Page created by Daniel Fuller

Your key contacts
     ECU Enquiries                                         Counselling Service
                                                           Phone: (61 8) 9370 6706
     Contact Centre
     Phone: 134 328                                        Web:
     Web:                                 Multifaith Service
     Facebook:                   Web:
     Twitter:                              life/campus-facilities/multifaith-centre
     Student Central                                       Student Finance
     Phone: 134 328                                        Scholarships
     Joondalup Campus – Building 34, Level 1               Phone: 134 328
     Email:                           Email:
     Mount Lawley Campus – Building 3, Level 1             Web:
     South West Campus – Building 1
                                                           Phone: 134 328
     Phone: (61 8) 9780 7856

     Support Services                                      Library Services
     Careers and Leadership Services                       Phone: (61 8) 6304 5525
     Phone: (61 8) 6304 5899                               Web:
     Web:                               IT Service Desk
     Equity, Diversity and Disability Service              Phone: (61 8) 6304 6000
     Phone: (61 8) 9370 6960                               Web:
     Email:                       it-support
     student-equity                                        Emergencies And Campus Security
     Student Health Services                               Phone: (61 8) 6304 3333
     Phone: Joondalup (61 8) 6304 5618                     Web:
     Phone: Mount Lawley (61 8) 9370 6814

 ECU is committed to reconciliation and recognises and respects the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
 Islander peoples’ communities, cultures and histories. ECU acknowledges and respects the Aboriginal and Torres
 Strait Islander peoples, as the traditional custodians of the land. ECU acknowledges and respects its continuing
2association with Nyoongar people, the traditional custodians of the land upon which its campuses stand.
Message from the
ECU courses are developed in consultation with industry, and our
exceptional teaching staff have the industry experience and
networks to benefit you. That’s why, as an ECU student, you can
expect access to placement opportunities, fieldwork, practicums
and networking events as part of your studies.
This approach has been rewarded with five-star ratings for
teaching quality over the past seven years, along with consistently
high ratings for graduate satisfaction and generic skills,
as reported in the Good Universities Guide.
All members of the ECU community are encouraged to familiarise
themselves with, acknowledge and adopt, our University’s
guiding values. These are:
Integrity – behaving ethically and pursuing rigorous
intellectual positions
Respect – valuing individual differences and diversity
Rational Inquiry – motivated by evidence and reasoning
Personal Excellence – striving to realise potential
I wish you all the best for your time with us at ECU. I hope you
succeed in your studies, make lifelong friends and enjoy all that
the university experience has to offer.
Professor Steve Chapman
January 2018

Getting you started
    Virtual Information Pack (VIP)                 Orientation
    The Virtual Information Pack will take         ECU’s essential Orientation program
    you step by step through the information       runs for two weeks prior to the start of
    and actions needed to respond to your          semester. We have a range of fun and
    offer, activate your accounts and ensure       informative events planned for students
    you are able to complete your enrolment.       during this period to help you successfully
    All students should complete this after they   transition and thrive when starting
    receive their offer letter.                    your studies.

    There is a direct link to the Virtual          Events are offered on the Joondalup,
    Information Pack on the ECU homepage.          Mount Lawley and South West campuses.
                                                   You can attend any event location, even if
    More info:                                     you study at another campus or are doing
                                                   only online units.
    virtual-information-pack                       • Visit to check out
                                                     the events and register for those you are
    Ask Us keywords: Virtual Information Pack
                                                     able to attend. Some events book out
                                                     fast so it’s important to register online
                                                     early to avoid missing out!
                                                   • Get ready to enjoy your first days on
                                                     campus! If you miss an Orientation
    Ask Us                                           event or are an off-campus student
    Ask Us is a knowledge-base of                    who cannot attend, you will find some
    frequently asked questions that you can          helpful recordings and resources on our
    search to find out information and seek          Orientation website.
    answers. Look for the ‘Got A Question?
    Ask Us’ link at the bottom of every            More info:
    ECU webpage.                                   Web:
    If you can’t find the answer in Ask Us,        Ask Us keywords: Orientation
    you can use the same service to send us
    your question or chat to us live online.
    Within this Student Guide, wherever
    you find a reference to ‘Ask Us
    Keywords’, type the supplied keywords
    into Ask Us to obtain further
    information or links to relevant
    web pages.

    More info:

Activating Computer Accounts                    Student ID Card
You are automatically allocated an ECU          You need to arrange your University identity
computer account when you apply for a           (ID) card when you enrol as a student
course at ECU, and it is activated when         with ECU. Your student ID card has multiple
you work through your Virtual Information       uses and serves as:
Pack (VIP). The VIP process will let you
                                                • Your photo identification as an
know your user name and password which
                                                  ECU student
you use to login to the University’s systems.
                                                • Your borrowing card for ECU campus
This will give you access to your Student         libraries and multimedia resources
Portal, SIMO (Student Information               • Your print credit card for printing and
Management Online), ECU student                   photocopying
email, the learning management system
                                                • Your Transperth SmartRider travel
Blackboard (MyECU), campus WIFI and
                                                  concession card, if you so choose
the student computers on campus.
                                                • Your confirmation of identity at
For any queries or problems in activating         examinations
or accessing your account contact the           • Your access card for entry to areas related
IT Service Desk.                                  to your course and afterhours access to
• Telephone: (61 8) 6304 6000                     the eLabs
• Email:               New and replacement cards can be obtained
                                                from Multimedia Resources on each campus
More info:                                      during library opening hours:
                                                • Joondalup: eLab counter, Building 31
                                                • Mount Lawley: eLab counter, Building 10
Ask Us keywords: computer account               • South West: eLab counter, Building 3
                                                If you can’t make it to a campus you can
                                                apply online.

                                                More info:
                                                Ask Us keywords: Student ID, Access, Print

                                                Student Portal
                                                Your Student Portal is your gateway to a
                                                range of services and information to support
                                                your study including Blackboard, SIMO, your
                                                student email, ECU Library Services and a
                                                wide range of University information.
                                                To access the Student Portal click on the
                                                Student/Staff Portal button on the ECU
                                                homepage, then login using the ECU Login ID
                                                and password you set up when completing
                                                your Virtual Information Package.

                                                More info:
                                                Ask Us keywords: Portal

Student Information                            Student Email
    Management Online                              All students are provided with an ECU
    Student Information Management Online,         student email account. It is important
    also known as SIMO is where you can:           to check your student email regularly as
                                                   the University will send you important
    • Enrol in units before the start of           information such as re-enrolment periods,
      each semester                                exam timetables, semester results and
    • Obtain your class timetable                  library notices.
    • See your exam times and dates
                                                   You can access your student email by clicking
    • View your results                            ‘My ECU Email’ in the left hand side menu
    You first access SIMO when you complete        in the Student Portal, which will take you to
    the Virtual Information Pack and use it to     the Office 365 login page. Login in using your
    enrol in your first semester units. You can    student email address (username@our.ecu.
    then login to SIMO through the login links and ECU password.
    on the left hand side of the Student Portal.
                                                   More info:
    More info:                                     Web:
    Web:                         Ask Us keywords: Email
    Ask Us keywords: SIMO
                                                   Following Us
    Blackboard                                     Find ECU on your favourite online social
    Blackboard is the online learning              websites to keep connected with ECU.
    environment where you can access unit
    specific information such as reading
                                                   Facebook Page
    lists and forums, and communicate with
    your lecturer.                                 Instagram
    Each unit uses Blackboard in different ways
    depending on the lecturer’s preferences.
    If you are an off campus student
    Blackboard will be where you access all your
    unit’s study materials.                        Youtube
    You can access Blackboard from the   
    links on the left hand menu in the
    Student Portal.

    More info:
    Ask Us keywords: Blackboard

Your studies
Course Information Hub                      Managing Your Course
The Course Information Hub is a dedicated   Confirming Your Unit Enrolment
service centre that can assist with the
following:                                  It is your responsibility to confirm that
                                            your enrolment details, unit selection and
• Course information and advice             personal details are correct. You can do
• Enrolment assistance                      this through SIMO. Please advise Student
• How to resume a course following a        Central if you notice there are any errors
  deferral or discontinuation               or omissions in the details, or if you need
• Extensions of time, including time        assistance with your enrolment.
  requirements for completion of courses
                                            More info:
• Graduation eligibility
                                            Visit: Student Central
Joondalup Campus: Building 18, Room 103
Mount Lawley Campus: Building 13,
                                            Ask Us keywords: confirming enrolment
Room 148
South West Campus: Reception, Building 1

More info:
Ask Us keywords: Course Information Hub

Advanced Standing                                Course Advice, Changes or
     You can apply for Advanced Standing to           Withdrawal
     receive credit towards an ECU degree if          If you want more information about your
     you have relevant prior learning, which          study options, are thinking of changing your
     you obtained through employment or               course, withdrawing from a unit or wish to
     studies at another university or recognised      find out more about your career options,
     tertiary institution (including TAFE). This is   there are a range of departments that can
     sometimes referred to as Recognition of          help. The below services can explain what
     Prior Learning (RPL).                            alternatives are available:
     More info:                                       • Careers Services – for career planning
     Web:          • Course Information Hub – for course
     entry/advanced-standing                            advice and study planning
                                                      • Student Central – for administrative
     Ask Us keywords: Advanced Standing
                                                      • Student Recruitment – for advice on
     ECU Handbook                                       alternative courses
     The ECU Handbook provides you with
                                                      IMPORTANT: International students who
     details of all courses at ECU. You can find
                                                      are considering changing their course/
     details of your course structure, major,
                                                      major must be aware of the implications
     minor and units.
                                                      it may have on maintaining their Student
     More info:                                       Visa. International students must call
                                                      134 328 and arrange an appointment with
     Web:                         a Student Connect Officer in order to
                                                      change their course.
     Credit Points
                                                      More info:
     The Credit Point system is designed to help
     you keep track of your progress towards          Visit: Course Information Offices
     completing your qualification. You will find     Ask Us keywords: Course advice,
     the following basic information helpful:         Course change
     • To complete a single bachelor degree you
       require 360 – 480 credit points.               Re-enrolments
     • If you are studying full-time you are          You will need to re-enrol on SIMO for both
       completing between 45 – 60 credit points       Semester 1 and 2 by the set deadline dates.
       per semester.                                  Enrolled students (or those on intermit
     • You can find out the credit point value        status up to 12 months from the date of
       of your units by checking the ECU              intermit) will be advised of these dates via
       handbook.                                      email, and the SIMO homepage.
     • The majority of undergraduate units at
       ECU are 15 credit points.                      More info:
                                                      Ask Us keywords: Re-enrolment
     More info:
     Visit: Course Information Offices
     Ask Us keywords: Credit points

Examinations                                  Course Status
You will be able to access your draft exam    Each semester, the University monitors
timetable on SIMO approximately eight         your academic progress and assigns you a
weeks before the examination period and       course status in line with the University’s
the final exam timetable approximately        Admission, Enrolment and Academic
six weeks before. Queries about exam          Progress Rules.
rules and procedures should be directed
via the ‘Got a Question? Ask us’ link         Good Standing
available on the ECU home page and the        ‘Good Standing’ applies to students who
Student Portal.                               are making satisfactory course progress.
Queries regarding exam content and/           You will commence your first semester of
or format should be discussed with            study with ECU on ‘Good Standing’.
your lecturer.
More info:                                    ‘Probation’ status is a warning that you are
Email:                 making marginal progress in your course
                                              and that your academic performance
                                              will be monitored. ECU will advise you in
                                              writing if your enrolment has been assigned
Ask Us keywords: Exams                        ‘Probation’ status.

Results                                       At Risk
Your final unit results will be released on   ‘At Risk’ status is a warning that you are
SIMO approximately four weeks after the       deemed to be at risk of being excluded
final examination period. Please refer to     from your course. You will also be restricted
‘Got a Question? Ask Us’.                     to an enrolment of no more than 45 credit
                                              points. ECU will advise you in writing
On completion of your course, a hard copy     if your enrolment has been assigned
official Statement of Academic Record,        ‘At Risk’ status.
along with a course complete letter, is
mailed to your correspondence address         Exclusion
usually within two weeks after the results
                                              Students are excluded from their
are available on SIMO. If you require an
                                              course when they have failed to achieve
additional official Statement of Academic
                                              satisfactory progress. International
Record you can request one through
                                              students note: Being placed on ‘Probation’,
Student Central at any time. For further
                                              ‘At Risk’ or ‘Excluded’ status may have
details please refer the ‘Got a Question?
                                              serious implications, as failure to achieve
Ask us’ link available on the ECU home
                                              satisfactory academic progress is
page and the Student Portal.
                                              considered a breach of your Student Visa.
More info:                                    More info:
                                              Ask Us keywords: academic progression
Ask Us keywords: Result

Appealing Unit Results or                        • Computer facilities, including
                                                        photocopying, scanning and printing.
     Excluded Course Status
                                                      • Microwave ovens and vending machines.
     If you are not satisfied with an assessment,
     unit result, examination or your course          More info:
     status you have the right to lodge an
                                                      Phone: (61 8) 6304 5525
     appeal within 20 business days of the result
     being released on SIMO.
     More info:                                       Twitter: @ECU_Library
     Web:                Ask Us keywords: Library
     Ask Us keywords: Results, appeals                Referencing
                                                      At ECU, all written assessments are
     Library                                          required to follow a standard referencing
     Library services work in partnership across      format. Referencing is a formal, systematic
     the University to offer seamless services        way of acknowledging the sources that you
     and a welcoming environment. The digital         have found in your research and used in
     world can be overwhelming but the library        your assessment. Failing to acknowledge
     is here to assist you find the right resources   other writers’ words, ideas or theories,
     and support your learning and research on        either intentionally or unintentionally is
     and off campus. The library helps you save       considered plagiarism.
     valuable time by assisting you to find what      Follow the ECU Referencing Guide to
     you need. Library resources are discoverable     ensure that you understand and use
     via ECU Worldsearch and your study is            correct referencing.
     supported by several online research and
     referencing tools and apps.                      More info:
     Mt Lawley campus library includes a              Web:
     Curiosity Studio and resources in this           services/how-to-guides/referencing
     space can help you try new devices and           Ask Us keywords: Referencing
     new digital approaches (3D printer,
     electronics, and makerspace). At Joondalup
     you have 24/7 card access to the social
                                                      Slide Modules
     learning space, including sleep pods.            Need to get familiar with using ECU’s
                                                      Digital Learning Environment? Don’t know
     Other services offered by the
                                                      what Blackboard is? What about how
     library include:
                                                      to use it? Not sure how to access your
     • Online access to key academic and              student email account? Need tips on how
       scholarly resources (see Library Services      to participate in classes and discussion
       overview)Assignment support through            boards? Need some tips on safe use of
       finding the right information, workshops       social media?
       and peer to peer support.
                                                      Check out the SLIDE Modules. They cover
     • Research support.                              a range of topics that will help you get
     • Borrowing from the print resources from        engaged with learning at ECU and will help
       other Australian university libraries          you in your future.
     • Support for you through your learning
       journey (Academic integrity, using             More info:
       scholarly resources)Bookable quiet study       Web:
       and group learning facilities.

Learning Advice                               Academic Calendar
Learning consultants can assist you with      The calendar on page 14 contains the
developing your study skills and can answer   standard term dates. Your course may use
many questions regarding your studies.        a different calendar. You should check your
                                              school webpage to confirm which calendar
For example:
                                              applies to you.
• How do I keep up with all the reading?
• What should I be doing with my              More info:
  lecture notes?                              Web:
• How do I know if I’m plagiarising?          dates-and-events/academic-calendar
• What makes a good essay or assignment
  at university level?                        Financial and Academic
• How do I reference?                         Penalty Dates
If you would like assistance with these       You should be aware of the census or
or other study related questions, please      reporting dates when enrolling in a unit,
check the range of activities and resources   as these indicate when you can withdraw
offered by learning consultants on ECU        without incurring a penalty (either financial
campuses. These can be found by visiting      or academic).
the Academic Skills Centre, which is
accessible through the ‘My Communities’
tab of your Blackboard homepage.
                                              Census Dates
                                              The Census Date is the date on which
More info:                                    your enrolment is deemed to be finalised.
Web:             After the Census Date you will be charged
my-studies/study-advice/learning-advisors     for your unit(s) and start accumulating a
                                              HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP debt. You must
Ask Us keywords: Learning Advice              make any upfront payments and submit any
                                              request(s) for Commonwealth assistance by
Lynda                                         the Census Date.
As an Edith Cowan                             To withdraw from a unit(s) without
University student, you have unlimited        incurring the cost for that unit(s), you must
FREE access to, an online library   do so before the Census Date.
of high-quality instructional videos on the
latest software tools and skills. With more   More info:
than 4,918 courses and 186,181 video          Web:
tutorials taught by industry experts,         dates-and-events/withdrawal-dates is designed for all levels of
                                              Ask Us keywords: Census Date
learners and is available whenever you’re
ready to learn. You can even view courses
on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone or
tablet, or other mobile device.
experts have curated playlists to help you
get started in any of our subjects.

More info:
Ask Us keywords: Research Support

2018 Academic Calendar
           MON   FRI    SEMESTER PATTERN    TERMS WA             NOTES
     JAN    1    5
            8    12                                    Semester Dates
           15    19                                    Some Courses in the
                                                       following Schools use
           22    26
                                                       alternative Semester
           29    2                           31 JAN    Dates. Please contact the
                                                       Course Information Hub for
     FEB    5    9                                     more details.
           12    16                                    • Education
           19    23                                    • WAAPA
           26    2             1                       • Nursing & Midwifery
                                                       • South West
     MAR    5    9             2
           12    16            3                       University Observed
                                                       Public Holidays
           19    23            4
                                                       New Years Day   1 Jan
           26    30            5
                                                       Australia Day   26 Jan
     APR    2    6             6                       Good Friday     30 Mar
            9    13            7             13 APR    Easter Monday   2 Apr
                                                       Anzac Day       25 Apr
           16    20    MID SEMESTER BREAK              Christmas Day   25 Dec
           23    27            8                       Boxing Day      26 Dec
           30    4             9             30 APR
     MAY    7    11            10
                                                       Further information:
           14    18            11
                                                       Phone: 134 328
           21    25            12
           28     1            13
     JUN    4    8        STUDY WEEK
           11    15
           18    22
           25    29                          29 JUN
                         INTER SEMESTER
     JUL    2    6
            9    13     DEFERRED EXAMS
           16    20                          16 JUL
           23    27
           30    3             1

AUG    6    10            2
      13    17            3
      20    24            4
      27    31            5
SEP    3     7             6
      10    14             7
      17    21             8            21 SEP
      24    28    MID SEMESTER BREAK
OCT    1     5             9
       8    12            10            8 OCT
      15    19            11
      22    26            12
      29     2            13
NOV    5     9        STUDY WEEK
      12    16
      19    23
      26    30
DEC    3     7
      10    14     DE FERRED EXAMS      13 DEC
      17    21
      24    28

Academic Penalty Dates                           Appointments can be booked online or,
                                                      alternatively, you can drop-in for a chat and
     The Academic Penalty Date is the date on
                                                      become part of the research community.
     which your academic participation in a unit
     is confirmed.                                    More info:
     You must withdraw from a unit before this        Web:
     date to avoid incurring a fail for the unit,     research-students/soar-centre
     which carries a grade of WF (withdrawn
     fail). This applies to all courses except VET,   Ask Us keywords: Research Support
     honours, research masters or doctoral
     thesis units.                                    Other Research Support
                                                      Extensive support for research students
     More info:
                                                      is also offered through the Office of
     Web:                Research and Innovation, Library, Research
     dates-and-events/withdrawal-dates                Centres, Postgraduate Coordinators and
     Ask Us keywords: Academic penalty date           school-based services. You will have:
                                                      • Dedicated Research Consultants, who
     Postgraduate Services                              provide advice on planning your research,
                                                        research design and methodology, data
     Graduate Research School                           analysis and reporting
     ECU’s Graduate Research School (GRS),            • Dedicated Academic Writing
     provides a supportive environment for              Consultants, who provide advice on
     research students and their supervisors.           writing research proposals and theses.
     We aim to enhance the quality of the               They can also assist with initial planning
     research experience and culture at ECU             of a text, structuring and organising
     by providing face‑to‑face and online               ideas, as well as with grammatical and
     training, seminars, academic events and            stylistic problems.
     social activities.
     The GRS workshops are free and will              ECU Study Overseas
     help you to develop new research and             There are a number of opportunities for you
     professional skills, plus providing the          as an ECU student to broaden your skills,
     opportunity to network with other                knowledge and intercultural awareness by
     researchers. We also offer regular social        undertaking part of your study overseas.
     events to encourage a collaborative and
                                                      ECU has more than 90 exchange partners
     supportive peer network.
                                                      in 35 countries, and there are financial
     More info:                                       assistance options which can assist you in
                                                      undertaking an overseas study experience.
                                                      Due to the time involved in planning and
                                                      applying to study overseas you should
     SOAR Centre                                      contact Student Central as early as
     The SOAR Centre is based on both                 possible to discuss your options for studying
     the Joondalup and Mount Lawley                   overseas as part of your ECU degree.
     campuses, and is a peer-to-peer
     support service for all Higher Degree            More info:
     by Research (HDR) and Honours                    Web:
     candidates. Our SOAR Ambassadors,                my-studies/study-opportunities/study-
     who are also research candidates,                overseas/study-abroad
     offer free support and resources for the
     transition to life as a researcher, career       Ask Us keywords: Study abroad
     development and building research skills.

Your support
Student Central                                   Student Health Services
The Student Central office on each campus         The Student Health Services provide
is the first point of reference for all student   General Practitioner (GP), Nurse and
enquiries, including:                             Allied Health services to assist you with
                                                  your health care needs. Appointments
•   Administration needs                          are recommended and all consultations
•   Enrolments                                    occurring within the Student Health
•   Student support services                      Services are strictly confidential.
•   Lodgement of forms                            General Practitioner services provided to
•   Lost property                                 local students are direct billed to Medicare.
•   Accepting EFTPOS, credit card and             Services provided to international students
    cheque payments                               with current Overseas Student Health
Joondalup Campus – Building 34                    Cover (OSHC Allianz and OSHC Medibank
                                                  Private only) coverage are direct billed
Mount Lawley Campus – Building 3                  to the provider. Physiotherapy services
South West Campus – Building 1                    are privately billed (available in Mount
                                                  Lawley only).
More info:
                                                  Joondalup Campus – Building 6, Room 230
Telephone: 134 328                                Phone: (61 8) 6304 5618
                                                  Mount Lawley Campus – Building 8,
Web:         Room 109
                                                  Phone: (61 8) 9370 6814
Ask Us keywords: Central
                                                  South West Campus – there is no medical
                                                  centre on campus, but there are medical
                                                  centres in Bunbury and surrounds.

                                                  More info:
                                                  Ask Us keywords: Health Services
Counselling Service                               Equity, Diversity and Disability
     The Counselling Service is a free and             Service (EDDS)
     confidential service to all current ECU           The Equity, Diversity and Disability Service
     students residing in Australia to address any     (EDDS) provides a free, confidential service
     personal issues that impact on your studies.      for students with a disability or medical
     Counsellors can provide you with emotional        condition, either permanent or temporary,
     support, help you understand the problems         which may affect various aspects of life
     you have and assist you to find new solutions     at ECU. EDDS also caters for students
     and new ways of coping. Sometimes,                who are carers for a family member with
     specialised support or treatment from other       a disability or medical condition. Students
     agencies may be required. If this needs to        who register with this service can receive
     happen, your counsellor will discuss a referral   help with:
     with you.
                                                       • Liaising with academic staff
     You can talk to a counsellor about anything
                                                       • Reading materials in alternative formats
     that is causing you concern, such as:
                                                       • Alternative examination conditions
     • Balancing study, life and work.                 • Resource information and advice
     • Managing your time effectively.                 • Assistance with Library services
     • Cultural adjustment and living away             • Provision of assistive equipment and
       from home.                                        technology
     • Feeling stressed, anxious or depressed.         • AUSLAN interpreting services
     • Difficulty studying, worrying about             • Note-taking and transcription services
       achievement, doing presentations
                                                       • Other support as appropriate.
       and exams.
     • Problems in relationships with family,          Please contact the Equity, Diversity
       friends and partners.                           and Disability Service for a confidential
                                                       chat, to find out more information or to
     • You have been sexually assaulted (current
                                                       register as soon as possible to ensure that
       or past). If you need to report a sexual
                                                       appropriate assistance and resources are
       assault or sexual harassment incident,
                                                       organised in good time.
       information on how to do so can be found
       here:       More info:
       how-do-i-report-a-sexual-assault                Email:
     • You are having issues around identity           Telephone: (61 8) 6304 6960
     • You are experiencing suicidal thoughts          Web:
       or difficulties with thoughts around            student-equity
       harming yourself.                               Ask Us keywords: Equity, Disability
     Reception office hours are Monday to Friday
     from 8.30am to 5.00pm.
     Joondalup Campus – Building 34, Room 245
     Mount Lawley Campus – Building 3, Room 128
     South West Campus – Building 1, Room 121

     More info:
     Telephone: (61 8) 9370 6706
     Ask Us keywords: Counselling

Student Connect                                Careers And Leadership
Student Connect is a specialist student        Services
support team located on each campus.           Get Ready!
Its primary function is to work closely
with students who need support in              With ECU Careers and Leadership Services,
maintaining their studies, due to Academic     you could go anywhere.
or Personal issues.                            • Am I in the right course for the career
Student Connect is an appointment                I want?
based, confidential service based on           • How can mentoring and volunteering
individualised case management. At the           improve my employability skills?
initial appointment a Student Connect          • Where do I find the best employment
Officer will establish a tailored action         opportunities for me and make myself
plan to determine strategies to overcome         stand out from the crowd?
barriers to success. Action plans typically
                                               ECU Careers and Leadership Services
involve referrals to a range of services
                                               offer a range of free resources and
which could include the Course Information
                                               professional services to help you answer
Hub, Learning Consultants, staff within
                                               these questions.
the School as well as traditional specialist
services such as Equity, Counselling,          Through our service, you will have access
Student Health Service etc. and if required    to workshops, online resources, virtual and
external agencies.                             on campus careers fairs, one-on-one career
                                               appointments and a range of volunteering
Student Connect work closely with both
                                               and mentoring opportunities to improve
Domestic and International students to
                                               your employability skills and make you an
provide a range of advice that focuses on:
                                               ECU job ready graduate.
• Study load management
• Alternative enrolment options dependent
  on the students’ personal situation
• Providing access to specialised services
In supporting International students, the
Connect team provides:
• Enrolment load monitoring
• Advice regarding student visas and
  associated processes
• Confirmation of Enrolment (COE)
• Department Immigration and Border
  Protection reporting ramifications.

More info:
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2988
Ask Us keywords: Student Connect Officer

Careers                                        Mentoring:
     ECareerHub:                                    • Help new students settle in to ECU as a
                                                      mentor in the Peer Mentoring Program
     • Access a range of employment, training,
       internship, vacation and graduate            • Gain insights into your chosen industry
       opportunities                                  and build valuable professional
                                                      relationships through the Alumni
     • Register for one of our career workshops
                                                      Mentoring Program.
     • Discover events including employer visits,
       regular industry networking events,          Unlike other university career services,
       career fairs and panel discussions           ECU offers ongoing support even after
     • Book an appointment with a                   you graduate. Regardless of where you
       Career Adviser                               are in your career journey, Careers and
                                                    Leadership Services can help make you
     • Access online career resources, career
                                                    an ECU job ready graduate. Don’t wait,
       direction planning tools and FAQ’s
                                                    contact us today!
     • Stay informed through the CareerHub
       News page                                    More info:
     One-on-one career appointments:                Telephone: (61 8) 6304 5899
     • Job search techniques, including résumé      Web:
       writing, how to address the selection        careers-and-leadership-services
       criteria and what to say in an interview     Email:
     • Assessing your career development goals
                                                    Ask Us keywords: Careers, Mentor, Volunteer
       and assistance to develop an individual
       action plan
     • Build self-awareness skills to understand    Faith Support
       your personal strengths, interests and       You, your faith, and your traditions are
       personal qualities                           valued and respected as a member of
     • Networking and the importance of             ECU’s dynamic, multicultural and multifaith
       making contacts within your chosen           community. The below resources are
       industry.                                    available to students:
                                                    • The Multifaith Chaplaincy service is
                                                      available to assist and support your
     Taking part in volunteering and mentoring        spirituality, to provide care, and foster a
     activities improves your leadership,             sense of community at ECU.
     communication and employability skills. It     • Mount Lawley Multifaith Centre – Room
     also looks great on your résumé and helps        8.114 is available for meetings, prayer,
     you stand out from the crowd.                    bible studies and other faith purposes.
     Volunteering:                                  • Joondalup Police Chapel – The Joondalup
                                                      Police Chapel is available to the ECU
     • Give back to your local community
     • Get involved in important social and
                                                    • Mussallahs are available at Joondalup
       environmental issues
                                                      in Room 17G.101 and at Mount Lawley in
     • Develop academic, professional and             Room 16B. For access call 6304 3333.
       social networks
     • Meet like-minded people.                     More info:
                                                    Ask Us keywords: Multifaith

Off-Campus Support                              Tutorial Assistance
Off-campus (online) units are delivered via     Aboriginal Tutorial and Mentoring Program
virtual learning environment, Blackboard,       (ATMP)
accessible through the Student Portal.
                                                The Aboriginal Tutorial and Mentoring
All students studying off-campus units can      Program (ATMP) aims to improve the
access the same services and facilities as      educational outcomes of Aboriginal and
on-campus students. ECU is committed to         Torres Strait Islander students in tertiary
providing you with flexible, student-focused    courses to the same levels as those for
learning opportunities.                         non-Aboriginal Australians.

More info:                                      The ATMP covers the cost of engaging
                                                a tutor to provide academic and study
Telephone: 134 328                              skills assistance to eligible students.
Email:                     Students can receive up to two hours
Web:       tutorial assistance per subject per
off-campus                                      week, which will be supplemented by
                                                an additional total of five hours exam
Ask Us keywords: Off-Campus
                                                preparation (conditions apply).

Aboriginal and Torres Strait                    The Centre for Learning and Teaching
                                                facilitates ATMP for Aboriginal and Torres
Islander Student Support                        Strait Islander students at ECU.
Kurongkurl Katitjin                             To be eligible for ATMP, you must be
Kurongkurl Katitjin, pronounced                 of Australia Aboriginal or Torres Strait
koor-ong-curl cut-it-chin, is a Nyoongar        Islander descent, and enrolled (internally or
phrase meaning “coming together to              externally) on a full-time or part-time basis
learn” and is the name of ECU’s Centre          in an undergraduate education program.
for Indigenous Australian Education and         Students will need to complete a student
Research. Established in 1991, Kurongkurl       application form every semester.
Katitjin plays a key role in assisting the      First year students are strongly encouraged
University to meet its commitment to            to apply for ATMP to help with your studies
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.   in your foundation year.
The role encompasses support for                Bridging, postgraduate and WAAPA
whole-of-university activities and              students are not entitled to ATMP
programs, including facilitating specific       assistance. However applications from
teaching, research and social support           students will be considered on a case by
to meet the academic and cultural               case basis.
needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander students.                              Student Rooms
As an important cultural and social hub         Kurongkurl Katitjin provides dedicated
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander       study and relaxation areas for Aboriginal
students, Kurongkurl Katitjin is located on     and Torres Strait Islander students at ECU.
the Mount Lawley Campus, though has             These areas provide additional computing
custom facilities across all campuses.          facilities, quiet space for tutoring sessions
                                                and a social hub to connect as a student
                                                community. Access can be arranged by
                                                contacting Kurongkurl Katitjin.

Elders-in-Residence                                 Connect Officer (except when
     Each ECU campus has a local Nyoongar                completing units in the final semester
     Elder-in-Residence. Elders provide high             of the course)
     level advice and support for Aboriginal          ‒‒ Withdrawing or deferring studies
     cultural activities across the University to        without authority
     all staff and students.                        • Failing to provide ECU with address/
     Appointments can be arranged by email via        change of address details within seven
     Kurongkurl Katitjin.                             days of arrival or address change
                                                    • Not maintaining overseas student health
     More info:                                       cover (OSHC)
     Web:                         Students are encouraged to familiarise
     Email:                           themselves with these conditions and
                                                    any others by visiting the Department of
     Ask Us keywords: Indigenous Studies,
                                                    Immigration and Border Protection website.
     Tutorial Assistance, Aboriginal, ATMP
                                                    More info:
     International Student Support                  Web:
     Emergency Assistance                           Ask Us keywords: International Visa
     Australia's emergency services (Police, Fire
                                                    International Support and Assistance
     or Ambulance) can be reached by calling
     000 on any phone. For more information         International students are able to access
     visit                    all the support services listed in this guide.
                                                    Please ensure you have read it thoroughly
     International Online Resources                 so you are aware of the services available
     ECU has prepared online resources              to you as an ECU Student. In addition
     which will help you transition into study      to this you can also contact the Student
     in Australia with ECU. All International       Connect Team for assistance with:
     Students should explore the information        • Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
     made available via the Online International    • General advice regarding maintaining
     Student Induction.                               visa compliance
     More info:                                     • Any other issue you are concerned about
                                                      that may be affecting your studies
     Telephone: 134 328
     Email:                    More info:
     Web:       Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2988
     and-international-students                     Email:
     Maintaining Your Visa                          Web:
     Students must comply with their visa
     conditions and ECU enrolment requirements      Legal Assistance
     in order to retain their Student Visa.
                                                    The ECU Student Guild offers services to
     Students will be reported and visas may be
                                                    help with Financial and Legal support.
     cancelled for:
     • Not meeting course requirements in           More info:
       relation to enrolment, attendance and        Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2640
       satisfactory academic progress including:    Email:
       ‒‒ Studying less than a full-time load       Web:
          without approval from a Student

Respect. Now. Always.                         Report an Incident
Sexual Assault and Harassment                 You can report a sexual assault directly to
                                              ECU on +61 8 6304 2282 all hours, or by
At ECU we are committed to a safe             email:
learning and working environment.
We have zero tolerance for sexual assault     Reporting outside ECU:
or harassment.                                • WA Police (131 444) all hours
Support is available from ECU and other       • The Sexual Assault Resource Centre
organisations, no matter when or where          (SARC) on +61 8 9340 1828 or
the assault or harassment happened.             1800 199 888 (free from landline)
                                                all hours
Support Available
                                              Please let someone at ECU know you have
ECU has staff ready to support students.      made a report so we can support you.
You can decide if, when and where you
seek help.                                    What Will Happen if I Make a Report?
                                              Your report will be escalated to a senior
More info:
                                              member of ECU staff as soon as possible.
Web:     They will attempt to contact you as soon
sexual-assault-and-harassment/who-can-        as they receive the report and ask how
i-talk-to-about-my-situation                  you wish to proceed. They will arrange
                                              any support you may need, including
Who do I Call in an Emergency                 police reporting, counselling, medical
If your situation is immediately              appointments, or rehousing.
life-threatening or urgent:
                                              You may also choose no action be
Call 000 from a landline or                   taken other than ECU providing
Call 112 from a mobile.                       appropriate support.
Request immediate police attendance and/
or ambulance if needed.                       More info:
ECU Security can be contacted at any time     Web:
(day or night)                                sexual-assault-and-harassment
Call +61 8 6304 3333
ECU Security will also follow up with other
ECU support staff or Police and Emergency
Services if required.

         PAYMENT METHOD            HOW TO PAY                                 (BUSINESS DAYS)

         ECU ONLINE PAYMENT        Access our secure transaction site:            1-2 days
         yyVISA and MASTERCARD for payment
                                   24 hours a day by Credit or Debit Card.

         PAYMENT FROM OVERSEAS     Payment can be made in your                     4 days
         yyVISA and MASTERCARD     preferred currency from overseas via
         yyBank Deposit            bank transfer or credit card. Log in via
         yyBank Transfer           the secure ECU Western Union site:

         TELEPHONE AND INTERNET    Contact your participating Bank or             3-5 days
         BANKING                   Financial Institution to make this
         yySavings                 payment directly from your cheque
         yyCheque Accounts         account, savings account or credit card.
         yyVISA and MASTERCARD     When prompted simply enter the BPAY
         yyOther Credit cards      Biller Code and your reference number
                                   shown on your Statement of Account.

         TELEPHONE PAYMENT         For payment by Debit / Credit                  3-5 days
         yyVISA and MASTERCARD     (MASTERCARD / VISA) Cards by
                                   telephone: Call 1300 BPOINT
                                   or 1300 276 468
                                   When prompted, simply enter the
                                   BPOINT Biller Code and your reference
                                   number shown on your Statement
                                   of Account.

         CHEQUE PAYMENT BY MAIL    Mail to:                                    AUD$ Cheques
                                   Edith Cowan University,                       5-10 days
                                   Student Fees Office,
                                   270 Joondalup Drive,
                                   Joondalup, 6027
                                   Please enclose a copy of your
                                   Statement of Account.

         PAY AT STUDENT CENTRAL    yyJoondalup Building 18                        1-2 days
         yyEFTPOS                  yyMount Lawley Building 3
         yyVISA and MASTERCARD     yyBunbury Building 1
         yyCheque                  Please note cash payments are
                                   not accepted.

         CASH PAYMENT              Provide your Student ID Number and             1-2 days
         yyIn person at selected   Statement of Account available on
           Commonwealth Bank of    SIMO to pay at the following W.A.
           Australia branches      Commonwealth Bank of Australia

                                   yyMount Lawley
                                   yy150 St Georges Tce Perth

         INTERNATIONAL MONEY       Pay by International Money Transfer             7 days
         TRANSFER                  To transfer money into ECU’s bank          (timing may vary
                                   account:          by bank location)

Money Matters                                   Fees Help
Fees Calculator                                 HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP and SA HELP are
                                                available to eligible students. HECS-HELP
The Fees Calculator can be used to              is a loan that enables Commonwealth
calculate the approximate cost of the first     Supported students to defer the payment
year of your course or to search for the cost   of their student contribution amounts.
of a unit.                                      FEE-HELP is a loan scheme available to
The rate of fees charged will be dependent      domestic students in eligible fee-paying
on the course in which you are enrolled in,     programs. SA-HELP is a loan scheme
your Citizenship/Visa status and where you      available to eligible students for their
are residing.                                   Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

More info:                                      More info:
Web:         Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3535
matters/fees/fees-calculator                    Email:
Ask Us keywords: Fees Calculator                Web:
Fee Invoices and Due Dates                      matters/fees/domestic/help-loans
Tuition fees are payable each teaching          Ask Us keywords: HECS or HELP loan
period that you are enrolled in a unit. Your
fee invoice, which is also known as your        Paying Fees
Statement of Account, will be available         Ensure that you allow time for your
at the beginning of each teaching period        payment to reflect on your Statement
(eg. Semester, Trimester, Term) through         of Account on SIMO by referring to the
SIMO. After you have enrolled into your         payment time as outlined above. If the
unit(s) and approximately 2-4 weeks prior       payment has been made after the due
to the due date, you will receive an email to   date, you must contact the Fees and
your student account to advise you of the       Scholarships Office.
availability of your Statement of Account.
If you are enrolled into teaching periods
                                                More info:
other than or in addition to Semester 1 and     Web:
Semester 2, you will be invoiced separately
                                                Ask Us keywords: Paying Fees
for these units prior to the relevant due
date for that teaching period.
Please note that the due date for payment
of fees is not the ‘Census’ or ‘Financial
Penalty’ date.

More info:
Ask Us keywords: Statement of Account

Student Services and                             Scholarships
     Amenities Fee                                    ECU Scholarships are offered to potential
     In October 2011, the Australian Parliament       students as well as current students and
     passed the Higher Education Legislation          support undergraduate, postgraduate or
     Amendment (Student Services and                  research degree study. ECU Scholarships
     Amenities) Bill 2011 to allow universities and   aim to assist you financially while you study
     other higher education providers to charge a     and can usually be used for a variety of
     compulsory Student Services and Amenities        expenses including course fees, text books,
     Fee (SSAF) from 2012. Under the legislation      other study related or living expenses.
     universities are allowed to charge an annual     They are available to a wide range of
     SSAF which is indexed annually.                  students, such as postgraduate research
                                                      students, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
     The SSAF revenue is allocated entirely to the    Islander Australians, students from low
     provision of student services and amenities,     socio-economic backgrounds, students
     ranging from student social clubs and            from rural or regional areas and students
     societies, to health, counselling, sport and     with disabilities. They are offered to high
     recreation, student welfare, careers advice,     academic achievers and those in need of
     student advocacy, Orientation, production        financial support. There are also many
     and dissemination to students of media, help     awards and scholarships funded by
     in Orientation and student representation.       external donors.
     Your SSAF Fee is not automatically included      Examples include:
     in any HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP payments
     and must be paid in addition to your tuition     • ECU Equity scholarship
     fees. However you may be able to opt to          • ECU Excellence scholarships
     defer payment of the Services and Amenities      • ECU Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait
     Fee using SA-HELP via your SIMO account            Islander scholarships
     if eligible.                                     • ECU South West campus scholarships
     More info:                                       More info:
     Web:          Web:
                                                      Ask Us keywords: Scholarships
     Ask Us keywords: Services and
     Amenities Fee

Loans                                         Elite Athlete Program
ECU Student Loans are aimed at assisting      The University recognises and promotes
you to successfully complete your course by   the value of combining both sporting and
improving your circumstances. ECU Student     academic aspirations. ECU is a member of
Loans are available to students who meet      the Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU)
the eligibility requirements, for amounts     network. ECU has an agreement with the
between $500 and $1500. The loans are         Australian Sports Commission to support
interest-free and must be fully repaid        elite athletes in achieving and balancing
within 12 months (26 fortnightly payments).   both their academic and sporting pursuits.
All student loan applications are assessed
                                              There are many elite athletes currently
in accordance with the Management of
                                              studying at ECU who compete nationally
Student Loans Policy, see the website
                                              and internationally in a broad range of
for further information including
                                              sports including AFL football, basketball,
eligibility requirements.
                                              soccer, netball, athletics, swimming,
More info:                                    cycling, rowing, volleyball, hockey and
                                              wheelchair sports.
matters/loans                                 For further information on whether you
                                              qualify as an ECU Elite Athlete and to
Ask Us keywords: Loan                         register for the program:

                                              More info:

Western Australia

                Mount Lawley                          Perth


     Your campus
     Campus Maps                                   Getting Around
     We provide our campus maps in multiple        Public Transport
     formats to assist you to easily locate our
     buildings and other facilities:               Public transport to ECU is easy. Our Active
                                                   Transport maps, which are available
     • Interactive campus maps to search and       through our website, illustrate the bus
       zoom in to find specific locations, rooms   routes and bus stops, CAT routes and stops
       and routes                                  as well as the train and bus stations.
     • Downloadable campus maps are
                                                   Joondalup Campus
       provided in the PDF format and are
       suitable for printing and taking with you   The Joondalup Campus is located a short
     • Access and mobility maps that provide       distance from the Joondalup Train Station
       information to help you make informed       making it easy to catch public transport to
       choices about safe and accessible routes    ECU. You can simply walk from the station
       to and from, and within, our campuses       to the Joondalup Campus, or there is a free
                                                   CAT Service that runs directly from the
     • Directories are located at various points
                                                   train station to the Joondalup Campus.
       around our campuses
                                                   Mount Lawley Campus
     More info:
                                                   The Mount Lawley Campus is located on
     Web:       Alexander Drive which is well serviced by
     campus-maps                                   buses that run to and from Perth every
     Ask Us keywords: Map                          15-20 minutes, as well as direct services
                                                   to Morley Bus Station, Alexander Heights
                                                   and Ballajura.

South West Campus                               Parking On Campus
The South West Campus is located in             All vehicles parked on University grounds on
South Bunbury and is well serviced by           weekdays, between 8.00am and 5.00pm,
TransRegional buses.                            are required to display either a current valid
                                                parking permit or a valid metered parking
More info:
                                                ticket. All ECU parking areas and bays are
Telephone: (61 8) 9722 7800                     clearly marked. You must park within the
Web:                             appropriate marked bay in accordance
Ask Us keywords: Transport to ECU               with your permit/ticket entitlements. If
                                                you wish to park on campus you will need
                                                to purchase a Student (Red) parking
Smart Rider                                     permit online. For short term parking, daily
All full-time ECU students are entitled         and weekly scratchies can be purchased
to Transperth concession fares as long          from either the campus cafés or Co-
as they have a valid Transperth Tertiary        Op Bookshop.
SmartRider (no other form of concession
will be accepted). Part-time students are       For security reasons, students with a
not entitled to tertiary concession fares.      current permit remaining on campus after
                                                5.00pm are permitted to park in staff bays
Your ECU Student ID card can also be            (marked blue) in order to be closer to the
set up for Transperth travel (instead of        university buildings.
getting a separate Tertiary SmartRider);
however you will need to complete the ECU       When parking in an ACROD disabled bay
Transperth Consent Declaration form. You        you are required to clearly display a current
can be assisted with this by eLab staff, at     ACROD permit as well as a valid ECU
Student Central or you can apply online.        Permit. These bays are enforced 24 hours
                                                a day, 7 days a week.
More info:
                                                More info:
ecu/tertiary-smartrider                         Web:
Ask Us keywords: SmartRider or
Transperth concession                           Ask Us keywords: Parking permit

    30 mins                             20 mins                        100 mins
      ECU Joondalup                     ECU Mount Lawley                  ECU South West
       Campus from                        Campus from                      Campus from
     Perth city by train                 Perth city by bus                Perth city by car

Cycling and Walking                            Urbi
     For those who want to travel smart             The Urbi Bike Share Scheme offers three
     and access the University by walking or        docking stations at the Joondalup Campus.
     cycling, there are safe pathways that can      The app-based bike sharing scheme
     be used. Detailed information on end-of        allows users to borrow a bike and helmet.
     trip facilities such as lockable bike cages,   Other Urbi bike stations are located at
     lockers, showers and change rooms can be       Joondalup Train Station, Joondalup Health
     found on ECU campus maps.                      Campus and Lakeside Shopping Centre.
     Web:              Urbi Bike Share located at:
                                                    • Building 22 & 31
     Ask Us keywords: Campus maps                   • Campus Living Villages
     Student Car Share                              More info:
     The Student Car Share Scheme allows            Telephone: +61 (0)8 9228 9009
     students to hire a vehicle on a short
     term basis. ECU has 2 cars available
     at Joondalup and 2 cars available at           Web:
     Mt Lawley.
     Student Car Share located at:
     • Car Park Ten (10) at ECU’s Joondalup
     • Car Park Nine (9) at ECU Mount Lawley

     More info:

Security On-Campus                             Accommodation
The ECU Security & Traffic Services is         On-Campus (ECU Village)
staffed by qualified, professional and
committed Security Officers and operates       Accommodation on ECU campuses is
24 hours a day, seven days a week. Security    provided by Campus Living Villages (CLV).
officers are available via our 24/7 control    CLV specialises in developing exciting and
room to walk you to your car or bus stop       supportive student residential experiences
when you are studying on-campus during         for education institutions across the globe.
the evening, on weekends or public holidays.   There is an excellent choice of fully
Should you notice any suspicious behaviour,    furnished, self-catered room options across
or would like to report an incident please     the three ECU campuses. Residential life is
call our dedicated and professional team at    a core focus, with events designed to help
any time.                                      students meet people from all over the
                                               world, support their studies and learn new
Security telephones, located on an             life skills
external wall of most buildings, connect
automatically to University security staff.    Prices at the Villages are inclusive of all
Security & Traffic Services would ask that     utilities, making it easy to budget for
all students and staff add our security        with no hidden surprises. On-campus
number to your mobile phone just in case       accommodation is limited and places fill up
you need our help. Our contact number is       fast. We recommend applying as soon as
6304 3333.                                     possible to secure yourself a room.

Personal Safety                                More info:
While your ECU campus and Perth and            Web:
Bunbury are very safe, clean and friendly.     Ask Us keywords: accommodation
With this in mind, and considering our
campuses are open to the public, you are       Off-Campus Accommodation
encouraged to use your common sense            Campus Living Villages (CLV) can also
and remain vigilant by being aware of your     assist you if you are interested in finding
personal belongings and surroundings.          off-campus accommodation. Please
A few things to keep in mind are:              contact ECU Village for more information.
• Keep your valuables in a safe place
                                               More info:
• Do not leave bags containing money or
  items of sentimental value unattended        Email:
• At night, walk with a friend and keep to     Ask Us keywords: accommodation
  well-lit areas. Or, if on-campus, you can
  ask Campus Security to walk you to your      Homestay
  vehicle or around campus.                    Homestay is another alternative style
• Keep your passport, personal items and       of accommodation to on-campus living.
  money in a safe place at all times           Students selecting Homestay will live in an
• Always lock the door to your room/home       environment in which they can study and
                                               have access to the Australian way of life
More info:                                     through interaction with another family
Telephone: Extension 3333 (ECU                 or individual.
phone only), or (61 8) 6304 3333 from any
                                               More info:
external or mobile phone.
Web:                       Web:
Ask Us keywords: security, safety

You can also read