Student Photos Late Orders - Ursula Frayne - Catholic College

Page created by Louis Coleman
Student Photos Late Orders - Ursula Frayne - Catholic College

    Student Photos
      Late Orders
We have been advised by Kapture
Photography that all portraits and
class group photos taken this year are
s ll available for purchase.

Please visit
using Duncan Campus school code;

Please visit
using Balmoral Campus school code;

                                                                                                      ELT members cooking breakfast for staff
                                                                                                                            on RU OK? Day
                                            From the Principal
                                            Dear Parents, Students and Friends of Ursula Frayne Catholic College,

                                            YOUR CHILD’S WELLBEING
                                            There is a plethora of studies that link wellbeing to learning. Research shows that high levels
                                            of mental health are associated with increased learning, crea vity and produc vity, more pro‐
                                            social behaviour, and posi ve social rela onships, and with improved physical health and life

                                            There is no silver bullet to caring for and growing our own and our children’s wellbeing. Just
                                            like the dashboard in your car, no single gauge tells you how your car is running, but rather it
    The Ursula Frayne Catholic College      is a combina on of all the important informa on you possess. According to a leading and
 community acknowledges the Whadjuk         innova ve wellbeing and Posi ve Educa on author, educator Mick Walsh, the gold standard
    people of the Noongar naƟon, the        model for wellbeing is PERMAH, and your own and your children’s wellbeing relies on a combi‐
   tradiƟonal owners who have walked        na on of them all. As James Baldwin said, “Children have never been very good at listening to
      upon and cared for this land for      their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” Let’s have a look at simple things you
  thousands of years. We acknowledge        can do as a family to ensure each of the elements of PERMAH are healthy.
the conƟnued deep spiritual aƩachment
and relaƟonship of Aboriginal and Torres    P – Posi ve Emo ons + Gra tude: it is the
  Strait Islander peoples to this country   frequency of posi ve emo ons, not their
  and commit ourselves to the ongoing       intensity, which has the greatest influence
         journey of reconciliaƟon.          on growing your own and your children’s well‐
                                            being. For everyone, social connec on is the
                                            best way to achieve this. To self‐generate                      posi ve emo ons, try these things: exercise first thing every morning, text a friend who is
  h ps://                 struggling, aim to do three kind acts every day and Face me grandparents.

       Justice | Hospitality | Excellence | Compassion | Respect

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Student Photos Late Orders - Ursula Frayne - Catholic College

From the Principal cont...
E – Engagement + Mindfulness: your own nega ve mind cha er, which causes you to experience fight or flight responses will probably be
the biggest thing for you to control and overcome. Remember your children are likely to imitate you. To focus yourself try: create posi ve I
can and I will self‐talk statements to combat the nega ves, colour in for ten minutes and breathe deeply and slowly.

R – Rela onships + Empathy: other people are the best an dotes for life’s ups and downs. Use Zoom, Teams, Skype and Google Hangout for
you and your children to see happy and smiling faces, break out UNO, Scrabble and other fun games to generate laughter, have fun cooking
up pancakes (or similar), and do Wellbeing Fitness Challenges together.

M – Meaning + Purpose: in these mes, feelings of vulnerability are perfectly normal for both you and your children. To relieve these feel‐
ings, having a strong sense of purpose to focus on something bigger than yourselves to devote your energies to, will assist. As a family, make
cards to drop into le erboxes of elderly people in your street, make fun family videos, and as a family follow and learn about a caring charity.

A – Accomplishment + Op mism: to cul vate feelings of op mism in your family that together you can influence your own futures, set a goal
at home every day. Try star ng a vegetable garden with your children, paint a room or a piece of furniture, do one extra sit up or push up,
encourage your children to complete one thing at a me from their teachers or an online wellbeing ac vity.

H – Health + Strengths: to keep your own and your children’s immune systems strong, focus on the big five – healthy fresh ea ng, one hour’s
exercise, at least 8 hours sleep, drinking plenty of water and looking on the bright side of life. An upli ing family ac vity is to iden fy your
top character strengths doing the free online Strengths Survey at Everyone puts their strength on the fridge and tries
spo ng them.

A sense of wellbeing and connectedness in schools promotes op mal development of the person as a whole and contributes to academic
success. It has o en been said that it takes a whole village to raise a child. It certainly takes a whole healthy school context to help a child to
flourish. With passion, careful planning and perseverance, great things develop. As such, events such as Wellness Week and RUOK? Day
provide opportuni es to focus on what helps us feel well, celebrate the posi ve and look a er ourselves.

Acknowledgement: Mick Walsh via

I write to advise that the Australian Associa on of Religious Educa on (AARE) has conferred on one of our staff
members, Mrs Cecilia Loh, a State Award of Meritorious Service in recogni on of her exemplary contribu on and
service to the Religious Educa on Learning Area.

The AARE is the Na onal Professional Associa on for Chaplains and Educators in the fields of Service‐Learning,
Spirituality, Ethics, Philosophy, Values and Religious Educa on. Members include primary and secondary Govern‐
ment, Catholic and Independent schools and from ter ary ins tu ons in Australia.

In conferring this award, the Associa on noted that it was impressed with the passion, endeavour, and achievements that Cecilia has
demonstrated over many years, par cularly when working with students in a variety of contexts.

Cecilia was presented with her award at the AARE Annual Dinner last night supported by several colleagues who were in a endance.

The AARE Award of Meritorious Service is one form of honouring and recognising the work of those involved within the field of Religious
Educa on.

Although Cecilia was surprised by her nomina on, it is just and fi ng to afford her such recogni on. As such, I am sure that you will join
with me in congratula ng Cecilia on this remarkable personal and professional achievement.

It is with a sense of sadness that I write to inform that Gerri Vanpraag’s (Teacher Assistant – Balmoral
campus) much‐loved father, Mr William (Bill) Caddy, passed away in Townsville on Monday night follow‐
ing a period of illness. Mr Caddy is also the grandfather of Carter Vanpraag in Kindergarten.

In mes of grief the prayers, love and support of our very strong Frayne community will be of great
comfort to the family. As such, I ask that you take a moment today to pray for Gerri and her family.

                                  Eternal rest grant unto Bill, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
                        May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

With regards and best wishes.

Mr Geoff Mills, Principal
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Student Photos Late Orders - Ursula Frayne - Catholic College

Chaplain’s Reflection
The birthday of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on 8 September. This feast is 9 months a er the Feast of the
Immaculate Concep on on 8 December and has been celebrated in the Church since at least the 8th century.
Even though there is nothing in the Bible about it, there are some early documents telling us the story of the
birth of Mary. Saints Joachim and Anne, her parents, received a beau ful gi from God in Mary and they
raised her with love as a child of God.

When our mother has a birthday, children send their gree ngs and love, so let us be sure that we do the same
to our Mother Mary on her birthday. The liturgy of this feast expresses the wonderful works that God has done
by the acceptantance of Mary to do His will. Pope Francis reflec ng on this feast said: "Every me I read sacred Scripture, in the verses that
talk about Our Lady, three verbs catch my a en on. BE JOYFUL, HELP WITHOUT HESITATION and PERSEVERE". When we get Jesus in our
life, as Mary did, we are filled with a JOY so great that nothing and no one can take away from us. This happiness rises us up and encourages
us like Mary to HELP others. Making a difference does not have to be done on a grand scale, every li le thing we do for others with love can
bring joy to others. Mary always relied on God, in the middle of problems and sufferings, she PERSEVERES, she remains standing, even at the
foot of the cross. "In this world in which long‐las ng values are rejected and everything is changing, in which the disposable triumphs, in
which it seems people are afraid of life's commitments, the Virgin encourages us to be men and women who are constant in their good
works, who keep their word, who are always faithful," Pope Francis said.

Let us wish our Blessed Mother Mary Happy Birthday and pray with the Opening Prayer for the mass:

                                     Impart to your servants, we pray, O Lord, the gi of heavenly grace,
                                               that the feast of the Na vity of the Virgin Mary
                                                 may bring deeper peace to those for whom
                                              the birth of her Son was the dawning of salva on.

Fr Jesus Bello, College Chaplain, Duncan Campus

ACC Athletics Team
On Wednesday 8 September we saw the weather gods shine on us as we competed at the State Athle cs Stadium for our annual ‘E’ Division
Athle cs Carnival.

With a team of 120 strong athletes we were excited for what the day could bring. The students were amazing and also looked very stylish in
our brand new athle c singlets. They threw, jumped and ran their hearts out for UFCC, o en working out of their comfort zone to help
others in the team. We had many athletes with heavy workloads and their friends helped them get from event to event, without any

It was also great to see so many parents, guardians and grandparents at the stadium to support our athletes. Friends of Frayne also supplied
juice and snacks for our hard working athletes.

Overall UFCC placed second, being pipped at the post by 35 points. We did s ll win three shields:

   Senior Girls’ shield
   Senior Boys’ shield
   Overall Girls’ Aggregate

We also had some stand out performances by the following athletes:

U13 Girls         Anna Mar n              2nd place
U16 Boys          Keenan Ee               2nd place
                  Ben Whelpdale           3rd place
U16 Girls         Isabelle Rosalia        3rd place
Open Boys         Alexander Okoye         2nd place
Open Girls        Rachel Statham          2nd place

A team of 16 volunteers, led by Miss Ricci, also worked relessly throughout the day on a variety of ac vi es, including hurdles, finish line
and catering.

I would like to thank Mrs Griffiths, Miss Vince, Mr Tomasevich, Miss Ricci, Miss Muhling and Miss Mar n for their ongoing commitment to
the UFCC spor ng program and the students. Without them we would not be able to celebrate our successes.

Mrs Jodie Walsh
Learning Area Co‐ordinator, Health & Physical Educa on
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Wellbeing Week
Wellbeing Week provides the opportunity to engage in, and learn ways to focus on our physical, mental
and emo onal health. Various ac vi es were held on both campuses to acknowledge wellbeing week.

On the Duncan Campus students had the opportunity to engage with informa on displays, a pledge
board, music and bubbles during Recess and Lunch. Mul ple studies state indoor plants lower stress
levels and anxiety, plus increased produc vity and performance so Homerooms got the opportunity to
get crea ve in the ‘Posi ve Plan ng’ Ac vity. This involved Homerooms decora ng a plant pot and
plan ng a plant. The challenge is to now look a er the plant and see how they’ve grown throughout
the year.

On the Balmoral Campus, students engaged with several ac vi es over the course of the week that
enabled them to spend me on their own health and wellbeing. Families were encouraged to spend
quality me together and share their experiences on SeeSaw with the school, instead of doing home‐
work! This was certainly well received by the students. On Friday, all the students were invited to
wear their sports uniform to par cipate in outdoor ac vi es that promoted teamwork and fitness. The
laughter and joy that was heard around the campus displayed how important it is to provide students
with the opportuni es to have fun and be outside.

Staff also par cipated in a stretching session and photo challenge, sharing photos of ‘Where I find wellbeing’ and were grateful to receive a
cooked breakfast by the ELT for R U OK? day on both campuses.

Whilst we celebrate Wellbeing Week, it’s also important to remember that we can be doing something every day to fill up our tanks and
keep well.

Miss Kim Thuijs, College Psychologist

I would like to thank Miss Kim Thuijs and the students who elected to be a part of the College
Wellbeing Student Team for organising this year’s Wellbeing Week ac vi es. This is a great
student led ini a ve that has grown over the last two years and is just another example of the
amazing staff and students we have at Frayne who work hard to look for opportuni es to
support one another and turn ideas into reality around the College.

Ms Sarah Quin, Campus Minister

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Student Photos Late Orders - Ursula Frayne - Catholic College

Duncan Campus Group Photos
Wednesday, 15 September
Students need to be dressed in the College Winter Uniform including the blazer and correct e. Girls wearing the skirt must also wear the
College white socks. Students in sports photos will be required to wear their UFCC Sports Uniform (shorts with the UFCC name on them –
NO trackpants or Cluster shirts). Some students will then change into a specific sports shirt for some of the teams. If you are not in the
correct uniform, as stated above, you will not be in the photo. Students in a music ensemble, can also bring along their musical instrument.
For those in the Jazz Band and Concert Bands, we do not need all instruments, just a variety! Dance girls to change into costume during the
lunch break.

8.40am        ACC Athle cs Team (120 Students ‐ Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Walsh, Miss Mar n, Miss Muhling, Mr Tomasevich, Miss Vince,
              Miss Ricci)
9.15am        ACC Swimming Team (117 Students ‐ Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Walsh, Miss Mar n, Miss Muhling, Mr Tomasevich, Miss Vince)
9.40am        ACC Cross Country Team (76 Students ‐ Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Walsh, Miss Mar n, Miss Muhling, Mr Tomasevich, Miss Vince, Miss
10.05am       SAS Years 11/12 Boys’ Volleyball A (8 Students – Mr Bubalo)
10.10am       SASJ Year 7 Boys’ Basketball (7 Students – Mr Bumbak)
10.15am       ACC Year 10 Boys’ AFL Division 5 Champions (25 Students – Mr Blakiston, Mr Tomesevich)
10.25am       SASJ Years 8/9 Girls’ Basketball (9 Students – Miss Vince)
10.30am       SAS Years 11/12 Girls’ Netball A (10 Students – Miss Vince)
10.35am       ACC Championship Netball Team (12 Students – Miss Vince, Miss Mar n)
10.40am       School Sport WA High School Cup Netball Champions (10 Students – Miss Vince)
10.45am       SASJ Year 10 Girls’ Netball (13 Students – Miss Vince)
10.50am       SAS Years 11/12 Girls’ Beach Volleyball A (9 Students – Mrs Hunter)
10.55am       Sports Captain and Prefects (5 Students – Mrs Griffiths)

Recess – 11.00am

11.30am       Concert Band 1 (22 students – Mr Baker)
11.50am       Concert Band 2 (13 Students – Mr Baker)
12.05pm       Beginning Band (8 Students – Mr Baker)
12.10pm       Rock/Liturgy Band (6 Students – Mr Bartel)
12.15pm       College Choir (31 Students – Mrs Osborne)
12.30pm       Youth Chorale (19 Students – Mrs Osborne)
12.40pm       Liturgical Chorus (9 Students – Mrs Osborne)
12.45pm       Chamber Strings (7 Students – Ms Melnichenko)
12.50pm       Flute Ensemble (6 Students – Mrs Osborne)
12.55pm       Jazz Band (13 students – Mr Baker)
1.05pm        Arts Captain and Prefects (3 Students – Ms Davies‐Moore)

Lunch – 1.10pm

1.45pm        Middle School Intermediate Dancers (20 Students – Mrs Hunter, Miss Cionci)
2.00pm        Senior Frayne Dancers (16 Students – Mrs Hunter)
2.15pm        Saxophone Ensemble (7 Students – Miss Keet)
2.20pm        Clarinet Ensemble (3 Students – Miss Charteris)
2.25pm        Wellbeing Group (7 Students – Mrs Quin, Miss Thuijs)
2.30pm        Ministry Captain and Prefects (5 Students – Mrs Quin)
2.35pm        Jus ce and Advocacy Group (13 Students ‐ Mr Waddell, Mrs Quin, Miss Orlando)
2.40pm        Siena Cluster Captains and Representa ves (8 Students – Mr Waddell)
2.45pm        McAuley Cluster Captains and Representa ves (8 Students – Mrs Goodhill)
2.50pm        Xavier Cluster Captains and Representa ves (8 Students – Miss Mar n)
2.55pm        Head Girl, Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy (4 Students – Mr Sciorilli)
3.00pm        IT Captain and Prefect (2 Students – Mr Sciorilli)
3.05pm        Joachim Cluster Captains and Representa ves (5 Students – Mrs Campbell)
3.10pm        MacKillop Cluster Captains and Representa ves (5 Students – Mr Blakiston)
3.15pm        Rice Cluster Captains and Representa ves (5 Students – Miss Presu o)

Ms Mary McGonigle
Community and Events Officer

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Frayne Day Lunch Orders - Thursday 23 September
Frayne Day will be celebrated on Thursday 23 September and you can now pre‐order lunch for the day on Trybooking. With many great
choices you don’t want to miss out.

   Pop Top Drink (Apple, Orange, Apple/Blackcurrant)
   200ml Can of So Drink (Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Lemonade)
   Sausage Sizzle
   Beef Burger
   Sushi ‐ 5 pieces (Chicken Teriyaki Gluten Free, Chicken Katsu, Tuna, Vegetarian Gluten Free)
   Rice Paper Rolls ‐ 3 pieces (Chicken Gluten Free, Tofu)
   Chicken Curry & Rice
   Vegetarian Fried Noodles
   Fried Rice (Vegetarian Gluten Free, Combo ‐ Chicken, Beef, Pork)
   Domino’s Pizza ‐ 4 slices (Ham & Cheese, Margherita, Pepperoni, Beef & Onion, Spicy Vegetable Trio)

Please note that all lunches need to be ordered by next Friday, 17 September 2021. There may be some extra Sausage Sizzle
and Beef Burgers available on the day, but not guaranteed.

Students will need to show their ‘ ckets’ to the staff distribu ng the food and drinks, however, if they are forgo en on the day the Canteen
will have a list with all orders recorded.

Please log onto the following to place your order: h ps://

Ms Mary McGonigle
Community & Events Officer

Frayne Sewing Club
Star ng next Monday a ernoon : 3.30‐4.30pm

Mrs Guerrini (Mrs G‐ Home Economics) is running a space to sew and create every Monday a er‐

Follow a fun program learning how to sew, or bring your own kni ng, crochet work, quil ng and
join us in crea ng a fun and relaxing space to learn with our friends. We’ll be making pillow cases,
cushions, boxer shorts and skirts according to your level. Learn about fabric, how to take measure‐
ments, and how to sew! It’s free to join, so come along to the Conference Room and see how
crea ve you are!

Fabric kindly donated by ‘Lizzy’‐ a cra er who has kindly donated over $3,000 worth of fabric to
our school. Here’s to LIZZY’S SEWING CLUB!

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Uniform Shop News
Appointments by Bookings Only:
To make a booking, please click on the following link: Uniform Shop Bookings

If you are purchasing items which do not require a changeroom, please make a booking per family. Two or more students from the same
family requiring the use of a changeroom will require their own me slot.

To book two appointments with the same me slot:‐
1. Login – click A endant One and select day and me then click on the green “+” symbol to add the booking.
2. Click ‐ [Add a second login]; make sure you have your spouse login details first. You can obtain the spouse login details by clicking
    the obtain PIN.
3. Type spouses login details surname and PIN number and then click login;
4. Click on A endant Two (right hand side box) and select the same me and day as the previous booking. Again, click on the green “+”
    symbol to add the booking.

Please remember to cancel your appointment if you can no longer make it.

 Tuesday 28 September                       9:00am‐3:30pm
 Wednesday 29 September                     9:00am‐3:30pm

OPEN DAY – No booking required:
 Monday 11 October                          8:00am‐12:00pm

Normal shop hours resume Tuesday 12 October 2021.

Jann Boere & Deb Lucas
Uniform Shop

Friends of Frayne
This week we were very happy to support both
The Arts and Sports in equal measure ‐ providing
food and drink for the Film Revue Night on
Monday and the Interschool Athle cs Carnival
on Wednesday. It was fabulous to see so much
talent in both events!! Many thanks to Patricia
Gabb, Kayo Adams and Maria Nicolosi for giving
up their me to assist.

                               BALMORAL CAMPUS
                               Wellness Week
                               We were lucky to have an abundance of Delicious APPLES donated to us by Coles Victoria Park, for all our
                               students to enjoy on Thursday. Like they say "AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY". As we value the
                               UFCC's Wellbeing Week ‐ we were grateful to be part of this healthy concept.

                               Prep School Sports Carnival
                               Friends of Frayne have organised a Coffee and Food Van for all the parents at the carnival on Monday. The
                               forecast is looking good so please come and enjoy the day ‐ It's going to be so much fun.

Have a great weekend!

Friends of Frayne

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Are You Interested?
Bricks 4 Kidz
Our Spring School Holiday Workshops are located at the following loca ons:
   BRICKS 4 KIDZ City West @ West Perth
   Providence Chris an College @ Southern River

Online enrolment is at the following link::
h ps://‐gosnells/program‐events/school‐holiday‐
workshops‐ac vi es‐lego‐bricks/

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Are You Interested?

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