"Star Wars" Revisited - ETHICSAND SAFETY-CRITICAL SOFTWARE Safety-critical software is a core topic

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"Star Wars" Revisited - ETHICSAND SAFETY-CRITICAL SOFTWARE Safety-critical software is a core topic
                                             Kevin W. Bowyer

                “Star Wars” Revisited
       afety-critical software is a core topic

       in courses on “ethics and computing”
       and “computers and society.” It is
       also a core topic in software engi-
       neering courses. In the 1980s, the
       U.S. Reagan-era Strategic Defense
  Initiative was the focus of a great deal of
  technical argument relating to design and
  testing of safety-critical software. Today,
  most students in the U.S. have no famil-
  iarity with the substance of these argu-
  ments. However, with U.S. presidents
  Clinton and Bush considering various
  versions of a national missile defense sys-
  tem, the topic has again become relevant
  and applicable to current events.

                                                   Fig. 1. U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s 1983 speech is the source
                                                   of high-level requirements for the “Star Wars” system.

   Work on this module began            CPSR-sponsored M.I.T. debate are      Technology and Society conference
under support of National Science       used with permission of the nation-   [20].
Foundation Undergraduate Facul-         al office of the Computing Profes-       The author is Schubmehl-Prein
ty Enhancement grant DUE-               sionals for Social Responsibility.    Department Chair in the Depart-
9752792 [16]. The video of Rea-         Portions of this paper were pre-      ment of Computer Science and
gan’s SDI speech was obtained           sented at the 2001 Frontiers in       Engineering, University of Notre
with the help of the Reagan presi-      Education conference and the          Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556.
dential library. Video clips from the   2001 International Symposium on       Email: kwb@cse.nd.edu.

  IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002                           0278-0079/02/$10.00©2002IEEE            13
"Star Wars" Revisited - ETHICSAND SAFETY-CRITICAL SOFTWARE Safety-critical software is a core topic
M.I.T. debate and in      students to appreciate reliability-
                                                         various publications.     related concepts such as statistical

     The topic of a national missile                     Chuck Seitz, a member
                                                         of the SDI computing
                                                         panel who did not
                                                                                   independence of failures, but is
                                                                                   certainly not necessary in order to
                                                                                   understand the essence of the larg-

     defense system has again
                                                         resign, argued at the     er argument.
                                                         debate in favor of the       This course module can be
                                                         feasibility of SDI soft-  viewed as divided into five sections:
                                                                                            1) introduction to the

     become relevant.                                                                    basic SDI problem,
                                                                                            2) evaluation of Parnas’
                                                                                         argument that trustworthy
                                                                                         SDI software is not possible,
                                                                                            3) evaluation of Seitz’
           This article describes a                                                      argument that trustworthy
        curriculum module devel-                                                         SDI software is possible,
        oped around a Reagan-era                                                            4) connection to current
        SDI debate on the theme –                                                        ballistic missile defense
        “Star wars: can the comput-                                                      efforts, and
        ing requirements be met?”                                                           5) consideration of ethical
        This module may be appro-                                                        issues for computing profes-
        priate for use in ethics-relat-                                                  sionals working on such pro-
        ed or software-engineering- Fig. 2. Michael Dertouzos gives an SDI System jects.
        related courses taught in Overview at the M.I.T.-CPSR Debate.                       The first section of the
        undergraduate Information                                                        module should give students
        Systems, Information Technology, ware. Michael Dertouzos served as a basic understanding of the
        Computer Science, or Computer debate moderator. Joseph Weizen- requirements of an SDI system,
        Engineering programs. It should baum, who was not a member of and make it clear that this is an
        also be appropriate for use in the SDI panel, argued the con posi- extreme instance of safety-critical
        courses in general engineering tion along with Parnas. Danny software. The second and third
        ethics or technology and society.     Cohen, who served as chair of the sections present the arguments
                                              SDI panel, argued the pro position against and for the feasibility of
        THE REAGAN-ERA “STAR                  with Seitz.                          creating trustworthy software for
        WARS” DEFENSE PROGRAM                    The presentations at this debate, an SDI system. These sections
           The Reagan-era “Star Wars” in particular those of Parnas and contain the major technical sub-
        ballistic missile defense program Seitz, provide the core for develop- stance of the module from a com-
        generated a great deal of contro- ing a curriculum module that deals puting perspective. The purpose of
        versy. One aspect of this contro- with ethical issues involved in the the section on connecting the Rea-
        versy involved the design and test- creation of safety-critical software. gan-era arguments to current mis-
        ing of safety-critical software. In The module should be appropriate sile defense efforts is to assess the
        1985, the Computing Profession- for use in courses on software modern relevance of conclusions
        als for Social Responsibility engineering, ethical issues, social in the original argument. The pur-
        (CPSR) sponsored a debate, held impact of computing, or technolo- pose of the last section of the
        at M.I.T., on the question – Star gy and society. It has been suc- course is to explicitly consider
        Wars: Can the Computing cessfully used both in courses important ethical issues involved
        Requirements Be Met? Controver- aimed at first-year students who in this case study.
        sy on this particular point was are not yet (and may not become)              The content of each section of
        sparked by, among other things, computing majors, and in a senior- the module is outlined in more
        David Parnas’ resignation from the level “capstone” course for Com- detail below.
        Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) puter Science and Engineering
        computing panel. Parnas argued majors. Some level of program- UNDERSTANDING THE
        that it was impossible, in principle, ming experience will of course CONTEXT OF THE SDI
        to create SDI software that would help students to appreciate the PROBLEM
        allow a useful level of trust in the complexities of software testing         The section of the module on
        system. He presented his argument and debugging. Some level of dis- understanding the SDI problem
        for this conclusion at the CPSR- crete math background should help incorporates a short video clip

14                                                                    IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002
"Star Wars" Revisited - ETHICSAND SAFETY-CRITICAL SOFTWARE Safety-critical software is a core topic
from President Ronald Reagan’s and the automated interpretation of sion, to identify the premises used
“Star Wars speech” (see Fig. 1) sensory data that may vary with to argue for this conclusion. Stu-
delivered in March of 1983 [1], the state of nature and the inten- dents should also develop a clear
and a clip from the 1985 CPSR- tions of an intelligent adversary.         idea of Parnas’ reasons why the
M.I.T. debate (see Fig. 2) in which                                       SDI computing problem is more
moderator Michael Dertouzos              Then-current thinking about the difficult than other complex com-
gives an overview of the SDI sce- SDI scenario and technology is puter systems. For example,
nario and requirements. Dertouzos well represented in the “Eastport launch of a space shuttle can be
outlines parameters of the SDI sce- Report” and an U.S. Office of delayed if computer and weather
nario, such as the size of the geo- Technology Assessment report conditions are not satisfactory,
graphic area to be monitored for an [22],[23]. Electronic copies
attack launch, the projected time of these government docu-
span of an attack, and the number ments are available on CD
of missiles, warheads and decoys with the video clips and
that might be involved.               PowerPoint for this curricu-
   The goal of this section of the lum module.                         The Reagan-era “Star Wars”
course is for students to work
through a general understanding of UNDERSTANDING
the issues in the systems analysis PARNAS’ ARGUMENT
and requirements specification           The purpose of this mod-
                                                                       ballistic missile defense
                                                                       program generated a great
stages of SDI software develop- ule of the course module is
ment. The PowerPoint material for the students to work
makes references to the waterfall through a summary of Par-
model of software develoment, not nas’ technical argument for
to endorse this model over other why it is not possible to cre-
models, but to focus students’ ate trustworthy SDI soft-               deal of controversy.
thinking on the problems inherent ware. This section of the
in specifying requirements for module incorporates a
such software.                        video clip of Parnas’ pre-
   It is important that students sentation (Fig. 3) and addi-
develop an apprecia-                                                           control of a nuclear power
tion for the extreme                                                           plant does not require defeat-
difficulty of the SDI                                                          ing the intentions of an intel-
computing problem.                                                             ligent adversary, and other
For instance, at one                                                           sophisticated weapons sys-
point Dertouzos men-                                                           tems are used many times and
tions that planners                                                            so can be debugged after ini-
envision that the SDI                                                          tial failures.
system will maintain                                                               Students may need some
“a consistent distrib-                                                         guidance in formalizing the
uted database” of the                                                          structure of Parnas’ argument.
missile tracking infor-                                                        His presentation does contain
mation. There is some                                                          a clear technical argument in
audible laughter from                                                          reponse to the topic defined
the audience at this                                                           for the debate – Star Wars:
point, because the Fig. 3. Parnas presents an argument that trustworthy can the computing require-
demands of “consis- SDI software is not possible in principle.                 ments be met? However, he
tent” and “distributed”                                                        also goes beyond this at times
are inherently contradictory at tional PowerPoint slides. Any of and suggests conclusions of larger
some level. This point may not be several papers by Parnas might be socio-political questions. Students
readily apparent to students as they used as references or handouts may be tempted to assert that he
watch the video. Therefore it may with this section (e.g., [2].) The argues for conclusions such as
be useful to explicitly point out the PowerPoint material includes “The United States should not pur-
difficulty involved in the real-time slides that ask students to identify sue SDI” or “Pursuing SDI will
nature of the problem, the distrib- the conclusion advanced by Par- make the United States weaker
uted communications and control, nas, and then, given the conclu- rather than stronger.” In fact he

  IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002                                                              15
does, but students should be able to should bring students to a state-        ignition key. This may provide an
     realize that these are not conclu- ment similar to – “It is not possible      opportunity for useful class discus-
     sions of the immediate computer to construct SDI software that                sion about what constitutes an
     systems engineering argument. could confidently be expected to                appropriate level of confidence
     Students should be encouraged to work correctly when needed.”                 and whether or how such confi-
     focus primarly on the                                                         dence might be measured. Other
     argument that relates to                                                      analogies can be offered similar to
     the technical issue of                                                        that of the car starting: for
     whether it is possible, in                                                    instance, the confidence you have
     principle, to create SDI                                                      that your computer system will
     software that could be                                                        correctly retrieve a file from disk
     considered trustworthy.                                                       when it is requested. Most exam-
     It is possible that some                                                      ples that students propose in class
     students will have pas-                                                       will likely not incorporate the
     sionately-held opinions                                                       complication of an intelligent ene-
     about peace, strong                                                           my. This point might be made by
     defense, or President                                                         suggesting a sports-related analo-
     Reagan’s legacy. Again,                                                       gy. For example, what is your lev-
     these are probably not                                                        el of confidence that the opposing
     appropriate as the                                                            team will not be able to score giv-
     immediate focus of class Fig. 4. Seitz presents an argument for the fea-      en that your team correctly exe-
     discussion.                 sibility of creating an SDI System.               cutes the defense it has planned
         Students find it easi-                                                    ahead of time? The point that Par-
     er to reach an appropriate summa-          The “confidently” qualifier is a   nas makes is that our confidence
     ry of Parnas’ argument if they are potential source of ambiguity.             that the software will work correct-
     first guided to a statement of the However, Parnas suggests that a            ly when needed is directly linked
     conclusion. Discussion of different pragmatic definition is the level of      to our assumptions about how an
     possible conclusion statements and confidence that you have that your         intelligent adversary will choose to
     how they relate to the debate topic car will start when you turn the          structure an attack.

     Fig. 5. Depiction of missile defense scenario from http://www.acq. osd/mil/bmdo/.

16                                                                  IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002

                        Property of the application that complicates design and testing
Computer                real-time      "signal-to-    uncontrolled  intelligent    starting              requires
System                  response       symbol"        sensor        adversary      conditions            coordinated
Application             requirements    sensor data   imaging       motivated to   controlled by         distributed
                                       processing     conditions    fool system    adversary             computing

Chess-playing           No               No              No             Yes               No             No
Telephone switching     Yes              No              No             No                No             Partially
Space shuttle           Yes              Yes             Yes            No                No             No
Nuclear power plant     Yes              Yes             Partially      No                No             No
Fighter jet             Yes              Yes             Yes            Yes               Partially      No
SDI                     Yes              Yes             Yes            Yes               Yes            Yes

    Once students have the conclu-      any confidence, because they            sonably efficient and correct com-
sion of the argument, they should       depend on the actions of an intelli-    pilers, c) “people with Dutch
be able to identify relevant premis-    gent adversary, and                     accents,” indicating Edsgar Dijk-
es that Parnas uses to argue for the       (2) The software cannot under-       stra, in the context of suggestions
conclusion. Important elements of       go any fully realistic testing,         that the problem with software is
the technical arugment have to do       because this would require realis-      that the software engineers are not
with the specifications being           tic sensor data reflecting the          talented enough, d) “Byzantine
unkown, there being no practical        (unkown) scenario for enemy             agreement,” a formalism of the
way to realistically test the soft-     attack, and                             problem in which N distributed
ware, and there being no time to           (3) There would be no time dur-      systems communicate to reach
debug the software in use. While        ing an attack to repair and re-         agreement among the correctly-
factors such as the number of pro-      install failing software (“no real-     working systems even when some
grammers required to work on the        time debugging”),
software and the estimated size of         Therefore: It is not pos-
the system may also be relevant,        sible to construct SDI soft-
Parnas explicitly asserts that his
argument is independent of the
                                        ware that could be confi-
                                        dently expected to work
                                                                         Parnas argued that it was
size of the software.                   correctly the first time it is
    As a result of analyzing the
material in this section, students
should be able to reach a summary
                                           Parnas mentions a
                                        number of items during
                                                                         impossible, in principle, to
of Parnas’ technical argument sim-
ilar to the following. It would also
be within the spirit of Parnas’ pre-
                                        his presentation that
                                        should be defined for the
                                        class in order for them to
                                                                         create SDI software that would
sentation to give a one-premise         get the most out of his pre-
form of the argument. The state-
ment – “Since the specifications
                                        sentation. Among these
                                        are a) the acronym MAD,
                                                                         allow a useful level of trust
are inherently unkown, therefore it     standing for Mutual
is not possible to know whether
you have written the desired sys-
tem.” – would reasonably capture
                                        Assured Destruction, the
                                        cold-war strategy that says
                                        nuclear war is best
                                                                         in the system.
the essence of the argument.            deterred by having each
                                        side believe that it would
   Candidate Summary of Parnas’         result in mutual destruction, b)        fraction of the N systems may send
Argument –                              ADA, the programming language,          false messages, e) “Safeguard,”
   Since:                               in the context of it being an ambi-     referring to an early ballistic mis-
   (1) The specifications for the       tious software project that took a      sile defense system intended to
software cannot be known with           number of years to result in rea-       defend only selected sites neces-

  IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002                                                                    17
sary for the U.S. to launch a retal-   classify other complex systems             tion of entities in the data. The raw
      iatory strike, f) “Vietnam,” in the    according to these contstraints in         data might be a 2-D array of non-
      context of the weapons systems         order to find a good analogy. The          negative integers that form an
      used in that war, g) “someone          result might be something like that        image representing some property
      named Walker,” meaning a person        in Table I.                                such as heat, refelected light, or
      with Defense Department security                                                  distance from the sensor. The sym-
      clearance who is discovered to be      UNDERSTANDING SEITZ’                       bolic description might be some-
      a long-time spy for the enemy, and     ARGUMENT                                   thing like “missile centered at
      h) a reference to Fred Brooks, in          Similar to the section on Par-         location x,y”.
      the context of a person of distin-     nas’ argument, the point of this               The conclusion of Seitz’ argu-
      guished reputation in software         section is for the students to work        ment should be a statement to the
      engineering [21].                      out a critical-thinking summary of         effect that it is possible to con-
         Parnas also makes an argument       Seitz’ argument. Also similar to           struct reliable SDI software. The
                                                     the previous section, the          premises of the argument will have
                                                      material for this section         to do with hierarchical control
                                                      includes video of Seitz’ pre-     structures being well understood,

Students who have a strong a                          sentation (see Fig. 4), plus
                                                      supporting        PowerPoint
                                                      slides. The premises should
                                                                                        conceptual control structure that
                                                                                        coincides with physical control
                                                                                        structure being an advantage for

priori belief in the positive
                                                      represent technical bases         reliable implementation, and mod-
                                                      that Seitz uses to argue for      ularity being an advantage in
                                                      his conclusion. Seitz quotes      implementation and testing. It
                                                      from the SDIO computing           should be possible for students to

value of ballistic missile                            panel (from which Parnas
                                                      resigned and Seitz and
                                                                                        arrive at a summary of Seitz’ argu-
                                                                                        ment similar to the following:
                                                      Cohen did not) as part of his

defense may feel that their                           presentation.
                                                          One quote is: “The feasi-
                                                      bility of the battle manage-
                                                                                           Candidate Summary of Seitz’
                                                                                        Argument –

political beliefs are being
                                                      ment software and our abil-          (1) Hierarchical control struc-
                                                      ity to test, simulate, and        ture is natural and well under-
                                                      modify the system are very        stood, and
                                                      sensitive to the choice of           (2) Hierarchical organization

challenged.                                           system architecture. In par-
                                                      ticular, the feasibility of the
                                                                                        seems attractive both for the con-
                                                                                        ceptual flow of data abstraction,
                                                      battle management software        and the physical organization of
                                                      is much more sensitive to         the system, and
                                                      the system architecture than         (3) Hierarchical organization
      that the SDI computing require-        it is to the choice of software engi-      naturally leads to modularity,
      ments are, in effect, unique and       neering techniques.” From this it          which is an advantage for achiev-
      more difficult than those for any      seems clear that Seitz is arguing          ing reliable implementation,
      other complex system that might        that the problems can be solved               Therefore: It is possible to con-
      be selected for an analogy. At one     through an appropriate choice of           struct SDI software that could be
      point in the debate, Cohen men-        system architecture.                       confidently expected to work cor-
      tions the space shuttle as an exam-        As with Parnas’ presentation,          rectly the first time it is needed.
      ple of a system requiring large and    students may need some guidance
      complex       software.     Parnas’    to arrive at an appropriate summa-            With the arguments of the two
      response is that whereas NASA          ry of Seitz’ argument. Seitz uses          sides of the debate identified, stu-
      can delay a launch up until the last   relatively few terms in his presen-        dents should begin to have the
      second, the president cannot call      tation that will require definition        basis for developing their own
      up the (former) United Soviet          for the class. One concept that stu-       informed opinion on the issue.
      Socialist Republic (USSR) to           dents may not be familiar with is          Students can also be asked to
      delay a nuclear war. An interesting    the “signal to symbol” transition in       assess stylistic issues in the pre-
      class exercise would be to make a      processing sensor data. This refers        sentations, and how these factors
      list of constraints on the SDI com-    to the process of moving from raw          might influence the effect on a
      puting system and ask students to      sensor data to a symbolic descrip-         non-computing-literate audience.

18                                                                      IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002
For example, how does the use of         entists. This point can, and proba-     to achieve other perceived bene-
personal comment and sarcasm             bly should, be emphasized through       fits. This clearly illustrates how
affect the communication of tech-        a pre-class assignment described        there may be a distinction between
nical content? How does/would an         later.                                  the technical question and related
explicit premise-conclusion sum-             It also should be pointed out       political questions.
mary of the argument aid the audi-       that both Parnas and Seitz came to
ence’s understanding? And how            the debate already familiar with        RELATION TO CURRENT
does not responding explicitly to        the essence of the other person’s       MISSILE DEFENSE
an opponent’s asserted premises          argument. Parnas was presenting         SCENARIOS
affect credibility?                      arguments that he had already pub-          The point of this section of the
    At the end of analyzing the two      lished and that Seitz certainly         course is to relate the evaluation of
presentations, it will be clear to       would have known about. Similar-        Parnas’ and Seitz’ arguments to
most students that Parnas’ techni-       ly, Seitz was presenting arguments      current ballistic missile defense
cal argument is essentially correct      based on the published report of        plans. A recent special issue of
and is not refuted by Seitz’ argu-       the SDI computing committee. It is      IEEE Spectrum assesses the state
ment. One over-simplified charac-        not reasonable to think that either     of various U.S. missile defense
terization of the debate is that Par-    person was caught unaware by the        programs [4]. Overall, the web site
nas says “We can’t test it” and          other person’s argument.                of the DoD Ballistic Missile
Seitz then replies “We can build             A point that might merit explo-     Defense Office (BMDO) is an
it.” In this sense, the two presenta-    ration in courses on technology         excellent source of information
tions do not respond equally well        and society is that the narrow ques-    [6]. The is perhaps especially true
to the theme of the debate, “Star        tion of whether or not it is possible   because the envisioned scenarios
Wars: can the computing require-         to create trustworthy SDI software      for a missile defense system are
ments be met?” Seitz argues that         does not necessarily answer the         evolving over time. Information
we can build something that              general question of whether or not      from this site should be useful to
should be useful, but does not real-     it is worthwhile to attempt to con-     summarize the current official sce-
ly address the issue of how to test      struct an SDI system. Students          narios, plans, and status. An exam-
that it would meet requirements.         may find this point a bit paradoxi-     ple figure from this web site
Parnas argues that it doesn’t make       cal. However, one defense some-         appears in Fig. 5.
any difference what is built or how      times raised by supporters of the           The U.S. continues to spend
it is built, because there won’t be      Reagan legacy is that the Soviet        large amounts of money on missile
any means of testing that it meets       attempt to respond to the SDI pro-      defense. An editorial in Science
requirements.                            gram was an important contribut-        magazine in 2001 estimated cumu-
    For many people, the in-princi-      ing factor in the breakdown of the      lative U.S. expenditures on missile
ple nature of the point about the        Soviet Union [26]. That is, even if     defense at $100 billion, in current
specifications for the software          SDI did not or could not work, it       dollars [7].
being unknown is enough to carry         aided a larger objective of “defeat-        Missile defense is of course a
the argument by itself. The rather       ing” the Soviet Union. Similar          socially and politically controver-
clear-cut nature of this narrow          sorts of arguments were made in         sial topic. Numerous articles on
technical argument is a potential        2001 by President George Bush’s         missile defense are also available
pitfall for use of this material. Stu-   Secretary of Defense Donald             in the popular press (e.g., [9] “con”
dents who have a strong a priori         Rumsfeld. He expressed “that the        and [12] “pro”), and numerous
belief in the positive value of bal-     United States is likely to deploy       interest groups have web pages
listic missile defense may feel that     certain antiballistic missile sys-      with archives of press releases and
their political beliefs are being        tems before testing on them is          news reports on the topic.
challenged, or that the material has     completed” [24] and argued that             Reviewing the recent history of
somehow been unfairly presented.         “even if a missile defense system       U.S. ballistic missile defense
There are several points to consid-      does not work properly, it would        efforts can give valuable perspec-
er in this regard. One point is that     make an adversary think twice           tive on the feasibility of the goals
the purpose of the study is, in so       before launching a missile at the       of the Reagan-era program [3] –
far as possible, to discover the         United States” [25]. Thus the Bush      “In the last 15 years, the United
truth, and this may result in a chal-    administration appears willing to       States has conducted 20 hit-to-kill
lenge to a priori beliefs. A second      stipulate that the system may not       intercepts, for the BMD programs
point is that the two presenters,        work properly or well, but is will-     discussed here as well as in other
Parnas and Seitz, are both accom-        ing to undertake the expense of         tests. Six intercepts were success-
plished, word-class computer sci-        building a system anyway in order       ful; 13 of those intercepts were

   IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002                                                                     19
done within the last five years, and       location/size of the hypothesized      Whether or not this is truly a real-
     among them, three intercepts suc-          enemy. The Reagan-era SDI pro-         istic option will of course depend
     ceeded. ... no real attempts have          gram envisioned an attack of tens      on the particular assumptions
     been made to intercept uncoopera-          of thousands of missiles coming        made about the size and sophisti-
     tive targets — those that make use         from the area of the former USSR.      cation of the threat.
     of clutter, decoys, maneuver, anti-        Current thinking envisions an              Given that the majority of the
     simulation, and other counter mea-         “attack by a rogue state using a       class accepts the in-principle argu-
     sures. Nor have any tests attempted        handful of warheads outfitted with     ment made by Parnas, but then also
     to use a real battle management            relatively simple countermea-          believes that a missile defense sys-
     system that integrates data from a         sures” or “an accidental launch of     tem for current scenarios is feasi-
     diverse array of actual tracking           a few warheads by Russia or Chi-       ble, it makes sense to explore the
     sensors and directs an interceptor         na” [3]. This clearly reduces, to      differences between the scenarios.
     to a target.” An interesting assign-       some degree, the required com-         Students might be asked to rate the
     ment for students may be to gather         plexity of the ballistic missile       feasibility of constructing a missile
     information on the most recent             defense system. How this affects       defense system in various in-
     tests and to assess the level of real-     the conclusions of the Parnas-Seitz    between scenarios. For example,
     ism in the tests (clutter, decoys, ...).   debate is not entirely clear, and      what if the “rogue country” in cur-
         Students with any previous             provides an opportunity to pursue      rent scenarios could launch hun-
     software engineering course work           an interesting line of reasoning.      dreds, thousands, or tens of thou-
     should easily realize that the test-       When asked, most people will feel      sands of missiles? Or, what if the
     ing done to date does not begin to         that a successful SDI system for       enemy was able to launch the
     address the more difficult technical       the currently envisioned scenarios     attack from unknown points over a
     issues indentified in the Reagan-          is perhaps possible, or at least is    larger geographic area? The point
     era debate. Tests that use data from       not as clearly impossible as for the   of the exercise would be to isolate
     actual tracking sensors and that try       Reagan-era scenario.                   the factors of the scenario that
     to hit targets that employ simple             This feeling presents something     appear to most affect feasibility of
     counter-measures would be only             of a conflict, because Parnas          the system.
     the beginning of “realistic” testing.      explicitly made an “in principle”          A current whistle-blowing case
     Increased realism would include,           argument. When students accept         alleges fraud in the testing and
     for example, multiple targets that         Parnas’ argument for the Reagan-       development of software in recent
     create various loads and structures        era scenario, but feel that it might   missile defense efforts [19]. The
     of attack, varied weather condi-           be possible to construct a reliable    whistle-blower, Nira Schwartz,
     tions, and simulation of random            system for current scenarios, there    alleges that TRW knew that the per-
     and coordinated failures in the sys-       is a need to resolve the apparent      formance of its software to discrim-
     tem due to attack. A useful exer-          inconsistency. The resolution          inate warheads from decoys was far
     cise for students may be to ask            appears to lie in the perceived fea-   below what was reported to the gov-
     them to sketch a plan for several          sibility of “over-engineering” the     ernment. The allegations have been
     levels of increasingly realistic test-     system. By “over-engineering” we       investigated at several levels. One
     ing of SDI software. Real incidents        mean designing a system explicitly     Pentagon criminal investigator said
     from actual tests of missile defense       to have substantial over-capacity      that there is “absolute irrefutable
     technology can be used to empha-           relative to the size of the threat,    scientific proof that TRW’s discrim-
     size the difficulty involved. For          akin to the old engineering idea of    ination technology does not, cannot,
     example, in a 1997 test “the clouds        a “margin of safety” in the design.    and will not work” and that TRW
     had cleared but a software problem         With the Reagan-era scenario of        was “knowingly covering up its fail-
     caused the laser to recycle, or            tens of thousands of warheads and      ure” [19]. A team put together to
     unexpectedly lose power, during            hundreds of thousands of sophisti-     look at the allegations and the report
     the brief period in which the satel-       cated decoys, most people could        said that the TRW computer pro-
     lite was within range” [10].               not imagine over-engineering the       grams “were ‘well designed and
         It is important for students to        system to a degree that would pro-     work properly’ provided that the
     realize that the motivating scenario       vide confidence. With current          Pentagon does not have wrong
     for current missile defense efforts        more limited scenarios, it seems       information about what kinds of
     is not the same as for the Reagan-         easier for people to imagine that      warheads and decoys an enemy is
     era program. Potentially important         the system might be built with         using” [19]. In other words, if one
     differences include 1) the antici-         enough excess capacity to provide      assumes specifications for the war-
     pated size and sophistication of an        confidence that it would work in       heads and targets that an enemy will
     attack, and 2) the geographical            the presence of some failures.         use, and if this information turns out

20                                                                      IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002
to be correct, then the software        for whether a program will run            to get me to sign a letter),
should work. This rather clearly        into an infinite loop,                    Therefore: their letter does not
shows that one critical weakness is     Therefore: we should build a tool         mean anything.
unknown specifications – the same       that will check whether a program
weakness that Parnas emphasized         will run into an infinite loop.               There is one particularly telling
over fifteen years earlier!                                                       point here. It seems that the con-
    The coverage of this whistle-           The goal here sounds great, but       gressman’s argument uses a
blowing incident also provides          there is computer science theory          premise that the Nobel laureates’
excellent opportunities for critical-   that says it is impossible. Some          letter should not be taken seriously
thinking exercises. Congressman         software engineers might regard           because, by analogy, he signs let-
Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania pro-        the idea of constructing software         ters all the time that he does not
vides several quotes arguing for        to meet unknown specifications as         mean to be taken seriously. In any
the construction of a missile           similarly impossible. The pragmat-        case, again, the response does not
defense system. One of these is as      ic response is that some specifica-       address any of the issues of sub-
follows: “If we don’t build a new       tions will be assumed that will           stance. The analysis of these
aircraft carrier, we have older ones.   hopefully cover the real-world cas-       quotes may be more relevant to
If we don’t build a new fighter         es that arise.                            classes in technology and society
plane, we have older ones. If we            Congressman Weldon also               than to classes in software engi-
don’t build a new tank, we have         makes an analogy between critics of       neering, and should serve to
older ones. If we don’t build mis-      the President Kennedy’s program to        emphasize to students that the
sile defense, we have nothing”          land a person on the moon and cur-        political decision-making about
[19]. In premise-conclusion form,       rent-day critics of missile defense       missile defense is taking place in a
his argument appears to be:             [19]. The intent of the argument is       notable absence of any serious
                                        apparently to have people conclude        technical discussion.
Since:                                  that the SDI program would suc-               After covering the material in
We have existing but older forms of     ceed in the way that the program to       this section of the module, students
many weapons systems, and               land a man on the moon succeeded.         should understand how the current
We have no existing form of a mis-      The big missing element in this           national missile defense scenarios
sile defense system,                    analogy should be clear. The moon-        relate to the technical arguments
Therefore: we should build a mis-       landing program had to deal with          developed during the Reagan-era
sile defense system.                    problems presented by nature,             SDI debate. They should also
                                        whereas the missile defense pro-          appreciate the fact the much of the
    As is often the case, the argu-     gram has to deal with problems pre-       current political discussion about
ment loses some of its appeal sim-      sented by an intelligent enemy that       national missile defense is serious-
ply by being cast into explicit         is motivated to defeat the system.        ly lacking in consideration of tech-
premise-conclusion form. The            Again, this point relates back to the     nical feasibility.
argument does not address cost          issue of unknown specifications.
tradeoff issues such as whether it          Another quote from Congress-          RELATION TO CODES OF
would be better to have a missile       man Weldon came in response to a          ETHICS
defense system or newer versions        letter signed by Nobel Laureates             Discussion of this case study
of other weapons systems (or other      arguing against development of            should include consideration of
security-enhancing      measures).      missile defense. Weldon’s comment         ethical issues that confront com-
More fundamentally, it also does        was: “Well, I don’t know any of           puting professionals working on
not address the issue of whether it     them that’s come to Congress or to        such projects, with explicit refer-
is even possible to construct a reli-   me. I’ve not seen one of their faces.     ence to the different professional
able missile defense system. For        I mean, you know, it’s easy to get        codes of ethics. Students should be
students that would understand the      anyone to sign a letter. I sign letters   asked to evaluate the ethical issues
halting problem, the following          all the time” [19]. In premise-con-       relative to the professional codes of
might be offered for discussion as      clusion form, the argument appears        ethics, and project what they might
a possibly analogous argument:          to be:                                    do in various situations. Among the
                                                                                  many questions that students might
Since:                                  Since:                                    be asked to address are:
We have existing but older forms of     I have not talked to them face-to-           1) Was Parnas right in resigning
many software development tools,        face, and                                 his $1000/day consulting position
and                                     They have only written a letter, and      to “blow the whistle” on the SDI
We have no existing tool to check       I sign letters all the time (it is easy   program?

  IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002                                                                       21
2) Is it ethical today to accept              obligation to my fellow                   software engineers shall, as
          work on national ballistic missile                members and the profession                appropriate:... [1.3] Approve
          defense systems, or, more general-                I shall: ... Cooperate with               software only if they have a
          ly, on systems that you believe can-              others in achieving under-                well-founded belief that it is
          not possibly work as advertised?                  standing and in identifying               safe, meets specifications,
              3) Assume that you believe it is              problems.”                                passes appropriate tests, and
          ethical to work on national ballistic                                                       does not diminish quality of
          missile defense systems, and that               Relevant elements of the Asso-              life, diminish privacy or
          you are a manager at a company               ciation for Computing Machinery                harm the environment. The
          doing such work – how should you             (ACM) code of ethics include                   ultimate effect of the work
          treat an employee who believes               (numbers identify specific sections            should be to the public good.
          that it is ethically wrong to work on        and items of the full code [15]):              ... [1.4] Disclose to appropri-
          such systems?                                                                               ate persons or authorities
              4) How should you, as a profes-               “As an ACM computing pro-                 any actual or potential dan-
          sional, respond to a non-comput-                  fessional I will... [2.5] Give            ger to the user, the public, or
          ing-literate person who asks you if               comprehensive and thorough                the environment, that they
          a national ballistic missile defense              evaluations of computer sys-              reasonably believe to be
          system is possible?                               tems and their impacts,                   associated with software or
                                                            including analysis of possible            related documents.
             The various codes of ethics for                risks. … [2.7] Improve pub-
          the computing professions offer                   lic understanding of comput-              “Software engineers shall act
          some fairly clear guidance on such                ing and its consequences.                 in a manner that is in the best
          questions. Relevant items of the                                                            interests of their client and
          Association of Information Tech-                  “As an ACM member and an                  employer, consistent with
          nology Professionals’ (AITP) stan-                organizational leader, I                  the public interest. In partic-
          dards of conduct [5], [15] that stu-              will... [3.4] Ensure that users           ular, software engineers
          dents should consider include the                 and those who will be affect-             shall, as appropriate: ... [2.6]
          following:                                        ed by a computing system                  Identify, document, collect
                                                            have their needs clearly                  evidence and report to the
             “In recognition of my oblig-                   articulated     during      the           client or the employer
             ation to society I shall: ...                  assessment and design of                  promptly if, in their opinion,
             Use my skill and knowledge                     requirements. Later the sys-              a project is likely to fail, to
             to inform the public in all                    tem must be validated to                  prove too expensive, to vio-
             areas of my expertise. ... To                  meet requirements.”                       late intellectual property law,
             the best of my ability, insure                                                           or otherwise to be problem-
             that the products of my work                 Relevant elements of the                    atic.
             are used in a socially respon-            ACM/IEEE-Computer            Society
             sible way. ... Never misrep-              (CS) Software Engineering Code of              “Software engineers shall
             resent or withhold informa-               Ethics include the following (num-             ensure that their products
             tion that is germane to a                 bers identify specific sections and            and related modifications
             problem or situation of pub-              items of the full code [15], [17]):            meet the highest profession-
             lic concern nor will I allow                                                             al standards possible. In par-
             any such known information                     “Software engineers shall                 ticular, software engineers
             to remain unchallenged.                        act consistently with the                 shall, as appropriate: ... [3.2]
                 In recognition of my                       public interest. In particular,           Ensure proper and achiev-

                                                               TABLE II
                              TOPIC   AND     LENGTH   OF   VIDEO CLIPS USED      IN THE   PRESENTATION

 President Reagan’s call for SDI program                         0:42      Charles Seitz’ argument for feasibility             16:38

 Michael Dertouzos’ overview of SDI                              6:01      David Parnas’ rebuttal                                5:35

 David Parnas’ argument against feasibility                    22:13       Charles Seitz’ rebuttal                               2:31

22                                                                                IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002
able goals and objectives for        becomes complex. How does the           students perform a web search to
   any project on which they            technically-oriented individual take    write short biographical sketches on
   work or propose. ... [3.7]           into account that public policy con-    Parnas, Seitz, and Dertouzos. At a
   Strive to fully understand the       siderations could outweigh techni-      minimum, they should discover
   specifications for software          cal conclusions? Is it reasonable to    such things as that Seitz invented
   on which they work. ... [3.8]        work on a project that is technical-    the “Cosmic Cube” parallel com-
   Ensure that specifications           ly impossible but that is a political   puting architecture that gave rise to
   for software on which they           priority for society? How can one       commercial systems marketed by
   work have been well docu-            assure that the political decision      Intel and Ncube, and that Parnas
   mented, satisfy the users            was made with full knowledge of         was the leader of the Naval
   requirements and have the            the technical impossibility?            Research Lab’s “Software Cost
   appropriate approvals. ...                                                   Reduction” project (dealing with
   [3.10] Ensure adequate test-         USE OF THIS MODULE IN                   software technology in aircraft
   ing, debugging, and review           TEACHING                                weapons systems) prior to joining
   of software and related doc-             This curriculum module is           the SDI computing panel. It is valu-
   uments on which they work.           packaged as a PowerPoint presen-        able for students to see the accom-
                                        tation that incorporates several        plishments of such people, and con-
   “Software engineering man-           mpeg video clips, as outlined in the    sider how the backgrounds of the
   agers and leaders shall sub-         table below. (See Table II.) The        debate participants qualify them to
   scribe to and promote an eth-        complete original debate video ran      offer expert opinions on the subject.
   ical approach to the                 over two hours, and so only the         Another possible pre-class exercise
   management of software               most relevant and useful portions       is for students to go to the BMDO
   development and mainte-              have been digitized and extracted       web site and prepare a one-page
   nance. In particular, those          for use in this module. The debate      summary of the current national
   managing or leading soft-            presentations by Weizenbaum and         missile defense scenario. Yet anoth-
   ware engineers shall, as             Cohen are not included. Since           er possibility is to have the students
   appropriate: ... [5.12] Not          these were the second presentation      use Nexis or do a web search to
   punish anyone for express-           for each side of the issue, they nat-   locate information on the three to
   ing ethical concerns about a         urally do not cover as much new         five most recent tests of missile
   project.”                            material. The questions from the        defense system components. If the
                                        debate audience are also not            whistle-blowing aspects of the inci-
   “Software engineers shall be         included, as the pace of this portion   dent will be emphasized, then it
   fair to and supportive of their      of the original video is rather slow.   will be helpful if they do some
   colleagues. In particular,               The complete module could           background reading ahead of time
   software engineers shall, as         easily take three 50-minute class       (e.g., [15, ch. 7] and a selected
   appropriate: ... [7.5] Give a        periods, or two 75-minute class         worksheet from that chapter).
   fair hearing to the opinions,        periods. With extended discussion
   concerns, or complaints of a         time and/or in-class active learning    One 50-minute class, plus
   colleague.”                          exercises, covering the complete        homework assignment.
                                        module might take an additional             It should be possible to success-
   Students should be encouraged        class period or two. On the other       fully use a portion of the materials
to consider how they would hope to      hand, with judicious selection of       to provide an overview of essential
respond to the ethical issues           material and use of class time, the     issues in testing safety-critical
when/if they face them in their         core issues might be covered in as      software in one 50-minute class.
career, and to evaluate their antici-   little as one 50-minute class peri-     The class presentation would use
pated responses in the context of       od. Suggestions for using the mod-      about 20 PowerPoint slides, plus
the codes of ethics. Answers will       ule in different formats are sum-       the video clips of Reagan, Der-
not be easy for some questions. For     marized below.                          touzos, and Parnas. The total time
example, the ACM/IEEE-CS Code                                                   of the three video clips is about 30
of Ethics requires software engi-       Pre-class exercises.                    minutes. This leaves just enough
neers to “act consistently with the        Students will get the most out of    time to introduce the ballistic mis-
public interest.” However, if we        the module if they complete a pre-      sile defense problem, present the
recognize that the overall “public      class assignment that gets them         software life cycle as an organiz-
interest” incorporates both techni-     thinking about the issues. Several      ing framework, and orient the stu-
cal and political considerations,       different possible pre-class assign-    dents to analyze Parnas’ argument
then individual decision-making         ments are useful. One is to have the    as a homework assignment.

   IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002                                                                     23
The 50-minute period would be       sion-making involved.                   of the argument, as made by Seitz,
     organized into three segments. The         The next segment of the class        is not covered. However, Parnas
     first segment would be about 10         would be about 30 minutes in            advances an in-principle argument
     minutes in length. It would begin       length. The main portion of this is     that should stand or fall on its own
     with a series of a half dozen slides    spent watching the video clip of        merits. Also, Seitz does not direct-
     that support giving a basic defini-     Parnas’ presentation. This prepares     ly address the premises advanced
     tion of ballistic missile defense,      the students for a homework             by Parnas. Thus while additional
     and reminding students of the           assignment to diagram, in premise-      time will certainly improve stu-
     activities in the system analysis       conclusion form, Parnas’ argu-          dents’ understanding of the prob-
     and requirements analysis phases        ment. To get the students oriented      lem, it should still be useful to cov-
     of the traditional software life        for this analysis, it is useful to      er the essentials of Parnas’
     cycle. It would then move to            walk through identifying the con-       argument in one 50-minute class.
     watching the video clip of Presi-       clusion of the argument with them.
     dent Reagan’s call for the SDI pro-     The homework assignment for the         One 75-minute class, plus
     gram. Based on the video clip, stu-     students, then, is to identify the      homework assignment.
     dents are asked to formulate a          premises used to support this tech-         Several options are available for
     high-level statement of SDI system      nical conclusion. Students should       covering this module in one 75-
     requirements. Several students can      be able to identify a sequence of       minute class. One possibility is to
     be called on for a suggested            three to five technical premises,       not present any additional material
     requirements statement. The sup-        and to give some indication of          from the PowerPoint and video
     porting powerpoint material notes       their own belief in the truth of each   clips, but to use the additional time
     that a requirements statement           premise. The PowerPoint material        for an active-learning style exer-
     might focus on either of two parts      includes transcribed versions of        cise that focuses on analyzing Par-
     of Reagan’s speech. Parnas focus-       some of the overheads in Parnas’        nas’ argument. After watching Par-
     es on the part where Reagan says:       presentation. If desired, these can     nas’ presentation and guiding the
     “I call upon the scientific commu-      be printed and given to students as     students to the conclusion of his
     nity to give us the means of ren-       a handout for use in the homework       technical argument, allow a short
     dering these nuclear weapons            assignment. The           homework      time (three to five minutes) for stu-
     impotent and obsolete.” Alterna-        assignment can be handed in and         dents to individually identify the
     tively, Seitz focuses more on the       graded according to how many and        premises supporting this conclu-
     part where Reagan says – “I am          how well the main premises are          sion. Then call on some students to
     directing a long-term R&D pro-          identified. At a minimum, students      give one of their premises and
     gram to begin to eliminate the          should be expected to identify the      build a list premises on the board.
     threat posed by strategic nuclear       premises that the specifications for    Once a full premise-conclusion
     missiles.” In either case, the gener-   the software are necessarily            summary of the argument is con-
     al software requirements are to         unknown, that there is no chance        structed from student responses,
     take in sensor data and direct          for any realistic system-level test-    ask for one person to argue for and
     weapons systems to destroy an           ing, and that there is no chance for    another against the truth of each
     incoming attack before it reaches       debugging during operation. Addi-       premise. If time permits, ask if
     the United States.                      tional slides can be used in a future   Parnas’ analogy for the level of
         The next segment of the class       class to review the analysis of the     reliability expected of SDI soft-
     would again be about 10 minutes         premises after the assignment is        ware (an expectation similar to that
     in length. It would mention the         completed. To connect this analy-       of your car starting when you turn
     M.I.T.-CPSR debate, identify the        sis of Reagan-era SDI program           the key) is appropriate, and if oth-
     participants in the debate, and then    with current national missile           er analogies might be more appro-
     watch the six-minute video clip of      defense scenarios, students might       priate. As a follow-up homework
     Dertouzos’ overview of the SDI          be asked the additional homework        assignment, students can be asked
     problem. Based on his presenta-         question of how their overall           to analyze how the truth of the
     tion, students should get a greater     analysis of the argument would          premises and conclusion would
     appreciation for the vastness of the    change if the scenario involved no      change for a scenario of an attack
     geographic area to be monitored         more than ten missiles and ten          consisting of tens of missiles from
     by sensors, the numbers of war-         decoys launched from an area such       a smaller country.
     heads and decoys to be handled in       as North Korea or Iraq.                     A different option for one 75-
     an attack, and the time scale of an        The primary weakness of cover-       minute class would be to use the
     attack. They should also get a bet-     ing this subject in a single 50-        material in the module to present a
     ter idea of the data flow and deci-     minute class is that the “other side”   summary of Parnas’ argument after

24                                                                    IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002
viewing his presentation, and then       itary weapons systems. One              ethics issues still be addressed, of
watch Seitz’ presentation and also       advantage of this case is that it has   course. At a bare minimum, stu-
use the prepared material to pre-        been the subject of criminal and        dents should be made aware of
sent a summary of his argument.          civil court cases that have run to      what the professional codes of
The class would then end at the          conclusion, and so there is a good      ethics say about requirements,
point where a natural homework           deal of documentation surrounding       specifications, testing, and valida-
assignment would be for students         the case. A current case that is even   tion of software. Software engi-
to write a short critique of the rela-   more directly related to SDI is that    neering students may be able to
tive merits of the two arguments.        of Nira Schwartz versus TRW             usefully devote more time to Par-
                                         [14]. In this case, an engineer         nas’ arguments about why SDI
Two or more classes.                     working on missile defense soft-        presents a unique computing prob-
    Full coverage of this module         ware “has charged the company           lem and why it would not be able
would normally take two, or possi-       with faking tests and evaluations       to be realistically tested. Also,
bly three, classes. This allows time     of a key component for the pro-         there is a quote by James Ionson
to also see the video clips of the       posed $27 billion antimissile sys-      from the Reagan-era SDI office to
rebuttal statements, and to analyze      tem” [14] (see also [19]). The alle-    the effect that SDI software does
the issues from different perspec-       gations in this case can be seen to     not have to be error-free, but only
tives. It also allows time for assess-   come back to the central point in       fault-tolerant, and that “if another
ment of the premises used in the         Parnas’ argument, that of design-       million lines of code has to be
arguments. An important addition-        ing a system to meet unknown            written to ensure fault tolerance,
al perspective is to explicitly iden-    specifications.                         then so be it.” This quote should
tify the ethical issues involved, and        For a general introduction to       provide an interesting opportunity
to discuss the guidance that the         whistle blowing, in particular the      to discuss what is meant by error-
codes of ethics give. Students           use of the “False Claims Act” in        free and fault-tolerant.
should be able to easily identify        connection with fraud on the federal
relevant items of the AITP Stan-         government, a good additional           Use in a science, technology, and
dards of Conduct, the ACM/IEEE-          video resource is available from the    public policy course.
CS Software Engineering Code of          Taxpayers Against Fraud organiza-          Students in this type of course
Ethics, and the ACM Code of              tion [18]. The video presents short     are likely, overall, to be less inter-
Ethics. Analysis of the guidance         summaries of three whistle-blowing      ested in the technical details of
provided by the codes of ethics          cases that involve legal action under   software development and testing
could be done either as an in-class      the False Claims Act. It clearly        and more interested in the deci-
active learning style activity or as a   makes the points that whistle blow-     sion-making and public policy
homework assignment.                     ing is often done at great personal     aspects of the case. An interesting
                                         cost, that it often involves saving     discussion theme for this type of
Connection to whistle-blowing.           lives as well as government money,      course may be the politics/technol-
    While Parnas’ actions are com-       and that it requires gathering and      ogy decision-making conflict men-
monly referred to as whistle-blow-       presenting information carefully.       tioned earlier. That is, what are the
ing, this case does not at all present   Importantly, the video also presents    implications of making a political
a typical whistle-blowing scenario.      some of the history of, and motiva-     decision to pursue a system that is
If anything, this incident may have      tion for, the False Claims Act (orig-   doomed to failure on technical
increased Parnas’ professional           inally adopted under Abraham Lin-       grounds? What is the responsibility
stature and visibility. Students         coln). The video is just over           to make the technical assessment of
should not be left with the impres-      seventeen minutes long. A short         the project known to the public?
sion that the typical whistle-blow-      review of the video and suggestions     What it the responsibility of techni-
er fares so well. It is important that   for using it in class can be found at   cal professionals working on such a
students also see a more standard        www.cse.nd.edu/~kwb/nsf-ufe/.           project – does pursuit of quality
treatment of whistle blowing [15].                                               standards still have meaning?
There are several good whistle-          Use in a software engineering
blowing case studies of relevance        course.                                 CHALLENGING REAL-
to students in computing and infor-         When the module is used in a         WORLD PROBLEM
mation systems majors. One is the        software engineering course, there         Safety-critical software is an
case of Goodearl and Aldred ver-         will likely be relatively more time     important topic for courses in
sus Hughes Aircraft [13]. This case      spent on the software testing issues    ethics and computing, computers
study involves (lack of) testing of      and relatively less on the ethics       and society, software engineering,
hybrid computer chips used in mil-       issues. It is important that the        technology and public policy, and

  IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002                                                                       25
other related areas. The missile        ACKNOWLEDGMENT                                    indecision,” ACM SigSoft Software Engineer-
                                                                                               ing Notes, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 47-49, July 1999.
     defense problem presents the most          Special thanks are due to David                [9] W.J. Broad, “Scientist at work: Philip E.
     challenging real-world software         Parnas and Chuck Seitz for reading                Coyle III; Words of caution on missile
     engineering problem imaginable –        and commenting on earlier drafts                  defense,” New York Times, Jan. 16, 2001.
                                                                                               [10] R.J. Smith, “Bad weather, computer
     to interpret real-time sensor data      of this paper. It was Chuck Seitz’                woes delay laser test,” The Washington Post,
     taken under natural conditions and      suggestion to include copies of the               Oct. 8, 1997.
     appropriately handle an attack by       Eastport Report and the OTA                       [11] “Possible Soviet responses to the U.S.
                                                                                               Strategic Defense Initiative,” Central Intelli-
     an intelligent adversary likely to      report with the other materials for               gence Agency memo NICM 83-10017, Sept.
     employ strategies that have not         the module.                                       12, 1983. Available at http://www.fas.org/
     been fully anticipated. The curren-        Professors Robin Murphy and                    spp/starwars/offdocs/m8310017.htm
                                                                                               [12] “The SDI imperative” (editorial), Na-
     cy of the national missile defense      Bill Albrecht at USF, Don Gotter-                 tional Review, Feb. 22, 1999.
     problem makes analysis of this          barn at ETSU, Doris Appleby at                    [13] K.W. Bowyer, “Goodearl and Aldred
     Reagan-era SDI case study highly        Marymount College, and Gordon                     versus Hughes Aircraft: A whistle-blowing
                                                                                               case study,” Frontiers in Education (FIE
     relevant for today’s students. The      Hull at Vanderbilt provided valu-                 ‘00), pp. S2F-2-S2F-7, Oct. 2000.
     historical view of over fifteen years   able feedback from classroom-test-                [14] “Former engineer says company faked
     should allow a more objective eval-     ing an early draft of this module,                tests,” The Tampa Tribune, Mar. 7, 2000.
                                                                                               [15] K.W. Bowyer, Ethics and Computing:
     uation of the issues. The basic         resulting in a number of improve-                 Living Responsibly In A Computerized
     technical issues still apply to any     ments. Thanks are also due to an                  World, 2nd ed. New York, NY: IEEE/Wiley,
     system envisioned today.                anonymous reviewer who provided                   2001.
                                                                                               [16] K.W. Bowyer, “Resources for teaching
         This case study allows opportu-     several excellent suggestions for                 ethics and computing,” J. Information Sys-
     nities for extended critical-thinking   revisions that have been incorpo-                 tems Education, vol. 11, no. 3-4, pp. 91-92,
     exercises, including the develop-       rated into the final version.                     Summer-Fall 2000.
                                                                                               [17] Software Engineering Code of Ethics,
     ment of summary pro/con argu-              Christine Kranenburg and Laura                 IEEE Computer Society web site:
     ments and the design and evalua-        Malave provided substantial assis-                http://www.computer.org.
     tion of system testing plans. It also   tance in creating the PowerPoint                  [18] Taxpayers Against Fraud, Fighting
                                                                                               Fraud: Citizen Action and the Qui Tam Rem-
     allows opportunity for analysis of      and digitized video to support the                edy, VHS format video tape can be ordered
     how the professional codes of           use of this module. The idea to                   from www.taf.org. Taxpayers Against Fraud,
     ethics deal with the issues             develop a curriculum module on                    The False Claims Act Legal Center / 1220
                                                                                               19th Street, NW, Suite 501 / Washington, DC
     involved, and connection to whis-       this topic was originally suggested               20036.
     tle-blowing topics. For advanced        to me by Joe Wujek at one of the                  [19] 60 Minutes II, America’s Dream
     students in computing majors, it        NSF-sponsored UFE workshops.                      Defense, originally aired Dec. 26, 2000.
                                                                                               Transcript available from CBS News through
     can be used to provide motivation                                                         Burrell’s Information Services. 1-800-777-
     for discussion of concepts such as      REFERENCES                                        8398.
     fault-tolerance in software, consis-    [1] R. Reagan, “Address to the nation on          [20] K.W. Bowyer, “ ‘Star Wars’ revisited –
                                             national security,” Mar. 23, 1983, VHS            A continuing case study in ethics and safety-
     tency in distributed databases, and     video, The Reagan Library, 40 Presidential        critical software,” in Proc. Int. Symp. Tech-
     the Byzantine agreement problem.        Drive, Simi Valley California, 93065-0699.        nology and Society 2001 (ISTAS ’01), July
         This curriculum module is being     http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/.                    2001. A shorter version also appears in Fron-
                                             [2] D.L. Parnas, “Software aspects of             tiers in Education 2001 (FIE ’01).
     made available free of charge for       strategic defense systems,” Communica-            [21] F.P. Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month.
     use in academic teaching. The           tions of the ACM, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1332-      Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995.
     materials may be down-loaded            1335, Dec. 1985.                                  [22] Eastport Study Group, Summer Study
                                             [3] D.E. Mosher, “The grand plans,” IEEE          1985: Rep. to the SDIO Director, Dec. 1985.
     from the web site http://www.cse.       Spectrum, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 28-39, Sept.        [23] U.S. Congress, Office of Technology
     nd.edu/~kwb/nsf-ufe/starwars/.          1997.                                             Assessment, Ballistic Missile Defense Tech-
     This web site also contains a wealth    [4] Special issue on ballistic missile defense,   nologies, OTA-ISC-254. Washington, DC:
                                             IEEE Spectrum, vol. 34, no. 9, Sept. 1997.        U.S. Government Printing Office, Sept.
     of other materials created under        [5] The Association of Information Technol-       1985.
     partial sponsorship of an NSF DUE       ogy Professionals (AITP). Web site                [24] “U.S. may deploy defenses untested,”
     grant on teaching ethics and com-       http://www.aitp.org.                              Tampa Tribune, June 8, 2001.
                                             [6] DOD Ballistic Missile Defense Organiza-       [25] “Bush missile plan faces huge obstacle,”
     puting. Also, faculty may obtain a      tion (BMDO). Web site http://www.acq.osd.         Tampa Tribune, June 9, 2001.
     copy of the material by sending two     mil/bmdo/.                                        [26] Comments by Newt Gingrich in the
     blank CDs to the author, with           [7] W. Panofsky, “Nuclear offense versus          transcript of National Public Radio’s “All
                                             defense,” Science, vol. 291, no. 23, Feb.         Things Considered,” July 18, 2001. Avail-
     stamped, self-addressed return          2001, 1447.                                       able through http://www.npr.org/about/
     mailing container.                      [8] D.L. Parnas, “Parnas on Parnas: A life of     transcripts/index.html

26                                                                           IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2002
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