Stephen F Austin State University Department of Languages, Cultures, and Communication - SFA

Page created by Henry Rose
Stephen F Austin State University
            Department of Languages, Cultures, and Communication
                                 Spanish 1311.502 – Fall 2021

Professor: Dr. Juan Carlos Ureña
Office phone: (936) 468-2300 / 468-4303 (Department)
Office: LAN Dugas 250
Department of Languages, Cultures, and Communication
Office Hours: Office Hours: MTWRF: 11 – 12 or by appointment
Online Course: No meeting time or place

SPAN 1311 “Elementary Spanish I (3 credits) meets three times a week in 50-minute
segments, or twice a week in 75-minute segments for 15 weeks, and also meets for a 2-hour final
examination. Online delivery contains extensive written content as well as audio-visual
presentations and exercises that includes the same information students in a face-to-face lecture
course receive, requiring students to engage the online modules for at least three hours per
week. Both formats require students to participate in daily listening, reading, and grammar
exercises, in addition to practicing their conversation skills. They are expected to take regular
written and/or verbal quizzes and chapter tests and are assessed for their active participation
using the Spanish language. A significant portion of their grade comes from daily homework
activities. A student can expect to spend at least 6 hours each week preparing outside of
classroom hours.

SPAN 1111 “Elementary Spanish I Lab" (1 credit) meets for 50 minutes each week in the
Language Resource Center (LRC) for oral language practice, and will interact at least 50 minutes
per week with an online practice interface as a co-requisite to SPAN 1311. If this course is taken
online, flexible zoom hours will replace meeting in the LRC.

       Conectados by Marinelli/Fajardo plus access to Mindtap Learning 2nd Edition plus
       MindTap access.

       IMPORTANT: If your degree plan requires more than 1 semester of Spanish, you will
       need to purchase the Custom MindTap 4-Term digital access. You can purchase this
       digital access through your Campus Bookstore or directly through Cengage
       sites after registering for your Custom MindTap digital course.
       If your degree plan only requires 1 semester of Spanish, you only need to purchase 1-
       Term Custom MindTap access and not the 4-Term access. You can purchase 1-Term
       Custom MindTap access through the Campus Bookstore or by calling Cengage Customer
       Support at 1-800-354-9706 and requesting this ISBN: 9780357661208.

For detailed information on how to purchase your 1-Term Custom MindTap access for
       this course, please navigate to this
       website: and/or contact the
       Cengage Representative: Jonathan Gomez –
       Available for purchase: Campus Bookstore and available with Cengage Unlimited or
       online when registering.
       Please do not buy it in Amazon.
       USB Web Cam and Microphone only if your computer does not have one

Organization: This course will cover Preliminary Lesson through Capítulo 4 of your
       Preliminary Lesson: Student will learn to set personal goals for learning Spanish, learn
       strategies for success, say hello, ask someone’s name, state your name and spell it, greet
       people in informal and formal situations, say what classes they have, follow instructions
       Capítulo 1: Students will be able to introduce themselves and others, greet and ask how
       they are feeling, count to a hundred, exchange basic personal information, describe your
       classroom and campus, say where you are going around campus. Learn subject pronouns,
       the verbs “estar”, “ser”, “tener” and “ir” and its various idiomatic expressions.
       Capítulo 2: Students will be able to describe classes, people, tell time, talk about
       weekday and weekend activities, extend, accept, and decline invitations, make statements
       and ask questions. Learn adjectives, basic sentences of negation, the present tense of –ar,
       -er, and, –ir verbs, Yes/No questions, information and tag questions.
       Capítulo 3: Students will be able to talk about family, friends, and pets, express
       possession, describe people and make comparisons, describe some gatherings and
       celebrations, express likes and dislikes, learn possessive adjectives and pronouns,
       compare uses of verbs “ser” and “estar”, make comparisons, superlatives, present tense of
       stem-changing verbs and the verb “gustar”.
       Capítulo 4: Students will be able to discuss vacation plans and activities, talk about
       dates, weather, and seasons, express what is going on, plan travel, lodging and
       sightseeing, express plans, preferences, and obligations. Learn irregular verbs in the
       present tense, verb “ir + a + infinitivo”, numbers over 100, present progressive, verb
       phrases, indefinite and negative expressions.


 Grade Item                       Points Out of 1000               Percentage Value
 Oral and Written                 200                              20%
 Communication (Flipgrid

 MindTap Exercises                200                              20%

 Voice Thread Presentation        100                              10%

 Quizes                           100                              10%

 Midterm Exam                     200                              20%

 Final Exam                       200                              20%

A = 89.5 - 100 B = 79.5 - 89.5          C = 69.5 - 79.5      D = 59.5 - 69.5

Explanation of Course Components:

Oral Communication: This semester you will use the free website (or app) to
upload short videos in which you practice communicating with me and your classmates in
Spanish. You will also have some pronunciation exercises to complete. The goal of these videos
is not to demonstrate flawless Spanish, but rather to put forth your best effort in communicating.

MindTap: The Cengage MindTap website is where you will earn all your homework points.
Expect to do about 30 exercises each week. It is your responsibility to keep up with your
homework assignments, and at the end of the semester your percentage grade will be put into the
gradebook. You will have +15% “grace” on these grades, meaning if you complete 85% of the
exercises, you will receive 100% or 200/200 in the gradebook. See below:

 Percentage you completed         Percentage in gradebook          Points out of 200
 50                               65                               130/200
 60                               75                               150/200
 70                               85                               170/200
 80                               95                               190/200
 85                               100                              200/200

Tip—A good way to keep pace with your material is to treat this course as if it were a Monday-
Wednesday-Friday course meeting for two hours, breaking up your homework into segments that
you complete daily or every other day. There will be no way to keep up if you wait for the end of
the week to complete homework.

Quizzes: You will have several short, timed, unproctored quizzes to complete on d2L throughout
the semester on topics that are in the module for the week. I will often include listening exercises
on these quizzes, and you can expect multiple choice, short answer, or fill-in- the-blank
Voice Thread Presentation: You will create a Voice Thread Presentation titled “Mi familia
ficticia” using VoiceThread, which is an online tool that allows you to combine voice recording
with images. Guidelines for this presentation will be given on d2L.

Midterm and Final – Your midterm and final exams (both password-locked) will be given
online via d2L.
Lab: The language lab is available to you to complete assignments for your class and to use as a
resource center. There are tutors available to you in the lab that can help guide you with online or
instructor generated exercises and activities. Your tutor cannot give you responses directly but
may point you in the right direction: For assistance with 1311 level web activities. For help
reviewing for tests and general review. For input on assignments already graded by instructor.
You may NOT however seek assistance on graded assignments that you will turn in again for
points in the class. A schedule of available tutoring times will be provided.
*Students must pass Spanish 1311 with a 70 or higher to enroll in Spanish 132.


   1. Students will demonstrate the ability to engage in effective oral communication with
      native speakers of the target language. (Communication)
   2. Students will analyze and summarize authentic texts in the target language. (Critical
   3. Students will write effective, original compositions demonstrating the ability to analyze,
      persuade and/or defend an opinion in the target language. (Critical Thinking,
   4. Students will apply critical thinking skills in comparisons of the cultures studied and their
      own. (Critical Thinking, Personal Responsibility)
   5. Students will, if seeking teacher certification, demonstrate mastery of professional skills
      necessary to teach the target language. (Critical Thinking, Personal Responsibility)
   6. Students will demonstrate mastery of linguistic and cultural skills necessary to pursue
      graduate study and/or careers. (Personal Responsibility)


   1. Students will be exposed to and actively engage in discussions selected from songs,
      comics, videos, news and internet materials, and readings from text that relate to the
      culture of Spanish speaking countries.
   2. Students will use vocabulary dealing with the following themes in their writing and
      speaking: greetings and leave-taking, introductions and expressions of courtesy,
      academic life and leisure activities, numbers to 100, the calendar, time, seasons,
      interrogative words, the family and friends, physical traits and personality, parties,
      celebrations and activities, the city and travel-related expressions, transportation and
      directions and weather.
   3. Students will be able to correctly utilize the following grammatical structures: articles,
      gender and number of nouns, present tense, the implied future tense, adjective placement

and agreement, ser and estar, -ar, -er and -ir verb conjugations, irregular present tense
       verb conjugations, the verb gustar and saber and conocer.
    4. Students will be able to communicate in oral and written form about what one normally
       does, where one lives, what one likes to do, vacations, and one's family and friends.
    5. Students will investigate very simple topics on the Internet in Spanish and record their


The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has identified six core learning objectives:
Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Empirical and Quantitative Skills, Teamwork,
Personal Responsibility, and Social Responsibility. SFA is committed to the improvement of its
general education core curriculum by regular assessment of student performance on these six

By enrolling in SPAN 1311– Elementary Spanish I, you are also enrolling in a Core Curriculum
TEAMWORK AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY requirement. This particular course

    1. CRITICAL THINKING. Students will be instructed in and will apply critical thinking
       skills to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis
       of information.

        Core Objective               Definition             Course Assignment Title         Due Date

 Critical Thinking Skills   To include creative           Voice Thread                November 1, 2020
                            thinking, innovation,         Presentation
                            inquiry, and analysis,
                            evaluation and synthesis of


 Academic Integrity (4.1)
 Please copy and paste the following information regarding Academic Integrity into your
 syllabus. In addition, you may include your own guidelines for academic integrity as

 Academic integrity is a responsibility of all university faculty and students. Faculty
 members promote academic integrity in multiple ways including instruction on the
 components of academic honesty, as well as abiding by university policy on penalties for
 cheating and plagiarism.

 Definition of Academic Dishonesty
 Academic dishonesty includes both cheating and plagiarism. Cheating includes but is not
 limited to (1) using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to aid in achieving a better
 grade on a component of a class; (2) the falsification or invention of any information,
including citations, on an assigned exercise; and/or (3) helping or attempting to help another
in an act of cheating or plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of another
person as if they were your own. Examples of plagiarism are (1) submitting an assignment as
if it were one's own work when, in fact, it is at least partly the work of another; (2) submitting
a work that has been purchased or otherwise obtained from an Internet source or another
source; and (3) incorporating the words or ideas of an author into one's paper without giving
the author due credit.

Please read the complete policy at

Withheld Grades Semester Grades Policy (5.5)
Ordinarily, at the discretion of the instructor of record and with the approval of the academic
chair/director, a grade of WH will be assigned only if the student cannot complete the course
work because of unavoidable circumstances. Students must complete the work within one
calendar year from the end of the semester in which they receive a WH, or the grade
automatically becomes an F. If students register for the same course in future terms the WH
will automatically become an F and will be counted as a repeated course for the purpose of
computing the grade point average.

Students with Disabilities
Please copy the following statement and paste into your course syllabus.

To obtain disability related accommodations, alternate formats and/or auxiliary aids, students
with disabilities must contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), Human Services
Building, and Room 325, 468-3004 / 468-1004 (TDD) as early as possible in the semester.
Once verified, ODS will notify the course instructor and outline the accommodation and/or
auxiliary aids to be provided. Failure to request services in a timely manner may delay your
accommodations. For additional information, go to

Mental Health and Wellness
Please copy and paste the following information into your course syllabus.

SFA values students’ mental health and the role it plays in academic and overall student
success. SFA provides a variety of resources to support students' mental health and
wellness. Many of these resources are free, and all of them are confidential.

On-campus Resources:
SFA Counseling Services
rvices Rusk Building, 3rd
Floor 936.468.2401

SFA Human Services
 Counseling Clinic
 139.asp Human Services,
 Room 202 936.468.1041

 Crisis Resources:
 Burke 24-hour crisis line: 1.800.392.8343
 Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.TALK (8255)
 Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741-741

                                                Fall 2021

Week 1: Basic Modules and Lección Preliminar                     Dates: Aug 23 – 29

 To study/Complete                                          Due Dates
 Read through all of Access Homework, Introductory and
 Week 1 modules (Read the Syllabus)
 Purchase textbook/MindTap access

 Lección preliminar: pages 1-8
 • MindTap Exercises Lección Preliminar                     Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Quiz 1 (Syllabus)                                          Quiz Due Sunday Aug 29th at 11:59 pm
 Flipgrid Video 1: Introductions                            Video Due Sunday Aug 29th at 11:59 pm

Week 2: Capítulo 1                                               Dates: Aug 30 – Sep 5

 To study/Complete                                          Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Nuestro Mundo: El mundo hispanohablante, p. 10-11
 Paso 1 Vocabulario: El primer día de clases, p. 12-13
 Paso 1 Gramática A: Los números del 0 al 100, p. 16-17
 Paso 1 Gramática B Los pronombres de sujeto y el verbo
 estar, p. 19-20
     • MindTap Exercises                                    Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Flipgrid Video 2: Pronunciation                            Video Due Sunday Sep 5 at 11:59 pm

Week 3: Capítulo 1                                               Dates: Sep 6 – 12

 To study/Complete                                          Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

Paso 2: Vocab. El salón de clase, p. 24-25
 Paso 2: Gram. A: Los sustantivos y los artículos, p. 28 -29
 Paso 2: Gram. B: El verbo ser: p. 31-32
     • MindTap Exercises                                       Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Quiz 2 (articles, nouns, ser)                                 Quiz 2 Due Friday Sep 10 at 11:59 pm
 Flipgrid Video 3: ¿Quién eres?                                Video Due Sunday Sep 12 at 11:59 pm

Week 4: Capítulo 1                                                  Dates: Sep 13 – 19

 To study/Complete                                             Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 3: Vocab. Nuestro campus, p. 36-37
 Paso 3: Gram. A: El verbo tener, p. 40-41
 Paso 3: Gram. B: El verbo ir: p. 43-44
     • MindTap Exercises                                       Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Flipgrid Video 4: ¿Adónde vas?                                Video Due Sunday Sep 19 at 11:59 pm

Week 5: Capítulo 2                                                  Dates: Sep 20 – 26

 To study/Complete                                             Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Nuestro mundo: España, p. 52-53
 Paso 1: Vocab. Las carreras / Las clases, p. 54-55
 Paso 1: Gram. A: Los adjetivos, p. 58-59
 Paso 1: Gram. B: La oración y la negación: p. 61-62
     • MindTap Exercises                                       Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Discussion 1: ¿Dónde vives?                                   Discussion 1 Due Sunday Sep 26 at 11:59 pm

Week 6: Capítulo 2                                                  Dates: Sep 27 – Oct 3

 To study/Complete                                             Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 2: Vocab. La hora / Un día típico, p. 66-67
 Paso 2: Gram. A: El presente de los verbos regulares
 -ar, p. 70-71
 Paso 2: Gram. B: Las preguntas de sí/no, p. 73-74
      • MindTap Exercises                                      Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Quiz 3                                                        Quiz 3 Due Friday Oct 1 at 11:59 pm
 Flipgrid Video 5: Reading Practice                            Video Due Sunday Oct 3 at 11:59 pm

Week 7: Capítulo 2                                            Dates: Oct 4 – 10

 To study/Complete                                       Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 3: Vocab. El fin de semana, p. 78-79
 Paso 3: Gram. A: El presente de los verbos -er / -ir,
 p. 82-83
 Paso 3: Gram. B: Las preguntas de información y
 confirmación, p. 85-86
     • MindTap Exercises                                 Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Quiz 4                                                  Quiz 4 Due Friday Oct 8 at 11:59 pm

Week 8: MIDTERM EXAM                                          Dates: Oct 11 – 17

 To study/Complete                                       Due Dates

 MIDTERM EXAM                                            Midterm Due: Wed. Oct 13 at 11:59

 Begin Capítulo 3
 Nuestro Mundo: Cuba, República Dominicana y Puerto
 Rico, p 94-95
     • MindTap Exercises                                 Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

Week 9: Capítulo 3                                            Dates: Oct 18 – 24

 To study/Complete                                       Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 1: Vocab. Mi familia / Mis fotos, p. 96-97
 Paso 1: Gram. A: Los adjetivos y los pronombres
 posesivos, p. 100-101
 Paso 1: Gram. B: Los verbos ser y estar, p. 103-104
     • MindTap Exercises                                 Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Get ready for your Voice Thread presentation!

Week 10: Capítulo 3                                           Dates: Oct 25 – 31

 To study/Complete                                       Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 2: Vocab. Mis amigos y mi familia, p. 108-109
 Paso 2: Gram. A: Los comparativos, p. 112-113
 Paso 2: Gram. B: Los superlativos, p. 115-116
     • MindTap Exercises                                 Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Submit your Voice Thread Presentation                   Presentation Due Sunday Oct 31 at 11:59 pm

Week 11: Capítulo 3                                             Dates: Nov 1 – 7

 To study/Complete                                         Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 3: Vocab. Las fiestas, p. 120-121
 Paso 3: Gram. A: Los verbos con cambio de raíz en el
 tiempo presente, p. 124-125
 Paso 3: Gram. B: El verbo gustar, p. 127-128
     • MindTap Exercises                                   Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Flipgrid Video 6: Questions and Answers (Discussion)      Discussion 2 Due Sunday Nov 7 at 11:59 pm

Week 12: Capítulo 4                                             Dates: Nov 8 – 14

 To study/Complete                                         Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Nuestro Mundo: México, p 136-137
 Paso 1: Vocab. Las vacaciones, p. 138-139
 Paso 1: Gram. A: Los verbos irregulares en el presente,
 p. 142-143
 Paso 1: Gram. B: El future ir + a + inifinitivo,
 p. 145-146
     • MindTap Exercises                                   Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Quiz 5                                                    Quiz 5 Due Friday Nov 12 at 11:59 pm
 Discussion 3: Me gusta                                    Discussion 3 Due Sunday Nov 14 at 11:59 pm

Week 13: Capítulo 4                                             Dates: Nov 15 – 21

 To study/Complete                                         Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 2: Vocab. El tiempo, las estaciones y las fechas,
 p. 150-151
 Paso 2: Gram. A: Los números mayores de 100,
 p. 154-155
 Paso 2: Gram. B: El presente progresivo, pp. 157-158
     • MindTap Exercises                                   Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Flipgrid Video 7: Tu cumpleaños                           Video 7 Due Sunday Nov 21 at 11:59 pm

Week 14: Capítulo 4                                             Dates: Nov 22 – 28

 To study/Complete                                         Due Dates

No activities this week.
 THANKSGIVING                                                I recommend that you study for the Final
                                                             If you want, you can advance to the next
                                                             module and work on MindTap assignments.

Week 15: Capítulo 4                                               Dates: Nov 29 – Dec 5

 To study/Complete                                           Due Dates
 Read through the following sections in our textbook:

 Paso 3: Vocab. En el hotel / En la estación de tren,
 p. 162-163
 Paso 3: Gram. A: Las frases verbales, p. 166-167
 Paso 3: Gram. B: Las expresiones indefinidas y negativas,
 p. 169-170
     • MindTap Exercises                                     Due dates for MindTap exercises on MindTap

 Final Discussion                                            Final Discussion Due Sunday Dec 5 at 11:59

FINAL EXAM: Dec 6 – 8

You can also read