checks to Tillie King at 1600
Word – Food, Alcohol, Drugs, Porn, Negative Thinking,                W. 9th Ave., Apt. 35C Escondido 92029 and please write
etc. “If you love me and obey the commands I give you, I will        checks out to Altar & Rosary Society, phone number 760-975-
ask the Father and He will give you another Paraclete—to be          5369, thank you.
with you always.” John 14:15-16. Testimony by           Joe
Szalkiewicz on Alcohol 1/31/20 Friday evening 7-8:30 pm at
St. Mary Parish Center, Room 223. All are welcome.                                    AVISOS PARROQUIALES
              Weekly Sunday Tridentine Mass                                         Serra Vocation Thought Prayer
St. Mary provides a Tridentine (Latin) low Mass every Sunday         En el Antiguo Testamento, Samuel se despertó de su sueño por
at 3:30 pm. On the 3rd Sundays of the month, we celebrate a          la voz de Dios, diciéndole qué hacer. En el nuevo testamento,
Latin High Mass, which includes incense and beautiful                Saúl fue cegado y cayó al suelo con fuerte amonestación de
Gregorian music. If you haven't experienced the reverence            Dios. ¿A caso Dios llama a las personas a su servicio especial
and beauty of the Latin Mass, then please join us. Don't             de esta manera dramática hoy? A veces, pero generalmente
worry... You don't have to know Latin to participate in this         no. El Concilio Vaticano II afirmó que las vocaciones están
ancient Catholic liturgy! We have Latin/English missalettes          vinculadas a la entera comunidad cristiana. Una iglesia que vive
available so that you can fully participate in this prayer. Please   su vida cristiana completa es una fuente básica de vocaciones;
join us, and let your friends and family know about these            una iglesia que constantemente se renueva con una
Masses as well.                                                      espiritualidad profunda, anclada en el amor ilimitado de Dios
                                                                     para nosotros a través de Cristo, las escrituras, la doctrina y la
                   Personal Prayer Ministry
                                                                     tradición. Dios llama a menudo a otros para ser sacerdotes,
If you desire to have personal prayer - James 5:13 says, "If         diáconos y religiosos debido a lo que somos, y lo que hacemos.
anyone among you is suffering hardship, He must pray." If            http://www.serravocationthought.org/
anyone wants personal prayer, please make an appointment
with Deacon Jim & Carol Kostick through the Front Office by
calling 760-745-1611.
                                                                             OTHER COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENTS
                 Is Your Family Protected?
         Is Your Life Insurance Company Pro-Life?                       Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for Post-Abortion Healing
The Knights of Columbus are, as St. John Paul II said, “the                                March 13 - 15, 2020
strong right-arm of the Church.” The Knights of Columbus             A safe place to renew, rebuild & redeem hearts broken by
Insurance, with its AA+ rating, has been protecting its              abortion. Retreats are confidential and non-judgmental, offered
members and their families since 1882. Our Catholic Life             in Catholic tradition open to women & men wounded by
Insurance Benefits & Retirement Programs are now available           abortion. All inquiries strictly confidential: Dolores 951-325-
to every Catholic man and his family. See the parish’s               7702 or email RVTemecula@verizon.net Early Registration
assigned Knights of Columbus field agent, outside of the             Recommended, Space Limited! Web Site: atimeformercy.org
Spanish Masses on the weekend of January 25th and 26th for           General Info: www.rachelsvineyard.org
more information. Discover the Catholic Difference.
                                                                                    Rachel’s Hope Healing Ministry
               Serra Vocation Thought Prayer                         Mission San Luis Rey – 4050 Mission Avenue – Oceanside, CA
In the Old Testament, Samuel was awakened from sleep by the                  When: Saturday, 3/14/20 – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
voice of God, telling him what to do. In the New Testament,
                                                                     “Christian Women Do Get Angry (and it’s okay!)” Confidential,
Saul was blinded and fell to the ground with strong admonition
                                                                     casual group setting. Fun and introspective exercises. Identify
from God. Does God call people into His special service in this
                                                                     the sources and types of anger. Scriptural aids. Cost: $25.00 –
dramatic way today? Sometimes, but usually not. The Second
                                                                     Includes snacks, lunch and materials. Class Size Limited –
Vatican Council stated that vocations are linked to the entire
                                                                     Register Now! To register contact Leslie Brunolli 760-224-2361
Christian community. A church living its full Christian life is a
                                                                     or Patti Smith 760-305-8044 or send an e-mail to
basic source of vocations; a church constantly renewing itself
                                                                     rachelshope@outlook.com.       Visit     our      website    at
with a deep spirituality, anchored in God’s boundless love for us
through Christ, the scriptures, doctrine and tradition. God often
calls others to be priests, deacons or religious because of what
we are, of what we do. http://www.serravocationthought.org/
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
PAGE 6                                           ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                           January 26, 2020
                            Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
     CULTURE OF LIFE AND PRO-LIFE MINISTRY                                        PERPETUAL ADORATION
                    Join the Rosary For Life                            BENEDÍCTUS DEUS IN ANGLIS ET IN SANCTIS SUIS
Come join us every Thurs. from 10:30-11:30 am in front of                          You are all invited to a special banquet here at St.
Planned Parenthood on Mission Ave. between Centre City                             Mary Parish, Escondido. A gift the Lord has
Pkwy. and Escondido Blvd. for a pro-life rosary.
                                                                                   blessed us now for almost 10 years. While other
Pope Benedict XVI has taught that “love for widows and
                                                                                   churches might have adoration once a month,
orphans, prisoners, and the sick and needy of every kind, is as
                                                                                   here at St. Mary we offer Perpetual Adoration,
essential to [the Church] as the ministry of the sacraments and
                                                                        which means every day 24 hours 7 days a week.
preaching of the Gospel” (Deus Caritas Est, no. 22).
Our Christmas cannot be complete until we join in the great             The Adoration Chapel is located in a separate room right
effort to end the oppression of the unborn once and for all, and        behind the altar.
let them hear that for them, too, a Savior has been born.               It is here where Jesus is Alive and present True Body, True
           What it REALLY Means to be “Pro-Life”                        Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament of the
The virtue of justice in action.                                        Eucharist, thirsting to become one with us. It is an extension
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are          outside Mass that prolongs and intensifies all that takes place
as outraged as those who are.”                                          during the liturgical celebration itself.
These words, spoken by Benjamin Franklin, reflect the
                                                                        It is an encounter with Jesus that strengthens our intimate
importance of one of the cardinal virtues: justice. It’s defined in
                                                                        relationship with Him.
the Catechism as “the moral virtue that consists in the constant
and firm will to give our due to God and neighbor… It disposes          When you visit Jesus in the Eucharist, He fills you with spiritual
one to respect the rights of each person… (CCC 1807).”                  richness, beautifies our soul and increases our divine Union
What it Means to Be Pro-Life                                            with Him.
…Our culture has aggressively pitted the “pro-life,” or anti-           Come and adore our Sovereign King who gives us life and all
abortion movement against the “pro-choice,” or pro-abortion             we have.
movement to the point where many people on both sides have
                                                                        Jesus sacrificed His life for us. Please consider sacrificing your
forgotten what we are truly fighting for: justice for all.
Science tells us life begins at conception—this fact is undisputed.     time by committing to an hour once a week here in our
But science doesn’t tell us how to deal with this truth. That’s where   Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Your lives will only be enriched.
our choice comes in… Justice is never convenient or comfortable.        There are many hours in need. Urgent Hours only have 1
It’s not always natural or something we want because it forces us       person assigned and Weak Hours only have 2 people
to get outside of ourselves for love of another. Defending justice      assigned. Our Lord can never be left alone, so it is ideal to
means bridging the gap—recognizing the inherent dignity and             have at least 3 people assigned per hour.
value in each and every person and fighting for their greatest          Please contact Donna Oeland at 760-489-8830
good. Being pro-life is SO much more than simply being against
abortion. It means caring for the unborn child in a mother’s womb       Monday: 10 pm WEAK HOUR
just as much as the mother…                                             Tuesday: 2 am, 6 am URGENT HOURS
Jesus tells us, “Whatever we do for the least of these, we do to        Wednesday: 1 pm URGENT HOUR; 7 pm WEAK HOUR
Him (Matthew 25:40),” and our man Ben reminded us that
                                                                        Friday: 4 am, 10 am, 11 am, 8 pm ALL URGENT HOURS; 2
justice won’t be served until we get over ourselves and speak
                                                                        pm WEAK HOUR
up for our neighbors—all of them.
Bridging the Gap                                                        Saturday: 2 am, 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm ALL URGENT
…If we are truly seeking justice, we should fight for both mother       HOURS; 10 pm WEAK HOUR
and child. We should listen and accompany unwed mothers who             Sunday: 5 am, 8 pm URGENT HOURS; 7 am, 5 pm WEAK
are faced with an unexpected pregnancy. We should encourage             HOURS
them to choose life and then remain with them to provide the
resources necessary to raise their child or place him/her up for        A Weak hour is when committed adorers DO NOT make their
adoption. We should advocate for unborn children with disabilities      committed time weekly.
whose parents don’t want them. We should fight for the rights of        Por favor tome su compromiso de una hora seriamente. El
the elderly who are mistreated and neglected. We should inform          tiempo comprometido en adoración es una Promesa hecha a
people of the dangers of artificial birth control and                   Jesús en la que El no será dejado solo. Gracias a todos por el
contraception and its harm to women and society.                        sacrificio que hacen para estar allí durante la hora
Being an advocate for justice is all-encompassing…As Pope               comprometida. Dios los bendiga a todos, sinceramente suya
Emeritus Benedict XVI once said, “Each of us is the result of a         siempre y verdaderamente en Cristo, Donna. Favor de
thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each         comunicarse con Lourdes María Alejandrino 760-519-4226
of us is necessary.”
                                                                        para comprometerse con alguna de las horas arriba indicadas.
To read in it’s entirety: https://beautifuldepths.com/what-it-
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
January 26, 2020                          ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                               PAGE 7
                        Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

                              Debt ReducƟon Campaign

Thank you to the many parishioners who have paid their Debt Reduction Campaign pledges in full. May God bless you
for your generosity in this new year! We have another year in our three year campaign. I have been asked by a few
people if they can continue to make their donations after the pledge is paid in full without signing another pledge card.
The answer is definitely YES. We prefer pledge cards for our planning purposes, but we encourage you to continue
your donations with or without a pledge. We have a long way to go to pay off our Parish Center building debt.
The updated Debt Reduction Status at the bottom of this page shows a decrease in the revised Campaign Pledge
Total. We have recently removed another $55,000 in pledges due to lack of payment and no response from the
donors. So far, with these additional adjustments, we have decreased the pledge total by $200,000. Please contact the
Debt Reduction/Capital Campaign office if there is a discrepancy on your monthly statement or if you have a need to
change your donation schedule. We are hopeful that we will be able to collect the remaining pledges as promised.
The January 1 monthly loan payment for the Parish Center debt was paid on December 23, 2019 in the amount of
$18,402 with $13,889 for interest expense and $4,513 paid on the principal balance. The interest cost for 12 months at
this rate is $167,000...money that could be better used for other projects and services for our Parish community.

Gracias a los muchos feligreses que han pagado por completo sus promesas de la Campaña de Reducción de Deuda.
Que Dios los bendiga por su generosidad en este año nuevo. Tenemos otro año en nuestra campaña de tres años.
Me han preguntado algunas personas si ellos pueden continuar haciendo donativos después que han pagado su
promesa por completo sin tener que firmar otra tarjeta de promesa. La respuesta es definitivamente SÍ. Preferimos
tarjetas de promesa para nuestros propósitos de planeación, pero los alentamos para que continúen haciendo sus
donativos con o sin una promesa. Tenemos un largo camino que recorrer para terminar de pagar nuestra deuda del
edificio del Centro Parroquial.
El estado actual de la reducción de deuda al final de la página muestra una disminución durante la revisión a la
Campaña de Promesas Totales. Hemos recientemente quitado otros $55,000 en promesas debido a una falta de
pagos y respuesta de los donadores hasta ahora. Al momento, con estos ajustes adicionales, hemos disminuido el
total de lo prometido por $200,000. Por favor contacte a la oficina de Reducción de Deuda/Campaña de Capital si hay
alguna discrepancia en su estado de cuenta mensual o si tiene necesidad de cambiar su programa de pagos.
Esperamos poder adquirir las promesas restantes como fue prometido.
El pago mensual de enero 1 para la deuda del Centro Parroquial fue pagado en diciembre 23 del 2019 en la cantidad
de $18,402 con $13,889 para gasto de interés y $4,513 pagado en el balance principal. El costo de interés por 12
meses a esta taza es de $167,000…dinero que podría ser usado mejor para otros proyectos y servicios para nuestra
comunidad parroquial.

   For campaign information, contact Diana Bumgardner Cook at: 760 745-1611 x 204 or campaign@stmaryp.org.

              DEBT REDUCTION STATUS                                             MASS COLLECTIONS
As of Jan 16, 2020:
                                                        Saturday (1/4/20)                                        $3,373
# of Donor Families                               2,005
Donations Received                           $2,179,973 Sunday (1/5/20)                                         $16,493
360 Pledges to Collect                         $528,135 Online Tithing                                             $726
Total (revised)                              $2,708,108
                                                        Total                                                   $20,592
Campaign Goal                                $4,500,000
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
PAGE 8                                        ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                        January 26, 2020
                           Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
Today’s Readings                                                    Lecturas de Hoy
First Reading — God has restored the land, and brought great        Primera lectura — El Señor glorificó el distrito de los gentiles
joy to the people (Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3).                              (Isaías 8:23 — 9:3).
Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salvation (Psalm 27).           Salmo — El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación (Salmo 27 [26]).
Second Reading — Paul exhorts the believers at Corinth: As          Segunda lectura — Les ruego que se pongan de acuerdo, que
there is one Christ, so too must there be no divisions among        no haya divisiones entre ustedes (1 Corintios 1:10-13, 17).
you (1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17).                                    Evangelio — Jesús les decía: “Cambien su vida y su
Gospel — After calling his first disciples, Jesus goes              corazón” (Mateo 4:12-23 [12-17]).
throughout Galilee (Matthew 4:12-23 [12-17]).                       Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from                 © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso.
Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International               Todos los derechos reservados.
Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights
                                                                    Buscamos la Luz
                                                                    En las lecturas de hoy nos encontramos deseando una
Seeking the Light                                                   relación más profunda con Jesús. Lo vamos conociendo un
In today’s readings we find ourselves being drawn more deeply       poco más al ver cómo le afecta la noticia del arresto de su
into relationship with Jesus. We are getting to know more           primo Juan. Su primera reacción es retirarse, dejar Nazaret e
about him as we see how he struggles with the news of his           irse a Cafarnaúm. Es allí donde quizás encuentra tanto
cousin John’s arrest. His first response is to withdraw, to leave   consuelo como reto en las palabras de Isaías que Mateo cita:
Nazareth and go to Capernaum. There he is perhaps both              “El pueblo que caminaba en tinieblas vio una gran luz. Sobre
consoled and challenged by the words of Isaiah that Matthew         los que vivían en tierra de sombras una luz
quotes: “the people who sit in darkness have seen a great           resplandeció” (Mateo 4:16). Jesús contempla la muerte de su
light, / on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death /        primo, y quizás su propia muerte, y busca la luz. Tal vez son
light has arisen” (Matthew 4:16). Jesus contemplates his            estas palabras de Isaías las que sacan a Jesús de su retiro y
cousin’s death, perhaps his own death, and he seeks the light.      lo lanzan a la acción, pues él comienza a predicar, enseñar,
Maybe it is these words of Isaiah that move Jesus out of his        curar enfermedades y a proclamar el Evangelio del Reino.
withdrawal and into action. He begins to preach, teach, cure        Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
disease and illness, and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                                    Santo Timoteo y Tito
                                                                    26 de enero
Saint Angela Merici
                                                                    Timoteo y Tito fueron colaboradores cercanos del apóstol
January 27                                                          Pablo. Timoteo es descrito por Pablo como un “hombre de
Born in Northern Italy, orphaned in childhood, Angela Merici        Dios” a quien le pide que no se abochorne de ser joven y que
faced a society in which education was largely the privilege of     no permita que alguien lo desprecie por ser un líder joven.
wealthy young men and based primarily in monastic schools.          Asimismo, fue su compañero apostólico en la evangelización
This reality shaped Angela’s insightful conviction that society’s   de Tesalónica, Corinto y Éfeso. De esta última comunidad fue
disorder was caused by disorder in the home, and a lack of          su obispo y ahí tuvo como encargo organizar la comunidad y
model Christian mothers the result of neglecting the education      sus ministerios. Fue testigo del martirio de Pablo y,
of young women. Transform the Christian family by placing an        posteriormente, él mismo sufrió el martirio. Tito fue convertido
educated wife and mother at its heart, Angela believed, and         al cristianismo por el mismo Pablo. Es Pablo quien destaca en
the whole world would be renewed in Christ! So she gathered         Tito las cualidades de artífice de la paz, administrador,
a small group of unmarried women, many of them Franciscan           mediador en los conflictos y de gran capacidad para organizar
Tertiaries (lay affiliates) like herself, and set out to educate    las comunidades nacientes que enfrentaban el acecho de la
poor girls, free of charge, in their homes. She and her band of     falsa doctrina. Tito murió, según las fuentes a los 93 años.
teachers called themselves companions, pioneering a new             Pablo escribe a ambos, en sus cartas pastorales, respecto a
form of non-cloistered religious life for women, bearing witness    las cualidades que ellos, como obispos, deben tener.
to evangelical simplicity in the midst of the world, not as a       Asimismo, recorre uno a uno los ministerios de la Iglesia y los
formal “order” but as the Company (compagnia) of Saint              comportamientos que deben ser observados por los miembros
Ursula. Known today as the Ursulines, Angela Merici’s spiritual     de la comunidad.
daughters continue serving the Church and society in a rich         —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
diversity of ministries.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
January 26, 2020 - Solutions
January 26, 2020                                            ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                         PAGE 9
                                    Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
                       You will be blessed by participating in one or more of the ministries listed.
                            Contact the person listed to find out how you can get involved.
                                              *Area code is (760) unless stated otherwise.
                         ENGLISH MINISTRIES                                               HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS
                  http://www.stmaryp.org/english-ministries                                             http://www.stmaryp.org/spanish-minstries
Altar & Rosary Society ........................(Joan Ayash) 801-2354                  Apostolado de Maria .....................(Joel Hernandez) 212-5264
Altar Servers ............................... (Debby LaGrange) 432-0383               Apos. Pro-Vida C.N ..........(Elizabeth Gonzalez) 858-208-9695
American Heritage Girls ....................... (Nick Testa) 532-7619                 Asn. Guadalupana ............................ (Manuel Razo) 815-6981
Baptisms ............................................... (front office) 745-1611      Com. De Guatemala ....................(Domingo Gaspar) 497-1103
Bereavement / Funerals ....................... (front office) 745-1611                Confirmación Juvenil .......... (Mauro Resendiz) 745-1611 x242
Bible Study Womens ...................... (Jean Michaels) 745-9439                    Educación Religiosa ... (Dr. Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215
Bible Study (adult) ....................... (Kathryn Masters) 580-8156                Encuentro de Conversion Católica ..... (Max Alfaro) 504-5919
Confirmation and Youth ..... (Mauro Resendiz) 745-1611 x242                           Encuentro Matrimonial ............................................................
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion .......................                    ........................ (Rámon & Lucia Garcia) 445-1463 or 533-1463
........................................................... (Mary Golder) 214-1099    E.P.J. Promoción Juvenil Diocesana......................................
Filipino Community ...... (Ron & Rose Canturia) 619-398-5038                          .................................................... (Eduardo Diaz) 619-302-5277
Hospitality ....................................... (Gary Johnson) 884-7974           Estudio de Biblia ................... (Lourdes Alejandrino) 519-4226
Hospital Ministry ......................... (Kathleen McColl) 749-8019                Evangelización Familiar.. (Samuel y Araceli Torres) 532-7313
Hall and Room Use ............... (Ramon Garcia) 745-1611 x210                        Funerales ..... (Llamar oficina: María Douglas) 745-1611 x113
Human Trafficking .......................(Lorraine Houser) 586-8817                   Grupo de Oración ............................ (Saula Varona) 807-8053
Lectors ......................................... (Kelley MacIsaac) 717-5262          Hospitalidad ...................................... (Oscar Flores) 644-1352
Legion of Mary ........................... (Karen Forrey) 619-300-7606                La Divina Misericordia .............. (Veronica Morales) 975-8084
Magnificat ............................................(Lidia Rennix) 271-7743        Lectores ............................... (Dcn Andres Sanchez) 745-1611
Music ..................................................... (front office) 745-1611   Legion de María (dos grupos) .................................................
Perpetual Adoration ............ English: Donna Oeland 489-8830                       ........................................ Grupo #1 (Arnulfo Aguilar) 580-9488
.................................... Spanish: Lourdes Alejandrino 519-4226            .............................................. Grupo #2 (Clara Meza) 533-7127
Personal Prayer Ministry .........................................................    Los Varones de Emaus ........ (Eduardo Adrián León) 807-2448
...................................... (Dcn Jim and Carol Kostick) 745-1611           Matrimonios ............... (Efrain and Susana Alvarez ) 709-2613
Pilgrim Virgin Mary .............................(Lidia Rennix) 271-7743              Ministerio de Paletas ......... (Luciano & Idelia China) 443-9127
Pro-Life Ministry ........................ (Mercedes Aguilar) 580-9563                Ministros Extra-Ordinarios de Comunión ..............................
Quilt Ministry for the Sick ................ (Ruth Lovison) 738-1869                  ........................................................... (Rutilo Colima) 520-3632
Religious Education ... (Dr. Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215                           Misioneros Parroquiales-Apóstoles de la Palabra ................
Sacristans ...........................................(Edith Quiray) 743-2369         ............................................. (Francisco Gaytan) 760-715-1683
St Mary Parish Outreach ............. (Kathryn Masters) 745-1611                      Mujeres Cenando con Jesús ..... (Basilisa Sanchez) 390-2564
St Mary School ......................... (Amanda Johnston) 743-3431                   Música y Coros .................................. (Rosa López) 855-4008
St Mary Preschool ......................... (Amanda Harriff) 705-9906                 Niños Sordos ...........................(Alejandra Sánchez) 445-6889
                                                                                      Planificación Familiar ..................... (Patricia Trejo) 291-0231
                                                                                      Pre-Bautismales ............... (Abraham Sanchez) 442-237-2479
                  INDEPENDENT MINISTRIES /                                            Quinceañeras ................... (Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215
                                                                                      RICA ................................................ (Ranulfo Rojas) 480-2840
                 MINISTERIOS INDEPENDIENTES                                           Rosario-Iglesia .................................. (Lucia Mateo) 658-3772
Alliance of the Holy Family International (AHFI)                                      Sacristanes ...................................... (Ranulfo Rojas) 480-2840
.................................. (Steve & Connie Scoggin) 858-335-4096              Servidores del Altar (Macrina Rojas & Ivon Sanchez) 480-2840
Knights of Columbus ............... (Frank Chavez) 858-752-2910                       Teología del Cuerpo y Castidad ...... (Mario Murillo) 546-8185
St. Dismas Guild .......................... (Sharon Soberon) 466-7001                 Union Mutualista de San José ...(Patricia Esparza) 746-3424
                                                                                      Venta de Comida ........................ (Paulina Ramírez) 533-3157
                                                                                      Virgen Peregrina ................... (Lourdes Alejandrino) 519-4226

                                  760-745-1611 EXT 210
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          Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
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