Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier

Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier
Get Organized With
                                                                                  MARTHA STEWART
                                                                                            p. 4

     E M A R T IN &   M A R T IN SHORT
STEV           who’s the biggest jokest
                                        er and
talk dirty Scrabble,           th re e- de cade friendship
   other se cr et s of th ei r

                                                             © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier
                   T ’S
          S C OT

                                                                                                                                                                           FROM TOP: JAMES DITTIGER/SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT; ZAPATA/MEGA/NEWSCOM; BRIAN TO/WENN.COM/NEWSCOM; EVERETT (6); WALT DISNEY PICTURES/EVERETT; EVERETT; UNITED ARTISTS/EVERETT; BUENA VISTA/EVERETT; EVERETT; WARNER BROTHERS/EVERETT

    Walter Scott Asks                                                                                                                        DOG
                                                                              Mahershala Ali
  Ronnie Milsap
                                                                                                                       Who doesn’t love a
                                                                              Plays Detective                          good dog movie? With
                                                                                                                       A Dog’s Way Home
  The six-time Grammy-winning                                                 It’s a whole new cast and crime
                                                                                                                       (starring Bryce Dallas
  entertainer, 75, is joined by Jason                                         when HBO’s True Detective re-
                                                                                                                       Howard and Ashley
                                                                              turns for its third season (Jan. 13)
  Aldean, Luke Bryan, George                                                                                           Judd) currently in the-
                                                                              with a macabre story set in the
  Strait, Dolly Parton, Willie Nel-                                                                                    aters, here’s a chance
                                                                              heart of the Ozarks. Moonlight
  son, Kacey Musgraves, Little Big                                                                                     to remember some of
                                                                              Oscar winner and current Green
  Town and more on Ronnie Milsap:

                                                                                                                                                                           CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: RICK DIAMOND/ACM2015/GETTY IMAGES FOR DCP; WARRICK PAGE/HBO; JACOPO RAULE/GETTY IMAGES; AF ARCHIVE/ALAMY; AP PHOTO/MARK HUMPHREY; GOOD DOG
                                                                                                                       the doggone best dog
                                                                              Book star Ali, 44, plays Wayne
  The Duets (on sale Jan. 18). The col-                                       Hays, a state police detective, a
                                                                                                                       movies ever made.
  lection features remakes of some of his                                     part originally written for a white
                                                                                                                       What’s your favorite?
  classic hits, including “Stranger in My House.”                                                    actor. Ali
  What’s a highlight of your long career? There are                                                  thinks it may
  several, but I remember the first No. 1 record. The                                                have helped
  head of promotion called and said, “‘Pure Love’ is                                                 him land the
  going No. 1 on Billboard next week.” I’d cut that on                                               lead when
  Elvis’ birthday, January 8, 1974.                                                                  he showed
                                                                                                     producers         Lassie Come        Lady and the     Old Yeller
  And you worked with Elvis Presley? I did. I was in                                                                   Home (1943)        Tramp (1955)      (1957)
  a studio in 1969, and Elvis brought his producer to                                                photos of his
  Memphis to record. I played on [his] record “Kentucky                                              grandfather,                        The Shaggy Dog (1959)
  Rain.” Elvis always said, “More thunder on the piano,                                              who was a
  Milsap.” He was fun to be around.                                                                  state police
                                                                                                     officer in real
                          With Bohemian Rhapsody and                                                 life.
                          award-winning movies like Ray
                           and Walk the Line, is there any
                           thought of a Ronnie Milsap                         Meet Young Spock                                          101 Dalmatians        Benji
                          biopic? I think so. I came from                     When Star Trek: Discovery con-                                 (1961)           (1974)
                          dirt. I came from nowhere. I’m                      tinues the voyages of the USS
                                thankful most of all for the                              Discovery in season
                                chance to go to school at                                 two (CBS All Access,
                                the Governor Morehead                                     Jan. 17), Ethan
                                 School for the Blind [in                                 Peck will be join-
                                 Raleigh, N.C.]. They really                              ing the cast in the
                                  saved my life. They taught                              iconic role of Spock,
                                                                                          previously played by         The Fox and the  Turner &
                                  me Braille at 6, violin at 7
                                                                                          Leonard Nimoy and            Hound (1981)    Hooch (1989)
                                   and piano at 8. They wanted
                                   me to go on to college and                             Zachary Quinto, but
                                    be something like a teacher                           as a younger ver-                          All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989)
                                    or a lawyer. I said, “No, I                           sion. “In no way will
                                                                                                                          Homeward Bound:                        Best in
                                     want to be a musician.”                              I ever try to imitate
                                                                                                                          The Incredible                          Show
                                     They said, “No, no, no.                  Nimoy,” says Peck, 32, grand-
                                                                                                                          Journey (1993)                         (2000)
                                     We want you to do some-                  son of the late Gregory Peck.
                                      thing better than that.”                “But we have to start Spock in
                                                                              a place where we see how he
                                                                              becomes the Spock we know,                                         Scooby-Doo
                                  What advice did he get from the             standing beside Kirk on the                                        (2002)
                                     great Ray Charles? Go to                 bridge of the Enterprise.”
                         to find out.
 E M A I L Y O U R Q U E S T I O N S F O R WA LT E R S C O T T T O P E R S O N A L I T Y @ PA R A D E . C O M

  2 | JANUARY 13, 2019

                                                                                                                              © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier
No Bored Dogs Allowed
   Parade                                                                                             Keep your pup from getting bored with
                                                                                                      the P.L.A.Y. American Classic Food Set,
                                                                                                      a cheat-meal set of toys that squeak and
                                                                                                      giggle. They’ll give your furry buddy the
                                                                                                      mental stimulation Martha says is key
                        Visit PARADE.COM/PICKS for more
                                                                                                      to keeping him from eating your couch
                                                                                                      while you’re gone. $50,

                                                                                                                                                  STEWART EXCERPTED FROM THE MARTHA MANUAL: HOW TO DO (ALMOST) EVERYTHING © 2019 BY MARTHA STEWART LIVING OMNIMEDIA, INC. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION OF HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
   The Perfect Cocktail
   When you’re having a cock-
   tail party, mix drinks in big
   batches in a Glass Cocktail
   Pitcher. Don’t add ice ’til
   the party gets going, says
   Martha, so you won’t water
   down the libations. $35,

                                                                                               Cutting Edge
                                                                                               Of course Martha has fantastic knife skills.
                                                                                               Sharpen your own with her Martha Stewart
                                                                                               Collection Color Coded Cutlery. Her tip:

                                    KNOWS BEST                                                 Hold the base of the blade between your
                                                                                               thumb and forefinger. “It’s what the pros call
                                                                                               ‘choking up,’” she says. $35 for a set of four,

                                             hether it’s de-wrinkling clothes, throwing
                                             a dinner party for 23 or organizing an
                                     entry, Martha Stewart knows the
   Let Them Eat Cake                                                                           Take Command
                                     smartest way to get it done. She’s
   Make your frosted master-                                                                   “Every well-organized
                                     been dishing out domestic wisdom
   piece the star of the party                                                                 home needs a com-
                                     for more than three decades. Her
   with a Marbled Glass Cake                                                                   mand center—whether
                                     new book, The Martha Manual
   Stand. Martha would never                                                                   in an entryway, the
                                     (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), packs
   serve a cake on a plain                                                                     kitchen, a home office
                                     all her smarts into one 400-page
   plate, because presenta-                                                                    or some other spot,”
                                     handbook. Here are some of the best tips from the
   tion counts! From $78,                                                                      Martha says. One
                                     book and products inspired by her advice.

                                                                                                                                                  PHOTOGRAPHY © WILLIAM ABRANOWICZ; FURNITURE DIAGRAM BY KATE FRANCIS
                                                                                               solution: Get to-do lists, invitations and the
                                                                           —Leanne Potts
                                                                                               kids’ homework off the counter and into a
                                                                                               RusticSprings Command Center office
                                      Want to learn how to create a gallery wall of photos?    organizer. $95,
                                      Visit for her picture-hanging tips.

   Bathroom Refresher              Space Tip                                                   Hang On
   Company coming and no           Martha is all about placement and pro-                      Martha and Joan Craw-
   time to deep clean? Mar-        portion, whether on a gallery wall of                       ford agree about this:
   tha’s trick: Straighten all     photos or in how you arrange your furni-                    no wire hangers!
   towels, wipe down mirror,                              ture. In her perfect                 “Clothing needs
   sink and counter and use                               living-area plan,                    room to breathe,”
   an electrostatic duster (like                          there’s 14 to 18 inches between      Martha says. Skinny hangers let you stuff too
   this Cotton Candy Feather                              the sofa and the coffee table        much into your closet, which causes over-
   Duster) to clean base-                                 and every chair has a handy little   crowding. And that causes wrinkles, she says.
   boards and toilet base.                                table, like Acme’s Aberta Side       We like Amber Home Solid Wooden Hangers
   Voilà! $13,                                 Table in teal. $75,       in white. $35 for a 20-pack,

4 | JANUARY 13 , 2019

                                                                                                     © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier
   from the
                     Butterfly New Life Rosary
                                                           The butterfly is a symbol of

                                                                                                                                   Ask Marilyn
                                                       new life – and this distinctive rosary
                                                       reminds us of the new life we                                                  By Marilyn vos Savant
                                                       receive through faith. The rosary                                         Can you put 50 coins into 10
                                                       features butterfly beads among a                                           envelopes such that each enve-
                                                                                                                                 lope contains a different number
                                                       bouquet of floral clay beads. Each                                         of coins?
                                                             bead is unique. The rosary                                                 —Brian James, Dallas, Texas
                                                                                                                                 To think about this yourself, read-
                                                                 includes a Miraculous Medal                                     ers, pause here. The answer is in
                                                                 centerpiece and a crucifix                                       the next paragraph.
                                                                                                                                    It’s impossible. Envision put-
                                                                 accented with flowers.                                           ting one coin in one envelope,
                                                                    The Butterfly New Life                                        two coins in another and so forth.
                                                                                                                                 By the time you put nine coins in
                                                                 Rosary will be sent to you                                      the ninth envelope, you would
                                                                in gratitude for your gift of                                    have used 45 of the 50 coins. So
                                                                                                                                 you wouldn’t have enough coins
                                                                $12 or more. Your donation                                       to put a different number in the
                                                                                                                                 10th envelope.
                                                                  will support the ministries of                                    Note: Solutions that cheat are
                                                                  the Missionary Oblates as                                      possible. For example, you could
                                                                                                                                 put one envelope inside another
                                                                    we serve poor and needy                                      envelope, thereby using the
                                                                       people in our missions                                    same coins more than once.

                                                                       around the world.                                            Send questions to
                                                                                                                                   marilyn @

                         Find comfort                                                                                                                         ®
                     knowing this beautiful
                      rosary is blessed by
                           an Oblate.                                                                                          Complete 1 to 81 so the
                                                                              Fr. Andy Knop, O.M.I.                         numbers follow a horizontal or
                                                                                                                             vertical path—no diagonals.
                                                                                                                            71         69      65       53        51
                 Thank you for your generous support!
                                                                                                                            77                                    47
                                               $12      $20  $25             $30         $45        $
  Donate Now – Toll-Free At:                   Check/Money Order
                                             Credit Card #                                                                   1                                    43
  1-888-330-6264                             Exp. Date     /
Mon. – Thur. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Central   Please send ___ Butterfly New Life Rosary(ies).                                  5                                    33
      Or Visit:                           #210009 ($12 suggested donation each)
                                                                                                                             9         11      23       27        31
                                                                                                                             Visit for more
       Follow us on Facebook                 City                                 State            ZIP                       Marilyn vos Savant Numbrix puzzles                                                                                                    and today’s solution.
                                                                    Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
                                             M19ADA152              National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows                  6 | JANUARY 13, 2019
                                                                    9480 N. De Mazenod Drive • Belleville, IL 62223-1160
                                                                                                                     © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier
teve Martin feels a draft. “I’m kind of
        deciding what to do about it,” he muses
        aloud. He trades places with his com-
edy partner Martin Short on the couch. Nope,
no good. “Sit on the chair,” Short orders in
mock exasperation, pointing. “Then go out the
door and close it behind you.”
   Their close friends have
been familiar with Martin and           On the eve of their new live comedy tour,
                              STEVE MARTIN
Short’s quippy, witty, friendly-
fire banter for ages. But during                             MARTIN SHORT
the past seven years, the con-          talk dirty Scrabble, who’s the biggest
summate entertainers and dear
friends of 35 years have taken          jokester and other secrets of their
their act on the road for live          three-decade friendship.
audiences all over the country.
The performance—which
combines both showmen’s comedic as well as       one particularly memorable game
musical talents—also spawned the Emmy-           of Scrabble. (Short slipped Martin
nominated 2018 Netflix special Steve Martin      a hilarious, desperate note that
& Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget       mentioned his wife and what he
for the Rest of Your Life.                       was willing to do “for a Q or an
   The 2018 tour was so successful, they’re      E,” recalls Martin.) There have
doing it again, with fresh material atop more    been family vacations together and
of their greatest hits. The 2019 Now You See     quality time in Short’s cottage in
Them, Soon You Won’t Tour just hit the road.     Canada with his three kids and his
   “We absolutely love doing it and we want      actress wife, Nancy Dolman (who
the audience to say that this was one of the     died of ovarian cancer in 2010).
best shows they’ve ever seen,” says Martin, 73,  They co-starred in two more hit
clearly not joking.                              movies together, 1991’s Father of the
                                                 Bride and its 1995 sequel.
      FRIENDSHIP IS BORN                            Their big comedy show-on-the-
Their professional relationship dates back to    road was hatched after Martin and
1985, when they filmed the comedy Western        Short closed the Just for Laughs
¡Three Amigos! (1986). Though they had never     Festival in Chicago in 2011. Short,
met before, there was a Saturday Night Live      in fact, was already touring with a
connection—Martin had guest-hosted several successful one-man show. Martin
times in the 1970s; Short was a cast member      was playing bluegrass, recording and
in the 1984–85 season.                           performing, but admits his act didn’t
   “When you’re making movies, you’re in         have anywhere near “the polish” of
this intense world for two and a half months     Short’s show. So they teamed up.
and often never see each other again,” says
Short, 68. “In this case, I made a conscious            ROWING UP FUNNY
decision that, no, I didn’t want to lose this    Their backgrounds are a study
guy.” By his count, they’ve shared roughly       in contrast. Martin, the son of a
850,000 dinners, uncountable laughs—and          housewife and a taciturn real-estate

8 | JANUARY 13, 2019

                                                                                         © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier
They’re terrific together, but they were terrific apart too!
                                                                                                                         Here are some of Steve Martin’s and Martin Short’s most
                                                                                                                       memorable pop-culture moments and milestones.

              salesman/aspiring actor, moved from Waco, Texas, to Southern
                                                                                                                 STEVE MARTIN
                                                                                                                 The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (1967–
              California when he was a kid. As a youngster, he found his escape                                  69) Martin entered Hollywood by joining the writ-
              by listening to and watching comedy acts such as Laurel and Hardy.                                 ing staff for this popular variety series. He even won
                  “I was not born funny, but I was born to love comedy,” he                                      an Emmy for it.
                says. His first job was selling guidebooks at nearby Disneyland,
                 then working at Merlin’s Magic Shop. Soon after he moved                                         The Jerk (1979) In his first movie-starring role he
                                                                                                                  played a doofus who embarks on a series of misad-
                   out at age 18, he did four comedy shows a day for $2 a pop at
                                                                                                                  ventures. He also co-wrote the screenplay.
                                  Knott’s Berry Farm in L.A. “I had the experi-
                                  ence of learning how to fix jokes and change                                   Saturday Night Live (1976– ) During the height of his
                                  things that didn’t work,” he says. “I wouldn’t call                            stand-up career, he made wild and crazy appearances on
                                  it encouragement, but I was learning.”                                         this iconic series. He’s hosted 15 times in all, second
                                      In time, his five-minute show morphed into                                 only to Alec Baldwin.
                                  a legendary stand-up comedy act. Wearing a                                     Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) This Thanksgiving comedy
                                  white suit to better stand out onstage, he used                                classic paired Martin with John Candy as two strangers forced to
                                  his physicality and brazenly glib attitude to                                  travel together from New York City to Chicago. And, no, those aren’t
                                      craft characters from King Tut to the zany
                                        “Wild and Crazy Guy” with a prop arrow                                   The Crow (2009) Subtitled “New Songs for the Five-String Banjo,”
                                                                                                                 this Grammy-winning bluegrass album showcased Martin’s musician-
                                         through his head. His 1977 comedy al-
                                                                                                                 ship. (Dolly Parton and Vince Gill supplied some of the vocals.)
                                    bum, Let’s Get Small, sold more than 1 million
                                  copies. At the height of his stand-up career in
                                   the early 1980s, he played to sold-out crowds
                                    who screamed for him like a rock star.
                                                                                                                 MARTIN SHORT
                                       Short, meanwhile, grew up the youngest of                                  SCTV (1982–83) He took his Second City theater im-
                                    five siblings in the suburbs of Hamilton, On-                                 provisational talents to TV for this Canada-based sketch
                                                                                                                  show. It’s where he originated the popular man-child
                                   tario. “Everyone was funny,” he says. He had
                                                                                                                  character of Ed Grimley.
                                  grand plans to be a doctor, but while a senior at
                                  McMaster University in 1972, he landed a role                                  Saturday Night Live (1984–85) For one shining season, Short
                                     in a local production of Godspell with other                                was live from New York doing impressions of Katharine Hepburn,
                                           future comedy stars Gilda Radner and                                  Jerry Lewis and many other characters. He quit to spend more
                                               Andrea Martin, actor Victor Gerber                                time with his family.
                                                     and Paul Shaffer, who’d become                              ¡Three Amigos! (1986) Short was Ned Nederlander, Martin was Lucky
                                                         David Letterman’s band                                  Day and Chevy Chase was Dusty Bottoms, three ex-cowboy movie
                                                          leader. Soon he was in the                             stars from the silent era who save a Mexican village. Ha!
                                                          improv group SCTV, which                               Father of the Bride (1991) Frank? No, Fraunk. Short’s wacky—and
                                                        led to the cult-hit Canadian                             heavily accented—wedding planner drove Martin’s title character up
                                                      comedy series SCTV, which led                              the wall in this hit comedy. He planned the baby shower in the sequel
                                                                                                                 four years later.
                                                   to Saturday Night Live.
                                                    In the 1980s and 1990s, the two                              Little Me (1998) He took on multiple roles in this revival of the Neil
                                                                                                                 Simon–scripted Broadway musical. The performance earned him a
                                              both made the switch to films.
                                                                                                                 Tony award.
                                                                                    continued on page 10

                                                                                                                                                                      JANUARY 13, 2019 | 9

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Get Organized With MARTHA STEWART - p. 4 - The Courier
Why pay $2,300 or more?                                                                                                               from page 9

                                                                                                                                        ESSONS LEARNED
FDA Registered Hearing Aid                                                                                                            Today, Martin talks about his
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                                                           nsed professionals                                                         live-action role was alongside Jack
    Trusted Since 1979                                                                                                                Black and Owen Wilson in the
                                                                                                                                      2011 comedy The Big Year. “If I
 The EarMate®-4220 is the perfect FDA registered digital hearing aid
                                                                                                                                      were going to do movies the same
 if you want the BEST technology for the BEST price. American Made                                                                    way I used to do movies, I was the
 electronics give you advanced technology in a small, easy-to-use hearing                                                             star. And now there are new stars. I
 aid. Includes two-channel processing that provides crisp clear sound                                                                 don’t want to do cameos.”
 and feedback cancellation that virtually eliminates squeal. Discreet                                                                    Short notes that he turned
 design gives you the most natural sound with total comfort.                                                 Super tiny!              down the Jeff Daniels role in
            ✔ Doctor Designed                        ✔ Audiologist Approved                                 Very discreet!            1994’s Dumb and Dumber. “They
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 The typical hearing aid costs at least $2,300 but your price is nowhere near that with                                               but I couldn’t get through the
 this special offer! SAVE $100 TODAY – that’s only $299 each, saving you over 85%                                                     script,” he explains. “Not because I
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          SAVE $100!                                             Try the EarMate®-4220                                                done. It wasn’t my cup of tea.”
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                    $299 EACH            $399
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                                                                                                                                      movies also means spending more
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                                                        If you like it then pay only $299 per aid or simply send it back!             with his wife of 11 years, writer
         Try the EarMate-4220 with
                                                                                                                                      Anne Stringfield, and their 6-year-

                                                                                                                                                                                  MICHAEL BUCKNER/GETTY IMAGES
          NO MONEY DOWN                                   Order easily by phone (Mon-Fri • 8 am - 5 pm CST)                           old daughter (he prefers to keep
     completely Risk-FREE for 45 days
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   in the comfort of your own home and
    see if it’s everything we’ve promised.
                                                                                                                                      light). “I have a child and doing
                                                                                                                                      a movie represents three months
                                                                3/31/19 PROMO CODE 32-293                                             somewhere,” he says. “Even doing
     100%                             EGI RE
                         A+                               Visit us online and SAVE! (Deposit required for online orders.)                                  continued on page 12


                                                                                               10 | JANUARY 13, 2019

                                                                                                                             © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
No contracts                                                                                                                                                                from page 10
 No cancellation fees                                                                                                                                                        a week on a movie is a minimum
                                                                                                                                                                             12-hours-a-day job, so you never
                                                                                                                                                                             see your family.”
                                                                                                                                                                                Short is the father of three:
       Easier is better with the Jitterbug.                                                                                                                                  Katherine, 35, Oliver, 32, and
                                                                                                                                                                             Henry, 29. “Oliver is an associate
                                       The Jitterbug® Flip, from the creators of the original easy-to-use cell                                                               producer at NBC Sports, but that’s
                                       phone, has big buttons and an exclusive 5Star® Urgent Response                                                                        as close as the kids get to being in
                                       button on the keypad.                                                                                                                 front of the camera,” he says with
                                       EASY TO USE Today, cell phones are hard to hear, Plans as low as                                                                      relief. “Just because [success] hap-
                                       difficult to dial and overloaded with features you may
                                       never use. That’s not the case with the Jitterbug Flip. $
                                       A large screen and big buttons make it easy to call
                                       family and friends. The powerful speaker ensures every
                                                                                                        month*                                   1499
                                       conversation will be loud and clear. Plus, straightforward YES and NO
                                       buttons make navigating the menu simple.

                                       EASY TO ENJOY Wherever you go, a built-in camera makes it easy and
                                       fun for you to capture and share your favorite memories. And a flashlight
                                       with a built-in magnifier helps you see in dimly lit areas. With all the                                                              The Short family in 2007: Katherine,
                                       features you need, the Jitterbug Flip also comes with a long-lasting                                                                  Henry, Nancy, Martin and Oliver
                                       battery, so you won’t have to worry about running out of power.
                                                                                                                                                                             pened to someone’s parents doesn’t
                                       EASY TO BE PREPARED Life has a way of being unpredictable, but you                                                                    mean it can happen to the kids.
                                       can be prepared in any uncertain or unsafe situation with 5Star Service.                                                              Success in this business can be a
                                       Simply press the 5Star button to be connected immediately with a highly-
                                       trained Urgent Response Agent who will confirm your location, evaluate                                                                fluke.”
                                       your situation and get you the help you need, 24/7.                                                                                      But achieving four decades of
                                                                                                                                                                             accolades and laughs is a crowning
                                       The Jitterbug Flip is one of the most affordable cell phones on the market                                                            achievement in itself. “Getting
                                       and comes with dependable nationwide coverage. Friendly customer                                                                      older, I believe you become plenty
                                       service representatives will help figure out which phone plan is best
                                       for you, and with no contracts or cancellation fees, you can switch plans                                                             wiser about everything in life,”
                                       anytime. You can even keep your current landline or cell phone number.                                                                Short says. “You learn not to take it
                                                                                                                                                                             so seriously.”
                                                                                                                                                                                They’re both serious about one
                                                                                                                                                                             thing: They love making people
      Powered by the nation’s largest and most
                                                                                                      Buy now and get a FREE                                                 laugh together in their show.
          dependable wireless network.
                                                                                                                                                                                “Whatever the travel effort is,
                                                                                                      Car Charger, a $25 value!                                              whatever the complications are, it’s
                                                                                                   To order or learn more, call us at                                        a small price to pay to be able to do
                                               NO CONTRACTS                                                                                                                  it,” Martin says.
                                                No cancellation fees                              1-800-650-6490                                                                And they promise audiences will
                                                                                                                                                                             be entertained—by jokes, music
                                                                                                   or visit
                                                                                                                                                                             and two nattily dressed funnymen.
                                                                                                                                                                             But no political humor—that’s too
                          Why the Jitterbug Flip is your best choice for a new cell phone:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ROBIN PLATZER/FILMMAGIC/GETTY IMAGES
                                                                                                                                                                             divisive, says Martin. “It’s not inter-
 No contracts             Keep your current                  Free U.S.-based                      No hidden                     Brain Games powered                          esting to make the audience cheer
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                                                                                                                                                                             or boo—except at Marty.”
                                                                                                                                                                                His partner agrees. “That goes
                                                                                                                                                                             without saying,” quips Short.
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     *Monthly fees do not include government taxes or assessment surcharges and are subject to change. Plans and services may require purchase of a
     GreatCall device and a one-time setup fee of 35. 5Star or 9-1-1 calls can be made only when cellular service is available. 5Star Service tracks an approximate
                                                                                                                                                                                 Steve Martin’s funniest quotes.
         location of the device when the device is turned on and connected to the network. GreatCall does not guarantee an exact location. Car charger will be
         mailed to customer after the device is activated. Jitterbug, GreatCall, and 5Star are registered trademarks of GreatCall, Inc. Copyright ©2019 GreatCall, Inc.   12 | JANUARY 13, 2019

                                                                                                                                                                    © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
Portable Oxygen                                           What America
For The Way You
Want to Live                                               SUNDAY DINNER

  • NEW and Improved

                                                                                                                                       PHOTO BY ELLEN SILVERMAN; RECIPE EXCERPTED FROM EVERYDAY DORIE © 2018 BY DORIE GREENSPAN. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION OF RUX MARTIN BOOKS/HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • Clinically Proven
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    Requirements                                               UNFORGETTABLE
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                                                           PORK ROAST
                 JUST                                     S   lathered with a wet rub of bourbon, mustard,
                                                              honey and brown sugar, this stunning pork roast
                                                          can be on the table in just over an hour, so it’s perfect
                 2.8 LBS!                                 for Sunday night supper. The recipe is from Dorie
                                                          Greenspan’s newest cookbook, Everyday Dorie, featur-
                                                          ing the James Beard Award–winning author’s favorite go-to meals.
                                                          Serve with crusty French bread to soak up the tasty pan juices.

 The ALL-NEW                                                  Bourbon-Roasted Pork Loin
Includes Everything You Need To Regain Your Freedom       Using a sharp paring knife, cut a shallow crosshatch pattern in the top
                                                          layer of fat on 1 (3-lb) boneless pork loin roast, taking care not to cut
Portable Oxygen That Will Never                           into the meat. Mix ¼ cup bourbon, ¼ cup grainy mustard (prefer-
                                                          ably French, such as Maille), 2 Tbsp brown sugar, 2 Tbsp honey,
Weigh You Down.                                           1 tsp fine sea salt, 1 tsp sriracha and freshly ground black pepper to
                                                          taste. Rub over pork, covering all sides; set aside while oven preheats.
At just 2.8 lbs, the Inogen One G4 is the                 (Or put it in a covered container and refrigerate up to 8 hours; let
ultralight portable oxygen concentratorr                  stand at room temperature 30 minutes before cooking.)
you have been waiting for. The Inogen                        Preheat oven to 400°F with rack in center.
                                                             Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil in a Dutch oven or other heavy high-sided
One G4 is approximately half the size                     ovenproof casserole over medium. Add 2 medium onions, thinly
of the Inogen One G3.                                     sliced, and 2 apples, such as Gala or Fuji, unpeeled, cored and cut
                                                          into 6 pieces each. Season with salt and black pepper. Cook, stirring
                                                          regularly, 10 minutes or until onions are translucent and apples are
REQUEST YOUR FREE                                         starting to soften. Center roast, fat side up, on top of apples and
                                                          onions. Pour in any remaining rub and liquids that have accumulated.
INFO KIT TODAY!                                           Roast pork, uncovered, 45–55 minutes, basting a couple of times, or
                                                          until a meat thermometer inserted into center registers 135°–140°F.
CALL NOW!                                                 Let roast stand a few minutes before slicing and serving with onions,
                                                          apples and pan juices. Serves 6.

1-800-958-3452                                        ®

                                                            Go to for Greenspan’s winter squash pasta toss recipe.
© 2019 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved.      MKT-P0057
                                                          14 | JANUARY 13, 2019

                                                                                     © PARADE Publications 2019. All rights reserved.
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