Magazine - APRIL 2021 - Croydon Methodist Circuit

Page created by Terrence Maxwell
Magazine - APRIL 2021 - Croydon Methodist Circuit


 APRIL 2021
Magazine - APRIL 2021 - Croydon Methodist Circuit

Magazine - APRIL 2021 - Croydon Methodist Circuit
ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                                 3

                                                       APRIL 2021

 Circuit Minister: Revd Soon Cheol Choi      
  (on Sabbatical until 12 July 2021)                     Tel: 020-8654 5481
 Lay Pastor: Mr Bennie Harms        
                                                         Tel: 07900-890 384


 Dear friends,
 They’re back again! After being away for nearly a year, they’re back! Very
 busy, mind you. In and out; in and out; in and out! My son and I discussed
 what kind of birds they were. Oh dear! I’ve given the game away! Yes, we have
 a pair of ‘Cyanistes Caeruleus’ – otherwise known as Blue Tits – nesting in
 the house that Ken built. Yet, according to the BTO (British Trust for
 Ornithology) they’re early – well she is! He doesn’t have much to do with
 building nests and she does all the work.
 So, when will you be back again?” Yes, I’m talking about church and meeting
 up in fellowship with each other. Face to face; without the need for masks.
 There are a lot of discussions taking place across the Circuit as to when the
 ‘best time’ will be to open our doors and get together again. We may have to
 practise ‘Social Distancing’ for a while and there will be fewer places in the
 church for people to come into – but at least we’ll be together again. And not
 staring at a screen filled with little boxes showing people’s faces or names.
 Although, for some that might be the only alternative that they’ll have to join
 in, so let’s keep it going if we can.
 How different do YOU think YOUR church will be when the Corona-Virus no
 longer dominates our lives dictating to the world at large how to behave and
 be in society. When things will begin to return to the ‘New Normal’. Will we be
 eager to get out of the house and leave our homes to be IN the church? Will
 our practices and patterns change or will we simply slip back into the ways we
 did it all before? What changes would you like to see, when Covid-19 is out of
 the way and life resumes once again? Would you like your church to do some
 or many things differently? Could we find ways to work with others in our

 2021No. 723
4                         ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

    communities? To continue building on the ‘spirit of togetherness and
    community’ that has developed all over our country (and indeed in many other
    parts of the world too). There is a Zulu proverb called Ubuntu that says: “I
    am a person through other people” Archbishop Desmond Tutu explained it
    this way: “One of the sayings in our country is Ubuntu — the essence of being
    human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a
    human being in isolation.”
    There’s a hymn that starts this way – When I needed a neighbour were you
    there, were you there? Hopefully people will be able to respond, ‘When I
    needed a neighbour, you were there, you were there! The early church, or
    ‘Acts Church’ as it’s often referred to, was known for its unity and having all
    things in common. Acts 4 vs 32 and 34 and Acts 2 vs 47 describes them in this
    way – ‘All the believers were one in heart and mind…… sharing everything
    they had. There were no needy persons among them. And the Lord added to
    their number daily those who were being saved.’
    As we ‘go back again’ perhaps there are some things we used to think, say or
    do that we could leave aside. And ‘together’ build a house where love can
    dwell and we can safely live.
       Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live,
       A place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.
       Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace;
       Here the love of Christ shall end divisions:
       All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.
                                           (Singing the Faith: 409; Marty Haugen)
    I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
    God bless you.

                                                      Bennie Harms – Lay Pastor
                                        Addington and Shirley Methodist Churches

ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                                      5

                       WELCOME BACK TO CHURCH
   As London comes out of ‘Lock-down’, we are opening our church again for
Sunday Services - starting on Easter Day (4th April) at 10:30am.
   But the pandemic is not yet over, so we will need to wear masks and keep
‘social distancing’. The rules will be like last Autumn (see page 11)

ROADMAP       FROM     29 MARCH                STEP 2 - FROM 12 APRIL
   Social contact                                 Business and activities
    The evidence shows that it is safer for        Step 2, which will be no earlier than
people to meet outdoors rather than            12 April, will see the opening of non-es-
indoors. And this is why from 29 March,        sential retail; personal care premises such
when most schools start to break up for        as hairdressers and nail salons; and public
the Easter holidays, outdoor gatherings        buildings, including libraries and commu-
(including in private gardens) of either 6     nity centres. Indoor leisure facilities such
people (the Rule of 6) or 2 households will    as gyms will also reopen (but only for use
also be allowed, making it easier for          by people on their own or in household
friends and families to meet outside.          groups); as will most outdoor attractions
                                               and settings including outdoor hospitality
                                               venues, zoos, theme parks, and drive-in
   Business and activities                     cinemas. Self-contained accommodation
    Outdoor sports facilities such as          such as campsites and holiday lets, where
tennis and basketball courts, and open-air     indoor facilities are not shared with other
swimming pools, will also be allowed to        households, can also reopen.
reopen, and people will be able to take
part in formally organised outdoor sports.
                                                   Hospitality venues will be allowed to
                                               serve people outdoors at Step 2 and
   Travel                                      there will be no need for customers to
                                               order a substantial meal with alcoholic
    The ‘stay at home’ rule will end on 29     drinks and no curfew, although customers
March but many restrictions will remain in     must order, eat and drink while seated
place. People should continue to work          (‘table service’). Wider social contact
from home where they can and minimise          rules will apply in all these settings to
the number of journeys they make where         prevent indoor mixing between different
possible, avoiding travel at the busiest       households.
times and routes. Travel abroad will con-
tinue to be prohibited, other than for a
small number of permitted reasons. Holi-          Events
days abroad will not be allowed, given it
                                                   While funerals can continue with up to
will remain important to manage the risk
                                               30 mourners, the number of people able
of imported variants and protect the vac-
                                               to attend weddings, receptions and com-
cination programme. The government
                                               memorative events such as wakes will
has launched a new taskforce to review
                                               rise to 15.
global travel which will report on 12 April.

6                       ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

                    HOLY WEEK REFLECTIONS              ON    ZOOM
    Monday 29th March at 7:30 pm by Mr Bennie Harms
    Tuesday 30th March at 7:30 pm by Revd Jennifer Potter
    Wednesday 31st March at 7:30 pm by Revd Leslie Griffiths
    Thursday 1st April at 7:30 pm by Revd Stephen Day

    To join these daily Zoom Meetings, use the link below:
    Meeting ID: 881 5546 6040                  Passcode: 052633

    Good Friday 2nd April - Circuit ZOOM Service at 3pm by Revd Stephen Day
    To join this Zoom Service, use the link below:
    Meeting ID: 824 6931 6125                  Passcode: 794704
     Good Friday YouTube Service for Churches Together in Selsdon & Addington

                           CTSA VIDEOS        ON     YOUTUBE
    The Anointing at Bethany         

    Jesus washes his disciples' feet 

    Jesus prays in Gethsemane        

    The Trial                        

    Jesus weeps over Jerusalem       

    Jesus' death on Good Friday      

    Easter Sunday: The Resurrection  

ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                              7

                                       OUR CHURCH MATTERS

               We look forward to meeting each other face-to-face at church
           once again, giving thanks that the anti-virus injections are allowing
           us to slowly return towards the ‘old normal’.

 LETTERS                                     Pam and I are pleased to
                                             report that at 8.45 on 22
                                             March Louis George Alfred
                                             Sutton was born at St James's
                                             Hospital, Leeds where Graham
  This year Easter Sunday falls              and Bridget both work; Louis
  on 4th April, which date is also           weighed in at 7 lbs 1 oz.
  the anniversary of Ken’s death
  exactly one year ago.                      Louis sounds very regal,
                                             George is the surname on both
  One of the good things about a             sides of the family and Pam's
  funeral service is that people             father's given name was
  come away having learned a                 Alfred. From the photo sent by
  bit more about the departed                the proud father the young lad
  person.                                    looks 'bonny'.
  Since we were unable to hold
  such a service, I thought I
  would set down a few facts for             Pleased to report both
  your interest about his long and           Grandparents are doing OK!!
  productive life - see page 8.
           Jane Colvert
                                             Dean Sutton

8                        ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

KEN COLVERT                                    two very happy years. He gained a schol-
                                               arship place at West Ham (St. Bonaven-
                                               ture’s) Grammar School but was only able
                                               to spend one year there due to a fee-
                                               paying policy being introduced and family
                                               finances being insufficient to meet the
                                               cost involved. Thus, he completed his
                                               secondary education at an elementary
                                               school in Ilford, plus an extra year at the
                                               local technical college. During this time,
                                               his greatest out of school activity involved
                                               his membership of the Ilford Sea Cadets,
                                               which sparked in him a life-long interest in
                                                   At the age of fifteen he had to get a
                                               job, and decided to follow his father into
                                               clerical work. For two years he worked at
                                               a local chemicals firm, starting as a
                                               humble office boy but learning on the job
                                               and being given greater responsibilities.
                                               When he was only seventeen his father
                                               died of TB and he went to live with a
                                               relative for a year. He also became a cost
                                               clerk in the firm of Furness Withy and Co
                                               which was a shipping company. This fur-
                                               thered Ken’s interest in all things maritime.
                                                    When he was called up for National
                                               Service in 1948, he was disappointed to
                                               learn that the Royal Navy had been ‘put
     Kenneth Francis Colvert was born on       into mothballs’ and that he would have to
3rd October 1929 in Forest Gate, West          settle for the Army. However, the good
Ham. His father was a clerk in the head        news was he ended up in the Royal Sig-
office of J S Sainsbury. His mother’s          nals in Austria where his duties entailed
maiden name was O’Brien, and he was            listening in to coded morse messages (
quite proud of his Irish connections. Sadly,   from the Russians) and passing them on.
due to prolonged ill-health, she did not       As Austria is also a beautiful country, it is
figure much in his young life. He had an       not surprising that he found the posting
older brother, and was also part of a wider    much to his liking.
family of Colverts who all lived in the
same area. They were all practising                After being demobbed in 1950 he
Roman Catholics and in due course Ken          returned to clerical work but was deter-
became an altar boy, assisting the priest at   mined to improve his educational qualifi-
early morning Mass. He enjoyed this, and       cations so that other career opportunities
especially remembered the beautiful            might be open to him. Through attend-
chanting of the Franciscan monks from the      ance at evening classes he managed to
monastery attached to his church of St         gain the necessary ‘A’ levels for university
Anthony’s. In 1939 he was evacuated to         entrance. In 1954 he commenced a
an Oxfordshire Village, where he spent         degree course at Southampton Univer-

ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                                     9

sity, and emerged three years later with a    lished as an essential element in all TEC
BSc (Econ). Ken in his day was a good         courses.
raconteur and among his numerous enter-            After he retired, he chose to continue
taining anecdotes were several based on       his own self-development by signing on
the temporary jobs he did to earn extra       annually to adult education courses - pho-
money during his student years, which is      tography, IT, gardening, art, sailing. He
where “I was a waiter on the trains”          always said that his favourite month of the
comes from.                                   year was September because that was the
    After university he was not quite sure    start of another academic year and the
what he wanted to do next so he decided       opportunity to learn something new. The
to try some supply teaching for West          sailing course he found especially fulfilling
Ham. In those days, as long as you had a      and it led to many years sailing activities
degree it was not necessary to have a         with others, especially after he bought his
teacher training certificate as well. This    own mirror dinghy.
was a good decision on his part because           He was a real family man and very
not only did he find he enjoyed teaching      proud of his four children - two sons and
sufficiently enough to make a career of it,   two daughters. He also greatly valued his
but he also met his future wife at one of     Addington church family and was always
the schools and they got married in 1960.     ready to offer his help where needed. For
In that year also, he started a one year      many years he was Junior Church treas-
course at Garnett College which would         urer, and he was supportive of other
qualify him to teach in technical colleges    youth activities too - such as JMA and
and colleges of further education.            MAYC. In his later and increasingly frail
    His first teaching post was at Reading    years, this affinity with young people
College of Technology (1961-72) where         found him happily interacting with chil-
as well as lecturing in Economics he          dren at the monthly am:pm ‘Messy
taught Liberal/General Studies. Way back      Church’.
in the 1960s it was realised that the edu-       As his memorial tablet at St Mary’s
cation and training of young people in        Church, Farleigh states -
technical institutions was too narrow.
They were viewed as workers alone, and            A Life Well Lived
not as citizens. It was decided to broaden
the curriculum to indicate there was more
to life than work. As a pioneer of that
philosophy, Ken became an active
                                                                          Jane Colvert
member of the Association for Liberal
Education and was for many years editor
of the monthly ALE Bulletin, which pro-
vided a platform for regional group mem-
bers to share their ideas and experiences.
    In 1972 he became Principal Lecturer
in charge of General and Communication
Studies at Croydon College. In addition to
his college workload he played a pivotal
role at committee level within the Techni-
cian Education Council to ensure that GCS
(as LS/GS was now termed) was estab-

10                           ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

                                 A   W
                               April Worship
                                        PRIL    ORSHIP

                           10:30am MORNING SERVICES
                  Preacher                     Steward

     4            EASTER DAY
              Rev Jenifer Potter †             David Fanshawe

     11           Mr Bennie Harms              Sonia Smith

     18           Mrs Comfort Croffie          Jenny Harms

     25           Mr Paul Parkinson            Olu Sopekan

Services which include the sacrament of Holy Communion are marked †
Junior Church & AM:PM meetings are suspended during the Covid crisis.
Young people are very welcome to join the 10:30 services with their family.

 A Croydon Circuit Service by Rev Stephen Day is available on YouTube
      every Sunday afternoon. Details on

                                         PRAYER LIST
                                        Prayer   List

          Week beginning:
          April          4 Our Circuit Stewards
                       11 Macmillan Nurses
                       18 Methodist Homes for the Aged
                       25 Our Magazine Team


  We re-open our church on th April.
  But we must follow Government and Methodist Church rules to
ensure safety:
1. We must all wear FACE COVERINGS (like for shops & buses).
2. We must sign in and give our phone number or email (for track
   & trace), then wait to be seated by a steward.
3. We must keep a safe distance apart - so there should be 2 empty
   seats between you and the next person EXCEPT for families or
   for couples who can sit close together.
4. We must not shake hands or hug anyone.
5. We must not sing the hymns, or pray loudly.
6. At the end of the service place your offering in the plate at the
   back of the church. If possible set up a Standing Order.
7. Do not stay to greet friends till you are outside again.

Because of social distancing rules we can only accommodate about
30 people in our church. We will therefore operate a BOOKING
SYSTEM (like a theatre).
PLEASE TELEPHONE David: 020-8651 2504 by 3pm Saturday to
book seats in church for your self, couple or family.
If you have not booked we will try to fit you in, but we are not
    allowed to exceed our safe capacity.
We can only reserve seats until 10:25am - so DON’T BE LATE.

A steward will help you sign in and show you to your seat(s).


12                        ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE


The Big Question

    Last year when all the libraries closed     Pledge" but I found myself thinking about
down as I was only "on line" at the libraries   two of my grandsons, one studying for "A"
so I finally had to go on line at home. One     levels then hoping to study at a college in
of the blokes I go walking with (who used       Brighton for a degree, the other studying
to work in computers) had to make a             for "O" levels then off to a Sixth form col-
number of modifications to my elderly           lege to study for "A" levels
computer, and when he returned it                   I found myself wondering should I
remarked the computer is all right at the       have a chat with my grandsons about the
moment, you won't have to buy a new             problem of alcohol, do I run the risk of
one yet!                                        being told by my son-in-laws, who are not
    Trying to get "Zoom" proved to be           alcoholics but both drink,tell me [nicely?]
impossible so I started to watch the BBC        to mind my own business, they are not
morning service on TV, I am now                 my children, they are about old enough to
watching a discussion programme called          make up their own minds. What worries
"The Big Question" followed by "Sunday          me is that it is very easy to follow the
Worship" a 45 minute very good church           "coming for a drink" afterwards clan. That's
service. A pause for lunch followed by          where it all can start off. I might have chat
"Songs of Praise" all with quite a lot to       with my daughters when the lock
think about, with lock down quite a lot of      down/isolation enables me to go and visit
the songs were from previous recordings,        them both.
but still very worth hearing                        What do you think I wonder?
    A recent 'The Big Question" subject
was the very thought provoking one of
"Alcoholism". Two of the invited speakers           P.S One of the invited speakers on
had recovered from alcoholism, one had a        "The Big Question" was a bishop, his face
son      recovering     from    alcoholism.     was a real picture when the interviewer
Although my dad spent the second half of        asked him "Did Jesus really turn water into
his life every day in the pub, I don't drink    wine?"
alcohol, I am one of those Methodists
who goes back to the days of `Signing the                                   Ken Dudley


            Addington Methodist Church

   Supports ‘The Vine’ Food Bank in New Addington
             Run by The Salvation Army.

 There is a greater need for help due to the ongoing
   pandemic. To help us help others there will be
     a collection point in front of the church on

                 Saturday 3rd April
                  10:30 – 12:30pm


14                      ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

                                                               BENNIE'S BLOG
     L-S P is messing with your brain!
     When I was a teenager, something              Ellen writes that a fellow co-worker
new, dangerous, intoxicating, mind-          isn't sure her toddler remembers what it's
bending and highly addictive was discov-     like to go shopping in a store and another
ered and soon was used rampantly             cleaned her reading glasses with nail-
throughout the then-known world. (I say      polish. For me, this sounds like just
'then known world' because my children       another normal day. I can't remember
and grandchildren think I'm so old that I    how tall the Superintendent is and if he
grew up before the Bronze Age came into      still wears that funny hat (which my dearly
being.) Anyway, back to my story …..         beloved explained was a cycling helmet).
this new thing was a drug which was so       Have you forgotten what it was like to go
powerful and dangerous that it soon          out and have a meal with friends; does
became banned, and then more sought          your stay-at -home child doing school
after. Remember "L.S.D"? There was even      online constantly forget their homework
a song about it. Apparently, the Beatles     and lunch at home?
hit, 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' was         Now here's some good news - Mike
all about getting high on LSD.               Yassa, a neuroscientist at UC Irvine (that
    Well today, we have L-S P and            stands for the University of California,
according to an article by Ellen Cushing     Irvine) informs us that we are all walking
(who writes for the online newspaper -       around with some mild cognitive impair-
The Atlantic) written on 8th March 2021,     ment as a result of the Pandemic. This is a
'Late-Stage Pandemic is messing with         result of our being deprived of physical
your Brain.'                                 activity and novelty. (You can only walk
                                             around the park - even if it is Ashburton
     Now L-S P (italics my own as well as
                                             Park - so many times! After that the nov-
the abbreviation) is when you become
                                             elty wears off as you drag one foot in front
aware that you're losing your mind and
                                             of the other.) By living through a pan-
now have something that you can blame
                                             demic, you are being exposed to micro
for that condition too!
                                             doses of unpredictable stress all the time.
    It's when you can't remember simple      (There goes my watching the news on tv
things like: what did we used to do on the   in the evening.) Another interviewee for
weekends? I have this thing called a         this article described getting up in the
Freedom Pass, what purpose does it           morning as 'a heaviness, like wading
serve? Is it polite to fall asleep in the    through something thicker than water.
middle of a conversation and when you        Maybe a tar pit'. She also misses the
wake up, grab your phone and stare           sound of voices.
intensely at the screen.You can't under-
                                                 Believe it or not - this too will pass!
stand why there aren't any faces staring
                                             There is light at the end of the tunnel - you
back at you with everyone talking and
                                             just can't see it at the moment because
no-one being heard. When you stand in
                                             you're going through a bend (well, it
front of the bathroom mirror and quite
                                             could be a series of circles that you have
confidently spray shaving cream on your
                                             to negotiate before you get to the end)
toothbrush, and cannot understand how
                                             and eventually you'll reach the straight bit
mint flavoured toothpaste has suddenly
                                             where you CAN see the light! It won't be
become so frothy in your mouth.
                                             too long, and you will be able to go out on

ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                                      15

                                               TRAVELLING HOPEFULLY
                                                   Robert Louis Stevenson said “It is
                                               better to travel hopefully than to
a Saturday night. I can't make any prom-       arrive”. 2020 has been a year for
ises about having to still wear masks or       hopefully booking holidays, then
practice social distancing. You will find      having them cancelled!
out that the Superintendent is tall (he is,
                                                   After Charlie’s death in January 2020,
isn't he?) and recognise his cycling
                                               we looked forward to a few days in Bruges
helmet. You'll be able to hug and shake
                                               to celebrate our wedding anniversary. But
hands and you won't feel as if you're
                                               P&O had to cancel our ferry booking as
walking through a tar pit. You'll be able to
                                               London ‘locked-down’. Fortunately our
go on holiday (and I don't mean to the
                                               Bruges hotel allowed free cancellation also.
B&B down the road) and travel as far as
you want to - without having to use your            And this was a continuing pattern
children as an excuse for making the trip.     throughout the year. The package holiday
                                               we had booked with Easyjet for May 2020
    As you contemplate life sans pan-
                                               got cancelled, as did out usual trip to Scot-
demic (if there is such a saying) be
                                               land in September (with 6 shows in 4 days
encouraged by the words of a wise man
                                               at Pitlochry Festival Theatre and visits to our
who once wrote - There's an opportune
                                               relatives in the North). Initially not a cancel-
time to do things, a right time for every-
                                               lation, but a postponement till 2021 - by
thing on the earth. I've decided that
                                               which time we all expected the pandemic
there's nothing better to do than go
                                               would be safely over, and the theatrical
ahead and have a good time and get the
                                               festival could resume with the same pro-
most we can out of life. That's it-eat,
                                               gramme and the same seats reserved for
drink, and make the most of your job. It's
                                               us. Unfortunately the programme in 2021
God's gift.
                                               will not include the 6 shows we chose, so
    Whatever was, is.                          we’ve cancelled that trip as well. And a
    Whatever will be, is.                      short holiday in Venice we booked for last
                                               November also had to be cancelled.
    That's how it always is with God.
(Ecclesiastes 3 selected verses - The Mes-          But, as Robert Louis Stevenson said, it’s
sage Translation)                              not all loss. We got a lot of pleasure out of
                                               ‘travelling hopefully’ - planning the holi-
    God bless you,                             days, choosing the places we wanted to
                                               visit, looking through the photos we took
            Bennie Harms                       on earlier visits, and spending time on the
                                               computer exploring places with ‘Google
                                               Earth’. Even before Easyjet advised us that
    PS - If you want to read Ellen Cush-
                                               they had to cancel our Greek holiday in
ing's article go to:
                                               2021 we spent quite some time happily         considering alternatives, and have booked
/archive/2021/03/what-pandemic-                a holiday in Santorini for May 2022.
                                                   So while we remain ‘locked in’ and qui-
                                               etly wait for the world to recover we con-
                                               tinue to travel hopefully (and virtually) until
                                               we can really travel safely.
                                                                           David & Joyce
16                      ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

                               'OWLERS                            ’OWLERS

                                Jokes and Puzzles from Hoot & Screech

        Hi! Spring has come to the woods. There are lots of white
wood anemones, and bluebell leaves are in abundance. This month
the bluebell flowers should be appearing. There are also a few
violets already - and one primrose.
        We hope that you are enjoying being back at school being
able to see friends, and catching up on your lessons.
                                                             Hoot & Screech
The Beautiful Game
And Seaman, just like a falling oak, manages to change direction
                                                              JOHN MOTSON
"Arsene Wenger has got to unlock the purse strings"         JOHN MOTSON
"Defoe was level and anyone who says otherwise is picking hairs"
                                                           JOHN MOTSON
'We have run a marathon and fallen just short so we need to boost the squad
   to get us over that final hurdle'                          JOHN RUDGE
"That's put a strain on his left-hand knee"                   JOHN SCALES
There are nil-nil's and nil-nil's - and this was nil-nil.'          JOHN SILLETT

Jokes            What do you call a scared biscuit ?     A cowardly custard cream !
                 What do you call someone with an elephant on his head?A flat mate !
                 What do you call someone who dances on cars?     A morris dancer !
                 What do you call a fight between film actors ?         Star Wars !
                 What do you call a superb painting done by a rat ?
                                                                 A mouseterpiece !


SPOT            7 differences

18                        ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

                                                   THIS ISSUE
    It all started in 1987, when Richard
                                                   Our Pastor Writes...........................3
Branson crossed the Atlantic in a hot-air
                                                   WELCOME BACK TO CHURCH.......5
balloon and Croydon u3a was formed and
                                                   Roadmap from 29 March...............5
took flight. We have never looked back -
                                                   Step 2 - From 12 April...................5
for 34 years we have continued to serve
                                                   Holy Week Reflections on ZOOM. . 6
Croydon's diverse community and have
                                                   CTSA Videos on YouTube ..............6
made a real difference to the quality of so
many lives.
                                                   Our Church Matters........................7
    While we at Croydon u3a mark our               Ken Colvert....................................8
34th anniversary this year, the National           April Worship...............................10
u3a organization, which has 1057 local             Prayer List....................................10
groups and over 450,000 members, is                Welcome Back to Church.............11
also holding its first ever 'u3a Day' - and        Concerns......................................12
we will be celebrating that too, in June!          Travelling Hopefully.....................15
    Anyone no longer working full-time             ’Owlers........................................16
can join the u3a - no qualifications               The Next Magazine .....................18
needed; just interest, enthusiasm and              We're here for u3a.......................18
willingness to explore new challenges
and new experiences together. The u3a is
non-religious and non-political and is
open to everyone - from all backgrounds,         THE NEXT MAGAZINE ...
religions and cultures. Over the years,              … will be published on the last
our members have benefited from a                Sunday in April Contributions to the
varied local menu of interest groups and         Editor, Joyce Fanshawe, two weeks earlier
activities, 58 in all currently - there is       please.
something for everyone and if you don't
                                                    Phone: 020-8651 2504, or e-mail:
see anything that you like, then we will
help you to start a new group.
                                                     If you have an email address we can
    Even though the past year has
                                                 send you a ‘link’ to download the maga-
restricted our face-to-face activities, it has
                                                 zine onto your PC or smartphone.
not prevented us meeting - we've learnt
to use Zoom and connect on a regular                 Or you can DOWNLOAD it FREE, from
basis with others. Croydon u3a is run by         the Circuit website (Addington page):
its members for its members and there is
no stopping us.
    So perhaps the pomp and circum-
stance we'd planned for our 34th Anni-
versary celebrations will be dialled back
just a little and the invited guests and the         To find out more about Croydon u3a:
number of dignitaries will be fewer, but
the modern magic of technology will take
over and allow us to share a carnival of            Facebook: Croydon u3a
collective memories and to party on
Friday 16th April from 7 pm till late, using
Zoom. The ceremony will go ahead and
the future is looking good.



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