Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald

Page created by Jacob Patterson
Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER                                                                                                                        ‘NAG NAG NAG’ BEATS WERE NEAT
 STORY  PAGE 4                                                                                                                                        REVIEW  PAGES 8-10

Number One Hundred and Eighty Nine ~ February 2020                                                                                                                                                                         Circulation 16,000 ~ First Published 2002


 Artist and activist Bruce Shillingsworth with vocal supporter at the Yabun festival on January 26. Uncle Bruce spoke passionately of Indigenous strength, wisdom and connection to country. Photo: Andrew Collis

Statements from the heart
                                                                                                                                                                                    ordering of things. The framers          Both the framers of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    of the Uluru Statement express        Statement from the Heart and
                                                                                                                                                                                    this hopeful vision with the          Jesus invite others to form a
                                                                                                                                                                                    words: “With substantive              committed community to embrace
FIRST PEOPLES                                                 Allan Murray, a Redfern                                   light will shine in the darkness.                           constitutional change and             their teaching. Aboriginal
                                                           man with Wiradjuri, Yorta                                    Uluru symbolises the breaking                               structural reform, we believe this    and Islander people invite all
WILLIAM W. EMILSEN                                         Yorta and Gamilaroi ancestry,                                down of divisions between                                   ancient sovereignty can shine         Australians to “walk with’” or
                                                           and a proud supporter of the                                 black and white, and black                                  through as a fuller expression        alongside them into “a better
AT the core of the Uluru                                   Redfern All Blacks, says that                                and black. Galilee symbolises                               of Australia’s nationhood.”           future” – into a new and better
Statement from the Heart there                             there is an “urgent need for a                               embracing people of all nations.                               Thirdly, there is an interesting   Australia. They invite Australians
are three key elements: a call                             constitutionally enshrined First                                Uluru expresses Indigenous                               parallel between the Uluru            to take any action possible to
for a First Nations voice to be                            Nations Voice as an important                                people’s conviction that they are                           Statement’s invitation to the         move politicians and, when
enshrined in the Australian                                first step for First Nations Unity”.                         on the road to change. Galilee                              people of Australia to “listen”       the time comes, to vote “yes”
Constitution; a Makarrata                                     The Statement from the Heart                              expresses Matthew’s conviction                              and Jesus’ call for “repentance”      to the referendum question
Commission to supervise                                    has five thought-provoking themes                            that Jesus’ life is unfolding                               or turning around towards God.        on the Voice to Parliament.
agreement making, or treaties;                             that have fascinating parallels with                         according to God’s plan.                                    Both listening and repentance         Surely, this is not too much to ask.
and, for the Makarrata                                     Jesus’ keynote proclamation about                               Uluru is a reminder to all                               are doorways to change. For too          Finally, the Statement from
Commission to oversee a                                    the kingdom or reign of God at                               of us that we can find the                                  long Aboriginal and Islander          the Heart’s three-fold program of
process of truth-telling for the                           the beginning of his ministry                                heart of the nation. Galilee is                             people have not been listened         Voice, Treaty and Truth-telling
nation. Or put simply in three                             in Galilee (Matthew 4:12-26).                                a reminder that God’s reign                                 to. Professor Megan Davis             to the nation echoes Jesus’
words: Voice, Treaty, Truth.                                  The first is the power of                                 of justice, righteousness and                               compares our governments              programmatic activities of
                                                           place. In the Statement from                                 peace will finally prevail.                                 and Aboriginal and Islander           preaching, teaching and healing –
  The establishment of a First                             the Heart, Aboriginal leaders                                   In the Statement from the                                people to ships passing each          Jesus’ good news of the kingdom
Nations Voice in the Constitution is                       from right across the nation                                 Heart there is a “spiritual notion”                         other in the night. There is,         of God. Both have the potential
the priority reform for Indigenous                         gather at Uluru. In Matthew’s                                of sovereignty which, like the                              she says: “Only a signal and a        to heal the nation and to bring
people. It is the key step forward.                        Gospel Jesus goes to Galilee.                                kingdom or reign of God in the                              distant voice in the darkness; /      the Australian people together.
“A Voice”, writes Thomas Mayor,                               Uluru lies at the heart of                                Gospel, challenges Australia’s                              Only a look and a voice, / then       It is the way forward.                    S

a Torres Strait Islander and                               Australia. The Sea of Galilee lies                           claim to sovereignty and differs                            darkness again and silence.”
author of Finding the Heart of                             at the very heart of ancient Israel.                         from most forms of earthly                                     Listening is important.            On January 26, the Rev. Dr William
the Nation, is “the first reform                              Uluru, from time immemorial,                              rule. Also, both the notion of                              Good listening is an act of           Emilsen preached at South Sydney
because it will start to address …                         has been a sacred place that                                 “ancient sovereignty” in the Uluru                          love. “Imaginative listening”,        Uniting Church about the Uluru Statement
political disempowerment, setting                          evokes spiritual transformation.                             Statement and the reign of God                              or “heart listening”, as Rachel       from the Heart. He also asked those
us on the path for the future                              Galilee is foretold by the prophet                           envisage hope, transformation,                              Perkins calls it, is showing          present to add their signatures to the
reforms of Treaty and Truth.”                              Isaiah as the place where a great                            new relationships and a new                                 respect, dreaming together.           margins of a replica of the statement.
Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
2                                                                                                     NEWS                                                                                FEBRUARY 2020
ISSN 2652-4538

                                               Climate change and inequality
South Sydney Uniting Church
Raglan Street, Waterloo.
The views expressed in this newspaper
are those of the author and the
article and are not necessarily the
views of the Uniting Church.                   URBAN DESIGN                                                 and wealthy. A striking example                                 to move or make other necessary            make environmentally sustainable
                                                                                                            of this is the recovery effort in                               adjustments to their living                investments with smart urban                                ADAM ANTONELLI                                               New Orleans following Hurricane                                 circumstances.                             design in social housing estate
Phone Lyn 0400 008 338                                                                                      Katrina in 2005 which proceeded                                    Rather than addressing the              renewals. These investments will
ADVERTISING                                    AFTER a summer of                                            much quicker in areas inhabited by                              realities of the climate crisis,           decrease the financial burden of                             unprecedented bushfires, many                                wealthier, white populations than                               our political leaders are evading          people on low incomes and reduce
Phone 0484 848 377
                                               of us have directly or indirectly                            those that were largely poor and                                any real discussion of climate             carbon emissions.
MAILING ADDRESS:                               felt the very real effects of climate                        black, despite these areas suffering                            change, deceptively claiming that             By mandating landlords and
PO Box 3288
Redfern NSW 2016                               change. With the consequences of                             the worst damage.                                               the action needed will adversely           developers to create carbon neutral
                                               the collective failure of successive                            Although Australia enjoys a                                  affect the economy. The truth is,          homes and to increase energy
Please send letters and emails to:             governments to address climate                               more egalitarian society than the                               a low-carbon economy provides              and water efficiency standards
The South Sydney Herald.                       change more evident, it begs the                             United States, a 2019 report by the                             a major opportunity to unlock              including solar and battery storage
Supply sender name and suburb.                 question, what are the social                                Climate Council found that without                              thousands of clean energy jobs             in existing housing, people on low
Size: 150 words or less.                       consequences? Will climate                                   curtailing CO2 emissions and                                    both low- and high-skilled, attract        incomes and renters will reduce
We may edit for legal or other reasons.
                                               change affect everyone equally?                              making investments in resilience                                foreign investment and secure              energy consumption and will
                                                                                                            and adaptation, climate change                                  business confidence. The urgency           therefore have lower utility bills
FOUNDING EDITOR                                   Climate change                                            poses systemic economic risks and                               to address climate change offers           and a greater ability to cope in
Trevor Davies (25.5.1956 – 14.6.2011)
                                               disproportionately affects both                              financial instability.                                          an opportunity to transform                extreme weather. If we transferred
                                               poorer countries and poorer groups                              With little increase in social                               our economy and society to                 the $5 billion per year in subsidies
Marjorie Lewis-Jones                           within countries and exacerbates                             security and welfare such as                                    become more equal, kind and                going directly to the fossil fuel
ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR                      inequalities. Focusing on within-                            Newstart, due to apparent                                       compassionate; to invest in                industry and the $4.4 billion to
Andrew Collis                                  country inequalities, a 2008 paper                           budgetary constraints, the                                      public housing that is sustainable         make Adani commercially viable,
NEWS EDITOR                                    by the United Nations found                                  economic consequences of                                        and energy efficient, free public          into clean energy projects, public
Lyn Turnbull
                                               that climate change worsens                                  climate change will only increase                               transport and social security.             infrastructure and social security,
Louisa Dyce                                    disadvantaged groups within                                  the upward trend of social and                                     The government can improve              the economic benefits would
EDUCATION                                      a country as they are: more                                  economic inequality within                                      the lives of people immediately by         overturn the status quo.
Melinda Kearns                                 exposed to climate hazards; more                             Australia. Insurance premiums                                   applying these principles to large            As put by author and activist
ENVIRONMENT                                    susceptible to damage caused by                              will become increasingly                                        public housing redevelopments              Naomi Klein, “if treated as a
Miriam Pepper
                                               climate hazards; less able to cope                           unaffordable for lower-income                                   such as the Waterloo estate.               true planetary emergency”
Brittany Johnson                               with and recover from damage.                                families living in areas exposed                                As one in four Australian                  climate change could “become a
FAITH                                             While these within-country                                to current and emerging hazards                                 households live in private rental          galvanising force for humanity,
Dorothy McRae-McMahon                                                                                                                                                       or public housing, and do not              leaving us all not just safer from
                                               inequalities are more striking                               such as flooding, bushfires and
Megan Weier
                                               in poorer developing countries,                              coastal inundation, which are more                              have the rights to make capital            extreme weather, but with societies
                                               inequalities are also exacerbated                            exposed to the effects of climate                               improvements, the government               that are safer and fairer in all kinds
Maidie Wood                                    in those that are industrialised                             change. They have far less ability                              should embrace the opportunity to          of other ways as well”.               S

Catherine Skipper
Lindsay Cohen
Shale Preston
Tess Ridgway
Steve Turner
Cathie Harrison
Melinda Kearns

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“We gratefully acknowledge the
many volunteer contributors
and distributors who make this
publication possible.”

Alice Anderson             Sam McNair
David Angell               Patricia Morgan
Adam Antonelli             Peter Murphy
George Barrett             Thea Ormerod
Andrew Chuter              Julie Patterson
Philippa Clark                                 This year’s takings from the barbecue at the Alexandria Sunday Funday will be donated to NSW Fire Relief – supporting people and our native wildlife. Photo: Supplied
                           Miriam Pepper
Pat Clarke                 Stephen Pickells

                                               Residents band together for fun, firies and action
Lindsay Cohen              Sue Plyde
Gregg Dobson               Tess Ridgway
Louisa Dyce                Heather Robinson
Rosalind Flatman           Stafford Sanders
Katie Gompertz             Nina Serova
David Gore
                           Michael Shreenan
Kat Hines
Alexandra Hogan
                           Catherine Skipper   THE LOCALS                                                   a fabulous food selection, a                                    second Wednesday of month                  together to collaborate on
Brittany Johnson
                           Aline Smith                                                                      trash and treasure market, and                                  (excluding January) at the                 submitting objections to some of
Perry Johnstone            Gai Smith
Laura Jones                Gary Speechley      VANESSA KNIGHT                                               shopping opportunities for all!                                 Alexandria Town Hall at 7pm.               the larger developments that seem
                           Adrian Spry
Anne Jordan
                           Velvet Steele
                                                                                                               Bring a picnic blanket and invite                               The issues we cover                     to come our way on a regular
Roger Jowett
Laura Kelly                Geoff Turnbull      ALEXANDRIA: The signature                                    family and friends to come along                                include development, parking,              basis. There are great examples
                           Steve Turner
Caitlin Kensey Scott
Claire Lewis               Marg Vazey          event of the Alexandria                                      and enjoy a day in the park. There                              traffic, transport, infrastructure         of people sharing knowledge
Marjorie Lewis-Jones       Stephen Webb        Residents Action Group (ARAG)                                truly is something for everyone!                                and, of course, plans to improve           and information to get better
Chris Lodge                Megan Weier
norrie mAy-welby           Justin Whelan       is the Alexandria Sunday Funday                                 This year, the Alexandria                                    our suburb. We invite interesting          outcomes and, in the process,
Julie McCrossin            Alan Williamson     which is held annually at the                                Sunday Funday is being held                                     speakers and make the meeting as           getting to know their neighbours.
Isobel McIntosh            Bill Yan
                                               end of March. We invite local                                on March 29 in Alexandria                                       interactive as possible. It’s great to        We advocate for Alexandria
                                               businesses and community                                     Park from 11am to 3pm. ARAG                                     see people’s passion come alive!           at local, state and federal levels
Alice Anderson             Dorothy McRae-
                                               groups to participate in a fun                               will be donating takings from                                      There’s a lot happening in              and try to get our politicians
Eleanor Boustead           McMahon             day with a real village fair feel.                           the barbecue to support NSW                                     and around Alexandria – some               to work with us to get better
Gabrielle Brine            Marie Moradinis
Michael Condon             Jane Morro                                                                       Fire Relief – supporting people                                 great and some not so great.               outcomes.We work with Friends
Yvonne Cowell
Alice Crawford
                           Margaret Neale         Each year, the event grows                                and our native wildlife.                                        Alexandria’s excellent sense of            of Erskineville and REDWatch in
                           Jim Patsouris
Jules Cure                 Pepsee              just a little larger and this year                              Please save the date and                                     community and its wonderful                hosting candidate forums for local,
Sue Dahl                   Des Perry
Peter Dodds
                           David Pocklington
                                               we are including a licensed                                  come and join in the fun!                                       location means that we are a target        state and federal elections and
Perry Johnstone
Anne Jordan
                           Heather Robinson    area serving craft beer, which                                  ARAG is an active group run by                               for developers who have a strong           this year, of course, we have the
                           Lincoln Sharp
Desley Haas
                           Colin Sharp         is a great addition. There is                                resident volunteers, which aims                                 profit motive, which is sometimes          council elections for the City of
Gabriel Haslam
Rod Haslam                 Adrian Spry         something for everyone – rides,                              to share information on issues                                  at odds with the neighbours.               Sydney which we are sure will be
John Lanzky                Rikki Taylor
Julie McCrossin            Margaret Vazey      jumping castles, petting zoos                                affecting our neighbourhood                                        We encourage residents to               an interesting contest.               S

norrie mAy-welby           Rosie Wagstaff      and face painting for the littlies,                          so that residents are more                                      take a stance on issues that are
Mary Ellen McCue           Naomi Ward
Matt McLennan              Diane Whitworth     a marvellous dog event for our                               informed and can take collective                                important to them – including              For more information ARAG’s website
                                               four-legged family members,                                  action. The group meets on the                                  getting neighbours to band        or email
Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
FEBRUARY 2020                                                                                                         NEWS                                                                                                                                       3

How a first edition of ‘Principia’ with Newton’s notes got to Sydney
SPONSORED                                                                                            peer-review process. Handling                                     “Through Principia, Newton                        fields of the mathematics and
                                                                                                     the physical item itself is a                                   established the fundamental fact                    physics, a signal distinction
MICHAEL SPENCE                                                                                       special experience; you can                                     that the same laws apply here on                    of our time and race”.
                                                                                                     see the words inked on the                                      Earth as those in the heavens.”
FIRST published in 1687,                                                                             page and know that they came                                      Professor Williamson                              The future of Principia at Sydney
Principia (Philosophiae Naturalis                                                                    from Newton’s own hand.”                                        last year was elected as the                          Ms Sommerfeldt described the
Principia Mathematica) is one                                                                                                                                        youngest living Fellow of the                       condition of the book as excellent:
of the most important books on                                                                       How significant is the book?                                    Royal Society, the world’s                          “With careful handling, this copy
natural philosophy in which                                                                            Explaining the significance                                   oldest scientific academy and                       will hopefully withstand centuries
Isaac Newton establishes the                                                                         of Principia for the field of                                   publisher of Principia. Newton                      to come so that future generations
modern science of dynamics and                                                                       mathematics and science in                                      was President of the Royal                          can enjoy and study it.”
outlines his three laws of motion.                                                                   general, Professor Geordie                                      Society from 1703 to 1727.                            The University of Sydney copy
                                                                                                     Williamson calls the work                                                                                           of Principia has been digitised
   While the original print run                                                                      “completely revolutionary”.                                     How Principia almost didn’t go to print             and is available online alongside
is estimated at between 250                                                                            “The publication was really                                      As Newton was finalising                         other digital resources via the
and 400 copies, there are only                                                                       the first time we saw a physical                                his work the Royal Society                          University’s digital collection.             S

189 surviving first editions in         Image: Supplied                                              law that was true everywhere.                                   was printing a book called
the world and only four with                                                                         Without this work, for instance,                                The History of Fishes.                              Members of the public, students and staff
annotations by the English              ideas were received by his                                   Maxwell’s equations governing                                      “This book is quite lavishly                     can access the book at the University of
mathematician himself. Of these         contemporaries”, said Julie                                  electricity or Fourier series                                   illustrated and unfortunately                       Sydney Fisher Library by using the booking
four copies, the Sydney copy of         Sommerfeldt, Manager of Rare                                 equations on heat, would not have                               the Society didn’t have enough                      system at
is the only one in the Southern         Books & Special Collections                                  been possible”, said Professor                                  budget to publish Principia,”                       rare-books.
Hemisphere and is held in the Rare      at the University library.                                   Williamson, Director of the                                     Ms Sommerfeldt said. “So,
Books & Special Collections at             Scottish mathematician John                               Sydney Mathematical Research                                    Edmond Halley – the English
the University of Sydney library.       Craig is thought to have authored                            Institute at the University.                                    astronomer of Halley’s Comet
   This extremely rare copy of the      the corrections which feature at                               “Isaac Newton totally rewrote                                 fame and also a Clerk of the
seminal text is believed to be a        the front of the book along with                             the rule book in terms of the                                   Society – stepped in to personally
personal copy of Newton’s, which        other annotations throughout.                                separation of what happens                                      fund publication of the book.”                      Authorised by Dr Michael Spence, Vice
he and his assistant Roger Cotes        Further corrections can be seen                              on Earth and what happens                                          The first edition of Principia                   Chancellor of the University of Sydney.
sent to other mathematicians to         in this copy, written by Roger                               in space. Before Newton,                                        features a poem written in
eliminate any errors before the         Coates and Newton himself.                                   European science considered                                     Latin by Halley, titled “To the                     Contact Details – Security & After Hours:
second edition was published.              “You could liken it to the                                there was a fundamental divide                                  illustrious man Isaac Newton                        1800 063 487 (24/7). Enquiries: 9114 0523
   “It clearly shows how Newton’s       17th-century version of the                                  between ‘Heaven and Earth’.                                     and this his work done in                 

Story Factory sparks confidence to last a lifetime


REDFERN: Redfern locals have
known it, and regularly peer
into the bowels of its green-
tinged depths from Redfern
Street, trying to figure out
what exactly it IS? It’s the Story
Factory, a creative writing centre
that works with kids from
marginalised backgrounds.

   From the very beginning, Story
Factory has sought to create space
for kids to use their imagination
and discover their own voice, free
from the constraints of tests and
judgement. Through engaging
in creative writing, the world
becomes theirs to create. This
is powerful for all kids – but
is particularly potent for kids
who struggle with English as
an additional language, school
attendance or tests, or may have
extra challenges at home.
   The recent release of the
Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA)
literacy and numeracy test results
painted a less than ideal picture of
Australian education standards.
This comes hard on the heels            Supporting young people with creative writing can make a real difference to their experience of education says Matt Roden (standing) from the Story Factory. Photo: Maja Baska
of a Four Corners investigation
into declining writing skills; a        Helping that happen for other                                volunteer, is very reassuring.                                  to help out, you just need to care.                    “That’s when a volunteer has
decline many are describing as a        young people was really exciting.”                             “We work with students for                                      “When I think about our best                      the chance to say, ‘It’s not only
crisis in Australian classrooms.          Story Factory uses the                                     whom the school classroom has                                   volunteers, I think about men and                   okay, it’s amazing! You’re the
   Senior Program Manager and           powerful mix of volunteers,                                  not been a place they associate                                 women of all different ages and                     first person to put that together!’
Chippendale local, Matt Roden, has      teamed with expert storytellers                              with success. By supporting                                     backgrounds, but who have all                       And to see their faces light up, to
spent seven years at Story Factory,     (read: experienced educators) and                            them with volunteers sitting with                               shown themselves to be patient,                     discover that they are the author
where he began as a volunteer           fun and engaging programming to                              them, they have the reassurance                                 kind, supportive and encouraging                    of a moment of pure creativity.
– and he has seen the difference        inspire and support young people                             that a place like school is a place                             collaborators,” says Matt.                          That’s a beautiful moment.
creative writing can make to a          through the process of creation.                             where they can succeed.”                                          “One of the best moments in our                   And the impact of that moment
child’s experience of education.          Matt explains: “For lots of kids,                            Volunteers can be anybody,                                    work is when a student turns to                     can go on to last a lifetime.”               S

   “My initial interest was in giving   the moment you do anything                                   and the 1,200 or so people who                                  you and realises they are the one
value to imagination and creativity     creatively, you are wandering                                have registered as Story Factory                                in control of the narrative – ‘Wait                 Amy Goodhew-Banks is Communications
in the classroom. I grew up loving      into the unknown – so to do                                  volunteers prove that you don’t                                 a minute, I can add chocolate to                    Manager for Story Factory. To volunteer
stories, and wanting to tell stories.   that with a supporter, in a                                  need to have a particular skill set                             peanut butter, and that’s okay?!’                   or donate see
Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
4                                                         NEWS                                            FEBRUARY 2020

                                 Jenny Leong MP
                                 STATE M EM B E R                        New Darling Square Library offers plenty to explore
                                 FOR NEWTOWN
                                                                         URBAN DESIGN                             is four times the size of the                 their phones and reading Chinese
                                                                                                                  Haymarket Library it replaced.                newspapers. I’m tempted to
                                                                         MARJORIE LEWIS-JONES                     It is open seven days a week and              borrow So Here I Am: Speeches
                                                                                                                  houses a large Asian literature               to Empower and Inspire by Anna
Always was. Always will be.                                              SYDNEY’S new Darling Square              collection. It also offers spaces             Russell, a Ben Harper CD and
                                                                         Library is now open with more            to read, work and study, which                an illustrated book about the
January 26 is not a day to celebrate. For some it is a day of            than 30,000 items available to           include meeting rooms available               Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama.
mourning, for others a day to acknowledge and recognise survival.        borrowers and located over two           for hire, public computers and free           My companion borrows a Bill
                                                                         floors of the Exchange. Wrapped          wifi. A dedicated children’s area             Bryson audio book, and is happy
This year, I joined over 60,000 others across the country in             in over 20 kilometres of timber          hosts regular bilingual rhymetime             we’ve explored this urban oasis.
solidarity with Aboriginal people at the Invasion Day rally in           ribbons, this unique spiral-like         and storytime sessions.                          The Council of the
                                                                         building is a focal point of the            The Ideas Lab on level 1 is                City of Sydney says there
Sydney. The struggle for justice continues – and those rallying
                                                                         new neighbourhood next to                a dedicated makerspace and                    are eight reasons to love
called for meaningful action on Aboriginal deaths in custody, for        Haymarket and Darling Harbour.           multipurpose room to create,                  Darling Square Library.
an end to the removal of Aboriginal children from their families,                                                 invent or tinker. The program                    They are: the architecture;
to change the date, and for an end to the ongoing oppression               As well as housing the library,        of hands-on workshops features                membership and borrowing
                                                                         the Exchange is home to a child-         3D design and printing, robotics              are free; space to study, work,
and exploitation of Indigenous people in our society – including
                                                                         care centre, a rooftop restaurant        and electronics to help startups              collaborate or just relax; a
through treaties. The sense of momentum for positive change is           and bar and, on the ground floor,        and curious makers upskill,                   dedicated space and an exciting
growing – and it was powerful to be amongst so many Aboriginal           an upmarket food court, the              share knowledge and network.                  program to help startups and
elders and leaders standing strong and showing us the way.               now-opened Maker’s Dozen –                  Membership is free for                     curious makers to upskill,
                                                                         which includes dessert and pastry        NSW residents and members                     share knowledge and network;
                                                                         creators to craft beer aficionados       can enjoy borrowing up to                     classic video game consoles to
                                                                         and fusion food specialists.             30 items for three weeks.                     borrow; and free wifi, free events
                                                                           Darling Square is the last                On the day I visit, the library            and workshops for all ages.
                                                                         stage of the NSW government’s            is buzzy with children, parents                  Why not visit the library at
                                                                         $3.4 billion revitalisation of           and grandparents, staff helping               1 Little Pier Street, Haymarket,
                                                                         Darling Harbour, rising from             borrowers and chatting while                  and see for yourself?                   S

                                                                         the space once occupied by the           shelving, and teens tinkering with
                                                                         Sydney Entertainment Centre.             their creations in the makerspace             For more information see
                                                                           The new library officially             room. In quieter areas people       
                                                                         opened on November 9 and                 are checking emails, charging                 libraries/locations/darling-square

Following the rally and the march, like thousands of others,
I headed to Yabun – the largest one-day gathering and recognition
                                                                         Grant extends care for rough sleepers and their pets
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in Australia –         VELVET STEELE AND                                                                      Technology Sydney (UTS) Business
which happens in our own electorate of Newtown, on Gadigal               MARJORIE LEWIS-JONES                                                                   School and Director of its Masters
land. The Corroboree Ground, the live music, the speakers, the                                                                                                  of Not-for-Profit and Social
                                                                         FACED with the choice of                                                               Enterprise Program. She founded
stalls and the community atmosphere gets better and stronger
                                                                         giving up their best friend                                                            Ruff Sleepers in early 2017 with
(and hotter!) each year.                                                 or being accommodated in                                                               Linda Castelazzi and Tully Rosen
                                                                         social housing where pets                                                              as a social enterprise (under the
Over the course of this year’s                                           aren’t always welcome, many                                                            auspices of UTS) and its dedicated
activities, there was also strong                                        homeless people will choose                                                            team has washed and groomed
and growing support for the                                              to remain on the street.                                                               more than 100 dogs since then.
                                                                                                                                                                   Dr Dalton says the team
call for people to #paytherent.
                                                                            “Think to yourself, if you were                                                     is also passionate about:
I strongly support this real and                                         alone and you have something
practical step towards justice                                           beautiful like this in your life, what   Barry stole everybody’s heart when the Ruff   ƒ Raising money for an emergency
and recognising that this                                                would you do to protect it?” asked       Sleepers team washed dogs at Woolloomooloo      fund for homeless people’s pets
                                                                         one dog owner who is homeless in         in mid-January. Photo: Supplied                 that need lifesaving surgery.
always was, and always will be
                                                                         Ruff Sleepers – A Dog‑umentary.
Aboriginal land – and the fact                                              Another owner said he’d made          working to make the new                       ƒ Advocating to ensure homeless
that it was stolen.                                                      a makeshift dog shelter that             grooming van a reality but, in                  people are able to have their pets
                                                                         he could see from the window             the meantime, a variety of hoses,               with them in their housing –
I urge you to find out more about this campaign – and, if you are        of his new housing that didn’t           buckets and brushes are being                   some of whom depend on their
an ally in the struggle for Aboriginal justice, to join me in paying     allow pets – but soon realised           happily employed in its work.                   pets to help them feel safe.
the rent.                                                                it was crazy to be separated.               On Sunday January 12, despite
                                                                            “If you experience the bond           Sydney’s bushfire smoke, the                  ƒ Enhancing public awareness of
Let us all acknowledge that it is Gadigal land that we live, work        you can have with a dog, it’s one        Ruff Sleepers team washed                       the value of pet ownership for
                                                                         of the greatest gifts in life.”          dogs in Woolloomooloo on the                    the mental and physical health of
and play on, and pay respect to elders past, present and future.            Not surprisingly, the grateful        corner of Forbes and Cathedral                  people doing it tough.
                                                                         dog lover quickly returned to            streets – and 2 year-old Barry
While there is clearly so much work to do in righting the wrongs         sleeping rough, with his furry           stole everybody’s heart.                         Linda Castellazzi says a
perpetrated against Aboriginal people in this country, it is clear the   companion by his side.                      When Coco and Mon Cherie                   pet is often the only source of
movement for change is growing. And we commit to doing all that             Ruff Sleepers is a Sydney-            turned up to be pampered                      unconditional love for a homeless
we can to support it.                                                    based not-for-profit charity that        everyone was extremely pleased                person and Ruff Sleepers works
                                                                         takes care of homeless people’s          to learn that Mon Cherie had fully            to protect the important bond
                                                                         pets. It offers a free and mobile        recovered from her lifesaving                 between a human and their
                                                                         pet washing service, access              emergency surgery provided by                 furry family.
                                                                         to flea and worm treatments,             Ruff Sleepers partner Project HoPe.              “Many people sleeping
                                                                         referrals to free vet clinics and           The Ruff Sleepers team provides            rough have told me they try
                                                                         information about services for           these grooming, information                   to remain clean from drugs
Jenny Leong, MP for Newtown
                                                                         homeless people with dogs.               and support sessions on the                   or alcohol because they have
If you have a question or are keen to be involved, send a text to           Last September, it was awarded        second Sunday of each month,                  to make sure to be alert in case
0421 665 208 with your name, suburb and message and we’ll                a $101,000 grant by the NSW              offering tea and biscuits to the              something bad happens to their
                                                                         government’s My Community                dog owners; a pet nutrition                   dog. The dog makes them feel
give you a call or you can email
                                                                         project, to help it purchase a           information kit; and free dog                 responsible and, in many cases,
                                                                         grooming van with warm water,            food and other pet accessories                saves them.”
                                                                         which would mean it could                (courtesy of Give a Dog a Bone).                 As one appreciative dog owner
Authorised by                                                            take care of more dogs, serve               Its volunteers also create a               says: “I struggle with mental health
Jenny Leong MP                                                           more locations, and connect              safe and discrimination-free                  issues, but my dog actually helps
State Member for Newtown                                                 more volunteers to homeless              place where homeless people                   me get out of bed, because I have
                                                                         people who own dogs.                     and their furry friends can                   to take her for a walk.”                S

383 King St, Newtown, NSW 2042                                              Ruff Sleepers received the            connect with other pets and pet
T: 02 9517 2800 F: 02 9230 3352                                          grant courtesy of an impressive          lovers, and also access help.                 Donate to Ruff Sleepers at                                            number of votes from its                    Dr Bronwen Dalton is associate    or to
                                                                         community supporters. It’s still         professor at the University of                volunteer email
Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
FEBRUARY 2020                                             NEWS                                                                      5

                                                                                                                                                        TANYA PLIBERSEK MP
How to be a better cat guardian                                                                                                                                Federal Member for Sydney

VELVET STEELE                                                                               serious black cat with patches of
                                                                                            white. She was my best friend
NEWTOWN: A month or so ago,                                                                 and companion, and despite her
you may have been given a cat                                                               health troubles, I was pleased to
as a Christmas gift. There is a                                                             help her live to 12 years of age.                 31% INCREASE IN SYDNEY GP FEES
great deal of responsibility that                                                           My mother-in-law met Marlene                      Official new data has confirmed that health costs
comes with having a furry life                                                              when she was six months old                       have reached an all-time high under the Morrison
companion, and you may find                                                                 and had a fractured pelvis. The                   Government.
yourself unable to care for this                                                            option was to put her to sleep or
cat. If so, I’d like to tell you about                                                      in a cage for her to rest. After five             The Government’s own Health Department has revealed
a place you can take the cat to                                                             months, she could walk again                      to the Senate that people in the federal seat of Sydney
ensure it will be safe and looked                                                           and – being the cat she was – she                 pay an average out-of-pocket fee of $46.11 to see a GP.
after – rather than dumping it in                                                           escaped. Marlene was wild for a                   This is a 31 per cent increase in GP fees since the
the dark.                                                                                   time, and then gave birth to two                  Liberals were elected seven years ago.
                                                                                            kittens. That was when I met her.
   The Cat Protection Society             The Cat Protection Society in Newtown cares for      I’m thrilled to say that she was               The Health Department has also contradicted the
(CPS) is an organisation for cats         cats and kittens in need. Photo: Supplied         a very trusting mother, and would                 Government’s claims on bulk billing, admitting that
and kittens in need. Most of the                                                            often leave the kittens in my                     almost 40 per cent of patients in Sydney have to pay
workers are volunteers, which            there are some good finds                          care. She had spinal-cord damage                  to see a GP.
means they aren’t paid money for         there! Alternatively, people can                   and, as she aged, she became
                                                                                                                                              These new figures showcase the Coalition’s record
their work, but they are paid in         donate goods to the opportunity                    less able to look after herself. So,
                                                                                                                                              of cuts and neglect in health. It was the Liberals who
the wonderful experiences they           shop, which will be sold to                        I took over the job of grooming
                                                                                                                                              introduced the Medicare freeze. It was Scott Morrison
have with the cats and through           customers to further help                          her – and I had to shave her so
                                                                                                                                              himself that extended the freeze as Treasurer, leading
the pleasure they get from opening       support the cats in the cattery.                   that she could remain clean. As
                                                                                                                                              directly to the out-of-pocket costs that people in
up opportunities for cats that need         Fostering can be another great                  she aged, she further deteriorated
                                                                                                                                              Australia face today.
support. All profits go towards          way to assist cats and kittens                     and I trained her to use nappies,
the young kittens and cats, so           in need and to free up space to                    as she became very distressed
that they can have a better life.        allow new kittens to come to CPS                   about dirtying the house. When                    VOLUNTEER GRANTS 2020
   The CPS is located in Newtown         for care. Fostering also enables                   I introduced her to the nappies,
                                                                                                                                              Volunteers make an invaluable contribution to our
and people are welcome to adopt          kittens to learn about and grow                    she took to them very quickly.
                                                                                                                                              community, but we know that volunteer based
a cat or kitten, or even just to go      up in a home. They get used to                        Marlene was very fierce and
                                                                                                                                              organisations are often underfunded and under
there for a look and to play with        noises like the radio or the vacuum                loved playing. We knew it was the
the kittens. Because the society         cleaner, which they wouldn’t hear                  end when she didn’t want to eat
has limited space, it asks foster        in the cattery. They also learn                    or play anymore. Even with all of                 This year, Volunteer Grants of between $1,000 and
carers to foster kittens until they      how to interact with other pets                    this, I was the responsible human                 $5,000 are available to help not-for-profit community
are trained and home-ready,              and humans (including children!)                   and I would label myself as her                   groups give more support to their volunteers, including
after which there should be              or how to be peaceful with one                     guardian rather than her owner.                   the purchase of small equipment items, reimbursement
space for them in the cattery            companion. Foster caring isn’t                     Obviously, I loved and adored her,                for volunteers’ transport costs, and contributions
where they can be adopted.               easy but it’s very rewarding in that               she was my catty companion, and                   towards the cost of training and background screening
   The CPS has an opportunity            you get to know sweet cats and                     she followed me around the house                  checks.
shop which is run by volunteers –        help prepare them to go to their                   until she couldn’t walk and I had to
                                                                                                                                              Grants are available to organisations where at least
with all money raised supporting         loving forever home – no matter                    carry her. I was lucky that I could
                                                                                                                                              40 per cent of staff are volunteers. The grants are also
the cats in the cattery. There           how sad it is to see them go.                      form that bond with her; that’s
                                                                                                                                              designed to support the inclusion of vulnerable people
is a wide selection of goods on             Louisa Dyce, assistant editor for               what every cat is really looking
                                                                                                                                              through volunteering, and increase participation in
sale, from clothing, crockery,           the South Sydney Herald, shares                    forward to with a human.                     S
books, shoes, jewellery, and             her story about being a good cat
more. Everyone is welcome,               guardian. “Marlene was a lovely,                                   Unfortunately, the Liberal-National Government has
                                                                                                                                              limited grants to $66,000 per electorate. This is despite
                                                                                                                                              70 per cent of organisations missing out in previous

Pemulwuy – project on the up and up!
                                                                                                                                              rounds, even though they had worthy applications.
                                                                                                                                              Labor has written to the Government and requested a
                                                                                                                                              review of funding levels to make sure they reflect local
                                                                                                                                              community need.
SPONSORED                                Our new Elouera Tony Mundine
                                         Gym will be a wonderful state-                                                                       Volunteering is part of the Australian character. I
AMANDA FLEMING                           of-the-art facility for the whole                                                                    want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who
                                         community to enjoy.                                                                                  volunteers at an organisation to benefit our community.
REDFERN: As we move into the                                                                                                                  If you know an organisation that would like to be
second month of 2020 we would            On Precinct 1 (Affordable housing/                                                                   nominated for a grant, please ask them to email my
like to acknowledge the work             gym/gallery): We are up to level                                                                     office with their expression of interest by 14 February
carried out over the holiday             6 on the apartments above the                                                                        2020.
season on the Pemulwuy site.             gym! The roof pour will be
Formwork construction                    completed this month, along
continued throughout                     with the ground-level slab for                                                                       MY OFFICE: HERE TO HELP
December and January,                    the townhouses. Level 1 of the                                                                       My office is always available to help with Centrelink,
which resulted in more levels            apartments and the gym has been                                                                      Veterans’ Affairs, Medicare, Immigration, NBN and
going up on Precinct 1 and 3.            stripped with the formwork taken                                                                     other federal matters (contact details below).
                                         out. Bricklaying commenced
   Everyone who has stopped              in the basement along with
by the site recently to say              plumbing for stormwater drainage                                                                     JUSTICE OF THE PEACE
hello to Uncle Micky has been            and fire hydrants.                                                                                   My office provides Justice of the Peace (JP) services
especially happy to see the                                                                                                                   - simply call to make an appointment. JP Services are
affordable housing gain ground.          On Precinct 3 (Col James Student                                                                     available on:
The 62 dwellings are a mix of            Accommodation): Over Christmas
apartments and townhouses                2019, level 2 was completed and                                                                            J     Mondays (2pm-4.30pm)
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait         level 3 has been poured. Level 4,                                                                          J     Wednesdays (10am-1pm); and
Islander people only to rent             parts 1 and 2, are being completed                                                                         J     Thursdays (2pm- 4.30pm).
through us (the Aboriginal               this month and 90 per cent of the
Housing Company).                        screening has been installed.                 S

   We are also excited to see the
gym and gallery spaces taking
shape. The ground floor of the
                                                  people together                                                                                TANYA PLIBERSEK MP

                                                                                                                                                        Federal Member for Sydney

gym will house fitness and weight
training equipment, and a boxing                                                                                                                     1A Great Buckingham St, Redfern NSW 2016
ring. A mezzanine level will be                                                                                                                    T: 9379 0700 E:
dedicated to floor-exercise classes      pemulwuy
and will include another boxing
ring. A lift between the two             Authorised by Michael Mundine, CEO,                More floors added to Pemulwuy in January 2020.
floors has already been installed.       Aboriginal Housing Company Limited                 Photo: Lyn Turnbull
Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
6                                                                                  SOCIAL JUSTICE                                                                                                                               FEBRUARY 2020

It’s time to tackle wealth inequality
ALAN WILLIAMSON                        only 10 people seated, surrounded
                                       by an ever-growing mountain of
IT’S Lunar New Year, and there         food. “Those people can never eat
are around 1,000 people in             all that,” he thinks, “not in a year    140
the restaurant. With everyone          of New Years.”
seated, trolleys laden with a huge       If Australia were that restaurant,                             Wealth distribution
variety of food begin to appear,       then the people in the private
distributed by white-jacketed          dining room are the top 1 per cent,
waitstaff. Plump dumplings,            and together they own more than         100
chicken wings, steaming                twice as much as the 500 people
seafood, pork buns and stir-fried      in the cheap seats combined.
vegetables are brought to tables.      There are 36 listed billionaires
                                       in Australia, and in the last year
   After a while, some of the diners   (2018-19) their average growth           60
recognise that not all of them are     in wealth was $667m each. Next
getting the same quantities, and       Lunar New Year, they will need a
some of the trolleys are arriving      bigger room.
only partly loaded. They become          The argument in favour of
a little unsettled when they realise   obscene wealth accumulation has          20
there may not be enough for them       long been that such concentration
to properly celebrate the occasion,    will lead to greater prosperity
let along take leftovers. Some         for all by “trickling down”. This
                                                                                        2000     2001    2002    2003     2004   2005   2006   2007    2008    2009     2010    2011   2012    2013    2014   2015    2016    2017    2018     2019
tables only get a few pork buns,       has the strongest appeal to the
and they are the unhappiest of all.    other 490 people in the room,           Illustration: Sam Mcnair (@thatsneakyrabbit)

   In addition, for every load of      those in the aspirational middle;
food wheeled into the crowded but      professionals, tradies, wealthy        line with profits, and collecting                          hope of city home ownership,                                 including opportunities for
least attended area, where nearly      retirees and others mostly             appropriate royalties on behalf of                         pay scant allegiance to the dream                            action. Unlike many countries,
500 people are seated, another         susceptible to the dangled carrot of   the Australian people for the sale                         offered them, and will be the                                Australia retains a reasonable
trolley goes into a small private      comfort.                               of mineral-rich dirt, the Australian                       agents of radical change. The                                well-functioning democracy, with
dining room, its frosted glass           Rather than directly                 government embellishes the fairy                           visceral response of (mainly) aged                           people fairly elected to represent
windows denying view.                  contributing to the common             tale with marketing rhetoric about                         white men to the passion and                                 the citizens of a given area.
   “This must be a massive room        wealth by enforcing appropriate        “having a go to get a go”, our                             commitment of Greta Thunberg                                 The contact details of all such
for so much food to be needed,”        marginal rates of taxation, limiting   version of the American Dream.                             is an indicator that their threat is                         representatives are listed on the
thinks one of the diners, finally      tax avoidance measures by both            There is a storm brewing, with                          real.                                                        websites of the assemblies of all
raising the courage to peek            individuals and corporations,          climate change the catalyst, which                            See the Oxfam report on global                            three levels of government.                    S

through the doorway. In his brief      providing a structure to ensure        will threaten such privilege. Young                        wealth inequality released in late
glimpse, he is astonished to see       reasonable increases in wages in       people, largely deprived of the                            January for more information,                      

Accurate fire information and community action
ENVIRONMENT                            lowest-emitting countries.             were road barriers, or cleared
                                          “The fires could be part of         buffer zones around houses.
JESSICA MORTHORPE                      an ominous feedback loop:                Where used as part of a suite
                                       the more land burns, the more          of fire preparations, planned
IN my work with Uniting Earth          carbon dioxide gets released into      burning is most effective close
I’ve compiled a comprehensive          the atmosphere, and the more           to the buildings or houses to be
resource on the bushfire crisis        trees — which act as natural           protected. But planned burning
– covering ecological and social       carbon sinks — disappear,”             in these areas is also difficult and
justice aspects, and including         says Dr Richard Thornton, chief        expensive, and accompanied by
relevant references. The following     executive of the Bushfires &           the danger of fires escaping.
is an abridged version.                Natural Hazards Co-operative
                                       Research Centre. “The more CO2         Arson                                                       Endangered – Blue Mountains water skink Photo: Sylvain Dubey (Ecological Management & Restoration)

Climate change                         gets released, the warmer our            Only about 1 per cent of the
   Climate change exacerbates          planet gets; that raises the risk      land burnt in NSW this bushfire                            that the Aboriginal cultural                                 adapted to fire, they have not
the conditions in which bushfires      of more big and deadly fires.”         season can be officially attributed                        fire practitioner has with                                   dealt with fires of this size and
happen. According to Greg                 Perhaps more than any               to arson, and even less in Victoria.                       Country and everything in it.                                intensity before, and with over
Mullins, former commissioner of        other wealthy nation on Earth,         Specifically, the Gospers Mountain                         This relationship-based approach                             1,000 species already threatened
Fire and Rescue NSW, we have           Australia is at risk from the          “mega-blaze” and the Green Wattle                          allows for the involvement of                                in Australia, these fires may push
been seeing: unprecedented             dangers of climate change and          Creek fire, which are both near                            other than human beings such as                              some species into extinction.
dryness; reductions in long-term       our extreme vulnerability means        Sydney, were ignited by lightning.                         bettongs, bandicoots, lyrebirds,                               Whole ecosystems will be
rainfall; low humidity; high           incentive for change. According        All the major blazes in the Snowy                          wombats and brush turkeys who                                affected.
temperatures; wind velocities;         to economist Dr Ross Garnaut, we       Mountains and South Coast which                            all assist with cultural burning
fire danger indices; fire spread       could “be the biggest economic         have taken hold since New Year’s                           by turning over and reducing                                 What we can do immediately
and ferocity; instances of pyro-       beneficiary of effective global        Eve were also started by lightning.                        the leaf litter. Cultural burning                              See the full resource for
convective fires (fire storms          mitigation because we have the                                                                    is a landscape-wide approach                                 information (re donating to the
– making their own weather);           best renewable energy resources        Cultural burning                                           unlike the more strategic hazard                             Moderator’s Bushfire Appeal
early starts and late finishes to      and the best opportunities for           Shaun Hooper is a Wiradjuri                              reduction approach. It provides for                          and WIRES), spreading reliable
bushfire seasons; an established       capturing carbon in our geological     man, a fire behaviour analyst,                             emergent outcomes for a range of                             information, providing water and
long-term trend driven by a            and biological landscapes”.            volunteer fire fighter, and a                              species who contribute in various                            food for wildlife).                            S

warming, drying climate.                                                      cultural burning practitioner                              ways to the implementation.”
   It is estimated that Australia’s    Planned burning                        currently doing his post-grad                                                                                           To get involved with climate action
fires have already released              A study in Tasmania has found        studies on cultural burning.                               Wildlife                                                     Download “I’m worried about the climate
between 350 and 400 million            that planned burn-offs have little     He says implementing an                                      It is estimated, conservatively,                           — what can I do?” (
metric tons of CO2 into the            impact on reducing the extent and      Aboriginal cultural burn                                   that 1.25 billion animals have                               Sign up to our climate action groups
atmosphere. That’s roughly 1 per       intensity of bushfires. A 2010 study   does not generally look like a                             died in the fires. This comes on                             ( and to Uniting Earth
cent of the total global carbon        from Wollongong University also        hazard reduction. It is not.                               top of the already serious impacts                           enews (, or follow
emissions from 2019. It is also        found there was only a 10 per cent       “An Aboriginal cultural burn is                          of land clearing, deforestation                              us on FB for campaign updates.
more than the total combined           chance of a fire being stopped by      not guided by a prescription. It is                        and climate-altered habitats.                                (see full resource at www.unitingearth.
annual emissions of the 116            a planned burn. More effective         guided by the close relationship                           While Australian animals are                       

                                                                                                  This page is sponsored by Uniting, the services and
                                                                                                  advocacy arm of the Uniting Church NSW and the ACT.
                                                                                                  Please note that Uniting has no editorial influence on the content of this page.

Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
FEBRUARY 2020                                                         COMMENT & OPINION                                                                                                          7

                                                                                                                           FAITH                                and/or with local Aboriginal
                                                                                                                                                                and Torres Strait Islander
                                                                                                                          DOROTHY MCRAE-MCMAHON                 Peoples of their area.
                                                                                                                                                                   “The Day of Mourning is
                                                                                                                          AS we approached “Australia           not a new concept in Australia.
                                                                                                                          Day” in 2019, the Uniting             The first such day was held on
                                                                                                                          Church in Australia was               Australia Day in 1938, organised
                                                                                                                          encouraged by its national            by the Aborigines Progressive
                                                                                                                          governing body, the Uniting           Association in New South
                                                                                                                          Church Assembly, to add to            Wales. with support from the
                                                                                                                          its life a Day of Mourning.           Australian Aborigines League
                                                                                                                          This was to be held on the            in Victoria to coincide with
                                                                                                                          Sunday before “Australia              sesquicentenary celebrations.
                                                                                                                          Day”, so that we would                   “The Uniting Church
                                                                                                                          never simply celebrate the            acknowledges in its constitution
                                                                                                                          arrival of those who took             (nationally in 2009 and
                                                                                                                          over this country from its            formalised by State Synods
                                                                                                                          Indigenous people without             in 2011) the dispossession,
                                                                                                                          any negotiation or respect.           violence and decimation of
                                                                                                                                                                First Peoples and laments
                                                                                                                             We non-Indigenous people           the fact that, as a church and
cartoon: norrie mAy-welby
                                                                                                                          may well love this country            as Second Peoples, we were,
                                                                                                                          in which we live, but to              and remain, complicit.

Public housing more than a roof overhead                                                                                  celebrate this each year without
                                                                                                                          acknowledging how we arrived
                                                                                                                                                                   “Our decision to declare a
                                                                                                                                                                Day of Mourning annually from
                                                                                                                          here, and what we did to its          2019, is a way in which we
EDITORIAL                                various interview and focus            disproportionately due to the             owners, is to make that day           stand together in Covenantal
                                         groups, and concludes that the         size of the estate and because the        disrespectful and dishonest.          relationships to honour,
SSH                                      human services system has              same number of public tenants                 Stuart McMillan, a senior         remember and acknowledge
                                         been unresponsive to needs,            will be living with their existing        national staff person in the          the truth of our history. For it
AS part of the consultation              fragmented, complex and opaque.        problems in a redevelopment               Uniting Church, has given us          is only through our lament and
process for the Waterloo                    The report recommends:              of three times the density.               a summary of what happened            truth telling that we together,
redevelopment, local agencies            addressing accessibility deficits         If issues facing residents are         to change things and how              First and Second Peoples, look
Counterpoint Community                   by extending and improving             not addressed in the promised             we have responded.                    with hope to the future.”
Services (CCS) and Inner                 services to CALD, Aboriginal           human services plan, the South               “On the Sunday before                 Stuart McMillan prays that
Sydney Voice, with REDWatch              and other cohorts; improving the       Sydney Herald will join REDWatch          Australia Day, Uniting Church         “one day, the whole nation
residents’ group, pushed for             capabilities of residents to use       and others to campaign                    congregations across the              may, in a coming of age, fully
an effective human services              technologies and funding more          against the master plan.                  country hold worship services         accept this history and take
plan to accompany the built              place-based outreach services            Maybe it is time to think about         to reflect upon and lament            a significant step towards
environment master plan.                 to local community centres;            an upper house inquiry into how           the effect of the invasion and        healing for our nation”.
Back in 2017, FACS/LAHC                  improving service delivery             human service supports for public         colonisation of this nation              To begin by mourning our
undertook to provide such a plan.        and referral protocols, and;           housing tenants work or do not            upon her First Peoples.               history together, is an honest
                                         addressing cultural and structural     work. There has been a lot of                “The observance of a Day of        and creative way of changing
  Now, as the Department of              issues within agencies, both           work recently getting homeless            Mourning was endorsed by the          our future. People of faith can
Planning and LAHC negotiate              government and non-government.         people into public housing.               15th Assembly at the request          lead the way, but this mourning
the master plan parameters, it              An effective human services           If the supports are not there for       of the Uniting Aboriginal and         really belongs to us all as we
seems LAHC no longer wants to            plan, as REDWatch argues, must         those who need public housing,            Islander Christian Congress           assume responsibility for our
discuss a human services plan.           address existing challenges facing     however, are we really addressing         (UAICC). Rather than seeking a        past and present as a nation.
  This is deeply concerning.             tenants and agencies, and not just     the problem? We cannot assume             change to the date of Australia          One of the beautiful things
  In a soon-to-be-published              select issues around relocation.       that just putting a roof over             Day as some propose, the              about the nature of faith in parts
report, “Waterloo Impact Project”,          Yes, this is a state-wide issue,    someone’s head addresses his or           UAICC asked the church, in the        of the Indigenous community
CCS synthesises input from               but it will affect Waterloo            her problems or challenges.        S     spirit of the Covenant between        is its God, “The Wanjina”.
                                                                                                                          us, to declare the Sunday before      Images of this God indicate
                                                                                                                          Australia Day as a Day of             that the very special feature

Bushfire chiefs offer terms of reference                                                                                  Mourning. Assembly members
                                                                                                                          enthusiastically agreed.
                                                                                                                                                                of it is that it has no mouth
                                                                                                                                                                for judgement. Obviously, it
                                                                                                                             “Sunday January 19 will be         is a loving, understanding,
LETTER                                     preparedness to fulfil their roles     services – training, equipment,         marked by the Uniting Church          forgiving and kind God.
                                           of protection and defence of life      command structures, cross               as the Day of Mourning for               If the First and Second
To the Hon. David Littleproud, MP          and property generally and in an       agency/states and all three levels      2020. Local congregations             Peoples of our land could move
Member for Maranoa                         emergency, including bushfire          of government.                          are encouraged to honour              into deeper, just, and more
Minister for Water Resources,              emergencies.                                                                   First Peoples on this day.            respectful relationships with
Drought, Rural Finance,                                                          Investigate communications              The Assembly wants to                 each other, maybe we could
Natural Disaster and Emergency            Investigate the adequacy of the        on the ground – radios,                 encourage congregations,              learn many things together.
Management                                 allocation and budget of bushfire      compatibility, digital and mobile       agencies and schools to                  Let us commit ourselves,
                                           preparation and mitigation             network, vehicle location               make local connections with           as we enter 2020 as a
   We note the prime minister’s            resources in each state and            technology.                             the Uniting Aboriginal and            community, to develop new
comments of taking a royal                 territory.                                                                     Islander Christian Congress           and deeper relationships.             S

commission to Cabinet, and we                                                    Conduct an audit of all other
call on you, as our responsible           Examine the adequacy of                inquiries, reviews and royal
minister and with your government,         Commonwealth resources –               commissions into bushfires and
to support the creation of a royal         including aviation and ground          natural disasters and determine       September. About 2,500 homes           Mick Holton – Volunteer
commission into the 2019-2020 fires.       fleets for use in a bushfire or        whether recommendations               have been destroyed and more           Firefighters Association – Rural Fire
   We, the elected leadership of           other major emergency.                 from those reviews have               than 11.7 million hectares of          Service NSW
emergency services, are available to                                              been implemented – and,               forestlands have been razed.
you to consult on appropriate terms       Investigate the issues related to      if so, to what effect.                                                       John Oliver – United Firefighters
of reference, but as a starting point,     power and water supplies across                                              Stewart Little – Public Service        Union QLD – Fire Rescue QLD
the following is what we believe           state and territory borders.           Delay could mean the loss of          Association of NSW – NSW State
needs to be investigated if a royal       Consider the impact on               further life and property. We urge      Emergency Service, NSW Rural Fire      Max Adlam – United Firefighters
commission is called and therefore         firefighter health and welfare       you to call this royal commission as    Service, NSW National Parks and        Union SA – Metropolitan Fire
the terms of reference should              – physical and mental – that         soon as possible so together we can     Wildlife Service, Fire + Rescue NSW,   Service SA
include:                                   comes from participation at the      make sure Australians are protected     Forestry Corporation of NSW
 Investigate the adequacy of              frontline of this crisis.            in the future from fires like these.                                           Lea Anderson – The United
   the allocation and budget of                                                   Across Australia bushfires have       Leighton Drury – Fire Brigade          Professional Firefighters Union of
   firefighting resources in each         Investigate the issues related to    killed 33 people and an estimated       Employees’ Union, Fire + Rescue NSW    Western Australia – Fire Rescue
   state and territory and their           inter-operability of all the fire    one billion native animals since                                               Service WA
Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald Statements from the heart - RUFF SLEEPERS PETS GET SMOOTHER 'NAG NAG NAG' BEATS WERE NEAT - South Sydney Herald
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