St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -

Page created by Sandra Goodman
St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -
St. Patrick Church   January 10, 2021
St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -
2           Fr. Shocklee’s Thoughts                          MASS INTENTIONS
    What are you looking for? – I’ll probably revisit this    Monday, January 11
question over and over again, but you tend to find what        6:00 pm   † Jan Schrepferman Eke
you are looking for. Throughout our country there are
people constantly looking for something to be offended        Tuesday, January 12
by, and guess what — they find it. Sadly, I saw one of         8:15 am    † Gail Marie Dixon
the fringe “offenses” reach Congress this week when the
                                                              Wednesday, January 13
one leading the opening prayer for Congress decided to
                                                               6:00 pm     Lynn Dewhurst
end the prayer by saying “amen and awomen.” (For the
record, my computer is trying to spell correct that as I      Thursday, January 14
type it). It is such an absurd way to end a prayer. It is      8:15 am     † James & Roberta Knight
effectively a declaration that, anytime the sound or
spelling “men” is found in a word, it is offensive and        Friday, January 15
discriminatory towards women. It’s like someone saying,         8:15 am    † Jansen Kucholick
“We need to keep up on our mental health and
womental health.” It’s literally absurd. “Amen” is an         Saturday, January 16
English word from a Latin word from a Greek word from          8:15 am     † Karen DeLon
a Hebrew word that has no relationship to the word             5:30 pm     † Jerry Leach
“men.” The word for “man” in Hebrew is “ish” or “gaver.”
The word for “men” in Hebrew is “gaverim.” (Excuse my         Sunday, January 17
transliteration; it’s not easy from Hebrew to English.)        8:00 am    † Cameron Diaz
Either way, there is no relationship between the words        11:00 am    † Linda Alongi
“amen” and “men.”                                              4:00 pm       For the Parish (Spanish)

     Ok, ending that rant, what are you looking for? As we    DAILY READINGS
still begin a new year, what are you going to focus on        Monday, January 11             Weekday
this year? Last year people focused on the election and       Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20
how “bad” or “evil” the other guy was, regardless of
which side you were on. Last year people focused on           Tuesday, January 12            Weekday
keeping safe from Covid. (I’m not saying that’s a bad         Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9; Mk 1:21-28
thing). But, what do I want to look for this year?
Hopefully we look for ways to live beyond Covid.              Wednesday, January 13          St. Hilary
Hopefully, we look for ways that we can grow back             Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9; Mk 1:29-39
together after much division in our country. Hopefully,
more than anything, we can find ways to grow closer to        Thursday, January 14           Weekday
Christ. But, guess what — we are going to find what we        Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11; Mk 1:40-45
look for. If we don’t look for these things, maybe we find
                                                              Friday, January 15             Weekday
them, maybe we don’t.                                         Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8; Mk 2:1-12
    What if we looked for ways to deepen our love of
Jesus Christ & His Church? Guess what — we would find         Saturday, January 16           Weekday
it. And how would our lives be different if we looked for     Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15; Mk 2:13-17
more ways we can love our neighbor? Or how about if
we looked for ways to continue to love people in spite of     Sunday, January 17              Second Sunday in
Covid? Covid has stopped many things from happening,                                          Ordinary Time
                                                              1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 (8a, 9a);
largely because we look for what could happen if we do
                                                              1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
event x or event y. But if we ask, how can we do event x
or y in Covid, sometimes we find a different answer.
Maybe we still can’t do event x safely, but maybe we                    Spiritual Communion Prayer
find a way to do event y safely. You find what you are                       My Jesus, I believe that You
looking for. May we keep looking for how God is                      are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
reaching out to us and how God is calling on us to reach                      I love You above all things
out to others. And in all of this, may we draw souls closer            and I desire to receive You into my soul.
to Christ and His Church. God bless.                               Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
                                                                        come at least spiritually into my heart.
— Fr. Shocklee                                                      I embrace You as if You have already come
                                                                           and unite myself wholly to You.
                                                                 Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -
Please Pray For… Steve Irick, Teresa Bour,                                       Catholic Ministries                      3
            Allyce Bour, Kira Martin, Dave Stout, Vivian White,                             Appeal
            Patti Vas Opferman, Sr. Clarise Winter, Sr.                               Thank you to everyone who has
            Martin McEntee, John Hunt, Alyssa Bridgewater,                            made your pledge online or returned
Frances Maher, Chris Echelbarger, Marsha Dodd, Paul                                   your pledge card for the Catholic
Klemme, Michael Graham, Lynn Dewhurst, Fern Janice                Ministries Appeal (CMA) already.
Sullivan, Linda Fording, Alvera Strong, Stephanie Shepard,
Chris Hedrick, Jameson Groves, Lois McKean, Lee Ann               If you have not done so yet, please bring your completed
Bridwell, Betty Ortman, Oralia Lyle, Terry Miller, Ryan           pledge card to Mass with you (and place it in the
Welcher, Sherry Forkner, Crystal Cole, Carin Taylor, Gary         collection basket).
McKay, Patt Matuszewski, Richard Bour, Marge Roberts,
                                                                  You can also make your pledge online, drop it off at the
Millie Dockemeyer, Pat Sinclair, Larry Boyer, Larry Martin,
                                                                  parish office, or mail it.
Jack Lechner, Todd Miller, Karen Reasoner, Michele Harding,
Brad Anderson, Gina Leach, Michael Gammans, Rita Jansen,          As a reminder, St. Patrick Parish's goal for this diocesan
Theresa Taylor, Rick Phelps, Kolton Kucholick                     appeal is $232,556. As of December 23, 177 families
                                                                  have pledged $133,424 toward our goal. The CMA "Hearts
                                                                  on Fire" runs now through December 2021.
Please Pray for Our Military
Please remember to pray for all those men and women
serving our country, especially Richie Morgan, Aaron              You Can Text Your Offerings!
Gillaspy, Bill Watson, Brian Schwartz, Rick Schwartz, Neil        In less time than it takes to write a check, you can now
Isder, Philip Deckard, John Mauntel, Matthew Clark, Brian         make your contribution to St. Patrick with a quick text message.
Baumfalk, Paul Leavens, Barbara Bitner, Austen Conwell,           To get started, visit the parish website at
Anthony Bitner, Jarred Gentile, Mitch Daily, Mason Dill, Hans, locate the link to
Meissnest, Steve Schwartz, Aidan Kearney, Seth Kirchner,          our online giving page, and create a profile if
Bryan Norris, Austin D’Agostino, Kyle Bolin, Tom Nichols,         you haven’t already — be sure to opt in to
Wesley Weir, Baylee Fritz, Jacob Fritz, Tyler Sexton, Noah        send text donations. You will receive a
Benson, Max Clark, Cass Kaufman, Audie Kaufman, Travis            confirmation text and email with instructions on
Bender, Javon Yoder, Michael Wheeler, Jacob LaLonde,              how to text donations.
Josh Conn, Breann Dormer, Nicholas Freidline and Quinn            Not ready to do the “text thing” yet? You can still give
Lechner who are parishioners or loved ones of parishioners.       online — one time or on a recurring basis. Visit the parish
Military List                                                     website and click on the online giving link to register.
                                                                  You may also mail your envelope to the parish office at
We would love to include more soldiers on our prayer list.
                                                                  1204 N. Armstrong St., Kokomo, IN 46901 if you prefer.
If you have a loved one who needs added or removed,
please let the parish office know at 452-6021.
                                                                                       December 27 2020
                Consecration to St. Joseph Groups                                   Regular Collection  $12,940.00
                Starting Soon                                                       (35 families electronically donated)
                In connection with the Year of St. Joseph                           B&M                                    705.00
                announced by Pope Francis, we will be
                offering an opportunity for those wishing to                             January 3, 2021
                make the consecration to St. Joseph.                         The collection totals from December 27
                Groups will meet on February 15 & 22 and                    will be posted in next weekend’s bulletin.
                March 1, 8 & 15. Day, evening, in person,
and online options available. The consecration will be on the
Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19.                                                           Retirement Fund for
To order the book ($15 total) or for more information                                          Religious
contact Chad Grube ( or 626-7005).                                      “Every dollar makes a difference
                                                                                            in covering our expenses,” says a
 St. Patrick Catholic Church                                                                Trappist abbot. Hundreds of US
 1204 N. Armstrong St.                                                                      religious communities struggle to
 Kokomo, IN 46901                                                                           provide for aging members
 (765) 452-6021                                                                             because most senior Catholic
                                                                                            sisters, brothers, and religious                                                                   order priests served for little pay.                                 Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps these
              Our Parish Mission Statement                        communities bridge the gap, offering support for
                                                                  medications, nursing care, and other necessities. Please be
 Christ With Me + Christ Before Me + Christ In Me                 generous.
St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -
                Pro-Life Corner
                          Embrace Life!
     All lives are sacred from conception to natural death.      FORMED Now! Hosted by Dr. Tim Gray (on the Homepage)
                                                                 The Holy Family with Dr. John Sehorn
        Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much.           Saint Thomas Beckett with Dr. Christopher O. Blum
        I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby           Twelve Days of Christmas with Dr. Elizabeth Klein
 that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.   The Year 2020 in Review with Dr. Ben Akers
Our parish’s spiritually-adopted baby is named Casey David.      The Litany of Loreto
                                                                 New Year’s Resolutions with Dr. Christopher O. Blum
Week 32:
• If I’ve turned to the head-down
   position, you’ll feel my feet against
                                                                                 Indiana March for Life
   your rib cage.                                                  Commemoration of the Solemn Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
                                                                 All are invited to join in any of the following events
At the moment of conception, a unique                            commemorating the solemn anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
human person is created. Your                                    The events include:
spiritually-adopted baby, even though                            Thursday, January 21
just a single cell, already has the entire                       7:00-9:00 pm — Vigil for Life at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,
blueprint that will define eye and hair                          Carmel: a prayerful time of Eucharistic adoration and
color, adult height, and aptitude for                            confession
math, art, and sports. All that is required now is               Friday, January 22
nourishment, a safe home in which to live and grow, and a        10:30 am - Mass for Life at St. John’s, downtown Indianapolis
loving family. Your prayers are helping to keep an unborn        12:00 noon — March for Life, Indianapolis, from St. John’s
child safe!                                                      to the Indiana Statehouse
                                                                 12:45 pm — Rally at the south lawn of the Statehouse
                                                                 6:30 pm — Diocesan Mass for Life at St. Mary Cathedral,
Sponsor of the Week                                              Lafayette
This week’s sponsor of the week is Moore Title & Escrow. To      All of these events are free. Diapers will be collected for
view their full advertisement, see the back page of the          distribution to local crisis pregnancy centers. Registration is
bulletin. The advertisements that appear in this bulletin        required at most of these events. Contact Susan Hoefer,
completely defray all publishing costs which the Church would    Diocesan Respect Life Coordinator at or
otherwise incur. Please patronize the sponsors on the back of    765.421.1998 for more information, or check out the
this bulletin and thank them for their kind generosity.          diocesan website at

               Interested in learning about the                  Holy Hour and Memorial Mass for Babies
               Catholic Faith?                                   and For a Restoration of the Right to Life
              Join us four our next meeting on Tuesday,          A Holy Hour and Memorial Mass will be held at St. Boniface
 January 12 at 6:00 pm in the parish hall. A                     Church on Thursday, January 21. The Holy Hour will be
 representative from the parish will be available to             held from 5:30-6:30 pm, and Mass will begin at 6:30
 answer your questions and discuss the process of                pm. The Holy Hour and Mass is open to everyone as we
 becoming Catholic. If you plan on attending or have             remember and pray for those who have lost a baby at any
 questions, please contact the parish office at 452-6021.        time during pregnancy, whether through ectopic loss,
                                                                 miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth, and to celebrate God’s
                      Middle School Youth                        most precious gift – LIFE! Prayers will also be offered for
                                                                 an end to abortion, for those suffering from the effects of
                     Middle school students (grades 6, 7
                                                                 abortion, and for a restoration of the right to life for all
                     and 8) are invited to participate in
                                                                 people. For more information or to have a baby
                     Catalyst, a series of events led by the
                                                                 remembered at this Mass and receive a personalized
young adults of NET Ministries. The evenings are designed to
                                                                 Certificate of Life with your baby's name, please contact
help young people understand and accept God’s
                                                                 Elsa Zamora at (765) 586-6687, or Cheri Irons at (765)
unconditional love for them, and to encourage them to grow
                                                                 412-0937 or
in their commitment to Jesus Christ and his Church.
Each evening will be a stand-alone event and will go from
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc. The evenings will                    Baptismal Prep Class
include dinner, prayer, music, speakers and fun. Participants              Baptism class for parents who wish to have their
may attend as many of the events as they wish. The events                  child baptized at St. Patrick will take place in the
are planned for Jan. 19, Feb. 26, March 11 and April 13.                   parish hall this Sunday, January 10 after the 11 am
Due to COVID, spots for each session are limited. To                       Mass. Expecting parents are also welcome to
reserve a place in the Jan. 19 session, call Therese Bath                  attend. You don’t need to wait until the baby is
at 626-7006 or email                         born to take the class. Godparents are encouraged to attend.
St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -

                  2020 Christmas Wish List
St. Patrick Church                                  Kokomo Pastorate
•    Feed a child at our Haiti sister parish —      •   Folding machine for mailings — fulfilled
     $25/year                                       •   Confirmation Retreat — $1,500
•    Advent reflection books — $450                 •   Middle School Spring Catalyst — $3,000
•    Christmas books — $800                         •   Formed — $2,000/year
•    Advent key tags — $200
•    Lenten reflection books — $450
•    Lent Key Tags — $200
•    Easter Book — $800                             St. Joan of Arc Church
•    Paschal Candle — fulfilled                     •   Tuition for student at our Haiti sister parish
•    Gold Lavabo Set — $685                             — $240/yr
•    Silver/Pewter Lavabo Set — $305                •   Advent reflection books — $450
•    Candlelighter/Snuffer (3) — $110 Each          •   Christmas books — $800
•    Silver Ciborium — $250                         •   Advent key tags — $200
•    Cruets (2) — $25 each                          •   Lenten reflection books — $450
•    TV for Conference room — $450                  •   Lent Key Tags — $200
•    Cordless Blower — $220                         •   Easter Book — $800
•    Leaf Vacuum — $250                             •   Flocknote subscription — fulfilled
•    Flocknote subscription — $91/month             •   Liturgical music rights — $770
•    Igniter Media subscription — $500/year
•    Liturgical music rights — fulfilled

                        Sts. Joan of Arc & Patrick School
•    One month tuition for parishioner — $365       •   Materials for plants lab (cells, pots, soil,
•    One year tuition for parishioner — $3,650          seeds) — $200
•    Athletic fees for student for the year — $30   •   STEM kits — $500
•    School uniform — $50-$100                      •   Forensic Science Kits — $500
•    Reading Corner materials — $25                 •   Consumable lab supplies — $200
•    Microscope for Science Lab — fulfilled

We encourage your support for these worthy organizations if you are able:

    Birthright of Kokomo         Monastery of the Poor Clares           St. Vincent de Paul Society
     3712 Southlea Drive                1175 N. 300 W                       1207 N. Armstrong St.
      Kokomo, IN 46902                Kokomo, IN 46901                       Kokomo, IN 46901
St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -
6          Prayer During Coronavirus                                                                                                  Confession Times

                   Pandemic                                                                                          Monday                                 9:00 am-10:00am SP
                                                                                                                7:45 am-Mass SJA                            3:00 pm-4:00 pm SJA
 O clement, O loving, O sweet Mother Mary,                                                                      5:30 pm-Mass SP                             4:15 pm-5:15 pm SP
      We, your children of every nation,
                                                                                                                     Tuesday                                    Sunday
        Turn to you in this pandemic.                                                                            7:45 am-Mass SP                        3:30 pm-Mass SP (Spanish)
         Our troubles are numerous;
             our fears are great.                                                                               7:45 am-Mass SJA
      Grant that we might deposit them                                                                          5:30 pm-Mass SP
                at your feet,                                                                                       Thursday
  Take refuge in your Immaculate Heart,                                                                         7:45 am-Mass SP
      And obtain peace, healing, rescue,                                                                          6:00 pm- SJA
      And timely help in all our needs.                                                                              Friday
                                                                                                                7:45 am-Mass SJA
            You are our Mother.                                                                                 7:45 am-Mass SP
           Pray for us to your Son.

Parish Office                                                       Sts. Joan of Arc & Patrick School                                 Hospitalization
1204 N. Armstrong • Kokomo, IN 46901                                                                                                  If you have a loved one who is sick and/or
Phone .............................................. 452-6021      St. Patrick Campus                                                 hospitalized, please call the parish office
Fax ................................................... 868-8384   1230 N. Armstrong • Kokomo, IN 46901                               to let us know so a priest can visit them
Website ..............                    Phone .............................................. 459-4769      and/or we can put them on the prayer list.
E-mail .......                         Fax ................................................... 457-3096   If you are admitted to the hospital, please
                                                                   Secretary, Mandy Lechner                                           inform the hospital that you are a Catholic
Monday-Friday ................ 8:30 am-5:00 pm                     St. Joan of Arc Campus                                             Care for Shut-ins
                                                                   3155 S. 200 W. • Kokomo, IN 46902                                  St. Patrick has a team of Ministers of Care
Parish Staff                                                       Phone ............................................... 865-9960     who visit the sick and elderly and bring
Pastor,                                                            Fax ................................................... 865-9962   them Holy Communion. If there is someone
Senior Associate Pastor, Fr. Sam Futral                            Principal, Nick Kanable                                            who would like to receive Holy Communion,
Associate Pastor, Fr. John Nguyen                                  Assistant Principal, Mandy Smith                                   please contact the parish office.
Deacon, Dcn. Ron Morrow
Deacon, Dcn. Chuck Springer                                        Sacraments                                                         Pregnancy Assistance
Director of Stewardship, Chuck Jansen                              Baptism is celebrated with infants by prior                        Birthright of Kokomo is a local pregnancy
Operations Manager, Bev Stout                                      arrangement with our priests after parents                         assistance center that offers free and
Director of Music, Tory Horner                                     have attended a preparation session                                confidential services and may be reached
                                                                   scheduled on the second Sunday of                                  at 453-4673. You may also contact their
Administrative Assistant, Sara Greene
                                                                   January, April, July and October. For                              24 hour toll free hot line at 1-800-550-4900
Secretary, Amanda Indrutz                                          adult initiation and children age 7+ an                            or their website at
Maintenance Supervisor, Rob Reed                                   extensive formation process has been                     
                                                                   developed and sessions are held in
New Parishioners                                                   connection with RCIA.                                              Pastoral Council
If you are new to our parish, we welcome                                                                                              Chair:
you and invite you to register by calling or                       Marriage ceremonies are scheduled only                             Members:
visiting our parish office. (See hours above)                      after the required preparation procedures
                                                                   are completed. Please contact our priests
Bulletin Deadlines                                                 at least nine (9) months in advance of your
Bulletin announcements are due by 9 am                             desired wedding date to begin the process.
Monday in writing or e-mail Amanda at                                                                                                 Finance Council                                       RCIA                                                               Chair:
                                                                   Interested in becoming Catholic?                                   Members:
    FORMED — THE CATHOLIC FAITH.                                   For adult initiation and children age 7+ an
               ON DEMAND.
You’ve been given unlimited access to the                          extensive formation process has been
best eBooks, talks, and videos in the                              developed and sessions are held in
Church today. Visit to claim                            connection with RCIA.                                              St. Vincent de Paul Store
your free content. Log in using parish code                                                                                           1207 N Armstrong • Kokomo, IN 46901
FGYVWN. *Only for members of St.                                   Holy Orders and Vocations                                          Phone .............................................. 450-3143
Patrick Parish & STSJP School.                                     Contact Fr. Dominic Petan, Director of
                                                                                                                                      Hours of Operation: Tues-Thurs 10 am-2 pm
                                                                   Vocations, at, or visit
                                                                                                                                      Sharing Sunday at St. Patrick is the 2nd
                                                                   the Vocation office website at
                                                                                                                                      Sunday of each month.
St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -
View Our Parish Supporters at

 Dawn M. Sabau, M.D. - Parishioner                                                                                                                 Sunset Memory Garden
                                                                                                                                                   Funeral Home & Cemetery
                                                                                                                                     • 2097 W. Alto Rd
                         NEPHROLOGY                                                                                                                            765-453-2310
                                                                                                                                                        Ellers Mortuaries
                                                                       Keith Wexler, MD
                                                                                                                                                   3400 S. Webster St • 725 S. Main St
   3508 South LaFountain Street, Kokomo                                Todd Reyburn, MD                                                                        765-457-6644
                                                                       John W. Dean, MD
                                                                                                                                                  Pregnant? Worried?
                               Volunteers Providing
                             Respite Care & Assistance                                                                                             Call BIRTHRIGHT
                             453-7611                                                                                                       765-453-4673 • 1-800-550-4900 24 HOUR HELPLINE
                         Samaritan Caregivers                                                                                               • Free Pregnancy Tests        • Confidential Help
                                                                                                              18 CHAMPIONSHIP HOLES         • Walk-ins Welcome  
                                                                                                                                                                            Located in historic downtown
                                                                                                              1047 GOLF COURSE LANE                                            Kokomo at the corner of
                                                                                                                  453-7079                                              North Buckeye Street & West Jefferson.
                                                                                                              PGA Pro - Jim Humphrey                         
                                                                                                               Bill & Kate Humphrey
                                                                                                                    Parishioners                                              (765) 450-4927
                                                                                                                                         (add $.99 for all carry out orders)
                                                                                                                                                                        PAINT - HARDWOOD - CARPET
                                                                                                                            Kenny Carter                             LINOLEUM - SUNDRIES - TOOLS &
                                                                                                                            Parishioner                                      INSTALLATION SUPPLIES
                                                                                                                                                                           CERAMIC TILE & SUPPLIES
                                                                       Since 1938       WRECKER SERVICE
                                                                                 Light & Heavy Duty • Local & Long Distance Towing
                                                                           24-Hour / 7-Day Towing & Road Service • 765-457-2909            1816 S. Dixon Rd. Parishioner 453-0500

                                                                                              Knights of
                                                                           Columbian Club of Kokomo
                                                                            NEW MEMBERSHIPS INVITED
                                                                          Room Rental for Parties, Banquets, and Receptions
                   A Veteran Business Enterprise
 1236 NORTH MAIN • 459-0311 •
                                                                            1631 FoxFire lane                  765-450-5347

                                                   Cossell’s Creative Landscaping
                                                        and Garden Center
                                                   Design           453-5840              Installation
             • Since 1986 •                           BRENT and ANN MARIE - Parishioners                                                                                         765-459-3620
 765-419-2418 •              2705 S. Washington                                                                                   431 W. North St.

                                                     OSBORNE AUTO UPHOLSTERY
                                                                Dana Osborne ~ Parishioner                                             Kokomo
                                                   Convertible & Vinyl Tops • Original Material Replacement
                                                   Seat Covers & Repair
                                                     Your Good Neighbor
                                                     Across The Street                    452-0086
                                                   1208 N WASHING                                      

• Siding • Roofing
• Restoration
             BE                                                                                                               Flowers by
                         H      OME
                                                                                                                           Ivan & Rick
• Cultured Stone
• Carpet Cleaning I     MPROVEMENT
• Room Additions
                      KOKOMO: 765-457-5327                                                                                  404 E Thomas l Kokomo                    Local Fabrication Capabilities
• Continuous Gutters
                     LAFAYETTE: 765-423-1765                                                                                  765.457.5541        •1055 S Home Ave • Kokomo
• Windows & Doors
• Painting & Staining Mike Bergstrom                                                                                             (800) 433 4356 or (765) 459 4545

                                                                                                                                                          Robert Carrico
                                                                                                                                                            afte5pm & Saturday
                           Indiana                                                                                                                            Handyman

St. Patrick Church January 10, 2021 -
View Our Parish Supporters at
“Everything’s Homemade”
Dine In • Carry Out
457-9181                                                                                                                                                                                            realty one
1929 N W                                                                                                                                                                             Parishioners
457-6621                        RESTAURANT & LOUNGE                                                                                                                         Broker, CRS, GRI, Master GRI,
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                                                                                                                                                                              Pam Maloney 765-438-1132
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                                    AMY    TRUE
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     Cell: 765-438-6386
   Facebook: @Amytruerealtor
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        Mike Bess – Branch Manager
     Michael J. Maher – Financial Advisor                                                                                                      Ryan Williams • Parishioner
                  Wells Fargo Advisors                                                                                                 • Retirement
                  400 W. Sycamore St.                                                                                                  • 401(k)
                   Kokomo, IN 46901                                                                                                    • College Planning
                 Office: 765-452-1211
                Toll Free: 800-563-1211                                                                                                • Faith Based Investing
                                                                                                                                       Financial Adviser
        Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used                                                                                      765.453.9600
                                                                                                                                      Advisory Services are offered through Creative Financial Designs, Inc., a Registered Investment
    by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, member SIPC                                                                                 Adviser, and Securities are offered through cfd Investments, Inc., a Registered Broker/Dealer,
                    CAR # 1019-00083                                                                                                            Member FINRA & SIPC, 2704 S. Goyer Rd., Kokomo, IN 46902. 765-453-9600.

                                     Robert B. Dinn, MD
                                     Diocesan Parishioner                          Brian L. Oaks
                                      Michael R. Wild, MD                        Attorney at Law • Parishioner
                                    Shaun F. Swindler, MD                  Specializing in WillS & eState planning
                                                                                                                                          Chad Jasper • Field Agent
                                  Kelsey B. Schlegelmilch, OD
                                                                Ph: 457-9321                    515 W Sycamore St.
  453-3777 l                                                                                                 
     3433 S. LaFountain, Kokomo, IN 46902                                                                                                Life Insurance • Disability Income Insurance
                                                                                                                                       Long Term Care Insurance • Retirement Annuities
Offices In: Kokomo, Westfield, Logansport, and Peru, Indiana


                                                                                                                                      Drs. Bud & Kate DeCleene
       CUSTOM HOMES • REMODELING                                                                                                              608 East Boulevard St.
                                                                                                                                                 765-453-5005                                           Parishioners
 765-452-2500                                Tom Rethlake, Rick Kanable & Jeff Martin - St. Joan Parishioners
 Dr. Robert J. Bour WALTMAN FLOORING LLC                                                                              Cary Mawbey
                Parishioner                                                                                           101 W Sycamore
            GENERAL DENTISTRY                      Carpet • Ceramic • Wood • Laminate • LVT                 
                                                                                                                      (765) 252-1738

                                                               Tim & Sharon Waltman
                 453-2363                                765.889.2545 • 425 W. North St.
            3423 S LaFountain St. #C                  
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