Summer 2018 Year 4 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School

Page created by Emily Deleon
Summer 2018 Year 4 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School
Name: …………………………………………..

Year 4 French Revision Pack
M Hempsted & Mme Chevalley


Introduction for parents and pupils:


Here is your French revision pack for your upcoming summer exams.
Please do not worry too much, little and often works best!
The exam will be fun and will allow you to show off all that you have
learnt this year.
Just do your best and put in the same brilliant effort that you do in

Bon Courage!
Revision tips
Look, say, cover, write, check.

Learn this French words as you would your English spellings. Use the 5 steps below to learn how to spell
any word.

        1. LOOK – Look carefully at the word for at least 10 seconds.

        2. SAY – Say the word to yourself or out loud to practise pronunciations.

        3. COVER – Cover up the word when you feel that you have learned it.

        4. WRITE – Write the word from memory.

        5. CHECK – Check the word against the original. Did you get it right? If not, what did you get wrong?
           Spend time learning that bit of the word again. Try again until you get it right.

Meeting People
French              English            1st attempt       2nd attempt       3rd attempt

Bonjour             Hello

Salut               Hi

Comment             What is your
t’appelles-tu?      name?

Ça va?              How are you?

Oui, ça va bien     Yes, I’m okay
merci               thanks

Pas mal/            So-so
comme ci
comme ça

Non, ça ne va       No, I’m not
pas                 okay

Au revoir           Good bye
Les vêtements
French                   English        1st attempt    2nd attempt      3rd attempt

Un pantalon (m)          Trousers

Un short (m)             Shorts

Un chapeau (m)           A hat

Un manteau (m)           A coat

Un tee-shirt (m)         A t-shirt

Un pull (m)              A jumper

Une chemise (f)          A shirt

Une jupe (f)             A skirt

Une robe (f)             A dress

des chaussettes (fpl)    Some socks

des chaussures (fpl)     Some shoes

des bottes (fpl)         Some boots

des lunettes (fpl)       Some glasses

                     m = masculine f = feminine fpl = feminine plural

                       Je porte      = I wear or I’m wearing
                        Tu portes    = you wear or    you’re wearing
                       Il/elle porte = He/ she wears or He/she is wearing

   1. He’s wearing a hat ________________________________________________

   2. I’m wearing a shirt ________________________________________________

   3. She’s wearing some shoes ___________________________________________

   4. You’re wearing a skirt and a coat ______________________________________

                              LES COULEURS

         • Une chemise = feminine and singular. We will therefore only use
           colours from the Feminine column.

       A white shirt = une chemise BLANCHE.

         • Un pantalon = masculine and singular. We will therefore only use
           colours from the Masculine column.

            A blue pair of trousers = un pantalon BLEU.
Have a go at translating the following:
     1. I’m wearing a green pair of shorts.


     2. She’s wearing a grey hat.


     3. He’s wearing a pink and yellow jumper.


     4. She’s wearing a red and white dress.


Now, if you’re talking about MORE THAN ONE ITEM, you use the plural column.

In this exam you will only need to know the feminine plural colours.

   I’m wearing some green boots = je porte des bottes vertes.

  1. I’m wearing some purple socks .


  2. She’s wearing some white shoes.


  3. You’re wearing some blue and green boots.

  Now draw a few garments of clothes on these bodies and try to
                describe what they’re wearing!

______________________             ______________________
______________________             ______________________
______________________             ______________________
______________________             ______________________
______________________             ______________________
______________________             ______________________
______________________             ______________________

C’est….               it’s…
                                                  To extend yourself :
                                                 Add these opinions about
                                             the clothes.
bizarre               weird

moche/affreux         ugly / awful

bête / ridicule       stupid / ridiculous

démodé                old-fashioned

marrant               funny

à la mode             fashionable

chic                  stylish

Crack the code! (pssst..! look at the first letters of the words above!…)

  1. C R =        ______________________________________

  2. C A L M = ______________________________________

  3. C M E D = ______________________________________

    If you want to add a size – again it must agree with the
                       It goes before the noun.
                              M= grand grands
                          F = grande grandes
Circle the correct adjective (s):

  1. Une grand / grande chemise.

  2. Des petites / petits chaussures.

  3. Un petit/petite pantalon bleu/bleue.

  4. Je porte des grandes/grands bottes vertes/verts et un

     petite/petit chapeau gris/grise.

Les fruits et les légumes
French            English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Un chou (le)      Cabbage

Un oignon         Onion
Un chou-fleur     Cauliflower
Une pomme         Apple
Une pêche (les) Peach

Une carotte       Carrot
Une framboise Raspberry
Une banane        Banana
Une pomme de Potato
terre (les)
Une salade (la) Lettuce

Une poire (les) Pear

When adding an opinion about something, you need to remember to add the
correct version of the word ‘THE’. These are in brackets after the words above.

                                                           But =

So, if I use the opinion words above and the info in the table:

I love cabbage - J’adore + le chou ☺ simples!

I hate onions = Je déteste + les oignons

I don’t like cauliflower = Je n’aime pas + ___ ___________?

  1. I love peaches = ___________________________________

  2. I hate apples but I love bananas! = _____________________

  3. I don’t like raspberries and pears = ______________________

  4.          cabbage = _________________________________

  5. Make up your own! _________________________________

  6. __________________________________________________

French            English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Trente            30

Trente-et-un      31

Quarante          40

Quarante-         44
Cinquante         50

Soixante          60

Soixante-dix      70

Quatre-vingt      80

Quatre-vingt-     90
Cent              100

Je voudrais       I would like

Cent grammes 100 grams of…
Un kilo de …      A kilo of …

Un demi-kilo      Half a kilo of…
S’il vous plaît   Please

Vous désirez?     What would
                  you like?
C’est                  How much is
combien?               it?

C’est tout?            It’s that all?

What will be in the exam ?
The exam will mostly focus on what we have covered since Christmas.

BUT! You will also be asked to write a small text about you as well. Think about all the things you know
how to say :

    •   Your name

    •   How you are feeling

    •   What you’re wearing

    •   How old you are

    •   When your birthday is

    •   What food you like/dislike

Here is an example:

Bonjour Emilie,

Ça va très bien merci, et toi? Je m’appelle Benjamin et j’ai neuf ans. Mon
anniversaire, c’est le premier septembre. Je porte une chemise blanche et un
pantalon bleu. Aussi je porte un chapeau vert et jaune avec des chaussures
nores. J’aime les pommes mais je déteste le chou-fleur !

Au revoir,

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