Struggle not over yet - P - Orissa Post

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Struggle not over yet - P - Orissa Post
JANUARY 24-30, 2021


                         REPUBLIC DAY SPECIAL

                      not over yet
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SUNDAY POST             JANUARY 24-30, 2021                                                                                                                        MIXED BAG

    singer                                                                          with frien

 Dash, who                                                                               Late riser
has lent voice                                                                           I wake up a bit late
                                                                                         on Sundays. But I
                                                                                                                                              with son

to more than                                                                             never miss doing
                                                                                         riyaz to condition my
                                                                                         voice and get better.
  40 films,                                                                                                               Expert chef
                                                                                                                          I enjoy treating my family with
   loves to                                                                              Proud dad
                                                                                                                          scrumptious food. So, on most
                                                                                                                          Sundays, I cook traditional
                                                                                                                          chicken or mutton curry for
 spend time                                                                              My life has always               them.
                                                                                         revolved around my                                                Hanging out
 with his son                                                                            son Yodhant aka
                                                                                         Yash. Playing with                                                with friends
                                                                                         him and taking him
 Yodhant on                                                                              for long drives are                                               I have limited friends.
                                                                                                                                                           Due to a hectic work
                                                                                         my favourite
                                                                                         pastimes. I also
                                                                                                                          Mini party                       schedule, I hardly get
non-working                                                                              teach him the basics             Often, I host house
                                                                                                                          parties and invite
                                                                                                                                                           time for them. So, I
                                                                                                                                                           meet them on
                                                                                         of music on holidays.
  Sundays.                                                                                                                family members and
                                                                                                                          close relatives to have a

                                                                                                                          gala time together.

                                                                                                                                       Movie buff
                                                                                                                                       Being a film buff, I make sure to
                                                                                                                                       watch some classic Hindi
                                                                                                                                       movies with family.


                         WhatsApp                                          HURRIED DECISION                                     LETTERS
                         This Week                            Sir, Last week’s cover article ‘Learning amid fear’ made for an
                                                              interesting read. Being a teacher, I must say that teaching is
                                                              not an easy task with a face mask on. It is always difficult to
                                                              breathe properly and speak loudly while taking classes.
        Only on Sunday POST!                                  Classroom teaching has its own advantages. Having said that, I
Send in your most interesting Whatsapp messages and memes     still think it could have been delayed a bit as the vaccination
         received to:           process is yet to be completed.
              And we will publish the best ones                                                   SUMAN PATTNAIK, ANGUL
  n Why is the place in a stadium where you SIT, called a
     STAND ?                                                                  AGELESS ACTOR
  n Why is that everyone wants to go to HEAVEN, but           Sir, I am a diehard fan of actor Sukant Rath and it was good to
     nobody wants to DIE !!
                                                              see him in My Sunday segment. I love his voice and his style                            A WORD FOR READERS
  n Shall I say that there is racial discrimination even in                                                                                      Sunday POST is serving a
     chess, As the WHITE always moved FIRST.
                                                              of anchoring. It seems that the Badhu actor is getting
                                                                                                                                                 platter of delectable fare every
                                                              younger by the day and age is just a number for him. I would
  n We have FREEDOM of SPEECH, Then why do we have                                                                                               week, or so we hope. We want
     TELEPHONE BILLS ?                                        be happier if Sunday POST comes up with his interview                              readers to interact with us. Please
                                                              asking him to share secrets behind his youthfulness.                               send in your opinions, queries,
                                                                                                                                                 comments and contributions to
                                                                                  SHARMILA KANUNGO, BHUBANESWAR                                       B-15, Industrial Estate, Rasulgarh,
                                                                                                                                                      Bhubaneswar – 751010, Orissa.
                                                                                                                                                      Phone (0674) 2549982, 2549948
Struggle not over yet - P - Orissa Post
SUNDAY POST            JANUARY 24-30, 2021

                                                                                              Though India became free from the clutches of
                                                                                                British, modern-day ‘freedom fighters’ claim
                                                                                                    the country is yet to free herself from
                                                                                               issues such as superstitions, drug abuse and
                                                                                                          atrocities against women

                                                                                                                     Republic Day Special


          very year, ahead of the
         Re p u b l i c    Day     or
         Independence Day, the nation
 pays tributes to those brave men and
                                                                                                    NOT OVER YET
                                                                                   lievable and uplifting at the same time. Those     treatment there. After that there was no looking back. Since
 women who had made the supreme sacrifices                                      who had come back from the brink of destitution       then, I haven’t had a drink,” says Patel.
 for a free India. It is a matter of pride that we                            and death due to their fatal habit have found              Asked about the de-addiction activities, he continues: “We
 are now an independent, strong and self-sufficient                        succour and sustenance at Samarpan, his rehab centre.      have a number of successes to our credit and it’s extremely
 nation that our predecessors dreamt of.                              Prabhu’s efforts to help recover drug addicts and drug          heartwarming to see an alcoholic or addicts get back to
    But are we really a free nation? Have we got freedom          dependence are exemplary in a society permeated by selfishness      normal family life once again. I feel proud to see people
 from issues such as superstitions, drug abuse, atrocities        and ego. Without exaggeration it can be said that the 52-           who used to be alcoholics once and now have run rehab
 against women and many other taboos? The list is endless.        year-old has emerged as a messiah for drug addicts and al-          centres after being counseled by me. My work with alcoholism
    The British have certainly gone, but today’s ‘freedom         coholics.                                                           and addiction also led to my working on issues related to
 fighters’ still wage a war, which is tougher than the one that      Like other addicts, Patel, an alcoholic, could not control       HIV and AIDS.”
 was fought decades back. They fight the enemies within.          himself despite some effort. By the time he completed his              Today Patel is a national level resource person / facilitator
    Ahead of the Republic Day, Sunday POST lists a few            graduation from Hindu College of Delhi University, drinking         / trainer on HIV and AIDS issues including counseling.
 warriors who, away from the media glare, are trying to bring     had become a way of life for him. Following his graduation
 independence in true sense.                                      in 1989, he joined the University Law Center (Law                                    Nargis Bahaar
                                                                  Faculty) and completed LLB in 1992. Alcohol                                                   For more than two decades,
 Prabhu Dutt Patel                                                intake just kept increasing. He has spent around                                                Kakatpur-based Nargis Bahaar has
   From someone who couldn’t do without 36 cans of beer           22 years of his life in Delhi, practiced law                                                        been waging a battle to stop
 a day to working actively with addicts to ameliorate the         for around three years in Delhi.                                                                       atrocities against women.
                               scourge of intoxication,              In July 1995 he left for the USA                                                                      She has rescued many vic-
                                       Bhubaneswar-based          for his LLM degree. His habit had                                                                          tims of domestic violence
                                            Prabhu Dutt           already taken an extreme turn and                                                                            and girls ensnared by
                                               Patel’s            he could barely function without                                                                              traffickers.
                                                  story is        alcohol. As a result he stopped                                                                                  “You don’t need to
                                                     un-          going to law school and stopped                                                                                be physically strong
                                                       be-        appearing for exams. He was fi-                                                                                to fight for the cause
                                                                  nancially and morally bankrupt,                                                                                of women. All you
                                                                  a long-standing relationship had                                                                               need is to raise your
                                                                  come to an end and his health,                                                                                voice to stop atrocities
                                                                    both physical and mental, was                                                                              against women,” says
                                                                           deteriorating. He was con-                                                                         Nargis who has been
                                                                               suming 32 to 36 cans of                              Nargis donating a blanket               fighting for the rights of
                                                                                  beer every day. He was                                                                  women since 1998. She has
                                                                                     sick of drinking but                                                               resolved more than 3,000 do-
                                                                                      couldn’t stop.                                                                mestic violence cases apart from
                                                                                          However, one of his old                                               rescuing girls from being trafficked.
                                                                                       friends got him connected                                              Nargis believes that the mindset of
                                                                                       with the National Institute                                    the people towards the girl child is yet to
                                                                                       of Alcoholism and Alcohol                                      change even as the world has seen a lot of
                                                                                       Abuse of the National                                         changes in terms of scientific inventions and
                                                                                      Institutes of Health (NIH)                                    technological advancement. Issues like rape, do-
         Prabhu Dutt Patel at his centre                                            in Bethesda, Maryland. “I called                              mestic violence, killing of female foetus and bride
                                                                                 them and after a series of telephonic                        burning are what made her take up the cause of
                                                                              interviews they agreed to induct me for free              women, she adds.
Struggle not over yet - P - Orissa Post
SUNDAY POST            JANUARY 24-30, 2021
    Born in a Muslim household, it was not        sions of Odisha. Besides, he interacts and
 easy for Nargish to fight for the rights of      trains the turtle activists how to collect eggs
 women. Recalling the initial days of her         for artificial conservation, how to relocate
 journey, she says, “It was extremely difficult   eggs safely, how to prepare artificial nests and
 for me to fight for women who were tortured      how to realise the baby turtles in the ocean.
 by their in-laws and husbands. However, an          Hailing from Jahania, Soumya and his
 incident in 1998 forced me to raise my voice.    friend Dillip got themselves dressed in Olly
 A woman named Malati (name changed), a           mascot and cycled 800 km to reach
 neighbour, had been tortured by her in-laws      Gahiramatha, the major nesting site
 for no reason. On the fateful day in 1998,       of the turtles in Kendrapada dis-
 she was found dead. Shocked at her death, I      trict, while covering the coastal
 reached her place instantly. I was even more     areas of Puri, Chilika,
 shocked to see her in-laws trying to bury the    Gopalpur, Rushikulya
 body. I called a few other women of our          river mouth, Satakosia,
 locality and informed the police about the       Bhubaneswar, Cuttack,
 incident. When Malati’s in-laws said she died    Siali and Paradip. For
 due to snakebite, I told the police the truth.   this journey, both
 I also staged a sit-in in front of the police    Soumya and Dilip en-
 station as I sensed that the matter was being    tered the Limca Book                                                                          Ghasiram Panda making his point at a meeting
 covered up. I demanded that the police search    of Records for carrying
 for injury marks on Malati’s body. Left with     out the ‘Longest Cycle                                                             Ghasiram Panda         500 children and their parents have been ben-
 no option, the police investigated the matter    Ride for Turtles’.                                                               Although India has       efited by the project so far. He is managing
 and confirmed that she was beaten to death          “The next generation                                                      laws to prevent child mar-   a FB page ‘Say No to Child Marriage’ having
 by her in-laws. Since that day, I have been      needs to take responsibility                                              riage, it is still rampant in   more than 3.5k members across the globe.
 doing my bit for women facing abuse besides      and promote conservation,” says                                       many parts of Odisha especially     That apart, he has authored two books —
 taking up other causes.”                         Soumya who along with his fellow                                in tribal and backward communities        Manaba Adkikarara Swara and Asumari
    She has also been instrumental in forming     environmentalists cleared 15 tonnes of plastic        owing to lack of awareness and a host of            Swapna. These books are on issues related
 50 self-help groups (SHG) to empower             wastes from various beaches of Odisha.                socio-economic problems including abject            human rights, right to education and ending
 women.                                              About half the world’s population of Olive         poverty and a poor female literacy rate. And        child marriages.
                                                  Ridleys comes to the Odisha coast for nesting,        Ghasiram Panda, communication in-charge                About his work, Panda says, “I am facilitating
 Soumya Ranjan Biswal                             and to ensure the hatchlings make it back to          at ActionAid, Odisha and an advisor to Odisha       in ending child marriage practices in 51 districts
    Soumya Ranjan Biswal spends most of his       the sea safely, Soumya with his team has or-          Child Right Commission, was instrumental            of five different states such as Odisha, Jharkhand,
 time creating awareness about Olive Ridley       ganised 288 beach clean-up events.                    in popularising the concept of child marriage       West Bengal, Bihar and Rajasthan. In Odisha
 turtles and the marine ecosystem. The green           “My village is near the sea where Olive          free village and also instrumental in bringing      we have this programme in 15 districts. In
 crusader has been into many activities for the   Ridleys used to come ashore to nest. Fed up           the Odisha Child Marriage Prohibition Rules         the last two years with the support of UNICEF
 last eight years. He with the help of his team   with the sights of dead turtles washed ashore,        2016 and the state strategy action plan to          and district administrations we have successfully
 cleans beaches, cycles to coastal villages to    I decided to do my bit for their conservation.        end child marriage by 2030.                         stopped 1,051 child marriages in 15 most
 sensitise people of the fishery community and    There is a lot of focus on the tiger but no              Panda with the support of the local              vulnerable districts of Odisha,” says Panda.
 their children about the significance of Olive   one was paying attention to the marine ecosys-        Anganwadi workers made Rugudipali
 Ridley turtles for ecology, conducts                      tem,” says Soumya, who discontinued          village in Subarnapur as the first
                                                                  his B. Tech course to be closer       child marriage free village in
 workshops aimed at                                                    to the nesting zone..            January 2020. Thanks to his
 sea turtle conser-                                                           Apart from working        efforts, now more than 1,500
 vation with sea                                                              on turtle conservation,   villages have been declared
 turtle volun-                                                                  he is into reviving     child marriage free.
 teers of 25                                                                       mangrove vege-          Panda filed a PIL in
 off-shore                                                                          tation and bird     High Court seeking ef-
 camps in                                                                            conservation       fective implementation
 different                                                                            for the last      of Child Marriage
 coastal                                                                               eight years      Prohibition Act responding
 divi-                                                                                  and has made    to which a committee has been
                                                                                        an amazing      formed to prevent the practice.
                                                                                        impact at the   With the Odisha State Commission
                                                                                        grassroots      for Protection of Child Rights, Panda
                                                                                       level.           ensures no child should sleep under
                                                                                                        the open sky. As many as

                       Soumya and Dillip on an
                          awareness drive

                                                                       Soumya inspects the carcass of an Olive Ridley turtle
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SUNDAY POST       JANUARY 24-30, 2021                                                                                               MATINEE SHOW

         Ten movies
                                to watch this

Republic Day
                          OFTEN EVOKE NATIONAL PRIDE.

                                        Haqeeqat                                    Lagaan
                                        One of the first properly made war          Ashutosh Gowariker’s seminal film,
                                        films in India, it boasted of a cast        which established him in the big
                                        including Balraj Sahni, a young             league, carefully charted the journey of
                                        Dharmendra and Sanjay Khan along            a few Indian farmers taking on officers
                                        with Vijay Anand. The film based on the     of the British Army in a cricket match
                                        Indo-Sino war in 1962, was directed by      to save their fields and their crops.
                                        Chetan Anand.
                                                                                    Manoj Bajpayee’s film about a bunch of
                                        Border                                      Indian army men fleeing from the
                                                                                    enemy, instilled in all of us with a fear
                                        J P Dutta’s unfettered recreation of the
                                                                                    for the armed forces personnel.
                                        Longhewalla battle from 1971, saw
                                        Sunny Deol using a bazooka to annihi-
                                        late the ‘dushman Pakistan’ soldiers
                                        with Jackie Shroff providing air sup-
                                                                                    Mangal Pandey:
                                        port.                                       The Rising
                                                                                    The first war of independence on film
                                                                                    started after a dissenting Aamir Khan
                                        The Legend of                               with long hair refused to continue serv-
                                                                                    ing under the British Army. And then
                                        Bhagat Singh                                broke into patriotic songs.
                                        Rajkumar Santoshi’s fantastic retelling
                                        of the story of the young freedom
                                        fighters Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and          Deewaar: Let’s
                                        Rajguru, who willingly tied the noose
                                        around their necks, filled us with pride
                                                                                    Bring Our Heroes
                                        and made us introspect.                     Back
                                                                                    Based on Indian army officers impris-
                                                                                    oned on the other side of the LOC, this
                                        Rang De Basanti                             movie boasts of compelling perform-
                                        A fancier version of telling the story of   ances from its cast including Amitabh
                                        Bhagat Singh, the film’s narrative is       Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Akshaye
                                        rooted in current day Delhi University      Khanna and Kay Kay Menon.
                                        and explored parallels between how
                                        things would change if today’s youth
                                        were as driven as those in                  Netaji Subhash
                                        pre-independent India.
                                                                                    Chandra Bose: The
                                        Chak De India!                              Forgotten Hero
                                                                                    One of Shyam Benegal’s most ambi-
                                        Quite singularly the most technically-
                                                                                    tious films in terms of scale, the film
                                        proficient sports film to be made in
                                                                                    starring Sachin Khedekar tried to retell
                                        India, the movie put us on the journey
                                                                                    the story of one of the most enigmatic
                                        with these 15 everyday girls to
                                                                                    freedom fighters, determined to drive
                                        eternal glory.
                                                                                    the British out of the country.
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SUNDAY POST             JANUARY 24-30, 2021

Manoj to draw
inspiration                                                                                                     Katrina
from Mahatma
Acclaimed actor Manoj Bajpayee feels it
is time to revisit and draw inspiration from
Mahatma Gandhi.
    Reacting to a tweet about the docu-
mentary Ahimsa — Gandhi: The Power Of
The Powerless, Manoj wrote: “Generations
will find (it) hard to believe that there was                                                                  power of
this man walked on this planet!!! Let’s all
watch it, read him and get inspired all               Dhaakad will set
over again .#ahimsa #Gandhi.”
    Meanwhile, the actor is looking forward
to the release of the second season of the
hit web show, The Family Man.
                                                       a trend: Divya
                                                     Actress Divya Dutta looks forward to
                                                     working with Kangana Ranaut and
    He will return as NIA agent Srikant              Arjun Rampal in Dhaakad, and says                          Mumbai: Actress Katrina Kaif
Tiwari. South star Samantha Akkineni will            she is sure that the spy thriller will set                 recently shared the benefits of
also join the action in season two, as an            a trend. A poster introducing her char-                    pilates over gymming. She feels
antagonist. Besides Bajpayee, the show               acter was released Wednesday.                              pilates can be better for the
brings back Priyamani, Sharib Hashmi,                   The actress will be seen as an ‘evil                    muscles.
and Sharad Kelkar.                        IANS       master’ named Rohini in the film.                             Katrina shared a video on
                                                        “When I was narrated the part, it                       Instagram where she is seen
                                                     got me very excited. This is something                      practicing pilates under the
                                                     that I have not done before and the                            guidance of her trainer, fo-
                                                     character is completely different from                             cusing on her left leg.
                                                     how I am as a person. I cannot reveal                                    “I usually prefer
                                                     much about my character but all I can                                     gym, but I ve re-
                                                     say that to get into the skin of my                                         alized u can get
                                                     character, Rohini took a lot of focus                                          a lot of mus-
                                                     and preparation,” Divya said.                                                     cle work
                                                        “I am looking forward to working                                                 though
                                                     with Kangana and Arjun. I am sure                                                     Pilates
                                                     that Dhaakad will set a trend,” she
                                                     added.                                IANS                                               as
                                                                                                                                           well --

        Shilpa doesn’t believe                                                                                                        minkarachi-
                                                                                                                               wala has been tak-
                                                                                                                        ing me though focusing

        in ageing stereotypes                                                                                   on one body part in our Pilates
                                                                                                                sessions,” the actress wrote on
                                                                                                                   Commenting on her post,
                                                       Actress Shilpa Shetty says she does                      fans showered the actress with
                                                       not believe in the stereotyping people                   their love and appreciation calling
                                                       face once they cross a certain age.                      her ‘fitness queen’ and ‘fitness
                                                          “Ageing is a process we have ab-                      icon’.
                                                       solutely no control over. But, stereo-                      “The trendsetter of fitness
                                                       typing what you can and cannot do                        among women in Bollywood,”
                                                       just because you have crossed a                          commented a user.
                                                       certain age is something I don’t be-                        “India’s number one female
                                                       lieve in,” she wrote recently on                         fitness icon and inspiration,”
                                                       Instagram .                                              wrote another user.
                                                          She added: “The years add a lot                          Katrina will next be seen
                                                           of wear & tear to the bones,                         alongside Akshay Kumar in
                                                               nerves, & muscles; but, con-                     Rohit Shetty’s cop action drama
                                                                    sistently taking care of                    Sooryavanshi.                   IANS

                                                                       ourselves is important.
                                                                         Follow just three sim-
                                                                         ple rules: Eat right,
                                                                         Exercise regularly,
                                                                      Smile and laugh more
                                                           The body may have reached a
                                                       certain age, but if you are young at
                                                       heart then the world is your oys-
                                                          The actress also shared a video
                                                       that captures her jumping on a tram-
                                                       poline with son Viaan. The video
                                                       has a message that reads: “Aging is
                                                       inevitable, but how you want to
                                                       age is a choice.” IANS
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SUNDAY POST            JANUARY 24-30, 2021                                                                                                                                                   FOOD

                                                                               TIRANGA DHOKLA                                                                         Procedure
                                                                                                              Ingredients                               P   our the batter in a big bowl, add salt, and
                                                                                                                                                            divide into 3 equal parts. For orange batter,
                                                                                                                                                        mix one portion of batter, gun powder and chilli
                                                                                                                                                        powder. Leave aside one part for white batter.
                                                                                                     n Idli batter: 4 cups
                                                                                                                                                        For green batter, mix the remaining third portion
                                                                                                     n Palak puree: 1 cup                               of batter, palak puree, ginger paste, green chilli
                                                                                                                                                        paste and a pinch of salt. Now mix all the ingredi-
                                                                                                     n Ginger paste: 1 tsp
                                                                                                                                                        ents mentioned for a green layer, stirring well.
                                                                                                     n Green chillies paste: 2-3                        Keep good amount of water in a big vessel on
                                                                                                                                                        high heat. Grease any flat steel plate and trans-
                                                                                                     n Gun powder Idli molagai podi: 1 tbsp
                                                                                                                                                        fer the prepared green batter to a greased plate
                                                                                                     n Everest Kashmirilal Chilli Powder: 1/2 tsp       and steam it over the vessel of water. When
                                                                                                                                                        done, pour white batter and steam. Then add
                                                                                                     n 1 small Ginger paste
                                                                                                                                                        third layer, and steam. Dhokla will be done in 15
                                                                                                     n Cooking oil: 2 tsp                               minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Cut into
                                                                                                                                                        desired shapes and plate. Heat oil in a small
                                                                                                     FOR GARNISHING                                     saucepan and make the tempering of seasoning
                                                                                                     n Grated coconut: 4 tbsp                           ingredients. Pour the seasoning over Tiranga
                                                                                                                                                        dhokla and garnish with grated coconut and
                                                                                                     n Freshly chopped Coriander leaves                 chopped coriander.

                                                              TRICOLOUR BARFI
   n Cashewnuts: 250 gms

   n Almonds: 150 gms
   n Sugar: 750 gms
                                                S   oak cashews and almonds separately for half an
                                                    hour. Drain and peel almonds. Grind the nuts
   n Ghee: 300 gms                              together to form a thick paste. Add milk and sugar and
                                                grind again. Split the paste into three equal parts. Mix
   n Milk: 1 cup
                                                the red colouring to the first part. Add 1/3rd of the ghee
   n Green cardamom powder: 10 pieces           and cardamom powder. Heat the paste in a pan and stir
                                                until it leaves the sides of the pan. Pour the paste into a
   n Saffron Powder: 1/4 tsp
                                                ghee coated plate and spread well. Add half of the
   n Green Colour Powder: 1/4 tsp               remaining ghee and cardamom powder to the second
                                                mix and repeat the same process. This paste will
   n Orange or Red Colour Powder: 1/4 tsp
                                                remain white in colour. Pour the paste when done over
                                                the red paste and spread without mixing. Add green
                                                colouring, remaining ghee and cardamom powder to
                                                the third part. Prepare the paste with the same method
                                                and pour over the second layer. Spread it evenly.
                                                Garnish with chopped almonds and cashew and allow
                                                to cool. Once cooled, cut into square or diamond
                                                shaped pieces.
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SUNDAY POST                    JANUARY 24-30, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                    GLAM SLAM

                                                                                                                                                                                               a r y a

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Struggle not over yet - P - Orissa Post Struggle not over yet - P - Orissa Post
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