Successful Merger of American Airlines and US Airways Shows Facts, Facts, Facts Critical to Antitrust Review

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Successful Merger of American Airlines and US Airways Shows Facts, Facts, Facts Critical to Antitrust Review

Successful Merger of American Airlines and
US Airways Shows Facts, Facts, Facts Critical
to Antitrust Review
By J. Bruce McDonald
                                                                    Getting this deal past the government and ready
Special  Contributing  Writer  to  The  Texas  Lawbook
                                                                    to close highlights important lessons for any
June 25, 2014 – The merger of American Airlines                     merger that may face antitrust opposition.
and US Airways may be the last combination
of large U.S. air carriers for a long time.                         First, the resulting lawsuit illustrated the contrast
But had the Justice Department been successful                      between a Washington agency investigation and
in its challenge to their deal, these airlines still                SOD\WRZLQOLWLJDWLRQDJDLQVWWKHJRYHUQPHQW
would be separate. Preventing this merger                           Second, it shows the importance for each side
actually would have left passengers with less                       to have the facts that support its vision of why
competition, not more.                                              the proposed transaction is procompetitive
                                            © Dallas Morning News
                                                                    for consumers (for the merging parties) or an
                                                                    anticompetitive menace (for the government)
                                                                    – because the litigation outcome will turn on
                                                                    the facts.

                                                                    Third, especially because in a complex industry
                                                                    being scrutinized under a specialized legal
                                                                    regime, success for the airlines absolutely
                                                                    GHSHQGHG RQ D XQL¿HG H̆RUW DPRQJ FOLHQWV
                                                                    inside counsel, and outside counsel.

This transaction brought a little of everything                     Background
one might see in a government merger review.                        Since the United States deregulated its airline
The combination was proposed in an industry                         industry in 1978, the industry has changed
that already had seen several mergers. It was                       dramatically. The “legacy” airlines have
intensely investigated by the U.S. Department                       GHYHORSHG KXEDQGVSRNH QHWZRUNV DOORZLQJ
of Justice. Several State attorneys general joined                  them to serve passengers from more cities to
the investigation. The European Union also                          more destinations. A number of these merged
ORRNHGLQWRLWVH̆HFWRQ86(XURSHFRPSHWLWLRQ                  to expand their networks and reduce costs:
The U.S. and States brought a lawsuit to challenge                  Delta/Northwest and United/Continental were
the deal and were prepared to litigate.                             the most recent of those mergers.

After a very fast pretrial schedule, the case                       New competition has entered in the form of
settled with an agreement that the airlines would                   “low cost carriers” (LCCs), so called because they
divest some assets at certain airports. On top                      do not carry the historical labor and network
of this, one of the airlines was in bankruptcy                      costs of the legacy airlines; Southwest Airlines
and every event was closely watched in the                          has been the most successful of the LCCs.
SUHVV 0HDQZKLOH D JURXS RI SODLQWL̆V ¿OHG D               In the face of high labor costs, rising fuel
private action challenging the merger, and that                     SULFHV DQG ORZFRVW FRPSHWLWLRQ QHDUO\ DOO WKH
litigation continues.                                               legacy carriers have reorganized in bankruptcy,
                                                                    some more than once. >

© 2014  The  Texas  Lawbook                               1
Successful Merger of American Airlines and US Airways Shows Facts, Facts, Facts Critical to Antitrust Review
The Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division         8QGHUWKH+65$FWSDUWLHVWRDSURSRVHGPHUJHU
is responsible for reviewing airline mergers.          PXVWGHOD\FORVLQJIRUGD\VDIWHU¿OLQJDQ+65
DOJ opposed some of the proposed mergers               QRWL¿FDWLRQDQGLI'2-PDNHVD³VHFRQGUHTXHVW´
of the last twenty years, such as Continental          for documents and information with which to
with Northwest and United with US Air.                 PDNHDQLQGHSWKLQYHVWLJDWLRQWKHQGHOD\XQWLO
But DOJ allowed Delta/Northwest and                    they have responded to that extensive discovery
United/Continental, based on its analysis that         request plus another 30 days.
                                                       An investigation is conducted by the career
“anywhere to everywhere” networks outweighed
                                                       '2- VWD̆ RI ODZ\HUV DQG HFRQRPLVWV XQGHU WKH
possible fare increases due to a loss of competition
on the routes where the merging carriers
overlapped. Using this analysis that undergirded
                                                       on whether to allow or challenge a merger. State
DOJ’s decisions in the prior two airline mergers,
                                                       attorneys general sometimes conduct parallel
the combination of American and US Airways
                                                       investigations that are coordinated with DOJ’s.
would have been approved.
                                                       Neither DOJ nor FTC has the authority on their
Based at DFW, American was the last legacy             own to block a merger, but must seek a federal
carrier to have avoided bankruptcy. But in             court injunction and prove the combination may
November 2011, its parent, AMR Corporation,            “substantially lessen competition.”
of New York.

American anticipated that, after emerging
from bankruptcy, it would consider merging
with another carrier, to expand its network
and make it more competitive with the newly
expanded United and Delta. Nevertheless,
with the encouragement of creditors and labor,
while still in bankruptcy it began discussions
with US Airways. In early 2013 the two                                                            © Dallas Morning News

airlines announced their agreement to merge,
which was proposed to the bankruptcy court as          By August 2013, the merger had been approved by
the business plan that would allow it to emerge        US Airways’ stockholders, AMR’s creditors, and
from bankruptcy.                                       WKH (XURSHDQ 8QLRQ DIWHU WKH DLUOLQHV R̆HUHG
                                                       WR VXUUHQGHU D VORW SDLU DW /RQGRQ +HDWKURZ
DOJ initiated an investigation of the American/        $LUSRUWWRDOORZQHZFRPSHWLWLRQRQWKH/RQGRQ
US combination even before the airlines made           Philadelphia route).
5RGLQR +65 $FWLQ)HEUXDU\7KLVVWDWXWH       On Aug. 13, DOJ and several States and the
requires that certain transactions be reported         'LVWULFW RI &ROXPELD ¿OHG VXLW LQ WKH 8QLWHG
to these agencies and then closing delayed to          States District Court for the District of Columbia,
give the government time to make an initial            seeking to block the merger. The complaint stated
review, conduct a thorough investigation, and          WKDW'2-¶VJRDOZDV³DIXOOVWRSLQMXQFWLRQ´
decide whether to seek to modify or block the          DOJ alleged that, following the merger of other
combination through an enforcement action.             legacy carriers – most recently Delta/Northwest >

© 2014  The  Texas  Lawbook                    2
Successful Merger of American Airlines and US Airways Shows Facts, Facts, Facts Critical to Antitrust Review
and United/Continental – this merger would               merger will not substantially lessen competition.
leave the industry with too little competition.          In the context of deciding whether a merger
The only remaining legacy airlines would be              should be allowed, the government relies
Delta, United, and American/US, and                      heavily on economic arguments, its analysis of
competition from Southwest and the other                 prior mergers in the same industry, and a cool
LCCs would not keep the legacy carriers in line.         headed review of the facts. The merging parties
                                                         respond accordingly, often presenting lengthy
In particular DOJ asserted that this “4 to 3”
                                                         white papers, prepared with the assistance of
combination would make the postmerger
                                                         economists, supporting their presentations with
industry more susceptible to coordinated pricing
                                                         an objective evaluation of the facts.
tacit coordination that can result when there                                      © Dallas Morning News
are few competitors and their actions more
predictable). DOJ also alleged that airlines would
engage in “capacity discipline,” which DOJ
available to reduce capacity and increase prices.

Pivot  from  investigation  to  litigation               If the government decides to oppose the merger,
As American and US Airways anticipated a                 PXFK RI WKLV IDOOV DZD\ +DYLQJ LWVHOI GHFLGHG
possible government challenge to the merger,             the combination will substantially lessen
they began to move from trying to convince               competition, DOJ’s lawyers then will employ
DOJ that it should not challenge the merger              whatever evidence is relevant to proving that in
to building a courtroom defense for why DOJ              court. No disparagement intended; DOJ likes
should not have challenged the merger.                   to win. And merging parties too should respond
There is a marked contrast between a                     aggressively, to hold DOJ to its burden of proof
government investigation and an enforcement              and present the strongest case of why their deal
action that results from the investigation.              DFWXDOO\ LV SURFRPSHWLWLYH 7KH JORYHV DUH R̆
More than in a business dispute that devolves            Both sides will try to develop the case that will
into litigation, between a merger review and             be best received by a generalist district judge.
litigated challenge the parties’ approach and            This will not be a dry presentation of antitrust
standards the government applies change                  theory and economic models, which has some
drastically.    Merging     companies   should           YDOXH ZKHQ WKH DQWLWUXVW DJHQF\ VWLOO LV RSHQ
anticipate this and be prepared to pivot from            minded about the deal, but documentary
investigation to lawsuit to clear the path to            evidence and testimony on internal predictions
complete their transaction in the end.                   of the merger’s likely outcome, business motives,
                                                         and the evil or virtue of how the transaction will
A DOJ merger investigation begins cooperatively.         D̆HFWFRQVXPHUV
The parties are eager to show DOJ why their
proposed merger is procompetitive, share                 One example. In its evaluation of prior airline
evidence needed to convince the agency,                  deals, DOJ has decided to allow mergers to
and quickly get past the review and close on             proceed based in part on an economic model
schedule. The agency rarely will have prejudged          that puts a dollar value to passengers on the
a transaction, and the parties’ goal is to present       quality improvements created by combining
facts to help the government decide that the             two airline networks into one; for example, >  

© 2014  The  Texas  Lawbook                     3
Successful Merger of American Airlines and US Airways Shows Facts, Facts, Facts Critical to Antitrust Review
SRVWPHUJHUFXVWRPHUVFDQÀ\RQDVLQJOHDLUOLQH            DOJ  and  the  airlines  saw  this  merger  
day scheduled at more convenient times.                      In this merger, DOJ saw an anticompetitive
                                                             plan to prevent American from growing, reduce
If the dollar value of the network improvements
                                                             industry wide capacity and increase prices.
exceeds the likely fare increases on routes
                                                             The airlines in contrast expected the combination
where the parties overlap, one could say the
                                                             to create a carrier with improved service,
merger on balance is procompetitive. In AA/US,
                                                             better able to compete against rivals. The airlines
the analysis submitted by the parties showed the
                                                             also saw a highly competitive marketplace
merger’s quality improvements far outweighed
                                                             with low barriers to entry, as evidenced by the
                                                             persistent growth of LCCs and the introduction
competing economic models, while important,
                                                             RI QHZ EXVLQHVV PRGHOV VXFK DV XOWUD/&&V
would have been viewed alongside the testimony
                                                             OLNH 6SLULW DQG KLJKVHUYLFH /&&V OLNH 9LUJLQ
and documents on the business rationale and
                                                             America). The outcome of the litigation would
plans for the merger.
                                                             have turned on which vision of this extraordinary
This merger is a great example of why it is                  transaction would be adopted by the court.
so important for merging companies (and
                                                                                                     © Dallas Morning News
the government) successfully to pivot from
investigation to litigation.

Proving  the  merger  will  enhance  
competition  with  facts,  facts,  and  facts
Throughout the investigation that led to DOJ’s
enforcement action, American and US Airways
had been focused on developing the facts that
supported their belief that the merger would
enhance competition even though it reduced
the number of competitors on some routes.
This attention to the facts, not to mention that
the facts supported our view of the merger’s
H̆HFWV SXW WKH GHIHQVH LQ D VWURQJ SRVLWLRQ           American  and  US  Airways  employees  rallied  outside    
leading up to the trial date.                                 the  White  House  in  September,  hoping  to  push  the  DOJ    
                                                                                  to  settle  its  lawsuit.
and merging companies can see the same merger                Where DOJ saw less competition, American and
YHU\GL̆HUHQWO\(YHQLQDFRQFHQWUDWHGPDUNHW             US Airways saw more. These airlines overlapped
RQHLQZKLFKDVLJQL¿FDQWVKDUHRIFDSDFLW\LVKHOG         on only 17 nonstop routes. Prior airline mergers,
by a few companies, predicting whether a merger              which DOJ had allowed, had produced stronger
ultimately will lessen or enhance competition                airlines better able to serve passengers.
is not simple, creating the opportunity for                  United/Continental and Delta/Northwest had
disagreement. On one hand, every merger                      combined to create networks with much greater
between competitors reduces competition.                     reach, giving them the ability to provide service
The question is, how much competition                        WRPRUHDLUSRUWVZLWKPRUHIUHTXHQWÀLJKWVDQG
remains after the merger. On the other hand,                 improved schedules, features that especially
combining the capabilities of two companies                  business passengers demand. >
can produce a stronger competitor, introducing
more competition into the market.

© 2014  The  Texas  Lawbook                         4
Successful Merger of American Airlines and US Airways Shows Facts, Facts, Facts Critical to Antitrust Review
In contrast, American and US separately had              $ORQJ ZLWK -HW%OXH 9LUJLQ $PHULFD DQG RWKHUV
incomplete but complementary domestic                    the LCCs have 40% of the U.S. domestic market.
networks: US had a strong presence only on the           These nimble rivals keep the network carriers
East Coast, which is where American was lacking.         RQWKHLUJDPHDQGQHZHUXOWUDORZFRVWDLUOLQHV
We were prepared to show how merging them                like Spirit and Allegiant are taking share
able to attract passengers and compete against
                                                         Like any lawsuit, here there was a contrast
United and Delta.
                                                         between visions. The key to the defense’s
Where DOJ now asserted the prior mergers                 courtroom presentation would have been the
had resulted in less service, American and US            facts that showed how this merger, despite DOJ’s
Airways developed the facts to show the prior            claims, will be pro competitive.
mergers actually were increasing service over the
long run.
                                                         inside  counsel,  and  outside  counsel
Taking the long view of how 9/11, the recession,         Lawyers who have worked on complex litigation
DQG KLJKHU IXHO FRVWV KDG D̆HFWHG DLUOLQHV       appreciate that behind every crisp courtroom
the evidence showed the industry had cut                 presentation there is enormous preparation,
VHDWV WKDW ZHUH À\LQJ HPSW\ EXW WKHQ EHJDQ      sometimes creativity, and usually a little chaos.
expanding capacity as demand returned.                   The potential for chaos is enhanced in merger
)ROORZLQJ PHUJHUV DLUOLQHV KDG VKLIWHG WUḊF      litigation, where inherently there are two parties
patterns and temporarily reduced capacity                on the defense side, each with its own views
DV ÀHHWV ZHUH LQWHJUDWHG EXW WKHQ UHVWRUHG       of the merger and of course each with its own
service. And American had made commitments               lawyers. Success in creating a courtroomworthy
to extraordinary new aircraft purchases, for             presentation therefore requires extraordinary
airplanes that the combined company now is               cooperation and coordination of client and
DGGLQJWRLWVÀHHW                                      counsel resources.

Where DOJ saw a consolidating industry leading                             In the AA/US litigation, it was
to coordination and higher prices, the defendants                          apparent DOJ was committed
were ready to show how average fares have fallen                           to litigating, the issues were
almost 50% in real terms since deregulation.                               complex, and between the two
                                                         DLUOLQHV WKHUH ZHUH PXOWLSOH ODZ ¿UPV HDFK
                                                         of course with its own views. The companies
airlines may have identical list prices, a close look
                                                         and counsel addressed these challenges by
at pricing evidence shows carriers actually have
                                                         establishing clear lines of command, reaching
                                                         a common vision of how to respond to DOJ’s
and obviously are not coordinated. The Internet
                                                         claims, and utilizing the clients’ internal
                                                         resources to the fullest.
fares. And nothing in this particular merger was
OLNHO\WRD̆HFWWKHSULFLQJHQYLURQPHQW                 The clients each chose lead trial counsel
                                                         (John Majoras from Jones Day for American,
Where DOJ characterized the LCCs as not
                                                         Richard Parker from O’Melveny & Myers for
                                                         US Airways) and relied on them to prepare for
                                                         trial. The other lawyers who had been involved
competitors that had expanded, taking share
                                                         in the DOJ investigation contributed greatly to
from the legacy carriers. Texas’ own Southwest
                                                         trial preparation, but the lead trial counsel had
Airlines is the nation’s largest domestic airline.

© 2014  The  Texas  Lawbook                      5
The two trial teams developed a common vision            One reason that smooth coordination among
of how to respond to DOJ. Although each of the           the defense team was so important is that
airlines had approached the deal with a slightly         the court set a trial date just 104 days from
YLHZ RI KRZ WKH PHUJHU EHQH¿WHG FRQVXPHUV ±      quick trial date; as the merger was the plan for
by creating an airline with an improved network          exiting bankruptcy, any delay would only
that could provide passengers with a strong              prolong AMR’s stay in Chapter 11.
alternative to United and Delta and compete
                                                         DOJ resisted a short schedule; a long period of
                                                         uncertainty can put a transaction at business
business approaches is credible, but presenting a
                                                         risk of being abandoned, in which case DOJ wins
single antitrust argument is essential.
                                                         by default. This was such a critical issue that
Most importantly, the clients themselves                 numerous amici¿OHGEULHIVMXVWRQWKHVFKHGXOLQJ
were closely involved in the litigation, as they         decision, urging the court to set a quick trial date.
had been in the DOJ investigation. Senior
management were involved in strategy decisions,
                                                         Two weeks before trial, in November 2013,
and both airlines made executives and other
                                                         American and US Airways reached a settlement
knowledgeable employees available.
                                                         with the United States. The settlement required
Inside counsel were committed to the project,            the airlines to divest certain slot holdings and
devoting endless time and their experience               other assets Reagan National and at LaGuardia
inside counsel cannot be overstated. Commercial
                                                         Additionally, American and US Airways were
aviation is a complex business, and even outside
                                                         required to divest some gates at Boston Logan,
counsel familiar with the industry do not bring
                                                         &KLFDJR 2¶+DUH 'DOODV /RYH )LHOG /RV $QJHOHV
the same experience and quick familiarity with
                                                         International, and Miami International. All these
the history, concepts, and information sources
                                                         assets had to go to LCCs, not other legacy carriers.
needed to understand the business.
                                                         The DOJ settlement raised some controversy,
                     At     American,      general       ZLWKWKLUGSDUWLHVFODLPLQJLWGLGQRWVẊFLHQWO\
                     counsel Gary Kennedy                address the allegations in DOJ’s complaint;
                     and     antitrust     counsel       nevertheless, after thorough review the district
                     Bruce Wark and James                court approved the settlement.
                     Kaleigh were very engaged
                                                         At the same time the airlines made settlement
                     – preparing witnesses,
                                                         agreements with Arizona, Florida, Michigan,
                     drafting briefs, securing
                                                         7HQQHVVHH 3HQQV\OYDQLD 9LUJLQLD DQG WKH
                     data – as on the US
                                                         District of Columbia (and before had settled with
                     Airways side were general
    Gary  Kennedy                                        Texas) that required the combined airline to
                     counsel Steve Johnson and
                                                         maintain certain service levels in those states for
                     DQWLWUXVW FRXQVHO +RZDUG
                                                         several years.
Kass. This was important to putting us in
strong pretrial position. Clients and inside             Both sides got something from the settlement.
counsel bring resources that give a trial team an        The airlines closed their transaction in December
edge; not only do outside counsel not have these         2013, while DOJ hailed the settlement as
resources, neither does the government.                  disrupting the coordinated conduct alleged in >  

© 2014  The  Texas  Lawbook                     6
the complaint, increasing access to congested           diligent development of the facts, and close
airports, and bringing more choices to consumers.       cooperation among clients and counsel. These
                                                                 are good lessons for the parties to any
                                                                 merger that may face opposition in
As usual, the trial teams were eager to
present their cases in the courtroom.
                                                                    Bruce   McDonald   is   an   antitrust  
“We would have won,” both sides still
                                                                    partner   in   Jones   Day’s   Houston   and  
say today, although obviously there was
                                                                    :DVKLQJWRQ ṘFHV DQG ZDV SDUW RI
                                                                    the  team  that  represented  American  in  
for the airlines) that all litigants were
                                                                    the   DOJ   investigation   and   litigation.  
willing to settle.
                                                                    From  2004-­2007  he  served  as  Deputy  
                                            J.  Bruce  McDonald
In my view, American and US had                                     Assistant  Attorney  General  in  the  DOJ  
put themselves in a strong position to secure a                     Antitrust  Division.
settlement that timely cleared the way for their
                                                        Please   visit IRU PRUH DUWLFOHV
merger with an aggressive focus on the litigation,
                                                        on  business  law  in  Texas.  

© 2014  The  Texas  Lawbook                   7
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