SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa

Page created by Nathan Tate
SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
    Editorial by Tim de Villers				              03
    50 Million Steps for Epilepsy			             04
    Q&A							06
    My Life with Epilepsy				                    09
    A Family’s Perspective				10
    God, make Yourself real in my life			        12
    Epilepsy and Successful Surgery			           14
    My Year						16
    Student Living with Epilepsy			              17
    Flame of Courage Award				                   18
    Temporal Lobe Lobectomy				19
    My Dream as a Laboratory Scientist		         20
    A Challenging Year					22
    Valproate - Facts					24
    The Verster Family					28
    Advocate for Students Living with Epilepsy   30

SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
            By Tim de Villiers

                                             never give up on your Dreams, have
                                             Faith and Believe in yourself.

                                             Epinews is Epilepsy South Africa’s
                                             bi-annual newsletter, highlighting
                                             experiences, challenges, stories of
                                             inspiration of others, updates from
                                             some of our Bursars and contains
                                             information and a great “Questions
                                             & Answers” section.

                                             Thank you to those whom have
                                             contributed to Epinews and thank
                                             you to the dedication of Epilepsy
                                             South Africa staff, volunteers, youth
I trust you are all well.                    ambassadors and all of you who
                                             have contributed to improving the
Its Summertime again and a New Year          lives of people with Epilepsy.
Dawns, and it is a good time to take
a break and sit outside to enjoy this        To our team, co-editor, Lesley Donnelly
Summer edition of Epinews.                   (in Ireland), Bronwen Assink, Gresham
                                             Africa and Marina Clarke, National
2020 was a Year of Great Challenges          Director, for their respective roles in
with Covid-19 Lockdown, which has had        sourcing and support.
a significant impact on all of us and the
economy of our beautiful country. Now,       We trust you will find this publication
in the Second Wave, please continue          inspiring, and we encourage you to
practicing extreme precaution, stay safe     share your life story, achievements,
to lessen the impact on all of our lives.    research, etc. in our future editions of
                                             this publication. Remember – Sharing
It is not easy living with Epilepsy but      your experience provides inspiration
2021 is a time to clear the desk and         and guidance to others.
set new goals, no matter how big or
small, let’s work at achieving them to       Wishing you a Blessed 2021, Keep up
further personal growth, gratification and   the great work and Stay Safe.
strength. Whether your personal goal         Feel free to contact Epilepsy South
is to become a professional, a waiter, a     Africa National Office on 0860EPILEPSY
tradesman, starting a community garden,      or email
doing something extreme, or whatever         Articles for submission can be sent to
makes you happy, remember to remain or
focused on what you set your mind on,

SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
International Epilepsy Day
          & National Epilepsy Week
International Epilepsy Day is a joint             serving the needs of persons
initiative of the International Bureau            with and affected by epilepsy; and
for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International       e) Raise funds.
League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). Epilepsy
South Africa is the South African Chapter      This year’s theme internationally is 50
of the IBE.                                    Million Steps for Epilepsy. The World
                                               Health Organisation (WHO) estimates
The Day was launched in 2015 and               that there are approximately 50 million
is celebrated annually on the second           people with epilepsy worldwide. This
Monday in February. This year the Day          Campaign invites people to take a step
falls on 8 February 2021.                      in celebration of each of these 50 million
                                               people. Starting on Monday, 4 January
International Epilepsy Day is celebrated       and ending on International Epilepsy Day
in more than 120 countries worldwide. It       2021 (Monday 8 February) we’re walking
highlights the problems faced by persons       to raise awareness, to improve visibility
with epilepsy, their families and carers,      and increase understanding of epilepsy.
but also celebrates the achievements of        During this period we invite people to
persons with epilepsy.                         add their steps to the global total on the
                                               campaign website (www.50millionsteps.
International Epilepsy Day is aligned with     org).
a strategy to advocate for appropriate         Epilepsy South Africa is extending this
legislation to guarantee the human rights      theme over the next 12 months, i.e. until
of persons with epilepsy and to empower        January 2022. We will have a different
people with epilepsy to maximise their         focus each month as epilepsy cuts across
quality of life.                               all aspects of a person’s life.

In South Africa this is followed by National   Flame is the official mascot of Epilepsy
Epilepsy Week. On the one hand the             South Africa and originates from our logo
Week highlights the problems faced by          which includes a flame. This signifies
persons with epilepsy, their families and      bringing the light of understanding and
carers, while on the other celebrating the     acceptance to end the darkness of myths
achievements of persons with epilepsy.         and misconceptions about epilepsy. We
                                               are reminded of the fact that a flame can
The 2021 Campaign aims to:                     ignite other sources of light without losing
                                               its own light.
a) Link with the international theme –
   50 Million Steps for Epilepsy;                             This year Flame is
b) Give hope and drive motivation to                          stepping into the real
   overcome the negative impact of                            world through augmented
   2020 and celebrate what can be;                            reality. To join in the
c) Raise awareness about epilepsy and                         fun, keep an eye on our
   persons with epilepsy in pursuit of                        Facebook page;
   inclusion;                                  (
d) Inform people about Epilepsy South          and invite Flame into your world.
   Africa as the only national organisation
SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
Q:   I’ve seen adverts for some                electronic library.
    interesting events and campaigns on
    the Epilepsy Soutth Africa Facebook         •		 Social development services:
    page. How can I get involved?                   Counselling for individuals, groups,
                                                    families and caregivers, health and
                                                    welfare services, daycare facilities
    A: The best way to get involved in the          and stimulation groups, child and
    activities of Epilepsy South Africa is by
                                                    youth development, lifeskills training
    joining the Branch in your area. You can
                                                    and food security projects.
    find the nearest Branch by calling our
    tollfree number which will automatically
                                                •		 Residential care for adults at six
    connect you to that Branch. The tollfree
                                                    centres (two in Springs and one
    number is 0860EPILEPSY (0860 374
                                                    each in Knysna, Parys, Elandsdoorn
    537) and is free of charge. If there is
                                                    and Dullstroom).
    no Branch in your area you can join
    as a national member by emailing
                                                •		 Community development for The national
                                                    collective action and generating
    membership fee is currently R100/
                                                    solutions to common problems,
                                                    including economic, social,
                                                    environmental and cultural issues.
    Q: What does Epilepsy South Africa do
    for people with epilepsy?                    • Economic development through
                                                   protective workshops, open
    A: Epilepsy South Africa offers a range        labour market placement and self-
    of services through our Branches to            employment initiatives.
    persons with and affected by epilepsy
    (e.g. family members, friends and           •		 Skills development through training
    colleagues).                                    programmes, learnerships and
                                                    on-the-job training as well as the
    •		 Advocacy and human rights: We               Epilepsy SA Educational Trust which
        are vigorous advocates for the              provides bursaries to students with
        realisation of the rights of persons        epilepsy for tertiary education.
        with epilepsy. As such we offer
        training programmes focused on          Q: I’ve read about the International
        developing self-advocacy, public        Bureau for Epilepsy. Is this the same as
        education and awareness initiatives     Epilepsy South Africa?
        to inform and educate people about
        epilepsy, human rights support
        services in the fight against stigma    A: The International Bureau for
        and discrimination and information      Epilepsy (IBE) is the global body while
        services via our website, social        Epilepsy South Africa is the national
        media, talks, training and an           chapter of the IBE in South Africa.
SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
The IBE was established in 1961 and           epilepsy I need to take medication
has grown to almost 140 chapters in           and hoped that there would be
over 100 countries. It is recognised          herbal remedies I could consider.
as the international umbrella body
representing national epilepsy
organisations with a specific interest        A:   While a 2003 study showed that a
in improving the social condition and         few herbal remedies used in traditional
quality of life of people with epilepsy       Chinese, Japanese Kampo, and Indian
and their carers. The IBE vision is a         Ayurveda medicine have anticonvulsant
world where ignorance and fear about          effects, there are no randomised, blind,
epilepsy are replaced by understanding        controlled studies to support their
and care.                                     benefits or risks. Some homeopathic or
                                              herbal remedies can help with seizures,
Epilepsy South Africa was established in      but some can worsen seizures. This
1967 and has six Branches:                    holds true for any traditional or cultural
                                              remedies as well.
•		 Western Cape (Cape Town);
•		 South Cape/Karoo (Knysna);                When considering homeopathy and
•		 Eastern Cape (East London);               herbal remedies: ALWAYS discuss these
•		 Gauteng (Springs and                      ooptions with your doctor before making
    Johannesburg);                            changes or adding to treatments. If your
•		 Free State & North West                   doctor believes this to be beneficial
    (Parys); and                              with your regular seizure medicine
•		 Mpumalanga & Limpopo (Dullstroom          you should never take more than the
    and Elandsdoorn).                         recommended dose. If you develop any
                                              new side effects, don’t ignore these—
                                              call your doctor immediately. NEVER
Q:   My daughter was diagnosed with
                                              substitute a herbal medicine for your
epilepsy at the age of four (4) and is
                                              regular seizure medicine as this could
now fifteen (15) years old. Is there a
                                              result in increased seizures and even
difference in medication for adult and
                                              life-threatening events, such as status
paediatric epilepsy?

A: While many of the same medications         Give a full report about every herb
are used for treating both adult and          or other over-the-counter medication
paediatric epilepsy, the combination          you are taking to your doctor during
and dosage vary greatly. Many children        every visit. Similarly, make sure you
tolerate monotherapy better and are           tell the homeopath or herbalist about
able to manage the treatment schedule         all prescription and non-prescription
better. The treatment of paediatric           medicines you take.
epilepsy must be monitored closely to
ensure that the changing physiology of        A reputable homeopath or herbalist will
the child is taken into account.              be aware of interactions that may be
Q:  I believe in living a healthy lifestyle
and try to avoid anything harmful to my       Q:  A friend suggested yoga to help
body. This includes eating healthy and        me with seizure control. Will this work?
exercising regularly. As a person with

SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
A:   People often use yoga and               •		 Seizures that begin at a
    meditation to relax, unwind, practice            young age or many years of living
    mindfulness and reduce stress. Some              with epilepsy
    people with epilepsy have found that
    relaxation techniques can ease tension       •		 Missed doses of medicine
    and stress, and reduce stress-related
    seizure triggers. However, some              •		 Drinking alcohol or drug abuse
    techniques can result in a state of deep
    relaxation which may trigger seizure         You can reduce the risk of SUDEP by
    activity. If you want to try relaxation      learning more about it. For example, ask
    techniques, be sure to speak to your         your doctor for information or discuss
    doctor who will be able to advise you        this with someone at Epilepsy South
    based on the specific of your diagnosis      Africa. The golden rule is to take your
    and treatment. If you try yoga, meditation   seizure medicine as prescribed. If you
    or other forms of relaxation, be sure to     are adhering to your treatment but
    let your therapist know that you have        still have seizures, discuss options for
    epilepsy, what medications or other          adjusting the medicine, epilepsy surgery
    medical treatments you use and what to       and diet therapy with your doctor.
    do in the event of a seizure.
                                                 Other possible steps to reduce the risk
    Q:  I recently found out that Disney star    of SUDEP may include
    Cameron Boyce died of epilepsy, but
    never knew that this could happen. It        •		 Learn how to better control
    would seem he died of something called           your seizures with epilepsy self-
    SUDEP. What is it and how can I protect          management programs.
                                                 •		 Take good care of yourself.

    A: SUDEP is an acronym for Sudden            •		 Be aware of and avoid any
    Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. As the             potential seizure triggers whenever
    name suggests this is a sudden and               possible. Keep a record of things
    unexpected, non-traumatic and non-               that occurred before a seizure
    drowning death of a person with epilepsy.        in a seizure diary (such as
    There is no toxicological or anatomical          illness, tiredness, stress, missing
    cause of death.                                  medications, and where and when
    The causes of SUDEP seem to be                   the seizure occurred).
    multifactorial and include respiratory,
    cardiac and cerebral factors as well as      •		 Talk to your doctor about having
    the severity of epilepsy and seizures.           your heart checked (cardiac
    However, the main risk factors for SUDEP         evaluation) to rule out any heart
    are:                                             problems. This is especially
                                                     important if the diagnosis of epilepsy
    •		 Uncontrolled or frequent seizures            is not certain or the seizures are not
    •		 Generalized convulsive (also called
        tonic-clonic or grand                    •		 Be seizure safe. Make sure family
        mal) seizures                                and co-workers know what to do
                                                     for seizure first-aid, take extra
    •		 Frequent night time seizures                 precautions around water, including
                                                     swimming and bathing.
SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
My Life with Epilepsy
By Oupa Tshabalala                        pandemic has taken away my only
                                          means of survival due to the government
                                          directive of social distancing and the
                                          shut-down of businesses. The worst was
                                          that I could not access a business permit
                                          to sell my products during the lockdown.
                                          It is a weakening experience because
                                          I am expected to eat before taking my
                                          epilepsy medication. Some other days I
                                          would sleep without food, which brings
                                          a lot of stress and triggers severe and
                                          uncontrolled seizures.

                                          I also find it difficult to always put on
In 1971 my parents discovered that
                                          a mask because it suffocates me and
I had epilepsy, just two weeks after
                                          triggers seizures. My life became poorer
birth. I attended the mainstream school
                                          without any means of an income. I
till grade seven (7). The condition
                                          tried submitting but have never been
became worse to such an extent that
                                          successful with SASSA applications.
my brain could not take it anymore. I
                                          However, I reapplied for a disability
failed the grade and decided to quit.
                                          grant before the Covid-19 lockdown
However, the mercy of God was with
                                          but was turned away on the date of
me throughout my life. I was employed
                                          the appointment to see a doctor for my
and got married in 1993; I was blessed
                                          medical assessment. My situation at
with three children. Unfortunately, in
                                          home deteriorated with a lack of income
2017, I went through a very traumatic
                                          and proper supervision. I had to call my
experience. My wife instituted divorce
                                          ailing mother to come and stay with me
proceedings due to my uncontrollable
                                          so that we take care of each other.
seizures. The other aggravating
circumstances was that she was
                                          Message of support
influenced and persuaded by other
outside forces, which led to the demise
                                          My advice to people with epilepsy is that
of our marital union.
                                          first and foremost, accept your condition,
                                          love yourself, and take your treatment
My life during Covid-19
                                          as prescribed by the doctor. I can assure
                                          you that your medication will take good
As a person with epilepsy I struggle to
                                          care of you. Take care of yourself, try not
find employment, hence I survive as a
                                          to stress, avoid unnecessary arguments
street vendor, by selling foodstuffs. I
                                          that lead to anger, do not be too excited
tried to register my company with the
                                          and avoid drinking alcohol. If you take
Department of Trade and Industries
                                          care of yourself, you can lead a healthy
without any success. The Covid-19
                                          life with your epilepsy condition.

SUMMER 2021 - Epilepsy South Africa
A Family’s Perspective

                                                      6 seizures every month. With no medical
                                                      aid, we were forced to collect medication
                                                      at our local hospital and that was when I
                                                      decided to draw up a simple spreadsheet
                                                      in order to have a clear layout of seizure
                                                      activity. On one visit to the hospital in
                                                      October 2019, without our knowledge,
                                                      the dispensary short-supplied me with

                                                      To our amazement, everything seemed
                                                      to change. Without telling me that there
     From My Perspective…                             wasn’t enough Tegretol, my husband
                                                      slowly weaned me off of it. It could’ve
     I have been struggling with Petit Mal            gone horribly wrong but it didn’t. Today
     epilepsy for over 21 years. I was taking         I am Tegretol-free and seizures are now
     a wide variety of medication, including          minimal. They are more like Absence
     Lamictin and Tegretol. Blood levels were         seizures instead. In total – since October
     checked on a regular basis. No matter            2019, I have only had 22 seizures. This I
     how much they changed the dosage on              a remarkable change. Even my fatigue,
     the medication, nothing was working and          moodiness, etc have eased.
     the seizure lengths and intensity was bad.
     This caused a lot of fatigue, mood swings,       Triggers for my seizures were: heat,
     depression, just to name a few.                  flickering candles & strobe lighting,
                                                      stress, irritation, insomnia, etc. Since my
     For many years I was diarising my seizures       seizures are more under control the only
     and easily found a pattern. Telling my doctor    thing that seems to trigger my seizures
     about this, did not help as he didn’t want to    are hormones around the time of my
     listen to what I had to say. In January 2012 I   cycle.
     was admitted to hospital when my seizures
     were out of control. On looking at my diary      There are 2 things that I must stress to
     he immediately noticed the pattern. It turned    all patients… No epilepsy patient should
     out that my seizures would                       just stop medication without the approval
      before or mid-cycle.                            of the doctors but in my case, I had no
                                                      choice. The other thing that I strongly
     Now that I am much older (43 years old), my      suggest is that each person should keep
     hormones have settled. Although the length       a journal of seizure activity and this will
     of my seizures shortened, the medication         in turn assist your doctor in the correct
     still didn’t help. I was having a minimum of     treatment.

From Henry’s Perspective…                        As I reflect the last fifteen years I have
                                                 got used to her having seizures, and
When I first Bronwen, it was a scary when        began to figure out what could be
she would have a seizure. I did not know         possible triggers, I found that cooked
what to expect and how long the episode          processed tomato products I add to
was going to last or when was the next one       sauces is a possible trigger. I still need to
was going to hit! As then she could have up      prove this.
to four in one afternoon. In the beginning it
was difficult to work through it.                From Emily’s Perspective…

Over time I got used to her having a seizure,    When my mommy has a seizure, I feel
and when she began to babble I knew              scared even though I know what to do
get her out of harm. I would always try          when she has one. It is more scary when
and get her to bed as that was the safest        I am alone with her, and no one is here
place. Before we found the right doctor her      with us. When my mommy has a seizure, I
seizures and recover would last anything         make sure that she is in a safe place and
from thirty minutes plus, then she would         that there is no dangerous things around
have no energy to function normally, and I       her. I also make sure that she does not
caused stress. This continued for over three     go walking around by herself otherwise
years.                                           she could have an accident and hurt
                                                 herself. I try my best to get her to sit on
After a setback that had Bronwen in hospital     the ground or climb into bed.
her attending physician was out of town
and a locum was over seeing his patients,        Once my mommy has fully recovered
he scrutinized her seizure journal and saw       from a seizure, I won’t leave her alone
the pattern as to when seizure activity were     and act like her.
at their worst, this doctor has just relocated
to Benoni and was getting his practise           When my mommy has a seizure, I make
established.                                     sure that she is in a safe place and that
                                                 there is no dangerous things around her.
After a few months we did see this doctor        I also make sure that she does not go
and presented him a spreadsheet of seizure       walking around by herself otherwise she
activity and confirm the pattern and began       could have an accident and hurt herself. I
to working of the correct cocktail of meds.      try my best to get her to sit on the ground
I saw the change as then her seizure were        or climb into bed.
less and not as intense in length, when she
had recovered and continued to function          Once my mommy has fully recovered
normally I would tell her she has a seizure      from a seizure, I won’t leave her alone
she would often deny it. With the correct        and act like her bodyguard because I
meds it was not as stressful.                    love her so much.

God, if You are real, make
              yourself real in my life!
          By Melusi Nhlapo
                                                  My significance, the purpose driven life,
                                                  holding to my faith during the hardest
                                                  times; I felt my life did have a meaning!

                                                  My relationship with my family was
                                                  not strained by my seizures, as they
                                                  have accepted my condition. They are
                                                  supportive, loving and willing to assist me
                                                  in times of need. Although there are myths
                                                  and misconceptions about a person with
                                                  epilepsy in our black culture, my family is
                                                  my pillar of strength.

                                                  Unfortunately, many young people and
     It was on the 25th December 2017 when        some adults do not know that there will
     God seemed not to make sense in my           be times in every person’s life when
     life. Around 06:15hrs in the morning, I      circumstances or when one is born with
     experienced an unbearable headache,          a condition, does not seem to make
     lost my senses, I started smelling some      sense. We think about ways to squirm out
     strange things and bleeding through my       of circumstances or conditions, blaming
     nose. I had my first seizure whilst trying   ourselves, however, you must stay
     to get out of bed. I asked myself why        committed; you will come through in due
     does this disease, rejection, death and      course.
     sorrow seep into my life? It just does not
     seem fair! Why me?                           In March 2018, I resigned at work because
                                                  of severe headaches and regular seizures.
     After a few months of being admitted         One day the seizure happened when I
     (twice) at the hospital since the 25th       was inside a lift, which I felt was very risky.
     December 2017, I consulted several           People I worked with had an indigenous
     doctors and was diagnosed with               African culture belief about my seizures.
     epilepsy. However, various tests were        They however did not treat me differently
     conducted, i.e. blood tests and a brain      after those incidents.
     scan, but they could not find the cause
     of my epilepsy.                              Having seizures during church meetings
                                                  was one the most embarrassing moments
     It has been said that “what you believe      ever in my life.
     is how you behave”. I felt like I was in a
     rat race; I asked myself what on earth       This affected my reputation.
     am I here for?

The relationship with some of the saints     God’s grace sustained me because I was
was also affected, as they believed that     healthy and in good physical strength.
when someone has a seizure during a
service, that person must be possessed       The attitude we choose will change or
with a certain spirit.                       determine our lives and relationships as
                                             we learn to consistently display the right
In March 2020, the country went into         outlook in every situation.
national lockdown because of Covid-19.
Health departments and all other             I choose to live positively and change my
departments were affected.                   life for the good. I wish to connect, live
                                             passionately, have healthy expectations
The pandemic challenged me as a person       and be optimistic.
with epilepsy, as our medical centres were
not functioning properly. Transportation     I pursue excellence and live an examined
and the way we were treated at medical       life.
centres was also a challenge.
                                             I am grateful with my life because every
There was a time I was scheduled to see      breath, every word, and every move, is a
a doctor for check-up, but I was given       step to more life.
only medication as a chronic person; the
appointment was rescheduled. Another
month the centre exceeded the number of
consulting patients and I was sent home.

Epilepsy and
            Successful Surgery
     By Lee Rzepkowski                       would be done regularly, and tests
                                             made for medication, for more ideas as
                                             to what was causing everything.

                                             By seeing Neurologists regularly,
                                             just like the hospital, and after
                                             concentration with and from the
                                             medical experts, it seemed all
                                             connected to epilepsy. At the age of
                                             eleven, I was then sent to the Queen
                                             Elizabeth Hospital, also to Edgbaston
                                             in Birmingham where my epilepsy
                                             was confirmed, and work soon began
     My name is Lee and I have my own
     property at Great Barr, Birmingham,
                                             EEG testing (a test that detects
     England. I am now 49 years of age
                                             electrical activity in one’s brain using
     and there are many things seen
                                             small, metal discs (electrodes) attached
     but plenty more I would like to see
                                             to one’s scalp), was done. One’s brain
     with the hope of having so much
                                             cells communicates via electrical
     interest and knowledge of epilepsy
                                             impulses and are active all the time,
     which is wider than believed after
                                             even when one is asleep. This activity
     experiencing being awake as well.
                                             shows up as wavy lines on an EEG
     The neurological problem of epilepsy
     has never stopped me from achieving
                                             Eventually, after more concentration
     so much. I explain further some of
                                             and not being able to find out what
     the ways this has gone to improve
                                             the cause of the damage was causing
     my health since all the childhood
                                             this neurological condition, I was sent
     visits back and forth to one of the
                                             to Denmark Hill for major tests where
     children’s hospitals in Birmingham,
                                             more diagnoses could be found.
     my home city and the second biggest
                                             Electrodes were inserted into my scalp
     city outside of London, which is
                                             for 48 hours (both day and night) to
                                             detect where the problem was coming
     Itchy nerve feelings regularly came
     into my stomach, bringing my
                                             More serious discussions and thoughts
     voice to rise after ten beats soon
                                             occurred trying to find out the cause
     after reaching the age of eleven.
                                             of my epilepsy, and I was taken up
     Something happened causing me
                                             and down from the West Midlands
     to be studied more, now going onto
                                             to London. On regular occasions,
     Aston University for more scans; this
                                             medication testing was done amongst

numerous other things and eventually,       A few years went on with tests, and in
I was offered brain surgery. The last       2007, more CAT and MRI, plus EEG tests
thing I remembered in the hospital          were done. After undergoing tests, my
was: ‘Lee, we are going to let you have     Surgeon and Neurologist came into the
a sleep, and shall wake you in the          room waiting for me. When my family
morning’.                                   and I arrived, my Professor who did the
                                            surgery in 2001 explained something
Well, I woke up the next day and            unexpected; they could do surgery again
looked in the mirror! To my horror, the     so my surgeon explained what could then
left side of my skull was massive and       be achieved.
so swollen. Everything went well after a
few days, and I left the hospital wearing   He said, ‘Lee, we can erase the auras and
a cap (not showing my swollen head),        reduce the seizures/epilepsy; the only
but still proud of what I had achieved      problem would be a reduction in your
with such confidence in and out of          memory, or we can erase the epilepsy
hospital. I had successfully undergone      totally, but your memory would be erased
surgery!                                    totally.’ I decided to do what he said and
                                            erase the auras and reduce the epilepsy.
Another visit was made in 2001, not
for tests but for my second form of         The shock was that the surgery needed
brain surgery. After tests of many          to be done whilst awake. If asleep, it
kinds, MRI scans etc. surgery was done      would be too dangerous. The operation
(King College) whilst I was awake, so       went ahead and after a few hours, brain
sensations thought to be auras could        surgery was done. A brain tumour was
be made.                                    present on the left temporal lobe on
                                            the Hippocampus, but everything went
One of my Neurologists stood asking         well, and the non-malignant tumour was
me questions concerning the auras,          removed.
and when I was going to have one,
suddenly I said, ‘I am having one           Today, the seizures are much improved,
now’. The sensation got to nine, then       my memory is still good, I am in superb
stopped. The surgery was completed          shape, and one big success is that the
and after the operation whenever I          surgery has taken away the Auras!
went around the sensation or aura
reaching nine heart beats, then
stopping, that was the distance we had
undergone with surgery.

My Year
     By Shana Warner

     What a challenging year it has been,         I never understood the COVID-19 situation
     but I am grateful for the challenges this    until I experienced it. I had to heal and pull
     pandemic has taught me!                      through, without looking back. Staying
                                                  positive during this situation is difficult as
     Firstly, let me start off with the joyful    everything around you seems ‘locked’ and
     news.                                        negative. Luckily, it is all over now.

     I finally ‘tied the knot’ from Ms. To Mrs.   Yes, I lost a ‘loved one’ due to it, but
     This is a day I will never forget, as it     through the sadness, I am grateful for the
     brought so much joy and blessings.           small gifts and blessings.

     During the Level 4 Lockdown, my family       As time goes by, 2020 is becoming better.
     and I got isolated, and sadly I lost my      My studies are still moving, and learning is
     Mother-in-Law during this time. I am         becoming more exciting each day.
     grateful that I survived the COVID-19
     and overcame all the trauma. It was          ‘Thank you, Epilepsy Trust, for giving
     a challenge, as I went through lots of       me the opportunity to better myself
     emotions and having to study at the          professionally!’
     same time.

Experience of a Student
       Living with Epilepsy
By Matthew Petersen                        schedule made for myself to help me
                                           adhere to the amount of time required
This year was an unexpected knock          for studying, I found myself very
to the norm which has caused many          quickly getting distracted easily with
significant changes in many different      what was going on outside. At first,
areas not only across the country but      this did present itself to be anything
also around the world. It has been up      but a distraction every once in a while
to us as individuals to successfully       which I used to draw myself away
adapt to the new climate which             from my studies and educate myself
plagues our world.                         with what was happening in the world
                                           outside, however as the days went on,
With the rapid spread of the               I started to pay more attention to what
Corona Virus many peoples have             was happening to the world than my
struggled to adapt to these quick          academic studies, but even then did
ongoing changes as the world is still      not think I would be affected by it.
undergoing adjustment.
                                           As the second month of lockdown
As a learner with Epilepsy these           drew to an end, our academic
changes have greatly influenced            institutions began to start online
my learning experiences this year,         classes and make material available
as well as my learning experiences         for us online, to make long distance
going forward for the future. With the     learning possible so that learners who
beginning of the Lockdown came             were not able to keep up with the
a complete absence of any sort of          current material, could catch up.
academic guidance as academic
institutions where completely shut         This years’ experience has been an
down.                                      interesting one in that it has forced
                                           people to adapt to a changing world
As almost all information is electronic,   with a fluctuating climate. I myself have
this presented a problem to me as a        had to learn to discipline myself to
student with photosensitive epilepsy,      study consecutively every day.
as the amount of time I can spend
daily on electronic devices is greatly     I will be able to use the experiences
limited as opposed to the normal           I have gained this year for the rest of
individual. This challenge, however,       my life, as well as from an academic
was overcome very easily by using a        environment.
structured study schedule to correctly
balance the amount of studying that        Even though the situation is a
was done every day.                        depressing one, any change to better
                                           yourself should be accepted gladly and
Throughout the second month of             the lessons taken to heart. This way
lockdown, even though I had a              we will not repeat the mistakes that we
                                           have already improved on.
Flame of Courage Award
                                                 All nominees must have shown courage
                                                 and determination and be a role
                                                 model for other persons with epilepsy.
                                                 Achievements can take any form, but
                                                 must reflect the ability to overcome
                                                 challenges, resolve and resilience.
                                                 Nominees for the national award must
                                                 be members of Epilepsy South Africa
                                                 regardless of whether they reside inside
                                                 or outside the country.

                                                 Nominations may be made by any
                                                 member of Epilepsy South Africa.
                                                 Each nomination for the National Flame
     The Flame of Courage is an award
                                                 of Courage must be submitted on the
     instituted by the National Office of
                                                 prescribed form available from the
     Epilepsy South Africa in March 2016
                                                 National Office ( by 1
     to recognise persons with epilepsy
                                                 September annually.
     and their accomplishments. The Award
     comprises (i) a certificate and trophy
                                                 The NEC will select the national winner
     (which remains the property of the
                                                 based on the nominations received and
     winner); (ii) serving as an Epilepsy
                                                 announce the winner at the national
     Ambassador for a year; and (iii) a
     cash prize.
                                                 As with any nomination process there are
     The inaugural Flame of Courage
                                                 a few rules:
     was awarded to Lavinia Stoffels who
     successfully completing her learnership
                                                 1.   No late/incomplete nominations will
     at Epilepsy SA Western Cape.
                                                      be accepted or considered.
     Tembakazi Babana’s advocacy efforts
                                                 2.   All nominees must be persons with
     in the Eastern Cape also earned her the
                                                 3.   Only members of Epilepsy South
                                                      Africa may submit a nomination.
     The 2020 winner was Tim de Villiers
                                                      This includes Branch and National
     for his services to Epilepsy South Africa
                                                      members, as well as members
     and self-advocacy over more than three
                                                      residing outside the South African
     decades. Readers will know Tim as one
     of the stalwart editors of Epinews for
                                                 4.   The decision of the National
     many years.
                                                      Executive Committee is final.
                                                 5.   The prize money will only be
     Any person with epilepsy may be
                                                      transferred into the bank account of
     nominated. Winners are expected to
                                                      the winner based on the information
     support the work of Epilepsy South
                                                      provided on the nomination form.
     Africa based on mutually agreed
Temporal Lobe
By Debbie Flatau                           I am completely aware whilst it is
                                           happening. I am also still on a lot of
I was diagnosed with epilepsy in           epilepsy medication and cannot drive,
2007, after my Mom saw me have a           but it is so much better than before.
massive seizure whilst I was sleeping
on the couch. I did not take the whole     It has affected my career, however, as
thing too seriously as I seemed fine       post my operation I was advised that I
after that; I only experienced one         could not go back into the field I was
more. As far as I felt at the time,        working in. I worked in management
nothing was wrong. I subsequently          consulting, which involved long hours
moved to London in 2008 where I            and stressful work. However, applying
lived the young South African life.        for less-stressful positions was not
                                           easy as I was seen to be too qualified.
It was trips to Europe, partying late at   Since then, I have been in a couple
night with all my friends, and driving     of contracts. Currently, I am doing
at times. I slowly began to have           administrative work, which is keeping
seizures during the day and had to         me busy, but it is not in the field I love.
be sent home a couple of times whilst
at work. I went to different doctors,      My passion is in people development.
however, all they mainly did was up        I am a qualified psychometrist and
my medication; so, I let it be.            have my own small business which I
                                           do assessments through. I have a bit of
Nearly four years’ later, my friend’s      experience in this in some of the work
Mom got me an appointment back in          that I have done. Reading and hearing
South Africa with my new, amazing          about other people’s life stories, I
Neurologist. I flew home for it and        realise how fortunate I have been.
stayed in Johannesburg for the week.
I was subsequently advised that I          I really want to assist wherever I can. I
needed to move back home as my             would love to be involved in projects,
epilepsy was more serious and not          support groups and/or just chats. Over
under control. From here, my ‘real         the last few years, I have experienced
epilepsy life’ started. The first two      many people who feel that epilepsy
things I was told: no more alcohol and     is an awkward subject. I have never
no more driving.                           felt that at all, and I have always told
                                           whoever I have spoken to, that they
In 2013, I had a left temporal lobe        can ask me whatever they wish.
lobectomy. Still to this date, I cannot
believe that I had a brain operation!      A goal of mine one day is to write a
It has been successful. Even though        book. However, everything needs
it has not ‘fixed’ my epilepsy, I no       to start small; I hope by sharing my
longer have the massive seizures,          personal story as a person with
but just get a ‘funny feeling’ and         epilepsy can be the beginning!

My dream as a
            Laboratory Scientist
     By Rejaen Botha                          from courage, the cowardly dog,
                                              to Teletubbies! I was on a high that
                                              nobody could break. As the days flew
                                              by in 2016, I became more aware of
                                              how many people actually had epilepsy
                                              and how many had little faith in ‘us.’

                                              I graduated from High School and
                                              my plans were to go and get my
                                              degree in science to become one of
                                              the youngest successful scientists in
                                              Southern Africa. I was told by multiple
                                              people that going to University was
                                              a ‘bad idea’, seeing that the closest
     I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the     University was two hours away from
     age of 17 and grew up in a very loving   home. Nobody would be there to
     and caring home (sometimes TOO           check up on me, others said that
     caring).                                 graduating with a degree in three
                                              years for a disabled person was
     When I woke up from my first seizure,    ‘unachievable or crazy’ and would take
     the first thing I saw around me was      up to at least four to five years.
     my family with tears in their eyes.
     They thought I was dying. The GP         I will admit that one of my weakest, but
     that handled my case in the hospital     also best properties, is being stubborn.
     suggested that we should see a           I do not let what others define or
     Neurologist.                             disturb me, so I went to University. I will
                                              not lie; it was ‘hard as hell’ being alone
     As the days continued, we searched       whilst constantly worrying about where
     for the best Neurologist, found          and when I might have a seizure. I had
     him and finally went for a visit in      seizures in classes, laboratories, ‘get
     2016. To our surprise, I went from       togethers’, etc. It seemed that people
     an extrovert to someone suffering        were extremely cautious and nervous
     from depression. I felt I was wasting    being around me, and it bothered me
     oxygen. Three months went by and         that I was portrayed as ‘that girl’.
     my parents decided that we should
     get a second opinion, just to be sure    Luckily, as the days went by, I made
     that I really had epilepsy. Yeah… it     some good friends that did not really
     was!                                     care about my disorder; they rather
                                              wanted to learn more about it. I always
     After my ‘second opinion’ visit, I       tell the people around me that epilepsy
     was put on different medication; it      is a part of me, just like brown hair and
     was like my world changed scenes         blue eyes are a part of someone else.

Three years later, I graduated with my     fundraising event by the time 2021
degree in Science, and had friends         arrived. I loved having the feeling of
who I can call family.                     making a difference.

Most students at University become         March, April, May, June and July went
very independent; it gives them            by. I have an amazing group of people,
the opportunity to ‘get to know            all with epilepsy, sharing their stories
themselves better’. For me, it was a       and helping me get in touch with
hard road. I became the ‘true me’,         important contacts/businesses etc. for
gained and lost some friends, put          the fundraiser. Then August came; I
on weight and lived the normal             got an interview for my dream job as a
‘student’ life. For the first time since   Laboratory Scientist. Great news!
being diagnosed with epilepsy, I
truly educated myself with the term        I was excited but also nervous,
‘Epilepsy’ and all its baggage too,        because how do I, as a person with
educating those who also needed it         epilepsy, compete with older more
just as I had done in 2016. I became a     experienced people going for the
proud Epilepsy Awareness Activist at       same interview?
the end of 2017.
                                           I remember them calling me just after
It never really occurred to me that        my first interview, telling me that I was
being a person with epilepsy was           the youngest to be interviewed that
going to be a big problem in my            day. I began to laugh nervously just
professional life. I got so used to the    before they told me that I made it to a
people around me acting like normal        second interview, and not long after
human beings at the time, that I never     that they told me that I got the position!
really knew what strangers thought
of me and my disorder, because I           The young ambitious girl from High
rarely got exposed to another world        School (with epilepsy) woke up
of people.                                 inside me and now I am currently the
                                           youngest scientist at their company.
At the beginning of 2020 just
after I graduated, I applied for at        As happy as I am, I also hate not being
least 15 positions and to my shock         able to make progress with my plans
NOBODY was interested. ‘I have the         for my fundraising event. It feels like I
references, I have the experience,         am disappointing my group of friends
what is possibly wrong with me?’           with epilepsy, because I must put them
                                           on hold now due to me wanting to live
I became so discouraged by the             my dream of being a scientist.
thought of not being employed,
that I started to dive more into the       I ask myself lots if this was a mistake,
epilepsy awareness movement and            simply because I am letting these
what I could do to make a difference.      people down who I initially brought
I started to look up contacts from         together, but I’m not yet done and
epilepsy organisations that I could        hope I will be able to fulfil this plan
be a part of, I spoke to leaders,          later on.
multiple non-profit organisations,
and even started my own movement
group with the idea of having a big

A Challenging Year
     By Slindile Manjinji                     I was scared when the cases of Corona
                                              Virus rose in South Africa, there were
                                              rumours that it only affected ‘white’
                                              people, rich people and people
                                              on medication; even people on
                                              medication were seen to not SURVIVE
                                              if they were affected by COVID-19.

                                              I have never been so stressed and
                                              scared, as I was during this time. I was
                                              literally shaking and feared for my
                                              life, I did not want to study because I
                                              thought I was dying, and even asked
                                              myself why, in the News, they had
     Being a student in 2020, was the         never mentioned this. I then became
     most melodramatic and challenging        curious, did my own research and the
     year I have ever seen!                   results were more positive and gave
                                              me hope.
     I believe there was a need for 2020,
     I truly do; I am not sure whether it’s   I found out all the above were just
     because I believe a lot in God and       rumours! COVID-19 can affect anyone;
     the fact that he always has good         I just needed to be more vigilant and
     intentions, I don’t know. Many good      take good care of myself at all times,
     things also happened in 2020.            i.e. everything was ‘in my hands’. What
                                              a relief this was to me!
     2020 took us all out of our ‘comfort
     zone’ and put us on edge; being on       Things started changing. I had to adapt
     edge gives us a different perspective    to the ‘new norms’, i.e. studying on my
     of everything and helps us to see        own at home due to campus being
     things we could not or did not see       closed.
                                              Lecturers were scared, so were we as
     Surviving, just shows us how strong      students. Then there was ‘lockdown’.
     and capable we are. 2020 helped
     me a lot; it boosted my self-esteem,     When I first heard that campus
     revealed my full potential and           would be closed, I thought it was
     showed me just how strong I am.          academically over this year.

                                              Adapting to always wearing a mask
     It assured me that epilepsy did not      was the worst. The mask suffocated
     take my strength. It proved that I am    me, especially when I was walking.
     still more than capable.                 I could not stand it and even told
                                              myself the mask would kill me before
                                              COVID-19 did.

Being a student with epilepsy was a         was running around the house like a
big challenge, but good things about        ‘headless chicken’. She was not sure
challenges is that they bring out the       what I feared, but she thought I was
best in oneself. It revealed my full        afraid of her but not knowing why;
potential by showing how serious            every time she spoke, I would just
and dedicated I was.                        jump, scream, cry and run. She told me
                                            all of this in the morning when I asked
When I first heard that I had to study      her why she was sleeping on the floor
on my own, I was so scared I even           in my room. I could not remember a
thought of taking a gap year, but then      thing that happened the previous night,
remembered that I might lose my             until I saw I had hurt my mouth and
bursary. I had no other choice but to       myself; she was telling the truth.
adapt. I told myself that I must do this,
I can do this, and let me do this! God      The fact that I cannot remember a thing
will never give me challenges that I        still stresses me out, it makes me ask
cannot overcome.                            lots of questions, and the fact I took
                                            my medication the night before going
I did things I would not have done          to bed, discourages me to continue
if I was still in my comfort zone, i.e.     taking the tablets.
working on last year’s papers way
before exams, communicating with            However, what can I say or do?
my lecturers, asking my classmates          Sometimes, especially when I am
for help if I didn’t understand, putting    studying for exams, I think what could
my pride aside admitting that I did not     happen if I get sick at night and blank
understand and more.                        out again, then all this would be a
                                            waste of time and energy?
On 10th April 2020, at approximately
2.00 a.m. whilst sleeping, I had a          This then makes me realise I must
seizure. After that, my Mom says I          remain positive, motivate myself and
                                            speak good things about myself!

             What are the Facts?
     Recent news reports and litigation          Valproic acid was first synthesized
     highlighted the risk of birth defects       in 1882 by Beverly S Burton as an
     in women and girls taking sodium            analogue of valeric acid found naturally
     valproate and the lack of information       in valerian.
     available. Many women approached
     Epilepsy South Africa seeking clarity.      For many decades its only use was
                                                 in laboratories as a “metabolically
     Here are the facts.                         inert” solvent for organic compounds.
                                                 In 1962 French researcher Pierre
     What is valproate?                          Eymard discovered the anticonvulsant
                                                 properties of valproic acid while using
     Valproate (VPA) and its valproic acid,      it as a vehicle for a number of other
     sodium valproate, and valproate             compounds that were being screened
     semisodium forms are medications            for antiseizure activity. It was approved
     primarily used to treat epilepsy and        as an antiepileptic drug in 1967 in
     bipolar disorder and occasionally           France and has become one of the
     migraine. It prevents seizures by           most widely prescribed antiepileptic
     stabilising excessive electrical activity   drugs worldwide.
     in your brain. It is thought that this
     is achieved in two ways; firstly by
     increasing the activity of a natural        What is the situation in South Africa?
     ‘nerve-calming’ agent called GABA in
     the brain and secondly by preventing        In September 2018 the National
     electrical signals from building up in      Department of Health issued a notice
     nerve cells in the brain.                   (EDP082018/04) about the safety of
                                                 sodium valproate during pregnancy,
     Valproate exists in two main                given that the Standard Treatment
     molecular variants: sodium valproate        Guidelines (STGs) and Essential
     and valproic acid without sodium. A         Medicines List (EML) recommends its
     mixture between these two is termed         use “for various indications at all levels
     semisodium valproate. It is unclear         of care”.
     whether there is any difference in
     efficacy between these variants.            The risks are outlined in the notice
                                                 which states that “sodium valproate
     It is on the List of Essential Medicines    should thus be avoided in pregnancy
     of the World Health Organisation            and in women of child-bearing
     (WHO) and is available as a generic         potential. In cases where there is no
     medication. Brand names include             suitable alternative to sodium valproate
     Epilim (South Africa and Australia),        in this population group, the women
     Depakine (France) and Depakene              must be fully informed of the risks and
     (USA and Canada).                           a reliable form of contraception must
                                                 be used continuously.”

The STGs and EML was updated to              Two or three babies in every 100 born
include the following caution: “Children     to women in the general population will
born to women taking valproic acid are       have a birth defect. However, in women
a significant risk of birth defects (10%)    taking valproate the risk increases to
and persistent developmental disorders       about 10 babies in every 100 born. Birth
(40%). Valproic acid is contra-indicated     defects can include;
and should be avoided in pregnancy and
women of child-bearing potential.”           •   Spina bifida (a condition where the
                                                 bones of the spine do not develop
The Department also noted that sodium            properly).
valproate should not be stopped
abruptly. All medicine switches should       •   Face and skull malformations,
be done in consultation with a clinician.        including cleft lip and cleft palate.
Women who conceived while taking                 This is where the upper lip or bones
sodium valproate should be referred for          in the face are split.
genetic counselling and detail ultrasound
at 20 weeks.                                 •   Malformations of the limbs, heart,
                                                 kidney, urinary tract and sexual
What are the risks of taking valproate           organs.
during pregnancy?
                                             Your child’s development can be
While valproate is an effective medicine     affected as he/she grows up. Between
used in treating both epilepsy and           30 and 40% of children born to women
bipolar disorder, women and girls should     taking valproate during pregnancy may
only take this if nothing else works. This   experience developmental problems.
is because valproate can seriously harm
an unborn child when taken during            Although the long-term effects are not
pregnancy. However, this does not            known your child may:
mean that you should stop taking your
medication unless your doctor tells you      •   Learn to walk and talk later than
to do so.                                        others.

Taking valproate during pregnancy            •   Have lower intelligence than other
can seriously harm your unborn child             children of the same age.
and pose greater risks than with other
medicines for epilepsy and bipolar           •   Exhibit poor speech and language
disorder. These risks are present even           skills.
with smaller doses of valproate, but the
higher the dose, the higher the risk.        •   Experience memory problems.

Your child can be affected in two ways;      •   Be more likely to have autism,
firstly by birth defects when the child          autistic spectrum problems and
is born, and secondly, problems with             show signs of Attention-Deficit
development and learning as the child            Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
grows up.

What should I do?                             I am starting treatment with valproate

     Sanofi (manufacturers of valproate            Your doctor will explain to you why he/
     products) advises as follows:                 she feels valproate is the right medicine
                                                   for you and tell you about all the known
     •   Always use effective contraception        risks.
         when taking valproate.
                                                   If you are too young to become pregnant
     •   Use contraception for the whole           your doctor should only treat you with
         time you are taking valproate.            valproate if nothing else works. It is
                                                   important that you and your parents/
     •   Do not stop using the contraception       caregiver know about the risks of
         at any time.                              valproate when used during pregnancy.
                                                   This is so you know what to do when you
     •   Your doctor will recommend                are old enough to have children. You or
         effective contraception for you           your parents/caregivers should contact
         to stop you having an unplanned           the specialist once you experience your
         pregnancy.                                first period (menstrual cycle) during
                                                   valproate use.
     •   Schedule an urgent appointment
         with your doctor if you think you are     If you are already old enough to become
         pregnant.                                 pregnant your doctor should only
                                                   treat you with valproate if you are not
     •   Consult your doctor if you are            pregnant and using contraception. He/
         thinking about having a baby, and         she will ask you to perform a pregnancy
         do not stop using contraception until     test before starting valproate, or
         you have done so.                         thereafter if needed.

     •   Never stop taking prescribed              This is to make sure you are not
         medicines unless your doctor tells        pregnant. Always use effective
         you to.                                   contraception when taking valproate,
                                                   and do not stop using the contraception
     You will need to review your treatment        at any time. Your doctor will recommend
     with your doctor regularly (at least each     effective contraception for you to make
     year). During the annual visit, your doctor   sure you do not become pregnant. You
     will ask you to read and sign a Risk          will need to review your treatment with
     Acknowledgement Form to make sure             your doctor regularly (at least each year).
     you are aware and have understood all         At this initial visit, your doctor will ask
     the risks related to the use of valproate     you to read and sign an Annual Risk
     during pregnancy, and recommendations         Acknowledgement Form to make sure
     on how to avoid becoming pregnant             you are aware and have understood all
     while taking valproate.                       the risks related to the use of valproate
                                                   during pregnancy and recommendations
                                                   on how to avoid becoming pregnant
                                                   while taking valproate.

                                                   If you decide you want to start a family

discuss this subject with your doctor    be done to reduce the risks for your
as soon as possible. Do not stop         baby’s health while keeping your
valproate or using contraception until   epilepsy/bipolar disorder under control.
you have been able to consider this
with him/her. You need to review         Ask your doctor about taking folic acid
the risks of your baby’s health while    when planning to have a baby, as this
keeping your epilepsy or bipolar         can lower the general risk of spina
disorder under control. You and your     bifida and early miscarriage that exists
doctor should agree on what to do        with all pregnancies. However, it is
with your treatment before you start     unlikely that it will reduce the risk of
trying for a baby.                       birth defects associated with valproate
I am taking valproate and not
planning a family                        I am taking valproate and have
                                         already become pregnant
Always use effective contraception
if you are taking valproate and do       If you think you may be pregnant
not plan to have a baby. Do not stop     do not stop taking valproate as your
using the contraceptive at any time.     epilepsy/bipolar disorder may become
Ask the advice of your doctor,           worse.
gynaecologist/obstetrician or
midwife/professional at the family       First speak to your doctor about your
planning clinic on the most effective    options. He/she may switch you to
and suitable method of contraception     another treatment and will explain
for you.                                 how to make the transition. In some
                                         circumstances, it may not always
Immediately consult your doctor if       be possible to switch to another
you think you are pregnant. Never        treatment. Please refer to your doctor
stop taking valproate until you have     for additional information.
consulted your doctor even in a case
where you have become pregnant,          During your pregnancy you will be
as it can be dangerous for you and       monitored closely to make sure that
your baby.                               your condition is controlled and to
                                         check how your baby is developing.
I am taking valproate and planning
a family                                 What is Epilepsy South Africa doing
                                         about valproate?
If you are planning a baby, first tell
your doctor but keep taking valproate    Persons with epilepsy have the right
and using contraception until you        to make informed decisions about
have spoken to your doctor.              their healthcare, including treatment
It is important that you do not          options. As such, Epilepsy South Africa
become pregnant until you and your       has entered negotiations with Sanofi
doctor have spoken. He/she may           with a view to improving access to
need to change your medicine a long      accurate information for women and
time before you become pregnant to       girls with epilepsy. It is anticipated that
make sure your condition is stable.      this education initiative will be rolled
You also need to consider what can       out in 2021.

The Verster Family

     By the Verster Family                        My eerste woorde was “wie is jy?” Hy
                                                  was geskok en teleurgesteld. Ek het nie
     My man is 46 jaar out en het as kind         geweet wie hy was of dat ek geboorte
     epilepsy gehad. Dit het begin toe hy 3       gegee het nie. Ek het met hom gestry oor
     was en gestop toe hy 16 oud was. In die      ek getroud is en ‘n baba gehad het. Die
     tagtiger- en negentigerjare is epilepsie     dokters het oor die aanval verduidelik en
     anders behandel. Hy was nie toegelaat        hy het geweet hoe hy dit moes hanteer
     om ‘n openbare skool te bywoon nie. Hy       weens sy epilepsie. Ek het geheueverlies
     is in ‘n koshuis vir kinders met spesiale    gehad vir ongeveer 3 weke.
     behoeftes geplaas.
                                                  My aanvalle het soggens eerste gebeur.
     Sy aanvalle het op enige tyd van die dag     Ek het die medikasie gestaak omdat dit
     plaasgevind. Hy het bedags verskillende      nie werk nie. My man, skoonouers en
     tablette geneem. In normale skole word       dokters het met my gestry dat ek nie
     daar met jou gespot as jy epilepsie          medikasie geneem het nie. Nadat ek die
     gehad het, maar dit het hom nie gekeer       medikasie gestaak het, het ek besluit
     nie. In matriek het hy 4 onderskeidings      om ‘n dieet met ‘n hoë proteïeninhoud te
     behaal en was ook die beste presteerder      begin om gewig te verloor. Toe ek met
     in Gauteng vir daardie jaar. Hy het aan      die dieet begin, het my aanvalle minder
     die Craven Week Rugby deelgeneem en          geword. Ek het 2 tot 3 aanvalle per
     verskeie trofeë en medaljes vir atletiek     maand gehad. Dit het binne vyf maande
     (100 m) en rugby verower.                    na 1 aanval verander. Soms het ek die
                                                  dieet gevolg. Ek het gevind dat die eet
     Ek en my man is getroud en ek was            van proteïenryke en dan styselagtige
     swanger met ons eersteling. Ek was           voedsel (bv. ‘n toebroodjie) ‘n aanval
     normaal op 23. Ek het ‘n kamer gedeel        veroorsaak. April 2014 het ek my laaste
     met ‘n baba wat gebore is met ‘n             aanval gekry. As gevolg hiervan is ek al
     gesplete lip. Die baba het aanhou huil.      6 jaar lank sonder aanvalle. Ek is nou 43
     Ek het nooit 2 nagte geslaap nie. Op die     jaar oud.
     3de nag het ek ‘n rukkie geslaap, maar
     vroegoggend (4 uur) wakker geword.           My dogter se epilepsie het in Mei 2015
     Ek was opgewonde om saam met my              op die ouderdom van 14 begin. Dit het op
     dogter huis toe te gaan. Ek het haar om      skool voorgekom. Met my aankoms
     7 uur gevoer. Toe gebeur dit. Dit was my     was dit verby. Ek het geweet dit is
     eerste aanval. Ek val teen die bed en my     epilepsie. Sy is getoets en epilepsy is
     baba val op die vloer. Die dokter het haar   gediagnoseer. Die tweede keer was sy
     ondersoek en sy was ok. Ek het ‘n blou       tuis. Ek het verpleeg personeel in die
     oog en ‘n knop op my voorkop gehad.          hospitaal ontmoet. Haar epilepsie het
     Nadat ek herstel het, het my man ons         ook ‘n patroon gevorm. Aanvalle het
     kom haal.                                    gedurende haar maandelikse siklus of as
                                                  gevolg van spanning plaasgevind. Haar
     Hy stap die kamer binne, met blomme.         aanvalle kom enige tyd voor 11uur voor.
                                                  Dit was makliker om te hanteer.

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