20 18 Edmund Rice Education Australia

Page created by Jacqueline Fields
20 18 Edmund Rice Education Australia
annual report
                20 18
20 18 Edmund Rice Education Australia

From the President .....................................................................................4

From the Board Chair ..................................................................................6

From the Executive Director .......................................................................8

Significant Events ......................................................................................10

Congress 2018 ...........................................................................................14

Finance Report ...........................................................................................16

EREA Youth+................................................................................................18

Western Region .........................................................................................24

Eastern Region ...........................................................................................28

Southern Region ........................................................................................34

Northern Region ........................................................................................38

We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

of Australia as the Traditional Owners of the land on which our

schools and offices are placed. We are inspired and nurtured by the

wisdoms, spiritualities and experiences of our First Nations Peoples.

Together we work actively for reconciliation, justice, equity and healing.

Front cover image courtesy Parade College Bundoora and Preston
20 18 Edmund Rice Education Australia
My friends, Jesus is the Lord of risk, he is the Lord of the eternal “more”.
Jesus is not the Lord of comfort, security and ease. Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage, a
readiness to trade in the sofa for a pair of walking shoes and to set out on new and uncharted paths.
To blaze trails that open up new horizons capable of spreading joy, born of God’s love and wells up

                                                                                                                                                                     EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT – 3
in your hearts with every act of mercy. To take the path of the “craziness” of our God, who teaches
us to encounter him in the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, the friend in trouble, the prisoner,
the refugee and the migrant, and our neighbours who feel abandoned. To take the path of our God,
                              who encourages us to be politicians, thinkers, social activists.

                                                 Pope Francis, World Youth Day Vigil with Young People

                         ‘These words of the Holy Father challenge us to welcome new opportunities for sharing the joy and hope of the Risen Christ.

           You have dreams for your future. Jesus also has dreams for you and your future. We want to accompany you as you discern the path that God has for you.’

                                                         – Year of Youth: Australian Catholic Bishops Conference 2018
‘I wanted to offer my children a community, that should anything
                      happen to my husband and me, they had a sense of identity attached
                      to [them]. The Catholic community is the one that I know best and the
                      one that most aligns to the values I have grown up with, and so this is
                      the community that I wanted my children to grow up in – where they
                      are taught Christian values as a matter of priority but more than that,
                      where they are encouraged to live those values through social justice
                      opportunities and within their day to day environment.’

                      These are the reflections of one of the families who have chosen an Edmund Rice Education

                      Australia school for their child.

                      The words of one of our principals in his welcome to parents could be said of each of our schools,

                      for both young women and young men:

                      ‘Growing up in the fast-paced, complex world that our children inhabit, we endeavour to provide a
                      College experience that complements the values and attitudes that you instil in your sons in your
                      own home.‘ (Dr Craig Wattam, St Patrick’s College Strathfield)

                      Central to this experience is the Catholic education which each school provides. In writing about the
                      education provided within the Catholic tradition, the Congregation for Catholic Education in Rome
                      has said that, in the face of all the cultural challenges in society, education should be a ‘humanising
     Br Paul Oakley   ‘Humanising education means putting the person at the centre of education in a framework of
                      relationships that make up a living community, which is interdependent and bound to a common
                      destiny. [It is] a process in which each person can develop his or her own deep-rooted attitudes and
                      vocation and thus contribute to his or her vocation within the community.’ (Educating to fraternal
                      humanism, CCE, April 2017)

                      Have courage, the good seed will grow up in the children’s hearts later on.
                                                              Blessed Edmund Rice
This document, directed to the people in the Catholic universities        The document from Rome ‘urges all those who, by their profession        Treacy and his companions arrived in Melbourne 150 years ago.
and schools which cater for over 60 million students in the world,        and vocation, are engaged in educational processes, at all levels, to   People from Edmund Rice Education Australia were present at a
provides four themes that need to be explored in order to develop         live their experience with dedication and wisdom’, in accord with       number of the occasions organised by the Christian Brothers to
this humanising education:                                                the four themes it had enunciated. Similar challenges are placed        mark this milestone.
                                                                          before each Edmund Rice Education Australia school community
>         Firstly, it mentions a ‘culture of dialogue’ between            in the reflective questions asked in the Charter for each of the        The Council continues to meet with the Province and the
          traditions, cultures, religions and world views. It is to       Touchstones.                                                            Congregation Leadership teams of the Christian Brothers to deepen
          be a dialogue based on the freedom and equality of                                                                                      our understanding of our shared inheritance and its practical
          the participants and which searches for a peaceful and          Thankfully, that dedication and wisdom can be seen in the               application in the ministries that we each have undertaken.
          enriching co-existence.                                         committed leaders and staff, and the parent associations of each
                                                                          of our schools. Thank you for the contribution that you make to         Pope Francis, in his concluding remarks to the Italian Parents’
>         Secondly, the document speaks of ‘globalising hope’, a          the development of each school as a ‘living community’. This            Association in 2018, said:
          hope which is based on the truth of Jesus Christ. At its        living community across all of Edmund Rice Education Australia
          basis is the belief that Christian redemption is connected to   was particularly evident in the EREA Congress held during the year      ‘Dear parents, children are the most precious gift you have
          the development of peoples and that it is not something         when, together, we were ‘Charting New Horizons’ and planning for        received. Know how to safeguard this gift with commitment

          indefinite and for the future, but is present already and the   the future.                                                             and generosity, leaving them the necessary freedom to grow

          source of real hope.                                                                                                                    and mature as people who in turn one day will be able to open

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                          This ‘living community’ is well served by the National and              themselves to the gift of life.’
>         Thirdly, there is a need for a ‘true inclusion’, one that       Regional offices of Edmund Rice Education Australia. We are very
          ‘allows every citizen to feel actively involved in building a   appreciative of the inspirational leadership of Wayne Tinsey as         On behalf of the Council of Edmund Rice Education Australia, I
          fraternal humanism’, a web of relationships that is based       Executive Director. The Edmund Rice Education Australia Board,          thank the parents of our students for the privilege of assisting you
          on love and concern for the neighbour and for future            under the generous leadership of Graham Goerke, has continued           in ensuring the growth and maturity of this precious gift of life.
          generations.                                                    to ensure the growth and development of our network and we
                                                                          thank the members of the Board for their dedication and wisdom.         Br Paul D Oakley cfc – President,
>         Fourthly, the document encourages the formation of              The Edmund Rice Education Australia Council offers a special            On behalf of the Council of Edmund Rice Education Australia
          ‘cooperation networks’. Education is still a scarce resource    thanks to Board members whose time concluded at the end of the
          in the world and opportunities need to be found to              year: Helen Mahoney, Cathie Scott and Peter Ryan. Further, after
          collaborate and to integrate different people in each           nine years of unstinting service on the Council, Anne Garvan has
          teaching and learning circle, especially those who lack         concluded her term and we gratefully acknowledge all that she
          access to suitable opportunities themselves.                    brought to our ministry.

Though the language of ‘fraternal humanism’ is not part of our            The Roman document, in considering inclusion, also spoke of
everyday speech, the four themes are ones that we can easily              ‘understanding the fruitful link between a community’s historical
recognise. They sit well with the Touchstones of the Charter for          development and its vocation.’ We do not forget that Edmund Rice
Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition:                            Education Australia was established by the Christian Brothers and
                                                                          that we have been gifted with the expression of the Charism of
‘Edmund Rice Education Australia offers a Liberating Education,
                                                                          Blessed Edmund Rice. We congratulate the Christian Brothers
based on a Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community
                                                                          of Oceania on their continuous ministry since Br Ambrose
committed to Justice and Solidarity.’
The Board met on six occasions in 2018, commencing with a two day
                   shared Retreat with Council in February. Other meetings took place at:
                   St Joseph’s College, Geelong; St Edmund’s College, Ipswich, and three
                   times at EREA national office in Richmond.

                   In 2018 the Board farewelled and celebrated Mr Peter Ryan’s contribution to the Board over five
                   years and welcomed two new members, Mrs Bobby Court and Mr Mark Anderson.

                   In addition to Board meetings, the members of the Board also put their time into a variety
                   of committees of the Board, as well as working groups for special projects. 2018 saw the
                   creation of a dedicated Governance & Risk Committee to add to the existing Board committees.
                   Participating in the Board meetings and this other work, on top of the reading and travel time,

the Board
                   requires a considerable effort and commitment of personal time. I believe that EREA has again
                   this year been well served by its hard working Board and I extend my sincere thanks to the
                   members of the Board for that work and their commitment.

                   2018 saw EREA move into the fourth year of the current strategic directions cycle, and I can
                   report on some further areas of progress following on from 2017.

                   Priority 1 – Growing our national identity for mission:

                   >        The 2nd EREA Congress, held in Melbourne in September, focusing on the achievements and
                            aspirations of EREA into the future, formed an important step in determining the shape of
                            the next EREA Strategic Directions;
   Graham Goerke   >        The roll out of Life to the Full and Safe and Inclusive Communities supporting schools in
                            promoting safe and inclusive environments for students and young people;

                   >        The continuing growth of Youth+, responding to invitations and requests for assistance from
                            various dioceses, and

                   >        The Parent Survey undertaken to gain understanding of parent choice in selecting an
                            Edmund Rice education.
Priority 2 – Educating for mission:                                                                   Safeguarding

>       The appointment of a Director of Learning, supporting and animating EREA’s Liberating         Notably, considerable time and attention has been given during 2018 to EREA’s response to
        Education agenda for EREA and resourcing this focus;                                          the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. EREA publicly restated
>       Formation work with and for the Christian Brothers nationally and internationally,            its Statement of Commitment to Child Safety and members of Council, Board and Executive
        consolidated under a new Director of Formation role;                                          have participated in Catholic Professional Standards Limited sessions to develop the necessary
>       Movement towards alignment of School Renewal with diocesan review / improvement               understanding of the CPSL Safeguarding standards. EREA has appointed a dedicated Director
        processes;                                                                                    of Safeguarding to oversee the organisation’s response and the development of structures to

>       Support for schools in addressing ecological sustainability, supported by the Board
                                                                                                      ensure EREA is a child-safe institution with the safety and wellbeing of young people as its
        Sustainability Committee;                                                                     highest priority. Key to EREA’s response and cultural improvement is the development of an
                                                                                                      EREA Child-Safe Standards Framework which will be finalised and rolled out to schools in 2019.
>       Commencement of work on the development of a national EREA Reconciliation Action
        Plan, and
>       St Gabriel’s approved to extend its education offering up to Year 12.
                                                                                                      Particular reference points for our consideration of overall strategic outcomes include:

                                                                                                      >         Total enrolments in 2018 reached almost 38,000 students (65 additional enrolments in Flexi

Priority 3 – Governing for mission:                                                                             schools and 267 in mainstream schools from 2017);

                                                                                                                                                                                                             EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                                                      >         Enrolments in the Flexi School Networks have quadrupled between 2008 and 2018, and
>       EREA’s GRaCE project significantly implemented, building and supporting a culture of
        continuous improvement in relation to risk and compliance;                                    >         the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student enrolments in 2018 was
                                                                                                                1633 (up 65 from 2017), representing 4.3% of total enrolments – up by .1% from 2018.
>       The creation of the Board Governance & Risk Committee;
                                                                                                                (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student enrolments make up 2.7% in mainstream
>       The appointment of a Director of Safeguarding to oversee and guide EREA’s ongoing
                                                                                                                schools and 31.5% in the Flexi schools).
        response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to
                                                                                                      In 2018 the Board continued its focus on its own formation, making the Board and Council Retreat
        Child Sexual Abuse, as EREA seeks to embed an organisational culture of child safety;
                                                                                                      in February a priority. The Retreat proved an important step as Council, Board and Executive planned
>       A full diagnostic review leading to initiating development of an EREA Gender Equality
                                                                                                      for the then upcoming Congress, Charting New Horizons.
        Strategy, and
                                                                                                      I extend to everyone who is part of the EREA community, especially our school principals, staff and
>       The ongoing presence of EREA in newly established peak bodies such as the Association
                                                                                                      school boards, a very deep expression of thanks for all you have done over 2018 for the safety,
        of Ministerial PJPs and Catholic Schools NSW, through the active involvement of Council
                                                                                                      nurturing and development of young people in our care.
        President, Br Paul Oakley.
                                                                                                      I reiterate my thanks to my fellow Board members and extend a particular thanks to all our
                                                                                                      national and regional office staff.

Priority 4 – Sustaining the mission:                                                                  I extend to Br Paul Oakley and the members of Council, and to Dr Wayne Tinsey and the Executive
                                                                                                      team, my sincere appreciation for your hard work and support over 2018.
>       Numerous leadership development opportunities as part of national and regional gatherings
                                                                                                      There is much to affirm and celebrate in what is being achieved through our collective efforts
        of school leaders and senior leader reflection and review processes;
                                                                                                      towards fulfilling EREA’s mission to provide young Australians with a transformative Catholic
>       Mission Sustainability review processes supporting schools to achieve strategic objectives;
                                                                                                      Education in the Edmund Rice tradition.
>       The appointment (temporary) of a dedicated professional officer to support Growth, and
>       A number of Growth initiatives achieving milestones.
                                                                                                      Graham Goerke – Board Chair
Dear Friends of Edmund Rice Education Australia.

                     It is an honour a privilege to contribute to the EREA Annual Report for 2018.

                     There have been so many milestones during this year, and these have been wonderfully

                     addressed by our President and Board Chair in their contributions to this Report.

                     EREA continues to be seen as a Catholic education community in which our vision for mission is

                     clear and focused. This is due in a major way to the power of our Charter and Four Touchstones,
                     which are consistently celebrated in our school communities.

                     It is fitting that at this stage of our history, the Touchstone of Liberating Education has come to
                     the fore and been a major focus for us during 2018.

                     At the very beginning of our EREA Congress this year, we heard a clarion call from the student
                     voices for us to articulate for them what we believe constitutes a good, well lived and

                     meaningful life, and what we as their educators will offer them, to help navigate a complex and
                     uncertain future.

                     So how are we framing our response to our young people in terms of the liberating nature of
                     the education that we hope to provide? What are the hopes and aspirations that we hold for our
      Wayne Tinsey   We want our young people to know that lasting happiness and inner peace arise from living
                     with purpose; living lives of decency, kindness, service and authenticity consistent with their
                     inner moral compasses.
We hope to awaken in the young the desire to experience the Divine in their         continue to be faithful to this vision and mission. Pray also that we never rest
                       lives. We teach that every human being is connected since we are all daughters      on our laurels or assume that our vision will continue to inspire. Authenticity is
                       and sons of God. As a Christian community, we hope that our young will find         a journey to which we continually need to recommit.
                       great inspiration and guidance from the experience of Jesus. Jesus lived his
                                                                                                           God bless all who are part of our national community as we journey towards
     We offer          humanity so completely, so lovingly and so selflessly, that he revealed the very
                                                                                                           this deeper sense of what the Gospel calls us to be as Catholic schools in the
                       essence we call God.
                                                                                                           Edmund Rice tradition.
 an education that     We offer an education that celebrates the good within our culture but also offers

                       alternatives to all that oppresses and enslaves the human spirit. An education
                                                                                                           With much gratitude and many best wishes,

celebrates the good    that skills the young to unshackle themselves from unexamined opinions and

                                                                                                                                                                                                EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
                       inherited prejudices and develops capacity to question and make meaning, to
                       contribute and to live reflectively and compassionately.
 within our culture                                                                                        Dr Wayne Tinsey – Executive Director
                       We teach that freedom and service are inextricably linked and with privilege
  but also offers      comes social responsibility. We teach that our response to the plight of those
                       made poor should not be limited to generous acts but rather, a commitment
                       to advocating for a more just social order for all. We challenge our students
 alternatives to all
                       to be the loving, compassionate and inclusive face of the Divine to all they
                       meet. We teach them that inclusion and the support of the marginalised and
that oppresses and     disenfranchised of the world is core to the Gospel and the Christian vision for
enslaves the human     As a national community in mission, we accept that our authenticity is rooted in
                       our commitment to these beliefs and commitments. As we congratulate
       spirit.         our schools on another successful year under the banner of EREA,
                       please pray that all Catholic schools in the Edmund Rice tradition will
>   Welcoming the appointments of Ms Philomena Billington to the EREA Council,
                                 and Mr Mark Anderson and Mrs Bobby Court to the EREA Board

                             >   Celebrating the contribution of Mr Peter Ryan as a member
                                 of the EREA Board

                             >   2018 EREA National Congress in September


                                 Developing priorities and initiatives in line with the EREA Strategic Directions
                                 2015 – 2019

                             >   Undertaking the National Parent Choice Survey, looking at what draws parents
                                 to an Edmund Rice education for their children

        Events               >   Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Br Ambrose Treacy in Australia
                                 and participating in Gathering the Dreamers with the Christian Brothers

                             >   Appointing new EREA leadership positions to oversee areas of strategic
                                 importance: Director of Learning, Director of Formation and Director of
             The following       Safeguarding

        were some of the
     significant events of   >   Creating an EREA Board Risk and Compliance Committee

                             >   Developing EREA Board Committee Terms of Reference

                             >   Developing further relationships and partnerships with Australian Bishops
                                 and Catholic Education authorities
>          Engaging with Catholic Education authorities in further
           development of EREA Growth initiatives in:
                                                                             Deputy Principals

                                                                             >         Mrs Paula Bacchiella – Edmund Rice College, Bindoon WA
           >        Wollongong
                                                                             >         Mr Patrick Brennan – Waverley College, Waverley NSW
           >        Melbourne
           >        Maitland-Newcastle                                       >         Mr Neil Alwyn – CBC Fremantle, WA
           >        Parramatta
                                                                             >         Mrs Janet Canny – St Kevin’s College, Toorak VIC
           >        Canberra-Goulburn
           >        Catholic Education South Australia                       >         Mr Gerard Sullivan – St Patrick’s College, Ballarat VIC

                                                                             >         Mr Cameron Alexander – CBC Adelaide, SA

>          Developing and adopting an EREA Board and Council FIRE
           Carrier Statement of Commitment to Reconciliation

                                                                                       Mrs Rebecca Kirwan – St Edmund’s College, Wahroonga NSW

                                                                                       Mrs Elizabeth Ryan – St Patrick’s College, Ballarat VIC

>          Supporting Youth + Growth through the:
                                                                             >         Mr Frank Chiment – Christian Brothers High School, Lewisham NSW

                                                                                                                                                            EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                             >         Ms Kate Bowen – Head of Campus, St Marys FLC NSW
           >        Registration of St Laurence’s Flexible Learning Centre
		                  in Newcastle                                             >         Mr Duncan Inglis – Head of Campus, Gympie FLC QLD
           >        Registration of Carnarvon FLC, WA                        >         Mr James Ayers – Head of Campus, St Francis FLC, Hobart TAS

>          Welcoming the following Senior Appointments:

           Director of Regional Support
                                                                             Business Manager

                                                                             >         Mr Andrew O’Brien – CBC St Kilda, VIC

           >        Mr Shaun Kenny – Western Region                          EREA National Office

           Principals                                                        >         Mr Paul Shannon – Director of Learning,
                                                                                       Identity & Liberating Education
           >        Mr Graham Leddie – Waverley College, Waverley NSW
                                                                             >         Ms Thelma Parker – Education Officer, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
           >        Mr Shaun Clark – Ignatius Park College, Townsville QLD
                                                                                       Islander Education, Identity & Liberating Education
           >        Mr Brian Schumacher – Rostrevor College, Adelaide SA

           >        Mr Domenic Burgio – CBC Fremantle, WA

           >        Mr Joe Zavone – St Edmund’s College, Canberra ACT

           >        Mr Rob Corboy – St Brendan’s College, Yeppoon QLD

... continued next page
Significant Events 2018
>   Successfully delivering 24 Core Formation Programs nationally to school
                                                                              Accrediting the following schools and networks through the School Renewal process, some
                                                                              in their second cycle:
                                                                                         >       Christian Brothers’ High School, Lewisham
                                                                                         >       Indooroopilly Montessori Children’s House

>   Facilitating school-based formation in a number of EREA
    and Associate schools                                                                >
                                                                                                 St Joseph’s College, Geelong
                                                                                                 Xavier Flexi Schools Network
                                                                                         >       Edmund Rice College, Bindoon

>   Facilitating regional Board inductions and school-based Board
    formation sessions
                                                                                                 St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane
                                                                                                 Ignatius Park College, Townsville

>   Supporting a number of immersion experiences nationally
    and internationally                                                       >          Developing and implementing the EREA Mission Sustainability
                                                                                         (Business) Plan

>   Maintaining the Associate School relationships with the now
    34 schools nationally                                                     >          Developing and implementing new EREA National Policy Plus site,
                                                                                         core programs for EREA schools and new Staff Learning System

                                                                              >          Developing, reviewing and approving policies in:
                                                                                         >       Complaints Handling
                                                                                         >       Privacy
                                                                                         >       EREA Code of Conduct
                                                                                         >       Treasury
                                                                                         >       School Fee Setting & Collection
                                                                                         >       Retained Earnings
                                                                                         >       Capital Procurement
>   Undertaking the 2018 Internal Audit Plan

>   Initiating and supporting significant EREA Gatherings for stakeholders:
    >       Principals
    >       Deputy Principals
    >       Business Managers
    >       Identity Leaders
    >       Junior School Leaders
    >       School Board Chairs
    >       Induction of Senior Leaders
    >       Regional School Board members’ Formation in Mission
    >       Regional School Board members’ Inductions


                                                                              EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
    Supporting growth of leadership through:
    >       Regional Aspiring Leaders’ gatherings
    >       Pilot Coaching program for targeted staff
    >       EREA Gender Strategy project

>   The successful management of Reflection & Reviews processes for:
    >       12 Principals
    >       7 Deputy Principals
    >       8 Business Managers
    >       10 FLC Heads of Campus

>   Conducting reviews and receiving reports on:
    >       Identity – National Core EREA Formation Programs
    >       Community Profile – Staff and Students
    >       Student Achievement
    >       Enrolment data
    >       Child Protection Data Reports
    >       Quarterly Risk Reports
EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT   –   15
The consolidated financial report of EREA for the year ended 31
                     December 2018 showed that the operating surplus, once adjusted for
                     exceptional items, was in line with budget forecasts.
                     The consolidated financial report was prepared on an accrual basis and in line with the
                     Australian equivalents of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The recurrent
                     operating results were in line with the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), set by the Board
                     to ensure EREA continued to be a sustainable entity.

                     The attached report is an extract from the audited consolidated financial report and refers
                     to the flow of income and expenditure from a cash perspective. It is pleasing to note that
                     EREA, as a combined entity, performed exceptionally well during this financial year. This
                     strong performance facilitated further investment in capital works with in excess of $104

                     million being re-invested in projects throughout 2018.

                     The consolidated financial reports indicate that EREA received capital grants of $2.8 million
                     from both the Commonwealth and respective State Governments as compared with $19.8
                     million in 2017. The grants received during the year represented 0.3% of total income as
                     compared with 2.3% last year.

                     Total Income for 2018 increased by $34.9 million over the 2017 year, an increase of 4.0%.
                     Income from Government grants continues to provide a significant level of income to schools
                     within the EREA Network. The attached graphs indicate that recurrent income from grants
                     amounted to 49% which is in line with preceding year. Whilst this is a significant component
                     of recurrent income, it falls well short in percentage and dollar terms, of the costs incurred
  31 December 2018   in acquitting employee benefits.

                     Levies are paid by EREA schools to various Catholic Education Authorities, together with a
                     Network Service fee paid to the EREA Parent Entity. The levies paid to the Catholic Education
                     Authorities are for services provided. The Network Service fees paid by EREA schools to the
                     EREA Parent Entity are paid from non-government sourced income and are for support and
                     services provided, including co-responsibility support to financially challenged schools.
                     Other services provided by the EREA Parent Entity include administration, formation and
                     leadership programs.

                     The financial operations of EREA have been subject to external audit and all statutory
                     compliance requirements have been adhered to.

                     Geoff Doyle – National Director Stewardship and Resources
FINANCIAL REPORT                                                                                                                        Edmund Rice Education Australia 2018 school year
This is an extract from the audited accounts which shows income and expenditure, from a cash 2018 school year perspective, for Edmund
Rice Education Australia for the year ended 31 December 2018

                                                                                                                                                            TOTAL INCOME $906.5 MILLION
       $ $
                                                                                                                                                            n C'Wealth Grants $330.7 million, 37%
Commonwealth Government Grants                                                         Recurrent      325,276,093
                                                                                                                                                            n State Grants $110.4 million, 12%
                                                                                          Other         5,409,766         330,685,859
                                                                                                                                                            n Capital Grants/Income $50.4 million, 6%
State Government Grants                                                                Recurrent      100,310,131
                                                                                                                                                            n Student Income $357.0 million, 39%
                                                                                          Other        10,046,624 110,356,755
                                                                                                                                                            n Other Income $58.0 million, 6%
Capital Income                                                            Commonwealth grants              530,810
                                                                                  State grants           2,296,729
                                                                              Donations capital          8,788,592
                                                                                Loan proceeds           38,827,641 50,443,772
                                                                                                                                                            TOTAL EXPENDITURE $892.4 MILLION
Student Income                                                                            Tuition     343,337,780

                                                                                                                                                            n Salary Costs $544.1 million, 61%
                                                                                           Other       13,644,678         356,982,458
                                                                                                                                                            n Education & School Support $147.2 million, 16%

Other Income                                                               Donations - Operating         1,638,360                                          n Capital Expenditure $201.1 million, 23%

                                                                                                                                                                                                               EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                                  Building levies        9,009,952
                                                                                    Investments          6,057,276
                                                                               Trading activities       29,525,317
                                                                                           Other        11,762,790         57,993,694
TOTAL INCOME			906,462,538
Total Salary Costs                                                                      Salaries      485,348,136
                                                                                 Superannuation        48,561,460
                                                               Long service leave and provisions       10,243,169         544,152,764
Education and School Support                                Faculties and co-curricular expenses        48,318,818
                                                                             Boarding expenses           8,125,377
                                                                               Trading activities       18,922,197
                                                                                  Administration        58,456,630
                                                                                        Insurance        7,762,376
                                  National and Regional costs including co-responsibility support        5,651,429        147,236,827
Capital Expenditure                     Net payments for property, buildings, plant & equipment       104,186,900
                                                                                    Maintenance        43,648,608
                                                            Debt servicing (principal & interest)      47,706,428
                                                                                    Leasing costs       5,512,925         201,054,861
TOTAL EXPENDITURE			                                                                                                     892,444,452
NET INCREASE IN CASH HELD			                                                                                               14,018,086
                                                                                                            educational opportunities
                                                                                                        for young people who struggle
                                                                                                            to engage in mainstream

                                            EREA Youth+, through the Youth+ Institute, has continued to receive invitations from
                                            communities around Australia which have heard of our work and feel disempowered
                                            in their own ability to meet the needs of the significant numbers of young people
                                            unable and/or unwilling to engage with education in the local schools. Engaging in

                                            conversations with such communities is both enriching but also demanding as we face
                                            the challenge of the extent of need for flexible learning options to give young people
                                            a sense of achievement, increased resilience and, most importantly, a feeling of being
                                            welcomed with open arms into a community that is non-judgemental and in which

               Chris Smith, Chair Youth+,   their voices are heard.

on behalf of the Youth+ Leadership Team     In line with the EREA Strategic Directions, Youth+ continues to be a national leader in flexible
                                            learning, both in the establishment and operation of services or though consultancy and professional
                                            development for educational and government bodies. The need for, and level of interest in this area
                                            was highlighted at the 2018 Doing Schools Differently Conference where EREA Youth+ was a major
                                            partner in organising the event for the 600 teachers, counsellors, youth workers, social workers and
                                            community leaders registered.

                                            Whilst there were no new establishments in 2018, considerable resources have gone into planning
                                            for a new school in Newcastle, NSW, and campuses of existing flexible learning centres in places
                                            such as Carnarvon, Western Australia and Ayr and Bowen in Queensland. All will commence
                                            operations in 2019.

          Marlene Moore                                  Xavier                               Wollemi                  South East                         Central West

             Hemmant FLC                              Townsville FLC                           Mt Isa FLC      St Joseph’s FLC North Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                     St Joseph’s FLC Alice Springs
           Deception Bay FLC                           Ipswich FLC                          Rockhampton FLC            Wollongong FLC
                                                                                                                                                            Geraldton FLC
              Noosa FLC                    Centre Education Prog (Kingston, Qld)             Albert Park FLC            St Marys FLC
                                                                                                                                                       FAME (South Australia).
              Gympie FLC                                 Inala FLC                           Southport FLC          St Francis FLC Hobart

In light of the complexity of the South East Network, covering NSW, Victoria and                                                                       Youth+ Schools

Tasmania, it was decided that the network would be restructured for 2018 and a

                                                                                                                                                       n Geraldton – FLC
Co-Principal, Ivan Mahoney, appointed to take responsibility for the NSW schools.

                                                                                                                                                                                            EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                                                                                                       n St Joseph’s FLC, Alice Springs
The intention is that the South East Network will formally split into South (Victoria and
                                                                                                                                                       n Mt Isa – FLC
Tasmania) and East (NSW) in 2020.
                                                                                                                                                       n Townsville – FLC
Individual network reports show many of the innovative ways in which learning can                                                                      n Rockhampton – FLC
occur in our flexible learning centres. Whilst there is a solid emphasis on teaching                                                             9     n Gympie – FLC
there is also a recognition that wellbeing and safety are essential foundations for                                                                    n Noosa – FLC
learning to occur; hence the emphasis on wellbeing frameworks and on being faithful                                                                    n Deception Bay – FLC
to our philosophy of common ground and operation by principle. In all these ways,                                                                      n Albert Park – FLC
we continue the legacy of Edmund Rice who, in 1802, also educated in a way that                                                                        n Centre ED Program – FLC
focused on developing the fullness of humanity.                                                                                                        n Inala – FLC
                                                                                                                                                       n Hemmant – FLC
Chris Smith – Chair Youth+, on behalf of the Youth+ Leadership Team                                                                                    n Ipswich – FLC
                                                                                                                                                       n Southport – FLC
                                                                                                                                                       n St Marys – FLC
                                                                                                                                                       n Wollongong – FLC
                                                                                                                                                       n St Joseph’s FLC, North Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                       n FAME – FLC
                                                                                                                                                       n St Francis FLC, Hobart
Central West Flexi Schools Network                                                                                  We look to take further steps in each community to bring capital development plans to fruition in order to create
                                                                                                                    quality learning spaces for our staff and young people as well as securing permanent homes for each of our
Principal: Mr Gerard Keating                                                                                        Flexi schools.

The Central West Flexi Schools Network (CWFSN) focuses on supporting young people disenfranchised from
                                                                                                                    We continue to deepen our understanding of, and commitment to, being a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice
mainstream education to engage in a program to enhance their educational and wellbeing outcomes. We strive
                                                                                                                    tradition. The increase in our staff retreat days and the involvement in the EREA Formation and Immersion
to provide pathways for our young people to ‘have life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).                           programs will support this in 2019.

In 2018, Peter Romeo was appointed as Business Manager for our Network and Emanuela Simos was appointed
into a Network Leadership role with a focus on Policy and School Improvement.                                       Xavier Flexi Schools Network
As a Network, we continued to develop our understanding of Trauma Informed Practice through professional            Principal: Mr Tim Young
development programs run by the Berry Street Institute and Reboot. The integration of this into our Youth+          Xavier Flexi Schools Network consists of four separately registered non-state schools: Townsville Flexible Learning
Practice framework is continuing.                                                                                   Centre, Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre, Inala Flexible Learning Centre and Centre Education Program. Full time

Key Achievements                                                                                                    enrolments increased from 420 in February to 443 in August. The Network now includes three schools which
                                                                                                                    have reached their maximum enrolments. The Inala FLC took handover of their newly built premises late in
FAME FLC in Adelaide continued its very successful end of term community day and music gig. The work of a           2017 and commenced full time operations from there, beginning in 2018. They have space for additional young
small committee to find a permanent home for FAME is ongoing. The success of five young people completing           people and they will build their numbers slowly across the next few years.
all the requirements for the SACE, along with a number who will also complete early in the new school, year is
a testament to the great work of all our FAME team.                                                                 Education in Faith
                                                                                                                    Professional development and formation of staff continued to be a priority in 2018. The New Staff Conference
St Joseph’s Alice Springs maintained its good interaction with families and the Alice community. The relocation
                                                                                                                    conducted at the Gregory Terrace Playing Fields at Tennyson provided an induction and orientation. There were
of our service from Anzac Hill to part of the Bloomfield St BIITE Campus has been challenging. However, this will
                                                                                                                    many other times when leaders and staff came together throughout the year.
finally provide a home for St Joseph’s into the future. Our educational achievements included the eight young
people who completed the requirements for the Certificate 1 in Hospitality, 14 young people who completed           Student Wellbeing
the Certificate 1 in Functional Literacy, and five young people who completed the Certificate 1 in Vocational       The four schools which constitute the Network annually set Strategic and Operational Goals and work to
Pathways. The continued engagement with the Duke of Edinburgh program saw 12 of our young people                    implement these. Achievements in 2018 by school site include:
complete the Bronze Award and six others completed the Silver award. Our pastoral highlight was the incredible
success of the Girls’ Canberra Immersion that included some young women who, until engagement with our              Centre Education Program
Outreach Program, did not leave their home areas. A number of these young people did then successfully
                                                                                                                    >    Modifying the enrolment process, which resulted in initial face to
transition onto our on-site class programs. These achievements would not be possible without the hard work of
                                                                                                                                               face contact experienced by young people
our Alice staff team.
                                                                                                                                                  and their families/carers, with the
Geraldton FLC continued its rebuild from 2017 and was able to establish                                                                              staff with whom they will work
a positive partnership in the community. The continuing focus on enabling                                                                                 most closely.
young people to become better learners, the community engagement
programs for the Senior Transition group who completed the Certificate 1
in Industrial Skills through the local Durack TAFE, and work experience with
local organisations, has been a significant development. It was also exciting
to see two of our young people participate in the sailing expedition on the
Leeuwin Ocean Adventure which was sponsored by the Geraldton
Shire Council.
>   Developing a program for the purpose of engaging highly disengaged young people who experience                    Leadership & Management
    limited success with our current programs. This resulted in the creation of the Engagement Group which is         The Xavier Flexi Schools Network Board, chaired by Tony Macksey, invited Heads of Campus or Xavier Support
    currently working with notionally 15 young people and had two young people successfully graduate year             Team members, when available, to talk and share insights learning much about Flexible Learning Centre
    12 last year, and three students transition onsite to The Centre Education Program.                               operations.

>   Developing a memorandum of understanding with HeadSpace for the provision of immediate and ongoing
                                                                                                                      The Chair Youth+ continued to lead the Youth+ Leadership Team who met twice a term. This team is comprised
    care for young people in our community with mental health concerns. This has seen several young people
                                                                                                                      of the Chair, Director of the Youth+ Institute and the five Network Principals from across Australia.
    successfully engage in 1:1 counselling and group programs at HeadSpace Loganlea, allowing them support
    more quickly and in more comfortable situations (i.e group programs and sessions on site). HeadSpace also         Community
    made themselves present and available to support young people after the death of a staff member at the
                                                                                                                      Master plans were developed for each site during 2018. It is planned to lodge a Capital Application for the Inala
    start of the year.
                                                                                                                      site in 2019 and for other sites after some further planning in 2020.

Inala Flexible Learning Centre:                                                                                       Each site also completed a new Strategic Plan in 2018. The Network Team also completed a Plan which was
>   The creation of secret women’s business and young men’s business days to explore gender, culture and              ratified by the school Leaders at our final School Leadership Teams retreat in November. This is expected to
    community whilst also creating a different relationship dynamic within the Flexi community.                       sharpen the strategic focus across the network from 2019.

>   The creation of the “Inala Flexi Farm and Orchard“. We are growing over 15 species alongside numerous             Finally, it should be acknowledged that wonderful community celebrations punctuated 2018, including weekly
                                                                                                                      community meals, NAIDOC and Sorry Day events supporting Reconciliation, and the end of year Senior farewells,

    sustainability practices such as the reduction of plastic use on site, bottle recycling, creation of a communal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
    compost bin and a worm farm.                                                                                      fittingly acknowledging the transition of another group of students. These celebrations continue to demonstrate
                                                                                                                      the support which each Flexible Learning Centre provides to the whole community.
>   A continuation of the health and fitness programs; PCYC Blue Edge, Boxing, Cross Fit, and Staff vs YP sports
    days. The involvement of members of the wider Inala community working alongside our young people
    brings a respect for self and others in the in the wider community.

>   The facilitation of Inala first five day cultural immersion experience at Carnarvon Gorge.

>   The creation of art projects around the school to beautify and promote our values.

Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre:
>   Cultural immersion program supported by local indigenous workers to develop understanding of local
    culture and relationships.

>   Development of a pilot reading program undertaken by YP with specifically
    employed teacher aides to staff the one-on-one reading process.

>   An adventure based learning program that included a 10-day trip to
    Dubbo – Canberra – Sydney, and five 2 night /3 day camps to Caloundra.
Marlene Moore Flexi Schools Network                                                                                Community service partnerships, Advocacy and Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders

                                                                                                                   >          Our schools continue to engage young people in community service such as the Community
Principal: Mr Paul Flanders
                                                                                                                              Meals Program (hosting Saturday lunches for local community organisations
As well as strengthening our curriculum offerings and accredited learning options for our young people, staff                 and local community members who engage with them), and
professional learning has focused on embedding Indigenous perspectives and differentiations, and supporting                   Backyard Blitz and lawn mowing services within the local
students with disabilities.                                                                                                   community.

Literacy Support Programs                                                                                          >          Rites of Passage program supporting young men aged 14-18,
A number of schools in our network have implemented programs to support one-on-one reading support                            operating in partnership with local members of the RSL.
programs. Some of these include engagement of community volunteers and dedicated learning spaces - reading
                                                                                                                   >          Participation in ERA for Change advocacy events such as the
                                                                                                                              Lantern Parade.
Our staff and young people have engaged in project-based learning through collaborative partnerships across our
network and developed Enterprise Learning projects with community organisations in local areas.                    >          Our first Marlene Moore Flexi School Immersion to the
                                                                                                                              Philippines with four staff and four students from Deception
Community partnerships through Enterprise Education and Media Projects                                                        Bay and Hemmant Flexi schools.
Partnership with Japara Aged Care Facility and Noosa FLC to:

>           Run a café providing our young people with work experience; to create an outdoor garden space for      Outdoor & Adventure Based Learning (OABL)
            residents and to connect with local residents through service learning, and                            An ongoing commitment to OABL across our network saw joint adventures to Fraser Island (Gympie and
>           Create a short film aimed at staff workplace training.                                                 Noosa FLC) as well as camps to Stradbroke Island (Hemmant FLC), taking advantage of the natural surrounds
                                                                                                                   of the bays, beaches and bush venues, through stand-up paddle boarding, canoeing and mountain biking.
Gympie FLC produced an award winning film ‘Brainstorm’. This project was the result of a collaboration between
our FLC and the Gympie Network Mental Health Sub-Group and was sponsored by the Gympie Regional Council
and On Track Community programs. The film tells of the struggles and challenges that teenagers experience and      South East Flexible Schools Network
provides hope, reassurance and inspiration for young people to overcome life’s obstacles.
                                                                                                                   Principals: Ms Chloe Hand, Mr Ivan Mahoney and Mr Ted Javernik (Acting)
The Flexi-Force landscaping and maintenance team at Hemmant FLC has provided young people
with practical skills and work-readiness opportunities in the labour market. They mow, whipper snip and clean up   In its response to supporting young people previously disengaged from education, 2018 has been a year of
yards in a successful enterprise education initiative.                                                             continual growth for the Youth+ South East Flexible Schools Network.

The Lowitja Foundation Project worked with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and staff,
                                                                                                                   The young people of St Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre, North Melbourne have experienced highlights
and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander researchers Dr Marnee Shay (UQ) and Professor Grace Sara (QUT).
                                                                                                                   in various teaching and learning programs including:
>           This project explored culture and identity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people
                                                                                                                   >          A Careers Day where young people were given the opportunity to engage in career development
            at Hemmant FLC through the creation of visual art (paintings, drawings on traditional totems of the
            Quandamooka people) and the production of an original song clip, featuring the song writing and
            performance talents of young people, with support from music and                                       >          The Lake Mountain snow trip;
            media staff at Hemmant and Gympie.                                                                     >          The Enterprize Sailing Trip for the Girls;
                                                                                                                   >          The “In Case Of …” Art Exhibition Emotional
                                                                                                                              Emergency Kit Project – items that make students feel
                                                                                                                              safe or comforted in a time of crisis, with awesome artworks
                                                                                                                              displayed at school and in the Arts House in North Melbourne,

                                                                                                                   >          ‘Journeys: Provoke Your Mind’ photographic exhibition.
St Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre, Geelong campus is continuing to establish itself into its new
                                                                                                             Wollemi Flexi School Network
space within their growing Flexi community, including commencing a class to focus on culture for a
cohort of indigenous young people. Throughout the year, the young people of Geelong have experienced         Principal: Mr Peter Tracy
an abundance of new learning experiences including:                                                          In 2018, the Wollemi Flexible Learning Centre Network (Mount Isa, Rockhampton,
>           A fantastic sports day;                                                                          Albert Park and Southport FLCs) had a distinct focus on developing its strategic
                                                                                                             priorities that align to the EREA Touchstones. Significant time was dedicated to having
>           Surfing expeditions, and
                                                                                                             an inclusive process of gathering information from all staff to ensure they were
>           An emotional camp for the VCAL students which took them to various
                                                                                                             intentionally being authentic to the EREA Touchstones. The process enabled us to have
            locations in Tasmania, including a visit to the St Francis Flexi in Hobart.
                                                                                                             a closer look at the Touchstones and to re-interpret them so that they gave meaning to
                                                                                                             their day-to-day work. In essence, they made the Touchstones practical and real, with
St Francis Flexible Learning Centre, Hobart is continuing to bring positive changes to the
                                                                                                             the end product being a simple, easy to read one page document that we all own.
community as it continues to grow. The enrolments are now over 90 young people! With its most
                                                                                                             By way of example, for Liberating Education in 2019, Albert Park FLC will have a distinct focus on teaching
successful year to date, the St Francis community concluded the 2018 school year with their first
                                                                                                             practical life skills and self-advocacy through an arts-focused curriculum. Mount Isa FLC will work to ensure
ever formal when young people dressed up in their formal attire. This was supported by the Hobart
                                                                                                             the school is known as a place of learning and that there are clear transition pathways available for the
community with donations of suits, dresses and food. In addition, the young people enjoyed a range of
                                                                                                             young people. Rockhampton FLC will encourage young people to take ownership for their own learning and
various offsite activities including:
                                                                                                             Southport FLC will look at developing young people’s life skills with an expansion of the VET offerings at

>           Weekly Parkour sessions with a Parkour instructor;                                               the school. All very different interpretations of the same Touchstone but locally contextualised to suit the

>           Weekly visit to YMCA Glenorchy to work with a personal trainer;                                  individual needs of each school.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
>           Exploring the many bush walks of Hobart;
                                                                                                             The development of the strategic priorities during 2018 built on the great work that was happening during
>           Learner drivers’ program with a number of young people obtaining their L’s, and
                                                                                                             the year. Some of the many highlights were:
>           A full day experience on the Windward Bound, learning to sail one of the Tall Ships!
                                                                                                             >          Albert Park celebrated 150 years of education being conducted on the current school site and this
Wollongong Flexible Learning Centre                                                                                     included unveiling of the commemorative school front gate. Another significant achievement was
                                                                                                                        the SCHEMA project in which Albert Park FLC partnered with Griffith University in a drug and
>           Great strides in our engagement with local community and in our relationships with local
                                                                                                                        alcohol performance project. The culmination of work by many staff and young people led to a
            Aboriginal elders.
                                                                                                                        successful public performance and to skills developed in the performing arts for the young
>           Expansion in our engagement with the Project Warrior personal development and fitness
                                                                                                                        people involved.
                                                                                                             >          Southport moved into the new school site and hosted the official opening of the school. Moving
>           Skills and confidence developed through performance, rehearsal and training with Nitro Circus.              into a new school site has seen a whole range of changes to the running of the FLC, including
>           Successful participation in local OzTag competitions.                                                       increased enrolment.

St Marys Flexible Learning Centre                                                                            >          Mount Isa had a strong focus on consolidation of practice for the whole staff team. Staff
                                                                                                                        participated in a range of professional development opportunities which included a purposeful
>           The establishment of our Aboriginal Cultural Group that developed
                                                                                                                        whole team, three day visit to another flexible learning centre and team training in implementing
            our own acknowledgement of country, conducted cultural
                                                                                                                        a whole brain trauma informed approach to education.
            activities and began a regular smoking ceremony with input
            from local elders.                                                                               >          Rockhampton had new staff which brought increased opportunities

>           Work with our local Neighbourhood Jobs Program                                                              for young people to engage in sailing, small engine repairs and

            providing fantastic work experience for our young people.                                                   woodwork. A group of young people have been instrumental in
                                                                                                                        creating and building a community garden at the school. The
>           Our inaugural Community Day and Sausage Sizzle which
                                                                                                                        whole school has put an enormous amount of time into
            resulted in some amazing feedback and support for our
                                                                                                                        running camps, culminating in a hugely rewarding
            school from the local community.
                                                                                                                        event that was held as part of Child Protection Week.
Edmund Rice College                                         in its history. Our school, because of its unique story,
                                                                         has often taken the first steps down the road of justice
                                                                         and solidarity. We hope that our honesty, openness
             Principal: Mrs Marie Barton                                 and strength have helped others.
                                                                         Jesus showed us how to live in the world with one
             This year we embarked on
                                                                         another and, in the best way he could, showed us
             another exciting chapter with the introduction of our
                                                                         what God is like. Blessed Edmund Rice began his
             new identity: Edmund Rice College. There are many
                                                                         work over 200 years ago in Ireland. We continue his
             dreams and possibilities that enable us to provide the
                                                                         work and are privileged to be able to carry his name
             best education possible for all of our students while
                                                                         forward into our future.
             honouring the trust their families place in us.
             This year we have undertaken an extensive review of
                                                                          Our College has had a number of names throughout its
             our curriculum and VET offerings. As a result we have
                                                                          history and there were many people who have brought
             developed a very exciting model that builds on the

                                                                            it to this place. It is now the task of our current and
             work that we have been doing while acknowledging
                                                                          future students and staff to continue to build this great
             that times are changing and students require
                                                                            community and influence its legacy. Our school has
             additional skills as they enter the work force.
                                                                          begun a new era – an era of healing and hope - an era
             We celebrate diversity in so many ways within our
                                                                           that will be known as Edmund Rice College, Bindoon.
             community and are extremely fortunate to have a
             wonderful VET and Options program, which extends
             the gifts and talents of our students. With the skills of   We will build on the strong foundations, resolve and
             the trainers and teachers the children are immersed in      resilience of all who have lived and learned here – in
                                                                         the name of Edmund, in the name of Jesus.

             a variety of hands-on activities that we are known for
             in the wider community.                                     This year also saw the introduction of an initiative
             This year we have also celebrated the 80th birthday         born out of an idea that our Deputy Principal Paula
             of the school with a high tea on Open Day. It is            Bacchiella had during the EREBB India Congress. An
             important that we remember the strong, resilient            invitation was extended to St John’s, Chandigarh, India,
             woman, Catherine Musk, who donated her farm to              and CBC St John’s, Parkland, South Africa, for their
             the Christian Brothers, allowing a farm school to           students to come to visit us in Australia, to experience
             be established – and this in an era when students           an authentic Aboriginal Cultural and Australian Farm
             physically built the school!                                Experience. Our hope is that each year staff and
             Edmund Rice College is a place where, in the past,          students will travel to one another’s schools, get to
             there have been many wonderful milestones as well           know each other and be truly immersed in the culture
             as many injustices. Our College – students, staff and           of another place.
             parents – continue to deal with
                          this difficult reality
Christian Brothers’ College                                > The 140 Speech and Awards Night, attended by over              Christian Brothers’ College                                     shoes signifying his life amongst the people that is
                                                             2,000 people at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre,                                                                             also reflected in his warm yet serious face. There he
Adelaide                                                                                                                    Fremantle
                                                             acknowledged student achievement and showcased                                                                                 sits in the College Cloisters amongst the students,
Principal: Mr Noel Mifsud                                    CBC performing arts through numerous choir and                 Principal: Mr Domenic Burgio                                    often accompanied by boys eating their lunch and
                                                             ensemble acts..                                                                                                                talking with their mates, and the bronze patina is
Christian Brothers College celebrated                                                                                       ‘Today’s boys … tomorrow’s
                                                           > The College was excited to launch our 140 Celebration                                                                          already receiving a shine due to friendly back rubs and
140 years since the College Foundation Stone was laid                                                                       gentlemen’ captures the CBC Fremantle journey from
                                                             book A School on a Mission: 140 years of CBC on                                                                                passing pats.
on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15th 1878.                                                                           the decision to enrol, to the graduate who hangs
                                                             Wakefield Street, written by Lingard Goulding and                                                                              The College also engaged ceramicist, Jenny Dawson, to
CBC celebrated throughout 2018 with a range of                                                                              up the green blazer and goes out to bear witness to
                                                             launched by guest speaker Brigadier Ellis Wayland.                                                                             create a mosaic in the centre of the Cloisters and give
activities and commemoration events including:                                                                              Gospel values. The journey is signified by the ellipsis
                                                             Later in the year, the College also celebrated two other                                                                       a voice to the four Touchstones. The design features
> A Celebration for staff in the rotunda at the Adelaide                                                                    and is underpinned by the EREA Touchstones every
                                                             significant milestones:                                                                                                        the EREA Indigenous symbols etched against an
  Zoo. Staff were treated to CBC hospitality and music                                                                      step of the way.
                                                                                                                                                                                            ocean blue background and circled by screen-printed
  from Old Scholars.                                       > For the second consecutive year, our community
                                                                                                                                                                                            tiles with images from the College archives. The two
> Our Year 12 Careers breakfast brought together                              celebrated 100% SACE completion. It
                                                                                                                                The challenge is to bring the Touchstones into the
                                                                                                                                                                                            art pieces were blessed at the Opening Mass at the
  the entire Year 12 cohort and over 70                                             is a significant achievement to
                                                                                                                                awareness of our 21st century learners and make
                                                                                                                                                                                            beginning of the year, with Blessed Edmund seated
  Old Collegians, Board members                                                          know that after 13 years of
                                                                                                                               them a part of their understanding of the values of

                                                                                                                                                                                            at the edge of the altar, taking a special part in our
  (past and present) and Industry                                                           compulsory schooling,
                                                                                                                             their education. This year the College produced sets of
                                                                                                                                                                                            community event.

  leaders. Guest Speaker Paul                                                                 every CBC boy has
                                                                                                                            banners for every classroom with images of our students
                                                                                                                                                                                            These stunning features have been incorporated into

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        EREA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT
  Vasileff (Former Old Collegian                                                                achieved the certificate.
                                                                                                                            engaged in activities that provide a tangible illustration of
                                                                                                                                                                                            the Retreat program at the College, and the story of
  and 2017 Young Australian of                                                                  In many ways, it is a
                                                                                                                                  how the boys are living out the Touchstones.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Edmund takes on a far deeper poignancy with all of
  the Year) motivated students                                                                   wonderful example of
                                                                                                                                                                                            the boys able to see and touch the man. It is a joy
  via a live feed from Paris.                                                                    a liberating education
                                                                                                                            The banners complement a new and beautiful art                  to observe the students hasten to show their visiting
> The CBC 140 Year Mass at                                                                      win action. And,
                                                                                                                            piece that was installed in the main area of the                families the figure and explain what it means to the
  St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral                                                                > We celebrated
                                                                                                                            College in the Cloisters. The bronze sculpture                   College, and the mosaic depiction of the Touchstones
  Mass was celebrated by College                                                              12 years of dedicated
                                                                                                                            was created by local artist Greg James                               has been very successful in generating a deeper
  Chaplain Fr Charles Gauci (who                                                           service by our Principal,
                                                                                                                            and depicts Blessed Edmund Rice sitting                               interest and discourse amongst the students.
  was ordained Bishop of Darwin in                                                      Mr Noel Mifsud. Noel has
                                                                                                                            on a stone bench with his left hand                                       CBC continues to create dynamic
  September 2018).                                                                  been a visionary leader for CBC,
                                                                                                                            reaching out to a pile of four tomes                                        opportunities for students to embrace all
> This Mass was followed by a CBC community street                           highlighted by the building of our Junior
                                                                                                                            each labelled with a Touchstone,                                            four Touchstones, particularly in the areas
  parade and police escort from Wakefield Street to the      Campus, the expansion into Early Years, our connection
                                                                                                                            suggesting the solid foundations                                                of Service Learning and the Immersion
  College ovals where students gathered for activities       with Asia, our commitment to boys’ education, and
                                                                                                                            of an Edmund Rice education.                                                      programme. In 2018, the College ran
  and a whole school photo.                                  more recently, the commencement (and now near
                                                                                                                            In his right hand he balances a                                                    the first Peru Immersion with 13
> The 140 Year Purple and White Ball was held at the         completion) of our Centre for Innovation and Learning.
                                                                                                                            book entitled The Life of Nano                                                       students travelling to Lima to build
  Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Once again it featured    In his final speech, Noel, our first lay Principal, wrote:
                                                                                                                            Nagle, honouring the influence                                                        a home for a family in need with
  the music of CBC Old Collegians and was hosted by        ‘As I leave the familiar shores of CBC, I thank you
                                                                                                                            the founder of the Presentation                                                      Christian Brothers, Paul Keohane
  ABC radio announcer, Mr Jules Schiller.                  for allowing me to see the mystery of childhood
                                                                                                                            Sisters played on his life and                                                      and Stephen Casey. The experience
> CBC Music and Art faculties combined for a 140 event     unfold in our College community - for allowing me
                                                                                                                            symbolising the value of women                                                         was phenomenal for the boys
  to showcase the amazing abilities of our boys with       to experience the joy and satisfaction our noble
                                                                                                                            in the male-centric order of the                                                          who participated, and the
  a display of creativity and talent, including musical    profession of teaching provides’.
                                                                                                                            Christian Brothers. The figure is                                                           Immersion is planned again
  performances from the Junior and Senior campuses         We take this opportunity to thank Noel for 12
                                                                                                                            dressed simply in the religious                                                             for 2019, with a father and
  and a range of art pieces from both current students     wonderful years at CBC, and wish him every success
                                                                                                                            garb of the day, with well-worn                                                              son contingent.
  and Old Scholars.                                        for the future.
You can also read