St Mary's Weekly News - Easter 2021 - St Mary's Battersea

Page created by Gary Campbell
St Mary's Weekly News - Easter 2021 - St Mary's Battersea
St Mary’s
Weekly News
Easter 2021
St Mary's Weekly News - Easter 2021 - St Mary's Battersea
St. Mary’s Church, Battersea
Easter 2021

Welcome to St Mary’s Weekly Newsletter. On behalf of Simon, Aaron, Katy,
Felicity, Chris, Sheila and the reast of the team at St Mary’s, we wish you a very
Happy Easter, and all the blessings of reconnection and rebirth that will come,
God willing, in the weeks ahead.
All our worship over the Easter weekend is open for public worship (you’ll need
to book a ticket for Easter Sunday at 11am) and will be available online, on our
website at the advertised time, or afterwards at

Sunday 4th April               Easter Sunday
8.30am      Holy Communion (Traditional Language)
            This is an in-person and online service
11.00am     Festival Eucharist for Easter Day
            with Admission of Children to Holy Communion
            We welcome Aela Garrigan and Hezekiah Tete-Djawu to Communion
            The service is in-person and online. This service is ticketed to ensure
            spatial distancing. Tickets:
            Readings: Acts 10:34-43; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; John 20:1-18
            Preacher: Mr Jazz Wilson-Gray
There is no Evening Service today. Sunday Evening Services return next Sunday at
6pm with Evening Prayer. Choral Evensong returns on Sunday 25th April.

                           Easter Week at St Mary’s
Tuesday     New Welcomers’ Coffee Gathering at 11am
            You are welcome to come and find out about welcoming at church.
            Holy Communion at 12.30pm
            Leading Prayers in Church Training at 6.45pm in Church.
            A taster session – come and see what’s involved in this role.
Wednesday Lectio Divina at 8.30am
          (Zoom Meeting: 815 2706 3986; Passcode: 259290)
Thursday Prayer During the Day at 12.30pm
          Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Jeremy Edwards at 4pm
            This service will be livestreamed on the website
Next Sunday: The Second Sunday of Easter
8.30am      Holy Communion (Traditional Language)
11am        Parish Eucharist with Holy Baptism. Jack Gurney will be baptised.
6.00pm      Evening Prayer
St Mary's Weekly News - Easter 2021 - St Mary's Battersea
St. Mary’s Church, Battersea
Easter 2021

Sunday Zoom Coffee Times:                        For Your Prayers
9.15am: Meeting ID: 669 647 071;
Code: 7XNPO4                                     The Sick and those in Need: Mary
12.30pm: Meedting ID: 396 594 507;               Paton,     Lloyda     Maxwell,   Mrs
Code: 6JLUEP                                     Cheeseman, Christine Livesey, Sharon
                                                 Brown, Frances Drysdale, Lorna
Anna Hodges: We’re really glad to have Anna      Brockett, Charmian and David
from St Mark’s Battersea Rise with us at the     Barttelot, Chrissy Coates.
moment. Anna is training for ordained ministry
in the Church of England and is on placement     The Recently Departed and their
with us. She will preach on Sunday 18th April.   Families: Jeremy Edwards, Sarah
                                                 Everard, Lynn Day, Alice Spatt, Alun
Is St Mary’s your spiritual home. This is
                                                 Lewis, Grace Eruchaiu.
the last call for people to sign up on
our annual revision of our members list,
the Electoral Roll. Please take a form           A Service of Baptism & Confirmation:
from the back and return it to the               We’re very excited to be able to host
Parish Office as soon as possible.               a special service of Christian
                                                 initiation at St Mary’s for seven
The Annual Meeting: Copies of St Mary’s          members of our church on Sunday
Annual Report will be sent electronically        9th May at 11am, when we will be
to everyone on the Electoral Roll this           joined by the Bishop of Kingston.
week, and a copy will be placed on the           This service will be ticketed, to
website. If you want a hard copy, please         enable social distancing, and tickets
let Felicity know.                               will be available on the website from
                                                 Tuesday. Please pray for those being
Prisoners:Then the king will say to those        confirmed: Stephen Beresford, Nicola
at his right hand, “Come, you that are           Buckthorp, Ruth Hollelly, Tim Walker
                                                 (also being baptised), Charlie
blessed by my Father, inherit the
                                                 Wickham, Jazz Wilson-Gray and
kingdom prepared for you, for ... I was
                                                 Lizzie Wilson-Gray.
in prison and you visited me.” Matthew
25.34, 36. Aaron has been approached
                                                 Christian Aid Week: Because of the
by a couple of different organisations of        confirmation service, we shall keep
late offering ways for the people of St          Christian Aid Sunday on 2nd May,
Mary's to serve prison leavers, who              which will also be the second of our
return to live in the local area. If you are     four Climate Sundays this year, in
interested in being involved in this             preparation for COP26 in Glasgow in
work, get in touch!                              November. Details to follow.

           St. Mary's Church
           The Parish Office, St. Mary's Crypt Battersea
           Church Road London, SW11 3NA
           Open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm
           Tel 020 7228 9648

           Canon Simon Butler
           Vicar (Day Off: Thursday Evening/Friday)
           07941 552407

           Reverend Aaron Kennedy
           Associate Vicar for Community Development &
           Mission (Day Off: Friday)
           07815 180273

           The clergy are always ready to visit, or to offer
           confidential pastoral care. Please contact them
           directly. If you hear that a member of the parish
           is unwell or needs a visit or a call from one of the
           clergy, please let the clergy know. They may not
           have heard and are grateful to be kept informed.

                                    Giving To St Mary’s
    We invite and encourage everyone who considers St
         Mary’s their spiritual home to make a financial
                                contribution to our work.
       The best way of doing this is through setting up a
Standing Order, so that your giving doesn’t depend upon
                how often you are able to get to church.
                          To do this, just use these details
            Account Name: Battersea Parish Church PCC
                                   Sort Code: 502101
                          Account Number: 82127468

    To Gift Aid your Standing Order or one-off donation,
                         please contact the Parish Office

               You can now also give using this QR code
              (please indicate if you are able to Gift Aid)
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