Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education

Page created by Patrick Fuller
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
Summer Programs 2022

     Where Passion Meets Progress
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
Table of Contents
A Message from the Superintendent.............................................................................................Page 3

Elementary Programs......................................................................................................................Page 4
K-Ready Kindergarten Bootcamp....................................................................................................................Page 4
Summer Plus.............................................................................................................................................................Page 5
English Plus...............................................................................................................................................................Page 6
Extended School Year...........................................................................................................................................Page 7
Extended School Year Related Services.........................................................................................................Page 8
Extended Day Option............................................................................................................................................Page 9

High School Programs....................................................................................................................Page 10
High School Summer Courses..........................................................................................................................Page 10
Circtuit Acceleration Summer Program by Novartis.................................................................................Page 11
High School Extended Year Program..........................................................................................................Page 12
High School Academy: Summer Jump-Start..............................................................................................Page 13
High School Summer Bridge Program .........................................................................................................Page 14
CTE Summer Future Business Leaders Program ......................................................................................Page 15
NBOE College & Career Readiness Institute................................................................................................Page 16

Enrichment Programs.....................................................................................................................Page 17
Summer Sports Camps.......................................................................................................................................Page 17
Summer STEM Academy....................................................................................................................................Page 18
Newark Educational Technology Summer Camp (NETS Camp).........................................................Page 19
Summer Visual & Performing Arts Academy ............................................................................................Page 20
High School Musical Theatre.............................................................................................................................Page 21
Culture Creators - High School Visual Arts Academy..............................................................................Page 21

Summer Plus Transportation Information...................................................................................Page 22

Additional Information..................................................................................................................Page 23
Non-NBOE Student Enrollment

Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
A Message from the Superintendent
                    Dear Parents/Guardians:

                    Summer is rapidly approaching and I know that everyone is excited about this school
                    year coming to an end soon.

                    However, the summer months are crucial to continuing your child’s academic success.
                    While we want your child to enjoy their summer, we have developed a variety of
                    learning activities so that they can learn with the support of our staff and valued
                    community partners, and have fun too.

                    This brochure is designed to provide you and your child with an overview of all of
                    our summer learning and enrichment activities. In some instances, we have created
                    programs requiring your child’s participation where their attendance and participation
                    will be mandatory based on their grades, assessment scores, and attendance. Although
                    mandatory program students will receive a personalized letter from their principals,
    Roger León      you must still register using the provided link.
                    In-depth descriptions of the programs are included in this brochure and I once again
                    encourage you to take advantage of these offerings. To do so, please complete the
                    online registration by May 23, 2022. If you have any questions or concerns, please
                    contact your child’s teacher or principal.

                    These summer experiences promise to be filled with engaging learning activities that
                    will enrich and strengthen your child’s education and continue their path to success
                    for next school year and beyond!


                    Superintendent León

Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
K-Ready Kindergarten Bootcamp
K-Ready Kindergarten Bootcamp is a full-day academic and enrichment
program for students transitioning to Kindergarten in Fall 2022. Students will   Elementary Programs
receive intentional instruction focused on the following domains: Language       Grades: Current PreK-4
Arts, Literacy, Math, Science, Approaches to Learning, Social-Emotional,         Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
Health development and will explore a variety of topics through teacher-         Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
designed enrichment projects in a learning through play environment.
                                                                                 Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes

Registration: Complete the application on the summer program website.

                         Location                        Address

                         ECC Central                     70 Montgomery Street

                         ECC South                       255 Chancellor Avenue

                         McKinley                        1 Colonnade Place

                         Oliver Street                   86 Oliver Street

                         Thirteenth Avenue               359 13th Avenue

Please feel free to email Kalisha Dorlean at with any questions regarding the K-Ready
Kindergarten Bootcamp program.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
Summer Plus
Summer Plus combines academic and enrichment activities into a full day
summer program. Summer Plus has been developed by NBOE’s curriculum           Elementary Programs
experts to improve critical math and literacy skills and ensure that          Grades: Current K-7th graders
participants are well prepared to start school in September. The morning      Eligibility: Students must be Newark
core academic classes are taught by NBOE teachers and supported by NBOE       residents
staff. The afternoon enrichment sessions are delivered by NBOE teachers
                                                                              Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
and Community-Based organizations (CBOs). Together, the NBOE staff and
                                                                              Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
community partners offer themed, project-based learning that is linked to
the morning class material.                                                   Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes

Students must register for Summer Plus by May 23, 2022.

Summer Plus sites offer an Extended Day Option from 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM daily for a limited number of registered
families. Transportation home is not available for students who stay for the Extended Day option.

Locations: Students in grades K-7 will be assigned to summer sites based on their current school. See the Summer Site
Assignments list at the end of this guide to learn where your student will attend.

Transportation: Some students may be eligible for transportation based on distance between home and summer school
site. Buses will pick eligible students up at hub schools beginning at 8:00 AM and will drop students off by 3:30 PM.
Students who are eligible for transportation will receive additional information in their confirmation letter.

   Location                       Address                      Sending Schools

   Abington Avenue                209 Abington Avenue          Abington, First Avenue, Salomé Ureña

   Belmont Runyon                 1 Belmont Runyon Way         Belmont Runyon, Peshine Avenue

   Dr. E. Alma Flagg              150 3rd Street               Dr. E. Alma Flagg, Dr. William H. Horton

   Elliott Street                 721 Summer Avenue            Elliott Street, Luis Muñoz Marin

   George Washington Carver       333 Clinton Place            GW Carver, Bruce Street, Hawthorne, Chancellor

   Hawkins Street                 8 Hawkins Street             Hawkins, Wilson

   Louise A. Spencer              66 Muhammad Ali Avenue       L.A. Spencer, Quitman Street, Avon

   McKinley                       1 Colonnade Place            McKinley, Franklin, Sussex

   Mount Vernon                   142 Mount Vernon Place       Mount Vernon, Ivy Hill, Lincoln

   Oliver Street                  86 Oliver Street             Oliver, Lafayette, East Ward

   Park Elementary                120 Manchester Place         Park Elementary, Ridge

   Rafael Hernandez               345 Broadway                 Rafael Hernandez, Roberto Clemente

   South Street                   44 Hermon Street             South Street, Ann Street

   Speedway Avenue                701 South Orange Avenue      Speedway, Harriet Tubman, South 17th

   Thirteenth Avenue              359 13th Avenue              13th Avenue, Camden, Sir Isaac Newton, Cleveland

Please feel free to email Genell Jackson-Lampley at with any questions in regards to the
Summer Plus program.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
English Plus
English Plus is a program within Summer Plus for English Language Learners.
Students will participate in English enrichment literacy instruction, as well as   Elementary Programs
hands-on Science and Mathematics to enrich their English skills and prepare        Grades: Rising K-7th graders
for the upcoming school year. Students will participate in English enrichment      Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
programs in the morning and will join the Summer Plus enrichment activities        Hours: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
in the afternoon. Bilingual teachers will be on-site during the afternoon
                                                                                   Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
program to provide support.

Locations: Students in grades K-7 will be assigned to summer sites based on
their current school. See the Summer Site Assignments list at the end of this
guide for where your student’s school is assigned.

Transportation: Some students may be eligible for transportation based on distance between home and summer school
site. Buses will pick eligible students up at hub schools beginning at 8:00 AM and will drop students off by 3:30 PM if
they are part of the extended day program. Parents will receive additional information in their confirmation letter.

Registration: To apply for the English Plus Program, please complete the application on the summer program site.
(Please select English Plus)

       Location                         Address                        Sending Schools

       Abington Avenue                  209 Abington Avenue            Abington, First Avenue, Salomé Ureña

       Dr. E. Alma Flagg                150 3rd Street                 Dr. E. Alma Flagg, Dr. William H. Horton

       Elliott Street                   721 Summer Avenue              Elliott Street, Luis Muñoz Marin

       Louise A. Spencer                66 Muhammad Ali Avenue         L.A. Spencer, Camden, Peshine, Quitman

       Hawkins Street                   8 Hawkins Street               Hawkins, Wilson

       McKinley                         1 Colonnade Place              McKinley, Franklin, Sussex

       Mount Vernon                     142 Mount Vernon Place         Mount Vernon, Ivy Hill, Lincoln

       Oliver Street                    86 Oliver Street               Oliver, Lafayette, East Ward

       Park Elementary                  120 Manchester Place           Park Elementary, Ridge

       Rafael Hernandez                 345 Broadway                   Rafael Hernandez, Roberto Clemente

       South Street                     44 Hermon Street               South Street, Ann Street

Please feel free to email Maria Elena Suarez at or call (973)733-8143 with any questions in
regards to the English Plus program.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
Extended School Year
The Extended School Year (ESY) program is for students with a range of
special needs, including auditory impairment, autism, medically involved,          Elementary Programs
multiple disabilities, emotional regulation impairment, and intellectual           Grades: Preschool - 8th graders
disability. Students in the ESY program require services beyond the traditional    Dates: July 5 - August 12, 2022
school year, as per their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students will receive   Hours: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Please
academic and behavioral support during the morning. Enrichment activities          speak with the case manager for
may be provided through the Summer Plus program or through specialized             extended hours- 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM)
Extended School Year sites. However, please speak with your case manager           (Note: Some specialized programs
regarding afternoon enrichment activities.                                         may have a shorter schedule. Hours
                                                                                   will be confirmed when students
Registration: Extended School Year registration is available through both          register.)
the online application and the Office of Special Education. After registering      Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
online, you must complete registration with the Child Study Team at your
child’s school. If you missed the application deadline, please contact the Child Study Team at your child’s school to find
out how to register.

    Location                         Address                       Special Education Program                  Grades

    Abington Avenue                  209 Abington Avenue           Autism                                     K-8

                                                                   Extended School Year                       PK-4

    Belmont Runyon                   1 Belmont Runyon Way          Medically Involved-Multiple Disabilities   K-8

                                                                   Extended School Year                       K-2

    George Washington Carver         333 Clinton Place             Auditory Impairment                        PK-8

                                                                   Emotional Regulation Impairment            K-8

                                                                   Extended School Year                       K-8

    Louise A. Spencer                66 Muhammad Ali               Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                   Extended School Year                       K-5

    McKinley                         1 Colonnade Place             Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                   Extended School Year                       5-8

    Oliver Street                    86 Oliver Street              Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                   Extended School Year                       K-8

    Rafael Hernandez                 345 Broadway                  Preschool ESY                              PK

    Speedway Avenue                  701 South Orange Avenue       Autism                                     PK-8

    Thirteenth Avenue                359 13th Avenue               Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                   Cognitive Impairment-Mild                  K-8

                                                                   Extended School Year                       K-8

Please feel free to email Giancarlo Tello at with any questions.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
Extended School Year Related Services
The Office of Special Education will be working closely with parents, case
managers and related service providers to offer related services to students    Special Education Programs
who may need additional services to progress toward their IEP goals. These      Grades: Preschool - 8th graders
services may include students with a range of special needs. These students     Dates: July 5 - August 12, 2022
will receive services from speech, occupational and physical therapists and     Hours: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
counselors. Parents will need to speak with their case manager to gain
                                                                                Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
additional information.

Registration: Extended School Year Related services registration is available
through both the online application and the Office of Special Education.
However, the CST, parent and related service provider will determine appropriateness for students. After registering
online, you must complete registration with the Child Study Team at your child’s school. After the May 23, 2022
application deadline, please contact the Child Study Team at your child’s school to find out how to register.

    Location                       Address                      Special Education Program                  Grades

    Abington Avenue                209 Abington Avenue          Autism                                     K-8

                                                                Extended School Year                       PK-4

    Belmont Runyon                 1 Belmont Runyon Way         Medically Involved-Multiple Disabilities   K-8

                                                                Extended School Year                       K-2

    George Washington Carver       333 Clinton Place            Auditory Impairment                        PK-8

                                                                Emotional Regulation Impairment            K-8

                                                                Extended School Year                       K-8

    Louise A. Spencer              66 Muhammad Ali              Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                Extended School Year                       K-5

    McKinley                       1 Colonnade Place            Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                Extended School Year                       5-8

    Oliver Street                  86 Oliver Street             Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                Extended School Year                       K-8

    Rafael Hernandez               345 Broadway                 Preschool ESY                              PK

    Speedway Avenue                701 South Orange Avenue      Autism                                     PK-8

    Thirteenth Avenue              359 13th Avenue              Autism                                     PK-8

                                                                Cognitive Impairment-Mild                  K-8

                                                                Extended School Year                       K-8

Please feel free to email Giancarlo Tello at with any questions.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
Extended Day Option
The Extended Day Option is a late-afternoon enrichment program for
students who need additional child care beyond 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM.               Elementary Programs
                                                                                    Grades: Current K - 7th graders
Space is limited—not all applicants will receive a placement.                       Eligibility: Students enrolled in
                                                                                    Summer Plus, English Plus, and
Location: Students in the Summer Plus, English Plus, and Extended School
                                                                                    Extended School Year
Year programs will stay at their sites if they enroll in the Extended Day Option.
                                                                                    Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
Transportation: Students enrolling in the Extended Day option will not have         Hours: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
transportation back to their home school. Students must be picked up from
the summer site by 6:00 PM.

Registration: To apply, please select the “Extended Day” option when you complete the online Summer Programs
application found online.

Please feel free to email Ilene Baldwin at with any questions in regards to the Extended Day

                     All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
          Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                      Apply Online Now:
Summer Programs 2022 - Where Passion Meets Progress - Newark Board of Education
High School Summer Courses
High School Summer Courses include the following:
                                                                                  High School Programs
                                                                                  Grades: Current 8-12th graders
  • Credit Recovery: For students who need to make up a course in order to
    graduate. students must attend all five weeks.                                Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
                                                                                  Hours: 8:00 AM - 1:45 PM
  • High School English Plus: An enrichment program for English Language
    Learners to strengthen their English language skills for high school level    Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
    coursework. HS English Plus specifically supports students who have
    passed ESL but are looking for extra support.
  • Newcomer Summer Program: The Newcomer Program is designed
    to assist newly arrived students develop beginning English language skills by providing appropriate content area
    instruction, with specific language support. The program will also support students as they acclimate to the U.S.
    school system, while also building and strengthening our students’ native language skills.
  • Accelerated Courses: Accelerated courses are offered for students who are interested in earning credits in Geometry,
    Algebra, Spanish, French and US History II. In order to receive credit for any class, students must attend all five

Transportation: Bus tickets will be provided for students who live more than 2.5 miles from their summer school site.

                         Hours                           Components

                         8:00 AM - 12:30 PM              High School English Plus

                         8:00 AM - 10:45 AM              Period 1

                         10:50 AM - 1:30 PM              Period 2

                         1:30 PM - 1:45 PM               Lunch

                         Location                        Components

                         Central                         Credit Recovery and English Plus

                         Science Park                    Credit Recovery

  • High school students are required to attend student orientation on June 29, 2022. Student orientation will take
    place at their assigned site.
  • Students enrolled in the Accelerated Program are required to be in attendance every day.

           Course Type                     Registration Details

           Credit Recovery                 Guidance counselors will notify students in April/May who are
                                           at risk of failing a course or off-track for graduation. Guidance
                                           counselors will register students in June; once final grades are
                                           available. Students will attend on-site registration on June 29,

           High School English Plus        ESL teachers and DC/VP will notify and assist students to apply
                                           for HS English Plus on the summer program application online.
                                           The application deadline is May 23, 2022.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
Circuit Acceleration Summer Program by
The Circuit Acceleration Summer Program by Novartis will take place at
Data Science and Information Technology High School. The purpose of this           High School Programs
program is to provide rising 9th and 10th grade students from Data Science         Grades: Current 8-9th graders
and Information Technology High School an opportunity to gain practical,           Eligibility: Data Science & Information
real-world experience working in the IT field while being simultaneously           Technology students only
enrolled in a 5-Credit high school level course. The Circuit Acceleration
                                                                                   Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
Summer Program by Novartis is uniquely tailored to the learning needs of
                                                                                   Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
students who are interested in developing their IT skills and capabilities in
an hands-on environment under the guidance of industry professionals and           Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
certified teaching staff.

Transportation: Bus tickets will be provided for students who live more than 2.5 miles from their summer school site.

     Location                       Address                                     Sending Schools

     Newark School of Data          746 Sanford Avenue                          Newark School of Data Science &
     Science & Information                                                      Information Technology

Please feel free to email Liana Summey (, Dr. Courtney Johnson (,
Milagros Ortiz (, or Niaz Uddin ( with any questions regarding the Circuit
Acceleration summer program.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
High School Extended School Year Program
The High School Extended School Year (ESY) program is for students with
a range of special needs, including autism, medically involved, multiple         Special Education Programs
disabilities, and intellectually disabled. Students in the ESY program require   Grades: Current 9-12th graders
services beyond the traditional school year, as per the Individual Education     Dates: July 5 - August 12, 2022
Plan (IEP).                                                                      Hours: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Note:
                                                                                 Some specialized programs may have
Registration: Extended School Year registration is available through both
                                                                                 a shorter schedule. Hours will be
the online application and the Office of Special Education. After registering
online, you must complete registration with the Child Study Team at your         confirmed when students register.)
child’s school. After the May 23, 2022 application deadline, please contact      Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
the Child Study Team at your child’s school to find out how to register.

            Location                        Special Education Program                         Grades

            Central High School             Emotional Regulation Impairment                   9-12

            John F. Kennedy School          Autism                                            9-12

                                            Multiply Disabled                                 9-12

                                            Medically Involved-Multiple Disabilities          9-12

            NJ Regional Day                 Autism                                            9-12

                                            Multiply Disabled                                 9-12

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
High School Academy: Summer Jump-Start
High School Academy - Summer Jump-Start is a full-day Enrichment Program
for students currently in grades 5, 6, and 7. Students will have opportunities   Elementary Programs
to explore the Career Academies offered at each of our comprehensive             Grades: Current 5-7th graders
high schools. The High School Summer Jump Start Program is a four week           Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
intensive summer enrichment opportunity for all Newark resident students         Hours: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
in grades 5-7. The Jump Start Program is designed to provide rising 6-8
                                                                                 Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
graders with an engaging summer experience and exposure to Academies
and other program offerings at Newark’s comprehensive high schools.
Throughout the experience, students will spend one week (3-5 days) at each
of the six comprehensive high schools: Barringer High School, Central High
School, East Side High School, Malcolm X Shabazz High School, Weequahic High School, and West Side High School.
During these visits, each school will have the opportunity to promote the innovative Academies and programs that
are unique to that school. As a result, students in these grades will experience a free summer enrichment opportunity
focused on both academic growth and social emotional learning.

Locations: Students report to the High School Location in their ward of residence and travel by NPS transportation to all
high school locations over the course of the program. Students are returned to the High School Location in their ward
of residence at the end of the program.

     Location                       Address                                  Academy

     Barringer High School          90 Parker Street                         Law & Public Safety Academy

                                                                             Visual & Performing Arts

     Central High School            246 18th Avenue                          Environmental Studies Academy

                                                                             Dental Academy

     East Side High School          238 Van Buren Street                     Teacher Academy

                                                                             Media & Performing Arts Academy

     Malcolm X Shabazz High         80 Johnson Avenue                        Engineering Academy

     Weequahic High School          279 Chancellor Avenue                    Allied Health Academy

     West Side High School          403 South Orange Avenue                  Business & Finance Academy

Please feel free to email Brooklyn Holt at with any questions regarding the High School Academy:
Summer Jump-Start program.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
High School Summer Bridge Program
The Summer Bridge Program will take place in all of the Newark Board
of Education’s high schools. The purpose of the Summer Bridge program           Summer Bridge Program
is to provide current 8th grade students with an immersive educational          Grades: Current 8th graders
experience that will expose them to the school’s community and culture,         Dates: August 15 - 19, 2022
provide them an opportunity to meet faculty and staff, and offer insight        Hours: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
into the expectations and demands of high school. The summer bridge
                                                                                Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
programs are uniquely tailored to the learning communities of each school
and will welcome students into the fold of that school’s culture. Students
will engage in a variety of activities and experiences, including team and
culture building, academic enrichment, school spirit activities, and exposure
to the arts and athletics. Research shows that students who engage in a bridge experience before entering high school
experience greater transitional success, both academically as well as socially-emotionally, than students who do not.
Therefore, all rising 9th grade students must participate in the Summer Bridge Program at their matched high school.

  Location                               Address                                 Dates               Times

  American History High School           74 Montgomery Street                    8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Arts High School                       550 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.   8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Bard High School                       321 Bergen Street                       8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Barringer High School                  90 Parker Street                        8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Central High School                    246 18th Avenue                         8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Eagle Academy for Young Men            279 Chancellor Avenue                   8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  East Side High School                  238 Van Buren Street                    8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Malcolm X Shabazz High School          80 Johnson Avenue                       8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Newark School of Data Science &        746 Sanford Avenue                      8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  Information Technology

  Newark School of Fashion and           239 Woodside Avenue                     8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Newark School of Global Studies        24 Crane Street                         8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Newark Vocational High School          301 West Kinney Street                  8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Science Park High School               260 Norfolk Street                      8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Technology High School                 187-223 Broadway                        8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  University High School                 55 Clinton Place                        8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  Weequahic High School                  279 Chancellor Avenue                   8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  West Side High School                  403 South Orange Avenue                 8/15/22 - 8/19/22   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Please feel free to email Dr. Courtney Johnson (, Milagros Ortiz (, or Niaz
Uddin ( with any questions regarding the High School Summer Bridge Program.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
CTE Summer Future Business Leaders Program
The Future Business Leaders Program is an NBOE student internship program
that will provide paid internships for current CTE Academy Completers,          High School Programs
CTE Academy Concentrators, & NBOE Alumni that are enrolled in a post-           Grades: 10-12th graders
secondary program. Summer interns will work at Newark Board of Education        Dates: July 5 - August 12, 2022
in various departments or at various CTE Academies. The Summer FBL              Hours: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Program will run for 6 weeks.
                                                                                Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes, a
                                                                                bagged lunch will be provided.
Each location will be open subject to sufficient student enrollment. Students
must apply via the Newark Youth One Stop Center application process that
ends on May 14, 2022.

         Program                                       Location                  Address

         NBOE Central Office                           NBOE Central Office       765 Broad Street

                                                       Harold Wilson             190 Muhammad Ali Avenue

         Carpentry Work Based Learning                 Barringer High School     90 Parker Street

                                                       Harold Wilson             190 Muhammad Ali Avenue

         Cinematography Work Based Learning            East Side High School     238 Van Buren Street

         Cosmetology Work Based Learning               Malcolm X Shabazz         80 Johnson Avenue
                                                       High School

         Culinary Work Based Learning                  Newark Vocational         301 West Kinney Street
                                                       High School

         Graphic Design Work Based Learning            Newark Vocational         301 West Kinney Street
                                                       High School

                                                       East Side High School     238 Van Buren Street

         Music Technology Work Based Learning          Barringer High School     90 Parker Street

         Teacher Education Work Based Learning         East Side High School     238 Van Buren Street

                                                       University High School    55 Clinton Place

                                                       Various Elementary        Various Elementary Schools

Please feel free to email Brooklyn Holt ( & Chamiris Mantrana ( with any
questions regarding the CTE Summer Future Business Leaders Program.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 14, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                               Apply Online Now:
NBOE College & Career Readiness Institute
The Newark Board of Education in partnership with the New Jersey
Association for College Admission Counseling (NJACAC) will host a four-day        Class of 2023
enrichment program focused on college and career readiness to meet the            Grades: Rising 12th graders
needs and demands of post-secondary planning. This intensive program will         Dates: July 25 - 28, 2022
provide 30 students from the Class of 2023 with additional college and career     Hours: This is a residential experience
preparation. Students will research colleges and unpack the importance            and students will live on campus
of completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid Application            for three days (Monday, Tuesday, &
(FAFSA), participate in Naviance Academy, and learn about the importance          Wednesday) and return home on
of applying for scholarships. Our career exploration component will focus         Thursday.
on current and projected industry trends, career exploration assessments,         Location: Bloomfield College
professional law enforcement panel discussion, and presentations from             Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner Served:
industry leaders, and the importance of intern/externship opportunities.          Yes
                                                                                  Transportation: Transportation will be
Scholars will participate in this four-day intensive and the details are below:   provided for students to the college
                                                                                  on Monday and Thursday to return
  • Application Deadline: May 23, 2022                                            home from the college.
  • Parent and student orientation for both NBOE and Bloomfield college

Registration: Complete the application on the summer program website.
  • All applications must be submitted by Monday, May 23, 2022
  • Space is limited to 30 participants

Please feel free to email Vernon Pullins, Jr. at with any questions.

            All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited to 30 participants
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                       Apply Online Now:
Summer Sports Camps
Write on Sports (WOS): Write on Sports (WoS) Summer Camp 2022 will return to
in-person and run for 2 separate two-week sessions in July. During camp, we turn              Enrichment Programs
the students into sports writers to strengthen their writing and literacy skills. One         Grades: Please see camp-specific
feature of camp is Guest Day; bringing in professional journalists (from TV, radio            information
and print media outlets) and athletes (ranging from college, professional and retired         Dates: Vary based on camp
professionals). The students work on a written project including a feature article or         Hours: Vary based on camp
fiction story. We include a sports related field trip. Additionally, the students work on a   Breakfast & Lunch Served: Breakfast
video project - learning storyboarding, filming and basic editing or creating a podcast       and lunch served at Girls’ Sports
episode. On the last day of camp, parents are invited to attend as the students present       Camp, and Football/Track Camp.
their final projects. Tuition Free, lunch and all supplies are included.                      Lunch is only served at Lacrosse,
                                                                                              Softball, Wrestling, Volleyball, and
Contact Shannon Schmitt (Community Engagement Director) to register                           Swimming. No meals are served at
at 973-330-7674,, or online: https://                               the Schools Stadium. Breakfast is at 8                                                                        AM, Lunch is at 12 PM.
                                                                                              Transportation: No

          Camp (Eligible Grades)               Dates                    Times                   Location

          Elementary Cheerleading              7/25/22 - 8/5/22         1:30 PM - 4:30 PM       Science Park High School
          (Current 2nd - 7th Graders)

          Football/Track Camp                  7/5/22 - 8/5/22          8:00 AM - 3:00 PM       MX Shabazz High School
          (Current 3rd - 11th Graders)

          Girls Sports Camp                    7/5/22 - 8/5/22          8:00 AM - 3:00 PM       MX Shabazz High School
          (Current 3rd - 11th Graders)

          Lacrosse                             7/18/22 - 7/22/22        1:30 PM - 4:30 PM       East Side High School
          (Current 5th - 11th Graders)

          Soccer (Girls/Boys)                  7/25/22 - 7/29/22        4:00 PM - 7:00 PM       Schools Stadium
          (Current 5th - 7th Graders)

          Soccer (Girls/Boys)                  8/1/22 - 8/5/22          4:00 PM - 7:00 PM       Schools Stadium
          (Current 8th - 11th Graders)

          Softball                             7/5/22 - 7/15/22         9:00 AM - 12:00 PM      East Side High School
          (Current 5th - 11th Graders)

          Swimming                             7/18/22 - 7/29/22        1:30 PM - 4:30 PM       Central High School
          (Current 5th - 11th Graders)

          Volleyball (Girls)                   7/5/22 - 7/8/22          1:00 PM - 4:00 PM       East Side High School
          (Current 5th - 7th Graders)

          Volleyball (Boys)                    7/11/22 - 7/15/22        1:00 PM - 4:00 PM       East Side High School
          (Current 5th - 8th Graders)

          Volleyball (Boys)                    7/18/22 - 7/22/22        1:00 PM - 4:00 PM       East Side High School
          (Current 8th - 11th Graders)

          Volleyball (Girls)                   7/25/22 - 7/29/22        1:00 PM - 4:00 PM       East Side High School
          (Current 8th - 11th Graders)

          Volleyball Tournament                8/1/22 - 8/5/22          1:00 PM - 4:00 PM       East Side High School
          (Current 5th - 11th Graders)

          Wrestling                            7/25/22 - 8/5/22         1:00 PM - 4:00 PM       East Side High School
          (Current 5th - 11th Graders)

          Write on Sports                      7/5/22 - 7/15/22         9:00 AM - 3:00 PM       Session #1: St. Benedict’s Prep.
          (Current 6th and 10th Graders)       7/18/22-7/29/22                                  Session #2: Prudential Center

Please feel free to email Ilene Baldwin with any Summer Sports Camp questions.
                      All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
           Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                       Apply Online Now:
Summer STEM Academy
The Summer STEM Academy is a science and technology focused district
enrichment program for students currently in grades 5-7. Students will be        Enrichment Programs
guided by Science and Technology teachers to engage in inquiry-based             Grades: Current 5-7th graders
science learning experiences and computational thinking and content              Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
creation in a hands-on environment. This is an exciting opportunity for          Hours: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
students with particular interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and
                                                                                 Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
Mathematics to further explore these fields in a deeper and more focused
setting. The 5-week STEM Academy will run from July 5 - August 5 from
8:30am-12:30pm at three locations (Rafael Hernandez Elementary School,
Speedway Avenue, South Street School) throughout the district.

This program will focus on Building a Lunar Colony. Students will explore what it might take to set up a Moon colony
– what materials they will need to bring, how the very different lunar environment might impact the way they live, and
what challenges they would face to survive on the Moon. Students will investigate impacts of the lunar environment,
construct models of possible colonies to meet specific criteria, and build a robotic lunar rover that can be programmed
to navigate the lunar environment.

Transportation: No, families are responsible for arranging transportation for this program.

Registration: Complete the application on the summer program website.
  • Students will be asked to choose a preferred site.
  • Students are not guaranteed a spot at their preferred site.
  • Students may be placed on a waitlist.

                             Location                    Address

                             Rafael Hernandez            345 Broadway

                             South Street                44 Hermon Street

                             Speedway Avenue             701 South Orange Avenue

Please feel free to email:
  • Timothy Nellegar, Director of Educational Technology at
  • Kathleen Tierney, Director of Students 2 Science at

                     All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
          Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                      Apply Online Now:
Newark Educational Technology Summer Camp
The Newark Educational Technology Summer Camp (NETS Camp) provides
a three-week technology based summer program that allows students to            Enrichment Programs
explore computers, robotics, and other technologies in an exciting hands-on,    Grades: Current 5-7th graders
project oriented environment. It allows students interested in technology to    Dates: July 11 - 29, 2022
more deeply explore multiple technology based topics while collaborating        Hours: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
with other students from across the district.
                                                                                Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes

Transportation: No, families are responsible for arranging transportation for
this program.

Registration: Complete the application on the summer program website.
  • Students will be asked to choose a preferred site.
  • Students are not guaranteed a spot at their preferred site.
  • Students may be placed on a waitlist.

                         Location                        Address

                         Rafael Hernandez                345 Broadway

                         South Street                    44 Hermon Street

                         Speedway Avenue                 701 South Orange Avenue

Please feel free to email Timothy Nellegar at with any questions in regards to the NETS Camp.

                    All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
         Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                     Apply Online Now:
Summer Visual & Performing Arts Academy
The Summer Visual and Performing Arts Academy is an arts focused
enrichment program for Newark Board of Education students currently in            Enrichment Programs
grades 5-7. Students will be guided by visual and performing arts teachers        Grades: Current 5-7th graders
to explore artistic disciplines of Dance, Music, Theater, Visual Arts and         Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
Creative Writing in a joyful and nurturing environment. This is an exciting       Hours: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
opportunity for students currently participating in visual and/or performing
                                                                                  Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
arts programs in their schools, and students with high interest and potential
                                                                                  Transportation: No, Families
to learn something new, sharpen their skills, and boost performance levels
over the summer. The 5-week Arts Academy will run from July 5 - August 5          are responsible for arranging
from 8:30am-1:00pm at three locations (Arts High, Elliott Street, Mt. Vernon)     transportation for this program.
throughout the district.

Enrollment will rely heavily on dance, music, theater, visual art or other teacher recommendation. For instrumental music,
availability of instruments to be used over the summer will also be a consideration. Instrumental music students will need
to identify and borrow an instrument from their home school over the summer. The program will culminate with a student
exhibit, a student performance and a student publication. Students will participate in at least two field trip experiences.

Visual and Performing Arts Focus: Dance, Music, Theater, Visual Arts & Creative Writing
Arts Integrated Curriculum Connections: Language Arts Literacy, History, Science and/or Math

  • Students will be asked their preferred art form (dance, instrumental music, vocal music, theater, visual art).
  • Students will be asked to choose a preferred site.
  • Students are not guaranteed a spot at their preferred site.
  • Students may be placed on a waitlist.

                      Location                       Address

                      Arts High School               550 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard

                      Elliott Street                 721 Summer Avenue

                      Mt. Vernon                     142 Mount Vernon Place

Please feel free to email:
  • Margaret El, Director of Visual & Performing Arts at
  • Katherine Brodhead, Supervisor of Visual & Performing Arts at

                     All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
          Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                      Apply Online Now:
High School Musical Theater
This summer experience is for students interested in Musical Theater –
both on stage and “behind the scenes.” Students will have the opportunity          Enrichment Programs
to engage as performers or production designers based on student                   Grades: Current 8-11th graders
interests. Performance training will include singing, acting and movement/         Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
choreography. Production training will include stage managing, directing,          Hours: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
set design, props, costuming, and marketing. Students will achieve a
                                                                                   Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
professional and personal understanding of the arts through rehearsals,
                                                                                   Location: Arts High School
auditions, performances, and presentations. The summer will conclude with
a full-scale musical production.                                                   Transportation: No

Visual and Performing Arts Focus: Music, Theater, Dance, Stage Design, Lights & Sound, Costuming.

  • Students will be asked their preferred interest (performance - singing, acting, dancing) (production - stage managing,
    directing, set design, props, costuming, marketing).
  • Students may be placed on a waitlist.

Please feel free to email:
  • Margaret El, Director of Visual & Performing Arts at
  • Katherine Brodhead, Supervisor of Visual & Performing Arts at

Culture Creators - High School Visual Arts Academy
In this five-week Visual Arts program, students will study with highly talented
faculty and artists from Newark and the region. Students will be a part of a       Enrichment Programs
community focused on ideas, craftsmanship, and the exchange of artistic            Grades: Current 8-11th graders
values. Field trips to prominent museums and galleries are included as part        Dates: July 5 - August 5, 2022
of the experience. Students will participate in four hours of studio instruction   Hours: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
per day. During this time, participants will work to develop technique and
                                                                                   Breakfast & Lunch Served: Yes
artistic expression in chosen two-dimensional media. The program will
                                                                                   Location: Arts High School
culminate with each student curating their art for exhibition in a gallery.
                                                                                   Transportation: No
Students have the option of participating for the entire five weeks, or they
may select to participate in two-week increments as follows.

  • Option 1: July 5 - August 5, 2022 (full program-5 weeks)
  • Option 2: July 11 - July 22, 2022 (two weeks)
  • Option 3: July 25 - August 5, 2022 (two weeks)

Visual Arts Focus: Two-dimensional media (drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media)
  • Students will be asked their preferred interest (drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed-media)
  • Students will be asked their preferred attendance option (full program or 2 week program)

Please feel free to email Margaret El at with any questions.

                     All applications must be submitted by May 23, 2022 • Space is limited
          Students and families will receive a confirmation letter if they have been accepted by late May
                      Apply Online Now:
Summer Plus Transportation Information
Summer Plus Transportation is provided between feeder schools and summer sites based on distance and safety
considerations. Busing from feeder schools begins at 8:00 AM and departs for feeder schools at 3:05 PM (arriving
between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM). The list of feeder sites that will provide busing is below.

Students eligible for transportation from feeder schools to summer sites based on distance and safety considerations
will receive confirmation of the shuttle pick up and drop off locations with the Enrollment Confirmation Letter.

                         Pick-up Site*                   Summer Site

                         Lafayette Street                Oliver Street

                         Park Elementary                 Elliott Street

                         Hawkins Street                  South Street

                         Dr. E. Alma Flagg               McKinley

                         Roberto Clemente                McKinley

                         Louise A. Spencer               Belmont Runyon

                         Avon                            Belmont Runyon

                         Hawthorne Avenue                GW Carver

                         South 17th Street               Speedway Avenue

                         Cleveland                       13th Avenue

                         *Pick-up Sites are subject to change based on need and demand.

Extended School Year students will receive transportation as outlined in their IEPs. The Office of Special Education will
work with families to set-up specific transportation arrangements.

Transportation is NOT provided from the Extended Day Program, which concludes at 6:00 PM. Families are responsible
for arranging pick-up from this program.

Additional Information
All programs are completely free to Newark residents.

The criteria used for attendance in mandatory summer school includes standardized test scores, district benchmark
assessments, classroom performance, and attendance. The extra instruction that your child will receive during the
summer will help to fill the academic gaps, reinforce skills mastered, and better prepare him/her for the next school year.

Attendance will be taken daily. Parents of elementary students who have an unexcused absence will be contacted via
phone. After the third unexcused absence, students will be dismissed from Summer Plus. Students who do not attend
within the first three days of the program may lose their seat.

High School
  • High school students are required to attend student orientation on June 29. Student orientation will take place
    at their assigned site.
  • Students enrolled in the Accelerated Program are required to be in attendance every day.

Non-NBOE Student Enrollment
Students who are enrolled in NBOE during the 2021-2022 school year are eligible to enroll in summer school throughout
the application period. Students who are residents of Newark but were not enrolled in a public school are also eligible
to enroll in summer programs via the application on a space-available basis.

Summer school registration for high school credit recovery courses for private and parochial schools will take place
at the Newark Board of Education’s central office, date and time TBD. Students who are not residents of the City of
Newark may not attend NBOE summer programs.

Non-NBOE students will be asked to provide proof of residency. Examples of proof of residency include (family must
provide two from the following list): Voter registration card, deed or mortgage statement, recent property tax bills (last
6-months), utility bills (water, gas or electric), driver’s license, federal, state or county issued identification (containing
a home address), financial account information (containing home address), employment documents and/or benefit
statement containing home address.

Roger León

   Newark Board of Education

          Dawn Haynes

        Flohisha Johnson
         Vice President

         Vereliz Santana
         Vice President

      Shayvonne Anderson
         Board Member

        Hasani K. Council
         Board Member

       Josephine C. Garcia
         Board Member

        Daniel Gonzalez
        Board Member

     A’Dorian Murray-Thomas
         Board Member

         Asia J. Norton
         Board Member

  Where Passion Meets Progress
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