Page created by Jonathan Fisher

   The Australian Indigenous
   Doctors’ Association


                                                                       07 	INTRODUCTION
                                                                       11   Professor Helen Milroy
                                                                       13   Associate Professor Peter O’Mara
Journeys into Medicine
                                                                       15 	Dr Louis Peachey
The Australian Indigenous
Doctors’ Association                                                   17   Associate Professor Noel Hayman

AIDA wishes to acknowledge:
                                                                       19 	Dr Mark Wenitong
Ms Kerrynne Liddle – writer
Mr Wayne Quilliam – photographer
                                                                       21 	Dr Tamara Mackean
Mr Hardy Lohse – photographer
                                                                       23   Associate Professor Ngiare Brown
General Practice Education and Training Limited
(for photo of Dr ShannoncSpringer)                                     25 	DR ALEX BROWN
The AIDA Journeys into Medicine Working Group:
    Associate Professor Peter O’Mara                                   27 	Dr Latisha Petterson
    Dr Shannon Springer
    Ms Danielle Arabena                                                29 	Dr Marilyn Clarke
    Mr Shannon Price
    Ms Mary Guthrie                                                    31 	Dr Shannon Springer
    Mr Hardy Lohse
                                                                       33 	Dr Stephanie Trust
The AIDA Journeys into Medicine Project was
funded by the Department of Health and Ageing.                         35 	Dr Kiarna Adams
First published in October 2009 by the                                 37 	Dr Luke Burchill
Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association Ltd.
                                                                       39 	MS Danielle Arabena
This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or
in part for study or training purposes, or by Aboriginal               41 	MS AMANDA RICHARDS
and Torres Strait Islander community organisations
subject to an acknowledgement of the source and not for                43 	MS Catherine Engelke
commercial use or sale. Reproduction for other purposes
by other organisations requires the written permission of              45 	MS Casey Papamanolis
the copyright holders.

                                                                       47 	MR BJ (Beimop) TAPIM
ISBN: [978-0-646-52119-0]

Design: Sculpt Communications
                                                                       49 	MR SHANNON PRICE


    Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association
       The Australian Indigenous                They were looking for a way          Indigenous graduates and students       population, more equitable health
    Doctors’ Association (AIDA) is a         to support and maintain the             at the Salamander Bay gathering.        outcomes, a strong Indigenous
    not-for-profit, non-government           relationships they had developed        It soon became very clear that          health workforce and a culturally
    organisation dedicated to the pursuit    during their years of study and a       collegiate support was essential in     safe health system.
    of leadership, partnership and           mechanism for collegiate support as     maintaining the balance between            Past President and a founding
    scholarship in Aboriginal and Torres     their careers developed.                culture and medicine and in keeping     member, Dr Mark Wenitong, did not
    Strait Islander health, education and       “At the 1996 Newcastle Medical       our identity as Indigenous doctors      expect AIDA would come this far.
    workforce, with a vision that is today   School graduation celebrations, the     strong and healthy. Having our          “We emerged at the right time and
    much broader than its initial focus of   total number of Indigenous medical      own doctors association through         we had the right connections.”
    supporting Indigenous doctors and        graduates from the University           the establishment of AIDA has              “Medical schools were looking
    students.                                reached double figures. This struck     been enormously important for me        for a point of reference and
       The beginnings of AIDA can be         me as an appropriate time to            throughout my career”, Professor        government was asking for advice
    traced back to the work of some of       write a letter to this small body of    Milroy said.                            at a time when Australia was
    the first Indigenous doctors including   graduates, urging the establishment         At the time of the Salamander       trying to address the poor state of
    Dr Louis Peachey, Dr Mark Wenitong       of an alumni association to support     Bay meeting there were less than        Indigenous health. It wasn’t long
    and Dr Ngiare Brown (all graduates       our students who were still coming      15 Indigenous doctors. By 2010          before AIDA became an important
    of University of Newcastle), and         through. There was no inkling then      that figure is expected to reach        part of the policy scene alongside
    Associate Professor Noel Hayman          that it had the potential to be a       approximately 150.                      other professional bodies,” recalls
    (University of Queensland). Mr Alan      truly national organisation,” recalls       Indigenous doctors are finding      Dr Wenitong.
    Eldridge was also critically involved    Dr Louis Peachey, AIDA’s Founding       their niche in diverse areas across        AIDA attracted the support of
    in the early development of AIDA.        President.                              the profession. There are those         influential Australians as evidenced
       Dr Mark Wenitong and Ms Gail             Professor Helen Milroy, a Child      who are working in Aboriginal           by a number of eminent patrons that
    Garvey (University of Newcastle)         and Adolescent Psychiatrist in          Community Controlled Health             include Sir William Deane AC, KBE,
    were instrumental in arranging           Western Australia, obtained her         services, some working in medical       QC, Professor Lowitja O’Donoghue
    a meeting at Salamander Bay in           medical degree from the University      education and those who are             AC CBE, Mr Jimmy Little OAM
    New South Wales in March 1997,           of Western Australia in 1983 and is     working to influence policy in          and former Australian Democrats
    to discuss the idea of forming an        understood to be the first Aboriginal   government and non-government           senator, Mr Aden Ridgeway.
    organisation that would provide          doctor in Australia.                    organisations. All share AIDA’s            Former Governor-General,
    collegiate support for Indigenous           “I remember being very excited       vision of creating a healthier          Sir William Deane said that he
    medical graduates and students.          at the prospect of meeting other        Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander   was privileged to be involved

6                                                                                                                            JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 7
“With our numbers growing within the
                                                                                                                                                                                   profession our voices will undoubtedly grow
                                                                                                                                                                                   louder and stronger and that can only mean a
                                                                                                                                                                                   better future for our children.”
                                                                                                                                          •A  boriginal and Torres Strait         important and I can see opportunities   and Torres Strait Islander people       will undoubtedly grow louder and
with AIDA from its inception.              “I am proud to support an                                “AIDA was a collective of people         Islander people have equitable        for building and generating new         take up offers from medical schools,    stronger and that can only mean a
“The need for an organisation           organisation that has good                               who needed to be part of the                health and life outcomes.             knowledge and more scholarships to      graduate as doctors and remain in       better future for our children.”
which encouraged, supported and         governance at its heart.”                                discussion and debate, and so it         • T here is parity of Aboriginal        support student doctors, but these      the profession.                            He also added that AIDA will
represented Indigenous doctors was         “With an early career in health                       was important from my perspective           and Torres Strait Islander health     opportunities will be led by AIDA’s        “It is those who have successfully   advocate for stronger connections
overwhelmingly obvious”, he recalls.    as one of the first Aboriginal                           to raise awareness in Parliament            professionals across the entire       members,” Dr Wenitong said.             navigated their way through medical     between education and health to
   “National focus was, at long         nurses, I encourage Aboriginal                           about the contribution they could           health sector.                           Associate Professor Peter O’Mara,    school and through the profession       prepare Indigenous students for
last, being directed towards the        health professionals to be true to                       make to the business of health,” Mr      •A  IDA is seen as a medical            AIDA’s current President, knew that     who have a pivotal role in supporting   opportunities in medicine.
appalling state of Indigenous           themselves as Aboriginal people,                         Ridgeway recalls.                           professional body with a central      AIDA was a fantastic idea from the      others on their journey.”                  In this publication, Indigenous
health and the disgraceful disparity    and then as professionals I believe                         AIDA was registered as an                role in the health and wellbeing of   beginning and will continue to build       “Indigenous medical students can     doctors and medical students have
between Indigenous and non-             they will be able to do better.”                         incorporated body in 1998. It               the nation.                           on the good work that has already       have many additional expectations       generously shared their Journey into
Indigenous life expectancy. And            “Their relationships not only to                      quickly developed into a strong and      •	The Australian health system          been done and be responsive to          placed on them. We want our             Medicine – their challenges and
there was a growing awareness           Aboriginal people, but also to other                     influential national organisation           is culturally safe, high quality,     whatever the future holds.              students to know that they have a       their triumphs. Their careers before
of how important it was that            Aboriginal health professionals                          representing Indigenous doctors             reflective of need, and respects         “AIDA’s success comes directly       wider family of doctors and health      medicine and the experiences within
                                                                               “It is those
there be a strong and vibrant body      who with them work to improve                            and medical students while                  and integrates Aboriginal and         from its people. Every aspect of        professionals who can provide a         medical schools and within the
of Indigenous doctors with the          health equity will be crucial for      who have          strengthening its position as a             Torres Strait Islander cultural       the organisation is critical and our    sounding board - so that they can       medical profession are as different
knowledge of Indigenous needs and       change for our people,” Professor      successfully      leading Indigenous organisation             values.                               people are central to that,” said       concentrate on studying hard to         as the stories themselves.
cultures and the medical expertise to   O’Donoghue said.                                         with a central role in improving the        In 2007/2008 AIDA underwent           Associate Professor O’Mara.             get their qualification,” Associate        Journeys is for high school
lead the way.”                             As an Australian Democrats
                                                                               navigated their   health and wellbeing of Aboriginal       a constitutional review and moved           As the number of Indigenous          Professor Brown said.                   students contemplating their future,
   “Since those early days I have       Senator, Aden Ridgeway was             way through       and Torres Strait Islander people.       from an Association to a Company         doctors increases each year, for           “Having Indigenous doctors           university students studying within
followed the development and            instrumental in using his political    medical school    Today it is well placed to influence     Limited by Guarantee. The new            Associate Professor Peter O’Mara        represented across the entire           medical schools, anyone who has
achievements of AIDA, and the           connections to help position AIDA                        Indigenous health, education and         constitution better reflects AIDA’s      the challenge for AIDA will be          medical profession would be a major     considered a career in medicine and
success of its members with great       as an integral contributor on          and through       health workforce and is committed        current direction and will also guide    maintaining the feeling of being one    achievement for AIDA. The benefits      those who work in partnership with
admiration and increasing hope for      matters of Indigenous health.          the profession    to working with a wide range of          the organisation towards a positive      big family – an organisation that is    of building a specialised Indigenous    Indigenous doctors within the health
the future,” said Sir William Deane.       “I saw AIDA as a crucial                              stakeholders to produce positive,        and strong future.                       something much more personal than       medical workforce are enormous and      sector.
   Former nurse and inaugural           development on the landscape
                                                                               who have a        practical, sustainable and tangible         For Dr Mark Wenitong, AIDA’s          the provision of collegiate support.    would contribute significantly to the      Journeys is for those with an
chair of the Aboriginal and Torres      - particularly because it was an       pivotal role      outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres       role will continue to evolve as any         Associate Professor Ngiare           health and wellbeing of our people ,”   interest in learning about the
Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC),     organisation that had emerged          in supporting     Strait Islander peoples.                 dynamic, responsive organisation         Brown – one of AIDA’s pioneering        said AIDA Chief Executive Officer, Mr   challenges and triumphs of Australia’s
Professor Lowitja O’Donoghue was        from the self-determination of                              AIDA’s vision is to create a          should and he predicts it will become    doctors, and foundation Chief           Romlie Mokak.                           growing number of Indigenous
happy to be involved in the early       Aboriginal people. I was happy
                                                                               others on their   healthier Aboriginal and Torres Strait   even more proactive.                     Executive Officer, cites the critical      “With our numbers growing            medical students and doctors.
days of AIDA and remains a patron.      to wave the flag.”                     journey.”         Islander population where:                  “Succession planning will be          role of mentors to ensure Aboriginal    within the profession our voices           It is a book for everyone.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 9
Professor Helen Milroy

                                   “From an Aboriginal perspective healing and health are compatible with
                                   child psychiatry. It is about understanding the person and not just
                                   the problem, taking an holistic approach. It is very rewarding to see
                                   children that have had a difficult time doing well. There is no greater
                                   reward than to see a child happy.”
                                                                                                                                                                  for Aboriginal medical and dental
                                      My family are Palyku from the             When I went to medical school at        to decide which battles you are going     students at the University of Western
                                   Pilbara region in WA, around the          the University of Western Australia        to take on.                               Australia. Though busy, I take time
                                   Marble Bar. This is my grandmother’s      it was, and still is, an undergraduate         After I graduated from medicine       out for myself and for the things I like
                                   country.                                  course. It was a six-year course           I did my mandatory intern year. I         to do.
                                      It is thought that I was the first     where the first few years focused          then did two years as a resident and         I think it’s important to have a bit
                                   Indigenous doctor, but I would            on health sciences and the rest on         I trained as a GP. I did five years in    of humility in the way you approach
                                   like people to understand that in         clinical practice.                         General Practice and it was during        work and to recognize that you are
                                   recognition of our traditional healers,      Having gone straight from high          that time that I did some work as a       still just one of the mob. Our strength
                                   I am not. I am possibly the first in      school into university, I started          consultant in childhood sexual abuse      should come from knowing that we
                                   terms of a western perspective –          university as a science student. After     at Princess Margaret Hospital. It         are part of a tradition of healing that
                                   such as graduating from a medical         the first year I applied for entry into    was partly through that work that I       has been practised for thousands of
                                   school; but we had our own healers        the medical school. I did a short exam     decided to specialise in psychiatry.      generations and that we continue
                                   previously and their work is still        and passed an interview and because            I entered specialist training in      in the healing path of our ancestors.
                                   important today.                          my science subjects were accredited        child psychiatry in 1991 and worked       One of the hardest things we have
                                      Our family already had traditional     as part of the medical degree I went       part-time because I had two young         to do is balance our cultural learning
                                   healers among us before I decided         straight into second year medicine.        children. I sat my exams and qualified    western knowledge and to get the

                                   health was to be my career path, so          I was 18 when I started medicine        for Fellowship in 2000. My hard           balance right.
                                   medicine was just a contemporary          and back then there was no support         work was rewarded with the Mark              I hope that as “trailblazing
                                   expression of that. My grandmother        program for Aboriginal students            Sheldon Medal that is awarded to          Indigenous doctors” we have made
                                   had a lot of healing ways and her         and very few Aboriginal students           a psychiatrist or other individual for    the path a little bit easier, so that

                                   brother was also a traditional healer.    at university. When I reflect on that      meritorious service to or research in     future trainee doctors don’t have to
                                   It was something that I sort of grew      time, I guess I tried to be invisible so   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander     face the challenges and barriers that
                                   up with.                                  I didn’t get pointed out.                  mental health and the Roley Richards      we had to. My daughter is currently
                                      My family was so proud. I                 For the medical school and the          Award for the most meritorious            studying medicine and I know her

                                   remember when we would go                 health sector I think I was a bit of a     dissertation in trauma studies.           battles will be different to mine and
                                   shopping my grandmother would go          novelty. I think sometimes they didn’t         I am currently involved in clinical   I am excited about the prospect of
                                   up to strangers in a shopping centre      quite know what to make of me,             work with a mainstream mental             two generations of doctors within our
                                   and say “that’s my grand-daughter;        or what to do with me. As a doctor         health service for children 0-18          family.
MBBS, FRANZCP, CATCAP              she’s going to be a doctor”. It was       there are so many demands on you. It       years, while the rest of my time is as       I look forward to a time when we
                                   actually quite embarrassing, but to       is easy to get caught up thinking we       Director of the Centre for Aboriginal     can say this is the 1000th Indigenous
Psychiatrist, Western Australia,   see the smile and the pride on her        can be all things to all people, but to    Medical and Dental Health (CAMDH)         medical school graduate and it just
President, AIDA, 2004 – 2005       face was lovely. We were very close.      ensure you avoid burn out you have         – a teaching and support centre           becomes the norm.

10                                                                                                                                                                JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 11

PROFESSOR                                  I was raised in the small            Peachey. Seeing and hearing Louis                               I also work as a GP in an Aboriginal

                                       township of Paxton, outside of           helped me to realise that medicine                              community controlled health service,
                                       Cessnock in the Hunter Valley region     was possible. I got hold of all the                             and my AIDA Board responsibilities
                                       in New South Wales. I went to            information I needed, applied and                               keep me busy, too. As an Indigenous
                                       Cessnock High School. My people          was accepted into the University of                             doctor, I know how important it is to

                                       are Wiradjuri from central New           Newcastle.                                                      recharge and reconnect with country
                                       South Wales.                                 When things got hard, I would                               and family. I also try to have a life
                                           Immediately upon finishing school    recall a conversation with my                                   away from politics and medicine and
                                       I got an apprenticeship in the coal      grandmother back when I was about                               have a farm where my family raises
B Med, FRACGP, FARGP, Grad Dip Rural   mines as a fitter machinist, which       eight years old where she convinced                             cattle. With such a contrast between
                                       meant I worked underground as            me that I could do anything I wanted                            work and home it means that it is not
Tobwabba Aboriginal Medical
                                       a mine mechanic. At that time I          in life. That talk was, and is, never far                       hard for me to pull back. It is those
Service, University of Newcastle       thought that was the best job I          from my mind. I graduated in 1999.
                                                                                                                            “Medicine has       things that help sustain me, and I
President, AIDA, 2009                  could hope to achieve. I was always          I like to think the transition from     changed my          exercise almost every day.
                                       interested in medicine, but believed     fitter to doctor is not so strange.                                 Our own communities are well
                                                                                                                            life. I love this
                                       the stereotypical view that it was       After all, you are still just fixing                            placed to verify how important
                                       doctors’ children and rich people        things – but people are so much             job. It is truly    Indigenous doctors are. I am always
                                       who went into medicine. It never         more interesting, and complex.              incredible to       taken aback by the sense of pride
                                       entered my mind that I could do it.          I currently hold the position of                            shown in our Indigenous doctors by
                                           After an accident, which resulted    Associate Professor, Indigenous
                                                                                                                            know that I can     our communities. We must however
                                       in a back injury, it was clear I could   Medical Education and Head of               make a positive     also continue to support Indigenous
                                       not keep working in the mines.           Discipline – Indigenous Health at           contribution        doctors who choose not to work in
                                       I decided to become a clinical           the University of Newcastle. I love                             Indigenous health, because while
                                       psychologist, because I enjoyed          teaching.                                   to individual       they may not have direct contact,
                                       talking to people, and so I did a            Teaching medical students is            people’s lives      we know that their influence will
                                       foundation course to get me into a       so very rewarding. It is important                              flow back to our people and to
                                       Bachelor of Arts, majoring in biology    to support Indigenous students to
                                                                                                                            and I know          Indigenous health.
                                       and psychology.                          become the very best doctors. It’s          there’s also a          If you are thinking about doing
                                           However, it was a couple of years    vital that all medical students are         flow-on effect      medicine, then have a go. If you find
                                       into that course that I saw a TV         trained to treat Indigenous patients                            it is not what you like, then that’s fine
                                       interview with one of Australia’s        competently. It is these things that
                                                                                                                            to people in our    too – better to try than to spend the
                                       first Indigenous doctors – Dr Louis      will contribute to “closing the gap.”       communities.”       rest of your life wondering.

12                                                                                                                                              JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 13
Dr Louis Peachey

     Louis                                   “I am not sure that anyone or anything could have prepared us
                                             for the challenges of becoming Aboriginal doctors.”

     B Med, FACRRM, James Cook University,
                                                 I had just resigned from a
                                             government job in Cairns when Frank
                                             Lake, who was in charge of the
                                             Cairns office of DETYA (Department
                                                                                      we were cousins, or just play along
                                                                                      that I was meeting these folk for the
                                                                                      first time. Clearly discretion was the
                                                                                      better part of valour.
                                                                                                                                fabulous journey with amazing
                                                                                                                                highs and unimaginable lows. Mum
                                                                                                                                and Dad didn’t tell me I couldn’t or
                                                                                                                                shouldn’t pursue a career as a doctor.
                                                                                                                                                                          helped us to succeed was that we
                                                                                                                                                                          were introduced to the right people.
                                                                                                                                                                             I encourage people within medical
                                                                                                                                                                          schools to ensure that young
     Founding President, AIDA, 1999 – 2003   of Education, Training and Youth             I now work as a medical educator      For generations my family worked          Indigenous doctors have access to
                                             Affairs), told me about University       within the Mount Isa Centre for Rural     the land – and so it was something        the people that can support them
                                             of Newcastle opening up places for       and Remote Health, which is part          unusual to do medicine. It was only in    to get through. Those are the things
                                             Aboriginal people in their medical       of James Cook University. Mostly          my second year after graduation, that     that make a real difference.
                                             school. I noted my interest in a burst   I teach undergraduates and junior         my mother realised that I really was a       I love being a doctor. The
                                             of childish bravado, without ever        staff, but still spend one day a week     doctor, this was really only evident in   fraternity sustains me. I know
                                             really believing such a thing would      working as a GP anaesthetist at           those few months just prior to Mum’s      that when I need the fraternity’s
                                             come true. A few months later I          Mount Isa Base Hospital.                  death.                                    support, my colleagues will face
                                             traveled from my tribal property back        Like most Murries, my family is           At University of Newcastle they       the adversities and stand with
                                             to Cairns to meet a representative       important to me. I have multiple          used ‘Problem Based Learning’ where       me, shoulder to shoulder, strength
                                             from the medical school.                 heritages. Mum’s dad was from             much of the learning is scenario          tempered with humility.
                                                  I was told to bring a Curriculum    Badtjala, Kalkadoon and Nunukul           based. For me, knowing why you are           My children sustain me. In my
                                             Vitae (CV) and proof of Aboriginality.   mobs and Mum’s mum was from               learning something makes it easier to     children’s world about half of the
                                             I didn’t know what a CV was (or          Djirubul stock, largely Girrimay. In      learn. It makes it relevant.              blackfellas who they call uncle or
                                             even how to spell ‘Vitae’), and was      our family our strongest attachment           The medical profession is             auntie are doctors. In my babies’
                                             stumped by the idea of having to         was to Girrimay, which makes us           interesting. On the one hand it is        world, a Murri might choose to be
                                             prove that I was a Murri.                rainforest blackfellas. The irony is      very much a western institution, but      a tradesman, a teacher, a vet, a
                                                 Fortunately, Uncle Bill was the      never lost on me that this particular     in a lot of ways the social structure     dentist, or if you’re really not sure
                                             local NAC member, whose office           rainforest blackfella finds himself out   is Indigenous. The Hippocratic Oath       you can just fall back on medicine
                                             was in the same building as the          in the middle of the desert at Mount      talks about sharing knowledge, which      until you figure it out. My wife and
                                             interview, and he was able to furnish    Isa, which has been our home for          is very much like the uncle/nephew        my children sustain me and knowing
                                             me with the appropriate letter to        the last five years, although we will     relationships we are used to in           that I belong with somebody
                                             prove my Aboriginality. At interview,    move back to the land of rain and tall    Aboriginal communities.                   sustains me.
                                             I found myself being introduced to a     trees soon. My babies know that they          It was through these uncle/              Whenever we take the girls back
                                             professor from the medical school,       are rainforest babies and long to go      nephew relationships that I felt I        home to the rainforest, there is just
                                             and two of my own cousins who were       home.                                     could overcome any problem. In those      nothing as powerful as looking over
                                             about to interview me. I wasn’t sure         From the moment I signed up           early days at medical school there        land - knowing that land is mine.
                                             if I was supposed to tell anybody that   for medical school, it has been a         were only a few of us, and what           That sustains me.

14                                                                                                                                                                        JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 15
Associate Professor Noel Hayman

                                                    I grew up in Cleveland, Brisbane,       science. I used to run a laboratory as
                                                 the third youngest of seven children.      part of my work at Edgell. Looking
                                                 We were poor. Mum is Aboriginal            back, practical laboratory sessions
                                                                                                                                      “I love what I do. A career in

                                                 and dad was non-Indigenous and             at the university were relatively easy
                                                 worked for most of his life as a           because I would be out in half an
                                                 labourer for Queensland Rail.              hour for a three hour practical.          medicine is very fulfilling
                                                    I was the only sibling to complete          The last three years of the degree    and I am so pleased it gives me an

                                                 senior school and I went on to             included a lot of clinical work. It was
                                                                                                                                      opportunity to care for my people
                                                 complete a Bachelor of Applied             in third year that I started to see
                                                 Science at Gatton College – now part       patients. I graduated in 1990.            and to influence Indigenous health
                                                 of the University of Queensland. After         Back when I was a medical             policy. If you are thinking about

                                                 graduating I worked for the food           student there were few Indigenous
                                                 processing giant, Edgell, for more         doctors and only a small number
                                                                                                                                      a career in medicine, then I say go
                                                 than a decade.                             of black academic role models.            for it. I have never looked back.”
                                                    My journey into medicine began          In fact, in my early days it was
                                                 with a glance at an article in the local   non-Indigenous academics such             could help make a difference.                My current focus is to continue
                                                 Sunday newspaper written by the            as Professor Ernest Hunter of the         Indigenous health is my passion. It       to improve Indigenous access to
     Physician, Inala Indigenous Health          Dean of Medicine at the University         University of Queensland who              was all I ever wanted to do.              mainstream health services and
     Service, Queensland                         of Queensland. He was looking              mentored and guided me. In those              In my early days at Inala I used      medical education, and for Inala to be
                                                 for Aboriginal people with science         days medical schools didn’t pay           focus groups to find out why people       a centre of excellence for Indigenous
                                                 degrees, who were interested in            much attention to Indigenous health,      were not accessing the health             primary health care that will be used
                                                 medicine. I responded, went through        but now I give lectures on Indigenous     service; at that time there were          by universities and other health
                                                 their interview and testing process,       health to packed lecture theatres         12 patients on its books. What we         facilities to train staff in Indigenous
                                                 got in and began six years of medical      in medical schools and am an              were told was that there were no          health. I will continue to lobby to try
                                                 training.                                  Associate Professor at the University     Aboriginal people working at the          to make that happen.
                                                    I actually enjoyed being a student      of Queensland.                            service. I was lucky enough to find          I am honoured that my dedication,
                                                 again, but it was hard on family life.         I did my internship at the Princess   and employ an Aboriginal nurse and        commitment, and my work at the
                                                 At that stage I was married with           Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane,           it has been the Noel and Nola team        Inala Health Service has been
                                                 one child, we had another in my            but always wanted to focus on             ever since.                               recognised by the Aboriginal
                                                 second year and a third while I was        Aboriginal health. In 1994 I took             Today Inala has three thousand        community through a 2008 Deadly
                                                 an intern. Financially it was also very    on responsibility for running the         patients and our doctors provide          Award for Outstanding Achievement
                                                 hard and stressful. My wife worked,        Inala Health Service, which is            over a thousand consultations a           in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                                 and I used to get some money from          located about 25 minutes from the         month. Inala hosts medical students,      Islander health. I was also awarded
                                                 a scholarship – but we needed to be        Brisbane CBD. It is an area defined       advanced trainees in paediatrics and      the inaugural Australians for Native
                                                 pretty frugal with our money.              as low socio-economic, with a high        trains GP Registrars in what is a great   Title and Reconciliation Close the
                                                    Having a science degree was a           proportion of Indigenous people. It       environment for teaching. I started by    Gap Queensland Indigenous Health
                                                 good thing, because the first few          was there that I felt my combined         myself in 1994 and it is rewarding that   Award. They are both awards I am
                                                 years of medicine were all about           life-experience and my qualifications     Inala has since grown to a staff of 24.   very proud to have received.

16                                                                                                                                                                              JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 17
Dr Mark Wenitong

                                             I am Kabi Kabi descent from south     gigs at night. That was particularly                        to turn self-doubt into self-confidence
                                          Queensland on the coast around           tough at exam times.                                        and recognise that a fail was not the
                                          Noosa. My mum, who was a single             I remember how in the beginning                          end of it. I just re-sat the exam, re-
                                          mother, raised my four older brothers    I had to fight the self-doubt about                         focused and got on with it.
                                          and sisters and me in an industrial      whether I should actually be there. I                          At the moment I am working as a
                                          township.                                was in a class with smart kids who                          senior medical officer at Apunipima
                                             I was the only one in my family to    came straight from Year 12, but I                           Cape York Health Council. My work
                                          do Year 11 and 12 – only because I       worked hard in the first year and                           involves working with patients in
                                          didn’t want to start working! - even     got an average of about 95%. Those                          one-on-one settings – and I love
                                          though my family had a strong work       grades gave me the confidence to                            that because I know I have the
                                          ethic. Later though some of my           keep going, but I had to keep working                       ability to communicate well with
                                          siblings went on to study.               hard and that meant studying until                          Aboriginal people and that’s special.
                                             Before going off to the University    very late.                                                  As an Aboriginal doctor, our people
                                          of Newcastle School of Medicine I           I got good support from those                            are confident telling me things that
                                          had been working for 11 years as a       around me, and drew on the help,                            will help me make more informed
                                          laboratory technician at the Darling     resources, and networking that was       “Medicine          decisions about their care and that is
                                          Downs Institute – now the University     available through the University                            better for everyone.
                                                                                                                            seems like a

                                          of South Queensland. As a technician,    Aboriginal Student Support Unit.                               At a regional level, I contribute to
                                          working in the pathology section            My mother was really proud. As an     long course, but   the work of community-controlled
                                          testing blood sent in from Cape York     Aboriginal health worker she knew                           health organisations and I am
                                                                                                                            ask yourself
                                          and Torres Strait, I got a real sense    how important Indigenous doctors are                        also involved in academia and in
                                                                                                                            what will you

                                          of how bad the health of our mob is.     and my uncles were also wonderful                           mentoring people within the fields of
                                          I could see that there was a lot of      support. I would get handwritten         be doing in five   medicine and allied health. At a state
                                          work to be done and that you had to      notes from my uncles and they would                         and national level I actively pursue
                                          be in a position to make the decisions   send a few dollars – small change
                                                                                                                            or six years if    opportunities to influence policy,

                                          about what needed to be done, if you     – though they did whatever they          you don’t do it?   because it is important for Indigenous
                                          wanted to make a difference.             could to help because my success         When you think     people to contribute and be involved
                                             After going through the interview     was really important to them. My                            in these discussions.
                                          process I got into University of         mob was, and still is, incredibly        of what you can       I would like to encourage
     BMed, Assoc Dip Clinical             Newcastle and with my then partner,      supportive.                              accomplish in      Aboriginal kids to recognise that you
                                          and our four children, we made the          Throughout my studies I only failed                      are smart and deadly and need to be
     Laboratory Techniques                big move from Cairns to Newcastle. It    one thing, and though disappointing,
                                                                                                                            that time, then    careful not to give up before you start
     Senior Medical Officer,              was a challenge working through the      it was not the end of the world. I       six years isn’t    on your journey. If you are interested

     Apunipima Cape York Health Council   daily reality stuff. I was 32 and had    did let the self-doubt creep in again    that long, and     in medicine, then find out about
                                          a family to support, but I was also a    though, and I even tried to put it                          your options and the support that is
     President, AIDA, 2005 – 2007         musician, so I would spend a full day    down to the fact that I was a Murri,
                                                                                                                            time flies so      available to you to help you be what
                                          at work and make a few dollars at        but that is wrong. Instead I was able    fast.”             you want to be.

18                                                                                                                                             JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 19
Dr Tamara Mackean

                                                  “People often talk about a career in medicine being lifelong learning.
                                                  It’s true. You need to be a person who always wants to learn
                                                  and be prepared to learn, because there is no end to the learning.”
                                                      I am a descendant of the Waljen       the self-doubt that sometimes crept      psychiatry, ophthalmology, general        It’s a lot of work, but well worthwhile.
                                                  clan of the Wongai Peoples of             in. I remember thinking “I don’t         practice and medical education to             Even with the demands of a young
                                                  the Goldfields region in Western          belong here” while I was sitting next    research and public health where all      family, I believe that to become a
                                                  Australia. My family background is        to perfect score students. Of course I   of my focus now is. I am also involved    Fellow is important, because if we
                                                  also Scottish and British. I attribute    had every right to be there.             with AIDA and have been since its         need to change medical culture we
                                                  my Aboriginal mother with my                 I later transferred to the School     inception. It is where there is a great   need to participate at the Fellow
                                                  strength. I have learnt a lot from her    of Medicine at the University of         deal of collegiate support.               level. It is at the Fellow level that
                                                  about that.                               New South Wales. It was very much           I worked as a Senior Lecturer          decisions are made about our
                                                      I did all of my schooling in the      the old-style teaching; anatomy,         at Flinders University in South           profession and I want to ensure that,
                                                  Western Australian south coast town       physiology – all the basic sciences      Australia for five years in which         as Indigenous people, we are part of
                                                  of Esperance, which is about half-        and later the clinical sciences in       time I was awarded a staff Award          those discussions.
                                                  way between Albany and the South          a hospital setting. Now medical          for Outstanding Contribution to               If you are thinking about medicine
                                                  Australian border. I enjoyed school       students start clinical work a lot       the University, as well as being          there are things you need to give
                                                  and although I did not know what I        earlier. I graduated in 1999 with a      recognised nationally and receiving       some thought to. You have to ask
                                                  wanted to do, I knew I liked science      Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of     the inaugural Limelight Award for         yourself, do you have an interest in
                                                  and wanted to go to university.           Surgery and was joint winner with Dr     Leading Innovation in Cultural and        science and like understanding how
                                                      At the end of year 12 I visited       Kelvin Kong of the Alumni Award for      Organisational Change in 2007.            things work? You have got to really
                                                  the University of Western Australia       Achievement.                                I am currently living in Perth and     want it. It’s a long course and there’s

                                                  and Shenton House – the Aboriginal           After a road accident during          working as a Senior Research Fellow       a large volume of material to get
                                                  Student Support Unit for students at      university resulting in a spinal         with the Centre for Aboriginal Medical    through. If you want to do it for the
                                                  the University, and it was there that     injury, and a few years later another    and Dental Health at the University of    money, then you should probably do

                                                  I first learnt about medical careers      accident when I was working that         Western Australia (CAMDH) focusing        something else! It’s important to like
                                                  for Indigenous students. The idea of      compounded the injury (neither of        on Indigenous Health Research.            people because as well as enjoying
                                                  being a doctor just sort of popped into   which were my fault), it was clear       My husband, a Noongar Doctor, is          interaction with your patients you
                                                  my mind. I thought, “imagine that!”       that the physical work involved in       studying psychiatry in Perth.             also need to want to work with

                                                      My journey into medicine              being a doctor would be a challenge         I am also doing a three-year post-     people as you will be part of a health
                                                  began with the Aboriginal Access          – but the profession still provided me   graduate training program to gain         professional team.
                                                  Program at the University of              with many career pathways.               Fellowship in the Australasian Faculty        You do need a lot of patience,
                                                  Western Australia. At university,            I did my internship at the Queen      of Public Health Medicine, which is       diplomacy and tact to sustain yourself
                                                  I stayed in residential and shared        Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide,          a Faculty of the Royal Australasian       in a medical career and be able
MBBS, BSci (Hons)                                 accommodation, but sometimes it           and later worked at the Adelaide         College of Physicians (RACP). I started   to grasp opportunities when they
DIPLOMA OF THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND   was hard to be disciplined.               Women’s and Children’s Hospital          the Fellowship before having my son,      become available to you. As well as
                                                      I had little self-confidence then     where I did a Diploma in Obstetrics      Tjakapirri. His name means Emu in         your career focus you also need to
COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICS AND Gynaecology             and remember that the idea of being       and Gynaecology. I then did various      Western Desert language and is in         care about the things you stand for
President, AIDA, 2007 – 2009                      in medicine intimidated me. I recall      work from clinical work in obstetrics,   honour of his father’s family totem.      and importantly, to make family time.

20                                                                                                                                                                             JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 21
Associate Professor Ngiare Brown

                                             “My experience will be different to any other
                                             graduate or qualified Indigenous doctor, but I hope
                                             that with each Indigenous graduate the journey
                                             will be made a little easier for those that follow.”
                                                 I studied medicine at University of    making and the accountability of          But you do have to love what you do.     positive future for them. Working in
                                             Newcastle as a five year degree. At        governments around health care.           It helps you to get out of bed in the    Aboriginal health can be frustrating
                                             18, I was straight out of school, but      I want to explore how we might            morning.                                 and heartbreaking and debilitating.
                                             even then I knew that I was doing          use these principles to support and           I was assisted through medical       Without them I can’t image where I
                                             something that I’d always dreamed of.      develop our most disadvantaged and        school through a defence force           would be.

                                                 Currently, I am one of the             most vulnerable.                          scholarship and graduated at a               Professionally, there is always
                                             directors at the Poche Centre for             Clearly, I love a challenge, but I     time when there were so very few         something interesting happening.
                                             Indigenous Health at the Faculty of        recognise no one individual achieves      Indigenous doctors. We tend to be        There are many things that are yet
                                             Medicine, University of Sydney. It         great things in isolation – no matter     snapped up to work in Indigenous         to be done and will likely remain

                                             was established from a philanthropic       what we might think, or what we           specific roles; but there are just so    to be done well past my lifetime,
                                             donation by a businessman                  might be, or what we might be             many pathways available.                 but I know there are things that
                                             interested in improving Indigenous         told. There are always other people           My background is mostly in           I can contribute to right now.

                                             health. At the moment the Centre is        involved in progress and achievement      primary care and emergency               With opportunity comes great
                                             developing a strategic plan and will       and being able to play a part in all of   medicine, but I have also worked         responsibility and I have been given
                                             focus on supporting clinical service       that is really worthwhile.                in research institutions, as a GP, in    some amazing opportunities in my
                                             delivery in western NSW and the NT            I grew up on the South Coast           universities and in the area of policy   life and doing medicine is just one

                                             around primary care and specialist         of NSW in Barrack Heights, near           development. There have been so          of them.
                                             outreach. Linked to that will be           Shellharbour. My connections are          many wonderful experiences and               I would like to think that
                                             medical education, nursing and allied      from around Nowra, Kempsey, and           there will be many more ahead.           Indigenous doctors have something
                                             health, monitoring and evaluation          up and down the coast of New South            Now that I have been in the          that other practitioners will never
                                             of programs and identification of          Wales. I have embraced opportunity        profession for some time, what           possess. It is a cultural identity and
     BMed, MPHTM, FRACGP, PhD candidate      priorities in the communities within       and worked in Darwin, in the              sustains me and keeps me                 pride in identity. I would like to think
     Director, Poche Centre for Indigenous   which we work.                             Western Desert region and in Sydney.      enthusiastic about medicine is, first    I have a special respect for cultural
                                                 I have a strong interest in human      In 2002 and 2003 I was the Chief          and foremost, family. I say that even    perspectives and acknowledge
     Health, University of Sydney.           rights law and health and how we           Executive Officer of AIDA, and am         though I am probably away from           and respect Elders, community
     Founding Chief Executive Officer,       can utilise these rights, principles and   still involved in the Association.        them more than I should be, or want      and culture, and therefore have a
                                             frameworks to improve Aboriginal              Obviously I was confident enough       to be. The support and faith placed      better comprehension of how to
     AIDA, 2002 – 2003
                                             health and social justice outcomes         to complete the academic component        in me by my parents, my husband          engage with Aboriginal patients and
                                             – particularly for children. I believe     of medicine, but I would like to think    and my brother is critical to me, and    communities. They are special skills
                                             it is important for communities and        I am a perfect example that you don’t     of course there is the unconditional     that I am grateful for as an Aboriginal
                                             individuals to participate in decision     need to be that bright to do medicine!    love of my children and creating a       woman.

22                                                                                                                                                                         JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 23

DR                                     I am currently the Director at the                        return from Israel I had to make a       surveys to determine levels of illness;

                                   Centre for Indigenous Vascular and                            decision about whether to continue       we track people and try to work out
                                   Diabetes Research, for the Baker IDI                          in anaesthesia, but ultimately I         the predictors of ill-health, and are
                                   Heart and Diabetes Institute, in Alice                        decided to focus on public health.       involved in developing and trialing
                                   Springs.                                                          My move to Central Australia         innovative models of care as well

                                       I am originally from the south                            was promoted by an advert on the         as training of the health workforce.
                                   coast of New South Wales. I have                              British Medical Journal website,         I particularly like being part of a
                                   been in Alice Springs for the past         “What sustains     seeking someone to run the               movement that recognises that
                                   nine years.                                me in what is      Centre for Disease Control in Alice      service delivery is about engaging
BMed, MPH, FCSANZ, PhD Candidate       After leaving high school, I had a
                                                                              a challenging
                                                                                                 Springs. I took up the job towards       people during periods of wellness –
                                   cadetship to study naval architecture.                        the end of 1999.                         not just when they are sick.
Director, Centre for Indigenous    I never really thought about being a       profession is          I spent three years at the Centre,      In undertaking my PhD, my
Vascular and Diabetes Research,    doctor, but with a big sister at the
                                                                              the ongoing        focusing on the management,              research interests include
                                   University at Newcastle studying                              monitoring and control of disease        Indigenous cardiovascular disease
Alice Springs                      medicine, I would go to some of            learning           and health policy relevant to            and its determinants, clinical and
                                   her lectures and before long an            in Central         communicable disease and                 epidemiological cardiovascular
                                   opportunity came up where I was                               immunisation control. I found it         research, chronic disease policy
                                   offered a place in the medical school.
                                                                              Australia. I       frustrating working within the           development, health services
                                   I thought “well yes! I’ll give it a go”.   am humbled by      bureaucracy of government, so I          research, Indigenous male health,
                                   It is not the most inspiring journey                          jumped at the chance to instead          and the psychosocial determinants
                                                                              the fact that
                                   into medicine, but it was certainly                           set up a research centre through         of Indigenous health – the impact of
                                   the right choice and it is one of the      Aboriginal         the Menzies School of Health             depression and stress.
                                   best decisions I ever made.                people that        Research.                                   I am almost every day in contact
                                       My graduation ceremony was in                             I did that for three years before        with some of the greatest and
                                   1996. I did my internship at Gosford
                                                                              have the least,    taking up my current work at the         longest living wisdom on earth.
                                   Hospital on the northern Sydney            actually have      Baker Institute.                         While every day is learning – every
                                   Central Coast and I did rotations at       the most to            I really enjoy my work because       day is also tough; but my life is
                                   nearby hospitals.                                             it takes a public health approach        enriched by constantly coming into
                                       As a registrar at Gosford Hospital     offer, and         to important questions such as:          contact with the things my family
                                   I was particularly interested in           that the deep      why do Aboriginal people die of          lost many years ago.
                                   intensive and critical care and at the                        heart disease? and what do we               I suppose if I think about my
                                   end of the year I was offered a job
                                                                              impulse to be      do about it? We try to understand        journey into medicine I would have
                                   as an anaesthetic registrar, and for a     compassionate      the impact; the way in which the         to say that I have been given so
                                   short time I trained in anaesthesia.       and empathetic     system does or doesn’t do its job;       many opportunities and people have
                                   Then an opportunity came up to take                           markers for prevention of adverse        believed in me. If you are presented
                                   up a scholarship in Jerusalem, Israel,
                                                                              to each other      outcomes; and the role of stress in      with opportunity; then my advice is
                                   as a Masters in Public Health. On my       remains strong.”   disease. We involve ourselves in         take it – and make the most of it!

24                                                                                                                                        JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 25
Dr Latisha Petterson

     Dr                                    “I love my work. I have had a few elderly Aboriginal and Torres Strait

                                           Islander people cry when they find out that I am an Aboriginal and
                                           Torres Strait Islander person.”

                                              I was born in Darwin, on Larrakia      medical school in my 4th year. I went     hard; it was her work and devotion       Strait Islander people, my family and I
                                           country, and consider myself both         back to medical school when Ty`a          to making a better place for us that     experience multiple life stressors and
                                           Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.    was six months old and finished my        inspired me to strive and aim as high    so I need to take care of myself. I do
                                              My mother’s people are                 degree in 2000. I did my intern and       as I could. My grandparents were         that professionally by being involved
                                           descendents of the Gudjal people          residency at the Cairns Base Hospital.    very supportive.                         with AIDA. I have been involved with
     B Medicine, Diploma Applied Science   from far North Queensland. My                One of the key deciding moments           I am currently working at Danila      AIDA since 1997 and currently I am
     (Nursing), Diploma of Sexual Health   father’s grandfather’s people are         in my decision to do medicine was         Dilba, the Aboriginal Health Service     the Treasurer. Having that collegiate
                                           from Mabiaug in the Western Torres        while I was working in sexual health      in Darwin. I am involved in the          support with other Indigenous doctors
     Counselling GP Trainee,
                                           Strait – the Wagadidam people. His        as the Clinical Nurse in the Torres       outreach program – which means I         and medical students sustains me. I
     Danila Dilba Health Service, Darwin   grandmother’s people are Wardaman         Strait. I knew that even though I         work as a GP at various communities      also have incredible support from my
                                           from Moi Moi Country, and also            could be a triple certificate nurse and   which include 15 Mile – now known        non-Indigenous professional peers.
                                           descendents of the Mudburra, Jinjli       do a masters degree, the doctor team      as Palmerston Indigenous Village,           On a more personal level, I am
                                           and Gurindji peoples.                     ultimately made the decisions. I felt     Knuckey’s Lagoon, and One Mile Dam       a saltwater person. I live near the
                                              I finished my schooling in Cairns      that the only way I could personally      in Darwin. I am involved in a clinic     beach and probably go to the beach
                                           and completed a Diploma in Applied        make a significant contribution to        at Mission Australia’s sobering-up       about five times a week and watch
                                           Science (Nursing), at the Northern        Indigenous health was if I went           shelter. We also run a clinic for        the sunset and pray and talk to my
                                           Territory University in Darwin. I         on to study further. It was about         people who live in the long grass.       ancestors, listen to country and the
                                           worked as a registered nurse at the       me being more autonomous in my            I am the only Indigenous doctor at       saltwater. I have really good family
                                           Royal Darwin Hospital, Thursday           professional life and I really enjoyed    Danila Dilba, but I have great support   support. I speak to Aunties, my other
                                           Island Hospital and at Wuchopperen        the intellectual challenge of studying    from non-Indigenous doctors.             family members, my closest friends
                                           Aboriginal Medical Service in Cairns.     medicine. I also saw premature death         In terms of inspiring people’s        and of course I share quality time
                                           It was while I was finishing off my       within my own family and wanted           journey into medicine, I say be          with my beautiful daughter Ty`a. I
                                           degree, that I decided that I wanted      to be a clinically competent and          strong in your own identity, stay        read and I also listen to good music
                                           to do medicine.                           compassionate doctor and focused          connected with country, culture and      and I do regular exercise, yoga and
                                              I decided to go to the University      on patient wellbeing and health           community. We all have obstacles –       other things in terms of relaxation to
                                           of Newcastle because of its support       outcomes.                                 that’s life. When I was studying, my     keep myself grounded.
                                           network, the number of Indigenous            The greatest influence in my life      daughter was sick quite a few times         I suppose I would like to encourage
                                           medical students enrolled and             has been Mum. She has passed              and required hospital admissions,        people irrespective of their age,
                                           because I thought Newcastle was           on now, but she was extremely             but I was open and transparent to        whether they have kids, or straight
                                           a good city, given I was going            instrumental – even though I did          my lecturers and they were very          out of high school - to embrace life,
                                           from Thursday Island – a remote           medicine long after she passed on.        supportive. I was a single parent and    pursue their dreams and make use of
                                           Indigenous community to an                It was her role modeling and values       going through medicine was extremely     the support of organisations such as
                                           industrial city. I have a daughter Ty`a   that ingrained in me the importance       difficult, but very worthwhile.          AIDA to support you on this exciting
                                           who was born while I took a year off      of being educated and studying               Like most Aboriginal and Torres       and rewarding journey.

26                                                                                                                                                                      JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 27
Dr Marilyn Clarke

                                                              “I love delivering babies and I love it when there are good
                                                              outcomes. When things work out well it is a really happy joyous job –
                                                              a privilege. When things go wrong I am still glad to be part of it to
                                                              help women through difficult times.”
                                                                  There are three doctors in our           My year long experience in Papua      saw in us a lot of parallels between     will succeed – but you also need to
                                                              family: me, my brother Dr Kelvin          New Guinea was heartbreaking.            us and her twin sister Jennifer, who     ensure that you access the help that
                                                              Kong is a surgeon and my twin             I saw mothers and babies who             was a paediatric nurse. They too         is available to you on your journey.
                                                              sister, Dr Marlene Kong is a GP and       were sick and dying from diseases        were trailblazers in their day. I am        At the time I went through the
                                                              has an interest in public health.         and conditions that were largely         glad they all influenced my decision     University of Sydney there was
                                                              Although we’re all doctors, the career    preventable because they simply          and that I had their support.            not much support for Indigenous
                                                              pathways available to doctors have        didn’t have the necessary resources,        I finished my six year, post-         medical students. I encourage
                                                              taken us in very different directions.    skills and staff. I realised then that   graduate, specialist training in 2007,   students to find out what help is
                                                                  I am a Worimi woman from the          being a specialist meant that I had      mostly through John Hunter Hospital      available to them either through
                                                              Port Stephens area. My mother was         the potential to do a lot of good.       in Newcastle, and soon after             their university or through AIDA.

                                                              a single parent. I came from a very          Six years of additional study is a    gained Fellowship from the Royal            I guess for junior medical officers
                                                              matriarchal family as my mother and       big commitment, but there were a         Australian & New Zealand College         who are thinking about obstetrics
                                                              grandmother were very strong female       number of other things that cemented     of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.       and gynaecology as their specialty,
                                                              figureheads. My mother was from a         my interest in this speciality.          Since then I have been working as        I encourage them not to be turned

                                                              family of twelve – eight aunties and         My mother is a registered nurse       a specialist in Coffs Harbour on the     off by the lifestyle. Yes, you are on
                                                              four uncles, so there were a lot of       and was a trailblazer in her own         New South Wales mid-north coast.         call a lot, and babies don’t have
                                                              positive female influences around me.     right; taking up nursing at a time       I have public hospital appointments,     good timing, and yes you can be
                                                                  As a family we were, and still are    when racism was more blatant,            am a part-time private practitioner,     up at all hours of the night but the

                                                              very close. We went to local public       making it harder for Aboriginal          and run an antenatal clinic for          hours do get better. I work part-time
                                                              schools before my twin sister and I       people to pursue the careers they        Aboriginal clients at the local          by choice, and can now enjoy some
                                                              went to the University of Sydney to       wanted. Still, she persisted and         Galambila Aboriginal Health              flexibility. The profession also went
                                                              study medicine. It is thought until       went on to do midwifery and worked       Service.                                 through a time of high litigation,
 MBBS Class II Hon (Syd), Grad Dip Clin Epi (New), FRANZCOG   then there had never been Aboriginal      as an independent womens’ health            It gives me a lot of pleasure         but that is not so much of an issue
                                                              students in the Sydney University         practitioner. She has always been        to empower and educate women             anymore.
 Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Coffs Harbour                  undergraduate medical degree. We          a strong advocate for Aboriginal         about their health. For a long time         At the moment I am the first
 Galambila Aboriginal Health Service                          got through with each other’s support     women’s health and for services          medicine has been a very patriarchal     and only Aboriginal specialist
                                                              and graduated in 1997.                    for women.                               and male orientated profession,          obstetrician and gynaecologist, but
                                                                  After three years as a junior            As a medical student I also met       especially in the area of obstetrics     I am pleased that there are a couple
                                                              medical officer at Westmead Hospital      Sister Alison Bush who was an            and gynaecology, but that is slowly      of young doctors who are interested
                                                              in Western Sydney, I signed up with       Aboriginal midwife at King George        changing as we see more female           in doing the training. I encourage
                                                              Australian Volunteers Abroad to work      Hospital and a respected, clinically     specialists gaining fellowship.          Aboriginal doctors to consider it as
                                                              in Papua New Guinea. With very            savvy midwife. Alison took both             I believe that if you pick            a speciality and I am hoping to be
                                                              little money, it was a way to fulfil my   Marlene and I under her wing. I think    something you really love, enjoy         able to mentor them through the
                                                              travel aspirations.                       she identified with us as twins and      and are passionate about, then you       hard years as a registrar.

28                                                                                                                                                                                        JOURNEYS INTO MEDICINE 29
You can also read