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  south african                                        n   Volume 25 – Number 37   n   28 October 2021   n   22 Cheshvan 5782

T h e sour c e of qual i t y co n tent, n ews an d insights
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                                      south african                                                                                                  n    Volume 25 – Number 37                  n    28 October 2021         n   22 Cheshvan 5782

                                 T h e sour c e of qual i t y co n tent, n ews an d insights

New Miss SA caught in anti-Israel crossfire
NICOLA MILTZ                                                   she had nothing further to say.                            political agenda.”                                                            Idan told The Algemeiner, “I’d like to warn beauty
                                                                  Mswane who comes from the rural village of                 Idan also criticised Mandela for using the term                         queens to prepare for an army of bots that will

            ewly crowned Miss South Africa, Lalela             KwaSokhulu in Richards Bay in KwaZulu Natal is an          “apartheid” to “attack Israel”, arguing that the word                      probably harass their social media posts while they’re
            Mswane, is looking forward to taking part          inspiring role model. She said she hoped to make           has been used against Israel by “radical Islamists,                        in Israel with hashtags ‘end the occupation’ and ‘free
            in the Miss Universe pageant later this year       an impact on unemployment through her initiative           terrorist organisations, and the Iranian regime, all of                    Palestine’. They shouldn’t worry, those aren’t even real
despite the sinister forces trying to prevent her from         #BeReady, which offers services and training to            whom hate women and women’s rights”.                                       people but fake accounts used by a few propagandists
going to Israel, where the competition is to be held.          youth to equip them to start their own                         “Please allow Miss South Africa to go and                              to intimidate them. This is a cheap tactic to silence
    The graceful beauty has found herself in the               enterprises.                                                 experience Israel up close, on the ground, and let                       them. Just keep doing what you are doing. Stay
middle of controversy just a few days into her reign              Last week, Mandla Mandela, the                            her be the judge for herself,” she said. “I’m positive,                  confidently beautiful.”
following calls by local anti-Israel lobbyists to boycott      grandson of the late former president,                         just like me, she will be shocked to see that the                         Reeva Forman, the honorary life vice-president
the 70th Miss Universe competition, due to be held in          Nelson Mandela, called on Mswane to                                Israeli government consists of Muslims, Jews,                      of the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF), said
Eilat in December.                                             snub the Miss Universe competition.                                    Arabs, [and] Christians. Those people not                      Mandela shouldn’t be allowed to undermine the
    The 24-year-old Bachelor of Law graduate from the             In a statement that he shared on                                     only get to vote on policies, but they’re                     empowerment of South African women. “He must
University of Pretoria is bracing herself for further          Instagram, Mandela accused Israel                                        also part of the Knesset, have political                     cease his attempts to undermine the empowerment
calls by Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions activists as the       of being an apartheid state and                                           parties, and some of them are even                          of women, to harness it for his long-standing hateful
glittering pageant draws closer.                               claimed the country “violates the                                         Israeli ambassadors to the world.”                          anti-Israel agenda,” said this former model and 1983
    This week she told the SA Jewish Report that the           fundamental human rights of the                                              Idan concluded her video by telling                      Businesswoman of the Year.
Miss South Africa pageant had transformed her life             Palestinian people and commits                                            Mswane, “I hope that you will enjoy                            Forman said his call to boycott the pageant “should
and she looked forward to repeating this at Miss               crimes against humanity”.                                                 your trip, and learn not only about                         be dismissed as eroding the aspirations of South African
Universe.                                                         He called on countries to “bolster                                       Israel, but about other beautiful                         women who wish to shine on the international stage”.
    “I found it empowering with so many positive               efforts” to isolate Israel and cut all                                        countries. This is what the Miss                           The SAZF said that Israel regularly hosted
things to take away from it. I also met nine other             ties, and urged all African countries to                                            Universe pageant is about.”                       international sporting and cultural events, including
talented and wonderful fellow Miss South Africa 2021           withdraw from the Miss Universe pageant.                                                       Idan, who is Muslim                    Eurovision and the Giro d’Italia, and that more
sisters who made the journey so incredibly amazing.               Former Miss Iraq, Sarah Idan,                                                             and was the first                        countries in the region are signing peace agreements.
I look forward to repeating this at the Miss Universe          criticised Mandela’s calls for a                                                             Miss Iraq in 45 years,                   “Furthermore, FIFA has recently spoken of hosting
pageant in December – to challenge myself once                 boycott in a video posted on                                                                received death threats                    the World Cup in the country. Israel is a thriving
again, to learn and to meet women from around the              various social media platforms.                                                              and was forced to leave                  multicultural democracy, and accusations that it’s
globe who want to give back.”                                     “All I can say is: how dare                                                                   her home after                       similar to the former South African government
    She said she wouldn’t be the woman she is today            you?” Idan said in the clip,                                                                        posting a selfie                  are beyond ridiculous. In fact, one of Israel’s recent
had it not been for the women who had invested in her.         addressing Mandela. “How                                                                               on Instagram                   entrants to Miss Universe is a woman of Ethiopian
“It’s only natural that I pay it forward. I aspire to be an    dare you, as a man, try to                                                                              with former                   descent,” the statement read.
empowered woman who inspires other women.”                     tell an organisation for                                                                          Miss Israel, Adar                      Forman said that Israel had also actively been
    Mswane was crowned Miss South Africa on                    women and women                                                                      Gandelsman, at the 2017                          involved in the fight against gender-based violence
Saturday, 16 October, at the Grand Arena, GrandWest,           empowerment what                                                                    Miss Universe pageant with the                    in South Africa, supporting women’s shelters and
in Cape Town. Calls for her to boycott the Miss                to do? This is an                                                                 caption “Peace and love from Miss                   organisations teaching young girls how to defend
Universe pageant started even before she took                  opportunity that                                                               Iraq and Miss Israel.”                                 themselves against attack.
possession of her new car or settled into the luxurious        millions of women                                                                Mandela responded to Idan’s video                       “Mandla Mandela is no poster child for women’s
Miss SA Sandton apartment.                                     dream of having,                                                             with another rambling statement in                       rights, specifically his well-publicised failure to
    The Miss South Africa organisation said it wouldn’t        to go on the world                                                            which he questioned her “blind spot”                    honour his commitments to previous relationships,
get involved in a “political war of words”.                    stage and represent their                                                         support for Israel and her “lack of                 along with other public indiscretions. We encourage
    Stephanie Weil, the managing director of Nine              people, their nation, and their                                                     moral fibre” and asked, “Don’t                    Mandla to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps, who
Squared Communications & Events, which owns the                culture. Not governments, not                                                        Palestinian women also have                      visited Israel himself and brought home a message of
rights to Miss South Africa, told the SA Jewish Report         politics, and definitely not your       Miss South Africa Lalela Mswane                human rights?”                                 peace and dialogue to all concerned,” she said.

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Appliance Repairs on Site                     2 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                      28 October – 4 November 2021
         D ishw
                   ac hin es, Stoves          A giant has fallen: the passing of John Moshal
      s,        gM
 ridge Washin                                 TALI FEINBERG                                                                                                  “He always stressed that he was a team with [his wife]
F                        ore
       m ble Dryers & m                                                                                                                                    Anna, and that the family did everything together as a team,”

    Tu                           Call Jason          hough he hailed from the smaller Jewish community                                                     says Baranov. “He named the family trust JAKAMaR, after
               082 401 8239 / 076 210 6532           of Durban, the impact of philanthropist and                                                           each family member: John, Anna, Karyn, Anthony, Martin,
       H   free quotations      H                    communal patriarch John Moshal was felt across the                                                    and Richard.”
                                              length and breadth of the South African
                                              Jewish community. His death at the age of
                                              81 in London on Tuesday, 26 October, is an
                                              unquantifiable loss, but he leaves a legacy
                                              that will reverberate across generations and
                                              around the world.
                                                 While he cared deeply for all Jews and the
                                              wider community, his passing will be most
                                              keenly felt in the KwaZulu-Natal Jewish
                                              community. It was in Durban that he was
                                              born on 30 March 1940, and where he
                                              committed himself to a lifetime of service,
                                              becoming honorary life president of the
                                              Council of KwaZulu-Natal Jewry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Anna and John Moshal
                                                 Born John Hillel Moshal, he was educated
                                              at Durban Preparatory School and Durban
                                              High School (DHS) and the University
                                              of Natal, where he graduated in chemical
                                              engineering. “More than 100 years ago,
                                              John’s father, Max, and my father, Phil, were
                                              at DHS together,” says Roger Ellison. “A
                                              generation later [1953 to 1957], John and I
                                              were also at DHS together, closely followed
                                              three years later by my brother Brian and John’s brother                                                       Through this humanitarian foundation, he established
                                              Brian.”                                                                                                      a number of upliftment projects around the world. These
                                                 “He would always refer to the Moshal family legacy, which                                                 included Chiva Africa, which provided HIV/Aids training
                                              started when his family first arrived in South Africa in the                                                 for local health professionals; the Moshal Scholarship
                                              late 1800s,” says Durban resident Alana Baranov, who had                                                     Programme, which has provided hundreds of full
                                              the honour of working on a book about the Moshal family.                                                     scholarships to needy students; the importing of refurbished
                                              “The book was called Setting a Quiet Example, and that’s such                                                computers and their distribution to disadvantaged KwaZulu-
                                              a great way to describe John,” she says.                                                                                                          Continued on page 12>>
                                                 “He would always tell me that the word
                                              ‘Moshal’ translates to the word ‘example’, and
                                              that he was proud of the legacy of his uncle, Sol,
                                              who in his day was the doyen of the community.
                                              John really wanted to mirror his life, and walk in
                                              his and his ancestor’s footsteps,” says Baranov.
                                                 Moshal started Control Logic, and built it
                                              into the largest industrial electronics company
                                              in South Africa. He sold 50% to Engelhard
                                              Industries and this share passed to Anglo
                                              American Corporation. In 1984, he sold out
                                              completely and moved on to his other interests.
                                              His business activities were many and varied,
                                              allowing him to pursue the philanthropy that
                                              was so central to his ethos.
                                                 Community member Cheryl Unterslak says,
                                              “John came from very humble beginnings, and
                                              would refer to himself as a ‘simple engineer’. He
                                              always fought injustice, backed the underdog,
                                              and disliked bullies of any kind, be it at school,
                                              the pulpit, in community affairs, and in general.”

                                              Torah Thought                                                                                                                      Rabbi Julia Margolis,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Beit Luria
                                              Mother nature’s gifts

                                                        abbi Lord Jonathan Sacks said, “The                                     with clear vision and purpose. She had the           we leave it alone. What
                                                        name of our parsha seems to embody                                      courage to follow her convictions, no matter         does mother nature do?
                                                        a paradox. It’s called ‘Chayei Sarah’                                   how progressive they were at the time. She           She moves according to
                                              [The Life of Sarah], but it begins with the death                                 was a role model for women of her era, as well       well-established laws,
                                              of Sarah. What’s more, it records the death of                                    as becoming a role model for the modern              laws that are firmly
                                              Abraham. Why is a parsha about death called                                       woman of the 21st century.                           in the direction of healing, and the wound
                                              life? The answer, it seems, is that death and                                        We can’t forget that we live in a world of        begins to heal on its own. It’s only when we
                                              how we face it is a commentary on life and                                        duality, of light and dark, hot and cold, male       interfere with mother nature that things tend
                                              how we live it.”                                                                  and female. Sarah knew that according to well-       to go wrong. Left to her own devices, we are
                                                  Abraham knew that everything that                                             established laws, neither side of that duality       generally in good hands.
                                              happened to him, even the bad things, were                                        was more important than the other. In fact,             We should do all that we can to uplift those
                                              part of the journey which G-d had sent him and                                    they were really different degrees of the same       around us to see the same light we see, and
                                              Sarah on, and he had the faith to walk through                                    thing – and in truth, light couldn’t exist without   then allow mother nature (through the womb
                                              the valley of the shadow of death fearing no                                      darkness, neither could men exist without            of time) to do what she does best. Let’s not be
                                              evil, knowing that G-d was with him.                                              women – and vice versa.                              consumed by trying to sweep the darkness
                                                  I see and feel profound meaning in this                                          We often get so caught up in our own lives        out of the dark room. Let’s be like Sarah, and
                                              paradox. Sarah’s social status – and its impact                                   that we seldom pay attention to the power of         turn our attention to the light, reach out, and
                                              on the future of her family and people – was so                                   mother nature. Let’s take a simple example           switch it on. We must know that we have
                                              great, it only increased after her passing.                                       of one mistakenly cutting oneself while              received a gift from our ancestors, and pass
                                                  Sarah, our mother, our matriarch, the                                         preparing dinner for the family. The wound           those gifts down, l’dor vador (from generation
                                              mother of Klal Yisrael (the Jewish people), was                                   bleeds. Perhaps we run some water over it, or        to generation) through the generations of
                                              quite the “modern” woman. She led her life                                        apply some pressure, and shortly thereafter,         mothers following Sarah.

                                                                                                 Editor Peta Krost Maunder – editor@sajewishreport.co.za • Sub-editor Julie Leibowitz
                                                                                                 Journalists Nicola Miltz • Tali Feinberg • Junior Reporter Saul Kamionsky • Photographer Ilan
                                                                                                 Ossendryver • Editorial co-ordinator Martine Bass – editorial@sajewishreport.co.za
                                                  T h e so u r c e o f q u a lit y c o n t e n t , n e w s a n d in sig h t s

                                              Proofreader Kim Hatchuel Advertising Britt Landsman: 082 292 9520 – britt@sajewishreport.co.za • New business development manager
                                              Laura Kaufman laura@sajewishreport.co.za • Design and layout Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – bryan@designbandits.co.za • Distribution Sandy Furman
                                              Subscriptions Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860 525 200 • Board of Directors Howard Sackstein (Chairperson), Dina Diamond, Herschel Jawitz, Shaun Matisonn,
                                              Benjy Porter. • Advertisements and editorial copy do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff and board of directors. Tel: 011 430 1980.
28 October – 4 November 2021                                                                   SA JEWISH REPORT 3

Conman made SA Jewish                                                                                                                                                                     I want to
                                                                                                                                                                                          buy your
community part of scam                                                                                                                                                                     bobba!                                     old or new,
TALI FEINBERG                                                        deception” about Israel. It sounded like solid                                                                                                                 we’ll pay you
                                                                     support of the Jewish community, but beneath                                                                                                                   a wow price

    n late May 2021, the South African Jewish                        it was a shaky foundation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for your car.
    community was feeling especially vulnerable                         First, the threat to Ramaphosa wasn’t
    after weeks of anti-Israel sentiment. So,                        reported in any media except one Israeli
when an Israeli newspaper reported that a man                        newspaper. In South Africa, journalists were
with seemingly strong influence had threatened                       reporting the opposite – that David E. Sassoon
to pull funding from South Africa if President                       planned to invest in the country as well as in                                                                                            Call Alan: 082 850 0004
Cyril Ramaphosa didn’t dial back the anti-Israel                     local start-up Bluedrop Energy. It appears both                                                                                            www.alfinauto.co.za
rhetoric, many members of the community                              stories were fed to particular media outlets who
shared the news.                                                     took them at face value.
   But the message was from a sophisticated                             Another discrepancy was that Sassoon gave
con-artist who was drawing the South African                         Ramaphosa a “deadline” of 20 May 2021 to                               had bought 51% of “Friedman PR” for $25                                     scam.”
Jewish community into his web of deception.                          respond to his threats, but on 26 May 2021,                            million (R428 million), yet the PR company was                                 Though Bluedrop was already wary of
Now, another victim of the man who calls                             the South African media started reporting                              operating from one desk in Tel Aviv. The source                             Sassoon, it was his letter to Ramaphosa that
himself David E. Sassoon has come forward,                           the opposite – that the Sassoon Group had                              doesn’t know why Friedman’s company would                                   made the start-up break ties with him. In an
telling the SA Jewish Report that Sassoon is a                       approved $50 billion (R737 billion) for possible                       collude with Sassoon, but he says that as far as                            official statement, the company told the
“sophisticated scammer” who plays on people’s                        investment in South Africa over five years.                            he knows, they continue to work together.                                   SA Jewish Report that “Bluedrop Energy is
emotions – even the emotions of an entire                               The South African Jewish community was                                 “The thing is he blows up massive numbers,                               the one who terminated the contract with J.
community – and uses them for his own game.                          therefore being used as a pawn in a wider                              and when you convert that to rands, it comes                                Sassoon Group. Bluedrop took serious exception
   The man has come forward because of                               game, with Jews around the world sharing                               to ridiculous amounts – like 30% to 40% of our                              to his threats and demeaning letter towards our
dynamics abroad. In June 2021, the Jewish                            extracts from Sassoon’s letter to Ramaphosa,                           GDP [gross domestic product],” says the source.                             president, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa. We tried hard
Chronicle in the United Kingdom wrote an                             as reported in the Israeli newspaper. The wider                        “It’s almost like he was saying he was going to                             to convince him to withdraw his letter addressed
article describing Sassoon as “a conman who                          media was also drawn into Sassoon’s lies. News                         buy the country.”                                                           to President Ramaphosa, but these efforts
threatened South Africa” in his latest scam,                         articles about his supposed investments in                                While the source can only guess as to why                                were in vain. We support and respect all the
following a number of articles it had written                        South Africa remain online today.                                      Sassoon would want to draw the Jewish                                       recognised leaders and structures of the South
about him in the past.                                                  When the SA Jewish Report requested the                             community into that narrative, he guesses it                                African government.
   Sassoon immediately tried to sue the Jewish                       full letter to Ramaphosa, it was filled with                           was one way for Sassoon to see how far he could                                “In addition, we took serious exception to
Chronicle. But the SA Jewish Report understands                      spelling and grammatical errors and emotional                          go, and maybe even make it look like the Jewish                             Mr Sassoon’s disrespect for the South African
that in mid-September, a Washington DC judge                         statements which didn’t add up. The letter also                        community was supporting state capture or                                   media, the South African Jewish Board of
threw the lawsuit out, and Bruce Fein, the DC-                       cited the address of Sassoon’s Tel Aviv branch.                        trying to control the government, in line with                              Deputies, and the South African Jewish
based lawyer who brought the case against the                        But when the SA Jewish Report checked this                             antisemitic tropes.                                                         community in general.”
Jewish Chronicle (and was on Sassoon’s board of                      address, it was simply a place to rent a desk.                            The source says Bluedrop Energy was                                         The source says Sassoon wanted to write more
directors), has parted company with Sassoon.                         One of the desks was rented by Einat Friedman                          introduced to Sassoon through a mutual                                      letters to Ramaphosa, but Bluedrop stopped
   Speaking on condition of anonymity,                                                who is described as “vice-                            associate. “He immediately made promises to                                 him. “The Jewish community in South Africa
the source says, “Don’t do business                                                      president of public relations                      invest. They found his website, which looked                                has its own leadership, and doesn’t need him to
with the man who calls himself                                                               for J. Sassoon Group and                       reliable, and saw that his board of directors                               interfere,” he says.
David E. Sassoon. We don’t know                                                                the spokesperson for                         had a lot of credible people. It also saw that                                 The anonymous source believes Sassoon
if that’s even his real name. He’s                                                             the Sassoon family and                       there were issues regarding his reputation, as                              gets away with it because he seems to have
a sophisticated scam artist and                                                                 the Sassoon Family                          described by the Jewish Chronicle in the United                             a credible group of supporters on the board
fraudster. But we were blinded by                                                                Continuation Trust”.                       Kingdom.”                                                                   of his so-called company, who “allow him
him.”                                                                                               In his                                     While this was a “red flag”, the start-up                                to hide behind their reputations”. Though
   In his letter, Sassoon said he                                                                communication,                             believed that the people around Sassoon gave                                he doesn’t know why upstanding and well-
would pull $40 million (R590                                                                                Sassoon said                    him enough credibility. “He also explained that                             known members of society would allow
million) of investment                                                                                             he                       he was from an ‘intelligence background’, and                               Sassoon to use their names, he guesses that
in Johannesburg                                                                                                                             they don’t always do things ‘above board’,”                                 maybe they benefit from the arrangement.
energy company                                                                                                                              says the source. “He sounds very educated and                                  Sassoon, he says, “lives off what he scams
Bluedrop and a                                                                                                                              understands business, especially in the United                              [from] people” and he may be working with
further $50 billion                                                                                                                         States and international markets.”                                          his wife, Sharon Levy. “The United States
(R737 billion)                                                                                                                                   Bluedrop Energy lost $48 000 (R823 382) to                             government needs to call him to book
of investments                                                                                                                                 Sassoon, and never saw a cent of investment.                             because he uses it, knowing that the US has
in South Africa                                                                                                                                  “Bluedrop realised all was not as it seems                             high standing in the international business
over the next                                                                                                                                      when Sassoon started demanding that                                  community. He uses that in his scam.”
five years if the                                                                                                                                    they make payments to him. He would                                   Meanwhile, the source says Bluedrop’s
South African                                                                                                                                        get very angry, throwing his toys out                              composite cylinder manufacturing plant
government                                                                                                                                           of the cot.” The start-up was also made                            project is still on track, and its official
continued its                                                                                                                                         aware that he owed thousands to another                           termination of the contract with J. Sassoon
“bias or hostility,                                                                                                                                   company which had done feasibility                                had no impact on the project. They are
especially                                                                                                                                           studies on Bluedrop Energy for Sassoon.                            already in talks with reputable potential
based on false                                                                                                                                      “This international company thought                                 funders who have expressed interest in the
narratives, lies, and             David E. Sassoon                                                                                                 he was legitimate. It was a very elaborate                           project.”

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4 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                        28 October – 4 November 2021

Too late to stop Squid Game’s tentacles grabbing your kid?
TALI FEINBERG                                                   as reality TV even though it isn’t. Many kids have asked       our attention. Our counselling department
                                                                if the characters are real. Most importantly, it normalises    has offered assistance to parents in the

    t’s going viral faster than society can handle, but it’s    the ‘desperate measures for desperate times’ approach          event that their children are affected
    not coronavirus, it’s Squid Game. The South Korean TV       to solving problems. This is very dangerous for teens          by the series. We regularly engage our
    series has taken Netflix and the world by storm, and        as the show doesn’t model appropriate solution-driven          learners on the psychological and spiritual
its tentacles are sucking in children and teens quicker         responses to family and financial stress. It also doesn’t      impact of what we view. At this point, the
than adults can get to grips with what that means. Local        demonstrate that communication can alleviate a sense           decision has been made not to engage
Jewish schools have become so concerned about the               of isolation.”                                                 with learners on this specific series. We are
violent nature of the show, they are advising parents not           Matthew Gruzd, the chairperson of United Herzlia           concerned that the more attention we give
to let their children watch it.                                 Schools, shares his experience as a parent. “My children       it, the more curious learners will be, and
    Squid Game, which started streaming on                      aged 12 and eight aren’t allowed to watch it, and I            the more the series will take centre stage.
17 September, focuses on a desperately indebted group           have explained why. The subtle story line about societal       Should the situation change, we will adapt our approach         and when you think about kids playing games, it’s
of people in South Korea. They join a secret tournament         inequality, desperation, and exploitation that flows           accordingly.”                                                   almost never that they’re just playing the game for fun,
of children’s games where if you lose a game, you die a         beneath the gratuitous violence is of more interest, but            But is it really possible to keep Squid Game off the       there’s always a very strong element of something else.
violent death, but if you win the entire tournament, you        over their heads. I’m continually reminded by them of          radar in our world of instant information? Local media          When you watch Squid Game, those games become
will be given about $38 million (R560.6 million). The           their friends who have been allowed to watch it.”              expert Gus Silber doesn’t think so. “It’s almost impossible     very serious. They quickly lose their element of fun. So,
show is extremely stylish, almost like a graphic novel or           Yeshiva College was one of the schools that alerted        to say to pre-teens or teenagers that ‘you mustn’t watch        it’s not surprising to me that kids on the playground will
a cartoon, and is very addictive. The fact that it features     parents to the “extreme violence that the show exhibits”       Squid Game or speak to your peers about it’. The more           try play ‘red light, green light’ like it’s played in Squid
children’s games may mean parents think it’s for kids,          and “strongly advised” that they don’t allow their             you say that, and the more you try and prohibit youth           Game, maybe taking it as far as pretending to get shot or
but it’s actually extremely dark and disturbing.                children to watch it. A school counsellor who asked not        from being interested, the more they’re going to seek it        eliminated from the game.”
    Social media lawyer Sarah Hoffman and clinical              to be named says, “At this point, we’re hearing murmurs        out. It’s almost impossible to avoid Squid Game. Memes,              Ultimately Silber says this is “classic moral panic” –
psychologist Pam Tudin, both founders of Klikd (which           about Squid Game, and in order to try to protect our           jokes, and videos on YouTube are out there, whether             when leaders in society get worried about what they
helps teens and parents navigate social media safely)           learners from the impact of watching the series, the           or not you watch the series. It’s almost impossible not         think is damaging to the youth at large and their own
wrote a blog post guiding parents on how to deal with           school has notified parents of our concerns in the hope        to know that Squid Game is a violent, cartoonish series         kids. There are so many examples of this. Rock ’n roll
the show capturing the attention of their “screenagers”.        that they will prevent their children from watching it.        about people who play a game, and most of them lose             in the 1950s was seen to be damaging. Heavy metal
This post itself went viral, showing how desperate                                                                                    their lives in the process.                              and hip hop are the same kind of thing, and then the
parents are for answers.                                                                                                                 “One shouldn’t underestimate the savviness            internet at large. “If you don’t watch Squid Game, you’ll
    “The response to the post has been staggering,”                                                                                   of young people in the digital era and the ease of       still definitely be aware of it, it’s impossible not to be. I’m
says Hoffman. “So many parents have come forward                                                                                      access they have to all kinds of information,” Silber    not surprised that adults are worried about it, but I doubt
and said their young kids have somehow watched                                                                                        says. “And I think they’re savvy enough to know          there’s any teenager out there who hasn’t watched it or
it, and if they haven’t seen it, all their friends are                                                                                where to draw the line, and know what’s real or not.”    isn’t talking about it,” Silber says.
talking about it. Kids from Grade 5 have shared with                                                                                     The great irony for him about Squid Game is                But Hoffman says parents can act. As per the Klikd
us that they are watching it and parents don’t know.”                                                                                 that “it’s about children’s games, a lot of which will   post, “parents shouldn’t allow younger kids to view this.
Meanwhile, a principal at a Jewish school in Cape                                                                                     be familiar to older and younger South Africans. I       Tighten up your parental controls on Netflix. There are
Town wrote in the school newsletter that children                                                                                     certainly remember playing marbles at school and         step by step instructions on our blog post. Second, if
in the foundation phase (Grades 1 to 3) are talking                                                                                   being fiercely competitive. While it wasn’t violent,     your kids have seen it or their friends are talking about
about it. “There have been lots of kids mimicking                                                                                     there certainly was a very strong sense that if you      it, it’s important to engage in a non-judgemental way
the show at school, with kids even asking for ‘Squid                                                                                  lost the game, you lost more than the game – there       about the very big issues raised in the show and how
parties’ – cupcakes and all!” says Hoffman.                                                                                           was a lot at stake.                                      this calls into question our own family values. There are
    “Kids aren’t seeing the horror in it. They are                                                                                       “So, it’s a very violent series about what we take    ‘conversation starters’ on the blog post. Upskill teens and
detached from the extreme violence and abuse                                                                                          to be innocent children’s games. A lot of children’s     tweens with tools like the Klikd app to recognise when
because they are watching other violent shows,” she               “At this time, we haven’t been notified of any trauma,       games are inherently tied up with what happens if you           technology is having a negative impact on their mental
says. “This one appeals most because it’s experienced           but we will certainly assist should any concerns come to       lose or win. We are naturally a very competitive species,       well-being.”

Knee-jerk ban a zero-sum game
OPINION                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GUS SILBER

                ay back when I was in primary       seemingly innocent children’s games, with         remains a staple on the high school set-work       social media and gaming platforms, where           solve their problems
                school, I had a good friend         deadly consequences for 455 of them.              circuit.                                           content about or inspired by the series is         and make their dreams
                who grew up in a deprived              Objectively speaking, Squid Game is a             The ultra-violence in Squid Game is             being shared”.                                     come true.
household – at least, he felt deprived              superbly made show, with hyper-stylised           cartoonish and over-the-top – rows of players         Clearly, this is a matter for consideration         The show’s running commentary on
because his parents wouldn’t allow him to           aesthetics, audaciously imaginative set-          mowed down by automatic gunfire from a             and application in individual households           capitalism and inequality isn’t particularly
read comic books.                                   pieces, and a cast of mostly likeable main                                                                    — we are long past the days, thank        deep, nor is it particularly original, but it
   Batman, Superman, Archie, The Beano,             characters with believable flaws and back-                                                                     goodness, when the state had to          does add a subtext that bears thinking
Mad Magazine – they were all deemed to              stories.                                                                                                       make such decisions on our behalf.       about, and that renders the violence
be of dubious literary                                                                                                                                                Either way, it seems to me that       integral to the storyline rather than as
merit and harmful to                                                                                                                                              16, or thereabouts, is a reasonable       something gratuitous.
impressionable young                                                                                                                                              benchmark for the viewability of              That’s why I would say that schools,
minds.                                                                                                                                                            Squid Game by younger people.             rather than warning parents to watch out
   Which is why, every                                                                                                                                               At that age, in a culture of           for signs of Squid Game behaviour on the
day after school, on the                                                                                                                                          ubiquitous access to information in       part of their children – “No! You may not
pretence of doing his                                                                                                                                            all its forms, one would hope that         have your friends around to play ‘red light,
homework, he would                                                                                                                                               viewers would be able to distinguish       green light’!” – should use the show as a
come over to my place,                                                                                                                                          between everyday reality, unreality,        teachable moment.
where he would sit for                                                                                                                                          hyper-reality, surreality, and reality          With that “16” caveat firmly in mind,
hours, lost in a world of                                                                                                                                       TV, and also that they will have been       what might learners be able to learn from
his own, reading comics.                                                                                                                                       sufficiently schooled, on the brink of       Squid Game, about inequity, imbalance,
   As far as I know,                                                                                                                                           adulthood, to draw readings from the         and the yawning divide between, say,
my friend went on to                                                                                                                                           text and not take everything they see        Jeff Bezos and his workers back on earth?
become a decent and                                                                                                                                           at face value.                                What would Squid Game look like if it
productive member of society. And if he                 It also happens to mark the high                                                                          A chief reason for the phenomenal         were played in South Africa?
didn’t, well, we can always blame the comics.       tide of an extraordinary renaissance in                                                                   success of Squid Game – it is the most            Who would take part, who would run
   We learn from history that parents,              South Korean popular culture, which                                                                       popular show in the history of Netflix        the show, who would be best equipped
teachers, and spiritual leaders have long           has already given us Parasite, the Best                                                                  to date – is that it can be viewed in two      to win? And to get back to the matter
believed it’s their duty to shield children         Picture Oscar winner; K-Pop, the fiendishly                                                              different and complementary ways.              at hand, what can Squid Game tell us
from supposedly toxic media content, from           catchy musical genre; and a stream of family      giant robotic doll, for instance – and is far         As pure, visceral entertainment, without        about the way violence is portrayed in
rock ’n roll to heavy metal to hip hop to video     dramas, historical epics, science fiction         removed from the real-life violence one            weighing too heavily on the mind, or               popular culture and its possible effects on
games to TikTok.                                    spectacles, and crime thrillers on Netflix.       might see on CNN or a YouTube crime                as an extended analogy for the ills of             impressionable young minds?
   Oddly, one rarely sees children warning              That’s all very well, one might argue, but    report.                                            contemporary society in the age of the                 The point is, everyone is already
each other against such things, which               isn’t Squid Game terribly violent? Well, yes,        Having said that, it’s not for nothing          pandemic.                                          watching the show, or at least talking
suggests either that they are capable of            I would argue back, but no more so than           that Squid Game is rated “16” on Netflix.             In much the same way that Parasite              about it, so let’s put it on the syllabus,
making up their own minds, or that they are         certain classical texts that spring to mind,      Nor is it too surprising that the Parents          dabbles in what happens when the                   discuss it in the open, and remind
too busy rolling their eyes at the grown-ups.       such as the ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus         Television and Media Council, a United             members of one social class cross the              ourselves, when all is said and done, that
   Be that as it may, the latest source of          Rex (parental guidance recommended),              States-based lobby group, has warned               barrier into the next, Squid Game uses the         it’s really just a game.
fretting in adult circles is the hit Netflix        or Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, which          parents to “take appropriate measures,             plight of the downtrodden and debt-ridden
series, Squid Game, in which 456 down-on-           is riddled with scenes of gang warfare            whether by applying parental controls or           to show us just how far people will go in          • Gus Silber is an award-winning journalist,
their-luck players take part in a variety of        and poor life decisions by teenagers, yet it      more closely supervising their children on         the hope of making enough money to                   editor, speechwriter, and author.
28 October – 4 November 2021                                                                                                                       SA JEWISH REPORT 5

Malema’s ‘backhanded compliment’
singles out Jews                                                want to hear. In this                                                                 of history at the University of
                                                                instance, even when                                                                  Cape Town, Milton Shain, says that

                  hen Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)           saying something                                                                     while the comments at first seem
                                                                positive, he took the                                                                respectful, “more problematic is
                  leader Julius Malema recently praised
                                                                opportunity to try and                                                               the essentialising of Jews. He’s
                  the Jewish community for its vaccination
                                                                insult Jewish people,”                                                              categorising them as inherently
rates, at first it seemed like a compliment. Yet many felt
                                                                says Michael Bagraim, a                                                             different. To appreciate this, swap
uncomfortable with it although they couldn’t always             member of Parliament                                                                the word ‘Jew’ with any other ethnic
explain why, and one local media outlet described it            (MP) and the deputy                                                                 group. We start moving into the murky
as offensive. Was it harmless flattery, or something            shadow minister for                                                                 world of old ‘Nat’ thinking.”
questionable?                                                   employment and                                              Julius Malema              But the South African Jewish Board
    Speaking to a crowd of students at the Cape Town            labour.                                                                            of Deputies (SAJBD) didn’t see it as
University of Technology on 21 October, Malema said,                “One cannot fathom why Malema would single out              any reason for concern. “South African Jewry has, on the
“I vaccinated because I saw the Jews, the Jewish people         one faith group as opposed to another,” said Bagraim.           whole, been committed to being vaccinated, and our
vaccinated. The Jews don’t play with their lives. Those         “It could possibly be more easily understood when               various organisations have been proactive and vocal in
things of threatening life [sic], they take very serious.”      you take into account his vitriolic attack on Israel and        ensuring that our community gets the jab,” says SAJBD
His comments were greeted with laughter from the                Jewish people generally. My feeling is that he’s trying         National Director Wendy Kahn. “It would seem that
crowd.                                                          to portray Jewish people as being selfish, self-centred,        Malema has observed our eagerness in this regard, and
    Context is everything, and “immediately before              and only concerned about themselves. Comments like              is trying to convince his own supporters to do the same.”
Mr Malema speaks about Jews getting vaccinated, he              these appear to be almost innocuous, but clearly form               Meanwhile on Twitter, Malema’s comment about
speaks about ‘them’ controlling everything”, noted              a structure in the listener’s mind that ‘they, the Jewish       Jews getting vaccinated was posted on the EFF page,
Dr Günther Jikeli, associate professor at the Institute         people, are different’.                                         where it was retweeted 432 times and received 1 824
for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism at Indiana               “It’s this type of statement that tries to sow a seed       likes. Many Twitter users commented on it, with one
University.                                                     in the listener’s mind that the Jewish people are               saying, “Hitler was right about Jews – Malema needs
    “It’s unclear who Mr Malema means when he speaks            different to others, and even in this possibly positive         cancelling” with lots of laughing emojis.
about ‘them’, but it’s a conspiratorial way of thinking.        sense, should be seen in a different light,” he says. “The          Another responded, “Fighters attack vaccination
The fact that this is immediately followed by him talking       statement is duplicitous and clearly identifies Jews as         sites! Your commander in chief has spoken! Enough of
about Jews makes it likely that he had Jews in mind             being ‘the other’. Although it’s not legally or politically     your woke rubbish! Your commander has said if Jews
when he talked about ‘them’ controlling the world.              actionable, it’s insidious by definition.”                      vaccinate when they own the world, who are you to
In this context, his argument that people should get                Local political analyst Ralph Mathekga says the             refuse vaccination when all you have is a SASSA card and
vaccinated because ‘the Jews’ get vaccinated clearly            comment lines up with Malema’s political strategy,              an RDP house.”
comes from an antisemitic mindset,” says Jikeli.                which has always been to polarise different groups. “This           A third person tweeted, “This thing of qualifying our
    Malema said, “I don’t care about this conspiracy            is stereotyping. People take individual and not group           decisions through other nations is concerning. So, South
theory that we are going to die. They would have killed         decisions regarding vaccination.”                               Africans aren’t trusted to make good decisions if not
us a long time ago. They control everything. They control           MP and shadow minister of international relations,          confirmed by Jewish people? We need to trust ourselves
the bread you eat every morning, they control mielie            Darren Bergman, says, “I find the comment distasteful.          that we can make our own decisions without seeking
meal, they control samp. They can poison all of you ...         We have a politician testing the waters a week before           validation from anyone.”
they even control the air we breathe. They are the ones         elections, trying to divide and conquer. I think he’s               A fourth person tweeted, “This statement is self-
who are polluting it. They can just put something in            saying that ‘the Jews look after themselves first’ so it’s      defeating on the independence of Africans and their
this air and finish all of us.” He then goes on to say, “I      almost a connotation of being selfish. I don’t know if I’m ability to make own choices. Why make Jews a beacon
vaccinated because I saw the Jews...”                           being too sensitive, but maybe in this climate, it’s time       of decision-making [that] Africans have to follow. Some
    Others agreed that the comment was dangerous. “In           that we do get a bit sensitive.”                                statements ought to not be said. Decision to vax or not
essence, Malema always tells his followers what they                Local antisemitism expert and emeritus professor            cannot be informed by a particular nation.”

Why teens shouldn’t exercise after vaccination
OPINION                                                                                                                                         DR SHERI FANAROFF

         ens of thousands of 12 to 17 year olds around the country presented for their         training. This may sound inconvenient, but remember that the
         COVID-19 vaccines this week. What advice should teens be given after being            recommended rest time from exercise after testing positive for
         vaccinated?                                                                           COVID-19 is two weeks after recovery.
   The concern is that strenuous exercise in the week after a vaccine, while the immune            Teens who are in quarantine or isolation following exposure are also not able to
system is mounting a response, may predispose teenagers and young adults to the very           participate in sport. Vaccinating high school students will ultimately reduce the amount
rare complications of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis          of time spent off school and off sport, making a one-week rest period easier to accept.
(inflammation of the thin membrane that surrounds the heart).                                      In a webinar for health professionals on 26 October, Professor Claudia Gray, a
   Myocarditis and pericarditis occur at a rate of 65 per million doses of Pfizer vaccine,     paediatrician from Cape Town, outlined five reasons why she believed that adolescents
more frequently after the second dose. To put it into perspective, the rate of myocarditis     should be vaccinated against COVID-19.
in patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is 450 cases per million infections. Cases      1. While mild disease is likely, it’s not guaranteed and one doesn’t know which
that have occurred after vaccination have mostly been mild and resolved in a few days.            previously healthy teenagers may be severely affected. The Delta variant has caused a
   There are no official guidelines on exercise post vaccination. Out of caution,                 higher number of infections in teenagers, with an increase in admissions to intensive
some countries, such as Singapore have advised                                                    care, teenagers needing ventilation, and death, which is “unacceptable in a disease
adolescents and patients under 30 years                                                           that is modifiable by vaccination”;
of age to avoid strenuous physical                                                                     2. Complications such as multi-system inflammatory disease and long COVID-19
activity (intense exercise) for one                                                                         can be prevented;
week after receiving a vaccine.                                                                                3. Transmissibility can be decreased, which has widespread repercussions
   Hatzolah is advising                                                                                           for the community. Teenagers find it difficult to distance themselves
patients to avoid strenuous                                                                                        physically from others and isolate;
exercise for one week                                                                                               4. Vaccinating this group helps to prevent new and potentially more
post vaccine, and based                                                                                            transmissible or more severe variants from evolving; and
on this, some schools                                                                                              5. It gives us a chance to normalise our community – the more people
in Johannesburg have                                                                                             vaccinated, the greater the chance of, for example, watching our children
suspended all sports for                                                                                       play sport again.
this week following a mass                                                                                    Esteemed critical-care professor at the University of the Witwatersrand,
vaccination campaign at schools.                                                                       Professor Guy Richards, concurs with this, reinforcing the ways in which vaccines
   My advice to teens is to avoid very                                                         reduce transmission, including less spread from asymptomatic individuals and a shorter
strenuous activity such as running, cycling, rugby,                                            period of viral shedding in vaccinated patients.
soccer, and other cardiovascular activity for five to seven days. Within this period, they         Gray said that she timed the vaccination of her own adolescents before the weekend
should monitor their heart rates and how they are feeling when participating in milder         so that they could have a 48-hour complete period of rest from exams and sport, so
activities.                                                                                    that if they got a sore arm, headache, or fever, they would be able to rest. She advised
   If they have fever, excessive fatigue, or severe muscle pain, they should rest              that young males should avoid all exercise for two days, and avoid intense, strenuous
completely for a few days. These symptoms can be treated with Panado.                          exercise for five days. She reminded doctors that it takes three to four weeks to build
   Should their resting heart rate be elevated above normal or their heart rate go up          up immunity, and said parents should consider vaccinating in time for teens to have
more than usual while exercising, they should rather rest for a longer period. Symptoms        immunity before the December holidays.
to watch out for in teenagers in the two weeks following vaccination include chest pain,           Though serious side effects following vaccines in adolescents are exceedingly rare, it’s
shortness of breath, a fast, irregular heart rate, and fatigue. In the unlikely event that     wise rather to be cautious and invest in a few days of rest before undertaking strenuous
your teenager develops any of these, you should seek medical care.                             exercise following vaccination.
   For teens participating in competitive sports or intense training, the timing of the
vaccine should be carefully considered. It’s best to plan for at least five days off intense   • Dr Sheri Fanaroff is a GP in private practice in Johannesburg.
6 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                                        28 October – 4 November 2021

 Jewish Report                                                                                               The ballot is stronger
      south african

   The source of quality content, news and insights

Forewarned is forearmed
                                                                                                             than the barricade
                                                                                                             OPINION                                                              WAYNE SUSSMAN

O                                                                                                            I
            n Monday, we go to the polls for our local government                                               recently looked back at some election          ambitious policies relating to
            election and for the first time in a long time, I’m                                                 results. Earlier in the year, the Democratic   finance, the economy, and foreign affairs.
            hearing people questioning who they are going to                                                    Alliance (DA) clung onto a Pretoria West       They could easily be mistaken for a charade.
vote for. Somehow, I have the sense that many are taking this                                                seat by three votes in a Tshwane by-election      Local government, by contrast, is much more
election more seriously than before because they recognise that                                              in the nation’s capital. Had the African          tangible. This has to do with your weekly
it will have a direct impact on their day to day lives.                                                      National Congress (ANC) won that by-              refuse collection, water supply, the roads
   People are genuinely trying to work out which person is going                                             election, it would have marched forward to        in your neighbourhood, and the upkeep of
to be best for them and their suburb. I, for one, and most of the                                            this election with a lot more momentum.           your park. Effective local government allows
people I know are sick and tired of trying to avoid driving into                                               That DA win gave the party’s activists in       our community to leave the comforts of our
the huge vehicle-destroying dongas on our roads. These seem                                                  Pretoria a lot of encouragement. I remember       home, synagogue, communal institution, and
to remain unfilled for months, and are exacerbated by the rainy                                              in the early 2000s, the ANC beat the DA by        favourite shopping centre and allows us to
season.                                                                                                      four votes in a Stellenbosch by-election to       become citizens. We are more likely to use
   We are tired of power outages that last for days with no respite                                          win a seat off the DA.                            public spaces and more likely to collaborate
and apparently nobody doing anything about them either. We are tired of suddenly not having water              We should be cynical. So many of our            with people from different backgrounds to
coming through our taps.                                                                                     politicians who have the privilege of being       us.
   The frustration is endless, and I would love to know that there was someone in a position of power        elected to council, provincial legislature, and
who was on our side, making sure that when we have these problems, they are dealt with quickly and           parliament don’t go beyond the call of duty to    Who are we voting for?
painlessly.                                                                                                  serve the country or their constituents. Too      The Independent Electoral Commission
   So, would it be better to vote in someone from the Democratic Alliance (DA) or African National           many try to enrich themselves rather than         has made copies of your ballot available for
Congress (ANC) because of the power in numbers and the fact that one of these two parties is likely to run   bringing good to the areas where they live.       inspection on its website. Open Cities Lab
the major cities? But then what happens if your ward counsellor is DA in an ANC municipality – would she     Many of our cities and towns look jaded.          has created an app which does the same but
or he be restricted?                                                                                           Many South Africans believe more can be         also tells you how old the candidate is and
   Perhaps we should be voting for that independent guy who looks like he’s so committed to the right        achieved through blocking the roads and           whether they are standing in only one ward.
kind of change, he’s put up his Barmitzvah money to stand in this election. But maybe as a lone soldier in   shutting down the cities or towns. Politicians    For instance, in ward 73, (Houghton Norwood),
the opposing army, he’s not likely to have much persuasion power. How about that party that wants Cape       running for office rarely if ever honour          36-year-old Bhekinkosi Mchunu is running
Town to be its own country?                                                                                  their electoral promises. The minute they         for the KwaZulu-Natal based Justice and
   I don’t have the answers for you, although we have tried to give you as much information as we            are elected, they are perceived to disappear.     Employment Party. He’s also standing in 134
possibly can. We have introduced you to the Jewish people standing for election (page 10 to 11), written     Thus, a service delivery protest can be far       other wards. I wonder how much he knows
about a proposed mayor (page 12), got experts to write for you (page 6), and put on webinars to educate      more beneficial than begging the councillor       about my ward and its challenges, and hope
us all.                                                                                                      to do the job.                                    residents of other wards would have the same
   Now it’s up to you. Make your vote count because your vote matters. It could be your vote that tips the     Earlier this year, taxi drivers and farmers     concerns.
scales towards one particular person or even a whole party. So, don’t underestimate your power.              worked together in the Free State town of            I notice that the African Christian
   I’m sure I don’t need to remind anyone how many people died in this country so that every citizen has     Ficksburg to block the road to prevent trucks     Democratic Party’s candidate, the 49-year-old
that right to vote. It’s a precious right that we need to use so that the government does what it needs to   from passing to and from the Lesotho border       Bronwyn Kassen, is more modest in her run
do for us.                                                                                                   to protest against the deteriorating road         for office. She is running in my ward and is
   I was shocked when a close friend of mine, who has always been very politically involved, told me he      conditions.                                       on the ballot in Florida in the west of the city,
was going to the coast this weekend to be back in a couple of weeks. I asked him about voting, and he          We saw similar nation-building activity         Craighall Park, and Bryanston Bordeaux. I
sheepishly said that he was hoping nobody would ask because he can’t vote at the coast.                      in Koster in the North West, where a cross        implore you to do research on the candidates
   My sense is when people who criticise the authorities don’t vote, they relinquish the right to that       section of local residents and farmers were       on your ballot, and see whether they live in
criticism.                                                                                                   given permission by the courts to resuscitate     your area and whether they understand what
   We all make our choices, but I implore you to use that precious right and vote so that we can                                                                                            the critical issues will
ensure that the people looking after our day to day needs are going to do a better job than they                                                                                            be over the next five
have been doing.                                                                                                                                                                            years.
   This brings me to one of the key issues that has been used in campaigning for votes, namely                                                                                                You will be getting
whether or not to vaccinate.                                                                                                                                                                two ballot papers if
   As someone whose whole family is now vaccinated and proudly so, I cannot believe that people                                                                                             you live in a metro
are still vacillating over this. I’m astonished at how many people are still refusing to be vaccinated,                                                                                     (major city). The
citing nonsense they have picked up on social media as proof positive that they shouldn’t vaccinate.                                                                                        second ballot is the
   As we have a less stressful hiatus between waves and get to experience just a little more freedom,                                                                                       proportional ballot.
I can tell you I don’t want that freedom taken from me again.                                                                                                                               Think carefully
   And it’s clear that the more people are vaccinated, the less chance of another serious wave that                                                                                         which party will best
will put us back under lockdown. Let’s vaccinate for freedom.                                                                                                                               represent you, your
   I must say, I was pleased to hear that Julius Malema agreed with me, getting vaccinated because                                                                                          concerns, and your
he “believes in science”. He even called on his supporters to get vaccinated. Then he went on to cite                                                                                       aspirations over the
that because all the Jews were being vaccinated, he knew it was safe because “they” put a high price                                                                                        next five years.
on life (page 5).                                                                                                                                                                             Your mood might
   At first, like Howard Feldman (page 14), I had to think about what he said and I wondered if it                                                                                          be down, you are
was meant to be an insult. However, to me, it was clearly a veiled compliment – if that’s a possibility                                                                                     jaded by too many
coming from Malema – and is true. We do value life, and do everything possible to preserve it.                                                                                              disappointments.
   And although our experts didn’t think him saying this was kosher, I have to admit that after                                                                                             However, Monday is
Israelis had vaccinated their children, it made me feel safe to vaccinate mine.                                                                                                             a public holiday. Take
   However, there have been many counsellors and party leaders around the country who have used                                                                                             your family, take a
their campaign to dissuade people from vaccinating. Frankly, I see this as an abuse of power, but I                                                                                         book, and go stand in
guess I have to allow people to make up their own minds.                                                     the collapsed water and sewerage supply and       line with the residents of your neighbourhood.
   Having said that, I was significantly irked this week by the lack of warning about potential threats to   run these key plants for the municipality.        Stop and look at all the party volunteers trying
our children post-vaccine.                                                                                   We saw it after the July insurrection, when       for one last time to get your attention and
   I was fortunate to be on Dr Sheri Fanaroff’s mailing list on 17 October, when she put out a piece about   residents of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng            remind you why you should vote for them.
teens being vaccinated. In it, she warned that teens, especially boys, shouldn’t do strenuous exercise       took to the streets with brooms and bin bags         When you step into that ballot box on
for up to a week after being vaccinated to safeguard them from the rare incidence of pericarditis or         to clean the areas which were devastated by       Monday, know that as per the Pretoria West
myocarditis.                                                                                                 the looting.                                      and Stellenbosch example, your vote can indeed
   So, I knew about it when my boys were vaccinated, but nobody told them or me when they were being           If the state, province, and municipalities      make a difference. Know that you are voting
vaccinated. And I wonder just how many people were made aware before their teens were vaccinated.            cannot protect our businesses, manage our         because you do care about your ward and city
   For this reason, I asked Dr Sheri to write the piece on page 5 to ensure we all know about it and can     water supply, or maintain our roads, then         being better over the next five years rather
watch out for any signs.                                                                                     why should we vote? We can and will sort          than at best remaining in its current state or at
   I’m not telling you this because I think we should rethink vaccinating our kids. To the contrary, I       things out for ourselves. We don’t need to        worst sliding backwards.
just believe in taking every precaution to safeguard us all from any harm. And I believe forewarned is       rely on the police to protect our families and       Know that your vote can be the difference
forearmed. A few days without sport won’t hurt anyone…                                                       businesses. We’ll buy a generator and put up      between an energetic candidate on the
   So, before you head out to the polling booths on Monday, make sure that you have done your research,      a JoJo tank. There’s no point in voting as it     proportional ballot getting elected or not. Your
using all we have given you and whatever else you can find to guide you to make your choice. That            will make no difference. We’ll do our best to     vote could possibly be the one which ensures that
way, you too will be forearmed to choose the people who would best serve you, your suburb, and our           protect our family and our community and          a key coalition partner gets an additional say in
community.                                                                                                   won’t bother ourselves with the continued         the stewardship of the city. Let’s all go out and
   Power to your pencil!                                                                                     decline of our ward and city.                     vote and celebrate the potential of our wards and
Shabbat Shalom!                                                                                                For me, national and provincial elections       cities.
Peta Krost Maunder                                                                                           can often feel like a version of The Emperor’s    • Wayne Sussman writes on elections for ‘Daily
Editor                                                                                                       New Clothes. There are grandiose plans,             Maverick’.
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