Summer 2021 June/July/August - Trinity United Methodist Church Merchantville, NJ

Page created by Ross Davidson
Summer 2021 June/July/August - Trinity United Methodist Church Merchantville, NJ
Summer 2021

Greetings, Friends!

If you have received a paper copy of this newsletter, you have probably seen our “please respond” post card. Please fill it out and
return it to the church, especially if you would like to continue receiving a paper copy. If you wish to be taken off the mailing
list, or if you would like to receive an electronic copy via email, please let us know that as well. If we don’t hear from you, we
will assume you are no longer interested in receiving the Tidings Newsletter and we will remove you from our mailing list.
Thank you so much for taking a few moments to fill out the card!

As we look ahead, I would like to invite you to participate in our three summer worship series. We will begin with a worship
series called Summer of Love. Next, we’ll move through a series called I’ve Been Meaning to Ask, and we’ll finish the summer
with a series based on a book called Freeing Jesus, by Diana Butler Bass.

The worship series called Summer of Love, is, as you can imagine, about the love of Jesus Christ. It
is a deep dive into the different ways that we express the love of Jesus in our own lives and an oppor-
tunity to look more closely at what it means to show love to God and to others. We will begin Memo-
rial Day weekend (Sunday, May 30) with “Loving Community” by looking at John 6:1-13. On June
6, we will explore the theme “Loving Friends” with John 21:3-4, 10-17. On June 13, we will look at
the theme “Loving Family” using Luke 10:38-42. Finally, we will wrap up the series on June 20
with “Loving God” using Mark 2:23-28. It is a great series that will remind us of exactly what Love
is all about as followers of Christ!

                      The full name of the second worship series is I’ve Been Meaning to Ask, a series for curiosity, courage and
                      connection. We will kick this series off on June 27 with “I’ve been meaning to ask, where are you from?”
                      using Genesis 2:4b-15 and John 1:35-51. On July 4, we will look at “I’ve been meaning to ask, where does
                      it hurt?” using 1 Samuel 1:1-18 and Mark 5:21-43. On July 11, we will look at “I’ve been meaning to ask,
                      what do you need?” using Job 2:11-13 and 2 Timothy 4:9-18. We will wrap up the series on July 18 with
                      “I’ve been meaning to ask, where do we go from here?” using Ruth 1:1-22 and Acts 10. Resources are
                      available to help you get the most out of this series. If you are interested in receiving a copy, please contact
                      me ( or Cindy (, and we will make sure you have
them. I am prayerfully hopeful that this series will be a deep dive into some hard-hitting questions that will help us all be better
followers of Christ.

We will finish the summer using a book called Freeing Jesus by Diana Butler Bass. I haven’t yet decided on all
the scriptures for this series, but the themes will give you an idea of where we are headed. On July 25, we will
begin this series with the theme, “Jesus as Friend.” We will continue with “Jesus as Teacher,” on August 1,
“Jesus as Savior,” on August 8, “Jesus as Lord” on August 15, and then “Jesus as Way,” on August 22. We will
finish this series, and the summer, on August 29 with “Jesus as Presence.”

I am so excited for the ways that God will move in and through these worship series, and I hope that you will join
us. I pray for you daily and hope that you and your family are well!

Summer 2021 June/July/August - Trinity United Methodist Church Merchantville, NJ
Hello Friends:

I think that by now we have all put away our winter
sweaters and if the weather we’re experiencing now is        WST Bible Study will meet on Thursday, June
any indication of what is to come, we’re in for a nice       3rd at 9:30am after which we will be taking a
warm summer. It’s hard to believe it’s almost Memo-          break for the summer and will begin meeting
rial Day! A couple of months ago we were all wishing         again on the first Thursday in September.
for warmer weather, and I think our wishes have been
In my last letter I wished a happy 90th birthday to                           If you would like more information
Evelyn Carter. It turns out that I was in the right church
but the wrong pew – literally. Evelyn did celebrate a
                                                                              on how to donate or volunteer for
birthday not too long ago but it was actually Ayo Cole                        the food pantry, please contact
who celebrated her 90th birthday. Happy Belated                               Mike O’Shea at (856) 488-1095.
Birthday, Ayo! You’re going to have to share your se-
crets of staying so young at heart! Maybe you and                                 Upcoming Pantry Dates:
Evelyn can share notes. Both of you are so positive
and sweet, we need to follow your example. And while                                     June 9
I’m celebrating some milestone birthdays, I also want                                    July 14
to wish everyone who recently celebrated a birthday,                                    August 11
or has one coming up, many blessings as you cele-
brate your special day! We have another official birth-       As always, all non-perishable food and monetary
day to celebrate! Evelyn Petrie announced the birth of           donations are accepted and appreciated.
her granddaughter, Elle, to her daughter Saidah and
her husband. Evelyn has lots of pictures she will be
happy to show you. Congratulations to all!
Barbara Wilson recently organized a campaign where
we mailed welcome letters to new residents in
Pennsauken and Merchantville. We’re hoping that this
will motivate some people who are new to the area to
join us for worship. If you are reading this and re-                         at 6pm
ceived one of our letters, we would like some feedback
about how you felt about the letter and if there are any
changes or additions you think could be helpful. Bar-
bara and Pastor Jacki did a wonderful job composing           Bible Study led by Pastor Jacki continues
the letter and gathering the mailing lists. Hopefully,                 on Wednesdays at 6pm.
there will be a positive response.
Thanks again to all who help keep the lights on and the             Anyone wishing to join them
doors open. Bit by bit, we are seeing more people                   please contact Pastor Jacki at
returning to in person worship and it’s been great to               pastor.
see our friends again. Just a personal note, my phone
number has changed. If you would like the new
number, please see me before or after the service. My
cell number is still the same.
As I close, I ask you to keep the church family and our
hurting world in your prayers.
May God bless us, everyone!                                   If you or a loved one is in need of prayer and
                                                             would like to be added to the prayer chain, please
Debbie Curcio                                                                     contact:
Worship Committee chair.                                              Pat Nelson (856) 662-6893
Summer 2021 June/July/August - Trinity United Methodist Church Merchantville, NJ
JUNE                  July                                                   Anniversaries

4     Donna Perkins         1   Cookie O’Shea                                                       June
5     Amanda Ezeiruaku      11 Debbie Curcio                                 8         Michael & Melissa Olson

10    Jennifer Wurtenberg   12 Nicholas Musulin, III                         17        William & Charlotte Guckes
                            14 Terri Ingram                                  19        Dave & Ann Arber
14    Cindy Lewandowski
                                                                             22        Charles & Beverly Holliday
17    Jessica Hayman        19 Karen Ney
                                                                             22        Frank & Pat Shockley
20    Elaine McBride        19 Melissa Olson
23    Miriam Novella        20 Melissa Gray
                                                                             15        Robert & Claudia Buderman
25    Joe Robinson Sr.      21 Christine O’Shea
27    Pedro Pillot          27 Larry Migliaccio
                                                                             9         Gary & Debbie Hartman
                            28 Jack Thomas
                               Sandra Hoeflich                               11        Dennis & Barbara Wilson
                               Kristin Musulin                               17        William & Dottie Landolt
                            29 Charlie Dowdney Jr.                           28        Tom & Cece Torok
7     Rebecca Kosherzenko
9     Emily Bollinger
15    Matthew Gordy
21    David Taylor
22    Albert Stover
28    David Brody

                                                     If we missed your birthday or anniversary, please let us know.

                                              Happy belated birthday to
                                              Helen Carrell who turned 92
                                              on May 27th!

                                                                                                              Easter 1st Sunday

Trinity United Methodist Church
                                  36 W. Maple Ave.
                                  Merchantville, NJ 08109
                                  (856) 665-1806

                                    Summer 2021

Sunday Worship 10:45am              Sunday Worship 10:45am                Sunday Worship 10:45am
June 6                              July 4 - Independence Day             August 1
June 13 - Children’s Day            July 11                               August 8
June 20 - Father’s Day              July 18                               August 15
June 27                             July 25                               August 22
WST Bible Study                     Zoom Bible Study                      August 29
June 3                              Wednesdays at 6pm                     Zoom Bible Study
Zoom Bible Study                    Bagging for Pantry                    Wednesdays at 6pm
Wednesdays at 6pm                   July 13 - 7:00pm                      Bagging for Pantry
Red Cross Blood Drive               Food Pantry                           Aug. 10 - 7:00pm
June 8 - 2:00pm - 7:00pm            July 14 - 10am-12pm                   Food Pantry
Bagging for Pantry                                                        Aug. 11 - 10am-12pm
June 8 - 7:00pm
Food Pantry
June 9 - 10am-12pm

                                            Blood Drive at Trinity UMC
                                                                on June 8th

                           You’re somebody’s type, Please donate!

       The Borough will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive at Trinity UMC on Tuesday,
                                   June 8th from 2:00 - 7:00pm

     To make an appointment please sign up at and use sponsor code:
                                  Merchantville Community

                                                                        1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767)
                                                                      SUMMER PROGRAMS

                                          The Pinelands Center is a camp and retreat center nestled in the heart of the Pine Barrens in Burlington
                                      County, NJ. On nearly 150 acres of forest in the coastal plains of southern New Jersey, The Pinelands
                                      Center is located in the middle of the historic National Pinelands Reserve. Surrounded not only by the
                                      trails of Brendan T. Byrne State Park, The Pinelands Center is also bordered by cranberry bogs and pre-
                                      served forestland.
   Located directly off of Route 70, an hour from Philadelphia and less than an hour from the Jersey Shore, The Pinelands Center is a unique
place that provides a unique experience for every visitor.
The Pinelands Center strives to provide all campers and guests with an exceptional experience at our facility. Our cabins come equipped with
heat, hot water, electricity, indoor plumbing, bunks and/or individual beds with mattresses. We provide unique outdoor experiences (weather
permitting) such as a low-ropes team building course, water activities such as canoes and paddle boarding, nighttime campfires, scavenger
hunts… and much more depending on the needs of your group!
   With our Christian faith and values of the United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey, we believe in providing experiences that are
genuine, refreshing and (if desired) spiritually fulfilling. We at The Pinelands Center hope to provide you and your group with a top notch,
hospitable experience that leaves you feeling refreshed, encouraged and excited to plan your next trip to our beautiful camp and facilities.

This summer we are offering three different camping experiences!
All of our camping programs will include games, engaging outdoor experiences, worship, small groups and leadership building!

                                                           FAMILY CAMP
A three day getaway for family members of any age to create memories involving family friendly devotions,
                                inclusive games and fun outdoor activities.
                     Schedule:                                           Cost:
                     • July 11 – 13 | Session 1                          • $125 per adult (ages 12+)
                     • July 14 – 16 | Session 2                          • $60 per child (ages 4 – 12)
                     • July 18 – 20 | Session 3                          • 4 and under free
                     • July 21 – 23 | Session 4

                                                     MISSION RETREATS
 The Pinelands Center wants to host YOUR group for a week of mission this summer! We are excited to offer many
                        weeks and weekends of mission in June, July and early August.
                                 Schedule:                                  Cost:
                                 • June 20-25 | Session 1                   • $375 per person
                                 • July 25-30 | Session 2
                                 • Aug. 1-6 | Session 3

                                  HISPANIC CULTURAL HERITAGE CAMP
  A one week experience for students grades 1 – 12 to celebrate their Hispanic culture through passionate worship,
                                relevant speakers and unique outdoor experiences.

                                 Schedule:                                  Cost:
                                  • Aug. 8 – 13 | Session 1                   • $450 per camper

          For more information or to register go to
The Tidings
                        The Tidings is a periodic publication of
                            Trinity United Methodist Church
                  Office Hours Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
                         (856) 665-1806 Fax: (856) 665-9556
                Email: Website:
                                  Visit us on Facebook
                            Sunday Worship 10:45 am
                          In-person or on Facebook Live
                              June/July/August 2021

Trinity United Methodist Church
36 W. Maple Ave.
Merchantville, NJ 08109
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