SUMMARY OF - Town of Kingfield, Maine

SUMMARY OF - Town of Kingfield, Maine
S       U      M        M       A       R Y                  O       F

                       M A I N E

                       L AWS

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife | Season dates for hunting are revised annually. Information appearing in this book may not be valid after July 2021.


                                               10              11
                                                   18                   19
 7                           17
          13                                                          28                27
12         16               23

              22           25
     21                                   29

               For a more detailed map and information on WMDs, please visit
                                                                                                                                                   VERSION AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                                                     Download a PDF copy
                                                                                                                                                         of this book at
S U M M A R Y                          O F          H U N T I N G                      L AW S                                                    to easily reference from your

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S                                                                                                                      computer or mobile device.

LAWS OF THE MAINE OUTDOORS...... 2                                   Supervision of Junior Hunters.....................17                       Bear Hunting with a Maine Guide...............27
2020-21 MAINE HUNTING SEASONS.. 4                                    Youth Hunting Days.....................................17                  Laws Regarding Registration........................27
LICENSING INFORMATION................... 6                           DEER HUNTING..................................... 18                       2020 Bear Seasons & Bag Limits..................27
Who Needs a License?....................................6            Deer Hunting Prohibitions...........................18                     BEAR TRAPPING.................................. 28
What Are the Requirements?.........................6                 Areas Closed to Deer Hunting......................18                       Bear Trapping Permit....................................28
How Are Licenses Obtained?..........................6                Areas Open to Deer Hunting........................18                       Design & Deployment Standards.................28
Definitions......................................................6   Deer Permits & Licenses...............................18                   Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration
Special Licenses...............................................7     Deer Population Monitoring Project............19                           Program.........................................................28
Outdoor Safety Courses..................................7            Reporting Accidents & Aiding Victims........20                             Legal Devices.................................................28
Apprentice Hunter License.............................7              Harassment of Hunters................................20                    HUNTING AREAS.................................. 29
2020-21 Apprentice Hunter License and                                2020 Deer Seasons & Bag Limits.................20                          State Parks and Historic Sites......................29
Permit Fees......................................................7                                                                              Wildlife Management District Map.............29
                                                                     CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE............. 21
2020-21 License and Permit Fees..................8                   What is CWD?...............................................21              Public Reserved Lands..................................29
Lifetime License Fees......................................9         Regulations on Feeding Deer........................21                      Wildlife Management Areas ........................29
Maine Lifetime License...................................9           Waste of Game..............................................21              National Wildlife Refuges (NWR)................29
Superpack License...........................................9        MDIFW Check Stations................................21                     White Mountain National Forest.................30
License Revocation Information..................10                                                                                              National Park Service....................................30
                                                                     MOOSE HUNTING................................. 22
GENERAL HUNTING LAWS...................11                            Moose Hunting Permit.................................22                    Baxter State Park...........................................30
Prohibition Regarding Selling                                        2020 Moose Permit Hunt Seasons &                                           Closed and Special Regulation Areas...........30
of Wild Animals.............................................11       Bag Limits......................................................22         Railroad Tracks..............................................30
Night Hunting ..............................................11                                                                                  Native American Territory...........................31
                                                                     WILD TURKEY HUNTING..................... 23
Raccoon Hunting..........................................11
                                                                     Landowner Privileges...................................23                  HUNTING/TRAPPING ON PRIVATE
Placement of Bait..........................................11                                                                                   PROPERTY.............................................. 31
                                                                     Wild Turkey to Be Tagged.............................23
Minimum Shooting Distances......................11                                                                                              Commercial Shooting Areas.........................32
                                                                     Wild Turkey Transportation.........................23
Target Identification While Hunting...........12
                                                                     Wild Turkey Registration.............................23                    LEGAL HUNTING HOURS.................... 33
Tagging, Transportation & Registration.....12
                                                                     Wild Turkey Hunting Prohibitions..............23                           MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS................... 34
Time Limits for Registering.........................13                                                                                          Summary of Federal Regulations.................35
                                                                     Wild Turkey Legal Hunting Hours...............23
Condition of Animal Presented                                                                                                                   Phone Numbers You Might Need.................35
                                                                     Wild Turkey Licensing, Permit,
for Registration.............................................13
                                                                     & Who May Hunt..........................................23                 Maine Migratory Hunting Zones Map.........35
Possession of Gift Bear, Deer, Moose,
                                                                     Spring Wild Turkey Hunting........................24                       2020-21 Migratory Game Birds Seasons
or Wild Turkey...............................................13
                                                                     Fall Wild Turkey Hunting.............................24                    & Bag Limits..................................................36
Hunting with Dogs and Dog Training..........13
                                                                     2020-21 Wild Turkey Seasons &                                              Laws Specific to Merrymeeting Bay.............38
LAWS PERTAINING TO HUNTING                                           Bag Limits......................................................24         Duck Stamp Art Contest...............................38
                                                                     OTHER SPECIES HUNTING................. 25                                  Harvest Information Program.....................38
General Laws.................................................14
                                                                     Other Species Permits & Licenses................25                         Stamp Requirements....................................38
Firearms Laws...............................................14
                                                                     2020-21 Other Species Seasons &                                            Field Possession Limit..................................39
Disturbing Traps...........................................14
                                                                     Bag Limits......................................................25         Importation...................................................39
Trail/Game Cameras Law..............................14
                                                                     BEAR HUNTING.................................... 26                        Band Recovery Reports.................................39
Archery Information.....................................15
                                                                     Bear Hunting Permit.....................................26                 Barrow’s Goldeneye.......................................39
Hunter Orange Clothing Requirements......15
                                                                     Landowner Privileges...................................26                  2020-21 Migratory Bird Hunter’s Time
Crossbow Information..................................16
                                                                     Bait.................................................................26    & Tide Table...................................................40
Observation Stands......................................16
                                                                     Legal Hunting Equipment............................26                      MAINE IF&W CONTACTS......................41
JUNIOR HUNTERS................................. 17                   Bear Hunting Prohibitions...........................26
Junior Hunting Licenses..............................17

    Being a responsible user of the Maine outdoors means staying
    informed of, and complying with, the current laws and rules.
    This book, published by the Maine Department                       WHY DIGITAL LAW BOOKS?
    of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW), is                       In 2016, we printed over 700,000 law books. That’s a
    designed to help you quickly find and understand                   lot of paper and a lot of money diverted from Maine’s
                                                                       fish and wildlife.
    the hunting rules that apply to you. We’ve also
    included handy tools to help you stay in compliance,
    like charts of legal hunting hours already adjusted
    for sunrise and sunset. And in the back, you’ll find
    MDIFW contact info, including regional game
                                                                       With 77% of the U.S. population using smartphones
    warden communication centers.
                                                                       in 2017, our agency’s mission clearly directed us to
    Our popular summary guides make it easy to find                    make a shift. And while we are still printing some
    and follow the laws and rules that apply to you,                   books (available at license agent locations), we’re
                                                                       asking you to do your part and make use of the
    no matter what outdoor activity you’re interested
                                                                       convenient and responsible digital options.
    in. And now, our NEW digital formats allow you
                                                                       As a bonus, the digital options are searchable and
    to quickly check a technical rule, confirm legal
                                                                       always on hand, as long as you have your mobile
    hunting hours, look up best practices and more—                    device. If you always keep it on you (and charged) to
    from anywhere, anytime.                                            take photos or use the GPS, this is a no-brainer.

    2 0 2 0 - 2 1 S TAT E O F M A I N E S U M M A R Y O F L AW S & R U L E S H U N T I N G   Q U E STI O N S? C A L L 2 07 2 87-8 000
LAWS OF THE MAINE OUTDOORS - DIGITAL                                   3

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QUE ST IONS? CA LL 2 07 287-8 000     2 0 2 0 - 2 1 S TAT E O F M A I N E S U M M A R Y O F L AW S & R U L E S H U N T I N G

                                                                                        SEASONS                                        LIMITS
     DEER                                        WMDs
                                                                          FIRST DAY                 LAST DAY                 DAILY BAG & POSSESSION

    Firearms Season                                All               November 2, 2020        November 28, 2020

    Maine Resident Only Day*                       All               October 31, 2020

    Youth Deer Day                                 All               October 24, 2020
                                                                                                                                 1 Deer Per Year**
    Archery/Crossbow                               All                October 3, 2020          October 30, 2020

    Muzzleloader Statewide                         All              November 30, 2020         December 5, 2020

    Muzzleloader                        12, 13, 15-18, 20-26, 29     December 7, 2020         December 12, 2020

    Expanded Archery                    Designated areas only       September 12, 2020 December 12, 2020

    **Only deer with antlers at least 3 inches long may be taken from October 31-December 12, 2020, except that any deer may be taken in
    designated WMDs by hunters with any-deer permits. Exceptions: Additional deer may be taken by participating in the Expanded Archery
    Season, or by anyone possessing a bonus antlerless deer permit or superpack antlerless deer permit. Note: In WMDs where no any-deer
    permits are issued, it is bucks only for youth hunters on youth deer day and also bucks only for archers during the archery season on deer.

                                                                                       SEASONS                                          LIMITS
     BEAR                                        WMDs
                                                                          FIRST DAY                 LAST DAY                 DAILY BAG & POSSESSION

    General Hunting Season                         All                August 31, 2020        November 28, 2020

    Youth Bear Day                                 All                August 29, 2020

    Hunting with Dogs                              All              September 14, 2020         October 30, 2020                  2 Bear Per Year
                                                                                                                           1 by hunting, 1 by trapping
    Hunting with Bait
                                                   All                August 31, 2020        September 26, 2020
    Bait can be placed August 1, 2020

    Bear Trapping                                  All               September 1, 2020         October 31, 2020

     MOOSE                                                                             SEASONS                                          LIMITS
     BY PERMIT ONLY                                                       FIRST DAY                 LAST DAY                 DAILY BAG & POSSESSION
                                          1- 6, 10, 11, 18, 19,
                                                                    September 28, 2020          October 3, 2020
                                                 27, 28
                                          1-14, 17-19, 27, 28        October 12, 2020          October 17, 2020
                                                                                                                                 1 Moose Per Year
                                                  1-6                October 26, 2020          October 31, 2020                by either permittee or
    Maine Resident Only Day*                     15, 16              October 31, 2020

                                                 15, 16             November 2 , 2020         November 28, 2020

    Permit application period: January 22, 2020-May 15, 2020.

    *A non-resident who owns 25 or more acres of land in Maine and leaves land open to hunting, holds a valid hunting license, and is not otherwise prohibited
      by law, may hunt deer on the Resident only day, anywhere in the state. A verification form must be completed and can be located on our website.

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2020-21 MAINE HUNTING SEASONS                                   5

  SPRING WILD TURKEY                                                         SEASONS                                             LIMITS
  Bow & arrow, crossbow or shotgun                              FIRST DAY                 LAST DAY                   DAILY BAG & POSSESSION
                                           7 and 9-29          May 3, 2021              June 5, 2021                  2 bearded Wild Turkeys*
 All Hunters
                                           1-6 and 8           May 3, 2021              June 5, 2021                 1 bearded Wild Turkey*
                                                                                                              May take up to 2 bearded Wild Turkeys
Youth Spring Wild Turkey Day                                   May 1, 2021
                                                                                                               from WMDs that have a 2 bird limit.
*May take up to 2 turkeys for the spring season, but an individual WMD bag limit cannot be exceeded. The order in which they are taken does not matter.

  FALL WILD TURKEY                                                           SEASONS                                             LIMITS
  Bow & arrow, crossbow or shotgun                              FIRST DAY                LAST DAY                   DAILY BAG & POSSESSION
                                         15-17, 20-25      September 14, 2020        November 7, 2020           5 Wild Turkeys either sex, any age**
                                               26          September 14, 2020        November 7, 2020           3 Wild Turkeys either sex, any age**

General Hunting Season                         28          September 14, 2020        November 7, 2020           2 Wild Turkeys either sex, any age**
                                          6, 10-13, 18,
                                                           September 14, 2020        November 7, 2020           1 Wild Turkey either sex, any age**
                                          19, 27 & 29
                                          1-5, 7-9, 14                                                           Closed to taking of Wild Turkeys
Youth Fall Wild Turkey Day                                             September 12, 2020
**May take up to five wild turkeys for the fall season, but cannot exceed an individual WMD bag limit, the order in which they are taken does not
   matter. No more than two wild turkeys may be harvested per permit holder per day.

                                                                              SEASONS                                            LIMITS
  UPLAND AND MIGRATORY BIRDS                    WMDs
                                                                 FIRST DAY         LAST DAY                       DAILY BAG               POSSESSION
Ruffed Grouse & Bobwhite Quail                     All      September 26, 2020 December 31, 2020                      4                       8
Pheasant                                           All      September 26, 2020 December 31, 2020                       2                       4
Woodcock                                           All
Common Snipe                                       All
Ducks, Geese, Sea Ducks                                                              More detailed season info on page 36.
(Scoter, Eider, Long-Tailed Duck)
Sora & Virginia Rails (and Gallinules)             All
                                                              August 1, 2020        September 25, 2020
                                                             February 5, 2021         April 15, 2021
Crows                                                                                                                            No Limit
                                                              August 1, 2020        September 25, 2020
                                                             January 21, 2021         March 31, 2021

                                                                                   SEASONS                                          LIMITS
  OTHER SPECIES                            WMDs
                                                                      FIRST DAY          LAST DAY                      DAILY BAG            POSSESSION
 Gray Squirrel                               All                  September 26, 2020 December 31, 2020                     4                     8
 Gray Squirrel (Falconry)                    All                  September 26, 2020       February 27, 2021                4                      8
 Snowshoe Hare                             All                    September 26, 2020        March 31, 2021                  4                      8
                                    Vinalhaven Island,
 Snowshoe Hare                                                    September 26, 2020       February 27, 2021                4                      8
                                      Knox County
 Bobcat                                    All                    December 1, 2020         February 20, 2021                       No Limit
 Fox                                         All                   October 19, 2020        February 27, 2021                       No Limit
 Raccoon                                     All                   October 1, 2020        December 31, 2020                        No Limit
 Skunk, Opossum                              All                   October 19, 2020       December 31, 2020                        No Limit
 Coyote Night Hunt                           All                 December 16, 2020          August 31, 2021                        No Limit
 Coyote, Woodchuck,
                                             All                                             No Closed Season for Hunting
 Porcupine, Red Squirrel
 Spruce Grouse, Lynx,
                                                                                              No Open Season for Hunting
 Cottontail Rabbit
 Note: Except for migratory game birds, there is no hunting season on any species of bird or animal which is not listed above.

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    Read on to learn how Maine law defines the major hunting license types, what they allow, and how to obtain one.
                                                                                                     Native American Exception: Native
    WHO NEEDS A LICENSE?                             WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS?
                                                                                                     Americans are exempt from the safety
    In general, anyone who hunts wild birds or       To obtain a hunting license in Maine, you
                                                                                                     course requirement for archery, crossbow,
    animals in Maine needs a hunting license.        generally need to show that you have either
                                                                                                     and trapping.
    The type of license you need depends upon        (1) held that license in a prior year, or (2)
    your age, resident status, and other factors,    taken a hunter safety course. License-spe-      Military Exception: An active-duty
    and there are some exceptions. See the           cific requirements and exceptions follow.       member of the U.S. Armed Forces who is
    charts on pages 8 and 9 for all available                                                        permanently stationed outside of the U.S.
                                                     Firearms Licenses: When applying for an
    hunting licenses and fees.                                                                       and home on leave is exempt from hunter,
                                                     adult firearms hunting license in Maine,
                                                                                                     archery, and crossbow safety course re-
    In addition to a license, most hunting           you must show proof of residency, and
                                                                                                     quirements if they can show proof at time
    activities also require a permit. See individ-   that you have either possessed an adult
                                                                                                     of license application that their home state
    ual species pages for details.                   license to hunt with firearms in any prior
                                                                                                     of record is Maine.
    Junior and Adult Hunters: Hunters                year beginning with 1976, or successfully
                                                     completed an approved hunter safety
    under age 16 must possess a junior license,                                                      HOW ARE LICENSES OBTAINED?
    and those 16 and up need an adult license.       course in any U.S. state, province or coun-
                                                                                                     From MDIFW: Residents and non-residents
                                                     try. Convicted felons cannot purchase or
    Note: a junior license holder who turns 16                                                       may obtain hunting licenses from the
                                                     possess a firearms hunting license in Maine
    may hunt with that junior license for the                                                        MDIFW office in Augusta, either in person,
                                                     unless they have been issued a permit to
    remainder of the calendar year.                                                                  online at, or (for
                                                     carry a firearm.
                                                                                                     non-residents) by mail.
    Exception for Assisting in a Hunt:               Archery Licenses: To obtain an adult
    A person may assist in a hunt without a                                                          From Agents: Licenses can also be pur-
                                                     archery hunting license, you must show
    license or permit for that activity, as long                                                     chased from agents throughout the state
                                                     proof of having held an adult license to
    as they do not carry hunting equipment                                                           (sporting good stores, many convenience
                                                     hunt with bow and arrow in any year
    (means to kill) or drive deer.                                                                   stores, town clerks, and turnpike service
                                                     after 1979, or successful completion of an
                                                                                                     centers). Agents who process applications
    Landowner Privilege: Maine resident              archery education course.
                                                                                                     online for moose and antlerless deer permits
    landowners and their immediate family            Exceptions to Safety Course Requirement         may charge a fee of $2.00.
    members may hunt without a license
    using firearms, archery, crossbow or             Crossbow Permits: To obtain a crossbow          Note: Not all town clerks issue non-resident
    muzzleloader on land they own and reside         permit you must show proof of having held       licenses.
    upon, provided the land exceeds 10 acres         a license or permit to hunt with crossbow
                                                                                                     All trapping licenses are issued by the
    in size and is used exclusively for agricul-     in any year after 1979 or successful
                                                                                                     MDIFW office in Augusta and cannot be
    tural purposes. The landowner privilege          completion of a crossbow safety course.
                                                                                                     purchased online.
    is not available to hunters with revoked         The applicant must also show proof of
                                                     successful completion of either a firearms      It is unlawful to obtain a license or permit
    or suspended licenses, and does not apply
                                                     safety course or an archery safety course or    through misstatement or misrepresenta-
    to moose hunting, for which a license is
                                                     must have held either one of these licenses.    tion, or to possess a license or permit that
    still required. See page 23 for information
                                                                                                     has been altered or tampered with in any
    about landowner privilege for turkey

       KEEP YOUR LICENSE WITH YOU                        DEFINITIONS
       You are required to keep an electronic            RESIDENT means a citizen of the             • has registered in Maine any motor
       and/or paper copy of your hunting                 United States or a person who is not          vehicles they own that are located
       license and any necessary permits                 a citizen of the United States who            within the state;
                                                         has been domiciled in the State for         • is in compliance with the state
       with you while hunting or transport-              one year who:                                 income tax laws;
       ing wild birds and wild animals and,
       if requested to do so, must present it            • if registered to vote, is registered      • is a full-time student at a Maine
                                                           in this State;                              college or university who satisfies
       for inspection to any warden, law en-
                                                         • if licensed to drive a motor                above requirements.
       forcement officer, MDIFW employee,
                                                           vehicle, has made application for         NONRESIDENT means a person
       guide or landowner upon whose land
                                                           or possesses a motor vehicle oper-        who does not fall within the
       you are hunting.                                    ator’s license issued by the State;       definition of a resident.

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LICENSING INFORMATION                         7

                                                  OUTDOOR SAFETY COURSES
Special Privilege Licenses
Military Currently Stationed in Maine:
Anyone serving in the U.S. Armed Forces           Maine law requires all firearms, archery,   Courses are scheduled based on
and permanently stationed at a military           crossbow, or trapping license applicants    instructor availability, with pre-registra-
base in Maine (including spouse and               to complete an outdoor safety course,       tion typically required. To view course
dependent children if they permanently            unless they have previously held an         listings, visit
reside with that person) may purchase a           adult license.
                                                                                              For information on becoming a
resident license to hunt, trap, or fish.          These 6 to 12-hour courses (depending       volunteer instructor, contact your local
Maine Resident Military Currently                 on the subject) are sponsored by school     Regional Safety Coordinator or the
Stationed Outside of Maine: Residents             districts, sports clubs, civic groups,      Recreational Safety Division Office.
who are on active duty in the U.S. Armed          and others, and are taught statewide
                                                  by volunteer instructors certified by
                                                                                              Recreational Safety Division
Forces and permanently stationed outside
                                                  MDIFW.                                      (207) 287-5220
of Maine may purchase either a hunting,
fishing, trapping, or combination hunting
and fishing license for the Maine Resident
Serviceman combination price upon verifi-      coyote night hunt, crossbow, one expanded      • Hide Dealers License: See prohibition
cation that Maine is their home of record.     archery antlerless and one either sex.           regarding selling of wild animals section
Their spouse and any dependent children        Veterans must still apply for any-deer and       on page 11.
residing with them are also entitled to        moose permits each year. These licenses        • Seasonal Hide Dealers License: Required
discounted rates (see pg. 8).                  may only be obtained from MDIFW’s main           for any place of business that butchers
                                               office in Augusta.                               wild animals and commercially sells or
Exchange Students: Any citizen of a
                                                                                                barters the heads or untanned hides of
foreign nation under age 21 who is living      Native Americans: The commissioner               deer or moose that they have butchered.
with a family in Maine for a cultural or       shall issue a complimentary lifetime hunt-     • Taxidermist License: Allows a place
educational exchange program may               ing, archery, trapping and fishing license,      of business to lawfully possess fish or
purchase a resident license to hunt or fish.   including permits and other permissions          wildlife for the sole purpose of preparing
Complimentary Licenses                         needed to hunt, trap and fish, to a person,      and mounting them and to also buy, sell
                                               who is an enrolled member of the Passam-         or barter raw, untanned hides or heads of
Disabled Veterans: Maine resident
                                               aquoddy Tribe, the Penobscot Nation, the         wild animals. This includes skull and bone
and non-resident veterans (if reciprocal                                                        mounts, commonly referred to as Europe-
                                               Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, or the
privileges exist in their home state) who                                                       an mounts and freeze-dried mounts.
                                               Aroostook Band of Micmacs, if the person
have been honorably discharged from the
                                               presents certification from the respective     • Guides License: Required for anyone who
U.S. Armed Forces or the National Guard                                                         receives any form of remuneration for
                                               reservation governor or the Aroostook
and have a service-connected disability                                                         their services in accompanying or assist-
                                               Micmac Council stating that they are an
of 50% or more will be issued, upon                                                             ing others while hunting, fishing, trap-
                                               enrolled member of that federally recog-
application, a complimentary license that                                                       ping, boating, snowmobiling, ATVing, or
                                               nized nation, band or tribe.
entitles the holder to all privileges they                                                      camping at a primitive camping area.
are qualified to receive including hunting,    Other Licenses
trapping, archery, and fishing. The license    Available at the Augusta Office only. For
also includes the following permits: bear      detailed information on the following li-
hunt, bear trap, muzzleloader, migratory       censes, contact MDIFW at (207) 287-5232.
waterfowl, pheasant, spring and fall turkey,

An apprentice hunter license is available
to a resident or non-resident 16 years or
                                                 LICENSE                                                                    FEE
older who has never held a valid adult
hunting license. A person may not obtain         Resident Hunting (includes bear and turkey permits)                        $26.00
an apprentice hunter license more than
five times. A person holding this license        Resident Crossbow Permit                                                   $26.00
may not hunt other than in the presence
of an apprentice supervisor at least 18          Resident Archery                                                           $26.00
years of age who has held a valid hunting        Non-resident Hunting (includes bear & turkey permits)                      $115.00
license for the prior three consecutive
years. The supervisor is responsible for         Non-resident Small Game (includes turkey permit)                           $75.00
ensuring that the holder of an apprentice
hunter license follows safe hunting proto-       Non-resident Crossbow Permit                                               $56.00
col as well as all hunting laws.                 Non-resident Archery                                                       $75.00
                                                 Fees listed do not include agent fee.

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     LICENSE                                                                                                                                  FEE
                                               Big Game Hunting (16 and older)                                                                $26.00
                                               Junior Hunting (0 to 15 years old)                                                             $8.00
                                               Small Game* Hunting (16 and older)                                                             $15.00
                                               Combination Hunting & Fishing (16 and older)                                                   $43.00
                                               Combination Fishing & Archery (16 and older)                                                   $43.00
                                               Serviceman (resident) Combination Hunting & Fishing                                            $3.00
                                               Serviceman (dependent) Combination Hunting & Fishing                                           $20.00
                                               Serviceman (dependent) Hunting                                                                 $10.00
                                               Disabled War Veteran (resident)                                                                FREE
                                               Archery Hunting (16 and older)                                                                 $26.00
                                               Apprentice Hunter License (16 and older)                                                       See info on page 7
                                               Superpack                                                                                      $201.00
                                               Big Game Hunting (16 and older)                                                                $115.00
                                               Combination Hunting & Fishing (16 and older)                                                   $150.00
                                               Small Game* Hunting (16 and older)                                                             $75.00
                                               3-Day Small Game* Hunting (valid for 3 consecutive days)                                       $50.00
                                               Junior Hunting (0 to 15 years)                                                                 $35.00
                                               Archery Hunting (16 and older)                                                                 $75.00
                                               6-Day Archery Hunting (16 and older)                                                           $26.00
                                               Apprentice Hunter License (16 and older)                                                       See info on page 7
                                               Bear Permits                                                                                   See page 26 & 27
                                               Coyote Night Hunting Permit                                                                    $4.00

                                               Crossbow Hunting Permit                     Maine Resident                                     $26.00
                                               (16 and older)**                            Non-resident                                       $56.00
                                               Deer, Moose, and Bear Registration                                                             $5.00
                                               Duplicate License                                                                              $2.00

                                               Expanded Archery Permits                    Antlerless Deer                                    $12.00
                                               (See page 19)                               Either Sex                                         $32.00
     PERMIT AND OTHER FEES                     Falconry Permit                                                                                $26.00
                                               Moose Permit                                                                                   See page 22

                                               Muzzleloader Permit                         Maine Resident                                     $13.00
                                               (16 and older)**                            Non-resident                                       $69.00
                                               Pheasant Permit (Cumberland and York Counties)                                                 $17.00
                                               State Migratory Waterfowl Permit (16 and older)***                                             $7.50
                                               Outdoor Partners Program                                                                       $15.00
                                               Taxidermist, Hide Dealer, and Guide Licenses                                                   See info on page 7
                                               Wild Turkey Permit                                                                             $20.00
    Fees listed do not include the agent fee.
    The commissioner may revoke all licenses and permits issued to any person who fails to pay the fees due and may recover fees associated with insufficient funds.
    *Small game license permits hunting of all legal species except deer, bear, moose, raccoon, and bobcat.
    **A resident and non-resident, under 16 years of age may hunt with a crossbow or muzzleloader if that person holds a valid junior hunting license.
    ***In addition to the State Migratory Waterfowl Permit, a Federal Migratory Waterfowl Permit is required.

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LICENSING INFORMATION                    9


                                                                                                       COMBINATION             COMBINATION
 RESIDENTS                  FISHING             HUNTING             ARCHERY             TRAPPING
                                                                                                       OF ANY TWO*             OF ANY THREE*

 5 years & under           $150                 $150                $150                $150           $250                    $400

 6-15 years of age         $300                 $300                $300                $300           $500                    $800

 65 years of age           $50                  $50                 $50                 $50            $80                     $110

 66 years of age           $40                  $40                 $40                 $40            $64                     $94

 67 years of age           $30                  $30                 $30                 $30            $48                     $78

 68 years of age           $20                  $20                 $20                 $20            $32                     $52

 69 years of age           $10                  $10                 $10                 $10            $16                     $26

 70 and older              $8.00— Covers all authorities that you are qualified to receive, see below.

                                                                                                       COMBINATION             COMBINATION
 NON RESIDENTS             FISHING              HUNTING             ARCHERY             TRAPPING
                                                                                                       OF ANY TWO*             OF ANY THREE*

 5 years & under           $450                 $450                $450                $450           $750                    $1,200

 6-15 years of age         $900                 $900                $900                $900           $1,500                  $2,400

 *Hunting, fishing, archery
 These fees are subject to change. Please check with the Department for current fees.

MAINE LIFETIME LICENSE                                  pheasant, spring and fall turkey, coyote              SUPERPACK LICENSE
A Maine Tradition and                                   night hunt, crossbow, one expanded ar-
                                                        chery antlerless and one expanded archery             This license, available to Maine
a Gift that Lasts a Lifetime                                                                                  residents only, permits an eligible
A lifetime license, purchased for yourself              either sex. (Must still apply for any deer
                                                        and moose permits each year).                         person to hunt and fish for all legal
or as a gift, allows the bearer to fish, trap,                                                                game and fish species, subject
and/or hunt for their lifetime, regardless              Note: If you purchased a senior lifetime              to all of the laws governing fishing,
of where they live in the future. Revenues              license before age 70, you do NOT have to             hunting, and archery. The Super-
generated by these licenses are deposited               pay the $8.00 fee, and the permits listed in          pack license includes muzzleloader,
in a special trust fund that provides long-             the previous paragraph are included with              crossbow, migratory waterfowl,
term financial support for Maine’s fish                 your lifetime license anytime during the
                                                                                                              pheasant, spring/fall turkey, bear,
and wildlife.                                           calendar year you turn 70 years of age.
                                                                                                              coyote night hunt, and three ex-
Applicants 70+ Years of Age                             A lifetime license holder who turns 16                panded archery antlerless permits.
For a one-time fee of $8.00, a senior                   years of age is able to hunt with their               It also includes one free chance in
lifetime license entitles the holder to all             lifetime license as an adult big game license         the moose lottery and entry into
privileges they are qualified to receive                upon showing proof of having completed                a special category in the annual
including hunting, trapping, archery, and               the required safety course. Contact MDIFW             any-deer permit lottery. Person
fishing. The license also includes the                  to upgrade to an adult license, and obtain            must meet all respective safety
following permits: bear hunt, bear trap,                all necessary permits. See page 17 for more           course requirements to hunt with
muzzleloader, migratory waterfowl,                      information on Junior Hunters. ■                      individual methods (i.e. crossbow,
                                                                                                              archery, etc.).

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    The MDIFW Commissioner may, at                Minimum Mandatory Two Year                      exceeding the bag limit.
    their discretion, revoke the hunting          Revocation of ALL MDIFW Licenses              • First offense of placing or hunting over
    privileges of anyone convicted of a           • Burglary or criminal trespass of a build-     bait for deer.
    hunting violation, or any violation             ing located within any unorganized          • Destroying or tearing down a property
    of fish and wildlife laws. This is in           township.                                     posting sign (loss of hunting and
    addition to any penalties imposed             • Theft of any equipment used for               fishing license).
    by a court of law. Some violations              hunting, fishing and trapping.              • Hunting over another person’s bear
                                                  • Theft of any animal which has been            bait without written permission from
    result in mandatory revocation
                                                    obtained by hunting or trapping and           that person.
    (summarized below):
                                                    which was in the possession or control      Littering on WMAs
    Minimum Mandatory Ten Year                      of the person who hunted or trapped
                                                    the animal.                                 In addition to penalties provided
    Revocation of Hunting Licenses
                                                                                                by Maine’s littering laws, a person
    If a person is convicted of Assault While     Minimum Mandatory Two Year
                                                                                                convicted of littering on a state owned
    Hunting [17A MRSA §208(A)] and                Revocation of Hunting Licenses
                                                                                                wildlife management area or sanctuary
    the offense occurred in the context of        • Second offense of placing or hunting        as defined in Title 12 shall surrender
    hunting activity, and if, through failure       over bait for deer.
                                                                                                their hunting and/or fishing licenses for
    of the hunter to make proper target           Hunting Violations with a Minimum             a period of up to one year.
    identification, the offense resulted in the   One Year License Revocation
    injury or death of another person.            • Illegally hunting and/or possessing         Interstate Violations/Suspensions
                                                    deer, bear, or moose during closed          Maine is a participating member of the
    Minimum Mandatory Five Year
                                                    season.                                     Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, an
    Revocation of Hunting Licenses
                                                  • Night hunting.                              agreement that recognizes suspension of
    • Shooting a domestic animal while
                                                  • Discharging a firearm within 100 yards      hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses
                                                    of a building or residential dwelling       across member states. This means that
    • Hunting under the influence of
                                                    without permission of the owner, or in      illegal activities in one state can affect
      intoxicating liquor or drugs.
                                                    the owner’s absence, an adult occupant      a person’s hunting, fishing, or trapping
    • Conviction of violation of 17A MRSA           who dwells in that location.                privileges in all participating states as
      while on a hunting or fishing trip or
                                                  • Illegally buying and/or selling deer,       well. If a person plans to hunt, fish, or
      in the pursuit of wild animals, birds or
                                                    bear, moose or wild turkeys.                trap in another state, and they have a
      fish and when the wounding or killing
      of a human being has occurred.              • Illegally hunting/possessing wild           license suspension in Maine, it is their
                                                    turkeys including using illegal hunting     responsibility to contact the other state
    Minimum Mandatory Three Year                    methods.                                    to see if they can legally hunt, fish, or
    Revocation of ALL MDIFW Licenses              • Hunting deer, bear, moose, or wild          trap in that state.
    • Disturbing traps.                             turkey after having killed one and/or

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To hunt means to pursue, catch, take, kill
or harvest wild birds and wild animals (wild
by nature, whether or not bred or reared
in captivity), including any physical part of                                                      SUNDAY
that species of mammal or bird.
Unlawful Conduct: The hunting,
possession, transporting of any species of
wild animal or wild bird, or parts thereof,
                                                                                                   IS ILLEGAL
for which an open hunting season is not                                                            IN MAINE
specifically provided, and except as provid-
ed in the fish and wildlife laws, is unlawful.
It is also unlawful to take, possess, or
                                                                                                   • Place any medicinal, poisonous, or stupe-
needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any                                                           fying substance to entice any animal.
wild bird except the English or European            Any parts bought or sold may not be
                                                    attached to wild animal or wild bird parts     Species-specific Baiting Laws:
house sparrow, the European starling and
                                                    that are prohibited from being sold.           • Baiting or feeding of deer is prohibited
the rock pigeon (a.k.a. rock dove).                                                                  from June 1-December 15. See page 18
                                                                                                     for more information.
PROHIBITION REGARDING                               NIGHT HUNTING
                                                                                                   • Baiting and feeding moose and turkey is
SELLING OF WILD ANIMALS                             Except as otherwise provided, wild birds
                                                                                                     prohibited from September 1 to Decem-
                                                    and wild animals may not be hunted from
Wild Birds: A person may not sell or                                                                 ber 15.
                                                    ½ hour after sunset until ½ hour before
possess for sale a wild bird, except for the                                                       • Baiting and feeding turkey is prohibited
                                                    sunrise the following day.
plumage of lawfully taken wild birds,                                                                during the spring wild turkey season.
                                                    Exceptions: migratory game bird, (see page     • Further restrictions apply to bear baiting,
and only if that sale does not violate
                                                    40), raccoon (see below), and coyote (see        see page 26.
regulations of the federal Migratory Bird           page 25).
Treaty Act.                                                                                        MINIMUM SHOOTING DISTANCES
Finished Wildlife Products: A person                RACCOON HUNTING                                Shooting within 100 Yards of Dwelling
may buy, sell, barter or trade legally ob-          Raccoons may be hunted at night during         or State Owned Boat Launch: It is
tained finished wildlife products, excluding        the open season only when the hunter:          unlawful to discharge any firearm, muzzle-
federally protected wild animals and birds.         • Is accompanied by a dog.                     loader, or crossbow, or cause a projectile to
Deer, Bear, or Moose: A person may,                 • Uses a rifle or handgun of no greater        pass as a result of that discharge, within
without a hide dealer’s license, buy or sell          power than one which uses .22 caliber        100 yards (300 feet) of a building without
naturally shed deer or moose antlers.                 long rifle ammunition.                       permission from the owner or, in the
                                                    • Loads the rifle or handgun only when         owner’s absence, an adult occupant who
A person who has lawfully killed and regis-           dispatching a raccoon that is treed or       dwells in that building. This provision also
tered a deer, bear or moose may, without a            held at bay by a dog or dogs and has been    applies to state-owned boat launches that
hide dealer’s license, sell:                          identified by flashlight.                    are posted accordingly.
• The head, hide, antlers* and feet of that
                                                    PLACEMENT OF BAIT                              Definitions, as Used in This Section:
                                                    As used in this section, “bait” means an an-   Building means any residential, commer-
• The head, hide, antlers*, feet and bones                                                         cial, retail, educational, religious or farm
                                                    imal, plant, or part thereof used to attract
   of that moose.                                                                                  structure that is designed to be occupied by
                                                    wild animals for the purpose of hunting.
• The head, hide, teeth, gallbladder* and                                                          people or domesticated animals or is being
   claws (not attached to the paws) of that         A Person Placing Bait for Hunting
                                                                                                   used to shelter machines or harvested
   bear.                                            Purposes Must:
*R aw antlers and bear gallbladders may only       • Obtain oral or written permission from
  be sold (including for money, barter, or trade)     the landowner or landowner’s agent.          “Projectile” means a bullet, pellet, shot,
  to a licensed hide dealer, and they must be       • Plainly label the bait with a 2-inch by      shell, ball, bolt or other object propelled or
  tagged or accompanied with documentation            4-inch tag containing the name and           launched from a firearm or crossbow.
  containing the name and address of the              address of the baiter.
  person who legally killed the animal.             • Clean up the bait site immediately upon
                                                                                                   Persons target practicing on land that
                                                      landowner request; or if not requested,
You Need a Hide Dealer’s License To:                  within 20 days of the last day the site is   they own or have permission to use may
Commercially buy, sell, barter, or trade              hunted.                                      discharge a crossbow within 100 yards of a
any raw, untanned animal hides (including                                                          dwelling, provided the projectile does not
                                                    A Person May NOT:
fur-bearing animals) or parts of wild                                                              enter another person’s property.
                                                    • Hunt over another person’s bait site
animals or birds not prohibited above.                without the baiter’s permission.

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  Hunting Under the Influence: It is              Exemptions                                      not in motion and the engine is off.
  unlawful to hunt while under the influence      • A holder of a valid Maine concealed weap-    • While target shooting, not hunting, a
  of intoxicating liquor or drugs.                  on permit may carry a loaded pistol or         person who is on but not within an en-
                                                    revolver in a motor vehicle as prescribed      closed area or passenger compartment of
  Possession of Hunting Equipment on                by Title 25 sub 2001A.
  Sunday: Possession of hunting equipment                                                          a vehicle may shoot a firearm or crossbow
                                                  • Persons who are at least 21 years of age,      or rest a loaded firearm or crossbow that
  in the fields and forests or on the waters        or are at least 18 years of age and a mem-     is under their control on the vehicle to
  or ice of this state on Sunday is prima facie     ber or honorably discharged veteran of         shoot only when the vehicle isn’t in mo-
  evidence of a violation of Sunday hunting         the armed forces or National Guard, may        tion and the engine is off.
  law, unless the equipment is securely             carry a loaded pistol or revolver in or on
  wrapped in a complete cover, fastened in          a motor vehicle if they are not otherwise     Note: A loaded clip may be carried in a
  a case, or carried in at least two separate       prohibited from carrying a firearm. Upon      motor vehicle, but it must not be inserted
  pieces in such a way that it cannot be fired      contact with a law enforcement officer,       in, or attached to, a firearm; a crossbow
  without the pieces being joined together          a person carrying a concealed handgun         may be carried as long it is not cocked
  (for the purpose of this paragraph, a             without a permit must notify the officer      and armed; a muzzleloader is considered
  firearm clip, magazine, or cylinder is not        immediately.                                  to be loaded only if charged with powder,
  considered a “piece”).                          • Paraplegics and leg amputees may shoot        projectile and a primed ignition device or
                                                    from motor vehicles.                          mechanism.
  Bows and arrows must be kept in a case or
                                                  • Migratory waterfowl may be hunted from       Shooting From or Over a Public Paved
  cover if broadheads or field points are kept      a motorboat in accordance with federal
  attached to the arrows.                                                                        Way: A person may not shoot or discharge
                                                                                                 any firearm, crossbow, or bow and arrow
  Exception: A person may possess hunting         • A person who is hunting may rest a
                                                                                                 at any wild animal or bird from any public
  equipment on Sunday for legitimate                loaded firearm or crossbow that is under
                                                    their control on the vehicle to shoot only   paved way (any road treated with bitumi-
  activities such as target practice, sighting                                                   nous or concrete material), from within 10
  in rifles, etc.                                   when the vehicle is not in motion and the
                                                    engine is off.                               feet of the edge of its pavement, or from
  Airborne Hunting: A person on the               • A person may shoot from a motorboat          the right-of-way of any controlled access
  ground or airborne may not use aircraft           if that boat is not being propelled by the   highway.
  (including drones & remote-controlled             motor and forward momentum of the            Shooting of Domestic Animals: It is un-
  aircraft) to aid or assist in hunting deer,       boat has stopped. However, the wanton        lawful for any person, while on a hunting
  bear, or moose.                                   waste law allows you to shoot crippled       trip, to negligently, carelessly, or willfully
                                                    waterfowl from a motorboat under power
  Shooting from a Motor Vehicle or                                                               shoot and wound or kill any domestic
                                                    on coastal waters and all waters of rivers
  Motorboat or Possessing a Loaded                  and streams lying seaward of the first
                                                                                                 animal or bird.
  Firearm or Crossbow in or on a Motor              upstream bridge.                             Firearms on School Property: Posses-
  Vehicle: It is unlawful to shoot while in or                                                   sion of a firearm or crossbow on public
  on a motor vehicle, motorboat, snowmobile       • A person who is hunting who is on but
                                                    not within an enclosed area or passenger     school property or discharging one within
  or ATV or have a loaded firearm or cross                                                       500 feet of school property, except as used
                                                    compartment of an ATV or snowmobile
  bow while in or on a motor vehicle, trailer,                                                   in supervised educational programs or by
                                                    may shoot a firearm or crossbow or rest a
  or other type of vehicle being hauled by          loaded firearm or crossbow that is under     law enforcement officials, is illegal.
  a motor vehicle except as specifically            the person’s control on the ATV or snow-
  allowed.                                          mobile to shoot only when the vehicle is     Harassment of lawful hunter or
                                                                                                 trapper: It is unlawful for any person to
                                                                                                 willfully interfere with the lawful hunting
     TARGET IDENTIFICATION WHILE HUNTING                                                         or trapping of any wild animal or wild
                                                                                                 bird, including the willful disturbance of
     (Summary of 12 MRSA §11222)                    alone, or even upon sound combined           wild animals or wild birds with intent to
                                                    with what appears to be an appendage         interfere with their lawful taking.
     A hunter may not shoot at a target
     without at that point in time being            of the wild animal or wild bird sought.      Disposal of Remains: It is unlawful,
     certain that the target is the wild animal   • Bases identification upon an                 except during normal field dressing or for
     or wild bird sought.                           essentially unobstructed view of the         baiting purposes, to dispose of the carcass,
                                                    potential target’s head and torso.           waste parts, or remains of a wild animal,
     A reasonable and prudent hunter:             • Recognizes that sound and sight tar-         unless you are on private property that you
     • Risks losing legitimate prey so as not       get-determining factors are affected         own, or property where you have landown-
       to risk destruction of human life.           by a number of other considerations          er’s permission to do so.
     • Neither disregards, nor fails to be          including, but not limited to, the
                                                    distance to the target, surrounding or
       aware of, the risk of causing the death
                                                    intervening terrain and cover, lighting
                                                                                                 TAGGING, TRANSPORTATION &
       of another human being as a conse-
       quence of misidentification.                 and weather conditions, the hunter’s         REGISTRATION
     • Never bases identification upon sound        hearing, eyesight, and experience            Tagging Requirements: Prior to pre-
                                                    level, and other people nearby.              senting a bear, deer, moose, or wild turkey
                                                                                                 for registration, a person may not possess

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or leave that animal in the field or forest
unless they have securely attached a plainly         HUNTING WITH DOGS AND DOG TRAINING
visible tag to the animal with their name,
address, and license number on the tag.              Dog Training Season                           Hunting with Dogs
Transporting Harvested Animals: A                    • From July 1 through the following           • A person may not hunt with a dog
person may not transport a harvested                   March 31, dogs may be trained on fox,         in pursuit of bear, coyote or bobcat
wild animal or bird that they do not                   snowshoe hare, and raccoons. During           unless the dog has a collar that legibly
lawfully possess, nor may they present for             such training, it is unlawful to use or       provides the name, telephone number
registration, or allow to be registered in             possess a firearm, other than a pistol or     and address of the dog’s owner.
their name, any bear, deer, moose, or wild             a shotgun loaded with blank ammuni-         • A person or persons may not use more
turkey that they did not lawfully kill. Prior          tion, except during the applicable open       than six dogs at any one time to hunt
                                                       hunting seasons on these species.             bear, bobcat, and coyote.
to registration, any harvested bear, deer,
moose, or wild turkey in transit must be             • Dogs may be used to hunt wild hares         • A person may not use a dog to hunt
                                                       during the firearm season on deer.            coyotes or bear during the period from
open to view, meaning that the animal is
not concealed and can be readily observed            • Sporting dogs may be trained on wild          1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before
                                                       birds (not including wild turkey) at          sunrise.
in whole or in part from outside of the
                                                       any time. The commissioner may              • For more information on hunting bears
vehicle or trailer transporting it. Once an            authorize with a permit the use of            with dogs, see page 26.
animal or bird has been registered, it may             firearms during such training to shoot
be transported by another person.                                                                  A person with a suspended or revoked
                                                       and kill wild birds propagated or
                                                       legally acquired by the permittee and       license may not train dogs.
Registration Requirements: A Person
who Kills a Bear, Deer, Moose, or Wild                 possessed in accordance with the laws
                                                       pertaining to breeders, licenses.           Leashed Dog Tracking License
Turkey must:
                                                     • Residents may train up to six dogs on       A license is available which allows the
1. Remain with the animal until it is                                                             tracking of wounded deer, moose, and
                                                       bear from July 1 to August 27, 2020
    registered, (with some exceptions – see            except in portions of Washington and        bear with dogs. The fee for this license
    Time Limits for Registering section).              Hancock counties that are situated          is in addition to a one-time application
2. Present the animal for registration in             south of Route 9.                           fee of $25. $81 for three years. A person
    that person’s name at the first open             • A person must possess a valid hunting       who holds a valid license may charge a
    registration station for that animal on            license to engage in all dog training       fee for dog tracking services without
    their route.                                       activities, except Sunday or when           having to hold a guide’s license, as long as
3. Leave the registration seal attached until         training on pen-raised birds.               that is the only service provided. Contact
    the animal is processed and packaged for         • Propagation permits for domesticated        MDIFW for details.
    consumption.                                       fowl are no longer required to possess
                                                       or use them for dog training purposes.
4. Pay a fee of $5.00 to register a bear, deer
    or moose (of which $2 is retained by
    the agent and $1 is dedicated to a Deer
    Habitat Enhancement Fund) or $2.00            A person may not possess a bear, deer,           lower jaw must be. Parts of a moose left in
    to register a wild turkey, all of which is    moose, or wild turkey that has not been          the field may not be placed where they are
    retained by the agent.                        legally registered, except as otherwise          visible to a person traveling on a public or
TIME LIMITS FOR REGISTERING                       provided in the statutes regarding nuisance      private way.
A person may not keep an unregistered             animals or animals causing damage. Bob-          Bear: Hunters are required to remove
bear, deer, moose, or wild turkey at home         cats taken by hunting must be tagged by a        a premolar tooth from the bear they
or any place of storage for more than 18          MDIFW employee within 10 calendar days           harvest and provide the tooth when they
hours. This does not apply to an animal           of the time they were taken and a tooth          register their bear (instructions available
that is kept in an official registration          and tissue sample must be taken.                 at registration and online). Hunters will
station for the animal or at the office of                                                         be notified of the age of the bear they
a game warden. A person may exceed the
                                                  CONDITION OF ANIMAL PRESENTED
                                                                                                   harvested on the Bear Hunting Page of the
18-hour limit under special circumstances,        FOR REGISTRATION                                 MDIFW website prior to the start of the
but that person must still notify a game          A person must present a bear, deer, moose        next bear hunting season (late August).
warden within 18 hours.                           or wild turkey for registration in its entire-

A person on a hunting trip in an unorga-
                                                  ty, except that the viscera and rib cage of      POSSESSION OF GIFT BEAR, DEER,
                                                  the animal may be removed in a manner
nized township and staying at a temporary                                                          MOOSE, OR WILD TURKEY
                                                  that still allows the determination of the
place of lodging may keep an unregistered                                                          A person may not accept as a gift any part
                                                  animal’s sex.
harvested animal at the temporary place                                                            of a bear, deer, moose, or wild turkey un-
of lodging for no more than 7 days or until       Moose: A moose may be dismembered                less that animal, or part thereof, is plainly
that person leaves the woods, whichever           for ease of transportation, and the lower        labeled with the name and address of the
comes first.                                      legs, head and hide may be removed. If the       person who registered it and the year it was
                                                  head of the moose is not brought to the          registered. ■
                                                  registration station, a canine tooth or the

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                                                      permanently altered to contain not more
  Wild animals and wild birds may be
                                                      than 5 cartridges.                               DISTURBING TRAPS
  hunted only by the use of rifles, handguns,         Note: This provision does not apply to
  shotguns (not larger than 10-gauge),                .22 caliber rimfire guns or to auto-loading
                                                                                                       It is unlawful to take or disturb any
  muzzleloader, handheld bow and arrow,               pistols with barrel lengths of less than 8
                                                      inches.                                          trap or wild animal caught in a trap
  crossbow, or falconry.                                                                               without permission from the owner
                                                    3-shell Max for Migratory Game Birds:
  Deer and moose decoys are legal, as are           It is unlawful to hunt any migratory game          of the trap. An individual convicted
  laser sights (red dots or beam) for firearms      bird with a shotgun capable of holding             of disturbing a trap, will lose any
  and bows.                                         more than 3 shells unless the magazine             license in effect, and be ineligible to
  Electronic calling devices are legal for deer,    has been cut off, altered, or plugged with         purchase any license issued by the
  bear, turkey, moose, and coyote, but are          a one-piece filler (incapable of removal           Department for 3 years.
  illegal for migratory game birds.                 without disassembling the gun), so as to
                                                    reduce the capacity of the gun to not more
  Illegal Devices:
  • It is unlawful to hunt with the use of          than 3 shells in the magazine and chamber
    (or sell or offer for sale for the purpose      combined.
    of hunting) a set gun, or any medici-           Silencers: It is unlawful to hunt with or
                                                                                                       TRAIL/GAME CAMERAS LAW
    nal, poisonous or stupefying substance          possess for hunting any firearm fitted or
    (except rodenticide for orchard mouse           contrived with any device for deadening            People using trail and game cameras
    control and gas cartridges for woodchuck        the sound of the explosion without a               may not place a camera upon an-
                                                    permit.                                            other person’s private land without
  • Drawlocks and set bows are illegal unless
    otherwise permitted for disabled hunters.       Bullet Types: It is unlawful to hunt with          written permission. All cameras
  • Crossbows cannot be used to hunt deer           cartridges that contain tracer bullets or          must be labeled with the person’s
    during the expanded archery or the muz-         explosive bullets.                                 name and contact information.
    zleloader season. Please see exceptions         Cartridges:
    and additional information related to           • Firearms with .17 or .22 caliber rimfire
    crossbow hunting on page 16.                      cartridges may not be used for deer,          placed in a remote secure area (such as a
  Illegal Use of Lights: From September               moose, or bear hunting, except that .22       locked trunk) away from the control of the
  1 to December 15, it is unlawful to use             magnum can be used for deer hunting.          occupants of the motor vehicle.
  artificial lights from ½ hour after sunset        • Shotguns using shot loads cannot be used      For the purpose of this law, a muzzleloader
  until ½ hour before sunrise to illuminate,          to hunt bear or moose.                        is considered to be loaded only if charged
  jack, locate, attempt to locate or show           Archery Season Provisions: No firearms          with powder, a projectile, and a primed
  up wild birds or animals, except raccoons,        of any kind may be carried while hunting        ignition device or mechanism. A crossbow
  which may be hunted at night with                 deer with a bow and arrow during the            is considered loaded if cocked and armed.
  flashlights during the open season (see           special or expanded archery seasons on          Exceptions apply when carrying a con-
  General Hunting Provisions for details).          deer, except a person may carry a handgun       cealed pistol or revolver.
  An exception to this may be made for              in accordance with title 25 section 2001-A;
                                                                                                    Carrying Concealed Firearms: A person
  agents appointed by the commissioner to           but it cannot be used to shoot a deer or
                                                                                                    may carry a concealed handgun without
  hunt coyotes at night during this period          dispatch a wounded deer.
                                                                                                    a permit and may have that concealed,
  under policies established by MDIFW.              Loaded Firearms in Motor Vehicles:              loaded pistol or revolver in, or on, a motor
                                                    It is unlawful to have a loaded firearm or      vehicle or trailer if:
  FIREARMS LAWS                                     crossbow in or on a motor vehicle (includ-
  It is Unlawful to Hunt with, or Possess                                                           • The person is 21 years of age or older and
                                                    ing trailer, ATV, aircraft, snowmobile, or
  for Hunting, Any:                                                                                   is not otherwise prohibited from possess-
                                                    railway car), unless otherwise specified.         ing a firearm or;
  • Automatic firearm (a firearm that con-
                                                    See page 12 for more information.               • The person is 18 years of age or older and
    tinues to fire as long as the trigger is held
    back).                                          A loaded magazine may be carried in a             under 21 years of age and on active duty
  • Auto-loading firearm (a firearm that            motor vehicle, but it must not be inserted        in the Armed Forces of the United States
    reloads itself after each shot and requires     in or attached to a firearm.                      or the National Guard or is an honorably
    a separate trigger pull for each shot)                                                            discharged veteran of the Armed Forces
    with a magazine capacity of more than           Firearms may be transported in a motor            of the United States or the National
    5 cartridges (plus 1 in the chamber for a       vehicle without a concealed firearms              Guard and is not otherwise prohibited
    total of 6), unless the magazine has been       permit provided they are (1) unloaded             from carrying a firearm.
                                                    and in plain view, or (2) are unloaded and

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